~~ TEE OW PAII-ROUSE. At tbilibiSt of the hill near the old red mill, In a quiet, shady spot, Just peeping through, half hid from view, Stands a little moss grown cot ; And straying through, at the open door, The sunbeams play on the sanded floor. The easy chair, all patched with care, la placed by the old'hearthstone; With witching grace, in the old fire-place, The evergreens are strewn. And pictures hang on the whitened wall, And the old clock ticks in the cottage ball. More lovely still, on the window sill, The dew-eyed flowers rest, Where 'midet the leaves, on the moss- grown eaves, lihe martin builds her nest, And all day long the summer breeze Is whispering love to the bending trees Over the door, all covered o'er With a sack of dark green baize, Lies a musket old, whose worth is told In the events of other days; And the powder flask and the hunter's hora Tittve hung beside it for many a mcin For years have fled with a noiseless tread, Like fairy dreams away, And left in their flight, and shprn of his inight, A father—oil end gray; And the soft wind plays with his snow white hair, As the old man sleeps in his easy chair. In at the door, on the sanded floor, Light, fairy footsteps glide, An 4 a maiden fair, with flaxen hair, gneels by the old man's side— An nld oak wrecked by the angry storm, Wltiithe wy clings to its trembling form, TO BE SHOT. Henry H. Williams, of Greens burg, has been found guilty of de sertion and sentenced to be shot to death by musketry, and as the sen tence has been approved by Gen. Meade and} ordered to be executed, there is little trope that his life will be spared. lie belonged to Colonel Coulter's regiment. ea. 4 Berlin professor finds that Enospe contains 272,000,000 of in habitants ; Asia, 720,000,000 ; Africa 99,000 000; America, 200,000,000, amroryncsia, 2,000,000; total, 1,- 283,000000. le this little crowd, about'2,6oo,ooo die in each year, which is 87,851 a day, or 61. per min ute, W°A. goosl husband should be willing to take a certain amount of daily scolding from his wife. Fifty pounds of ballast should go free in the marriage stage coach. serThe Military p Q4 O, of Inquiry, in the case of Gen. Buell, has honor ably acquitted him of all the charges preferred, and it is probable that he will be assigned to an impor -44 command. Rogotars REMGVEDU MN BRADLEY 8/, SON, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE BANK, I _IA,M netvraed from Pittsburgh, with an unua waft large stock of ST ill 11111111, The stock consistp of Saddles, Bridles and Martin gales, H .mess, Collars, "Horse Brushes, Currycombs, Cards, Horse Covers, Wagon whirl, Cowiddes, Wood and Iron Stirrup!, and everything that a replier and horseman needs. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of work kept constantly on band or made to order at short notice, by competent Workman. NOTICE TO TAME INDEBTED We especially request all persons indebted to us to make immediate payment as further delay cannot he given. We will take Whest, Oatp or Corn if deliver ed soon Call and see oar stock. WAynesburg, Oct. 28, 1863 CLOTHING. CLOTHING. IL ISM ti tittrtt Clothing Divoriuto, The only Establishment of the land where every one way be suited both in quality price. T II F LARGEST AND BEST KELECT.ED STOCK DA all WIEIR 'Ever offered in this county, comprising ell tlie,lstest gaspirn cute of MAWS AVM ". (1' It Wait. together with a general assortment of HATS ami.CAPEI. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods - of every detteriptton. Our motto is "we study to ,please," and no one after a thorough examination of :our stoat has any occasion to go elsewhere, if he does he I. l a te the m u d penny, "sure to return again." .adaosupour newsroom lot of OVRCOA,TS may be found go TRIEST CASSIMERS, BEAVER CLOY)111, _PILOT CLOTH, MOELISKIN and SEAL-SKIN. CHINCHILLA. Ofßasiness,Copts Plain and Fancy .Cassianme'ofallifrades and qualities, frock and sack. The oddest °fah coats is the 'MOCHA DB RUNNER. coat manufactured out of captured goods.ese steinewve exciting the callosity of hundreds. and Th are seitinfeapidly. If you want a sight at them yon must sail sawn. ..11fharite the many who have beretahlte favored us er #IN* essraim. and the peal& genet:My, to stop in epia door below the Post Once. in the Wpm end .00 111 0 4101 itfliding, and we will show you mole oie and *Vet _styles than were ever ofered in r nttille Oct. 6, 1663. AdualaistipiPe Notice. lUiettellem upon , tbe estate Of L im El M ill ec . ll3, late of . bunkard tp.„' Vet 40. 601 4."1 , ' . been granted to the un tisseipted by die tr im ee t ne a rray, persons . bill , debits. te, requested to hosenat thensfor settlement, aid th ose knowing tbem "vim i alMidAß. 'IV Estate. are requested to dune !leeward gay The mins& Nov 12 . 1971 . "IIIiNIAMIN WBICK, Adm'. 90 409 . 1311114013 Fifth Street, Nassau Hall, Pittsburg*, Puma. la AMC just been in receipt of a very louse eon signment of all kinds of Cents', Ladies', Misses Boys and Children's Boots, Shoes. and Gaiters, would call the particular attention of Country Mer chants and dealers to the same, guaranteeing that both in reprd to PRICE and QUALITY OP 00008 we can give better satisfaction than any other house in the West. One call we think will suffice to prove the correctness of the above assertion, ati'vve are continu ally in receipt of goods direct from Boston. Pittsburgh, April 8, '63.-Iy. W7251•••3 1...4 id ..i'Li..EN'Ag?= CS a ° ,AI 5 .- :3 . c''' ; ' CD ggsk * c'tt'w •—• =mE.....gm a. 0 ,Asi;.<s.,Eg s. I 2 • Fg - ,tnt=a- - -:=o -I Pc s.-- - .=:-. v,-. az bEigil 4 a 113 r.. 0 .C.*-..= 2.4. GO e.at, grail lir "e rt = = al 3:ti P. `Bi'i'l.. l2ll WI m EP C" O., E ER. r?,:Bq , 0 0.-9 .c.5.551?.g:.; xi "a 0: 2 "-- 14 ;45; eit k E P E 5 Hig .;.na-p.r.t,F.,7 0 m 00 p , w r. ga'; 4 'lmsli .4 Eg .--"in 22 g,i7.1.U,7- , iw, = I:1 CI ' o .p =l 2 <, w 1 GI 0-1 .i.13 -51 =2:'2 q = go :.... 0 - 41 '=' :-.a c , - 30 0 . 4. 0515're I = 3 CD. aEh ?,, 1 p.i - . ell ,c,:i. P-ar - ze, 7-. 0 .73 M 0 0 21 2*;• . :72 - 9 - 3 1 * ;,ziz.." 6 * 1 ' P' r: 4 ,Mg: I I 'EI VG 21.maan 5 am 23 - 27.--- -s • o 40 E' ^ /a - 1- d 0 lei g ;,:5 ES* ? DS X gi c lVD"q 3q 2 ; l ' 4 • ,, i a""' ia ;'.,5.E.0FE 0 4 -d P.; = i t , e .i s i ri4,a isg, I- i-... esia .15-S S., 1 3 5=° if 5. .^ 3.... D 2 ei a ?- 1. E,, , T , 1 p M ;IE., 2e, rE ' r:3,3 s Cl) 4F3P."OKEF.: 8 rs So aRI - 4; o. s . `.4..Teg = re' w•.;22 0 F.=,' .; X" -- 'g a ...9' Es: ,1 f]o F il Az IC,d S'inl a.? S. Ct 2 ca.oE .;",-= ta g1E.458-Er. co ra iE=. * E . m 7 0 to: .^&l°m*lT Da • DRS. S. L. HOCKRT & I. H. LONGDON, PIT PSBURGII, PA. DRS. H. & L. never fail to cure Nervous and Chron ic diseases, Female Diseases, Liver Cou.plaint, Dyspepsia, &.c., &c. Their remedies for these, and all other diseases, are always safe and will restore health. Medicines end advice sent to any address. A letter to be answered must contain at least one dollar. Sept. 23, 1863. B. L. COOK, E. PETTIT, WM. M. COOK, E. COOK, JR. point, pram= & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And "eaters in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Wool, Grain &c. No. 12 Smithfield St., Corner First, Pittsburgh. RBFSRENCSII—Springer Harhaugh & Co , Pittsburg; Hitchcock. McCreery & Co., l'ittsburgh ; George A. Endiey, cashier German Tract and Savings Bank. Pittsburgh; Mitcnell & Ladd, Cincinnati, 0.; W. li. & J.' P. Ladd, Richmond, 0.; Jon. Binns, Cashier Mt, pie:asant Braiich Bank state Bank Ohio. 5ept.39,'63.1y. CLOAK, MANTILLA, SHAWL gND FUR EMPO lUM, 68 MARKET STREET. The Newest Styles Black aml Colored CLOTH CLOA.XB, AT EASTERN PRICES. H. OMNS.I32IIILAUSER & CO., Sept. 30, '63. 68 MARKET ST., between 3d &4t Z. M. MILLIMMEAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Hats, Caps, LAIRS' IC., 75 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Sept.3o,'63. 7011 N Wholesale Dealer in 101131 LIES 1111 LIES, No. 52 Smithfield Si. Pittsburgh, Pa. Will keep constantly on hand, Old Monongahela & Bye Whiskey, Bran dies, Wines, Gins, &c, Sept.3o,'63-6m. BRADLEY & SON Lana bn lama AND Silvered Glass Reflectors, Knobs, &c No. 69 Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa SePt.:3o,'63-Iy. T. S. YOUNG & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF /11011111 111111 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Corner Smithfield 4. Third Sts. Pittsburgh, Pa. Material and workitiatiship warranted, and soul at reduced prices. Care taken in packing for land and water cat riage. Sept 29 . 63.6 m. 348. LOUGIULIDGE, HAN UFACTURERS OF Brushes, Children's Coaches; Looking Glasses & Picture Frame. DEALER IN VARIETY GOODS, &C. N. 72 Wood St.eet, Pittsburgh, Pa, liaelkine r Prushee made to Order. July I GREENS COUNTY, SS : IN the Qrpttan's Court of sa , d county, o I September Term, 1862, {,o. 6. In the matter of the settle- Meld of the final account of lion. Benjamin Ross, Ad ministrator of Wm. 11. Huss, dec'd. Balance in ac countants hands $9.302.76 And unw, to wit, Sept. 17, 1862, accounttonfiritted, and J. J. Huffman, Es.., ap painted Auditor to distribute balance iti hands ofAd minis tratm. By the Court, D. A. WORLEY, Clerk. I will attend to the ditties of the appointment at the offic e of McConnell Ii Huffman, on Saturday, Dec. 5, 1863, at which time and place all persons interested can attend. .1.3. HUFFMAN, Nov. 11, 1863. Auditor, OILNENE COUNTY, IS: N the Orphan's Court of said money, September Tenn. 1663, No. 41. in the goiter of Ike settle ment of the account of P. R. (Ampoule and Henry Chapel/pa, Itihnintstratme upon the unite of Richard chaimun, deed. And now, to wit, Sept. 11, 11R13, the court plipoint Norman Worley as Auditor to distribute balance in the hands of Ad/oink/U/10m By the k Court. D. A WORLIY, Oark. I will apand to the duties of thasistrse appointment at the 814•Monotarre nem, in Waynesburg, on Thursday, the 3rd day of Der... 1863. Nov. 11, 1863. NORMAL* WOIII,IIY, Auditor . Vitigino V'tmalts. BOOT AND WOE AUCTION. AUCTION HOUSE, o,ffice; 47 Smithfield Street, WM. N. OGDEN & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Letkil IN THE.OBNIAMM COURT OF magrom CO, No. Sept. Terre, titSO. Jra the natter tlff aim Par-. tition of the teat &Nth or "atm Sleet, late of Dan it ard tp., in said count:, 4Pe'd. • To Mary Steel, la Lion's* *Wei, Wm- Steel, Jacob Steel an Rebecca Steel, children of Dav idry • Steel, decd, a son of said John Steel, decd ; Jao Steel, Thomas Steel, Ma Cravens, Lydia Cravens Elizabeth cravens, and dames Cravens, childree of, Nary Steel, dec'd. a daughter of said John Steel, deed, and who was intermarned with Benjamin Cravens, James Steel, Jesse Steel, Nancy Steel and Martha Steel intermarried with John McClure. You, and each of you, are hereby notified that, by virtue of a writ of pattition issued out of the Orphaa's Court of Greene county, an inquest will he held and taken upon the ruandesa in Dunkard tp.,on the 95th day 01 Nov., A. D., 1863, at one o ' clo ck, P. M., of said day ; for the purpose of making partition at val uation and appraisement of the said real estate, as in the said required ; at which time and place you can attend, if you think proper, THOS. LUCAS, Sheriff. Fberiff's Office, Waynesburg, Pa., Oct 28, '63. Legal Notice. LN THE ORPLIAN'S COURT OF GREENE CO. No. 11. Sept. Terni, 1d63. In tl4 matter of the Par tition of the Real Estate of Benj. Jennings, Esq•, late of Marion tp., in said County, dec'd. To John F. Jennings, Perry Jennings, Esther Jen nings, Intermarried with James Cree, James S Jen nings, Mary Jennings, intermarried with Wm. T. H. Pauley, and Benjamin Jennings. You, arid each of you, are hereby notified that, by virtue of a writ of partition issued by the Orphans' Cour of Greene County, an inquest will be held and taken upon the premises in Marion tp., on the 30th day 01 November, A • D„ 1883, at one o'clock, P..M., of said day; for the purpose of making partitio i at valuation and appraisement of the said real estate, as in the said writ required; at which time and place you can attend, it you think proper THOMAS LUCAS, Sheriff, Sheriff's Office, Waynesburg, Pa., Oct. 28, '63. Administrator's Notice. GETTERS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of THOMAS ZIMMERM /0 , 4. dec'd., of Richhill tp., Greene County, Pa., notice is hereby given to all persons having maims , against =aid estate to present them properly au thenticated for settlement and those indebted to said estate are requested to pay the same, MARY ZIMMERMON, Adin'x. Oct. 28, '63 -* BANK NOTICE. 'SHE Stockholders of the FARMERS' AND DRO VERS' BANK OF WAYNESBURG, in Greene county,Pa., will apply to the Legislature of the States for anextension of charter for the term of fifteen years from the expiration of its present team. The location, corporate name and privileges, and amount of capital, stock to wit: one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to he the same ac under its present charter, By order of the Boad. J LAZEAR, Cashier. Waynesburg, Greene county, Pa. July 1, '63. THOS AUDREY, 0, C. CROMLOW, E N COON. EXCELSIOR PLANING NULL. AUBREY, CROMLOW & COON, STEAM BOAT AND HOUSE JOINERS, AND MANUNACTURERS OF Flooring, Weather Boarding, Window Frames, Sash, Doors and Mouldings. WEST BROWINTSVILLE PA., Sept 9.'63-2 inns. Opposite the Brownsville Wharf. SADDLES AND HARNESS SAMUEL M'ALLISTER, B.tddle, Harness and Trunk Maker. old Bank ng, Main street. Sept. 11, 1861-1.- Pete' Putting. DAVIN MAIL HACK RUNNING REGuLARLY BETWEEN WAYNSIE AID RE' LEG. THE undersigned respectfully informs the generous Public, that having the contract for the carrying of the mail between the above poirts, he has placed upon the route two new and commodious Hack" for the ac commodation of the Devilling community, One will leave the Hamilton House, Waynesburg, every morn ing. Sundays excepted, at o'clock, and will arrive at Ricee' Landing in thne for the Boat to Pittsburgh, the other will leave Rices' Landing at the same time and arrive in Waynesburg at noon. No pains will be spared for the accommodation of passengers, TIMOTHY DOUG HER, Proprietor. August 7th, 1861. no. 9. HUGHES drir. 0 LIVER Grocers, Forwarding and COMMISSION INIIRCILANTS Rices' Landing, Greene Co., Pa. Are prepared with the largest and best Grocery and Forwarding Rooms in the plate, for all goods on con signment, and also GOOD WAREHOUSES, on the bank of the river, convenient for boats to lend, for storing all kinds of produce, for shipment to Pitts burgh, or tne Eastern cities, on the most reasonable terms. They hope by strict attention and long experienee, in business, to receive a liberal share of patronage. 'ln addition to the above, they will keep on hand gooe afoot tment of FRESH GROCERIES. from the head of market, at wholesale prices, to accom modate'alfirho will favor them with their patronage. Apri 11, 1880. T. E. & H. lINTIZONY, Maymfagurers of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, 501 Broadway, New York CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, (IIUR Catalogue now embraces considerably over FOUR THOUSAND ditTo•ent subjects (to which additions ar- continually being made) of Portraits of Eminent Americans, etc., viz: 27 MAJOR GENERALs', 190 BRIG. GENERALS, 259 COLONELS, t 4 LIEUT. COLO\ ELS, 207 OTHER OFFICERS, • 60 NAVY OFFICERS, 525 STATESMEN,, 127 DIVINES, 115 AUTHORS, 30 A RTIStg, 112 STAGE; 46 PROM'T WOMEN 147 PROM'T FOREIGN PORTRAITS, 2,500 COPIES OF WORKS'OI•' ART, Including reproductions of the most celebrated En gravings, Paintings. Statues, lie. Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp. An order nir One Dozen Pictures from our Catalogue will be tilled on receipt of $l.BO, and sent by mail fr3e. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS Of these we manufacture a great variety, ranging in price flout 50 cents to S5O each. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being suorrior in beauty and durability to any others. The smaller kinds can be sent safely by mail at a postage of six Ms. per oz. The more expensive can be sent by express. We also keep a large assortment of SEEM & STERESEOPIC ME Our catalogue of these will be sent to any address on receipt of stamp. E. & H. T. ANTHONY, Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Friends or relatives of prominent military men will cooler a favor by sending us their likenesses to copy. They will be kept carefully, and returned uninjured. Fine Albums made to order for Congregations to pres"nt to their Pastor, or for other purposes, with suitable inscriptions tfct.2l,'N3-ISo. A LIME TO YUNG Ell Just Published in a Sealed Envelope Price, Six Cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cute of Sper.natorrhma or Seminal Weekneas, In voluntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impedi nttnis to Marriage generally, Nervousness, Consump tion, Epilepsy and fits; Mental and Physical Incapac ity, resulting treni Self-Abuse, ROBT. J. CULVERWEI-L, M. D. Author of the Green Book, 4.c ite. The world-renoWned author, in this admirable Lee lure, clearly proves from his own experience that the awfui consequences of Self-abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations. boogies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of core at one certain and effectual by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pri vately, mid radically. THIS LECTORS WILL PNOTE • SOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Bent under seal, to any address, in a plain, sealed eavelope, on the receipt of six mutts, or two postage stamps, by addressing. taus. J. C. KUM & CO., 147 O •WITY. NSW YOth. Pao Ollce,Bas, 4366. March 4, 1863. 301 Tit =la CASH FRIECL'S OF STAPLE COMY; AT Minor & Co's. WA YNESB URG, PENN'A Good Fast Colored Calico, 16, 18 and 20 cents Domestic Gingham, 25, 28 and 30. Brown Mastitis, heavy, 25 to 37i. Bleached Muslims, 2010 35, hest yard wide, Challies, 18 to 27. Good Stout Kentucky Jeans, 50. Best do warranted all wool fining, GO. Heavy Caton pant stuff, 50 •• Linen " " hest, 371. Light Cotton " " 25 to 33. 91.11 E undersigned would respectfully inform their 1 friends and the public, that they have now received and opened,* their old stand in WAVNISE,BIURO, Another large and carefully selected stork of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. Consisting rf a huge and beautiful assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods, such as MOZAMBIQUES, CHALLIES, WOOL BELAINES, DELAINES, BE REGEd. &c. A large lot of JEANS, TWEEDS, SATINETS, and CASSIMERES. A beautiful as sortment of SUMMER BALMORAL SKIRTS. A large Stock of SPRING SKIRTS. Bonnets and Bonnet Trimmings, In this department, we have spared no pains in select ing, and we flatter ourselves we can please all of every taste. TOTS AB " GAS For Men and Boys' wear, BALMORAL and CON GRESS GAITERS for Ladies' together with a very large lot of MOROCCO and CALF SHOES MICALPLIDWALRAE, GLASSWARE, HATS AND GAPS, QUEENSWARE, GLASS and NAILS, and indeed everything kept in a first class store Eir Remember we give the highest market price for all kinds of Produce. Give us a call. May 20, Itle3. MINOR & CO. R. DOUGHERTI, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, Respectfully informs the public that he has located in Waynesburg, Pa., where he intends to manufacture Carriages of Every Description, From his experience in the business, be feels confi dent his werk will give entire satisfaction. He will use no low priced material, in any part of his work, and will not employ any but superior workman. All new work will be Warranted for One Year. Shopon Greene street, one square South of the Court °use, Waynesburg, Jan. 25,1860—n0 34. WAYNESBURG MARBLE AND STONE WORKS SAYERS it RINEHART Pactical Marble and Stone Cutters, Third Door East of the Court House, Main S? Sept. 2, 'O. CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE i ,A 3-1 JAMES GAMER & CO., Wctild respectfully inform their friends and the pu lic that they have now on hand a good assortment all kinds of 0 ADEN= wean. such as is usually kept in shops in this part of the coin try, made of the best materials, and by the hest Work men. They still keep a Hearse, and are, at all times, prepared to attend promptly to funerals, either in town or country, Waynesburg, January 29, 1800-Iy. LOOK AT THIS. The undersigned would respectfully inform the Ytib lic that he is now prepared and maim acturing Cal:3l=w t T7l7.nare, itch as BUREAUS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS and every thing in that line. Ile also wishes it understood that he keeps a Hearse and makes coffins, and is pre pared to attend calls in town or country, at any hour. SAMUELJEWEL. Wa*mburg, Oct. 26, 1559. HOSHIMKA LODGE, No. 558 I. 0. P 11401$0 , MEET in Waynesburg, in Allison's Hall, opposite the Court House, on Thursday evening of each week, at 61 o'clock. OFFICERS: N. WORLEY, PG. S Scow, Taos. N. G. J D. R. P. Hem V. G. J. F. TEMPLE, Sec'y. W A. PORTER, Treas. Nov. 6, 1862. - Odd Fellows Saving Association OF Z7PAYN.F3SStx T. Chartered by the Legislature Nardi 27th, 1862. .1 • F. RANDOLPH, President; J. F. TEMPLE, See'y; WM. A. PORTER, Citshier All Business Coinmunications should be addressed to Wm. A. Porter, Waynesburg, Greene county, l'a. Collections mottiptly attended to. Loans and Die counts made. 5ept.29.'63, BANK. FAMERS' & DROVERS' BANK, Waynesburg, Pa. C. A BLACK. Pres't. J. LAZEAR, Cashier DISCOUNT D•Y, WEDNESDAY ;Sept. 11, 1861-4. rtrimairram. rgIIIE undersigned will still continue the manufacture of all kinds of Furniture, and respecttulty solicits a continuance of the patronage so generously extended the hate brim COFFINS Will be furnished with the greatest possi ble dispatch. ELI ATEN. Waynesburg, August 13, 1862. KAftUbTON HOUSE, Waynesburg, ,Greene County, S. H. 4 RTZELL Proprietor. rimw, subscriber respectfully informs his friends that he has taken thin' well known IIo'•se where he is prepared to accommodate travellers And others, with goodand substantial meat, drink, &t. He will spare no pains or attention in rendering his guests comfortable and happy during their sojourn with him, not forgetting to give due attention to their horses and carriages, ai.c. 8. HARTZELL. April 10,—No 44—tf TREASURER'S NOTICE Persons having business with Oe County Treasurer are informed that he may be found at his office in the Court House at Waynesburg on the Ist and 3d Morioays and TUESDAYS of every month. J. F. RANDOLPH, Treasurer. April 23. 13112. WOOL CARDING. 10%7M. 11.41:=0Gr-MPLIE3. AT THE WAYNESBURG STEAM MILL, has .fitted up his CARDING DIACIIIN ES in fine older and secured the services of a competent assistant for the purpose of CARDING WOOL. He respectfully solicits the patronage of the Wool growing public and assures them that every care will be taken to do work in a eel/nut& manlier. May 21,1862. WAYNESBURG STEAM MILL. WM. ROGERS respectfully inform his friends and the ptiblic that he has leased the NEW STEAN MILL at Waynesburg, Pa., where he will Always be found ready to accommodate all who may call on the shortest notice. Grinding done on the same terms as by water mills. FLOUR and FEED kept constantly on hand. Orders for either can be left at the Millor at Yeator's store. (Jan. 27, 1802 WATCHES AND JEWELRY S. M. BAILY, Main street, one door Bast of the old Bank Building, keep. always on band a large and elegant assortment of Watches mid Jewelry. Illarße/airing of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry wil receive prompt attention [Dee. lb, 1961—1 y ira i r PIREE tN T Mulazirri tall ITEttilli DDB ZOILALII PORTER, Porter's Old Stand, opposite Wilson's Brick Building, Waynesburg, Pa., has just opened a large and elegant assortment of Fall and Win ter Dry Gods, comprising Dress Goods, of all kinds and at all prices. Domestics, a very large stock. Flannels of all colors and qualities.— Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Tickings, Check, Drillings, Crash, Towlings; Boots and Shoes, Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Hoopskirts, Ho siery, Gloves, all sorts of Fancy Goods &c.; also a complete variety of GROCERIES AND _HARDWARE. We buy principally for cash, and as goods well bought are half sold we are enabled to sell at the LOWEST PRICES. Call and exam ine for yourselves. Thanks to the public for past favors. Sept. 9.'63-Iv. MOTOBLIMIL MBE undersigned would inform the citizens of Wavnesburg and vicinity, that they are prepared to take Photographs and Cate De Visites, IN TNV LATEST STYLIi Those wishing anything done in nor line would do well to call soon, as the arrangement is but for a short time. Particular attention will be paid to CARTE. DE VISITES, M EILA INEOTY PES, FERREOTYPES, A MBROTYPES., &c. We are also prepared to take life size Photographs in water colors. Pictures of deceased persons taken almost life size fr , in small Ambrotypes. HAAS & CRAIG, July I, 180. Near Sayers' Corner. 01131110111 MI 01110 REM XI.3E-C)IPM'WM7::). riiHIS GREAT TtIOROUGHFA RE IS AGAIN OF EN I_ FOR FREIGHT ANG TRAVEL. The cars and machinery recently destroyed are being replaced by new and substantial stock with al l the recent improve ments. and the bridges and track are again in sub stantial condition. The well earned reputation of this road tor speed, security and comfort will be more than sustained under the re•orgat,iration of its business. On and after Monday, August 10th, the Passenger trains will be run as follows Express Pre I's. Leaves Wbeeling—llaily, at 10 30 A. M., passing Cameron at 12 26, P. M.; passing Grafton at 4 08 I'. M.; passing Cumberland, at 9 20, arrives at Baltimore 6 A. M. Leaves Baltimore—Daily, at 9 00 P. M., passing Cumberland at 5 45 A. M.. passing Grafton 11 IS A. M., passing Cameron, 2 56 P. M., arrives at Wheeling at 4 40 P. M. Mail Train Leaves Wheeling daily, except Saturday, at 10 00 P. M., passing Cameron at 11 51 do., passing Grafton at 3 00 A. M., arrives at B Itimore 5 00 P. M. Leaves Baltimore, except Sunday, at r 15 A. M., passing Grafton at I 18P. M., passing Cameron at 2 44 A. M , arrives at Wheeling at 4 20 do. The Schedule of the Express Train now runs entirely through, same time, and making close connection. Through tickets to Eastern cities can be procur es of the Agent in Cameron. For the safe and speedy transportation of live stock and produce, this ro.td otters every facility and induce ment to drovers and shippers. New and substantial stock, and drovers Pl. aboose Cars" are being added to their already very large rolling stock ; altogether making this the most desirable of all lines in the coun try front West to East. _ WM. P. SMIT , I, Master of Transportation, Baltimore. J. B. FORD, Agent, Wheeling. JAMES R. BELL, Agent, Cameron, W. Va. • Aug. 26, J 863. THE UP-TOWN GOCERY. sTRosNIDER & simi NGToN H A b N e ' l l o N ;i ( g ,l in purc h ased Green & osn ure t h,asedttes s tr : e r ko irie G roceries will rm continue sl l tt it el i y e the business at the old stand. Theylvill in a few days be in receipt of a large assortment of Prime Groceries and Provisions, Fruits, Confectionaries, Notions, &c., &c., which they will Sell at the lowest prices for cash. Corn Meal, Flower, Butter, Eggs, and Country Pro duce generally always on hand. March 4th 1863. v4ilatrelpl j ia. MERCHANTS' HOTEL, . NO. 46 NORTH FOURTH STREET, C. 111 9 KIBBIN ac SON, Proprietors. Aug. 19, 1863. SOWER, BARNES A GO., PERU IHERS AND DEALERS IN Miscellaneous, School and Blank Books, AND STATIONERY, No. 37 North Third Street, below Arch, cii. G. SOWER, W. H. BARNES, PHILADELPHIA. F. C. POTTS. Publishers of Pelton's Outline Maps and keys, the largest and best Outline Maps ever published. San— der's new Readers, Greenleal's & Brooks' Ariitimetics, &c., Blank Books, Writrng, Wrapping, Curtain anti Wall Papers. Aug. 19. '63, MARTIN BUEHLER, GEO. BONBRIRHT. R. 11. HOWARD, C. P. SUESBEROTP. IMMILER 110111110 & CO., Importers and Dealers In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, A r o . 441 Market Street, below Fifth, Phila. Aug. 19, 1893. ELI BOLDEN, No. 708 Market Street, between 7th & Bth, SOUTH SIDE, PHILADELPHIA. Importer of Watches and Fine Jewelry. MANUFACTURERS' CI-2013r6. 33017.711 M, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ALL KINDS OF CLOCKS REPAIRED AND WARRANTED. Aug. 19,'113 N. GOLDMAN, JNO. V. WATSON. JOS L. BERG, JAS. A. M'COMAS. COWMAN BERG & CO. Wholesale 1 cothi.e. its • AND DEALt.IIB IN Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Tail ors' Trimmings, &c. Na. 396 Market Street, Philadelphia. A tig. 19, 1863. STATIONER'S WAREHOUSE. JOHN P. tHRITON, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND WIIOLESA.LE STATIONER, 32 South Fourth Street, 2d Story, Phila. Aug. 19,'63. JOHN SROUP & CO., SUCCESSORS TO STROUP & BROTHER, liiirEOLESALE DEALERS 101 FISH, No. 24 North Water s Street, and No. 25 Notrh Water Street, Philadelphia. Aug 19. IBi3 LEE dic WA LEES. PUBLISHERS AND IMPORTERS OF MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, No. 722 Chestnut Street, Below Bth St., Philo n ow jk a irco- a g g iai r s., Aug. IVO. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, 3Plsll.lbcial.w:,,ll:Uar, Peosa.xLai. Medical Adviceven Gratis by the Actiog Surgeori. Valuable REPO R TS on SpHRMATORRHIZA or SEMINAL WEAKNESS. and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs* and on the NEW REMEDIES em ployed in the IDlPelwarr, sent in sealed letter ears , - apes, free of 1411118.11. !Wixom Dr. .1. SIILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association. 1:N. FRU vN. NEW GOODS I. !Xi J. W. BARKER & CO., 59 MI KET STREET, I , II I IWASIA I A 7 0 0 w ;.;,, cp. c FP . tr 4 0 0 'Pi Sn C 1) pp. ti C 7 t:7 With every article in our line at Wholesale & Retail, V till = 111 ol Largest Stock WEST OF THE MOUNTAINS ..ELNX:b The Cheapest. POSITIVELY MUT riEli 3-1 4;i 3-1 Sept. 'JO, 1863.-Gm SEVN 2CJOD. .4',LT Low Prices AtL . I . JOSEPH HORNE & CO'S,, 77 & 79 MIMET ST.. PITTSBURGH, PA. yVE have now completed the opening of our NEW FALL GOODS, comprising everything new and desirable in the "M.IELIIIiIEMINC4I - SEILLINERY LINE OUR ASSORTMENT WILL CONSIST OF MoMAIS SlkslAg MUSS TRIERS AID IBM, Flowers & Frames, EMBROWERIES, Balmoral Skirts, from $2 to :.!!1, Ribbons from No. 4 to 40 in all the choice colors ; HandkercLiefs. Yarns, Worsted Braids, Blond Edgings, Ruches, ll..siery and Gloves, Under Garments for Ladies, Gent's and chil dren, together with a , loniplete stuck of NOTIONS AND MALL WARES. Country Merchant's and Milliners are invited to call and examine. knowing they will find our prices as low as any house East or %Vest. Wholesale Rooms up stairs. Sept. 30, D , 63.-6t JOS. IIOnNE & CO. TO MILLINERS. .Bgt 860 D& 3. D. BERND, Corner Fifth and Market Sta., (SECOND FLOOR,) Will Open on Thursda , 10th, A Large and well selected Stock of NO FALL MILLINERY GOODS. STRAW AND FELT HATS, STRAW AND FELT BONNETS FLOWERS _ FEATHERS, RIBBoNR, -. VELVETS. RUCHES, LACES BLACK CRAPES, BLUE BOMBAZINES, CROWN LININGS, STIFF NETTS. BONNET FRAMES, &c., &c., We will open a case of NEM PATTER! 1011131 City and Country Mi lliners and bier. chants will find it to their interest to examine our stock before they go , East or make their purchases here Sept. 30, 1863.-ins. WANDLE de. 11LOORE, Wholesale and Retail CHAIR. AND FURNITURE • -- • AL.CP3011:73EL.1111115.111 NO. 21 smrnnotsup STREET, Near the ailompaleta R.,uie, f1ept.30,'63-Iy. Pittsburgh, Pa. Pbk34 , Cann IND OIL CLOTH New Stock just received at the DO lanlll 241211 McFarland, CoDim & Nos. 71 & 73 FIFTH STREET, Next door to the Post Office, have just received an entirely new and titmice assortment of tAltEnt. sAilm warm, iZIMAZDINik And all goods in our line ; which having been just purchased for CASH when prices were at the lowest point, we are enabled to sell et from Ten to Twenty-ftve per Cent Less than Prices of a few Weeks ago, We respectfully solicit an early examination of our stock by buyers in town and country Prices will most probably advance before Fall, therefore now is the time to secure Carpets at this point. Country Merchants Will find our new stock le worthy of attention .A'e - Please observe the direction!Ses. Fifth Street, near Smithfield, between Poe Office and Dispatch Building, in the new and elegant iron ware. house, Nos 71 & 73. McFARLAND, COLLINS & CO. J. W. M . FARIA ND. lIENRS' 11. COLLINS. JACOB OLOSS2III. July 29, 1663. KNABE'S PIANOS _ WILLIAM KNABE & CO. above l'ianos from their Factory possess all thn superior and latest improvements, including tLo AGRAFFE TREBLE, Oversnupg, Improved Full Iron Frame, Felt Covet• Hammers. &c. THALBERO, one of the most eminent pianists In dia world. says : "I have great pleasure in certifying thin. I have tried your Pianos, and find them equal, If not superior, to any in this country. Among their great qualities, which distinguish them, is the evenness of tone, the agreeable and easy touch, and volume of tone. Wishing you all the success you so highly de serve, I am, sir, yours truly, S. THALBERG." L. Gaone, the well known composer, Wilmington. Delaware. says that "they cannot be surpassed by any in the market." • 11. VIEUXTFMPTS writes :—"I was delighted on hear ing the clear and full vise of one of your first elan Pianos." ET - The above Pianos are warranted for five years, For sale by CHARLOTTE BLUME, No. 93 Fifth street,2d door above Wood et., Pattersou's New Building. [Jan. 29, 1862. R. R. BULGER Manufacturer of every description of T. 7 IQ" rl" FIL , NO. 45 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PENN'ts. A full assortnit nt of PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURED FURNITURE Constantly on hand, which I will sell at the lowest price; for cash. Aug. 4.11, 1t361-IV. iassi=an I V p INVENTED 1841-IMPROVED 1860. ADAPTED TO ALL KINDS OF MANUFACTUR ING PURPOSES. Sewing 'Equally as well on Ina*. lins, Cloth and Leather. CORNER OP PENN & ST. CI,A IR STREETS, PITTSBURGH, P 4 April 16- -lyr. A. M. M'GREGOR, AGENT ST- NICHOLAS HOTEL, CORNER GRANT AND 4TH STREE . PITTSBURGH, PA. FOUL, Proprietor. April 4 J. & H. PHILLIPS. Nos 26 and 28 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. MANUFACTURERS OF FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, TRANSPARENT' GREEN OIL CLOTHS, FURNITURE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, TABLE OIL CLOTHS, CARRIAGE CLOTHS. .Also, dealers in Leather Belting, Lace Leath er, Indian Rubber Beltino, - ose Steam Packing, Tubing, Wheat Drills Tubes, Clothing, and all other articles made of Indian Rubber, e r e., 4-c. Wholesale and retail buyers will find ourstock lams well selected, and at the lowest prices. April 24, 1562-Iy. Young's Eating Saloon, CORNER VIRGIN ALLEY AND SMITHFIELD STREETS, Where OVSTERS and all the delicacies of the season will be served tip in the most palatable Style. ELI YOUNG. Vorner Virgin and Alley Menthfle it. Pittsburgh, Ort. 14, '62. y CORNU OPIA SALOON , No. 7 Fifth Street,' PITTSBURGH, PA. FRED. WEISS, PROPRIETOR. Ortnher I NI .lEt. N X rXTMELIE3 CANE AND WOOD OIELAINS, SELLING OFF AT REDUCED PRICES?, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. JAS. W. WOOD% ELL, 97 add 09 Third koreet. opposite E. Edmondson .fr. Co. arid / 11l Fourth street. Aug. 9, 'B3. ST. CTIATR HOTEL, 2ORNER OF PENN & ST. CLAIR STREETS, PITTSB , 7RGII, PA. J• N. ANDERSON, PROPRIETOR.- This popular house has recently been thorough ly refitted and furnished, and now forms one of tbe most pleasant stopping places in the city. Terms mod erate„ and satisfaction warranted. April 8, 'B3-Iy. S. B. as C. P. MARKLE, IR A MUFA DTI/HERB AND DEALERS IN BOOK, CAP, LETTER, A ND all kinds of WRAPPING PAPER have newly ed front NO. 27 WOOD STREET to No. 33 Saalthfield Street, PITTEIBUSQH. PA. Nor. 13. 1841-1 y CLAN Irror Trailofor Rags THOS. C. LAZEAR, A TTORNEY AT LAW, NO §3 GRANT STREET. s.pl. V6/061 PITTSBURGH. ' PITTSBURGH. P
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