Vottrg. A WORD OF ADVICE TO THE INTEMPERATE. Thoti naarst call intoxication "Just a little recreation," its right nape's Ruination, . A fiend who brings Disgrace, and blights the reputation, Ay, e'en of kings. She maketh beggars of the wealthy ; She brings disease upon the healthy ; And sometimes 'math her steps so stealthy, The great, the clever, sink, alas! so very low, they Are lost forever. Of crime she is the fruitful source ; Of darkest deeds she is the nurse; The basest are by her made worse; She's the be friend Of Satan; she's the bane, th© curse, Of our fair land. lif,yipiade in misery ,have died ; Myriads committed suicide ; Myriads upon a scaffold tied Have met their end, Tlutt - might have lived, their country's pride, But for this fiend. Wlhategersnay be thy occupation, Genius, talent, rank of station, If given to intoxication, Thus saith my pen Thoult sink low in tho estimation -Of all good men. Oh, could poor erring mortals see ,Qqe hag of her deformity, bkothinks they'd quit her company ; For I am sure They'd then lose half the misery„ They now endure. "Mother, Will our Cbarley Come?"* "Mother, I am very weary, Weary of the day now done; Mother, will you tell me truly, Will our Charley ever come ? Will he come to bless us, mother, Bless you for your tender care? Tell me, mother, for I am waiting, Will our Charley meet us there? Ms jest tAfo long weary years Since he left us for the war; Will his being a brave soldier Entrance into heaven bar Will he not come to see me, Ere I leave this world of care ? Mother, I have prayed for Charley, And I know hell meet us there ! "plow, perehanCe, he's fighting bravely For our country's rights to save ; libther, I am thinking often, Will he find a patriot's grave ? Yee, ear look is now my answer; % (Xlimley may not meet me here ; But where all is bright and holy, He will see me, mother, dear I "There, amidst those heavenly angels, I shell see my Charley dear, Robed in garments shining brighter 3'han the soldier dress he wears! There, dear mother, you will meet us hi a happy, joyous band ; Mother, I feel very grateful, Qod has made that far-off land ! "Draw more closely to me, mother, Death is coming, coming now; But I do not fear him, mother, Shining bands shall deck my brow, And, dear mother, if our Charley Should return for you care, Tell him I have prayed long for him, And I know he'll meet me THERE!" *Words of rolling girl, six years old PROSPECTUS OF THE- PHILADELPHIA AGE. 1.8134. THE ONLY DEMOCRATIC DAILY JOURNAL PUBLIERED IN PHILADELPHIA. The Union, the Constitution, and the En- forcemeat of the Laws. THE DAILY ACE, velhich advocates the principles and policy of the Dem ocratic party, is issued every morning, (Sundays ex cepted) and contains the Latest Telegraphic News from all parts of the world ; with carefully prepared articles on Government, Politics, Trade, Finance, etc.. and prompt editorial comments on the qttestions and affairs cf the day; Market Reports, Prices Current, Stock Quotations, Marine Intelligence, Reports of Public Gatherings, Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, Legal Reports, Theatrical Criticisms, Reviews o f Literature, Art and Music, Agricultural Matters, and discussions of whatever subject is of general interest and importance. THE WEEKLY ACE, is a complete compendium of the News of the Week, and contains the chiefeditorials, the prices current and market reports, stuck quotations, correspondence and general news matter published in the Daily Age. It also contains a peat variety °Collier matter, render ing kia All respects a first-class family journal, par riegierly adapted to the Politician, the Merchant, t e Fawner, the Mechanic, the literary man. and all fiMof readers. ft has, in fact, every chameteris a LIVE NEWSPAPER, fitted for the Counting Mop., bile workshop, the Farmer's Fireside, and the Gage* leader. TERMS. DAILY. WEEKLY. Opt year, by SIMI, ate oft One rear, by Mail gR 00 'Slx Months 00 Six months 1 00 Thiele Months 2 SO I 1 hive Months no For any period less than Clubs of 10 17 50 three 'months, at the rate I " 20 30 00 of Seventy-dye cents per I with an extra copy gratis month. I for getting gp the club. •• rsymmir ntrituntsh IlIVA04I•51,1r IN ADVAXCE.— Specimen eopiesrof the Daily and Weekly will be sent gratis to any address, on application. The Publishers or "The agegigenLi visily 1111 their colunins with Mte unsoiaghlians smuts literal commen dations throughotk the contours hiss Lap- strtrer that it should stead altogether % t wo ejie &Mins sstublic confidence, well knottwaluillieststelished. it has this reputation bags icuidor, marks/nem and indegandence with wMch, Sms tieen •conibicted, Wreath times of extraord mary ;sap; al Ideas on pullet subjects, and latterly of unexampled public trial. It is now , . an‘willi heamoreremfore , the supporter of truly national .ri posed alike to radigpahmrhatil.feasticism in eve aad devoted to tillt Ilialtdebefice of good Bove meat, law and or der. The Publishers of Tha dos conceive that it thus senders peculiar *services and has peculiar claims upon ell men by whom its principles are valued, and who, by the propertneatss. krok to promote and *emu the Con ad rusliorafts of the - Union. ikon eau alert uqe Of the /Wiring Moro of the Pa tit behalf of this great and unparalleled 'mum, by roppeattp mistaitting , Shia paper, M . all its ibusiaess ushiliorg, • Address . Ks. 42t Chestnut a11i4 11 06 1 1 , 0 00 11 4 lOW • ' • • MEE Iri 1111._ .11b irag • = g- 'T 7.7 ' 7T. .-_- • L- OIL CLOTHS, • NEW • MAL 23 M'Farland, Collins & Co. AT TIT& NEW CARPET STORE, NO. 71 & 73 FIFTH ST., Second Floor, over Miner's Book Store, NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE, Have just opened their SPRING STOCK, Comprising a most extensive and complete assortment of every description of MISR 1111 AMOICAII GOODS. Including many entirely NEW STYLES, nevet before in this maket Having purchased our goods just previous to the late advance in prices, we now offer a great part of our assortment at WHOLESALE, At Manufacturer's prices. And RETAIL at a very RAU ADVANCE! We offer to buyers in large and smal amounts all the advantages that the market affords, for confirmation of which we rifer to our customers during the past year, and Pitts burgh Merchants generally, with whom we have done business for many years. JAMES McFA RLAND, HENRY H. COLLINS, JACOB GLOSSER, March 22d, 1864. DRY COW. J, W. BARKER & CO., 59 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. Have in store the largest stock ever exltlbi ted in this city, embracing SRAM, 14- G -9 9 CLOAKS, Housekeeping Goods, GENTS' & BOYS' WEAR, Which they offer at WHOLESALE & . RET A IL. Country Merchants supplied at the lowest Eastern CASII PRICES. March 16, 1864 ORPHANS' COURT SALE I N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Greene county, the undegigned will sell on the premises on Wednesday, April 13, 1864, The following desc:ihed Real Estate, late the property of Joseph Miller, Esq., to wit: A tract or laud situ • ate in Morris Ig., Gieene county, adjoining lands of James Dunn, Joseph Saunders, and others, containing /A \ cra E s. 9 more or less. on which are erected Two Log Houses, one and a half stories high, a Frame Barn, a Grist Mill with two run of stoner, a Saw Mill and other outbuildings. There is a GOOD ORCHARD on the premises. The property is in good tapair,grl an a good state of cultivation. TERM WO One-third of the purchase money at the eonfirma tion of the sale ; one-third in sir months therefrom and the remaining third in twelve months, with inter est front the confirmation. JOSEPII CLUTTER, ROBERT MILLER, Ailin'rs. March 23, 1869.. CREAT DEMAND FOR Greenbacks, x - r pTio. in hereby given, that the partnership here -1 existing between JOHN BRADLEY and CHARLES R. BRADLEY, was dissolved on the sth day of March, 1884, by mutual consent. All debts ow ing to the said firm. nre to be rece , ved by tne said Charles B. Bradley, and all demands on the said part nership will be paid oy him ; and the business of WIMPLE AND HARNESS Mittairormear will be ended on by said Charles B. Bradley, at the old stand, opposite the Greene Hoe a, where he hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage. John Bradley will coal/was 110 get aslaissinan In the establishment. JOSI4II4ADLEY. 44 irt BlLiDiart. N. B. Pawns Mob** to lite WO nem wilt make payment on or belbie Me tet day of 4R . B 4* ppetple pr- Ml4O srmallownsik tire Ng& witßAh DL the need Eta EY* y. CLOTHING, CLOTifiNG. 2%tillt &WHM Clothing Emporium, The only Establishment of the kind where every one may be stilted both in quality price. IHE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK oF FAIL AID WIPER CUTER! Ever offered in this county, comprising all the latest Eastern cuts of Eir WS Alia :: vWV Wear. together with a general assortment of HATS and CAPS. G6tlemen's Furnishing Goods of ever; description. Our motto is "we study to please," and no one after a thorough examination of our stock has any occasion to go elsewhere, if he does he is like the bad penny, "sure to return again."— Among our numerous lot of OVERCOATS may be found the TRIEST CASSIMERE, BEAVER CLOTH, PILOT CLOTH, SEAL-SKIN, MOELSKIN and CHINCHILLA. Of Business Coats Plain and Fancy Cassimere of all grades and qualities, frock and sack. The oddest of all coats is the BLOCKADE RUNNER. a coat manufactured out of captured goods. These coats are exciting the curiosity of hundreds, and are selling rapidly. If you want a sight at them you must call soon. We invite the niany who have heretofore favored us with their custom. and the public genera:ly, to stop in just onadoor below the Post Office, in the West end of Allison's building, and we will show you more goods and beam styles than were ever offered in Waynesburg Oct. 6, 1863. 186 3 ! FIRST IN THE ASARICET 1 11111 tDDIB SOSIAIE PORTER, Porter's Old Stand, opposite Wilson's Brick Building, Waynesburg, Pa., has just opened a large and elegant assortment of Fall and Win ter Dry Goads, co‘Drising Dress Goods, of all kinds end at all prices. Domestics, a very large stock. Flannels of all colors and qualities.— Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Tickings, Check, Drillings, Crash, Towlings; Boots and Shoes, Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds. Iloopskirts, ho siery, Gloves, all sorts of Fancy Goods &c.; also a complete variety of GROCERIES AINTD HARDWARE. We buy principally for cash, and as goods well bought are half sold we are enabled to sell at the LOWEST PRICES. Call and exam ine for yourselves. Thanks to the ptiblic for past favors. Sept. 9;63-Iv. 1110SHINKA LODGE, NO. 558 I. 0. • • MBcrilVavZ:i'rg: in 111 u (lTnFlte fiketrtlileol Th ursday ueacti week, at GI 0.,:104. OFFlcaes: TIIOS SCOTT, P G. D.R .P. use N. G. JOHNS. V. G .1. F. TEMPLE, Seey. W• A. PORTER, Treas. Nov M 1 ISM Odd Fellows Saving Association OF VITAL "lirlV MSEI3EiT.7.IIR-Gr, Chartered by the Legislature .March 27th, 1862. J. F. RANDOLPH, Presitteni;J. F. TEMPLE, Sec'y; M MM9l=! All Business Communication.; should be addressed to Win. A. Porter. Waynesburg, Greene county, Pn. Collections pioniptly attended to. Loans and llis- COUIII6 made. 50ut.29,'63, Legal Notice. LETTERS testamentary upon the estate of JAMES GA N FAIR. late of Marion tp.. Greene county deed, having been granted by the Register of said county to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are hereby notified to pay the same, and those having claims against said estate are requested to present them duly authentica ted fur settlement. REBECCA GANEAIR, Ex': D. ULLUM, PJb. 2, '64 Notice to the Public, P IIE Cabinet business will he carried on at the old stand, by the undersigned, where all kinds of Furniture can be had and made to order. A ll,arse kept in readiness to attend funerals. AMOS MILT - REP, March 2, ISM. lIRDIECCA GAINFAIR. THE GREAT American Tea Company. 51 VESEY STREET, NEW YORK, Since Its organization, has created a new era in the history of Selling TEAS in this Country. ALL our Teas are selected by a Professional Tea taster, expressly and exclusively for us, and we never charge over Two Cents [O2 Cents) per pound above Cost for original packages. We have but One Price to every one for each qual ity, and that Pike is always marked on each sample package at our store in plain figures. We issue a Monthly Price List of our Teas, which will be sent bee to all who order it—we advise every Tea Seller to see It. It comprises a full assortment selected for every locality in the States, Provinces South America and the West Indies. In this list eves kindle divided into Four Classes or qualities, namelyt Cargo, High Cargo, Fine, Finest, that every one may understand from description and the prices annexed that the Company are determined to undersell the whole tea trade. We guarantee to sell all our Teas in original pack ages .at not over Two Cents per pound above cost, be having this to be attractive to the many who hove heretoihre been paying Enormous Profits. Our business is largely done on orders. which we always execute as well and promptly as though the buyer came himself, giving true weights and tares, and always guaranteeing everything ; our responsibility enabling us to do all we promise. Every dealer can order his teas direct front the Company. and parties doing business within Five Hundred (5001 miles of New York can Return Tea bought of us if they pre not cheaper than they cap buy elsewhere and the purchaser is dissatisfied with hie bargain. within four- teen days (14) and have the money refunded to 'him. Those who are over Five Hundred miles can have thirty days 130 J, aed the same privileges extended to them. Besides these advantages the Company will pay MI El P ena " , both ways if t 4 vats are returned. The Great American Tea Company, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS. Feb. 16,'64 ?mos. 51 Vevey street, N. V. TAKE NOTICE. ALL persosky who are indebted to Witt . A. POR TER by note or book account, are requested to make immediate payment. Unless settled by the first of April, they will be left at the proper place for collection, I watt what I say. Look out, one and all. Waynesburg, March 9. 1864. TO ALL INTERESTED. A lt persons T u n: , indebte d ttro are to the e u fi e r :r e t rf Minor tom ke e? imme diatean payment as the into/ca ir n: l ust be settled without further delay. Waynesburg. March 2d, 1864. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of administration have been granted to the undersigned, upon the estate of Mary Green. lee, late of Morgan tp., dec'd. Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. Match 9,'64. JOHN A. GREENLEE, Adis'''. LEGAL NOVICE. LETTERS of Administration Of des es /S ts-of JOUN CREE, er., dec'd, late of Cumberland to.wn ship, Greene county, Pa., have been panted by the Register of said county, to the undersigned. AII per sons knowiag themselves indebted to, said estate are hereby notified to pay the same, and shone paving claims against said astudeareasquested to present tient duly authenticated for emlammmt, . 'MEW ZIMMERMAN, Adm'r. 14, 6. RAOIRL COLE, Atha's. THE INIFtLit Will take particular notice that I am selling off my entire and extensive stock of HITS AND CAPS IT COST, As lam going to leave this county. I offer one of the rarest opportunities to those who may wish to supply themseives with GOODS for Spring and Summer wear. ALSO, Any person wishing to go jnto an established paying business can have an opportunity, as I will sell out wholesale. Any person knowing themselves in debted to me by either Book Account or Note will please settle•up, and pay off before the Ist day of April, or their accounts will be left in the hands of proper authority - for collection.— By paying attention to this notice you will save cost. JOHN C. LIGHTCAP Waynesburg, Feb. 3. 1864. NEW GOODS MINOR & BROTHER, AT TILE IMES & MEETS EXIABE, WAYNESBURG, PA., la AVE just received a very large and carefully se 11 tected stock of Seasonable Goods of every descrip tion, and are selling at competition prices. LADIES' DRESS GOODS: To Chia department we pay great attention. and our Stock will be found cotnplete, to which will be addeo a succession of Novelties theougliout dte season. Our Stock embraces: FRENCH MERINOES, CASHMERES, THIBET CLOTHS, COBURGS, ALPACCA, FRENCH WOOL, ROBROY, AND CICILIAN PLAIDS, POPLINS, LUSTERS, WOOL DELAINES, PRINTED DELAINES, &c. ALSO I It S I,jlr. /33E1 Second *mourning Goods, LADIES' FURS, WOOL HOODS, AND HEAD NETS, Ladies' Bonnets and hats, Bonnet Silk, Ri lots, Roches and Flowers, also, Men and Boys' Wear. A GOOD STOCK OF CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETS AND TWEEDS, Jeans, Cords and Fastians, A nice assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, Of every description at Low Prices. llnving spared no palm; in selecting our Stock of Goods. we think it wiil favorably compare with the stock of any other House in the county We can defy competition in low p , ices. Our old customers, and the public generally. are invited to give us a call and examine our Stork before purchasing We do - age nothing for showing goods, why not call and sea for yourselvesl Nov. 4, 11303. I. 1 CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, Respectfully informs the public that he has located itt Waynesburg, Pa., where he intends to manufacture , Carriages of Every Description, From his experience in the business, he feels confi dent his wsrk will give entire satisfaction. Ile w ill use no low.priced material, in any part of his work, and will not employ any but superior workman. All new work will be Warranted for One Year. Simon!' Greene street, one square South of theCeurl rinse, Waynesburg, Jan. 25, 38150-,-no 34. WAYNESBURG MARBLE AND STONEwoRKs. SAYERS & RINEHART Practical Marble and Stone Cutters. Third Door East of the Court house, Main Si• Sept. 2, 3. HAMILMON- HOUSE, Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa. S. H.IIR'I'ZELL, Proprietor. TIIB subscriber respectfully informs hie friends that tie has taken this well known !loose where he is prepared to accommodate travellers end others, with goodand substantial meat, drink, &c. lie will spare no pains or attention in rendering his guests Comfortable and happy during their sojourp with him, not forgetting to give due attention to their horses and carriages, &c. _ April 10,—No 44—tr WAYNESBURG STEAM MILL. WVIC ROGERS respectfully inform his friends and the public that he has leased the NEW STEAM MILL at Waynesburg, Pa., where t.e will always be found ready to accommodate all who may call on the shortest notice. Grinding done on the same terms as by water mills. FLOUR and FEED kept constantly on hand. Orders for either can be left at time Millor at leator's store. Pan. 27, hied NOTICE TO TAY PAVERS INCOME' TOR 1863. ALL persons interested are notified that their re turns for income for 1863, may be now made to the Assistant Assessors. Any one neglecting or re fusing to make their income prior to May Ist, 1863, will be liable to a penalty of 50 per cent upon the whole return. 8A kIUEL DAVENPORT. March 2, '64. United States Internal Revenue, Annual Taims for 1864. THE attention of tax payers is hereby call ed to the provisions of the United States Ex cise Law relative to the assessment of annual taxes, fly the sixth section of the act of July 1, 1862, it is made the duty of persons, partner ships, firms, associations or corporations, made liable to any annual duty, license or tax, on or before the first Diloeday of May in each year, to make a list or return to the Assistant As sessor of the District where located, of the amount of annual incorhe, the articles or ob jects charged with a special tax, and the busi ness or occupation liable to pay any license. Every person who shall fail to make such return by the day specified will be liable to be assessed by the Assessor according to the best information which he can obtain ; and in such case the Assessor is required to add fifty per centum to the amount of the items of such list. c.7very person who 'shall deliver to an As. sessor any fats or fraudulent list or statement with intent to evade the valuation or enumer ation required by law, is subject to a fine of five hundred dollars ; and in such case the list will be made out by the Assessor or Assistant Assessor, and from the valuation and enumer ation so made there can be no appeal. Payment of the annual taxes, except these for licenses, will not be demanded until the 30th day of June. The appropriate blanks on which to make return, and all necessary information, will be furnished by J. RUSH, Assistant Assessor for the 9th Division. SIMON RINEHART, 10th Division; H SMITH, lith Division, to whorl the returns should be delivered et} or before the first Monday ofI4IAY, at their respective office. SAMUEL DAVENPQR.T I U. 8. Assessor, 24th Pistrirt • March 8, 1864. a - FIRST 111111111. OP BY GOODS I BARGAINS, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICEP. Hoods, Sontags, Ladies' iVool Vests, A large quantity of Heavy Wool Socks, Traveling or Negligee Shirts, Undergarments, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, AND RNA 'Xi - Oil Cloths & Window Shades. CLOTHING, GENT'S AND BOYS' WEAR! TrIIUMillgS, Hosiery, Gloves, In great variety. Also, a very large supply of amass HOUSEKEEPING GOODS I =canna:ow AL.II.M , Orders will Receive Prompt and Carefu Attention. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE. GREENE HOUSE, Feb. 24, 15(4.-11a, WAYNESBURG, PA. WM. A. PORTER. WALL PAPERS, ViTINDOW SHADES, • BORDERS, DECORATIONS, AND every article in the Paper Banging line are now offered to the trade and buyers generally at the lowest price; Call and see at No. 107 Market street, near Filth, Pittsburgh, Pa. JOS. It. HUGHES. Feb. 17th, 1564. DAILY filAila NACA RUNNING REGULARLY BET% .EEN WAYIESEG 11111 RILES' TILE undersigned respectfully informs the generous Public, that having the contract for the carrying of the mail between the aboye points, he has placed upon the route two new and commodious Hacks for the ac commodation of the travnllng community, One wil leave the Hamilton House, Waynesburg, every morn ing, Sundays excepted, at 7} o'clock, and will arrive at Ricee' Landing in time for the Boat to Pittsburgh, the other will leave likes' Landing at the same time and arrive in ‘Vaynesburg at noon. No pains will be spared for the accommodation of ifikssengers, TIMOTHY VOUCHER, Proprietor. August 7th, 1861. no. 9. HUG HES elir. OLIVER, Grocers. Forwarding and COMMISSION MERCHANTS /Gus' Di-tiding, Greene Co., Pa. Are prepared with the largest and best Grocery and Forwarding Itooins in the ritiel, for all goods on con signment. and also GOOD WAREHOUSES, on the bank of the river, convenient fur boats to land, for storing all kinds of produce, for shipment to Pittw burgh, or tne Eastern cities, on the most reasonable IBMS. They hope by strict attention and long esperienee, in business, to receive a liberal share of patronage. •In addition to the above, they will keep 011 hand goon assortment of FRESH GROCERIES. from the head of market, at wholesale prices, to accons .00date all who will favor them with their patronage. • Apri ii, MO. SOWER, BARNES St CO., PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS IN 311scollaneons, School and Blank Books, AND STATIONERY, No. 37 North Third Street, below Arch, CH. G. SOWER, W. li. BARNES, PHILADELPHIA. F. C. POTTS. Publishers of Pelion's Outline Maps and keys, the largest and best Outline Maps ever published. San der's new Readers. Greenlears & Brooks' A riihnietics, &e., Blank Books, Writrng, Wrapping, Curtain and Wall Papers. Aug. 19. '63, MARTIN TIDED um, OEO. BONBRIPHT. E. IL HOWARD, C. P. SI, ESSEROIT. BilinEll, SWARD & Importers and Dealers In roxtraGN AND DOMESTXC HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, No. 441 Market Street, below Fifth, Phila. Aug. 19, 1863. R. lIARTZELL. ELI HOLDEN, No. 708 Market Street, between 7th & Bth, SOUTH SIDE, PHILADELPHIA. Importer of Watches and Fine Jewelry. MANUFACTURERS' C.1.44:3CA1EK MCC:II:TES M. WHOLESALE AN RETAIL. ALL KINDS OF CLOCKS REPAIRED AND WARRANTED. Aug. 19,'63 M. GOLDMAN, JNO. V. WATSON. JOS. L. BERG, JAS. A. M'COMAS. COWMAN, BERG& CO. IPl7.l3.4o.le•asitle) C7lothiersl• AND DEALERS IN Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Tail ors' Trimmings, &c. No. 306 ?Market Street, Philadelphia. Aug. 10, 1863. STATIONER'S WAREHOUSE. JOHN P. CHARbTOU, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND WHOLESALE STATIONER, 32 South Fourth Street, 2d Story, Phila. Aug. 19.'63: JOHN STROUP & SUCCESSORS TO STROUP & °BOTHER, WHOLESALE DEA-LEAS z FISH, No. 24 North Waterr Street, and No. 25 Notrh Water Street, Philadelphia. Aug. 19, 1863 TAME & W.A.LEER, PUBLISHERS AND IMP OR TEES OF MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, No. 722 Chestnut St., Below Bth St., Phila. Constantly on hand a large assortment of .111tPRINOR PIANO-TORTES. ARC 19, Embroideries, Notions and Nick-Nacks jittc' an~in , V Ijitakipl2ia. I SIIIIII WESTERIIOIIIIII, SCHOOL, Millsboro' Washington County, Pa. rrms Institutio n will commer.ce Its next session of five month's duration, the first Wednosday of April, under the charge of A. J. BUFFINGT rN, and J. C. GILCHRIST, as PriliCifl3ll, [cachets of experience and skill. Tuition—payable in advance, per session Slit; Three months, 67 ; Two mouths, : 4 7.5; Five weeks or less, S 3. Boarding, ;:z2,Q.;)" per week. Sown rent forself-board ers 51,00 per mouth. The School building Is a neat and commodious ed ifice, located in Millsboro, a village pleasantly situa ted on the Monongahela. ten miles above Brownsville. Valuable additions WI be made to the schoci appa ratus thj coming s,ion. The school is under the supervision of the County Superintendent's of the Tenth No•inal District ; and every etlhrt Will L.e, made to make it for South Wes tern, what the State Normal School at Millersville is tor Soutn Eastern, Psnusylvania. School oilier'. patrons, and pupils demand a higher grade 01 qualification in teachers ; not only in the branches required by law in every district, but in oth er brahches, and in the science of teaching. As the express object of !hi.; school is to prepare teachers flit' a ll the dirties of the school room, they should avail hemselt es of its advantages. A. J. BUFFINGTON, J. Ii March 9. '6l-4r For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Moths In Furs, Wool ens, &c., Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, Sm. Put up in 25c. 50r, it , 1.00 Boxes, Bottles and Flasks, and 05 sizes for HoTet.s, Prnmc INsrrmrioNs, &c "0, Iv infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." Sold Wholesale in all large cities. Aff-Sold by all Druag . sts and Retatlers every- where. t_.3....!!!BEwArtElll of all worthless imitations. .. , y - See that '•CosTACs" name is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. HENRY h. COS I'AK• Principal Depot -182, Broadway, N. Y &7•,!7, Sold by all W holesale and Retail Drug gists in Waynesburg, Pa. Feb. 17, I%.4.—Sin. THE UP-TOWN GROCERY. STRISNIDER & SIMINGION the business at the t.,1 stand. They will in a few days be in receipt of a large assortment of Prime Grocerlea mid Provisimis, Notionq,&r., which they will Pell a; no lowest prices for Coro Meat, Flower, Butter, Eggs, awl Country Pro dime generally always ou hand. March 4th Vittsbuqij Abottilscintnts. 1,0, FACKINER JCI,N M• IRWIN' rAcitzNEE. & IRWIN, dk.i 1 A lALREIa OF Furniture and Chain., No. 103 qinithlteld St Nov 4 C 3 lv. PITT , .IURGII PA . ZOgt2lollll2l "DEAR MOTHER, I'VE COME HOME TO DIE." A Song of the Returned VoMineer 25 "BROTHER'S FAINTING AT THE DOOR, De scribing a Touithing Incident of the War• • • - 25 ' BABYLON IS FALLEN." Sequel to 'Kingdom Griming" 25 "0 WRAP THE FLAG AROUND 31E, Boys." A Song of the Dying Soldier 23 "0,1 THE WAR WERE OVER." Song of the Lonesome. Waiting :Maiden 25 "WHO'LL SAVE THE I.S:ET 1" Des, riptive of a Charge at the. Rattle of Murfreesboro 50 "WITHIN TIIE SOUND OF THE ENEMY'S HUNS." Deserihing the !tattle of Getty sburg• • 30 of the above Bela by mail, on receipt of the puce. CHAS. C. IVZZLLOR, Sr. 81 ‘Arund St.. Pittsburgh. 3F I I33ELIVIIMII3EL3EI CANZ AND WOOD CEAULZI, SELLING OFF VVIIOLESALE OR RETAIL JAS. W. WOOD% ELL, 67 add 90 Third snroet. opposite E. Edwondson & Co and 110 Fourth street EiSEEI Young's Eating Saloon, conNERPoiN ALLEY AND SMITHFIELD STREETS, Where 0 VSTERrt and all the delicacies of ihe etteabr will he served up in the most palatable style. ELI YOUNG. f!nrner Virgin and Alley aiiiintliele et Pittsburgh, Oct. It, '6l.•y CORNUCOPIA SALOON, No. '7 Fifth Street, FRED. WEISS, PROPRIETOR Oclolier • I .•2 I%' p 7 - 9 41 , 0 nt R.V.INETOZAN'S DumsNE BITING llotgE No. 67 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh. Enlarged and fit , ed up in elegant style. All delicacies of the season always on hand. - Delicious OYSTERS, first of the sea. son. N0V.4:63-Iy. ST, CLAIR HOTEL , VORNER OF PENN & ST. C I .AIR STREETS, Pi 7'7'S B .7R G PA. J. N. ANDERSON, PROPRIETOR. 11:7- This popular Mimic; hat recently been thorough ly refitted and furnished, and now forms one of the most pleasant stopping places in the city. Terms mod mate, and satisfaction warranted. April 8.'63 I y ST- NICHOLAS HOTEL, CORNER GRANT AND 4TH STREE . PITTSBURGH, PA, FEHL, Proprietor. April 4. TINDLL & MOORE, Wholesale and Retail CHAIR AND FURNITURI MaNVFBCTVRERei NO. 91 SMITHFIELD STRF.ET, Near the Mengelipla Sept.3o.'63-Iv Pittshareh, ,Pa S. B. ..t. C. P. MARKLE, MAMUFACTURERS .11. Np DEALERS IN BOOR, CAP, LETTER, A ND all kind, of WRAPPING PAPER Megrim°, ed front NO. 27 WOOD STREET to Np. 33 Suit Wield Street, PITTSSUBG/I, PA. Nov. 13, 1e.31-1y frrorCasti Tradefor Rags $2 SEVEN OCTAVE 25 S ROSEWOOD PIANO-FORTES, 226 Grovesteen & Co., 499 Broadway, N. Y. NE h+ ENLA RGED SCALE PIANO FORTES, with all the latent improvements. This years' experience with peat ly increased fxcit ties for manufacturing, enable us to sell for CASII at the above Unusually low price. Our Instruments re ceived the highest award at the World's Fair, and fer five successive years at the American Institute. War. ranted fivd years. Terms Cash. Gull or send for du. seriptive circular. March 9, 1894.-Fratre .X1.1\1" ILE.DUCED PRICE 41. 'kw! 9. 'r3. PITTSBURGH, PA Vittsprge Eta t,1112-1 Irnporter.; and Donlets in HOUSE FURNIdIING GOODS NO. 30 FIFTH STREET, First door below Exchange Baia, FiTTSBLIFICH, PA., WHERE EVERY INSCRIPTION OP Housekeeping Articles, Consisting of Ilardwar , ,, Plain and Planished Tinwarft Brush , s, NN. naske's, Plated Waft, Cutlery, Iron Ware, Jaianned Ware, and Cooking Utensils of ail kinds. A great variety of Shaker Goods, Bird Cam, ,Sca osall he obtained on the )1108C reasonable terms. Refrigerators and Water' Calatars, DOOR MATS AND rANow GOODS. • RAY & RICHARDS. Sept 30, 1963 B. L. COOK, E. PETTIT, WM. M. COOK, E. COOK, /IL, COOS, PETTIT dt CO., COMMISSION And 7tlalera in Produce, lour, Bacon, Wool, Grain ico.. No . 12 Smithfield St., Corner First, Pittsburgh. REFERENCES — Springer Ilarbaugh Be CO , Pittsburg§ Hitchcock, McCreery & Co., Pittsburgh ; George A: Endley, Cashier German Tract and Savior; Bank. Pittsburgh; Mitchell & Ladd., Cincinnati, 0.; W. H. & .1 D. Ladd, Richmond, 0.; Jon. Binns, Cashier Mt; Pleasant Branch Bank state Bank Ohio. Sept —39,W., y. lEmAllk 31EILIE SW CLOAK, MANTILLA, SHAWL r_~~~r •j FUR EMPORIUM, OS MARKET STREET. The Newest Styles Black and Colored CLOTH CLOAKS; AT EASTERN PRICES. n. GAINSENZEAIISZA & CO, 'B3. GS MARKET ST., between 3d & Sept. 30, as VUGZEILI'DGA 4NUFACTITRERS Or Brushes, 'Children's Coaches; Looking Glasses & Piotnts Frame" IntLER IX VARIETY ROODS, &O. No. IT. Wood St.eee, Pittsburg/,Po, Machine Brushes made to Order, v1,•6'.1v. JOHN CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Dealer la FOREIGI WIES HO LIEN! pro. 52 Smithfield St. PittstztrgA, Po. keep constantly on Land, Old Monongahela & Rye Whiskey, Britt dies, Wines, Gins, &o, Sept.3o,'i3-6m. Wm N. OGDEN & CO., MAN tiPACIPURIOL9 OP 11111)2 , b3l AND Silvered Glass Reflectors, Knobs, ka, No. 69 Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Sert.33,'Mly, `7 l . 3. YOUNG at CO., mANuFAcruRsEs OP 1111111111 A tatil OF EVERY DFACRIPTION. Corner Smithfield 4. Third Sta. Pittsburg?., P.. Material and workmanship *nrranted s and mold as reduced prices. Care taken to packing for laud nog watereturiags. Nept.29•63-lhat THIRD ARRIVAL Or NEW GOODS AT J. M. BURCHFIELD' $ 1 If or t 11•Enst C orner of lit& & /$2 1 1112212 SOS g'aTTI3OI3VRC ME Cloths and eassimeres, Flannels and Manaus, Chinks and WW2 Ladles' Dress Goods of Every Deserintiou Black nod Figured Silks ; Bleached and Unbleetallii Mushns; Irish Linens, pure Flea. This wili he found the largest and Bandsomest steel of goods in the city. Oet. 21, W. KNABEIS pi.alroa MANUFACTUII2II BY WILLIAM KNABE & CO rgillE above Pianos from tiieir Factory possess all superior and latest improvements, including MO AGRAFFE TREBLE, Overanung. Improved FM) Iron Frame, Ptah Cellos Hammers. &c. THALBERG, one of the most eminent pianists in world. says : "I have great pleasure in certifying I have tried your Pianos, and (Ind them equal not superior, to any in this country. AMOUS great qualities, n hick distinguish them, is the ocean* of tone. the agreeable and easy touch, and vohnee tone. Wishing you all ihe success you so highly 66 serve, 1 am, sir, yours truly, D. THALIIIBB." C. GROSE, the well known composer, W Delaware. says that "Dry cannot Le surpassed by in the market." VIECITCAIPTO writes :—"T was delighted on ing the dear and full vile of one of yaw I.ll= Pianos." 117 - " The above Pianos ate warranted toitlnis For tale by CHARI.O7TE HMI No. 43 Fifth street, td door above Wood st.,,P New Building. [Jan. Vt. Wei. J. & H. VIIIILLIPOL Nos 26 and 28 St. Char Street. eitt•bsirak, pa, MANUFACTURERS OF FLOOR 011. CLOTHS, TRANSPARENT; 011123 h OIL CLOTHS, FURNITURE OIL CLOTHS. WINDOW SHADES, TABLE OIL CLOTHS. CARRIAGE CLOTHS. also, dealers in Leather Belling, Lace Like& er, Indiau Rubber Belting, Hose Sturm 'lacking, lacking, Tubing, Wheat Drills Tubes, clothing, and all other articles made of Indian Rubber, 4-c., 4 - c. Wholesale and retail buyers will find oar malt law well selected, and at the lowest prig. April 24, 1882-Iy. to 4 = 10 ri- V: iota tr.) S.. Lea t 41.1[4 ••it 1 INVENTED 1845-IMPROVED 1860. ADAPTUD TO ALL £1N1) OF MANUAL:TOR- ING FU2EOSIB Sewing Equally as well en mum+ tins, Cloth and Leather. CORNER OF PENN & ST. CLAIR STAMM PITTSBURGH, P 4. A.M. WGREGOR, AGENT. A iIIG- iyr t MC& Blank Executions, Swanton@ and Cosine: ble's Sales and all other Blanks, always ea hand at thistoffide. MERCHANTS *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers