jlr. Dodge’s Arrival at Madrid. [ Trantlaltijram tht Pap ? CAsttwj.].. • 'Mr. DoJga is the representative oflHe~ United States at Madrid. Ha is the successor of the fierce MK Soule, who has left such lugubrious reminiscences in Spain, fho in habitants of Madrid, who know all that they have to dread-from the Invasive American demagogy, were impatient to know what sort of a man this Mr. Dodge was, and whether his habits of business promised anything 1 good. Some people expected so. Innocent illusion, which was soon dissipated before reality. It was Friday last, the 15th of June, that .Mr. Dodge made his entry into the capital of Spain. The electric telegraph has hastened to announce this event to those Paris journals whoso speciality it is to watch over American afiiiirs. Mr. Dodge was mounted, bare backed, on a wild prairie horse, of the species called Mus tangs. Ha carried a rifle slung behind him, end wore in his belt a six shooter revolver on one side and a scalping knife on the other.— In his right hand he brandished a tomahawk, uttering at the same lime, fierce cries. The secretaries of the embassy, the attaches, all the personnel followed in.a similar equipment. One of the donees, a gigantic Kentuckian, carried a banfOT, on which was inscribed “Cuban annexation.” The whole troop ut tered such shouts on their way that it might have been ?aid the city was taken by .assault by a band of Indians. In an instant the cu rious who had been attracted by the cortege dispersed, seized with fright. Everywhere the shops and doors were closed. Ic was even proposed to beat the rappel , to summon the national guard. The Ambassador and lus suite laughed in their sleeve at the terror winch they caused, and to add to it they com menced 10 yell the war cry of iho Apaches. Arrived at the hotel, Mr. Dodge dismoun led lor a time. An dour afterwards he re mounted his horse 10 proceed to the place to present his credentials to the Queen. He was at that time completely dressed as an Inaiai.. Under pretext of having his beard dresser., lie had his face bedaubed with the immi used bv the Apache Indians when they arc preparing to set out on tlie war track.— His hat;, raised on the top of lus head, and" Pound ov a ribbon, termed a sort of plume, tirciiv like a lurniture duster, I’rom his nos trils him" two large "old rings.. A half doz en old wigs were aliuched lo his girdle. Mr. Uodue. with that pleasanlry peculiar lo Americans, exluhiled these as scalps taken irom the cnernv m battle. But no one was tinned by this burlesque, no less odious than ridiculous, Uis understood that under this circumstance, he had not deemed it proper to part with his tomahawK and revolver. Ills chief secretary accompanied him, in like ac coutrements. When they presented themselves at the palace gate the Swiss refused to let them pass. Mr. Dodge, without any other expla nation, drew his revolver from his belt and nreo at the Swiss, Luckily the poor fellow was not hit, but he let fall his halbert and fled as quick as his legs could carry him. Mr. Dudtic hurried to pick up the halbert, and lurmslied with this trophy, he penetrated into me apartments, flourishing it with a victor- A master ol ceremonies met iouj ni Sir, tic cried om indignantly, what do you want, and where are you going nl a dress so unpresentable’ 1 am the Ambassador of the United Stales, and I come to present my credentials. But this revolver —this tomahawk—this halber;' I have acquired it in conquest from your Swiss, who objected to my passing. And this half dozen pi perruques which 1 see at your girdle ? I’erruque yourself These arc scalps— spoils of ihe enemies whom 1 have overthrown in the war-paih. Don’t annoy me, I advise you, and felicitate yoursell on being bald. but ihmk, Mr. Ambassador, that etiquette, custom, do not pertnn everything is permitted to an Envoy of the United Stales. Come, open the door, without any more deia\ 'frit Master of Ceremonies was afraid to embroil his Government with that of Washing ton He introduced ihe Ambassador,sighing ami raising his arms to Heaven. Unhappy Spam! he murmured. Here the telegraphic despatch ends. But the Journal dcs Debals will soon publish an authentic and very detailed version of the scene winch look place between the Queen and Mr. Donat,. It is only 100 probable that Hu: latter will show himself no more rever ential man O’Dpnnell and Espartero, in their Mmous visit to obtain the Roval sanction' to me law o; amorlizalion. All thatis at pres ent known, is, that Mr. Dodge refused, on leaving, to return the halbert to the Swiss, mid that he brought it to ins hotel. 1 intend, lie said, to annex this object, thereby making a coarse allusion to the annexation of Cuba, From the Erie Observer. Post Office illiiiiugcniciit. The Post Office Department, under all ad ministrations, aud life army of employers, nave been the pacK-ljorso upqn which the people saddle all their sins,.. Docs a hurried business man misdirect an important letter, and, it fails to reach its destination, the B post office is at ones saddled with th?- blame. Tie is iinmaeulato. No thought ever- enters,(ho writers head that h‘o directed it- to Burfafo when ho should have directed it to Pittsburg ; not at all—it’s all owing to the carelessness or rascality of post office officials. By and by the letter comes back from the dead-letter of fice, and the blame Is placed whore it belongs, but nobody pver hears that side of the story. Again ; A dishonest, worthless scamp bor rows ten or twenty dollars of a friend, and agrees to return it by letter. Months go by, hut the lender receives no remittance. At ast ho writes to his borrowing friend, and soon gets a reply that ho senuhe twenty dol lars l,y marl, and if his friend has not received the money, it roust have been pilfered in the post office. So the Post Office .Department lias to bear (he dishonesty of a scamp who aught to bo in the house of correction. Ngw, ttteso cases are not singular: there arc thou sands of letters sent to tho Lvrio office for dis tribution thru never would, under ordinary '■ircuiusianr.es, reach their destination—they so blindly directed—if it wero not for the perfect acquaintancet with the local geography of this dialribhiion dislridt Sf the’chief clerk in the office p and we presume this pffice is not .singular in this "respept. case is now going thh rpuidtof.iho 'papera liarly : iUtiatrauVQ of-titer Injustice done the Prist pffi<*: p*iWlitM bv the make, grumbling ibe huraen ofthejt. bring. Il'ts (hist One Hooper-deposited;*theimafi a letter containing money, which, did not reach its destination. Of couriw waa made, and steps taken to aacertom ijawtett about?, Nothing^however was letter until the expiration of the quarler. when it turned up at the dead-letter office in Wash ington. Da examination it Was found that the writer had neglected to prepay the post age. This fact solved the whole mystery, and convinced Mr. Hooper, instdad of the de partment, of neglect. And there is no; ques tion but that a large proportion of the- blun der charged upon the department are the fault of individuals like Mr, Hooper, who misdirect their correspondence, or fail Id com-, ply with the regulations of the department. As to Judge Campbell, the present head of the department, we believo'him lo be as thor oughly devoted to the duties of bis office as any gentleman who has ever occupied the station. His time,energies, and talents have been steadily devoted to the work of perfecting ihe details of the department, and insuring a thorough administration of its'affairs by bis numerous and increasing army of subordi nates. In the prosecution of his design it is conceded by all who are not swayed by prej udice or self-interest that his efforts have been highly successful. A Well Matched Pair. —An Episcopal clergyman had preached for a Baptist, It was on a communion occasion. At the close of the regular service Bro. A., the Episcopa- Man, was about to retire. “I am sorry that I cannot invite you to remain and partake,” said Bro. 8., (he Baptist, “but you know our custom.” “0,” said Bro. A., “I could not do it. I 'Could not receive it at your hands, you know our custom.” This was diamond cut diamond. But if anything could make the angels weep, it seems to us it would be such miserable childishness and folly as this among the ministers of our Ijlesscd Redeem er. What arc inficls to think of it? If we would aVoid the fate of hypocrites, we should endeavor lo help “bear one an other’s burdens.” CANDIDATES. TREASURER. THE UNDERSIGNED, of Wellsboro’, hereby nnnuuncca lo Ihc voters of Tioga County,that he will bo a candidate for Ihoofhceof County Treas urer at Die ensuing October Election. Aug. 2. ]«65. A. J. SOKIELD. SHERIFF. TUB UNDERSIGNED, of Charleston, respect fully announces to the voters of Tioga County, that lie will be a Candidate for tbo office of Sheriff at the coming October election. Aug. 2, 1855. JOHN MATHERS. SHERIFF THE UNDERSIGNED, of Middlebury, hereby announces to the voters of Tioga County, that he will bo a candidate for the offioo of Sheriff at the ensuing October election. „ Aug. 2,1855. HOWARD H. POTTER. SE L E IIO « JL. MISS H. A. SEARS, win open a Se lect School on Monday, Hi© 271 h of August, in the budding back of R. S. Hailey’s Store. ' TUITION. Reading, writing, spelling, and plain Sewing. .$1,50 Common English brandies, Embroidery 2,00 higher English branches 3,00 Music, Mclodeon 5,00 “ Pianp 8,00 Wcllsboro, August 2,1855, PENNSYLVANIA MAGISTRATE'S LAW LIBART. I. BINN’S JUSTICE, AND BUSINESS MAN’S LEGAL GUIDE. New and 6th edition bringing the law down to 1855. A treatise on Die office and duties of Aldermen and Justices of the Peace in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including all the required Forms of Process and Docket Entries; and embodying not ohly whatever may be deemed valuable la Justices of the Peace, but lo Landlords, Tenants, and Gene ral Agents; and making this volume what it pur ports lo be, A safe legal guide for Business Men, By John Binns, late Alderman of Walnut Ward, city of Philadelphia. The Sixth Edition.. Bevflp corrected, and greatly enlarged by Frederick I!. Brightly, Esq., Author of “A Treatise on tlioTLaw of Costs," “Equity Jurisprndencej">Nipi Frias Be ports," Editor of “Pardon’s Digest,” Sec. In- one thick volume, Octavo. Price only $4,00.. > ALSO, -COMPANION TO BINN’S JUSTICE. St'. GRAYDON’g FOBiTS. Forms of Conveyancing, and of Practice in the courts of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions. Oyer and Terminer, the Supremo and Orphan's Courts, and the ollices of tlio various Civil offlcerS and Jus tices of the Peace. Fourtlrodition, revised, correct ed, enlarged, and adapted to the present state of the law ; with copious explanatory Notes and Referen ces, and a new, full, and comprehensive Index. By Robert E. Wright, Esq. In one .thick Octavo vol- Um6, w ‘Prico only $3,50. ALSO, , 3. STBOUD A BRIOHIXT’S PUB DON’S DIGEST-XTOO to 1855. , A Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, from the year 1700, to the Bth day of May, 1855. Tho first four editions by the late John Pardon, Esq. The filth, sixth- and seventh, by the Hon. George M. Stroud. Eighth Edition, Revised, -with Marginal References, Foot Notes to the Judicial Decisions; Analytical Contents ; a digested Syllabus of each Title; and a New, Foil, and Exhaustive Index. , By Frederick C. Brightly, Esq., Author of “A Treatise mjsfhp Law. of Costa," ‘(Equity Jurisprudence," “Nisi Prius Reports,” Editor ur“Binn’s 'Justice," Sec, One thick Royal Bvo. Price only $5,00 ; tD* Tho freshness and permanent value of Pur don’s Digest are preserved by the publication annn ally of a Digest of the Laws enacted in each year These Annual Digests arc arranged in precise Con formity to the pbn of Purdon’s- Digest, Tllcy arc each of thorn,''republished 'annually t are connected, together by a general rnSex (prepared anew each year,) which embraces the contents of the Laws pf coah year since the publication of fun] op’s Digest ' in one alphabet; and are bound up with Pardon's Digest, and also sold separately.... , Thus tho purchaser of Purdon's Digest will al ways he in possession of tho complete body of .the Stathe Laws of Pennsylvania down to the very hour when he purchases it- Those w liOtlmVc already par- Debased Purdon’s gesti may always cCrtipleto it'to date for the -small sum of Fifty Cents, tho price of a volume containing all tho annual Digcstd isspSd since-tire first publication df the of Purdon’s Digest, ds beretnlbjrhtated. ‘ ’ RAY «d BROTHER;'' f ' ' ' LxW Bhokani.i.Kns and Pvsuaneas, ' 17 A, Fijlfi Nlrer(, , First Store above ChodtiSptt ItTOrdcrs or letters of inquiry /or Liw BoAs from tho .country, promptly allcudcd Iq. r \ \, - r THE ,■ TI-QfiA .-COUNTY AGITATO,B. oi ! the Eatpte of BstmU*' Sebley,. late of tep.,dec’d-,teere thisday{June 271 h ’55) mnM.lo the undersigned, AH persons knowing themselves indebted |o S*&et(«l« ua rcqueetcd to ;m»keimmeduta paymint, and thotehSTing claims .will present them for icUlement v . c ■ " 1 ’ ’ l "‘ WM. 6. SEELY. ) • ' _ -.,, _ * W.SEEBY,? Admra. ■ Brookfield,July s, ’SS-6w. \ ,;ii, ' TT’XKCETOK’S NOTICE.—-LETTERS TESTAMENTARY having tins day (June tl t *sss*) been granted to the undersigned, on the cs .tale, of Sites O Taylor, late of Lawrence township, deceased, all persons indebted to said Estate are ro.' quested to make immediate payment, and those lav tag claims will present Urn aamd for settlement. ' Lawtehoe, Jan? 28, ’551 PHILIP 8. TAYLOR, 6w. HENRY C. BOSWORTH. Executors* ' NOTICE is hereby given (bat an application will be made .to the legislature of Pennsylvania at its next session, for the incorporation of a Bonk with discounting privileges, with, a .capital,of One Hun. drediThousand Dollars, with the privilege of increa-' sing to One, Hundred and- Fifty Thousand Dollars, to be called the“TIOGA VALLEY BANK” and to be locatedin Mansfield, Tioga Co, Pa. Mansfield Juno 25, 1855. , THEundersigncd, citizens of Tioga County,Pa., hereby give notice that they intend to make application to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at its next session (which commences on the .1 st Tues day of January 1856,) for '.the’creation 'of a'corpo rate body with Banking or discount privileges, by the name a.nd style of the “THE TIOGA OODN. TY BANK,” to be located at Tioga Village, Tioga County Pennsylvania, with n capital of One Hun dred Thonsand Dollars, with the privilege of in creasing said capital to two hundred thousand dol lars. Vino DoPoi, B. C. Wickham, J. 8. Bush, A.T. Guernsey, J. W. Guernsey, F. E. Smith, P.S. Tuttle, A. C. Bush, Jas. G. Mcrccroau, Jacob Johnston, J. Sclmulfein, T. J. Berry, , A. Humphrey, 11. E. Smith, Edward Bayn, H. S. Johnston, Seth Daggett, Jas. Goodrich, Lowis Daggett, E. T. Bentley, Tioga, Juno 21,1855-6 m. 18 HEREBY GIVEN, that an application will bo made to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, at its next session, for the orealiun of a corporate body with general Banking privileges of issue, discount and deposit, lo be culled “THE BANK OF TIOGA COUNTY" with a capital of One Hundred Thou sand Dollars, said Bank to he located .in the Boro’ of Wellsboro,’ Tioga. Co. Pa, J . L Robinson, B. B Smith, S. I’. Wilson, Jas. Lowroy, Jim. N. Bache, L. I. Nichols. Wellsboro,’June It, 1855. [Gra.] SASH & BLIND FACTORY. COVINGTON, TIOGA CO., VA. • Til K subscriber is prepared by new Ma just purchased, to furnish to order, all kinds of si|uarc and fancy Sash and Blinds. Square Bash of common sizes'constantly on hand. By long experience in the business, the subscri ber flatters himself that he can make as good an article, and sell it as cheap as can be obtained at any estabishment in Pennsylvania or New York. Call and sec. DA\JD S. IRELAN. Covington, March 3,1854. OThe subscriber is also Agent for tho sale o Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, also Scarpa’s Oil for Deafness. D. 8. I. tsar antt iSj?e.—iDrs. lU= tinm $c Dutton, OCD LASTS AND AY 111 STS.—Dr. to. Bruu offers to those suffering from deafness, his infallible aural remedies, which have been successful in nearly three thousand cases of confirmed deaf ness! These remedies have been pronounced by Drs. Khramcr, of Berlin, and Dcloau, of Paris, and Curtis Pilcher, of London, as the meet wonderful ever applied for diseases of tho internal and middle car. They comprise different courses for the vari. ous diseases that affect the external and uiiddte car. If the disease is confined to tho external car, their effects are apparent on the fiflh or Sixth day. X,c- Brun warrants a cure in every case when the oar ifi perfect in its formation. He has eighteen certifi cates' from those who have been deaf from infancy, whoso hearing is j\ow completely restored, and they are now enabled to learn the language! Over twen ty-seven hundred cases, of deafness have been suc cessfully treated by him. Certificates to Uiat effect may be seen on application. 1 In all cases of deafness arising from inflamalion, thickening, or even perforation of tho “mimbrana lympani ," usually called the “drum :" inflamalion of the mucus membrane of the “tympanum find oust chian tube,” with accumulation of mucus; nervous affections, polypus growths, Ac.; or when the dis ease can be treated to the eflocts of scarlet, typhus, bilious or intermitted fever,cofdvlho tiHd of quimnc and morcurlul mc'dicihca, 1 gatherings in the ears in childhood, dpc, the sense can,, in nearly every in stance, bo’restored. Where a-want'of tiecrction is apparent, the “auditory canal,” being dryland scaly; when the deafness is.accompanied with ' noises in the epr, like rustling of leaves, chirping of insects, falling water, ringing of bells, pulsations.dischorgo of raatterwhen in a stooping position, a .sensation is felt as if a rush of blood to the head had taken placet when the bearing seems perfectly acute where.lherc is much noiso, or less acute in dull, cloudy weather, or when cold has been taken, the courscpursucd by Dr. Leßruh is considered infallible:' Dr. Du'Adn is the only practioncr in the United States, who practices the new,painless,- and success ful method in treating. nll-Utc disease4q which the eye is subject. Where every other means have (piled to afford relict; lie asks from such a fair and impar tial trial. Patients, by sending a few particulars of their case, can have remedies sent to any part. "Waj lb?; undersigned, practitioners of tnedicinp in the city of Now had Occasion to witness the practice of 'Drs: Lcßrun &, Duflon, in disease of tbe oar and eye, laying aside all profes sional Jealousy and prejudice, freely admit-that l/ie course pursued by them in treating diseases of thane delicate organs, from the unparalleled success which has attended,it, islwcll worthy the attention of our professional brethren throughout the United States. Their system of,treating diseases of the middle aqd internal car, by the use of “medicated' vaipdni,” fotm's 'a neW ora in'the phfcticuof aiihil surjofy, aujf fills up a void which bas-lang been, (elt by the goneraiipractiliqncr. Id dispose?,of tfiu eye, they seldom require lo resort loan bpiiraljpn'.' Asskillfu dcVOlcd to their profession, wo io'rdially recommend them to such as ipey require their aid," (Signed,). Ai.ExANUKa K. Mott, M. D.,Geobor S. Green, M. D., Horace Winsiow, M. ,D., Chas C. Delpan M. D., Ai.lston B. Francis, M. D- T. V. Van Boren, M. D., Bcotord DoeeUcs, M. D. ■’ Nfio-Vort August 7, 1849; ■> • Students perfect -themselves in .this branch of medical science, -will-find an opportunity by joining the class, at the Ear and Eye', Infirmary of Ur. Dolooy Lcßrun,- Union Place- Cliniqnesfev cry Tuesday, and Friday afternoons, from-I till 3 o'clock, during Medical. College terras.. •Teems—-Five Dollars. Consultation free. Ten dollars to be paid when the hearing .is restored td its original acuteness. Address, Drs. J. DEIiAOY LEBRUN & UUFTON, -Unioi Place- tfcvt? York City. , ■ N.B.—A treaties on the nature and treatraeot of dcafnees and dieoaso of lho 'oar, with treatment* or the deaf oiid dUDib. Price unc. doller. ID* Money letters tmuldxi registered by IhmPoKliiißitor. Suoli ate at ourrisTc. : Jiily 261 h, 1855. LIME.\IiIMF,!- _Ul"|iand ly turned' and of’ superior quality,'' friccV ttWeimW jicr b'uelidl.' v A. BIXBV. MriwtiuU^Juac Notice. NOTICE, “ Sbcrlffi gale. - |>Y;kittueoe . writ of FlFlt.'Ssqod but'of the' c< wttif Common Plcpa of Tioga county, and 'tome directed, ! will expose to publio sale at tlfo ;Cpurt Hojjpo, In. Wplteboro' on Saturday iho’ HUr Abldst otlq’clock P. p?U»d'in Covington tdwpahip,’hounded |North by Ptiny WhllUkor, ’otif by SUwi'Smith, Benj. Wilcox, south hyßehj, Wilcox and west by Sites Lainphear—cohtataing about fifty acres, more .or less, with about Idrtyaqresimprpved, log iiodsb, about 170 apple, and some .other fruit trees thereon. To be eold as the property Joel.U Austin. , ' - H. A. GUERNSEY, Sheriff. Sheriff’s Office, .Wellsboro,’ July 17th 1855. SPENCER & THOMSON, ■ Attorneys A Counsolor» at Law, CORNING, Steuben County, New York. Gko. Tl SrxNcxß. C. H. TiibnaoM. April 18,1855-ly. ■ 'Hydropathic Physician and Surgeon. ■ ELHLANB, TTOOA COUNTY, PA. V- [June 14.,1855.] ; SOPERFNE FLOUR, at «5,50 per Sack, for sqle at Uulyl9] M. & O. BDLLARRD’s TIOGA ADV’S. Great Excitement.at Tioga!! NICHOLAS IS DEAD!!I BUT the new firm nf BALDWIN, GUERNSEY *; CO., IS ALIVE to the best interests or the trading community. The era oi High Prices has passed away and that of' SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS has just begun. They arc converts to the doctrine that the “NIMBLE SIXPENCE” is better than the “SLOW SHILLING,” and believe that ■‘LIVE, and LET LIVE"' is the only honest principle of action. Their stock of DRY GrOQDS is not made up of the odds Unit fends and tlio rem oanlß.of-oelosed’np” concerns imtlie City, but coni,, prises a complete assortment of the latest styles and best qualities, from the coarsest domestic to llib fL. nest imported faljrjcs, puch as , Silks, and Ladles* Dress Goods, Latest Styles, and adapted to every variety of trim mings. ' Ladies will do well to cult and examine the Slock before purchasing elsewhere. Baldwin, Guernsey & Co., have always on hand ia seasonable and fashionable stock of Gentlemen’s Ready-Made Clothing, which will be sold at the lowest CASH PRICES. ALSO, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Glass, Slone, Hollow and Wooden Ware, Iron, S(eel,,.Nails, Oils, Paints and Dye-Stuffs of every kind - and of the best quality, with BOOTS dp SHOES,, for Everybody. »,* All kinds of Gauntry Produce taken in cx chaucc for goods at the maikct price a. T. L. BALDWIN. Tioga, March 29, 1855. A. T. GUERNSEY, O. B. LOWELL. Dress Marks the Man, OWING to the great-rise in paper, there is a great and increasing demand for rags of all kinds. Therefore, every man who wishes to save the first cost on his old clothes should cast them, buttons and all into the rag-bag; not however until he calls at tho PBEIIUVin CLOTHING STORE, AT and selects from tho large and splendid assortmcnl Ready Bade Clothing', hero [kept constantly oq hand, a suit warranted to wear as long as any pthcr, and inodo in the best and most substantial manner, and under his own super vision. The proprietor has a complete knowledge of the trade, and-can sell the Iffist quality of Beady Made Clothing considerably dian|Hjr than any olhir establishment in the county, lie keeps a variety of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Drawers, Trimmings, Wrappers, Shirts, Collars, Cravats, $-c. <st., which will be sold as reasonably as they can lie pur. chased elsewhere. His stock of COATS & V ESTS canit be beat this side of Kctu York, cLliicr in price stylo, or quality. , < ■, Don’t forget that this establishment took the firs premium at the Fair of last October. ID* Particular attention given to cutting and ma king garments to order. C. OSMUN., Tioga, April 5,1055. k COSMUN lias just returned from the City • with.a splendid pssortmont.of Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Trimmings of all kinds, Ready-Made Clothing of all qualities and sizes, French -Bosomt,, Shirts and Wristbands, Cravats and Scarfs, all styles, a la Byron Collars, Stand ing Collar s,fSlove> and Ho siery, Sucpenders, But-, ferns of all Links and Double Battens for Cants, Turk. Satin Linings for Coats Ftngcc Sleeve Linings. Jifid Velvets of all styles, which .will he sold clieap.for Cash.. Tioga, April 11), 1H55. " ’ -v- —r; —rv -~p ~—■ ; 1 —: - ’ Tioga Foundry & Ma -7 chine Shop. TABOR, YOUM & CO. MANUFACTURERSof Steam Engines, Boilers, ' and of all kinds; Stoves, Hollow Ware, Tin, and Copper Ware. REPAIRING & JOB WORK dona with the leisl possible delay. ‘ ' » MILL furnished without extra charge or patterns. . FLOWS of at) kimjq, (two of which look the premium at,the late County Fuji,j kept constantly op hand.-. > Wo have' the, pxp|uaiyo Tight, for Tioga County, to manufacture and vend ilia Kißg Slbrc. ' onebf the Wiit. (if itbl llidvery heel) Cook Stoves over invented;. which;ia AlwttysMm hand at opt glofc for retail, f , i . rTABOJR, YO(JNG & CO, Tiogn, Feb, ( , jy , } BOOK, STATIONERY, ’WATOH, " J ' ; -“'And JEWELRY STORE. AT TIOGA; THE SUBSCRIBER returns his thanks',""® lo his fonmfrTricmlsf). 'their patronage, hoping he may. cojifinqc.lh'scb thclii alirP many more nink hficfi. ’ He, has'just received a pew addition to-hisstpekj and fab wishes allto call with out delay as he can ijljli as cheap if not cheaper than any other tlic kind in .this.scptiun of the country. , li t' Watches, Chicks, &. Jewelry Repaired in the best mapper and op phort police. IT Also,* largo supply, of, tho best Ink. , Tioga, Ap. ~ G. ff. XAVIER. TIORA ITIAKIBLI3 YAKS). T VI/ L K It «fc E T *,/ ' I>EAI>BBB’ IN ‘ ' ’ - Italian,HuHAiitcricnii IffarMc, -r-troll ' eMANTRtSi MO,N<OWKN'rR, TOMBS ' Oijtffrl’APlfe, i;rave.st»jni«; - ,jWwjT9, ,Bau.k;t ,& i’oirv, ( yVc|lslipr/j; ,0, F. BiUcit/Krtoxvllle iJ. ,Is, “\Vtß3t ikt Coyinglop*. / Tioga, Apiil *JG, IcWr ' ‘ 1 * WELLtSBOROUGII EXCHANGE. NRW STOREj NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS. DRV GOODS & GROCER' DEPARTMENT Under tie Management of R. S. BAILEY, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES. HARDWARE, QUEENS WAKE, WOODEN AND STONEWARE, FOREIGN 4* DOMESTIC FRUITS, FISH'AND' PROVISIONS, GLASS, SAfSH, PAINTS, OILS, • CAMPHENE, BURNING FLUID, 4-c. STARTLING, BUT TRUE! WHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW. How often it happens, tbit the wife lingers from year to year ia that pitiable condition os not oven for one day to feel the happy and exhilarating influ ence incident to the eqjoymout of health. THE BLOOMING BRIDE, fat i lew yean ago in the flush of health and youth, and buWoey of spirit*, rapidly, and apparently in explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, sallow, debili tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung, spirits depressed, countenance bearing the impress of suffering, and on utter physical and mental pros tration, arising from ignorance of the aimnlcet.oml plainest rules of health os connected with tho mar* riage state, (bo violation of which entails disease, fullering and misery, not only to the wife, but often HEREDITARY COMPLAINTS UPON THE CHILDREN “ UNTO Tlfß THIRD AVT> n>CRTH CIKNICIIA■^O•C, ,, Transmitting HCRUPVLA, JIVPGCIIONDUJA, ItfSAIVITY, GOUT, KING'S EVTL. and other and - Wone Dbcsics, na a DREADFUL INHERITANCE FROM THE BARENTS. “ And must thi* conliouo ? Must this bo f Is there no remedy T N«* relief t The remedy is by knowing ttie cause* and avoiding them, and knowing the remedies, and bcaeflUng by them. These are (Hunted out in THE MARRIED WOMAN’S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION. mr im. a. u. mavkickau, PRorft«oß or noauais or wonier. One Hundi fthli £dtlion f (500,000), ISwjo., pp. 250. (ON FIAK PAI-XK, EXTRA lUNDINO, |1.00.j A standard work nf Cbl/ibH/dird reputation, found clawed In tho catalogue* of the irn*at trade anle* in New York, riiilailnlphia, and vthe.r cilic*, and sold by tho principal bookseller* In tho United States. It was ilxst published ia 1847, since which time FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES have l**op held, of which there were upwards of ONE lIL'XDJIEJ) THOUSAND SEKm MAIL, attesting the high estimation lu which it Id hold ah a re liable popular Modif.il HOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE the anther having devoted hii exclusive attention to the treatment of complaint* nocnliar to females, lo redpocl to which he in yearly consulted by thousands both in person and by letter. Here every woman can discover, by comparing her own lymptoma with those described, the nature, character, causes of, ami the proper remedies for, her complaints. The wife about becoming a mother baa often need of Inxtrur.linD a t Uia .ntnwi Imnoftanen 1/* i«o» fulnro health, in respect to which her sensitiveness for bids consulting a medical gontlemaq, will find sdeh in struction and advice, and also explain many symptoms which other,wise would occasion anxiety or alarm as all the peculiarities incident to her situation are described. How many are suffering from obstructions or Irregular* lUes peculiar to tho fwnald system, which undermine the health, the effects of which they are Ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice. Many sofftrlng from prolapnu uteri (falling of the womb), or from fl&or albut (weakness, debility, Aw.) Many are In constant agony for many months preceding confine* moot. Many have difficult if not dangerous deliveries, and slow and uncertain recoveries. Some whose lives are hoarded during such time, will each find in its pages the mmj}s of prevention, ametionUou and rebel It is of course impracticable to convey fully tbo various subjects treated of, as they are of a nature strictly In tended for the married or those contemplating marriage. Render, are you a husband or a father? a wife or a mother? ll*to yon the sincere welfare of thote you lore at heart? Prove your sincerity, and lose no time (n learning what causes interfere with their health and hap* pine** neV leas than your own. It will avoid to yon and yours, as it has to thousand*, many a day of pain and aaxialyv followed by sleepless nights, Incapacitating the mind for its ordinary avocation, and exha outing tbo*e means Cor medical attendance, medicines tod advertised nostrum* which otherwise would provide for declining years, the infirmities of age and the proper education of yoor children. In consequence of the universal popularity of the work, as evidenced by its extraordinary sale, various imposi tions have been attempted, as well on booksellers as on the public, by imitations of title page, spurious* editions, and, surreptitious infringement* of copyright, and other device* and deception*, it has been found necessary, therefore, to CAUTION THE PUBLIC In buy no book unloC* the words' “ Dr. A. M. UiCKicxiiT, 129 liberty Street, N. Y..” Is on (ami tho entry in the Clerk’s Office on' the back of) the title page; and bny only of respeatabln and honorable deafen, or £eod,by moil, aud addroas to Dr A'. U. Uauriooao. Upon receipt of One Dollar “ THE MAR RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COM , PANIOM” is sea! (mailctl free) to any part of the United States* the Canadas ana British * Provinces. Alt letters must be post-paid, and addressed to Dr. A. M. MAUBIOEAU, box 1224, New. York Oily. Publishing Office, Mo. 129 Liberty Street, Mete ' AOEIVT& Mrs. Cynthia Williams, Honesdate —Went* & Stark, Carbonrfaie—E Flint, Williamsport —Dr S, D Scott, Bedford —G D Main, Mainsfeuro-—BAILEY & FOLEY, WcUtJwfaugh. - Turning -& Cliairmaking. J STICK LEY,-Tiirner,nndi<’lmi nun ker, would • inform the public that he has recently fitted Up bis shop in {rood stylo, and is now prepared lo mumi. fpCtnre nitiiinds. of CANE & GQMMON CHAIRS, of, the best material and finish, Alsu Turning done hi superior style, qn reasonable terms. ' SHOP, south end Main street, opposite 11. W. Darlt’s Wagon Shop. SAMUEL HERZOG, having rented part of J. Slickley’i Shop is prepared to manufacture all kinds of CABINET WORK from liio bept material . mid in superior style. He lias ou band.scve^al.su ltrier Moliogohy Bureaus for tale cheap, • WellsboruMgli, April 14, 1b'55,.' V illage Lot for Sale. ’ THE Subscriber often* for sale a*lot situated in the Boro* of LaNvrcliccvillc,Tioga Co. Pa. con taining about three-fourUis.of on.aero. Said lot is .bounded and. described.us follows, on the west by Middle BlrcgL north, by Mienjali Seeley, casl^fiy Ciirtis ParlihUrst, on'llid sbutli by Dciuoud. Said lot has on U a good two-slbry dwelling bo lisp newly filled up in neat and coDvenico'l sl£lc, hitd painted inside and out; also a good barn and otbdr necessary out buildings. Inquire of JAMES KIN SEY Esa. Lawrcnccvilla‘ , l 4 ioga Cd. Pa. . \VM, M.JUIJNSDN, >: >Lawrenrovdlu, Jimo-li 18,5.% (Cm.)*-,,, Bl.fi? AND ni.A('K niiOAPCLOTIIS. .1. I ■jwiMicrrH.Twti’.d!., Kirnim;!. v Juilm, am) sum. mar Humid tul umu mill boyi, we ir piM uimml ul JOIiES &. ROE’S. ■J -r- fe BAILET I FOLEY. Having formed a co-partner* ship under (he above title from Ist Nov. 1854, and filled the commodious Store (formerly occupied by Cache & Ross,) with a great variety of rich and desirable goods, wo' will lake pleasure in exhibiting our slock (o those who pur chase for cash. By offering goods'of the best quality only, and at tho lowest prices, we expect to merit and receive our full share of patronage. All' kinds of country pro duce taken in exchange for goods the some as cosh. R. S. BAILEY, ANDIE FOLEY, Wellsboro’, Nov. 20,1854. DOCTOR YOURSELF;! The Pocket jEr OR EVERY ONE.HIS r THE fiftieth - Ediiioi . willi One Hundred Ei graving’*, tihowing Diseases and Malibrinations of the Hr man System in every slia end form. To which is addi n Treaties mi the Diseases females being of (lie liiglicbi importance to married peopi or llioba contemplating mu, riago. By \V«. Yoono, M. D. lici no father lie ashamed to present n copy o« his child. It may save him from au early grave* Let no young ni.m nr woman cnln into llic secret obligations of married Hit without reading the'Pocket rKsem.Anu*. Let no one sitf lering from a hacking Cough, Pam m the side, icM lesB nights, nervous feelings, and llie whole train ot Dyspeptic sensations, and given up by their phv« leiun, be anotiicr moment without consulting ihe .I**scnLAPius. Have the married, or those about be married, any impediment, read tins IrnlyuMtnl lKK>k, us it has been llic means of saving lli>>n>aiMlH of unfortunate creature* from (lie very jaws of death D.rAny person sending J'trcnty-l'ict Cents mrfo sod In a letter, will receive one copy of this work by mail or five copies will be sent for one Dollar. Address, (post paid.) DR. WM. YOVNtJ. jYo. 152 Snmcc *V/., Chiladeinlmi. June 7, 1855-ly. Ciwli Paid tor Wool! 20,000 lbs WOOL WANTED, AT TIIK Steam Wool Factory li\ WEL.LSBOKO’ I*A. TO Manufacture on shares by Ihe yard—or m uAidmngo for BROADCLOTHS, CASS I MCRES % TWEEDS , BROAD FLA NEELS. STOCKING YARN SC. The subscriber has rented a part of the Fomi dry Building and STEAM POWER'Car a trim m years, has fitted up the building, in good order, and will be in fcadincsss on the 10th day of June nc.u to Card Wool into rolls for customers on short notice. Also to re ceive CLOTH TO DRESS and WOOL to manu faclurc on shares fur one half the cloth, of by Uiu yard for three shillings. And those wishing to haxa their wool worked cun depend on having their cloth in season. Customers bringing Wool Or Cord from a distance con have their rolls lo carry home with them. Wool, and most all kind of produce received in payment for work. Tcjrns, pay down. May 31, 18f»5. LEWIS C. PENDLETON. HEW GROCERY dc PROVISION ’ STORK. M and «• BULLARD, D-nlrr* 1,1 •in I‘no VISIONS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Howl Of Willow iiorr, Tobacco, Cigars, Fruits, Confer, tionrry, dfe., fyc. Al (lie Stand recently occupied by Hubert Roy, Wclbiboro', Pa. Chairs, Chairs, Chairs. T)F.SII)K.S a variety nf nil nihea'kinds o of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, the hi, I, acriber has four dilferenl styles ot BLACK WALNUT CANE SEAT CHAIRS, which bo is eeiling at cost prices. Also, Two different fHilterns of Mahogany Spring ■Seat Chairs, and Mahogany Rockers, and three patterns of Sofas. Also, Rosewood, Curl Maple, and Coihmrtn chairs of all kinds. E. U. WELLS. Lawrcnceville, Nov. 185-1. HARNESS MAKING. new armn(;emnts !:: fTHIR subscriber having pur- '' x chased HARNESSSIIOP OVER A. GROWL &. GO'S WAG. ON SHQP, Wellebornugh, Pa., arc f ready to piakc lu order all articles pertaining to the business, in the best manner and of the very best material. > TO FARMERS AND OTHERS ho would say that he; sells articles in their line of busin* I ** CHEAPER FOR CASH than any other estab lishment in the county. A good nsKorlnvut of Whips, Harness, &c,, <fce., constantly on litfnd. AEPAIItINO done on short notice nod tn' the. beet possible manner. ■ . EF All order* promptly filled and warranted to giro entire satisfaction. fC? Call and examine bis slock before pureliaVieg' clscivbcro. w Live and Let Live, 11 is bis incite-. d-T Most kinds dP Country Produce taken in ux chajago for work.al tbo best market price. A fair share of public patronage respectfully so. licljed.] E. I:. KI.MUAI.L. Wcllsbnro,* Ed,, t, 1855. ' ■ - : : Plaster! Price Kcdticed! . THE ftnhflcribcr has jnal received at his mill m*nr Mansfield, 35U t,onn f-ayuga PLASTER alitno, whine he will keep connlantly on hand ground {duller jO supply all that may giw him a call. 1 Nti in’nttakc thin limctdghlning nevn 'trikes mm tu.6 twine. Price $5,50 jwV lon. AMOS RlXilY. ■ Mansfield, I'Jcb. 15,1855 TW. W. WCKB, III; H., : ':' HAS established Vumelf in llic prntTici; of IMr.| icing and Surgery In the Township of l.ibriiy PaJ, where he wlH'proniplly attend altvalU m his profession. Jdherty, Fi*b. 1,185*1.. T\U. MUARIOKAU'S Private Mcdio.il ("iiU'l'iin XJf ion.- Eor Salo at IiAILHY fe-FUMiV*#.. TAARASOLS.—A bcau(ifld aworlmi'iit jiml ro ’ll ccivccl ol [May 31,J JUNKS AvliUE’oi WASTED. ' ' ’ TOURNEYMAN' WAttCON-MAKEU wanted ih J! work by tlio day, month or on aharon, at 110 Rll(|p of (ha Subscriber in Clyinar township, Ttojjn (.’■opP.ij 1 Jijivo a largo ipianlilv of. wjafoncd Innj hoi on hand, roady to, ho workdl, hijj) would pipfui to give tiie workman a slid™ of the pniVnods.'' ’ 1 CIIAUKES PRITCHARD. 1 J'lyincr, Juno 11 1855. (IT.) I |i AYINU TOOLS—hial ijOitlity , . XX . ul JUNKS & X UK> BOOK AND JEWELRY DKPARTMKNT Voder the Manegeihent of ANDIE FOLEY. BOOKS AND I STATIONERY, WATCHES ,! CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, FANCY GOODS, YANKEE , NOTIONS, i PERFUMERY, i4*c., 4-c., se. t 1 REPAIRING I DONE ON SHORT NOTICE, AND ALL GOODS WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers