b&\ f ■ - .«ts» .■: ■•• . . rr .*StMll 31 ottvs* THE D&AO DROatMtß' iMiifcfcitftngled roots that lined tbA wild rflrbe, . :- Where the fierce figbtraged hi 4test through the day, And where the,dead In flcntteruj itea|» Vvero seen, Amid the darkling forests’ ehtwff dod sheen, . - speechless in dbaH? |he lays .* V The setting «nn, which .glanoei t£e place In slanting Jiqejt, like umbe&tic.itod Vain, . Fell t& drummer’s uptunfijdfiace/ Where doalirhad'leftfiis gory £□gct’e.lrace lipase bright crimson bUSd. The silken fringes - 1 - His lips _ Tfra* 'soal had'mount? # tv. ~ v mjttlar ( - No mnrft-hi£&uvd thp fierce ti 'beat, The ehrlfl'toveifie, or the Id *g bsl*B‘eall, Or fcoond'the-oharga, when in' Ihf and heat opsetfotr with foe sh| (Lme&t, .sVa. . Andgalldnt fo^f. Tet mnybe/in yoma happy;hoWe>’tjial hue, »Sf dhafl,. Shull chance to view the name pf- id? And moye her bps to aay, “.“God's will Jia f 4oner*, * ii*4pk how in.-gricf hi jr^edd,.. Jbfawhnfi tongue s lall (ell M« dtofry ? .Perhaps, Jria boyish longings we rejfoi 1 feme ? ' [He Uveflj'he died ,- and so, mejneni > mori~ Enough if on the pego of 'War Glory /». '-p-Soqw n h«od haa jis-aaurer; Vi ,'i '. ' A Loyal Tonnesseb Haro. , 1 •. vfei&er Davy Beaty, os he is odmtaonly called, Is-a’Citizen'iif I'ontress county,! and haa made his mark lie may bg called- a rough, un edmaited mountain man, words, a tiaekwandsman, who ■ KaJs ftsyerpforaaken the B^of, J).ls tddiitry. ly, heed-, in Fentress spd rOvertiJn counties. Rebel .tfpops Irove, been |n |hese pouqties ever BincnTcnhessoe seceded,<Srilh thop except ion of S%ty short periods; bts 'RcaVy ja sd wo(l ao qpainted with the county, Ijeing-familiar with grery road and path, it j fastafajicfei impossible toLufch-him-. If he,isf jserioaslyfmenaced he Retires to the Ha sometimes had lixty moil, .and again Hot more than twenty, men. Ilia men are alljpnountedh; He has noi camp, DO;waggons, tenter'caropi&’qnipage,. tot Btiiya wh'ara .ho can beßfhonceallijs men. At qll timea Beaty has out ycpuU abipieketax ho. never permits himself tejbe surprised. When au dpurtunify ia presetjeiji be pahnees upon a patty of soldiers or guerillas) cutting them to pieces, Capturing arms, > ithmuqitipb, &o. By these attacks Beaty'k« ! ps , hie men supplied With equipments,‘ and p rtly, with provisions. ’ r f ho rebels by. some mt-jns, obtained, a large quantity of medicine «{■- Lauisville.Ry., and smuggled it through the Union lines by the way of Burkaville, Ksentiickjf.. They bad FoaCbed Fentress county with the' m’edicine, and thought it entirely safe. the Icqen eye of Beaty' detected them. • Ho seized upon their waggons,* and captured several tbouBaod,''dol lats worth of medicine. ?Tsid : was. a very to the South-, ps fhedicine with them was'very scarce.. j ’ -another occasioq tf-e rebels were dri ving South a large number of cattle, tbey had bakvo from,tbe citizens H Wayne , apd Clinton counties, Kentucky.- JJeaty heard of their I inoCeiaents* and. ciinces 'ipg -bia men by the ruialsida, at'the proper ,1100. int attacked them with such fierceness that Bed in confusion,. Teuvingtheir cattle ah|,sii.of their men who had been shot. rebel troops have been on every eideuf ,lßeaty,.and a largo prchy one hundred and-fifty :n)ilds in his rear, (Uen. Brngg’s forces whjn 1 Kentucky,) yet be remains iu bis He still continues to make euhfesafpl rayda upon the rebels, and has becotnea perfect [terror' to them. Beatyand his'men havij ngver -been mustered into the regular service.' They no pay, Clothes, no camp equipage, rations nor mil itary stores.of any kind..; Theyjxre no espenso to the Government, yet render its Valuable ser vice as the same number' Of |n6n anywhere. 1 . Neither does he impose upon jUmon citizens., lie sustains .his brave .little | band—upon the' lebela. j ’ r; 1 The 'Women jof the bouth. ,V General Butier wa? Werely Censured by tbe. apologisis gf secession Tor his,celebrated "wo man order.” But tla revelations which the war ,5a making of the ferocity j)f female, seces sianists’.are fast dissipating apt 1 rose-water no tions people may have entertained as to the jus tice of that order.. A gentleman whoreoently fell in with an intelligent i lllirfeis officer gives the'following ns the result of his observations and experioncejimong Uiopffoinen of the rebel states: ' | i • •• Xh? men are ‘brave anil b|tter' the’sdnth crn Women ten-fold worse thidn the pen. He Pays in'a recent battle, pur men were compelled to charge throhsi email town in pursuit the rebels, thcy werpjshot down by women and girls, armed -witih revolvers and shphguns,'from windows ■ fin®,crevices in the buildings which lined this street. Of course <jur.troops returned the fire, bu|t, with a foe in tfte Cront, but. littler'coulil be |ono to dislodge thesVfetmJe desperadoes. Exasperated by the pilling fire from these buildings, the torch was applied and the town destroyed. Was it wrong t If so, the natural distinct of self preservation should be rooted put of the army. Ali another lima this captain sard bis regiment was,‘niarching through the country in Tennes see, , and passing near a planters house, five wo-, nton-Wera noticed'standing near the gate. He took »» notice of them.' The, right division uf-his' company had passed them. As the left division came opposite, these 1 five, women drew reypl&rs end fired info; the. rants, killing twtf ineu instantly and mortally Wounding another- Impulsively our soldiers, 1 without orders, re turned the fire, killing foot of jt'be women and severely wounding the fifth, r. General Boss (I think}.commanded the division, and hearing the firidg,.galloped up to learn the cause. He wis dispdsed' to'censure the 'Captain for allow ing his troops to fire jnt women.. The Captain pleaded-first; that tha firing was.done without hi* order,..and second, that be ctiuld not punish hismen for firing upon women wh»n they unsex thpmselves by deliberately murdering XJnionsoldiere. | He would leave tbe servieefirst. So lonf'as Women behave as wo nieri ehopld, he woolji do wfiattie could to pro tect them; but when they assume the place of. men-and the.character of combatants, he would treat them m sacb. and justify hi* men in so doing.” 1 . i . > ■ Cabstixo politeness tc exceu is said to be raising your bat to aypung-livdy in the. street, and nUuwiug a couple pf: dirty collars and a pair of aofeks’to falWodk on thfe sidewalk. is the greatest cflriqtfttjr in the world ? A, woman's. j. ' Mbn hara msde aa bat God never did.- . V ! .p’ . ;S ii ; : ; I) ■V ,’ ■ t+ ■ lAS. LOWREY & S. P. WffMklS, Attorneys * counsellors at LAW^wm attend the Court of TiojapfctlenaitliScSean eoonties. p}£3i} '" JCH.C-K WB!’: ,• ■ Maj. A. Fdtap, ;,, r. .V,. Proprietor Quests takeo-to and-fromAfie Bepotfree of charge. > L • - : ~ ~ AteOMET BOUiTSBIiLOR C°*» Pa*/ Will derote his time practicejof law. Collections .raniaf J ./ ’ n0v21,60 PEIVKSYLVANIA HOUSE, Corner o/ Ma in Street and the Avenue, Welleboro t Pa, . J. Wr&OONV-,'PROPRIETOR. Thisyopular hayiqg been re-fitted and re furnished througbuat;4a l nb,-opeo.t(r tbe puWleae a first-class bouse. IZAAK WAiTOW HOUSE, n. proprietor. , l Gaines, Tiog r a Conntyj Pa. THIS isanoyr hotel-located-yritbla .easy access o the boiU fisking andhunting grounds in Northern Pa. Ue paiflB,will_be spared for the accommodation of pWaute seekers anH the traveling pu^Uc, AprilT2. 1860. BARDEIt AND HAIR-DRESSER, SHOP in the rear of 'the Pust Office. Everything in his Une will be done as well and'promptly as it an be dohe fnihS city siloons.' lor re noving .dandruff, and beautifying the hair, for sale heap.-. Hair apd dyed any Gall and see. ■Hfdllsburo, S6pt. 22, 185 d, L * J * THE COfMlira TOURNAL. Geprg-e Pratt, Editpi; and Proprietor. IS pUl)UAh e d CptnipSiVulieh Co., N. f .j One Dollar and Fifty Cents per year, in advance. The Journal is Republican: in r politics,.and has a circula tion reaching into evfery part of Steuben County.— Tfaoso desirous ,of extending business into that and the adjoining counties will find it an excellent ad vertising medium. Address as above. E. B. BEIVEDICT, Itt. WOULD rafovra the public (bat be is permanent! located' in'Elkland Boro, Tioga Co. Pa., an is by thirty years’ esperienge to treat all die eases of tbe eyos itad their appendages-on sbientifi principles, and that be can cure without fail, tba dreadful di-:ase, called St. Vitas’ Dance, (Chart Saadi.Titi.) and will attend to any other business 1 tbe line of Ilbysie and Surgery. KlklaEdlii.ro, Aligii.-tf-,. 1300. . , DENTISTRY. C. N. D AItTT ! WOULD respectfully say to the citizens of • IVellsliotdand vicinity, that'he has opened his office over iVRIQIIT’S FLOUR AND FEED STORE, where be will continue to do all kinds of work in-the line of DENTISTRY. ' , ' ' - .Wellsboro, ApriUd, 1563- ; f. -., . . rH WEEESBORO’ ACADE3HT. Wellshoro', Tioga County, Pehnd. BIARINUS N. ALLEN. A. M.: - - Principal assisted by a'corps-of competent teachers. The Term -will commence on of December, 1862. Tuition for term of fourteen teecke, from $2.50 to $6.00. T-tV A Teaches' Oi.ass will also bo formed. By order of Trustees, >.;* ■' I fL< %J ' DONALDSON,_ Prcft. Wellsboro, November 12, 1862. It Cures Headache in ‘fen Minutea. CLIXE'S VEGETABLE EMBROCATION.. F7R the snre ebre of Headache, Toothache, Diarrhea, UhcuuiAlixm, POfi-.Throat, Ncumlplu, Puina In tbe Side, Back or, ,Cutfl, Sprama, isurns,.Brulsca, Wounds, Ac., Also fur nil kinds of wounds oa.horsei. £SJ»The numerous cures tfiijtars daily .performed by the nee of the Vejrutuhlo Kmbrocsitloa. are sufficient evidence of l Its superior excellent viituea. Funhormore, this prepara tion docs hot coQtuiu atiy poibonuns minerals, or dlletorioua drugs. From Prof. Williams, Principal of the Viica B. Clink—jDcar Sm —l!a>ug witnessed thoveryjwneficlal results frost tbe useof yam Vegetable Embrocation by my self and members of my family in case of colds, sore throat and hoarseness, I cheerfully give you this testimony to its worth, and can confidently recommend it iu thn above cases from nn'expenmentnUiuowledgc of its efficacy. Voua* yery truly, . „ r W. IJ'II^LIAMS. Utica, Ju o6 4, IsUl. Good Mews from Home--Ml Agree-- Seb WMtThey Say. Wo, the undersigned citizens of Utica, haring uwd Cline's Vegetable Kinbrocaaiuil lAobr families; npd finding, ft jra>l mo't salutary remedy. can cheerfully recommend it to the public generally, being an mdlspensible article for family use. We do not wish to underrate any other worthy medicine, but can truly «ny thnfwe never before have found an equal to thin Vegetable Embtocatum. "puhljidviae every fam ily to keep a bottle ready for Ituhiediato use.’ Mrs. M. A. Hill. SchnyluiLSt. Mrs. I. Crocker. Burnett at. Mr*. Emily (.iurrm,.' “ Mr«.,E.Oarnrgnt, “ Mrs- Rachel Roberts. {t Mrs. A. M. Kibbs, “ I). Baron. Catliarine fit., D. L. Simons, “ T. S. UnblQyun. TU GeoeseorsC., Mrs. M S Francis, Bhindin st Jos. Marfi'fcH v Huntington it., N. M. Shepard, Spring, at, Mrs. George Bancroft, " Mrs. M. "Wheeler, “ Mrst Alvirsi lame. “ Mrs. Anna Williams, “ Mrs. M«rv Vaughan, ■ '»* D. Vunvnlkcntmrg, w Hcnrv Hill. Vnrick st., John Sbotr, Genesee st. F. C.'Hju twell. - , “ . Jane Davison, Scuyler st. Mra.J. Wirikdr,- • «»' 1 ' Robert-Lane,‘ Huntington st. Mrs. Eliza Mmtt. Genesee bt., Priscilla McLaughlin, “ -EHzaboth Grants. Cathei me at. Margaret Marsden, u Selina Simmons. Durness St. Ann Hill. Varick st., Tin? aboM* names are fiom well known respectable citizens, more tamea might he mld.cd, of* V bom inform maUotKcaD be had lj> reference to lb© astonishing cares per formed. Prepared and sold, wholesale RTd retail, by B. CLINE, No 50. Genesee ntre*‘t, Marble Blmk. Utica. N. Y. Also for sale by JOHN K JONES. ot Cherry Flafta, travelling agent. August 13.1552. JOHN A. ROY, WELLSIiORO, PA., APOTHECARY ‘ V IfO LES A LB - ' AND ftETAIL DBAfEH*nf OR VOS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY SOAPS, TOILET AND FANCY'ARTfCLES, , BRUSHES, VARNISHES, VAINTS, OILS AXD DYE-STUFFS,' PATEi\T MEDICINES,- VIOLS ,4KO: BOTTLES, - WINDOW-GLASS, PUTTY, LAMPS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, PURE WINES ASD BRANDIES . ’ FOR’ MEIUCAL PURPOSES. ALSO, SACRAMENTAL WINE, Warranted to be pure Grape juice, prepared ex pressly for Communion purposes. Prescriptions'carefully compounded, and all order promptly an sweredji Every article-for sale usually gold is a first class Drug Store, and at tbe lowest market prices. Wellaboro, 'May 1,1861. Q. W. WELLINGTON & GO’S. BANE, CORNING-, N. Y., (Locateo is the Diokissox House.) American Gold and Silver Coin bought end sold. New Yorjt Exchange, . do. " Un current Money, do; United States Demand Notes "old issue” bought. Colleotioni made ia nil-parts of the Union at Cur rent rates of Exchange. Particular pain* will he taken to accommodate onr patrons from the Tioga Valley. Onr Office'will be open at 1 A. M., and close at 7 P. M., giving parties passing over the. ITiogt, Bail Beadrample time to transact their' htdidest before the' departure of (he train in the morning, and .-after Us . arrival in the evening. ' Q. W. WELLINGTON, President. Owning, N, T.. Hot, M, 18M. TRY IT—IT CANNOT FAIL! Musical Institute. iftW ft OG A COUNTY ■ M M. nTr OR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LI V I I EJ( T! V _TH E _ GREAT REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, tfOUT, ! - .fIXXFfrJiBGE AND. JOINTS, SPRAINS, SRUI&S& CUTS-AND WOUNDS PILES, HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND NER „ .. YOUB DISORDERS. . • For all of whicHlfc ie a speedy and certain remedy, and never fails. This Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet,of thC fa* B*us bone-setter, And has boon need in his practice for more than twenty years with the most astonish* ipg success. ; _ ~ _ AS AN ALLEVIATOR OS’ PAIN* itia un rivaled *bj? anyjprcparition before the. public, of which the most skeptically be convinced by asingle.trial. : T&fe.Linlmonfr will Aprs rapidly and htdiealfv, iftietiqtdftc DUordtra of every hind, and is thousands of cases where it has been used it has never been known to fail, 1 FOR NEURALGIA, it will afibrd immediate relief 'in every case,diowever distressing. .Jt wiU relievethe worst cases of HEAD ACRE in three minutes and is warranted to do it. TOOTHACHE Also will it cure instantly.. FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY AND GENE RAL LASSITUDE arising from imprudence or «x - Linimeot is a moat happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivifies the system, and restores it to elasticity and vigor. FOR PILES.f —As an external remedy, we claim that it is the best known.ftad we challenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim of this dis tressing complaint should give it a it will not fail to afford immediate relief, and in a mojority'of cases will effect a radical cure. QUINSY-AND SORE THROAT are some times extremely., malignant and dangerous, but a timely application of this Liniment will never fail to cure.- SPRAIKS are very obstinate, and en- the’Joints is liable to occur if neglected. The worst case may be conquered, by this Liniment in two or three-days*. - . BRUISES, COTS, WOUNDS, SORES, UL CERS, BURNS AND SCALDS, yield, readily to the wonderful heating properties of Br. Sweet's lible Liniment, when used according to' directions. Also, Chilblains, Frosted Feet, and Insect Bites and Stings. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTI CUT, the Great Natural Bone Setter, i DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTI CUT, is known ad over tbe United States. _ DR.SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Itbcumatism and never fails. DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cores Bums and Scalds immediately. DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is the best known remedy for Sprains and Bruises. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Headache immediately and was sever known to fail. . DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Affords immediate relief for Piles, and seldom falls to cure. , DR. SNVRET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cares Toothaohe in one minute. DR. SWEEPS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Cuttf and Wounds immediately, and leaves no scar. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is the best remedy for Sores in the known world. dr: SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Has been used by more than a million people, and nil praise it. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Taken internally cares Colic, Cholera Morbus and Cholera. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is truly a “friend In need,".and every family should have it at band. ; DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents. A Friend In Rfeed* Try If. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, as an ex ternal remedy, is without a rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily than any other preparation. For ali Rheumatic and. Nervous Disorders it is truly in fallible: ond.as a curative for Sores, Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Ac., its soothing, healing and powerful strengthening properties, excite the just wonder and astonishment of all who have ever given it a trial. Over one thousand certificates of remarkable cures, performed by it within the lost two years, attest the fact. To Horse Owners! Dr. Sweet 7 # Infallible Liniment for Horses is unrivaled by any, and in all cased of Lameness, arising from Sprains, Bruises or Wrenching, its effect is magical and-certain. Harness or; Saddle Galls, Scratches, Mange, Ac., it will also cure speedily. Spavin and Ringbone may be easily prevented and cured ip their incipient stages, but confirmed oases arc beyond the possibility of a radical cure. Ko ease of the kind, however, is so desperate or hopeless but it may be alleviated by this Liniment, and its faithful application will always remove the Lameness, and enable the horsds to travel with comparative ease. EVERY HORSE OWNER «boald have this rcnedy at hand, for its timely use at the first appearance of Lameness will effectually pre vent those formidable diseases, to which all horses are liable, and which render to many otherwise valuable horses nearly worthless* DR, SWEET’S Infallible Liniment, 19 THE SOLDIER’S FRIEND, And thousands have found it TRULY A FRIEND IN NEED! CAUTION. To avoid imposition, observe the Signature and Likencss of Dr* Stephen Sweet on every label,.and alee “Stephen Sweet's Infallible'Liniment” bloWnin the glass ot each bottle, without which none are rten uiae. RICHARDSON A CO., i Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct, MORGAN «fc ALLEN, General Agents, ' & - i d 4fCWSu-eeV Hew York. December 1363,-ly. A 6 IT A Toil. ' ■ rn:x fSViA.i THE BUFFALO ' MERCANTILE COLLEGE, ,*(. .’f f»» tf*- f ■>, ;—s . s%. '«"» t V? t'V; ii COBSER OF g - Ijalfl aktf s slnecsl iftreltlj Is an important link In the great chain of National Mercantile Colleges, located in the' following Cities viz: •• * C/ ’ ** *< NEW YORK CITY, PHILADELPHIA, BROOKLYN, ALBANY. TROY, \ CLEVELAND, DETROIT, CHICAGO, A Scholarship issued from the Buffalo College, en titles the holder to attend either or all the Colleges for an unlimited time, r~ v >» * T~ *' TbV design" of 'tFoseT IhSflfuudns) is -fo v jmparf* to young men and ladies, a thorough, practical business education. . - 4 These CoUfegCSJttra drgajHjpd upd .flopducted upon a basis which must secure to each separate Institution the best possible facilities for imparting a thorough commercial education, and render it as a most comprehensive. 'sysbom^itf-ibis country ~ i ' „ . _ Book*Eeepjngln departments, Commercial Law, Commercial" Arithmetic and Pcnmdnsbip, are taiigptlq the mo&[thoriilu£h-antf prdCticnVnatmer.. • Tffe v fepehcerian*sysUm'of' Penmanship; is taught by competent and experienced leachersX.; ' '• Scholarship, payable in odvance, $4O. and pmriflg :-*-no vacations; Resident Principal at. Buffalo, J. C. Bjjtaxt- For .call at the College Rooms, or send for Catalogue and Circular enclosing letter stamp* Address .BRYANT & STRATTON, June 4 t 1862*—ly. * Buffalo, N. Y. STEW GOODS! T. L. BALDWIN s now rebelling’a’lbtgo'and Well So eeled Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of .a General Stock, of DRY GOODS, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS,” READY MADE CLOTHING, 1 HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS’AND SHOES, WOODEN’WARE, Ac., Ac., Ac. | Ac., All of which'will bfr sold VERT LOW for READY PAY OSLT. ALL KINDS OP COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. All persons bnying GOODS for READY PAY, . Are respectfully invited to call and examine TUB STOCK, As they afo to be sold at VERY LOW PRICES. ■ * CASH PAID FOR WOOL. Tioga, May 28,1562. T. L. BALDWIN. Portable Patent Honc-Powcr. THE undersigned take pleasure in notifying the , that they have succeeded in devising a Horse Power with only three places of friction, and oombi&es tho marioum of ttSicioaoy, durability, and economy, with the minimum of weight ami price. On account of its simplicity it may bo constructed by any mechanic for less than half the cost usually paid for horse-powers. It is well adapted to thrash ing grain, sawing wood, and churning, also for turn ing lathes, saws, planes,'and other machinery in the shop. Individual rights $5,00. Township, County, - and State rights for sale cheap at oar office. Agents wanted to sell territory. For further particulars ad dress . iIIDDAUGU & CLARK. Mansfield, July 23, 1862,-tf. The New Commercial Buildings arc located opposite Court House, corner of Court and C lie ua n'go-S tree I». This Collego'is in no why connected with any other Institution. The energies of the entire Faculty hr© exclusively devoted to this. The design of this Institution is to afford to Youui; Men an opportunity for acquiring a 'ihorowjh, Prac tical, Purine « Education. The Books and Forms are carefully arranged by Practical Accountants, expressly for this Institution, nnd the Course of Instruction, is such os to combine Theory and Practice. COLLEGIATE COURSE. This Course embraces Book-Reeding in nil its de partments, Penmanship, Commercial Arithmetic, Business Correspondence, Chlamerciol Law, Political Economy, Commercial Ethics, Partnership Settle ments, Detecting Counterfeited and Altered Bank Notes, Ac, The Spencerian Systemof Penmanship is taught in kll its varieties, by the most skillful masters of the art. Tbe Book-Keeping department is under tbe special supervision and instruction of the Principal,!). W. LOWELL. GENERAL IlsrFOTra-JLA.TIOIT, Students can enter at any time. No~Vacations.— Usual time to complete the Course, from Gip 12 weeks. Assistance rendered tQ graduatCs'AiTpfocfiriDg situa tions. Graduates arc presented with an elegantly en r graved Diploma. For catalogue of 70 pages, specimens of pen manship, Ac., enclose two letter stumps; and address LOWELL & WARNER, Sept 17, 1862. 1 Binghamton, N. Y. The Confession and experience of a P,oor Young Ulun. A. GENTLEMAN haring been cured of the results ‘of early error and disease, will, from motives of benevolence, send to those who request, a copy of the above interesting narrative, published by himself.— This little book is designed as a warning and canton to young men and those who suffer from Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Premature Decay, 4c., Ac., supplying at the same time the means of self-cure.. Single copies will be sent under seal in a plain envelope,—without charge,—to any who request it, by addressing the author. CHAS. A. XAMCERT, Esq.. Greenpoint, Long Island, New York. ' Kolloch’s Dandelion Coffee. THIS preparation, made from the best Java Coffee is recojnmended,by physicians os a superior Nn tricious Beverage for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and att billions disorders. Thousands, who have been compelled to abandon the use of coffee will, use this without injurious effects. One can contains the strength of two pouudsof ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents. KoI lock’s TeyaSa* The purest.and best EAKING known, for making EgEt, rfwebl and hotricious 'Bread and cakes; ; Prioe 15.qenfe*. ‘ . .... nr ... . EL H. KOLLOCE, Chemist, . Corner of Broad and Chestnut, Street!, Phils del, phia, and for enle by nil Druggists end Grocers. Much 5,1862, WM. 11. SMITH, ’ pROSECUTISG tEXSION" ATTORNEY, X'- and Healer in ■ LAKD warrants. And General CoUection and Craim Agent, KNOXVILLE, TIOGA CO., PA„ 'Wilf attend to business in the Supreme Court and Couct.of claims, and to the prosecution of claimaLie 'fore the several Hegartraents pf Government, Espe 'ciaVattenlionwUVbe given to claims for BOUNTY LANDS and ARREARS OF PAY / $lOO DOUN TY. pnd- PENSIONS, in the LAND and INDIAN OFFICESi tefore'-the GENERAL POST OFFICE; and MILITAkV CLAIMS generally. ’ The Subscriber having been engaged for the ’past four years ih tfjo prosecution of claims before the De partments in Washington, will giro .... SUSF&NRED CLAIMS for Pensions and BOUNTY LANDS, especially in cases where the soldier or widow is unable to stole the officer's name'. In all such no charge will be'made unlessauccessfull TJnquestioable references will be given.in all cases.'. All business rehtfirig to matters-above referred to can be done by correspond crjfcoiwUb the subscriber,,and ait letters, addressed to Knoxville* Tioga. County,, Pa., will receive prompt attention,'; '' IVM, B. SMITH. ' ‘‘August 27;'. 1562. ‘ j Union Photographic Rooms. H. H. WOOD’S 3va^^pTK ; booms, ! , , OVER C.Vj SEALS’ NEW SHOE STORE* First deo r below C. L. WILCOX. H. H. 'WOOO; would say to the inhabitants of Wellsboro and .sorroufiding country, that he is now prepared to furnish them with everything inthe lia« of . PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES,’OR , ME LAIN OTYPE S, furnished at any room in the City, Just received, a sett of JAMINS CELEBRATE!) LENSES, manufac tured expressly for the Cartes de visite , Also a large assortment of ’' ’ - PUQTOfiRAPUIC ALBUMS, [ price, from $1,25 to $4.00. At this day, no parlorfa ble is considered finished, without IhePHOTOGB-APIL IC ALBUM. Cases of all styles; Picturesfrom twenty-five cents to five'dollars. Thanfcfbl for past favors, I would solicit a - contin uation of the same by doing first class work-for all - Wellsboro, May 28, 18C2.. . H. H. WOOD. War! War Tor the Union! THE undersigned would respectfully inform his old friends, customers, and the public generally, that he'has opened a ’ ■ CABINET AND CHAIR SHOP • on Main Street, opposite H, W. Dartt’s Wagon Shop, where he intends to keep constantly on hand & gene ral assortment of Cabinet Ware, made of the best materials,and by the best workmen. Alsd Coffins made to order, ond as caeap as can be procured elsewhere, accompanied with a Hearse. Also Chairs of every variety from the BEST down to the CHEAPEST, to • f. Suit Purchasers. Also Turning of all kinds done to order and to suit CUSTOMERS. The undersigned having had many years experi ence, both in France and in this countrj*, feels confi dent that bo cannot be excelled in either of the above branches of mechanism—und further would recom mend the public to CALL AXD EXAJfIXE his workmanship and prices before purchasing else- where. JACOB STIC KLIN. IVellsboro, Match 10,1502. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE THE LADIES are the onfeg to select Household Furniture, and it ig so much easier fur them to take a carriage and ride a few miles and -return than to go 40‘ or 50 miles for the purpose, that the subscri ber would inform-them that he has just enlarged his STOCK before tho tariff and tax prices are upon us ; and has a large and inviting assortment, which be will be happy to show to those who may favefr him with a visit. MAHOGANY SOFAS, $2O, $25 and $2B. Ttte a Titcn, $22, $2B and $32. Handsome ingrain Carjiet* for 4, 5. 6, T, S and 0 shillings a. yard. Sating Ma chines, $lO and $l2. He has also 10 different styles of Bedsteads, with matrasses and spring bottoms, and 16 different’kinds of. Chairs with everything else in the Furniture line. He is also Agent for the sale of Prince & Co's.' cel ebrated Melodeons, School and Church Organs, of Buffalo, N. Y., the oldest and largest establishment in the United States. Lawreacevillc, July 30,1562. THOMAS HARDEN is now receiving nn STENSIVS STOCK o v i ler ehandise, which he offers on tor ins to SUIT THE TIMES. ' Ail ore respectfully invited to call and examine. WelUboro, June 13, 1562. XUOS. HARDEN. STOVES AND TINWARE. WILLIAM ROBERTS HAS opened a new Stove and Tin Shop in the Store opposite Roy’s Building, nbeie ho is pre pared to farm?b his old friends and customers, and the public generally with everything in his line of business, including _ Cooking Stoves of the most approved styles; Par lor, Dining Room, and Coal Stoves; Tinware and Kitchen furniture of all varieties. j/Ssy-'Call and see our new stock. Wcllsboro, Fety. 5, 1802. Insurance Agency. THE Insurance Company of North America have appointed tho undersigned an agent for Tioga County and vicinity. As the high character and standing oP this Com pany give the assurance of full protection to owners of property against the hazard of fire, I solicit with confidence a liberal share of the business of tho county. This Company was incorporated in 1794. Its capital is $500,000, and its assets in 1861 as per statement Ist Jan. of that year was $1254,719 81. CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. Office of tho Company 232 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, AVm. Bnclilcr, Central Agent, Har- risburg, Pa. JOHN IV. GUERNSEY, Agent Tor Tioga County, Pa. April 9,1562. PENSION AGENCY. TO SOLDIERS AMD THEIR FRIENDS. THE undersigned having bird considerable.expe rience in procuring Pension Bounties and Back pay of Soldiers, will attend to all business in that lino entrusted to his care with promptness and fidelity. Persons wishing to confer with me will piaose call Or address me by letter at Sylvnnia, Bradford County, Pal Charges reasonable. GEO. I’, MONROE. Refers by permission to ■ ]I. 5. Card, County Treasurer, Wcllsboro, Pa,’ D. F. Pomeroy, Troy, Pa. A. E. Spalding, Sheriff, Towanda, Pa. . Got. 15,1862. NOTICE.-Letters of ad ministration haying been granted to the subscri ber, on the estate ot Justus S. Burdich, late of Chat ham, decld j notice is hereby given to those indebted to said'estato to make immediate payment, and those haring claims to present them properly authenticated for settlement to the subscriber. D. S. SHOVE, Administrator. 1 Chatham, Jan. 11,1863. \ . SPECIAL notice. ALL. buyers of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes> &p»* eerier,'Hats and Caps, Ac., can make ntoi4y bj making,their purchases at _ * J. A. PARSONS’ CHEAP GASH STORE. His stock is now in first rate shape, consisting of all kinds of Domestic Goods, which will >be sold at less than : * ■ f We have full lines of Brown Sheetings and Shirtings, Bleached B[*o„ Bea* ims, Tucking*, Striped Shirtings, Cheeks, Blanket*; Linens, Towclings, Yarns, Hosiery. Cotton Batting; Gloves Ac., in os great variety as ever. In this stock wc cannot be beat. Having on band* a large stoefc of Plain and Figured Reds, Brocades/ Mohairs, Plain Alpacas, Figured and Plain Merinoei, Paramettas/Cashmeres, DeLaines, Ac., from the rich* goods to tho lowest prices in market. SHAWL AND CLOAK STOCK, BHOCHE SHAWLS, SINGLE & DOUBLE; BLANKET ; “ FANCY WOOL . « « Cloaks, Sacques, Cloak Cloths, Trimmings Ac., in this stock we can suit every one. CLOTES AND CASSIMERES. Black and Fancy Cassimercs, Melon's Black Broadcloths, Overcoatings, Satinets, Casbmcretts, Kentucky Jeans, Facmers and Mechanics'Cassimercs, Cottonades and in prices as low as can be found in the county, ' r , Mens Double Sole Kip Boots, Mens i Double Bofe Kip, Mens Stoga do., Boys do., Youths do., Womens Calf Custom made Shoes, Ladies Kid, and Morocco Balmoral Boots, Ladies Kid and Lasting Balmoral Gaiters,’Ladies Kid and' Lasting Congress Gaiters, Fine 'Morocco Boots, Childrens Shoes, all kinds. We can suit all calls as to KINDS AND ['SIZES. ■ and will guarantee the'prices as low as the lowest. Batter, Eggs and other Produce, taken on favorable terms. An Early Call is Solicited! JAMES A. PARSONS, No. 3 CONCERT BLOCK, CORNINQ, N. T. Oct. 13,1852, Boors, SHOES, LEATHER ANB FINDINGS. jyH. FRANKLIN SAYS: “ When you liavo anything to advertise/ tell the public of it in plain, simple language,” 1 am manufacturing good custom made Boots and Shoes which I will sell at fair prices, and only for READ YPA Y. Such work cannot be sold at as low rates per pair os eastern made slop-work, but-U can and will bo sold at prices which will enable-tbei pur chaser to protect bis feet with good substantial boots more cheaply than With a poor slop*shop article, which, cvcnlf it chances not to fall in pieces with the first weeks service, .is but a ‘doubtful protection in wet and cold weather. Try roe. Suck aatf Doeskins Wanted, -'V< : in the red and short blue, for which I will pay cask and a good price. Bccf-Bides and Calfskins Wanted, for which I will also pay cash. ‘ f Sheep Pelts Wanted, for which I will also pay cash and the highest mar*-.. ket price? An assortment of sole,upper, calfskins and linings, pegs, thread, nails, awls, knives, shoe-hammers, Ac,,. Ac., kept constantly on baud, which I will sell cheap 1 - for cash. Shop on Main Street between 'Wilcox’s and! Bullard’s. W. SEARS. - N, B. I can't give credit, because, to bo plain, £. haven’t got it to give. . ” Wellshoio, August 27, 1562. fall and winter goods. No. 2, Union Block. JEROME SMITH HAS returned from New York with a splendid' assortment of war goods, ready made clothing* HATS £ CAPS, , HARDWARE, BOOTS A SHOES; GLASSWARE, GROCERIES, DOMESTICS. WOODENWARE, ENGLISH CLOTHS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SATINS, FRENCH CASSIMERES. FELL CLOTH, TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY JEANS. E. D. WELLS. Attention is called to his stock of Black and. Figured Dress SUke, Worsted Goods, Merinoes, .Black and Figuered DeLaines, Long and Square ShawJf, - Ladies* Cloth, Opera Flannels, Ac. Purchasers will find that No. 2, Union Block, Main Street, is the place to haf the best quality of goods at the lowest prices. JEROME SMITH. Wellsboro. NoV. 5, 1862. CHARLESTON FLOURING' MILLSr- WTIiaHT Sc BAJLBV, , Haring secured the best mills in the County, are now prepared to do Cnsiom Wovh, Merchant Work, and in fact everything that can be done in Country Mills, so as to giro perfect satisfaction. FLOUR, MEAL AMD FEED, AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, nt oar store in Wellsboro, or at the mill. Cash er Goods exchanged for grain at the market price. All goods delivered free of charge within the corpo ration. WEIGHT <fc HAILEY. Wellsboro, Feb. 13, 1861. 1 CABI STE T ==S=|@-WARE EOOM. THE Subscriber most respectfully announces that r he has on hand at the old stand; and for sale a Cheap Cot of Furniture. comprising in part Brewing and Common Bureaus, Secretaries and Booh Center, Card mid Pier Tables, Pining and Brcah/ast Table*, ifarbif-tojipcdand Common Stands r Cupboard*, Cottage and other Bedstead*, Stands, So fas and Chatre, Oilt and Boseicood Mouldings: jof Picture Frames. COFFINS made, to order on short notice. hearse will be furbished if desired. N. B. Turning and Sawing done to ordbrr ■ August 11, 1859. B. T. VANHORN: To Consumptives* THE advertiser, having been restored to health ia> a few weeks by'a very simple remedy, after hav-- ing suffered several years with a severe long affec— tioo, and that dread disease, Consumption, is anxious* to make known to bis fellow sufferers the means of cure. : To all who desire it he will send a copy of the' prescription used (free of obprge), with directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a aura cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, <£*.' Theonly object of tho advertiser in sending the pre- f ecription is to benefit the affected, and spread infer-■ motion which be conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try bis remedy, as it will cost nothing and may prove a blessing. - Parties wishing the prescription will please address-- ' ■ Rev. EEWARB A. WILSON, i Williamsbargb, Oct. Ist. 1862. Kings County, New York. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters of ad ministration having been granted to the sub scribers on the estate of Jbhn Vandusen, late of Farmington, deo'd., notice la hereby given to those indebted to said estate, to make immediate payment and those having claims, to present them properly au thenticated, for settlement to the subscribers. ROBERT A. CASBIBR; ) . ANDREW VANDUSEN, j Aam Earminglon, Jan. T, 1862.-Bw. • NEW YORK PRICES/- DR E 8 S' GOODS. BOOTS AND SHOES.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers