gEWANfi SPLSIiDiIO SIOCM OF ■- " STOVES. it R AND W. EGBERTS’. greatest variety of STOVES ever ?ecrr in c-J,' IWllsboro,* lias just arrived at- lb© STOVE Sc Tlx STORE of D. P. & W. ROBERTS. They would call tlie attention of the public to their well selected a«?or»m«nl, consisting' of the ‘^OUNO-AMERICA, - - Elevated oren, ■CORNING STAR,- do. •NATrON.AT/ AIR-TIGHT, do; * REGULATORS, PREMIUMS. LOW OVENS. -• ’Also a large of BOX and PARLOR Stoves 1 »l City ! p«ce». These Stoves are selected with the greatest core, especially for this market, and cannot Hat to” give entire satisfaction. Call and-*ce A/ P ’ ’ ■ e TlXWkinds, shapes,and sizes made of the best material and sold as; cheap if not cheaper than (hat of any .other establishment in the county-- E«vc Gutters made to-order on short notice., JOBBING done ' to-order and In the best man ner. jAU Tinware carefully proved before leaving the shop. IT* Old Ironj, popper. Brass, Pewter, and also Silver and Gold new, taken in exchange for Goods at the Market price. They rcspcctfliHy solicit the patronage of all who wish to purchase anything in their line, assuring them that money can.bc saved by examining their stock before pur chasing elsewhere. ' PREMIUMS, on Tinware were given for best Stuck and Work &.C., at late coqnty Fair. D. P & VV. ROBERTS, WelMwro.* April 93 1857. XS. W. lililU A SON. PATENT CHAIR MANUFACTURERS i!33 Broome St* One Door East of Broadway, (Late 4CB Broadway, New York.) (Established A. D. 1833.) INVITE an examination of their variety and su perior assortment of CHAIRS, manufactured at their own establishment, and under their immediate observation and direction, including PIVOT REVOLVING CHAIRS, EEI.T-ACTING RXTBSfiIO> T RECUMBENT CIUTRS, ' IMPftdVEDINVALID WHEELCHAIRS, MAJOR RBARLITS TRAVELING INVALID CHAIR, .SPANISH SPRING ANDSQRAB CHAIRS. RHEUMATIC. SPINAL & ASTHMATIC INVALID, ire., <tc- Emtfracing the most complete assortment, and choic> ef-l kinds fbr Purlers, Drawing-Rooms, Chambers Garden*,-Libraries, Counting Houses, Offices, Pub' lie Institutions, Dentists, Barbers,&c . together with every desirable sort adapted to the conifort, conveuL once, and luxury of the Sick, the Aged*, the Infirm, the Lome and the Lazy. In point ofingcnuity of design,elegance of finish, quality and richness of material, faithfulness ofexe.- cution, durability and cheapness, these Chairs arc rmsurp.irsrd. For them M. W. King & Son were awarded the firstand only Prize Medal,and the Fac ulty recommend them as far preferable to beds or ronchcfii for path nts afflicted with Spinal, Asthmatic, or Bronchial affections. To either arm of the chair may be attached a convenient reading or writing Desk, and any combi nation desired wiil s be manufactured to order, A Circular with explanatory cuts, will be sent by mail if requested and orders, (with remittances,} promptly forwarded to any part of the world. HT& AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL » FOR TILE RAPID CURE OK 1 W jCOUGHS, COLDS, BROW. -“LWciIITIS, hoarseness, / HPLIJENZA, ASXIIHIA. WBOOPI»e COUCH, INCIPIENT CROUP, and for the relief ofoonyamptfve patients in advanced stages ! of the disease, £ N’e m< d u..t to the pqjdir of its virtues. Through out every town. ar.d almost every hamlet of the American Rtate®. its wonderful cure® of pulmonary complaints have made it-already known. Nay. few are the families in any civilized country ou this continent without some pen-otud ex perience of It* effect®; and fewer yet the communities any wncre v. hh h have not among them some living trophy of it® rictoiy n\er tlic* subtle and dangerous diseased of the throat and lung*. While it N tbo most powerful antidote jot known to man for the foimM.ible and ihuurcrou- dS-ea*®--, of the pul monary organ®, it i* also the pleasanter and ‘-nfest icmudy that out be employed for inf.ioto and young persons. Parents rironhihaVe it In store again-tth® insidiou® enemy that steals upon them unprepared. We have abundant grounds to be lieve the Cherry Pectoral ea\e.s more lives by the consump tions it,pre\»*ntb than those it cure*. Keep ithj you and cure youtcohlvwhilotlicy arc curable, nor ncclcct them until no human .-kill can m.u-ti-r the inexorable canker that. f.i« toned on the vitals. your life away. All know the dreadful fa tality of lung di-ordeia, and as they know too the vii tue® of thl« reu.edy. w iv“i d not do more than to assure them it is mill made tin' it ran l>o. We ppare no cost, no care, no t<<{{ to pnnhice It the most perfect pus-dblc, and thus afford fhew v.h-i K-Iy on it the best agent which our skill can fur nish fur thcr cure. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. A YER, Practical and Analytical Chemist. •LOWELL, MASS, AST) SOLD-BY J. A. HOY. WELLSBORO.’PA. CHAIRS, ..CABINET-WARE, &C. J STICKLE Y respectfully informs the citizens • of Wellsboro and \icinity, that he keeps con stantly on hand and will manufacture to order. Chairs & Cabiuet.Waie of all descriptions. < Those desirous of purchasing any article in his line will do well to call and examine his stock, liis work is manufactured from Ihc best material and is cure to give satisfaction. All kinds of TURNING done in a superior man ner and on reasonable terms. CTShop south end of Mnin-st., WclKhoro’. [Jan. 8,1857.-if. KEW BLACKSMITH SHOP ! THE Subscribers would inform the public, that they have opened the Shop in the rear of Bowen’s Store, and arc now prepared to doall work in their line, with promptness, and in the best style. They are prepared to do all kinds of work, usually done in a country shop. Particular allcntion'paid to Horse Shoeing. We employ the best workmen, and wiM cndcavor logivc satisfaction. We respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. REED &. O’CONNEL. military Police, TUB Assessors of the several Election Districle of the county of Tioga, arc requested to mak out one complete Return of ell (he unuaiformed Mali* tinmen in their District for the year 1856, and send the same to me on or before the lilt-1 Monday in Jane next. Now in order to be able to draw our lull quota of arms it unnecessary that we have the full strength of oar military force and instead of only about 150,000 militiamen in the Stale, as Ins been repor ted by our Adjutant General, let us endeavor to swell tbc number lo its old standard. Come up to the works then like business men, and all will be right; otherwise cost will be made. . . - UOB’T COX, Bits*. Insure. Liberty, March 12, '5l ■\TOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned listing been appointed an auditor to distribute tbc fund arrising- from the sale of the real estate ol James W. Guernsey, among the lien creditors will attend lo the duties ofsaid appointment at the office ofc. 11. Seymour Esq., in tlio village of Tioga on Thursday, the 9th day of'April next, at one o'clock P. M., when and where all personshaving any claim upon said fund are requited lo present the same for allowance, or be forever debared therefrom r „ , A, N. BACHE. Auditor. V ellsboro, March 12, iqin. W. W. WEBB, M. I)., HAS relumed fo WelJsboro*, and id raady to prompllyjiUcnd all calls as a PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. lie would also state that he has received a Commission from tile Governor, and been sworn by the Brigade Inspector, as Surgeon of the Ist Regiment, 2th Brigade- of the 13lh Division of the uniformed Militia, of Pennsylvania, and.there fore Is the only~Burgcdn within "thp Limits ofsaid Brigade who has the right to give certificates lo “persoasincapablcorbearing arms.” - Office and.ccsidomx fir*L door above Roe’s Store. T SUMNER, just receded al XJ ' (April Kty, IPUNG^. TTEjWOT AX.—DR. B. BARR respectfully . »^ DounC i e 8 to public that he has removed his Office to the dwelling lately occupied by Jos. P. Morris,- Esq., where he may be founa at all hours when not professionally engaged. - Demands for his service, promptly responded to . Welhhoro', April 31,1850. 1r ■ ™ ' CHINESE SUGAR CANE. AND OTHER RARE fj VALUABLE SEEDS THE SLBSCRLBCIi has just receive*! a supply of tlio genu ine Cbincsc Sugar Cnoe gt*<*d.from the latest importations •wbicli lie is prepared to turnteh, in packages, sufficient to plant four rods of ground—single package 25 cents; 6’pack ages for one dollar; 11 for two dollars; 100 for sixteen dol lars, by man. post paid, to any address in tbc United Status under son miles. Beardless Barley, Japan Teas. Wyandot Prolific Com, King Philip improved and the Excehdor Suect Corn, Orange and lev Cream Watermelon. Buena Vl«ta Beans, and Chinese Aa parngn.S <a« annual plant pcrfcctir hardy and easy of culti vation) in -nine quantities and same price. The entire list for J 2. or a selection of 5 for $l, Twenty-five vuietka of choice Flower Feeds $l, bv mall. The Sub'<~rih.T has distributed over 15,000 bcacHi of the Beardless. Bariev in the States. Territoriesimd &uuuicus within the last three motirtu, and Ims about 10,000 more for distri bution which ho will l*c pleased to send (a single bead) to any person who uill send headdress on a pre-paid envelope. Also for gratuitous distribution, Poland-Oats and Mexican Wild Potatoes, by mail, in of 4, S and aixfoon ounces. These nill be forwarded to any address oatho.receipt of tbc postage, whichlsß centfrpcr ounco under 3,000 miks —2O cents over 3,000 miles or in the Canada*. Seedsmen, Merchants and Faimer’s Clubs wishing the gen uine Seed of this SUGAR PLANT, in a convenient form for retailing or dWrihutlon, will find it the least trouble and ex pense to procure it -from the subscriber. Drafts on Eastern Banks would bo preferred for soma of $S and over, but bills on specie-paying hawk's will be thankfully received—tractions of a dollarjn postage stamp*. _' T ‘ Give your full and plainly. Addrees--/- X. W. BiilGGSj'Wesl Muc«den! a*o>, y. \'; A L S O tF VOU WANT to BUY BOOKS, go lo f ' y O I N G ’ s , ’ For he has just returned from (lie City with an en tirely new stock of BOOKS & STATIONERY, Fancy Goods, Reticules, Portmonnaies, Jet Bracelets, Harrison's Perfum eries, Harrison's Sharing and Toilet Soap. HIKBTSOVS COLTIHBIAir KIES, BLACK. RED AND BLUE, THE Subscriber having purchased a part ofthe Stock of Drugs,and Medicines formerly owned by Robert Roy, is now receiving fresh supplies. He would respectfully inform the public'that he intends to continue the Drug business at thejold stand. The store will be left still in care of the former proprie tor (Robert Roy)*Snd it is hoped that by its ample provision for the wants of the comihumly, and by aUcnliuD lo customers, it may still b!e found 'worthy of public favor and patronage. Ckll and see for yourclves. JOifN A. ROY. October 9lb, 1856. I Time! Time! Time! Time TIME Rows from instants, and of these each one Should be-eatcemed as if it were alone. * I£ any. wish to redeem time now tost, please call just one door north pf B. B. Smith {&. Son’s, where it shall be restored. The subscriber is now ready tado anything in the line of Repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. All work warranted* MeJMmro, July 21,1856. ' ;- |A. FOLET- H. O. COUB BARBER & HAIRDRESSER, Wcllsboro’Pa. Occupies room over Roberts' Tin Store. thing in bis line of business will be done ** and as promptly as it can be-done in the fashionable City saloons. , Preparations for dandxa#, and beaatyfiiog. the; hpirfor sale ebe ? Hair and whiskers dyed soy color. Call and sec. WclUboro', Oct 18,1855. - <ts Hydropathic Physician aildSurgeon. ELSSJLaAO, TKM3A coljjftv, V>A. . , in aU’Pfita el lbeconnly;- [June 14.1855.] . -i HOYT. CIVIL ENGINEER SURVEYOR & DiIAIJOKTSMAN. YVellsboro, Pa. O* Office tcilh J- Ti.liache. J2sq, \Feb , 19-57 JOHN N. BACHE, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT •**. TiAW—Office, north side Public Square Wellsborough, Pi. Rcfeiß to Messrs JPhelpSjDodge & Co.,N,Y city Hon.A.V-.Parsohs.PhiladeJphia. July 13. SPENCER & THOMSON, & Counselors at law, ■ V C ORN IN «, ■ gtcubcii Comity, Wow York. ' - 45e0. T. Spencer. ‘C. H. Thomson. April 18,1855-Iy. ~ S. F. WIIiSOJT, O’Removed to James Lowrey’s Office JTAS. IOYTRET & S. P. WM.SOBT, A fTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT 4*- LAW, will attend the Courts of Tioga, Potter and McKeon counties. • = Wellsborough, Feb. 1.1853. G 1 RF.CI AN OIL PAINTING.—FuII and explicit T directions for pursuing this beautiful art, will be forwarded to any, address by enclosing a pos tage stamp to H D. DEMING, Well&boro, Tioga Co Pa. Papers copying the above, and sending a marksd copy with bill of the same, will be duly' honored by return mail. The Tioga County Agitator It published every THURSDAY MORNING at Wellshoro’, Tioga Oountv. Pa., by Cobb, Stcrrock & Co., on tho VA T DO W N Pj-stem. The cash roast invariably accompany the order for the papor, unless our agents at tho several jMJSt-ofli ecs choose to become responsible for the amount, or no pa per will be mailed. The subscription price is ONE DOL LAR PER AXNUM to single subscriber®. Any par son sending us $9 -will receive 10 copies of the paper one year —directed to each subscriber. Office. HOY’S BLOCK, second floor, over Taylor's Rook Store. Justice's. Constable's and other blanks always on hand. Job and Fancy Printing executed with ueatneeS and despatch. NEW FIRM.—The business of the Firm of Ta bor, Baldwin & Co. will hereafter be conducted in the name of Tabor, Hathaway fc Co. The affairs of Tabor, Baldwin & Co.will be closed up as speedy as possible and those indebted to said Firm ore hereby notified to pay up without delay It they wish to avoid cost those that do not, will ccr tainly get sued. TABOR, BALDWIN Sc Co. Tioga, Pa. Sept. 18,1856. [9.] FOR SALE. A Woolen Factory & Saw mil). TUB SUBSCRIBER, wishing to change his business. offer for ‘sale hi® Woolen Factory, Saw Mill and Timber lot near Well-boro". The Machinery in tho Factory consisting of “ones Sett” i® In good running order, most of it is nearly new and of the heat construction. He wilt soil tho whole togeth er, or the factory machinery separately; the locution is good, and the terms will be easy. Applv to the subscriber on the premises, or by letter to this place* ’ Welhboro’ Aug. 2tith ISS«. *J. I.'jACKSOX. W. W. ROBINSON, DEALER IN Books,Stationery, Blank Books, Wall Paper—Eng lish, French and American Manufacture, Toilet utensils and Perfumery* Fan cy Soaps , Violin Strings , Gold ■ Pens and Pencils, Sse. % Sfc. All the. popular Magazines- and leading Kewsjxj* pers may be had at his Counter . CORNING, 15, U 55, KOGEES & EOOT, Honcsdalf, Fa. 'Proprietors of THATCHER'S Patent Double Action SUCTION dc FORCE PUMP. (D-Best Pump in the Worldly] County and State Rights for Sale. Downs & Co., Manufacturers, Seneca Falls, N, Y, T. S Rogers. [June 19-56,] S. B. Foot. GREAT RUSH AT EVANS & CO’S THE fact is established that 409 Broadwnv i» the place in \cw York to huy Books. EVANS & CO. sell lk*>ks as low as lliry can bo bought anv where, and giro 'ulh each book a present varying iu value from 25 ct*. to $lOO. The \aluo of the present depends upon the number of the book purchased. Gifts delivered iq the time of the bale. Great in ducement to agents. Catajogncb, containing list of hook* and prize.*, sent to any address jrw. tY- Per?u{i-> unacd»amt«*d aifhfhe firm of Evan** Co., are n i -pe* tfully referred to the following leading publishing hous.-j.: Miller, Orton, Sc- Mulligan, 25 T.irk Bow. New York; IWhy A* Jaclcon. 11l Nassau street. New York, Phillip*. Sampson A Co.. 13 B’intcr street, Boston: Sanborn. Carter i Bazin. Boston. Muss. Send for a Catalogue I December. 11,1556.—3 m. Wants, & Things Wanted. WANTED by almost every farmer in the coun ty, a bottle of the “Liquid Heave Cure,” id check the first indications of heaves, and the proven (ion and cure of all diseases that affect ihe wind of Horses. ALSO, a box of Dr. Power’s “Hibernian Oint ment, a sovereign remedy for Galls, Scratches, Gra. zes, Bruises, fiesh wounds, and all cutaneous diseases to which horses or horned cattle arc subject. ALSO, a box of the “German Rat Killer,” one of the safest and best articles in use for destroying rats and mice, or Lyons celebrated “Rat Pills, for the same purpose. For sale at the VVclUboro’ Drug Stoic CAYUGA PLASTER. CXXCV, respectfully informs the citizens of Wilmots District and that ofTiogaCo. in particular, that he has for sale a large quantity olTresli.ground Cayuga Plaster, at the'old price—BG, per ton. Having secured the services of an excellent MILLER, and enlarged lu> bias for the reception of Plaster, he feels confident that no one will be disnp. pointed. Particular attention will be paid to People from a distance. Mansfield, Jan. 3,1557.—1 f. NEW GOOBS I NEW (iOODS WHERE? at ERWIN’S new Store 1 lie has jusirelurocd from tbc City with acholce Eof of Ready-Made Clothing, CEOTIIS, CASSIIWERES, VESTING and all of which will be sold ON THE CASH-DOWN SYSTEM A ,N D NOTHING SHORTER! Wellsboro’ Sept. 25, 1856. THE WORJLD IS MOVING! YO. SPENCER lakes this method to say to • the public, that he continues to PLANE LUMBER at his Shop (two miles soutii of Mans field near Spencers Mills) for the following prices : Siding for 25 els per hundred led. Flooring matched, 50 els. per hundred feet. Plain Surfacing, $2,50 per thousand feet. Fif-y cents per thousand extra will be charged for hard wood. ALSO—A superior quality of fence pickets al. ways on hud at $1,75 per hundred. March 5, 1857.-iy. Philadelphia Advertisements, f -' : ' . 7- , ; . from ' -" j OIIN. A • RID DL E, At' Merchants* Hotel, North Fmirth Street, '’Philadelphia, wlio asks the attention of • TEE MERCHANTS OF THE T VEST AKD XORmVTEST . TO TEAT MARKED * Xn«R .RAILROAD COMMUNICATION Suspension X Brhfg*‘. Elmira, Williamsport ami CuUwiwi,, jieing com plete, you nre-hi-ought ne\w:r to it than to Novr'Yatk, nml the prices of FrciglUs. are equally low, « hlch ■ renrieni it ac cessible both to buy and sell. Merchants fronv tho North* West, visiting the market fur the first tune, and wishing to see it to the be«t advantage, will please cull on Mr. Riddle. .. \VJI.I7 WILSTACIL. A CO., Sudlery and Coach Hardware. Saddle and Carriage Trimmings, Harness Mountings, Ac, North Third Street. MORRIS. JONES k CO. Ponn, Boiler Plate, Boiler Rhets. •Sheet Iron,’ Steel and Pig Iron. Nails, &s.,Markotnrui lt|h st. KEYSTONE tsTATE .SAPONIFJ HR, or Concentrated Lye, for making Stop. Manufactured by tho Penn. Salt Co- Ta reuLiim. Alleghany -Co., Pa. Represented by Lewis, James J. R. A E. L. PBRET* General Produce Cotqjpieniun Mer chants. No. IS North Manufacturers.- .Agents for the ijtderof Cotton Buck, Pearl Starch, etc., etc. liefer to Philadelphia merchants generally. All consignments 'will receive our prompt ami personal attention. • MfUPIIV k KOONS, General Comaih-wtm 3lcrchants, and Wholesale Dealers in Fish, Cheese and Provisions. No. 47 North Whnrve*», below Race street. ~ PRATT A REATTI, Importers of Wotchea. Jewelry and Fancv Goods, X. irr corner sth ami Market streets. Ja’MES BARBER, Wholesale Dealer in Clocks, Agent for the Patent Equalizing Thirty Day Cluck, .Manufacturer of Fine Gold Pens, S. E. corner of Socondand Chestnut streets. KOUER, GBABFF k DARLING. Wholesale dealers in Boots. Shoes, Jlitts nnd Straw Gtxu}«’ 126 North Third ttrect. * A-FKNNKK, Mirawfcctttnfra of Parasols and Um hrellu-. 12.5 Market etro« {. THOMAS WHITE A Co„ Manufacturers of Straw, Silk Bon nets and MUlinerj Goo'l-. 41 S. Second street. BUNN.-RAIOUEL Co.. Importer-, of British flood o agd Johl*or“ of Fnnry and Staple Silk Goods. Embroideries, Ac., 91 N. Third street. . MOORE. HENZEV A CO. Importers and Wholesale Deal ers m Hardware, Cutlery and Guns, ISI Market and 16 Com merce stirct*. M. 1.- lIALLQWELL 1* CO., Sißc Jobbers, Philadephia. have n-m opened in their unrehon-e, which is one of the lar gest in America, -uperb n-sorlnient of new Silk Goods Fancy Dreia Stutfs. Embroideries. Laces. Ribbon*. tind other articles iu their hue. 'ill" system of UNIFORM PRICES, adopted by us some var° -diuv. tojitber with tluvt of opening noaccouuts excepl With CASH AND SHORT CREDITBUVERS, has had the effect of largely increasing onr business" and fur the rea son that nm-t he mauift -t to every thinking merchant, that un«h r our and terms w« not onlj can nflord to, hut 11IU-.I from in res-dtj. f-e/I at lower rates Ginn those who do bu a iin*ss on tho old long credit systemfniif tbrms being more stringent, and the pun-liasers whom wo seek’ to attract being as a ela*--. the < 10-e-t huy«Tj» am! best Judges of goods. Baldwin, cuebwsey & co., have jutl received a ningnificcm assortment o SUMMER GOODS T K H M S:— C'-a-'h buyers wiU revchu u tU-count of SIX prr out., if the money bo paid /n par fnad*, within ten dajs of Unto nf bill. Cncimvnt money taken only at it* market value on the day it i* received. . a test styles, assorted patterns and unequalled fab ric?, selected from Ibe most celebrated establish ments in the city, and which are now offered daily at our Store in Ttoga, which can be had for To rmrehau ts of undoubted standing,acredit of SIX months Will be triu-n if 'hvired. M hcM-mmn-.v i-i emitted |n ndvanco of maturity, a dis count at Cite rate wf TWELVE per cent per annum will be a! ■towed. ' tfcia,. W'- nslc from the merchants viritlnp tbo east an exami nation of our sto« k.lM'in.UF-itihfivd that they will be con> me ed it I- hot for lln-jr inUfwt tu pay the large profits that nrenli'-'olunlyi'-sfntlal to tho.-c who give loug-eredits. March 12. is,*)7.-3m. ' liiltlc, or Nothing above prime cost —with oceans of good will thrown on gratis. The first pick is the best pick, so come in while stock is fresh. Delays are dangerous—Pro crastination has frostbitten many a good bargain If you want your money's worth, come on. If you want more than a dollar’s .worth fora dollar, don’t come ; but you will be asl6nishcd to see what a pile ol goods wc can put np for a dollar. Our slock of DRY GOODS is not made up of the odds and ends and the rem nants of “closed up” concerns in the City, but com. prises a complete assortment of the latest styles and best qualities, from the coarsest domestic to the fi nest imported fabrics, such as Silks, and Ladies’ Dress Goods, Latest Styles, and adapted to every variety of trim mings. Ladies will do well to call and examine the Slock before purchasing elsewhere. Baldwin, Guernsey & Co., have always on'hand a seasonable and fashionable stock of Gentlemen’s Ready-Made Clothing, which will be sold al the lowest CASH PRICES. ALSO, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Glass Stone, Hollow and Wooden Ware, Iron, icel. Nails, Oils, Paints and Dye-Stvffs of ecery kind and of the best quality, with BOOTS dj- SHOES, for Everybody. %* All kinds of Country Produce taken in ex. change for goods at the market ptu,es. T. L. BALDWIN. Tioga, Juno 26, 1856. A. T. GUERNSEY, O. B. LOWULh. / ' MAP OM3O6A.GOMTY,' PHILADELPHIA. j Pr&n betual 9fta*urmevt,end SbrvtiM tkrouvh*** . /&' county. By a €otp9 of Surveyor* wh# * f*#lO v all persons afflicted with Sexual diseases, , fully competing ta the difficult to *k tangned them X. SFERM~ATORRH(E£>. SEMINAL rpHE undersell will publish shortly, provided a < a Jg c WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONOfIRHCEA, '4; ““""•of S'.lwcribenUx,obuiiwi.a GLEET, SYPHILIS, the Vice of ONANISM, or & £ir AND COUPLETS map op tioca covxtt . SELF ABUSE &c &.c ' ! I Ail IV pnblio Bond* BaUroaOs, GrowingssndStation., . nV, .’00,;;.r iTtOM rT>l -t j , i,■ Offices Churches. School Houses, Stores, Hills, Public The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia Private Houses, Cfemetcrie*, Manofactorfea, in view of the awful destruction orhurhan life and he shown on the 3lnp, in addition to the usual topognphj U f health, caused by Sexual diseases, Slid the deceptions Tn'ie ame "° f pni P - ■which are practiced upon the unfortunaterv&liVns of "tecribc in Uio shp) an, also to ho'wirteS such diseases by Quacks, have directed iheir Con. th«ir respective places, in -the style'of the 3laps exhibited!,, suiting Surgeon, asa CHARITABLE ACT worthy lhecanv«sera. . , , . , of.thefr name, lo give MEDICAL ADVICE GRA- thus afflicted, (Male or Female,) vate bondings. v who apply by letter, with a description bflhcir con- N° expense wm be spared to execute the 3lap In tlmw g * c , t I. l;,„ _<* i;/v x- „ \ ,„j style or art. Tbopian will be plotted on a suitable soj. dllion, (age, occupation, liablts of hfe, *" oa to show distinctly nil the particulars above specified; aJa case of extreme poverty and suffering, to r URWibn make a large and ornamental m ap. To bo engraved and * ! MBDICINESTREB OF CHARGE/ "*v . . ' livcrcd to subscriber*, handsomely colored, so aj to show la, . the.Tlbwurd Association iVa behevplcnr With [ tion, established by special endowment, for there- ing. nt a co-t of saver*! dollars, it wijj ho wnih^ ' lief of the sick and distressed, afflicted; with ‘‘Vim. °aly a,lnrgesulwcnption list will warrant the hcarr expen* fentindlSpideaiicDif eases,” audit* funcfeWbo ‘STito SlpsTS used (or no other purpose. U hae now. a surplus of -tho map wiJLoofltiUa fciWc* of the popnlaHoa, production, means, which the Directors have voted to advertise assessed value of property, religions the above notice. It is needless to adds that theAi. socialion commands Hie highest Medical skill 01 the f&iyiog upon ft ju*t appreciation of'oar,effort*. by age, and will furnish the most approved modern tizons*of Tioga, te issue a map of their county ootheab®,, treatment,— Vaiuahjaadvicc ato given to sick and nervous fennUes.jiffl.ofed with W*mh Complaint, James ». Scott, Publisher LcucorrlHsa, &c. \ s ’ puiuai>eu?uia Address, (pOSVpa*>d,) Dr. GEO. R. CALHOUN I. D. HICII.UrDS; Agent at MelNborp* Pa. (Septa.)’ Consulting Surgeon, Howard: Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ? ‘By drder.of!the-Pircclorp, EZRA D. HARTVVELL President GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. October 250856.—iy, Evens CoJs Great Gift Book Sale. 400 nnoADwilr, xevt yob Ist. FIXE OOJ.D JKWiILiiV GuIeN'MVAY ToiI'CRCHASERS . * ' /.< 4 . OFBjDOKF. - I All Books will be soldas low as can be bad at other Storey, many of them for less. New Books received daily. A Gift varying in v line from 25 cents to $lOO, given with cadi book at the time it is sold. Having on hand a very large slock of new and valuable books* and as our motto is “Large sales and small profits 1 ” wc arc determined to give our customers better bargains than cap be had else . -here. - Any book published in New (York or Phil :iel|)hia will be promptly sent, gifl iucluded, on re ceipt ofpublisher’s price. of Books arid Presents containing foil explanations will be sent free to all parts of the country. ! - ; - : The most liberal inducements arc offered to Agents. Any person by sending - ua ah order lor ten IBooks, with money inclosed, willbc entitled to no' extra Book and Gift . I All orders for book?, containing morjey, (lo ensure perfect should be reg,(stored at the Post Office where they arc mailed, and directed lo Evans & Co., 409 BroSdway, New York. | Reference.—M. Thomas & Sons, Sooth Fourth Street, Philadelphia; J. B. JUppincott|& Co., Phila delphia ; D. Appleton & Co„ Broadway, New York; Derby &. Jackson, Nassau Street, New York. (nr SEND FOR A * EVANS & CO.. Principal Store, 409 Broadway, New York. Branch Stores at 125 Chestnut St. PhU’a. and at Washington D. C. Marriage guide.—youngs great PHYSOLOGXCAL WORK, THE POCKET iESCULAPIUS, or Every One Hia Own Doctor, by WM. YOUNG, pit. D. It is written in plain Hn. J gunge for the general reader, and is illustrated with upwards of one hundred Engravings. All young married people, or those contemplating marriage, and having the least impediment to married }jft % should read this book. It discloses secrets that everr one should be acquainted with.' Still it is a book that mjust be kept locked op, and nbt He abont tbe house. It will be sent to any one on Che receipto Iwenty.ftve cents. Address Dr. WM.YOUNG, 15 SPRUCE Street, above Fourth, Phil’a. ■* MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr. MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr. WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE.GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDG, by. Dr WM YOUNG MAR f£t AG EG UID E, by. Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, bv Dr VVAJ YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUfDB, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG TO FARMERS AND GARDENERS. The snisciapßns offer for sale-10,000 barrels oftheir New k. Improved F O E 16 IS E T T E , Manufacturer! frojn the nij:?if-boiJ of NVw-Vork city, in lot." to suit-purrbasm. Tfm artiVJc fen-ally Improve*! within the last two bn- bcCn in lbu m.irkut for vmhb'eti years, and still defied competition, a-, a manure for Corn ami Gatdmi Vegotablcb. bciiijr rhr'iptr and more powerful than any other, and at the «amo tune vutr rr.uM m.-v;i:kevlii.kui>or. Twobar reNfso worth) will maanro an acre of corn in tire bill- will save two-tbinls in labor, will cause it to come up quicker, to grow faster, lijK-n ember- and will bring a larger crop on poor ground than any other fertilizer, and Is aNo a preventative of the cut worm: nWU does not injure the seed to be put in contact with it. The L.-M. Co. point to their longstanding reputation, and the lajge capful (’$!<«),000) invested in their Im-lm*-", as a guarantee that the article they make shall always bo Midi qualify as to comnian I a ready sale. Price, delivered in the city free of charge and other ex peiihc— One barrel. . • £2,00 Two biureK - - - * -3. W) Five barrel", - fi.OQ Six barrel-. . - - - - 9.50 And at the rate of $1,«0 per barrel for any quantity over six barrel*. £2“ A Pamphlet, containing every information, will lie sent (rote) to any one applying for the -nine. Our iuiddrctw is—- UHK LODI -MANUKACTUIUNO Co. Ofike, W) (JortUmit SL. February •’». ISs7.—Cm. THE GREA T ENGLISH REMEDY . SIR .1 AS. CLARKE'S CELEBRATED PEM A'L E PILLS. Droparv'l from a Ppj-i'ripli'tn of irir Jnrm's Clarke, M.D.’ Physician Pxini'iniinary to the linocn. Tin? invaluable MM cim* i-* unf.ulinz in tin* <*nre of all tho-*e painful aud danger on" di—M-n- in- to the female constitution. It i.ioclarat-'i all exc«w, removes all ulntiurtion*. ami bring- oil the monthly period with regularity. Tlu“*c Pills should tie r.Hit two or three weeks previous to coufimommt; they fjilify the constitution, and lessen the su/Tering during labor, en'dilini: tlie mother to perform bcrdntlca with safety to herself and child. These' Pills should not he taken bv female.? during the FIIIJiT MONTHS of l*rr p »»a*M r. as they are Mire to bring on Mi-ram me, hut at nnv otln r time they are *afe, Xu ul) nis-es ul Nrr%o\» aniFypiual Afiection-i pain m tin: Back and Limb-. Heavim--. Fatigue on Might Exertion. I’«|- pitation of the Ihait. l.owne— of Spirit-. rTyrierie-i; Si'-k Ih-adru if. Whit'*- and all other (Kiinful di-oas«— occasioned hy a disordered B'riem. the*'- pjlls willvflVit a cure when ail other tm’iirt.i hate Ihilcd. ami although it powerful remedy, does not contain iton. calomel. antimony oran\ other nduenil Full direction- accompany each package. Price iu the Uni ted States And tSuiiida, Usk Dollar. Sole a gents tor this Counts 1. C/UAUnvIX A Co., Bochc-<ter, N. Y. S. I>. •-! O't nnv nuthoriscl Agent, will insure a bottle of Pill- by rftturn mall. For Nile IMiolesale am! Detail hr If. ELLIOTT Elmira, and by one druggist in every tmvuin the United States. For particulars cnP at Elliott's and g.-t a Circular. For sale in WelUboro. by ,1. A. Bor. Covington bv ”o'. Taylor,- Mansfield, by C. - \V. NV-Mtt; Tioga by A. Hum phry and 11. ll.^iJorden; LawrenceviUe bv AV. O. Miller; Knoxville by A. J. Beannan; AW-afield hy Gooci.-pctd & Brother: Kikland by ,T. k J. rarkherri. J 2. isr.7.—ly. WHEW? QO YOU HADN’T HEARD THE NEWS? O Well, no vender. Kansas has been invaded, Lawrence has been sacked and the Free Slate Ho tel with all its Furniture has been destroyed. The subscriber, always awake to the best interests of liis fellow.citizens,and knowing that there must be a great demand lor - CABINET FURNITURE in consequence of said Sack, has concluded to re main at his old stand, two doors below Roe's Store where lie is generally in attendance to receive and wait upon customers. Constantly on handjor man ufactured to order, Solas, Divans, Ottomans, Card, Centre, Dining Breakfast Tables, Dress Stands, Dress and Common Bureaus, MAHOGONY & COMMON WASH STANDS. Cottage, French and Common Bedsteads, of every description, together with all articlesusn ally made in his line of business. From his knowledge of the business lie flat ters himself with the belief that those wishing to purchase, would do well to call and examine his work before sending clscwhcr for an inferior article. TURNING done in a neat manner, at short no ticc. Q| Chairs! Chairs! iVIIaL In addition to the above, the sobser jSSffijjgbcr would inform the public that he ha f V juslrcccivcdalargeand liundsomcassort raent of CANE AND COMMON CHAIRS, Boston and Common Rocl'ing Chairs . <Sfc., which lie will sell as cheap,if not cheaper,than they can be purchased, anywhere else in Tioga county. Call and sec them ! WclUboro’, June lb *5O. B-T. VANHORN* HAVE YOU SEEN MONK’S IVEW AMERICAN MAP. Exhibiting the larger portion of North America embracing the Untied Slates and Territories; Mex ico and Central America, includingUhe Wcstln dia Inlands, llio Canadas, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Compiled Horn reccni Government surveys and other authentic sources. \ It also exhibits a mapof the world nn Mercator’s Projection, by which, the relative positions, of the Eastern and Western Continents, arjd the various groups of Islands arc shown at one view. > Till.'? map contains about 36 square feci, is got up in magnificent style, mounted on Rollers, and is delivered to subscribers at the astonishing low price of S 6 50, colored by Slates, and ST.GO colored by counties. j We have the exclusive right to sell this map in Tioga Co. Mr. Geo. H. Tancr will canvass the County forthwith, carrying a copy of the map for examination. p PUTNAM & TAKER, Agents. Dec. 18, 1856. (610 j eVv goods ! Sew goods ! Just received from the village ofj New-York, a large and splendid assortment of Spring & Summer Goods at the Store of ihe nndersigned'in Middlebury, l*a. and which he is offering at reduced pijices. IXis slock consists in a full assortment'of all man ner of Goods commonly kept in a country Store, It is needless lo mention articles. "We shall keep, constantly on hand. Pork,Flour, Salt , While Fish and Mackinac Trout. .We are determined lo sup ply the wants of every man, Woman and child, in our line of business, and say lo our friends and pa Irons to come on with the utmost cor fiJence in our disposition and ability lo supply your, every want. Itw-ff be owing to a combination of pur competit ors lo bribe the N. Y. &. Eric Railroad Company against transporting our freight, if wp fail in so do ingr H, H. POTTER. Mid’lfy Center. June 5 ’56. J. B. [Potter agt. . New arrivals at the wellsboro* DRUG STOKE. Sulphate of Indigo, for coloring Blj (r Cough Mixture.—'This article col Tolu and oilier valuable cough rcmed: (icuiarly recommended to tiie notice 1 Ijue and Green, mlains Balsam is par :C Physicians. Pulmonic Wafers. A new lot, of that 4s and 6s Tea, t Itkes so well. jal every body Extract op Lemon, Rose, Vanilla &c., lor cooking. Marking Ink, that will not wash o ing Linen, &.c. Waterproof Shoe Blacking, to pr« ther and keep the feet dry. Writing Ink—Clack, due and 72c< quality. Wcllsboro*, Ja i, Pine Apple, ml—for mark- eserve the lca« d, of the best n. 10,1856. DBUG, PAINT * GLASS WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE. Corner of Tenth and Markejt Streets, Office in Second Slnry. PHILADELPHIA. /Xa-IVc invite attention to our enlarged stock of Drags, Oil?. Painter. L'trni-hc?, &c.. selected e.\pi c-si% our sales, mid comprising one of the finest assortment- m the United State*, which we offer at low prices, for cash or approved credit. WE MANUKAC’JUKK very extensively;— Premium Pure White Lead, {W-t.’) Ken a m<jton Pure White Lead, J’earl f-notv Alhite L*-ad, “Viclle Montague** Frem h>\ (heat,) Pure PnoW AVhite n Philadelphia Snmv A'k hile /.me, > Silver's Pla-tic i’lio and Weather-proof Paints, Chrome Gievus, Yellow», and color 1! generally. AGENTS FOB: . ■” Porter's Mtpcrinr Alkaliwo Wind/m Gin-*, Genuine Flench PI ite Glass, (warrant*d.i The Now .lorrcy Zinc Company*? producti, Tildeii and Nephew’s New York Varnishes, Brooklyn Premium Pure White Lead, Hampden Permanent Gr<vj)«. Pure Ohm Catawba brand?. Ac., Ac., IMPOKTKUS Of; French anil English Plato GtTi*-?, French and English Cylinder Glass, Colored and Engraved Window Glass, . Daguci reotv pe Ola.-?, Hammered Plate for Floors and Sky-Lights, Drug?. Chemical?. I’cifumory, Ac., WHOLESALE DEALEKS IN Druggists* Articles gem rally. Painter's Tools of nil descriptions, Hydraulic and Itoman Content, Ci|cin»'d and Land Plaster. Dapei .Maker** Clay, Mifin White. Ac- Ac., FBIi.NCU, mCUADDS A CO.. Store, N. AA . cnrurp of Tenth nod Market Streets, factory. Junction York Avnue, Crown and OivllowhUl Sts. (April Uthj dm. Pmh.MiLX.pHiA. Hear ye! Heat* ye! Hear ye! WE hold these (ruths self-evident: That the way lo be prosperous is to buy and always of the best quality ; buy nothing simply be cause it is out because you need it and tha it is both good and cheap; that those who buy cheap by the quantity, can retail first quality goods cheap; that an economical buyer can sell goods at as.low a figure in Wcllsboro’ as they can be.purchascd in the City; and therefore that TOUNG IS THE MAW, who buys economically ; and that YOUNG’S IS THE PEACE, TO PURCIfASK Gold and Silver, Duplex, Lever., Anchor and Cylin• der WATCHES, Gold CAains, Gold Lockets, all sizes aud qualities , Gold Cameo and Mo saic Breastpins aud Earrings, Finger Kings, Sleeve Buttons, Studs , : c Silver Plated Ware. Cake - Baskets, Card Baskets, Children's cups, salt cellars , Egg cups 7'ca Knives, Butter "Knives, Tgihle Forks, Table and Tea Spoons, Sfc. A new supply of Clocks of ell kinds, sizes , prices and qualities. WelJsboro* Jan. 1, ’57. "A. YOUNG. KEW TAILOK SHfm The sSb- SpRiIBER has opened anew his shop opposite Roy’s Store and isiprepared to ex ecute the orders of his old customers aud others who may favor him with their pat ronage, with neatness av. -espaic. . iccl it necessary to put his work as U is warranted to furnish its own rec ommendation. J - No garment is permitted to go ojut of the shop that is not made in the most substantial manner. Especial care observed in Cutting and Fitting. This Department, will be under my own'supervision. Believing in the “live and let live” rule, I have adopted the | Fay-Down ,Syi and shall rigidly adhere to it.** >Vellsboro\ March 13,1856. H. item P. ERWIN, Carriage & Wagon iT-'’iut;u’> tory. Henry petrie would an. jrag. nounce to his friends and public generally, thathe is contiiming-iii— the above business on Grafton street, immediate* in the rear of J. R. Bowen's store, where he Is prs* pared to manufacture on shorlooUce, Carriages, Buggies, Sulkiesi "Wagons, of any style or description to suit the purchase* and of the very' best materials.' All kinds of pairing done forthwith and on the most reasonable terms. PAINTING AND TRIMMING will be prowp* ly executed la the best manner and most fa-** ionable slvlo, Wellsboro.’ July 13,’55. HENRY PETRH- LOOK THE?EK(JIW^I Seasonj .dhangi-^ -7 . ,r -= ; -SO DO FRIENDS AND FORTUNE' <l '■ ANJO BUSINESS RELATIOSS. THEREFORE, TABOR, BALDWIN Ac CO., {Succeed Tabor, Young $ Co.) v I . IN TUB FOUNDRY BUSINESS, AS • Manufacturers of steam Engines, Boiler? and Machinery of all kinds; Stoves, Hollow I Ware, Tin, and Copper Ware. | REPAIRING 2c JOB WORK done with, the least possible delay. - *- MILL GEARINGS furnished tpitAoi/frxfrfl charge for patterns. RLOWC of all kinds, (two of which took the premium at the late County Fair,) kept constantly on hand. Wc have the exclusive right, for Tioga County, to manufacture and vend the King Stove. one of Ihc bdst (if nut (he very best) Cook Stoves ever invented; which is always on band at oar store house, for wholesale & retail.* Their Stoves took the premium over the Albany Stoves at the late Fair. That is a feather in oar cap which wc dont intend to have’plucked out soon. Corn Shelters, Of all the improved'patterns that commend them, selves to farmers. Besides this, we intend to furnish belter Ware, better articles and belter work, at lower prices than uny other establishment in Tioga county will be able to do* And the man who pays CASH, can get what he buys at reduced prices. This is the lair way of doing business, and the system upon which the Tioga Foundry and Machine Shop will be con ducted hereafter. Don’t wait for the wagon, but come on. TABOR, BALDWIN & CO. Tioga, Nov, 15,1855. —If. (FT Old Iron and Copper, and all kinds of produce taken la exchange for work. Sash and Blind Factory. COVINGTON, TIOGA CO., FA. The Subset ber is n« prepared by n< Machinery j n purchased, to ft nisli to order, : kinds of square fancy Sosb, ai Blinds. Square Sash common sizes ways on.hand. By long exj ricnce in the h sincss,the snbsci berf altershims( tha he can-make as good an article, and sell Has cheap as can b e obtained at any cstabishraent io Pennsylvania ot New York. jCall and see. ! .* DAVID S. IRELAtf. Covington, Septfimber 18, 1856. ID*The subscriber is also Agent for the sale of Dr, IX Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, also Scarpa’s Oil for Deafness. 4 D. S, 1. NEW ARRANGEMENTS. A GROWL would announce to the citi • zens or Tioga county, that he has associated with him a partner, and the business will be con ducted under the firm of A.Cbowl& Co. They will continue at the old stand, in Wellsborougb ©manufacture to order and keep on band, Buggys & Lumber Wagons, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, sc., • which for style, durability and elegance of* finish cannot be surpassed by anyother similareslablish ment in the country. Workmen of celebrity arc engaged,and tbebest materials used expressly in all the manufacturing departments of this establishment. Persdps send tng orders may rest assured of having them ciecu cdt to their entire satisfaction,and finished in every particular the same as though they attended in per- son. f REPAIRING done asusual,with neatness and despatch. - PARTING of all kinds done on the liorlcst notice,and most reasonable terms. O’All kinds of merchantable produce (delivec cd) recived in exchange for work, at the markrt prices. A, CROWL & CO. July 13,1855. ; New Volumes'— begin Now. Life illustrate d—aa?* class Weekly Newspaper, devoted to News, Lit eralure, Scienceand the Arts; to Entertainment, Im provemenland Progress. One of. the best Family Newspapers fn the World. Two Dollars a year. _ T IT E WATER-CURB JOURXA'I. Demoted to Hydropathy, its Philosophy and Practice, to Physiology imd Anatomy, with numerous illustn-, lions; and those laws which govern Life and Health, slayear. THE PHRENOLOGICAL 30CHSU: Devoted to all those Progressive Measures for the el evation and improvement of Mankind. Amply Il lustrated. $1 a year. For $3 a copy of each of these Journals will he sent one year. Agents wanted. Address* Fowlers &, Wells, 388, Broadway New-York. MRS. I. D. RICHARDS, Agent for the abort works, and practical Phrenologist, may bo found al the house of Mr. I. Richards, Wellsboro’, Fa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers