: , p».THE PATRONS OP ' ' ,■ '**4/ . . wm m : ! |& # s « o*. odt Write*me an ode,' --- pi Ja34j! « A sonnet on the new-born • That cometh with its^reighfc-of ■ ’ And doubt, and hope, and nanielesb 1 dread. 0 Alosl is this a time to.wiild In trifling mood an‘idle pen?,.' The world the march of men, A million warriors are a-ficld! To-day the all-limo question’ rings ; s In Sinaic tones throughout'the Isd4V« “ Shall any self-ruled nation'stand, ■ Of are we born that priests and kings May rule and ride ns." And to seis'd i* tThe question, comes the crash of arms, And smoking towns and wars alarms/ And daring deed and high resolve. The rotten thrones of Europe ■/. As crimson dhpg'th© bayonets glafico, And ring of sabre, ax and lanco |.i • Answers the clang of armed heek ; Emperors and kings grow pale with dread As from afar they scan the scgQg, ■■ IJju'h wishing ench to. f k . Each fearing for his throne ai?tl 'head. For underneath oach.crown and thfrotio ‘ tJpheavcs a thousand years t The monarch feafs a poet’s sonti ! ] The .people bow. their.necks findjgroan.* Bui not forever—they have found - ll That thrones can fall and monapchs 'fieo Mine is no gift of prophecy, _ il\. Tot, as the circling years roll raUhd ■•itf 1 bear a* little bird that sings, “ The people by and by shall bo The stronger:” abd that time shblj: see The last of hicarebies and kings*' * " Poor Freedom, faint and ' Is up" for trial; and the pause! t | Of equal rights, and equal , Loans wearily ok the array ] [ .■ Of armed-hosts; for/since; the flood, Though tyrants ruled arid cowards quailed, One -simple law has never !■' Freedom mini he iawO'scq in hl'&d, <- t ,£ t Such is the rnle; nhd wh|m thefijrgo Of charging column? spikes plain, And rich rod blood pours put. lyil-rain,* ' * Brave men shall sing no funfafll dirge— -Jfnt rdlsc a grand old Battle susut,, Such as tbe Norseman raisedj'ofi old, bursting from his hold, Ho put the southern hosts to rout e ViL 1 ' Heroic deeds are dope to-day . j .!• That put to naught the, old-tiu^cpCids; That shall survive the pyranli^s,!*^ And still bo young wjiea timfc i? gray. ii i»w Democrats. But to charge that the black? jp»w«red tbo Democrats and robbed 'them'of their -ballots, is too base a slander qf Democratic <• go onrebuked. The editor must have jbeeif dream* •ing of South Carolina and slave Insurrections against bis rebel friends. „ I '\, V Tub Printer's Fee.—Hurd, ofjjthe feity*lls - Weekly Clipper, received a tnrkey. : foi ing a marriage notice, when the wretch ihas attempt ed to cajole other innocent people into a like tioni , - ' i|iJ- | Ndr " Cake,” nor “ dollar” cam© with , r And yet the “ law” : ■ iv For Hymen's “ bond” must stand; .when't lit f r By a big, fat Turkey ratified. * / . To Cupid's court let others his, | : * Bo life's clouds bright or murky, *, Is onr advice to, all; ’cause why— ' l| * : U’e front onol&cr tnrfcfy* \ jCff- The Battle of F^DERiCKSBuno. —We’-Baro nearly full and reliable news {from only [a fevf. jofj!onr county companies ip regard to the casaaltie^ Uto battle. We giro below all we can the fate of our soldiers, their prfisent.condititm, :The following note was # written by Capt-CABLs th&next ' after the battle. It will be road with interes Va;, -Dec. EtJUor Agitator :—ln the terrific battle of the casualties of company H, were as foUowi£?] i \ ( Atikd-i-Liout. 11. M. Pratt' \ 'Jj iK«Hsrf*d—Berg't Rockwell, in foot; Wm. nghlarm amputated; W. Frank Bailey/sin shoulder ,* Qeo. JsnnitJgß, in shoulder; F. A. Foster, liiTcfeck: Jm. Mqere, in thigh, left on, the field, and ppi&ably «»ptored by the enemy; H. KUabaiJ, slightly one ** d *‘ ■ ' The battle is raging again this mwiungVthough jet co furiously as yesterday* The Reserved *fbre. •*%uied yesterday, and have-not’been called out to-day, and it is now 13, o'clock. The remnant of company Q, (one sergeant, two corporals■ fend frwaUflj} are under command of the brave at&fTyue - V i The fight is becoming, mere general along it is hard to decide the fate r of theidnyi, \ The fjhels hare iafinitely the advantage in ppitigßi and dispute our advance, which ii.npbpreptly slowly at seme points. Ij 1 Although I am not yet fit ta take com/ >Rndbf my company, I am upon tb'o field, and will \ to and report all facts.of interest.tbi/t Cpip4jTin fler m 7 observations James tftjjijE,} Capti Co. H t 6th . COMPANY E, FIRST RIFLES—CAFT* , Wounded —Geo. Ludlow, Charleston,‘'ll bt;! ■Ween, MiddUbury, mortally; E. R. AIU-nD e?qjar, *U; F. A. Spicer, Delmar jW. Campbbfe, iijfrria; Campbell, Morris , -A. J. -Kr«iner, pihnrp; Hi- Kreinar, Delmar; A. J. Bardwell, ® Q gluh, Morris; Alonzo Johnson', DelmarJflOpwitt WellabofO; William Morgan I ,' Ch^«bton t ““wpg; Fred. Roberts* Delmar; J.-Snydw; ***l®; Wallace Moore, CharlestonSo Hncbj Del- Inw »wciitj Loronzo Catlin,.Charleston,imissiiig. COMPANY I, FOBTY*FIFTH--rjTAPT. bILL.UIi, , B. Welkins^Wcßtfield v L* : compact a, one hcndrkT) AKi> thirty• sixth. AWcrf—T. S. Bacon, Liwrenoe... •I■ founded —Clark W. Barlow, Charleston, shoulder; ’illiam Gridley, MidiUcbury, leg' amputated; Wm. Ward, log; Sairid Williams, leg; “mo! Loughhridge, Lawrence, knee: A. olUvau, leg; Rioses D. Looey,. Tioga, knee asaiuta- W “addled, ■ . : OSE HCSDItED ASH SIXTH - —Hira m Howland, Union, Go. I®'Ties, j x ’ tiaion, Co. jE; Jai. XTlocpursy, EE; Hudson, Union, Co. I; • Frank J^ndofeXinion, V : Henry U. Spencer, Union, Co. C j "ivii • Co. D; Ed. O'Soal, Liberty, Co|g- ■ i‘ I ' t £ * Q&Slfe • Rg®SS i'# ! yr Aim ARY 1, 186*. mater S; ” the '4, ■ * Number in three years Pennsylvania service when drafted, 4 Whole number of drafted men, or their substitutes, now in tb? Pennsylvania service, ...,149 Number in Now sfork three years service when ■ drafted, 1 Probably in service when drafted, \ 1 Number discharged by commisslorer on' account of age, 5 Number discharged by commissioner for irregular • ity in enrollment, i 2 Number discharged by commissioner' as school directors, I Number discharged bycnmaiissioner as manifest ly unfit for military duly,x. .. 10 Number of aliens discharged by Secretary of State, 2 Number discharged on surgical examination, 34 Number of school teachers discharged on order of * Secretary of War, v 4 Number alcltat home and unable to leave, I Number notjreported, 19 ti«ft Camp Simmons, without permission before f being mastered Into service, 6 JigS* Special Notice.—Tbo subscriber has now in Sleek an excellent assortment of Winter Cloaks in all -the New-Styles, and of various qualities, from the lowest goods, to the best Beavers, which will be sold os low os the malerials.'alone can h® afforded. Wo have '* fall stock of 'fine Broadcloths, heavy Beavers; &c. In Shawls wo can J su\t most any one and cannot be undersold; We intend between this date and Feb. Ist/to-cloao out the entire balance of our Dress Goods stock which is now very large. The goods are all pew, bought cheap, and will be sold so as to satisfy everyone. Call early and see for yourselves, J. A. P arsons, No. 3, Concert Block,-> Corning, N. Y. On the 12th .instant, by Rev. J. F/Calkins, at the house of the bride, Mr. R. S, WALBRIDGE, to Miss MARY CdPESTICK, both of Delmar. On the 23 J instant, nt the house of and by Rev. j. F. Calkins, Mr. SIRQUET EMANUEL GROS JEAN to Miss MELISSA JANE PLUMLEY, both of Delmor. , In Cherry Flats, QJLthe 14th instant, of diptheria, EDA JANE, second daughter of Andrew J. Dnryea, aged 2 years, 6 months and 7 days. fn New York, on the 9th instant, ELLEN M., wife •of Charles J. Howell, and daughter of P. S. Tuttle, 1 of Tioga, Pa. - In Welleboro, on the 18th instant, of diptheria; CHARLES DANIEL, only son of George W. and Sosas M. Barker, aged 2 years 5 months and 20. days. There is sadness o'er the household, • And bushed is joy and mirth, 4 , A mother's heart is anguished— Her child has passed from earth ! A few short months this treasure Her God In kindness lent; ' Beauty and innocence its dower, A'magte influence blent SHERIFF'S,, SALS.—By virtpe of a Test. Fend. Ex., issued ont of the Common Pleas'of Lycom ing oonnty, and to me directed, I will expose to pub lic sale on Saturday the 17th day of January,' 1863, at the Court House in Wellsboro, at 2 o’clock P.M., the following property, to wit: A lot of land in Union Township, bounded north by lands of Thomas Callahan, east'by Benjamin Flunk and Philip Coon, south by John Green, and west by lands of Uartt & .Fit^ —containing 530 acres, about 12 acres improved, frame house, saw mill, oatijniidinga and apple orchard thoreoyu. To be sold as the properly of Augustus Castle. , Dec. 24.1862. g. STOWELX. J*-, Sheriff. SI OEE. Our bitter trial days shall pass. So surely as the summer rain Will bring song-birds and flowers again, And billowy fields of grain and grass. And those who fell, Hare woh- a grateful nation’s thanks; Where death swept down their,shattered ranks, They slumber peacefully and well. To them and to their deeds belong The brightest niche on History’s page— ( '(They shall glide down from age to age The grandest theme .of poet’s song; Then lot us sing no sad refrain— The days are glorious, if but we With eye of faith and hope will see The old prelude in grander strain Played o’er again to liberty. How shall we welcome in tho coming year? The north wind sings the requiem of the past, The moaning pines bend low before tbe blast, And all is drear. J Scattered throughout the land on vale and hill A hundred thousand of the nation's braves v '\Are sleeping silently in nameless graves— * So white and still! Oh! Abrabam Lincoln, we did delegate Tp you a trust more worthy than a crown ! Crush with a red right hand this treason down And seal its fate. No monarch evdv such regal power As this free people placed within yom hand ; We ask but that you save the stricken land In this dark hour. We have not pleaded to be spared the pain Of bitter.parting in these days of djread, But wo dcHumd it, that the gallant dead Die not in vain. Alas! from every hillside comes a moan Of desolation; by our Christmas fires Mourn weeping mothers, wives and childless sires, Bereaved and lone. Where is the patriotism (bat would not tire, Offering rich blood and treasure free as air ? Where is the fervid glew that everywhere Durst forth like fire ? Ah, me! tho weary Nation tire? at length ; Its army struggles on through wet and cold, But clouds of army Harpies steal its gold And sap its strength, Selfish* ambition, envy, pride and greed, Have had in field and council too touch away-- Curse on the scoundrels who would make their prey The country’s need. • A heartless, office-seeking, rabble rout Besets eur capital—don’t be too nice, Ob, father Abr’am, take a devil’s advice, And kick 'em out. mw Whole number,. ££ ABRIBD. DIE 2D. An angel wandering from its sphere To seek a priceless gem; Conveyed the treasure back to Ged,' Meet for Love's Diadem, m I'boCuUl’ON BONDS are mined in lams of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $lOOO. The REGISTER BONDS In lamg of $5O, $lOO. $560, $lOOO, and $5OOO. Interest at Six per cent, per annum will commence from date of purchaee, «nd ii PAYABLE IN GOLD , Semi-Annually, which Is equal, atthe present premi um on gold, to about eight per cent, per annum , Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalists, and all who have any money to. invest, should know and remember, that-these Bonds are, ta effect a Pint Mortgage upon all Railroads, Canals, Bank .Stocks and Securities, and the immense product* of all tho Manufactures, Ac., dc., in'the. country: and that the full and ample provision made for the paymentnf the interest and liquidation of .principal, by Customs Du ties, Excise Stamps and.lnternal Revenue, serves to make these Bonds the Beat , Jlfoat Available and'hfoet Popular Investment in the Market. Subscriptions received at PAR in Legal Tender Notes, or notes and checks of banks in Philadelphia. Subscribers by mail will receive prompt attention, and every facility and explanation will bo afforded on application at this office. A full supply of Bonds will be kept on hand for immediate delivery. JAT COOKE, " Nov. 12,1862. Subscription Agent. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. No. 2, Union Block. 1 JEROME SMITH HAS returned from Now York with a splendid assortment of DRY GOODS, BEADY MADE CLOTHING, HATS 4 CAPS, HARDWARE, ■ BOOTS * SHOES, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES, DOMESTICS, WOODENWARB, E.NQLISH CLOTHS, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, SATINS, FRENCH CaSSIMERES, FULL CLOTH, TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY JEANS Attention is called to hie stock o( Black and Figured Dress Silk*, Worsted Goods, Merinoet, . Black andtFiguered DeLaines, Long and Square Shawls, Ladies’ Cloth, 5 Opera jFlannels, <te. Purchasers will find that Mo. 2 T .Dnlon.Jßlock r^inaiQ.Xtcie't, is thopiace to buytho best quality of goods id the lowest pricey. /. JEROME SMITH. [ Wollybofo, Not. 5, jiSi. ... ■ A • JUST RECEIVED. TWO THOUSAND Gallons Refined PKTROtKUM OIL. to b* sold at the lowest Market price. : Corning. Dec. 10,1862. v W. D, TERRELL. [XTOTICE. —Notice is hereby given that an pppii '[ V ' cation has been made to the Court of Common fleas of Tioga County, by Wesley Cochran, IW. C. Ripley, B, Wildman and others, to grant to [them, their associates and successors, theprivilegeof chang ing the charter of-the Mansfield .Classical Seminary) 'andif no sufficient cause bo shown to the'eontrafy, the application will he granted at the'nexttcrmof Court. - .... - ... .Dy.arderof ttie.CcpjJ,- Dec. IQ, 1862. J. F. DONALDSON, Proth’y. NOTICE. AS the Hunters are all off in the “Sertiee,” and gnns are rather dull sale, and arl served my apprenticeship .at making Brass Clock andvWatoh Work, etc,, etc., I have concluded la' debate my Ume this winter, to repairing Clocks, rf the pcoplO ece prop er to patronize me. I think Jf can glee satisfaction. ■ , J.piES LOCKE. Wellaboco, Dee. 10, i‘B63,’* S& ” _ win and for tbs i>wa moMr jer extunfnatieaeond bicfa of their ofii b« all tWg ft behalf of onnrper«ons,are ding, and not to netted to be pnne> nWditUno/.fgreo- e fShetifft Ottee, amber in tbe year ondre^abdalxty .li, Ir .j Sheriff.'- ■ Gr itrßiikemonej by bSS 5 ‘ STARK. Bpoi-oonrirting of {'trill be toid at i, ■ , ICES. fcachhd Do., Dtu leeks, Blankets, ?Cotton- Batting, ‘tvr, ■ ■ _ U-- ' ■ Having on- hand ■ Reds, Brocade., 1 Plain Merino.., ie.,JftB the rich ITOCK, A DOUBLE, .c *T turning. Ao., in TEREB. Black if Cwhmeretta, pics Casrimeres, in be, found in , i Doable Solo hs do., Womens £rand Morocco taring Balmoral ingress Gaiters, , all kinds. We CS, t the lowest. frodnee, Wiled! IKSONS, ,T BLOCK, KING, N. T. OOKE, NT, Bankers, W T - ,1 iNov. 1, >1862. tinted Sub.crip .Treasury, is now snt Bonds, ilve-Twentisf,’, vernment, after ! Congress, ap- *i i -t— -■ yayi ~ '/pmj AGITAXOI., john AO. I. VNIOIf BLOCK, BEGS Jwe to .notify anah.efMa Wndy and li* pnblio who do nOT,alwady mow* that ntif oheo more on “ ' ' ‘.‘ THE OLD' STAMPING GROUND”' on tha.oerner whomstood the old j E UP IB Er S T o $ £ , before "tbo parfienlarly that be'bar jnstroeaiyed aierga.and,Taried rtnok of • FALL Al*l> WINTER DRYGOODS, : . LADIES’ GOODS, 1 .. READY MADE CIX/tiitNQ, BOOTS,- SHOES, &«., .. ar'vell u a foil anarUienf of HARDWARE, QOEENSVTARE, WOODfiN-WARE, GROCERIES, . apaciaUy .adapted tp ,tl\a wants of tbe Qommanttyr and will' 1 fell them ait tbo lowest living prieek/* : CASH AND PRODUCE 7 r of all kinds taken In exchange for Ooodr. WeU»botO,OcUA.lS?2. /,• , ,i. BOOTS, SHOES, lEATHEB ASD FINDMGi jQR. FRANKLIN SAYS- ' fi r "When yea hare anything to advertiie, tell lie public of H in plain, simple l atn manufacturing good custom made Boots <a&d Shoes which 1 will sell at fair • prices, and only for BEAD Y PA Kri £uch work cannotbe sold at as low rates per. pair, as eastern made slop-work, but it can and will be sold at pnceawhlob will enable the ipUr chaser to protect his feet with good sUbstantiol boots more .cheaply than with a poor slop-shop which) even if it chances not to*fall in pieces with toe first weeks is but a doubtful protection in wet and cold weathere. Try me. ' ' I*' Buck and Doeskins Wanted, ; in the red and abort bine, for which I dill pay eaat and a good priced - 1 Beef-Hides and OaUsUna Wanted, for which X will also pay cash. tticep Felts Ranted, i ' for which X will also pay eaah and, the highest mar ket price.. . , , An assortment of-.ole, upper, calfskin, and lining., pegs, thread, nail., awls, knives, shoe-hammers, Ac., Ac., kepi conrtantl, on hand, which I will sell cheap for cish. Shop on Main Street between IVllcojt’* and Bullard's. G, W. SEARS. N. B. I can't-givo, credit, because, to bo plain, I haven't got it to giver Weilsboro, August 27,1862. , J, ffl. SiIIITII, . ■ | | AS now on hand and is daily receiving St his NEW STORE, OPPOSITE TUB DICKINSON HOUSE, A fall and complete assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, which have been bought on the most favorable terms, and jrill bo offered to easterners at a . VERY SMALL ADVANCE. Mpay of his DOMESTIC GOODS ■ - were purchased at different times daring the Snmmir, thus enabling him to sell them c Less than Current New York and still makes a small profit. Advantages ef SDtJH PURCHASES will at all times be given to the- customers as far as possible. A years experience in selling for Ready Pay Only, has fully confirmed him in the opinion that this it the only proper way, for both ) Buyer & Seller* as it enables him to dp better by bis customer than would be possible , under the Credit System. The Ready Pay System will therefore be continued, and also THE OWE PRICE SYSTEM, believing that to be the only policy consistent with * Honesty and Fair Dealing. All persons from Tioga County visiting Coming are INVITED TO CALL and make an examination. Corning, Oct. 8,1862. Q. W. WELLINGTON & 00’S. BANE, CORNING-, N. Y.i (Located, is. wje Dicsimos Hocib.) American Gold. and Silver Coin bought end «old. New York Exchange, do. p. Uacarrent Money, ' do. United States-Demand Notes " old issue" bought. Collections mode in ulhparta of the Union at Car tent gates of Exchange.. Particular pains will'be taken to accommodate our patrons from the Tioga Valley. Oar Office will be open at 7 A. M., and close at-7 P. M., giving parties passing over the Tioga Rail Rond ample time to transact their business before the departure of Abe train in tbs morning, and after its arrival in > the evening. ’ Q. W. WELLINGTON, President. Corning, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1862, | MANHOOD; HOW LOST! HOW RESTORED Just published, in a s Sealed Envelope. Price Six Cents, A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment end Radical Core of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weak* ness. Involuntary Emission?, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally, Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits , Mental and Physi< cal Incapacity, resulting from Ac.—By Bob?. J. CoLVLBtv'jELL, M. D,, Author of the Qreen .Boot, <fec. / The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lec ture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may bo. effectually removed without tqedicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at ence certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter .what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply* pri vately, and radically. The lecture will prove a boon to tbduSahds and thousands. - - r - Sept under sea], in a plain evelope, taany address, oVthe receipt of six cents, dr two postage stamps, by addressing, Dr. CHAS. J. 0. KUNE, 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office Bbx, 4586. Nor. 12, 1862. To Consumptives. THE advertiser, hairing been restored to health in -a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after hav ing suffered several years with a severe lung affee tion, and that dread disease. Consumption, is ankions to moke known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure.,-- . To all who desire it he will'send'a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with directions, for preparing and using the same, which they will find V «ur« cure f<sr Contutnplion, A9(Ama t Jtronchi(i»f The only object of the advertiser in sefading tbj pre scription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread mfor raatien which be conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer wiTT try his remedy, as it will cost nothing and may prove a blessing. ' > Partips wishing the prescription will please address Rev. REWARD A. WILSON, , Williamsburgb, Xihgs Cofinty, New Yerk. Oef. Ist. 1862. AUDITOR’S NOTlCE.—Nelide' 'i* hereby given .that the undersigned,-having bee* appointed an auditor .to distribute tbs precehtls of the judicial &£t of the property of Allen Daggett, tsßl .Attend lathe Julies of <bi« appointment on Friday, the Sf JeSMtnry *exf,-.4t the; office of C. H. Seymour ip. Tioga, WS. GAR-RBTSOS,- Auditor.- i , i A- HAVING MADE HEAVY ADDITIOtS T 0 OF R HITHERTO LARGE BTOCK r yrs CONFIDENTLY INVITE ALL IN WAtft OF Cheap Goods, AS TfE ARB CONSTANTLY PROGRESSING. NO "GO BACK” IN TilE CASE I EACH DAY INCREASES OUR SALES, AND MAKES NEW CUSTOMERS. WHO SPEAK WONDERS HP BEHALF OF THE “Small Profit,” “Quick Sales," AND Rood Value System. NOTHING .LIKE BUYING GOODS I CHEAP FOR CASH, IJVD SELLING THEM CDEIPI "WHICH IS THE GREAT SECRET —or — FERINE & CO. " GOODS WELL BOUGHT” ALL AGREE IN SAYING ••ARE .HALF SOIL;” AND HAVING THE SAME SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES AS FORMERLY iy MAKING OUR PURCHASES, WE PLEDGE OUR FRIENDS TO MAKE Our Word Rood. i - ; IN ADDITION TO OUB STOCK OF DRESS GOODS, RRINTS, CLOTHS, I CASSIMERES, DOMESTICS, AC., AC.,, AC, WB HAYS ADDED I ORB OF THE FINEST ASSORTMENTS OF Gk OTHI X G TO 'BE FOUND In this vicinity I | I I AND AT PRICES Defying Competition. FURS! FURS! WE HAVE ALSO iIDST RECEIVED. A SPLENDID LOT OF F(7B«, i CONSISTING IN PART OF MINK, STONE AND FITCH MARTEN, SIBERIAN SQUIRREL AND [ RIVER MINKS 4C„ Children’s Furs OF ALL KINDS, MUFFS AND CUFFS lif JBKDLBSS VARIETY'.- GIVE .US Alt tUSLT CALL S£CirltJ3 BAR.OAIIfS, A. Jr AS PLEDGE YOU To .Sell Them A'* DESS THAN itHOMSA'LE PfilCE^ Ferine & Go., TROY, P&* ~ SBITOBTANT NATIONAL WOfeAS< PUSUBHEO JT-i'. * Cd>. S 4« & 348 Broadwiy, Me# Vdrfc rrftlK following wort* ufenut W SabßriMn hr»ny #•##’ X of the country, (apott receijtof rtfgll pMt,) fc, mwlt'or S ’ and Charles Jt. Dana, aided by anditerO its select corps df WfK ten In af? branches of Science, Art, amtidCatafhre.,- This ★ork Is being ptibtisbSd far about 1$ large. qct*vo vylnm*v t Gich containing pAg€s. ■ Volfl s 11, lII# IV,* T,VII, vm, IX, X, XIyXIIyXIII are now ready, clifil. donfalh." log near 2,500 offglnffl articles. An additional volume will be published onpo in about three months,. “ . Price, Sheep, $3,00; HalfMolfrOCeft, s♦.? Half Russia, $4,50 each. • Th 4 ?few American Cyclopedia is popular wflnotft superficial, learned, bat not pedantic, comprehensive butsnK ficiently detailed, free from personal pique and party prrj«£ dice/irAin airily 6t a'cCrfrato. 11l is a' Complete statement or all that la known’ tipon eVery fmporiant ttyK scope of human.intelligence. Every important «tt [Hi lb if has been specially written foiVlta>pages by menwfao are an-*' thorlttes upon the topics of which they speak. They are re** qoired to’ bring tire subject np to the .present .ntement: to* state it stands no®. AH the statistical iutormaUvtf Is from t“he lateS}' reports; the geographical accounts kerjf pace with the latest explorations; historical matters fnrtadd' the freshest jnst views; the biographical notices not only speakot the dead btlt of the living. It is a library of Jt*>fr.* , ABRIDGMENT OP THE D£SAxfcs OF CONGRESS.— Being a Political History .of tn 6 United States,’lrofe the or'r ganizntton of the firsf Federal Congress in 1789 tolSliG*' Ed-' Ited and cpmpited by Hon. Thomas H, Bdnfotr, fj*oJh tile of ficial Records of Congress. . , Tho'Work will be completed in 15 royal octaVo vdtWea «<[ 750 pages each, 14 of which are now ready. An additional* volume will be issued onCc in three months. A WAT or PEOCUBISQ TBS CYCLOPAEDIA ofe DSBATZtf. Form a club- Of four* and remit the price of foai* baokS 1 - and five copies will be sent at the remitter's expense fdt caf riage:*or for ten subscribers, eleven copies will&esertatouj* «xpehs6 for ca!rr%ge. TO ABSENTS. Ko other works will so liberally reward the exortlonft Agents. Ax AOE9S Wanto in this Ootfnty,, Term* tuadd’ known oft appliestftm to fh'a Publishers. . [Jan. IT, ’B2. _ CJiiparaliclcd Attraction S . GRAND DISPLAY OF NEW GOODS AT jOOMAUL’S BEE HIVE, 134 Water Street, fllmifg, W. ¥/ Our Stock was never more attractive in every du- - partmeat at any former season than now. 1 We are offering a very lnrg6„entirely new and mags nificent assortment of IMPORTED DRESS GOODS', snob ns Plain, Figure dVStriped, ftcnet and English Heps. *' “ “ Ottonlan Velours'/ " a “ Enures. Clot'll.' Lnpiffs fine Merinos all shades of Colors. English fine Cobnrga/ “ ■ “ French and. English f'opiinr in exqiisße Patterfis. Plain and Figured Wool BeLaines. ‘ Scandinavian Plaids, in Rich Color's, With all that lower, grades of Bfess Goody, mttrk cheaper than 1 elatfwhera; :10,fl0P yards full Madder Color Prints fit sff pr yd./ domestics equally low. : SPECIAL BARGAINS ; in Broche, IVoolfcn, Long and. Square Shawls, firotf the cheapest to -the very finest goOrfir. We have a tremendous liffgh Stock Of Shawls", anif guarantee to sell every one from 75 cents to $2.00 less 1 than any other House. ; DRESS SILKS.: Heeded Brown Silks, EiOh Plain Silks, Seeded Bine, Black Silks, Rich Cheeked Silks'/ Seeded Green, Brub Silks, Rich Figured Silks,- yards Bishoffs nil boiled figured Silks from to* cts. to £2 00 per yard. Those,who contemplate til jing 4 Silk Press wUp do well to call on us. " CLOAKS, MANTLES, Oar Cloak Bepnrtmcnt has all the novelties of the* season. It is conceded by all that we have the band/ soinest and moat extensive stock of Cloaks and BROAD CLOTHS, either; French, or German from $1 06 to $4 St. French, English Plain, Beavers, French, English* Ribbed Bearers, SUk Mixed CxCssimertty Bbetlub/ Tw#eds, Satinctits, Kentucky Jeans. 1 inOLIilflNG GOODS or orery description. AMERICAN Freneh Millinery for the Wholesale and Retail tradfi/ Milliners please take' notice; ; Price last of Auction Oooday , uses,inn ibis daw Beautiful figured Boßaines f0r..,-..12} *&> Embroidered Curtain Mu51in......12} etf/ Handsome Fancy Bress Goddam IS etk/ u Ail Wool Broadcloth, Black -. sl' 60 All Wool Beaver Black $1 06 Balmoral Skirts .$1 SO to $5 00 . India Rhbhur.Round Combs., ~3 cents apiedS/ and a great many other goods too numerous to men. tion. The greatest portion of onr Stock has fcft'onatel/ been bongfat before the last great advance, and een-- sequentiy tc« con and will tell cheaper than any of on/ neighbors. ELIAS H. BGRMAUL. - Elmira, S’. T., Oct. 29, 1862. S.3P6# Great Ttctoriet FOR THE FKIO3 S 9 Are attracting the attention and awakening the live liest .sensations of delight throughout all the LOYAL STATES, and sending dismay to the ranks of the rekelv the filling np of-the new and beaWlifnl' KEYSTONE STORE," with a large stock of all. descriptions- of merehn&r diie, by BULLARD & 00.. is also arresting the attention of the people Of ifiirf vicinity; and at the satiHg titee'creitiog alarti smongtlidM.wfad’ are opposed 1 to- SMALL PROFITS & QUICK SALES* Tba following is a partial list of their X/xtenilve Artfefo IIftESS GOODS' of fbo dhdiccst patters.' t c DRY GOODS'df all descriptions, inolddidrf’ SfiAttLSL * COTTO^CLOTH,,. . READTMADR CLOTIiINO', Aft Th«y hife also a s«&6to<S assortment of Hardware, toUtd precisely to thij locality, besides a large qua#? tity of Glass Ware; Crockery, ' They cad 1 fit"ydrf tfifa s 1 tfAT or CAP/ AOOTS or SHOES', CLOTHES JUAIiE, of the CLOTH t'o make them with',- Thdlr locatiod irf’First Door above r ROY'S DRUG STORE, t BiAlir 1 WELLSBORO, pa., where they will he happy to' LeCLlv'e' CALLS.- ■ffellsbAfo, Sept 24, l’Bo'2‘. RMO BEST P!a»6S. *5O JOS. P. HALE i CO., baring removed to their' new WareroonjS',' No. 478' BKOADWAIT. are »o# prepared W offer the Dublin a‘ ihajrniCoont new seal* fdlP 7 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO, containingaH improvements known, in this c anil try' or Europe;' oveh-rtrung bass, French- ’grand n'eiioa> hary pedal, full iron iVaihe, for WO & 17* CASH, Warranted for 5 Years; Rich thouftfing casg?, s2o'< >ll warranted to stand fcett( X)ld methods PEA. in nit part* of test these uori Chickering & ,478 BK Oct.- S 3, l« ■m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers