foetrg. If We Knovi. If we knew the cares and crones Crowding around our neighbors way ; If we knew the little losses, Sorely grievous, day by day, Would we then so often chide him For his lack of thrift and gain— Leaving on his heart a shadow, Leaving on his life a stain? • If we knew the clouds above us, Hold but gentle blessings there, Would we turn away all trembling, In our blind and weak despair ? Would we shrink from little shadows, Lying on the dewy grass, While 'tis only bird* , of Eden, Just in mercy flying past ? If we knew the silent story, Quivering through the heart of pain, Would our manhood dare to doom them, • Back to haunts of guilt again ? Life bath many a tangled crossing; Joy bath many a break of woe, And the cheeks tear-washed and whitest This the blessed angels know. Let us reach into our bosoms • For the key to other lives, And with love toward erring nature, Cherish good that still survives ; So that when our disrobed spirits Soar to realms of light again, We may say, "Dear Father, judge' us As we judge our fellow men." MEW GOODS E 33 1864 B. 4 1864 if) ;1. TAE undersigned has opened a new Cash Store, in the room formerly occupied by N. Clark & Son, in AlHanna building, immediately opposite the Court House, Waynesburg, Pa , where he has received midis now opening a very large and excellent assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, ISMS and Caps, Trimmings and Notions ! These goods were all purchased for CASH, at the at market prices, and will Le sold at a small ad vance on first cost. I have determined to do a strictly and will i c able to sell at small p•ofits- My GOODS a:: ENTIRELY NEW MOSt 3f which have been made to order, by the very workmen iii Philadelphia, expressly for this mar invite your attention particularly tomy stock of Ladles' and Childeren's• Hats, Gloves and Hosiery, Ladies' Collars and Corsetts, Shaker Hoods, &c., My assortment is large ! My work is good ! My prices low! if you need any article in the Slice line, FROM THE LARGEST TO THE SMALLEST! From the Finest to the Coarsest, GAlsti AND BE SiIiTED AND SAVE MONEY! Call and examine, it is no trouble to show goods ET - Greene County Orders taken at par for goods. JAMES B. LINDSEY, Waynesburg, March 30, '64. Allison's Building SOMETHING NEW, R. & T. W. CLARKE, AT THE Hamilton House. Waynesburg, Takes this method of informing their numer nus patrons and the public generally, that they have made very large purchases of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, All kinds of Groceries, _ _ SUGAR, of every Grade; Ct )FFEE, of all brands; TEAS, the best in the inarke!; NOTIONS of every description. 'COUNTRY L PRODUCE, Ti l e highest market price paid for all kinds of Country Produce. Give us a call. R. & T. NV CL A RKE. Opposite Court House. Waynesburg, May If, '64.-tf. ROOTS AND SHOES FOR THE max.r.kmoccom - WM, BERRYHILL espectfully informs his customers and the public that he has remov.,(l his Boot and Shoe establish i( ~t to the frame dwelline ()Timone the Methodist El.iseopal Church, formerly occupied by Joseph Taylor. • a¢^.re lie win keep on nand or make to order VASILIONAEWS BOOTS AND MEWLS, Far entleman. La.die,,' and Children's ware. All work will be warranted to give satistection and not to tic,. Orders will be rifle,: promptly, and every effort wail.: to plea,. Reparing done on short Notice. Wayttve!.wg, Nay 11, 'wl.—Gitto. STRAY HORSE, / 'IAMB trespassing on the subscriber in Jefferson to., k_j bout the atith or April, a Black pacing Horse, sup nosed to ten or twelve years old, some white on the end of his nose, two while hind feet, a lump rin his left four pasture joint. Entered on the townships Clerks book, according to law, the owner is requested to crone forward, prove property, pay charges and take hint away or he will be disposed of accoidina to law. May 11, '64. T. J. VERNON. gitte ,laabing. IABLY PAM% HACK RUNNING REGULARLY BET VEEN '7IESIE6 ill RICES'IMMIG. :E undersigned respectfully Informs the generous 1' -; • .c, that having the contract for the carrying of the rt,—; between the above poirts, he has placed upon the 1,, am new and commodious Hacks for the ac- ... .dation of the traveling community, One wil l tiamilton Ilou.e, Waynesburg, every morn- Aundays except., at 71 cecina, and will arrive at :twee' Landing in time for the Boat to Pittsburgh, 11,a other Will Are Rims' Landing at the same time am art[, Waynesburg gt noon. Bops's' will be aftodation of paawrpliers, . Proprietor. Augg l 4 ll / 4 1 ei1.1111611. • ' 4ace & I'D) 4 4.*'B NEW PHOTOGRIPH GALLERY, Wilson's Frame Building, one door east of the. National Bark, VITATNMSBURG, PA: • Messrs, Wallace & Craig HAVE fitted up a splendid Sky-lirht Gansu, the first regular picture-taking CAtilbllSilulPl.Lt.ver In stituted in the place, I,v Ilele they are prepared to execute PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES, MALEIANOTYPES, CARTE DE VISITES, Ara all other kinds and sizes of pictures, in a style equal to t e best artists. Especall attention will be given to copying pictures and enlarging them All applications will be promptly attended to. Their rooms are commodious and aPracti, e. and every de sirable accommodation will be rendered to oust This is decidedly the best Opportunity to secure accur. ate likenesses every offered to tile people of Greene County. Call arty time it suits you. Pictures taken anv time in the day, add in all kinds of weather. Photograph Albums always on Rand, Waynesburg, A pril 6, 1664 -tf. 186 3 ! FIRST IN THE IVULREET 141111 Vnin JOSIAH PORTER, Porter's Old Stand, opposite Wilson's Brick Building, Waynesburg, Pa.. has just opened a large and elegant assortment of Fall and Win ter Dry GoL de, comprising Press Goods, of all kinds and at all prices. Domestics, a very large stock. Flannels colors and qualities.— Prints, Muslins, Ginvhams. . gs, Cheek, Drillings, Crash, ToVings; Boots and Shoes, Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Hoopskirts, ho siery, Gloves, all sorts of Fancy Goods &c.; also a complete variety of GROCERIES AND HARD WARE. We buy principally for cash, aud as goods well bought are half sold we are enabled to sell at the LO,WEST PRICES. Call and exam ine for yourselves. Thanks to the public ter past favors. Sept. 9,1,3- i v. GREAT DEMAND FOR Greenbacks. XTOTICE is hereby given, that the partnership here -I,l"totore existing between JOIN BRADLEY and CHARLES R. BRADLEY, was dissolved on the day of March, 1564, by mutual consent. All debts ow ing to the said firm, are. In be received by inc said Charles R. Bradley, and all demands on the said part nership will he paid 4y him; and the business of SADDLE AND NAILNESS D/X.EILIECX.IVGr will he carried on by said Charles B Bradley, at the old stand, opposite the Greene Hsu e, Whole lie hopes to receive a liberal share of patrmage. John Bradley will continue to act as salesman in the establishment. JOHN BRADLEY. CHARLES It. BRADLEY. N. B. Persons indebted to the said first will make payment on or before the Ist day of April next, in or der to save time and live in trn,,lship orb the needy. March 9, Mi. CHARLES R. BRADLE Y. R. DO U CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, Respectfully informs the public that he has located in Waynesburg, Pa., where he intends to manufacture Carriages of Every Description. From hjs experience in the business, hg feels ?miff. dent lifework will give entire satisfaction fe, w ilf nse no low priced material, in any part ofhis work, and will not employ any but superior workman. All new work will be Warranted for On'e Year. Shopon Greene street, one square South or the Court ME Waynesburg, Jan. 25,1660—n0 34 THE UP-TOWN GROCERY. STROSNIDER & SIMINGTON HAVING purchased the stock of Groceries lately belonging to Green & ritrosnider will cont inue the business at the old stand They will in arfew days be in receipt of a large assortment of Prime Groceries and Provisions, Fruits, Confectionaries, Notions, &c., &c., which they %fill sell at the lowest prices 64 . cash. Corn Meal. Flower. Butter, Eggs, and Country Pro duc^. generally always on hand. March 4th 1663. WAYNESBURG MARBLE AND STONE WORKS SAYERS az RINEIIA.RT Practical Marble aad store Cutters, Third Door East of the Cou;.t. house, Main S 7 ;Sept.. 2, 'l3. HAMiLTOII HOUE,E, Waynesburg, Grew* County, Pa S. .1-MRTZELL, Proprietor. ZE subscriber respectfully informs his friends that he has taken this well known itm-se where he is prepared to accommodate travellers And others, with goodand substantial meat. drink, &t. lie will spare no pains or attention in rendering his guests comfortable and happy during their sojourn with hint, not forgetting to give due attention to their horses and carriages, &c. April 10,—No 44—tf ADAMS' HOUSE, WAYNESBURC, PENN'A., MOB HENDERSHOT, rIiAKFS pleasare in informing his friends and the traveling public generally, that he has taken darge of this popular butane of entertainment and feels confi dent in saying that he C.! n render perfect satisfaction. every effort will be made to meet the wants and wish es of hia guests. The BALI and TABLE will he furnished with the best articles found in the minket. Ainp le and entices , 'tent stairling. Give us a trial. Waynesburg, April 1.3, RIDGEPORT HOTEL, At the bridge, one mile east of "Waynesburg, SMITH . GREENE, PROPRIETOR MILE undersigned hereby notify the citizens of 1 Greene and adjoining counties and the DlttiVING and 'NU V EUNC, PUBLIC itt gtoteral that he has ta hen charge of this ILotel and is fully prepared to en tertalo the traveling public in the very best manner lie respectfully solicits a liberal share of patronage of the public. The ISAR will he Fuppli Id with the choicest .I.IQ UOlO3. The Table famished with the hest the coun try ran atferd. 'rhe ST stILF: will be carefully at- WTI& d to- call and try us. Jan. 13, 18.i.1. 1106111 MICA LODGE, No. 558 I. 0. F • MEET in Waynesburg, in Allison's Mill, opposite the Court 'louse, on Thursday evening of each week, at 6k o'clock. thrvickfts: D. IL P. HUSS, P. G. tirrp. N. C. t r A. I At:1:111'7 , 4.V. G. J. F. TKruma, Seey. D. %V. BRADLN, Treas. Nov. 6, 1882. Odd Fellows Saving Association OF -virdak:mriviElleXll7.7ol. l 3-, Chartered by the Legislature March 27th, 1862. .1• F. UNDOLPH,Tresident; I. F. TEMPLE, Sec'y; WhL A. PORTER, Cashier. All Business Communications should be addressed to W. A. Porter, Waynesburg. Greene county, Pa. Collections prong*, atoadad OWLana and Dia sounla moil& 110pt.119,13, MIS! MIS ! GLOM ! 1 nitatitiptia. Mat It Sint% N CIW 7EIL 30 _EL 73 "S' And Receiving Daily New Additions, CLOTH AND SILK ! Paris Cloak atd Shawl GUNSENHAUSER, & 68 PAARZET STRZET. Pitt Pot,. For Rats, Mice, Roaches, 4nls, fled Bugs, Moths In Furs, Wool ens, &c., Insects on Plants, Fowls, AnlnattlN, Put up in 25r, 50r, SI (U) 1311\1 s, Bottles and Flasks, Ft. 2 and S.s,:izes for nOTELS. BLIC S ITITTWNS, &C infallible remedies known," "Fret: front Poisons " ".Not dangerous to 1110 Human "Rat. COWL' out of their !tote% to di:." _,%7:7 - ',SOld Wholesale in all large cities. Ae - old by ad Drulgg'sts and Retatlers every- • where. .!!!!!! of art worthless imitations. ;a2I - Sce that - Cosrab's" name is on each Box, Bottle, and flask, before von buy. ',1: 4 ::-Address HENRY . Ic. CkIS EAR• rz..?e - Principal Depot 482, Broadway. N. Y. ",.Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Drug.- gists in Waybeshurg, Pa. Feb. 17, 1864.-81 n. Apr 13, IE4II ly nlp he tleat . t, Torpid I iver, Paley. Hut— hinty ' O l the e„, 00 1: General ur Loe ti Pants or %Veal:- ;less. Night Stt Cabe, Dimness of Licht. Fits of Despon dency, :11uscolar Prostration arid all die- a s os n f th e Nervous Centres never dreatti of the CAUL-t:l7, of :heir see eral TIICV Neat remits as If Ifiej were C us:-s; arid so till relief is teottd %V11.41' lii 'HIE CAUSE OF' THESE lASEIS. , E4 very berpreottly ? is the secd , t—s ,, htary si abuse, practiced by thousands. tolionebeed when boys, at school or ciiewhore, it is k — Pt up eves during young niantorot, produc'dia 1111.111.:LI and liby , ical pros tration 11 continued, tdese dtsunses EILL.I ert.ll mad ness are the rc,ii!t. if tlde v;ctiiii be conscious of the ca.; of his de, ay, and quit 11, he utters to der those terrible inh7turnai and iuyolnstary emissions relish weaken and ,hanle hint. tilt ii becme , . pycvou,i,_ TtIIIS place hwitreeo cerrais decay and prdindiii- e death add bu ttl i e ,ittl•roor, toe o. retched V es to SELF. DESTRI:d' r,N. or sink, to au boutordy grave. It he cinancipaies 10111 , e:1 bedere the pra, lice don- 1 , wiir- ;toil esters ma! r 111:011v, hi. marl mac IS 1111111111 fill. spice Lehr. , hcu lAA. L. caused by his car!) :111111.4. rijUFFERING YOUNG MEN, Let no false, modesty prevent you trom explaining ys tic case to one whose acknow le :zed positimi in the medical tirofe,sion, and respecta' lily in pr vote point him as a private counsellor. Think hot to cure yourself, and so tamper with a firully, the destrui lion of which renders a man truly miserable. Come to the. KIN:KU:MN, confide in him as thousands have done beforr - ti short, to be cured radically of all rm. of secret diseases, and minims effects of self-indulgence apply lo the most succes4hl ev;ieriettiti lir. KiNKE LIN, GERM 4 a PH is act NoIIIIWOSI corner of Third and Union Streets. between Spruce and Eine, a square and half from the Merchants' Exchange, l'hilade phia. Eemember that STRICTURE.: of the UItETII A are rapidly removed by the a iffication of a new therapeu tical ages t. only used by Dr. K. TACK AGES or MEDD:INES. ADVICE, &c., for warded 10 address. iu auy direction; put up secure lio n s do in.letc or curiosity. • ID''PoST PA ID LETTERS addressed to llr KlN rtillade!lokia, v ill l.i.:unswt.reil forthwith. April 127, 3 , A rtiti.v;F: : loye:. haiwt ,orrws and an mos. !oyes. and lea's. regret , and . 1,, 3s: MAN !WOE, how hol, low 111." , ,1'1't tilt I); thi nature, reatmou t, and ore of spit! may. rhota or sem inal ~ v etrittliess, involuntary entissiii;:s. sea uai Oebiljty and impedithents to if tscuesaily ; nervousness, consumption, tits. mental and ph :deal incapacity, re , salting front SELF- A •lU.ltE—are fully explained in the Al AIatIAGE GUIDE. by :Vial:NG, M. D.— most extraordinary hook should be in the hands of every young person come:1110mm: marriage, and every mail o woman who desire to limit the 1:(11/1i)N" of their offspring to their ciwitinstances. Every pain, disease, and ache 171 t idental to tooth, maturity, and old age, in fully explained ; overy particle of knowl edge that should IIDWII is here given. It is full of engravings. in fart it discloses secrets that every one sliould know ; sti:l it is a hook that must be locked up and not lie, about the twilit,. It will he cent to any one on tbe rco :pt t l th ettly live cents. in specie or pot:laze stamps. Attila ss Dr. NM. %MING, \o. 416, Spruce 81.. above Fourth Philadelphia. if,:rAPPUCTED and EN Voll'll , ,N ATE, lto mat let what may be your disease. beim.. :toil place your !, If under the cue or my one of the nttito hots Qaarks —nativt. or foreign, who advertise It this ttr any toner paper, get a copy of Dr. Young's It- k. and read itcare fully. It will lie the means of say ieg yoa many a dol lar. your h. it!th. anti possibly your lily. S. HARTZELL Pr IC ()UNG ran he consulted on our of the disrys es described in hip puleic..tiiia. at hi' Olbi 4115. 8 .1.(ill , " St., aboVe Fot rnl ir,) - 011i ,. .• hours from 9 till 3 o'clllck daily prit 27, 'V -1-!y, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, D'E.ASTS of the Nerx oils. Seminal, Urinary and Sexual System..—net' and reliable trealinent—in reports of ttie HOWARD ASSOI:IATIoN —Sent by mail in sdaleo letter enveinae4. free of charge. Ad dress, Dr. J. SKILIN H 01101.1111%, Howard Associ ation. No. 2 South Nintli Street, April 12,'64-Iy. SOWER, BARUES & CD” PURL! illEtiS AND DEALERS IN Miscellaneous, School and Wank Books, AND STATIONERY, No. 37 North Third Street, below Arch, cll. SOWER, vv. B. IiARNLS, )} PIIILAUELPIIIA. F. C. POTTs. Publishers of Pelion's lie Maps and keys, the largest and best Outline Maps ever published. San der's new Readers, Green:ears & Brooks' Al lihMetiCS: &c., RI, k Books, Writrug, Wrapping. Curt.iin and Wall Papers. Aug. 19. '53, M. 6OLDMAN, JNO. V. WATSON. JOL. L BERG. JAL A. NI'CUMAB. GOLDMAN, BERG 8 CO. 171iThcoloosisale Clothier. AND I/EAU:118 IN .Cloths, Casslmeres, Vestings, Tail ors' Trimmings, Ste. No. 306 Market Street, Philadelphia• Aug. 19, 1863. OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. ErixpoalUlll. I ) thtfl~4 ia. IlWanamaler & Brown, 11 OAK HALL, II FINE READY MADE CLOTHING, S. S.. 07 c r e t t ieg Z h s, & Mar- IIPHILADELPHIA. it liSpecial Department ford CUSTOM WORK, INo. I S. Sixth Street ii PHIL ADELPH lA, PA T ` 1864, '"i"Pz- 21 %Tar 1864 , DRY 00003,, Great Indgeements to Cash Buyers! HOOD, DONDRIGHT & CO., BY Mll3 l 529 Market St , and 526 Commerce di PHILADELPHIA, Would resrw , tfolly Invite attention to their LARGE STOCK of leading DOMESTICS, aatass 04308Arek IVIEEPVG AND BOY'S WEAR, and ma t popular goo Is of PHILADELPHIA MA:SI:FACTURE. pni 13, 1604. I. E. WALRAYEN, (Successor to W. H. CARRYL) WHOLESALE & RETAIL CURTAIN STORE, Masonic Hall, No. 719 Chestnut St., ABOVE SEVENTH STREET, PHILADA CURTAIN MATERIALS. NV ide French Stins. Wide Frt Wide Erent 11 Salm de Lai,ne %vide wi;rsted VI Die U. nom Ihmamk Wide M.ainette. Erencli I',ll,lies. di I:ortti, es and hands. Cot (Is. Gaups and Frlllgee. 116.1 , 5. 11 Ili:. and Brackets. N.a.ikaa 4ifta' Lace Curtains, apair. Lace Curtains, 4 ott a pair. Lace Curtains, 4.50 a pll r. Late Curlams, 5 (Ina pair. Lace Curtain., PAM a pair. Lave Utut:ostl4, 7.c0 , Curtains, 7.55 a pair, Lacs !Maws, &uua pair. I. Lee Curt tins, s ."St a pair. Lace CliralliS, 7Ou a pair. Lace Unrtains. It fel it I Mira Lace Curtairs. iO,OO a parr. Lace Cur la ins, (Toll a pair. Lace Curtains. 14 AU a pair. Lace Ci.rtains, 1.6.1)0 a pair. Lace Curia ins I S.MI a pair. Lace Curtains, :5 00 a pair. Lac, '26.011 a ttir. La, :e rtaiuS, 2 - i.OO a pair. Lace Curtain:, 30 00 a psi . Lace Curtaiii , , 40.00 a pair. Lace Curtain 3, 50.60 a pair. Ttrt 7 1 ' filt 4,i' 4. 4.t.'1, Uaii. ‘t.4 Painted and Gold lloreers—in stole and for sale :It the tollowies. , prices, with good FixttueF coilipleto tar each shade, retail Giil.l Bordered :Shades & Fr...tures, SI 00 Gold Bordered Shades & Fixtures, 125 Gold llo•iler.d Shades & Fixtures, 1.50 Gold Bordered Slialies & Fixtures, 1.73 Gold Bordered Shades & Fr:times, 2Oh Gold Bordered & Pis tines, 31.0 Gold Bor cued & Firoilies, 3.50 Gold Bordered Shades & Fixtures, 400 Gold Bordered :Shades & Fixtures, .50 Gold Bordered Shades Sr. Fixtures, .00 Gold Bird,: rad Shales & Fixtures, f. 00 Gold Bordered shades & Fixtures, 7.50 Gold Bordered Shades, & Fix!ures, yao Gold Bordered Shades & hkiirr, s, In lid Gold Bordered Shades & Fi slur es, 12 50 Gold Bordered Shades sac to order, any St) 1 , . or U. S. FLAIGS on hand, and made to order, all sizes. April 13,`64-tlni, 1 111 E GIRARD 110LSE, Corner Ninth and Chestnut Sts., raxLAnzLPuLa. 11, W. KANAGA, Proprietor. April 1. Isoi lv CONTINENTAL HOTEL, Corner of Chestnut Ninth Sts, PIZIXADMIMBIA.` J. E. Kingsley. & Co.. Apt!. 13 18114-1 no States Unioll Hotel, 606 and 60S Market, St., Philadelphia. CHAS, M. AL7.11013D, Manager. 1 1 11 IS 11.)tel ig I - wale! in the very centre nt ,usi.,ess auli Is Hear the respect:Oil.. pla. ec of ..tiiitgeatetit. which makes it Witt!! itt.trly t;/ vi-t itit iir and the attention to the of his voc:As to fwd: LI .1 'wait! f,o - now., mint their patii:t age. At.ttl 10111 , 3 11011.114- Chestnut St., Between 3d and 4th, pnIZILDELP.IIIA IN the immo.liire vi, ! ii,ity of thq. principal Bankirg nil Irl 0i1..., 0 , 1 Come4er,i.l.l Exchange an.l J , ,!thing I.lous,s. hest huSIIICSS man's Inmso in the city. II EN RV , April 13,'61-ly. Proprtet4.r. AMERICAN HOTEL, CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite Old Independence Hall, PHILADELPHIA WYATT & HEULDINGS, April 13, Iht.4-13r MARTIN FL 11. riciAVARD. MISR, EWAN & impot !Lets aildDra:lers 114 raPe.MIGN AND Dor/tram HARp.WARE AND CUTLERY, 411 ..1L rket Street, Wow Fifth Phila Ana. PJ, ELI noz.nEN, jio. 708 Market Street, between 7th & Bth, SOUTH SIDE, PHILADELPHIA. Importer of Watches and Fine Jewelry MANUFACTURERS' CI_A 0 C32L. 13C301a. M 9 WllOl,E,i ALE n' RETAIL. All KINDS OF CLOCKS REPAIRED AND WARRANTED. • GILLESPIE, ZELLEIL Co. Wholesale Grocers, A N D COMMISSION MERCHANTS, N. W. Cm Sixth and Market Ste., April 13,'61 11111. A. GEO. F. WARDLE. CHARLES N. REED. RE /ED EA. CO., Wholesale Grocery. Tobacco and 1111111C1 Ilit STS, N. N. Or. Sizilfrimstilarket Sts., ARO 13:04-1y. PHILADSLPIIIA. • Vittsingtr Alartistments. , DRY GOODS. J, W. BARKER CO., 59 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. Haye in store the largest stock ever exhibi ted in this city, embracing '*: iLii 4 GM-kriWK9-00 DEM 2CuJO Housekeeping Goods, GENTS' & BOYS' WEAR, fsfic., etc., 0. WHOLESALE &. RETAIL. Country Merchants supplied at tam lowest Eastern CAS:II PRICES, Mardi 16% 1564 SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS FOR 1864 ! CLOAK AND MANTILLA STORE, No. 73 market Et:eel, IITE %you'd respectfully call the attention of the V trade to ,our tart.• and elegma stock or Ladies and Misses' Cloaks. Saques airs Circn!ars '",,r Spring. and Summer wear. having of.w in stock all the lead ing and nonular styles 01 the season, to which we shall daily add all the lure gn and oliginal designs as they come to hand through the regular European steamers. COUNTRY MERCHANTS wl' I find us fury prepared to fill ther orders at all having a tame and magn t stocof and SrAll,l4:l/ F.t 111111'S, from which to 114,' Lar,wir: "r every ile , Vrlpii4 , ll. Itu . turs tvoM,I do %veil in retticother that ours is the only eAcittsise Niouse in Pinslmr2h, wherr 'Ladies' Fashi.mahle Costumes earl Le had at all times, wholesale and M. J. .PENCE. E!MIBMI:1 Vi:AV SPRING CONS! 77 & 79 Maiket Street, rprizsaunalz, PA. WHOLESILE AND RETAIL. PROPRIET;nis NVITE the attention of Meriliants and Ni Ts to n w stoek for the spring trade, consieung in part of Bonnets, fiats, Ribbons, Flowers, Frames, Silks, Crapes, 11 , 1 all other 'Millinery Goods. A ;ar4e and choice stock of DRESS & MANTLE TRIMMINGS, Stockings. Gloves, handkerchiefs. Embroideries, Hoop Skirts, Corsets Braids Buttons, Combs, and every Va riety 01 Notions, small wares and Shalit'r Hoods. An we bay for Cast' and sell tilt - ()Asti. our stock will be lound as cheap as any Miler house. JOS. HORNE & CO., 77 & 79 Clarke: St. 11 - holesale Room up stairs 51ar.h 30, 01,61. zartl:i;k."l2. REIMETVLAN'S DITIQUE . "AE EATING HOUSE, No. 67 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh. Enlarged and fired up in elegant style. All delit-aeies of the season zdways on hand. 'tar-Delicious OYSTERS, first ol the sea son._ PRu 1" , I ISTORd ZU;ll D 111122,3 CEO. BoNniif.llT c. P. etEs9ERO7T "DEAR MilTli ER. I'VE COME lIONIE TO DIE." A sort of tile ltentrocd Vmuweer 25 "BROTiIEIVS FAINTI NC: AT THE DOOR." De scribing. 0 Touching I:•cident of trio ‘A'ar• • • • • • • • '25 HARYLON" sequel to 'Kingdom C'oming"2s "0 WRAP TUE FLAG AROUND ME, BOVS." A Song m the Dying. soldier 25 "0,1 WI-II 'IIIE WAR WERE OVER." See of tlo• I imesome. Wditimr 25 —. WHO'LL sA THE Descrptive of a (Marge 'tt toe Barrie of Muilityslmr. 50 FTION TOE SOUND OF TUE EMV'S GUNS." Descriloog the Rook of GBHt sborg• • 50 Any of the above sent by ,nail, on receipt of the price. • CRAS. 0. MELLOR, No. 81 Wood St., Pittsburgh. 1 -1 . 1- Cr Mt MOT I TJ It 3E CANA AND WOOD C71.A.12X0, gELLING OFF VVIIOLEAALE OR RETAIL JAM. W. WOOD% ELL, In arid 69 Third street. opposite E. EAn ondson & Co and 1 in Foarth street. Aug. 9, '63. T. B. YO;:i NO. & CO MANUFACTURERS OF MD321:111 11311321 OF EVERT DRSCRIPTION. Corner Smithfield 4. Third Sts. Pittsburgh Material sp..mitetomasitip minimal. and sold • mimed sista. Cars liiwo ix pinkies for bid a wmtercaffiggi6 • INIPLWOO4IIIi. • CLOAKS, Which they offer at I= '2ITTSEURGH, PA isii.Ji -.. 303EP11 HORNE & CO., Laces, gram REDUCED PRICES, Vilts _I urn, J. & 11. PHILLIPS, 26 & 28 ST, CLAIR STREET, PPPTS.I3II7.IIGB, P.A. Manufacturers and dealers in FLOOR, FURNITURZ & CARRIACE OIL LOT ti Table & Window Shade Oil Cloths WINDOW 211ADES, SHADE FIXTURES, &c. ALSO, DEALERS IN LEATHEn ZMILTING, Lace. Leather, 1n in Lubber Belting, Hose, Steam pa..k in g. and IN hoer Goods ueneral ly N B. Sole Agents for Allegheny county, for the sal of Metropolitan Co.'s • UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER Wholi-,ile and Retail BiIyETS lN ill find Our stock large, we ass, , rted and at re.3soiiab,e prices. April 13, Tetlitt ?- 1 ct e t 4 .„ , 4 C Importers and Dealers in 110 USE nIIMAING GOODS NO. 30 'FIFTH STREET, TL!I [. Pirft:BUßriii, PA, WHERE EVERY INSCRIPTION OF Housekeeping Artlies, Censistinc , 41f:1r:ware, Plain and Namslied Tinware, %Nate. lfaskers, l'bocd Ware, Cutlct). irnn Ware, Japanned ',Yaw, and Utensils of all kinds. A great clriely 1 ., - , naker Goods, Cm] Cacss, &c . can be 01:0001! 011 the 1111/111 felS , /11101 1 t 1 /ern's. Refrigerators and Water Coolers, DOOR 3 5 / 1 11TS' AND 'FANCY GOODS. Sept 33, 1863. KAI' 4 RICHARDS. MALI:I4O3E-I, 1.1364. WILSON & McELROY, NO. 54 WOOD STREET. PITTSBURGH, PA. Dry Goods Jobbers, IL% VP, TUUR "At .47‘ )DR' - -ts tr): , - . , 01Sii April 6,1 , ;;*2 3 B. L. COOK, E.PETTIT, WM. M. COOK, E. COOK, JR, COOIX, PX.XTZT de. CO., CO?iIMISSiON MERCHANTS) And Produce, hour , Bacon, ;Vol, Grain &c, s 7 Jiro. l'iltshur4l-4. t`. , 11 Plush:l2Z; lktruco M Crt...ry , ; Gct,iu, A 1 7 :vtioy .ntrtai Trict nit Ivru. , .. Bank. l'uNloir , 2lt; Ititt 001 & 1.1v1.1, I:tztcattitati, (t.; W. LI. & t). () ; I; nn;, r 3.11. Dauk Slate Rank L'lno. It'. 1. D. FACKINER. JOHN M. & NAN I :l":“:TuTur.r.RS OF Furniture and. Chairs, No. 103 Smit Illicit! St , EPA N0v.4:63 ly or Cr:lt:a GM, :11 .1.11E,', 01 Brushes, Children's Coaches, Lookiug Glasses 65 Picture Frames. DE ILeft 1N 'VARIETY Gvolls, No. 7'2 iliThd Nt.cet. Puitsbur, T h, P a , Alachine Brushes made to Order. :fitly ,'63. Iv. Young's Eating Saloon, coRNER \Amu N . ALLEY AN IN SMITHFIELD ST-11F.Eis Where OYSTERS and al; thr d , lica( les of the season %‘ ill f , e served up in ihn most pahial,:4, style. ELI l'ug NG. Cartier Viruin and Alley ::tuttlitle et Pittsburgh, th.t.. 14, y Writ. N. OGDEN &. CO., 31ANUFACTURNRS OF 4)11 111113' EMI Silvered Glass Reflectors, Knobs, &c No. 69 Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa.;63-13. ST. CLAIR . HOTEL, 101 ZN ER OF VENN & ST. GLAIR STREETS, PITTSMIRGH, J. N. ANDEW;ON, PROPRIETOR This pnpalar hunee uaa r1 3 ,111i,' been thorenvh ly refitted and turnistred. and IP , VC - !onusour orthe mutt Weazata OiaCE'S ill the, Is , . Terms five! orate. and ton warranted. ,turd S. iy ST- NICHOLAS 110 TM. CuRNER. catANT AND 4TI - 1 STREE ' PITT:,!BUR(4II, PA. FEU L 5 Proprietor. April 4. TiNBLE Wholosala and CHAT AND . FURNITURE "0":10.". 'Xs 'l_7 MIL "M' .V• NO. 1.1 FASII.IIFIELu STREET, Mar the Mot wal Plll,;bilrgh_PA sp S. P. tir. C. P. MAR MANIUFACTI . RERS AND I'EALETI.S ICI BOOM, CAP, L:OTTEB., A \D all kind= .1 WRAPPING PAPER have rethov . ed from NO. 9.7 WOOD STREET to No. 33 Solthtleld Street, IvrTsmtG ll , PA. Nnv 13. r:7''nreagh Tradefor Razg CORNUCOPIA SALOON, No. 7 Filth Street, PITTSBLIZGII, PA FRED. WEISS, PROPRIETOR. • ! 1Y 46 • NIEfSitUnG STEAM MILL. AIT M. 'ROGER? , respectfully inform his friends and V the publte that he has teased the NEW STEAIV MILL at Waynesburg,. Pa., where t. s will always be found ready to accottunndate all who mayeall on the shortest tioti.e Grinding done on the same terms as by water antis. FLOUR and FEED kept constantly on hand. I trtlers fur either can be left at the Millor at Yeatur's store. (Jan. 27, 18G2 Notice to the Public. T" cabinet business will be carried on at the old stand, by the undersigned, where all kinds 0 Fornnare can be bad and made to order. A thaws* *apt in readiness to attend funerals. AMOS NuLnutp. Milirebil f , NEBESCA GANEAIit. GAai ) !: rile. OIL CLOTHS, 711119017 GRADI3 11.Farla - al, Collins & Co. AT Tlll ER CARPET STORE !I • NO, .71 & 73 FIFTH ST., Second Plow, over Miner's Book Store, NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE Have - just opened their SPRING STOCK, Comprising a most extensive and complete assortment of every descririon of MUER HORAI GNU Including many entirely MN STILES, never before in this maket Having purchased our goods just previous to' the late advauce in prices, we now• offer a great part of our assortment at WHOLESALE At Manufacturer,Priecs. And RETAII, at a very 22111 illlitil, We offer to buyers in large and smai amounts all this advanta,tres :hat the market affords, for conLirmaliou td which we r ..ter to our customers during the past year, and Pitts burgh Merchants generally, with whom we have done bu,•sincsa tor many years. JAMES AIeFA RLAND, IIl:\RV El. COLLINS. JACOB GLOSSER, March 22d, 18(4. SECOND ARRIVAL NEW SOODS, J. N. BURCHFIELDS, Northeast Corner Foarth & Market Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. Black Hunch Cloths, Black Cassimer(;s, • Kentucky Janes, Tweeds, Satinets and Summer Pants stuff, Dress Poplins and Alpaccas, Plaid and Plain Mozambiques, Fancy Sil!;s. Biacl: t ).•gandie Lawns, French „ `Gavelling Dress Goods, 6-4 and :1;-4 Black Wool DeLains, Jack B. , ,nd,azines, Crane, and Vas. ) . , ';:f",' as- , ol . tment of NEW GOODS Just April r :,cl MI , ®T3' IL 'l' Ma: sEirr Ili iBM'X'. 1864. SPRING STOOK OF i 0 1 L,s. 2 VLU.l"l4l.i'l7 :.-",:ital:filtXv • COACOA & CANTON MATTING, 3 d. - ,c., 4:c. 0 Ca A large a.3-ora. ent of • Its ci ,„6lL , - ) i._ , ( AP" P_ . Jail: . 4 (i -' I V t tll r 1 , 4 ~._•.• ... g e -•' , , ‘ , N , :,::: r ,. .11 ,i t t . ti and well seaF i ; - in c e i l: i ).t L yz i r i l , a,est a. Carpet store, NO, 87 FOURTH STREET, PITTSBURCH, PA. April F, •64.2 mos H. KLEBER & BRO ., NO. 122 WOOD STREET; Four doors above Fill! an I nearly opposite the Fills nation il Ilank, PITTSIWRGD, PA., sole Agents, and only Depot in tltis city for THE MAT STEINWAY PIANO AND Carhart's Harmoniums & Melodeons. rpnrsr, two inst ru numt. are among the mast ex tr.t.ttdittary successes 1 inodcrm times, as attested by the beat pert;trnicts in ptotes.simtal and private cu rler,. The STFINWAY PIANO has become the admira tion of the while musical world, and has received thirtv-two first premiums of out and silver. and also the tirst prize medal at the Gteat National Exhibition at 1...m1,m iu ISt'. Also : Itrst Italian and rrPttch Strings for Violin, Guitar and Ilatis Newe s t Sheet Music received week ly . Chtir,h Music Hooks, etc , etc. Every Piano Warranted for Fivc Years. #t_rolaPi.inns taken to exchange. Apri. 6, 1661.6 moe. BAD Voth. $.l, $l, $7, $7, $l2, $l2 Greatest Chance ever Offered? Beautiful Geld Plated, or Silver Watches, Perfect Time-keepers, Sent Free, by Mail, for only $7. Elegant Hunting Case Watches, same as above, for Also, IVateLes, Chains, Sets or Jewelry, Gold Pens. Bracelets, Lockets, Rings Pins, etc., el e., TO BE SOLD FOR $1 EACH, Without regard to value, and not to be paid for till y 0 know what von are to eel. Send 23 rents fora Certificate and Circular containing ,full list tont particulars, and ihuittris you what you can have tor 5 CERTIFICATES FOR SI. AGENTS WANTED. Circulars sent free. Address A. J. lIARPER Sr. r Box 5219P.0., New York. 2(S Brnadwry. N. Y April 13,'d4-Iy 225 SEVEN OCTAVE $225 ROSEWOOD PIANO-FORTES, Gre'vesteen & Co., 499 Broadway, N. Y. vc v ItGED tit:AAA; PiANO FOUTES, .01 was Co- improveilicu:s. Ne .4S‘ WWI inereae.d o.a,,ufactitritiii. enable us to sell for uttc•;ll at atu.vt• unusuany fuw price. Our Instruments re• reived.the nigheet award at the World's Fair, and for five suc,essive years at the American Institute. War. r tilted five years. Terms Baa 6. Calt or wad f or de scriptive circular. Mazda 9, iseLramos. a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers