k j -i * i • FWMIIi-*• r• •• '/i-' 1 - W MURDeft%.CROP§,,:^S. A citizeijnf KqnsaijWhp left.iT’opeka ,'pn the 3d. inst,, end Leavenworth on the 4th, called so us yeSferdsy. - He aayarlhatiUte FremStale Legislature was prevemed. frfTO* assembling on (he 4th inst., pursuant to >adsi journment, bythe United States troops-, under Col. Sumner. HetoldtKe people that, he had positive-orders fromPresidelft Piercefoanest sod -break up the Legislature iif the members attempted to conveite. aodi that his orders must he enforced. 1 - He vis -also under orders 1 frtjm the Executive, to- disperse, -disarm end arrest i dC-Freeait week TWenfip 1 Miliston, Vobr 1 Wiles diStaot.'W vitijess the blpiidg'e’xeVclses of'ihd sessibil, of thfe,Model 'Noftnal Schdol, it .that 'pldpbl v f ffitind thferti Vary fnterdkimg. Ad- kdW de(Rsreft by the. Hohl THbmttj Hi'Bi/?to6fs:‘Wfe Sfeprejhty of the CoWmdh'- Ejuchanari Was invlie'd 'td tie prbhabtahd bddfetis (he pdjiiTtf, bat he declined 'Veaddh thefdfbte that arstifdjttWetiWe' before,^!if an Indignation II Which they httd de&6utSceid, in the most caustic language, 1 the 'dastardly, J atid attack of (bemttfseietfiiookenutmn €«B|tor.SuiDi»ec,land that biaiappeaxatCe.at ehawhbooliunder .lbese cifcutßtUtticew might (Wbeftd iheeHitbiqiimheaitUscmtaedohy shis •ftw%iklheiacjh««li IrreallpifritMi fbeatge ■otl Wdteatland-rhiatorwme; must'hem igtttat' «cheefrcflDouglaauwhen heaaw.-ithe than glad-hody.oJiSumnar being cnrHed frorKuthe deseorjHodrBe#at*,Chamber toa ptsoa ■et katHMshai, fltnortnttorilrqottthg'jkrequiret, *»,. -843*000 ilaveholders to retabribe friendship a»d sun-, ouiui.,. ' Wash ' ioglbtf'Mjii ;-i-‘4f Fr£rhonl' is 'elebded'PifSrt nded)‘hi wUI totak* potf&stribn of tjje VVJjjie House,” . ■. j- |THE A Cobby • # » All BasiQess,and oUier Comraanicallont mu( ha addres^dlotlioryitorlolpgqrca^lgntlQP-*— TharidaT gfoTßlMg, Jnty 94, *B9. COL.(JOHN : C. FRSMO^T OF CALIFORNIA. ' SlrfleTiekel. J.jluf.'i tt.i Canal Commit timor,. > ' .TUpM% fi, ppcbpAlV, of York.. Auditor OfnnaLf, ' . Amtlreng., . Sunn/gr General] - "” . ,• BARTtidWifeW jjAtORTZqf BrifforA' ; > ■ and for the ofTmporiin’t! lni forrottinn among Ihe people, we.offer, the ftoA.oupflei'l (AigiSfiyUtiftoJ* 16, offer 15 we4fc9,*fe}h» follow t og: Cental: ,i r : i.| . 10 dopie* at Scents ipen nn mber* for, > W: 00. 20 copies-.-; .....1 ~,6 00, 30copies-, v,- v.vv• • •••;• •• • antf jafiriy'nOmhpr thin tep copies;S cents a week lor esch'dopy, or SO bent* IbrVlie Campaign, >' per oeotlfcw lluinhey ought; lo ho ioiorder to terpuocrsto U>p,jiqblisherv, .Rat' this is oot a speculator’s offer. There fane, postage. on the poper tent to subteribero living in tbb VOufUg. DaytdnV le'ttCr'bf Acceptance next week. ' 1 C|ub meets at (lie Reading Room at 7 o’clock, Friday evening, As. there' is business of importance' to be transacted a general attendance is requested.' Oar 'redden,'by reference to. a- card in another column, wilt see that Mr.. A. Foley, has opened» shop one door botow'Sraillii’ Store. Those troubled With tobeUdstd timepieces and broken: trinkets, will find bim prepared to do their work on as reasonable; terms as/ever.- ' It will be seen Ihnt Wclisboru’ baa now n Frentbaf Chib. It nymbera upward at ISO'ihetnbdrs. It has si Reading Rriom fitted op in Roy's building, second floor, and' It Wilt be furnished with papers lof every; political ho*, Boalli snd. North, daily, oemi-weekly end weekly. Thoprivileges oi the room iro:free to all Who wish to read both sides. ' The riamtd gentlemen Compose the Re publiyanCSjnniyComtnillce: ■ • fe, T.-febnllby, A. P. GunS, W. W, MoDongaß, L. I. fiicMls,'J.'C. Whittaker! ■ > ' We urtderstandthal.it ia. customary to cal|:a Con vention for the formation 'of* County ticket.. It is. hoped Uisl the! good’ old custom will prevail this year—immediately. ~ , The Mansfield Ejjtris* ha* passed Into thchdnds of j.S. Hoaid,' Esq., now' editor' and proprietor,' The Erprett .flies Iba Fremont and Dayton flag,- and promises to do good scHtce for frtedom. We regret.parting 'with friend Elliotl, the former editor', but it is some bonsohlion to know that he - has e*. coped starvation 1 and nakedness in fail youth. - We extend (lie tight er of fellowship to oar Black Re; publican neighbor, and trost that fortune raayat. tend Die iJrprrvaditnceforward.' Success Ur you. ■ The Corning Journal of laatweak .brings 0* tbo details of. a deatiuotivefire which, brokejqut in that village-a( about 9 o’clock la the morning ofi instant. ; The fire originated, in Dyer, Hall, and ere the flf me*, equip h« cbcckpd | 1 ■ ’r?*^ with Ibeir contenls.wwe consumed. ; fiSo»ej»f .dwefr inga and were also destroyed. Loss $1120,000 $4O 000,' Thia'makea iwofires to that: devoted villager within a month; and.lhe cnllrc fcoii* ■ ness part of die (own ig .in ashes. . Some villain Id at Hie bottom of this. “ Sic Semper Tyxaimls.” There is no pedantry about (hut caption, frieadly reader, for wo make it a ride neyyy to use other lan guages when good, solid. English .can r lfp .made to aerve.as well. The caption is the legend on jthe great seal of Virginia •, and,.beii|g.interpreted, eig* ulfiptli—y eter toit/i lyrqnii!" Sortie, ia their siipplioily, may imagine that tlie |nastraViao of tfie legend vyry naturally 'and . appropriately might he, ayfdnlpr in a broad-brim, whipping a degro; but such fa notllie fact. f>n (he contrary, wef find dri tlie'aeaT the Goddess of liberty 1 pith's diawn sword in tier hail'd,' artd'ond Vodt upon thdlifeiitaf a’very respectable 'looking while mam' ’ ‘ 111 ,l: 1 = ’ We (hke.tlie liMrty’to kapp<6e that with a alight transpoiilW'oflHe dcaijpi of that seal, Us dertc* may very property 1 /epkefenl the'(rite pdeiliohs of the North and thoßoiilh at this time.- As SaUnJa said to soniclimert‘pul onrfhe robes oFan angfel of light, so, in.tills'ckai.'Tyfa'nny may bo- repreaenttid )n the robes of the of Liberty; with brte fool on tile bresM of Oort prostrate liberties. It may M>| aeeirt 'a -fiatteriiig picture, but the troth never'flatten eithet ooWardstir Ay rants. ' . '■/.! r i-i This, it tbO'-fauu positloh of the North andithe South-. The qoeatlon ia not whather<.4,ooo,ooo of negfbea-alikeSoulh,*hall bealavaa; but Whether the ld;0OO,QO0 of wbrMo at the' Noftb, and the 4| millions of whites atithd Bdhlityohsllaubmittamely to Ifie despotic role of the 346,000 slaveholders who no# mAte(it4»aa: tni‘utterly, rtfiut'to rigbt 'lkenrrotfcs e( u»r opfnmd < feoj/te t Thalia lh»dnoatiollt;«^^l , • - ' .--.m i! - ■ iLet evdipj aiau ezarninp fife |)taaelfil Wbo prcaa sd and-trkp paocttooed-the Tepaal pfillvtfllitaQnri -Cocapaa naieh. Arnold Jhwghia (hataiPact •fiiibiapotomiftiAdmipUtniitak: v W«Jhiy,(|iotyy ■W »Wo»»BwntA4.**W(made dwUftf,dkTOfirptip: «WWf fcadbP Aw any, unbiroity ylmdC “^h«tii' < ja, nodm Itfwgfa^ 1 biw/vek 'atdejied 'rn’crurte 'Wmiyi %(•'«#, iyrkdu-VlSittid; not in some way endeavor ta.f^elhP'pmdib’V'pir.* tttflii .hOOWWkmcerfct'Mly KhnSaSUnd-Njtbraa- Itrindli’n terr)tary>weSt 1 14 tbe'Paci6c,-butaSyland SlhtemlOry ibst-'might be acquired from'Mexicm I Neir, *e leUprasaty ■ declares -that atilollonal,’and that iU repdahhas ail iefibf vfisdom andjuitice.',:®hs pdeplaluko iasse with Jane* Ba. ichamn od this qoestioo, and aa ceHainiy: at :that the nraiahall rise upon, tbiadespeUriddenlcoanlsyon the riwminfcj of tfio 5Ut af November. nextjit will thine on that gray-lUiiedtruckler a defeated, disafppint ed map, whoa? integritypavcway before the pUnrfl. menu of place, and wbace record will go down to l'M that of % Dooglapapd -a, Pierce, oply execrated., ; . Menarenot called; upon to ti( in judgment, opon Mr. Buchanan's past except in ao far aa it touches »i«,pse*ent po«tiop before tfie coantry. 1* 'i,well to biear in mind that whnt wag constitutional in 1047, i» no. less p) id jSSS, and will be conslilntionpl a lliposonil years Tiencf!, should the Constitution en- to Ipijg. For, while Mr. Buchanan baa faced Kjpam abvnt. the principle he, repudiates now, still dat heavenward as it did in' *47—a« it did when the .morning star* uhg together. Men are sWlydd hy pride, greed, add dmbilipn: but princi pirn, like the great Author, am the some, yesterday' today, apd vfyixvta. • TJey eaiinoithang*. h ' ' 1 ’Beery rHdmfc.man'tnpws aa well now hdwhls rate will be casllh ‘November as he will'on the diy or election. It Is Freedom • «hd Fremont, or 'Bach (Pan end Border Ruffianism, now, and it wlllbethe aaiMe then. And We repeat, that onrhunker friends look tor no aid from the intelligent public anywhere,' Thty invariably cite Berka, Lehigh, Schuylkill, Northampton antfPhib«Wpbu_l| the fbrtner note riod* for the stupidity of their ishabllariu, and ,the Utter for itsoattoa.heartednaH.and insaliablociipid. ity.. We. do not ,mean to speakditretpeclftiUyof the masse*.. in' those boon ties; but,c*iiy toalats a fhct reveeled ih'Jbo census report; UiaUhe nqtUbcr unable to,read and write in (hope counties Exceeds the total in tin remaining counties ( and that so long as the leaders of the democratic esn keep than mpn igiwpnl, juatso long wiU they be apte to count the tpajorily in Ibops counties at iU preaept high figure. ~, fjti in thelighUhere.aod If am and Slavery will get no mure punster majori* tiea.tbere. .. . , ,T «' ■' ; : 0 . , • ■ i'm, ' >i j . We' reebmnieftd bur IKond oT iKa .publican lo Keep si cool as tfio Mercury it 90 will admit bl-' Hd Mmrt ! Mid' Ida rood goroeliiM’-iahis? life tbit Biedinever rt*Wrt4S dpitbeti In dealing with in dppob«nl r d»' lengaa they liaeoaay argument u . otfdn ■ iHawilleehldinber alas, that He UMerUdlttat tike Cincinnati platform 3s iidin tidal in spirit andia letter with that laid down by the followers. bf Jeff, andjjockapni Wo denied, god ptjll- dany that the toW ?™tb bia assertion. Motq—wa bach ed oar denial with an argument which he got yet spa, fit tq reply tp. . hacking Dial denial we met our friend more' thin ,half-way j hit assert lion was .bare, amt Ore rote of debate only required a simple denial on our pari, while ‘the affirmcr is required to hack his affirraaliorf wilh.adme sort of argument. Thus it will pfobahly ocedr to our has ty'friend, Ihalhohas "inadd an assertion without proolj I *. amt therefore ’be falls linked his own edn dbrtinAiiob, Let’ n< have yonr ar^irfiertt. i Friends: .'This la ths hat Nuof the second VoV. □me of Hie Agitator. What it has been dnd what •ttMjWhnpw. :Witftiit wil)lcfltUipi>o,to be,you o>»y : ilVF r from what ypu kpoiy. We hjwq ppptjier ajTppathiqa than; Unppiphipb mured us Upy jdpy ,two years ago. We promised tq.pqrk forijAg.then, and;agajp.wg yenaw tiipl pfpmise.apd, to afipllwe conltqpyi tp |abQr, citber ip Ups field or ip some olh. ejr. iphil.o we paper hd s h 06 1? prospered beyond our eipectatipna. It Volnrae.3 wjth a greatly increased patronage, and under, the caab sysicm it gains strength daily. 1 ' 1 Irf tills proapdrUy we dpdbr stand that onr labor la approbated by the public. This is dertainly flat ieringi'ind'aJny ’p'rlrle (lowing therefrom la pardons, bio. But, during Ibis campaign our cihatilhia Would be inertkaed gtibOythi WthW that the uaafbl nessofteupeper maybd. attended; andtoeneoac. age pleads Wo publish elsewhere 'oar Campaign twrnta. Frlends, will.you *id ui.this laudable nP denakiogt.e ,■ nc . „ some Uino pact addict qd to Ifnnkerfsih; ate coming Irito’lho work Wayhe. Which tp l l i«i'be il3o', mij(irity, iil), Without robcb ddubi, girs lo ; FjW»o6t- slid Daybk ndt iWiSia' SOO‘indJbHf/. : ’' in (he om*. 'JBUUiMH, 'Sf&cbLW ! flig%»y'li the Prdy "Deni, ocralio paper'pabllshVd In thbt cbdtit^tba a ; and epthusiaqtie Republican Met ling inis held in tei Cburtlioui* tm lhe StK iaatani,'at WKich uiany ipf the nioil prominent detnacrals irt’ tbd Bounty an. pdared ' : Tbe mee ■fihgWaHayieabd ehlllasi«a(ie{'»l>d ißardVobeerlng 'etldMee I 'thithP ■ Norknibiscn . Loh..- bi-j.o .vo^-n^nriir^vyr^^ti— ~-i ■ ■ raaia. m*# .'i/nfn'Biull v.;,iu I ' : ! W-^, SfayiM^bPOMlliWti; w»J WsanAmiit' TM Fne'pepM dwyiultj ,tIUSW& tMirdai >Bbf W UkMe bur dsmeekatlc Wbreplay heads'it. ‘ Th'A 'Newport Ky.,has the barnesbf £remdot'«hd Dayton lip 'for Presi dent, abrf'Vico President; f THS ,I NeW York TVftaite is confident tMt Fremoht Sni Dayton w!ll’ca>ry l 'Now- Ybrk by St le4!it '6ft;b6o wfojbtiiy. ' ■ A large PrhttVtfaiV and Dayton meeting wee Held at' Mercer, Week. On the same day the Republican Convention met and nom inated a ticket. Wm. Stewart is the candi date (hr Congress, Wmj'F.'Clarfk-, for Senate, and'Samuel 'Kerr and S. P. McCalmonl for Assembly.. The opposition toi Buchanan are alt united-inMereeS, as well os' in L*W. renceand Beavbr, whioharo ih the. same Con gressional district*. . A letter front itißreoaya the majority' for'Fremont in, the district 'will be lVom SOO to 1000 larger than it was'lor Pollock, Who carried it'bySSfl. ' Judge' Galbraith' for mapy ,years ,aDeifto chliic leader'in North-Western Peonsylvapia, said' about a week'since, ,thaMhe stampede toward Premobtyin that portion,of Permsyl vanitti'was bdyond belief in calculation. The masses having received the idea that it is not true Democracy Ip assist to'the extension of slavery, are leaving the ranks by hundreds, and there is 'do telling Wherathb' defection will slop. 7 • A Wcmehdotii Fremobland Dayton ralifi- Cation itieetlhs Haa been held at. Freeport, 111. At least one hnlf iiho’ assqmbtagawere Gbr matte. cDrtflill&garViteP elbqueoily addressed them in their owh tobgUe;*nd by their , un bounded enthusiasm, pin the, mention of “ Freiheit and Fremont”'’ (Freedom and Freraont)lhey .showed decisively which sway their bstter reason and their better, nature led theht lo go. l u .. i Ih Dearie county the opposition , ere also united on>Fremont.-. Among.the officers of the -BeaVer Ptetponl Club, ere Berijamio Wilde, late Democratio candidate for Senala 1 Bi RiishEradford.lave.American candidate for Governor; A.. Robert wn.lateWhig Sa tv ritor f -"i PoteVic«-,eßfrte»-rraV:, Gloucester (Mass.) Teltgtapk&wm whiahthasdiere tofori JhevPresi.j -dencyt/ptnods im ate-bead lhedFriteftlK and 1 Johnson ii6keh!and'*iii«iunoei, lbe,/eh*flgftip! an artrcWa)fiaanie>l6ngth t .i,| , r ,,, ('TtwiWihßmitnjlaoTaHpandlsadingjDemo -«»ar(o!jaurnal,at •V Bocbabaoiiiaod hto toiled the banner , to the diatti bearing, the, henteaofnEriwni-*od; ■DaytOOV od ,mi"lu e>)4 ~, ; ..py . ''The,,Burlington,., Yt w iJ&jes Ami*‘m*. thatVormootia considered pledged, to: vs 80,000 majority .nfori JlteMiwqpla?* fagdpm i ticket l aod*iioHO'lMveßttoiMi»iMito«iiough< p«- !«rpXhsi«if|ot>eC,iwbislb !l sdstW- ih. Democrat, hoists Fremont, .i%ici u»d. Tho in mi ■•ffiflv'lf )*he Raath. EoqSsr of Judo 30tfa, BmodSirliich Mr. Buchan* ilic nfeftl, havla beert as tegutar w’ (hedisuirbeil condi tion oftheTeVrilbry : wiitfii 'and 1 ' that ■Hie 'Cobsiltutien psisgeij hVtlte ObotteliliW, held in ptfrsuahcd orgalif eraciiefi®, eitlbddtes (he 1 ~ Ah it is not' ti|e pi'drirtßeof yobr 1 Chmiriit tee (tj'ibiggegf riamediW fbi* Hte&irtiog trobb-i (eSfii theTer HtttVy P “8A nsab; v th#y' ebri teiit, -ftCtif, 1 K i ■ l ’ A .rit'Pi l'f iifgilij •, tdionu f - V’ fjrteHifiißc* oi;?vrnco ti'-tit sl 'WM; t ’A. ‘H6WAftD;‘ i , • J . ,u ' ■JOHN m 6HBBMAN£'» | ,o-'.u;fiMen Irntwur-ftgl-irijiL ti l I ;, AoVOOP WrWJ-j i tie. -Greet,, Wkuofttho., ,j[ih}^ .Declaration pf. «»#• i.a,k»(ocq|hi npK iu-oi.iui.l vino .ib;!: ■ have do room U jpert of tbeHmpirfSUtas .$» nov iJjf *?*"? * Phin. mfl ithion in thia vicinity.. ,AnJ?iw-i. *** ’miUm, Negro eaaeerta.Harthnh.'S Tom Thumb abtntotiamd otW roefoua tamen>ißi(feftrdiamalaeto»a.-a-T:. I** 1 ** Urr animadaenienr 1“ morn ?~T. rtricUj to poUtiee." 1 ! hiw noefehrmingS? Uoo* for the qaerttadabie aairiyv* My yean, iodeed.are too/ewto warrant, knowledge of the arte of'poiHleal chicaner* wire-palling; bntfbat;mind IM to eitremelvah lose, with the four yeen eebaoliag (rein which tbo Araericanpebpte are about graduating, ih, t ttnnol eee and intelligently bndenUad the present of tile two leading* partita and their metre**,. ? prtJm tttti li fa, generally antrclojito nnd oroacuptive ipintTlfti too commonly trod that the? (ita® plea of one party are little nnderatoodby tin mem.Gen of another oenlw1 ebtbply rappreafed.' Thu * to a"wtahd&etme it dirtorW iota a poqttrdtjly, and lK«l‘w)i)ch retlly ia ihgelfc, Ujipadis to.look- quite deg mah. 41 ia no tangt* wie t*VjJo retort to Vrtqfctosy »P impUyd acknowledgement,,of nee*. There, it now an opportunity (or ateq tala honeet oven' in politico.. Tha. partj.Miat '/oeUU. apiredwith the troth and-dignity ioT.ila pripeiplaa end ito faith need never -fear; the boneat -trial of. a Every thing stands out in bolder re lief wbdii bfoight aide hyalite;' iThe snowy while. ato»«bd jhttaeeaoel of the dofe atore loreljr,l|inn. .perched beeide the erow; the pnrity and grandeur, llie simplicity and mijeety of Jfihh’a cbatafffr tievki aliohe nbt ib aoblrspleodor te when'lho •‘beletod disciple" tat oppotke the treacbenme andi malignant Jade*. at the "hat tap. per," .flow in jßdgmcnl the beat mentary.on the pri'ncipTet dr the Bepablican party, ib the Cintinttattl rlatlohn. 'l'hive talked with many then here who have acknowledged that the manures of - the party ate bad, hot they intend to vole lor Bnchenen "at a man. Have they forgotten that Japp* Bnohfnais,surrendered his Pereonfl l ' TbpDgh Mr. FiUipara waa in (he city and ex. pooled lo hold forth from jhe balcony of the Eagle Hotel at'the vety Htdir'W cdnvening, the Hall .It ia eatimated thaloot |eu then three. ilbptjfand were prewm.— They liatened, attentively, dn’d cheered relieoeotly till iuet li, iteir %ey‘aiqSbrheil. There were no ajlaalter* Trom Abroad; the atbqoenec waa a home praduoLi i Tbe eauns uid'noi the men waa the tnag. Cfllio ppyser lhal diew fogelbet jffltpf t , . ; , , 7 ... H. B. Wclliboro’ Repnblican Club; w:n ' FmAit 7 ErimbroTdly 1 Club met pomiuit toei/bnnH»eßtv#(, Bj Smn iitlut mentUj retdbj ..'y'V: r (^m i xuttM t to report permanent officer* for ttd Club, jilidi (tu repoft.; iL Btorfockwu mjfih&tendM for tbo (Sort- df pdnheDebt'Se&eUty, aod'difyiQagood'u Tmiiihir. ; -iOtr.-Jkfyifi Meetup Jot~MajU J. J, Bu*t|. A,|G. SCurroct. tT U ;Siftrm. Wm. DoiuhUoo, 0. W. Giinob,TKooiitlSioK, Andji Foler. '■ BiecetWCoitt;; Menu SI V. L»odl«.- Sear»,-1.. BkoberJ, N.,Bncbe,B,EnglUh- / , : -A. Pi Comliyrtb ,elected to preeide meeting, of the Club, A- G. SofieW Yicc-Freit. ''At k ribctmg of Adelphic Lodge No 268,1.0. of O. F. of Rerun., beMat, their Lodge Boom in Tioga Village July JBlh IB36 v lbe following among other -proceedings wcrchad; ■ . i Bro. A. T. 6t7E»NStr armbdnwtf thc deeth blßro. CALVIN C. GREEN a member oPtWarLodga 1 oh the gat day of July Gjillfeid, Ch*n#igo C*. N, Ys, and- moved a Committee, appointed to re- A. T. : GfcWrt*** 5 Mrf' J'S. BUkh Com»ilft*e #Kc duty rt ported the fotfajrißg^mmhle JllitOllit.'. K*• t ...j *, ]ij ‘ flra . T Lodge and late Attorney at law in this oouufcf, an4,Fh«*« 1 -Bcfetee*' JEhkfc tathe 1 d*Mh -of b& <€fre«pi, pv* I64pf!hs lost pnecf its truest exemplars of Lore and TrtiQit tils Mott •Wauuu'd afleotfehatt’ huibter, aid opamanftya twarteeto of Bit *! . k 'a» •A ttfcea'tf rtJfddl wfti wnc lfc*'uaM*fip of 1 W That our Score(4rV bo directed to fornUh e«W '■it tbWe'Keitlriitotu to- to* *»■ Oveenaad ■cin.t'ii -.r. V ’ '■• " ’.irjai T;'OnKHNBK,^>-CV» v .,u .. ..... y i cartoy the then to be a true extract fhjtiiibe minuter. . r'*.. rr. I y.„ .- 4.T.;ODKHNB*)?,.-&t , f- • i- *• Wil ipol'? |l),i«r|cl 1 Bradford .-and Tioga— •!»,■ at}. ayetsore to-lbe ,Prx)(-SlMaty i Hunker?,; , n A:great effort ww made lajt 7 >B»t 10, *Mw, U-sand .parole p^faa,aS!it f ti«uii i ■ -as- •«*« '“ ub \ b.tlOflOiT r iiTHI lntlj-in y;?-'iniin-.,--n “ttUrWb for thtfifaftf JWesidtbdeowedflffice bolder, to whom th#3'di'!fc*