mm m * eld>b"ii I Tx , >'L ri « Jv'r i'. rulJ ' Reuben I T«yto'p j lta*fe Wti#elerj> G'io.' So 7>pfl»i3^ t lwf yj'Wjlv SMiWPC U. D. Wehrh,'Jb totes Rtolty/'CivVJi Compton, PhileJur-Jsb*MAnttrs • A'? I ®/ 1 BltyafiUs 'Daniel Bdsard, A polios .Pms^ '' 1,: •' ; .<y) £> «A«Wfc.Mrffcs f sf^agi.T Joseph jDeWiir, John Keeney, Abramf--’ Foolfcrrod,. Charles i Edsellvi Ansel Purple, ■lrai’Lbunabery 'Eoeddrick CftldwElly Asa Crippeti,'John bbraTn La thb, W m, A^m more, Dyer Inschn,' tfenfy 'S. Arc|ier, D’S rf Mackey, .Charles 'Voorheea, • W*i. D. Kelly, S. S, Ogden, John V. Swan. S.GvAlfted, C. A.Colegrdjve,' M.'D. Sariidel Car penter,'Wm.MeniU, Joseph Campbell,'J. S.' Bush, John.E. Wh'He* JUmonuD Monroe, P. D. Parkhurst, Ransom Bgleaton, A. G. Garrison) Duller Rose. • ' ’ sicoKD'WBHK. ■>• Levi Samuel BoVey, ;S(. S"Pack ard, Bugsel Temple, H-L Kijopuro, James T. Frost, T. A, Andrusj Daniel Harrpwer; Ezra Potter, Amos Mtmsfield, Philkndap Niles, John Chas. Dkebe, WiV/i'WclntaSfr; F. W. Slarlty l ,B% S. .MolfetdjJpmos i. JaoHsop, "& l enj v Geo. W. Herrington,' Waterman Mclntyre, D. E." Sherman, U. B. Shofih, James Good rfchi John Gralg, Johfi Pierson, 'Rqsel\ViU lard, Clark' Slilwell, S. J. Power. Cliarlee Austin, Thomas Cone, James Cud worth, Lewia.Critiendeh, E. R, Murdock, Samuel EHsoii, God. Hawley. •* i ' Republican Oonv JHES XJNDBRBIQNID, IBwSSa Stead sg i would recommend to taCMHluean -eht torrof the tere ral election districts of TjogKOTijta Uwy ntoet iitbeir rah wctlTo districts, atthe nnafyASifor yfllag eterttoni, on tomaXdjQESE; <kwM, Buxnt BnmecsOTOifc--t ■, Etlland-rfioOf W.JJhelpn, IE 1). Ctlley. Isaac Lteej, t>emuel TJfttenpoßwvNdMihfefßtttOl. ' 1 Job ;ftatf(in£ .n»» i*» .viAMIUI, . Homco Broughton, £.Qr!nnolL 1 1. Gtis , ' Itlgra!*. wtij/jp . 9do<lit)o^fCfttfttDpisa{|Uitc/ ', <*. Mtck,ilj.J36ait'!J 1 v rr -jj IST , EUdatid itor*-U. T. WM, Oeo. Dorrance, Dr. Wm, T. ■B°«flH^ , 3rTOS Elk —Loron IffetnuH*. John Maynard, Homer RtiggliaJ'jP, s. . /Irnnrnofcm—-Joscph Potert, iJtfiLJtadaelt, Jehrf A’^nn^ ' QWtKajJO^ofc, 1 S'. Itftnrhi' k C ■ IfcultaU, /B. T. Ogdon, Sylvester Davy. ti. Smith, £, D. Roberta, Mfltaphl MhrttatftrH, Clark Oarrt*sk' Xo C»wnepB, ftf TTtmrVAXtBD HOTTO?ik>OWK»*tA- <l«rin*il»*ina»re tlonoial\tliTasrfof Wfipff lYiWef, ttf “Good'.- win’s PaUnlCenttU >t<mti WrettUA«UngW»t«t Wheel,’, ,; tkU' ooted April llh .JAM,, ijldtao, uk» (Smrot Ain't* attract thfr atMMJOfr of tty»e -engaged in the use of Water Povef. s£]*£ bf btoall £ Ttsjqlrt* 4fl rwidUy JI runs ppon an uptfght shaft anti needs hot a trifling ntaotmt of gearing td.drtve afty kind• 6T madifnety: We offer‘fbrBal» r ’BUte} Oonufy or.lndividual furbish aodpafrtfnjipbra* tijm said Wheels on tpe ■ moat reasonable terras. Wo .ore also agents for the sale of Dan Pease* Jr’s Machines k Bnckwhodt Rubber*, Address Humphrey k CW bin, Osceola Pioga Go. Pa. . ; • , nmohg those having WheClS t\ie foltowf’rtg where they cau be been nnfleKililftPcnffceadS And the amotiHt of Übnr being performed by tWm and. invite ♦parntoi iotee tigationjntp their mcfUs: 11. k J. Xnbba, Oareola.pa_ yiobr Mill, 9 ft. head; M. Ricldcn, Deposition? MllTTft'ft.; XL w. Spanteng, Troy PaJ,Tlaster' .HiD, 7 ft: Sonlrt OAmWfe, Otim co, N. Y n Flonr Mill, 42 ft; 8. Smith, Mecklfc,'Scbbylee 00l N/ X-rty hii circular bvw; 12 ft diond; 11, Bloomer, Ovid, Sen eca Connfy N Y.Satr Mj, 17 fi; p * B Drifts Woolen Pac tory, Bltntre, 6 ft*. B «• Stavon'i MiUs.'St'oubefi Cottony N‘Y* 20 ft; D. Knowles, Bergen CoUbtj fl-Jf ftflo-Leonard** \!lle Manufacturing Co. Madlson-'Oqunty H Y, 6 ft; ft p Kolscy, i’rcbl©, N Y,3avr ijlil, 28 ft.’ n Administrator’s Sale. ' "VTOnCB IS UEKEBY GITtSI that in pursuance of an or el P. Buckbce deceased, shall expose for sale on the promUee In'iUe to**TiiW{> V)f Faniiirffrtofi, 'coAntr*#’lioenf Btafegoi ou the 28th 4»y ofJulynextto the Wbe*t Ad beet hinder, tt)*following describe! lot of land wlthlheap pnrtenancos Hi'Kild township, to wit: ’ Beginning at la Beech the north *wo*t'.toTiier thereof, thence easterly fifty seven perches, thence Negroes west-seven and two. tenths perelies, thence east thirty two perches and two tenths, thence north forty four degrees erfnt fluy five perches, thence five tenths, thcnco south thirty degrees apd three fourths west ftfly perches, thence westerly fifty three perches and three tenths, fbctttt aratb ha*two flcrtljbstfnd two tenths, thence west eight/ thhee porches &d tenths to the «o*& Mt .darner thereof tfafeacfr-Boklh ops fArth' oiids gree east seventy five perches and thp ©( bcgin{\ing-~QoaUinln{c sixty seven acres Vnd *>urtenths mpradr-J&s, being lot*Jfo..ofritaa No. 162 of^lpghotO'lands In of warrants No. 2040 and 201 J, June 2(\ JB6& \ 'i"'i .. , t . 'V. SHERIFF’S SALES: By VIRTUE of sundry Writs -of Fi. Fa. VChd. .Ex, apd LcvafLFapiw, issued Can). morfPteu tS' Tiog* County and to ms directed, 4 will eipoie-to pablio-sale on Moddliy tile Ist day of September next, at I o’clock, pfternooq, in the Cpiift Haase Wellsboro,’llio following described property, to wit- Ailrtof UndbonnApd north by.Bi,V.Ogdqn and others, east by John Blue, south by .White, Eosworlh Qs.,i w e»Vhj €., Laogdoo—containing. about one hundred and thirty acres, about forty acres improved, frame house, frame barn and,lied and a tew fruit trees thereon. To bc aold as the property of Wm. Ik Furman.. . , ALSO—A lot of land bounded and described-as follows, viz: On the north by lot N 0.25 contracted to Joseph Wilcol,on the east by lota No* - 73 and 51, contracted to Asa G. Churchill, and lot No. 70 con. traded to Cbauncey Darlt, on the south by land con. veyed toJobn G-. Knox and Jacob Ddckstader, ree peetlroljtoo.-'lho. west by lot No. 76 contracted Co Jacob B. Merrick, lot No - 75 contracted to James G. Dirtt, lot No. 81 contracted to William Dockstadcr, ■andlot'Ni.'SSdsoillracteJ to idg 054'4-Mf otrek With ceht for mds'dde,, ba the mat more or less; being lets nurabcted'B4 and 50 of the sllalliMnt of the Bing, ham lands in Charleston Tioga Co, and port of war. rantTnOßbena K 99 K»d AfSlfrorArhdßfled And fifty' tern ihfprdvedi “witm fmnCdfmvetfihg housed, ttsO framed barns, two sheds and-Some other out bhildings ind an apple Orchard thereon. To be soM kS'lhe property of Clark W. Bailey. ' ’ ALSO—A lot of land in Tioga township, bounded nprlb by tpad leading from Mitchell Creek station to Jackson, cast by Roe,' south by Thomas Mitchell and west by the rioga Rail Road—containing about •ii acres improred land, a frame house, barn,coin boose and a ffcw fruit treats thereon. To be sold as me property of James W. Guernsey. ALSO—Two certain village lots in the village of liioasburg known and, distinguished U|»n the map «f said.wulttge on file in the Recorder’s Office Tioga Ho n as being lots Ny v l_and 2, in Block t Np..6 f and bounded on the east by the Williamson Road, op the south by lot No, 3, on the west by lot No.'S, and on the awtlt-ky. LihertySu, said two IqU 95 feet /rent on Williamson' Road, with a frame house and than,thereon. To be sold as the property if David srey. * . AUO—A lot sfland in Shlppcn township, bound ed on live'north by R. G. \Vlille, cost by While, south by Pine Creek,'and west by Spalding—con. timing sevetrty one and one fourth acyes, about fifteen acres improved. To be sold as thV jfrpporly of Ryan liked . JV • . ALSO—A tract tif land in Deerfield, bounded north by lands of Jonathan Blatlison, east by Isnds contracted to M. Commings, south by lands of John Mallison and'J. Carpenter, west by Daniel Atrgell— containing sixty acres of land and about five acres improved. To be sold as the properly of Edward Bilker ' r ALSO—A lot of land situate in Dclmsr township TiOjP| Co. Pa, beginiVtng at a post on the north side of the Plank Roan by lands belonging to Donaldson and McLeod; thence by said lands north 88 degrees weal 2$ percliea to a, post; thence north 15 degrees west 3l‘'perehcs4u> a pbet ; thence 'north 76 'degrees east 40 to centre of the Plank Road; Ihencg) by said Road soofli 15 degree* east,l4 £l;10 pv rcSow. south 57 degrees west 158-Iff perches, south 20 degrees east 20 perches to place of_ begip, nine—bonlaining 7 1-8 atres of land all improved, with a two story dwelling house thereon. To be sold as theproperty of R. B, Archer. ALSCh—A lot of land in in Wellslxiro’, bounded west, south west and, squib east by Anna .Mortis, and norlh'-cnkt by Avenub—containing about •'.wo thirds of an aCrc, with a fit me hiuse, frame uarp ana some frail trees thereoir To be sold as the propesty ofMaihcw BorsL : boo* or piece of laadsltnatolUn Wrlagten.TdWbr , ~ „!*"..'"“"'V Penn.ylvanla.bounded and described as o hoe of wanubtHo tm in the name of (tax the north m ;'' lence **** lb * liue of wwwut is rc ,^ e * 10 a Bonlh and near the Stath road "S 1 ' lh€nco to« post; '**** jwrekt. toe peel theeCoUl diet cofn* "I e lot formerly Moltm* to Oliver HI Holt k IbsaosUU fct3 comer bcieofjothence North oee a decrees East bv the line of said EHlctt W it i 4-tO Sm cn tM mmh eUe of live State rosit-, thence North ft deareea. *«.it 'ng house, fVwne ban «ad apple orchard thereon. «£tluJd Id Covjngton township icy# Co. Pa*, adjoining ,the gbov&-.di«cribed lot ata part the *or& west comer of aJoLof fwnerly owned ty JohoiYsomana, thence, by Yeomans *mlk 155 yerche* to n hteeb tree, * Vi s?i perches }o a post a "! °J Divld I), ‘ Vl ' ffmnpo by said Davis north DeJ? rche ? 10 * P°»*. ll 'enco by said Davis west 15 birth*?! * twolMk tree. Ihencfl by AvdyfilUeite d.BlraU^C r efh o feWo a i sf;‘ T> CUnOVuiXs—DE. iB. BARR reapecKhlly ; XL announces to the pobho thaf ijo ho* temoved his Office to the dwelling lately occupied iby Joai P. ; Morris, Esq., where he may be found at all-boors when not professionally engaged. -' >/.) il'i' >.i > \ Demands for bis services .promptly nspondeddo Wellahoro’, April 84,,1868. •, i . . ab. TTHBREAB, 'ray wife, PHILENA-JEaNETTE, Wi haailoftiray bid atid'hOard WilfioAl jtM pCirrocalion i this is Urforbjd til persona harSoried pr uoatiqg her on my account; as I will payoodebla Bf her contracting after this date. lx SDfArtf, April 21,1W6. BeiOlntfon proposing amendments to'the Constitution of tbeCotnmonwedHh, being ondt*r consideration, On the qpcHtiun, Will the Senate agree to tho first‘anloniVment? The yefis and nays were taken agreeably to tho provisions of the ConsUtHtfeib y}t u' YK^Sr-Me«sra- firqwne, BnckaJew, Croaswoll.rEvoa?, Fer guson, Tiemiikcn/Hogo, Ingram Jamhsorr, Knox, ‘Lnbhach, Lewis. HlCltatock, frite. Ssflera, fiburaau/Anlther, SfrstJh, Walton, WvUb, Whorry, Wilkinsand Piatt, Spf&crr iiYHiM<wsfs.Cr*bb,flfefg, Jor-Wn-MelJinger and Pratt, 5 So tiie question waif asLentuood in pip affirmative. , On the question, ■ * Will the Senate agree trtthe eecond amendment? 1 The yens and nays were ti>ken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution and werp as follow, viz; YBAS—Messrs Browne. ifrieknlcw, CfcsintcU, Brans, Hogo, Ingram, Jamison, Knox, Lnbnuch, Lewis, M*Cilntock, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Straub, Walton, Welsh, Wherry and Wil kins—lo. NAYS—Messrs. Cthbb, Pcrgnscn, Gregg; Prfttf, Price and Walt, BpeaPrr~~K 1 ' So tho question was determlnod in the aJHrrtiaUve. Outirnauction,' . _; , • , Mill the Semite ngrefe to the. third' amendment ? Tho yeas and nays were token agreeably to the Constitution and were os follow, vis t Buckalew, ,Cmbh,. Cress jrnJL Er- Snii,*Fer£iiltftT{ ■Plemti4jff/-irdg<(, •‘lngfrdn* jaottikftv JoHoff Knox, Lanbach, Lewis, Mellingrr, Pratt, Prim*, Sellers, Shuman, Bou,thcr, Straubw Taggart, Woiton, Welsh, Wl>Drf7rWl]kli«&nd ; FtalVQxaAe*-“2S. ’■ ■.. f •JiAf9- T Mr,’GrEg(!-I. (I f,So the question was' determined m the affirmative. *-tW the question, > ' Willihe Senate agree to tbe>fonrthamendment) ~ Xbn jretty and, p«jy* w«?re token agreeably to the follow, rlx: “ ' YEAS—Messrr Browne,’ BnckaleW, OrthsVtU,' Browl-Flailr nlkep, Ikce. Ingram. Jamison. Jordon, Knox, Laubach, Lev ief ton, Welsh, 'Wherry, and Raft, Speaker —23. NAYS—Messrs Crsbh/’ftreg'g, “Hetllhger nod Pratt—ft. I ' l 8b the qdfeetlan wus determined In the nlßrm|UTo.‘ Journal ttf Uio House Of RoproentoUyoa. April,!£L, 1§66. Thpjeasanq nayiTruro taken wecabtolo thq provisions or the ConsUtutloh, ’arid*on the Brat proposed'ainendment, wen* ns follow, viz: Anderson, BScKus, BglthvbU RaOj Jlqck, (tycomfng,) Beck. (York,) Bornhanj, Boyd, Boyer. Brown, Brush, Buchanan, CaldwMl, Crawford, BowdniLßdlngor. Faußold. Foster, Getz, Haines, Ilamol, HWv per, Hnuit, Bfttif, Alkw)legaV9l|S>)*> HblcoiqihiHnrtbck er. Ipjhrie, Ingham, Iq£lj, Irwin, Johns, Jobftson, Laporte, Lobo, LongaXer, Lovett, ITCalmoot, M’Carthy, M’comb, Man gle, MAmgofrtsfy* MoorhOad,' NunnStnacher, Orr, pearaon, Phelps. PqrcqU, Banjsey, Roed, Beinbobl, Rids dfc. SHcnk, Smith, (Aflcghentyff gmltli, (Cambria!) .Smith," (Wyoming,) 'fitronao, Thompson, ValV WbaEpi* iNATs^-a^ra' Bartft.‘Cto^eri’Cobtttn,’ D6dfy Fry, Fulton, Gayldriii 0 ibbotoy* HamlUoj*, Bancwki. keeper, Hnncker, Leuonriqg,.Magpe, Manley, Horns,' Hum* mi Smith, j[rUiladc^dlpA,)Waltor, Bo'thequestion Wtsdetettainfedto thowfflrtaaUYe.. i■ • ,*1 .Od the qUttjtlOO,. ■ ; . • . ;. 4 ; , Wilt Ibo UpuM octco to tfio second axpoodmoritf TH6 mjfc were t&kfttt, knd wereas follow ▼!*: TEA&—Messrs Anderson, Backus, Baldwin, Ball,BecJr (hk* coming,) Beck, (York,) Bernhard, fiord, Brown, Brash, Bach anan, Caswell, CMqpbelLOaiij, Craig, Fansaold. Josler.Oeta, Ilplcomb. tfonnecker, Jxnorfe, Ingham, InnH, .IrwtiC John% Lotigakec,' Lovett, M'Calmootj MKsa*-l UijiHKMft. Stagb, Ktn«ar,j Miller* MoptfOweryiiMeor berd/Ifunnemacber, OrrJ’ Pearson, BurceiLHamsoy,fined, Belnhold, Riddle, Roberta, Shook. Bmi(tf , (AQegbepy,) roonse Vail, Whallon, Wright, (Laxern *s7'Zimmerman and Might, £dalar>-4IM - • - . ' «o - n n \ I Magee Manley Metirfa* Momma'-ftttrfftto Smith (Cambria) Thompson fWfter Win trod* Might (Dan- TO l r L,l t- Ota**r* >■ ,i-: '• Irwin B^ST'T^pWViui 1 WWWi*>WMllo» JWigh^lßMra,) .NAYS—Messrs Barry Clover ..CoWra''* Pod ten. ’oHh&iwj ‘ Haines Hancock WBoWSf^^fa^Jfe^oJyjlg X do certify that thtfkbdwtito ftgfrmtfgiUfr rootiwpyiof tfw;*jy»ag “ff ttyfe trim-pit ,fl»» Rgytettoa proposing amelKlmeDta te.the.Ponstiuiuon of tho.Commdh- Wealth. os the Jhhlmimof the neb'-Honwh { l&a^A < thclfwkh’Of Jußd’aUcaJifaiw twenty-seventh thy of Juntto*! W»u«aiid eight tmndred ami Si tty-rig.,. • 1 , 4.8. CD^TIN, i. i .-■-> . ! >tn'V v..e\_a !0 i^a l y^t»«yjmu«arßßaii«r,V'> *WWW, w . w vt. to. t..,„u,.u * VUltcrlist* meats. ‘ ‘ '"* •-'' •' •• ; Jtt]y v <fc|vl£io? Kcflrdpd oGtotUbdietdion -vW.Bhjilia.- Williamsport anfl Cfeltawisantheing completed yon arc brought neared lHan Hew Yotkr iThiefcrice® are to be Equally tow. Therefore, wo the undersigned Manu- Jobbers and Wholesale dealers, respectfully aek your attehlfon to out Market ind-Slocks ai’d fiodffi, facing to be more Intimately acquainted- wUH you, dpd. to ebarC gf portion of your patronage,.. . Koons Si Hcrstlne, Flour Factors, and General,Commission lmporters Of 'Goods and ben-of fancy and, Staple-SUb Goody, U, N. street. V/ /i( , ' ( ’. Wm. H. IlorUmann & Son, lmporters of Military Goods, Idadies’ Dress Trimmings, Curtain 'and' /rlraralags, OddiEeU WMi. nnlldWell & Co n ttnporten of Silks dnd fitoty Goddsp T 47 ttyftU i\ •,'- )(V/.\ '\'f ... \\y\ * Thos. White A Co. .Maonfacfarers of Straw, Silk Bonnets « B.Swdud »trt*t. ••>••< •' ■ f. T. Fflttfm k Ooj ' Wholesale'Dealer* aid MBnß&oturfcrs Toro, Hattertf. Majority** 4c*4l& Market»l, SleVpor A Fenner, MaunflictProre of Parboil and Umbrel las, J2O Market street. k Pratt A Heath, Importers ’of Watches. Jewelry And Taney Goods, N. W. Corner oth and Market street*. / damn* Bapbfeii l ' •#hdle*ala < Deal or in docks. Agent fonthe Patent Bqualiring-Thirty Clock, Jtonafoctnrer of yin? Oold Pens, 8. T. Corner of Second fyia Chestnut street. Moore, Houatcy ( 4 Co. Importers apd lHolert In , Hard wart, Cdtlery andGunslfii MArk<jt‘4 - 'lO Commerce sis, ' Wm, P-/)VUrt*cb .A. Co, gaddl£fTjand Sod hid dnd Ac3 Korth Third street. Morris, Jones A Co. Penn, Boiler Plato, Boiler Rivets, Sheet Iron, Aa,,Mnjcket b 16th st. Lewi*, James 4 <?o. Agent,# Tor _LGWis f Wro Lead*, Pure • Zincs and Pore Colors; Also fbrthe sale of the Pcnnn. Mnn I N. Spencer Thomas. Manufacturing Chemist and Whole- /)) '■ Wright, Smith 4 Co. Importers and Jobbers of Chino! 1 Glass and QUoen'y Ware, 205 Market and 26 Commerce street. .Jfchna'CM.Tiiaml.. 'Glasses, picture , 1 Rorer. GracfT- 4 Purling. IVhulcflalu Pealcra ,in Boot*, Shoes, Hats and Straw lth-Norfb 20 sttreu Wood's Ornamental Iron Works. Iron Bailings, Yerandolis. Hidge Avenue. M.'Walker 4 S6ns,'2o4 Market sfrtel.'lfatff Cf X.'E. Corner oth and i/arket ets.) Manufacturers of Fatcht Wire Bailing, Iron Bedstead*, Wire Worked Selves, 4c. M. P, ,Brihy ? s Depot for plclclea, Fruit*, 109 south 3d street. ( G. W. Osborne 4 Co. Manufacturers of Osborne** Super fine American Water Colore, 69 N. Sixth street. * 'WWW Jiit4!^inip br puiUbßiLpdiA ' ■ AQ>msT THEWOELJ).. EVANS * WAXSONi 26 South Foot th-fllreefc, Philadelphia.. have ; hkd Vhi 'sorest* dooiaueiCutfoU In tke folioWlng'Ccrpfl cates, that tho far manufacture <qf .ftUanyißilar.iSafoe. tyw at i length fpliv warranted,the reoreseotatlpps tftyqh likVe been mode of them, jto 'undbußtod’seenrity-against the terrific clement:' f< •' y* . / r* • PHtt«Btpnr4* Agdi 12. iB6O. Mrttrx Ernnt <£• us the highest satisfaction to suite tt/ydn. thdt'owing'to the very protective qunJlHes of two pfc tbd of >ou some few months sincc£ wo wived a largo portion oronr Jew riry, Books, Papcra, Ac., pi tMpalaihJtous Are in Place, on the morning of the 11th Inst. When-ax reflect that-thesotiafbe wore iodated in. tho fourth story of the building wo occupied, aqd that they foil snW* qnently Into a heap of burning mins, whom tho vast concen tration of h«it4atved tho bmwi plates to molt, we cannot but regard the prv*enailou of the valuable contents as most con vincing proof of the great security afforded by yo«r Safes. Wo shall,lake much pleasure in recommending thtm to* men of bnsincssiis a sure reliance against fire. Obouoe W..SWOKB A Bao. VinL.MiK.vml. April 12,1856. Mfitn Kmbi <C ITfihfon —T hare to offer yon my testimony In favor rrf tho grout seinritv’ftltonled to my entire slock of jewniry, books, papers,, Ao., during the roevut disastrous con , fiagration in Kanstead place, from the fact that thosamc were contained in two oCthe Salamander Safes manufactured b\ you. Having mllen from the fifth story of tho Artisan Bund ing. where they vfore previously placed ami exposed to a vast heat for a long* time; the preservation of th -valuable dei*nf,ita seemed tn every one who-witnexsed the opening andtntortpr examination, a matter of profound astonishment. J To all who may require a perfect protection from-the rava ges of fire. I shall not hesitate to recommend the use of y<vur Safes, as 1 consider they havo now undergone the most.try lug tefet. Mobgas. rßtiiinxLrnu, April 14,1856. Mrstrt Emm <£ Walton —Gentlomou —No doubt you will he, deeply gratified to, learn the condition in which I discov ered mj l*ook, policy bi'inspraopc, certificates'of stock, ami other valuable doemngats, when on Friday 1 opened the safomade by jfaur firm* - • • s . - . <>•:•'( i : - , With my knowledge ©fits.great both to the inten sity of tbo henf JVom so hot n fire -mat wlileft destroynl the Artisan BuilOidg, as afro from tho foref qf theifall fulfil Its former elevatc«l position in tho third story. I could enter tain but slendur hopes prior ib iCs interior iuspofttion, that the contents which I onco so highly pgliivl would ever be of any service to mo, hut as these* fears arc 6ou happily re- Bfdred, I feel it Only due (o'eay to yon. that £ can henceforth recommend tho use of your Safes to all who may. wish to fool a confidence in ttm perfect security which such means provi des against so frightful an clement. 1 Jnly 3d IM6O. Ep#ard OasktLL, Bookbinder. Constantly on. hand Patent Powder and Thief. Proof Looks for Banks, Stores Ac. . , , • HEBB IN»’ S SAVE AOACV , t&e Champion t y / The only Safe wblctij in crcry instance preserved their entfr content* in the ’ AT the burning of the Xi Buildings, April 10th, and 1 great flro in UarkiC Street* Mi: i 1856, the genuine preserved the Jewelrj of Geo. i’tnofis 'A' Bto. 5 'Bookv* Paper*,<tv. (Fisher & and Edward Boamai !i •• ... iA.Co,,after remaining expend r bbominfi, frolna for nearly VC 'HOtltlS, And proving conchu , whal wtf have always chimed for their groat aqpcrioriJy.oTW all ties nowTcnown. In these fires, the HERRING’S SA.FB, standing side by ride 'with.tbowWrmt»ed>.,n<Tvfrrtist«l mpro fire thapjllerrintf’scnmo forth tne&cknonrlodgen Vlctdr, not only preserving tlieiv contents in excellent order, but bb- a conditihh'to’gD tbroAgfi'Jetiothtr ordeal, ;wmlo the boastcdi“Bolto*ndMfc I ’of Jotter makon wera bad ly need np in every, and,in popm cases their entire, contents completely destroyed. ,l To thb Public we that, during the (bdr> : teon.yedrs the Herridg*siafabas been before them, moretbno two bond™*! have passed thVobgb accidental fires without the We-wtmkl therefore, oaotloto purchasers against the info irprooenWtioaof iatoroletl parties. The llorring’f. Patent to tho-pnly FirfrprpotSafc made in tub city which is protect, od by k Patent Rights ton Two guarantee It to resist more l than jfoußlo the ambunt’of beat of atiy other safe now .known. FARRBIS AND HERRING* Bolo'%aifdflibtdrere in Ibis fitato of - • •• Herring’s patent C&»t«|ji»nBtrfet, " '** Streatj Philadelphia. OajlerV and^^jtt^ v n ChSjstl (a lahje'tssortment hariftg l*«irt«ch in Hkrt payment for ■' - ‘ • «, . PORTRAIT UP »L ipiOST rTMIE* most correct lilichcsa eVer'mado: executed I ,in the highest sUlo of ArJ and pi inlet! my fine. Xnoik'pal>br^puWwh>o odd r for skid' Whdlesaldd'nd’ (retail, by L, W. RGSBMTHAU, Lithograp hs, Corner Fihli and Chestnut B[reel,, Pltila, dclphia, Siz6 of'pspdr, 17x2& : Retail Price, $l. A llheal dlseonnt'will be ollloAcd tlxMb wiehing to acll a said. ‘CT Agents Wintc'd._rfi ATTENTION ALLII THEY SAY! They soy that (?, W. Taylor has the Wgesl and best assortment of WALL PAPER 'in town. Drop in at the Book tk Jewelry Stole for the proof. [April 17. ■\TOTTCE U hereby given ibttt the undersigned intend to J.l apply to the \Pqpn#ylvania at Its next annual region fpr thdTcrcaffon Of a Bank, for the purpose* of diwimrtit, deprJuitVesclinnge and -gettcra! banMrig.With'acapi tolof One linndretLThonsand Dollars, with :tha privilege of Increasing it to Two Hundred Thousand Dulfnris located at Weihlmrough, Tioga Cmmty, Pennsylvania. and La be Sailed “THR TIOOA COUNTY RANK.” • Welfesborcrngii, TJogn Co. June ISJ6. • 1 Mi 31. GonVora. O. G. Otfeood, S. B. Enswortb, J..R. Bont-o, U. Bidlfj, IVm, A. 800, John Dickinson, Saim\nl Dlchhirfoo, S. F. Wilson, .1. Emery, Thos. Alien, J. i. Robinsons Jno. X. D« c )V’biLe,Jyhu; MftttanaJs. 1. MehoiarS. C. tlobinsod, nrZ' Bachc, Gco/C. fLf&s, L. Bacho. / NOTICE.— The nndcrsfgnwj of Tioga Pa, hereby give notice that they intend to make application It> Uje'LegWator** of Ponnaylranla at Its n*xt (which commences on the first Tneadnyi of January 1857,) mr.the creation of a eor|>orate txwlv with J Kinking or dUcuuut privi* lege#, by the nsuuc god kty/pof TIfBJTOGA£OUNTT BAA'K to bo located at Tioga Village, Pennuylvania, with a capital of ONE UUNDRED.THOUSAND DQULAUB, with the privilege of increasing to Two Hundred Thousand pob 'tars. [Tioga Mny IPfh IRSft-] • ‘ ■ B, C. .Wiekhart. 11. 8/ Johnston, C. C. Somers, 1 Tla T. Is Baldwin, Jp. T. ]hmtlcy{ John \V, UuOenfey» Lewis Daggett. 0. B. Wells. Leroy Tabor, A. C. Bu#h, JTS. Bush, F. ■%. Sraftlf. ,0. £. SMittu A; Raiupbrey, /LyinSii IL;Smith. Joseph Aikfn, P. 8. Tuttle, C. 0. Denniikm. Y. f would rcspcclfaUy inform the oili sens of Welleboro 'knd vtcintty, that she will open a Select School for Bovs dud Girls, Monday, July 28,1856. . . Reading, Wj; TUITION. Spiling $2 00 Comnion'^n^hJiilTratich^ Higher Branches Satisfactory reference* given. Wellaboro 1 Jply > , ** 250 3'50 / SAXE of Bnriftl Xoli.—The lob in the ' Wellsboro, Cemetery wilt be offorerffor Saleby publio oulcry, at the Coort House, Saturday, the 9th day ol A.oguati proximo, "at Ho'cloctr, afternoon. •- 1 Those desirooai of > obtaining a 1 secure and com. mpdioua family burial place frill do well' to.qttpnd. Persons purchasing lola are thereby members of the Compapy, elect theifoyfa Mypqgcrs, and tjiqre iftcr control itio grounds. ' . , A plan of (lie ground may to seetygt (lie, Store of C. & J. L. Robinson, where all neccapyyy, informs; lion relating thorplo pan, , , By order of the Board, ... , J, I. JACRSONi . Wellsboro, July,3l, ’SS; , §«'y JVi C- Cp. A EDITOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ia hereby girl Jfft MJ ed naring,bean appointed an Auditor pf qietyiboie the funds arising from tho'adle.qr the real‘«tatepf Northrop tbd lien creditors, will" at. tend to the ddtieq ql said. 'ilistrib. utO iaid funda on Saturday, the aMi daJ of August next, at his office (h Wellsboro,' Tibgy(|sb,, H o’.clocfc. afternoon, of ,kaid ddy, Whop jmd ! vyhereytt pbrsoifa havingclsima on Sard fund are npuneq J attend and substantiate the same, or ho forever de.' birred Ibepefromj- ' JNO.-W.’ BACHE, 1 ' r l> •Wellsboro', July) 31,185 S vAidlttr. * hWrJJIr-rw * e* idSSß^LaSS^W^^^^^^MiSSfcSlHifc 4hrwwwrti o. iU tten.defsnd theelito in, War,or to redeem theDreaent ottt* 1 3* » u£WkViA&g' from the contracting of codr debt*, shall be applied, jfeaJtot Section 3. Except<b**>«lK*wrrtrtpoelfifcdytn isottomtoh*. andttfolpf thto arttdeeM/rtßVt t *h»teTeJ *d»l} jbh,P«W*eiygr, , J^sd^^’*^oAitm , 'ti i 1 u mforo*#lcC^^^irti*< [tore shall, at Its session, after thp£||#>|>tMh} | amendment* I the public 4*kh) frdnitlfhA SBSSffi |oft6KMt«l toM-nay toy lawn Tbeaaldiifnkl; I It any pert ofthe taxes, or other revenues' state, pot, , required fur the ordinary and current 'expenses wroTdtft* l ( part of the said rtnklnß/qod.shall up.used or applied other* . vise than In extlngttlwmiror xf the public debt, until the ' Sbctioh 6. The credit of the commonwealth shall not iff' I “T m»nnsJ,fsls£>»t4 »'s<» n fll*W#lt cllvida ' i’ -.B . I •aipnos&.TMiioretnoDiTwilUi-BliAllnotoMppiß.Uxdfiht.oit -4®^l3hacl4laSf wu21 t hift boen Mhh»eti»l lo'Onalile lh» «t4ta id repel liiTMiedp j ssphresa donteede ievametiom defend Uself-4n time pf.waf/ I or,to asaisttbqsUto tndjie dlscjmrge, of wft, portjon-of its \ present CndeblednoM. ‘ , Smtww 7. Thk legtsVatera |hali Apt wt' copqty, ! city, borough. tojrOßnlp, or Incorporated diatrlct,hy .virtue of • a vote of Its ciliMns, hr OthqnflM/to becoihhVltockboldvr in t any or corpora|Joq j qr'.fc] obtain money for, or loan tu credit to, any corporation, association, i/istitu , t>ar*y. . i* ~ ~ ';./• / >X 'l7. y r/(WW>,AWSi)KnT. v i ARTICLE XII. e\i j\>f . : ■ No county shall be a. line enttin* off oxer one- DODulaklon, (either to form a newconnlyQr otbor (he &&nt Of shwccrfittlV, by of the.«taxofcf iHcrobf; nor sliall onynew coduty-buestablished containing leas than four hundred squafe f TPTBT> nULTOMUrT toy 1 1 nyn n, county'^bjxawßj frmlrrtCTion ffw, tho word*, “of -Mverni^oHniie *from section seven, oauft the wbrds, “neither the MS <**>»'Mmi-insert in.Hto tbfcreofrthe words, “and nov and strike out section four, same ardclL Qtuifn lien thereof insert the following; ‘’> 1 * “Section 4. In tbeyonr bhe l thousand-eifcifchundred and Mxty-fonr, pmHn eyery aoyontb year there* representa tives (<i tlwr*ftunllt«ru>C on* -huuaredVshaSl Wapjkitloned and distributed eqqajly, throughout the #tato,hy districts, In pro portion to the number of taxable' Inhabitants'in .the several 1 parts tbfiibof; o'xcdpt that kky COfinty conbolnlng at ‘least) three, thousand fivo hundred: may b©'allowed rate representation: but no more than three counties shall trc jofnto,'an& the forraßtibn of a district. Any city containing a tmmcUmt number of- taXO*- bleu topntitlu it to at least two representatives, ahpU Imvo a separate representation assigned It* and shall he dirWedlnto convenient pftcontigious equal taxable imputation as near as may of which districts shall elect one representative.” , , , At the end of section seven, some article, Insert these words, “the city of Philadelpfiia shall be divitlia ini?,tingle eenatnrial districts, of contiguous territory a* nearly equal in taxable pop* uiaitnn or possible ; hat no ward I hall be divided in theforma tirm thereof” .... , The Ivjd&bituro. at it* first session, after the adoption of this amendment shall flvMo (he rity f of PlilladelphiJ\iita i BCnM(> rial-add representative districts, in.the manner above provh dod; such district* to remain unchanged until (he apportion ment 4n the year one thousand eight hundred and Bixty-fqur. rouuTH ’ AVWTDuprr. To be section XXVI, ArtlclA T. The legbVrtyrt S?iMI Um rpower, to'alteC totoKo, or an nul, any charter or mcorporotion norretfer eohireirM by or nnfior, any special,- or femoral law, whenever ie tbolr -opinion It tnaj ba tuiurloua to tho cltlien* of tho in however, that no liOuatica enul be done tn the ,; ; ,Iw April 21. iwi - tHi resolution mu, Oi) (he firaf amend* Weftti 24, nfir*.p. On fne «£o4od amefadmont l 'yeas‘l& l ' fchyiO,- ybaa Sfynays 1, Ontbo fourth aTnondtntut, TITOS. A. UAQtTIEE, Clerje. lir Hods* or Rctwesritativesl April 21,1856. iJAJraV'ThS thfc rrtSntlon, pare. amepd* jotfe.l2, iiyi *l. <ofc thortffmd aznindihentfspßl £3, nays 25. On the tUad 64, mot 25: and on fourth amendment, yaw to. najs 16/ Extract)from U>€ uot/mi'A . WltLmi JbWK, Cleric. Omrt,' X 1 a. O’. CTJRTII7, J ** * * / fried ApVll&i, ISGO., Btefdary oftkt Cbrnfeorii Ttoiiti I Harrtabnrg, June 27,1850. I do certify that the above and foregoing is a tree and cor rect ehpjr si t(cd origiDal “Hoaqlutlon relative to air amend ment of (hq Constitution*’ uu tlic same remqius on file in (b[* office. [L. S.J' tn testimony whereof T hare hereunto not my hand and caused to be affixed tlio sea) of the Secretary's Office, the day and year above written. A. Cl. CURTIN. ( i i . Secretary of the. CommonxctaUh. MqniM'taAiat MiM> Hhe Jtcwiahjp, op i he Zlrfday of Angtnf at 1? o’clockJL JL gfinid. lo«ini l d(«ajlbe<ftradf o£ lapdvidW;'- -T™^- I i»e k'.itS-rdT UAd-th'-uVe forth SJJ pote)wttijd(riK> kn«J ahd BUriM, U*n® metf aheat i aass io*.lMfl k>deg|e«i:WdtbklTA|mdifl%. begfndlJ^'' atfra t thyteaOTrtflldrelgbjfruidred’ term, tton» ],&. >u '• .“mj- . . AJi9()r-t&d-uiMiirhled.*wo-ihir«te.part!of -ft lofr in ,Fike (hOTi h rbyJ^lato. farAnraham Iffunef and 0. B. Goodriian, had oirtne tost, aodttfddd'w’wk laikT' of the Bihghiun*Estet6^Wofainlilg- »Wtt. two jtereß.lmpros«Vwid alogMosn rTLL^j^^e’undlyWo^ Ofa tnict'orlahdin PtkV 1 teWhAhv Phffer ! ciriinty, BcgfnßWdt il henllottt, ditf ’ north-east corner of warrant No. 4653, thoncoifciCh 640 pcrChi; fc« aopUiio&sf (Corner of'wamqtJjo. 4C44, pUflB of tteginning4-coobdpftrg-990 acres/ itaSt'perV f Tlrrocpfin onfer of the Tioga p vfenaflxaa old county) ad f. bp ?W W 1 H- *W&>W& at,3i dV*'.' the following described tract of land to wit: I The npdiTidcd thirds part of a triiSf'pTlinto ,; iir‘ a tJie sixty rwb-perohosto* poaiWlUdncSi south OQQ-dagrfe«w perohpe tonbeeebwUiAipj thean jioatl) dtgpxjs* porches,to a lw?ralock; thonce strath (hrbo degroa, caat tweife thenod south thirty fojpros, -eisrfhtlrtecb'ftdd a ; haitpirchoi" to ai forkedhemiock; ; -Ucqco;by the State i&uL •wesierty, Aqronfeun pflrcnds to fhd suutnbaH' Wrner oi rat* .fertilitiy of DtmWi'tiarnKetfrt-; thence sdiiUV O&patehos', thence«opth4fjtk'gr<Ha;eaat tl|Q£pp son)h it. qnst Z.perchos; thenqe sonthlOdoi greea, east 8 perches; tWnccsoiiin S degrees west‘ft perches;’ thfihoc lidUth west fi porthes; soutn 3fl decrees. West' 6 perches,aoafb 68- degrees; wostfli)pbrelics.south porches to a butterpqjr, %<uice suidh acrou Bine, Ccqck TO porches to south bank of mo Greek, thence down Isald Ocsdc-'in a diradtlon north of Isa&t 60 perchek; Xnehce north SOldcgdeeßy we&C acrow Pino Cnnikl 14- 21.degroe«riro4t B3,dcgreej, w?st 8 north l2 degrees, wpst d perches, north 52 degrees, west 4 perches, dbrtn ‘l6 degi'eci* east 2T’pohihnl; north 7 degrees, least 14 porches, «aa»wfalte-hßk,«orthM perches to apostr thphcosouth.B9 t td^greos,«fU^.J41 l perchas to a post; thence west 207 porches Id the place qf beginning. OodtplniDg abdnt Are 1 htindrod ffnh fbrty-tohr ftfcrcs, with abfiMUsfeerfeilinprorod I 'a(hitdohonso,thop,and burn thoroanC’* maiU knowh on thp day df> Sale. 1 ■ ,t i. .. . JASIBe KABBfia, . P ‘-• IMPROVEMENT EXTRAORDINARY, WS woold >r««poctiolly-osll llio laHcotion of Mill owners «ndall inlsresled io lliewsool' water dowp.r fn _ Uiis. vioiniU, lo a Iron Wtler Wheel, (called Groenleif !a gravity add percussion Water Wheel,) obe of which they have teecndy put in a Saw Mill dwnod by Judge .White of Wclluboro' end .Dr. Archer of Morrk lowosliip, and situated one and a fodrlh miles from {bibb's Creek; on the Stony Fork. This whoul .on Saturday UtuTtli inal., drove a.single isaW to saw live Ibnusand aod ode hundred feet of while pine lumber: 4100 feet of which was one inch in thickness, 400. feet 3 inches thick. SOO feet (4 inches thick., This Wheel used a very small quantity of water, only discharging about 90 square inolips and willr about 114 feet liead and Kill of Water while performing the above.. These Wheels sro wolfed spied to the propelling of .all kinds of,Machinery.driven by Water power.. They are very simple and substantial in their construction, and fchiti one third to one half more work 1 than any other Iron Water Wheel in operation tn this vicinity with which they arc acquainted^-They ■ offer on very liberal terma the patent right for Comities or States, and also to furnish and pm in : operation the Wheels ip Mills in this vicinity on rea. sqnablu terms. - Epr-fh'rthet information address A, Greenleaf, ATorriatownship, Balibs ijoal Otffce, or L. Vanya care ol j. P, Cleaver WefTaJxjro’.TiDga Co. n. J - xb 1 ’ A.GREEtftEAF, Joifte 121836. L. VANCE, nhvn ofimcd Wheel may be seen in operation «l aknost r-nw ©a iUs. Rob. erl WiUorf Wtib hah'tKc Mill " “ Deerfigldwooleufacto^ RY- 30,000 - WOOL WANTED. To manufacture on shares, by tho. yard, or in cx change for cloth. Tho subscribers 1 have rented the above place Bqwen, and ire prepared to Mike in work op oa good terms arany other es- Üblishment. WOOL CAHOIIVO •and Cloth-Dressrng done on the shortest notice. Cash, Wool, Lumber and all kinds of Produce taken in exchange for work 1 . The subscribers are the same party that run tho old Factory in 1844, and will be glad to see ail fheir old :customers, hoping fay a strict attention to bupt. ness to give general satisfaction. AU who wish to be sferVcd wcllhnd promptly will do well to'lry us. N. B. IX 8.- Bbwfen : will hold themselves -responsible tor the payment of customers. SCHOFIELD &. BERRY. Deerfiefd, June 26,» A' v c.ifeft, —The sub«driber, grateful for the XX liberal palithiagc heretofore granted hi in fay the publi9,.;and aware ,tlmt; uotbresecn have provenied ins serving his patrons as promptly as he could h ive desired in lime past, begs to assgre the public that with his own long practical experi. cnco,and a first-class workman, hejs' now atle lb undertake Watch and Jewelry repairing,'nod cbn fulfil orders promptly and to the satisfaction of a,!!* Charges ftiodcrate and rill Work warranted, s N. B. A good ossbrUrtent of batches, Clocks JoWolry. Silver und plated ware, School, Miscellafic-" ous, Blank Books, Stationery and WaU-Pupof con stantly on hand. - * G. W. TAYLOR. Wclleboro’, July !T, t 656. The co-pa rtihership Heretofore existing between C C Somers and lro Wells in the tanning business at Tioga, under the firm of t Somers & Wells, is this day dissolved by mutual consent; and a Co-partnership is this day formed in said business at the old stand of Somers &. Wells al Tioga, by apd between Henry F Wells and Ira Wells, under the firm of H F. & I Wells, who will settle, pay and arrange the co-partnership defats of the lute firms of Somers, Fish & Wells, and Somers 6c Wells, and settle oil accounts and dues. IRA WELLS, ' 1 • H; F.i WELLS, Tioga, July, 3, *SG. iCC SOMERS, THU CO-PAKTftEHSIIIP heretofore existing between Jn-cpli Fish ir., C. C. Somers and Ira Wells in the Boot, Shop and Tanning busi ncas at Tioga VHlagti, is this day dissolved Hiy mu tnal consent, said ftsh Joking charge of the 800 l ond.Shofe business and said Somers taking charge of tho Tanning business. The debts of the firrh t<f be iwid.t. sifd Seiners and Wells.. ‘ C, G, SOMERS,' , . IRA WELLS; Tioga, Fob.29,iS. .* i’ -' JOS. FISH, Jr. i’OOT,' Uftiieulbls, Pit. Proprietor, of TtfATCIEEIPS Pn I ent Double AciidH SUCTION* POUCE ■ - .P.HillP..:: . lEF Best Pump an the . World '.jrf ' Counter and-State Rights’lotr Sale. DowaS-Ai Co,, Manufacturers, Seneca Falls, N, V. ’ T.,B..RooKsp. -.[June 13-$6,1 S, B, .Foot,- |o O.Y^tr^H^Liwsi fll pdwmjtbK itftlfrsw jfas' teen mVaaodi ti%Srcnce hk* tVfra'Ba&ka bW Iho Bute;Hos Mp wlllial)' Tfrt femjAHber,»T#4y*‘atfake l lH'llip ’liejl iutcrefil*of' .Mi®* Mi 5? W M OR bend. <I T wi. Ww^>wd?r, JlT ,, ~,.•,„ .. ,;.,, r! , ,„• Sofes, Ui¥aß», Otlonum«, .-. part, &Mt*t;iDmnff 4t Brtakfa»t Tablet, Dress Stands, Dress and Comtndß finreau*. ' ■ MAHOGONY COMMON WASH'STXNDB, i Cpttdgel Ptfhich hn* Vdmmon BedsteAdi, ■ s'WtVntfirßistheigi'$ 'WtVntfirBistheigi' ’ ' •’ ■ Yrmtf fils', Knowledge of/.tlierhasiness he flat, lert'’hhnselr’W^h ; the heifer '(hat (hose wishing, Id pirrcfidsc,‘'would dd'Well to call add exnhlne Ills work before sendiig clsewhnf for an'inferior article. ' ' “ TURNING id.a dklt, manner, at short no. tide';'' y ■ •■ ■ '■ ■> ' ■ S’,;::. 5 , -jcmthi. c*air« t : In addition the ahare, the snbscri Bber would, inform Uiepublic that he fan fjnslroceiveda large andihendsameaißorl, : <?awB;MP : cxjmmon = chairs,"-' ■ ■ ltoffingChairi. whiehibfl a» fheap,)f 'not cheapor.Uran can, bo purchased apjw her p, else in Tioga county. Call anja see them.l . , VAffHOtfo. At tUC Old Sfimtl over like \ s%pß%:ge 'B. $ soK ’'HE SCRIBER iio4 ied anew'fits (hop ( Smith's Store . is prepared Ib ex, le Hie orders of ild customers and ire who may favor r with their pal igtijwilh neatness ami despatch. He dees not fee) it necessary to puff liis work as it U Warranted to furnish its own rec ommendation. No garmenl is permitted lo go oat of tire- shop Uiat is not aside in tire most substantial manner. Especial care observed in Cutting and Fitting. This Department,'wilt be under my own supervision. Believing in the “live and Id live'' rule, Ih iv a adopted the i ■ • Pay-DoWn System and shall rigidly odherp to it. WflUsboro!, March 13,1856. H, P. ERWIN. rtttEAP TAltlft.-A HARE CHANCE V TO BUY.— I The as tho “Old Knapp Farm," in Charleston township. in this county, is now offered fur sale oongSsae reasonable terms. This Farm is ailoa- wSKfiP led iii the u DarUScltlcMcnl" Valley, is wqll watered, and lays upon the main road from Weilsboro* to Mansfield. Il is three miles from WellabonT, about eight miles from Mansfield and tiie Tioga Railroacj, and about fyur-miles from the Wellsboro* doTioga Plaukroad at Potter’s Hotel iq Middlebury. A new church ip being erected within about I of a idilo of it, pad a School Bout>e is with in the .same distance. It contains 63 acres, of which from 55 to 60 is in a stale of thorough cul tivation, well cjeircd and well fenced. Upon it are a large frame house, frame barns, sheds and outbuildings, and a good apple orchard. A wood lot of about 40 acres lying adjoining is also for sale. This is realty a desirable properly, and may bo purchased low. Its situation is one of Ilia best, being near to the Railroad pn one side and the county seal on the other, and thus furnished with a market for every Variety ot produce. For further particulars enquire of B. S. Darlt, Troy, Bradford county, or- of the subscriber at Wcllsboro., Tioga county, Pa. H. IV. WILLIAMS. ' July 10,1856-tr HEW ESTABLISHMENT. NEW BOOTS. M. RILEY & BENJ. SEELY SgJ ~ t would respectfully inform the . % | citizens of Wellsboro* nod vicinity, that they have commenced tho Boot ' & Shoe business in the “building formerly occupied by the *Tioga Eagle." They are nbw ready to do all work in their fine in the best manner—and will make Fine Sewed and Pegged Bools and Shoes, in the most approved style, as well as Coarse Work. Repairing done in a superior manner. They would respectfully solicit the patronage of the citizens of this place, assuring them that they will en. deavor to merit their favors by using the best slock, by careful workmanship, and by punctuality. Casts paid for Hides. July 3d,’sC. Gin. from May 1. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!— Just received from the village of Ncw-York, a large and splendid assortment of Spring & Summer Goods at the Sloro of the undersigned in Middlcbury, Pa* and which he is offering at reduced prices. His stock consists in a full assortment of all man* net of Goods commonly kept in a country Store. It is needless to mention articles. We -shall keep, constantly on hand, Pork, Flour, Suit, White Fish* and Mackinac Trout. We are determined to sup ply the wants of every man, woman and child, in our line of business, and say to our friends and pa* irons to come on with the utmost confidence in our disposition and ability to supply your every want. It will be owing to a combination of our competiU ors to bribe the N* If. & Erie Railroad Company against transporting our freight, if wc fail in so do ing* H. H, POTTER. MidVy Center, June 5 '56. J. B. Pottzr agt. TNSOLVENT NOTlCE —Notice is here- X by given that I have applied to tho Honorable Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for the Coun ty of Tioga, for the benefit of tho Insolvent Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; and they have appointed the first day of September next, at Lon o’clock in the forenoon of said day, to hear me und my creditors, at the Court House in the boro* of Wellsboro’, when and where my creditors can at tend if they think proper. IRA WARREN. July 24, 1856. Time! Tiptoe! Time; Time TIME flows from instants, and of these each one Should be &tcemed as if it were alone, any wish to redeem lime now lost, please call Josl one door north of B. B. Smith & Son’s, where it shall bo restored. • The subscriber is now ready Id do anything in the line of Repairing Watches, Clucks and Jewelry. All work warranted. Wellsboro, July 24,1856. A. FOLEY. 3pHE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing L between James Duffy, John Duffy, Chare* ufiy jr, and Landis Puffy, under the firm of Jamies Puffy & Brothers, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, John Duffy retiring. The books of the firm ore in the hands of the new firm of James Duffy & Brothers for settlement. JAMES DUFFY, JOHN DUFFY. CHARLES DUFFY, Morris. Jfor. 13. 18SS. LANDIS DUFFY, WHEREAS, Letters of Administration haring been granted to the undersigned on the esl alc of Jacob Babb, lato of Morrp, dec’d, those in. debled to said estate are requested to mike immedi ate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them for settlement; to Morris, June 19, ’56. DANIEL DOANE, 'Aam'f. m ■~T“ , r" at '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers