MEI Fre* the Let . ow' NOW Natibliat Moth). "IN GOD WE mrsT." Q Tord our God, other lords hails Thee ha:ohm:l clonsiition orp?..ya but by Thee en/./ tke mention of Thy name. Ixelth 26:13. Trost ye in' th`e 'Lore! forerer ; /or in the L Jehovah, is evendalany 'strength. lea -25: 4. . ifrppy is that peon7e, whose God is the Lord. Psalm 144: 15. Wherialymld a smitten nation turn, And for redemption" flee, In time of peril and concern. When hostile feuds within her burn, And foes ter sacred banners spurn,- 0 Father, but to Thee? Thou led'st us from a foreign_shore, From wickedness and wrong,— . The trackless waste of water o'er di. little handful sod no more, .2"4lhere, we stretched from shore to shore, A people great and strong! Thou gav'st . us wealth, Thou gavlit us power ; No nation seemed so blest Almost a continent onr dower,— All' foes before us had to cower; Oar name the watchword of an hour, North, East, Smith, and fm West But we lotget Thy love and care, Finch made us what we were ; together gods ottc offerings Share, ,Prosperiktbecanue our snare ; ~dealt not r;gbteonsly, nor fair, v• - •, eat, '-•vously did err. - ; u luist sent war's bloody scourge • c eanse cis from our sin • «Ohot while its gory billows surge, And turn life's music to a dirge, All our dark borders mly it p Awl make us pure within I ji No, Atid....Tayxsys of rigliteottiness, %Tat our Leader be ; Thou, only thou can'st truly bless ; For every loss give us redress ; Crown us p!itb'pesce and 4ppinesq. And highest liberty ! 0421W,j-ifie t;usi. fs'•thse ! .AT Will" - 3i, 07 ousAvE %WATCHES AND JEWELRY OF EVE RY DERAZIPTION AT THE Lowest Prices for Cash ! • Jstir an4^Country Merril:mt., Pedlars, Traders, :liutlars, and General treaters ean make emu , masa profits upon a small".investment 4sWetsy of any pattern or quality and in any quan tity made to order. E4imaies for any class of wi rk tutMehed. Particular attention paid to supplying Aetniondiem, Country Yetllats, Indian Traders, sad Army Palters. Airy style of Goods manufactured, math as inven tions, etc., at short not ire Good erinvassins with a itarall-camital, can find constant employment t Illustrated , lists and full particulars free. The Profit to the Retailer is very Large! A witoiEskte REPPLY .an I.e carried in a knapsack. hand sane% a 6 carpet bag, end will not be dike ho, - ,ks,--belky or; fent to c•lrry front place to mace Rernembe- "mother 'Thine' —this business is strictly honorable! 'There kg - no Seed of misrepresenting cr exageratinx. :ter germe s:.ow fer them: elves, and peeve themselves!l ills a linsinere in which ample and patisfactory mikihraleet in riven for 11. e money rec. ived at .d an ellettitraWlngpront is pocketed at life same vine. It is an occupation in which no person need be afraid or atibstribd, to canvass the same IBM again and again. Of *berm once our goods are Introduced, a ,xerma tient and continuous lemand is created. To soldiers in the Army, or those at home disabled by the hardship.. #Fliv*,. to ,Cletgythen out 01 lie.l.l:h. Teachers, Postm asters ni any person who wishes eitheitiotel or an active twee-pinion, and one that brings with it GREAT PECUNIARY INDUC,E -11/11411M this presents AN OPPORTUNITY. seldom wsmankka TRY ITt AND SEE FOR yauasEL- Talso. CAREFULLY SELECTED LOTS 1W JEWELRY, comprised our newest styles and most saleable ea wid. be .sent awymbele in the Loyal numem- we are constantly filling orders from pen.orte leaving the chnice.of coeds wholly with us To such we promise the best exercise of our taste and Ode- MSC ited , tmin our long experience can ensure saris Ferldees. WE ASK NO PAY IN ADVANCE; state willonlaYle and quality of sonde are wanted- and we etMe.semdake same at d collect pay by Express at the ens of the route. GOLD AN) SILVER WATCHES!! Good movements and marufaettired in the heat, aaannervelpiaretathwial c all watremtad at price. from $lO tato%) slant-anywhere—pay collected by implore. Satisfaction guaranteed! ALL WATEH• ER.ITIFIEFITPR7I,EB ; THEY DEIN,: OF OUR OWN IMPORTATIoN. Oremlan Free by Mall! Send for them!! T. H. GAUGHAN, ~~.. apOpfacturers and Importers, ifn BEOADW AY, NE W yuRK Nov. 15, '- 4. 4 -41 montho. annl EEC - CONVENTION. riNIIISTLYLNIA DIVARTMENT OP COM'N., Harrishoirn NOV/ 33, llP•fredlinsel Directors of Greene Co. I— WlWinn pnticat inn !Vying been made by the boards otitireetnes of the districts in said county. stain], their AlWeitilts increaseilie salary of the Slotinty Superin tendent thereof, you are resiiertfoilly tequested to meet in convention at the Court Mune, in Waynea burg, on„ SANADAY, DECEMBER 24th, 1864, at 11470 O'CLpelt in the afternenn, 6.r the pprpnee &Dove stated, according t, the terniq of the Bth SPf tine of the supplement of the school law, approved the Bth day of Day, [865. C R. COBURN. Dec. 14, 31.: ' • Surf.. Coin. Lich pole, To' Country Merchants! I AM prepared to furnish all kinds of SlElloftL ROOKS, WRITINut . PIPER, . LETTER PAPER, RNVF:LOPER, PENA. INK. SLATES, Stc., as very fair terms to sel Crain Xittsburgh Almanacs ! le any quantity at the Publisher's loweat prices. LEWIS DAY, Witttiaburg, Pa., Nov. 15, 3t. MY CALM. CUM 'CAM aro the subscriber on the Ist of Sep tember, two stray calves about one year old. One a wills) heifer with slack spots on its side. ot The other • pale red steer, with a adtiblefitee, red spot around his right eye, a red stripe across his nose, and white along his belly They are at Elias'Thonias', on the head of Dunkard creek, Jackson tp. JOHN THOMAS. Dec. 21, 1864. . I WWftT. .1 Notice. o-. ' i 'FAIIMERS , & ()ROVERS' B/iNK,I' Waynesbuti, Pa, Dec. nib, 'K. 14610110 E is hereby gieen „agreeably to lise.rovie. IN lone oldie Are oldie Legislator:ear rilieht.,4o*- tleitan "AM enabling the Pa** Of Bits Ashmettn wealik,,te become anocili for , the haepire of bashing ender the hima of the %oat taws.' that ntet masting of itestochholders, thir INIOVERV DANK," ins voted to become °- ainterofnieParPosa of banking se A4titythi aid d tore have procured pm aut o rft•B oftwa 4ll % at Jut capital' st ,to adirn°wlPdie e BeeertuiTnartiticateofri Bach Bank or A ssociiitinn to be milled, t • ' Ak Drovers' National Bank, of W ; . J. LADISAD, Cotten, Des. E. rWRWWWWWWWWWWWINIII _ emown• ~./Yetwa• • • Ague p ro .. 44;,, ARMY AG UE DROPS ! FEVER ANO AGUE, AND ALL BILIOUS DISEASES 1 I ----) - Attention SUFFERERS FROM 1171111 iialo RDA most wonderful remedy fnr the permanent cure of FEVE AND AGUE, ETC., was I 6v:over :L FEVER AND yam az* by one of the MOST SCIMSTIFIC END SINCISSM. CHEMISTS OF AMERICA ! ! Chu of Thousands or eases it ban never been known to feiljn effecting a radical cure. A sing!. Mar ofthine drops has cured diseases which have Stubbornly Resisted the Most Skillful Medical Talent. It Contains nothing that will injure, the Constitution ! It Purifies the Blood ! ! It Removes Obstructions from the Liver It Promotes the Discharge of Bile!! I! It Effects a Radical and Permanent Cure by Removing the Coder upon which the }qua Depends !! ! ! THE ARMY AGUE DROPS, As Its name imports. h.lie been. and is the - great Ppeei tic for all BIDIOUS DISEASES in the Arms. It has no equal. Its popularity in our noble army and else where is as universal as its cures have been quick and wonderful As a • PREVENTATIVE Itt bits proved a great bless ng and milted many a valuable life in those miasmatic Inratities where they would have fallen victims to BILLIOUB DISIZAPEri. The OhMs will not Return if these Drops are taken ! ! 'MBE „ow AGUE DROPS, QUICKLY DRIVES AWAY Languor and Wee knees MEI RESTORES THE SYSTEM To ita natural BUOYANCY and ANIMATION ; IN VIGORATISO the body and clearing out. EVERY VESTIGE OF DISEASE produced by loutilsome miaem BE WISE IN TIME ! `No person residing in a Fever and Ague District should be without a Bottle of the-133k Army Ague Drops, vs 1 tt Is strongly reeeommended to traveling through places charged with lantana. -0- WB reapervrtOly call attention tc nnr Testimonials. Many °four letters attest that hundreds f lives have been saved in the Army by its use. Indeed, so well are its curative qualities appreciated in the Army. that the most successful surgeons in the tie,tl and hospi tal use it almost exclnsivetv in the diseases for which we claim its hility. The best physicians always seize the beat means to effect a sure, henre the u naver Jetty of THE Army • Ague, Drops, TESTIM011113: We are happy to refer to Rt. Rev. Bishop Potter, N.Y Rev. Dr. Tvng, Rev. Dr. Tav'OT, Rev. H W Beecher, frklyn Rev E 11 Ch spin, Rev. Mr. Cite •ver, N. Y. Gen. McClellan, Can. Premolar, fee. Karnalile, n Hancock, Can Kilpatrick, Gen. Cal. Pyke, 951 h N. Y, Rey. Mr. Bangs, Col Quick, 17th V Y C 11 lion. Mayor Wood, Fr Col Fowler. 14th N M. lion. N. Kalhfleiach, " Maj. Doremug A D C. Ilon M F Odell. Maj Reifsnyder; 35th Pa. Han Mayor Gunther, N. Y. MaJ. Wilcox', A. D. C. lion. Horace (reel. y. " Maj Ramsay, d hundreds of ally ra Maj. Stillwell, Sureenns equally well-known yen- Maj Cabeork, 1 U. S. A. MEII, for which! see gircu- Li. Whelan. J tar. _o_ PRICE, One Dollar per Bottle. Wilcox & Co. Principal °nice, ISI WATER STREET. N. 113.—None genuine unless bearing our signature on the wrapper, Don't let your Druggist put yOu Off with any other remedy. If he does nbt have it for sale. enclose us $1.25 per mall, and we will send YOU one bottle of the ARMY AGUE DROPS per mail, post paid. WILCOX & 00.. 181 Water Street, New York. ae,. SII, '64. Army Ague Drops ! ! ! .A.yer's s l o,t‘ii, SAI3 4 to . 0 14 i "RLD'ill 4 .V111/ 111. 442. itiZEDT ISCR,OFULA AIM 'SCROFULOUS DISEASES. From Etncry Elyes, a well-known :aerchant qp o.cfrd, Maine " I have sold large (inanities of your SARSAPAR ILLA, but t. ever , et one bottle Willett of the desired effect and tull staistiiction to those took it As fast as our people try it, they agree there has been no medicine like it before in our committ,ity.v Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches,. Pustules, Ulcers, Sorek and all Diseases of the Skin. From Bev. Robt. Strale,s., Bristol, Bssrland. "I only do sny duty to 3 ou and the polnic, when I add my testimony to that 3 ou of the me dicinal virtues of vour SA Ia3APARILLA. My daugh. ter, aged ten, had an rdh:eiing humor in her ears, eyes, and hair for years, which we were unable to core until we tried your Se RSAPAILILLA. She bus been well lior come mouths." •- Prom Mrs. Jane E. Rice, a well Ammon and much esteemed lady of iletalisrille, Cape May Co., N. J. " My daughter has suffered for a year past with a scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome. Notitiug afforded any relief until we tried your Sart- SAYIOIII.I.A, which soon comple , el) , cured her.” From Charles P. Gage, Esq., of the widely-known firm ree Gage, AI urra o ('o., manufacturers of enrols. elled papers tit Nashua. S. L. " 1 had for several ymrs a very troublesome hu mor in my face, which pew constantly worse until it distiguied my features and became an intolerable affliction. 1 tried almost everything a man could of bath advice andimedicine, but without any relief whatever, until I took your SAusAYARILLA. It immediately made my face worse, as you told me it might tor a time; but in a few weeks the new shin began to form.: uuder the blotch.- and continued matt; : my face is as smooth as anybody , and 1 ant without any symptoms of the disease that I know of. 1 enjoy. perfect health, and without a doubt otte ft to your SAUS.t PAR ILL.% ." Erysipelas —General Debility Purify the Blood. From Dr. Robt. Sawin, Houstin St., N. Y. Da. AYER: I seldom fail to remove Eruptions and Scrofulous Sores by the persevering use of your SARSAPARILLA, and I have just now cared an at tack of Malignant Erysipelas with it. No altera tive we possess equals the SARSAPARILLA you have supplied to the profession as well as to the people:, From J. E. Johnston, Esq., lYakeman, Ohio. " For twelve years 1 had the yellow Erysipelas on my right arm, during which time I tried all the cel ebrated physicians I could reach, and took hundreds of dollars' worth of medicines The ulcers were so bad that the cords became visible, and the doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. I began taking your SARSAPARILLA. Took two bottles, and some of your I'ILLs . Together they have cured me. lam now as well and sound as anybody. Being in a public place, my case is known to everybody in this community, and excites the wonder of all." From Hon. Henry Monro, hl. P. P.. of Newcastle, C. W., a leading member of the Canadian Parliament. "I have used your SARSAPARILLA in my family, for general debility, and for purifying the blood, with very beneficial results, and feel coulidence iD commending it to the afflicted." St. Anthony's Fire, Rose, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Eyes. From Harvey Siekter, Esq., the able editor qt the l'unekkannock Democrat, Pennsylvania. " Our.only child, about three years of age, was at tacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapidly spread until they formed a loathsome and virulent sore, which covered his face, and actually blinded his eyes for some days. A skilful physician applied nitrate of silver and other remedies, without any ap parent effect. Flitr fifteen days we guarded his hand.s, lest with them he should tear open the festering and corrupt wotind which covered his whole face. 'Hav ing tried every. thing else we bad any hope frem, we began giving your SAstoAndlitiLLA, and applying the iodide of potash lotion, as you direct. 'I he sore began to heal when we had given the first bottle, and was 'well when we had finished the second. The child's eyelashes, which had come out, grew again, and lie is now as healthy and fair as any Other. The whole neighborhood predicted that the child must From Dr. Hiram S'loat. , 2/* St. Louis. Missouri And your SARSAPARILLA a more etreeturil remedy for the Secondary symptoms of Syphilis, and for syphilitic disease than any other we possess. The profession are indebted to you fur some of the best medicines me have), From A. J. French, if. D., an eminent physician. of Lawrence, Mass.. u.ho is a prominent member of the Legislature qf ilamachusettg. "Da. ArEn —My dear sir: I have found your SAuSATS. MILS. au ea.celleht remedy for Syphilis', both of :he primary and secondary type, and effect ual in some cases that were too obstinate to yield to other remedies. Ido rot know what we cat' em ploy with more certainty of success, where a power ful aherath . e is required." Mr. Chas. S. Jim Liew, of New Brunsteck, had dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the abuse of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more and more aggravated for years, in spite of every remedy or treatment that could be applied, until the persevering use of AY ER'S S A RSA PA RILLA relieved him. Few cases can be found mole inveterate and distressing than this, and it took several dozen bot tles to cure him. Leuzerrhcea, Whites, Female Weakness, are generally produced by internal .scre - dalonsleo*. ation, and are very often cured by the alterative effect of this SARSAPARILLA. tlorne cases require, however, in aid of the StserAuiLLA, the application of local reme, From the well .knoren, and widely-celebrated Dr. Jacob .l/orrill, et Cincinnati. "1 hare found your $ RSA . P.aI:II.LA an excellent alterative in diseases of females Many cases of ir regularity, Leueorrhwa, Internal Ulceration, and local debility, arising from the scrofulous diathesis, have yielded to it, and there are few that do not, when its effect is properly aided by local treatment." larly,,unicilling to allow the publication of her name, terits: "My daughter t.nd myself have heen cured of a very debilitating Leucorrhma of long standing, by two bottles of ) our SA RSA PAIN LLA." Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, Drs. pepsia . Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when caused by :3E7,110N in the s 3 stem, are rapidly cured by this ExT. SARSAPARILLA. poq=ess so many advantages over the other pur gatives in the market, and their simerior virtues are so universally known, that we need not do more than to assure the public their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever has been, and that they may be depended on to do all that they have ever done. Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., & Co.. Lowell, Mass., and sold by Wm A, Porter and Wm. Ca:WI, and by dealnrs ev erYwbere. LETE RS of Adm inistratic n, cunt mu to nnexo, ha ving been granted to the uersigmed upon the estate of REBECCA HEDGE dec'd., of Morris township, Notice is herebygiven to all persons knowing them selves inbedted to said estate to make imnte• diate payment, and those having claims to present them properly authenticated tor set tlement. • JOHN M. CONKLIN, Nov. 2, 1861.-61. Administrator. T ETTERti M . ad. inisttaiion bit-ing been atante.l jA t undersiiineit tipon the estate, of 111 Atli( 1I El. eet'd tp., notice 1:1 h teliy grireii to ail indebted to said estate to make Mimi-Mimi! payment and those,Apinst the same In preSclit them properly amthemicateel leo- sell leme,,t. EZEKIEL lilt ADEN, ?inv. 15''64 WIIEREAtk. Les tnrs of adnoioi, traiml on the Es tate of ISAAC 1111th Pi . at of Springhill tp., have keen g ahie.l to the suir.vii , •ers, all persars Illfit hied to said esinte are ri make immediate payment. and those lutri r dr mauls agalni4 the ~St ate of said derednut will make know it the sallia at itlpAit delay. New York. N,,v 15. •e 4 Administrator's Notice. ETTEINof Administration having been granted j to the unde•siened upon the e. , oale of HARNIIARE, /lee'd or Iti. hlrill fp., notice is hereby given to all indebted to said estate to make Mime diate payinet:t, and those having claims aCainST the same to preeent them proper' y anthentirated for set tlement. JOHN G. DiN3mI.)RE, Nov 30, '6l. LETTI3I.IB oftvitnini tration having boon granted to Me tolersip.ttetl upon the e s tat e of BENJ EVAN dec'd of :ttotottotahela nodes is heft by ci , to , to all indebted to said estam 6t make immediate pay ment, and Moss Intents ctsints attantst the same ill present mein properly authenticated for settlement, MARGARE I' EVAIV , • Adnoti,stoitt EMEII lETT FRS et administrattou upon the estate I) T. J. Al kiln, dee'd , htning been granted by the Register of (:reeve ("Cindy, to !Le undersigned lie hereby notifiep persons indebted to said estate to make,,minediate payment, and all persons bay in claims arMast paid estate are requested to present them duly authentiented for Pettleint lit, to nzerne.township, Fayette county. Oetober IRA. T IFIFFROft of aertiutstration haying blett .1 to the andi•ridittied upon the estate of ;pail' YOUNG. deed of Richhill tp , notice is hail given to all indebted to said estate to make immediate pay ment and those having claims against the mime to present them properly anthenutated fur settlemeat, Piev. Z 3, H. ORO WOODRUFF, Baer. Syphilis and Mercurial Disease AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS Administrators' Notice Administrator's Notice. Administrator's Notice. S MUPL GEO. STOOPS, Administrator's Notice. Legal Notice Executor's Notice. NOW IS THE TIME NEVER PUT OFF UNTIL TO-MORROW THAT WHICH SITOULD BE DONE UDC) "El:" MEE TEE HIE HIRE PAT." Goods are citeati to-dav, but will surely be higher in a if.w days. Gold Steadily but Certainly Going up! BOOTS AND SHOES James B. Lindsey's Panic Prices ! "Delay? are C./111e then all ye that tt•r.ub' h.• her, ri Itriat,h.ta, that \h. I }ti '`SEY Was the only Merchant In Waynesburg who bought GOODS dolling the recent pante,ee et g east at that tinie laying in his Fall and N idler GOMIS. - I ❑w now also opening my Fall anti Winter ass.) rt nier.t WI. Trimmings and Notions ! ! RETAIL TRADE : An at lowcm' nuarroi prices Trimtninpi, Embroiderlky,• Gloves and Hosiery. Notions and racier Goods, Skirts and Corsets, Undershirts and Drawers, For Ladie9, aentlern an,l Child; en in every varie.y GENTLEMPOS FURNISHING GOODS, and a splvndid a sortmeta LADIES & GENTLEMEN'S FURS! LADIES' VICTORINES, MOB'S NTH 11l EOM A full line of HATS AND CAPS, FOR LAMES AND GENTLEIXIEN. Lad . lvs Turban Bats, Black Canton Saratoga, Waterfalls, reit Velvet Trimmings, Gent's Fine Silk Fur, Wool and Cotton Etats, OF ALL PRICES AND. STYLES. ' 7 ?`,, ,14 '0 , WE1 W.1..',0vi) PLUMES AND FLOWERS, Of the at tc latest styles, and can pe purchased at en ct..rditit! y 1..v6. 111,,e g.c,ts %vele punimsed EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH, aril will he sold fOr vrly U:t11 anti in slimy goods 14'1111411er oppo,ite the Court tlie,r to the l'e,t Nl to 13. LINDs'EY, 7;,i. Wa) netoitg, Oct. 12 PETROLE UM BA SK OF CREENE COUNTY. tit re `.y given that the (Ott FeUows Assoriatinn at %Vat 11.41.tvg ha• filed tit the Attorney f.;ettera I's Ittlice. of tit.• tti Penns,' Ivania, a eertilicate that Suit Desires In change t same into a Hank of /SSW'. DI.OOIIII I / 1 111i llri,niit , to be known by the name, S yle and titre of he PETROLEUM BANK OF GREENE COUNTY to be loented in lVoynertlotte. Greene county, State o 1V.11114. stork of. FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, the privilece VIREE TIf()IN;AND 1.)01,1,A1F4, iu pwsuance Plan ,Act entitled • ., liippletnelit io an Act to estanli-lt Fr..e Banking in Pcn..,lvarda," &c., ;:assed the 3rd dny of May, A. 11.. IMil. 1. r•. TEMPLE., .10A ILAN 01. P 11. N.M. A PORTER. Trc woToSix BOXES or TEz SPECIFIC PILL; WILL PEOMPTITAND PEENIANENT L Y t' ran ANY CASE OH SperlllatOlnale.l2 Seminal Weakness, on Involuntary 21i lightly on Daily Losses, HOWEVER. OESGLNALLY CAUSED, On TIONVEVEIt AG. GILANATED CGAr.ACTER t while they will speedily CerreCt t het.° terrible morbid conditions width spring from t he primary d isease, orfrom secret vice. • THE S PEN: IEIO PILL is equally applicable to the treatment of ersry kind of Genital Or Urinary Irritations i lncapacity, or Impotency; Diabetes, Lime or"Arricl:7- D r t* , Deposits in the URINE; Milky. Discharges; Inflammation Cr Weakness o ft he Kid s's/mote, Cieroymc n,Lawyers, Stud ente and allwho follow sedentary occupations, or whose 'Brain and Nervous System are over-worked, are peculiarly sub ject to weaknesses o f the GENITO-1 - nrCAUY OnGszte. These shouldnii t faille use TILE S pLe MC PILL. Persons afflicted with any ono or more of the above disorders, are sure to have several, and reDae times most, o fthe romowniti SYMPTOMS_ Deranged Digestion; loss of Appetite; Loos of Flesh; Constipated Bowels; Fitful and B'errous, or henry lace"), with, Arc jul deeams; Troubled Breathing; Failure of - Voice; Irregular action of the Heart; Pustiaoll9 Eruptions on the face and Week; Headache; Affections of the Eyes; LOU of Memory; Sudden jisiskeeof Heat and .Elitshinge; General Weakness and Indolence; Aversion to Society; Relaxed Condition, or Diminished Size, of the Genital Organs; Involuntary Nighty or Daily Emissions; Fee - puent desire to pass Dater, with peculiar at:, nd ing sensations; litelancholy,&e. Professional Opinions.—"l have used your 'Seam° Pnr.s' in many cases of Spermaton. rhea, and with the most pe,f auccess."—J. Mu, TON SANDERS, IL D., LL. 8., Brooklyn,. "It is as near a `spec ac' as any medicine can be. I have cured very severe eases with from SEX TO TEN DOSES."—B. Krill!, M. D., Ed. Repertory of Neel. Science, Kew "l know of no remedy in the whole Nateria Modica, equal to your SPECIFIC PILL in Seminal or Urinary Weaknesses." —ADOLPH BEIIRR, 31. D., Prof. of Organic Chemistry and Physiology, N. Y. Personal Opinions.—" Mr. Winchester is weren't OF ALL CONFIDENCE, and devotes himself anthueicestically to these Preparations."—D. Mans. MTH REESE, M. D., LL. D., American Mediemi Gazette, New-York. r "I have a pereonal knowledge of Mr. WINCIIES TER'S HONESTY AND INTEGRITY, and can assure the Peofession and the public that HIS PREPARATIONS CAN DX SW= ON."-JAS. it. CWLTON, DED., CLemiet, N. Y. Ad minim r;.I nin Is not a Ron:moped:lc remedy, nor does it contain Mercury, Irottpantttarides, or any injuriousingredieut. Ve Price : $1 per box, six boxes ( when ordered at once) for $5. Sent by Mail. Sold Wholesale and Retail, at the Sole General Depot in the United Slates, by J. WINIMEEMEA 36 John street, N. Y., WAYNESBURG MARBLE AND STONE WORKS, SAVERS Sr. RINEIIART Practical Marble and Stone Cutters. rhird Door Eas of the Court Douse, Main St. sept. .2, .4;3. Notice to the Public. THE Cabinet business will be carried on at the old stand, by the undersigned, where all kinds o Furnintre can be had and made to order. A lharae kept In readincaa to attend funerals. AMOK POURED. March le“. REBECCA GahhEatE. are now being sold at LE carefu:iv selected for an exclusively LADIES' MUFFS, LADIES' OITITS, r~o"1" THE SPECIFIC PILL Aprli 13, IPG4 ly 111111 (11D, IMPORTERS & JOBBERS OF _Hosiery, Gloves, &9Alost WHITE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES, No 25 North. Third Street, h ly occupied by J. T. WAY & CO. JOEL J. Il jII Y. lIPARYJ 11Nvis, l Philadelphia. ELTuN W VA J N CULIN June 1,1E64. ly. THE GIRARD HOUSE, Corner Ninth and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA.. H, W. KANAGA, Proprietor. A ? ril 1, 1h64 ly HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PIA MAAEA of the. Nervous, eierititial. Urinary and Sexual Sreerii , —tien , nod reliable treatment—ln reporti of the 1101VADD AS:AM:IA - UP IN—sent by mail 111 seale.4 litter enveloies. free of charge. Ad dress, Dr. J. SKILIN IDAJDIITO•, Flowarti Aseo6- alien, No. 2 slim!) Ninth street, Philatla., Pa. April 13,'01-ly. CEO, F. WARBLE. CHARLES N. REE ViTARDLE, REED cSi. CO., Wholesale Grocery, Tobacco and FROZE GUMMI MERMAITS, N. E. Cor. Sixth and Market Sts., April 13,'114 ly. PHILADELPHIA , LW Ups & EfOSKINSON'S, AT SAYERS' CORNER, FOR FALL A\D WINTER. T EAF : Y are offering the largest, best and latest styles Alpaccas, Coburgs & Wool Delaines ! In t v ord. we have a full supply of the latest style of Ladies Dress Goods, teluirs and Sleeves, [tint bruidered Sets:, llonnrt Skirts, Linings, head Nets, Gloves, hosiery, best :print y Kid Gloves, Prints and Gitighanis, Balmoral:: aml Skeletnns, Triminint eon si-ting of ctuti , ,t Kibbe:is. Braids, Buttons. Beaded Trimmings, and Aotious of all kinds, too numerous to mention. IVIOURNXNG GOODS. A lame and full a , sortinetit of the most Fashionable th,011114 hut Cont. I.e had. Nlen's Wear.— CI at IN. tai , siirl , ren TWVellti. Jeans. Cntionades. Flan 110.i. Binds and Shot, of all ~ i zes, Iles and Caps, La tloods and Nubies. HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE AND Iliniseinrnishing (1,10 s : 4 1n , etinu.s, blencl'ei C.);ton Table Cloths, 'Bed 'ricking and Window Whiffs Our stork is complete in every line, and if our friends want good bargains, all ive have to say is, that this is the pace to secure them,, Call soon, as our motto i,: QIIIOK SALES, AND SMALL PROFITS. Come one and all, as we are going to sell the Goods as low as they can be had in Waynesburg. Mat k this. StaER744.IIOfAKINSON. Oet. 5,'61-Gm 11EADQ1. RTERS, PRO. AR. OFFICE, New Brighton, Ya. A N ACT FOF liNitr)l,l.lNG AND CALLING OUT haiilllllll rouses. &C. Si c. 31, And he i' fit iher Enacted, that every per son not sid-tt et to the roles and articles of oar who shall procure or entice jr attempt tm pmclire Or entice a soldier in the set v ice of the li • Oral states to desert, or who shall harts r or conceal, o: give en,ph yinent to a deserter, or carry MHI:LWay, or aid in carry iog him away. knowing him to he such. or who shall puriluse from any sotther his equipment, aries, ammunition, unif.trot, clothing or any mat . thereof. and any Cap tain or commdm:ing officer of any ship iq vessel, or any conductor or superintend:int of any Railroad, or any other public conveyanee, cuarving away any such soldier as we of his crew, or otherwise kin wing him to have deserted, cr shall reruse to deliver him tip to the orders of his commanding nPrer Fhatl. upon legal conviction. lie ti• ed. at the &SCleli. , lll of any (cunt. hay my CO2aiZafice of the fact. in any sum not exceed ing five hundred dothirs, and he shall be imp, ironed 11' , 4 , •xcet.dine two years nor les- that six months. Euroui,:g"tri.,,s'aiid loyal citizens Ire rrquit nil to arre-t or e attenuation tint. , will '0...14 to the arteL4 of all prrsons viol:icing the alive sertion. . . .1 1 )1IN (*, pt and Provost Nlar-hal •?lth District, Pa IMRE IS RHOTHIS Is lIEW 1 NFORMs the citizens of Green,- county that he tur.s ricer up the Daotcrteatt bushier and resumed the same 4,1i1 trade tl,e SILVER SIVIITPI STYSINIISS. lie is p relate,/ now to repair Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. in the testy hest .st. tiOtire, and on reasonab:e terms. has on hand the very best Clocks mt. Sale silo" Welth.;. Waynesburg, Pa., May IS, It'64 tf. Rowe, text du ur .to Squire R. DOUGHERTY, CARRIAGE DIAIVITFACTURER, Respettfithy informs the public that he has located in Waynesburg, Pa., where he intends to manufacture Carriages of Every Description, From his experience in the business, tix feels confi" dent liis wsrk will give entire sathillvtion . He will use no low priced material, in any part or his work, and will not employ any tot supers r workman. All new work n .II be Warranted for One Year. Sbopon Greene street, one square South of the Court nose, Waynesburg. Jan. 25, 1860 , —n0 34. BRiDDEPDPIT Wan, At the bridge, one mile east of Waynesburg, SMITH GREENE, PROPRIETOR. utidtrsigned hereby notify the citizens of 1 Greene and adjoining counties and the DROVING and TRAVELING PUBLIC in general that lie has ta ken charge of this Hotel and it fully prepared to en tertain the traveling public in the very beet manner He respectfully solicit.? a liberal share of patronage of the public. The BAR will be imprint(' with the choicest LIQ HORS. The Table furnished with the best the coun try can afford. The ST ABLE will be carefully at tended to— call and try us. Jae. 13, 1861. t h Ipfji . J J i; Wanamakei&BroNin, II OAK HALL, 11 FINE iIEALIV MADE i t CLOTHING, .1 S. in. co k r :r;tTe x e t t h .. & 1 , 11 1 PHILADELPHIA. 1 1 1 1 iSpecial Department foil CU6TOI.I WORX, 11 0 . 0. 1 S. Sixth Street 11 ISRAELI GOULD OEM PHILADELPIII..k, PA JUST ARRIVED AT DRESS MRS, GROCERIES, I Ditla..S) Vittsblig Aborttisontitts. DRY CDODS. W, BARKER & CO., 59 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. Have in store the largest stock ever exhibi ted in this city. embracing SititS a 11, iw l ,-*_'. io a v CLOAKS, DEM 160 ins Housekeeping Goods, GENTS' Szi BOYS' WEAR, &c,, &c. Which they offer at WHOLESALE & RETAIL Country Merchants supplied at the lowest Eastern CASH PRICES, March 16, 1861 riii3EM GREAT CLIAK HOSE OF TWE Pittsburgh Cloak and Mantilla Store I' 73 Market Street, Pittsburgh, Pa, 1,.% RN, Lundell) and New York Fall and Winter FaAlloi. for ISC.4 and 13t1.5 now reads and On sale at nor said rooms 73 Market "(trent. Ike have now in stinck everything desirable in Ladies and M Nies rich elegant and iin,linarabie Fait and ll'inter Cloaks, !Liston s, e(at qua s a and Ctrculars a in Chili, Velvet, and other heavy nniar.cs for wi,ter we if', and having purchased largely of CI Clue and other rabries son, eight months ag,„ Lo per cen t; Imel,w t i me iffe a ;ent inners, we ;are ante to -;e11 Ladies (4artnepts hit rer cent less than any r ( htak 11 , .t e In tern Unite C St tf , a. ttri smelt rtur tat.elt: Cott had f,tatittaattte thrtat2ll - ;he seasnn. awl ;1 mater intinirca,eints In 1.10 ers of Lathe: , We. , r. not n(1113::-ti in the United Statel. Country 'Alert hannt'e It all find th; fully 1; 1, 1 1 : 1 ("'l to fill their nailer- train dispatch. ICe eentlier 73, M Irk et sitter is tine ion 4 car Itiatre Chalk [louse to the City. (iUyt. 21, C m,t. ti. J. ^l'E \I J. 11. PHILLIPS, 26 & 28 ST. GLAIE, STREET, PITTZMUE.Gn, PA. Manufactn re's and dealers in FLOOR, FURNITURE & CARRIAGE cLoTo Table & Window Ehade Oil Cloths WINDOW SHADES, SHADE FIXTURES, &c. ALSO, DEALERS IN LMATI-lER BELTXNC, Lace Leather. 111 ;a 12;11,ber II; !ling, Hose, Steam l'ackolg. and niihtter Goods uenprally. N IS. Sole Agents for A Ilt.gheny (Amoy, for the sal of Met r"ptriitaii UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER Wholesale and Retail Rovers µill find our stock large, well ascortycl and tt reasonable. prices. April 13, '6l CLOAKS I CLOAKS ! CLOAKS I Blit,-11D 37D1V1, iv-Crii7i7" MUM...A.I)Y ! And Receiving Daily New Additions, CLOTH AND SILK ! Paris Cloak ar,d Shawl EMPORIUDI - H GUNSENHAUSER, & CO 68 PIL&kEZT STREET. Pittsburgh. Pa. 1. D. FACKIKR. JOHN M. IRWIN rAcazNER. & IR TIN, MAN L - FAcTFTUREIO3 OF Furniture aiui Chairs, No. 103 Smithfield St, ,PA. Nov 4,' , 1:1 I v ST. CLAIR HOTEL , TORN ER OF PENN & ST. CLAM STREETS, P 117 IS G ANDERSON, PROPRIETOR 11_7- po pli tar hott,e hay re..ct,tly hrPn ly related and tionisileil. ant iinw forms one or ti t , most pleasant stopping ,tlalT , in the city. Terms writ erittet, and satisinction Warramed. April 8, '63— ly S. B. di C. P. MARKLE, NIAMUFACTITRERS AND DEALERS IN BOON, CAP, LETTER, A ND au kittd9 n WRAPPINf: P A I'ER Iviveremov A col from O. 27 WooD STREET to No. 33 Solikfleld : , :ztrert, PITTSIIIIPG II , Pl. ri — nrCash Traderor lbws No,. THE UP-TOWN GROCERY. STROSMER & SIMINGTON pA TING purchased Om stock of Groceries lately boonglng to Green & Strosnider will continue the. husinciis at the old stand. They will in n few days be in receibt of a large assortment of Prime Groceries and Provisions, Fruits, Confectionaries, Notions, ,S c e., &c., w in c h they wits eell at the lowest prices for cash. • porn Meal, Flower, Rimer, Eggs, and Country Pro duce generally always on hand. March 4th 1863. PUBLIC NOTICE! A"persons indebted to me are hereby'notified that oty notes and accounts have been placed in the hands of D. Crawford, Esq. for collection, and unless they are paid tutor Wore the 15th of .NOVEMBER pear, they will be reflected by legal process, Day's eters,,Oct. 19. b 964 F. DAY. 11,1 u 3301 k. COITBULIPTION. Thoyime”qierfelyin ,, renretheeirefugaan 4 e.l. o _„ the c"tor ./. q !try aqedue Me (AI _ Fever, End d in, i iLiat tt.e Ecpeeforation. The y en." the 1,4,', t te, ay. i n r , „, n t o f ou rgeels, qdr4. 'ihe appadte is at °stets rigeratalt mid s t patient rapi ily j`fe , h ; the cough, and breathing are speedily relieved; the *imp, tiecumes Ez!in n1,,1 raft, shiag, ; the eramation ?Irk.. I , lr Fuel unVoi-m. ALL 'IIIE 01.1iVatAL by m TOM \''PEAR Y. ITT! A IZAPIDITT TWAT L.L.LOlizi.—J. F. CiturehtUtat:A. EirPOPNCISPHITES arc an ripproorin , r, and - Itor - To MIEDY r‘r orri.ry dia. order eliaracAeriz.d or 1...vi0 of Um followiag VE r " PTOMS : „,ila Diffiridt, or ton rapid BrerMino,Cokf- VeA.l aj the 11., o.• liorning Wadi of A,- Ehlorgement of like • Glar,l4, or eM l a. 'intw; Cough; of fitrentrtit; Twildeing of cla TierreB or vlubeirs; ,Sheeting /Wino.; through the S,4ou/t/ers, Cho- t,iace or limb.; Porrlia l or T, , t / L 06.9 of tho Los of the Limbs; Ilvilache; Gio'dines; Exce , sire ralenefte; Night Szreal,i, Logs o,f Appetite, Heart-Burn, Opplosaion. of the St9macli, alto', or Is'inA ing of the Stomach fare eating; Weak or &lir ,St.?llaCh .Irregillare. tics of the Bowels; Sallow et,ltiphZiOlt Dcraric•-• niont3 of the Lirer or A i(lnr,/.1; iietorded Growl*, or Pcl,!';;.•:Z.iir n taion, in chi,e!ren; Extreme t;,•,:.e,8 to told; itc., as In the several stages el cimgoniptirm,in Catarrh, .tlithwa, Bronchi lia,P.Vit. pe p6i a, Scrrfula,Nrurtilaia, ,Paralp,ik(partiater complete),d . c., and I:spec ial I yin allFr/716/0 IXe ordcrs or Uterine Irregulapiticx, such as Diffieult e Painful, Suppressed, Scanty, Erceative, Doldcat % .Preinature or too krequtut Alotaruatio' n. WINCHESTEIt'S HYPOPHOSPHITES aro the best remedy known alt Medical Seim*. In evt-ry ease when:: the I,l,l3i•icinn cotnntunly presentee "tonics," irutt, wb.i.kcv,col-iiaer 0. Z, Otiinsit4," Winchester's Genuine Preparation OF TITE: HrPOPIIOSPHITES Is the Only reliable cOrnt f this /: an dis Trove,' by the Medical nie ,, inn g-nnern!y. TILER, ..VOR Air REitED Y o +NI:An - ISt; Y: te — 1' :—! a 7 cut $l-57% Bottles tie $I In 16 oz. $2-11c , o fur 13. Circulars free. sold by a:I rev ect:,!,lo and at flu .vole General Depot ia the Lnltc,, by WINChz3TECt, 36 Jam Street, N. Y. In Pulmonary Diseases t the maltase. time treatment should' bo pursued dnringthe Summer months, the pen when most t a tientq I/41W iscly suspend the use of the tZetaciy. April 27. '61.1y Proclamation The greate,t chin e ever offered to buy good Jewelry at Low Prices! 100,00 trlte4, Chiins, Lneketf, Ringo. I r %setae. Sets of Jewe try, Gold Pens, Sce. TO BE SOLD FOR $1 EACH, And not f 0 be Paid for until you know what you are to get. Certitiratec nesting an artii le and its value are pia. r,d in sewed Envelop, a ;mil well mixed, one of wbieb will lie set by livid to any on rereipt of price. Ore ents. Five for 551. Eleven for St. fir 'Thar' ate run You must rot ula vabie nt . youlr innnev. Circulars with particulars rent FRIIE Aildiesa A. .1. HARPER Jr. ( 0 ProOwny. N. r A;,ril 1 LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN, Just fuAshed in a Sealed Envelope Le.Cillio ~ n th Nature, Treatment, and Radiest. I ure ~I Sper:aitro, r rhan or t , emmal 4Veakrotall Sexual I)ehility, and Impedi Me!. Is N. Eui, generally. NervousneFa, Consump tion, Epi10.;,., and Fits ; Mental a» .I Its ROBERT J. L V lilt El, ,M. V., anther ul :he • Green Book," &e. rILI renowned author, in this admirable Lee-: tme, ,I.arly proves , rot: hi:: own experience that the aX\ !ul ~ e ll*-Abuse may be effectually rc.noved lvII:‘, 1131 ins, and ts ithout dangerous ope.7o:ons. hotieles, iti,truniett.s, rings, or cor dilk. or of tti, knife—pointing nut a mode. (11;1 (me. at inn,: -inorte*, certain and effectual. I.y ot volt, h c very sot ere , , no [natter what hie comliit.n ma% I)", 1114 V cure hintee.lfcheat.dy, privately. and rtglwary. i.v.r•Tran , WILT, PROVE: A BOON' TO T11.11;:l 4N Its ANI) 'I lIOUSANDS. tilt, in a plant envelope, to any address pm.t-paid, on rr rr ipt nt six ceute, or two poet stamp,. AttOress lie J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 11 , w,y, New York Post (Mice box OW .kr, 22 1,14. I(il~,Dclu~i,t. bflicted Read.--- =I =l=l lesit, Torpid Liver, Pahl, Irrita bility or the r ysteiti tileneral or Lou Painsor Weak ness, Night :On eats, Dimness or sight. Fits or Despos devicy, Muscular Prostration and all its, woes ot' the Nervous Centres never dream of the CAUSE of their sevens milb.rien". They neat results as it they were c it t“.,; and so no relief is finind wrivr is E 111:::E or TIIFSE DISEAISEX very frequent: v here is the secret—solitary self abuse, it by thousands. uenimenced when boys. at school or elsewhere, it is k' Itp even during y , engmeeleeel.l,4,lllc!rig mental and physical pros- Iralion If continued, these, eii-eases. and even mari nes" are the result. If the victim be ronscious of the ceese elbi" ilitrae, and tMt it, he 'utters under those terrible d and inviialtitary emissions whisk weeken and shame him, till life becomes grievous...- Thus place It -tweet vermin decay anti premattir • death and :li - indite suffering, the wretched victim rush es to :"Et,l 7 • DE,'S fllUCliilN.orsinksto an untimely grave. If lie I• 1113 /II 11/51.-5 himself : efore the prattles Je t , dem, as wort and enters matrimony, his marriage n rre re >nd his sense tells hint that this is espied hy his early follies. SUFFERING YOUNG MEN, Let no fuse tool '..ity prevent you [ruin explaining your else to One whose acAnowle4ged position in the medical p:ofc.i,i,o, and respectai ility in pr vatg point lion as a private counsellor. Think not to cute yrouself. :mil so t toper with a fsculty, the destructlrie of which tenders a Iliatt truly miserati e. Come to Sir. KISKFa.IN, emilide in him as ttiousara have done bet'iiri you. In =hurt. to be cured radically of anfoims of stern diseases, and rai-anns etrects of self-indulgence, apply 10 tlio most sncresAtt and PXperielleld Dr. KINKE C ERMA % Vll Y. ICII 1 N Northwest u.rner of Third and Union : , treets. between Spruce and tine. a square and a halt" from the Meo.itanis' Exchange, Philadel phia. Ii emetilher that st R ICTldit E 4 of the ITRETHA an rapidly retiweed by the ation of a new therapeu tist only u-rd hr Or. K. PAVKAGES MEDWINEA. ADVICE, Om, for wartleo In address. in any direction; put up secure from da!,og , •(>r curiosity. 11.7 ; 1'lL'AT PA lb LETTER'S air ressril to D r. KIN KELIN. I biladelphia, will be aoswcretl forthwith. April •<.i. AIA rt , n . El. hopes , 1 r, Inver it4. a i r a e t i es s iu lfr d rn% .iin A t i l A s i : . - 0 011 1 1 , how 1. , - how 121 - ...ST(IRED; the nature, reltnicia, ;um radical cu: e ofsperwatorrhaea or seta weakeess, involuntary enOssions, sexual debility and inifn mar, ofge generally ; nervousisese, coesoinpinoi, li s. inemal nod pit. sical incapacity, re sulfinT. tro ll , SELF-ABUSE—are fully explained 1* tie M ARRIA GE GUIDE. by AVM. YOUNG, M. M.— his tkio:t.i.tra;lrdinary book should lie in the hands of every young person contemplating marriage, and ev, Ty' Man 0' WOlll.lll Who desire to limit the number of ttwir offspring to their enrcifoistances. Every pain, disease. and ache heidental to youth, maturity, ring old age, is folic explained ; overy par le'e of knowl edge that silifilid he known is here given. It is full of engravings. In fie) it discloses secrets that every ea" st,oultt know ; still it is a book that must be loranf up and 11..1 :40 about the house. it will Le sent to as, One on the ref eipt of twenty-five cents. in specie or postage stamps. Address Dr. %V M. YOUNG, No. 411, Spruce St., above Fourth Philadelphia- ID — AFFLICTED and UNFORTUNATE, an what may be your disease. before you plat* your-- S.-If under the care of any one of the notorious Quack. —native or foreign, who advertise if, :his or any other palter, get a copy of D I , youugfs 1t,,,,k, and read howl fully. It will be the means of saving you many a dol lar, your health. and possibly your lite. llr YOUNG can be consulted on any of the dirmaa- CR described in his Imblication, at his Of f ice. Non 41$. Spruce $l., above Fourth Philadelphia. irt"ollice horn rs from 11 WI 1 o'clock daily. Aril 27, fe4 ADAMS' HOUSE, WAYNESBURC, PENN'Asi JACOB HENDERSHOT, TTARES pleigure in informing his friends and the traveling public generally, that he Itaa token charge of this popular house of entertainment and feels.nosli dent in saying that lit can render perfect satishetion. Every effint will be made to meet the want. alma es of h la guests. The BAR and TABLE will lha.7fitraished whiff* best ankles found in the market,. ApielealamlllllBl3 , lent stabling. Give us a trial. Waynesburg, April 13, 1064. Box 5219 P. O, New York Palpliation of the
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers