The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, July 24, 1856, Image 2

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    k j -i
* i • FWMIIi-*• r• •• '/i-' 1 -
A citizeijnf KqnsaijWhp left.iT’opeka ,'pn
the 3d. inst,, end Leavenworth on the 4th,
called so us yeSferdsy. - He aayarlhatiUte
FremStale Legislature was prevemed. frfTO*
assembling on (he 4th inst., pursuant to >adsi
journment, bythe United States troops-, under
Col. Sumner. HetoldtKe people that, he had
positive-orders fromPresidelft Piercefoanest
sod -break up the Legislature iif the members
attempted to conveite. aodi that his orders
must he enforced. 1 - He vis -also under orders 1
frtjm the Executive, to- disperse, -disarm end
arrest i dC-Free<Staio rpebple
that- mighi a*umhltiix\ i&lebnate ike Fourth:
of Jtdg i' ,He:wnsiat the. bead of 400 iUni
ted Stale* dragon »a tajdal number'hf
infantry and artiHdtislsi . .
Tito result w4* that: (he; members of the
Fiee-Siate Legislature- .Vrore tunable to tneet.l
h was deemed beat Wdufidomhlo IheUniiedi
Smles army, postpone the assembling,.and*
awaitihe verdict of the. American- people at
the polls next November. Had'the United
States dthgoons not interfered, the Fcee-Sl&te
men were resolved to hdld their Legislature!
meeting-tn spite of .the Border-Ruffians, and
tyerp prepared to give (be .villains a warm re-'
caption. .
f Our informant says that murders, are still'
»e’ry; frequeftt-in the Territory f that ad offi.
aer tlrtder Sumner tqld him that the dragoona
had picked upend buried a great number
within a few weeks.■ ~ <■,
: Thehodipa of thirty-two murdered men
w'arq found on the roads, several of whom
were partially devoured by the wolves. It
i« some satisfaction 'to team, however, that
they were not all 'Free-Stale men who- had
thus fallen ; but that many plundering ruffians
had been made to bite the dtisl for their crimes.
' He tells ns that the wheat'harvested'is ex
cellcdt, though not very large in quantity )n :
(Wnsequence .of the disturbed state of‘the-
Territory ; that thecorn crop looks most luu-'
11 ram,' and will be abundant maoma districts,
if the people are permitted by the Ruffiansto
gather it. •
We further learn from him that the news
of the nomination-of Col. FVemonf," and a
perusal of the Republican Platform,-set the,
whole Free-Siato people wild With delight,
and inspired every man with • new courage
and hope (hat the'day of deliverance froth the
reign of terror and the gripe of the oppressor 1
was drawing nigh. Prayers go up nightly
in heaven from thousands of women ahd
children, on the plains of Kansas, for the
election of Fremont. A strong faith inspires
them that he will be the next President; and
that the black cloud of Slavery will be suc
ceeded by the bright sun of Freedom, Peace,'
and Prosperity.
Senator Hamlin on Co). Fremont.
The. following exlraot from the speech of
Hannibal Hamlin, the Democratic Senator
from Maine, who repudiates Buchanan . and
the Cincinnati platform, at the late-Fremont
Ratification meeting in Worcester, bears Vai-'
uable testimony to the character and princi
ples of the people's candidates
“Who is John C. Fremont 1 He is (he
first man who discovered the.interior'of this
continent, scaled the Rocky Mountains and
contributed more than say other man, toward
making California a free State. 1 know
bint well os a than of eminent ability,: and i f
unblemished character aod spptlesS Jife.-
When California was seeking admission into
the Union as a Slate) I had Secession to cott
ier with hi 171 as to the besl n mc4hodto secure
that result. He -wo* true to lAe rights Hit
language vae, California mutt come in aia
free State or not come in at all. ■
It has been complained of Fremont that be
is Without sufficient antecedents, as to his po
sition or /or thp Presidency.
Dtp, not onljs.has the antecedents of the right
kind, but he is an antecedent in himself !
He iy a greater joceculive officer than any mao
since Andrew Jackson..
John C. Fremont, ip an. .ftoti-sla-very man,
and hg?.always been -pop from.his, boyhood)
Alihougj),,,amative of Georgia, and brought
up iftfSpuih spite of liis early as
sociations hewas eyerfor freedom. When
endear king pn his western tqur,ha was, asked
if‘it was nqt bis intention la purchases sieve,
as, a domestic,for hM wife* His,-reply was;
i neper owned ope dollar in Altman flesh,
end while reason ,h,olds its sway in my brain,
j.lJEyEfi-witvl I love my wife:with- (be
most ardent affection, but.that wife must toil
with her own bands,- rather than own the
fitpl dollar in human flesh I’ From -a man
(bus edupeiedi an d thus true to our prinoples,
we have; the highest assurance, that with him
at the helm of the government, if ha can pro.
ven( it f not one inch shall slavery be exten
deifOvVrthb national territory.”
Mi.' BilCiuWan and trie Bbooks Odti
BAoi.—THe'ftllbWing statement appears in
ofef tel"'from Penn., pdbtfsßedln
theWew York' Tribune t ' l,: ' ■
*’l>ait week TWenfip 1 Miliston, Vobr 1 Wiles
diStaot.'W vitijess the blpiidg'e’xeVclses of'ihd
sessibil, of thfe,Model 'Noftnal Schdol, it .that
'pldpbl v f ffitind thferti Vary fnterdkimg. Ad-
kdW de(Rsreft by the. Hohl THbmttj
Hi'Bi/?to6fs:‘Wfe Sfeprejhty of the CoWmdh'-
Ejuchanari Was invlie'd 'td tie
prbhabtahd bddfetis (he pdjiiTtf, bat he declined
'Veaddh thefdfbte that
arstifdjttWetiWe' before,^!if an Indignation
II Which they httd de&6utSceid, in the
most caustic language, 1 the 'dastardly, J atid
attack of (bemttfseietfiiookenutmn
€«B|tor.SuiDi»ec,land that
ehawhbooliunder .lbese cifcutßtUtticew might
(Wbeftd iheeHitbiqiimheaitUscmtaedohy shis
•ftw%iklheiacjh««li IrreallpifritMi fbeatge
■otl Wdteatland-rhiatorwme; must'hem igtttat'
«cheefrcflDouglaauwhen heaaw.-ithe than
glad-hody.oJiSumnar being cnrHed frorKuthe
deseorjHodrBe#at*,Chamber toa ptsoa
■et katHMshai,
fltnortnttorilrqottthg'jkrequiret, *»,. -843*000
ilaveholders to retabribe friendship a»d sun-,
' Wash
' ioglbtf'Mjii ;-i-‘4f Fr£rhonl' is 'elebded'PifSrt
nded)‘hi wUI totak* potf&stribn
of tjje VVJjjie House,” . ■. j-
• # » All BasiQess,and oUier Comraanicallont mu(
ha addres^dlotlioryitorlolpgqrca^lgntlQP-*—
TharidaT gfoTßlMg, Jnty 94, *B9.
' SlrfleTiekel.
J.jluf.'i tt.i
Canal Commit timor,. >
' .TUpM% fi, ppcbpAlV, of York..
Auditor OfnnaLf,
' . Amtlreng., .
Sunn/gr General] - "” . ,•
BARTtidWifeW jjAtORTZqf BrifforA'
; > ■
and for the ofTmporiin’t! lni
forrottinn among Ihe people, we.offer, the
ftoA.oupflei'l (AigiSfiyUtiftoJ* 16, offer 15
we4fc9,*fe}h» follow t og: Cental: ,i r : i.|
. 10 dopie* at Scents ipen nn mber* for, > W: 00.
20 copies-.-; .....1 ~,6 00,
30copies-, v,- v.vv• • •••;• •• •
antf jafiriy'nOmhpr thin tep copies;S cents a
week lor esch'dopy, or SO bent* IbrVlie Campaign, >'
per oeotlfcw lluinhey ought;
lo ho ioiorder to terpuocrsto U>p,jiqblisherv, .Rat'
this is oot a speculator’s offer. There fane, postage.
on the poper tent to subteribero living in tbb VOufUg.
DaytdnV le'ttCr'bf Acceptance next week. ' 1
C|ub meets at (lie Reading Room at 7 o’clock,
Friday evening, As. there' is business of importance'
to be transacted a general attendance is requested.'
Oar 'redden,'by reference to. a- card in another
column, wilt see that Mr.. A. Foley, has opened»
shop one door botow'Sraillii’ Store. Those troubled
With tobeUdstd timepieces and broken: trinkets, will
find bim prepared to do their work on as reasonable;
terms as/ever.-
' It will be seen Ihnt Wclisboru’ baa now n Frentbaf
Chib. It nymbera upward at ISO'ihetnbdrs. It has
si Reading Rriom fitted op in Roy's building, second
floor, and' It Wilt be furnished with papers lof every;
political ho*, Boalli snd. North, daily, oemi-weekly
end weekly. Thoprivileges oi the room iro:free to
all Who wish to read both sides.
' The riamtd gentlemen Compose the Re
publiyanCSjnniyComtnillce: ■ •
fe, T.-febnllby, A. P. GunS, W. W, MoDongaß,
L. I. fiicMls,'J.'C. Whittaker! ■ > '
We ia. customary to cal|:a Con
vention for the formation 'of* County ticket.. It is.
hoped Uisl the! good’ old custom will prevail this
year—immediately. ~ ,
The Mansfield Ejjtris* ha* passed Into thchdnds
of j.S. Hoaid,' Esq., now' editor' and proprietor,'
The Erprett .flies Iba Fremont and Dayton flag,-
and promises to do good scHtce for frtedom. We
regret.parting 'with friend Elliotl, the former editor',
but it is some bonsohlion to know that he - has e*.
coped starvation 1 and nakedness in fail youth. - We
extend (lie tight er of fellowship to oar Black Re;
publican neighbor, and trost that fortune raayat.
tend Die iJrprrvaditnceforward.' Success Ur you. ■
The Corning Journal of laatweak .brings 0* tbo
details of. a deatiuotivefire which, brokejqut in that
village-a( about 9 o’clock la the morning ofi
instant. ; The fire originated, in Dyer, Hall, and ere
the flf me*, equip h« cbcckpd | 1 ■ ’r?*^
with Ibeir contenls.wwe consumed. ; fiSo»ej»f .dwefr
inga and were also destroyed. Loss $1120,000
$4O 000,' Thia'makea iwofires to that:
devoted villager within a month; and.lhe cnllrc fcoii*
■ ness part of die (own ig .in ashes. . Some villain Id
at Hie bottom of this.
“ Sic Semper Tyxaimls.”
There is no pedantry about (hut caption, frieadly
reader, for wo make it a ride neyyy to use other lan
guages when good, solid. English .can r lfp .made to well. The caption is the legend on jthe
great seal of Virginia •, and,.beii|g.interpreted, eig*
ulfiptli—y eter toit/i lyrqnii!" Sortie, ia their
siipplioily, may imagine that tlie |nastraViao of tfie
legend vyry naturally 'and . appropriately might he,
ayfdnlpr in a broad-brim, whipping a degro; but
such fa notllie fact. f>n (he contrary, wef find dri
tlie'aeaT the Goddess of liberty 1 pith's diawn sword
in tier hail'd,' artd'ond Vodt upon thdlifeiitaf a’very
respectable 'looking while mam' ’ ‘ 111 ,l: 1 =
’ We (hke.tlie liMrty’to kapp<6e that with a alight
transpoiilW'oflHe dcaijpi of that seal, Us dertc*
may very property 1 /epkefenl the'(rite pdeiliohs of
the North and thoßoiilh at this time.- As SaUnJa
said to soniclimert‘pul onrfhe robes oFan angfel of
light, so, in.tills'ckai.'Tyfa'nny may bo- repreaenttid
)n the robes of the of Liberty; with brte fool
on tile bresM of Oort prostrate liberties. It may M>|
aeeirt 'a -fiatteriiig picture, but the troth never'flatten
eithet ooWardstir Ay rants. ' . '■/.! r i-i
This, it tbO'-fauu positloh of the North andithe
South-. The qoeatlon ia not whather<.4,ooo,ooo of
negfbea-alikeSoulh,*hall bealavaa; but Whether
the ld;0OO,QO0 of wbrMo at the' Noftb, and the 4|
millions of whites atithd Bdhlityohsllaubmittamely
to Ifie despotic role of the 346,000 slaveholders who
no# mAt<jdk'lhrealdOh'(s,'dlrdct : dAV foreign policy,
eetrdpi otlr Judiciary,'trample'dhoor aaereitccrvieii.
4rAtiK.^hkr6tttCA r ' th^ : fme apaeoh
tod bladgootiik'atid worm lima
atr,rri*ipii:d*i„riey>e(it4»aa: tni‘utterly, rtfiut'to
rigbt 'lkenrrotfcs e( u»r opfnmd < feoj/te t Thalia
lh»dnoatiollt;«^^l , • - ' .--.m i! -
■ iLet evdipj aiau ezarninp fife |)taaelfil Wbo prcaa
sd and-trkp paocttooed-the Tepaal pfillvtfllitaQnri
-Cocapaa naieh. Arnold Jhwghia
•fiiibiapotomiftiAdmipUtniitak: v W«Jhiy,(|iotyy
■W »Wo»»BwntA4.**W(made dwUftf,dkTOfirptip:
«WWf fcadbP
any, unbiroity ylmdC “^h«tii' < ja,
nodm Itfwgfa^ 1 biw/vek 'atdejied 'rn’crurte 'Wmiyi
%(•'«#, iyrkdu-VlSittid;
not in some way endeavor ta.f^elhP'pmdib’V'pir.*
tttflii .hOOWWkmcerfct'Mly KhnSaSUnd-Njtbraa-
Itrindli’n terr)tary>weSt 1 14 tbe'Paci6c,-butaSyland
SlhtemlOry ibst-'might be acquired from'Mexicm
I Neir, *e leUprasaty ■ declares -that
atilollonal,’and that iU repdahhas ail iefibf vfisdom
andjuitice.',:®hs pdeplaluko iasse with Jane* Ba.
ichamn od this qoestioo, and aa ceHainiy: at :that the
nraiahall rise upon, tbiadespeUriddenlcoanlsyon the
riwminfcj of tfio 5Ut af November. nextjit will thine
on that gray-lUiiedtruckler a defeated, disafppint
ed map, whoa? integritypavcway before the pUnrfl.
menu of place, and wbace record will go down to
l'M that of % Dooglapapd -a, Pierce, oply
execrated., ; .
Menarenot called; upon to ti( in judgment, opon
Mr. Buchanan's past except in ao far aa it touches
»i«,pse*ent po«tiop before tfie coantry. 1* 'i,well
to biear in mind that whnt wag constitutional in 1047,
i» no. less p) id jSSS, and will be conslilntionpl a
lliposonil years Tiencf!, should the Constitution en-
to Ipijg. For, while Mr. Buchanan baa faced
Kjpam abvnt. the principle he, repudiates now, still
dat heavenward as it did in' *47—a« it did
when the .morning star* uhg together. Men are
sWlydd hy pride, greed, add dmbilipn: but princi
pirn, like the great Author, am the some, yesterday'
today, apd vfyixvta. • TJey eaiinoithang*. h ' '
1 ’Beery'tnpws aa well now hdwhls
rate will be casllh ‘November as he will'on the diy
or election. It Is Freedom • «hd Fremont, or 'Bach
(Pan end Border Ruffianism, now, and it wlllbethe
aaiMe then. And We repeat, that onrhunker friends
look tor no aid from the intelligent public anywhere,'
Thty invariably cite Berka, Lehigh, Schuylkill,
Northampton antfPhib«Wpbu_l| the fbrtner note
riod* for the stupidity of their ishabllariu, and ,the
Utter for itsoattoa.heartednaH.and insaliablociipid.
ity.. We. do not ,mean to speakditretpeclftiUyof
the masse*.. in' those boon ties; but,c*iiy toalats a
fhct reveeled ih'Jbo census report; UiaUhe nqtUbcr
unable to,read and write in (hope counties Exceeds
the total in tin remaining counties ( and that so long
as the leaders of the democratic esn keep
than mpn igiwpnl, juatso long wiU they be apte to
count the tpajorily in Ibops counties at
iU preaept high figure. ~, fjti in thelighUhere.aod
If am and Slavery will get no mure punster majori*
tiea.tbere. .. . ,
,T «' ■' ; : 0 . , • ■ i'm, ' >i j .
We' reebmnieftd bur IKond oT iKa
.publican lo Keep si cool as tfio Mercury it 90 will
admit bl-' Hd Mmrt ! Mid' Ida rood goroeliiM’-iahis?
life tbit Biedinever rt*Wrt4S dpitbeti In dealing with
in dppob«nl r d»' lengaa they liaeoaay argument u
. otfdn ■ iHawilleehldinber alas, that He UMerUdlttat
tike Cincinnati platform 3s iidin tidal in spirit andia
letter with that laid down by the followers. bf Jeff,
andjjockapni Wo denied, god ptjll- dany that
the toW ?™tb bia assertion. Motq—wa bach
ed oar denial with an argument which he got
yet spa, fit tq reply tp. . hacking Dial denial
we met our friend more' thin ,half-way j hit assert
lion was .bare, amt Ore rote of debate only required
a simple denial on our pari, while ‘the affirmcr is
required to hack his affirraaliorf wilh.adme sort of
argument. Thus it will pfobahly ocedr to our has
ty'friend, Ihalhohas "inadd an assertion without
proolj I *. amt therefore ’be falls linked his own edn
dbrtinAiiob, Let’ n< have yonr ar^irfiertt.
i Friends: .'This la ths hat Nuof the second VoV.
□me of Hie Agitator. What it has been dnd what
•ttMjWhnpw. :Witftiit wil)lcfltUipi>o,to be,you
o>»y : ilVF r from what ypu kpoiy. We hjwq ppptjier
ajTppathiqa than; Unppiphipb mured us Upy jdpy ,two
years ago. We promised tq.pqrk forijAg.then,
and;agajp.wg yenaw tiipl pfpmise.apd, to afipllwe
conltqpyi tp |abQr, citber ip Ups field or ip some olh.
ejr. iphil.o we paper hd s h 06 1? prospered
beyond our eipectatipna. It Volnrae.3
wjth a greatly increased patronage, and under, the
caab sysicm it gains strength daily. 1 ' 1
Irf tills proapdrUy we dpdbr stand that onr labor
la approbated by the public. This is dertainly flat
ieringi'ind'aJny ’p'rlrle (lowing therefrom la pardons,
bio. But, during Ibis campaign our cihatilhia
Would be inertkaed gtibOythi WthW that the uaafbl
nessofteupeper maybd. attended; andtoeneoac.
age pleads Wo publish elsewhere 'oar Campaign
twrnta. Frlends, *id ui.this laudable nP
denakiogt.e ,■ nc .
„ some Uino pact addict
qd to Ifnnkerfsih; ate coming Irito’lho work
Wayhe. Which tp l l i«i'be il3o', mij(irity, iil),
Without robcb ddubi, girs lo ; FjW»o6t- slid Daybk
ndt iWiSia' SOO‘indJbHf/. : ’' in (he om*.
'JBUUiMH, 'Sf&cbLW ! flig%»y'li the Prdy "Deni,
ocralio paper'pabllshVd In thbt cbdtit^tba a ;
and epthusiaqtie Republican Met ling inis held in
tei Cburtlioui* tm lhe StK iaatani,'at WKich uiany
ipf the nioil prominent detnacrals irt’ tbd Bounty an.
pdared ' : Tbe mee
■fihgWaHayieabd ehlllasi«a(ie{'»l>d ißardVobeerlng
'etldMee I 'thithP ■ <wb«le 1 aiANhdte Uer.from Lakb
BWlft iwrbroktp';
Treed*!dn*Fiteiflooftp>Norknibiscn . Loh..-
bi-j.o .vo^-n^nriir^vyr^^ti— ~-i ■ ■
raaia. m*#
.'i/nfn'Biull v.;,iu I
' : ! W-^, SfayiM^bPOMlliWti; w»J
WsanAmiit' TM Fne'pepM dwyiultj
,tIUSW& tMirdai
>Bbf W UkMe bur dsmeekatlc Wbrep<fqriwwJ
they crave.'. - I'fvh i— cov i; ( o a) ]
PMSoa." Br Mi
Aotbarof *Tb« Mi
“Coneof CUftsa,"
hu addend a4j&
fieUooj bot it U not
,i» now inpreH and
\b«W if iiht: Mtglitin*
it,#'jot)d limit io : mb*
testay,Aog. 13,1866.
. A! GROW, of Fa.,
'TORrdf N. y.' , *
jtom; teio;. ; or Fa„
- E v .; ■
Br jG. Bafeon, J, Sjoddari M. Lse,
J. B. PotTer, J. K& OI H- BlaSp^rd,
Smith, J.J3. Stanton, J. F. Donaldson, MU Hi.'
Qobb, J. Mathers,] A. P, Cine, J. Sihilh,‘H.
Marlall', ’tt S: illiapis',' A.' Dudley, W.
Rowley, i.'F. m, Oajrt.
TuUbf, Dr./Wtiijaker, C, F. CijlVer.
CommUtix—'i. i’ubbs, M. Bacon, Capt.
Gloria,GtjP. HpyV.y- C, Pbelps; C. H. Cole
grove, jye T : A. Ki.Bosard, 6. W,
Phelps, C.,Tple»;:j(£Barker, J, Scotl, C, S.
Field, y. Pringle,’ T. Wpod, A. J l * Sofield,
Be or\ |W early ip the day, Dpi
all pet. August as a political
holiday, Come,, oae pnd aft! Railly for
Free Soil, Free Men, 7 Free ,Kansas and
.A Brw* Bnad, in attendance.
; “juptaof «b» Time*.”
The. Ithaca Journal, for nearly thirty
years the drghnbf-irhe Democratic party hr
Tompkins coiihty,. Ve4r York-, has faked
dowa.ihennmes Of Bjitha^W.a'pd - B tecken
ridge I ,andMiop |htf daffifep bfptemdnt and
Dayton!, The A!n ge\\ialtep6rtfr,' the Demo
crai'rc orgiyjo Alleghany cpuf)iy,sntne State,
has done the pame. “a large nptnber of DenuK
craiio jourhals'.' in dtl|er : 'Counties of'that
State fly the riattjeS of thp Republread candi
dates. ■ ' i
Id a fnahtyjfactarlng establiehertentbr AUe-;
ghpny county, QDe '.huhdred
and fifty worktebn, avijte wtjs’ taken list
week! Birilf—Fritnipt, 11 149 ; Buchanbn,
I, All,the mehHtfyeheretpfoVe acted with
the Elerhocraiie'jrarfy‘ahd spied that ticket. :
J The Repuhltfeanr 6r ; K'eDtuoVy met on the
4th of July and formed a State, Electeral
ticket. n CaSsiuS 1 MP (>lay heads'it.
‘ Th'A 'Newport Ky.,has the
barnesbf £remdot'«hd Dayton lip 'for Presi
dent, abrf'Vico President; f
THS ,I NeW York TVftaite is confident tMt
Fremoht Sni Dayton w!ll’ca>ry l 'Now- Ybrk
by St le4!it '6ft;b6o wfojbtiiy. '
■ A large PrhttVtfaiV and Dayton meeting wee
Held at' Mercer, Week. On the same
day the Republican Convention met and nom
inated a ticket. Wm. Stewart is the candi
date (hr Congress, Wmj'F.'Clarfk-, for Senate,
and'Samuel 'Kerr and S. P. McCalmonl for
Assembly.. The opposition toi Buchanan
are alt united-inMereeS, as well os' in L*W.
renceand Beavbr, whioharo ih the. same Con
gressional district*. . A letter front itißreoaya
the majority' for'Fremont in, the district 'will
be lVom SOO to 1000 larger than it was'lor
Pollock, Who carried it'bySSfl.
' Judge' Galbraith' for mapy ,years ,aDeifto
chliic leader'in North-Western Peonsylvapia,
said' about a week'since, ,thaMhe stampede
toward Premobtyin that portion,of Permsyl
vanitti'was bdyond belief in calculation. The
masses having received the idea that it is not
true Democracy Ip assist to'the extension of
slavery, are leaving the ranks by hundreds,
and there is 'do telling Wherathb' defection
will slop. 7 •
A Wcmehdotii Fremobland Dayton ralifi-
Cation itieetlhs Haa been held at. Freeport, 111.
At least one hnlf iiho’ assqmbtagawere Gbr
matte. cDrtflill&garViteP elbqueoily addressed
them in their owh tobgUe;*nd by their , un
bounded enthusiasm, pin the, mention of
“ Freiheit and Fremont”'’ (Freedom and
Freraont)lhey .showed decisively which sway
their bstter reason and their better, nature led
theht lo go. l u .. i
Ih Dearie county the opposition , ere also
united on>Fremont.-. Among.the officers of
the -BeaVer Ptetponl Club, ere Berijamio
Wilde, late Democratio candidate for Senala 1
Bi RiishEradford.lave.American candidate
for Governor; A.. Robert wn.lateWhig Sa tv
ritor f<SilaS Merioke formerly a' Dentocrat,
l&c-ri'TbeFretnootimep .claim,from 10(H) to
IAW, majority! in, Beaver.
The Republicans and Americans of'.Gmat
■forii county, (pvauatted/and formed wpotwiy
ticket. Leonard Reed and Joseph Brown are
4he faoafaiseaofQ£, Assembly. The ,Congres
sional coofereeS'.afe*Bid;ia be. favorable to
the renomination of Hodi.Johp.j&gk.vj >
-"i PoteVic«-,eßfrte»-rraV:, Gloucester
(Mass.) Teltgtapk&wm whiahthasdiere
tofori JhevPresi.j
-dencyt/ptnods im ate-bead lhedFriteftlK and 1
Johnson ii6keh!and'*iii«iunoei, lbe,/eh*flgftip!
an artrcWa)fiaanie>l6ngth t .i,| , r ,,,
•V Bocbabaoiiiaod hto toiled the banner , to
the diatti bearing, the, henteaofnEriwni-*od;
■DaytOOV od ,mi"lu e>)4 ~, ;
. ''The,,Burlington,., Yt w iJ&jes Ami*‘m*.
thatVormootia considered pledged, to: vs
80,000 majority .nfori JlteMiwqpla?* fagdpm i
ticket l aod*iioHO'lMveßttoiMi»iMito«iiough<
!«rpXhsi«if|ot>eC,iwbislb !l sdstW- ih.
Democrat, hoists Fremont, .i%ici u»d.
in mi
■•ffiflv'lf )*he Raath.
EoqSsr of Judo 30tfa,
BmodSirliich Mr. Buchan*
ilic <jpeef, baa rendered
tery;. .
to the cause 01
• refraa, wwHemplata tb» quiet <
\»tiethuwuiMofaggniaßhMnpuh thewuili, i
8o- consistentlydid hw adhere -Urtheconsthu*
tion,aii QM jcWßngfc' tfieA. Whigtßdße a
: single instance of a-clear and unequivocal
struggle beiwebnslaVery dndabolilionisdii, in
which'Ur. Buchanah Idhi not espouse the ia
terests of; the South.’ -.nHei meter i strove
impair the legal guarantiee df slavery. Ho
oevep neglected) an r;oppdrtuaity of rebuking
th&spirit hnd.’opposing the designs of section*
•I agitation. It istniahedid not go the.en*
tire.length of /aoaousresoki.
tidn pandineilhendid Mr. Clay; Mr. Bu.
cfaapinwentaa farfn: their 1 support; ai onj
hlbei horthern seoatott (lender, indeed.asilo
advance heyondtbepopular sentiment of the
oorthbrn auiesi i „ ;o i'! • ••■ -
; I “.On every particular i**ue ibdiapufebe
tween slavery add -ibolffionjsffl, Mivßurfianr |
tmitohk the sideiOfilhaSouth. to I
suppress tho:<ftoula\ioß df.inoandiaryi doc.
omenta through the ipdtls. -Hei opposed the
confirmation oil EdwardtEyeretbah’ Minister
to jGlecat
Congress bad power. 10-abolishilavery in.the
District of Columbia. He. wssan* early,
ateadfast and efficient friend- of, Texas annex •
ntion. He waa .so early,: steadfast endeffi.
cient foe of the ;Wilmnt.Proviso. He advo
cated the admission of Arkansas into (ha
Union. He debied tbp right Of Congress to
.ouch slavery in the P|st|ip( of Colombia. —
In tbo, great struggle of 1840, when the
North was striving, tq .drive slavery from.the
territorial ppeseaaiopejtf.jbe government, Mr.
Buchansq, then in. pcivß|p-li/e,,and under no
obligation tq mingle,in,the haUle, »o|untoer.
ed in the service.of,the,South, pnd;,pfnposed
tp./extend thp. Missouri, Compromise. fine to
the. Pacific ocean-T-bywhich measure aboli
tionism would have been ,excluded from/the
entire region of our Mexican conquests^
, “ After this compromise line was practi
cally obliterated, I lip South consented to the
new, arrangement of, f l£hPr he planted him
self qpon the finality, of. the
thp qupport. qf the
When at jast.lheSouth difcpverediheim;
policy of attempting, to holster its rights.(W
temporary expedients, and resolved to fall
back.upon fundamental, principles, Mr. Bu
chanan promptly, and heartily approved Jhe
rephal of the'MlssouriresirtetToh, and'the
plin of settling SSctiinSf ifiSpuiktf by leaving
the‘issues of slavery tot, t fie decision ot - the
popular Will bsprfisaed through a : legitimate
organism and exerted in'ohedteptjd tb the par
amount Spirit of the Cdhalitdtidn.
Tbe MUtnaistai fte^ort.
Wd been unable th flod'room for the
volominous (bdl highiy jrrteWing) repbii of
the Coogre«fi6t)al ComdHMKm'‘ient to Kan
shs to ferret oat rhe election fraudit'ih ''that
Territory. The ftiifth ari ’immeftise
detail of facte, (he siibstafhcc' bf’ whfth r w
thus ktimnted;pp at ite cohelfteidd'. " 1 ' 1
YdhrCdWmitieo fell owing focis
trifd conclusions aS. establtshed for'the testi
mony. ' ' vi'- ii » ’
: Krrt—That in the TVritpry
held under thp bfganic or Territorial
law -has beep'carried by ofgabtzed 'invasions
from the Stale of Missouri,' by Which th6' peo
ple of' (tie ' Territory have been prevented
(Vom exercising the rights secured to them bj
the organic taw. •
■ Second—That the alleged Territorial Leg
islature was an illegally-constituted body,
and had no power to pass valid laws, and
their eaactmflots aro, therefore, mriland-Void.
■ snVjri(f-*-THnt thette alleged fawS hdVe not,
*s a general things been used'tcr prbtect ‘pdf
eons and properly and to punish' *rong, bill
for Unlawful purpbsea.
, Fourth —Thai the selection ’unde* 1 which
the Silling Delegate, JohnVlf..Whitfield', holds
Kis wati , #as not'held in ppr'soartce of gnjr
Valid law,'artel’iSdl it ishbulii'lbe trdgairded bn
\y W the expression of the choice if these
(fesident ciiifcerts Whd'Voted for him! ■ ''
' If'i/JA—That lhe election UndeK which lhe
contesting 1 ’ Delegate, ApdtW, fj,‘ Redded,
Claims (fi»,'seat: wps tftt held puyga'ance ejf
law, and that it shouldhe Regarded bolVss
the expression of-the 'cfidiod'Df the 'resiaerit
cltteens who voted ft'r "filni. ■"' • " ,
, Sixth— That Andrew H. Rdetfer rdeeivtid
'a |g renter 1 bombed 6f Volis eitfeens
iHan'Johh W. Wkfield, 1 for Dide^ete;
,in tha preseeidondition tif
the be held
wiihdutVneW tirtogeni and Well
gdarded eleMioniiw, thegdtectitm of impar
■tialJodges.and fhe'prttienßfe PP Doiwd'StsWs
' (roups'af ewefy pltfce'dfieltfe'|idii;
1 That ! lh'e Varidiis"ell«(ion9l held'
bjf rfie'people oflhß Tbnittts prelimiharV
-to lhe fortnaiibn of ihe'Slale' l Gerern>nfeftl,
havla beert as tegutar w’ (hedisuirbeil condi
tion oftheTeVrilbry : wiitfii 'and 1 ' that
■Hie 'Cobsiltutien psisgeij hVtlte ObotteliliW,
held in ptfrsuahcd orgalif eraciiefi®, eitlbddtes
(he 1
~ Ah it is not' ti|e pi'drirtßeof yobr 1 Chmiriit
tee (tj'ibiggegf riamediW fbi* Hte&irtiog trobb-i
(eSfii theTer HtttVy P “8A nsab; v th#y' ebri teiit,
-ftCtif, 1 K i ■ l ’ A .rit'Pi l'f iifgilij •, tdionu f
- V’ fjrteHifiißc*
oi;?vrnco ti'-tit sl 'WM; t ’A. ‘H6WAftD;‘ i ,
• J . ,u ' ■JOHN m 6HBBMAN£'» |
,o-'.u;fiMen Irntwur-ftgl-irijiL ti l I
;, AoVOOP WrWJ-j
i tie. -Greet,, Wkuofttho., ,j[ih}^
.Declaration pf. «»#•
iu-oi.iui.l vino .ib;!: ■
have do room U
jpert of tbeHmpirfSUtas .$» nov iJjf *?*"?
* Phin. mfl
ithion in thia vicinity.. ,AnJ?iw-i. ***
’miUm, Negro eaaeerta.Harthnh.'S
Tom Thumb abtntotiamd otW
roefoua tamen>ißi(feftrdiamalaeto»a.-a-T:. I** 1 **
Urr animadaenienr 1“ morn ?~T.
rtricUj to poUtiee." 1 ! hiw noefehrmingS?
Uoo* for the qaerttadabie aairiyv*
My yean, iodeed.are too/ewto warrant,
knowledge of the arte of'poiHleal chicaner*
wire-palling; bntfbat;mind IM to eitremelvah
lose, with the four yeen eebaoliag (rein which tbo
Araericanpebpte are about graduating, ih, t ttnnol
eee and intelligently bndenUad the present
of tile two leading* partita and their metre**,. ?
prtJm tttti li fa,
generally antrclojito nnd oroacuptive ipintTlfti
too commonly trod that the? (ita® plea of one party
are little nnderatoodby tin mem.Gen of another
oenlw<heir TtDowfed|kW derived entirely fh&U*
papqra advocating theirviewa. In (bit way and no
prominehce i* often given to the minor, tutoeeatia)
pointt of etretnya argument, while the great
fe»mriF’|fcatard of it >1 ebtbply rappreafed.' Thu
* to a"wtahd&etme it dirtorW
iota a poqttrdtjly, and lK«l‘w)i)ch retlly ia ihgelfc,
Ujipadis to.look- quite deg mah. 41 ia no tangt* wie
t*VjJo retort to Vrtqfctosy
»P impUyd acknowledgement,,of
nee*. There, it now an opportunity (or ateq tala
honeet oven' in politico.. Tha. partj.Miat '/oeUU.
apiredwith the troth and-dignity ioT.ila pripeiplaa
end ito faith need never -fear; the boneat -trial of. a
Every thing stands out in bolder re
lief wbdii bfoight aide hyalite;' iThe snowy while.
ato»«bd jhttaeeaoel of the dofe atore
loreljr,l|inn. .perched beeide the erow; the
pnrity and grandeur, llie simplicity and mijeety of
Jfihh’a cbatafffr tievki aliohe nbt ib aoblrspleodor
te when'lho •‘beletod disciple" tat oppotke the
treacbenme andi malignant Jade*. at the "hat tap.
per," .flow in jßdgmcnl the beat
mentary.on the pri'ncipTet dr the Bepablican party,
ib the Cintinttattl rlatlohn. 'l'hive talked with
many then here who have acknowledged that the
manures of - the party ate bad, hot they intend to
vole lor Bnchenen "at a man. Have they forgotten
that Japp* Bnohfnais,surrendered his Pereonfl l<Vstu
iity add .Qccdine the aaid platform 7 nis individual.
)ty has 1 '■
■■ "Scae gtimmariac adioagtbe tWßgv that vert*
It will Hake eomelliing more than the peraooal char
actor of a candidate to give- respectability and dig.
pity to lh,e abominable principles of the Cmeiaitti
PhS(orpi- : . They are loojjaltiably absurd,loo an.
dacrooaly wickied to meet me approbation of cornel,
entioas men. They moat'be frbwned down fay the
indignant voice ot public opinion and enlightened
"Wl , one evening llkt W«V the. tkemoerab at
BochealCr convened in the City Hall to ratify the
ptotlbrm. They Wa dear obaat, bathing elyiv.
U|dkh attract pupil* alfyntpnn, vfllh the addilioetl
mduMinpolof Speakenifrpm abroad, they muaterad,
all Voljll the' initiadal riomoir, bf 250! ThewMe
dffair waa cbirfirtg and bmlboOf. , - t
''’Uasl eveihing the Sepeiblicani met in tfaemma
Hall toyatify The nomination ot Fremont apd. Day.
loo> ' TbpDgh Mr. FiUipara waa in (he city and ex.
pooled lo hold forth from jhe balcony of the Eagle
Hotel at'the vety Htdir'W cdnvening, the Hall <raa
inMadflytfllßd (b OVerttawiog frith an etnhuiiilie
and appremative;a<n)icnce> .It ia eatimated thaloot
|eu then three. ilbptjfand were prewm.—
They liatened, attentively, dn’d cheered relieoeotly
till iuet li, iteir %ey‘aiqSbrheil. There were no
ajlaalter* Trom Abroad; the atbqoenec waa a home
praduoLi i Tbe eauns uid'noi the men waa the tnag.
Cfllio ppyser lhal diew fogelbet
jffltpf t , . ; , , 7 ... H. B.
Wclliboro’ Repnblican Club;
w:n ' FmAit 7 ErimbroTdly 1
Club met pomiuit toei/bnnH»eßtv#(, Bj Smn
iit<he Ch«r. Minute* oflhc >lut mentUj retdbj
..'y'V: r
(^m i xuttM t to report permanent officer*
for ttd Club, jilidi (tu repoft.; iL Btorfockwu
mjfih&tendM for tbo (Sort- df pdnheDebt'Se&eUty,
aod'difyiQagood'u Tmiiihir.
; -iOtr.-Jkfyifi Meetup Jot~MajU J. J, Bu*t|.
A,|G. SCurroct. tT U ;Siftrm. Wm. DoiuhUoo, 0. W.
Giinob,TKooiitlSioK, Andji Foler. '■
BiecetWCoitt;; Menu SI V. L»odl«.-
Sear»,-1.. BkoberJ, N.,Bncbe,B,EnglUh- / ,
: -A. Pi Comliyrtb ,elected to preeide
meeting, of the Club, A- G. SofieW Yicc-Freit.
''At k ribctmg of Adelphic Lodge No 268,1.0. of
O. F. of Rerun., beMat, their Lodge Boom in Tioga
Village July JBlh IB36 v lbe following among other
-proceedings wcrchad; ■ . i
Bro. A. T. 6t7E»NStr armbdnwtf thc deeth blßro.
CALVIN C. GREEN a member oPtWarLodga 1 oh
the gat day of July Gjillfeid, Ch*n#igo C*.
N, Ys, and- moved a Committee, appointed to re-
A. T. : GfcWrt*** 5 Mrf' J'S. BUkh Com»ilft*e
#Kc duty rt ported the fotfajrißg^mmhle
JllitOllit.'. K*• t ...j *, ]ij ‘ flra . T
Lodge and late Attorney at law in this oouufcf, an4,Fh«*«
1 -Bcfetee*' JEhkfc tathe 1 d*Mh -of b& <€fre«pi, pv* I64pf!hs
lost pnecf its truest exemplars of Lore and TrtiQit
tils Mott •Wauuu'd afleotfehatt’ huibter, aid opamanftya
twarteeto of Bit *! . k
•A ttfcea'tf rtJfddl wfti wnc lfc*'uaM*fip of 1 W
That our Score(4rV bo directed to fornUh e«W
'■it tbWe'Keitlriitotu to- to* *»■ Oveenaad
■cin.t'ii -.r. V ’ '■• " ’.irjai T;'OnKHNBK,^>-CV»
v .,u .. ..... y
i cartoy the then to be a true extract fhjtiiibe minuter.
. r'*.. rr. I y.„ .- 4.T.;ODKHNB*)?,.-&t , f-
• i- *• Wil ipol'? |l),i«r|cl 1
Bradford .-and Tioga— •!»,■ at}. ayetsore to-lbe
,Prx)(-SlMaty i Hunker?,; , n A:great effort ww
made lajt 7 >B»t 10, *Mw, U-sand
.parole p<wd*istg,
, PreidflUtßfwp;
;fb « tls(fai<Hi«l. OArnp^tift?
!• W?afbiogn?n. A %bB,p»W«*W’
Mi Jtonta;-BwkHWofl pf Hfev Jos W»
Daisapn ,©(, JPajeitf
dft satfoljr .ihfl/peppJe.jlMf ‘f
iHoglaorf; Pf'gfol, w fofO'W
]M»Wb*W 4ft&*J n oytW»f«W fownupi and
lo cneir patriotism and intelligence ,by jnjtng
'- B^’-
iernwl ifie (be three- a
&ie>^faa,aS!it f ti«uii i ■ -as- •«*«
'“ ub \
b.tlOflOiT r iiTHI lntlj-in y;?-'iniin-.,--n<n
ii-ißHimWftfFMmloiKWiwia i:Rbfubti«*>
“ttUrWb for thtfifaftf JWesidtbdeowedflffice
bolder, to whom th#3'di'!fc*<tioth«j[Ww
«W«* -gborf, uMtortwki (jbeiqWufc
“ fiwySai w»«eto(TO*
.--! Tj-v.,'] :i.' n;