=CM ; l am i ens jit • MEE .- A Lieof Honor. &MIX STORM A 'LAWYER DEM On Offering folleg e I promised my mothetilitru I loved as I never loved anothomitertul, that while there I would not tabiettet intoxicating liquor, nor play at card ca. Other games of hazard, nor borroNcinlo,ney. And I never did, and' never Aore since. I have lived - well nigh Stif-yearaoyet have never learned to teroWig*rtk • A knave among Bards; nor I rf+ . auit"l3urgeindyamong wines, nor handl ever asked for the lean of a singlet , . •' Thanks •te my mother'. loving"' full For ine, but noi over-'' Ilow cotrid skein, idler was so weak, and ignoraffkil* - *tams, feeling myself 4totrength was untried, and . : es human life is, such temp 'Aebeset "the young, before me ? •- it ~ ,:t•• She24loAsalo me to pronlise not to swearnifilikeddit, not wrong naeby the, thought illlVltalesouid swear; and •she *as l riott. I couhim* How can any one woul , A4;ituniftus fit to have bidden; or whic *jell to bide. I thought I co • mos 44 "41101 I could not for my self. 4 „_ DuChtfity. SBCo34,oCyllege year there was aimmitt,44 . 4l of sea playing among the students. The 'Faoulq . tried to pre vent difficult. Though ne . -4;i' • • d my chum Ai, ar4d 'some time- • played with him our rosmiudutitt was present.: I not, un freqatiVY'saur_tii6 students at cards.— One Professors questioned me upon Annabject " '„ynurever seen any card play ing e.g. Anistudentsr " ° SW; ,answered firmly, de termistanst to evpose my fellows. "A lie ofndr!" Isaid to myself. What coupar q..co v trazictions ! As well talk aft." ; ,llouist theft," "innocent sin." "1* are•ignorant then o€ any card playi.. ,hecnilegfibulkiing, Brown'?" •• " " osn'believe you. Brown." • I was ready to sink. Nothing else coal = s* stung me like that. Suchootelinee; .and I so unworthy of it. Riiii:k held -back the truth. Burl, eft the Professor's room an otheZeMi than'l entered it, guilty, hum wretched, , That one false wordibeclompiiied everything for me.— Allral .. - "Manliness was shadowed by . it. MY ti•die; 01 mind had left me, My self respect was gone. I felt uncertain, unsafe. I stood upoii - alie, trembling, tottering. Hpw soon inOtt-I not fall? I was riglittint,friing unsafe. It is al-. Ways un.M. 1614; * feet were 'slid ing billmnitme._ .-One of the students had lostomAtia.rws. allowance in play, and appliskte la father for a fresh re mittance, riminst..his less. His father had marls a mipriaint..to the, College Faaulty, and therm ion att investigation ofllLtple t t he money had been star. ked 7 - aleleftt nmy ,room. 'I, was pres ent. 1 0 _is t,' , . -,- . - .. .. Waillgreilh there?" inquired the• Professor : ~. '2' 64. Tliti lll &Priniaeyes rested on me. Where was ra i te , honor then ! my man liness ? Awl where the trust reposed in me? Did any say, "We can believe you, Brown," after that? Did any ex cusem . lie ? Any talk of my honor then - Net one. They said, "We_ did' i re ,iti• of yon ' -Illtiwn!" ' I did' i t 6se Brown iondallie for his right J,'-' 1t.10441641 to kill me. But there -c., was amhelp. I bad to bear my sin and sham A# best I might, and try to out li‘:e ik No one trusted me as before. No We' could, for who knew whether my i t , .: '470 might not again fail ? I co r . • .A trust mysalf until I had oh tain •• ` " ft.ength as well as pardon from God f 'not' even then until I had many times been tried and tempted, and found his strength sufficient for me. . How to Prevent Wet Feet. A • writer in the Mechanics Magazine, who says he has had three pair of boots last *ion six years, and thinks he s ill not squire any more for six years to comoNtells how he treats them. I put a polini each of tallow and resin in a pot (*.the fire; when melted and mixed appliait ,hot to the boot with a painter's brush. until .neither the. sole nor upper will et - any more. If it is desired that Me hoots should immediately take a polik,4nolve an ounce of wax in a teaspoonful of turpentine and lamp blacoot,. day or two after the boots havolienri treated with the resin and talk)* rub over them this wax and to rrof e, but riot before. the fire.— Th exterior will have a coat of wax iirie, and shine like a mirror.— Tall Ted . . ,lrease -become- rancid and rot t ' .4istitelring or leather; hat the resin * . gifeii it an antiseptic quality whiet o preserves • tbe WhOi6 . • a. +4:. ,YEANDs.—Bulwer thinks a manWettitemetta - shown by the way he Khakertai ;- that he may have' the manners of Chesterfield, and smile very weetly. butlerdliVersteal your heart .:;ainst him the moment he shakes hands -ill 'you. But `there is, he says, a cor ia ~, f ittiie,h shows warmth of ~• Y ‘taLing truth, and even pow , r of .tes—a clasp which recalls the &mi . & try Ail the "faith of the right gili!2l=3 Boys, Help Your Mothers. • We haves seen from two to six great hearty boys sitting by the kitchen stove, toasting their feet and cracking nuts or jokes, while their mother, a slender wo man, has gone to the.wood pile for wood, to the well •f , r water, or to the Meat house for frozen meat for breakfait TVs is notas it should be There is much work about the houSe , too hard for a woman ; heavy lilting, hard extra steps, which should be done by those more able. Boys, don't let your mother do it all, especially if she is S feeble woman. Dull, prosy house work is irksome enough at the best.— It is long work, too, it being impossible to tell when it is done ; and then, on the morrow, the whole is to begiane over with again. There. is more of it than one is apt to think. We wish s• me buss, all 7 olay house keeper, the arrangement of whose house is about as inconvenient, as it can be,— a not uncommon state of things, —would count her steps in one day, and let us have the result in miles; let it be noted how many times freax.,4the stove to the wood pile, to the pow, and up and down stairs, vg4 especially how ninny li4es from .'move to the buttery.— illatt -j liAr. REVENUE. —The report of the tead of the Internal Revenue Bureau, it is stated, will show that the income of the. Government from internal taxes is about sixteen millions a month, or nearly two hundred millions a year. NOW IS THE TIME NEVER PUT OFF UNTIL TO-MORROW THAT WHICH SHOULD BE DONE "EDGE Till HEE BY TRI HST." Goods are cheap to-day, but will surely be higher in a few days. a Gold Steadily but Certainly Going up! BOOTS AND SHOES are now being sold at James B. Lindsey s . Panic Prices "tfelaya are dangerous.'' Come then all ye that would be beneti ted. Remember that. Mr. lIN D'SEY was the.only Merchant in Waynesburg who bought GOODS Suring the recent panic,he Leh.g . east at tbat time law - in his Pail and Winter Goods. 1 ani now also opening my rill and Winter ass•irt- Utent of Trimmings and Notions ! ! carefully selected for an exclusively RETAIL TRADE And will sell at lowest anrtecet pr : Trimmings, Embroideries, Gloves and Hosiery. Notions and Fancy Goods, Skirts and Corsets, Undershirts and Drawers, For Ladies, I :eltileln-n and Children in every varie. y GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, and a splendid a‘sortinent of LADIES & GENTLEMEN'S FURS! LADIES' VIOTORINES, HEMS 11111 Flli CEA A full line of HATS AND CAPS, IITF!rMITTIMi n iV77nI Ladles Turban Hats, Black Canton Barai oga Waterfalls, Felt Velvet Tritnntings, &c., &c Gent's Fine Silk Hats, - Fur, Wool and Cotton Hats, OF ALL PRICES AND STYLES, t I MMVI NAttWt§q PLUMES AND FLOWERS, Of the very latest styles, and ran re purchased at ex ceedingly low prices. These goods were purchased EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH, and will be sold for very short profits. call and examitt,, it is no rouble in show goods Remember the place—immediately opposite the Court House, next door to the Post (Mire. JAMES D. LINDSEY, Waynesburg, Oct. 111, '64.3m. PETROLEVM BANK OF CREENE COUJIITY. s hereby given that the Odd Fellows Association at I Waynesburg has filed in the Attorney General's Office, of th e State of Pennsylvania, a certificate that said Association desires to change Vie same into a Batik of Issue, Discount and Deposit, to be known by the name, style avid title of the • TROLEUM BANK OF GREENE COUNTY tribe located in Waynesburg. Greene county, state 0 Pennsylvania, with a cadital stock of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, with the Privilege of increasing the same to THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, in pursuance of an Act entitled "Supplement to an Act to establish Free Banking in Pennsylvania.," Ste., passed the 3rd day of May, A.D., 1861. .1. F. TEMPLE, Sec'y. .10S. RANDOLPH, Pres't. WM. A. PORTER, Treiter. Oct. 5,'64-6m. THE UP-TOWN GROCERY. SIROSNIDER & SIMINGTON {SAVlNG . purchlsed the stock of Groceries lately belonrmg to Great* tattrninider will- continue the business at the old stand. They will in a few dais be in receipt of a larbs assortment of - Prime Groceries and Provisions, Fruits, Confectionaries, Notions, do., dm, which they will sell afthe lowest prices for cash. Corn Meal, Flower, hotter, Eggs, and Country Pro duce generally always on hand. March 4th 1863.. . C it n ME trespassing on the priftioses o ;f the subscriber, m the Ist, inot4TBSSIE HOGS , , ~..„ sossoiplusiont 100 ponnds.anok. , Two' , 7 - T - ' aglek 4/44,- -One hes a sinielstitil t 0101W010100 wir-rse --., Entered on Township - s ... . • • , 'qg 1 Oc& Itlg, !pantos - Bober* -,'" - - - .4. ..t -• ICMMM ZIP ETC= TO-DBY ! ea LADLES' MUFFS, LADLES' OM'S, IVC:ITXC2OI . sal i'IIOTOGRAI GILERY, ' t .. 'Filson's Fazio g , ' '' ' din one door east - - on al `t he( onal Bank, . 4 1114LIMIXISBITRA, PA. , Messrs. Waal) & a raig rr A VE Mind up a splendid Sky-Hein Gallery, 'the 1.1 litat,regular oieture-taking establishment ever Mi stimed IA [Replace, where they are prepared to execute PBOTOGRAPIIS, AMBROTYPINS, MALEIANOTYPES, • CARTE DE VISITES, And all ester kind , and sizes of pictures, in a style equal to t e hest artists. Especaal attention Will he given to cotiying pictures and enlarging them. All applications will he promptly attended to. Their rooms art commodious and ut , racti.e, and every de sirable accommodation will be rendered to customers. This is decidedly the hest opportunity to secure accur ate likenesses every offered to tier people of Greene County. Call acv time it suits you. Pictures taken aev time in the day, add in all kinds of weather. Photograph Albums always on Hand. Way tic*bmg, April Cy, 1664 -tt. MEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED AT SAYERS & HOSKINSON'S, AT SAYERS' CORNER, FOR FALL AND WINTER. r HEY are ofThring the largest, best and latest styles DRESS SnYeSs, Alpacas, Coburgs & Wool Delaines ! In a word, we have a full supply of the latest style of Ladies Dress Goods, Collars and sleeves, Em broidered sets, Bonnet skirts, Lin ings, 'lead Nets, Gloves, Hosiery. best quality Kid Gloves, Pints and Ginghams, Balmoral's and Skeletons, Trititiniiii a, con sisting of quilled Ribbons, Braids, Buttons, Beaded Trimmings, and Notions of all kiwis, too uttmerous 10 Mill ion, IVIOURNiNG GOODS. A ISM and full assortment of the most Fashionable Moityjijna Goods that could he had. Men's Wear.— Cht h 4, Cassimeres Tweeds, deans, Cottonades. Flan nels. Boots and Shoes of al! sizes, Hats and Caps, La dies'llats, don& and Mahn's. HARD WARE, QUEENS WARE AND GROCERIES, lintisefurnishing (Inn 13, Bleached Sheeting., lia ble:wised ,heeine. Co:tou Table Cbdlis, Bed Ticking and Window Blinds Cur stack is complete in every line, and if our friends want rood bargains, all we have to say is, that this is the place to secure them. Call soon, as our motto is: QUIOK SALES, AND SMALT. PROFITS. Come one and all, as we are goino• b to sell the Goods as low as they can be had in Waynesburg. Mark this. Oct. L2,'64 SailiEßB F 1108KINSON. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of the county of Fayore. Pa.. we will sell the follow ing descr bed Real hlstute of MARSHA. I. SPRINGER late of Fayette county, deed, all that certain Wi1..13.40M° OF XJALINTX) situate on the 1 1 ,1:11:ougaliela River in Dunkard Tp., Gicene county, Pa„ containing ONE HUNDRED ACRES, more or les., adjoining lands of Isaac Morris, Ilannah Morris and others, on which r re a Log Dwelling llouse and a Log Baru. Also that certa LOT OF GROUND situate in New Geneva, Fayette county, Pa., adjoining lots of David Parks ;:tid Dr. James Thompson .0n street, on whictris erected a F ~;~:#t'ri~zE~-l~s~~#rF~1i~~`[~~'i~(i]~~=~;i a story and a half high, and outhnitinz: ,. . The sale of the Fayette county property will take place on the premises at 10 o'clock a. ut., Saturday, Oct. `29th, and the sale of the Greene county property on the premises at 3e'clock, p. m., of the saute day. ' I I'IE33EI. IV/E3. One half cf the purchase money to he pail on confir mation of sale, and the residue thereof in one year thereafter, with interest from data of confirmation. SUSANNAH SPRINGER, Ex'a. JAME'S T SPRINGER, Ez'r. • Oct. 5, 1864, Look at This! To all whom it may Concerti! THE undersigned would respectfully in form his old customers, friends and the *--, toddle generally, that he has returned to Wa.lneshurg, and opened a siumramsr SNIP, On Main Street, one door east of the Farm ers' and Drovers' Bank, Waynesburg, Where he will keep constantly on hat ii all articles in his line, such as Ladies' and Gentlemen's Bridles, Martingales. Collars. Ilarness, in fact every thing usually kept in an establishment of the kind. Persons wishing to buy will please give its a call and examine our work before purchasing else where. as we fiatte.r.ourselves We can sell as good work as we ever did. Ait work manufactured of the best material in the market, and made in a neat and substantial manner. "Warranted not to cut in the eye." J. T. HOOK Waynesburg, April 97, 1864.-ti ADAMS' HOUSE, WAYNESBURC, PENN'A., JACOB lIENDERSIIOT, TARES pleasure in informing his friends and the traveling public generally, that he has taken charge of this popular house of entertainment and feels confi dent in saying that ht, can render perfect satisfaction. Every effort will be made to meet the wants and wish es of hia guests. The BAR and TABLE will be furnished with the best articles found in the market. Ample and conven ient stabling. Give us a trial. Waynesburg, April 13, 1864. CORNUCOPIA SALOON, No. 7 FilTh Street, PITTSBURGH, PA FRED. WEISS, PROPRIETOR. ()uner i 12 Iv Legal Notice. LET,TERS testamentary upon the es tate of Don, . J A MIIES LINDSEY, deceased, l ate of Waynes burg, areeJlie county, retina., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to pay the same, and those having claims against •it are re quested to present t h em duly authenticated for settle ment. R. H. LINI)SEY . Bet t. 14. '6l JAMES I.NGIIiAM. Executors Faimers' & :Brwvers' Bank. FARMERS' & BRAVES,' 1 1ANS, or WAYNERS9DURO, October kith, A N election for Seven 'Directors of this Beak, will i 1 be held at the Banking BAHIA. on MONDAY, lib - 4111BM 21st, between 1.1 A. Alt-,9 11 u1 2 P. 2 11, J. C!iski4r. •- . •iftrna Vi l ire n A i lear,Plittritirgbe.g. ni notes an 'a tit h pl bond s °p.c.:nl/.1;11 bia to tetectinn, 1 , et NO ' '4llllllll. tkno will ' hacarected4s/1610) mom, Unen • r• DA! • MO TM: HOLD TO YOUR ACRES, RAILROAD CERTAIN RUNNING Tll HMV ~'~c~~~~~~~,~ ~ CONNECTING WITH THE OHIO ! N. CEARK & SON LAVE elegantly filled up the rochn formerly tleell -11 pied by 7 hontas Bradley, and having nude heavy purchases in the East, are now prepared to offer a lager and more lashiouttble stock of ZEliilli ililb Zillialli Clothing than they have ever done, and would kindly invite their many good 111,1 faithful (1110.0111e113, and a!I others who have or ver bees so fortunate as to give them a call, to stop in TWO DOOIS WEST OF THE ADAMS INN Aod they show you styles and qualities that can not fail to pease, "awl at such reasonabl • prices you v` tll iwagine you lirino in the yeti nld days of peace and plenty- I;isr acsurtutent cannot be surpass ed. M e ws - and Ih ye' wear of every grade. Vests from the tin••st s:lk velvet to the cheapest cottonade.— Plain awl EI of French and Al:wr it:an lularzure. Also AI A it'SEILLES, LIAEN, zinTINETT AND COTTON ADE pasts. COATS OF EVERY STYLE, Frocks and sacks, Lincu dusters, and Summer Cass mere Overcoats, ails the very latest, the English Walking Coat. A fine assorlnient of HATS dm/ CAPS, eninprisin all the best and lieu est Eastern s yles. A greater va rielY Netll/11S arid won's iiirnisUnig goods than will b found in any siinilar esialnishinetit. White, Colorea and lAeghgee Blurls, Ecatle and Ties—among Which are the Tubular, flat vaid aell English Itibh in 'tie.— Suspend( rs. C.oves, Hosiery, Linen C.llars, Plain and Etubruidert d, and 5000 PAPER COQ RS A great improvement on the Lokwood Collar, WAY'S parent Enameled Mo:ded I ollar. superior iu style, durability and tit, h, boxed of ten, and one hun dred. Read the Sign—make 110 mistake—Ten doors West of ti e Adams lon, and nearly opposite Joe Ta ter's Cut let May 4, '64.—tr, MEG v:,)tV§ l 1 NFORMS the eithens or Greene county tint he has gikr ti up tic, imgeerrean Lusisess and resumed the seine old trade tie fOxLvier. wS .TITIZ BUSINESS. Ile is prepared non' to repair Cloeka, Watches. asd Jewelry, In the v.'uy hest style, Or nest notice, and on reasonable terms. :le le:; on hand the very hest Clocks for sale W ebbs . Wa) nesimig, 3fity IS, tf. —Campbell's Rowe, Lext door to Squire R. DOUGIIERTI, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, nespectfittly informs the public that he has located in Waynesburg, Pa., where he intends to manufacture Carriages of Every Description. From his experience in the nosiness, he feels confii dent his werk will give entire satisfaction Ile will use no low priced material, in any part of his work, and will hot enip;e:. any Lai snuernir workman. All newwe:k will be 'Warranted for One Tear. Shopon Greene street, one square Sout'a of theCou ri 011,, Waynesburg, Jan. 25, 1560—n0 34. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR THE ! WM, B ERRYRILL ptesoeci ro;:y infomis M.: customers :Ind the ['MIMIC o that 1,0 L•ls ren,,JVcd his 'Soot and Shoe estahlkii mew. (lwe!lmg (ll postte the Methodist Episcopal I'Morr M mmly occupied by Joseph Taylor. %% here he wi'l I. krr p hand or make to order rAsEEZO2I.II.I3LM 1300T$ AND SISIOZ3, For Gentleman, Ladies' and liiiildren's ware. Ali work will be warranted to give satisfaction and n.q. to rip. Orders will be filled promptly', and every effort wade to please. Reparing done on short. Notice. Waynesburg, May 11, 'ti.l.—tium. YlabcJl~la. ii em Ihimiledsadficteit with Consuinp• I,IILTILIIKAion, Epilepsy, Palpitation o f the • • ilisart, Torpid Liver, Palsy, Irrita bility of the r yetem General or Lonal Pains or Weak ness, Night Sweat... Dimness of Sight, Fits of Despon dency. Muscular Prostration and all tfiss.asess of tile Nervous Cs:ruses never dream or the CAUSE of their several affliction.. They Heat results as it they were c use-, end rclief is h,sinst Nviivr IS. THE CAUSE OF THESE DISEASES Very fr,l , ll•lltiy ? Set f,tl—solitary self abtoul, practiced by thousands. Commenced when boys. m scis sol or elsewlicie. it is k pt up even during young producilig, insitstal and physical pros tration IC continued, the,e diseases and even mad ness are the result.: tittle icties he conscious of the cam se of his decay, and t nit it, L• 1; :titr,rs under those terrible nocturnal and illVOilltitary eillistliolllB Which weaken and shame hint, till life becomes grievous.— Thus place between certain decay and preinatu e death and borsible S 11111,ring, the wretched victim rush es to SELF• DESTRUCTION. or sinks to an untimely grave. If in emancipates himself betisre the practice has done its wont and enters matrimony, his marriage is it n fruit had his sense tells him that this is caused by liis early follies. SUFFERING YOUNG MEN, Let no flee modesty prevent you from explaining your case to one whose acknowledged position in the medical professinn, and respectal , ility in pr vale life, point him as a private counsellor. Thank not to cue yourself, and sn tamper with a faculty, the destruction of which renders a man truly thiserati e. Come to Dr. KINEELIN, confide in him as thousands have done befall. , you. In short, to be cured radically of all forms of secret discus,-s, ruilitms effects of self-indw g ,nee apply to the most successful and experienced Dr. MAKE GERMAN PHYSICIAN, Northwest comer of Third and Union Streets, between Spruce and Pine, a square and a half from the Merchants' Exchange, Philadel phia. Remember that STRIICTUREA of the It Horn A are rapidly removed by thsF.amalication of a new therapeu- Drat ages: t. trimly used by r. K. PACKAGES DE MEDICINES, ADVICE, &c., for warded to address, in any direction; put up secure from damage or cariosity. ID — POST PAIL) LETTERS addressed to Dr. KIN KELIN PliiiaV f Chia, will be answered orthwith. April 27, L.Sfs . M ARRIAGE!—Its A g ß e r il , I a l , G ), F ,_ .. 1.... a llt and s l o vesl ,_ and re , I r a , t t ea :, l , o , t i m j i , w y s s a . n l a A a N n , - - 1100 D, how lost, how RESTORED; the nature, reatment, and rmlical cure of sperinatorrluel or sent inel weakness, involuntary emissions. sexual debility and impeditnents to marriage generally; nervonsness, consumption, fits, mental and ph‘sical incapacity, re sulting trout SELF-A nUSE—are folly explained in the MARRIAGEGUIDE, by WM. YOUNG, M. D.— This most extraordinary book should be in the hands of every young person contemplating marriage, and every matt 0. women who desire to limit the number of their offspring to their ci.eunistances. Every pain, disease, and ache iacidental to youth, maturity, and old age, is fully explaineif; ovary particle of knowl edwailistainuald be known is here given.. It is full of engravings. In fart it discloses secrets that every one 'Abituld know ; still, it is a book that must be locked up and ind lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of twenty-five cents, in specie -or postagestainus. Address Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 410, epruce St.. above Fourth Philadelphia. fp'"APFLICTIRD and UNFORTUNATE, no mat let whal.nanY•heYour disease. before you place your self under the.cara of any one of the notorious Quacks ~ - .native of foreign': who advertise lb this or any-ether- Paper, get a l lll OP OE,Dr. Young's Rook, and read itcare filly. D. wil thq means of saving you many a dol lar,lo your liea h. end' poksibly your life. Dr tOUNG dein lire consulted on any of the disetits es described irelisisipublir.atino, at his. Office. Nos 410, Spruce St., above Foorth Philadelphia. , 'Office hours from Brit 3 o'clock daily. WAYJIIEWBUJIG MARBIZ:AD BTONgiWORKS. . • Ag 1 0 , s • .- S tIL 4l& AL, "UMW (RI ' ' ractieat 4 aad • Stung Cutterg; pird Dooelikieji 'iki "Court Rosie, 410;41. kit. 9, '63. H :‘ 4 ,tar Wanamaker &Brown,i OAK HALL. op FINE READY MADE CLOTHING, S. E. Corner Sikth & Mar ket Streets. 1 PHILADELPHIA. 'Special Department for CUSTOM WORK, 'No. 1 g. Sixth Street =-_ April 18, 1864-Iy, ISRAEL) GOLltiD wirn 3011 34 lalki , ? t IMPORTERS & JOBBERS OF Hosiery, Gloves, WHITE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES, No. 28 North Third Street, 1,81 ly occupied by .1. T. WAY & CO. JOEL J. BADS, lIENRYJ.DAVNI, Philadelphia. ELTON B. GILFOPII, SAM'L W. VAN CULIN June 1,18(4. ly. SOWER , BARNES a CD., PUBLI IHERS AND DEALERS IN Miscellaneous, School and Blank Books, AND STATIONER y, r north Third Street, below Arch, Cll. G. SOWER, W. li. BARNES, PIIILADELPIII.I F. C. POTTS. • Publishers 01 Pelton's Outline Maps and keys, the largest and best Outline Maps ever published. San— der's new Readers, Greenleaf 's & Brnoks' A ril hrneties, dec., Blank Rooks, Writrng, Wrapping, Curtain and %Vail Papers. Aug. 19. 'b3, THE GIRARD HOUSE, Corner Ninth and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. R. W,XANAGA, Proprietor. Ap6l 1,1564.1 y. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHIL A D EL Pn PA. N il t e • r , v w o a u: i t ' re L :t r t i n " l 7 p u l Y t v ° 2; eTtI C , —d mliable reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATIteti—Sent by mail in scal,24 better enri:lades. free of charge. dress, Dr. J. linward No. :South Nintli Street, Plirlada., Pa. April 13,'61-Iy. MLA 13EOLDMN, 708 Market Street, between 7th & ath, SOUTH SIDE, PHILADELPHIA. Importer of Watches and Fine Jewelry. MANUFACTURERS' CJI-20 1 0Mrs. MICYLT ES 309 WHOLESA LE RETAIL. ALL KINGS OF CLOCKS REP 'RED AND WARRANTED. 9 lig. I !1,'1i3 GILLESPIM, ZZLLEB. & CO. Wholesale Grocers, A N D COMMISSION MERCHANTS, N. W. Cor. Sixth and Market Sts., April 13,'61-Oin• PHILADELPHIA. GEO. F. WARDLE. CHARLES N. REE WARDLE, REED & CO., Wholesale Grocery, Tobacco and PRODUCE CHIMI2IOII MEitililig, N. E. Cor. Sixth and Market Sts., April 13,'64-Iy. PIIII.A DELPIII4.. Vittsiny cAoertistnttuts. DRY GOODS 3 J. W, BARKER & CO., 59 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. Have in store the largest stock ever exhibi ted in this city. embracing SILKI, 0 - aii:Maa 9 CLOAKS, iDnA 8601.3 Z Housekeeping Goods, GENTS' & BOYS' WEAR, Which they offer at WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Country Merchants supplied at the lowest Eastern CASIII PRICES. March 16, 1864 J. D. FACKINER. JOHN M. IRWIN' FACISMIER & MANIIkAcTUTURERS OF Furniture and Chairs, No , . 103 Smithfield SG, Nov 4.'63 ly. PITTSBURGH PA. Notice to the Public. "VIE Cabliet business will be earned at at the old - (I.2;kft.tike undwmdgited,. where kinds 0 ru ea be!..hfu and made- to order. 011E14Sr . Xakeh Id*, 4 ) tan3raiiii trlar h WIST. Pittebisivh Cloak and Mantilla store 13 Market Street, Pittsburgh, Pa, "DARN, Lnn4nn and New York Fall and Wham. Fashions ler 1804 and 1805 now ready and on sale at our sale 4 rooms 73 Market Street. We have now in stock everything desirihle in Ladies and Misses rich tlegant and tashionalsle Fall and Winter Cloaks, Basques, Sacques, and Circulars, in Cloth, Velvet, and tither heavy fabrics for winter wear, and Baying purchased largely of Clothe and other fabrics some eight months ay., it 50 per cent. below the present prices, we are able to sell Ladies Garments 50 per cent l ess than ally other Cb,ak /louse in the United St tee. And shall keep our stock full and fashionable throUgh out the season, and shall (lithe inducements to tuyers of Ladies wear, not equaled in the United States. Country Merchant's will find us fully prepared to till their order* with dispatch. Re.ilember 13, Market street is the only exclusis , e Cloak House in the City. Sept. VI , 1861. M. J. SPENCEL J. & 11. PHILLIPS, 26 & 28 ST. CLAIR STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Manufacturers and dealers in FLOOR, FURNITURE 4r, CARRIAGE otL Table & Window Shade 011 Cloths WINDOW SHADES, SHAVE FIXTURES, &c. ALSO, DEALERS IN LEATHER BELTING, La c e Leather. In is Rubber Belting, Hose, Steam l'ankinit. and Hubner Conde _enentlly, N Sole Agents ion Allegheny cOttnty, for the sal of Metropolitan Co.'s UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. Wholesale snit iiilyers will find our Mock large, well assorted and at reasonable prices. Aptil 13, 'O4 The Very Latest News ! SADDLE &I ILIUM MiIIiFACTORY, Opposite the Greene House, WAYNESBURG, PA. CHARLES B. BRADLEY llt;nowteceiving from the East, and matmfacttiring at his own establishment the largest and best as sortment of SADDLE'. (BRIDLES, If AM\ SS, C . tI.I,AIES. WHIPS. 1111:YES, and SA1)1)1.13E17 IIARIPN ARE ever before tir,entoil to the invites one and all Is give him a call; as lie is 4e. termo.al be :oil at prices which DEFY COMPETITION. Having 13 - 31 . 111. in who have worked at Ili, business many 3 ears, In Inn Is iisriereil ihat lie can tutu out as good as any establishment in the Slate. Farrurnsaici the public giaieraily would ill, w , ll In ice a call ina'inat purchasing el,iiwhere .All work June iii the fleetest and west fashinhahle turd Itententhvr the place, oppo4ite the Gre.etie May CHARLES R.ItI L AM EY. CLOAKS! CLUE! CLOAKS! 27.1111141 27.011 - • NO - IAT 361..M.A.13-S And Receiving Dilily New Additions, CLOTH AND SILK ! Paris Cloak and Shawl H GUNSENHAUSER, & CO., 68 MARKET STREET. 2= 2 'itbs 7co Pa. it LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN, Just Published in a Sealed Envelope ALecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical 4 ore of ..*t.lperipatorrlitea or eieminal Weakness, Involuntary - Emissions, r , exual Debility, and Impedi ments to Marriage generally. Nervousness, Consump tion, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental ati.l l'hysiral Incapac ity, resulting. from rtelf—Ablise, &c. By ROBERT .1. CULVER WEL M. 1)., author of the' Green Book," &c. • The world renowned author, in this admirable Lec— ture, clearly proves iron; own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may he effectually removed without medicine, and without danger❑a,s surgical operations. Iplugies, in-at - omen's, rings, or cor dials, or the application of the knife—poiming out a mode of a cure, at once simple, certain and effemual, by means of which every sofferer, no matter witat his condition may be, may cure hims.elf cheaply, privately, and radically/. 4bTHIS I.B6TURE , MU. PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. tent, uncle! sea:, in a plant envelope, to any adtlres post-paid, on rect.ipt of six cents, or two poet stamps. Addre,s the publi:-M,rs. Cll.lB. .1. C. KLINE & CO., Ir flowery, New York, Post (Mice box 9586 dune 21 1861. Proclamation The greatest than ,e ever oilerecl to buy good Jewelry at Low Prices ! 100,000 Wettites, Chains, Lockets, Rings, Bracelets, Sets of Jewelry, Gold Pens, &c. TO BE SOLD FOR $1 EACH, And not ro be Paid for until you know what you are to get, Certificates naming an article and its value are pla ced in Sealed Envutoms and well mixed, one of which will be set by mail to any address on receipt of price. Ore Certificate `2.:). eats, Five for $l. Eleven for in. Thirty tia in. There. are no blanks. You must get the value of your money. Circulars with particulars sent FREE tddress 229 Broadway. N. r April 13,'64-ly Young's Eating Saloon, CORNER VIRGIN ALLEY ANP SMITHFIELD STREE-is, Where OYSTERS 1101 all the delicacies of the season will be served up in the most palatable style. ELI YOUNG. Corner Virgin and Alley Sumlitle st Pittsburgh, Oct. 14, '62.-y N. OGDEN & CO., MANUFACTURRRB OF talloll 4)11 11121?3g AND Silvered Glass Reflectors, Knobs, gm Na. 69 Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa. RePt.3o,'63-Iy. ST. CLAIR HOTEL, 'OMER OF PENN & ST. CLAIR STREETS, PITTSB47RGJI, PA. J. N. ANDERSON, PROPRIETOR. This popular house has recently been thorough ly refittell and furnished, and now forms one of the most pleasant stopping places in the city. Terms mod erste, and satisfaction warranted. April 8, '63— ly S. B. & P. MARKLE, MANUFACTURERS 4ND.DEALERS IN BOOK, C.B.P, Z.PRTTER, ND all kindstWitii.PPINETAPER have lamas ad Rom NO. IN WOODIVEMET to ti No. 33 Sidtbitallieslitooot t intresumeasizji. Totcoi Tradefor Rae. . Noo 11 , 13114.7. . EZIFORIUM A. J. HARPER Rr. f 0., Box 5219 P. 0., New York tAlf 1141101114 Importers and Dealers in }MUSK RENISIIin ,a 30 FIFTH - STREET, Ffilt. dogs beltrar Exchange nawli; PITTSBURGH, PA., WIIP,RE .EVERY INSCRIPTION OF Housekeeping Artice s, Consisting of Hardware, Plain and Planished Tinware , Brbstiea, Wooden Wine, Baskets, Plated Wale, Cutlery, Iron Ware, Japantie4 Ware, and Cooking Utensils of all kinds. A great, variety of Shaker Goods, Bird Cages, 4114 . saw be obtained on the most reasonabie terms. Refrigerators and Water Coolers, DOOR MATS AND FANCY GOODS. KAY & RICHARDS. Sept 30, 1863 FIX3'3ELNITIIa3EI:III .411..11hT3Z, CANA AND WOOD MIAMI, SELLING OLT WIIOLE:3ALE OR RETAII JAS. ►Y. WOODVI ELL, 97 add 99 Third street. opposite E. Efirt ntylpron k CO and 110 w•onrth street. Aug. 9, '63. 1163 tlorh. • mptly And C zt IN ALL STAGES " CONSUMPTION. They immediate? y teenage the streftgantul clsepesa the color o f thept le blood. They subdue the ehias end Fever, and diminish the Expectoration.. 'hey cheat the aigh t sue(' 0, always, in fri.m sc rewt° fourteen. days. The oppetite is at once invigorated, smith° patient rapidly gains flesh ; the cough and the difficult bccatleing are speedily relieved • the sleep becomes calm and refreshing ; the evacuations repu hi?, and sin/form ALL '1 ILE GENERAL SYMP.. TOMS DISAPPEAR WIT 1-1. A VAPIDITY THAT SEEMS MAIIVELLOT:6.—J. F. Churchill, M. D. THE ETPOPELOSPEZTEA are an appropriate, and srzefric EMIEDY for every dis order claanwierized Ly any (Ale ur n.uru of tLo I.llowing SYMPTOMS: D2l,67oilt,lmperfect,or too Rapid Breathisg,Cold nes.9 of the Extremities; Marning Hectic; lra&Cing of Flesh, Enlargement of tho Glands, or I,.tee' , jags; Cough; Lose of Strength; Twitching of the werres or annscles; Shooting. Pains through the Shoulders, Chest, lace or /nibs ; Partial or 'lota Lunn of the Use of the Limbs: Headache; Giddines; Ercessire Palouse; .bight Sweat>, Loss of Appetite, Hearl-Burn, Oppression. of the Stomach, otter, or-Sicking l , furs eating; Weak or ,Snvr Stoma, le; Ire , ;in:oK tie4 of the Dowels; Sallow Complexion; perafece, of the Li rer or L• id ye; _Retarded Growth, or P, hr jot Dentition, in chi Id ren, ; Extreme Sendi tirenese to Cold; cfc., as in the several singes of Condumption, in Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchi tie, Dys pepsia, Scrrtfula,A,nralgia, Para/ ysii,(partia tor complete ),de., and 3:specials y inzllFt37lol6 Dis orders or Uterine Irregularities, such as Dip= 14 Painful, Bupprexped, Erceerire, Deyegt, Premrature or too .Frequent Meadetuttion. WINCHESTER'S EYPOPHOSPHITES are the best remedy known to Medical Science, in every case where the ph:.sician commonly prescribes " &macs," iron, whiakey,Lvd-liver o.l,qtartine," dra Winchester's Genuine Preparation OF THE ILTTOPITOSPIT, !TES is the only reliable; form of this Itornedy, an ci i s approved by the Medical Profes,io n gen rn I Iv. 0 TBER, IC01: ANY jeEvEi)y(w.v.T.4ll.7_i c; I 1:0_V. i 7 oz Lot tles, sl—Six Bottles fig' $5. In 16 oz. BottleF., t2—Three for tl. CirenLara free. Sold by at t respect:ll,le lnucgists, and at the sole General Depot in the United States, by J. WINCHESTER, 36 John Street, N.' Y. n Pulmonary Diseases, the most ekes ve, treatment should be pursued during the 'Su muter months, the pe when roostOtt ientq susp r itl the use of the f.cr.tot:y. April 27,:fi4.1y NEW GOODS, Just Arrived at irtffillOn HA VING made extensive improvements in their store room. are better prepared than ever to ac commodate their costumers. They are offering the largest, best and latest styles of Dress S ilks, Alpaca tu,ters. all colors, Mozanittion es, all kinds; Poll di Ctiev res. leamred Wttol I , elaines, Solid Wool De tainee, Solidz , ulk Challics, r3olitl Mixcd I:baffles, in e. word, we have a full line of the latest style of Ladies' Dress Goods ! Sha v Is, Cloaks and :Vannes, Collars a - id Sleeves, Em broidered Sets, Bonnet Silks, !lead Nets, Glavesand Hosiery, hest quality Kid Gloves, Prints and Gingham Ha!morals and Skeletons, of all sizes and mas.— Trimmings, consisting of Quilled Ribbons, Braids, Buttons Also, a larto assortment of Linen Handker chiefs, plain and Innuatiched. Mourning Goods A large and full assortment of the moat fashion& h!e Mouthing GJotls that could be had It/130.1%1"1€3 NAT MAIL3Ft., Cloth Ca.:sitneres, Vestings, Tweeds, Jeans, Coftton au es, zqiirting Flannels, ace, HARDWARE, 11E.115111E All &ROMS, Coffee, Tea, Sugar. Morasses. Salt, T9l.aeco, &c, /ke, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, 3-4, 4 t, H) 4.bleached Sheeting., 3-4, 4.4..7,1 unhi.otchett Street - ing Cotton and Linen Table Cloths, Lire!! Slieetings lied Ticking and tviiiidow Cutting. Our stuck is complete in every line, alai if our filen& want good bargains, all we have to say is that this ie the place to secure them. cail soon before the rush begins. May BRIDGEPORT l U JTEb, At the bridge, one mile east of 'Waynesburg, SMITH GREENE, PROPRIETOR. riptiE undersigned hereby notify the citizen* Of! Greene and adjoining counties and the DROVlPitil • and TRA VELANG PUBLIC in general that he has ta ken charge of this Hotel and is fully prepared to en tertain the 'raveling public in the very best manner lie respectfully solicits a liberal share of patronage of the public. The BAR will he supp!i9d with the choicest lila.. UORS. The Table furnished with the best the coun try can afford. The ST .BLE will be carefully at tend( d to- call and try us. Jan. 13, 186-1. Incorporation of the Union Literary Society, In the Matter of the Incorporation aide, Union Literary Society of Waynesburg. College. AND now to wit: June Tlth, 1864, the Court hey., hug examined the articles of Incor.Joration and finding therein nothing injurious to the community a s innawinl direct said A rticles of Incorporation to be filed in t• e ?rotlionouary's office, and direct no tice of the same to be inserted for three weeks hi -a newspaper publis , ed in Greenn co , giving tieitingt that application has been made to the court for, law.. poratien, which said incorporation will be granted ere less of jection of injury -or ordowfttillagablikerl.4. against the same. BY THE COURT. Attest, .1, F. TEMPLE, Prothonotary, Wavnesberg, Sept. QS, 1864. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS Testamentary upon the estate of Jai* Rose, dec'd late of Whitely tp., notice is bereft' given to all persons indebted to said estatat o to Maw immediate payment, persons having claims will pril" sent them properly authenticated for settlenient. CATIIARINE MOW. ELI ROSE, ELIJAII CIIALFANcEViric Sept 21, 1864. . - WE. NICHOLAS SQL, CORNER GRANT AND 4TH STREW. D REDUCED PRICES,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers