g'.liii BR" H I n f«--. V;- CW- T«<r —i.yigg j'- '/r^*T ■fw ' >'rio;L ' f .‘i !i'-r.;v o j a« *3-^ c i&ntfmt**™ : N r .-, ~ :,: ,-. VuiUJita Of >/f(j ft >' ;,-fl!j.,-jul}B« t 9 l *>l-^§vHK. f rtimor Vptitagaehicfr ihß/ItldiajWPp, tttePfcudt-bwmlaetiitilly ■ oomtwoMft iweMll* >tiosO(Ml 4it«r«(jißca(B. .A'frfGAdiyjSKJOlt ftbiflf cvHihlJjwstand nsßcluft thDtMjMW'i-oßiwr: .hiaiktftrtiy ftto«eitiua«»ty tMtty&Khy, MieA mioftoupnayitfitm- i«tqlytd«fal(jaiiriHiy WffWd Cfljo ■.mcmnlams,,ttnjlng Mfcttfealfy BMpPijWwd illicn»jo<JH* jduritey «ros» lai^; ibdjt Md Id itei>poB*rtpioDiftDWii»pf)«rf Mg* word wcUwndtarßß afiahdamly Wirfi hud wiihtfhejn-shmjl S*hojiLwcj», troreolOred ; wdmgp 'Na'wUite.ihcitiwpre ;kbo pmengthep), and; -tbt inference lb* l®*; t ratal, .wiieJtqkft. .fcbpMV-Si(P badibitiDd lhei«»o«ntj. cap-, .tnnxftbe 'wometv.ttodchijdi'tmi i. taialmaUo. at rtaetbened by th» fw& that there M twa Mhp trains when thay pft&nd Utfpugh hcSfl on ijiev •. brings •thir-feportia kpoWa in ,lhis Ai lioliwed-latW WostWorlby.' Ti»?r r Jw%np ■;tedn»(to be CttH? atvareal-thehoaliUt Piped jr ttion oriiita; way Ofliiiliry»,apd, h« v P ddkcn this- Opportunity la sot. the power.of.(Jbg tGenernl-.Government fll dehotiQOi- JfthalaU -wp is detcrmiotd tfr.havd'altgbt-'vilh them, .'ihatoduer ibghte.ile troop* pa.ihpgroupdtijp •fatter.- -'Several (joyor, ament steamer*, *re now said to he„on their way ap the M|sro,uri ■Ri»cr, dosline(l for the peotiqns of/souptry, ■atoog.-tbaanrlhaHiJimit? jpf thp.Xioiqn, - If tthtSibeiiruo, wemay;expectto,hoafac«peifiing «oop from the movements of the milhvy dW Mvmon board.iwbich will give us mmo clue \d Ojb progress of-the way. lErlm.the Sl. Ifiutt Jatelligcnur, CpuKbtL Friday;JTutlc 8, 1855. , ’. On £3ulur,da)t,. a Mr. Giillmeab, a French rimp),arrived hero. plates, lhal “Four Bears,'* (ho chief, of tlie Bund of .Sioux, trad just come jog with him thirty lodges ; that \hey felt the imam tody of the SiouaTat Boar Creel;, 300 tittles west of Fort Ldtamie, fwynty-(lvb days gipce, cpipibg, and. it at. at that (ioje the Sioux fattt.l.OQ yngoa?) plenjy’.of flour and moat, twepty women and, cljidren, and among them y\io .negro ( wdmen, jFcprp ihp.t.we ibmft they pipyt have taken a -Jdormori trajo/bpuiia froni <jjslf.Lake.lD Boor Creek,'iwhere wo.ktjow they intended making,* settlement litis Spring. fNolhidg was said of seeing while met) among itfrqm,; apd we have; they were all killed, y PoWjdears Ts Jd favor of peace, lias {lcsn lo : W»»mngton, add know's ihe powfer of ,th 9 ago iiniling his nation dejermihed .tmtyar, hascorae in will) his sipall Gftftineau has ]for a wife a daughter of Pour. Boars, and says he does not think his father-in-law would deceive bipr>.. .Mr, .Varieiicat and all Ihe French there be- JjpveJbe report, and, they have the best means ,u£ information! . . Tho etnigranls who passed hpro Ihrea or •fountbeeks since have hardly had lime to get beyond ;Fort Laramie, and we do not know of any trains leaving independence or St. Jo seph. - Of course weWtsll fee! lio fetfil effecls of this war more that) any other jtarl of.jhe country. In a pecijhlflry pojfil of view it j#ilf scatter a great deal of money through vyestero Jowa. ’The potirttry here is ft/fl of corn, CdUle anjT horses, arid Uncld Sam' witi scrap hiake a groat drpfl on.ihem. Nothing Icsrlhari f O/OOty' nrt6ti dkH ‘ trioko 'subcessfitl war on the Sioux, and such a hotter cannot he supported in tho wilderneii except,.at hit im mense expense. The Florida 1 waF yiilj be mere child’s ploy.. We wilt rid longfet see ihe statement of j 30,000,060 surf)fijs iklhd l'Erea •ury. 1 ' " ‘ If thn. war .continues—add conlimras, it must for years, if it has comitippcod-ril will make Wnslern lowat ‘War ,is .atyful, horrible, aimosU. poy circumstanpcs; itjCOlWts m irogsiSopt), beipg , pqar ough Ino scene of operation, to supply the, army cattle.. , . • . The OmahJiS Teperyed their .anpuity .ni BJapk Bird Hdls a wqek ajpeg, npd j.itnryjdi ately came herd purchasing gooijs ap4 They bought, fiopjHEWSmipany li «W.f dy.aud lte lodinn (*o,.* ..trade.; f U however to cheat them, as they ate SdodiudgeSpf kwfofc »ki .The tjocemq, xttry;!ppor ;.and:,had , noj{riy.;ajl, thsjfthflfses, sp tWt thjs .atipuiiy ; typp %ihl»swg>tq.4h(?(p. ■ Thpy, ftrepdw ’tplwahiy; well mounted, and wjthJhP mediately, off on their annual bufliilo' bunt. • wtrt.t'f u;;t®cclDBNTE. JP. S.—ll ls now rtfmoTrod that ihero wqte ifl ' the -train bT'ftifigi'apls tfiifcroascd Itio’ river lilafy." is probable that it mas this inaSs&r'od on' tljnTsttfe'iJffPbrl liafanfid.' tW4aiau,’s A Convention Spndg«lonr ibß/15ih, ; «i{j,-.l<sth, «(i Augjfct next, to discuss VVprhankßigbt of Stjflrftgo;, (rfrltioprogiiess bfhuniWiiewoJSi Womdn nowtdßtna'ndi therecogoitioD oihlfercijilcjrv istoncc, her legal rights, hot social equality lc<! >m • J cnidi <*•.« n,i n How her cjgimg Cflq"pq, pa|(i<y: basirf, will bo 01 j ftjn,'at,t !j ß homing Conyejhion. . '", Im ibßerolly ftro rcefpcdtTully mVijeafjtf’iif. «enij. v . Mogtof, tf^rainciu^r^M^ol^ftie New Votk Slate Womau’s Rights Cfuiiiins(ee. THE A m, h.Ppdjga^^dit o%_£ *,• All Basincßs.and other Commonioalions must Tmmumz&tem * »8. RMTOGTiopn m-'tFmmi w i TUtrpnumticnrwft»ro-a!«fTATo« Y A MEg^ntOKWOtllriat. ‘ or^mS»s t|«>! •feTtfe fferi, W Pdttlc rtbfite JIV*i <hb*» thdßorb’ .Ordbincofir Dtwißde t*W* will Jbs! "toB^ bor irt Scl date- pr i ! - ! tilt At-. J-Bt', r i l ■■•‘ )1 iO‘•■i:r. r, v ii : (CPITh? II- of J u . ■.; 1 - ,ID?JohnLP. fcoenwlitediWUraU.fi.: Bdmrttfbf Iheffilew < . 1 *ui i>b bcsil. ■■ 0-. ‘ ,; '1 ir. t-5-h- »■> — r*r- 'n ' ■T» -X»«! lasw'?“W'a ,l(«i.i»f9Ceirei.»Tdi phs|l ( | B p^ l i^*| ; week. y for- i terAtinrtttfli^L'lkVitid-ni dhradwiMßetaedt' of life Bdtg&s at Uto.'Jimit *0 thll'Boliima.'tifiariny o tho jfetediiitloUthß'l’onbß with marred a . slisdclrcfiirm tfab.loorbfk oflfeaclltlrcel snd PuMio Sqbsro., "it-ih>s<a rascally trick.: ■ : 1 Mr.' ft C. to sWlo that tins fßoior lit coiniht)S some Crifek's elnde. (o thst fjo* bid foih' coihda'pjr With B hher iha 1 form, At, is false licglnfcri/td.ciid---a ; bi'>fe libricntion. Wc are extremely glad to bo able id jrtiblisli lilrdo nW. '■ "J" '•’ " ''■■ ' L ‘ ■'• r , •-*> f i .. • :• I • : D* Horace lwcP&froflcp anq llirflwn uUp prison by, Ukj llsiris offieiajs. al tba'instance ef a sculptor na jitd Lcclicaniv who 'draught ta recover of ** r- Tpik , c fJf tol Palace, the value of ( piece qf slalpary alleged to (live jieea, ipjurpd during the Exhibition. Mr. Gree ley was released oti « licarjn^. 57 Wo regret that so little iotctclt.'ishuirostpd in regard to the visit of lion. J. R. GiddiNor to tips pluco on Uift Glh of July. Tho Freedom will not, sareiyvjwrmHrthb d<ty r uo|>)vrp 30 us-un. prepsrgd. Nothing .his heoadono Jfolrffhilowe ore assured thdt preparations foi"a,g(msr,al turn out are being made indifferent BOcUau*. ~syaVe up! =s - Clergy. So much has been said, written and sung about the Ibdatloif of IVdfhlhV Bpti*re, that Uj Would ahem a mercy toclrangd die subject and thp tunc-at orto and the same time; lest the tbemo tmsdme hack, nied; if adt abaoljitelji.fi ached, in ’{denes.. rThe:*ub ject 0 1 splierbs it' an? important o»e, has . been 'dies seeled again; iuidi agaih, t(y nsoiptn lovers andwo. man tutors,'by Jhc prcus had the har-t ro6m, (fdr the! otter >c{fownto a -class,y : Uj Spiritu. S lists nttd mni-Ojriitttfnlititß, mtl hia jvt Iv nodur^ noojbctlesa qvcrhaulings before it is “settled. 0 1 It may.bo unwarrantable presumption in some eyes, in us, to venture upon so delicate a subject as the “Sphere of UlO Clergy.” Nevertheless wo can’t forbear .returning l(ie compliment to those who never let slip an opportunity to define the spheres of the “world's people." Having grown up under a systcip of weekly lectures wj M*is subject, now' that the bonds that then hold ,p« are outgrown, wc hasten to offer-* few reflections upon the, sphere of public teachers'. A special reason iertlus will appear in ; its, proper place. i Perhaps leachere tbd preacher* should be classed (tbgcflior; the mission of caclrbeing lb the intellect ual aijd religious natures of the race'. Certainly tie | pr'diiohiy W wirth a .frirjHiSj; tp cdrammily unless ’hobe a teacher as well. Ji wbuld 1 tint »ccm ii very j difficult ■ (flatter -id 1 defifio •the-’ duly of a 1 rbiiglbns loacber toward men and his action aa regards 1110 i tliat offlitt' society.’- : If;he is wftlhy (if his ! gdcs kilned ajraisist svWy kiiA of (Ml. I When he accepts his minion, ho virlnally lakes on ! fiirrtsolf (Ke bbtigalidn'ld Work wtrit isUfds might to j amelkdralethe condition 1 of Ilis ffbllotr.’ inenr .IW 1 promises lo rcclsim Uie cess.pool* of :vice;CndCrime iso tanas ihevnay. betaldtu. iHe *ihky «very tpdili'onal ialnbiliod,' Casta hiS petSahnsar!*ww;k( aiWotn .qUI! ;garrmaiV;«ni ihc’igjkllt; ‘work WfaTe.liiaa-hPIe isMClOrde ylegCs but’hand and hsatb»erTic«(i«fl rW?H> it 1 <1; ictusC of pvi] erfials, there (tottf feints Ac, 1 a conservslor -of thp, publha he ,U hound, Ito use all honorable means'to oprpqt yipe.ppti auk j virtue; and on Sony of ffhCjff pqinls will janj-tntelligent js?'? 1 j Now what are the facts* T Briefly, that not few- ! d k t insh i *byd.YC>Bex , P e f' ifiy*" .the elergyuea outside ana' abose. jhablid w|uch per jWfr fPW jqoo|ioU id pne in ecyen,ana repoainff' joh a fat j»li(T*U(o remaining sii.' TCat a. "sdi'vshtf joj/(Mtti'fihnylpannol iSigy rvjir 'is'dther jtnon. doj bit raay it^i^-fiaiiinrer' jildw* I, Upon‘ l ttd ’Attfltj iefvet pnijiit 1 ciisliioM. Alkie arc promulgated lihlhcfe sud politicat,' rdjoiccs bWrtWdh tlitt ’snch gcn'uitie qrlhqdoxy isppared to this degenerate age t amVd'lhe : gehrrrdt’lvreok'df pdpehi? s'op«(tiliUdnd‘(fna' re’ttbn political organizations. • f i ’ • ■ (Solid# « "UiWmosUngHfir Ihollrlendn of Erpfiihi. JiCib 'tij'Malrdpoliian Tlnalst.-KeshYork, Ban Sr. Tyn|s whUßirU»aair«jhtfi>i)iii<pib ) ily,,failed, ont;tb toiow Why tlie-Ilirt/Sn.rfh'f ins? ond .80, ihon# ihddiKicihns.'rotTlnpJ leJient witness-ip fayof, bf IM itdw.ii Whe^t)f ! .iiifl»j > ,*flßtl«ißjp g)iv*,|in tWr skwf, lifjve, pf pql, W<«e n<ll 6ul;bejn pg bpldiin, hi« owneburcij; )i}atjt^)o ; miba-fpl-i .f,T te,4f<f^Mu obmirm, “should V o Jitters pfjrolcl pnoiipvtry ‘Bible iafyo' w«idrti«'hoi i b'fifiio*’wara%Bwi)& Cwiat hw **id ‘Myi‘ kmgd6mfamt>. ofahig Vorid^ ***>(* WMii mHiyiib the low, pahUMrM.iha ptlla, ~|, mtnoUo-interTh. W;tongtfo nor pWsSfc, tlis *otcHard«i dr the kingdom which i« ( pot pt earth” , , , u.'tp vf.th.o ypnpg (ajjy wlm, on beihg implored tqrquto Uie rqucue of» chilfl that had fallen into ii ‘deep cistern', rcpliud,' ! Do I Uio Mfcaly 4»i®. No.jndapJjßt (he aerr|| do ill” ®hi« yoSr lady i» Jramaroed* (uidnio Lord SMttlbodj gotJwatcdW she JiKnot,) Iho Jwlpr should he spliced to her immediately. suoH galores isiHoiscratesnsi^^ m ti /* .• * . . (**. ' Shcfi a {nlktablo (hut ofibretU Mid patches was intoiUgont psW duly, by any man of ThdkV gumenl Upaflry weaV.'T*EiroT» no iounillfi'dsS' &M, the clergy outlawed, mere automaton* who have buV 'ihttffligSlmi .hp*ni#an«l*»>iH« ’(hi* IsUer'dayWtth •teaobijif* Jhii'&dmXranJ peg wbnwnita ;htag/thtic right*'** oiUjcod, wetatbd < i-Wi ; I «*Ph*n# Jaw * lawsaufldiigr’j •iayinDri'Di'VcrylwdH. ’ -So. the drbninaL ttWo share WiWng loi rdtfikitki Iw»s mythey-al),; imhPtbolawtbaa vndungitordo ,wilho»,V fdßw h-gitinwtely.. h»« poth-! ibgrtd'da.vith lb* ki»,M <w*» pp.blfcgitnoo to tho ! Ww,'Md.- is (sf-eonrnopjkwed by hwwn.Wftk-j topj frl’ltoWW?to«; bis cUiiewhip qnd-,bppopiep M WMHw hr. i|wa of.thia. Ifc. WPe-w •*■ .'■■■■ i: ■' ■ c - ,-m&r ••! U l am not peht. to .fight" fiso. What In •tjk:RaPWpf.fiWsh>ng gopdjWa* hftjarot for,ifnot toSikH; Pri*K»l»P Mi4rrr?‘l',.,«W l i ■ not to aaitf but.a, flf 9rt-’!. ;, We (hat the “Jwlwh cd wM hg(U^pTCair .trfily .(to,Gospel (a,* aiypri) (u pjTjpuclii»,, .Oflr-lfesclicrg’ and and »f)d many dUiera of lf*s nolp, equally jloiit, jisaria., ,Tlk| piitaion of aUp* oql.to «udh cowardly qeatlinentsa* ilial quoted. ny« (ho apoille? “I hayo tne good figlil,” &.c. Whalfighl? ''Why£ but Uto lifc-t)au(o. of Uie true Cli'riifian—ljio.war wiih/wrong aa il.'aialka in the Highways and'phulih' lit the byeways! We hold (bat every mania bent intd thiawdrid to fight, lie is furnbiiif<) with Vcapoqi artd thuaf fight, or wrong wilt rear its.monhnuintaao high that they will top* pfo down ahd croahhltn. True, Ihd clergy hstabcohpht'Wi'thoul the paid 6f'“iaw l poUlica knd Ilia polls)” bdtthcy arc self cxildcl. jlhii, ttioy pul on tho cloak of formality, until man catno til .ionsldcr thonf as "doml-gods. They,wore heVerto nreddto with woihßy maltprs, by"hotrtSana. Wb ; rerffemhervreirwliwa dust was raised on a'longojro dccooiori; in a quiet country parish 'among 1 the Hodsick hills, because, forsooth, the [ikrsbn hinted iitcTJentally an hi* sermon that Shivery wash great haliotlal sin. ’Wlutright had' lie to prtaoh abolitiortUrji 7—oakod the indignant pa rUhlonera, So it 1 passed Oom lip to lip, from the' don con to the plow boy; it wu discussed by gossips with tongues oildd by overmnOhtoatliitihhig; finale t raison U—vaSriotited to preialr' his farewell', sermon,'which we hava.innt forgotten, and if some aldercsrshsvo cessed to tingla it is a Wondcn : To such ends tends tbs Belli anlan doctrine. The ' minister had lodo far e •dfiagdoni not oflhis world." Very well! but suppose he try to labor s little an this earth; for it is held by excellent judges (bat “world” an,d “earth" are not always and synony tfi&ioly'ln'tlie btfginit, -'than iir burly air ,glo-8«xon. If Gospel ethics are to do this world Wgood, (h« otygyymjst. hsjp.Jojdo; wjlh lasfo, and politics and the polls. . We do not dear that (ho in filtration of a purer morality will infaro cithdr jaw or politics. Jl waukfbalty them. • H 1 am not.to ((rto 9qntcnyon«, morally with my longue, or ; physically with uiy fi»U, wliicl\ lul is mucli I pat culpable-’’ Then the good fir. ignores. ,his.duly,a*-a pr6achor; for how can lie incaloalo, morality without denouncing immorality T The i founder of Christianity contended with the Chief Priests, Pharisees and Sadduoces; and had his ad vent been postponed until tjhis present, we Tear that Dr, ( pulbuno would got such a iongae-lashi/ig as . c|Uier overwhelm him with shame, or lead ! him to join in the cry—'.‘Crucify him ! crucify him Wo pats over the assertion of ibis modern Peter, that Ills duly “norerworks with Hid laws,” having neither time bar inclination to dispute such a pnipS ,bly 'erroneous assertion. 1 ' Commojl qtnso revolts at elicit subterfuges. ' ’ i' ' ExrUNvidsT.—Relativi ft the resignaliun of Mr jßngg,' (UmVersilfsV,) & Chaplain'df tlib National jCouncii of K. its late seselort in Philadelphia, jwb- renftrkwii vreok sinco thdVwd'touldn't !hßlpbui^iiiW 1 hhd'a v’(jry-great fooldbr resigning; ■addirtg,-Uiat ildftt (Unfit aaif the Coitfetsalistdotv' ilHnb rhiglii bealltUi loontWeWMierßleyo-tnongera. Whcimipon; vety rl. , *Wh'at r fl6 'jbii' irilratf,’fticijd A"gUMar f—Do jw rioan to 1 ujr that lifesrsp’d'uauallyolernjed,'*Oflh<*- to-j“wpm»n ; wliipping" than U>at of Ujp llnWerMlut t r _fiacTr would «ccm jlp be V haWaHHroderico* Iromibo' aboVe rematk."’ r ' i tyip. apsyro pur jfrioifa fiellhor Uio moral' no; pavomcal influence bC,ihe prce'da alluded id, en lereijinid oar making (hose ihipV* iual’lfiin U WjV Vo d*ii,n»leadpir 4s ihould’ jld| w. V—-' •- —V ,WJ?vr .. , in iorripted toglYomankleildtp ifap'tblf Wiasure of Ifjc fV* taliiitU is'Wng Vf 1)/. \Vaits.' iNOtWdkrtiTliWeralotid, krb isiriofrf“ ll tl! : Onq word more ; , We,do Dpt'. attach tnheh.im portance to qlah-tiiade arec a« influ onqirie'nlcif'ih the scrdhiUe'for gain(«P flif ‘a* the tiesait bf » r V/rluotfa : tife, - OtS 1 ' trtift can; di’will treapasairijf uptjk ho' mlifi.ddmggodif forth* poke df l ' gb&.bxcfcpt from ffio tfcveiopmeOt of aSf intmie pipltf ((y ■■ 'frhispiinolpleenter* ini l to and shapes tho creeds of tin' Ai'ji tit k rety con* piderablo degree. This' principle is not ntwaya sub jo'itcd \dWp cutlaro; libhce,ilre diffhreribbirt creeds. may b(f, some men' ate mhch'boUer than hotrbreeds; Out friend MlUpleaM tbrractua if wtottg." : • ~ .>:! )’ . '.•-Ti l * El»JTtbl rema»ka «ndhe. Pflnk, oJ?,3fiqg«. apyli-, ' k*d’ ol !i ipojp^created,jn jjyl wo,Hast, i en ' ♦’•iJTfljf eoy t, Uia{ San W project was i tiro »tep* 'taken raonllm' before fto fivtjcp of'appUiation Wa . were not; as jifAtjl, lifctaatitgaSV , ice in oarjtQjnarks»_, Wa intcgded no affront# *K ijgai but ( ted, woerred, os doubtless fiTCtSulhs of the.poop Jo of thii bounty HiVii they ’sain tho two at^ficiU()M > '■ ’ Well, to Havd ? mfcy baTiirne J l ltbit dur advertising dbtaoiij^/'Tlwjr 'Wfl - mdhtf applici ;tjon in good fiffW. "Wo->ShnII : atibE' td 'the-offor, *W l k # W? 1 »> s«* : W.e.would state fbrtlior'llial ll.el'iort notico ih > . P& :} *fs '• ■ 'I :»T ■< >. .. 1 tlio Harrisburg payer, bears earlier dateOian that of tliip'filucS. ■ '> S’-- aSpyTg*eyr*a«aMgs^a * Ci IO (xIT ATCpfo|g ZY Ifc—ln jßifcxlreel from the Minfatef of -iltural -Mgihy’i meeting &t the' c|®t Wished Mtwnk, there occurred as e|tos irialty.jlnku ln the lu¶| graph but one, Delmat should have boeareportedu .'Tai i^Sg: rhwving-40-ineinbefn and WelUborohl23. .Theotrot. -'wtajp transcribing, before tbejnonuacript came in- J 5*3 j’- :trt* > Uu» to. nature* imrtiapondenV (hat oar strictures upon the tortuous course ofUuT juifkrtß deserved, Itrvteir^r-UMi'«Ttd«iiea r i<ini«hed : >«a<>£ the /ante ' (hd ietloa; fivtiter^UC.aa)r,^iikPiwiM<!, unjust toany individual, oc bod; of Mtu apolpgixqju.vv honor; '■ bdaiJA i! fiatl6 ihedhtti tn 9t •¥&&.*?> h*feb pw» • whori probity Wp ealwp referred Vpvwj* dsoOTpng.af thß'ycyeifftpjmsara, j■-.'. carious •smllr’* hat jaif 1 wbroirid'in^htf > t dso<f^ Jriiiatfe fiidbgH' orbrilkdiTM'br |^rT*T T 'r' rr*l •; f -:i„‘!n t ,- . - . ‘ tail; Mr.. JamWn: tiulfckj rcridttgat' BWsßhTg- hulita'«ott(4- ty, ! 4 J WyV>M>iteh 'With %ir;Ai Filey, Watchmaker add Jbweflet,of this borough, to-am derga some 1 slight repair*. l - '.While eiamining the watch, the Stage drove upwilh an Excreta package 'life Mafsrti Bailey tt’Fefejr, bed' Mi 1 . FVptttting the tv etch-down npdd’lUe (able. Mapped Outtodopk after thepoekigOi Bslngteisily thr].several itodtw thereafter*’ theMtehwtu remembered x>n)/i(o -btfntbacdi'i iSertaaV«eeki:paiWdyduii|ig wbipball search for ithc misting - properly; ployed.' J&ujtiita. Thu ownonxaUedfor it and was made acquainted with illid otrcwhslanoe*,. Mr, Foley a wiring, bio that beheldhimself ready Vo indemnify difm' for ilia be*.- Timt il hojdi teopßlolop soon alter comingiu to the,liadd* of MryF*, thorp .was every reason to presume. : The matter stood llioa ,for savor»l months, When, aU hope,of. tracing out the thief being given up, Mr, <3. r recfi»cd another watch in its stead. , Lost r Moi)d#y, Mr. D.Jd. Lpke of Middlebury, •veiled on Mr* Foley., and asked if ho had lost a trptcb of tha description just given, to which Mr. F a returned an affirmative npswer. Mr.'Lake then sfalcnj hq.bpd purchased a .watch Rearing the description of that stolon, ol one latex. Bryant, wlio at the. Unto of sale requested him not to take il Jo Mri Foley, shduU it want repairing, a request which qriused liii (Lake’s) suspicious. The latter then informed,Mr; F. 1 . that Bryant was under arrest for brOafcihg ibtolha hohso of .Mr* E. A. SmOad, al so of Middlebury, and cafryibgoffgundry valuable articles, kud whs then at ihe offlce of Mr. Justice Sbfield awiulibg examination. Mr. F., identified the rbccodlng to (he ‘ Jdvtico’i office, took out a Warrint atid'btki Whf to-arrested to) I 'larceny'. Bryant waS libH to afasSrcr eh bolls charges, bail of $3OO on each Being l required* proffered and accepted. Bryant is blit about IS ystirs old. (O’ -Thom boys in the hahit of phooting harmless birds (pr (he. fun of the tiling; will da well to read the Act of. Assembly passed last winter forthp pre serration of. the «s#ia. Itis.s aiiamerul oplragc (0 Shoot-Ihp birds, (hstdostroy nothing, except, thg bugs apd worms wjtjch are pests to the froibgrnwer and farmer- \Vo üßdpritand;ti)at seve;s).gent|epen in this place intend to enforce this law. flops they '*** ASSCT ■■ For' tXeprterrvjaiion if InKtcli\orou* IJirdi, and /or (lie protection c if Frith and Fruit Trtte in ter- ■' "■ lain counties. Skctiok 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the''Common wealth of Pennsy(variia in General Assem bly met , and it it hireby enacted by the authority 'of thfsame, Thai no person Shall wilfully kill of destroy pny insectivorous bird in the coiintity of Chester, Butler, Montgom ery, Bedford, Blfur, Lancaster, Westmore land, Northumberland, Tioga, Backs and Del aware, except game, crows, blackbirds or birds of prey ; nor-dnldr opOnany enclosed lands Tor ffle purpose bf huritirig, with dooi, guns orotherwise, Without consent of the own er or .occupier thereof, under trperiolty offive dolls rt, tei(h awls of-'suit/for each and eve ry offence, to bbsued for and recovered be lord ariy ’m'agislratd; pn j-hStf for the'Use or ihg cOmmonwblilih find one-half (br the use of the common schobjs of the’ district.' ' ’ Hoir; Dxitißt" M.- SaysEa hat consented' lb 'deliver?be'tHmuahaddress'bofdrerlhe Tioga C{>. Agricdltural -Society in' next annuil Fair and ; Gattlefshow; .IThtn following is his letter of acceptance». . , I-..! ■ 11 tocrrrisibwß' Pa. JutW 18th 1865; - F.E. Smith Esq!, v . " ' : - pedr Sir,—Tt Will afford nte much pleasure lb .accept thq invitation ten dered nierfiy yeti onbehalf of the Executive CbmmliibtS bif'ttfe-Tfogt l Comity Agricultural’ their'nextnhrtiitil Fiftf and- CottleJthSw. Arid; deliver' the rififlual p'ddVen oh Woferit TKbrSdey'bC Sept.'riexV. , ' : : ’ ’ I anticipate much grpiißWtiotl frbtn a visit to y^ur L pa_ri pf, my native state, enhanced by peculiar to thd qfcca-. Irip'dL and phly ' (ear, thaririy ‘success in 'a field life fihhUtf df my lilh Iwyci jpe but little laitbiliir, may fall below yduKreasoriablb 'djfpfectatlonS. x HpwV ey^ r l,thel : B(jfe of meeting a kind pnd induf keht audience, arid' all iny [j^ o -hbSbfiaintywh?lber ppy.ep'gßgcrponl, wpuidi 'MiWMR me, .tttjeavp .popte,nj (i l|ie (irqo dplaycd.ipy reply., . „ ■" Very Respectfully, Your DbVServ’j, j . (Sjetwfo Mj S'MYSEU. , : BxhiWiji a a '’BA : A'’ 9M'o'VV'', Vfeite'd oh Tueitdiiy, the 00 VYedli hOsday' by i ty;949j ; ;' -bri> Thursday' by 14; BC(S, oh’ Fiida'y,' , 'tfib lhst ''3ay,-'by ; ‘ ind'dh"Sdtotfyay| Ibdugh’the khow. had yir tually Ubnejbdt the brixb babieehbirig Pn' oxhibiiiofii‘BosiBr visitors weid' pfescht nl tho Musepm. Thq aggregate receipt!) of, the five days ndifried; k tvHFbd’lh'uSSedr*-; ftmotih! 'Rbaliy fMeis H 1 sUecbse. 1 TbO’ p itfb ! 6aifatt' ,, 'a?c to lie-seen at'the ’Museum' throughput $e 1 prt&Bt''Wshki ihobgh tba "ah# 1 ’(f» . ■ -y-0 I _.,i ..i .. FtoUHn’Sfort! Francisco,' by: (he fast «c -coutita' War a, bgrrdl v jin -Now YbWt fci« ;iw»(va. 'They- haste. «ommenced the'ittpmarlf'of Abh'arliolei; therefore,-;made eiglitjrcbujh-. els to the acre,) to New York, and in.a mbntlf Or two sdme thbuannda of ;barrelsjniy 'bo expected Via tJapa'Horn. ia turning ’iheiablbwn fine stylo.-: i r~& '~rrn (iesfflxiaiatai. 'i it 'Niffl, 3Vifrun«. j you following extracts' DtlyTOwived from i young! ie, Kansas! One year agci ho the w.ea-! (apt Counties pf .NetJf TorkLbut shortly after, (Ke pkkjit%o'iiC life miSMh&fjvansas Nebras-: and with hia,frfmi)y migra ted to Kanws, casting his.lqt wiih the gallant band of so ndijJyitrit'injg to from tteturblesp‘grasp of the itwiptiaio slqvepow-i W. HdVa young man of great energy ’and iSfelfigrocßi te»rtnr»cled«iuoh imth#- Weal, 1 «id perfebtly»rt;lipbieiij hiattptemenlSf Jons will see tbaldmperftctlyoenfirmj thp reports iof ftan j BW.-i.lliia prfeVy! BVidaal?lhat r Jbe. people of Law tenon At-leatt baWieqoshtdedi be reader «*irtioul t.b« aid or-, in*. (Bra«a«.Qf; dttmken.dosperadoesjfroin; Mw-i IfUftkr. ;t «.'• ■' •! ■ 'dmrtvy lajft I.loti yap tbal v l,,rrns opthe twp QCfc.yrastftrft tour. -Webad.a successful, 0W» »nd o«e mo that Kansas' ■ t baa grepte*resource».tban any, Siam ip tim Union that I have visited. We spent, two weeklintraveling.; Our cpujrsewas pcpriyi 4fon< yest. fJFbP ifiopWy for. three hundred miles is really delightful—rich rolling prai ries, watered by numerous streams of pure water sod skirted, with valuable groves of tim ber,., For lea day say assigns, of civil- Nationbut ps the country fills! up, many large villages,and thrifty towns roust spying UP on-some of those water-opursep. 1. went in CQtnpnny with thtee Californians in quest of .California products. Although.! pip not pt liberty tq pay pi I that! m[ght, yet I may say, and that with safety, that the mineral reqpurces of Kansas are. second not even to Caiilbrnip." “Wo found tin and gold, and hope in time to reap an abundant harvest/’ “1 know of no place that , offers so many inducements to young men as this. There are ho old fogies to displace. Most of us pro young,apd huye matters in qur own hands. Our city is filling up very fast; it has been surveyed and good (ides can be. had. - Capi talists throng our streets and invest their mon ey freejy, Mills, factories, slopes, &c., are goiqg forward ’viih good speed. We haye three weekly papers apd another in prog ress. ” “Our lasi election was quiet and resulted ip a very large Free Stale majority. I*ll6 MUsoqriaps have a majority in the Legisia turo, and will give seals to (heir friends re gardless of the certificate of the Governor, Still I have no doubt of the Anal triumph' of Freedom in Kansas. FulUhcco-foucthsof the actual citizens are. Free State men- There is no other politics here —Whig, Democrat and Know Nothing are pot known. The question is Freedom, or Slave rj/, and on this alone wc lake issue. It hop heap said that 'the virgin soil of Kansas mpst be the battle; fieldthis is true, and it will bo..a fight in which (hqre will.bn other weapon* used thsp the artillery of the Gospel of. (he, swofd, ojf logib. Tho propagandi must be metwjth arguments that they can comprehend. Ere the glorious batmen of .Freedom' float* over our joyed, KttPSAp-her soil must drink the blood of hundreds of invading despbraddes. Wo are not unarmed as wo were al our pre vous election in March. More than a thou sand shots per minute await the invaders of the peace and. purify of the ballot-box ip this place. Our brethren are also arming. Let Congress defend ns and all is right. K she. refuses to do it weshall defend Outsehci.” The Prudent Hit inanity ol Slavc- -ry. - Thomas Boynton, of Georgia, hired a ne gro to Francis Lennard for 000 year for $lOO. Soon afterward, the negro died, and Leiinard insisted thnt tho time Ihns lost should be deducted from the sum stipulated to be paid for the entire years service.. Boynton refused to make any such deduction, and sued the delinquent. The case was tried, and ul limilely carried to the ‘Supreme Court.- Judge Lumpkin (recently appointed one of tho Judges of the pdw Board of Claims) heard tho caso and rendered a decision in favor of the.'oWner;. • < 1 ■ : ThoUudgo assigns vnrioUs rcasonS .for tbisi decision. Among 1 the following i— . ’ "Every-safeguard, consistent with the sta bility rf the institittion -of Slavery, should he thrown around the livesuf these Peoplei’V This is a very significant aeniencei It is: ak if the learned Judge had said, "Homan life igloo precious to. be - sacrificed, unless - attchsaorifioe is found necessary to the main tritwoeriof. Slavery; Murder should not he allowed for the mere gratification b’fl a brutal 1 passion. Out if it shoiild become--evident that tho "stability of Slavery" would be pro moted few the massacto Uf a foWtor many! men, women and. childreb, the slaughter would bo quite justifiable. The banditti iff Missouri are . acting uppn this‘principle now. Tbootily difference is, that .their'vengeance is directed against free white men instead 1 of negro slaves. - They, sky with'ludgs Lump Aid, tlllrat' every sdfoJ guard cortsistent with'ihh-etpbilrtyof ibeiin-- smution of slavery, should be xhrawn around the' lives of rtiff emigrantato Khnsns.". THey wbilld ndt tolerate thoidfeaof shoot ing (hem from tho mere love of the crime.— But tar and' tpalhcra, hbwia and ie vol veys~rnurdorih detail and by whole salcaabocomes 'a virtue when it is committed lo giwo bsiabilily nd 1 the institution of Slave,. rjrV'i:; Tlfcaßichraond Post simply i|iHuftena<. Wd Jqdgn‘ Lumpkin’s logic, when if exclaim ediii- .'I r;. - ■■ ' “I 11-''- ‘’ - - "Lei tho MiSsourinns go btfbs they ihave bogtiW. '- They will fiflfl thehtSelvostbacked by-' iKb’whofrforefe ofi thikSouihern'States. > Let Jltem-ge onumil-they shal I < hnive chesod eve ry Abblilidniif btlt <ff Kensasi Theti: tef; firesi-' dent Pierce add "hie Frdesbil Hssoelhtes do' what tIHSy durst The IMe soneof the South will be thete With their'rifles arid theip revolv-: orki to - Weet'hny Abolition army he hnyddre' ; lb‘send for thcji* siibjUcatloß. I ’. ■■ Il ls not sfrankb that the Mission bahdiffi' do as they'tire' doing,;W'jrfen alejtyfifeff Judge’ offfciiiliy'ddclate that c*Bn hltlhiil life ihould ' VchdofBd J ,hubsbrv|ehf tltf' the ’“stability of Slavery ,”—A ibariy tlce. Jbvrnal. ' Tno Few is-'nuking ead ravage in the. wheal crop , . . ,:c*Z U! ' fbrllk jkuuor" Mb, great arid fmnorinnf difficuity tfia of some poWonsdrohr County, may fa a«ri. fmied to a exlerif. to adlsinterested' nei on the paN of parents, relative to (heir chiltirenV interest after (fiery are Under iu dwitrol of iba tatcferi lt to a feet, and one too of .a rtartling 'character, thafhot one n». room du. ring the term, or eyem hilprthe *el- p MCQU , roon tR»;«m8 0f co?eremeqt- will come im o the hanqs of thartoigggfmerajion j It is y our sons whoarelo bare a voiceln enacting lam fof 'ihe pretocfioiTof our rights, our libenia, andnsor; (hen „ there Wdh a cohJ and drdwsy inertness' on your part, for therein absotbiag interests • •*hy not f oodds)bnally ; afccdmjiany your chill dren to the school room, ifaera feel intercrtedih (heir welfare add thcreb/ ehcobragd and alio make 1 the teacher to feel tW yotjr v Bympathles ire Witfthidv i'B his glorious mission. The noble ■SteOdthafstandl in yhnder atafr.tihtf whose wahls ard dnly physicaPrecerves Ml heedful attention, whereas, the child who not only has physical, but intellectual and moral wants, is too often left neglected and uhcared for! Awake then parents and friends to a con ciousnesa of the noble and higlter'impuliej of ; yo(ir nattircB/and labdr ,f m6>e devotedly fbr intellectual elevation, Fellow teacher*, let us uie every endeavor to turn the atten tion of oil, to a livilier interest in their com mon schools; ahd -when wo have accom plished this One end, we hare worked a de cided change irrTavorof popular edocaticm! Yes, effect this, ahd scholars, parents, teach ers and all, will'behold the dawning of a new era for tho youth of our country.' The misty clouds of our old institution will pass away, and with tho present One, the morning will dawn'with brighter hopes, prospects more in viting than we have ever beheld before. Tirtia will effect all this, and When effected, the common school system of Pennsylvania will every where work like d charm. Mn. Editoii :—Looking over ihe columns of your valuable paper of this morning, 1 ao tice the following query: “at ivro dollar! a barrel, how much profit will be realized by selling at a sixpence a glass 1” By “figar ing up” it will be seen there is .an enormous profit. Let’s look at it in another light, sup. pose a barrel, of..cider were to cost ten dol lars in N. Y., transportation three dollars, would it not make n ■»material difference !—. And I think on inquiry you will hod that 10 bo the actual cost of a barrel of cider. I will allow that even at this estimate, the profit u very largo, but subtracting what he haa io '■treat out” to their friends, and what ia nee. esoary for their own use “to keep de spirit up,’’ it will bo found, after oil, not to atfnrd more than a living profit, i DICK. Wellsboro,’ Juno 21st,. Jfcstfs from ilie yvar. The moniteur' of the 4th Inst, publishes the following dispatch from Gen. Pelissier to the Minister of War ; Crlmea, Friday, June 1, 1855, We have sprang two mines in front of iho Flagstaff bastion; the second explosion did considerable damage to the enemy. In the ravine of Careening Bay in advance of our works, our engineers discovered a transferee line of 24 cubic cases filled with gunpowder, each ; 4o centimetres thick on the inside, placed at equal distances and buried just bensaih the sod, each case containing pne-fiflieth of t kilogramme of powder, is Covered with a ful minating apparatus which would explode br the simple pressure-off the foot. These cases have been taken up by Our engineers. Later advice from the Sea of Azoff slate that the steam flotilla of ihe Allies has des troyed above 200 vessels and 6,000,000 of rations of corn and flour, destined for the Russian army at Sevastopol. The Conferences at Vienna wore formally closed at n talc silting Held'on the 4th last. The'JSortAng Herald, in « telegraphic dispatch dated'June 2, stales that the Allies had tHe (own of Stranychi, at tho mouth of thbf’dfrid Sea, burnt a /noiith’s rations of the Whole Russian army and destroyed the shipping. There is lictl? doubt that this sc ebunt is tht( French'version of the affair ai Genilchl. ' A dispdtCH from PrMco Gorchakoff dated iho SOlb' ult. 'states that the Allies have occu pied Kertcb, but have pot pushed inward.— He rdports ibat in : «mseqoe&ce of the mess are* Which he ha* taken the Allies 'Will not lid Able lefaut off the. cemmunicafionj of tin Rtiksiah f The Ginitke of Frankfort publishes a dis patch from Odessa to thCfeffbqt tijat the Rus sians are raising, balicrics to 'command the dinnhel hear Oenitchl which Connects the Put rid Sea with the Efea of A zoff. Another dispatch says that Geh. Cushakoff hat} ar rived dt Perekop with his diVision—4 infant ry regiments, each 3,600 strong- jjen, Gros enheilm had also arrived dt Pprpkbp with his light cavalry dividibn—tfio^iiffdf—lfe'6'iwisiing of four regiments bachOfiOslrong. Theis 6gurc3:wopldgive Printaj Gotchdkoff a rccn forconiehf bf 18,000 rfidti:—a number which moref cibCf in format itm Would' probably re duebr -' ‘ • i letter? from’ Berlin of the Its tost. stale lhtinho successes 6f lho ( Allies in (he Sea of Aztjff hhvd nittde a deep iht|iross(6n there.— If is obso’rVcd that thV’largc proportion of caWlry in the RUssitttrArihy will ettiwe tho Stoppage of Supplied fromjho countries of the Don lb bb fph with peculiar pressure by the eijemy, r „Oh thd thbfe wero IOT ea s3s bf chblenf 'al St. Petersburg. '*Ncws ffbm KCrtch loffHe 3d ihst, stole that everything was" ghmlj oh safiSfnqlorily.— Souytik Kali wasbvbcuated by (He Rdssjdns oh IM 38th Way;' • THoy burned the’ pnnci pnlffwildings. ahd abandoned sixty guns and six jibrtars, haying wddered them un- Borvicalble. . , Uinbibtta RoßiNBQNi'<‘the veiled murder ess,” husbeen, sentencedio’bo.hurig on it* 3d day of . Auguslnext., On leaving iho court room, she drew her veil. over her. face, ami pointing diet finger at iho - judge, -exclaimed, solemnly t ."Judge Harris, may the Judg® bf, Judges be your Judge,” 1. S. S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers