per;»nc6>fSt?^ =6ltrf(onß *wCre'adopted with grCbt unanimity. „,. ■••'i;>-u-ij.(o’-n itsi‘. ■:.! iriy.'ivii.'inf i/f! ■ They are •full of; meaning, and we go in, lor them from No, i.fa IQiinclusiye: "" | .. Whereat, The Leglslatureof: tbla Slale, ‘At* its last session,'didtioi d?em it 'Advisable to pass .& Jaw prohibiting the Sale,of intoxicating liquors as a beverage ; bul ttt the -eam&time yielding, K} )he voice-of-public sentimept, djd,,pftsS ’* r an, h£, ,r^alrain f the ‘isle liquors',’’which.act olid •jyhe»,all-drinking houses,, .anp prohibits > the sale in less measure than >a quart ;< itnd, VfXehedg, Thls conVenlion has been called To me«R the emergency Rising from the vio- Ippt,opppyitiontof The .Liquor , party lot said i«slp’andtbyJlio;adoplion ol .suitable-measures -lo'provant its repeal by the nexiLegisiature: Therefore, faiohed, That while as advocates ofiPro hibition, we areas much os ever determined ‘tu>t 4o relax our efforts for the entire abolition of ihe traffic in intoxicating liquors, 'we hail, with filings of devout gratitude, the passage of the ‘act to resirain the sale of intoxicating liquors,’ not only because we are convinced of the great benefits which must result from its enforcement, but because we see in its passage a pledge of our future and final tri umph. 2. That the failure of the advocates of the License System to secure under the most fa vorable circumstances, Ihe voles of a major ity of the voters of the State in itslavor, not only justified the Legislature in taking action upon this subject, but the result of the lute popular vole imperiously demanded that some radical change should be made in that system at its late Session. 3, Thnl those members of the Legislature who secured the passage of the late act not only deserve the thanks of the friends of Pro hibition’, but justice to them requires us to sustain their law until it can be tested by its results or repealed by the better one of en tire Prohibition. 4. That both policy and principle combine to ma|to it our duly to sustain this late act seeing that it is prohibitory in its character, inasmuch as it abolishes the solo of liquor by the small and prohibits the existence of all drinking houses. 5. That the titile of “jug law” so con temptuously given to the late act by the ad vocates of the license system, because it pro hibits the sale in less measure than a quart, applies with equal force to their own system, as the sale by the quart has always been one of Us prominent features. 6. That the well known fact that lhero_ is less drinking in the country population than in that of towns and cities, proves conclusive ly that the evils of intemperance result prin cipally from the sale of liquors in taverns and drinking houses, and as like causes pro duce like effects, it is equally conclusive proof of the advantages which must result when both classes of population are compelled cither to drink at home or abandon the prac tice. 7. Thai the wisdom and propriely of Ibis (ale ac( is seen in (he Met that it prohibits drinking houses of all descriptions, thereby removing the greatest temptations to social drinking, which is the most prolific cause of the formation and cultivation of intemperate habits. • 8. That as this late act confers on us the advantages of position, in that it gives us something to defend at the present and leaves us less to gain in the future, we will'not only sustain this law, but under no circumstances will we vote for any man lor the Legislature who is favorable to its repeal, except for the passage of one of entire Prohibition. 9. Thai should politicians fail to profit by the experience of the past, we renew our pledges to leach them in,the future, that no patty.can,escape defeat, 'which either aban don or oppose the principle of Prohibition. 10. That the beneficial tendencies of the Prohibitory laws adopted by thirteen States of this Union, are seen in the significant fact that the more reputable class of liquor sellers ore withdrawing from the business, leaving the same mostly in the hands of the law and profligate, of which, in this State, nearly three-fourths are persons of foreign birth. Rexabkabie Occbrhekce. —A circuit)- stance of a somewhat extraordinary charac ter occurred a short time since in one of our flourishing (owns of (he middle counties. A clergyman died, and his wife and daughters, on (he third day after his decease, recollecting that no likeness remained, it was agreed ere the grave closed o’er him, that the body should bn enshrowded a portrait taken. A young lady pf some professional celebrity, was en gaged 1 for Ihe lask. She with the assistance of the attendant, took off the shroud and placed the body'in the requisite posture; but 6lher duties requiring the artist’s attention, (he sketch was deferred till noon. About 12 o’clock, at the foot of the bed, the lady com menced an went thro'and hour’s work on of death. At this stage of the proceedings, by some unaccountable motion, the bead of the deathlike figure fell on the aittei daunted, the artist carefully took 'ho head to. replace it when, lo ! the eyes opened, and staring her full in the face, the dead,inquired, “who ,afe yogi’’ The young professional, without trepidation, took the bandage from the head and rubbed his neck. He immediately saw the shroud and laughed immoderately. The artist, qujeljy called the family ; their joy may be imagined, but can not, bo described. That evening he who had lain three days in his shroud, bemoaned by mother and aisters with agonizing teare, glad dened their hearts by taking his accustomed place at the tea table, and at this moment is making an excursion in North Wales.— Bedford {England) Times. ‘•Well, Mrs. Moody how are you this evening 1" “Oh, Mrs. H ,I am very unwell, I utt) quite out of spirils,” “Blqss you, ma’anj,, don’t take on-so; there’s three bottles left yet.” “Go dpwn stairs directly, Biddy.” An old bachelor—Tho man who carries pins in his coat collar, ; Thk Aan\iyaiipubUeh<4 feery Th*rt4a)f.Morn ipg.aifdjurnubed te jtMtani nam if paid ih advance;:it93 if.phymirlt ed oser the year .*■ No tdbicriflhhtSkenJOT nTlior ter peribH Ima• sir! ttfakHe.and Miblfor Hat term onfu, pqyment mutiS be. Altcle. strictly iiCudaSnco, or. Sl', icill be charged. l is strictly adhere jl to. lfo'papef'V}Hl bediecdntfnu ed Until paid fqr.unlrti .alihe 6pit9dfif,tfl4.edUor Chciii—rta CpjiUs, 81 ; 9J>p]e» it»i !,A'DvißTJskixNTS vulbeintertedaLilper eqtare, (of.fourteen Uriel arieee.yfdrtAe J/S re tor three eon lecilsve i'aeerlio'ne, Ond 25 eenle' for ecery iiibse. (jaerit obi. ''Yearly ddberliiemehti latched dia rea •OitaWe on liefirigaingr}lie. : TO - payable^advance. .H*y ‘ T.JBBIIJf. BA OWE, ' AmmiBSIWWwtX Wcllahorongli/l’t. '• 1 ' '' ' Refeft 1 lo’Moßsrfr.' Phelps,Dpdgc & Co.,N. Y; city Hon. A.V. Parsons,Philadelphia. July.] 3. . ■ ■ ' ~ «.T. WIXSOS,. - • fapifiy’A OSes, r » as.x6wrb¥ As.r.Tvitsonr, A TTOf|fjRYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW,’ wili.altcnd the Courts of Tioga, Pgller and McKean codnlicg. Wellsborough, Fob. 1,1853. MRS. JVC. A. STEFESS'baa just received from-New York,a supply of SPRING GOODS which she is prepared to offer to the public on terms more reasohihfe than at any former period. Work done to order, Ladies, call and sec. N. B. Hard limes makes it necessary that all in dsbled should call and pay up immediately. Wellshoro’. March 29,1855. Fowlers & Wells, No. 308 Broad way, have all worka on Phrenology, Hydropathy, Phonography, Education, Temperance, and the Natural Sciences generally. They also pub.ish— LIFE ILLUSTRATED—a first-class Weekly Newspaper, devoted to News, Literature, Science, and the Arts; to Entertainment, Improvement and Progress. One of the best Newspapers in the world. Two dollars a year. the water-cure journal—Devoted to Hydropathy, its Philosophy and Practice; to Phys iology and Anatomy, and those Laws wbicli govern Life and Health. 81 a year. THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL—Devo ted to the Elevation and Improvement of Mankind. 81 a year. (Cf For 83 in advance, a copy of each of these Jamals will be sent one year. Address pro-paid, FOWLERS & WELLS. 308 Broadway, Newo^rk. SASH & BLIND FACTORY. COVINGTON, TIOGA CO.. VA, TH E subscriber is prepared by new Mn just purchased, to furnish to order, all kinds of square and fancy Sash and Blinds. Square Sash of common sizes constantly on hand. By long experience in the business, the snbscrU bor flatters himself that ho can make as good an article, and sol) it as cheap as can be obtained at any esUbisbmcnt in Pennsylvania or New York. Call and sec. DAVID S. IRELAN. Covington, March 2,1854. OThe subscriber is also Agent for the sale of Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, also Scarpa’s Oil for Deafness. D. S. I. FARMER’S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY. ATHENS, BRADFORD CO., PA. CAPITAL —8200,000! —Insures Farmers only, on the Stock andMulual plan. J.E.Can- an experienced Travelling Agent,represent, ing a sound and reliable Company near home, is prof, erable lo a foreign Co., ns there cun ho no deception. Address, J. E. Webster, Agent, Covington, {"a. NEW SPRING GOODS. THE subscribers are now opening their stock of GOODS for the Spring Trade, com prising a full and complete assortment, and of the usual variety, which will, as heretofore, be sold a la very small profit fur READ YPA Y, Being deter mined. not lo be undersold by our neighbors, our goods are marked aUhe lowest figure; and we invite acomparison ofour goods and prices with any oilier in the market. Among the assortment of DRY GOODS willbo found a groat variety of Ladies* Dress Goods oensistingin part of Btreges, Berege Delanes,all-wool Delanes, Lawns, plain and printed; Ginghams, English, Scotch and American; Poplins, Prints of all shades and colors, a good stock of siiTks. Also, for man’s wear msy Bo found Broad Cloths Cussimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Joans, silk, satin and summer Vestings. Also, Sheetings, Shirtings, bleached and brown, Tickings, Summer Goods for boys' wear, Colton Yarn, Carpet Warp* Cotton Batten, with a variety of other rliclcs too numerous to mention. Groceries and Provisions. A Tull slock will bo kept on hand. Those in want of Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Stewart's best Syrup, Spices, Pepper, Ginger, Siieratus, Flour, Fish, Salt Tobacco, or any other article in this line, will do well lo call on us before purchasing else where. nARDWABE, aslarge and complete an assortment as can be found in the county. Among which is Cutlery ofall kinds, Carpenters Tools, Chains, Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Butts and Screws, Door Hangings, Bills, &c., &c. CROCKERY, GLASS & STONE-WARE, Boots and Shoes, Bats and Caps, Steel, Iron, Nails, Paints and Oils, Glass and Putty, Ready-Made Clothing, Thankful for the liberal patronage of the pas season, the undersigned feci a pleasure in inviting the public to an examination of our Spring stack believing that good Goods and low prices will in sure a speedy sale for ready pay. B. B. SMITH & SON. Wellsborongh, May 25,1855.' NEW GOOUB. n^HE'subscriber would respectfully inform his customers and friends that he still con tinues the mercantile business, at tho old place, at the well known store of L.'l. Nichols, where ho will be happy to wait on those that will favor him with a call, nnd would invito the attention of the public generally to bis large and commodious slock of DRY GOODS, G roccrles, Keady-illade € loot ing and Hardware, crockery, woodenware, stone. WARE, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Sic., Sic,, in fact everything else kept in a country store, arti cles too numerous to mention, and will sell cheaper than canbc bought this side of Now York city. All kinds of produce taken la exchange fiirgoodx at the highes'l market price. ! J. R. BOWEN. Wellsborough, June 39,1654. TUST REGEiyED a large, supply of all kinds o O Extracts, for Cooking, and Perfumery of the batqajlii, ,t [Tioga]. , G. % TAYLOR’S . fJISTBRN AND FORCE PUMPS; .whole- Vetail, IVom 310 ld IlSedch; at } / Wcllsboro*, Novi 9, ■ d. P. &. W. ROBERTS’, CHAIN-POMPS —a large supply (br sale chdad by M»[ap-’s3] v. CASE, Knoxville ' & irW &;A f SiSSri tf-K .SMt&sft »a»«tewr.:; Attorney St Connsclorg at Law, * aJflqjlHfrWftfifp \ a .Coaaty,-Ifew HTo r It, 5 1 r n. -..--: iC.'H. fTno«Olf. 1 - - •■'•■•- •- '• ■••'• • ■ ' jflviME, - , j^M^-WME!—Kept.,ooast<iotly bh r pear MwsficjiMbsh ly burned and of superior quality. Price, #?inenta tv.i I'fA.iBIKBY. . .Mansfield, June ( 14,1855, ~ j, , ■ {■’’ '• Hydrbpithie'Phyircian bid ßulgtim. -<■ ELKLAND, TIOqA PA ■■ *’ ]&is.] 1 ' •' ■CI AVJN6 quality XX at ... JONES POE’a, v "«,E JL j& C!X\fa.C frUt OSj. Miss.. H. A. SEARS, will .open a Sc lect Schqol on Monday, the 271 h of August, in the,building back of R.S. Bailey’s Store. , TUITION. Reading, writing, spoiling! and plain Sewing. .91,50 CommoirEnglish 'branches,Embroidery 2,00 Higher EnglisH'ftonbKbs... s' 3,00 Mu>io> Melodoon. ....... ;.. ,S,OO w Tiano 8,00 WelUboro. Augdst 2,1855. ’ TIOGA ADV’$. Great Excitement at Tioga!! NICHOLAS IS DEAD!!! BUT 'the new firm - of B ALDWIN, OEERNS.EY & CO., IS ALIVE lo the best interests or the trading community. Tlio enrol High passed away and that of SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS has just began. They are converts to the doclriao that the “NIMBLE SIXPENCE" is better than the “SLOW SHILLING,” and believe that ■'LIVE, and LET LIVE" is the only honest principle of action.' Their slock of DRY GOODS is not mado up of the odds and ends and Ihe rem* oanls of “closed up” concerns in the City, but com* prises a complete assortment of the latest styles and best qualities, from thq coarsest domestic to the fi nest imported fabrics, such as Silks, and Ladles’ Dress Goods, Latest Styles, and adapted lo every variety of trim* mings. Ladies will do well to call and examine the Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Baldwin, Guernsey Sl Co., bavo always on hand a seasonable and fashionable stock of Gentlemen’s Ready-Made Clothing, which will bo sold at the lowest CASH PRICES. ALSO, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Glass, Slbhe, Hollow and Wooden Wqre, Iran, Steel, Nails, Oils, Paints ,and Dye-Stuffs of every kind 1 and of the best quality, with BOOTS <& SHOES, for Everybody. AU kinds of Country Product'taken-in ex. change for goods at the market prices. T. L. BALDWIN. Tioga, March 29,1855. A. T. GUERNSEY, 0. B. LOWELL. Dress Marks the Man, OWING to the great rise in paper, there is o great and increasing demand for rags of all kind*. Therefore, every' man who wishes to save the first cost on his old dollies should cast them, buttons and all into the rag-bag; not however until he.calls at the PREmvn CLOTHING STORE, AT TICiCJt, npd from iKfl ]■■■—- ii..plnndiil assortment Ready Made Clothing', here [kept constantly on hand, a suit warranted to wear as long ha any other, and made in the best and most substantial manner, and under his own super vision. The proprietor has a complete knowledge of the (radp, and can sell the best qiillity of Ready Made Clothing considerably cheopqrthan any other establishment In tbs coanty. He keeps a variety of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Drawers, Trimmings, Wrappers, Shirts, Collars, Cravats, sc. <fyc., which will be sold as reasonably as they can be pur chased elsewhere. His atook of COATS Sc, VESTS cahH-bu beat this side of New York, either in price style, or quality. Don't Ibrgct that this establishment took the firs premium at the Fair of last October. O’ Particular attention given lo cutting and ma king garments to order. C. OSMUN. Tioga, April 5,1855. Tioga Foundry & Ma chine Shop. . TABOR, YOUNG & CO. MAN DFACTURERS of Steam Engines, Boilers, end Machinery of all kinds; Slaves, Hollow Ware, Tin, and Copper Ware. REPAIRING & JOB WORK done with the least possible delay. MILL GEARINGS famished without extra charge o r patterns. PLOWS of all ltin4», (two of which took the premium at the late County Fair,) kept constantly on hand. We have the exclusive right, for Tioga County, to manufacture and vend the King Stove. one of the best (if not the very best) Cook Stoves Coer invented; which is always on hand at our store house, for wholesale & retail. TABOR, VOUNG &, CO. Tioga, Feb. 15,1855. BOOS, STATIONARY, WATOH, AND ’ JEWELRY STORE. AT TIOGA. THE SUBSCRIBER, returns bis thanks jo g to his former friends >• their patronage, hoping he may continue to ado them and asaStiS many more new ones.' Ho has just received a nbw addition to iiis stock, and he wishes all to call with out delay ns he can sell as cheap if not cheaper than any other establishment of the kind in this section of the country. IT Watches, Clocks, & Jewelry Repaired in the best manner and cn short notice. Sy" Also a large supply of the best Ink. Tioga, Ap. 26,-55. G. W. TAYLOR. G' OSMUN has just returned from the City • with a splendid assorlmenVof Broadcloths, Cattmira, Vestings, Trimmings of ill kinds, Ready-Made Clothing of oil quailtut aud sizes, French Bosoms, Shirts and Wristbands, Cravats and Scarfs, all styles, a la Byron Cottars, Stand. in g Cottars, Gloves and Ho siery, SocpehrUrs,'Bot toms of all desfriptuns, Links and Double Buttons fpr C/oals, lark Satin Idningsf or Coats Pongee -Sleeve Linings- and Velosti of all -styles, • - which'-win he sold ctveapfbr iCash; • Tioga, April 19,1855. • itOtiA M40T1,i3 yAtbb. TtIiEER & ET’Z, DEALERS : IN ' > Italian and American marble; FOR MANTjBXjS. MONUMENTS, TOMBS ' ‘ CENbTAKIS. GRAV&STONK. •; Agents.' Bails? ft. Folk, Wellsboro; O. P Beach, Knoxville ;J. E. Webster, Covington. ' Tioga, April 36,1855. An Invalua#f r 'Family. --.1 100,000 COPIES. WZmT'. o^a| aEKgioto :i'N it ess; clfl <■• TihJds {tham.a yeAh. >va .-SWi o4ilios,.,jreyised 3lil ap4,impro«ed, jjqst,,is • iDR. /HUNTER'S; Medial i Manual, and Hand Bonk for the Afflicted-Containing anootlirie of the origin,-progresai't'reatbent and oute'of every .form ofdisease contraCledby proraisououa sexualinfer oourse.'-bysolf.abnse orby sexual oxdeBs, wilb ad vice for-their prevention, a familiar sty lb, .avoiding all medical, technicalities, and-everything that would dffond the odr ofdecency; willi an cot. lind of Complaints incident, lit females, fromlthe re sult of twenty years’ successful practice, exclusively doxoltd to tlie euro tff diseases' of a. delicate or pn vale nature; - i Td which -is added reccipts fbr tlm cure of Ilia above diseases, and ,* tjoatisgjpn.Hio.caqses, sying turns and cure of Oie j'jjV'Eß arid AGUE. ' 'Teilirnony qfiheProftssor of Obsietlies in Ihe ■Pehn Medical College; Philadelphia—*Dßl HUN TER’S MEblfcAL MANUAL.”—The author oi his work, Unlike tllo majority,of those who a river tiselo bore the diseases of wliieh-il treats is a grad uate of one of the. best Colleges in the United Stales It affords me pleasure to recdrhmend him to tbo an fortunate, or to the victim ofmalpraclice, a|s a suc cessful and experienced - practitioner, in whose hono and integrity they may placblhe greatest confidence Jos. S. Longshore, 41. D, From A. Woodward, St. D., of Venn University Philadelphia. —lt gives me pleasure to add by lesli many to the professional ability of the anther of lit Medical Manual, Numerous cases of DUcasp jo tho Genital Organs, some of them of long banding have come under my notice, in which his skill has been manifest in restoring to perfect health in some cases where tlie patient has been considered beyond medical aid. In the treatment of Seminal weak ness, er disarrangement of tlie functions produced by Selllabnsc or excessive venery, I do not know ids superior in tho profession. 1 have been acquainted with tho author some thirty years, and deem it no mure than justice to him as well us kindness to the unfortunate victim of early indiscretion, to rccom mend him asono in whose professional skill and in tegrity they may safely confide themselves, Ai.prtno Woodward. M. D, 11 This is, without exception, (he most comprehcn sive and intelligible work published on the o* diseases of which it treats. Avoiding all technical terms, it addresses itself to the reason of its readers. It ts free from all objectionable matter, and no par ent, however fastidious, can object to placing it in (he hands of his sons. The author has devoted ma ny years to the treatment of the various complaints treated of, and with too little breath id puff and too little presumption to impose, ho has offered (o the world at tho merely nominal pricb of 25 cents, the (Volt of some twenty years* most successful practice, — Herald . “ No teacher or parent should bo knowlcdc impar led in this- valuable work, ll would save years of pain and mortification and sorrow lo the youth un dcr their charge”—Peoples’ Advocate, A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, writing of “Hunter’s Medical Manual” says—“ Thousands upon thousands of our youth, by evil example and influence of the passions, have been led into the habit of self-pollution without realizing tho sin and fearful consequences upon themselves and posterity The constitutions of thousands who arc raising fam ilies have been enfeebled, if not broken down, and they do not know the cause or curp. ; Anything that con bo done so to enlighten and influence the public mind as to cheek, and ultimately lo remove his wide spread source of human wretchcdecss, would confer the greatest blessing next lo the relig ion of Jesus Christ, ou the present and coming gen eration. Intemperance (or the use of intoxicaling drinks) though it has slain thousands, upon thou sands, is not a greater scourge lo the human race. Accept my thanks on behalf of the afflicted,and be lieve me your co-workcr in the good work you arc so actively engaged in.” Ono oopy (appurply pnvrtopoH) will bo forwarded. free of postage, to any part of the Unilcd Stales for 25 cents or six copies for one dollar. Address, (post paid) COSDEN & CO., Publishers, or Box 196, Philadelphia. O’ Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents snppiied'on the most liberal terms. October 12, ISSd—ly. Cash Paid tor Wool! 20,000 lbs WOOL WANTED, AT THE Steam Wool Factory IN WCLLSBORO’ PA. TO Manufacture on shares by the yard—or in exchange for BROADCLOTHS, CASSI MERES, TWEEDS, BROAD FLANNELS, STOCKING YARN SC. The subscriber has rented a part of the Foun dry Building and STEAM POWER for a term of years, has fitted up the building, in good order, and will be in rcadinesss on the 10th day of June next to Card Wool . into rolls for customers on short notice. Also to re ceive CLOTH TO DRESS and WOOL to mann faclure on shares (or one half the cloth, or by the yard for threejsliillings. And those wishing to'have their wool Worked Can depend on having their cloth in season. Customers bringing Wool to Card from a distance can have their rolls to carry homo with them. Wool, and most nil kind of produce received in payment far work. Teams, pav down. May 3i, less, lewis c. Pendleton. SEVASTOPOL ALMOST TAKEN GREAT RUSH FOR RUSSIA-IRON. D. P. Sc W. ROBERTS TJAVING purchased and (Ms enlarged the Tin and Stove IM Store o( C. E. Gray, would call the ' ChJMj-Sl attention of the trading public to their large and splendid assortment . of Stoves, comprising a variety nf patterns: The . KING OF STOVES, >* / MORNING STAR, BANGUP, NATIONAL AIR-TIGHT, KITCHEN RANGE and three kinds of PREMIUMS. Also, a complete assortment of PARLOR &. BOX' STOVES, at or below Elmira prices. Tinware of all kinds, shapes and sires wanted for household use. Eave Gutters made to order at the shortest no lice. done to order and in the best manner. All Tin-ware carefully proved before leaving the shop. They respectfully solicit the patronage of all who wish to .purchase anything in their line, assuring them that money can be saved by examining their stock before purchasing elsewhere. WolUboroogh; Nov. 9,1855. TAILORING. THE undersigr ed would infer the citizens of Wel borough and vicinii that, ho has again i turned to this plat and opened a shi over tiro Post offit whero be frill be pi arod to do Tailorii in all its branches,. a good and workmanlike manner, for toady pay and at prices that cannot fail to. please. All work entrusted to him will be done'up wilK despatch,and a fit warranted. DOTTING done on short notice. Country probdeo (delivored) of all kinds, taken for work. H. P. ERWIN. • WellsbOrongh, April S2,'l 6SS. LIGHT. —Tallow Sc, Adamantine Candles,'Bora ing Fluid and Lamp Oil, at CASE'S. CAPS Sc, HATS of every description just received at JONES Sc, ROE. in our .line of huslneis. Wo are prcpaTed to do Ml sorts and kinds of work. Mill'lrons. can - be got up at short nbtice. Particular attention paid to HORSE SHOEING. All hinds of shoes from the Common to ihe Concave Scaled ahpe. N. B. The system adopted at this establishment .is nof to fiiiarge'2s per ccrtl extra to pay for bad dehls, therefore those who bay pationixe us can Teel assured they will not have to pay the debts ol those who nev er pay; this plan is succeeding beyond our expecta tions already. Wo invite all who can to come and seo for themselves,you cannot loose much, and yon mvy find it to your advantage. May 3.1855,6 m GRAY A LOONBBURY. DREGS AND MEDICINES! IN LAWRENCEVJLLE, PA. m TSE subscribers have constantly bn'hand at their Drugstore, in Law roncoville, a large and wcltsolcclcd stock ISbS of DRUGS, Afc., of every description nsed by Physicians in tlie country, and all the most popular PATENT MED WINES of the day which we offer for sale at prices which caonotfai ot suit those who may favor us with a call. Among our Patent Medicines may be found the following: hlarchanl'e Gargling Oil; Jayne's Expectorant .Al terative, Pills, Pills, Ac.; Moffat's Bitters and Pills; niche's silver plated Abdominal Support ers, Braces, Inhaling Tubes, and all the medicines prepared hy him for his private practice; Brant's Pxlmonary Balsam and Purifying Extracts: Ayre's Cherry Pectoral; Rogers' Syrup of Tar and Caiichalague; Billow's Heave Cure; An drew's Pain Killing Agent; Trask’s Magnetic Ointment; Dr. Christie's Galvanic Belts, S[C.; Houghton's Artificial Pepsin; Blake’s Aromatic Bitters ; and all the mast popular Pills and Ver mifuges, lye., Cc. Also a good,assorlmcnt of , SCHOOL AND BLANK BOOKS, Biography, History, Miscellaneous Reading, &c. Paints, Oils and Dyc-Sln/Fs, GLASS, wholesale and retail, Gold and -Silver Leaf. Putty, Spls. Turpentine, Camphcnc, Burning Fluid, Varnishes,&c. TRAVGH $ HURD. Lawronceville.Fcb.3, 1855. Family Grocery & Provision STORE. THE subscriber would inform bis friends and the citizens of Tioga county generally, dial he has just received a large and superior sup ply of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, SUCH AS * Teas, Sugars by the barrel or otherwise, Coffees, Molasses, Stewart's Syrup, Rice, Pepper, Ginger, Sulcratus, Allspice, Indigo, Tobacco, Soap, Mould and Sperm Candles, Sail by the barrel or sack, Mackerel by the whole, i and i barrel, Codfsh by the 100 or single pound, Flour, Cheese, Crack ers, Butter <s■ Eggs, together with every other article in the Grocery inc, lower limn can be got at any other place in own, as he is determined to make quick sales at small profits. Thankful for past favors he would most respect, fully invite Ins friends and the public generally lo give him a call and examine for themselves. M. M. CON VERS. Welisborough, May 7, 1655. MWWS"EMPIRE STORE. linporf.inl to Ihc Public. A T J. R. BOWEN’S Empire Store the IX lime has finally come, when Goods can be bought as cheap in tVellsboroagh, as at Elmira,Cor ning, or in any other town west of New York; and the public at large are invited lo call and satisfy themselves that this is no Humbug. At J. R. Bowen’s will always be found an exten sive assortment of well selected DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS & SHOES and a largo variety of Gentlemen's (Slothing, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, SCARFS, &c all of which will be disposed of at a reduced price J. R. BOWEN. Wellsborough, July 27,1855-lf. . NSW GOODS, NEW GOODS At Jtowcn’s Empire Store. /‘'I ALL an'f see the best and largest stock '-'of Goods ever offered to the public. Consisting of DRY GOODS,’ GROCERIES. HARD-WARE, WOODEN-WARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, and a large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING! I flatter myself that I can dress a man to particu* ar Jits in all cases who desire the ready-made. TJio Ladies are invited to call and examine the richest and best assortment of DRESS GOODS ever before offered in market—which I am prepared to sc)) ot prices that cannot fail to suit. Wellsborough Sept. 12,1855. | CAUTION!! —ALL PERSONS are forbid paying any Accounts, Notes or Judgments to James I. Jackson that have been made or rendered for work done at the Woolen Factory and Saw Mill, (said to belong to him) from the Ist day of March 1852 up to the Ist day of March 1855 ; as X have a lease of said Factory and Saw Mill for the three years from the Ist day of March 1852, made and 1 signed by the said James I. Jackson and myself,* binding mo to collect all debts and demands for work done in said Factory and at said Mill during the term of said lease, viz : Three years. LEWIS C; PENDLETON. Wcllsborough, March 1, '55-tf. Chairs, Chairs, Chairs. TJESIDES a variety of nil other kinds o of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, (he sub scribcr has four different styles of BLACK WALNUT CANE SEAT CHAIRS, which he is selling at cost prices. Also, Two different patterns of Mahogany Spring Seat Chairs, and Mahogany Rockers, and three patterns of Sofas. Also, Rosewood, Curl Maple, and CommOn chairs ol all kinds. E. D. WELLS. Lawrenceville, Nov. 1854. FANNING MILLS. ATTENTION, FARM E RSI THE UNDERSIGNED respectfully .in form the Farmers of Tioga County, that they are now Manofhcturing FINCH’S IMPROVED PREMIUM PANNING MILLS, three miles south of Wellsboroqgh, on the Jersey Shore road; and feel warranted in saying that sold Mill is the best ever introduced into Tioga County both os respects cleaning fast and well, and the saving of Grass Seed. Farmers are respectfully invited to call and exam ine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. iLr All hinds of Produce tahen in payment. OH Mills repaired op short notice. ANGUS GRIFFIN & SONS. Delraar, Oct. 13,1834-lf.' ■WIDE-AWAKE HATS.—Just receive * v the -Empire Store a large stock of Wide Awako, Hungarian and Kossuth Hats. Ceil add ecu Sept. J 3, 1854. .TWT. ;i M. ,G ( OrfVERS, has., jus; from ..New Y-ork,'the largest and most carefully ‘elected assdrttbetit of ■ OlitfTHS, TESTING, eASSIMERS, SATINETTS, TRIMMINGS, "(Sic., ■ever brought intothis chantry, whibh beH?))r*ell for beady fat cheaper than any other eiU»tMhmt*t .His stock ■ comprises a general-assortment of ,ere/y variety of Clothing, from a low price up. SUMMER COAlS—for Mon and 'Boy s—a large 1 assortment. DRESS, FROCK AND SACK COATS—o fort. ry description, siie and color. FAN.TS—every style andqnality. VESTS —of every style, cplor and description. SHIRTS , Under-Shirts, DrOtvers, Collars, Ortr Alls OWer-Shirta, 'SospehdCrsi Gloves, 1 Umbrella,, Neck and ■ Pocket Handkorcltief»,togclhcr with lots of ... SELF-ADJUSTING STOCKS, &c., ic. Hats and caps, of every description—the largest assortment in town. ■ Boots, Shoes, and niters, for Men, Boys, and Women, a large variety. Trnnks, Valises, Carpet Bags,-dfc., se. He would say to all in want of good'and neat fitting CLOTHING, that he can and will tell cheaper than can be gotten in this borough, or any where this side of the New York market. This is no blow or brag, but truth—and to tost it call at “Conrers’Chcap Clothing Emporium,” whore ail articles ate sold cheaper than on the one fsice system. Wellsborougb, May 37,1855. CABINET MAKING. BT. VANHORN would inform the citi • zcns m Wellsborough and vicinity, that lie has purchased the interest of his partner, John S. Bliss, in the above business, and will continue at the old stand,two doors east of Jones’Store, to keep on hand and make to order all kinds of Cabinet Furniture—such as Sofas, Bivansj Ottomans, Card, Centre, Dining df Breakfast Tables, Dress Stands, Dress and Common Bureaus, MAHOUONY & COMMON WASH STANDS Cottage, French and Common Bedsteads. of every description, together with all articlesuro. ally made in his line of business. From his knowledge of the business he flat, ters himself with the belief that those wishing to purchase, would do well to call and examine his work before sending elsewhere for an inferior article. COFFINS, of every variety, made to order, tl shjot notice, and reasonable charges. TURNING done in a neat manner, at short no tice. Chairs! Chairs! In addition to the above, the subset. rsS2ftabcr would inform the public that he fioa V ffl ffjasl received a large and handsome assort- ment of CANE AND COMMON CHAIRS, Boston and Common Rocking Chairs, <£<?., which he will soil as cheap, if not cheaper,than they can be purchased anywhere else in Tiogt county. Call and sec them ! ?one 3,1855. NEW ARRANGEMENTS. A GROWL would announce to the citi * zcns oi Tioga county, that he has associated with him d partner, and the business, will be con* ducted under the firm of A. Caowt dt Co. They will continue at the old stand, in WellsboroB|b to manufacture to order and keep on hand, Buggys Sc Lniuber Wagons, CARRIAGES , SLEIGHS, COTTERS, Ac., which for stylo, durability and otarance oi' finish, cannot be surpassed by any other Similar establish mcnl in the country. , Workmen of celebrity arc engaged, and thebest materials used expressly in all the niannfucloring departments of this establishment. Persons send ing orders may rest assured of having them cxecn* cdt to their entire satisfaction, and finished in every particular the same as though they attended in per* son. REPAIRING done as usual, with neatness and despatch. FAINTING of all kinds done on the shortest notice, and roost reasonable terms. 0”All kinds of merchantable produce .(deliver cd) recivcd n exchange for work, at the market prices. July 13. 1855, Carriage & Wagon ITfauulho lory. Henry petrie would an.. CTg . nounce to Jiis friends and public generally, that he is -- the above business on Grafton street, immediate* in the rear of J. R. Bowen’s store, where be i» pre* pared to manufacture on short notice, Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies, Wagons, of any style or description to suit the purchaser and of the very best materials. All kinds of re* pairing done forthwith and on tbo most reasonable terms. PAINTING AND TRIMMING will be prompt ly executed in the best manner and moat Tub ionablc style. WelUborn,’ July 13, ’55. HENRY PETRIE. HERE’S YOUR CHEAP ROOTS 1 A SHOES ! HAVING removed io the building in Iho rear of Bailey & Foley’, store, the subscriber is prepared to fnrnish to order, MEN'S if BOYS' KIP A CALF BOOTS Pegged and Sewed, WOMEN'S & CHILDREN'S KIP $ CALF SHOES— MEN'S A BOYS' COARSE BOOTS, Made upon honor —and warranted to wear out in due lime, and not to rip until they are worn out As a man is known by his Boots no less than by he company lie Keeps, it behooves every man to lake heed now bis “ understanding " is cared for A reasonable share of the public patronage is re* spootfully solicited. O' Hides taken in exchange for work. L. A. SEARS. Wollsboro’, Deo. 28,1855-ly. Custom Boot Sc Shoe Shop, AT M. Sherwood’s old stand, where the Sears’ Bors continue to moke, mend, and measure to order, at as law prices as the times will admit. _AH work warranted—to wear out in a year or so —and not rip or come to pieces’lill it does wear out Hides Wanted. CASH will be paid for any quantity of hidci a the highest market price July 13,1854, Wine for .Communion. Churches of Tiogo counly are re -*■ speotfully informed that they eah 'now obtain at the Wcllsborongh Drag Store, the Pure Juice 0/ the Grape unadulterated with Alcfltol ip any form The most satisfactory evidence of its purity eiiown to those wlio wish to examine it. Certificates of distinguished Clergymen and the statement of the manufacturer himself. Those inlercstedwill do well to procure a supply soon. R. ROY. Wellsborough, Jap. 26,1864. . WALL PAPER!—The LARGEST, BEST, CAEAPEST lot of Wall Po®er ever brought into this place, for sale at wholesale and retail by WelUboro, Fo[>. I’M. BAILpV & FOLEY. O LBS. of old Iron opd Copper Atlt/l/V wanted in exchange for SloitcJ and Tinware, by [Nov. 9.] D.P, &Wi ROBERTS. NAILS by the keg or pound very cheap at' May 31 1855. JONES & ROE’S. A. CROWL & CO. GEO. W, SEARS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers