rrtr «Oiwcn*ji«oT*B tmt retired by_dWdel , ’J#^,: ' Bee tU v iWDy dftk, > la ehwproddoirqliitif T»*nV hhraoao, ■ | , Kirk h 4& : i Thf golden itorealnJohn’a pavilion laid. ; f ; i( ? Abo# with GrSmallnk grim, thatalewth* fierce . Whoi* tooUt Jok*nn> iackc)olh -W* 1 L Lo! now'the deep-mouthed canine fo« i apahnlt, ’ That vexed the wronger of the etolen I *l^' BtdWH) ihe*ad*ed prwoiiclaof-thl i Mil ■ ' Mktro* dMjlpWie at Jafck’a creative' |a|a; j Ttra'italkathi!|BMtnaiu cow wither ImpUd horn. Whereon the exacerbating hound wmj torc>; • - . Whohayed chr fUipe slaughtered baa; I IWIJ&* , The rat pre3aceDßi, wbo»a keen fang! fantb rough . , The textile fibre* thatlnTolTod the la~,: , J, . .. . ,l»y in Haml'inrielat* domain.’: r |, ,- Hera Walk* forlorn the damael crowned wghme, Aaetifereua apoila from vaccina dogt w,W drpw, ■ ,Of that oorniculalo baalt whoeo tortnf Iflptra • Teased to th9'elMids’hi.fierce Tindiotj-ia^cdm,-■ _ The harrying hound,. whose hraggart'fcark’ |*nd etir Arched the lithe apine ahd reared the! inCjsnahtfar 2f Puis, thatwithrertninlcidalelaw; ' M- [ truck the' whole insatiate satw lay reeking' malt that ent in Jnan’a eonrhwe ra*. - Behed in a abneacept garb Ihataeenjain Syoth Too long a prey to Cbtdnos’ : iron tooth, Behold the matt. Whhde amorona lip* IncJltgfe' Fall withyoqng Ero’e emulative aign. ' ' To Ik* ’Urn-maiden ;wboae Uot-albio bands' J)nm Albutteia w**Uh iron UcleaigUndj - ' . Of that immortal bovine, l>y wheeoho'b ~Bia»orttardilaii*th#te*l.'wa* bdrn*i The bea«t catnlenn, veier of.that *ly ■ ' e-,; , IMjmcb qaadrppedal.erbomado die j ;{•; T|i* old murdacioiU Rat tbat dared de Ors irtededaneoto Ale in John'* domeitii b^*r. is ! her*,. Irish' birnjf* honor* doffted jro«inet Of Mponacebai lock» t tb*Pri**t wbo la Hymep’a golden binds the torn an Jri|s Whose«e*Ba**igttouaiiatted from t,>ii|.a rift, Bren a be kitadd the virgin all forla; l ? .;, Whs mttedtbe.oow -with implicated 1 ffjg, Who in due wralb.lbe canine torturer fW&t That dandle intiddona morU diE Who let aurtreal effluence through th.V |gt Of the i)j rat that.robbed the palace ?»«> had hoilt. ~ The loud cantMherfiifiJShaTigliab e'oß it WhoaaabouUarooae the abort! eeolei .■WM, . Who tasted the vows of Hymen’a aae uhatft. To him who, rgbedln garments Indi ea|, : Kio«cDlaBes°ftedam»«l laehrymoae, j| !• - The emuigator of. thathonored brute noje»e. That toared the dog, that worried the mtglhat kill The >ai thatnle the malt that Jay in ,m ibouie that ' _ ‘ Jaokbdtlf.' "gv - ’ r.. 1 ■■■ : g;, • 1 yrom thn'iSßth Penn«ylT»ni< Bgglment,''. Camp jteaW Shakpsburo, G; t. 1 6, 1862. ' , > D*am-. Aojtato*. —l find it npich more pleasant task to bo out drilling.wi|> my oom- sitdbwnin a tent w to tbe atsSme'the news of the pasgWeek. Al thougfalKam surrounded upon f|l sides by scenes of tbe most thrilling description, it ' would taken more practicable pen ,'Mjun mine to write fffebln ft style interesting all. Saturday .the jjlltb we from FreacrickGity. and marched tsn.aiifei through quheapleMant cpuntry. dual before dark, we came to a halt by the side of; thbljrnad, and gaoh company,began to build fires an® sy them idfresdowh to. sleep ; when tj>o got some strftnge'yea into , his ordered all Tfipregimcnt was formed in line of Battle,-nafl *f ( |wore re quested t 6 sleep hpon their nrmi the jremaindeV of the nipjht \ The air was eery; col|, and after turning oyer sevefal times.l gulf tip; end stood 7 _on my feet uiitil mornihg. Afri ‘b& akfnst.wo again marched on our way.” marching •sbtiot two mites, we came to ffcwtl Mountain 4_af this place lbs late battle cofonwnoed. One bfibe buck tails informed me flttt|tbeirregi . raent, (only two hundred ptron *•} the §rst to,march mountain, pn( thbp for two 'rs, fought agaihst, and drot '■ aywhole bri- gndJfeatH4 rebels. \ if Ahis is Boons s boro, quite a pleasant little till g»|S2onbwning two churches one [; store,and on . The nOW used as hospital foe houses, &#£«>,, along the badly and pieces of About, two miles fnamr grossed the Antietaiq on yie stone bridge'iirJiera); the rebels ‘Kdjjhfio despOWtely. I thinkit infill be nme time before the buildings get otar tbb£if«<sis£fEt*battle. firM& they will ‘ hate to cork them up a little for winter, or they trill be quite uncomfortable.. Thceeftjilea south east of this place, the hardest j>art|fthe battle was foqgbt.' I was informed by ifjsuldier en gaged in tbs fight, that after the bjitle, a per son could walktme mile upon the 'lndies of the dead, and not touch the pound. |p - imagine 1 there much care in them up, •- for the' beads, arms, and hand* Of'tome of the —rebels, jr%stiiiaisible on top s : |thpgrnund. There was .a balloon recoil;fioilsnnce from MeQlellao’s head quarters, alt.; )aj| yesterday. The rebels must hate'been da t| t mjiye to some place. Tbere-bas been heavy V intftmading in Abe direction ot Harper's Perry all day. Oar regiment has received of( ertao have two id, and be rei dy|o march at ig. Cfor-r£|meat was prs i-of colors, t(’jdaf, by Adjo iM. tylvama, beat coat of srhil dfthe State, and the no tuber of odr regim«&t. ; |Cuuld the friends at home hate witnessed Ahitfecene, and beard theeboa.tB,of the brave hear®; that beat beneath Jl* folds,they Would hate Men.assured that.no act of theirs would ever dfnonor tbat, noble emblem of’American LLbertjL, WeTktgjaow id General Lisle’s Brigade. Rlck ell’s Division, and Hooker's Corps, .'ljlVith such able ofieetw to lead ns 0n,.1 think tin t when We hate an qppqrtnnity the 136th,wifldn their datyinxTefencsqf our noble Qeverm tent; and I do notdinubt bat wbat McClellan with a large bbj command will do all Tlhat a man oanldoAd bring this war to a speedyAlrtse. ‘ ; l^azsFrA. old**chelor,-who h*4j'procured a mar- certificate of a friend! glancing Ver it, **a heard to soliloquise thus?: i “Can’t ?do it —would like to, but- wnn’|—wan’t a 4ri(e— would lifcsto hare a wifr —bff must do . wfthout so' etpeDti.e a laxury—wi|es nre ex- is scarce—proviaioM are high — von't oousent to give any one abthoity to ’ spend, money for me—can’t doit.” "|[ . Judge Mattock, while in cpurt'iTeqneated - ( ( called Joilgee in Pennsylvania;) to scratch hia bsiek. After haringit 5 don 6 ‘tohia satisfaction, htf remarked that a great comfort,to : ha»e|eome one 't(i scratch one's back when it and ad' 4#ds " 1 hare often wondered what jjude-jndges are elected- for, bat at last havesfoond out tiMfeose.” " -i ALady who waehandliog;* palll'of, arlifl- plate* in a .dental offiue. diiil aspiring the with which thedentisjdesorbed them, ashed him, “Can a body eat with thebe' things '•‘My dear disdain, mastication oanhe perform «d with them with a facility scarcely excelled •hy—natnre her»elf f " -re»panded dentist. '■ tody ftowtlh that f I- 11 ; •!. • i ■ v l -- m, * f -<■ i ' T»1 /ii rSI A* a MORTlsr, of Unci, 5. T, writ#*: M I h*n Used your PtcroßAL myself and in my family itw tinea yon iDTcnted It, and believe it tko beat medicine for ita pnrpota ergrputeut; .With abed cold { ahoold sponge way/Vwwti* At* dollars for a bottle than do without it,or take any c|hfr remedy." '' ' ’ CronaM«dpiflf Cwh< Inflitm—■ /, ‘T MliajPek, 7, liM. Bbotbek At kb: I will cheerfully certify your Pectoral it tktfbeat remedy woposaeas fertile cssaoC wbboptng COUghj croup, and the cheat disease* of children. We ofj yonfffifa* tarnity in the Sooth appreciate yone skill, and commend yoor medicine to our people. v: -co vrvf ' anuwpoßEWK; m. d. AMOS LEB, Xao* Monterey, la., write#, Sd Jan* 1869: “ I bad a tedioot Inflnenza, which confined. me in doom six weeks; took many medicine* without-relief: finally Krftd of pur clergymen. -The first do*eTeiieTed4he »orrac« in my throat and, longs; test than one half the bplUe made me dompTetely well. ’ Your mWf* tinea are the cheapest at well as the beet we can bny, and we a*teem yqu* and yottr'rttusdkt, at the man's friend/ “ ; Arthm» or Phthisic, and Bronchitis ; Won M^caiSTl^l^Teb.ijiSM. fra: Yonr Cherry Pectoral it performlngmarTenou* core* in this section, It has relieved, from alarihlhg •ymptomeof contomptfotaVnadis now : curlng a man wbe 1 has iaborek under an affection of the long* for the last forty year*. ~ HKNKY h. PARKS, Merchant. A. A. RAMSEY, M. s>., Albion, Monroe' CoI, lowa,' writes, fiept. 6,1865: “ During niy practice of many yean 1 bare found nothing equal to your Cherry Pectoral for giving case and relief to cousuniptiTe patients, or curing such as are curable.** We might add volumssof evidence, but the meet convin elng proof this. remsdy, if hi its effect! r-- - » 'c. ij < oontnmptiMU . Probably so oae remedy baa ever bees Iniawa which cured so many anAeuch dangerous cases as this. Bcm si no human aid can reach'; bat even to those the Cherry Pectoral affords relief and comfort. -- Abtoe House, New Yoitx Citt, March 6,1866. Da. Jfeelita daty aDda ->TW3« to in form you what your Cherry Pectoral lias don© for my wife. She bad been five months laboring under the dangerous Symptoms oTConsumption, fhatfr'Wblcb no aid we coaid pre care-dare her much relief. She was steadily failing, until Dr. Strong, of this city,’where we have come for advice, -recommended a trj%l of jro.nr medicine. We bless his kind nest,;*! we do .your-skill f Ifcrsha has recovered from that day. g She is not yet as strong &s she used to be, bat Is free from her cqugh, and calls herself well. • Shclbyrme. Consumptives, do not despair*tiir yon have trted' Ayet*S Cherry Pectoral. It is made by one of the best medical chemtste is the world, and ita cures aU, around os bespeak the high merits of its virtues'.^-/*/jiiacfc/pHiCa Ledger. AYER*SjCATHARTIC PILLS. Tile Sciences oflßiemlßtry arid Medicine have heea taxed thetr-ntmost to produce this best, most perfect purgative Which Is known to man. : innumerable proofs are shown that these Pills have virtues which surpass in excellence the ordinary medicines, snd that they win-unprecedentedly apoa the esteem of all men. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to core. JTfaeit penetrating-properties stlmu late the Vita! activities ofthVbody, remove the obstructions -of its organs, purify the blood, and *-xpel disease. They purge,out the fool humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish dr‘disordered organs' into their natural action, and impart healthy tone with strength to the whole system;- Hotunly do they cuve tfae-erery-day eomplaiotrof every body, but also formidable and dangerous dL-eases that Lave baffled the bdst of huhskD' skill. t While they produce powerful they are go tba same time, hi diminished doses, the safest and beet physic that can be employed for children,- Being sugar-coated, they are pleasant to lakeland vegetable,Ere free from any risk of‘ harm. Cares have been made which surpass belief were they not substantiated by men of such exalted position and character as of untruth, AJany eminent cler gymen tljeirnapicsto certify;to the public the reliability-of my remedies, while others me the assurance of their conviction that my Preptpationfe'' contribute isui)«nsely.to.tbe relief of my afflicted, fellow-men. / The Agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American containing directions for their aue and certificates of their cures, of the following complaints Costiveness, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Heartbam. Headache arising from a foul stomach, Nausea, Indigestion. Morbid Inaction cf the Bowels, and .pain arising therefrom, Flatulency, Lou of Appetite, all Ulcerous and Cutaneous Diseases which require an evacnant medicine. Scrofula or Kipg’sJfriL They also* by : pttrliying the blood and stimulating the system, curie many complaints which it wLuld not be supposed they could reach, such as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neuralgia and Nervous Irritability, De hmgemehu of tbs Liver sod Sidneys, Coot, sod other kfn dredvomplaints arising from a low state of the body ar oh structioifuflu functions. Do not be pntjjff by unprincipled dealers with some other pill they make more profit on. Ask for Ayer's Pills, and Cake nothing else. No other..they can give yon compares with this in its intrinsic value or curative powers. Tbs sick want the best aid then Is for.tbgm, and they should have it. Prepared fev Ox- .J. C- ATEB. Practical and Analytical CJiemiil, Lowell , Mate. Price 25 cents per lei. Five feezes for ft , , SOLD, BY „ L , ■ C. t Robinson, Wellaboro; S. X. Bfllings, Gaines; IT. IKBopJeOjTioga; Dr, Parkburst 4 W, 11. Miller. Lawrepse- B. Gnlick k Taylor, Bkjsiborg; Fox 4 Wltfer, MaJnsburg; C. L. Strait* SoaeriDe, and Dealers everywhere. -.>51 , It Cures Headache la Ten Kinntea. CLINE’S VEGETABLE EMBROCATION. SR th» tar* core of Headache, Toothache, Diarrhoea benmatiam, sore Throat, Neuralgia, Pains in the Side, or Stomach, Cratspe, Cuts, Sprains, tarns. Bruises, Wounds, 4c., 4c. Also for all kinds of wonnds on horses. mr IT—IT CANNOT FAIL! 49* The numerous cures that are dally performed by the nse of the Vegetable Kmbrocat|oh r a» sufficient evidence of Its superior excellent virtues. Furthermore, this preperm tfon doee not contain any poisonous minerals, er dUstoriene drugs. From Prof. William *, Principal of tic Viiea ihutcal Inttilule. B. Cuw*—Dear fifr.—-Havivg witnessed the very beidldd teas Its from the uee ofyotu Vegetable embrocation -by my* self and members of my family in case of colda,*ore throat and hoarseness/-! cheerfully-give you this testimony to its worth, and can confidently recommend It in tbs above eases from an experimental knowledge of Its efficacy- ■*“ Touas very truly. W. WILMA Mi. Utica, June 4,1861. « ’Good News from Home--All agree-- See What They Say. We, the undersigned citizens of Utka. having need CUne** -Vegetable Embrocation in our families, end finding it an ab most salutary remedy, eat* cheerfully recommend- It Uf the public generally, as being an iudispeosible article for family use. We do notwjsh to medicine, hut can tnily sujrthat we never-before have found an equal to this Vegetable Embrocation, and would advise every Ism* Uy to keep a botUe ready for immediate use. Mrs. M. Schuyler st. Mrs. I. Crocker. Burnett It. Mrs. Emily Gervin, w * Mrs. £.Onrnrgut,' ' Mrs- Rachel Roberts, “ Mrs. A. M- Kibbs, « D. Bacon, Catharine st M 2). L. Simons, M T. 8. Robinson, 72 Genesee st., Mrs.* M 8 Francis, Blaudte si Jus. Maraden, Huntington st., N. M. Shepard, Spring, st., ,JJra-Q*orgeß*iocroft, . ** Mrs. M. Wheeler, “ Mrs. Alvira Lane. “ Mrs. Anna Williams, " Mrs. Mary Vaughan, “ D. Vauvalkenburg. *• Henry Hill, Tarick it, John Shots, Genesee st. F. C. Ilarcvaß, M ' * June Davison* Seuyler it, Mrs. J. Walker, • u Robert Lao*, Hontlogteu ft. Mrs. Eliza Sbott, Genesee fct„ Priscilla McLaughlin, * Elizabeth Grunts, Catherine st. Margaret Marsden, M Selina Simmons, Burness ft., Ann HilL Tarick st.. The above namee are from well kaowprssppctabldal tisane, .and a'tbouvand tporeniroe* might beidd#d««f whdna la Am* aiatlon can be had in reference to the astonishing cures par* formed. * Vrepared and.aold. wholesale and retail, by B. CURE, Ha. 80, Genesee street. Marble Dlock.Crlca, H. Y. Abo far aala by JOHN £. JONES, of Cherry Platts, travelling agent. August 13,1862. i K ] Corning Sewing Miirbino Depot* THE best Sewing Machine* IbaUejtedt.States -Grover A Biker’s New Family Machine.niaklng the Lock Stitch, acknowledged Adrbe'aaperior t« au others. Priee $4O. GROVER A BAKER’S FAHItT MACHINE. so much admtredby theiewbo have oa*d than. Prioe $4O. —GRttVgR-A- BAKBS’B LARGE SfICTTLg MA- j^etbe^and| Tailor jrork. Price Whaler and Wilton $45. Fiaklt A Lyoa’a s4*. Siagera, ‘ - $5O. Empire, ; $4O. Willed A Gibbs, $3O, Persons haying or ordering machines of ma aaa rely on gsttiog the adapted to their btninera.. Erery Machine warranted to give aatisfaeitea far one year. Machines on Mahogany, Black Waloat, and Bow Wodd easaa at adraaced jiricea. Per par tleaUra tend fpriSrcolwa, ’ ' C. O. HOWELL, . " ' Proprislor »f the Corning Bag Faslary, >■ Cento* X.X* m?* r . • _ ’■f. '..1 .B»EiTira 1 vMmjm^wr ;' Ji&iti&ijktSS&&&&&T &OCOdB. ;,. . OTSBC.W.SiEAII&’NEWaHOESTOBE, cl I(. WliffOX. ,-, ; ; H. H. WOOD, would say to the inhabitant* of i WelUbdrjO and tgiWndiDjy eOTOttJrtlwt noTr prepared to fnrnish (hem withevery thing in tot line of PHOTOGRAPHS. , s , . AMBBOXYPES. OB • MELAINOTYPEB. i furnished Ataoy room-inth*' City.'. A<W.t- rpseired. e Mtt of JAmSs CgLTfBRaXED LBNSEB, mßnnfao tnred ezpratsiy for the Carta dt Also * ikfgd assortment of , PMOJOGRAPBIC ' price, .from ll.’ij toAi.Ob. , At tfiie day, no parlor ta ii ble i* ffSnsideredfinished, without the PHOTOG E APH IC ALBUM. Cues of all styles. Pictures {boat to fire dollars. I , Thankful for past favors, X would eoHoit »)enntin nation of,the.*»mo by doing At* l «'*»* worlt for all. Wellsb6r4, J SU> 28, 1862. -" H. H. WOOD. iVarl War for »l»c Pnlaal THE undersigned would respeetfnlly inform hit the jmbjio generally, that he bee opened a CABINET AND CHAIB SHOP od MuD-Stcect, opposite Ht.W, Dsrtt’s Wegon Shop, he intend* to keep constantly on handagener nl assortment bt ’ “ ■ 0 afriiiW Vice, made of the best materials, andbyitbe'bMt workmea. Also Coffins mode to order, and as eueap os.can be procured elsewhere, -accompanied with.a Hearse," Also Chairs of every variety from the BEST down tethe CHEAPEST, to Suit Parchaten. * Also .Turning of all kinds done to order and to suit C BSTOMEBS. The hnderstgned having had many years experi ence, both tn France and in thii country, feels confi dent that he cannot be excelted in either of the above branches of mechanism—end farther would recom mend the public to AND EXAMINE bis workmanship and prices before purchasing else where.’ JACOB STICKLIN. Wellsboro, March 11, 1802. THOMAS HARDEN it now receiving an BtTSJfSITE STOCK 1 or M ere ha n disc, which he offers on terms to SUIT THE TIMES. All are respectfully invited to eail and examine. Wellsboro, June IS, 1562. THOS. HARDEN 1 . STOVES” AND TIM WAKE. WnislAia ROBERTS HAS opened a new Stove and Tin Shop in the Store ppposileißojfa Building, where he is pre pared to, Curii ir.b his old friends and customers, and the public generally with everything in hie lias •( business, including Cooking Stoves of the most approved styles; Per lor. Dining Room, and Coal Staves; Tinware and Kitchep furniture of all varieties, a®- Call and see onr new stock. Wellsboro, Feby. 5, 1862. - HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, THE LADIES are the ones to select Honsebold Furniture, and it is so mnch easier for them to take a carriage and rifle a few miles and return than to go 40 or 50 mile, for the purpose, that the subscri ber would inform them that he has just enlarged bis 'STOCK before the tariff nnd tax prices arc upon us ; and bas’d large and inviting assortment, which be will be happy to show to those who may favor him with a visit. ' MAHOGANY SOFAS, $2O, $25 and $2B. Tela « Teles, $22, $2B and $32. Hand tome ingrain Carpels fori, 5,6, 7, 8 ond 9 shillings a yard. Sewhiff ifa~ cAtncf, sl(randsl2. He baa also 10 different styles ef Bedsteads, with matrasses and spring bottoms, and 18 different kinds of Chairs with everything else in tbe Furniture line. He is alpo.Ageot'fer tbe tele of Prince k Co's. cel ebrated MeJbdeons, -School and Church Organs of pijffkin, N. y, r the oldest and largest establishment in-ib© United States. £. B. WELLS. ‘ J LawreneeVllle, July SI, 1862. Hosts rms insurance company IT E W YORK; OAPITAI-, *1,000,000. Home Fire Insoraxfce Company ~I K NEW HA VEN,\CONNECTICUT; CAPITAL,S2OO,4OO. These Companies have complied with the State lew. Applications for Insurance received by •CHARLES L. SIEMENS, Wellsboro Tioga County, Penn*. Weliibbro; Jan. IS, 1662. Insurance Agency. THE Insurance Company of North America bar. appointed the undersigned an agent for Tioga County and vicinity. As the high character and standing of this Com pany give the assurance of fall protection to owners of property against the bacard of fire, I solicit with confidence a liberal share of the business of the county. This Company was incorporated ifi 1791. Its capital is $500,000, and its assets in 1861 as per statement Ist Jan. of that year was $1254,719 81. CHARLES PLATT t Secretary. ARTHUR G. COFFIN President. Office of the Company 232 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, , Wni. Bncliler,Central Agent, Har- risburg, Pa. JOHN W. GVffißN<>£¥, Agent for Tioga County, Pa. April 9, 1862. . A NOTlCE.—Letters of Ad "'J\ tnmb'tTftiioii having boon granted to tbo ender eigned on the estate of Charles 0. Els, late of Tioga, Pa., deceased, ail persona haring claims or demands against said estate are hereby requested to make known the same to her* at her residence in Tioga, Tioga County, without delay, and all persons indebted to said estate are also requested to make payment tt the undersigned as soon as possible. - SARAH M. £TZ, Administratrix. Tioga, Pet. I, 1662, New Millinery Goods. MISS PAULINE SMITH has Just returned from the City, where she received a very large auU choice variety .of /TALL AND WINTER GOODS, embracing the latest and most approved stytf of LADIES* AND CHILDREN'S HATS, to the examination of which she invites'the ladles of Wellsboro, Remember the place—First door below the Agitator office, up Ifalrs, Wellsboro, Ocl 8, 1862. ■VTE\V COOPER SHOP.—The undersigned ' respectfully informs the eituens of Wellsboro and vicinity, that he has opened a COOPKR-BHOP opposite ’• CROWI/S WAGON SHOP, and is ready to .dp all manner of work prompt and tc order, from a gallon keg to a fitly barrel tub. He* pairing also done e* short notice. O. P. ELLTS. Wellsboro, May 8,1861, CAMS Into the tnelosore at the »n bier! her on or afcont the first dn.r of Oetober, ioiunt, • DARK BBD YEARUNG BCLL. ' The . owner or owner* willpleue ceme forward profe property, pmy ehmr. jeiandUkoMmewaj. KtUAHJENStNCS. ghnleetw, Oet.Jfi, tHJ,* " . GAYGO Eotrny. S s Yj'.AsGj I fMSSt TBS. BUFFALO nERCANTILE COULEGE, coasts or Bala RAfl .Senfecf* Sttefto, . Xsan impertaat link in the great chain of; Natiopai Mercantile CoUegesplocalod in the follow iugCities Tie; ' -'r- ■ • NEW YORK CITY, PHILADELPHIA* BROOKLYN, ALBANY, TROT, CLEVELAND, DETROIT, . CHICAGO, AND SAINT LOUIS. A fehoUrthip issued from the Boffalo College,;an titlMtbe holder to attend either or all tba Colleges for an unlimited time. ■The design of; thee# Institutions, .is to impart to yonng.men and ladies, a thorough, practical buMtnea education. ; _ . Xbese Colleges are-organized and conducted upon a basil which must secure to each separate Institution the best possible.facilities for importing a thorough, commercial education, and render it ae a whole, the most comprehensive and Complete system in- this' country. - • , ■ Book-Keeping in all Ha departments, Commercial, taw. Commercial Arithmetic and Penmanship, are tanght in the most thorough and practical manner. .The Spencerian system Of., Penmanship, is taught by competent and experienced teachers. ; Scholarship, payable in advance, >4O. College open day and evening -.-rno vacations. . Resident Principal at Buffalo, J. C. But AST. For further information, please coil at the College Rooms; or send for Catalogue and Circular enclosing letter stamp. Address • . SOT ANT & STRATTON, June 4,1882.—1 y. Buffalo, N. Y. NEW 600D8T T. L. BALDWIN s new receiving.a large and Well 5e acted Stock ef SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of a General Stock of DRY GOODS, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, WOODEN WARE, An, Ae., Ac., Ae., All of which will be sold VERY LOW for READY PAY ONLY. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE ' taken in Exchange. All persons buying GOODS for READY PA r, . Are respectfully invited to call and examine THE STOCK, As they'are to be sold at VERT LOW PRICES. * CASH PAID FOR WOOL Tioga, May 28, 1662. . T. L. BALDWIN. Portable Patent Hor»c-Powcr, THE undersigned take pleasure in notifying the public, that they have succeeded in devising a Horse Power with only three pieces of friction, and combines the maximum of efficiency, durability, and economy, with the minimum of weight and price. On account of its simplicity it may be constructed by any mechanic for less than half the cost usually paid for horso-powers. It is well adapted to thrasb ing grain, tawing wood, and churning, also for turn ing lathes, saws, planes, and other machinery in tbe shop. Individual rights $5.00. Township, County* and State rights for tale cheap at our office. Agents wanted to sell territory. For farther particulars ad dress , MtDDAUQH & CLARK. Mansfield, July 23, 1562.~1f. Tbe New Commercial Building* are -located opposite Court House, corner of Coart and Cfcenango-Streels. This College it in no way connected with any other Institution. The energies of the Mtir* Faculty are exclusively devoted to this. Tbe design of this Institution Is to afford to Toon*. Mon an opportunity for acquiring a TJtorough, Prac tical, Bunnest Education. Tbe Books -and Forms are carefully arranged by Practical Accountants, expressly for tbls Institution, and tbe Course of Instruction is suob as to combine Theory and Practice. COLLEGIATE COURSE. . This Course embraces Book-Heeding in all its de- Penmanship, Commercial Arithmetic, Business Correspondence, Commercial Law. Political Economy, Commercial Ethics. Partnership Settle ments, Detecting Counterfeited and Altered Bank Notes, Ac. -Tbe Spencerian System of Penmanship is taught in all its varieties, by tbe most skillful masters of tbe art. Tbe Book-Keeping department is under tbe special supervision and instruction of the Principal, D. W. 1, DWELL. GEmiBAIi INFORMATION. Students can enter at any time. No vocations.— Usual time to complete the Coarse, from 6 to 2£weeks« Assistance rendered to graduates in procuring situa tions. Graduates are presented #ith an elegantly en graved Diploma. For catalogue of 70 pages, specimens of pen manship, Ac., enclose two letter stamps, and address LOWELL A WARNER, Binghamton, N. T. Bept 17,1882. DR. ROBERT ROT CAB ALWAYS BB , FOCHD AT ROY’S DRUG STORE, Wellsboro’t Pa. .where hemay be consulted at all boon i of the dayby those who desire )MEDXCAL A -n-p-rn m 1 >. ii ~ Ettlray, CAMS. into the Janoluim' of . the tnhacrlber, a SPAN OP HORSES—on* a sorrel, three feet white and a white strip in thefaee; the other ap iron grey. Any person owning the same will please coma forward, prots -property, pay charges, and take tiiem sway. Btlmwr, 9et, 8,189}. JOSSPH WILLARD. WELLSBORQ/BOOK store. T : HE subscriber, haring pnrchfMd Smith his Interest on. the £ook and Stationery Business, wonld respectfully inform the public c? bi|, desire to keep , ■' 2 A aSNSSAb »00»« ; ’ and BOOK STORE, ;;; wherehawiil furnlah, AT THE OLD §TA^ nthePost OOeu Building, (or by »ail)ajU the new- tore dailies at tha pnbliabera priees. Ha will also Weep m hand all tba Literary. • The HontWy Hagaiinos, Including Harper's, the Atlantic, Godey’s, Peterson's Knickerbocker, Continental *«• Alan, will ba kept com tan tly an hand, d cam ,ctt repository of. CLASSICAL, BISTOBICAL, POETICAL SCHOOL 1 AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Blank Bosrttw, Papef:flansins», SHEET MUSIC, PICTURES, MAPS, it. Order* for Binding Books. Tba work executed to anil any taete,-and on the lowest poaaiblo terms. Particu lar attention will also be given IoSPECIAL .ORDERS for any thing comprehended in the' trade. One. Thousand Volumes of the Latest Editions of SCHOOL BOPMB. • Parents, Teachers and Scholars, are invited to cal and examine this large assortment of School Books in which may be found everything in «*e in tha schools of the County. ’ I Headers. —Sudtn’ anUn nrlti, PorUr’i lUsdtr, Sargaaßt’s, Town’* and WUUon's Baadsrs, , Srau-ns Book*.—Sanders’, Webstsrs Ac. Arithmetic*. -4- (Jreenlears, DaTie*’, Stoddard's, Colburn’s Ac- ‘ Grammars.— Brown’*, Keny*n'*, Smith’* Ad. . GEOOEArHiES.— Mitchell’*, Wirrn’i, Colton'* Ac. " Dari**’ Legendre, Algebra, Sunreying Ac, Slate* of all kind* and *iie*. Copy Book*, Steel Ten*. PapeMtflall 1 all kind*. - . Latin, German, French and Greek Taxi Books; on band and purchased to order. Watches, Jewelry, Tletnre Frames, Paper Hang, ings,' Christmas Toys, Fancy Articles, Haps, Pie. tare* Ac. ' All orders promptly attended to. Wellshoro, Her; 27,1881. J. F. ROBINSON. T\sf ANSFIELD CLASSICAL SEMINARY. MANSFIELD, TIOGA CO, PA. The,Fall Term of this Institution will commence Sepb Sth, 1862, and conlinne thirteen weeks. Rer. E. WILDMAN, A. M., Principal and Professo of Untbematics and Ancient Languages. Rer. N. L. Retsolds, A. M., Professor of th* Nat ural Sciences and the Teacher’s Department. Hiram C. Jobss, A. M., Professor of Penmanship Normal and Commercial Departments, Mr. L. A. RiDOEWAr, Prof, of the German language. Mr. J. W. Morris, Assistant in English Department. Mrs. H. P. B. Wilduax, Preceptress and Teacher of \ the French language and Belles Letters. Miss —— Music Teacher. EXPENSES, Tnition in Com, English Branches, per term, St 75 Higher English Branches, Mathematics and Aaeien Languges, - - . . 8 80 Modern Languages and Hebrew, each, extra 200 Music—Piano or Melodeon, . - 8 00 Use of Instrument, - - 2 00 Room rant, each person, . - 1 50 Board in the ball, per week, . - 1 50 Fuel per term, if two occupy one room, 2 00 Incidentals per term, • . . 25 Clergymen’s children, half pries for tuition. It- will be seen by the above announcement ef a Faculty for the coming year, that the Trustees are determined to spare no reasonable pains to famish the school with a Board of Seven foreign languages, including Greek, Latin, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Hebrew, will ba Uugbt, if i The Teacher’s and Noma! under the supervision of Profs. Reynolds and Johns, will afford all the facilities of. a Normal School, in which stu dents ore especially drilled and trained to become practical teachers. The trustees have already taken measures, which it is expected will be consummated early in December, for offering and haring the Semi nary accepted by the State as a State Normal School. The Department -of Penmanship, Book-Keeping, «te., offer all the advantages of a Commercial Col lege. The Seminary is under contract, to be finished and famished by the 10th of September next. It will, when finished, be among the best school build ings in nertbern Pennsylvania, and will afford excel lent facilities for these regions to obtain a thorough scientific and practical education. Special attention is given to the health and physi cal education of the students. Nothing need be said to recommend the Principal to the confidence of the peeple. os his conduct of the Seminary for the post two years, has placed him fully before the-public as one of the educators of the coun try. Profs. Reynolds and Johns—the former, the late Superintendent of common schools ef the cotinty —■and the latter the present incumbent, are too well and too favorably known to need further notice to recommend them to the- public. Students coming from * distance will bare their rooms furnished— those,from within a few miles will bring their own furnishing, except bedstead, table, chairs, wash-stand and stove. ill students furnish their own towels, wxsh-bewls, pitchers, pails, mirrors, <fcc. Rooms for self-boarding can be had in the village at reasonable rates. If ac commodations enough for self-boarding cannot be bad in the Village, rooms for that purpose, under certain restrictions will be furnished in the Seminary by stu dents furnishing their own cook-stove. Students pay from the time they eater to the close of the term, without any 'deductions, except in eases of protracted illness. All kinds of prodnee taken in payment. Terms of payment, one half in advance ; the remainder du ring the term. W. COCHRAN, President. Wsf. C. Riplbt, Secretary. Mansfield, July 23, 1862 The Kuoxrllle Foundry, CONTINUES in foil blast and is in 'the best ran* ning order, where yon can get Stores, Plows, Road Scrapers, Catting Boxts, Sugar Kettles Ac., Ac. of tha most approved patterns, and made in the bca manner for a ; LESS iPRIOE than at any other eitablishmeut of the kind in the country. . Machineiy mad# and ■ repaired .in good style on short notice. . All kinds of produce, old iron, copper, brass And peeler, token in egchangbfor eastings.; A liberal discount made to CASH PURCHASERS. P. S. All persons indebted are requested to call and settle WITHOUT DELAY, and save costs, that I may still be able to do a eredi business in part . J, p. BILKS, Proprietor. Knoxville, March 26, 1'862.-6m. CONSTITUTION WATER. THE ONLY REMEDY FOR DIABETES, Irrita turn of the Keck of the Bladder, Inflammation or (be Kidneys, and Catarrh of the Bladder, Stron- Burning, or Painful Urinating, Stone in tbe Bladder, Calonlns, Gravel, Brick Dust 1 Deposit, and Macons or Milky Discharges after Urinating. For sale by aUDrnggiSis. Price $l. WM. U. QEEGQ A CO,, Propnstors • Morgan A Alien, General Agents, N 0.46 Cliff St, New York. . ; ' . JOHN A. ROY, Agent for Tioga Cennty. Wellaboro, April 16, 1862.-ly. OfV\BA&REbS OP, SALT—jast reeeired and for sale by T. HARDEN. IS, 186}, MX ' S: Ci WLliSmtio] PA }p : f A il € A Rv DSUOS, MEDICINES A AT) ; .7/ SOAPS, / XfIIUT AND FANCY AfiTlCtfS, OILS AND LYE.sxEppg^ PATENT 111 EMC IS El VIOLS AND BOTTUSS, " 11 WiNDOW-OLASS, POTTT, LAMPS, 6IGASS AND TOBAO( MMf . Alt* BBAHt>n PORMBJHCAL PUEFOBX& SA ORAMENTAL WIR r TTamated t« be pnr« Qr»p, i„i e . , ' . pe»«»ly pnrpoMi. J Proscriptions, carefully eompetiDded, ni ,« . promptly answered. * Every article for sale nsnklly sold la , Drug store, and at the lowest market trie... Wellsboro, May 1,1881. ?***■ GEIVERAL UcCLELUS HASdeoid®,! to go into winter qnirtari. . , William*, Afct., bu decided to andtaai accordingly laid in a reiy lim lllt i Good* in bin lino, tw , P T*** It Eerooioe Oil, la,! Burning Maid, Cawyheue, Alcohol, Tarpon tiae, Patent Uedieiner, |>y t Window Glmi, " Ac., to,, ta, which will be laid at loweet city yrieei imtf, P. R. WILhUMg^l, N. B, Confederate State Stoeln u< iU eoonU are atdieeoant—ean’t nil (m4i f«r Wellibora, Nor. 27, 1881. BEMOTAL. JOSEPH RIBEROLLE ,CJ AS removed hi* BOOT, SDOJt, UITHI » nd FINDIG STORE, from hit leteltnliu Mein Stmt, to his Tannery at tho lower sal ,f, rillege.whoro ha will ha glad to wait ai Uititita and tfaVpablio generally. Competent werkna i employed io the Mosafactariof Department, ail work warranted to ha oar own xasnufaeisre. Alio, all kinds of ''S READY-MADE ROOTS AND SHOII. constantly on band. All kinds of Leather ul SI Findings, also constantly oh hand and for salt at i prices for cash or ready pay. HIDES and PELTS taken in exchange far (i at the highest market price. JOB. IttBEMUI Wellsbero, Aug. Id, 1861. N. B. All those indebted to the snbsariher hyk account, or otherwise, are reqsested to tell .el« end square up. JOS. RIBIRCIII pHARLESTON FLOURING MILLI,-. V WHIOHT A BAIX.IV, Haring cecnred the best mills in the Cennty, en ■ prepared to do Cnniom Work, Merchant Wer and in fact ererything that ean he dose ie fin Mills, so as to (ire perfect satisfaction. PLODS, MEAL AND FEU), AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, ut our »tor» in Wellsboro, or it the mill, (uk Goods exchanged for grain at the marlel prise. All goods delivered free of charge within theeer «“'<>»• WEIGHT A BAIUT Welljboro, Peb, 13, 18JJ. MML C ABIHET aPBBill WARE ROO> THE Subscriber most respectfully annotate# i he has ou band at the old stand, and for al ClinapXot furnitarc. comprising in part ... Dreteiug avd Common Sure***, Secretarie* a»i J Ca*tf 9 Center, Card and , Pier Table*, Pining , Breakfatt Tables, Sfarble.lopped and Cowmen St* i Cupboard t. Cottage and other Bed*t<adt,S(andt, fa* and Chat re, Gilt and Boteicood Monldiiifi Picture Pfantes. : COFFINS made to order on ihert Bettes, hearse will bo furnished if desired;- N. B. Turning and 1 Sawing done to order. August 11, 1859. . b. T. TAKROIf Kollocfe’a Dandelion Collet. THIS preparation,-toed. from th, best Jirt h ia recommended by physicians ss , saperitrl triciona Beverage for Genera! Debility, O7IMS and all billions disorders. Thousands who hat.M compelled to abandon th. ns. of coifs, will sis t witboot Tojurieoi effects. On. can e.otiii> 1 strength of two ponnds of ordinary eoffes. Mi. cents. Kollnck’a Lcraln. The porest and best BAKING POVDBIt b< for making light, sweet and nutriciens Bnsi cakes. Priea 15 cent*. MA!fITFACTCRKD .IT S. H. EOLLOCE, Ohemlat, Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets, PkHi phia, and for sale by all Drorgiits aid Orstain. . March 6,1862. WELLSBORO’ ACADEMY. Welleboro’, Tioga County, Poona. UAXUOTS ti. ALLEN, A.M.,.. auiated by a carps of competent teachers. The Winter Term will commence on thi (A December, 1863, , . Tuition for terra of fourteen veehe, from *6.00; ’ A Tkachcs’ Clara will alio he formed. By order of Truiteei, J. F DONALDSON, Fm'l. VTellaboroi Borember 12,1862. Howard association, philadeiphi For the Relief of the Sick and Diatreaied, Aided with Virulent and. Chronic Disearef, and « cielly Tor the Cure ofDUeases of the Sexnal o rf Medical ad rice gr. engrails, by the Acting Surged Vifmable reporta on Spermatorrhoea or Seminal sou, and otto Diseases of the Sexual Organ!, on the new remedies employed in the Dispensary, • to Jibe afflieted in sealed letter envelopes, fr«* charge. Two or three stamps for postage will he' eeptabla. Address, Of J. BKH.I.IN HOUGHTON, M Surgeon, Howard Amooiation, No.-1 S*atb Si* l Street, Philadelphia,'?*. Jane 18,18 ft. , To Csninanpllrei. THE advertiser, hiring bean restored to he*W a few weeks by a rery simple remedy, alter ■.*] ing sniftered several years with a seisre he; s®* l tion, and that dread disease, Consumption, •! to* ls ' to make known to his Allow snffsnrs thsiaesif core. • . To all who desire it be will send a oepy of prescription rued (fhea of charge), with direeliew” preparing and Being the same, whisk they wiß*‘. tars cure far Oontuaptiau, A»ihna f BnrrkiOh *1 The only object of the adrertiier in tending lb? J*l tcriplion is to benefit the afflicted, and spread in™ motion which he conceives to be invaluable, end hopes every sufferer Will try his retpedy.as it wi» f nothing and may prove a blessisg. Parties wishing the prescription will pisses sdt Ker. EEWAKD d. WILSON, Willittnubergh, Kings County, Now Tors, Oet. lit. 1882. "VT-OTICE U hereby giren to tit ttqekbditii le the Tie** Conoiy Bunk tb»tth*jjißa»l •«* <ff Directors will ha heMst fhVßenk IdTlo£*o° \Tlh ef Novels her aejct, IB6J. ~ , ,3. rrßxmx, Pf«“ 3at " !
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers