«^TVTW- TKAITOBS, IW, ?ICB BSTPOLUTIOS. t^.^T^uti^b'i of State Legist’ tetares,'’ frpte . ti'u. peri of B. J. Lpssing, the BcriiiutioflaTy will be read with .in-'! tereet as a similarity present state of the OOUBtiy:— ‘"‘Io all colonies tfiere wera only thirty-seven newspapers, and of the«e, at the twne ques tion, pnlv seven were .levoted to the interests of the British government. These were soon stifled by public opinipr! wherever the Whigs, as: the patriots'were call jd, bore rale,-while five of 4he remaining thirtygwero seduced by gold, or frightened by inuenqges into the support ot the Crown. Jtivfnyston’s Boyal Gazette, pub lished in NewTork,;to()k“ ground boldly against the Revolutionary jfcovement; and ot noonday, late in the 1775,it .was * sarroud- ; ed’ by onp hundred: light, horsemen ffo,n Con " sectieat, led by. Cnpc. Sear*, a distinguished 'Son of liberty, J in New York. They de stroyed the press ill id other apparatus, put the type'into bags, and - without one word of com plaint from the. pf iple, returned to Connecti cut, carrying wit- them a tory' clergyman named: Sea Wry, *§|P;had preaehed against the. Whigs and the (Sihtineatal Congress. The type they cast rAcWlleW Atf the people ex cept nhe r “'peace pMtyV of that. day, spi’d- Amen h After ihat.tW newspaper press ceased to be troublffsome totheWbigs, and pamphlet eers wrote andnymofisfy; - ! laithe doWsßlortW'war for independence, tto'Aeverttli Slate Lej|elatares passed numer was acts for the punishment of the sympathi zers with the ehemres of the country. In Mas-' saphusetts. they C.'uld be arrested under o Magistrate’s .warrai t, |ind banisned.iinless they would take theoatl of allegiance to the Whigs, cause. The selectm n |r trustees ef towns could prefer charges of / tplitioal -treachery HI town iaedtings, and, thei.acWsed, if convicted by a jury, niighi: he ima'jdiately banished into thei jegion occupied ,b ; the .enemy. Many per sons were subjectei ito 'these penalties in that State. ' { ; ■r Rhode Islnud po; Bed laws still more severe against the toriesj Any person who should communicate with|he ministry, or their repre sehtatiye»,' tir pilot armed ships of the King’s, or who, ifford supplies to tile ene my’s forces,-might;,! jj law, be punished by death and ’confiscation o, tyrtate. There were, also, special acts passed; By which the property of certair pe-guos named was confis cated and sequestfr ?(! ■ • In tUngc writing or acting against the do|nge,i(f Congress, or the Assam-' Uy of CormectidiSi! Objected the offender for the penalties of disqualification for office, the seizure ol bw arpd* pnd imprisonment. - For. furnishing the roj&>! twope'with supplies orper sonal aid, the might be punished by, the confiscation ;M, hia estate, .and imprison* bent for a term exceeding three years. ~ In New similar laws were passed and under them alarge number of tories, for mer eitixens of tpst pommonweahb./wcre hibited from entering within her borders-: and the.esta'tee Of about thirty residents were, con fiscated. ; i , ‘ - I : ... In NeW' York, (Uioea who were opposed;to the Declaration of Ij»|ependence were prohibited from practicing fe# in lbe conrte, and their es tates might be upinfiacated. A parent whose; sons jdined>tbe d jimy was taxed nine pence on the pound uf his estatei for each and every sop. County oommitteef w-ire authorized- to uppre bend and dedide Uffon all persons who should be acc sed of correspondence with the enemy* *ibd th‘ y had the power iff: punish them with imprisv taf at or banishment. i U Virginia provided-by kg? ] that certain tories ‘hould be treated as i their property to ; no sold, and the - proceeds | placed ih“‘the pub 'o treasury. They also, by | law,forbadeoertai entering the bounds! of tbatcominonwi llth, and subjected them to 1 "•penalties for the y Ration of the command. ' i New jersey pa*several acta for the pun-! ishment of traiujvi subjecting them to impris-j onment and forfdij lre of estates.” I I ' * " \ f .., n Keeping j Apples., _ , Id orderto seccU* soundness and preservo.- tion, it ,is iodijsp. nsably necessary that,, the fruit should be gai'Cred by Band. For winter| fruit the,gathering ;is delayed as long as possi-' ble, avoiding • frosts, and the most' sue-: cessful practice Iwj H our extensive orchardsitsj Is to place the god ; fruit directly in a careful! planner, in nawli ht Sour barrels, as soon as? gathered from the ree. ■ These barrels should! be gently shaken , [thile filling, and the:bead! closely preeaedjW , they are then placed in : af coo>, shady ejipoaj£eunder a shed open to the; air, or on pf protec-j! ted by- a r boards Over, the top, where; they remain for a firtnigt, or until the cold be-f comes too severe tf%en they are carefully kranj-; ferred ton cool, dfjjcellar, in which air can Be| admitted occasionally in brisk weather. . | , A cellar forthiftiurpose, should be dug in| dry gravelly or soil-; with if possible a! slope to the north, : ir, at any rate, with openings; on the north aide Ml.fhlp admission of air very rarely in weather.|jt excessively cold. Here the barrels shoulif|be placed on tiers on their} sides, andthe should de kept .as dork rSs possible. In -such!- s cellar, one of the largest apple growers.in Dutchess county is able to keep }the Greening appia which,-in the fruit room usually decays inLdlinuary until tlie first 1 of April, in the frest >sl: and; finest condition. Some persona pla<fi|a; layer, of clean rye straws between every layiiS; m apples, when packing them io barrcls.—/ ■ ROY CAN ALWAYS*‘BE FOUNp AT / A ltdy wrote S|hWr low, begging him to| TROY'S DRUG STORE, aend her some mosej*; she added, by this traVj ' * postscript: W,, ‘i , Wcllsboro’, I*a. J’pi so:ashntne,> p|F. the request I bsTejmadel . yhere he may be consulted at all hours , .in this letter, thafeVsjint after the poat-njmn to|, J. f get it baok. bat tteMrrant could nut A-M-BiTiTn AT. AT)VtfTB! } f '*i; fe=* —— 6=^ An Irishman gqf 'out of the cars at a.reilway| station fpr jnts, and unfortunately ibei bell rang and the txsiai left before he had fin-: ished his'recast. ‘^Houldon!’.’ cried Pat.-asheS Tan like mad after- -.ho cars; “ bold on, je mirt>f therin old sthame’^bgin—ye're gut a {tassen* ■'ger phoard that’s Ei :td>ehind.” • , 5 :. ■ ; ,, —s-f— — . I { ■ ”,1 don’t -imss eo’ much as yojo may| suppose/' said a: My to- her. mimsterj- wfao; nailed onJier JBetoeyi sit at thet'irdow.as soon as thb bellsj .begin to.-ebime, and; she tells me who* isgoing? to cbnrch. and wbftihir they have got on any-i thing new." ‘ ' 0 - v_ . An Editor aaja t tat when he wa« in -prisonf, ; ioi libelling a Ju,*?io* ef the Peace, he was ! HOUSEHOLD bj tM \ iilot “to git* the prison »| /% p ALL kJ®»S, can, he bnniUt the room* of ityaS.” ' I v -CATOMciviLu;. ■ : A r,r j SJ- -.'JTV - ' —' —'l’V /, ' f first ,|Oou j{ period [ manj Un esi I miser i»urpi jn siri iblmul EaflVci ■from all who hare not used them. We challenge the world to produce their equal. ’ These Bittehs for the enrg of Weak Stomachs, General t Debility. and fur the Blood; are inhsolntely unsurpassed by any other remedy on earth. To !be assured of thL«, it is only necessary to make the trial. fTbe wine itself w of a superior quality, being abonf one-third than other wines; warming and invigorating the jjwhole system from the head to the feet. As these Bitters are jtofHC-.'yid (jltprafiftf w thpj gtr^gUj.ea, jajd |*re a {healthy action'to dlffta parts, by equalizing tile circulation' ■removing obstructions, and productng'a general warmth. They are also excellent for Diseases and Weakness peculiar to Females, " here ft Tonic is required to strengthen and trace the system. No- Laiiy, who is subject to lassitude and revivingibuirnettbn. ’ e4 '* “ v * “‘ k ~ THESE BITTERS Will not only Cure, but Prevent Disease, and in this respect ftre doubly ’ valuui»fe .to the person who may use them. For INCIPIENT y CONSUMPTION, Weak Lungs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Diseases of tbe'Nerveus System. Paralysis, Piles, and for all eases requiring a Tonio Dr. Dods’ Celebrated Wine Bitters ARE UNSURPASSED! truly vjiln.ible. | For tlio aged and infirm, ami for persons of a weak con* |stitutum— for Ministers of the Gospel, Lawyers. and nil pub. lUc speakers—for Book-Keepers. Tailors, Scamstresres, Stu dents, Artists, and all persons leading a sedentary life, they will prote truly beneficial. Ab q Beverage, they are wholesome, innocent, aiul delicious to the taste.* Tbs produce *nj effects of ißrandy cr Wine, without intoxicating; aud are a valuable | remedy forpti>ons addicted to the nt»c of excessive strong Sdrink. and who widi to refrain from it. They are pure and [■entirely free from the poir.ons contained in the adulterated |WLnca and Liquors with which the country l« flooded. S These Ditt rs not only CURE hut PREVENT Disease, and [should be u*-ed by all who live in a country where the water Us bad, or w‘hcie Chills And Fevers are prevalent. Being entirely Innocent and harmle-ss. they may be given freely to iChildren and ** V** ■ Physicians, Clergymen, and teroperanco advocates, as an fact of humanity, should assist in spreading these truly ! valuable BITTERS over the land, and thereby essentially aid In banishing Drunkenness, add Disease. In Affections pfVthquHea£, Sick, achc, or Nervous Headache, Dr. Bods’ Imperial Wine Bitter's will bo found to bo most Salutary and Efficacious. • .FEMALES. The ninny certificates which have been tendered us, and ; the letters whkh we arc daily receiving, arc conclusive proof that rynong the women Bitters have given a satkfac. . tion which no others have done before. So woman In the land should be without them, and those who once uso them I will not fail to keep a supply. DR. JT. BOV EE DOBS’ IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are prepared by itj|iyrtdan who has used them successfully in Ms practice for the last twenty-five years. The pr-.piletor, before exclusive right to manufacture and sell Dr. J. Celebrated Im ’perialWl&o Bitters, had them tested* Ijiy Two dhtiugnlshed medical practitioners who pronounced them a valuable ’remedy for disease. Although the medical men ot the country, as a general thing disapprove of Patent Medicines, yet we do not believe that a respectable Physician can 'be fonnd in the United States,' nothTglilj ap[trhVo-£in! J’BOVEE BOBS' lAflfelAL'wtxE BITTERS. In ail newly settled place*, where there is always a large quantity of decaying fiimber from which n pmsohous miasma 1 Is created, these Bitters should be used every moi uiug b fore breakfast. DR. J. BOVEB DODS’ . inPEßfilt BITTERS -Are composed of a pure and unadulterated Wine, combined .with Barberry,-Solomon's Seal, Corofrey, Wild Cherry Tree Bark; Spikenard, Chamomile Flower*, and Gentian. They | are manufactured by Dr..Dodn himself, who is an experienced and successful and hence should not bo classed among tho\unck'- Whk-h^ l flood-»tb«K country, and against which the Medical Profession arc so justly preju ; diced. These truly valuable Bitters have boon so thoroughly tested by nil classes of the community for almost every variety of di.-enso incident to the human system, that they are now deemed indispensable as a TONIC, MEDICINE AND A BEVERAGE. PURCQASE ONE BOTTLE! It Costs hut Little! Purify the Blood ! Give Tone to the Stomach! Renorate the System ! and Prolong Life ! Price $1 '|>ct .fcattte, 6 tattles .for $5. Prepared and sold by CHAHLSS WIDDOTEtD & CO., SOLE PROPRIETORS, 78 William Street, New York £3“- For sale by druggists and grocers generally through out the country. . Sept. 25,1861.—1 y. >. HELLSBORO POST OFFICE. { Mails close as folU?fc/? ‘ttii Northern (Tioga, Cor ning, Cleveland, New York, Ac.,) at 9.43 A. M. The Soalhern (Troy, Philadelphia, Washington, Ac.,) at 7.43 A. m. The Jersey Shore, (Morris, Cedar Run, Ac.,) and the Condersport (Pine Creek, Gaines, West Pike, Ac.,) mb Taesdayjapd^&idny. CaUfornis Yere the lit, lltb and 2lst of each month. An Overland Mail for California leaves St. Lonis twice a week. Letters for this Mail should be murked " Overland.” All letters alleged to contain valuable enclosures should &**»**** ter belonging to any invmdnal unTnnis arrearages— if be be in arrears—for postage be paid.. Post Office open from 7 A«to 8 p. m., every day, Sunday excepted. . Hugh Yotufo, P. M. /CBS iiiDocyA /aoaiiNSjr aga T A r-ftSi | -tt-lpi -SJ.'U : COMMBBCIAI COLLEGE. 1 •tfoiTEi) OVER TEE tfdSCjUBBANKA yAXLKY BASE, BINGHAMTON, W. Y. J , , t;j.. FACCLirr. j . : - | p. W. Lowill, Principal, Professor of the Science of Accounts, ’ Practical author of Lowell’s Treatise upon Book Keeping, INagram#iUu»tr«tlng the same, Ac. i John Ram&in, Commercial. Accountant, Professor of Book- Keeping and Practical Mathematics, : I- J. J. Cobtis, Assistant Teacher in Che Book-Keeping Do portmeui. • '‘L’ A. J. Waqnm. Professor of Practical and Ornamental Pen manship', and Correspondence. * ' LECTURERS.' 1 ’ v ' " Hpn. DaSI&l Lecturer on. Commercial Law and 1 Political Economy " Hpri. Uaxsom BALcoiTj Lecturer on Contracts, Pronunlssary Tiotesuhd EfUlsdrEkeiiange. ‘ ' ■ i BAT^rJK.ATdffisw^iLecttirer onCemmercialEthics,.! . ■ , - EXAMINING COMMITTEE. GoN.SBBBEAsD.Vostrs; Wii. H.Oaxons, Esq;, ‘TSact R. Moroak, Esq.. Wm. E. Tailor, of the firm ot Taylor, Weed | & Co., D. D.’ Dawoir, • tiiu> firm.nl Jackida’,' Deaton & , Murks, J)e Witt C. Striker. * j The object ot this QiUcge is tb afford *o.#n-an;opportunity bf obtaining a thorough business education, i The-BbOJcsofiS fornw ire cdrefnUy arranged-hj practical accountants expressly for this Insltution and embraces all ’the re«efafclmptdtem«Dts..r 1 • , • Th.e course of instruction comprises every department of business. Theletrtner will bo thoroughly taughtthusdencc hud practice of Doable Entry Book-Keeping la* applied to the following kinds of business, viz:—General Merchandising, Manufacturing, Bunking, Commission, Rail roading, freighting* Foreign S hipping,.£c. Yoi'XG Mek can quality themselves id d short thneut this Institution to filliuiportnut.and lucratire situations.! Am- V|\« references can bo given where graduates of 1860 are now •filling desirobo&tßStihujrSvithAulariwvarying from $5OO to slsoo per annum. . ” # ( ; The Proprietors are in possession of testimonial* fromlsome of the first commercial houses in the State, to whom they haveUurnlshed showing their efitife satisfao ■tionhnd confidence ib the ability of the graduates of this ’institution. : : ' . ; Pbjcmaxsuip, in all its branches, taught by the mostskillfal thorough nmsiera of the art* • No coUrjc >n the-.bountry tonjoys a higher reputation in this department. I | fcttljes.Dqpartiaeuteotirely separate from th’ahof.thegen jttcmcn. ' ! * Students can opter College at any time—no vacations •Time to complete the course from 8‘ to" 10 week*. Students parsing the requisite examination are presented with the most elaborate and elegantly engnrvefl Dlplouta bynny commercial or classical institution In the Union. Assistance ■ rendered to graduates in -procuring situations* , •63, For terms of Tuition, price of board 4 testimonials frdfc'gradnates filling situations, Ac., send for con taining full particulars. I3yl MRS. GRIDLES S MILLINERY STORE! AT THE ACADEMY CORNERS, : ; DEERFIELD, PA., Mas. G. lii.lheSE<4ies of Tioga Co., and takes pleasure in informing the public that she will ’ ' 1 ;OPEN A LARGE AND SPLENDID O IF ' FASB 10 AAB L E 311 L L IN'.LIFT '-0 01(9 AS Hay Ist, 1861, at PAYNE’S STORE, opposite the CownesqueHotel. 1 FLATS, RIBBONS, FLOW- D'RS,' LADIES' AND CHILDRENS’ RI : ■' 'Ding hate and-costemes ion hand. A large and beautiful variety, inten ded to plcaso.Hby-parte of aIL AND BLOCKING done; All orders for every variety of ■BONNETS and HA TAVfilled.aDd forwarded, a} oncp ,to any address. Bonnets from,sl,so,np to please the taste of th< first class customer. Goods warranted as ■represent . Goods sold, cheaper than at’any other establish enl this side of New York. 1 THEEATEST STTIES AND FASHIONS jaft: ecr)lve4- he patroqftge ,of the public solicited. E. H.N. G RIDLEY. > D erfield, May Ist, 1861. ' T. E. GlilDlLEr- ■■ - v> , 'will fttsb wsU goods for ready pay, saving the Custom on goods purclfita&ti ddiDg'awayiWftft !a / >f '.‘ r h | . CREDIT SYSTEM 1 . i which is BUITTER ajjd BdtOHHCE forwarded each week to Kew the best commission Houses.'’ Express will run to the Rail Road each Wednesday. THE CASH [PRICE paid for BUTTER, EGGS and PRODUCE. My old cuitomere of -Brookfield wili not tie neglected in- thia new arrangement. T. R GttIDLEY. ! Deerfield,AlSyTeViS6f.il ic T. =3* ft f.-’ ■ : .. — : —_ ,— a. HEAD QUARTERS' I - ’ Yfr , • t _ F.OR-- {. books ’: :a.3sto ! stationary, j NO. B'MARKET STREET, . . ~ ! ■ CORNING, it. Y. ; ."■i,-;rv;0 IhV -ini -;<j v—rff j The subscriber would respectfully request thenttbn II Uii Jj a, i' 'A 1/ ji l'i ! THE INHABITANTS OP TIOGA UtfUNTY, I V. I r - ... , , I ... \ .U? Jh* extensive additions lately made to’ his stock ol Books, Stationary PA-NCY ARTICLES, &c.^ forming the, most complete assortment that can be found in this section, and which will be sold at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, iat prices whlatf t c£6r&t^il^to f gttesiaiiafaction. On handhl %lf [htf * .E- * £ •j/*ait . S 31 STANDARD WOi&S‘“ MOST POPDLAH AUTHORS, IN PROSE, POETRY. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, AR CHITECTURE, RELIGION,. ROMANCE, fcC. DISTRICT SCnOOL LIBRARIES, supplied at New York prices. ' BIBLES, HYMN BOOKS, and PRAYER HOOKS, in great quantity. BLANK BOOKS, of every description. Memorandum arid Pjass Books,' - uf all kinds, and any particular kind made to or on short notice. t. All Itipdn ofc w;iUng.>and iudellible INKS, Steo t''. i 4 v* sv.L ■[. S x and Jold Pen?, DrawingT’aper, Slnthematical Instru raents,.Portfolios, Pocket Ac. Ac. A large stotk of 1 W PAP®R of new and beautiful from 6d to $2 perroll. Gold add VelVet Dozers, of extra or namyr width to *msteb- tbe different Stylet. ’ • Window Shades,. r Frencb S4sW'!9' I> 99b| Sagisu^s. ®*e®UßE: ERAMES, • Frames of GiltoJod’J'oney plain Ve neered Mahogany, filled to any ai V ' * r » ‘ - r -’ short notice, and cheap as the cheapest. orrv.Ti > *. THE MA GAZmBB: ANE :mWSPAPERS of the day furnished at Publisher!* Price's, and al ,c TT!"'V '• " 'ir'r"'-- • ■* orders for ' ' . . iflfii't- Mcrsrc] and book' Btfoß#, ; • is, B. BOBINSOK. ■"pimiPfr? the blood. - ■’ : - ‘ VEQETABLH ffifrT Vi=J PttXß, AND EH(ENI'x';BITTEES. * mHE high and envieS celebrity-*hteh these pre-eminent I Medicines have efficacy in all the Diseases which they protest to cote, has rendered the usual practice ofpofihgho* wily ttuhseseeary, but unworthy of them. -■ i£ - . i , IKALL CASES ; f of Asthma, Aente andChrooiclthemaJism', Affections of, the Bladder and KldneyiCK ■’ BILLIOUS PETERS AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. In thn south and west, where thwe diseases' prevail, they will be found invaluable. Planters, farmers and others, who once nap sheae Medicines, will never afterwards bo without BIFLIAuS COLtC.SEKOS.LOOSEKESS, PlLlfs, COSTIVE KE33, COLDS ASD COUCHS, CHOLIC, COJUtUFT HUMORS, DROPSIES. pcrtpnwdththia dfelretßlng difleoßS,should delay using these medicines immediately. BrnpUoDs ofthp Skin,-Erysipelas, PJatulency. Fever aud Agut.—VQr lots scourge of the western country, these medicines will be found a safe, speedy and certain rem - edy. Other mcdicinesilcave the system subject to a return ol t&dißrajsw^Wffl^T^hc^dtticdicjDsslspermanent ;. «! Try them. Be satisfied and bo Cured. GENERAL DEBILITY, GOUT, GIDDINESS, GRAVEL, . Headaches of every kind,' luward Fever, Inflamatory Rhcma • tism. Impure Blood, Jaundice, Loss of Appetite. Mercurial ihscasa.-r-'Herer fella to eradicate entirely all the effects infinitely than' fHb most pow erful preparation of Sarsaparilla. NIGHT’ SWEATS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, COMPLAINTS ofaltkiodiOßGANlC AFFECTIONS. -iTlea.—The -original proprieh rof these medicines: was cured of. Piles of bSyliars) stundingrby the nse of s these Life medicines ' | .^- r - PAINS in the head, aide, backif Joints,audOTgani.- ■ j ßheumatism, —Those affected £tf& thh|terrible^disease,^will be sure of relief by the Life Medfcfewk.Cv'r/r ■ Rush of Blood to Head, Scnrvy.Salfc Rheum, SwelUngs- Scrofinla, or King’s Evilln its worn forms, "ev ery description. ‘ - 7 }•*/ -■ '• Worms of all kinds arc offecturßlly expelled by theSemedL ciues. ’parents will do well them whenever, their exfelcnce ie Suspected. Relief will be certain,' The Life Pills and Phcsnisc Bitters PURIFY THE'BLOOD, And thus remove nil disease from the systdm. Prepared and sold by - j DU. WILLIAM B ; MOFFAT, 33G Broadway, cor. Anthony Street, New York. For sale by all Druggists. . 02yl G. OSGOOD, Is Dow receiving his WINTER STOCK OF GOODS, | Consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, IRON; and steel, NAlils, FLOUR* BAX,fT. aso. Which, for variety and extent, is rarely excelled, and no greater inducements to purchasers can be offered in this section of country, either in VARIETY, QUANTITY, QUALITY OR PRICES, j for LADY, GENTLEMAN, BOY OR GIRL, Farmer, Mechanic or Lumberman. ! Wellsboro, Oc|?'3lVlB6o. Mansfield (classical seminary. • TIOGA CO., r f&. jljly} Fall, Term ofj InsiitiUbn, -grill eomjmence Sip.tapiltir 3d; lS6l,cand Continue Uiirteea“weehs. ’ B. WILDMAN, aJ. 3T. Principal. Prof. N. M. pßfrfy A. B Assistant j Mrs. H. P. R. WiLusiAN Preceptress. Miss E. A. Chase!..t*. ——— Teacher in Primary Department. Mr. Isaac Sticici|ey ~.i«Penmanship,' " * V EXPENSES. . Tuition Term... ..$2 Common English.: i 75 Higher English Math, and Languages .. 6’ 00 Music, Piano or Melodcon*. 8 00 Use of Inatrumentj - % 00 Room rent, per terra..... .i 1 50 Fuel, Fall term.. 2. 00 Incidentals, per term *..... 1 25 Board in the HallJper week 1 50 We are mosthappj to be able to say to the friends and patrons of this jjnstUutiou, and also to all within the range of its patronage, that the building will be finished and furnished for the accommodation of all who may apply for .admission as students. The peo. pie of Mansfield, have so long and sacrifizangly labored for this educational enterprise, Tioga and Bradford counties, Northern Pa., may now begin to reap the fruits of having in their miasm a First-Class Seminary of .learning. r i ■/, ~Ulathe design of Jthe Faculty*which is composed of itoachers of much! experienceand acknowledged tomake every to render this. School one' of the most desirable in the State, for those who desire d thorough, practical education. The UuUdtqg has & very desirable location on an eminence, about eighty, rods eaptof the Tioga Railroad, It ia a brick structure, 100 feet long, four stories high, built in the most modern style of architecture. There arettwo Literary Societies connected with the School, each having a room exclusively for its nse. There is also a Library in ihd Institution foe tbo use of stu dents. i . , ■ • No student, will buf taken for- less than a term, and any.who enter will, therefore, be obliged to pay tui ticto for'b full term. jTuitioif payable, one half at the commchictzieDt] and the remainder at the middle of the terfii. ' ■• ‘ | - The building-having been erected at a great pense, the Trustees.’being ansjousito keep it in the best possible state of] preservation, think it not best to foavo any sclf-bont]ding in the building. Those desire to board themselves,, con procure rooms at a very: reasonable rate In the village. For further particulars address the Principal, - A. J. Ross, Sec'y. [ jewelr^MMße. rpHE underaignjed, of As- L die Folet his [interest in the Clock; Watch and Jewelry business, respectfully invites the attention of the public to bis assortment of goods, in connection with the ' BOOK AND STATIONERY BUSINESS. WATCHES of aUdisoriptions for rale, and at pri ces ranging from Jfiljfi to $l5O. ; Can sell the, new AMERICAN W ATGIIES, with heavy hunting l cases, md warranted, for the low sum of $35. Also will he kept on band, GOLD WATCHES, especially for the Ladies.. CLOCKS, from $1.25 t0575, 4vi1l ’always be found on exhibition. I . ' , , - . . IN CONNECTION WITH THEjABOVE, can be had all kindi of SILVER AND PLAITED IyARB, % ntil (fie Th tubas fir, And fioarkbd iwith any inscription or name. | The above is always warranted, A large assortment'of watch; guards,' keys, Ac., and bist AMERICAN. KNIVES; silver batter knives,Ac. Ae. All kinds of REPAIRING done by Andie Foley at the old stand- I W. IX. SMITH." j WeUsboro,Matoh 13, 1861. t ‘ I ' NOTICE. ' -TiTCTE have Ingham's Combined Snintter and ■ r.V, ::geparatorin ear Mill, and cap-how clean all ,w teat perfectly, and separate all foul grain from "it, at d : particnlarly the iaU. Farmers can bare all the us ts taken out of their seed wheat at our MUlat.4 eta. pi e-bnshel,. Call and. examine the “ mersheen.” .. .. . ..1 ■ weight, i bailey. . 'Wellehoro, March 3|3, 1861. - . DOTS AND SHOES—To fit the biggest gi , : Rnt or- the 'emineßt baby.' Cheapest in'town ality considered], iat the - REQCLAXCCc WELLSBORO BOOK STORE. BOOKS- "BOOKS! HURRAH FOR SMITH. THE subscriber, haring purchased of E. K. Rob inson hisinWirestih the Book and Stationery bn siness, would respectfully inform the publioof bisde siro to carry on . a gbnebax, news kdom AND BOOK STORE, whore he will famish, AT TBG OLD STAND,. opposite C. 6. Osgood's Store, or by mail, the following newspapers and Magazines, at the publisher’s rates. . DAILIES SERVED BY CARRIERS. New York Tribune, Herald, Times, WEEKLIES. New York Ledger, Wsyerly Magazine, “ Mercury, Thompson's Reporter,. “ ■ Weekly, Life Illustrated, Welcome Guest, • Wilke’s Spirit, Century, 1 Porter’s " Scientific American, , ‘ Boston Pilot, Frank Leslies’, True Flog, N. Y. Illustrated News, .Irish American, Harper’s Weekly, Littell’s Living Age, Waverly Magazine, . Thompson’s Reporter. MONTHLIES'. Harper’s Magazine, Qodey’s Lady’zßook, FronkLesUes* Magazine, Peterson’s Magazine, Atlantic Monthly, Arthur’s Magazine, Eclectic Magazine, Ladies’ Repository, All the Year Sound, Ladies’ Visitor, Knickerbocker, Pickles, Budget of Fan, Phnnny Fhellow. Also, trill he kept constantly on hand, a com .etc repository of CLASSICAL, HISTORICAL, POETICAL, SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Blank Books, Paper Hangings, SBEET MUSIC, PICTURES, MAPS, <tc. Orders for Binding Books, The work executed to suit any taste, and on the lowest possible terms. Particu lar attention will also be given to SPECIAL ORDERS for any thing comprehended in the trade. SCHOOL BOOKS. Sanders* Series of Readers, GreanleoTs Mathematics, Colton's & Fitches* Geog'y, Davies * Monteitf A McNally'* fi Sanders' Spellers, Potter and Hammond's Writing Book, Brown's and Kenyon's Grammar. The patronage of the pablie is respectfully solicited. WM.-H. SMITH. Wellsboro, Pa., September 5,1860. yl WELLSBORO FOUNDRY! ASD. MACHINE SHOP j AGAIN; IN FULL BL’A.ST. ! T) OBERT T-0 UNO, late of the firm of Tabor XV' Yotrog A-Co., Tioga, takes* thw method to in form the Public that be has leased the Fonadiy and Machine Shop, in"the Village' of Wellsboro; for a fbnn of years, and: hiving puntlaVgood runbaigorder; is prepared tadi' all kinds of .work usually done at such an establish - ment, in the best manner and out of the best material. TWENTY TEARS EXPERIENCE! He has had over twenty yeara'experienceio the bn sincss and will have the work, entrusted to him, done directly under bis supervision. aVo trunk tctW 6c tent out half finished, \ MILE-GEARINGS, PLOWS, STOVE'S and castings of all kinds on hand and made to order! May 28, 1857. ' BOBEBT YOUNG, j J FLOORING MILL Olf HILL'S CREEK, NEAR HOLIDAYYILLE i The subscriber, having completed his large three j story Grist and Flouring Mill, is prepared to furnish Flour, Meal and Feed in quantities to suit purchasers CUSTOM WOBI j of kinds on short notice, and on terms which cannot fail to please. I hdVo THREE RUN OF STONE; almost constantly employed, and I am sure that a trial of my wotk will prove beneficial to the customer ar well as 'my self. - ‘ OIP. McCLDRE. ; December,s, 1860.' ;■ • t VALUABLE FABIUIAG FOjR SALE. j TILE undersigned is now offering to a large quantify of excellent farming lands, sit uated farm two to fifteen miles’ distance from We!l»J boro, in Dalmar, Shinpon, Morris and Elk townships! Tioga Co., Pa. t ~ ' The lands are generally well watered, good soil,and in a healthy part of,the country, and will be sold in lots to suit purchasers and on very liberal terms of payment , [ For further particulars inquire of the owners! Messrs. Phelps, Dodge & Co'., 18 and 21, Cliff Sty New York, o t of theisuhscriher. j JOHN DICKINSON, Agent i TVellsboro, Oct. 3,|18C0-yl ‘ ; ! EAST INVENTED, ,1 -BEST [AKD CHEAPEST j I BSD • IWT T7BS> J !- elastic than feather?, and lighter and more durable. Price, only $5.00. PorlSale by ! 6 ' E, D. WELLS, Lawrenceville. I MIRRORS! MIRRORS! . MIRRORS! JUST received, at SMITH'S BOOKSTORE, thie largest and beat assortment ‘of Mirrors ever bronght to ‘Wellsbore. People who wish “to see themselves as others see -them," will please call and examine, c ANEW, Large, and Elegant assortment‘of ' Willljb sold at the lowest prices,'by ' : . b; D. WELLS. Lawrencerille, 5ep1.T2,1880..“ ■ > i; WALL PAPER o WALL PAPER . WALLP'APER WALL PAPER WALLPAPER _ tii ~ • WALL PAPER ! Latest styles ana,largest assortment of .wall paper ever bronghtin Wellsboro/ In connection with the above copbe fonnd Window Shades Pf all kinds. Call , - WM. H. SMITH.! Wellaboro, April sth, 1860. i TWfOKS NEWS FROM HEAD QUARTERS. * . subscriber woold frespectfally announce to tno citizens of-Wellsboro that ha has on hand an og- Bortmapt-of Harrison’s Colombian Hair-Oils, Soaps, breams', Half Restoratives, Rouge ami Porvdor for the Ladies, 4a., <to. Hewooid invite.all (p give him a call, at the barber shop, back of the Postoffioe, . April 17,186 k ; r GEO. CAMPBELL.] • New wheat flour at ! FRIGHTS * BAILEYS, j ; jCfiQ II If IN <J FlRiTlc* Uro ; .BIGELOW * THOMPSON. A * AETNA FIRE INSURANCE COllP^l 1 Of .Hartford, Ct—Capital IPi^ EARTF6RD FIRE INSURANCE oA Capital, PACENIX FIRE INSURANCE CQin>W Of Hartford, Gt.—Capita! PEOPLE’S FIRE INSURANCE Of New York City-Capita] OJfP % NEW ENGLAND FIRE INSURAKn n ,U * Of Hartford, Ct aiJ RANCH co, MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANCE rn ' Of New York City,-Capßaf Co ‘ MASSASOIT FIRE INSURANCE rn i!!, i Capital,' u - BOM cSiS“ ,n,B “ sra,lKCE “4 NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO Accumulated Capita], The subscribers are prepared to is™, .J 1 ; suranoo on the most favorable term* in fir*' known and reliable Stock Companies “*"t Farm buildings insured for three low as any good companies. l n st bi#i All losses will be. promptly adjusted .*j . office. Applications by mail will receW. f, ' llt! tention Oct. 13, 1859.. • C H life s ’, P. J. FARRINGTON; Surveyor DOilf8 «S, News, World, To Farmers. , We hare for sale Farrier's Powders aid „ the best kind of preparations for Horses, Bylin of the Powder, the appetite is improrcd, »11 dma meets of the digestive organs are corrected, tii softens the skin and gires to the coat a loft nit mog appearance. The Liniment {a used for stiff joints udluna all kinds in horses and cattle. Choice Teas..... Pare Saienttos. Cream of Tartar English Corbonate Soda.. Corn Starch Nutmegs and Ginger,*..,. Indigo, Cndbu, tti Pepper and Cinnamon.... articles for coloriaj. Stove Blacking...! Betsies for pres, (hit Prepared Qlae.,..t Violin £ Base Viol A Brirlol Brick (sedsring... Trusses £ Sbori&rl Prescriptions carefully componnded 7 and»ll' promptly answered. Every article fgp sale usually sold in & firrt: Drug Store, and fct the lowest market prices. Wellsboro, l,lBOl. - ■ CABIITET ROOM THK Subscriber moat respectfully -amiouijeati he has on hind at the old stands and fcmli Clieap|iot of Furniture. comprising in pa|fc Dressing and Common Bureaus, Secrefaria ani * Casts, Center, Card and 'Pier Table*, Dim}' Breakfast Tahl\s t Marble-toppf d and CmeciSln Cupboards, Coinage and other Bedstead*, Sluiii fas and Chair § Gill and Jioseicood JdotUitpj Picture Frames. COFFINS order on short into hearse will be fasnished if desired. , N. B. Turningiand Sawing done to order.' ■ August 11, ■ B. T.YAIIOBXI wuJliait walker * I HAS A SPLENDID' LOT OF WHOLE I BUFF ALO Ml LOWER ISAM EVER BREW Robes from $3 to $8 ot U HAT AND- CAP STOEi CORNING, N. 7. - JarinarJ 2, 1861. LAUDS Since the openingof this Tast and cooinitfiwC' tel, in 1354, it has been the single end»«H* proprietors to make it the most surapt«>D J * wnT^ ( and comfortable iome for the citizen and stnsS 1, this side of the -Atlantic. . . And whatever pas seemed 'likely to the comfort of ltd guests they have endeavoreut out regard to cost, to provide, and to c°tn^ D elementsof individual and social enjoymc madern art has invented, and modern and the patronage which' it has the past six years a gratifying proof tw efforts have been appreciated, jjj To meet the'-esigeheies of the time?? Tfbeß . , required to practice, the most rtgid economy* “ dereigeed r Have Reduced the Price of Board tt Dollars per Day, . «(thesamo' time abating none of the which their table has hitherto been snpphw - TREADWELL, TV HITCOMB * New York, Sept. 25, 1861.“—3 mos, Manhood. How •. tow, Ho* Just Published, in a Scaled Envelop*- the Nature, Treatment, and Radical CnKoU£ orScminal Weakness, Sexnal Debility, erT £ a ‘L D po3 l notary emission, producing impoteocy. Cob Mental and Physical Debility. By Kobt. J. rf' " The important fact that the awful abuse may be effectually removed without llU or the dangerous applications of caustics » D > fcated bougies, and other empirical device*. > & demonstrated, and the entirely new and wg s treatment, a« adopted by {ho celebrated plained, fty means af which every one is et jAD AtS $j ** self perfectly, and at the least possible cosl^ h T J i e cJJ‘’ lug all the advertised nostrums of the day. prove stood to thousands and thousands. Sent.under seal, in a plain envelope, 10 /.,J ft paid, on tho receipt of two y-ostagestamr-; gjjyg. ' ■ Dr. CU. J -127 Bowery, New York. Post 00<* CAKPETS AND OIL CLOTHM^ you good to cee tb° patterns WelUboro* Pa. /'VNE HUNDRED BARBELS, SALT 1 / V-' received, an 4, for sale th^. TT'LIES 1 FLIES! 'FLIES -T Cobalt, fox poisoning I 1 orEXTERMINATOR, ° D rOO W<^ RATS 1-KATSl—Ther»lebra^P<^ WHEAT, or RAT »BSTKOYEB-f" •papers, and aold for ls ceß SW JOHN A, ROY WELLSBOR 0, PA,, A POT H E CABf WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEj b DR UGS, MEDICINES AND GBEJIJcin j PERFUMERY SOAPS, TOILET AND FANCY ARTIER BRUSHES, VARNISHES, VAlsf^ OILS AND DYE-STCFFS, PATENT MEDKIiii, VIOLS AND BOTTLES, WINDOW-GLASS, DOTTY, LAMPS, CIGARS AND TOBAm) PIBE WISES AJTD BBASDr FOB M EPICAL PCEP'OSES. ALSO,- SACRAMENTAL WILE, rWarranted to bo pure Grape juke, ptspanj pressiy for Communion purposes. - *' TO THE PUBLIC': ; | Soda Crackers j Marking 5 ' OFFERED IN THIS MARKET! Sl*. NICHOLAS BOTH Broaidway, New ITorfc. BOARD REDUCED TO $2 PER Dil Writing Papcr-3 1 Pens and Envelope#, Black and Yelloigi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers