The Madman's Wit. ♦ gentleman of fortune visiting a lu natic assylum, where the treatment consisted chiefly in forcing the patients to stand in tubs of cold water—those slightly affected up to the knees; others, whose cases were graver, up to the middle; while persons very seriously in, were immersed up to the neck. The Visitor entered into conversation with one of the patients, who seemed to have some curiosity to know how the strang er passed his time out of doors. 1 hove horses and greyhounds for ecursinp, ; " said the latter, in reply to the other's question. "Alk! they are very expensive I" "Yes, they cost me a great deal of Money in the year ; but they are the best of. their kind." "Have you anything more?" "I have a pack of hounds for hunt ing the km." "And they cost a great deal, too?" "A great deal. And I have birds for hawking." "I see ; birds for hunting birds. And these swell up the expense, I dare say ?" "You may say that, for they are not common in this country. And then I sometimes go out with my gun, accom panied by a setter and a retriever." "*nd these are enpensive too." "Of course. After all, it is not the animals of themselves that run away with the money ; there must be men, you: know to feed and look after them ; houses to lodge them in—in short the whole sporting establishment." "I see, I see ! You have horses, hounds, setters, retrievers, hawks, men —and all for the capture of foxes and birds. What an enormous revenue they must cost you. Now, what I Want to know is this—what retarn do they pay 1' What does your year's sport ing produce!" "Why, we kill a fox now and then— only they are getting rather scarce here- Abe/Me—and we seldom bag less than fifty brace of birds each season." 'Hark!' said the lunatic looking anx iously around him. " My friend"—in an earnest whisper—'there is a gate be hind you ; take my advice, and get out of this while you are safe. Don't let the doctor get his eyes upon you. He amiss us to some purpose, but as sure as you are a living man, he will drown you." The gentleman looked serious as he passed on. Perhaps he thought that he was as mad as the inmate of the asy lum. Fayette County Mutual FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. IijOYICE is hereby given to the members of said 1111 Company; that the Annual Election for managers tor said Company, for the ensuing year, will be held at the °Moe of said Company at Uniontown. Fayette County, Pa., on Monday, the sth day of deptember next, between the boars of ere and six o'clock, P, M.„ on said day. W. U. BARCLAY, secretary. Uniontown, July 27, Isd4. ACENCY OF THE DUTCH EAST-INDIA COFFEE CO, DEPOT: 168 READS ST., NEW YORK. WEE above Company are known nil over the world as the owners of the Coffee Plantations ofJava and Datavia in the Dutch East Indies, and are the largest monopolisers of Coffee ow the Globe. The undemigned twho *appointed their sole Agents in the United States and in the Brill.* Colonies) will have for sale three different kinds of Coffee, which, for regularity of grade and cheapness of price, will de fy competition. Our Batavia Coffee never before introduced in this Country, but extensive ly used In the armies and Navies of Europe, and rich ly valued, will be put up at prices to reach all consum ers, and our Extra Java will be the "Magnum Gomm' Coffee of the age. We will have for accommodation of Grocers, Fami lies, and Government Contractors, samples (dry and drawly for testing . Orders solicited. On receipt of cash, coffee prompt ly fereanted as directed A. LIPPMAN, 168 Reade !Street, New fork, ♦u`. 17, '64.•2m. dole Agent, D, E 1. C. Co, [PIDDLE Z,ILIA. Bl' strum of an order of the Orphans' coon of Greene county. the undersigned Administrator, upon the estate of WK. V. BALLOW, dee'd., will sell at public sale on the premises, on SATURDAY, SEPT. 10TH, 1864, A 'ot of grwandOst the old gkerawarks near Greensbo ro in said county, adjoining lots of Harper Core, on the fkuith. a public road on the West, lot of Wm. M. Goy, pn the North, and the Monongahela River on the East. containing one acre more or less, on which there la a comfortable Dwelling House, and other buildings ;nd improvements. TERMS—One third of the purchase money upon son firmation of sale, one third in six months, and the re mainder in twelve months thereupon, with interest !rota conilrmatioh of sale. S. H./IRTZELL, Proprietor. TILE subscribes respectfully informs bis friends that he has taken this well known Moose where he is prepared to accommodate travellers And whets, with goodandsubsuratial meat, drink, drA.. He will spare to pains or attention in rendering his guests _ comfortable and happy during their sojourn with him, e n a o r t ri t a o g rg e r ti, tt it hu c t . to give due attention to their horses and JAMES A. BLACK, Adm'r. S. HARTZELL. July 27, 1884 CNEENE COUNTY, SS : N the Orphan's Court of Greene county. No. 3 June I Term, 1684, In the matter of the Partition of the Beal Estate of William Miller, late of Alleppo tn.. in said Bounty, deceased, to Jacob Miller. Elizabeth My ers. Hannah Eisinniinger, Elizabeth Miller. You, and each of you, an' hereby notified that, by virtue of a wok of pavilion issued out of tit.... Orphans Court of Greene county, and inquest will be held and upon the premises in Alleppo tp., on the 9th day of Sept., A. , 1864, at 1 o'clock, P. M., of said day ; for the purpose of making partition at valuation and ap praisement of the said zeal estate, as in the said writ required ; at which time and place you can attend, if you think proper. THOS. LUCAS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Waynesburg, Pa , Aug. 10, '64. CREENE COUNTY, SS: TN the Orphans' Court of said county, of June Term 1860. N 0.21. hi the matter of the settlement of the account of alma Yeager, Executor of the last Will and Testament of George Yeager, dec'd. And now to wit, December 23d, 1863, Court appoint John Phelan, Esq , Auditor to ascertain the facts and report distribution, as to the share or interest of John Collins, dec'd, or his mother, Mary Collins, dec'd, In the estate of said dec'd. By the Court, = The undersigned will discharge the duties of the above appointment, at the office of Black & Phelan, in' Waynesburg, on the 14th day of September next, of which parties interested will take notice. July 27, 'fel. JOHN PHELAN, Auditor. Administrator's Notice, T ETTFAS of Administration :having been granted Li to the undersigned upon the estate of WM H. HABBOT, dec'd, late of Whitely township, notice W hereby given to all persons indebted to sa.d estate will make immediate payment, persons having claims will present them properly authenticated for settle ment .1 A ILIMI BHBIVER, Adak's. fEr The Books of Morris township are also lu my ptusenston for settlement. J. Id. Aug. 2, 1864. Administrator's Netice. lETTalite of Administration have been panted A epos lie estate of George Nicligia, dec'd, late of Groom tp.„Elreene co.. notice 4e adieby. given to all persons Indebted to said estate to make immediate PaYskeSt,.parsaa• having claims will p re sent those pro petty sutheillkated On settleutest. ABNER fORDYCE, Ael SEBIty LEVEL. Notice to the Public. viz (bblitet - brisineis will be serried on at the old Insad., by the, nadersigned, where all kinds o Parnitere win Ws WWI sad aglfdb is order. A Hoene kvt ta readiness to attend funerals. 4110$ MILrII,ED, ' Mae* at Sid. 451116034 swift*. \sloe & c r NEW PIIOTOGRIPII GALLBRY, Wilson's Frame Building, one door east of the National Bank, PAL Messrs. Wallace & Craig HAVE fitted up a splendid Sky-Gslit Gallery, the first regular picture-taking establishment ever in stituted in the place, where they are prepared to execute PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTY PES, MALEIANOTYPES, CARTE DE VISITES, And all other his& and sizes of pictures, in a style equal tot e beet artists. Especial attention will he given to copying pictures and enterprise theta All applications will be promptly attended to. Their rooms are commodious and attracti. e, and every de sirable accommodation will be rendered to customers. This is decidedly the best oppottunity to secure accur ate likenesses every offered to the people of Greene County. Call any tune it suits you. Pictures taken any time in the day, sad in all kinds of weather. Photograph Albums always on Hand. Waynesburg, April 6, 1864 -tf. 18 6 3 • Trust. us' sr= DEARILUT! 11111 a 7E1'211 (111A13 3OSX/113. PORTER, Porter's Old Stand, opposite Wilson's Brick Building, Waynesburg, Pa., has just opened a large and elegant assortment of Fall and Win ter Dry Gca.ds, comprising Press Goods, of all kinds and at all prices. Domestics, a very large stock. Flannels of all colors and qualities.— Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Tickings, Cheek, Drillings, Crash, Towlings; Boots anR Shoes, Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Hoopskirts, Ho siery, Gloves, sorts of Fancy Goods &c.; also a oonole.tesariety. of GROCERIES AND .I.IARDWARE. We buy principally for cash, and as good s well bought are half sold we are enabled to sell at the LOWEST PRICES. Call and exam ine for yourselves. Thanks to the public for past favors. Sept. 9.'63-Iv. ROM MID SHOES FOR THE atExmauxcorr WM. BERRYHILL Respectfully informs his customers and the public that he has removed his Hoot and dhoe establish ment to the frame dwelling oi posite the Methodist bpiscopal °buret, formerly occupied by Joseph Taylor. where he will keep on hand or make to order FASHIONABLE BOOTS AND SHOES, For Gentleman, Ladies' and Children's ware. All work will be warranted to give saiiemetion and not to rip. Orders will be filled promptly, and every eWort made to please. Reputing done on short Notice Waynesburg, May . ll, '64.-6mo. R. DOUGHERTI, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, Respectfully Menne the public that he has located in Waynesburg, Pa., where he intends to manufacture Carriages of Every Description. From his experience in the business, he feels confi dent his wait will give entire satlsfa , tion Ile will use no low priced material, in any part of his work, and will not employ any but superior workman. All new work will be Warranted for One Tear. Shopon Greene street, one square South of theCourl ouse, Waynesburg, Jan. 25,1080—n0 34. THE UP-TOWN GROCERY. STROSNIDER & SYMINGTON H AVING p u r c hased t rise G lt n he i ac r k osn o i f ile G r r w riltries com la i t n e i l l y e the busincss at the old stand. They will in a few days be in receipt ef a large assortment of Prima Groceries and Provisions, Fruits, Confectionaries, Notions, &c., dre., which they will sell at the lowest Prices for cash. Corn Meal, Flower, Mutter, Eggs, and Country Pro duce generally always on hand. March 4th 1863. WAYNESBUEG MARBLE AND STONE WORKS SAYERS & RINERA.RT Practical Marble and Stone Cutters. Third Door East of the Court house, Main S - 3 Sept. 2, HAMILTON HOUSE, Wariesbargo Greene County, Pa April 10,—No 44—tf ADAMS' HOUSE, WAYNESBURC, PENN'A., JACOB HENDERSHOT, TAKES pleasure in informing his friends and the traveling public generally, that he has talten charge of this popular house of entertainment and feels confi dent in saying that he en n render perfect satisfaction. Every effort will be made to meet the wants and wish es of hia guests. The BAR and TABLE will he furnished with the best articles found in the market. Ample and conven ient stabling. Give us a trial. Waynesburg, April 13, 1864. BRIDGEPORT HOTEL, At the bridge, one mile east of Waynesburg, SMITH GREENE, PROPRIETOR. lus undersigned hereby notify the citizens of Greene and adjoining counties and the DROVING and TRAVELING PUBLIC in general that he has ta ken charge of this Hotel and ie fully prepared to en tertain the traveling' public in the very best manner He respectfully solicits a liberal share of patronage of the public. The BAR will be supplied with the choicest I.lla UORS. The Table furnishesd with the best the coun try can afford. The AT 4BLE will be carefully at tended to- call and try us. Jan. 13, 1864. HOSIIIMICA LODGE, No. 558 1. 0. F :. /14 .600g101 MEET In Waynesburg, in &UMW@ Hell, opposite the• Court House, on Thursday evening of each week, al 61 iVelock. Orvicsas: D. D. P. HUSS. P.rcHNlt. N. O. $ A. I. AbIKIRWiI, V. G J. P. Tenni, Elec'y. D. W. D , Treas. Nov. 6„.1i10 Odd Fellows Saving Association O 12117.411.:IrlIEJEINI/3317111.Cill-, rota.. Chartered by the Legislature March 241 A, 1862. .1• F. RANDOLPIc rresierelqi J. F. TIBMPLII, Sec'y; WSCA - .PORT , Cabter. All Business Commummatititei sieldll be addressed to Wm. A. Porter,Greene county, Pa. Collections proutrly at i . Loans and Dis counts nept.211,'63. 1861 Evti GOODS 011 T • fames idnasey s 8 NEW STORE 1, • THE undersigned has opened a new Cash Store, in the room tbrizer)y occupied by N. Clark 4z SOH, in A llisons building, inintediately opposite the Court House, Waynesburg, Pa , where be has received and is now opening a very large and excellent assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trimmings and Notions ! ! These goods were all purchased for CASH, at the low. st market prices, and will to sold at a small ad. vance on first cost. I have determined to do a strictly CASH BUSINESS, and will be able to sell at small profits. My GOODS are ENTIRELY NEW Most of which have been made to order, by the very best workmen in Philadelphia, expressly for this mar ket. I invite your attention particularly tomy stock of Ladles' and Childeren's Hats, Gloves and Hosiery, Ladles' Collars and Corsetts, Shaker Hoods, &c., &c., My assortment is large ! My work is good ! My pi ices low Urn' need any article tnthe Shce line, FROM THE LARGEST TO THE MAUI T! From the Finest to the Coarsest, GAL AN BE SUITED AND SAVE MONEY! Call and examine, it iv no rouble to show goods fly' Greene County Orders taken at par for goods. JAMES B. LINDSEY, Waynesburg, March 30, '64. Allison's NEW GOODS, Just Arrived at rvillhOE aBoP3 HAVING made extensive improvements in their store room. are better prepared than ever to ac commodate their customers. They are offering the largest, best and latest styles of Dress Silks, Alpacca Lusters, all colors, Alozambiques, all kinds, Poil de Chevres. Figured Wool 'ielaines. Solid Wool De laines, Solid Silk Chillies, Solid Mixed Challies, iu a word, we have a full line of the latest style of Ladies' Dress Goods ! Sha ads, Cloaks and Mainler, Collars a - ul Sleeves, Em broidered Sets, Bonnet Silks, Head Nets, Gloves and Hosiery, best quality Kid Gloves, Prints and Gingham's Ba'inmate and Skeletons, of all sizes and prices.— Trimmings, !insisting of Quilled Ribbons, Braids Buttons Also, a large assortment of Linen Handker chiefs, plain and bemstiehed. Mourning Goods A large and full assortment of the most fashiona ble Mourning Gjods that could be had 11tEMIN'ISI 312 A. t., Cloths, Cassinieres, Vestings, Tweeds, Jeans, Cotton tines, Shirting Flannels, &c, HARDWARE, RIEMIE ill ROM Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Tobacco, &c, &c, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, 3-4, 4.4, 5.4, 10 4 bleached Sheeting, 3-4, 4-4, 5-4 unbleached Sheeting Cotton and Linen T.tble Cloths, Lit-en Sheetings Bed Ticking and Window Curtiss. Our stock is complete in every line, and if our friends want good bargains, all we have to say is tnat this is the place to secure them. Call soon before the rush begins. May 4. 1864.—tf. Look at This! To all whom it may Concern! TIME undersigned would respectfully hi- Tt. - form his old customers, friends and the _ public generally that he lies Assumed to Waynesburg, and opened a SADDLERY SHOP, On Main Street, one door east of the Farm ers' and Drovers' Bank, Waynesburg, Where lie will keep constantly on hard all articles in his line, such as Ladies' and Gentlemen's Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, LA'ollars, Harness, in fact every thing usually kept in an establishment of the kind. 117. Persons wishing to buy will please give us a call and examine our work before purchasing e:se where. as we flatter ourselves we can sell as good work as we ever did. All work manufactured of the hest material in the market, and made in a neat and substantial manner. "Warranted net to cut in the eye." Waynesburg, April 27, 11384.4.1 ORPHANS' COURT SAIL By virtue of an order issuing out of the Or phans' Court of Greene county, Pa., the under signed will expose to public sale on the prem ises on Saturday, Sept. 3rd, 1864, all the right, title and estate of David L. Keen er, of, in and to the following tract of land sit— uated partly in Perry and par.tly in D.inkard townships, said county, adjoining lands of Phineas Hedlee, Isaac Lemly, Eadon Rose's heirs and others, containing SEVENTY ACRES, more or less. One-third of the purchase money to be paid on the confirmation of the sale, and the residue in two equal annual payments with interest from the confirmation of sale. WORKMAN HICKMAN. Adm'r of David L. Keener, dec'd. July 13, 1864. Orphans' Court Sale. TN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Greene County, the undersigned will sell on the ' , retinues at nubile outcry, on Saturday, Sept. 10th, IS6I, the followinp deizribeil Real Estwe, situated on the waters of Wheeling Creek, A Ileppo township. Greeoe County, lute the property of William Crawford, dec'd, viz: A tract of land containing One Hundred and Ten Acres, • About 40 acres of which are cleared, and on which a'e erected a hewed Log Douse, two stories high, and other outbuildings. There is a fine Apple Orchard and other fra it trees on the premises. The tract adjoins land ofJoseph McCracken, Samuel Ilarnett, David Braden and 1.1 hers. TERMS—one half of the purchase money to be paid at the confirmation of the sale, and the remaining half in a yrar thereafter, with interest. Jttly 27,414. JOHN PHELAN, Adm'r. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. BY virtue of an order issuing out of the Or phans' Court of Greene county, Pa., the under signed will sell on the premises on Saturday, Sept. 3rd, 1864, at poblie sale, .all the interest and estate of Robert and Elizabeth Kincaid, minor children of James Kincaid, dec'd,of the undivided fourth interest in the following tract of land situated in Jefferson tp., said county, adjoining lands of Wm. Kincaid and others, containing three hun dred acres, mote of less. 4 r48 , r2012.1191 or gEia.l.e•- , One-third of the purchase money on the can urmation of the sate, this residue to he o pairlita Aiv „, two equal annual, payments wit t 'from the date of ettaftrznatton of sale THOMAS OR, • Guardifin of the said minor children. July 13, 1864. 1564 NIW BOOKS, NEW BOOR SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School 'l'cs•amectc. Sunday School Hymn Cooks. In any quantity at DAY'S BOOK STORE SBHOOL & MISCELLANEOUS 800K!..z, A general assortment kept constantly on hand at DAY'S BOOK STORE. SINGING BOOKS. • Mel - deon, Minstrel, Ellesin, Jubilee, &c., &c., a DAY'S BOOK STORE. BLANK BOOKS. A large - assortment, all sizes, good paper, at old prices, at DAY'S BOOK STORE. Wall Paper and Window Blinds. Wrapping Paper, all sizes. Also the best assortment of Stationary ever brought to Waynesburg, Call at DAY'S BOOK STORE. 24 Sheets of Letter paper for 10 cents. At DAY'S BOOK STORE. Cash for rags as usual June 8.—'64 Wanamalier & Brown, OAK HALL, FINE READY MADE CLOTHING, S. E. Corner Sixth & Mar ket Streets. PHILADELPHIA. Special Department for CUSTOM WORK, No. 1 S. Sixth Street Aprli 13, 1564 ly, BEAD' Read,--- • illundretis afflicted with Constillili• • • tins, Epilepsy, Palpitation of the Heart, Torpid Liver, Pithy,lrrita bility of the f ystem General or Local Pains or Weak ness, Night Sweats, Dimness of eight, Fits of Despon dency, Muscular Prostration and aII II is,ases n f the Nervous Centres, never dream of the CAUSE of their several afflictions. They treat results as it they were c uses; anti so no relief is found . WHAT IS THE CA USE OF TIIESi. DISEASES' very frequen,tly I There is the secret—solitary self abuse, practiced by thousands. Commenced when boys. at school or elsewhere, it is k , pt up even during young manhomt, produc i ng meuctl and physical pros_ tration. If continued, these disc ases and even mad ness are the result. Hale victim be culiSCli,IIS I.f the cause of his decay, and quit it, he , limier those terrible nocturnal and involuntao emissions which weaken and shame him, till life Lermocs Thus place between certain decay mem:tin- e death and horrible suffering, the wremlied vu liw es to SEI.F- DEsTnucTit 'N. or a inks i 0 ilk grave. If he emancipates himself I.e fore the pravtice has done its worst and enters matrimony, his mucilage is unfruitful, and his tells hint that this is caused by his early follies. SUFFERING YOUNG MEN, Let no false mode, , ty prevent you front explaining your case to one whose acknowlefged position in the medical profession, and respectability in pr vale life. point him as a private counsellor. Think not to cure yourself, and so tamper with a faculty, the destruction of which renders a man truly naserall'e. Come to Pr. KINKELIN, confide iii hint as thousands have done before you. In Mimi, to be cured radically of all Ruins of secret diseases, and • minims effects of self-indulgence apply to the most successful and Dr. KINKS LIN, GERMAN PIiVNICI N. Northwest corner of Third and Utdon streets, between Spruce anti Pine, a square and a half from the Merchants' Exchange, Philadel phia. Remember that STRICTURES of the URETII A are rapidly removed by the application of a new therapeu lical ageht, only used by Dr. K. PACKAGES (IF MEDICINES, ADVICE, &c., for warded to address, in any direction; put up secure from damage or curiosity.. POST PAID LETTERS addressed to Dr. KIN KELI N., Philadelphia, trill be answered forthwith. April 27, 1664—1 y. MARRIAGE!—Its loves and hates, sorrows and an gers, hopes and fears, regrets and joys: MAN - 1110011, how lost, how RESTORED; the nature, reatment, and radical cure of sperutatorrlima nr sem inal weakness, involuntary emissions, sexual debility and impediments to marriage generally; nervousness, consumption, fits, mental and ph sisal incapacity, re• suiting from SELF-AMUSE—are fully explained in the MARRIAGE GUIDE, by WM. YOUNG, M. D.— This most extraordinary book should be in the hands of every young person contemplating marriage, and every matt o woman who desire to limit the number of their offspring to their cireUlUstalieed. Ev,ry !Da u, disease, and ache i o itit , nral to youth. , at, old age, is fully ext::.t.t...• ; os .19 l edge that should., kit is !:• . ; engravings. to fact it . • .1 should know; still up and nathe about the one on the receipt of twemy ti%e reiti,. in Nieri , postage stamps. Address Dr. Vl Al. VI UN G, No. Spruce St.. above Fourth Philadelphia. UL) -- AFFLICTED and UNFORTUNATE, no mat ter what may be your disease. before you place your se under the care of any one of the notorious Quacks —native or foreign, who advertise in this or , any other paper, get a copy of Dr. Young's fle,ok, and read itcare fully. It will be the means of saving you many a dol lar, your health, and possibly your life, Dr YOUNG can he consulted on any of the disens es described in his publication, athie Office. Not 416. Spruce St., above Fourth Philadelphia. ID — Office hours from till 3 o'clock daily. pril 27, MEE= HOWARD ASSOCIATION, DISEASES of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary and Sexual Systein4—new and reliable treatment—in reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—Sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes. free of charge. Ad dress, Dr. J. SKILIN HOUGHTON, Howard Associ ation, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philada., Pa. April 13,'61-Iy. SOWER, BARNES & CC., PUBLI 3HERB AND DEALERS IN Miscellaneous, School and Blank Books, AND STATIONERY, No. 37 North Third Street, below Arch, 111. G. BOWER, W. It. BARNES, PHILADELPHIA. F. C. PMTS. Publishers of Pelton's Outline Maps and keys, the largest and best Outline Maps ever published. San der's new Readers, Gree nlears At Brooks' Ariihmeties, Ate., Blank Books, Writrng, Wrapping, Curtain and Wall Papers. Aug. 19.'63, ISRAELI GOULD WITH 3D21 1131'1 lb IMPORTERS & JOBBERS OF Hosiery, Gloves, WHITE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES, No. 28 North Third Street, Lately occupied by .1. T. WAY & CO. JOEL J. FIAILY, lIENRYJ. DAVIS, Philadelphia. ELTON B. OILFORD. s AWL W. VAN CUI.IN June 1, 1864.•1y. THE GIRARD HOUSE, Corner Ninth and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPILLEL. H. W. KANAGA, Proprietor. April I, 1864-ly . States Uniott Hotel, 606 and 608 Market, St., Philadelphia.. °HAS. M. ALMOND, Manager. qiIIIS Hotel thevery centre of business and it neer the respectable plices of amusement, which makes it particularly desirable to persona visit ing Philadelphia on business or pleasure; and the. Manager hopes, by close personal attention to the wants of his guests, to make it a comfortable home for such as may favor his house with their - patronage. April 13.'64. LEWIS DAY l abdlia. PHILADELPHIA, PA Etillthdpintr. rzt.~'R=NG 1 864. op,s) :*34i4. Great Inducements to Cash Buyers ! HOOD, BONDRIGHT & CO., Wholesale Dealers la HOMISTIC DIY GOODS, 529 Market St., and 526 Commerce Ste, PHILADELPHIA, Would respectfully invite attention to their LARGE STOCK of leading DOMESTI CS, aVit 7 2/ it MEN'S AND BOY'S WEAR, and ma. y popular goods of PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURE A prii 13, 1664. AMERICAN HOTEL, CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite Old Independence Hall, PHILADELPHIA. WYATT & HEULDINGS, April 13, 1804-Iyr- PROPRIETORS. M. GOLDMAN, JNO. V. WATSON, JOS L. BENG, JAS. A. M'COMAS. GOLDMAN, BERG & CO . VlTlicolepissablc , Clotbleargs. AND DEALERS IN Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Tail ors' Trimmings, &c. No• 30G Market Street, Philadelphia. Aug. 19, 1E93. MARTIN BUEHLER, GEO. BONORIOHT. IL H. HOWARD, C. P. suggsgsorr. MUER HOWARD & Importers and Dealers In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE AND CUVLERY I No. 441 3 rket Street, below Fifth, Phila. Aug. 19, 1163. ELI BOLDEN, No. 708 Market Street, between 7th & Bth, SOUTH SIDE, PHILADELPHIA. Importer of Watches and Fin - e Jewelry. MANUFACTURERS' Cr—a MK. MC c= a 3 mit , WHOLESALE RETAIL. AIL KINDS OF CLOCKS REP !RED AND WARRANTED. IR! itr.'tia GILLESPIE, ZELLER di. CO. Wholesale Grocers, A N D COMMISSION MERCHANTS, N. W. Cor. Sixth and Market Sts., April 13,' 64.6 in • PHILADELPHIA. GEO. F. WARDLE. CHARLES N. REED. WARDLE, REED & CO., Wholesale Grocery, Tobacco and MEE COMMISSIOI EMIR, N. E. Cor. Sixth and Market Rs., April 13,'84-Iy. PHILADELPHIA. vittsbugi l Neatisemnits. DRY CON& J. W. BARKER & CO.. 55 ''IRKET STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. I!,,ve in store the largest stock ever exhibi ted in this city, embracing ',. - .:IOLKS, OttAWLOI9 CLOAKS, BEAM' 2T.))ODZ Housekeeping Goods, GENTS' & BOYS' WEAR, &c., &c. Which they offer at WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Country Merchants supplied at the lowest Eastern CASH PRICES. March 16, 1864 LDVIDB VIII `llll3 "DEAR MOTHER, I'VE COME HOME TO DIE." A Song of the Returned Volunteer 25 "BROTHER'S' FAINTING AT THE DOOR," De scrilihig a Touching locident of the War 25 `•BABYLON IS FALLEN." Sequel to 'Kingdom Coming" 25 "0 WRAP Tti E FLAG AROUND ME, BOYS." A Song ot the Dying Soldier 25 "0, I WI+II THE WAR WERE OVER." Song of the Lonesome, IVaiting Maiden 25 "WHO'LL SAVE THE LEFT 1" Descriptive of a Charge at the Battle of Murfreesbern• • ...... •• • • 50 "WITHIN TIIE SOUND OF THE ENEMY'S GUNS." Describing the Battle of Geo:tshurg• • 50 VeAny of the above sent by mail, on receipt of the price. CHAS. C. MELLOR, 0ct.21,'63-1). No. 81 Wood Bt., Pittsburgh TiNDLIS ac 1T00R33, Wholesale and Remit CHAIR AND FURNITURE 140 . 11 SMITEngLD BTREBT, Near the Mongahela Sertt.3n.V3lv Pittsbursh. .I's ST. NW/KOLAS Et 01711.. CORNER GRANT AND 4TR STREE PITTSBURG tI, PA. rani., Proprietor. April 4. SPRING AND SIINNER FASHIONS FOR 1864 ! AT THE PITTSBegGIT CLOAK AND MANTILLA STORE, Na. 73 Market Street, prrTsisuaali, PA WE would respectfully call the attention of the trade to our large and elegant stock of Ladies and Misses' Cloaks, eaques ass Circulars for Spring and Saintlier wear, having now in stock all the lead ing and popular styles of the season, to which we shall daily add all the foreTil and original designs as they come to hand through the regular European steamers. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find us fully preoar,d to till titer orders at all iia:es, having a large and magnificent noel( of and LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS, from which to manufacture Ladies' garments of every description. Buyers would do well to remember that ours is the only exclusive Cloak House in Pittsburgh, where Ladies' Fashionable Costume s can be had at all tiaras, wholesale and retail. M. J. SPENCE. March 23, 1864, J. & 11. PHILLIPS, 26 & 28 ST. CLAIR STREET, PPVZSIIIIRGEt, PA. Manufacturers and dealers in FLOOR, FURNITURE & CARRIAGE oIL cLorkr, Table & Window shade Oil Cloths WINDOW SHADES, SHADE FIXTURES. &c. ALSO, DEALERS IN mMLTING, Lace Leather, In i. IMllier Belting, Hoee, Steam Parking. and I:llbiter Gotola N. B. Sole Agent's for Allegheny county, for the mil of Metropolitan Co.'s UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER Wholesale :ttid Retail Buyers will tied our stock large, well assorted and at reasonable priers. April 13, CLOAKS ! CLIMB ! CLOAKS ort - prita IVCANNT MILMALTYIE And Receiving Daily New Additions, CLOTH AND SILK ! Paris Cloak aLd Shawl EMPORIUM H GUNSENHAUSER, & CO,, 68 MARICET STREET. Pittsburgh. Xl'et. PLMIIVICI'IiTaI.L. H. KLEBER & BRO., NO. 122 WOOD STREET; Four doors above Fifth. and nearly opposite the First National Bank. PITTSBURGH, PA , Sole Agents, and only Depot in this city for THP, STEINWAY PIANO GEM Callart's irainioniums & iii lotic~us. 'kyr, 1110 St CX- I or t$ a . at , e st,d t;) pt•l S 111 I :Ind itliVt.:C • The WAY PIA NO has bernine the admira tion el the ‘vidP, musical worts, sod has r ece i ve d thiril 'IWO first nrsminius of gold and silver, and also the first Ltize medal at tl:e Great National Exhibition at London ill ISfa. Also : Best Italian and French Strings for Violin, Guitar and Bass. Newest Sheet Music receivedweek ly.Ufal Music Books, etc., etc. Every Piano Warranted ,for Fivc Years. ILTOId Pianos taken in exchange. April 6, 18e4-6 inns. B. L. COOK, ' E.PETTIT, WM. M. COOK, E. COOK, JR. 0001 C, PE2TIT at CO., OMISSION MERCHANTS, Produce, .Flour, Bacon, Wool, Grain &c. No. 12 Smithfield St., Corner First, Pittsburgh. REFERENcEs—Springer Harbaugh & Co , Pittsburg; Hitchcock, McCreery & Co., Pittsburgh ; George A Endley, Cashier German Tract and Savings Bank. Pittsburgh; Mamiell & Ladd, Cincinnati, 0.; W. H. & J D. Ladd, Richmond, O.; Jon. Minns, Cashier Mt, Pleasant Branch Bank State Bank Ohio. 5ept.39,'63.1y. Young's Eating Saloon, CORNER VIRGIN ALLEY ANT` SMITHFIELD STREEI6, .Where OYSTERS all the delicacies of be season will be served up in the most palatable stele. ELI YOUNG. Corner Virgin and Alley idinitlitle M. Pittsburgh, Oct. 14, '62. y WM. N. OGDEN de. CO., MANUFACTURERS OF taIIIDV AND Silvered Glass Reflectors, Knobs, &c. No. 69 Market St., PittEburgh, Pa. SePt.3o,'63-Iy. ST. CLAIR HOTEL, CORNER OF PENN & ST. CLAIR STREETS, piltsß•niGhT, J. N. ANDERSON, PROPRIETOR. This popular house has recently been thorough ly refitted and furnished, and zwiv forms one of the most pleasant stopping places in the city. Ternis mod erase, and satisfact warranted. April 8,'68 ly S. B. /4 C. P. MARKLE, MAMUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN BOOK, CAP, LETTER, AND all kinds of WRAPPING PAPER have reinov ed from NO. 27 WOOD STREET to No. 33 Solthtield Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Error Cash Tralefor Rags Nov. 13. CORNUCOPIA SALOON, No. 7 Fifth Stteet, PITTSBURGII, PA FRED. WEISS, PROPRIETOR October • I , t 1 Iv J. D. FACKINER. JOHN M IRWIN' YAOEINEB, & ERWIN, Y. th AcT I TIMERS OF Furniture and Chairs ! ..,,Ø3 Smithfield St.. Nov 4, 63 ly. PITTSBURGH FA. 1 EAT tatallbso 'importers and Dealers in HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS NO. 30 FIFTH STREET, First door below Exchange Hank, PiTTSBURCti, PA., W.IIF.RE EVERY INA:RIPTioN OF' Housekeeping Articles, Consisting of Ilardwaim. Plain and Planished Tinware Brushes. Wooden 'Amp. Ba-skeis. Plale.i Ware, Cutlery, Iron War:, Japanne 4 Ware, and Uiensits of all kinds. A great variety of Shaker Oiiiids, Bird Cages, &c , can be obtained of i the most reasorittbie terms. Refrigerators and Water Coolers, DOOR TeTAT...6' AND FANCY GOODS. So pt 30, ISII3 _VrILLIELIVIT'T_TiI..3III IP-1.-lb.:i. .1 CANE AND WOOD CIIALILS# BELLING OFF WHOLESALE OR RETAIL JAS. W. IVOODVI ELL, 97 add 99 1 hint street, opposite E. E till OOliEOll & CO and 110 Fourth street. Aug. 9, nth) pork. InP _L. STAGES CF Egli CONULTIIPTION. Th dmrn ed tcfely rr , m<e. t7id ;Or en einm d P.F . re74, the color p: L,:- „ t.ihry et!bdu, ( and Fever, end dimi:lizti Eirpc,'”ratiolz. Thy check: the t 14, all; ty - 4, in f: . .qn to yortJA'ot. ea?” The :8 mnd tl u yati,nt vap;iiy d 7, ; the cough and (La iffievl vddly %L.! Elevp lketumes c.:lln 1; I ; the EN'aCiltltiollB r equ 1, i• and 9 , 7"1 , •n. THE CLe.NERAI, TOMS DisA PP'. 4 .'1. It A - t:,A.PIDITY THAT SEEMS Ch.uraill, TEEEL - li2OPZOSPILM.ES aro an appropriate n^rl E.-T:1771C irrri,v for erery dis order elistructurilud t c 1,11,Aw no SYMPTOMS: Dif,hflat,lmpe-v" , ^f, er too i , l B , i , !th in (old n eel tf the , ; ;gi.t 0.. ii, ("h ills ; .11cati..!; Ir4i (j . Enl , !rgonoi,t of t ha Glands, or •`;tccifing4 ; Cvlioh ; of &rep. ; Twitalting of t.l! 91,,r..s or ti:u.,.. 4 e , ;; l'a In s tlirough tho Ch c .. t, or J. : rti a or - 7ht,i I t::o Ush cf Ire idache; GiddincB ; ,Vigkg Sweats, Loss of Appel' lee, or the ,Stonwoh, a, t,-r, of the tit,),tue I,foro eating; Lai h.; ica of the Bowels; C',.;;lpl,:r ; .Ih.ran; , • eTh.t . 9 of thoi rer or 1.7..1n , ' f t L„o.,,,terz or Delayed Dentition, a, ; !:drel2; .E.rtre7/16 t re: , ess to Cad; do., as in the sovi.ral etnges of in Cot irrh, Adthma. Brohchiki dr, rye.- pe ,scnyula, urrilf:i awnplcte). mid in: .1 F.. nurl orders or Utarina lerevn tier 61: 1.3 1,... , 01t-ult, IS ufnl, Euppresre &ant ~, .D6: 4 „,,a, I , ,,:nature or too Frequen 6c,a. WINCHESTME'S EIPOP.EOSPUIT23 are the best remedy karma to 140(1 . 1.-.,1 Er•imee, in every ease where I he physician comi,,enly preserits.3 "tonic,d," iron, whi,,t,y, yei4eirte," .1,41 Winchester's Genuine Preparation OP TILE iT37'OPI7OSPITITEB is the only reliabin form of this Rentedy ,tuld Is approve Ity the 31eeica4 Proie , ,ion genort I;y. U,Sk;.N , ) TLIER, _YOB -4 S :—I a 7 of. Lott:es, Dotti ter 63. In 10 oz. BotLI,A, *-2—Threo f.r 'Calalara (rec. bold by all rtspeetable Prugnlsts and at Ins sole General Depot la tho Uniled to Led, 6 J. WINCHESTEB 4 S 6 John Street W. T • In Pulmonary Diseases, the most ne. tire treatment should be pursued during the hummer months, the period when most »aticnts uutcfeeiy suspend the use e 1 the ilemed April 2.7,:'C9.13'. • For Slats, Mice, Roaches. Ante, Red Bugs, Moths hi Furs, Wool ens, &c., Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, &c. Put up in 25c, 50c. Roses, Pot deg and $2 and $5 sizes for Morels, PUBLIC IN S ITUUTIONS, "0, ly infallible remedies known." "Fier, front Pob'ons.” "Not dangerous to the !Inman Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." Sold Wholesale in all inrge cities. )21-Sold by all Drugg'sts and ketmlers erer„ - where. t.-,...!!!BEwARE!!! of all worthless imitatinns. "CosTAn's" name is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. HENRY It. COSIrAR. B - Principal Depot 4t 2, Broadway, N. Y. ..Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Drug gists in Waynesburg, Pa. Feb. 17, 1861.-81 n. MAIIIIIOI HOW LOST, Elf IIITHHIED . b a r l a ie t t e v it t i !d L. s o of D say onl.. tCheirtirvidekral u re (without medicine) 01 Spermaiorihma, or seminal Weakness Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotonay, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Mar riage. etc. ; also. Consumption, Epiliim.y, and Fits, in duced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. 117" Price, in a sealed envelope, only n cents. The celebrated anther in this admirable essay clear ly demonstrates, front a thirty yeah successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cure.l without the ilaagerons use of internal medicine, or the apn!icatinn of tti knife—pointing out a snide of a cure. at once simple, certain and effecival, Ly means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radiraliy. This Leetnres should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, undo; seal, in a plain envelope, to any addrer's post-paid, on rec,-ipt of six cents, or two poet stamps. Address the publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE & co., Ir Bowery, New York, Post Office box 4386. Jose 22 1664. $l, $l, $7, $7, $l2, $l2 The Greatest Chance ever Offe,rcd! Beautiful Gold Pl3ted, or Silver Watches) Perfect Time-keepers, Sent Free, by Mail, for only VT, Elegant limning Ca.e M'atches. same as al:ove, fQs -1 r Alen, Clotins. Sets of Jewelry. Geld Pens, Bracelets, Lockets, Bitizs !'ins, etc., etc., TO BE SOLD FOR $1 EACH, Wiltiolit regard to value. and not to be paid for till yo know what you are 1. , get. Bend ^w rents inr a Certificate and Citcular cruttaining ,full list and particulars, and informs you what you Call have Lori.l. 5 CERTIFICATE FOR 'Si. A(2 TB WANTED. Circulars sent tree. Address A. J. HARPER do tc 0., Box 5219 P. 0., New York. 208 Broadwry, N. 17 April 13.'64-Iy. $225 SEVEN OCTAVE $225 • ROSEWOOD PIANO-FORTES, Grovesteen & Co., 499 Broadway, N. Y. NEW ENLA GED SCALE PIANO FOUTErf, with all the latest iteprovonienis. This years' experience with greatly increased facili ties for manufacturing, enable us to sell for CASH at the above unusually 1.,w price. Our Instruments re ceived the highest awurd at the World's Fair. and for five successive years at dteAiuerican [mini ut e. War r ruled five years. Terms Cash Call or send for de scriptive circular. March 9, 1ef.4.-Smos. BLANKS OF ALL KINDS FOR. SALE AT THIS OFFICE. & RICIIARDS REDUCED PRICE W!
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