Aided a score of wounds upon De Bar—any 0 f whichwerejhufficient (o dispatch him.— He'was theuhung, had thfc tnPb,dispersed. . mA»BlE». . AtCovincton on the Blh insL by Eider Miller, Mr. JOHN W. COOLIDGE and Mies CATHARINE NICKERSON all of Charleston. ' [Advertisement] Beligkom Notice* Rev. W. Bullard will preach at Mainsburg on Sunday the 19ih insl., at 10 o’clock A. M. at Covmgion 5 o’clock P. M, al Liberty on Sunday "sflth, at the School House near Woodruff’s at 10 o’clock A. M, and at the School House near Wm. Merills 3 o’dlock P. A Wellsboro’ Academy. THE FALL TERM of this Institution will com mence September 4lb. Special attention will l>c given to the art of teaching. The Assistants we experienced and approved teachers. Board, Room, Washing dto. at $l5O to $2 00 per week. There are a few tooms in town /or those who wish to board themselves, Tuition at previous ralcsond no de duction made for absence unless it exceeds a half term. ’ By order of the Trustee.** N. L. REYNOLDS, Principal. Wellaboro’ Aup. 16.1656. Delegate Election. THE Voter* of Charleston who are opposed to the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, and in favor of a union of oil without respect to former po litical attachments, for the purpose of rebuking Uie arrogance of the Slave Power at the ballot-box, are invited to meet at the Youngs’ School-House, on Saturday. August IBlh. at 4 o’clock F. .M., to elect three delegates to the Republican Convention to bo held at Tioga on Thursday, Aug. 2« E. Ha:. James Kelij A. Riuc Isaac Whcelr Charleston Aug. 16. 16w H. Brook, T IST OP LETTERS Remainin'; in ihe Post office at Wellsborc’ Aon. 15, 1855. Adam.' Rnber! Esc,.. Darling Stephen Esq., ll icon E. L Doltrner U'illli;lrr Dinuman Silas Esc,., Bennett <V Randal Durbacker Simon Russ William '! Farmers Journal li.ivce Chn slophe - Fisher Charles K. Bover Miss Lousia A.Filch D. E. Brown Jom .•''Gerhard Jacob Dart; Mrs. Adaimc Gillen James Esq., 2 Haslinus John S. - Packer or Paelor Juven HarJv John . Rnhcns Richard Johnson Jacob F. Schudim Alfred Johnson James Esc,., Scranton Samuel Kme Dr. Conside’ Sibble W. R ly-Sear Mrs. Moses Smiin G. L Mikhelic Conra* Smith Mrs Julicll Messenuer Scoll Miss Mar’ Thompson Mrs Julia n m- i'alniei Judiii Tltoro Henrv \Y. Persons calling for anv o f the above Idlers will pleaso say they are niuerusr.. A. S. BREWSTER V. X 4. Wellsboroiign, Auaus., 16, 1850. ]¥OTlCi TS hereby gioen that a special Court , for the trial X o ■' the following cause* . will he held at the Court Roust, i n Welisboro,' by itu Hon. David Wilrnol. commencing on the 3d 3/0 A DA lof October next, lo continue two wee* J. P. DONALDSON, Troth'y August S. 1S«- J. Lmerif lor use of J. Beecher, c#>. A. G. Churchill, Wm. Oiajr/mm'a 7', A C. Cole ei a» C Hustonr' hx n. D Holiday. ei. ai. U'orgt Cornu v* David litalhun Samuel M Fox, el. a*.. tu Jeremiah Thompson. Sletens tor Vartom bi. 5 RfcJrirtl/». Hiram beei r* James Hill. el. a* (•forge Wallace, el. a. ti Isaiah inschc Trans and Turnei Bi. Isaac hen son. Isintl and jreini ft. John M»gee James Lj}wrr % vi Alexander Comb*. ct Rodney Combs. t. Danus C. Andrus. T'tne De i'u. c* Sylvia Pormentier Tioga Improvement Co vt H. W.Bostwick.eial SECOND WEEf ri John PT. ANvnarrf Hi Philemon Baker, et al Ci Elenzer Orrw r* J. A ornt % hx;. c:. f V Clearer, rt al. w. J. Lockes' Admr'i same Tioga Conn : PhtrtMt P. Morrn aan jliartha Steven* IVm Bache. el. a. J II Oilbr- J/unlap 6c CroumaK t, 5. & Vaekara u Eckel, ei. u. John II . (»uern««. tu. 5. Snumtcai, et hraetus Nile*. ci Ikm. Hutton eL t al. Jury Lisi.-Scp. Term, 1855. GRAND JUDGE Jesse (Jurreik. M W Welherbet John Tudd. llvron Olarv Lew u W alKc brands Wclsi J D. l/onpwci. t»eo V. l nppt. E Seajrcr. lliram /io<3£c. Albert Herne. Tnomaß Inscho E. Mcinro, Hyman bros* Benjamin Atulforo. Isaiah Ncwe,. Samuel Hazletl. C. P. Douglas*, "Warren Davu, James Duft). Cfcorge E. J. Stevens. John T. Pomw Edward Seely. TRAVERSE JUHOBb. Jackson Isrne) Moore Seeley, *Wm. S. Mcimvr_ Rutland —Caleb Garrison. Pierce Sher rrm. *Jellferson I'ruismrm. *Damel Waison, *L.pwis Seelv. *Hnrhn b.iKr Tiopa. —AVm. R. MuchelK Buel Baldwin, H. F>. Smi.. Middieourv. —Daniel Hoiiaa>. Chatham. —NeheiTliah Beach. Henry Cur* ran. D L. Vandusen, *Reuben Closs, *P. P. llowian Liberty —Joseph Shcfiet, John Levegood j:.. Geo. Faulkrod, Ellioll Merrill, *George Hb- Sulhran. —Lafayette Gray, J. B.’ Cud wonk *Thos. Reynolds. # Ornn Ruggles, *Lesier Palm’'- iMwrenct. —henry Cresweli, Danl. Tre mam, A. M. Knapp, E. H. Mapes, ‘James Ro:' Charleston. —Cnauncey Ferry, John Bliss, 'A, G. Ellioli, ‘Ttiomas Montague, ‘Hiram Brom. 1 Covington Boro. —Thomas Graves, Da ■vtd Caldwell, Thos. B. I'uinom, *S. L. Bar ■he- Comngloa. —‘Francis Welherbee, ‘Butler SmiiL Deerfield,— Hiram Gilbert, ‘James Knox, Mlonzo tsieven>.. Westfield.— Charlton Phillips Richard Kin sen* S H. Purple,* V. R. Gee.* Farmington. —Charles Bottom, Charles Weeks, Joseph Redfiold, Jacob Mowrey William Harding, Union.— Martin Herringiob. Wellsboro’, —Geo. W. Barker, Philip ShelTer. 1 hnoxvilte.— Samuel May, Jt, Bioss. —Washington Landis, Ciymer. —H, W. Merrick,* Silas Rush morc Elkland. —Wm, Heysbaw,* James Tubbs.* Brookfield.— W: R. Geo. W. Ba. con*: Wpj.,B;George* ;i!.'! < Tlf -•'d ■ J Richmond. —Elias Miller,* J. B. Clark. Deimar. —Ortjn -Blair,* Chancy Austin.* Those marked thus * are for the Second Week. Jury I.lst.—Special Term, Oct. 1885. Farmington.—Hiram Merritt, Robert Cas- Sullitan.— Warren L. Miller, Thomas W. Ames, Isaac Owens, Bcoj. Aldrich, Asa Crtp. pen,*’ Edwin Dewey.* Charleston. —John W. Bailey, Wm. B. Vanhorn, Chester Palridge,* VV. P. Shum wav,* John Mathers.* Elkland. —D. M. Vaugile, Perry Dailey,' Philelus Crandall Isaac Losey.* Elkland Boro'. —Geo. Dora nee. Tioga. —Vine Depui, James A. Hathaway,* A. S. Keeney,* Jacob Johnson.* Brookfield. —John Simmons, Joseph Bow. man,* W, G. Seely,* Horace Frazier,* Ben jamin George * - • ■ ’ :. i Jackson. —John F. Cleavelnnd, Willard Smith, H. M. Wylie, J. K. Burgess, H. G. Gaarrison. Deerfield. —Emer Bowen, Chas. Tales, Wm. A. Falkner, Levi Falkner.* Liberty. J. G. Albeck, Joseph Ridge Jno, M. Sheffer,* Burdil Wilson.* Westfield. —David Rex Cord. Chatham. —Nelson Ray, G. B. Owlell,* George King, 11 Samuel Miller, Jr,* Benoni Short.* Lawrence Boro’. —George Sta ni on, Smit h Stevens.* Shippen. —Job Rex ford, Dcroy Heringlon,* i Morris. —Hiram Campbell. Covington, —Jojiah Graves. Covington Boro'. —Victor Gray,* Calvin Newell.* Gaines. —Reuben Davis, B. V. Ogden. * Bloss. —Joseph Johnson, Even Bowen. Middlehury —G. W. Herrington. Clymer. Henry Crippen, Henry Steele. Deimar, —Ltonard Palmer, Kilborn Cool idge. Knoxville. —Henry Seely. Union. —Richard Tilton,* D 1 Landon.* Richmond, —James Whipple,* VV. K. Johnson,* A M. Spencer.* Wellsboro'. —Laugher Bache.* Rutland. —John V. Swan.*L. M. Palmer.* Those marked thus * are for the Second Week, AYERS PILLS, Anew and successful remedy for the c\ire of ail Bilious diseases Co.stivcness, Indi gestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fevers, Gout, Humors, Nerv misneas, Irritability, I ntl anima tions, Headache, Pams in the Breast, Side, Bark, and limbs, Female Complaints, Ac. Ac. Indued, very few arc the diseases in which a Purgative Medi cine is not more or less required, and much sick ness and suffering might be prevented, if a harm less but elfcctual Cathartic wire more freely used. No person can feel well while a ensthe habit of body prevails ; besides it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which might have been molded by the timely and judicious use of a good purgative. This is alike true of Colds, Feverish -vmploms, and Bilious derangements. Ihev all tend to become or produce the acep seated and formidable distempers which load the hearses all over the land. Henec a reliable fainilv phvdr is of the first importance to the public health,'and this Pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand- An extensive trial of its virtues bv Physicians, Profes sors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have been effected beyond belief, were the) not sub stantiated by persons of such exalted position and character aa to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Among the many eminent gentlemen who have testified in favor of these Pills, we may mention ; 1)r. A. A. Hates, Analytical Chemist, of Boston, and State Assaycr of Massachusetts, whose high professional character is endorsed by the Hon. KdwaUl) EvßHErr, Senator of the V. R. RotirktC. U'rIxTKUOP, Ex-Spcakcrof the House of Representatives. Abbott Lawrence, Minister Plon. to England, f John B. FITZI'tTUICK, Cnth. Bishop of Boston. Also, Dn. J. R. Chilton, Practical Chemist, of New York City, endorsed by Hon. \V 1,. Maucy, Secretary of State. \Vm. D. Asrou, the richest man in America.^ S. & Co., Propr’s of the Metropolitan Hotel, and others. l>ld space permit, wc could give manv hundred certificates, from all parts ( where the l’ilU have been used, but evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent public men is found in their effect* upon trial. These Pills, the result of long investigation and study, are offered to the public as the best and most complete which the present slate of medical science can afford. They are compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal urtucs only of Vegetable remedies, extnuted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combined together in such a manner as to insure the best results. l*his system of composition for medicines has been foimd id the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to product a mote efficient temedv than had hitherto been ob tained bv anv process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. While by the old mode of composition, every medicine is burdened with more or less of aen monions and injurious Qualities, by this each indi vidual nrtue only Ibat is desired for the curative effect ts plrscht. All the inert and obnoxious qua)* ities of each substance employed arc left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is self-evident the effects should prove as they have proved more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, mure powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. , As it is frequently expedient that my medicine sholild be taken under the counsel of an attending Physician, and os he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composiUon, I haio supplied the accurate Formula} by which both my Pectoral and Pills arc made to the whole body of Practitioners in the United States and British Amer ican Provinces. If, however, there should be atiy one who has not received them, they will be promptly forwarded W mail to his address. Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how few would be taken if their composition was known | Their life consists in their mystery. I have no mysteries. 'The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and all who arc competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of thdr intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before its effects were known. Many em inent Physicians have declared the name thing of tny Pills, and even more confidently, and ore will ing to certify that their anticipations were more than realized by their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregujar action to health, and' by correcting, whereverthey exist, such derange menta as are the first origin of disease. Being sugar wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. y Por minute directions, see wrapper on the Box. PREPARED BY JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Ptlm 86 Cant* par Box. Kva Boxe» for $L SOLD BY ROBERT ROY, Wellsborough; B. Basse, Barseville; E. Dyeh, Covington; Dr. Hum phrey, Tioga, and by Druggists everywhere. Auptut 16, 1855.-4 m, T;rg ~T:iff(yr :CQTTKTT AGTTXTQE. ~ CANDIDATES. ' J r - ' TREASUIt ERr THE UNDERSIGNED, of Wellsboro’, hereby atmoaacea to the voter* of Tioga County .that he will be a candidate for the office of County Treu nrer at the October ElecUon. > Aug. 2,1855. A. J. 80F1ELD. . SHERIFF. THE UNDERSIGNED, of Charleston, respect* fully announces to the voters of Tioga County, that he will be a Candidate for the office of Sheriff at the coming October election, Aug. 9,1855. JOHN MATHERS. SHERIFF. THE UNDERSIGNED, of Middlcbury, hereby announces 16 the voters of Tioga County, that he will bo a candidate for the office of Sheriff at the ensuing October election. Aug. 9,1866.. HOWARD H. POTTER. County Commissioner, THE UNDERSIGNED, of Charleston, and one of the oldest settlers in Tioga County, announ. ces to the voters thereof that he will be a candidate for Commissioner at the next October election. Aug. 9. SLEEMAN SUUMWAY. COMMISSIONER, THE UNDERSIGNED, of Shippcn, respectfully announces to the voters of Tioga Connty, that l\e will be a candidate lor County Commissioner at the next October election. DATID ELMS. Aug. 9. SHERIFF. THE UNDERSIGNED, ol Elkland boro* here by announces to the voters of Tioga countv that he will be a candidate for Uio office of Sheriff at the next October election. Aug. 9. TIMOTHY COATES. IVotlcc. THE undersigned, .citizens of Tioga County, Pa., hereby give notice that they intend to make application to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at its next session (which commences on the Ist Tucs. day of January the creation of a corpo. rate body with B.inking or discount privileges, by the name and style of the “THE TIOGA COUN. TY BANK," to be located at Tioga Village, Tioga County Pennsylvania, with a capital of (toe Hun. dred Thousand Dollars, with the privilege of in. creasing said capital to two hundred thousand dol. lars. Vine DcPui, B. C. Wickham, , J. S. Bush, A. T. Guernsey, J. W. Guernsey, F. E. Smith, P.S. Tuttle, A. C. Bush, Jan. G. Mcjcercau, Jacob Johnston, J. Schnuffcin, T. J Berry, A. Humphrey, 11. E. Smith, Edward Bayn, 11. S. Johnston, Selli Daggett, Jos. Goodrich, Lewis Daggett, E. T. Bentley. Tioga, June 21,1855~6tn. NOTICE, I S HEREBY GIVEN, that an application will be -L made to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, at its next session, for the creation of a corporate body with general Banking privileges of issue, discount and deposit, to be called “THE BANK OF TIOGA COUNTY" with a capital of One Hnndred Thou, sand Dollars, said Bunk to be located in the Boro’ of Wellshoro, 1 Tioga Co. Po, J.L Robinson, B. B Smith, R. F. Wilson, Jaa. Lowrcy, Jno. N. Bnchc, L. I. Nichols. Wellslmro,’ June 14, 1855. [dm.] NOTICE is hereby given that un application will be made to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at its next session, for the incorporation of a Bank with discounting privileges, with a capital of One Hun dred Thousand Dollars, with the privilege of increa. sing to One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, to be culled the “TIuGA VALLEY BANK” and to be located in Mansfield, Tioga Co. Pa. Mansfield June 25, 1855. Village f,ot for s«ic. rilllE r offers for sale a lot silintcd in | the lloro’ of Lawrenccvillc, Tioga Co. Pa. con* taining about thrrc-fourlhs of nn acre. Sa?cl lot is bounded and described os follows, on the west by Middle slrccf, north by Micajnh Seeley, cast by Curtis P.irklmrst, on the south by Demand. Said lot has on it a good two-story dwelling house newly fitted up in neat and convenient Myle, and painted inside and out; also a good bam and other necessary out buildings. Inquire of JAMES KIN SEV Esq. Lawrcnccville Tioga Co. Pa. WM, M. JOHNSON, Lawrcnccville, June 14 1855, (6m.) * Auditor’*! Notice. NOTICE is hereby given, that I will attend tu the duties of my appointment as Auditor in the mailer of the sale by the Sheriff of the real es tate of E. D. Tinncy ul the Feb. lerrn last, at the suit of J. Sc J. Parkhurst, —at my office in WeJls boro’, on Friday, the 31st day of August, inst., at 2 o’clock P. M., of said day ; at which lime and place, all persons interested in the fund arising (rum the said sale, arc hereby notified to present and substantiate their claims to it, or be forever dc. barred of coming upon the same or any purl there- JNO, N. 13ACUU, Aug. 9,1855. Auditor . Register’s Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Administrators of the following Estates have sealed I heir accounis, and that ihesame will be presented lo ihe Orphans’ Court of Tioga County, on MONDAY ihe 3d day of September ncx', for confirmation and allow ance ' The account of William Harrison, Ad minislrator of the Estale of WILLIAM MEEK, late of Wcllshoro’, deceased. The account of Ilarlin Baker, Administra tor of ihe Estale of SARAH HANDY, late of Rutland township, deceased. The account of Leander Smith and Henry Rathbnnn, Administrators of the Estate of CHARLES HORSLEY lute of Elkland townshp, deceased. W. D. Bailey, Register. Registers Office, Wellsboro’, Aug. 9 1955. SHERIFF SALES. 7;Y VIRTUE of sundry writs n( Fieri Fa cias, Venditioni Exponas and Levari Fa cias, issued out of the Tioga Common Pleas and to me directed, I will expose at public sale at the Court House in VVellsboro’, on MONDAY the 3d day of September next, at one o’clock P. M., to wit: A lot of land in Gaines township, bounded north by S. X. Billings, east by Long Bun, road south by VVellsboro &. Coudersport road, and west by S. X. Billings—containing one acre of improved land with a tavern house, barn and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Benjamin Dane. A|£C —A lot of land in Deerfield township hound ed north and east by C. & S. Short, south by Oow anesque road, and west by R, H. Mosher—contain ing J acre of improved land, a large Tavern house and iVamo bain thereon. To be sold as the property of Wm.’A Pal kmjf % Go, ' ALSO—A lot of land In Charleston township bounded north by Jeremiah Block, cast by David Jacobs, sooth by Thomas Davis, and west by Daniel Bdrngr-containing about S 3 acres with about 80 acres improved, ftame house, two frame barns with shed and an apple orchard thereon. ALSO—A lot of land bounded north by Jacob Dockstadcr, east by Peter Tipple, aouth by Simeon Sly, and west by Jeremiah Block—containing about 60 acres with about 40 acres improved, frame house, leg horn, and apple orchard thereon. To bo aold as the property of Noah Wheeler, Adminisl’rof Betsey Wheeler. ALSO—A lot of land in Tioga, bounded north by landa of W. W. Balbrd, cast by Clark, Sumner & Clark, and Fox & Bronson, smith by Andrews & Langdon, and west by Martin’s interference lotso called—containing about 125 acres. AUSO—A lot of land in Tioga township, bounded north by. plant foad,easl &, south bjf A. fc.' Bush and west by Harris Hotchkiss—containing shout ) an acrel Improved, a frame house and barn and'- some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the properly of Margaret Goodrich. ■, ' ALSO—AIso a lot caßed the Colkel Steam ~ Mil) lot—containing about 236 acres with about 40 ‘or 50 acres improved with (bur frame houses, two frame barns,« steaty snw millond shingle Mill thereon. ALSO—A lot in Lawrence township called the Colket Loyal Sock lot—containing about 258(4*10 acres.. To be sold as the property of Samuel Whit man. ALSO—A lot of land situate l in Covington town* ship, Tioga county, bounded north by Slate Koad,' east by E. Dyer, and V. W. Gray; sooth by T. Marvin and E Dyer, and west by Josiah Graven— containing about seventy five acres; with about twenty or twenty five acres improved; a frame house, frame barn, and a few fruit trees thereon, To be sold as the property of Thomas Graves. ALSO—*A lot of land in Covington township, bounded north by A. Douglas and O. F. Taylor, cast by J. Jennings, south by James Copp and Oliver Llliolt, ond west by David Bowen—containing one hundred fifteen and 7*lo acres more or less, with about forty acres improved, a frame barn, frame house and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold a« the properly of Eraetas Franklin. ALSO—A lot of land in ElkUnd Boro' bounded north by public road, east, south and west by John Ryon—containing one fourth of an scre, with a framehouse and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the pro|»erty of Edward Kennedy. AliSO—A lot of land in the Boro* of Wellsboro 1 , beginningaj the corner of Main and Norris street?, (hence south fifty.five degrees east on said Norris street, two hundred and fifty feet to Pearl street, thence south forty five degrees west along said Pearl street 1 sixty feet, thence north forty-five degrees west two hundred and fifty feet to Main street, thence north forty five degrees east along said Main street sixty feel to the place of beginning containing one third of nn acre, designated on the plan of Wellsboro* as lot No. 17 south of the Ave nue, with a frame barn thereon. To be sold as the property of Joseph Soficld cl. a!. ALSO—A lot of land in Jackson township bemn. ded north by Rufus Daggett, cast by public rond, south by Win, Daggett, jvesl by Thomas containing sixty acres more nr less with about thirty acres improved. To be sold as the property of Hannah &. C. C. Daggett. ALSO—A lot of land in Richmond township boun. ded noith and cast by Joseph P. Morris, south by road leading to Wcllsboro,' and west by the Tioga River—con-taining one and a half acres more or less, improved, with dwelling house, shed and some fruit trees Ibcre-on. To be sold as the property of Jabrz Stone. AKRO—A lot of land in Farmington township bounded north by Bingham land, cast by William DjxHjivfouili by 11. Boudish and west by Gilbert Bullock—containing forty five or fitly acres with about twenty ocres improved, block house, shed and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Cliuunccy A. Bailey, John Wcckp, John R. Weeks and Chas. Weeks. ALSO—A lot of land in Middlebury township, hounded north by Jason Prutzman and I. Briggs, east by H. F. Westbrook, south by James Brown and west by Sinead—containing about 150 acres, with about 70 acres improved, frame house, frame barn and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of George Westbrook. ALSO—A lot of land in Dclmar township, boun pod north by Strawhridgc warrant, and Steele’s warrant, cast by Strawbridgo warrant Sc south by Wilson warrant —containing about 300 acres with about 8 or 10 acres improved, a frame house, and log barn thereon. To be sold as the properly of Ly. man Spencer. ALSO—A lot of bind in Middlebury township, bounded north by Geo. Dickinson and others, cast by John Prutzman, south by Jacob Prutzman, ond west by William Hunter—containing 192 acres with about 50 improved, log house, frame barn and shed, apple orchard and some fruit trees thereon. 7'o be sold ns the properly of Sylvester Beckwith. bmuuW north' I Vi-vTtellnSrarg? ttSffifiifc l*ier, south by Simeon CaHy, ami weal by Georffc Seely—containing about 100 acres with about 50 acres improved, frame house, frame boro, frame for a barn, and some fruit Ircca (licrcon. To be sold as Ihc projjrrly of Abner ('lady. AliSO—The equal undivided half of a Saw Mill and the necessary water and road privilcffos;'for the same, situate on the farm of N. C. Sweet in Middle bury township. To be sold as the properly of A. M. Swei t. ALSO—A lot of land In Covington township, bounded north by lands of J. Stcbbins, cost by James Pearson, south by Zimmer lands, and west by Levi Hart —containing 100 acres aiore or less with about 20 acres improved, and a log house liter con. To be sold as the properly L. C. Levally. ALSO—A lot of Innd in Rutland town ship, bounded north by Barnhart, east bv Joseph Harding, south and west by Geo. Brown—containing about one hundred and 80 acres, with about sixty acres improved, one frame house, frame barn ‘and apple or chard thereon. To be sold as the property cf Isaac Benson and John Benson. ALSO—A lot of land in Farmington township, bounded on Ihe north by A. J. Fisk, Joseph Symonds and Mrs. Bryant, oast by May gee & Mcrcereau and widow Gee, smith by Wickham and 'l’mhill formerly the Beckwith lot, and Edwin McKinnev,nnd west by James Beebe, Webster and Hall—contain ing about nine hundred acres, with about one hundred and fifty acres improved two frame dwelling houses, three plank houses, pne frame barn, one Blacksmith Shop, Saw Mill and nn apple and peach orchard thereon. also — A lot of land in Tioga township on the north side of Broad street, hounded on ihe west by Francis Carey and the heirs of ihe late Mrs. E. B. Campbell, on the north by Thos. J. Berry, east by Tioga river, and south by- said Broad street—containing six acres more or less, all improeed, with some fruit trees thereon. also —A lot nf land in Tinga township on (he north side of Cownnesque street, bounded on Ihe west by Crooked Creek, on Iho north bv Margaret Allen, on the east by Samuel Bennett, and souili by said Cowanesque slree —containing i an acre more or less, with frame house nnd barn and some fruit tree thereon, apd known as the ( ,l ") An drus’ lot. To be sold ns the property o Charles O. Eiz nnd Lyman Fisk. ALSO—A lot of land in Covington and Richmond townships, bounded north by Anna Morris, east by Kiphart, south by S. B. Kel sey, west by Jennings and Taylor—contain ing about 120 acres with about 35 acres im proved. also— A lot of land in Richmond and Covington townships, bounded north by S. B. Kelsey, cast by Kiphart and Johnson, south by A. Graves, and west by Jennings— containing 40 acres morb or less, with about 20 acres improved, a frame house, frame barn, and some fruit trees thereon. 1 sold as ihe properly of S. B. Kelsey.- • ALSO—The undivided one (burth part of all the following described lots of land :—A certain lot of land situate in the township of Gaitfes, in the county of Tioga and state of Pennsylvania, bounded north by land sur veyed on warrant No. 3360, oast bv No r - 379, south by 2433, and west by No. 2382 —containing nine hundred and ninety acres, be the same more or less, and being the whole tract of land surveyed upon warrant No. 2181. also— A tract of land surveyed on war* rantcNo, 3379, W. Wilhnk warrantee—con taining 793 acres more or less, bounded north by : Bingham lands, cast by warrant No. 3300, south by warrant No. 2382 and land surveyed in warrant granted lo R. G. While,and west by the Potter Co, line. also— A tract of land surveyed in warrant No. 2860, W. Willink warrantee, containing 835 acres more or less, bounded north by Bingham lands, east by warrant: No. 2867, souih by warrant No. 2379 and 2481, and weal by warrant No. 2359 above described. Also—A tract of land surveyed on war rant No. 3394, VV, Willink warrantee, con taining 500 acres, and being the east half of said warrant bounded north bv warrant No. 2359, east by warrant No. 2481, south by warrant No. 2427, and west by west half of same warrant. also —A tract of land part of warrant No. 1040, containing 13S and 5-lOth acres, boun ded north by lot surveyed to Wm. Swarl wond, east by Isaiali Furman, south by war rant No. 2360, and west by lot surveyed to Sylvester Davy and afterward contracted to R. G. While, with 60 or 70 acres improved, four frame houses, one frame and log house, six barns, a blacksmith shop, saw mill; and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the properly of David Ellis and B. B. Smith, Ad ministrators of Jesse Locke, dec'd. ALSO—A lot of land in Middlebury town ship, bounded north by D. A. Clark, east by Sylvester Beckwith, south bv Jacob Prutz man and west by Leveret Wilcox—contain ing about 47 acres with about forty acres im proved, frame house, frame barn and some fruit trees thereon. To be. sold as the prop erly of William Hunter. ALSO—A lot of land situate in Jackson (now Rutland) township, beginning al a post on the east line of a lot surveyed for John Budd, souih two hundred and forty nine and six tenths perches to a hemlock, east ono hun dred and ten perches to post, north one hun dred ninety-five and six tenths perches to a post, west forty five perches to a post, north fifty four perches to n post, west sixty-five perches to the beginning—containing one hundred forty seven and seven tenths acres, being part of two tracts of land surveyed in pursuance of warrants Nos. 975 and 978 in the name of Myers Fisher, with about fifiv or sixty acres improved, a frame house, frame burn and an apple orchard thereon. To be sold ns the property of John Benson. ALSO—A lot of land in Middlebury town ship, bounded north by Rinitham lands, east by Clark Cole and sooth and west by Marlin Stevens—containing 65 acres more or less, with about 39 acres improved, a log house, frame barn and stable and apple orchard thereon. To be sold ns the properly of Thom as Leel. ALSO—A lot of land in Gaines township, bounded north hv Goodman's K-Uate anti others, east by S. B. Barnes, south by James Watrous, and west by W, W. Tale —contain, ing about 300 acres with about 40 or 50 acres improved, 3 frame houses, 2 frame barns, saw mill and apple orchard thereon. To be sold ns the property of Goo. W. Phc nix and John L. Phenix. Ar.ssO—A loi nC lan 1 »n DMlrrnr (own* ship, bounded north by Henry Broughton and A. Kremer, east by Win. Btche, south by Daniel Knapp, and west by A. P. Cone— containing fifty acres more or less, with about twenty acres improved, two dwelling houses and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Nelson Davis. ALSO—A lot of land in VVellsborn,' boun ded .south cast by Main street, south west bv Water street, norh west by Water street, and north east hv R. G. White, being 120 feel front on Main street, by 250 feel on Wain street, with Tavern House, Store, Barn, spme out buildings, and a few fruit trees therpon. To be sold as the property of 11. B. Graves & Co. ALSO—A lot of land in Bloss township, hounded nor'h hv lands of the Arhen land Co., east by Sevmour Davis & Co, south by mad, and west by Seymour, Davis & Co., — containing about one acre imptoved, with a frame house and some fruit trees thereon. | To be sold as the properly of Joseph Allen. ALSO—A lot of Innd in Tioga Village hounded North and East bv G. W. Taylor, South by Lewis Daggel and West by Ihe Williamson Road, being 2.5 feet front on Williamson Road by 125 feel deep. To be sold ns the properly of R. R. Rundle. ALSO—A lot of land in Union township, bounded north by George Foster, east by Foster and Griswold, south Lewis Weiskcopp and west by Ambrose Barker and George Foster—containing about 32 acres, about two acres improved, frame house,stable, Sawmill and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of T. S. Griswold. ALSO—A lot of land in Charleston Isp., bounded north bv H. Claus, east, by L. J Cooley, south by Cooley and west by Chas. Cooled ge —containing about 134 acres, about acres improved, a frame house atid frame barn thereon. To be sold as the properly of Joseph J. Shumway. ALSO —A lot of land in Union Isp., houn ded north by land deeded to Wm. R. Ralh bone and land contracted to V. C. Tilton, east bv land contracted to L. Dann, south by Isaac Reeder nnd west by Jos. Middaugh— containing 28 acres. To be sold as the prop erly of Wm. VV. Spalding. ALSO—A lot of land in Rutland township, boupded north by land formerly o( William Rose nnd land contracted to Goo. W. Brew, er, cost by said Brewer and land contracted to Albert Judson, south by land of Jefferson Prutzman and land heretofore deeded to Ez ra Wood nnd west by land contracted to Shadrach Thompsnn—being lot No. 46 on the subdivision of Bingham lands in Rutland township, containing 07 acres and allowance with about 80 acres improved, two frame houses, two frame barns and granary and other outbuildings and two apple orchards thereon. To be sold as the property of Marlin Johnson. 11. A. GUERNSEY, Sheriff. Wellsboro’, August, 9, 1855. NOTICE is hereby given that an amount equal to the cost will be required to bo paid upon each sale when struck down to the bid der and upon a failure to comply with this regulation the tract of land wilt again be of fered for sale, and no ; sale will be postponed , without payment of costs. mb. NEW GOODS. 1855, tmumihu'■ WELLSBqrO’ pennA. Are n*v recclvi ngtliel i full'strtmfy df SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, cannisilog in part ol DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, keadV Made clothing, boqts SHOES, HATS. CAPS, CARPETS, Off, CLOTHS, MATTING, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, WOODEN.WARE, GLASSWARE, WINDOW GLASS- , AND SASH, CUTLERY, &C. Eastern Clonks from the beat AlanuAato, lories, and warranted to keep good time, Malls from the beat manufactories always on hand, and in fact nearly the lino of Goods con be foond in this establishment and price* that cannot fail from suiting (lie eloseat buyers. Thankful for past favors we would still invite ouc customers and buyers generally to an examination of our new stock, believing that if.GOOD Goods and LOW PRICES are an inducement they will make their purchases of oe. JONES & ROE. WcUaboro.' Alay 81, 1855 t Ladies shoes & gaiters.—Ladi™ win And a beautiful assortment of Shoes, Garters and children’s shoes at JONES & ROB'S] May 31 st 1855. LAWNS &, GINGHAMS.—A large stock of IW above Goods, also Mcrimack and Cooheco print* just rec’d at [May 31st] JONES ROE’S. NEW STYLE MANTILLAS.—Just tcee’wM some beautiful stylea of Maolillaa al May 31,1855. JONES Si ROE'S. a ONG & SQUARE BROCHA SHAWLS, at J-i very low prices at JONES & ROE'S. Bonnets, uibjbons & linings, &\*o chil drens Bain just received at JONES & ROE'S* READY MADE CLOTHING.—Just reeciveo « large stock of Heady Made Clothing 1 for tho spring and summer trade, which will be sold at <i very small profit at JONES & ROE'S. MEN’S BOOTS & SHOES &.GAITERS AU» Boys shoes of every description at May 31 1855. JONES & ROE'S. rpRUNKS, Valise*, Carpet Bags and Satchels a X large lot just received at JONES & ROE'S. TIT ACKEREL by the barrel, i bbl., and J bbl, at i\i May 31 1855. JONES & ROE’S. OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFEE, at May 31, 1855. JONES & ROE’S. DOCTOR YOURSELF! The Pocket Jscnlapius : OR EVERY ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN rpyE tifrieih Ediiim I \viili One Hundred Ei gravitjn*, showing Di&ea< and Malformations of theH man System in every aha, and form. Towlnchi? addi a Treaties on tlie Disease? FemuJcM.being of (he litgiu importance to rqnrried peopj or those contemplating mr rioge. By Wm. Yotrvo, M. D. Lei no fuller be ashamed lo present a cop/ o» .dEscui-Anus (4 his child. li may save him from an curly grave. Let no young mm or woman oiler into the ferret obligations of married life without reading the Pockkt A3sculapii*ii. Lcl no orv suft fering from a hacking Cough, Pain in the side. rcslJ hots nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train of DyHjicpnc sensations, and given up by tlioir phys ician, be another moment- without consulting tho /EsetrLAnos. Have (lie married, or those about fo be married, any impediment, read this truly useful book, us ii has been tho means of saving thousands of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws ofduath. LTAny person sending Tice/ily-Ficf Cents • sed in a letter, will receive one copy of this work by mail or five copies will be sent for one Dollar. aUilrcw, (pool paid.) DU. WM. YOUNGv iVo. 152 i Spruce St. t Philadelphia* June 7, 1855-Iy. SEW GROCERY & PROVISION BTOR E. Mnml O, BI LLIRD, Dolors • in PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, BOOTS 4 SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING. Wood 4* Willoio Warty Tobacco, Cigars , Fruit s, Confee. liontry, 4' c< At the Stand recently occupied by Robert Roy, Wellsboro’, Pa. HARNESS MAKING. YEW ARRANGEMENTS !!! r IMIE subscriber having pur- /y a 1 chased the HARNESS SHOP OVER A. GROWL & CO'S ON SHOP, Wcllshomugh, Pn., arc ready to make to order all articles pertaining to (ho business, m the best manner and of the very best material. 70 FARMERS AND OTHERS he would say that he sells articles in their line of business CHEAPER FOR CASH than ony other esUb lishmcnt in the county. A good assortment of Whips, Harness, &c., &c., constantly on hand. • ItEPAIItXIVG done on abort notice and ia. the best po.>Ml>Ju manner. O* All orders promptly filled and warranted to give entire satisfaction. '• O 9 Call and examine his slock before purchasing! elsewhere. u Live and Let Live,” is his moltu. ET Most kinds of Country Produce taken in ex change for work at the beat market price. A fair share of public patronage respectfully so licitcd.: E. E. KIMBALL. Wcllgboro,’ Feb. 1, 1855. Plaster! Price Reduced! THE subscriber hae just received at bis mill near Mansfield, 350 lons CsyOga PLASTER stone, where he will keep constantly on hand fresh ground plaster ( o supply all that may give bim a call. .No mistake this lime Lightning never strikes one Irctj twice. Price $5,00 pc\ ton, A*MOS BIXDY. Mansfield. Feb. 15,1855 W. W. WEltll, JW. »,, HAS established himself in. the practice of Med ivine and Surgery in the Township of Liberty Pa , where lie will promptly attend all calls in |iis profession. Liberty, Feb. 1.1854. WANTED. JOURNEYMAN WAGGON-MAKER wanted tu work by thy day, month or on shares, at tho shop of the Subscriber in Clytncr township, Tioga Co, Pa. I have a largo qmmtilv of seasoned Itlin. ber on handi ready to be worked, snd would prefer to give tho workman a share of the proceeds. CHARLES PRITCHARD. Clymcr, June T 4 1855. (tf) Turning; & Chairmaking. JBTICKLEY, Turner, und Cbairmaker, would . i alarm tho public tbol he baa recently fitted up his shop in good style, and is now prepared to manu facture all kinds of CANE & COMMON CHAIRS, of the best material and finish, Also Turning doaso in sujM’rior style, on reasonable terms- SHOP, south end' Main street, opposite U., W. Darll's Wagon Shop. SAMUEL lIF.UZOG, haring rented part of J. Stickley’s simp is prepared to manufacture alt kinds of CABINET WORK from the best material and in superior style. He has on hand several so. perior Mahogony Bureaus for sale cheap. Wellaborough, April 14, 1855. ’ PARASOLS.—A bcauli (hi assortment jukttc ceived at • [May 31,] JON ES & ROE 1 DR MUARICEAU'S, Private Medical Compan ion. For Sale at BAILEY & FOLEY’S. rrtRUSSES. —Benjamin’s Superior]Brass Truss, J[ I'ur'sale by IJunc- W. V. CASE,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers