In the same distance. Il contains 62 acres, of which from 55 to 60 is in a stale of thorough cul tivation, well cleared ond well fenced. Upon il are a large frame house, frame barns, sheds and outbuildings, and a good apple orchard. A wood lot of about 40 acres lying adjoining is also fbr sale. This is really a desirable properly, and may be purchased low. It* situation is one of the best, being near to the Railroad on one side and the county seal on the other, and thus furnished with a market for every variety of produce.'. For further particulars enquire of B. S. Darlt, Troy, Bradford Coooty, or of the subscriber at WcUaboro., Tioga county, Pa. H. IP. WILLIAMS. July 10,1856-lf LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in !he P. 0. at Tioga Quarter ending June, 30, 1856. Aderoy S. E. Greely Jeremiah Adams Mrs R. Gosslin Mrs. Sarah Bryan Jacob Gray Charles A. Bream George Garrison E. B. Butler Miss 0. Groshinger Michal Baker Mrs Rebeca Gregory O. S.—2 Bardsn Rubir. Hodge Andrew Bryant Timothy • * Hosurne Ransome Barber Eli. Hammond Salley Bridgman Mrs Belinda Hawkins Philander Barns M. Hall AlmoDda Cook Johc. Herrick Dr. W, C. Colby W. James Honord John C Cleaver Mrs Wm. Horten Schuylor L. Carnm Molt Kingsly A. Colgrove Mrs Willet Kelly wm. Couldock Fred Kilbourn J. M. Calkins W. H. Rojas J. 11. Churchill Charles Rouse Alonzo Culver Miss Anc Bundle Chariot Davis Eph Snyder Miss F Donaldson W. B, Spencer Charles Faaoat J. Smith John G. Jewel E. £ Snyder Miss Susan Lawrence Wm. Stanton Miss Rachel More Wu. Quick Jacob. Marsh Henry While Dt. M Voughton A Wilson Alice Pond 8.—2 Woodard A.—2 Parker Rev, W. F. Waning Mrs Lucy Parkhnrst Kassor Wheally H. H. Putman Royal P. Weller C. W. Vanpell Wm Wellington S. B. Tralawm Mrs. C. „ Wilson Alby L. Thaker J. £ Wilcox Jamefc Toller Tbeopilm Walker Mfs Eliza. Persons calling for any of the above letters will please suy they are advertised, . C, G. DENISON P. M. RESOLUTION, proposing Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth. REROLVED by the Senate ami House of Jt'prtunxlat rrt* of the fi'tnmonvyviUh of m Gmnnj! Assembly met. That the following amendments are proposed to tlu* consti tution of the commonwealth. in accordance* whh the provis ions of the tenth article tbereo. nrST ASIKNPMKX. There shall l*c an additional article to said constitution to be doalgnated as article eleven, as follows • aaririK x. OF PUBLIC DEBTS. Section 1. The Statu may contract debts. io supply casual deficits or failures In revenues, or to meet expenses not other wise provided for; hut (he aggregate amount of snch debts direct and contingent, whether contracted hv virtue of one or more acts of the general assembly, nr at different perWls of time, shall never exceed seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and the money arising (nun the creation of such debt*, shall bo applied to the pnrjw** for which it was obtain* ed. or to repay the debt* ho contracted, nnd to no other pur pose what ewer Bic«on 4. In addition to the above limited power the state may contract debt* to rej>e) invasion, suppress insurrec tion, defend the state in wnr. or to redeem flu* present out standing Indebtedness of the stale, but the money arising from the contracting of such debt*, shall Ik* applied to the purpose for which It was raised, or to repay suth debts, and to oo other purpose nhatesc. Sictiox z Kxcept the debt* above specified in unctions one and two of lids nrtlcle. no debt whatever shall he created In, or on behalf of the stati Fiction \ To prmide fur the payment of the present debt, and any additional debt contracted as aforesaid, tbe legisla ture ilmb. at it» fir*; ‘•e-.smi, afte- the adoption of tbn Amendment, cn-ate a etuking fund, which shall be sufficient to par the accruing interest t .n sm ti debt and annually to n - dace the principal thereof bv a »um not less than two bund- 1 rod anfl fiftv thousand dollar* wbieb -inking fund shall con* : ■Utof 4be act animal income of tin- public work*, from rime to time owned hr the state, nr the proceeds of the -ale of the same, or aur part thereof, and of the incone or proceeds of sole of storfc" owned hr the state together with other funds, or resources, that mar be designated in law The Rani sink ing fund mat be increased, from time to time. lu assigning to It any part o'f the tares, or other revenues of the state, not retired for the ordinary nnd enrrent expenses of govern ment. and uOlMsdit case of war. invasion or insurrection, no part of the mid sinking fund shall be n«od or applied other wise than In extinguishment cf the public debt, until the amount of inch debt i*.reduced below the sum of five millions of dollars. On tbs question, Will the Senate agree to the second amendment! The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution and weraaa follow, viz: YEAS—Messrs Browuo, Bnckalew, Cresswell, EvanSjHogo, Ingnuu, Jamison, Knox, Labaqch, lawis, IkTClintock, Solleia, Shuman, Souther, Straub, lyafton, Welsh, Wherry and Wil kins—lo. * ' NAYS—Messrs. Cyabb, perguscn, Gregg, Pratt, Price and Piatt, ■ • . . So the question waa determined In the 'affirmative. On the question,’ ' " ' * ' Will the Senate agree to the third amendment? The yen* and wyn. were taken agreeably to the Constitution and wero as follow, viz; YEAS—Messrs. Brownb, Bqckalew, Crabb, Creaswcll, Ev ans, Ferguson, Flcnnlken, Hoge, Ingram. Jamison, Jordon Knox, Laukach, Lewis, M’CUntock. Mellingcr, Pratt, Price, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Straub, Taggart, Walton,-Welsh, Wherry, Wilkins and Piatt, Sp€afor-~2S, NAY'S—Mr. Gregg—l. So tho question waa determined In the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the fourth amendment f The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the Constitution and were as follow, viz: YEAS—Messrs Browne. Bnckalew, Cresswoll, Evans, Flcn nikon. I logo, Ingram, Jamison, Jordon, Knox, Lanbach, Lew is, M’Clinlock, Price, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Straub, Wal ton, Walsh. Wherry, Wilkins and Piatt, Speaker —2d. NAYS —Meiwra Crabb. Gregg, Mellingcrand I*raft—4. So the question woe determined in the affirmative. Journal of the House of Representatives. Apql *2l, W6B. The yens anc nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and on tho first proposed amendment, were ns follow, viz; YEAS—Messrs Anderson, Backus, Baldwin, Ball, Bock, (Lycoming,) Bock, (York.) Bernhard, Boyd, Boyer, Brown. Brush, Buchanan, Caldwell, Campbell, Cnrty, Craig, Crawford, Bowdnll. Ediugvr, FausoM, Foster. Getz, Ilaiucs. Hamel, Har per. Heins, llibha. Hill, HUlegaa, Hippie, Holcomb, Hunseck er. Tmbrle, Ingham. Innis, Irwin, Johns, Johnson, liiporto, Longnker. Lovett, MTalmoot. M'Curthy, M’comb, Man gle. Menear, Miller. Montgomery. Moorhead, Nunncmacher. Orr, IVaraon. Phclpi. Purcell, Ramsey. Heed, Relnliold, Kid dle. Roberts. Shenk. Smith, (ABwheney.) Smith, (Cambria.) Smith, (Wyoming,) Strouso, 4faompson, Vail, Whallun. Wright, (Dauphin.) Wright, (Luzerne.) Zimmerman oud Wright. Spmkrr —72. NAYS—Messrs Angnstlne, Barry, Clover, Coburn, Bock, Fry, Fulton, Gaylord. Gibbonoy, Hamilton, Hancock, House keeper, IXunekcr, Leisenrlng, Magee. Manley, J/orris, .Vura ma. Patterson. Salisbury, Smith, (Philadcldhia.) Walter, Win trodc and Yeandey—24. So the question was determined in tho affirmative. On the question, Will the House agree to tho second amendment? The yeas ami mi.w were taken, and were as follow viz: YEAS—Messrs Anderson, Backus. Baldwin. Ball,Beck, (Ly coming,) Beck. (York,) Bernhard, Boyd, Brown. Brush, Buch anan. Caldwell. Campbell. Ca r ty. Craig. Fanssobl. Filter.Getz, Holcomb. Ilun-ecker, Imbrie, Ingham, Innis. Irwin, Johns, Johnson, Laporte, Leho, Lo. guker, Lovett, M O Imont, M’Car tliy. M’Comb. Mangle. Meneor, Miller, Montgomery, Moor herd, Nunnemacbcr. Orr, Pearson, Ihircell, Ramsey, Heed, ReinhoKi, Biddle, Roberts, Shuuk, Smith (Allegheny.) Strouso Vaß, Wballnn, Wright, (Luzerne,) Zimmerman and Bright, Sptaier-~i'\ NAYS—Messrs Augustine Barry Clovor Edingcr Fry Fulton Gaylord Orbboner Hamilton Hancock Hnneker Leisenring Magee Manley Morris Mumma Patterson Phelps Salisbury Smith (Cambria) Thompson Whiter IVlntrode Wright (Dau phin) ami Yeandey—2s. So the question w.w determined in the nfllrmntivc. On the question. BUI the house agree to the third amendment? The yeas and navs were taken, and wen* a., follow, viz: Andcr.-on Backus Baldwin Ball Beck (Ly coming') Beck (York) Bernhajd. Boyil Boyer Brown Buchanan Caldwell Campbell Carty Craig Cnvwfmd Edlnger Fuusold Foster Fry Getz Haines Hamel Harper Heins llihhs THU jjill egas Hippie Holcomb Housekeeper Imhrie Ingham Innis Ir win Johns Jolm-on Laporte Ixdio Longnker Lovett M’Calmont M’Comh Mantle M.-near Miller Montgomery Nunnemucher j Orr Pearson Phelps Purcell Ranwj Reed Riddle Shenk Smith ! (AU'vdiem Miiith (Cambria) Smith (Wyoming) Thompson f H’halloii (Dauphin) IVright (Luzerne) and Ztmtunr- I man —U 4 NAYS —.Vessrs Barry Clover Coburn Dock Dmnlall Fulton Gayhnd Gihhouey HamtUnu Hancock Hnneker LMseming JCCarthy .Vagce J/anley J/oorhcad Jforrls Patterson lli'in hold Hoh-rts StlWmry Halter IHutrodu Yearsleyaud Blight S/xalrr — 25. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question. Will the House agree to the fourth amendment? . The jesv- and nays were taken, and were as follow, vis; YEAh—M'‘*-r-> Ander-on Backus Ball B«-ck (Ia coming) I Beck (York) B<rnh.ttd Boyd Bo\er Brown Brush Buelmnnn J Caldwell Campbell Carty Craig Crawford Bowdail Kdiugor ; Famold Ft»siiT >‘n Cetz Hamel Harper Hems Ihlihs Hill Ilillegas Hippie Ihdiomh Ilou-ekeeper llim-eckiT linlirie 111- 1 iiih Irwin Jolin-oi Ltpotte L-ho L>ugaker Lovett M'Calmont j M'Carthy M'Comh Mangle Meneai Miller Montgomery Jfis»r ' head Nuunomaclu-r Orr IVnrsun Plielps Purcell Katnuey Reed ! Ueiuhold Bnldle IhduTts Shi nk Snutli (Cambria) Smith (Wv -1 omiugi Thotup-on Vail Walter Whalluu Wright (Luzerne) I Vi-ar-le* /.iiuni'i m m aii'l Wright A' 'pral.rr —6sk NAYS—M**.—r* B-irry Clmcr Coimrn Fulton Gihhoney I (lam«» k Mum Kit Ingham Leisenung Mugee Muule} ' MurVis patlei-ou Salisbury and Wlutiode—l6. Fecretuit's Office, Harrisburg , June. 27, 1556. Pmnsyh'oma <s: I do certify that the above and foregoing U a true and cor rect copy of the **V-mV h lid “.Nuys" taken mi tb<* Resolution proposing ametidm-nt» to the Constitution of the Common wealth. a* the Mimeappixireon tbe.fournai« of the two Houae* of the (Jenerul Assembly of this Cmniuonueiiltu for the ecs fd<ui of [L. F.J my hand and the seal of said office, this twenty-seventh day of dupe, onu thousand night hundred and fifty-six. Sirring 5. The credit of the commonwealth shall not in anr manner, or event Ik* pledged, or loaned to. nnv Individu al, company, corporation, or association n«»r shall the com monwealth hereafter heconie a joint m\ n«*r, or stockholder, in anv enmpanr. association. or mri»orntiot Sxctimx i. Tim commonwealth shall not noiimo fheVbd.r. or any part thereof, of any county, city, horongh or township : nr oT ant rorpotntion or association. miles' such debt shall hare l*r<*n contracted to enable the stat* to repel Invasion, suppress domestic Insurrection, defend lt«elf In time of war. o' m a«<M the state m the discharge of any portion of its present indebtedness fticriojtTlic legislature shall not authorize anr rountv. fit* iMirnngh. township, or incoriwiruled di«tnrt. In virtue of a rote of its citizens, or otherwise, to heconie a stockholder in anr company, association, or corporation ; or to obtain money tor or loan Us credit to, any corporation, association, inslitn t.on. or partr BtcoTP AMEjrpwr.y There shall I** an additional artub* to said constitution, to be designated ns article XII. as follow- abtici r t OK NEW rOUNTTF.i No county shall l*e divided hr a line cutting oft over nno lanth of It* population (either to lorm n new county or other wise.) without the express nwnt of such mnnli. hv a rote of the electors thereof; nor shall anv new rountv he established containing less than four hundred square mile* TJIJHP AVEMOtr- *rom section two of (he first nrtirle of the constitution, •ttike out the words. u qfthe city nf I’hHntirlphta, nnxt nfeach count]/ resp'etirety from section five, same article, strike out ihe words, "of Philadelphia and of the *rrrro) muntirs:" from section «?vcn same article, strikeout the words. "neither the city of Philadelphia nor any.” and insert in hen thereof the words l ‘and no;” am} strike out section four, wuno article, and In lieu thereof Insert the following J_ulyU|th. l«3r. A. U. CURTIN’, Secrdury of tht ‘.'omuioniccaUh. TO OTIC E.—The undersigned, * citizens of Tioga county, Pa., hereby give no tice that they intend to makcapplicalion to the Leg islature of Pennsylvania at ita next session, (which commences on the first Tuesday of January 1857,) fur the creation of a corporate body with banking or discount privileges, by the name and style of the TIOGA COUNTY BANK, with a capital of One Hundred Thousand Dollars,with the privilege o( increasing said capital to Two Hundred Thousand Dolla rs. B- C. Wickham, H. S. Jnhn«ton, C. C. Somers, Ira Wells T. L. Baldwin, E. T. Bentley, John W. Guernsey, Lewis Daggett, O. B. Wells, Leroy Ta bor, A. C. Bush, J. S. Bush, F. E. Smith, H. E. Smith, A. Humphrey, Lyman H. Smilf), Joseph At kin, P. S. Tuttle, C. (*. Denison. Tioga, May ID, 1856~firn. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between James Duffy, John Duffy, Chares Duffy jr., and Landis Duffy, under the firm of Jamies Duffy & Brothers, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, John Duffy retiring. The books of the firm are in the hands of Uitrnew firm of James Duffy & Brothers for settlement * JAMBS DUFFY, JOHN DUFFY, CHARLES DUFFY, Morris, Nov. 13, 1855. LANDIS DUFFY. Letters of adrinistra- TION having been granted to the subscribers on the estate of Samuel Goodall, late of Richmond deceased, all persons indebted to said estate arc re quested to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims against the same, to present them for settlement to ELLEN GOODALL, Adtn'x. . ROBERT SAMSON, Adm'r. Richmond, May 22, 1856.—Cw “Sf-rttoy 4. In the year one thousand eight hundred and ilxty-four, and In every seventh year thereafter, representa tives to the number of one hundred, shall he apportioned and distributed equally, throughout the state, hv districts. In pro portion to the number of taxable inhabitants in the several parts thereof. except that any connly containing at h-n»t three thousand five hundred taxable*, may bo allowed a sepn, rato representation 1 but no more than throe counties shall bo joined, and no county >hai* bo dlvided.-in tip’ formation of a district. Anv city containing a sufficient number of taxa "Wes to entitle it to at least tvro representatives, shall have a ♦eparate representation aligned U. and shall l>e divided Into rontnnient district* of conligious territory', of «>pinl taxable population as near a* may be, each of which districts shall elect one representative ** At the end of section seven, same article, insert these words, 'W city of Phihutfljihui shall I* xtindert into sin/jle senatorial dtttri<S j, qf contiguous territory os nearly ui t/isaMe pnjt uiaWm as possible; bid no ward shall be divided m tht forma tion thereof." "VTOTICE is hereby gl>en that the undersigned Intend tn .I.X apply to the liogishituro of Pennsylvania at Its next annual fur the creation of n Bunk for the pur)K*nes of discount, deposit, cxch .ngeand general banking, with arapl tnl nf One Hundred Thousand Dollars. with tin* privilege of increasing >t to Two Hundred Thousand Dollar*. to be located at Wellsborough. Tioga ('ountv. Penn&jlvaniu, and to be called ‘'THE ThX5 K CorXTY BANK.*’ Well«borough, Tioga Co. June 18.06. M. M Cmivers. C. 0. O-good. S.’K. Kn«worth, J. Tlv Bowen, U. b Hailes, Wm. A. line. John Blekin-on.Salmi"! Dickinson, b. K. Wilum. J. Emory. The*. Allen. J. h. llobinmn. Jim. N, llacbe. K fJ White. John M.itheps, 1.. I. Nichnl*. ?. 11, bmith, James Kirubull, 0. Ilubinson, Win. Bache, (Jeo. C. Kress, L, Ikichc. The legislator*', at it* first session. after flu adoption of (his amendment, shall divide the eitv of Philadelphia into aennto n&: and representative districts. in the manner above provi ded; such districts to remain unchanged until the apportion ment In the yew one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. FOURTH AVEXUMEN7. To be »ec#nn XXVI, Article T ■The legislature shall hare the power tn alter, revoke, or an nul, any charter of incorporation hen-after conferred by or under, any spinal, or general law, whenever ic their opinion It raoy be to the eitirons of the commonwealth :in such manner, however, that no injuslico shall be done to the foepwaion.. Ix Pr.vtTf„ April 21.18.)C, Jtootryd, That flds resolution pass. On flic first nmend ment, yeas 24. imr« f> (>n the second amendment, yeas lv, says 6. On the th}nl amendment, yeas I*B, nays 1. On the fourth amendment, yeas 2a. nmn 4 Extract from the Journa. TUOn A. MAGUIRE, Citric. NOTICE. —The Special Court which was to have been held* in July is indefinitely postponed. The Jurors summoned need not attend. Wcllsboro 1 , July 3, 18.56* WHEREAS, Letters o( Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the est ate of Jacob Cobb, late of Morris, dec’d, those in debted to said cslalc arc requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them for settlement, to Morris, June 13,’56. DANIEL DOANE. Ad» iV. IS Ilocsr. nr Kamt**rrrarmss, April 21,1850. ftudiyrf, That this resolution pa** On t j, c umend mept, yeas 72, nays 24. On the second amendment. vi-as 63, navs 2f» On the third amendment, yeas 04, najs 2o; and ou fourth amendment, yeas G 9, nays It. Extract from the Journal WILLIAM JACK, cirri, SicxrrAar's Oifice. ) A. 0. CCUTTN. filed April 24,1856.) Secretary o/ the CbmmsimrmUh Becrctart*B Omci, Ilarrißbnrg, Jnno 27.155 C. REMOVAL.— DR. B. BARR respectfully announces to the public that he has removed his Office to the dwelling lately occupied by Jos. P, Morris, Esq., where he may be found at oil hours when not professionally engaged. Demands for his services promptly responded to 1 , April 24, 1856. l*enniylrania, u: I do certify that the above and foregoing is n true and cor rect ropy of thn original “Resolution relative to nn amend ment of the Constitution” os the same remains on file in this oflice A TTKNTION ALL!! THEY SAY! Ta- They tny that G. W, Taylor lias Ihc largest and best assortment of WALL PAPER in town. Drop in at tile Book &. Jewelry Store for the proof. [April 17. fU.B.i In testimony whereof I have hereunto sol my band #Dd canard to 1* affixed the seal of the S*-cretaryV Olfico, the 4*7 and year above written A. G.tTUTIX. Secretary nf the (hmwxumceaUh. LADIES SHOES Ladies Will find Iho larges cheapest and best assortment of shoes of every description, Gaiters Rubbers and childrens shoes at JONES & ROE’S; I* SvftVTT.. April IS, 1A56. ♦k rT°* n^on propMQDff amendment*! u> ibe Constitution »»f tn» o>nitnfinw«-.ilth, being tmder consideration, On tho qai'xtioQ, Will Um* Itamle agree to the first Amendment? The yra* and n'aya were token agreeably to tho prdrlhiona of the OonsiitQtion, nnd were OA follow, tix: • i x|SA&>>.Mf«ar»> Browne, Itnckalew. Crvsswoll, £vafr ( For- —— „ P* 011 * M^ nn -^ ell * Ingram Jamiaon, Knox, Laabach, *]\TA CK EBEL & FISH— » iyihylheUand bbl.. ehwp at JHJB* fo the ijucrtjon wu determined yt the 5 f call at BOWEN S, Drier peaches & appees on hand at [Ap. 2d, ’56.]. ROE’S. THE TIOGA COTJKTY AGITATOE. Orphan’s Court Sale. I IMPROVEMENT EXTRAORDINARY, tor of the last -will and testament of fersis 0. Sloeomb late TT . owners and all inlerested in the use or water of the tovmahip of Tioga in the said connty, deceased, shall dower in this vicinity; to a patented Iron Water* expose for sale at public vondne ou the premises for tho high- Wheel, fcalted Grtmnlnmf’m «rn»v>l« and mutton' eat and best price 1 can got for tyb same; on Tuesday the 16th w •. » ?? B*®v. *r P c . r p? M l o ® day of July next 1856: All that certain lot of land situated Water Wheel,) one of which they have recently pot in the Tillage ofTioga in the county of Tioga and Slate of in* Saw Mlllowned by'Judfita White ofWellsboro* Pennsylvonia-prßrgtoning at a post on the oast side of Main" and Dr. Archer nC Mnrru-lAwnsliln and mlnaied street, at tho south-west corner of a lot of land sold and oon- BDQ Tj' r .f ol “***£ -WWOsmp, anfl , SUUaiea ▼eyod by Bethj^JaggstMo• Jacob Prutaman, thence ,pouth P n ®* Hnirlh miles from Babbs Creek,on-the three degrees west about six perches to the ftorth-west comer Stosy Fork. This wheel on Saturday the 7th InsU, ?£ a J b i of i , " ld « oMbr i'drote a single 'saw to saw fife thousand and one lI.'H. Bonlon, thence along the north lino of said lot south . .’-r #*. •■ « .« . Jinn £.„ * e eighty seten degrees east forty ono feet to a post, thence hundred feel of white pine lumber , j_ ; south three degrees west along the east line of said Seymour whfch Was one inch in thickness; 400 feet 2 iqchcs and Borden lot and lot belonging to 11. JJ. Smith and lot for* thUk, 500 feet U inches thick. This Wheel hied a merljr belonging to Francis Carey about wventy-fiyo feet to „„J, 0 „m .3,;- the north line of land formerly owned by Butler Smith, thence ei V sms” quhnltly of water, only diechorging about south eighty-seven degrees cast along the said lost mentioned 90 Mjoare inches and with about 11 g feet Head and lino about sixty-three perches to .bo railroad, thence along fall of water while performing tho above. These WMaare well adapted lo.he propelling of .II kind, the south side of Broad street north eighty-seven degrees of jalachmery driven by Water power. , Incy are west aivont thirty nine iH>rchos to tho north-east corner of very simple and substantial jn their construction, CoUiy Cndy'fl lot, thc xco the east line of sold Cady lot Bn J w \\\ Hn fVnm nnn Ihird In nns half mors wnrlt about six porches ami one fourlb of a perch to a post, Ihenco f. nd Wl “ dd , lrom ' onß ', ® or e wofK north oighty-s»*vcn degrees west along the south line of safd than any other Iron Water Wheel In operation in Cady lot, lot of Abel Humphrey and said lot sold to Jacob this vicinity with which they are acquainted* They Prutaman as aforesaid alwuttwwitj'-sjx perches and six tenths o ffcl for sale on very liberal (erms the palenl rig/il of ft perch to the place of Iveginmug—Containing six acres of r .. **. , , , r f «. ®, land more or lew, with a large and commodious dwelling vOjmlies or States, and also to lurnlsh and put in house, a smaller dwelling house, a barn and some fruit trees operation the Wheels in Mills in this vicinity on rea .., , , , ~, , , ~ sonable terms. For farther information address A. TEIIM3, ono thin! cash down and tho balance payable ill I , r ■ , i - n ll n . r two .-.pial annual payments a ill, interest on the whole. So- Grcnleaf, Moms township, Babbs Cost Office, or L. cured by bond and mortgage on th»* premises. VanCC cure ol P, P. Cleaver Wellsboro* Tioga Co, CALVIN Jf. SLOCOMB. p u . A. GREENLEAF, Emtt Jinc 12 1856. L. VANCE, JV. B. Tho above named Wheel may be seen in opciation at almost any lime by calling on Mr. Rob ert Wilson who has tho Mill in charge* (1 Jane Oth ISofl. Orphan’s Court Sale. BY virtue of an order of the Orphan’s Court of the county of Tioga, the Administrators of the Ehlate of Julius Clark Info of Rutland in said county, deceased, hereby give? notice that they will expose for public sale on the promises in Rutland, Tioga County Pennsylvania, on Saturday the 12th day of July next nt I o’clock P. M., the following described tracts or piccics of land belonging totlic estate of said Julius Clark deceased, as follows to wit: The undivided four sevenths of one piece beginning on the south-east corner of lot bound* ing on Johnßen«on, thence north along the road leadingfrom Mill Creek to Morgan Hollow, until it strikes the Bingham line, thence west along the Bingham line hy Julius Clark to Orr Wilson, thence southalong Orr Wilson’s line, thence west along Orr Wilton’s line to John Benson's line, thence south along John Ben-on’s line to Benjamin Wilson’s line, thenco east along the lino of B! Wilson and William Smith, thenco south along the line of William Smitlu (hence east along the line of Jackson Smith, George Wilson, Horace Smith A John Benson to the place of beginning—Containing about one hun dred and ninety-seven acres. Also the interest of said Julias Clark deceased in u certain tract of land known as lot No. *9O of Bingham laminin Rutland township aforesaid—Contain* ing seventy-six and 7-1 U acres. Terms made known on day of sale, A. HUMPHREY,) JuuolOlßoO. S. P. STRAIT, J Administrators of Estate of Julius Clark, dti.’d. Administrator’s Sale. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance* of an or* JN tier uf the Orphans’ Court of the County of Tioga, wo 08 Administrator nn«l Administratrix of the Estate of Samu el P. Buckbee deceased, tlmll exi>ose for halo-on the premises in the township ol Farmington, county of Tiopi, State of Pcnn-yl'ania on th*- 2Stli day of July next to the highest and host bidder, the following do®crilK‘d lot of land with the ap purtenances In paid township, to wit: Beginning at a Beech the north we*it corner thereof, thence easterly fifty seven perches, thence north eighteen degrees west seven and two teiilb- pen lies, thence ea-t thirty two perches ami two tenths, thence north fo u four degrees east fifty five perches, thence north eighty nine devices and one half east forty four percli e® and sewn tenth-. theticc south thirty nine perches and five tenths, thence south thirty six degrees and three fourths west lift.' perch'*., thence westerly fifty three perches and threo tenths, thence south fifty two perches and two tenths, thence we-i eighty three perched and three tenths to the south west corner thereof, thence north one fourth of a de g ee east «e'enfj fi'o porches and two tenths to the place of beginning—Containing sixty seven neres and four tenths more or less, being lots No. 08 and Xo. 102 of Bingham lands in said township, and part of warrants No. 2040 and 2041. Terms cash on day of Rale. June 2fi. ISSO. JOHN CRIPPEX, Administrator. PRUDENCE TBEMAIN, Administratrix. HERRING’S SAFE AQUX THE CHAMPION! Tho only Safe w hlch. in every instance, pre.-erred their entire •content® In the late Extensive Fire®. 1 T the burning of the Artfzan Buildings. April 10th, and J\_ in the great fire in Market Street. May Ist, lK,*»n, the gennme HF.RIUN’G SAFE pn*M*rved the Jewelry of Geo. W. Simon- A Bro ; Books. Papers, Ac. of Fisher k JJro., and Ed w.ird Seam in- k Co . after c'uainiinr exposed hi the burning ruins for neaily FORTY HOURS, ami pioving conclushely what we ha\e nlw,u-i laimed for them, their great superiority over nil securities now known. In the-e fin-, the HERRING'S SAFE, standing side by side with those adv.Tti-ed as ••wnnnnted to -land 10 per cent, more fire than Herring’s came forth the acknowledged victor, nut only preserving thelv contents In excellent order, but lin ing them-dves in a condition to go through another ordeal, while the boasted “Salamandera” of other makers wore bad ly used up in every instance, and hi some cases their entire contents oo»pUl«ly To tilt' public wo would simply pay, that, during the four teen rear* the ncrring’a safe haa boon before them, morn than two hundred ha> 9 jraff'd through accidental fires without the occurrence of a Millie lo**r. Wo would therefore, caution purchasers against the ndv representation hf interested parties. The Herring’s Patent {.•* the only Fire-proof Safe made in this oily which i<» prot'et od by a Patent Night. and we will gmiraptce it to r«*M more than doable the amount of heat of any other sjrfb now' known. PARRELS AND HERRING , Polo Manufacturers In this State of ncrringN Patent Champion Safes. 34 Walnut Street. Philadelphia. N. Ih—“Kvan? k Wat-on’* Improved Salamanders,” “Oliver K\ all’s," "C. J. Gun lerV and “loti's Asbestos;" iron Chests fa large assortment havlngthocn taken hi part payment for Herring’'*.) will be sold at low prices. JnnA 26, is.'l6. THE SALAMANDER OF PHILADELPHIA ■ •||sSy. ,1 AGAINST TUB WORLD. " EVANS & WATSON. KESBSSjjfejgf 20 South Fourth Street, I’hllmWlpliin. liivA «• hull thw surest demonstration in the following Cortifl csite*. that their manufacture of Jtalainaudi-r Safes has nt 1.-untli tullv warranted the representations which haw* been timdo of them, as ramluniig au uiulouhtcd security again»t the terrific clement PmT.inELPnu. April 12, 1860. Kran* <S- THihwm—Gflitu:—lt lUlunls us the highest Kaiitfiu tion U* iU»tv in you. Hint owing to ihu very protective qualidi's of two of the SalaniumliT Safi-s which Me pun hiiscd uf you Home few months 'inci', saved a large portion of our Jewelry. Hooks, Papers. Ac., exposed to the calamitous lire iu Itan-ilcoil Place, on the morning of the 11th in*t. When wo retlect that these Safes wore located in the fourth story of the building \\c occupied, and that they fell fuh-c;- quently into a heap of burning mins, where the vast conn-n -trattoii ot heat canned the hr.uxM plates to melt, we cannot hut regard the pi«*servation of the valuTihle contents us most con vinring proof of the great security afforded by your Safes. We ‘■hall take much ple.untru in recommending them to men of business as a sure reliance against fire. (Jeouok W. A Deo. PnaATiELpmA, April 12,1856. Mes*rt Krans-tf’ THttron—T hate to offer jou my tenilmony in favor of the great security afforiled to mj ouhre stock of jewelry, hook*. papers, Ac., during the recent disastrous con flagration id Uansteiul place, from the fort that the same were contained in two of tho ealninandor iNifes inanufuctli'rd by you. Hating itdJon from tho fifth slor.t of the Artisan Build big, where they were jirorsi.(i*h placed and exposed to a vast heat for a long time, the preservation of th valuable deposits seemed to every one who witnessed the opening and interior examination, n matter of profound astonishment. To all who may require a perfect pro.ectlon from the rava ge * uf fire. 1 shall not,* to recommend the use of jour Safe*, as 1 consider they haw now nndergonethe most trying, lest, 1 M. D. Mobqax. i , im.At>Fi.pTTU, April U; 1860. Jlfurrt Krnn* cf- Wids'rn —Ocntlt*im*n—Ni» doubt you will bo dccj'ly graliHrd to Irani (bo yood condition in winch I discov ered my book, poll.-y of hmuatirc, critiluatr* of stock, and other vjihmbb’rlocimicntf*, n hen on Friday lost 1 opened tho safe made by your Arm. With my knowledge' of its great exposure, both to tho inten sity nf the heat fnuu so hot a lire as that which destroyed the Artisan ns also from the force of thi a fall ftufll it* former elevated po-dtion In the third -dory. I could enter tain but slender hopes prior to its interior inaction, (bat the contents which I onco so highly prized would e\er be of auvsemio to me, but ns tbo*o fount an* now happily re moved. I f»*e| It only due lo pay to 'ion. that I can henceforth poeommeml the uw< of your Safes to all who may wu*h to feel a ciiniidenre In the perfect security which each means provi des agnnibt so frightful an cleim at. Juh is.>ti. Kpw\nn G \skim., Bookbinder. Constanflv on hand Pntnnt Powder and Thief Proof Locks for Hanks, Stores Ac. To Owners of Water Power. UXmVAT.LKT) MOTIVE POWER for driving all kinds o Machinery, proved and confirmed by actual experiment to equal an overshot. Wo would mq>ertfnliy call tlie atten tion of all interested in the use of Water Powtjr, to **(lopd wln's Patent Cent nil vent Direct Acting Water Wheel,” pat ented April 4th 1854, and ranks in (he first class of Hydrau lic Motors. Its simplicity of construction and durability ad ded to tho comparative small cost arc considerations that cannot fail to attract the attention of those engaged In the use of Water Pow«r. Being of small dimensions, it requires but little spare atnMs readily seen red from frost! It rnus upon an upright shaft nod needs but a tritiiug amount of gearing li» drive any kind’ of ntnehiucry. We offer for sale. Stale, County or Imliridual Bights, or to furnMi and put in opera tion said Wheels on tho most reasonable term*. Wo are also agents for the ->ale of Dan Pen*o Jr’« Olohratcd Soitit Machine* A Buckwheat llubbers. Address Humphrey A Cor bin, Osceola Tioga (Jo. Pa. July JM. ifjy-Wc select among those haring Wheels the following w here they r,m bo seen under different beads and the amount of lalwr lieiug i>erformeil by them and invito a careful inves tigation iuto their merits: 11. k .1. Tubbs, Osceola Pa., Flour Jim. 9 ft. head; 11. Sheidrn. Deposit. Flour Mill. 9 ft.; 11. W. Spaulding, Troy Pa-, Plaster Mill, I ft.: Squlro Gamble; Otis co, N. V- Flour Milt, 42 fk; S. Smith, MCckl’g, Schuyler Co., N. Y„ W) In. circular saw, J 2 ft. head; If. Bloomer. Ovid, Sen eca County N'Y; SawMilK 17 ft.; D k B Pratts Woolen Fac torv, Elmira, 6 ft; KG Stovon’s Mills,‘.Steuben County N T Y., aoiUD.KftOyvtoß, Lodi, Bergen bounty N J, (J.ft ; Leonards vijlo Maoufactnring Co. Madison County .V V, 6 £1; S. P.-' Kelsey, Preble;Cortland County N Y, Saw >llll, 28 ft. nCW ESTABLISHMENT. NEW BOOTS. WM. RILEY & BEN J. SEELY , |jjl would respectfully inform the . I I citizens of Wellsboro’ and vicinity, that they have commenced the Boot I^S» & Shoe business in Ihe building formerly occupied by Ibe "Tioga Eagle.” They arc now ready to do all work in tliolr line in Ihc bcsl manner—and wilt make Fine Sewed and Pegged Bools and Shoes, in the most approved style, as well as Coarse Work. Repairing done in a superior manner. They would respectfully solicit the patronage ofthe citizens of this place, assuring them that they will en. deavor to merit their favors by using the best slock, by careful workmanship, and by punctuality. July 3d, ’56. Gin. from May 1. __ Deerfield woolen facto ry. 30,000 Ills. WOOL WANTED. To manufacture on shares, by the 'yard, or in ex change for cloth. The subscribers hove rented the above place of E. &. B. S. Bowen, and arc prepared to take in work on as good terms os any other cs. tabUshmcnt. WOOL CARDING and Cloth-Dressing done on the shortest notice. Cash, Wool, Lumber and all kinds of Produce taken in /exchange fur work. The subscribers arc the same parly that run tho old Factory in 1844, and will be glad to see all their old customers, hoping by a strict attention to bust, ness to give general satisfaction. All who wish to be served well and promptly will do well to try us. N. B. E. &B. S. Bowen will hold themselves responsible for the payment of customers. SCHOFIELD &, BERRY. Deerfield, June 26,1856.-3m* Baldwin, guernsey & co., have just received a magnificent assortment of SUMMER ROODS latest style’', assorted patterns and unequalled fab rics, selected from (he most celebrated establish ments in the city, and which are now offered daily at our Store in Tioga, which can be had for Little, or Nothing above prime cost —with oceans of good will thrown on gratis. The first pick is the best pick, so come in while slock is fresh. Delays are dangerous—Pro craslinotion has frostbitten many a good bargain If you want your money’s worth, come on. If you want more than a dollar’s worth for a dollar, don’t come ; but you ftill be astonished to see what a pile of goods woven put up for a dollar. Our stock of DRY GOODS is not made up of the odds and ends and the rem nants of “closed op" concerns in the City, but com prises a complete assortment of the latest styles and best qualities, from the coarsest domestic to llio fi nest imported.fabrics, sucb as Silks, and Ladies’ Dress Goods, Latest Styles, and adapted to every variety of trim, mings. Ladies will do well to call and examine the Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Baldwin, Guernsey & Co., have always on hand a seasonable and fashionable stock of Gentlemen’s Ready-Hade Clothing, which will be sold at the lowest CASH PRICES. ALSO , Groceries, Crockery, Hardware , Glass , Stone, Hollow and Wooden Ware , Iron , te cl , Nails , Oils , Painls and Dye-SlaJ/s of every kind and of the best quality , with BOOTS dp SHOES, for Everybody. %* All kinds of Country Produce taken in ex. change for goods al the market prices. T. L. BALDWIN. Tioga, June 26, 185 G. A, T. GUERNSEY, 0. B. LOWELL. FARMS & FARMING LANDS IN TIOGA & POTTER COUNTIES.—The f»l -lowing farms and farming lots arc now offered for sale: Farm of 126 acres, in Clymcr township. 45 acres improved, with house and barn. 44 •* 100 acres in Pike, Poller co., about 20 acres improved, with two dwelling houses and barn. “ 44 50 acres in Morris, 6 acres improved, & dwelling house. 14 44 73 acres In Dclniar, 15 acres improved. 44 4 4 7 5 acres in Gaines, 25 acres improved, ; and house and barn. 44 14 50 acres In Delmar. “ 44 70 acres in Sweden, Poller County. 44 44 105 acres in Summit, Potter co. These lands are nil located on public roads and arc of the best quality of farming land. Five per cent, only of the purchase money will be required down, and the balance in'Ten annual In stalments. Persons of small means who desire healthy locu tions, will see ul a glance that this is the most dc. sirablo opportunity nf securing a homestead ever be fore offered in this, or nny oil er County. Apply to A. P. CONE, Wcllsboro*, Tioga Counly, Pa. March 27,1856-lf. The subscriber respectful ly informs his friends and the public gener ally, that he has rqmovcd to Cedar Run and opened a HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT, and will be happy to accommodate those who may give him a cal). Also, that he will lake in OATS, HAY & PRO VISIONS of all kinds, to sell on commission for those who may see fit to store will) him. April 3, 1356, MATT. S. BLACKWELL. Plaster! Plaster! Plaster! THE Subscriber Ims just received at his Mill near Mansfield, a fresh supply of Cayuga Piaster, which will be sold at the reduced price of §6.00 per Ton. . He also keeps on band constantly, the MANS FIELD METALLIC PAINT, which is decidedly the best in use, at $2.50 per cwt Friends, give me a,call— I've enough for all. Mansfield, Jon. 3, ’56. A. BIKDY. ROGERS & FOOT, Hpucpdal.-,. Pa. Proprietors of THATCHER’S Patent Double Action SUCTION & EOHCE pump. O’ BestPump’inthe World Count; nnd Slate Rights for Sale. Downs & Coi, Manufacturers, Seneca Falls, N. Y, T., S, I!(joebp, [June 19-56,1 S. B, Foot, FREMONT MAY BE NEXT PRESIDENT BVTWE SHALL STILL HOLD FORTH AT THE OLD STAND I O o W THE greatest variety of STOVES ever seen in Wdlsboro/ lias just arrived at the STOVE A TIN STORE of D. P. AW. ROBERTS, They would call the attention of the public to their well so* ected assortment, consisting of the YOUNG AMERICA, Elevated oven, MORNING STAR, Improved* do. NATIONAL AIR-TIGHT, do. REGULATORS,PREMIUMS & LOW OVENS. Also a large assortment of BOX apd PARLOR Stoves, at City prices. These Stoves arc selected with the greatest care, especially for this market, and cannot full to giveenliro satisfaction. Cali and see them. TIIV I IVARE«—of all kinds, shapes, and sizes, made of the best material and sold as cheap If not cheaper limit that of any other establishment in the county. Eavc Gutters made to order on short no. lice. JOBBING done to order and in the best manner. All Tin-ware carefully proved before leaving the shop. QZT Old Iron, Copper, Brass, Pewter, and also Silver and Gold cither old or new, to ken in exchange for Goods at the Market price. They respectfully solicit the palronoge of all who wish to purchase anything in their line, assuring them that money cun be saved by examining their stock before purchasing elsewhere. PREMIUMS on Tinware were given for best Stock and Work Ac., at Die late county Fair, D. P. A W. ROBERTS. Wellsboro. 1 Nov., 22,1855.-1 C WOOL CABBING & CLOTH | : I » DRESSING—done on short notice at the ! STEAM FOUNDRY; in the village of Wellsboro*. Also, WOOL !rc- 1 ccived to Manufacture into Cassimercs % Broadcloths ! arid Flannels —by the yard, for threo shillings, or ’ on shares for one half. I SOMETHING NEW '■ THE PLACE' TO purchase Books, Jewelry* Watches, Wall paper und Fancy Goods, la at the subscriber’s rjew Store, Roy’4 Sew Building, where he will be happy to serve .the public with SCHOOL, LAW, and MISCELLANEOUS Books, as cheap as they can bo purchased tins side of th* City. All leaving Wool to manufacture shall have their cloth on the first of November next; and they can rely on having good cloth and such as ordered. From long experience in the business I feel assured to say to the farmers of Tioga county and ail others interested, that, having the facihlfts of Stent n Power to drive my machinery, which is far more reliable than Water power, (which depends upon thunder showers for its support,) I am prepared to card all wool (into rolls) that is brought from a distance the same day. All work entrusted to me shall be well done and at the time it is promised. Grateful ibr the liberal patronage heretofore received, u continu ance of the same is respectfully solicited. Ternis in all cases, pay down. Wood aud all kiuds bf Grain taken in payment for work. I Wcllsboro* April 17-56-m6 LEWIS C. PENDLETON. ATX THK POPULAR MAGAZINES OF TITE DAT, may be had at his counter, and any book desired can be furnished to order. He will also keep a full assortment of Stationery and Ink, * which may be purchased on reasonable terms. Purchasers will always find a splendid lot oi WATCHES, CL ™ K8 ’ JEWELRY, on hand und fur sulc on the principle of ''Small profits <s■ quick Returns With large practical experience, and having u cured the services of a good workman in the me. chanical Department, those wishing watches Cleaned & Repaired can depend upon being accommodated satisfactorily and promptly. Me will keep constantly on hand a large assort* mont of English and American styles of WALL PAPER Bn lin oi* a Thousand Flowers to beautify the complexion, remove tan. freckles and pun pies, blotches and suubnrn on tlip faco. Catarrh SnufT, for Colds, Headache. Catarrh, Ac. Liquid Beavc Cure, for Heave®, Ar„ in Ilur®c®. Pcllit’s American Eye-Salve. an external remedy fur Sore Eyes, weakness of the eye, Ac. Brant’s Pulmonary Balsam, a valuable remedy for Colds, Coughs, Pnln’ln the Side, Ac. Houghton’s Pepsin, for Dyspepsia, Indigestion and General Debility. Dr. Davies’ Dcpnrative, for Scrofula, bad Sores of every description. Used only aa a Blood Purifier. For sale at the Wellsboro 1 Drvg Store , April 17,1856. Custom Boot & Shoe Shop, A T M. Sherwood’s old stand, where ihe Sears’ Bovs continue to malic, mend, and measure to order, at as low prices as the times will admit. All work warranted—to wear out in a year or so —and not rip or come to pieces*till it does wear out Hides Wanted. CASH will be paid for any quantity of hides a the highest market price. July 13.1854. GEO, W. SEARS. WHEW? CO YOU HADN’T HEARD THE NEWS? O Well, no wonder. Kansas lias been invaded, Lawrence his been sacked and the Free Slate Hn. tel with all its Furniture lias been destroyed. The subscriber, always awake to the best interests of his fclloW’Cilizens t and knowing that there must be a great demand for i CABINET FTBNITTRE n consequence of said Sack, has concluded to re main al his old stand, two doors below Roe’s Store, where he is generally in attendance to receive and wait upon customers. Constantly on hand, or nun* ufacturcd to order, Sofas, Divans, Ottomans, Car/i, Centre, Dining Breakfast Tables, Dress Stands, Dress and Common Bureaus, MAfJOGONY & COMMON WASH STANDS. Cottage , French and Common Bedsteads , of every description, together with all arliclcsasu ally made in his lino of business. From his knowledge of tho business be flat ters himself wi.h Uic belief that those wishing to purchase, would do wol! to call and examine Ins work before sending elsewhere for an inferior article. TURNING done in a neat manner, at short no Lice. Chairs! Chairs! In addition to the above, the sub'cri ’sSSSjfchcr would inform the public that holms w Mi b just received a large arid handsomcassort mcnl of CANE AND COMMON CHAIRS, Boston and Comhion Rocking Chairs winch he will sell as cheap, if not cheaper,than they can be purchased anywhere else in Tioga counly. Call and see them ! Wcllrbnro', Juno 19 ’56. B. T. VANHORN. WHAI’S IN A NAME? Why, everything,sirespecially tehrn the nameis significant andappiopiinle,as it certainly is as applied to THE EMPIRE STORE, which will certainly have to be enlarged In double its present size, to accommodate tire crowds that (lock there doily to examine the now and superb stock of aipiaaa©- ©-©©©a which BOWEN is receiving from Ncw-York,and SELLING AT SEDUCED PRICES . because tiicy mast he sold room for more. Ladies, wa can show yua.bomc of the fine*!, bcsl, most Im-lily aborted and I he cheapest Dress Goods, ever offered to this,or any olltcr community. Don’t take my word for it, but plcasccall and examine for yourselves. And then —such lots of READY-MADE Cloth ing, Spring and Summer Gentlemen, come arid’renew your faith by sight, WelUoro’. May IS, 1856. J. R. BQWEN, which all will do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, a continuance of pair oo* age is respectfully solicited. G. W. TAVLOU. Wcllsboro’, Oct. 18, 1855. (formerly of Tioga.) DISSOLUTION. —Theco-partnership hero tolbre existing between ihe subscribers under llie firm of Jones & Roc, ; s Ibis day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the firm will bo sullied by W. A. Roe. All those indebted are urged lo make immediate payment and those having claims against the firm, to present them for settle, men!. JNO. R. JONES, W. A. ROE, Wellsboro’, March 1,1856. The subscriber will continue ihe Dry Goods and Grocery business at the old stand, and will be pleas. cd to sco all the old customers of the firm and as many new ones as may fiivoi 1 him with a call. April 17-56. W. A. ROE, Notice ih hereby given, Dial n certain nole drawn on the 13th day ol - May, ISoG, by the undersigned, made pjy.ildc lo Gottlieb Rank, or bearer, (or order) mx months alter date, for $85,50, tpill not be paid unless enforced by law, as the same was procured by fraud and misrepresentation, and ia wllhdbl consideration. MICHAEL DEER, Jr., Liberty, May, 17, *sf, SOLOMON ROOP ,Jr, n.RAi*B> RUSH TO RUNDEL’3 NEW SHOP—where you will find constantly on hand, a choice assortment of - Biondcloths of all colors , Black and Fancy Cassi* macs* Satinet! s , Tweeds* Kentucky Jeans* Satin* Silk and Fancy Vestings* ' and Trimmings of tneiy description that can not fail to suit. All the above articles will he made up with neat ness and despatch, and a cood fit warranled. Grate, ful for pa*-! Invors, a continuance of the someiamv lieitcd. Shop m Taylor’s Book and Jewelcy Store. WclUboro’ April JC, ISiO. W. W. ROBINSON, PKALFR IN Books,SlJilioucnj, Blank Books, Wall Paper-~*Eng lish% French and American Maavfaclure, Toilet utensils and P erfumery, Fan cy Soaps, Violin Strings, Gold Pens and Pencils, «st., SfC, AH (he popular Magazines and leading Newspa pers mat/ he had at his Counter, COKNIKO, X, y., W#v, 15, 1855. AGENTS !■ AGENTS! F.xtra Inducements Offered. PERSON'S ending in* th«*ir addn***. I will mall (pMtpftld) a Cut! iiMcrtpthw caulopu-* of my Rockland with in* flnif'Jiniu t«- operate dim will enable them to make from*sso to $lOO |x*r The list comprises otcj one hundred no* nml popular hook.--.—Atldtwt U. ItyuSOsr, Quaker City Pub- IWilmr Unit*'’. •*?•» Smith Third Strrft, Philadelphia, Or If Ifr ing west, to It. M, IttiMSOx. Cuirbwtti, Ohio. - I’. S. of miv wer-iclv newspaper nr nvmthl* penodnoK through, mt dm tutted' State*. giving the aMto four or more inncrt|on:i, inducting dux notice, :m«l sending me copies of the paper*, Ac., cmilatutug tho «au\e. d»dl have a ropy nf Brother Mason, the Oircutt tttder, or Ton, Years a MoUiodist Pronrher, ft bc**»k containing 33n ik'nm. Bound in beautiful style, mailed to their fta* dr****. pot paid. July 3d ’GO, -it. Those wishing to purchase pianos or Meloricnns, should call at TAYLOK’S BOOK & JEWELRY STORE, VVeUnboro,’ nt which pl.idc these Instruments can be bad, superidr in quality upd on reasonable terms. Call and »c« before purchasing elsewhere. ’ jan94. • T rALM OF A THOUSAND FLOWERS.-.fcr |) the rcinoval of Tun, Frerklcp, Fimplfcj* >»nd all dii-eubCd of the >kin, al R, HOY’S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers