,Ih» Sfccih Lore Letter on the Ml page, »u , n a » dead Behel'a pocket »t Dralnsville b| Veiny of thia Borough. Bead Jfc ,' I, | donation visit., f of the Her. A. O- »«"“V * “* *•*' need a Donation Vi.it at. the.reridenee of 1 Auetin, in Charleston, ok Tnesdcr ’afternoon iTttidg, Jan- 14t |b' 186j ‘ ' ! _ , ~ DONATION visit. -j bire rDI he » Donation Vi.it at the residence of * K l. Reynold., in Covington, dn Wadnas ,T„!ne. Jan. 15th, 1862. An Invitation if ai- W lO «11 to attelid. ■ , _j_ r Oar devil request US to state that -11. ioaed no addrsss to hie patrons aUhabegin ito Nowtfear.was, that times ara*;;hard,and Mople have ba.n -bled" .o raoci »lj for io Ejects, tWh. hadn't th. heart« *»Worhu ) Quarter.' He wants m. al«n. sotica.thet Sew Tears, be trill make uoobj.etio* to taking jl from, those who want to give it. ,j: ■ : t > A Rebel's Coat— may bo soen at' JohiniOn’a k Store which bears the following Ins< riplion on Inside: . ■ * ,_ , j,Ohondorf received of June TtwS.lL of Bal. n'Std., taken oti the liffil lit the Bat J Manassas when the Yanlteaa ran.” Written r this is the following: , jßtptared by J. C. Horn of Wallabpt % Dee. SO,,' i.attbs Battle of Drtinorille Whoa the rtbeU rat ills Bncktails.” - i iicoatpow belongs to Hen Potter gf'J'iddUbnry IrMjht it from Waahington lest Wed , | l-Wilb the energy and enterprise f which he »«, Mr. C. L. Wilcox bar erected a | temporary , House, and filled it with h dock of (j >ods, all in :l ft couple cf weeks. f' | lit Friday night, a light of glass twasil Jmken out it front door of the new store, and do hirg, dry* 0, loots, shoos lc., to the amount qf ${ 10 abstrac i light fall of snow enabled onrcitit na to trace hqlirj to a concloelon which'resnlUi in the ar il linrr and Noble Jones, two colored pdividu 4, Utter of whom baa been twice betl re iapris. IfinimilaT Crimea. They were examf jed before a and committed' for~waa’l of bail. . In says he thinka he la now fire a >d burglar 1! Cillnnd see hla nswateek. ■ rßosoa io’thx Bots.— Gprartor ’ 'prtin h*ae nd the word “ Drainesrilie” to be I bribed da tontri of the Bth, *th, and Backtalll 'leglmeats iißuerre Corps. ■ We publish in, thl i peper e Wiecoant of tfaet glorioae battle b> a member ok of the three Tioga Companies; 4 5 gaged.— slittm willVpbafc tar tbcmieivea, at i j[ deed no s Iron os; • They will be reed with’ ntereatby nlody. i ' line letters from the Tioga Boys atf art Royal, mi Monroe, Camp Leslie,' ky—ell of u:i crowded out for went of space. We desire in tbe nows from all the boys, and !■ ' shell dej ilujs part of onr paper to thet it , All onr epondence is intaresting and ongb; not to J», faked. - r -J ff’MijorKilbonrn of tbe 45th P** f T [•!.» tnkca Um the following Toluntwrt, to/J? ft Royal y IprF. Austin, Drisrti’ ir.dH. Bslcher, .Wellfbi gl, { & Me, i ‘ Gain*,. ' i •ql Conden, ■ Welljbt >, I "kr. Clow, 2d Charjei P, -’ti W. Dickimon, Middleb -TJ, ] hA, Flettbsr, , '• d»(tte Goldfrsy, Knoxrlls, , t Holiday, Middleb ty, U. : - Johnson, ’ * ' Delmar/ j*til.Kilb*ura, . Pita, P< ter Co. wp Msttison, : Gaines,-, , “rj Pnllard, Chariest B, “lit Redingtoc, • Weilsbot >, * "u Ei»yer, Middleb Iry,. ™uß. Sofield, Cedti 1 R in, ha Wilcox, ' Pike, P( iter Co. I’d Dale, of Colmar, enlisted on tha i Ist Deo,, oiih; bat neglected to repuj himself Itieclhcr r»crnil«. ; 1 .. ••'lit Plcv QcEsnoa.—Mb. Yocbi); —An ar “ tle lait number of tbe AdfrAVdi-,' beaded Culture," copiidere Plume it* rath ( out of r-»liou. on account of the curculio. J! fir, I. for "Ptd the’ cultlration of thii fruit -at of mooli iMMe taking my experience a* a go la. ’Xi* blights a part of tbe frt| I but by ®{op the blighted fruit daily and foot jug tham or, what ie better, making a ja' |4. for the "•“d the plum tree*, wa‘ get good .< (Sps gen- ere aware that the insect ) jug* tba '•ta quite email, esnsing it to fall * f prama future curculio,after a time pa ling into ™tto be on hand the following .and 't-'necessity of destroying tbe kiigb and all ‘Utliut J regard the plum here ne t to the 'due, as f ar Mmy knowledge eite ds. •< _ n led Pears do not pay for cull Ration. — &tA, will do middling well, If jie right “"altirated. C. Jen. 6, 1862. ! ' , i L lm y hits.—Ker. Mr-Drak* *f aariUld, ‘minted Chaplain of the7th Cw ilry. Pa. J. «ervice in Kentucky. , ' Clubfor th* ifirnr Tbiipm; is pet yet w hand in yonrnamet at the Ft It Ofilee. requested to etay away’ fom the B ®® c, j Mtil they era Invited to <‘»m*. A 4 j *“» >' rufficient. , j or ,0 Wood Thieves,—Hands off inr wood " Jted-has been “meseuing triM It" and Pt tttedi And then—you Ijnow w! at then. •14 !■ C ® iton has opened, in. Con-J* Store, t Stale’s Hotel,' Adrertiseip (Bt next has started business temp Ifarily in the barber’s. , i *t isT’ 0l * 811 l • BBW ! rm i n,t i ! B°od’B Building Adrertlsesr jit next ObS*BTATJOH« >' »F TH* W ” fo ’ lowin g feti »n 4 Agora# tonoera |» JOT *«L ' "»» obitrirnlonl wafolly U linthrta I *’ Tu> i.M J_o'alotk A. U., 13 1 Sul 0 i * *Wmi {>,r * tnr * f#r *• J»w» rdlag io 1 wr* ** •9f *«s IwicmUcß, tarty and altvat 4w»tfth» ■if’' itgi. Noon, fifty-aeren and one twelfth dega. Iren, fog. forty-fire and eeVea twlflfth. deg.,; being only two twelfth, deg*, variation from laat year. : Tho coldest day in the year, was FehrutfyStk. the avenge hieing (wo and two-thlrde below aero- The warmest.day in the year.waa August 4 th; -average temperature being 83 dogs. The warmest morning observations, were Jane 26th, and Auguit 4tb, being eaob 71 dega. Th e eoldertnoon observation, wu Feb. rnary Bth, being 2 deg.. The warmest noen observe* tion, we« Angn.t 4th, being 82 dog*. . , ' The greatest change in temperature from warn to cold in 2l :: flottn,Sira» &bm February 7th,B o'clock, is dega, to ; February Btb, fi o’clock, 18 deg*, below eero, making a ; change of 46 deg*. On tbe morning of tbe 7tb, the wind wae Booth, and raining. Abba* 9 o’clock the wind changed to tho north-wet and be* ■ fan to now. Tho wind inertaaed until itblew a per fect gale, and.the afternoon and craning of thia day, we. onh of the .erere.t storm, ever known. In thia part of tbo country. Many who fro.e their feet, hand., ear. and noiea, will long renumber that day and .evening. Tfai. storm approached the naareat to (bo "cold Friday’’ inNew England, on January 19tb, 1860, of any atom that wa bara bad tinea tbai time. The greatest change from warm to cold, in 11 boors, wa. February 7th, being 40 dega. Tbe greateat la 6 hour., wu on. Uareb 28tb, from H U., to 8 P. M.,be. tag 30 dega. . ' j ' Th* greateat change from cold to warm, la 8 honra, ku on April 26tb, 6 o’clock A. M. 30 dega.—ll M. 71 dega., making a change of 41 dega. There wera 93 daya.in which U stormed, and there' fell at thia point 49} inebts of snow. August wu tbo warmoat month; average of temperature, 86} dags. j - ' January wu tbe coldest month; average tempera* tore, 24 dega. E. t. Baxrtiv. Tioga) Jan. 6,1862. ! Trial List for February tern, IS6S. | Barna Jackson, ' ts. Harris flattlinn. 1 M. 8. Kelly A wife,. ts. T. B. Ooodenoagh. John M. Voorhts, ts. Jamea L. Palmer. ! C. W. Baily, ts, O. W. Malt. ‘1 A. Sly, ts. G. B. Smith. Sccown Winn. 1 H. Ratbbone, . John A. Hammond jet ah Baker k Brothers, ra. Hows, Didemy, k Co. B, B. Belly, ts. Was. Allen. 1 A. Loeey, ti. Daily k Eggleson. Bean k Ensworth, ts.' L. P. Wilusten. | D. B. Sbolf ts. L. Culrer.' , G. T. Borrower, . ts. J. kJ. G. Sesly. 1 H. C. Vermillyea, ts. Benj. Bans. Harrison Hill, ts. Smith. John W. Baily. to. Sam). Dickinson. Beach, Clatk, A Ca. ti. Hoard, Beech, k Cq. Ratbbone, k Co, ts. D. P, A W. Roberts, Township of Rutland, ti. Wot. Backer. ‘ Oeofß. Dyer,' , ts. Baily'A Malnroy. ! ; Trstram Sioitb, ts. I. Benson, at. eh L. S, Colrer, ti. A. Loeey. H. H. Dent, ts. Leri L Cooley. M. S. Insoho, ts. Pattison, Middaaghet. eh it. •• ts. .. •• Commonwealth, ti. B. T. Ogden. J. W. Baily, ti. Joseph Willard. Henry Serle, , ts. 8. Sykes', Exr. Robert Lend, ts. Daniel Holiday. Wm. B. Middengh, ts, Wm. Bartwiek. ! Strang A Gillett, ts. R. A E. Corell, AJJJOXITINO COUNTIES. Lycoming. —Wm. Pratt, of Williamsport,. who was itruck by c n windlass mbent two weeks age] died on Wadneaday morning. He was between twelve and thirteen years old. Patrick Hurry, employed on the Philadelphia A Erls railroad, at Williamsport, hsul one of his lags terribly mangled on Friday morning, by falling under a train. A son of Albert Vananda, aged about twelve years, broke one of hts legs end one of his arms, and received other serious injuries about his heed, by falling from Dr. Lyon’s bay loft, on Wednesday.— Gastiu . —A Patriotic Fahilt. —All tbe male members ef the family of Charles W. Butcher, of W illiameport— father and three sous—are in the military service of their conntry. C. W. Batcher, the father, is fourth Sergeant of company H, Stuart’s - Engineer BegU qjent. The eldsst sdn, Wiliiem'F, Batcher, is Orderly Sergsant of Company D, first Pennsylvania Caval ry ; the second son, John J. Batcher, is a Second Sergeant in Rash's Regiment of Lancers; and tbe youngest eon, Frank H. Batcher, is a toeirtber of com pany C, Kane. Rills Regiment, (“Buck-tails.’’) Only tbe mother remains at home. Where is there a family of like numbers that beets thet f A brother of C, W, Batcher end two of his sons and a son ef another brother are also in the militnry serriee.— Gaiettt. —By revised lists of the killed and wounded et the Iste fight et Dreinsville. we see that our Lycoming boys did come in for a full share among tbe wounded of the “Buck-tail Regiment” John P. I|lair of com pany D, had hia right hand thumb ahot off; Qaorge McGowan, ef company C, was ahot In the hip; and Samuel Campbell had bia nose, shot off; Campbell volunteered in one of tbe northern canaries, bnt for merly worked for the lumbermen of Wiljlnmepert.— When he lost his nose, be said be bed “sipelt powder, bnt nayer azpectaJ. to small e rifle ball.’’—Colette. . Bradford.— Health or Judge Wiljiot. —Wo art pisastd in being able to state that tbe health of Judge Wilraot is improrieg, and he. expects to be able in a short time to retnrn to bis oifieiel duties !in the Sen ate. We learn that a moet melancholy accident Aeourred In Siiri&field township, oo Btonday last. Mr. Harvey Duffee, residing in said township, left hie house with e load,gf etavea,intending tojearry tham to the Tillage a few miles distant, but it is supposed that in arranging tbe brake he fell from his load, the wagon passing over his body killing him almost in stantly. . Thp team proceeded to the. village, when search was made for Mr. D. In a short time he was found a corps* where he wne supposed to bare fallen from the wagon— -Arytit. f “ —Oo Tuesday, 17th ult., Mr. Wm. Sibly, of Wind fa nm, came to Ms death under very melancholy circum stances. The facts concerning tha matter) as we hare learned them, are oa follows: gome individual mem ber of hie family, was, in some way moving a wagon upon sidling ground, end the polo of tbs wagon struck him somewhere about the abdomen and ruptured «a interne) bleed vessel. He lived but a few hours. Mr. Bibley was a valuable cidten and a devoted ehtis tiao.—Argut. —The Bradford Argui, one of car best local exchau ! gee, comas to us this week In an entirely new drew, an avldenee, we sincerely hope, of inereasi ng prbspeW ity. May it meet with tbe snceess it deserves! On Monday evening, about 6 o’clock, Mr. Stephen Shores wee crossing the river on the. ice, hie team broke through and were in imminent danger of going under. The alarm was immediately given) when am ple help arrived to hia usistancepand hit homes res cued from their perilous situation. The ioe wsa poe aidered perfectly safe, and teams had been crossing sine* Saturday.—Reporter. j F The body of W. Chub, was discovered beneath the ice on tbs river at this place, on Tuesday last. Mr. C. left bis home in Susquehanna Bottom, one dty lest week, with (he intention of going to the month elf Sugar Creek, and it is (apposed to crossing the river at the Shesbuqurn Ferny, be was csagbt la the ioe, of Iwbiqh there was a large quantity running at that time, and being nnnbte to extricate himself, he was crashed ito death. He leaves a large circle of friends to moira Ibi* untimely end.r-olrpiis. .1 , I I We hops all the rest of the chubs may be less nn !luolty.: I, , ! -u-Fasts—C. H. Allen,’ a Journeyman in this eSee) set, on Monday last, 15,990 erne of type in JI hour* This we believe, is the fastest work on record, at least we are willing to lay a small wager that cannot be beaten, setting type, by any compositor in Northern Pennsylvania.— Argut, , Stouben —Last Saturday morning—a week ago— the laundry of the Dickinson Hones, In Coming, tool fire and burned to the ground. Mary Oantley, aa Irish gill about 20 yean of age was found iu tbe mini eharid and dismembered. She had escaped among the first, but had returned for her clothing, and teas enable to escape the second time. About a doten fe male domes ties who slept in the upper sfory oftb* laundry, lost all their clothing. Major Field's lew Is $1,600. Maltery’s Cabinet shop was hunt Loss $lOOO. * ‘ The Coming /oiirwoj does net think mboh of Ar temas Ward’s (C. ,F; BrowtVe) leeiura on -tha “Babes In the Woods.” It lay* it wi* silly and fekbla. The Elmira /Vest thinks the lecture a "big thing.’’ Wa think Artemai is pretty nearly "played but" W* tank him teiHt Doestieki, attbhg the Ifidgn-Uskere that were, i ' | ‘ TfiE TIOGA COUNTY AG 11A TO E. “TO VU VSKinOTSD.” Agent* Wanted ROBINSON’S STATIONERY ENVELOPE. HO MMJM JMWMLBT. i ! i • i ■ 1 'Mt ixTxminKe maoxs. TO UASM MOMMY II MOW •rPJBRXX*. w mi n ui uni iu lum min m »at. USIRAL TIRMI 91TMH TO ALL TMOSt DKSIRIKO is laiircr. Apply Imaadlately, *t ir Mtm *• Vlm Pr*priei«r, B. B. ROBINSON, BOOKtXIXIK, MATIOBBE * K*Wi SUUX, MBKIIIO, H. T., i «T. *. BOBINfeONj .SNfcwttei WK Xi ft. *tfO fc I* A. 9oral«fi Pa*. t, Ws^( [ i ■ ' ' 1 n n»nni«n A UU «KA*«a AOIST* , \ PIRSONALLT' i •* w AYER’S CATHARTIC PILLS An yon sick, feeble, and complaining t Are yon outoferder, with yoor eyitem, deranged, end Jour feelings uncomfortable ? There rymptoms ere often the prelude to eerteoa illness. Some fit of sfckneta i< ereoplngdpon yon, end ebould be av-rted by e timely ue of tbe right remedy.: Take Acer’s Pills, end oleenie out the disordered homors—puiify the blood, end let'tbe fluids more .on unobstructed in beeltfa .again. -They etimalote tbe fonctioni of tbe body into vigorous activity, purify tbe syrtem from.the obstruc tions wbiob make disease, A cold settles somenfaere in' the body, end obs ructj its natural functions .These, if net relieved, rase, upon themselves sad the surrounding organs, prodno ng general aggravation, suffering, and disease. While in this condition, op pressed by the derangements, take Ayar's Pills, and see bow directly they restore jbo natural action ef tbe system, and with it the buoyant feeling ef health again. Wbnt Is trne a dso apparent in this trivial and common complaint, is also trne in many of the Jeep-seated and dangerous distempers. Tbe same purgative effeet expels them. Caused by similar ob structions and derangements of tbe natural functions of the body, they are rapidly, and many of them sorely, snrad by the same means: None who know the vir tues of these Pills, when suffering from tbe disorders they core. Statements from leading physicians in some of tbe principal cities, and from other well known public persons. From d forwarding iferekanl of Si. Louie, fth.i, ’M. Da. Ay**: 'Tour Pills are the paragon of all that is great in medicine. They bave cored, my little daughter of ulcerous sores npon her bands snd feet tbat bad proved incurable for years. Her mother has been long grievously afflicted with blotches snd pim ples oh her skin thd in bsr hair. After onr Child was cured, she rise tried your Pills, snd they have cured her. ASA MORQRIDQ*. 4a sl Tamil? Pliyalc. from Dr. £. tv, Carttirlyhl, Hew Crime. Tour Pills are the prince of purges. Their excel lent qualities surpass any cfcthartio we possess.' Thsy are mild, but very certain and effectual in their ac tion nn tbe bowels, which makes them InValnettle td as in the daily treatment of disease. Stldkths, Sick Hcadbche. Peril Stomhtk. From Dr. Eduard Boyd, Baliimor e. Dean Bro. Ann: I cannot answer yon what com plaints I have cured with yotlr Pills better than to say all that we ever treat with a purgative medicine. I place great dependence on an effectual cathartic !■ my dally contest with disease, and believing ms I ds that your Pills afford us tbs beat we hare, I of con no value them highly. PiTTsstrso, Pa., May 3, Us#i Dr. J. C, Ann. Sir: I bare been repeatedly cured of the worst headache any body can have by a dose or two of your Fills. It sssms to arise' from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. Tours with great respect, ED. W. PREBLE, Clerk of-Steamer Clarion. Billons Disorders—Liver Complaints. from Dr. Theodore Bell, of A'ne York City. ' Hot only are yonr Pills admirably adapted to tbeir purpose as an aperient, bat I Snd their beneficial effects open the Birr very marked indeed. They bare in ray practice proved more effectual for the enre ef bilious eampinints than any one remedy I can men tion. I sincerely rejoice that we bare at length a purgative which is worthy tbe confidence of the pro fession and ths people. Department of the Inferior, 1 Washington, D, C-, 7th Feb. 1888. J . Si*: I hare need yonr Pills in'my general and" hospital practice ever since yon made them, and can not hesitate to say they are the best t cathartic we em ploy. Tbeir regulating action on ,tbe liver is quick and decided, consequently they are bn admirable rem edy for derangements of that organ. Indeed, I bare seldom found a ease of bilious disease so obstinate tbat it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, M. D. Physician of the Marine Hospital, Dysentery, Diarrhoea- Setae- Worm*. from Dr. J. 0 Oreen, of Chicago, Ten|Fiils bare bad a long trial in my practice, aad I hold them in esteem arone of the best aperients I bare ever found. Tbeir alterative effect apon the liver madea them bn excellent remedy, when given in small doses forbiiious dysentery and diarrhoea. Their ragar-eosting makes them very acceptable and eonva •iant for .the use of women and cbil iren. ’ Dyspepsia- Impurity of the Blood. from II ev J V Himte Pnetorof Advent Church Button Dr. Atrr : I have used yonr Piiie with extraor dinary success in my family and among those I am called te visit in distress. To regulate tbe organs of digestion and purify the blood, they ere the very best remedy I have ever knovn. and I can confidently recommend them te my friends. Tours, J. V. HIMES. Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. T., Oct. !i, 1885. DxAR Sir : lam using your Cathartic Pills in my practice, and find them an CT cel lent-purgative te cleanse the system nod purify the fountains of tbe blood. ' JOHN 0 MEACHAM. M. D. Coat (pal ion, Costirincss, Snpprea »ion, Rlieninnttnm. Goal, Unrah • Paralysis Fli«, c»l«. I .Prom Dr, J. P, Vaughn, Montrenl, Csnsde, Too m«eh cannot be said of your Pill* for the eire •f Costi rcoeas. tf others of our fraternity have found them as efficacious as I hare, they should Jets me in proclaiming it for the benefit of the maltitude* who suffer from that complaint, which, although bad enough in itself, is the progenitor of others that are Worse. < I heiere eostiveneas to originate In the liver, but yoor Pills affect that organ and cure tbe disease. Prom J in. E. Stnnrt, Phytician and Midwf/f, Botin, I.find one or two large doses of your Pills* taken at tbe proper time, are excellent promoters of tbe natural secretion when wholly or partially suppressed, and also rery effectual to cleanse the stomach and ex* pel worms. They arc so much the best phy*ie we hare IbatT recommend no other to my patients. From Bet. Dr. ffaicJcra r nf the ilcihndUl Ep>i. Church, Pulaski Bouse, Savannah, Ga.. Jan. 6. 1350. Honored Sir: I should be ungrateful for there* lief your skill baa.brought mo if I did not report vy case to you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excruciating neolnlgic pains, which ended in chrooio rheamstism. Notwithstanding I bad the best, of physicians, the disease jjrew worse and worse, until by the advice of your excellent agent in Baltimore,' Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Pills. Their effects were slow, but sure. By' persevering- in the use of them, I am now entirely well. Senate Chamber, Baton Rouge, La„ 5 Dee. ’55. Dx. Atkr : I have been entirely cured’, by yonr Pills, of Rheumatic Gout—n painful disease that bxd afflicted me for years. VINCENT SLIDELL. fSts* Most of the PHIs in market contain -Mereniy, jrhleh, although a valuable remedy In skillful hands, li dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful eon. sequences that frequently folloyr ils incautious nse. These contain no mercury or mineral substance what ever. Price 25 cents per box, or 5 boxes for $l. , Prepared by Dr* I. C. ATSR & CO.. t ' Lovell, Uiu. ! Sold by C. A J, L, Robinson, Weilsboro; H. H, Borden, Tioga; W. 0. Miller and C. Parkhorst. Law renceville; A. AJ, Dearman, Knoxville; S. X. Bit lings, Gaines; J. *J. G. Parklmret, Elkland; W. K. Mitchell, Mitcbellville; J. Redington, Middle bur;; Bennett A Randall, Middiobury Centra; G. W. Nesbitt, Mansfield; S. S. Packard, Covington; - G. R. Shelter, Libert;; D. S. Magee, Blnisbnrg; Fex A Witter, Mainsburg, and by Dealer! everywhere. 'Nor. B, 1861—6 m. t "J^iTSSOLUTION.—The co-partnership heretofore I f existing between John B. Bowen, M. Ballard' and A. Howland, under the firm of J. R. Bowen A Co., is .this day dissolved by piping! consent. The Books and Notes of the firm will be found at the Umpire Store, and,will be settled by either of the late firm;. Xti those indebted will please call and settle Immediately, or cost will be made. J. B. BOWEN, ) M. BULLARD, V Wellsbflto. Nor. 29,1861. A. HOWLAND, j S B, The bilobce of the stock of Goodant the Empire Store will he . sold cheep for Cash or ready pay only, by the.subscriber. Do not ask for credit, for none *lll bS givtm, hot even for a few dsvs. . RATS! fiitS!—the celebrated POISONED WftEAT, or RAT TIESTROTER—pnt np In papers; and sold far 15 cents per pnekaec. at kdrs DRUG STORE, aHE HUNDRED BAMEtS SALT Jost received, end for sale at the Union" Ktore.of, J. V: V/LttVY, 4 60, TO THE PBOPU W SEND GREETING I ' RAVIN! SECOND TSM PRESENT WAR PRIORS Jl ■ :• • - - IK BIIVO ABLE T« lit TOR It TtX PUBLIC, * rtur wx ma rx a it) xiriK nu Hfiuu ix ti ""t: $50.04* WM ARS TBUX TOR AXD HIU B 1 ABU TB Bir i' ' , j Till Large Stock t . . . -< 1 IT PtICBS ttWW wßbiisj lM J. R. BOWEN. PBRINB k • y FULL Jim ample supplies SEASONABLE GOODS, IN Apr ARCS or W* TAKB PLEASURE NOW'ON HAND WHIG! AGAINST HIGH PRICi T H O *V' F i IMPORTANT TO FSMAUSI _ the health and life op woman IS continually in peril if she is mad enough to n«e» loot ormoltrest those sexual Singularities to which c- 0-thirds of her sex are more or less snijoet. DR. OHKKSEMAN'S PILLS, prepared from the same formula which the inventor, CONELIO3 L CHEESEMAN. M. D., of New York, has for. twenty years used successfully in an extended private peao tire—immediately relieve without pain, nil di.utrhaa ces of the periodical discharge, whether.arising ft *Q relaxation or supprcssluu. Thoy act like a charu*. ta removing, the pains that accompany difficult or Im moderate ioenstrpnfiiiD t nnd are the only safe aad riv UahTe remedy for Plushes. Sick Headache. Pains fix tits Loins, li»' k and Sides, Palpitation of the Heart, Nerv ous Tremors, Hysterics, Spasms, Broken Sleep and other unpleasant aud dangerous effects of an nnn.to rill condition of the sexual functions. In tbs wont oases of Fluor Alb us or Whites, they effect a speedy onre. “ - i DR. CHESS EMAS'3 PILLS are offered as tha oi iy safe meaus. of renewing Interrupted mensuua lion, but . • LADIES' MUST BEARj lit MIND Thatrm t&nt very rrcfotmf, if taketl when tbe Jalprrop tiou arue* from ndtoral,.cao?e?j the,*. will inevitably pirfent the expected event?. This CAUTION 13 ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, fa euob is tbe.u*. «J?noy of the rtftore the original fn&ciiohs «f the rexuxl organisation, that tbifr inevitably the process of gelation. - ( Explicit direction*, Mating when, and «wV??r t&ff akotilH not be uied, xcith each Price (Jin £hi* lar c ae% Hot, conf<n'niuij from 40 to $0 Pil’t. A valuable pamphlet, to be hadtfree, of tbo Agent?. Pill* eent by mail promptly, by enclosing price U} tbe Agent. Sold by druggist* generally. R. B. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor, roreale at Roy’? Drug Store. | Dee. 11, 18ftl.-!y. 20, Cedbr bL, New York. J. W, BAILEY & CO., AT THE UNION STORE, WELLSBOROi A«*£.Birig t Sue Sto«k|>f ... NE^^bodbS Just bought »t.‘“ PANIC PB ICES," and will b*« • POR CASH, at a little ABOVE COST, if powiM - EVERYBODY Call and sea the New &oods and I ricai. . - i P. S. All persons having unsett ed accotnts an e«tf Eovks, are requested to settle th i same by Cask t* N"te. immcHi'itely, ns we istend ijo sell oil the faf down system, uotil further adviceis from the 'seat of wet, J. W. JBAILET A C<J. Wellsboro, July 31,1861. j S.P.QUICK, THE HATTER.;: HAS retm.rod from CORNING to ELSIIRA, IS» Water Street, where ho keesa conrtantly an haiiu a assort merit of FA SO/OSA RLE SILK 6 CASSWFI2E FIA TS. Alfo. all of the different qualifier of foft HATS nnR CAPS, of nil kinds. Every article ntDftlly irundtit e Hat St«*re can be found in hr# aseertment. The price? will all be made to null the time*. ' * QUICK," Hotter, Bept. 11, 18GJ. IS6 Water Street, Ehcira. NEW COOPER SHOP.—The undersigned respectfully iniurois the citiimsof Wellabofo and vicinity, (bat he boa opened a COOPERSHOP opposite CROWE’S WAGON SIIOf>, nhd'is read; to do all manner of woik prompt aad H order, from a gallon keg to a fifty barrel tub. He* pttiriog also done on phort notice. 0. F. ELLIS. ‘ jWellsboro, May 8, 1861. ’f H CH.SBORO' ' Wolliboro', Tioga Coi MARINES N. ALLEN. fi ■ assisted by ac«tp* of competei Tbu Winter* Terra will corami cemben Tnilion for terra of /o!«rf»*« f«.co; •( ' MILITARY INS’. will be introduced tbia term ini ding to a late act of tbe Legisli.. . figrk Teache*’ Class will also be formed. By order of Trustees, J. F DONALDSON, /Wv IVellsboro, Not. 27, ISOI. •oar GENERAL ItfrCLEtEA* has HAS decided to go into winter quarters, sad P, & Williams, Agt.. has decided to “follow foil/* ■au*i fins nrpr.rdinglj laid in a very large stock ef,J»ew Gqpds in faia line, via: ’ ~ Kerorine Oil, Limp Oil, Burning Fiord, Camph me, ' 1 Alcohol, Tarpentine, Drags, Patent Medicines, Dyo Stofil, Window Glass, Pnity, Ac., Ao„ Ae„ , *] which will be sold at lowest city prices daring the war* P. R. WILI lAMB, Ar*. N. B. Confederate State Stocks and all book ac- MAtUtT, count* are at discount—can’t sell good) Welluboro, Nor. 27, 1861. Dissolution notice,—NAtioehw bv given that the partnership lately fdbsistirig between N. I>, Murdnugh and J. S. Murdanph, under ?he firm of g. 1». nndJ. £, Mufdadgb, is ihut day dissolved by mutual consent, and J, 8. Mufdimplj Is amhoriled to settle si! debts doe to, by the com pw»J* NORMAN Di MORDACGU. NOTICE.-—Notice is hereby given tlo all ♦hops in debted to the firm of N. D. and J. S. Mnrdangh/f.y Book Accountant otherwise, to call immediately And settle the same, or cost will be made, I TlFji Rutland, ORPHAN'S COURT SALE—By nr-uo <t an order of the Orpban’a Conrt tome diinctcd, I "ill »ell at puhliowendne on, the SOib of jennory. ISfi2,atthe Court Rouse in Wellsboro, at 2 e’eluc'k P. M.' ( ,'r . . 1 All that piece 6f" parcel of land situate In I’li' !own : I •hip of Deltnar. beginning at a poet the north wcH corner of land surveyed (or John H. Han ngs: thence by,said Hastings'and land surveyed In L. ForK. rci.ib •erenft EVe perches and a half to a hire) 1 , tree j iboro" by land surveyed for Win. L. Warner, west 01 n hun dred and fourteen' perches to a Linn tree in the war rant line; thence by the warrant line riorfh seventy five and one’hnlf perches to a hemlock! tree r thane" by land deeded to Oates and Wilcol,oast one hundred and fourteen perches to the place of beginning—coni tainingfifty-threeand throe quarters acres, with a J,.j hour* and an old shanty fora barn andjahont twenty acres improved and a few fruit frees thbrenn. JACOB flttjTHOl.n. Adm’t of Fannjf Grfict leaf. nni Jnn’y 8,1882,' ■ FARM FOR SALE. TRK enhsctiher *|P sfell .the Fa-iB in Dchnsr 'known ns the James Francis plnro. now pied hy'C. F/flnci»;ht a low price and on IcrrorM soil the parahiser. It contains 103 acres, chiefly iva, proved.. WM. BACBIi. Jin. 8. 1802. I * PPLICATION IN DIVORCE:—To A'.rr- M-nin. T'.n arc hcrohy notified that Ssr,-.'o M rt'H. l-.y her post fiiepcl Harvey W.hster has up.' p>dijn* .Coprt of ,pnmni"iiTlfaaof Tiore Co, fen. diver.', from the bi nds of matrimony.! apj that ih* said C inn h.'vo appointed Monday, the 3d day of jeh. r ier.v, at. 2 o’clock P..M., for hearing theiaid Surat Martin in the premises, at which time and place yen qan appear if you think proper. J Jan. 8, 1f62. H.-STOWEIL Jr., Sheriff. PRICES. O.i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Rettera of . mtnl#tn»ii"n.l>Rvio/r been granted jfoth* *qfcecr.l< '% ber on the. cfitMo of Aaron Barrowtt * ro, MsB«-i decM., is. hereby given .(hnje j d>:bied \o -Raid mnb« ftnrf h-iving rlanor t**T» - v«ont^bejn'i)rup*^f i jr 511*. lln»H’ca(H| lop fo flic unbßepibcp, tTotl s&tPt&e- V. £. drfw'n. TO VtltSi AND MATRONS. jo ha’s. murdAogh, J. 8. MTfRDACGH. Dec. 31,1861.-31 'rinjtpil Itb of Do. ♦J.M Si \y, r.c<xg- I tat*. 1 for either.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers