? ■ :;i have a funny notin' • kViul ' tt.y think it coals nothing, to put |«4ta 4 t tod thus, one and another will ‘ for some bene'rolent advertisement.^ "J , i 3 thd printer’s ink that makes forget that it takes to meositors— to buy ink, type, nnd pa, sr ip }tnd tSy forget even in thank yon for M J* b, gratuitously puffing their busmV|^.-_ - : *]■ New Mona of Couftrr.vo IsT E n E sTsA|evv tf computing interest at «x per confjf» bed, - which appears simple. itar Of dollars by the number of days .nher ' aired, separate the right hand figure,.indfdr tsii the result is the true rate of ml ttaliifor Laar fo’r such number of days at six peH cent— Lrfeisso simple andso true, itoj.all usages, lhat every banker; broker, idtrk should post it up for reference ants nsfe.— nteing no-such thing as a fraction in it; »h?|n is Ijj aay liability to error or mistake.^ j; no ■’m,tidal process, can sp desired informant! be lui with so few figures. \ ' p Jj. Little Bits— All money fen lu* bi{ro»«, if i X i ID the .presence of the Post Master wifi be c mk. So send on for, the Ahitatob. ; j. _liisestimated that nlleast $4,000 have V en'|ent a . during the past week from the |th^V,.?^>g a ipinej in South Carolina. : ,A Special Court—Judge Mereurof IJj)idf>yd,pre j,_b now in session at this place. ThO.itlend ,l, not great, probably on account of lot the roads. ;f ' ‘ i -Hilfi dozen recruits for thiK&caerrp C, .ps;ileft injltge last Friday morning'W. Wnohing tn.j, .Itounterfeitcr named AbbouW-hniling f tin,-this Sj-hu come to grief at Coudorsport. 1 id (jays \hnul. ] jth ibe cyfj of tho nation are now I 'fne’d to Sabfippi Valley; the following table o light found of interest os showing the t 'jSta.uces lithe towns along the rinfr/froinr St. | ?op|V to Miles'.] ; fl^ os - 5O Colombia l2 Fimcelon,^s.^,.so Lake Providence;, ..^i:.25 lO Vicksburg. - .. lO Grand. Gu1f.w,,f.50 ,;...6o Rodney iJ.‘.'.2ft l5 j Mouth Red llivti :u|.^i6s ....Jib { Bnyon Barn..,...i*' ;.ju..30 ....20 j Port Hudson.;..J.y..lv«l2 .... 17 j Ba.ton Rouge i^*23 .....tfS j Plnqunmine c ;.;.;J2O ...160 | Donaldsonville....* ,■....+3s ...85 j NctrOrleans ,^.£..,78 “Hop | ; . : Orleans Ififneve. kft Lauding, :m's ..... iG.rardieu ... r . HSni..—\V*rnotncenn ‘‘exlrnoHinsrJjJpt.oph ’pjing the rounds pf popt're. iil to -ad in the 4th diopter of Unggai, the S|»> dOlh Iluverjei, which read* B 8 follows r^J Hold there shall; bo rebellion in the o of strong men ond. archers of Shields, and the'; blast of the trump|t vital) ii’a the land and tlic nations; And r»e of the sin of the -Srtttlb, her migh|7jMen '•e-is babes, her gates *»hull be destroyed -> ; tl|or)y, iib« Lurd, and her rice-fields shell be rsr«sled glares set free ; land behold, great Snl fhall devour ,hcr pride, und a *i«fslmll lay wasteiher habitations'yea sfHt||the jb«r dotumion shall bo -broken upland* c|(ion zqsre be King.”; j a -i prophecy rs said, to .bare been an eminent Baptist Divine, and pi>.il&sied pilhin the Chriitldn Advocate. to find but ttco chapters in Baptist Divine’' would confer a ffrvdti'by the fourth, i ; |j frl*AßTiri*LAß JaIL De.LIVBBT. |S. two or three weeks ago bn ajihat'go let himself out of the net* jail. ye|;erJay o'clock, in a very singtilaryaif — **pitd a cell in company with another plotter, : *Ji that dining the previous day, Steer’s wo* s u.irjB har, abont six feet long which he heated in’ the sto'Jpt be burned the benm or frame whis) held tbe iron cased skylight -This l4T *y*the lath and plaster to make a hok fatge through, Hedwntore two 'bi* own and those of the other prisoned) t|pd and, baring reached the S &| rope and let himself! down to thus escaped, Tbe other prisoner to kill him if h 6 made apywf ibont tony years of ago. over etx lr . a little stoop shouldered, js veryyiiutet 'sure looking, and drops his eyes. . JSbti|iff * l, offers Fifty Dollars for bis return. . .'r "f • ' - . A, ,f l».tn of Another Conxlxo Min. Ri3 !B l n * u ®phrey the Special Mail Agent, n fortretp Monroe of a man named J i <clegtaph operator in Corning, cf kr(»d i ßg the Mail under the following The wai| which arrived on Sunday- pojßV' , s ®“"j thrown into the telegraph offid.ij arid 1 e Post Othce on Mo inlay morning Tilt , *•* tie only person who could have «0j s»S|to fro® the bookird |be Ijt ** * M there and transacted ““ til6 following morning Wright pi 'pe|i- HJf 1 * 1 ' HongcrfoW Bank and course the check waa aeon traced back: to i^ 1 • h ® put it in the MI «t !(, 11 ’'bom it was sent bod not recei-yecHt, kSsiT*"* faa that it was stojen froni tfcA *: accused was beM to Sfullin at the May session of th«;|jtw|ed rom ■^ m ' ira -AdoertUer U|W /* 116111 Bl May ' ° f htw.-n ettere > from the Corning Post CL 0 wa * al Elmirs.' - ' o- .. 1- Nil, 'tore sworn, inolndingig^sl HyL “ mp,lreyr ° f Tioga, Pa., t<j abjftn c , Dail6 a confession of bis critc ),ibe * *“h.'b wire ccrrtbcrated by the l s*tT;(|r., sea'. Mayconfeased to Dr. that bet had taken various sums from different letters at the Post Office amounting in all to forty-one dollars. Postr master Thomson had forbideo hia admission into the Post Office on assuming the office, but Moy had been invited in on pressing occasions by the clerks to help distribute the. mails, and be availed, himself of these opportunities to-steol the letters containing money. May bad a very fair and Impartial examination, upon .which indubitable proof, including hia confession, has fastened the crime upon him beyond all hope of contradiction—add the penalty, though- severe we think in hls-ease, is imprisonment for not less than, ten years. < JSSf* The Nbw Tiooa. Rail Road belongs to the Future. Judging from the letter of our Harrisburg Correspondent, Mr. Mrgee’s Rail Road is not very popular. Senator Benson made a speech for it in vain, We don't admire Magee, and we don't believe be would have built the road even had he. got the charter, It is true that a new road would have given to many persons and would- have con tributed more or less to. the wealth of the county.— Besides it would certainly have reduced tbe rates on .the freight and passenger traffic of the present road, which would have been quite an item. But for all practical purposes the road is adequate, and with a line of telegraph it could be madoto do four times jthe amount of work it now does. We have taken no part whatever in the personal squabbles of Magee and Eyerss, or more properly be tween Magee and the Tioga Rail Rood Company. Of Course it is only when tbe acts of either party affect the public that we have a right to our.say. If Magee bad procured a charter and built abroad it would have been of to tbe public, but if, after pro curing a charter, he bad compromised bis troubles with the Tioga Company, wherein 'would the public have, been bonefitted ? [Advertisement.] ■ ■ New Qoqds at Corning. —J. A. Parsons has cow pn.b&nd and for sale Best prints at one shilling aynpd; best delaines at one to one and Dine; Rich plaids 9D« and six; Plain Merinos five shillings; FinelGlngbamsboe to one and six ; fine brown shirt ings, one shilling; heavy drilling, one shilling; bleached shirtings, cheap; Best brown sugar nine cents;; best soap 8 cents; best candles, 11 cents; best cheese. 8 cents; spices, syrups, tobaccos, and all other grocries equally cheap. A large stock of new Spring Goods will be opened this week. Lo >k out fur bargains. Goods sold at wholesale nt a small advance on New York cost, - a,3a r i s r>, In Farmington, on the 23d inst, at the house of Richard - Murks, by Reuben T. Hall, Esq., Mr. GE ROME FISH of Bradford, McKean Co,, Pa M to Hits PERMELIA SEELY of Brookfield. Tioga Co., Pa. DIED. In Farmington, of consumption, on the I7tb Inst., JOHN NARROWER, in tbo 6Sth year of bis age. In. Sbippen, on the Sth inst., HENRY SLIGO* Esq., aged 76 years. ORPHAN’S COURT SALE.—By virtue of qn order of the Orphan’s Court to me directed, I will still at public vendue on Monday the 21st day of April TS62, at the *Oourt House in Weilsboro, at 2 o'clock P. M. A certain lor of land in Helnur township, bounded en the, north by lands of James Lowry, on thp- east by the public highway, real estate formerly of Israel Mernok, deceased, and lands of 0. L. Gibson, on the south by 0. L. Gibson, and Hartford Butler, and on the west by lands formerly of John Fellows—contain ing one hundred and diine acres, more or less, with about fifty acres improved, a frame house, two frame barns, and an apple orchard thereon. SILAS JOHNSON, t . HIRAM KIMBALL, / Aam ”' March 26, 1863. I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.— Letters testamentary jj having teen granted to the subscriber, on the estate of Isaac Haghr, late of Sullivan)'township, deo’d., notice is hereby given to those indebted to make immediate poymen-, and those having claims to present them properly authenticated for settlement to ISAAC SQUIRES, Executor. Sullivan, March 26, 1862. NOTICE. OTICE is hereby given that ROBERT K.BEUN . DAGB has no authority to sign ray name, or in auy way make use of the same a? partner, or act for moAsjtgen!. LYMAN WETMORE. Charleston, March 19, 1862, Fall of Kins Colton. B. GEER, AGENT, »TS now receiving and intends keeping constantly I on hand, a.large assortment of . DRY GOODS, . j GROCERIES, f CROCKERY, HARD-WARE, which he will tell at the least possible advance from cost upon which n man can live. CALL AND SEE. No Charge far Showing Goods. LawrencoviHe, March 26, 1863. MARRiAOE.-7-lta loves and-hates, sorrows and .angers, hopes and fears, regrets end Joys; MAN DOOU. how lost,how restored; U»anature, treatment and radical cure of spennasorrhoea or seminal weakness; Invol untory emlMdowv sexual debility and impedinjents to mar rifige generally ; nervousness, consumption, fits, mental and physical incnpicfty. resulting from self-abuse— ere fully ex plained jin the marriage guide, by wm. touxg, m. d. This extraordinary book should be In tbe hands of every young person contemplating marriage, and every man or woman ♦*ho de-ires to limit the number of their offering, to their circumstances. Every pain, dfswe and ache inciden tal to voath. maturity and old age, is fully explained ; every particle of kuaededge that should be known is here given, it is fullpf engravings. In tict.it discloses secrets that every one should know; still it to a book that must be locked up, nod not lie alK»ut the bouse. It will be sent-to any one on flie receipt of twenty five cents In specie or postage stamps. Address Dr. Wx Young, No. 416 Spruce Street, above Fourth, Afflicted and unfortunate, no matter what may be your disease, before you place yourself under the care of any of the notorious Quack*—nattoe or foreign—who advertise in this orf any oth*r paper, get a copy of Dr. Young’s book, and read it carefully. U will be the means of saving .yon many « dollar, your health, and possibly your life. Dr. YotJNO can be consulted on any of the diseases de» ‘scribed in.fi tfpMbJlc&tion. at hi*office v No-416Spruca Street. aliove Fourth, Philadelphia Office Hours from 9 to 3, daily. Match 26, 1862.-ly. " Treasurer’s Sale of Seated Lands,Tioga County, Pa. In pursuance nt the provision of an Act of thfe General Assembly, passed the 9th day of April. 1844. will he exposed to public sale at Office in Wellobnrough, on the ■second Monday in June, 1862, the tracts of land, etc., described in the following list, unless the taxes Sue 'thereon are paid before that time. HENRY B. CARD, March 13, 1862. Treasurer of Tioga Co. Improved Wild Owiceb, ob to 'i*3. QuAttriir. QV. whom assessed. BLOSS TOWNSHIP. House and lot Tho's Banbnn $ 79 1 Char’* Phipps 'S : .SZ “ •• Wm. Watkins -70 Z i, • 147 Djpr Lowrey £Co6 J 8 1} lots Abuild’s E.Dyer . 21 05 llousa'Alata ' JaS. fi. QuHbk 6 82 -y. • jTiy.XPryne ‘ 300 “ ~ Anthony Turk 126 A. CBuslr ' SO «< — ■ . Jno. Bpdine -2 20 Town lots. DI B Freeman 2 00 2(>-i. ■. y ;J t .< ...a OQ 83 townioU ■ -■ ITordJßatlibone ACo 880 201 town lots’ ’ Seymour,Davit A Co 1010 THE TlO G A COU NTY AGITA TOR. House and lot Wm. Elder ’ 120 80• Joel D. Qillett ,2 40 163 J.W, ADavid Lewie 2 57 340 Stephen Potter 13 80 52 Samuel Place 156 276 Levi Skinner 8 2§ 40 Augustus Streeter 60 14 12 - P, D. Wood 118 CHARLESTON TOWNSHIP. 50 Geo. H. Bockus 3 40 60 Thu’s Book ... 667 10 ,40 Duncan Campbell 591 6 680 Levi J, Cooley 65 78 8 22 Spencer Crittenden 16 06 6 108 Benj. Junes 14 24 68 E. M. Jones 3 60 8 42 Hiram Muttison . 420 10 34 David Peake • 6 30 91. Tho’s V. Rockwell 6 20 4 46 • Jno, S. Thomas 456 20 28 Jeremiah Wilson 754 112 Peter Burnes 5 95 Coffin Culket 10 90 Wm. Simpson 10- 40 ■ Ezra Jennings House and lot . Henry Kidder 8 102 David Rees 6 95 Jacob Evans 50 Charles Tahn COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. 10 25 John Henesetts House k lot, 100 , 127 House k lot Grocery k lot, 60 50 .50 78 ‘ 50 60 70 25 House A lot 1 lot House k lot House k lot 50 2 48 30 140 Hfiuse Alot , \ io n] J. 0. Kelly 2 80 Kingsley 1 20 Wm. B. Locos 86 Ornile Martell 2 10 Andrew Newton I 14 ,Amos Bundle 1 71 Morgan Schoonover 1 28 Isaac Scymonde 1 66 Dnniel Taylor 1 28 Win. Wiles 87 Q. Woodbury 1 40 Z. Allen 2 17 Bliss Drum 88 Harvey Heath 2 59 L. D. Kinner 1 00 Oziel King 1 45 Edmund Bacon 86 45 Augustus Woodbury 3 15 CLYMER TOWNSHIP. 45 Giles Marvin 9 Jno. Rockwell 50 Francis Richard DELMAR TOWNSHIP. 50 Franklin Ashley 211 Edward Black . 25 Francis Baker. 1 84 Ichabodßrown 3 45 Morton Berry 2 11 Isnac-Callin 1 72 Richard Elliott 1 68 Link 20 McGrnugh 24 Jeremiah Campbell 1 20 Win. Elliott 32 Henry Darling 1 00 Job Green 1 00 Henrv Gamble 50 Warren Hall 55 50 Tho’s M. Kennedy 75. 175 Horton Mattison 1 65 50 Enns Stratton 75 DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP. 115 Eleazer Seeley ELKLAND BORO, D.'Freeborn ELK TOWNSHIP. David T Billings FARMINGTON TOWNSHIP, 100 ( Calvin Hanmore 99 George. Rude : GAINES TOWNSHIP. Savj-mill 4 6 Alonzo Smith 12 Ho use & lot 10 Holase & lot 13 1 Hone & lot Hoes* A lot A lot Ac.. Ac.. Ac.. Ho<,se A lot 1 95 j House A lot 30 Saw-mill A ~ 1 25 ] 475] Alex’rMattison.jr 49 61 Saw-mill A lot J. A. Smith’s eat., 600 JACKSON TOWNSHIP. Hoi 10 20 BROOKFIELD TOWNSHIP. Allen Crandall Vehemus Culver Geo. W. Jennings Marshall Jennings C. F. Johnson James .Mitchell Jno. Sweany D. 11. Spencer Silas-Smith Wm, Slingerland Henry Williams Chnuncy Dike A. J. Douglas - Charles Pries E. and B. Lewis 70 Cbas. Sears 47 S. H. Wetmore COVINGTON BORO. S. C. & J. C. Johnson 5 00 Benj. & Enin Lewis 3 10 CHATHAM TOWNSHIP. S 7 A. Bliss 63 A-. A. Andrus 43 W. G. Barnes 50 o.‘ P. Bench 62 . P. F. Christian 47 Curtis Cornell 65 Michael Conway 50 David Cloose Christopher Colvin 75 Abel Gregory 94 W'm. D. Kelly 4 20 30 100 50 75 25 A. B. Howland 1 86 Sam’l Kendrick 3 54 J. C. Kruson 40 D. Lari son 2 66 J. Moore 40 Whitmore & Mitchell 180 J. D. Narimore 40 Miner Owene 2 25 Elias Bussell 2- 18 Charles Shives ■ 75 Asa Smith 1 05 Daniel Brockway 466 J. P. Cleveland 80 A. P. Cone * , 06 Wright Dunham 376 H. H. Dent 8 64 Samuel Vickers 3 12 Riley Churchill 132 H. Delmater ' 09 Samuel Kemp 1 87 Alonso Latin 69 Caleb H. Miller 50 75 ' ■■■ Jackson Murrell 190 , 83 Elias Moore 3 82 ' 37- . 8. Bhinesmith 73 15 ' Levi RdundsvilU ,30 86 Wm. Spaulding - ■94 JOO —Titus 150 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. 36 ... .Joshua Horn ley 56 i 65 -- - Mills Lemorrell 105 51.’ Middlebrnok & Butte 31 50 A. A H. Bullock 75 A lot ise A lot ise A lot 50 49 50 70 100 27 ise A lot 54 420 .72 66 «« , ise Alot 20 . Isaac Bryant 40 , '; George Cady 35- Wm. Bodge 20 , Benj. Powers .... 40. Geflrge W. Phelps 90 Harry Latier 133 " James Latbrop 25 H. Saiith .96 _ J Richard Robbins LAWRENCE BORO. . Enos Sins son - 8. E. Hall S. J. McCullough R. T. Ryon LIBERTY TOWNSHIP. 50 . Jno. Rnbinett J. H. -Shady J. Oiherholt 46 David Plank 68 Henrv Miller 58 M. Rmk 30 Jno. Winters MORRIS TOWNSHIP, t 74 L. T. Scarborougt "•, 95 Jacob Riser .160 . Henry Brill 40 C. L, Farnsworth 46 ' Sam'l M.Harriso MANSFIELD BORO. Miner Congdon Aaron Ingalls Wm. Manning MIDDLEBDRY TOWNSHIP. 17 Ephraim Bryant 21 Lather Ca~ penter 107 Charles Summers 1723 (. Strang. Erwin ( A Bulmer Jabcz Bryant Jae. Dunham Wra. Alien Mary M. Alien Jas. W, Burrell R. Bridgdon Burrell & Carpcnb Bayer & Co., House 4 lot r House 4 lot • I 20 10 IS House 4 lot House,shop A lot Town lot 10 33 2 ‘4B 10 34 8 32. 6 25 20 8 37. 2 toll-house* 4 lot* 14 10 2 10 1 74 32 R. Churchill 165 Wm. Garretaon 130 ' Thomas Leet 77 T. J. Mann 60 Jua. Sinead NELSON TOWNSHIP. House Si lot Gen. Stanley 7 43 Hiram Olignr OSCEOLA TOWNSHIP. 1 71 1 09 1 14 75 1 84 1 27 82 House k lot 20 I C. 13. Coolgrove David Growl Isaac Taft 25 ' Charles Vamile RUTLAND- TOWNSHIP. 34 Benj. Wilson F. Martin Wm! D. Allen . J. K. Burgess Wm. Brace : Wm. Everett Ansel Hall Geo. Haley, jr., A. C. Jewell Peter Morrell John Stage B, Canada House k lot House k lot House k lot House k lot. 26 100 50 House k lot House k lot House k lot House k lot 16 446 1 and saw-aill } Sixbee 4 Daggett RICHMOND TOWNSHIP. 50 E C. Johnson 50 " J. C. Johnsbn Furnace 4 713 Mansfield Irnn-w’s 50 G. G. Williams 150 James Simpson 100 Chas. D. Ferry 41 Satn’l Bardwell 10 200 t. C. Griggs House, lot 4 saw-milt C. L. Bauch 100 Henry Booth 100 Joseph Cosier 105 Wm. E. Morris 59 Ralph Simpson 142 John Dorsott 23 -• Rose! Gile 50 Henry Burley SHIPPEN TOWNSHIP. 45 Richard Bush 50‘ Jna..M.'Bush 100 Jnn. Hastings 55 R. R. Johnson 92 Albert 11. Landis 50 Chauney Austin 100 1 11. A. Guernsey 100 Calvin Nicholson SOLLIVAN TOWNSHIP. 77 Spicer Davenport 50 Isaac Harry TIOGA TOWNSHIP. : 250 Isaac Benson 50 E. Hawley 40 Win. G- Kelly 6 Byron Niles Page A. Sanderson Ged. Shanlnver Chas. Sanderson G. W. Taylor M. D. Wylie Dennis Wright Benj, Shelman Fredk. Reese Hiram Pickering 70 20 75 4 26 2 4 Homo k lot 1 00 3 24 House k lot House it lot House k lot 162 50 25 1 50 73 2 97 House 4 lot House 4 lot UNION TOWNSHIP. 50 Chas. Da France 1 ,30 Wm. Stratton 1 133 Geo. Armstrong 3 ! 10 • J. R. Campbell 1 , 47 Merrick Crandall est, 5 80 Oliver Sellard 13 40 Joseph Brian 1 17 . Daniel Hartsock 1 .j 35 Chas. 4 Jno. Ring 3 20 Wm. H. Norris - 8-:., .Jackson Rice ' 88 Oliver Whitcomb * 2 56 , James Ferry ’ 1 52 James Hetbertnn 88 0.4 J. N.- Whitcomb 2 48 , Dyer Austin 1 25 Lorenzo Ames 1 19 Obaunoy Bacon I ,-$75 ■■ Jno. Green 11 ■ 55 Henry Harmon 1. 294 Mark Minto 12 I 37 John Smith 2 47 . Sam’l Sherman .. . _26 .Daniel Luthet I 85 Jnti.Mnrse 1 WESTFIELD TOWNSHIP. 14 30 10 Shop and lot ' Colton SO Stephen Lahar 1 47 , AWon Ladd , ~ , 16 H. McFall WARD TOWNSHIP. ' - 105 John Foster |SO Henry Free* • j 75-. Frank Maynard .> r . 200; Andrew Aldrich 2150 109 i* Writ. Baldwin 109 100' Walter Colwell 1 00 105 : , John Foster j 105 96 i David Forest , - 96 109 Geo. Oates 7 09 86 Rudolph Hilfiget 559 121 !. B. C: Hart 235 ■ m ! • £, L. Nash ' 283 100 Isaac W. Smith 100 103 ; Asa Slater 1.03 100 John J. Smith .8 25 122 O. * L -Wheeler 10 07 100 ; Geo. Wilkins 153 12 128 John Benson 1B 72 140 Frank Benger 2 85 >B7 I Znpher Cornell 435 53 B. C. Hart 100 42. s ' Adam Hart i ' 84 100 ' Wm. Stage i 600 100 | • Courtland Stevens 1 00, -107 ; Isaac Stage 541 100 ’A. J. Austin ; 200 ibO , C. Connelly 200 152 ! Timothy’Durgan 318 74 Wm. Annis 3 70 60 Edm. Austin 96 171 , Zopher Cornell 86 50 i Wm. Sullivan • . 150 42 Aaron Wood ' 52 WELLSBORO. I and bense ,• Chns. Murgraff 62 i 30 i 60 1 62 2; 66 81 140 8 60 80 1 80 2 10 1 00 80 75 1 15 68 58 86 52 t 18 2 0Q i 80 1 03 1 00 1 06 20 Treasurer's Sale of Unseated Lands, « Tioga County, Fa. In pursuance of an Act of- the General 1 Assembly, passed the 13th day of March, 1816, will he exposed to public sale at the Commissioners’ Office, in Wells borough, on the second Monday in June, 1862, tbe tracts of land described in the following list, unless tbe taxes due thereon are paid before that time. HENRY B. CARD, !. Treasurer of Tioga County. P Warrantee Qt’y. . or Owner. BLOSS. ; 275 Nicklin A Griffith 273 do 683 do 393 de 200 do 406 de 400 do 626 do 600 - do -»00 de 700 do 436 do SSI do 344 Wm. Wilson 1 100 franklin College 440 James Wilson 640 do 366* do. 137$ do 137* do 206 James Wilson 262 ' do 366* do 137* ’ do 137* do 206 do 252 do Nicklin A Griffith do James Wilson 72 48 9 18 3 31 2 84 I 01 j' 72 L 84 March 10, 1862. No. of 0 War’ts. Qt’y. 1 38 irR 83 & 75 jl '2O 5810 ; 1100 II II 5927 <f 1 u 6977 " 2 26 S 30 2 33 53 il u II ' II 5970 1120 a n 5955 1100 5978 « 5980 ; 1620 1 1009 809 300 5045 1031: it ir 1 65 j' 79 i[ 78 i 25 1 75 I 31 5046 1099 5046 1099 5055 “ a it ii ii ii n n n 5932 1061 59U HOB 5054 1099 5053 " 5903 1 1100 II II II it 75 50 10 185* 1068 1836 1860 * 1861 6(94 1100 6497 6916 “ 150 5816 1100 600 300 1000 .1002 . II 4472 4473 4474 tt ' it 4479 949 1580 990 6050 1099 5049 “ 1681 990 5051 1099 6052 “ 6053 " 1584 990 1579 990 1552 " 1583 “ 4480 '" 1580 " 1680 990 4474 1002 4472 1000 1582 990 1583 “ 2290 988 2291 “ 2295 “ 2296 “ 2297 990 1228 1227 955 1325 k 1326 2291 ' 1002 1027 649 106 424 407 629 289 407 1220 1099 - 4072 1000 . i 1220 1221 1009 5179 1099 5179 1099 6177 1100 5179 1099 5181 « solo ion 8897 1092 5610 1041 5180 1099 t< u « »< 617? " 5178 " 6610 1041 5178 1099 5179 1099 85 *4*s 1545 990 1579 « 1582 " 1583 « 1588 «' 4208 “ 4212 “ a u 4213 . 10>2 u « 421*8 990 431? , " 4213 1073 4481 1992 4463 ’• 4464 4467 979 4468 1002 {' 67-47 1 45 38 i 77 66 49 45 47 22 32 59 15 12 62 26 i 81 68 41 52 ‘ 15 50 ' 15 50 23 35 ' 10 06 65 38 20 69 20 69 31 16 28 59 160 47 166 38 103 91 4816 19 73 1249 12 49 12 56 510 i do 87 Holfinstina 132 Wm. Wilson 132 do 133 do BROOKFIELD. 735 Tnbbs * others 24 Benson Tubbs 118 T. M. Willicg 80 Wm. Lloyd 40 T. M.,Willing 7« du COVINGTON. 257 Oeo. Meads 14 79 604 do 43 76 275 Nickjin 4 Griffith 23 86 76 E. Dyer 4 32 276 Nicklin 4 Griffith 23 85 100 A. Bluss . 67g Baldwin 4 Emery 366 CHARLESTON. 476 James Wilson 168 1& 202 do 67 26 200 do S 3 30 400 do 86 60 202 do 67 26 400 do 66 60 118 Hows 4 Fisher: 14 06 923 James Wilson , 65 93 do 137 20 Dews 4 Fisher' 124 00 James Wilson 91 61 do 9161 do 73 49 Hows 4 Fisher 60 79 Hows 4 Fisher 46 80 do 16 32 do 15 32 James Wilson 43 78 HeWs 4 Fisher 21 04 II S Wedao (owner) 957 Hews 4 Fisher - 14 28 Underhill 13120 James Wilson 34 30 Hews 4 Fisher 80 79 do 9 SO 79 SCO 400 200 247 r 247 CLTMER. 272 W. Willink 138 do 948 * do 634 do 340 do 133 Goo, Hcrrison 600 do '3or R. Blackwell 303 W. WUlink CHATHAM. R. Blackwell 13 65 J. E. Lyon 3 41 J. A. Crandall 36 08 Crandall & Smerj 34 61 Ira Davenport 53 50 Sainnel King 24 57 J. Waters ■ 35 47 Geo. Harrison IS 58 Robert Morris 25 OS A C Bosh 31 M do 2i 53 do 25 S 3 -105 2»i 371 140 300 DEERFIELD 224 368 138 333 HI 446 316 143 «il 643 318 68 60 1(3 m 140 6JT DKLMAE 80 Jas Slrawbridgo 23 59 Silas Billings 36 90 Jm StrawbrUge 13,81 do 38 58 db 19 22 do 54 62 do 2188 4o 14 36 do 65 62 do 65 62 da 82 07; do 8 8S do 8 85 do 646 do 7«6 do i#. do SB 61 Jm JO 29 Jm Wltaan 33 62 Boo* it Fi»W 52 58 do 23 92 do 23 92 do 9 26' 3*B Wilson 139 49' da IS 04 da 34 80 do '6 67 do IsB7 8 94- da 13 89 do 21 35 do. 214 80. do :. 128 87 do 128 87 do 335 79 no n* «« JB* . do . 22080 .158.; HPTo.l.ees 27,10 100 ’Jnnfcson' & B'iche 17 75 456 DBS Di’.-Jiiosar 58 66 21 990 ' 99 4216 4215 4218 4214 4462 4465 4205 .. 655 « 232 « : 462 1002 990 234 990 4208 1544 4218 4218 1589 4214 1953 1582 1583 4428 4223 346 ’ 41 698 990 .986 130 966 990 1002 2503 Taxer (1 86 41 60 132 26 103 73 £2 04 91 89 30 25 - 59 75 2509 990 1006 990 679 ,600 14 '• il ' <1 4* Cl 160 40 20 95 15 04 10 20 5 10 9 69 44 44 14 1 4< 4428 966 841 990 990 1 1002 2299 •• 2304 1002 2305 32 13 15 36 111 72 74 90 40 IS 15 76 70 88' 36 42, 35 8i; 2308 . 990 2348 1002 2351 - ■**« 2359 2360 990 2379 1002 2434 990 2437 . “ 2382 1002 24Z7 990 2479 2481 2501 2335 1707 1002 990 1002 1041 2433 2356 2358 2297 2294 090 1002 440 1060 2305 1000 }" 990 2&S 2298 & 2306 2308 h , ft fi?. ft ' ’ rtft-, ■'■'■m2 Wta JEiiisv IITO 4ti , • 1100 1099 T 1 14 562* ICOO d& M Emery 265 JasWilson : 420 do 42 09 : • do 39 62 do 19 90 do 85 92 -do 17185 1 . do : 1106. .- Jas Kimball 19 04- Jaa Wilson 22 64 , do 6 42 Jas Wilson .. 892 - : .do 17 67 do 1825 do' 4 09 do 291 Geo W Lewis 3 47 . Jas Wilson 34 25 Albert Leet 7. 21 Hews A Fisher 42 36 do 4286 a Jos Wilson 1 5 fls do 4 28 ~ do 517 do 2 82 Robt Kennedy 102 65 jas Kimball 150 58 Jas Wilson 45 61 ’ do 802 85 Jas Steele 127 78 1 JasWilson 12 86 • do 19 31 do 3490. do 19 68 ' do 34 26 * ! do 22 64 do 7 42 i Robt Kennedy 686 86 148 176jf ib4 795 840 -j 150 . W. r illink do - _do do do do do - Jos 40 47 11101 55 35,, ,12140 16186 15186 ■ 16186 16186 - 16186 35 93 38 74 £034 9 39 852 679 679 690 237 718 115} 106 635 495 485 679 40 W W GAINES. 802 - aio i do 372 122 164 344 890 900 552 885 dq I 500 271 740 do do do 850 6Q2 * do 195 Hew* & Fisber 38 51 231 RO White 0537 280 E Blackwell 13 82 W Willi nk 07 IS 100 do' 14 81 400- do • 49 38 340 do 23 5* 316 do- - £3 50, 431 do 2180“ 232 «o 17 18 127 d° 03& C Benpatir(owncr) i 48 J ; N Boyd v 9dS £22l T. Si Boyd ' 1106 W\|illink IUW ido 100 do JACKSON. I 40 B. Biaokwell ® i > 210 do 040 tti> ( 51 09 45 43 ICLBT 12l 41 161 87 16187 11100 81,75 40‘47 40,47 40 47 4047 36,30, 12140 * 40 .<45 • 80 83 40 46 ' 40 46. 40 46 - 40.46, 40 46- 138 73 ' so n 199 76 , 100 9S 751 14 Mt 425-' ; ?.V' 22 £7 40S: 529. *4O. 18 63 i25;7 21a 2Qlii. 12.74: 8Q 88 23 72
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers