'** f IB A6ITATOH. i, asb Mcißsrai»i.AßrßotrB. iboro, 1881. Heir Adrartlßßrneat*. Job BaJtfcrd. litti BarrtU V. Bailey db Col Tool.— J. W. Bailey i Co. -0. Bollard. i ladies of Wellsboro have made and tent shore Companies, ope hundred and tiity meeting will be heldj oh Saturday evening J ,’clock, at the Court Home, to make ar ita for the proper celebration of the Fourth. —■ '— “ - 1 1 ockstador, the Great i American Filer, is well, nday ho fifed ten hocytt for $2, and a drink each hour. We will baok him against the uind and bottom.. lere was alight frost in this region on the of the 14th and 15 th also on the morning Ith. But litflo done except to tender of the garden cfcope. , je Lock Haven JTotoiman has suspended m. Beeson! its subscribers would not pay «e are times for country printers, as a' f other sources of revenue, except lubscrip hire stopped. •ye learn from in consequence op revising in the AgiialSb, many oitijens from .{m here visited DorWul at the Beb Hite 'village, find have beeri satisfied that ho sells •hlap for cash. His assortment is said to be id] and various—intended to suit everybody. (ioDEY’sLicr’a BooK.m sl,oo.—To meet tiint s, the nzly-tiiird volume of Godey will bo tto subscribers for One Dollar. This volume, com as tbi six best numbers of the year, and wilTcon , ltn i steel engravings, six of the largo double ensioi fashion-plates, and all of the winter cloak ares. Address, L. A. Godev, 323 Chestnut Street, ilsdelphia. gOMEtniKO TO thsoßotsu — It may not bovn that express the soldiers »t jpCJo tin, go to their destination free of charge.— 1 the fl lends of the soldiers from this County note s fact, and act accordingly. There .are many little aforts fhich might be sent to the' soldiers> which cld h i very acceptable. Shcks, -handkerchiefs, rs, iciuors, needle cosos/sonjo black linen and thresh would not come antics; not forgetting a lit it fruit cake and other def baetes, such as a few cm andoranges. Bend thltmialong! of the vblmjtcer company from iter Cf inly returned home from Curtin about i week s »g 9-.. iA writer ip the Potter CoWnty Jour claitnis 'that they were desprkra and cowards, and. t these men had, by ti’eih foiling home, disgraced county as well as, thenJsefrles. The men claim i they ret'arncd- becanse Were not wanted'; e mgj ;ed, starved and were ’ Ul-nse’d, and- I'.tey were honorably disehyi ged by the Governor. Sr Li cins O’Trigger once Oservcd, “ It is alto her a' ery pretty quarrel arijit Vtinde.” Wh ere the under dorg in the 1 if we can find ciheis. if'- S' White to the SonoiEßf, —The following item be subject of writing letters to those who have eto sure their country, is'from the Barrisburg and worthy of consideration : would ;e the rives, mothers, fathertlj.brbtheW, sisters, and a the sweethearts of the.sijldicrs. to write to the* I. W i know' from experieh£| bow sweet and pre'- uis s good loving letter -iJro'm home, hVeathing chon tnd telling - the famiiy and neighborhood la We, one of ns, no tnaltpr who, have served tonnfry in wßr, and We knjV there is bathing a tier pr ces so highly as a lett ir from home. It is ids th ng to write a letter, apd yet nothing gives it hap: lihess to the absent lovpd one. ' - J®"llhe Pike Ik'd k\k.v.‘—AVo have received eral nimbers of a finely printed newspaper ear tie alcove name, published simultaneously at Bo's «nd New "York. It fs owned, by Jotnes Bedpatb, I if edited by himself and others with mncb it add) ability. It is the organ of tbe Haytiet) Emigration for this'country, and is also meat ipiece of that class of Abolitibnists, Who> ta fm ttcn on the right cheek do not believe erainj tho.' otbcr als6. Of this class was JAhn rtir . is this paper is intended to assist the colored we c ommend it? to that class'- of onr people. Ad " lied path, Noi‘3, dVinter St., Boston, en ™S 51 for six months,'"or s2fpr otie year. 3“ D ?n:i;niA.— This diseasefhas bean quite prey 'llo Chariestbn iand D.elma# lately, several ch\l T 0 havi )g died of it. A friend-fn Charleston sends the, fojllowitrg recipe for'a idullicC, which has «d in his helghtorhhods' IV c corn 'd lift trial (o.fho’te'hdlrmg this ierriblo disease ■heir families: , b . We J plat vinegar, lbs. Cnyi/nne-pepper, 1 labile jif fait. Then take 1 ■handfdll of hops;' ! P them half-an hour;' then takV’out 2 table “efnljof tbe liquid to be 'nse'd ni hereafter de l>ed, jAdd to the liquid atilt left 1 table spoonful embers and. a Half pint of,water. Then Stir ittmtal to malse a’poultice. . Divide-the poultice, 1 threstearts and apply to the throat, giving Inter- J 1 telspoonful of the hop -liquid at the time of the ponltic6, which'Bhbhld be onco an hoar.” .-tiSccESEtEB Hck'O. — 'Dear' Agiiglorti liras to pvt youthe tree acoonnt bf tbe late eiAilement * eodthern part of pCKPar. Hews reached ns "day phot a secesher was soCn banging between e the earth a few mtljs above hero;— .People in that neighborhood were' very much ex •M ill affirmed that the horrid deedlfiusl have , “ mt t' ltl ed by the lw‘6 pedlars who passed down ff fotenoon. Various speculations were offered “at he had been murdered for his money, and i iuJ/* ? n *l a pretense :io 'cover the crime.— rc-iviihout coats, hats dr-shoes, followed by in fear that it might be some loved one Jed' X° T ‘f t l in - Those who remained behind luttkj ani 'onsly for the iretnrn and the report. i-Jr 1 discovery cam's back. The crowd d tnik*? x ' ona 'f aro »nd for tbe Ifepbrf-: “ \?e basfc ea n! u c ? lre bloodshed; anti found banging be; (‘“Tens and the earth with this inscription h, |o i head, “ One Seco”jher Safe” —a rattle U, 1861. . i." . Oesebteiu Billet' ROcE 2WSGS-“C(SanioDwealth vs. B: J. Hajl and Z. T. Sail. The defend-, j? were indie te'J for aasaalt.and battery, “GinndJat-y returned a true bill. In cons'e of fce alleged absence of. t Material witness . 8 nse (ha case was postponed until the next i a! ’ 16 defendants being recognised to appear. e^th VB ‘ Jotel »ober. J rtT frae .^ or herccnyupon which the Grand / et a free bill. She dtfehdifit fcfchd guilty , u • .= WeiHh Vs. Silai Allis. Indicted fer False Verdfctof the Jnrywaag&iUjr. The tom, **f recognised to appear at next Sessions, in, „J WUliims for Comth .-Guernsey, for Defti, , f : Jas. H.GoUck' and A. ’Gaylord. j, i»' ™ e ®f ia foia Okie was for> assault and bat l ttm I®!*® 4 Jnr l returned flu bill ignore mbs, th » preseentfrpaythc costs. Wt ir* **• PbiUi P t *7 lo « I Indictment for W Grspd J ur-y c vtUn»td trtorhill. ‘I i • ®w noogolistt toj appear at the next So* alonsl | CoSmnonwealth vs. Jas. Burrell. Indictment for an4 battery. In this com the Gnind I«ry re turned hill ignoramns, and that the county pay the coitoi 'I 1 ’ ! Commonwealth ts. Isaac tester. The defendant was|ndioted for assault and battery. The Grand Jury'Sre turned a true bill. Trial and verdict guilty,' Allen and Sherwood for Comlh.—Williams for Deft. ~ Commonwealth ts. Banl. James. Indictment— selling liquor on Monday. thit case the Grand Jury Returned a true bill, and the deiendant into re cognisances to appear at the next Sessions. - Commonwealth ',ts. Wilson King.' JJiej Indictment In this cut wu for Larceny upon which -the Grand Jury Returned a true bill. Deft, plead guilty and wu recognized to appear at the next Sessions, for sen tence| ■ . Commonwealth re, Widish 'Woodard; Indictment —Forgery. True bfil. Recognized to appear at next Sessions.' Commonwealth vs. L. Com slock, C. A. Comstock, and S. Hauser. Indictment—assault and battery. The, defendants were each Recognized to appear at next , Commonwealth ys, Deter, Hopkins. Indictment— False! Pretenses.’ True bilk This cue tiled and a verdict <jf “ not guilty” rend ired by the. Jury—“ and that J. B. Payne, prosecutor pay costy.” Allen end Bowman for Comth.—Wilson and ’Wilitamij for Deft. Commonwealth ye. Austin Bice. Indictment—Se duction, Ac. True bilk Th|e. defendant was recog nized! to appeal at theinext Sessions. | A. B. H [ED, ' In |Wellsboro, bn the Bth inst., by A. J. Sofield Esq., Mr. DAVID 1 CHURCHILL to Miss HARRIET SHORT, both of Chatham. ! Mai 30th, 1881, by Bet. B. L. ,St*hreU„ R IMS AVERT to Miss MABTHA I. DENNISON, all o(| Charleston. ' | In Kelson, Jane 2d, at the | residence of the bride’s fatheiby M. H. Brooks, Esq., Mr. CHARLES C.' SMITH to Miss ELLEN BOGART, both of Nelson. o [E HUNDRED BARRELS SAfcT I , Just received, and for sale ati the Union Store of j J|. W. BAILEY, ft CQ, TT/fOOL! WOOL! —The highest Market • ' | pries paid for Wool at the Union Store of } J. W. BAILEY, & CO. I O. BULLARD ; [S SELLING GROCERIES at prices to suit the times. Bead them: : Good j Brown Bogar, at.'. .6 cents per lb. Best Crashed “ “ 10 “ “ 'Best Granulated “ “ ; 10 “ ' “ Best Bordered “ . 10' “ “ .‘Best doffee Sugar “ 1 9 “ “■ Kerosene (Carbon) Oil“ 1 1.50 “ “gal. Extra|Byrup • “ i 50 “ “ " Jot* 19,1861. j ! i THE EVEKIIfC POST, THE OLDEST DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN JOURNAL . .{ jIN THE CITY OP NEW YORK, ' i iSow Si the SikiTETH year of its existence, combine! all thd essential elements of A XJOMPLETE FAMI LY Newspaper, isdesfowa t#. the support of the Democratic Republican Party,.wheh it is, eight, and of DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES ALWAYS 1 Is the emqompromising advocate of FREE SOIL! Free labor; free speech! a strict Con struction of the Constitation, and an Economical Ad- Wcisfratiqh.of, the Government. TfiE DAILY EVENING POST, Which is printed on a large folio sheet, contains a fall account of the occnrrpnces.cf the day,.the latest-foroignjhtelligence -—exclusive .curre/pondcuoe from Europe--pabiic doc ument! of interest, ani iniportanoe—Proceedings of Cangriss and of, the State, tieglslataro—Popular Leo tnres-4Tales—Poetoy—RoyieWs and extracts from New Books—City News-7rBpecial v full and accurate reports of Commercial and Fiqano’ial Allairs, New .York Markets, Stock a?d Mopey Jdafiets, together with the Cattts .Mareel»of,,ths£oantry, and-snjjh Foreign markets as are of "gcheVal. interest. Its editorial disquisitions, are |always frank/fearless,, and iniienendent.. , . | -i j THE SEMI-WEEKLY EVENING POST.eontala* - all theireading matter of The Daily Etesinci Poqry and t/ie latest nW»», by telegraphs and mails, up fo the hour of publication. j . . . ' THE WEEKLY EVENING POST Is edited,with' espechfl reference to the wantejof.country readers, apd all the articles of general interest published in Ths Daily EYesiso Posy, contains a complete digest pi the news of the Day, and an ApriiuKuraf LWiimAdbvoted to the interest and inslrndtiqn of FAEM|eSS, It contains FORTY LOSG COLUMNS of reading matter er'ery 1 . | TERMS i | DAILY EVENING POST. Singlet Copy, for One Year, in| advance. ...40 00 Three Copies, in advance......../ .$25 00 Single [Copy, per month i- ..750 |bemx-weekly'evEninq POST. ' IS PUBLISHED EVIET WEDNESDAY AXD SAIUBDAY. Single JCopy, One Tear, in adfrimee, ...$3 00 Two CbpieSi “ "i- 500 Five, Copies, “ “\| ».I2 00 Ten G<|pies, « 1 20 00 '’GIN' i EVeSENO POST, f i I IS PUBLISHES EVERT THURSDAY. > fcojjy, One Te'ir, in advance, .....V...52 00 Copies, “ •“ ! 000 Capias, • “ " 000 dcfcies, « " ...12 00 ity Copies, “ ..V.. ..20 00 -i larger nambers at tbo 1 Tile of $1 per year. Single three Jive C Teh C Twenl A) - n i| - Subscriptions may commence at any time. Pay alwayt in advance. Any person sending us twenty or more subscribers will be entitledto an extra copy for bis services: or for ten subscribers be will receive a copy few six months. When a jelub of subscribers has been forwarded, additions tnay*j be mode to it on the 'same terms, it is not necessary that the members of ft club should receive their papers at the samp Post Office. ] CLERGYMEN are supplied at. the lowest club rale's. Money miy bo forwarded at onr risk. Specimen copies of the Evescxg Post will be Sent free to ill who desire it, , ~ . {» WM. C. BRTAjST 4 CO. I( ? Office of the EvenUitj Peat, 41 Nassau StreeTi cob. LjBEBTVr New Yoar. UNION STORK; | WEILSBOSi), PA.', i J.\W. BAILEY& c\>., Proprietor)!. Dealers in [ ‘ STAPLE and FANCY DRYGOODS, and MILLINERY GOODS, j HATS, CROCKERY, NAILS, | GLASS and HARDWARE, | PAINTS and OILS, FISH, choice Family groceries, I HAMS; PORK, FLOUR, , and ale kinds of ’ _• j FABin pAotoUCE, I at th 9 lowest Cash Prices. W illiboro, May 8,1881. | tfijW BOOT, SHOE, Leather & stoBE THe| uffdeiraigned, luring Tawed the elore formerly occupied by G. WV West, intends carrying on all the tranches of the‘shoe ah*d leather trade.. Compe tent wohtßJSn Are employed in <hb Manufacturing De partment, and all work warranted to be oar own na nnfoetnye. Alto,tall kinds of I ] &OOT8 AND SHOES, on hapd. , AJI kind* of. Leather and BJtoo Findings, also constantly on band and for sale at low prieeis for cash or wady pay. | „ HIDES and PELTS taken id Jot Sopd* at this highest market price. j«JOB. EIBEfiOLE. ■ tybildboVo, Sept. o> 1880, j "! I ' i . . : { ! TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOB. HE GKOVM & BAKER’S CELEBjESS SEWIN'® MACHINES, FOB FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING USE, 495 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. At eneiu in all the principal Citiu and Town* in the j United Statu*. _' lie Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company are now mSQuftctnring,..a&d have on exhibition at their different sal grooms, machines making the Shuttle or Lock-Stitch, of thi same patterns and at the same prices a* fhrir celebrated Gr iver and Baker Stitch Machines, thus affording the public thi advantage' of [comparing the stitches of the tffo leading ms :htae» and exercising their own judgment, aa to their re* sp< ctive merits, This is the only company ti-at aann&ctars boi h kinds of machines, end therefore the only one that can off r this privilege to the purchaser, * We experience when veuf ihat, after having tri id all the principal Sewing Machines, we must, accord to tlu tof GroVer apd Bafcer the pre eminence. Those indlspen* sa’ >le features of sewing, strength, uniformity andelastidty, all of which are brought out in this incomparable invention, mi ke U the Ant sewing machine in the country. 4>ther a ha re their gocd points, bpt this combines all, and possesses ev ry characteristic necessary to make it most desirable. AT* r. Christian Advocate ana Journal, Mebit vs. Pretence. —'We perceive that the Grover and ker Sewing Machine is every day growing more and more tavor, both for manufacturing and family iiurTwses-—but iecfally as adapted to all the requirements of fiunlly ass. her machines, by dint of brazen puffery and conniving with mmittees at annual fairs, bare been, thrust lorward Into ej first place) but they are feat losing this unmerited post >u. The real merits of the Grover and Baker Machine we ginning to be known in a and daily is the mand for them> increasing, while the demand for heretofore aer known, but inferior machines, is proportionally de* Rising. So ft turnj out in this, as in many other instances* at ‘honesty Is tie best policy,’ and the right, tn the; end xes uppermost. t . A trial of over two years enables us to say with the great* ucohfldence that there is no .better machine for geneiai mQy toe than Grover and Baker's Sewing Machine Ox Zt ikes a beautiful elastic seam that does not’ rip with wear or oti con the tio waihlng, nftis almost noiselessly, U t plain, simple, easy to work, and not liable to get out of repair, fastens the ends of its own thread, and uses thready and silks directly from the spoplt onwhloft tMy tire bought. 1 * — N. 7. Leader* \ drover and Baker’s in stitch, and fabrics pnt together by it, foay wear and drop to pieces from original weakness or hard usage, bat come apart; or give way at the seams, they can pot j they will hbftS together when the cloth or calico around them' bangs in tegs and tat* teri— -N. 7* Daily Newt. The points we conceive most necessary and important to t the wide range of requirements in a machine for family fog, we find more fblly combined in the Grover and Ba | viz., extent of capacity, simplicity of construction, ease Management, advantage of using thread from two spools iont rewinding, strength of work-, elasticity, durability | regularity of stitch, sod quietness of movement. We isfore mark award to the Grover and Baker.” —Report <tf xatet State fbir <\f 1860— alta <jf St, Louis State JlaV of 15,1861.—fy. HO! FOR THE BEE HIVE! .OEMAUL Modi' greeting from ELMIRA, and ' wishes to inform ail that he’ baa jnat spent a t in NEW YORK, picking up IABOAINS FOB BIS CUSTOMERS, 'has aneeeeded by a lavish expenditure of Beady i, in procuring the |&EST ASSORTMENT of tpe most magnificent ttEESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, {MANTILLAS, BTEAW GOODS, FRENCH FLOWERS, BM9RQIDERIEB, r . , . , ... . HABERDASHERY, ; aodloTciy thingolse ever foimd in first class ■ | i)R‘r gabb's' emporium, all of which will be sold and turned info money again, at tie lowest possible rate and the shortest possible time, so that it behooves .all to remember paw dan gerous delays are, and to act, Accordingly, by calling the iery J&st tfpporthnity at the t , BIJE HIVE. | 34 frafer'Street, felfeirat Oily a rix pence for a good De-Bcge, and a new article of Dress Qooda called Barilla Bnatre, for the tame price at the BEE HITE, „ j' 36 Water Street, Elmira. ' Splendid Delaines, Cballiet, Mohair, Debeges, Ba rillas Lnstre, Valencias, Poplins, Silks, and forty other styles of new and fashionable Dross Goods at regular sessions. Bow Water Prices, jurt .opened at thi ] . , SEE HiVE. ! j 36 Water Street, Elmira. A| P. JHARBH, formerly of No. 5 Union, Block, <ujd be pleased to see bis friends and for patrons 1 ot pee Hive, No. 36 Water Street, where he holds pelf in readiness to giro them all good bargains er. EBIAS H. -DORMAUB. lira, June 5,1861. npr. 17-m6. WOUi the J bimi as e: PATENTED "NOVEMBER", 185?. ARMY GARMENTS.; M isiVs, Sallou Brothers, are making army shirts and mdergarments of all binds. Parties at distant earn] >s can have orders filled by merely sending meas ures and addresses to this firm. e-i. ... 409 BROADWAT, New Tort.; j THE MEASURES ABB , ; Ajthe distance around the peek. Bto rij llie yoke. D toTD, distance Around.the Body, under the armpits. 'C to|C, the Sleeve. E toE, the length of the Shirt. ! { BAtLotJ’S , ~, ; : PATEm IMPROVED FSENCO-TOKE SJ&BTS. A NEW STYLE OF SHIRT WARRANIkD To FIT. , By lending the above measures per ,'inaii we can guarantee a perfect fit of onr new. style of .Shirt, and retain by Express to any part at the United States, at SB, SIS, $18,|34,*0., *«., per do«en. . . '• Also. Importers and Dealers in Men’s Famishing Cfoos. . BALLOU BROTHERS, | Jma 13,1881. No. 409 Broadway, New York. -J —j ' TtrbTlCE. —Persons indebted to me, either i* jby judgment, note, otibook account, mast battle at'once, or the claims wjR be pot in prooas* of col lection. , Call upon ritherJL Sherwood, Xttornsy, or Mrs-lJuHus Sherwood, at Weliebord. ■ . I JULIUSSBERWO^Di WAB! WAR! UPON HIGH PRICES & LONG CREDITS I His just retarded trtta the title* with a complete as- StI&AE!!, fcoFFEKS, TEAS, ( MOijASSES, MUitiS, STICKS, and other staple Qjycertes, fritci 1 cannot)m extolled in quality or cheapness in' this of any other eonnt!7 *°* n - , => His new stock of Groceries embraces SALEEATCS, SOAP,' ORANGES, LEMONS, KEKOSINE, C/M^HENE, CASTOR QIL, FtilD, _ SWEET OIL, L'llOIL, and nearly all the luxuries need in &£ tables" of Cifiliiation generally and the people of T|io£a County in particular. Among these are such articles as HAMS, Sugar-Cured or Smoked, DRIED BEEF, an excellent article, , CODFISH, Pickled or Dried,' j MACKEREL, whitefish, herring, PICKLED LOBSTERS, Ac. A good article of FAMILY FLOOR* Always on hand. Also, { RICE, CORN STARCH, SYRUP, Ac. j WOODEN WARE; Including, WASH TTJBHS, PAILS, MEASURES, £/ittTB, BABY WAGONS, two or iirei kinds, sttftti; bhSo’ms, broom-brushes, tLOTHEg BASKETS, MARKET do. ;! CLOTHES, Pllte, toW (heft, TRAVELING BASKETS?; a£s oibeiUhinga too numerous to mention. ; I bmcii FRUITS; Including DRIED PRUNES, DRIED APPLES'; BRtED PEACHES, D&IED ENGLISH CURRANII, CITltdN, DATES and SPLIT PEAS. Alto, ail kinds of NUTS and iANCY CANDIES. j - HHCGILAIfEoI^: HEMP and CANARY SEEDS, LAMP CHIMNEYS, all tiwt. Bnnff, Smoking and Chawing Tobacco, a doaan rarity, and a good astortment.of Yankee No. lions and Itoy*. WeUsbo.ro, April 17,1861. JOHN A. HOY, WELLBBORO, PA., APOTHECARY, WHOLESALE ADD BETAIL HEALER IS DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, t PERFUMERY SOAPS, TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, BRUSHES, VARNIsksS, PAINTS, . ! OILS AND DYE-STUFFS, PiTEST MEDICINES, VIOLS AND BOTTLES, > Vf lift DOW-GLASS, POTTY, LAMPS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Iraki; Wines and brandies. FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. wine. Warranted to be pore Crape juice, prepared ex> pressly fur Communion purposes. Wo ha\;o for sale Farrier's Powders und Liniment,, the best kicld of preparations Tor Horses, By the use of the Powder, the appetite is improved, all derange ment# of the digestive organs .are correntficl', .while it softens the skin Ymdjgives to the coat a soft and shi ning appeamm-e. " ■ , , . cv ■ ; ->.M. The Liniment is used for stiff joints and lameness of all kinds tn.horses and cattle. J TO THE PUBLIC; . ! 'choice Tons. ,f.Soda CracVers.. Pure Soleratus Marking Ink, Cream of Tartar Writing, Paper—3 colors- Cqlbonate Soda- ; Pens and Envelopes..^...'.; porn Starch'.'. Black and Yellow, graft*! Nutmegs and Ginger Indigo, Cadb'ar,..and all' Popper and ; Cinnamon.,,. articles for coloring ' Store Blacking- t.i Botslea for pres, fruit '., Prepared Glue '.V... Violin 4 Base Viol strings Bristol Brick (scouting... Trusses * Shoulder brooe.- Prescriptiiong carefully compounded,and all orders, promptly,ati? irercd. ,• .. i, , Evojiy .arlicie for sala. ljshaHl sold fn* p, first class Drug Store, and at the lowest market prices. WelUboro, May 1,1861. , T»*— rores this season os follows '; t At Tioga every Saturday afternoon. At Weusboro every Wednesday. • AtHolidays,Tuesdays,from JO tollA.M. At H. H. Potters, Tuesdays, from 12 to 2. MOB AW K CHfEF is six year* old, stands sixteen bonds high and weighs 1200 lbs. Bis color,is Jet black. He was sirtyi by. and his dam was Messenger, Teems $8 to insure. Tioga,June tr'. % JL BME4D. /"J.ROCERIES.—orocerj x d?paiittJ9nt ii VJ "ebook fall/’eadthe price*s»*s«na)dylow et the BBGUISxOB. •- pAHPEIS AND OIL CLOXS^.—lt'll & Vy yoa rood to tee the pelterne and teera thenriree etthe - * i- i REUUtAXOIt. Welljbow.t’J. L ! 0< BULLARD sortmsnt of ■WHEELBARROWS, for tmall boyt. BUGGY MATS, Adamantine Candlet, to Far me rtf. MOHAWK CHIEF. CASH STORE. UNUSUAL will be Offered to tbb citiJ&ns V ; . •=d#3fc I* THIS COUNTY TO SAKS tM I*U«t€HASEB —if* Perinea Cash Store, i* 1 V i \ \ f N TRdTi * . . CJ J>2,Z~X T TV -_ . ' * Txa oosema ssasok. IJ l" fiti LARGE ABRIV. irovft Hiitt *. Ind wiii is irouM) worthy . ' , !•■;. ... ■_ THE ATTENTION Wtbj IWlftE 4 S fib & 6Aods>, \Y‘ L ~ -IT?- warn. cnupunri wasxaaatt ifwni at ram AOMWBtoomhtti, DEERFIELD, PA., Hu. G.tender* her thanks to the Ladles of Tioga Co., and takes pleasure in informing the pahiie (lit OPEN A LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT or ■.. UILHSEEY 000 J S PA7NE ’® STOBB, opposite tie BONNETS;FLATS, RIBBONS, FLOW- EllS, Ulfm SNp CB&DREK& SI . DING HATS ANDjeOSTUXES on hand. A large aid' bfitMttfol/rariety, inten ded to please the taste,of, all. BLEACHING AND . BLOCKING dona. All orders.for OTefy+aritty of BONNETS and BATS, filled and.foHrardM. ilonta to any address. Bonnets from $1.50, up to slmm tfie taste of the first class customer. Goods wamMMt afi : represented. Goods sold cheaper than at any oihiJ establishment this side of New York. THE LATEST STYLES AMD FASHIONS Jnst received. The patronage of the public solicited. v E. H. N. Q BIBLEY. Deerfield, May Ist, 1861. T. E. GEIDLBr will also sell goods for ready pay, saving the cnfteiii on.goods purchased, doing away with a OREDIX SYSTEM which is rninons to-both buyer and selleK BTITTER andPRODUCE forwarded each weak to New YiSt to the bast commission Houses, Express will rai ft the RaU Jftad each Wednesday. TBE HIGHEST CASH paid for BUTTER, EGGS and PRODUCE, My old customers of Brookfield will not be neglected in this new arrangement - T. E. GBIDLEY. Deerfield, May Ist, 1861. % r . < IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS; PCBUSHED BT D. APPLETON* CO. 346 &.34S Broadway, New Tork; the country, ”sfh# New American Cyclopedia. A poj&r ■ Dictionary of General Knowledge. Edited by Georg* tuple* ' *nd Charles A. Dana, aided by a numerous select corps of im* ten in all branches of Science, Art, and Tfttf work is being published In about 16 large octavo Toinibu; each containing 760 two-column pages. Tola I. IL IXI.IV,* V, VI, VI I, VIII, IX, X, and XI, are now ready, each COutilk ini near 2,500 original .arljcies. An additional volume will bi. published once in abont throe months. " J (nClothgs3; Sheep, $3,60; Half Jlorrocco, $4; Half . ifSf’lJsw o American Cyclopedia Is popular without ietaji superficial, learned, bnt apt pedantic, comprehensiretrakanf; flclontly detailed, free from persona), plane end party preja, dice, fresh and yet accurate. It is a cimpiete statement pi all that is known upon every Irnporiont, topic withfulne ■ scope of bnman intelligence. Every inrarlantftftiSe ifijlt has been specially'written for its pages by men .who aie afi- ‘ ihorlties upon the topics of which they speak. jicy a& i'pt> qnlred to bring the subject up to the present moment; to state jnst how it stands now. . Alltie statistical fnfnnuauim' ta.fromUje latest report; the geographical,apqonnt*-keep Jac» w(ifi the I dtest explorations: historical matters inclnda the freshest Just views; the biographical notices not only speak ol the dead bat of Abe llylnsc, It la a library of itself.' ABRIDGMENT OF THE DEBATES OF CONGRESS.— Being a Political History-of the United States, from the or* ganixatloneftho first Federal Congress in J. 789 to I 860! Ed ited and compiled hy Bon. Thomas H, Beaton, from the of ficial Records of Congress. , ~ , . The work will be compieicd in 15 royal octavo vbhimea of 7M pages each, 14 of which .are, hoy ready. An additional, Volume trill be issued once In three months.,, | A WAT OP PROCUBEfO tHS.C7dOPAB»IAOB &EBATZ9. . Form a club of four, and remit the price pf four books, god five copies will be sent at the remitter’s.expense for car. rhtfoj.prfpr ten subscribers, eleven copies will be sent at out expense for carriage, - a6ei*tS; v . So-other works wU)«o Ml»nU|y mwaritho exertions .{ Agents. As Aaxx* TVaxtib im th& ppnniy, .Tsims.miiaa known on application to the Publishers. [Ang. ll.'tS. tt|Wi!Lߥ STORE; THE undenigned, having pnrehaaed of An- Dtx Jolkt bis interest in the Clock, Watch and* Jewelry business, respectfully invites the attention of public to his assortment of goods, in connection with )he , f * Wt)£ AND STATIONERY-BUSINESS. WATCHES of all discretions for rale, and at'pri eea ranging from $lO to slso, Can self th« nnw AMERICAN WATCHES, with heavy hunting earn, and mtrnmied, for the low anm of $35. Also will bn leapt on hand, GOLD WATCHES, espietally for tba fams. CLOCKS, from $l-25 to $75, will always ba foppd on exhibition. : If* CCJfItiECTiON WITH THE ABOVE, aan bo had,all df AND PLAITED WARE, tp.jnif the parcjiiuier, anii marked with any micription or pamfl* Tne above is.altray* warranted. A largo assortment of witch giiitnia; fibW; and beat AMERICAN bbtler.&mkw, Ac. Ac. AU kinds.of REPAIRING done by AkmikPdlh* at the old stand. ~ , W. H. SMITH'. Wellaboro, March IF, lS(5l. _ FASHIONABLE nHUINEKT £&<iP\ r iIAIN ST., WELLSBORO. kisi Consisting of. Straws of mlTkln'ds, pattern Hats, Bloomer Hats, Flowers, Velvets, Bilki bt all kinds! Stud In fact . “ ALL KINDS OF ‘ OF tJDODS jshe,solicits a) call frorp, the ladies ef WeUsb'dro ahA vicinity, feeling confident that wikt kHspEciioN,, and compare favorably wiljl those of any establisb. ment in the county in regard tO ( pricc'. , bleaching And PBfegsbfe A one in i superior manner. , . Opposite Empire Store, np-atairs, May 15,1861. • - 'f Manhood. How lost, How rWWed - . Just Published, lira Sealed Envelope. Op tne; tore, Radical Cure of pr Seminal Weakness, Sexual Ability, apj Inful notary emission, inducing impotency,.and Mental and pbyf deal Incapacity By; Rocr. J. Cm»waw*M,lknuthor the “Green Boob,” Ac, ,The world-raoownedantbqr, In ibis admirable Lecture, clearly proves from hla own that the awful consequence of Self-qbose may. I^,effectually removed witbont medicine and without, dangerous op-rations, bougies, instrumental rings [ or coni blini out a mode of. cnns.at once,certain.imdeffectual,<by ffhicb.Hxc ery sufferer, co matter what bis conditionnv be, may cure himself cheaplypricatdy and radically. This lecture irilV prove a,booo to thousands and thousands, m Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, io apy advesa, po*; paid, on the receipt of two postage stamp*, plud filing 127. Bowery, Now Yorfe. T<jgt^cebox^sB67 fS . TO COPUMPHVBS. THE subscriber, frill cbeetfulljsend '{frae -charge) lo alLwlio, desire it, thocopy of. a 'Sy;'/ J’pr, EKsiß^by ; jrJiieH bafras cured of that hint dTs ieMOjCopsnmptiom . SoffiircM with CcttsinPTipy, AsrnirX, pKosonms) pi l any lilng affection, he sincerely hopes will fry.this Recipe, wellsatisfied..that, if they do so,they wi|l more than satisfied with the result. JjChankml jnr Bis own complete restoration, ho is e-nxiops to place" in the Jhands of every sufferer .the means of, cure, eTh'o:a ,wishing the, reoeppa with fall- directions, *'o., will please call on or address■ Rev. VUf. g, Ar.i.fev. .t • No. 66 Jphn.Spdpt, New York. Jane, 5,1861. Ifay i; 1881.4} moe. A DMINISTR'A.TOR’& JfOTrCE.— Letters of ,-sA- .Administration Having been granted to the m. designed on the estate of p., H,. SPURS, late <-f Mansfield, dec’d., indebted to said estate Arf requested to make immediate.payment, and tho»« having claims figiilhst the same trill present then to Horace davis, .. Adan’ii iterator. Jane 12,1881.—i Sir. NEW CubpEfe SHOP.—‘The undenizned inform* lie eitUens of Weltaboro £nd vicinity, that he hi* opened * COOPBB-BHOP opposite, , -J; ■ ... , WAGOIf SHOP, jud }* tepdy, to, do ell manner of work prompt and to fiti fl», from a . gallon keg to a fifty barrel tab. Re pairing aleo done on short notion. 0. R. KT.r.tß, : WelUboro, May 8,1881. . < Qlffbira. TJOOKS, MagaiftV »»d Kewtpe«*»lieead in Sj»i n porter Stytek, Unlrereal ftrejlffito asaUaaeta pSu an. , gflt tfia re* attba -BOOK BTOHR, ; iyTEiV tfaLix Ft WE, Up ii-paod ch**p f At.'| WATCH, CLOCK, —AST—
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers