Sr 'i IfffF, AGITATOR. PENNA. Morning, AprU 26, 1860, & Co., 119 Nassau St., New Tork, and 10 £| | U f^\.' on ftre the Agents for the Agitator , and the ntiMand largest circulating Newspaper* to the S^ :3ut: tcs.-uiJ.ihe Canadas. They are authorized to con onr lowest rates. Stockholders of Wellsboro* Academy re [%} Sherwood, Esq., a Trustee to serve five 4?**!! JJr. Pheruyod rcceived.a unanimous vote. I yo° ’ lTnßt to ghiden your eyes with a sight | / ,»- goods newly arrived, step in at 0. Bullard's. rVgroctric?, family supplies for thCcookery, ond h abound ftt his Vanety shop. 1 Any change l exchange for his commodities will ena p oa lo 6° hence with joy in .your countenance. I The c \ ou d« th»t have hung above us for the ’ davs, sending down a i mall aprinkliog ac ni" =«, ns we go to press, sifting upon this r ' :l °' of ‘lpnl a blanket of snow—anti we all have to an d overcoats. Let the bluster come, ,(, e chance for sunshine will be better. K line received from tbe Co. Supt., 27. L. 3 ii= states ihatbis residence is changed to Mans- ; is(jnjl those wishing to cotnrtunicate ■-itlJ. atw please address ibeir letters. We learn rilh t im pwf i° domiciled in the Seminary, o fact, b I J, Si to tbe youth in search of Godet’s Lady’s Book for Mny is already out, -^^ ourt3^ e As usual Godey id very acceptable, “?r.con(eDtja«of“ hi « hl > interesting chnrncler. “ in „, I 0 ,bc Indies- The engraving of "A May ;”P ec „ J 5 reJ p T€ ttv. The fashion and pattern plates the price of a year’s subscription to the Fcr E^ e 3t RubinsoQ ’ s Bo °k Store * Just now front yards are being cared for. Busy 1/ « ua «t work among the shrubs and flower beds, sfp'o'sies now, but a setting in order, and the blossoms 'otrwards. Labor bestowod in Irutt in the Spring ouLide the house, in front of the bouse, around Imose—is a sure investment, and returns usurious ( . nre .t The getting out of trees for ornament and i* u de :t aLo a commendable habit with our folk, and ~jjore the trees that are pullingup, rootand branch t ” M hold on present soil to locate honcefi rth in town. ~ 10 I-;- matter we are disposed to keep ebady. yhe disappearance of young Clark Church. J7 v me months' ago, at Ibis plate, still remains a Irttrv, His father has expended a considerable r = .['money in the effort to obtain light which —it lead to a discovery of the mnnncr in which was disposed of, but without success. It is i'-.-fed that his vigilance will he rewarded, and if ho . pcttdi in ascertaining that his son was murdered, ij,t is supposed, let the perpetrator bo brought to S -Itbmcet. The mystery should bo unraveled before c- !;!i forgotten.— Erie Ci'y Diepalch. - Police Matters — Before Joiiior Emery. —lt j. jtne custom of certain biped* wearing, trowsers from rural districts to honor ou! Boro.’ with their “hila - -was j'preseuco. They come when the humor takes ■ iu—wbich usuaily happens when their whistles nre ' insnd they anticipate a pleasure in wetting them.— ■ r’i an oocasipnal exception they nre young saplings, ,gooo lungs, ever and anon blowing off largo vol of sound, und on first arrival from the brecing i:of the country are uphold by a stout pair of legs ■...1. cam- to tide influences and the muietening pro ' -as, gradually get limber. Evidentaiy desirous of uling the most of their short vacation in town, and uoiiag the largest liberty they anchor upon the side., ■ills, and collect around the corners—notifying the :a':;c of their advent by vociferous gestures and ’Oramanly they are allowed to pursue theft* own i Mea course relying upon their own rosomcesforo *ui ifjciorj disposition of the time. With I ' all their mlcus and repeated efforts, efforts richly deserving t success, their conduct (with a mi# in front) has at tracted lut little attention from the “powers that be.” Ils youth must almost have ditpaired of achieving nety, and been on tb|e point of setting down the lakomics as blind to their handsome demeanor. But attn the edge of the evening on Monday last a tore lucky and bellicose adventurer turned up. Af r engaging in a personal scrimmage with another L‘c lad (of 2o or 1-0 year*) oj/uial notice was arrested tlis (de) merits and he was arrested by the cout .“•-ir. u Constable officiating on the one side and ''h'gcts on the other, and his attention wiw directed "t-u-e di'pcusor of JuMice. Whereupon Ins case was % a fine adjudged (aod paid), and narrowly cs ' upg boarding with the Sheriff, wag sent adrift.— .vred him right —only put the next bilaricous chap 3 ‘ durance vile.” To the Schuol Director* of Tioya County Gsmlemes: 1 take this method of saying to you in I »m a candidate fur the office ol County Super iieudeut. Ido not suppose you will vole lor a man strtly because bb asks you to do so, and therefore I lire not thought it necessary to call on each of you ci solicit your suffrage. X am not, at present, cn» P?ed in any business, and if you are pleased to give office I will devote my time wholly to the dis cwge of its duties, S. B. PRICJS. ITteifitld, April -6. 1860.* ! NOTICE. THE School Directors ol Dolmar district will meet in WelUboro', on tbe 9th day of Mny, next, lor - purpose of engaging teachers for the Summer rtouls, tor said district By order of the Board, April 25. 1860. GEORGE HILDRETH, Ste'g. NOTICE T 5 hereby given that an election of Officer# of the I Mutibfittld Iron Works will be held at the office of Company in Mansfield, Tioga County, Pa., on fc'.aday tiie 7lh day of May next, at 1 o’clock P, M. *Wd«y. A. P. CONE, Secretary. April 26, 1860. Y . NOTICE p hereby given that the officers and executive Cotn i mittee of the Tioga .County Agricultural Society meet at Holiday’s Hotel in Wellsboro on Tuesday gth jQ yj, jr or t jj e purpose of transacting iportxnt business, among which is the appointing of - regular Committees, and deciding upon the amount Premiums. ROBERT CAMPBELL, President. ; JEROME B. NILES, Secretary. > "dbboro’ April 26, 1860. \ V Orphans Court Sale. 1 X< pursuance of a decree made by the Orphan’s , •* y, Jri of Tiogu County, the undersigned Executor ' estate ol Jubn Corzutt, late of Jackson, dec'd. - expose tu public sale at the Court House in R ells- the flrtt .Monday in Jane, iB6O, at 2 o’clock r the follow ing'i doicrlbtid real estate, aituale In - of Jackson, county of Tioga, and State v .JWylv.jaj.,, to wit; r, 3u &ded on ibe north by Waterman Mclntyre, and 4 £• Everett'S, on tbe east by Warren Wells, on - tlc uth by Ctiward Garrison? and west by Nathan v crris Scclye, containing about seventy and two be &cres ’ a^out forty acres improved, a log £ / l ®ADd frame barn, and an apple orchard and sun- ’?sw buildings thereon. £ e i. , ORRIN B. WELLS, \ Ex . f - 1860, 4t. GATES BIRD, 1 “ I- > 5 Ornhiiu’B Court Sole. | r Jttrsuance of an order of the Orphan’s Court of r bounty, the undersigned Administrator of '% I[ * John May, late of Charleston, dec’d, t v Ee , 10 pohlic sale, on the premises, on SAT - ! aiil of 1860, at 2 o’clock, P. f *£» h ,v * g " ,j wing dcsbribod real estate, situate in the ' Tiuga County, Pa., to wit: 1 1 ° Qt^6 aorth by Samuel Morgan, on the ■ leading from the Covington road to -■ * Bea?, ® c h°ol House, on the south by lands 'f \f m on the west by lands of , of Un? 6DI 00ntais “ l 8 about one ahd a half r er ® r ca ‘® made known on day ofeale. fc:- , . WALDO MAY, AdMiniiirotor. « m April 58, \m, it. JTow Ready, Tirft Prince of the house of david i ' THE PRINCE OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID! TH$ PRINCE OF.TIfE HOUSE OF DAVID! By the Rev. J. H. Ingraham, ’LL. D. A new and revised edition, with the author's latest correc tions. One volume, 12m0., cloth, 472 jjagei. Price $1,25. Published by GEORGE G. EVANS, No. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. DS9I gU9t©£ £9lU®g. A literal. translation in German of the PRINCE OF. T|lE HOUSE OF DAVID One volume, 12m0.. cloth, 476 pages Price $l,OO. Verlay von GEORGE G. EVANS, No. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. THE PILLAR OF FIRE I OR. ISRAEL IN BONDAGE. By the Rev. J. H, Ingraham, LL. D. One volume, 12m0., cloth, COO pages. Price $1,25. Published by GEORGE Q. EVANS, No. 4U9 Chestout Street, Philadelphia. RECORDS OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR; Containing the Military and Financial correspondence of Distingqfehcd Officers: Genera! Orders of ’Washington, Lee and Greene; Names of the Officers and Privates, with the Dates of their Commissions and Enlistments, with a list of Distinguished Prisoners of War; the time of their Capture, Exchange, etc.; to which is added the Ilalf-pay Acts of the Continental Congress; the Revolutionary Pension Laws; imd and a list of the Officers of the Continental Army, who ac quired the right to Half-pay. commutation. land "warrants, etc , etc. By W. T. 11. SAbFELL, Counsellor and Agent for Revolutionary Claims. One volume 12 mo., 544 pages. $1,25. T. S. ARTHUR’S POPULAR BOOKS. True Riches. Angel and the Demon. Home Scenes. Three Kras in Woman’s Life. Golden Grains, Ten Nights in a Bar-Room, The Martyr wife, Angel of the Household, Sparing to Spend, The Hand but not the Heart, Tales of Real Life, Heart Histories and Life Pictures, The Old Man's Bride, The Trials of a Housekeeper, The Way tu Prosper, Leaves from the Book of Human The Withered Heart, Life, Tales of Married Life, Steps towards Heaven, What can Woman do ? Tales of Domestic Life, ; Quod Time Coming. lb the union of thrilling dramatic incidents, with moral lessons of the highest importance, these works of T. S. Ar thur stand forth pre-eminent amongst modern authors. They have been introduced iqto the District, Sabbath School, and various other Libraries throughout the country. Each of the above Hooks contain nearly 500 pages, and are illustrated with finely executed Mezzotint engravings, and handsomely bound in one 12mo. volume. Price J 1 each. BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH. MEMOIRS OF ROBlißt HOVDIH, PItESTIDIGITEUIi, Author, Magician, Artist, Sorcerer, ,Wiza»d, Necromancer, Conjuror, Enclmnter, Ambassador, Escnmotcur, Professor of Sleight of Hand, etc., etc. Written by Himself, Edited U Hr. R. SHELTON MACKENZIE, with n Copious Index, carefully arranged. - Bound in one volume, 12m0., cloth, 440 pages. Price $l,OO. NATIONAL LIBRARY. LIVES Op’ HEROES, HUNTERS AND PATRIOTS. Life of Col. Crockett, Life of Gen. Samuel Life of Lewis Wetzel, Houston, Life of Col. Daniel Boone, Lives of Southern Lives of Gen’ls Lee and Sumpter, Heroes & Patriots, Public and Private Life of Daniel Webster. Each of the above Books are illustrated with fine engravings, and bound in one volume, 12m0., cloth. Price $l,OO. LIVES OF ILLUSTRIOUS WOMEN OF ALL AGES AND NATIONS, Including the Empress Josephine, Lady Jane Grey, Beatrice Cenci, Joan of Arc, Anne Boieyn, Charlotte Corday, Sornlramis. Rcuobia. Boadicm. etc., etc. Ed ited by MARY E. HEWITT, Embellished with finely engraved Portraits on Steel. One volume, 12m0., cloth, 33G pages. Price $1,25. LECTURES FOR THE PEOPLE, By the Rev. HUGH STOWELL BROWN, of the Myrtle Street Baptist Chapel, Liverpool, England. First Series. With a Biographical Introduction bv Dr. R. SHELTON MACKENKIE. Published under a special arrangement with the author. One volume. 12m0., cloth. 441 pages. Price $l,OO. Up<>n. remittance of the price of the Book and 21 cents additional for postage, copicsof either of the above books accompanied with a handsome present, worth from 50 cents to 100 dollars will bo mailed to any person in the United Slates. - Send for a Classified Catalogue of Books , Containing the most complete list of Books in every department of Literature over published, and which will be s enl geatis to any peron, sending their address. To pmwptnen and honornhh dealhvj, tend all your order* to GEORGE G. EVANS, Publisher, and oncinator of the Gift Eo«ik Busi ness, No. 439 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. And you will be satisfied tnat it is the best place in the country to purchase Books. SPECIAL NOTICE TO AGENTS. G. G. EVANS, having purchased the stereotype plates, copyrights, etc., of the “Prince of the House of David,” “Pillar of Eire,” etc., would call tho at tention of agents'lo these truly valuable works. The “Prince of the House of David,” is one of the most popular and best selling books ever published. Over Ib‘O.COO have been sold, and it bids fair to outri val the “Pilgrim Progress,” or any other similar work. The “Pillar of Fire,* by the satne author, U now meetieg with a rapid sale over 90,000 copies have been sold since its publication, as a cumpanion to {the “Prince of the House of David,” every reader of tnat book should purchase a copy. * “Tho Recordsof the Revolutionary \Var,” is a book of great interest and gives a vast amount of, informa tion relative to the soldiers of tho devolution, and is an invaluable book of reference fos the descendants of of its heroes and nil who are interested in pension claims, land warrants, etc. The most liberal inducements nro offered to Agents, and upon addressing the publisher every information trill bo given. BEND FOR A CATALOGUE.’ Address GEORGE G. EVANS. Publisher. No. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. April 19, 1860. (6L) Hay. FOR the subscriber a quantity of Hay in barns on the farm in Richmond, formerly oc cupied by Clark Bailey, seven miles from Wellsboro. In care of Edwin Pratt near the farm. Enquire of Lowroy & Wilson Wellsboro Pa. Price, $8 50 per single ton. * 11. H. DENT. Itrookland. Pa., Fob. IG, 1860. fit* BALSAM TOLU,COUGH REMEDY.—This is'the most popular and useful expectorant now in use ijn this vicinity. It is prepared from the Balsam of a tree growing in hot climates, mostly in South America. For gale at Boy's Drug Store; hand. THE subscriber has for sale a largo quantity of farming of excellent quality, and in good lo cations in Tioga rind Potter County, comprising sever al lots of improved land. These lands will tie sold on ten years time at reason able rates. Those who desire to secure to themselves a good farm, can now do so on bettor terms than will ever bo offered again in this County. Wellsboro, March 8, 1860. A. P. CONE. Acliitlnlsfraioi’* Notice. LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on (ho estate of Eli Gitcheil, lui« of SulUvan, dec*d, all psrsons indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate payment and tnose having claims against the sumo will present them to F, W. OITCHELL, Adm'r. Feb. 16. 1860 * ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—In pursuance of an order of tho Orphan’s Court for Tioga County, tue undersigned Administrator's of the estate of David Ellis deceased, will expose to public sale on the prem ises, on the 12th day of April next, at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day, the following described real estate situate in Sbippen township in said County, to wit: bounded on the north by land of Phelps and Dodge, on the east by land of Horace Broughton, on tho south by laud of Phelps and Dodge, and on the. west by v land .of Henry H. Dent—containing about seventy-five acres, about seventy acres improved, with a, frame bouse, frame barn, frame wagon bouse, and -some other out buildiogf and an orchard thereon. Terms made known on the time of tbe sale. ORRILLA ELLIS, B. V. OGDEN, March 15, 1660. Administrator's., Uli*. Window’* Soothing Syrup. FOR Child** teething. Price ti cent*. Tot |i]» it Drug Store THE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR: O. BULLARD Takes this opportunity of announcing that he has fit ted up the stand formerly occupied by G. Latnb.nnd is now receiving an entirely NEW STOCK -O F ®3S® ©lllB 5313. Ilia stock consists in part of Pork and Floury -SUGARS- Refined, Crushed, Granulated, Powdered, Muscovado. Pork, Lard, Cheese, Fish, Oil, Coffee, Tobacco—j Smoking & Chewing, Snuff, Soap, Molasses—Maple & Sugar house, Soap, WOODEN WARE rows. Willow Wagons', Clothes Pins, Clothes Baskets, Wooden Pails, &c. Altogether the best assortment of Willow and Wooden Ware ever brought into Wells boro! •i v i DTI TIftll? P Whitewash Brushes, Blacking Brush- D(l|jljQ|]ikj cs, Shoe Brushes, Clothes Brushes Horse Brushes, Tooth Brushes, • VIM PI? Combs > I fllMinU 111! I lUilO nig Combs, Siamese and Pocket Combs, made of Ivory, Gutta Petalm, and Bone, Penholders, Pencils, Pens, Pencil Sharpeners, Slate and Lead Pencils, Steel Rings, Jews 'Harps, Teething Rings, Chess Boards, > Dominoes, Rubber Ralls, Yankee Soap, £ipcs, Sealing Wax, Inkstands, Murseiles and Linen Collars, Cap and Letter Paper, Envelopes, Ac.. Ac.i } TT'T) TT'TT'Gi Oranges, Lemons, Apples, PK, X-L • Figs, Prunes, Currants Rai uis, Uti Trias. 4 i TVTTT'T'C 0f all kinds. Also Mustard, Gher- J. l AJ J_ O kins, Pickles, Candies, Citron Btup died Fruits, &c., &c. Teas, Coffee, Spice, Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves, Nut meg?, Candles, Crackers, Childrens’ Toys, &c. I will not enumerate articles further, but would re spectfully invite those desirous of purchasing any ar ticle iu this line, to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. If I cannot please you for quality and prices you will have to go to the City to do better. I will state however that everything i 3 FOJEI SALE FOR CASH. November 17, 1559. 0. BULLARD. STEWARTS STEWARTS STEWARTS STEWARTS GROCERY GROCERY GROCERY GROCERY PROVISION PROVISION , PROVISION PROVISION BOOT AND SHOE BOOT. AND SHOE BOOT AND SHOE BOOT AND SHOE STORE STORE STORE STORE • NO 4 CONCERT BLOCK I NO 4 CONCERT BLOCK 1 NO 4 CONCERT BLOCK MARKET STREET MARKET STREET MARKET STREET 1860 1860 1860 Cuming, N. Y., March 22, 1860. (ly.) STATE Constitutional Union Convention. DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES. Non-interference with the whole question nf Sla very us not being a subject fur Congressional Legisla tion. The maintenance of the Constitution, as expounded by the Supreme Court of the United States, and the enforcement of all laws enacted by Congress. Protection to the industrial interests of the whole country, and prudence, economy and purity in the ad ministration of public affairs. Citizens of Pennsylvania, who are opposed to polit ical factions and sectional i>sucs. who are desirous of removing the causes which havcemlangered the Union of the States, and restoring harmony amongst the people, by forming a truly National Party, based upon the above principles, are requested to send delegates to a State Convention, to assemble at Lancaster, on the 25th‘uf April, I SCO, at 12 M., for the purpose of electing delegates to tho National Convention, to be convened at Baltimore, on the Uth of May, 1500, to nominate candidates for the Presidency and Vico Presidency of the United States. By order the Executive Committee. CHARLES LANCASTER, Chairman. E. C. PECIIIN, Secretary, April 12, 1500. Philadelphia. School lor Young j?lifc«C9 At Lawrenceville, ‘Hogl County, Pa. THE Miss Sceger’s of Northampton Mass., propose opening a School in this Village for young Misses, ou the I6th of April. They will teach all Englifh branches necessary to complete a young lady’s educa tion. Also Latin, French and Gorman. TERMS. Common English Branches, - $3,00 Higher Branches ami Languages, - - $6,00 Drawing; Painting, and Music (extra) Board can bo obtained fur pupils from abroad, in desirable private families. Reference*. —Lewis Darling, M, D., M. P. Orton, M. D., Judge C. Parkhqrst. , Lawrenceville, March 8, 1860. Mclnroy & Bailey, WOULD inform tho public, that having purchnsed the Mill property, known as the “CULVER MILL,” and having repaired and supplied it with now bolts and machinery, «ro now prepared to do CIISTOiTI WORK to the entire satisfaction of Us patrons. With the aid of our experienced miller, Mr. L. D. Mitcbel, and the unsparing efforts of the proprietors, they intend to keep up an establishment second to none in the county. Oosfa paid for wheat and corn, and the highest market price given. EDW. McINROY, March 15, iB6O, tf. JKO. W. BAILEY. TIOGA REGULATOR. George f. Humphrey bos opened a new JcwelyStore at , , Tioga Village, Tioga Gountyi Pa. Where he is prepared to do all kinds of Watch,;Clock and Jewelry repairing, in a workmanlike manner. All work warranted to give entire satisfaction. We do not pretend to do work belter thah any other man, but we can do as good frork as cah bo dofae in tne cities or elsewhere. Also Watches riated. GEORGE F. HUMPHREY. Tioga, Pa .j March 15, .1860, (ly.) fißin for sAie THE Subscriber offers for sale at a low figure, a farm situated in Delmqr township, containing one hundred and fifty acres, with seventy-five acres in agood state of .improvement, with a large frame barn upon it; a convenient bouse; two good orchards of choice fruit; with good fences, and a good quality of timber and wood,upon .it. The quality of the soil it excellent, and the distance is only two miles from tho Tillage of Wellsboro, situated upon a good public highway. This farm can be bought at a bargain.— Apply to Henry Sherwood is Wellsboro. or to the sub scrlber in Charleston &E£LT SATTEKLY.’ Feb 15,1850.* { The Great English Remedy. I Sir Jauks Clarke’s Celebrated Female Pills. —Prtparrd ; rom a prescription of Sir J. Clarle, M. />., Physician Extra ordinary to the. Queen. —This well known medicine is no im position, tutu sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties i and Obstructions, from any causes whatever; and although 1 a powerful remedy they contain nothing hurtful in their con i Btitntiou. , To Married Ladies It Is peculiarly suited. It will in a short time, bring on the monthly period ‘with regularity.— These Pills have never Iwen known to fail where the dircc* tions ou tli3 2d page of the pamphlet are well observed. For full particulars get a pamphlet, free, of the agent. N. B.—and 0 postage stamps enclosed to any authorized agent, will insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by re turn mail. For sale by John A. Roy, Wellsboro'; ll.ll.Borden, Tioga; C. W. Nesbitt, Mansfield; d. W. Miller, Lawrencevllle: J A J. 0, Parkhurst, Klkhiod ; A. AJ. Dcarman. Knoxville; and Charles Qoodspeed, Westfield. [Jan. 27,1850. ly.] IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DU CHBESEMAN’S PILLS, The combination of ingredients in these Pills ora the re sult of aloQgand extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, uud certain in correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstruations, removing all obstructions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, puin in the aide, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, n Inch arise from interruption of nature To MAKIiIHD LADIES, Dr Cheeseman’s Pills are invaluable, as they wiltbringon the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have been disappointed in the use of other Pills, can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Chceseman’s Pills doing all that they repre sent to do. NOTICE. They should not be used during Pregnancy, as a mis-car rmgn would certainly .esult thcreirom. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything inju rions to life or health. Explicit directions, which should be read, accompany each box. Price $l. Sent by%i.ul on cn closing $1 to the General Agent. Isold by one Druggist In cicjy town in the United Suites, R. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent for the United State?, 105 Chamb'.ia Street, New York. To whom all wholesale orders should bo addressed. Sold bv John A. Roy Wellsboro. Pa., and by Pratt & Hill Oaego. N. V. [April 28, 1859. 10 Br. Wlstar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry. XTMIEHE the above preparation is known, it is so well es VV tabli-dicd os an infallible Uemedy for the cure of— Coughs, Colds, Sore Tiikimt, Hoarseness, Bronchitis. Spit ting op Blood, Pain in the breast.. Crociv Whooping Cough, apd every form of Pulmouary Complaint, that It were a work of supererogation to speak of its merits. ’ ' Discovered by a celebtaied physician more than twenty years since, it Ims by the weudorful tulvs it has effected been constantly appreciating in public favor, untij its use ami its use and its reputation are alike universal; and it is now well known and cherished by all (and their “nameis legion’’) who have been rc-tuied to health by its Use as tho Great Haraedy for all the diseases which it to eme. Sir James Clarke, physician to Queen Victoria, has given it as hi?.opinion that . ... . . . . , CUNSUMI’TIdN CAN BECt/REI). Tho whole history of this medicine fully confiims thcopin ion of that eminent man. Thousands can testify, and have testified, that when all other remedies had failed, this had completely cured; that when the suflerer had well nigh des paired, this had afforded immediate lelief: that when the physician had pronounced tho disease incurable, this moved it entirely. The virtues of this Balsam are alike applicable to cure a slight cold or a Confirmed Consumption, and Its power os a safe, certain, speed}, pleaoaut aud effectual remedy cannot b« equalled. Caution! Purchase none unless it has the written signature of ‘*l. Butts’’ on the w rapper, '.us w ell as the pi int cd name of the propiietois. DRY GOODS DRY OifOUS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS Gentlemen: Having used Dr. Wiatar’s Bnl*nm of Wild Cherry in my practice with great succe.-B. I moat cheerfully recommend it to those afljjclcd*with Obstinate Coughs. Colds, or Asthma. (Signed,) 11. G. MARTIN, M. D- Mansfield, Tioga Co.. Aug. 1858. The following persons have also derived great benefit from the use of the GREAT REMEDY: Win. Lawrence. P. M., Bailey Cieek; John Fox, P. M. Matnsburg; B. M. Bailey, the well known temperance lecturer, and Thomas Jciiel a well known citizen of this county. For sale by their Agents everywhere. AGENTS. —John A. Hoy. WelUboro; C. W. Nesbitt, Mans field; D. S. Magee. Blusabuig; J. U. Albcclc. Liberty; A Humphrey, Tioga; Dr. A. Hollins, Jr., Maiusbutg. September 30. 1858, YANKEE NOTION YANKEE NOTION YANKEE NOTION YANKEE NOTION IN VIEW of the fact that every member of tho human family is more or leas s.ibjeciod to sunif complaint, be sides innumerable other conditions in hie. which, by the assistance ot a little knowledge or **XLrri-,eof common sense, they may be able ho to regulate their habits of diet, and with the of a good tonic. »ei m e permanent health. In Older to accomplish tin- de-ired object the true coni i<- to pursue is certainly that which will ptoducu a natural state ot things at the h-a-t Imzaid of vital strength and life; for this end Dr, Hostetler Ims introduced to this country a prep aration beating his name, which nt this day is not anew medicine, but oiio that hos been tried for years. git mg satis faction to all who have used it. The Bitters operate power fully upjn the stomach, bowels and liver, restating them to H healthy and vigoious action, and thus by the simple pro cess of strengthening nature, enable the system to triumph over disease. For the cure of Dyapcp&ia Indigestion. Xnn«CM, Flatulency, Los* of A]>p» rite, oi any Million-, Compt lints. aiHiig fimn a morbid inaction of the sumach or Hotels, producing Cramps. Dybcntety, Colic, Cholera Mot bus, Ac ,these bitten bate nut nn equal. Di.urlioc.i. Dysentery nr Flux, so generally contracted by new settlers, and caused principally by the range of water and diet, will be bbeetljh regulated by a brief u-c of this prcperalion. Dyspepsia, a di>e.tse which Is probably more prevalent when taken in all its tarious form*. than any other, tho cau-e ol winch may always be attributed to derange nieuts of tho digestive uignus can ho ctlml without fail by Using HOfrTiiTi’EU’S STOMACH Mil 1T.1! per direction* gn the hotth*. For this disea-e every physician will recom mend Hitter-, of sunfe Mud. then why nfit u-e .in article to be infallible? Kverjl colmtry have their Bitters as a prevent ative of disease and strengthening of the *\stem in general, ami among them all th**t e is not to Iks u healthifr peo ple than til* Gli mans, timii w lium ;(,N piepuatio.i emnu.i ted. based upon nucnti|ic expel muMils havi tetnhd to advance the destiny of this pSi pai.itum In the medical scale of -cienee. \ CORNING N Y CORNING N Y CORNING N Y Fkver \>i> aouf.—lblstt >ine and provoking disease, which fa-tees ita reii-ntle*s giasp on the body uf man. i educing him to a mere shadou* in u plion rpaxe ot tuna, and rendering him physically and mentally useless, cm- he defeated and driven fiom th- body by the use of lIOmTKTTEU'S I»K -NO'VNKD HITTERS. Vnither, any of the above stated din ted diseases cannot be contracted when exposed to why ordi nary conditions producing them, if the billets arc u-ed as per directions. And as it neither creates nausea, nor oHernia the palatt. and rendering unnecessary any change of died interruption to u-ual pm suits, hut promotes .sound rdeep muiC lieiiltiiy digestinu tfic complaint is thus removed ns *pc*diiy_ as is consistent with tfie production of a thorough and per manent airc Fou I’ekjsOXb ix Advanced Yeirs who are suffering from an enfeebled constitution and infirm body, these bitters are in valuable as a restorative uf strength and vigor, and needs only to bo tiled to be appreciated- And to-a mother while nvrsing. these Hitters are indispensable, especially where the mother's nourishment is inadequate to the demands oi the child, consequently her strength* must yield, and hero it is whole a good tome, such as llustetter s Stomach Hitters, is needed to impart tempotary suength and vigor to the sys tem Ladies should by all moans try this remedy for all ca ses of debility, and before sn doing, ask your physician who. if he is acquainted w itli the virtue of, tho bitters, will recom mend their use in all cases of weftkiie-s. CAUTION. —We caution tho public against using any of tb- many inn aliens or counterfeit*, but ask for Hostet ica’s CtLEuatTLO Stosucii Hitters, and see that each botth* has the winds “Dr. .1. Hosteller's Stomach Hitteis” blown on the tide of the bottle, and stamped on the in tftllic cap covering the coik, ami observe that our autograph signature is OU tile label. Prepared and sold by HOTETTRR k SMITH. Pitts burgh, hi., and sold by all Druggist*. Grocers and dealers generally throughout the United states, Canada, South Amer ica and Goinvmy. AGENTS.—' John A. Roy, Wellsboro. J. k J. 0. park hurst. A. k J Deman, Knoxville. M. \V. Staples, Osecola. Charles Good-peed. We-ttiehl. Seeley Si Logg. Nel son. A. Humphrey. H. 11. Burden. dohn Uedington. Tioga* Curtis Pujkhnrst, Wm. J. Miller; Lawrenceville, G. R. bhef for. Libel ty. October 13,1553 —ly. 346 & 348 Broadway, New York. THE following works are M»nt to Subscribers in any part of the country, (upou receipt of rctml price,) by mail or express, prepaid: The New American Cyclopedia. popnlir Dictionary ot General iinoului|gu.. by George Iliploy ami Charles A. Dana, aided by a nnnuTom “ctect corps of w ii ters in nil branches of Art, uml Literature. Him work is being published in about 15 large octavo volume*, each containing 750 two-column pages. Vqlb 1, Jl, HI. IV, Sl V, are now ready, each containing near 2,500 original ar ticles. An additional volume will be published once in about three months, r. . Price, in Cloth,‘s3; Sheep, $3,50; Half Morrocco, $4; Half Russia, $4.50 each. The New American Cyclopedia is popular without being superficial, learned, but not pedantic, coniprclienim'buti'ut ficiently detailed, free fiom personal pique and party pieju dicc, fresh and yet accurate. II ia a conlplete statement of all that is known upon every important topic within the scope of human intelligence. Every important article in it has been specially written for its pages by men who are au thorities upon the topics of which they speak. They are re quired to brine the subject up to tho present moment; to statejust how it stands nnw. All the statistical Information is from the latest reports; tho geographical accounts keep pace with the latest explorations; historical matters include the freshest just views; the biographical notices not only speak ot the dead but of the living. . It is adihrary of itself, 1 ABRIDGMENT OF THE , DEBATES OP CONGRESS.— Being a Political History of the United States, from the or ganization of the first Federal Congress in USO to 1650} Ed ited and compiled by Hqd. Thomas 11, Benton, from the of ficial Records of Congress. The work will be completed lu 15 royal octavo volumes of 750 pages each, 11 of which are now ready. An additional volume will be issued once in three mouths. A WAT Of PROCURING IHZ CYCLOPAEDIA OR DEBATES. Form a club of four, and remit the price of four books, and five copies will be sent at the remittor’s expense for cay. riage; or for ten subscribers, eleven copies will boseatat our expense for carriage. TO AGENTS. Ho other works will so liberally reward the exertions of Agents, an Agent Wanted in this County. Terms made known qn application to the Publishers. [Ang. 11. *59. Buffalo Robes. A FEW SALES No. I* Robes for sale Terr cheap eft t Stef. IT] W. A. RUB A b<rs. PREPARED ST CohSELtCS I. CHEESES!AN, M. D. KEW ioRXCITT. Head the folloicing Letter S. W FOWLE i Co., Proprietors, Boston, Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters. IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS. PUBLISHED BY I)! APPI.KTON & CO. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT THE subscriber having purchased the interest of the late firm of Smith & Richards, would respect fully inform the Public of this vicinity, of his design to increase the attractions of this establishment as a P Q P ULA R BOOK STORE, AND NEWS ROOM by making extensive additions of the best STANDARD WO R K S, together with & varied assortment of GENERAL LITERATURE. STATIONERY* FANCY GOODS; where can be found at nil times, a complete repository of Classical, Historical. Political. School and Miscel laneous Books. 1 BLANK BOOKS. PAPER HANGINGS, THE CURRENT MAGAZINES & NEWSPAPERS OF THE DAY, CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, IN EVERY-VARIETY SIIEET-M U S I C ~ G 0 L D-P E N~S, PICTURES.- SIAPS, k a ORDERS FOR BINDING BOOKS, EXECUTED TO SUIT ANT TASTE, ~ AND ON THE LOWEST POSSIBLE TERMS. Particular attention will also be given to SPECIAL ORDERS, for any article comprehended in the trade. Tbo attention and Patronage of the Inhabitants of TIOGA COUNTY is solicitcoTbolh for bis store in ’ WELLSBORO’ AND CORNING E. E. ROBINSON, Wellsborp, April stb, 1860. NEW FIRM! NEW STORE!! NEW GQODS! I 'The Empire Store, having been closed for a shott time for the purpose o b being Enlarged & Repaired. is now completed and the New. Firm of J. R. BOWEN & CD/ have taken possession and re-filled It, with the LARGEST, BEST, AND CHEAPEST of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, HOLLOW WARE, HOLLOW WARE, \ , f , . PORK & FLOUR, PORK A FLOUR, &o. f Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., ever offered to the people of Tioga county, and being thankful for past favors, respectfully invite the public to call and iee otir Kow which rfre will sell as cheap ns can be bought at any other placfc in this vi- cinity, We will tqke ifc exchange for Goods, Oats, Corn, Buckwheat, Beans, Bye, Barley, Grass Seed, Better, Pork, Lard, Tallow,, Beeswax, Paper Rags, and CASH, for all which wo will pay the highest mar- ket prices. Particular attention is called to cash pur- chasers. You will find it to your Advantage to call and see us before you buy elsewhere. Goods shown free, and sold cheap at the EMPIRE STORE of * J. 8,. BOWEN & CO. J. R.. BOWEN. M. BULLARD, A. HOWLAND, [Dee. 3, 1559.] CEDAR BIN HOTEL. CEDAR RUN, IYCOMISO COUNTY , PA. THIS house has been lately refitted and opened for the accommodation of the public*. Located at r central point; stages leaving evety alternate day fur Wellsboro and Jersey Shore, connecting with curs on tho Tioga R. R. north and S. A E. R. R. on the south. This House is situated.on the Cedar Ron Gang Mill pond—a safe and convenient landing for rafts in the rafting season. .Good ppslp are firmly set on the left bank, and the beach is free from obstructions. Har ing been prasttanlly engaged in the river business fm ixany yeora we feel confident ne can anticipate thi wauiii and requirements of this trade, and will endenv er to please. The .table, bar, chambers and stable will always be attentively watched and well supplied. Call and see ns, aad we will part with you sura to set you again. D. A. FISH, Proprietor. Cedar Run. Feb. Id, 1860 T HONBY 5’F LIVERWORT, fer Coughs and Colds Price 25 cents. At Roy’s Drug Store. A KEIF ARTICLE OF STOVJS. POLISH.—For Sal© at Roy’s Dwg Btat •<- TRY THE NEW STORE* “M. HP' IS AT HOME AGAIfj! with an extensive and well-selected assortment of NEW GOODS. His stock is as varied as it is valuable; and comprl* ms r DRY GOODS of all styles and varieties, including Fall and WlnHf varieties of Dregs Goods, Silks, Parametta’s DeLaiees, 4c. READY-MADE CLOTHING of various styles and prices. Having had long exp** rience in this branch of trade, he Is confident bis etab* ing vrUl suit his customers. GROCERIES, His stock of Groceries is complete* embracing a ki| Hat of articles in common use, and which-will be sola at unusually low prices. He has also a complete a* sortment of - HARDWARE purchased with especial reference to this market, io cluding Saws, Axes, Ac. Also CROCKERY in abundance and variety. The attention of the.p«fc* lie |s also called to tho fact that PORK, FLOUR & SALT will be kept constantly on hand and for sale at th* lowest market prices. In addition to the forecoinr ka will keep *" ® end similar articles of mechanical use. ills stock Boots & Sho#s J is sufficient to keep an eniirc community on a “rood footing,” and that all can be “fitted,” frea the largest to the smallest. In truth, ho would omo*- his friends and the public < ' EVER YiTH ING ai, “ re ““J ba found among hia jtoek. Call at ho old-stand of M. il. COA'VERSdsT I IVellahoro, Am-. 3, ISS9. ; rruiß CAP STOKE. TH? Subscriber has just opened in this a new J. Hat and Cap Store, nhure be in lend* »« , turn and keep hand a large genera » ■ Of „ r b o«uu general assortment Fashionable Silt and C=p sime ro Eat* ’ l:f"" Uf “ CtUre ' ' vhich *«“ * ‘old at bard SILK HATS made to order on abort notice., ““Sfand '" ‘ *"»•* head without the trouble of lL- • d “ ST tn «*» break the bat. S,o« in the New 81 , ,7lr y ° Ur b “‘L‘* Dickinson House. n «rp";it«]li. Corning, Aug. IS, ISS9. fpks ! Fins: purs • ‘C'DRS.—The subscriber has just received . t.._a ROCS MARTIN CAPES i VICTORIN33 Th. y h"TOo*.£^ s man^Kss&wa — E L±l s. P. QUICK. F. w. KKISE, ~ ■ SADDLE AKD HARNESS if AKER WEI.LSBOItO CT.,TIOGA, PA T'Tio E ® and of e^f ,Q< f’ infurn,i "* «>• established himself at uje''uw u*' l '‘^ hß • of Ml Wad, “f™« Collars Ac. All work warranted'. PS ’ Tr “* r » Repairing done on short notice. T-toga, aept. I, 1359.—1 y. 1 CASH DEALERS is GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Hats, Caps, Boots ana^StoTtfK”* sssssaaswi* _ WelUWl> - Oct. Cth, 1350. s. h! L LAADIJ. Adinluistra tor’g l»l« or TTnioti (,„rn"l„ 5 p decM inf °' Jlari " Allard, themselves indebted m Ld d^tati P a«° n ’ Ti"* make immediate payment and thl i ! qUoi,led "> •^T a %7p ° s cl4i ~ ntA LO PER, ASSORTMENT, AditiiHijiWiior’s nro7i C e ’ L undf r si| >° tb. Kumsey. iate of Sullivan, dec’d ■ lil’ner' 016 ° f to said estate are requested to settle - P S0 ?- 3 those haviu" claim, »?ii e ... ,m ! n « d f“telT, and etd for settlement, SALLvT RUifSEV 'S!?'' n .' iclu Jao. 19, 1500. F. IV. GITCUEr.T £r i^' r '' Administrators IPoii^T Jj E^?^n^ideraignfed1 o 3 n r thc o ef:t^r V * f^r^ eCa Calms a f aj^th t i T SILAS JOiIXSON f Admr'a Delmar, Jan. 12, IS$9. v±>, J ASS"®?’! betters of As signed on the estate of SIEASA*'TReVSiV r.' Ur ; • ” 3 BIiIZASETH'H7REMAn' m Ad • T a ,o?k A - riSH - Admr. MAIi ' A<W *• Jftn. 5, 1860. AV A Ten ESG IV E\~ AIVAV! At ~ Oft. Ju™ 0 "™ "T o™* 0 ™* am* ‘0 * ta-ti-*' CN, Indies’ Lever tl - , tt tt | .Detached Lover Silver Wo tM, °F Cn face - * Lopinc Silver W„,£he,,Tp en ’£> I ■«“*■>£ ««W. Gold Locket,, various sire,, ironies nnd Gents’ Oniri pt. • Gold PMcn^ni^Pe” 8 * “ a rich r”n C w" D 'i r : rn '’ 1 ’ { ”'ld Liner. Gold Watch Lev, and Belt Pin,. drop,. c U *«■ s j ae ;c:.oS;,^ Gold Bracelet,, nil ,L e ,. The list of Books coi i* *-;«*» •> -tandard works in every d^4Sr° r '* ,tM * feresting tn the jrouitff and on hi rln f '"! r '""rr, U nr a catalogue. Catalomes ..'a®, J lOl f! >tl fo fen* ■lre,,. Apply to S mailed free to anj ti ”™ M ExcuaaoE <:n . »■»“B2fSSSiS- , »—- March 18, 1353. OWU ,» O*.TK}SSWr*P*^ Va™ *. „ k , to wa»»^4fg"-f** * r . K**v*» TW**~ ct _ 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers