WI Amer isr : _ ' aiiiiitft- laii4mi stela-pa are** for cleaning .pigt head arid feet, *bleb / he're~ deda to print, :and have proved to be an excellent me, saving at least half the time us ' sail occapled in cleaning them, and **swot* ist-a mods per- COW* Of the ,11Wiit from the head, andiliv' ide it into four Om* after ca : the eheeka to salt; saving them to bake with beans; wash all thorengW, and put into a suitable vessel, covering them with water in ; *bO OM% Sat has bean dissolved, Mire* *iciest to draw out the blesd4 let them soak two days, chfilsg/pg the water each day. The thilliDiay take them from the water, serape them well, but without at tempting * someeve the a bristles • if tta ack net seem pretty dry a fter . yi,pe the skin side; then at lamp (I mean a simply ffnietimp, with alcohol in it,) and singe off the bristles in the flame: it will take theme at so comhpkitely,leav big them white and smooth after a swig Aspsping, tha* . yov. will net be itie r ibltkil even a vestige of them. 01biatter bf -btrbtiti -Viiittit. 1 1 1 4 A Pfetek fr eat -1:10 g Song to a French paper that Chinese moth ' ers 41.60,54 the Preach asylum of Sainte Enfance in that city to offer their children for sale, and adds this ter4 story :—"I have just visited th" 'him 'kept by the nuns of St. Fan , whose principal is at Chartres. Whaekkapp,s Voce ,tite l b4l.l rang, and & aitb. went to open it, and returned as instant after with a female only a few days old. The price paid was 4weibtradred sapeks, but the mother, a hideous creature, wanted more, or `,.-0184Uie the child's clothes returned, whit* ttirb accordingly given to her. ,fit i:kunetcld me there were women 'whaearried on quite!' trade in these poor , babes. One had brought no lesilhati forty to the asylum, and she confessed that, before she had the opportunity of selling them, she had tUe.wn above six hundred into the sea. I must tell you that I stood godmother to the poor thing pur chased in my 'Faience. The great cause of. them •tterrors is that the Chiwe can repudiate their wives an 3 Marry agaii every year. The divorced wive; according to the Chinese lawtquive the right of life and dierith ov r*air children, and if unable or unwilling to rear them they ,get rid of them in any way they choose." REILABICAB I iZME R REI OF HU- Ninevah was 14 miles long, 8 wide, and 46 miles round, with a wall 100 feet high, and thick enough for three chariots abreast. Babylon was fifty miles within the walls, which were 75 feet thick and 100 high, with 100 brazen gates. The temple of Diana, at Ephesus, was 420 feet to the sup port of the roof. It was 100 years in building. The largeat of the pyra mids is 481 feet high and 653 feet on the sides; the base covers eleven 'Acres; the stones are about 60 feet jn length,- and the layers are 208. It ap/Oyed 330,000 men in building. 'The labyrinth in Epypt contains 300 chambers and 12 halls. Thebes, in Egypt, presents ruins 27 miles round. Athens was 25 miles round, and con tained 359,000 citizens and 400,000 slaves. The temple of _Delphos was so rich in donations that it was plun dered of $50,000,000, and Nero car ried away from it 300 statues. The walls of Rome were 13 miles round. AVD.TINMUIP NOTICIL TN the matter of Bin stettlement of the account of H. 1., W. Brock, S. &II Wain, and A. it. Pratt, admin. istrators upon the estitto.of FLRTCHER BROOK, late of Wayne township, rbec'd. The Orphan's Court of Greene county, having appointed the undersigned to illiuibute the fonds if bands of the adminuara *Ors, to and among Oa of the estate, will set Cr ig 4cdfice of *auk ,Ilt- ,in Wayrosburg, on , the Bt4 day elf ber next, for th e din. * a sharps of this duty, ot which paring int Tested will take notice. • J. PHRLAN, Auditor. Nov. IL '62.1 TI iii ,The Nag hper of Congress. THE DAILY GLOIX and the Cosoassetow. °LOUR Ass Seigniors will be published during the next session of Congress, to cotvene in this city the first Monday in next December, The 'Daily Globe" w litcontain a full report of the debates in both brandies otCongress; also, the news of the day, together with such ed itorial articles as maybe suggested by passiag events. he CONONEINEDNAL GLOBE AND APPENDIX will eon- IlualllAD of all thin iktliates- of the sessioniftsertned 'W the speakers, the Mehmages of the President of the Unkeifilb the Reports of the Hauls of the Execs ifeLlepartments, the Laws passed during the session, , PbOull Wm, will be printed on a outdo royal immutrEire, each Meet containing ' sixteen ronlyeMsgo poem. ,- • -?eCosomminonst Gloss AND APPENDIX pass knee throolli Vie Malls of the United States, under a joint resolution of Congress passed the 6th of August, 1868. The next session of Congress will, probably, be the most implullesit ono that errs met. "EMMIM: For one copy of the pally Globe during the ses sion - I S 3 00 For one copy of The Congressional Globe and , 00 Appendix 3 dwing-thrusepmen The Daily tolemsiet o ne Or months, at the the rate of SI per month. Subscrip tions for tie ,"Cosgrarional Globe and Appendix" meet be for the entire session. No attention will be paid to any order unless the money accompany it. /um, hfterto, sent the Globe to those news ' paperithat copied its Prospectus, but I cannot afford to do so any longer; therefore, no , newspwer need 'copy this Prospectus, unless I send the money to pay :for rt. hdyertiosent. JOHN C. RIVES. WeiSffisprOn City, Oet. 11, 1862. STEAM GRIST MID SAW MILL alPs Clo R. 5~z.331 I irTME EXECUTORS OF WILLIAM ARMSTRONG deed, will 0110 at Private Sale, the Steam Mill, situated on. V, theek. Cambodian apA ifresete ft. 'county. .; a quieter of • a age from the Ifrommonala aver, The Mill is a firm class one, Marl, MI •of MODS and can bolt= by wrier if she year. A masibernmeo MO' DWOUllig INGIRSO, Ang4Wialflirditinibeinevean with the moperty. The Millis conveniently situated to a rich and Malebo . ion of the ematty, ceistrimient to market, and Ime en tent via of custom. For term and farther pm. Inquire of the u Rusant= d iserta ALFRIW ARMSTRONG, Rxecuim. Casiinwaia, Ps.. Oat. Mi. ldell.ly„ - iikatoktolstrotois Notice. . , kvETTEitil of Adminis tr ation having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Heavy J. is, dee'd, of Greene tn, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estera to make immediate payment, sad WON bal'isti a =th VOW th e sagas, to ems* them duly adtbend for satthement. AMELIA HANN, Nov. 19,'x. we. DAVIS, Adin're. PS 11,4121011. k fi tu r a gtre vi nr e ditirstVi l a., * ilk. nalies. aa ilnineby siren ...0 1 . 01 * ° ..f. mrahna oil Owe to pre -I°''' . ibit arliadinia, and said time ha • . • „..... .... V..Mn=:, Y -- 4. nu s?rairie .101111.014 ssasAirirt n tr.• riamorlArallirrttlaAnajnrmag urfumnitt suit the ElNalt PIANO FORTES OF ALL SIZES AND STYLES, WITH OUR PATZAT INSULATED IRON RIM AND FRAME OVERSTRUNG BASS, Containing Every Neal improvement These instruments are far superior to any other Piano Fortes made, for durability, purity, and sweetnese of one, perfection of elastic touch, and for keeping in tune. IP ULT..? WAILIRAMIPSD TOR 5 YEARS try. Send forDeacriptive Circa/ars, giving prices and every information. Satisfaction guaranteed, or mone and expenses refunded. BOARDMAN, GRAY& CO., Albany, N. Y. y July, 30th, 1862.-Iy. P. Y. DAIIII, YD S. L HOCURT Y. 1) Dan. DAUM 41 31INCICIEIRT, 147 Tenth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., nj" Orator sodas-7- 4 A.M. 1- •8 P. Y. 0- 4 PAC lope ID, MS. NEW FALL AND WINTER DI vt if GOODS) &MUM& & 40.'8, 59 MARKET ST., PITTSBURGH, PA. NEW SILKS, And an immense stock of every description of @RV' 8000 Z 9 PRINTS at in cents, new styles; LONG CLOTHE at In teats ; BROWN !MEETINGS at 14 tents. N. 8.-ONLY ONE PRICE Country Merchants will be supplied in Dress Goode cut in length to suit their trade at the Piece or Package price. Oct. 1, '62-6moe. VENITIAN BLINDS First Premium and Excelsior 11111111 111.11 D fiITOIT, NO. 72., CORNER THIRD AND MARKET ST., wawritoow ow FIRST FLOOR, PITTSBURGH, PA. IHOSE wishing to furnish their houses with Veal! tian Blinds of the ST EXQIIIBITB AND ELABORATE FINISH, Will find it to their interest to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. My work, is got up by the best mechanics. Every attention is paid to the wants of customers. PRIONCII LOW. ALL WORK WARRANTED OLD BLINDS REPAIRED NEATLY, or remodeled, is desired, to appear the same as new, of the LATEST STYLE, without extortion. Those having Dwelling, Churches or Public Build ings to furnish with Blinds & Revolving or Stationary Shutters, Would save money by giving me a call, Corner of Third and Market Street. Oct. 1, 1862:ly WHEELBR & WILSON'S "Sewing Naehines," NO. 77 FIFTH STRELT, PITTSBURGH, PENNA Awarded the First Premium at the UNITED STATES FAIR, 1558, 1859 and 1860. UPWARDS OF 80,000 SIAOHUMS sold in the United States, 20,000 SOLO TRH PAST YEAR. We offer to the public WHEELER & WILSON'S Improved Sewing Machines, -a.m. AZIDITCED PRZCZN, with increased confidence of its merits as the best and most useful Family Sewing Machine now in use. It does equally well on the thickest and thinnest fabrics, Initifies the lockstich itnl•oswible to unravel, with the es sential advantage of being alike on both sides, forming no ridge or chain on the under side—is simple in con struction more speedy in movement, and more durable than any other machine.. We ewe full instructions to enable the purchaser to sew ordinary seams. stitch, hem, fell, quilt, gather, bind and tuck, all on the same machine, and warrant it for three yeas. Circulars containing testimonials from ladies of the highest elinMeg. Ilan and West, giving prices, &c., will be furnished gratis on application in person or by letter. Sewing Machin* Needles, Silk, Twist Cotton sod 01/ constantly 011 band. Pittsburgh, Oct. I, 'd!-e.. FALL AND WINTER MODS, Z. NIL' SOILMITIMIZA X. X. 001111101 r fatk quad Market Streets., MU dust opened his second supply of PALL AND wmerta 000DS, comprising, In part— Black Reps; Colored Reps; Valouers • Figured Merinos , Plain irench Merinos; Plain Black Silks ; Fancy Silks ; Mous De Laines, new styles ; Traveling Dress Goods ; Cloaks; Shawls; Flannels: Blankets; Cloths; Casaimerea; Satinetts; ICAntioky Jisaurk, Wkit a fullamieshaeat of am goods. Oa, WM.-1Y -AND Vitisb,urg. -.4111M NEW SIIAWLS, NEW DRESS GOODS, G. P. WERTZ, GEORGE P. WERTZ FOR THE YEARS 11101itit THAN WILLIAM SUMNER & CO FRESH ARRIVAL c,3ra IS& 11H,1 IT is with great pleasure I announce to the citizens of Waynesburg, and Greene county, that I am now receiving and opening my IVA 1101R4 lIIISTIS arriCloGMC. oar 41311-CDCOMPOS 2 Which for Beauty, Variety, and Cheapness and substantiality, will prove satisfactory to all com petent judges. I have greatly enlarged -my stock and am better prepared now than ever before to supply the wants of the public. I in vite an examination to a partial list of my stock which consists of FINE BOOTS, LADIES HATS, KIP DO., COARSE DO., BOY'S DO., YOUTH'S DO., LADLES' BOOTS, LAMS' BALMORALS, V ALIB I6 ES AND TRUNKS, MISSES' BOOTS, MEN'S BROGANS, BOY'S DO., YOUTIPM DO., BOY'S CAPS, WAN'S DO., CUILDREN'S HATS, A variety too numerous to mention. Thank ful for past favors. We hope by attention to business, honesty and integrity to still merit a share of public patronage, at Sayer's Corner. J. C. LIGHTCAP. Waynesburg, Sept. 10, '62.tf. 110IIMMKA LODGE, N0.P58 I. 0. F. MEET in Waynesburg, in Allison's Hall, opposite the Court House, on Thursday evening of each week, at 0 o'clock. OF wins: T. I. PORTER, P. G. NORMAN WORLEY, N. G. i THOMAS SCOTT. V. G. .1. F. TIMPLE, SeeY• B. F. HERRINOTOSI Treas. W. A. PORTER, Chaplain Nov. 6, 1861. SETTLE UP. ALL persons indebted to the subscriber, by note or Book Account, are requested to call and settle by the Ist of November next. Ad arc( unto unsettled at that date, will be left with an officer for collection.— ;','A word to the wise is sufficient " This is the first public call I have made on my customers for money since I commenced business. Sept. 3, '62. GEO. HOSKINSON. TURNITURE. MIRE undersigned will still continue the manufacture of all kinds of F urniture, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the patronage so generraisly extended the late &rm. COFFINS will he furnished with the greatest possi— ble dispatch. ELI ATEN. Waynesburg, August 13, 1862. HAMILTON HOUSE, Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa. S. H.RRTZELL, Proprietor. T HE s ubscriber respectfully informs his friends that he has taken tins well known Horse where he is prepared to accummodate travellers And others, with goodand substantial meat, drink, lcc. lie will spare no pains or attention in rendering his guests comfortable and happy during their sojourn with him, not forgetting to give due attention to their horses and carriages, &c. April Io,—No 44—tf ADAMS HOUSE, Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa. JACOB LEILEY, PROPRIETOR. Tlllti well known lintel has been refitted in new style, by its present proprietor, who takes this op portunity of informing the travelling public that he is fully prepared to accommodate them with the best the market affords, besides giving them comfortable quar ters and beds. [U — He has also fine stabling for any number of hor ses. Waynesburg, April 16, 1862. TREASURER'S NOTICE Persons having business with ti.e County Treasurer are informed that he may be found at his omce in the Court House at Waynesburg on the Ist and 3d Mormays and TUESDAYS of every month. J. F. RANDOLPH, Treasurer. April 23. 1862. WOOL WULDINO. 10711101. 11.0C3tr3EIRO5S, AT THE WAYNESBURG r'TEAM MILL, has fitted up his CARDING MACHINES in fine older and secured the services of a competent assistant for the purpose of CARDING WOOL. He respectfully solicits the patronage of the Wool growing public and assures them that every care will be taken to do work in a scientific manner. May 21,1862. WAYNESBURG STEAM MILL. XTM. ROGERS respectfully inform his friends and the public that he has leased the NEWSTEAP MILL at Waynesburg, Pa., where L e will always be found ready to accommodate all who may call on the shortest notice. Grinding done on the same terms as by water mills. FLOUR and FEED kept constantly on hand. Orders for either can be left at the Millar at Yeator's store. (Jan. 27, 1862 lIVATONEB AND JEWELRY S. M. BAILY, Main street, one door East of the old Bank Building, keeps always on hand a large and elegant assortment of Watches and Jewelry. DJ - Repairing of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry wil receive prompt attention. [Dec. 15, 1851-Iy .. FOUNDRY. DUNN & DOWNEY, At the Waynesburg Foundry, on Greene street, keep constantly on hand Cooking and Parlor Stoves. Grates, Plough Castings. and Castings of all kinds. Sept_ 11, 1861—ly. BANK. F A NIERS' & DROVERS' BANK, Waynesburg, Pa. C A. BLACK, Pres't. J. LAZSAR, Cashier. DISCOUNT DAY, WEDNESDAY. Sept. 11, 1861-Iy. tikrsolt. 111.1111.11Allit ROBICRT IRETNOLDS, Propriet•rg Je f ferson, OPm COUSeis P. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the travelling public, that he has taken charge of the Nation al House, and is amply prepared to aechimmudalte all who may favor him with a call. ROST. REYNOLDS. Jerre:won, Greene county, Pa., April IS, '5B--noso 17111011WIE 110171121, ST / • TRIDNI•111. JIIPPYASON, 'MINE CQUNTY, PA sop. 11, 111111-17. 1)ItIKS AND STATIONERY, JUST RECEIVED BY 14 lirDe -. - A If , 2 - - - .. .... 1 11 TIT - LIMB N a a gen4 f aiot School nooks, s t o ..E4 BIALA ks, Bi • Gi ft Books for children, Foolscap ?ill :4W Raper, with envel opes, to in hin mat Tad /M. Pins, Ink, Slated, Pencils, &c. 1 lam also pared to edi &Soot Books , Stationery and Almon to Costing Sitakarrat Pittoborgb prices by the rant, to testi AO& Disl ot ie Sna il . nos 1 door rtee. stet% WillYal. _Pc Oct. 2%; 1 WS DAY. CAB!II_ST StALKLNG. Joao Gass ilk WCIII/1 ripe diadir WM. OMlT:ftiellall and the pu lie that they . bart *es na band a good assortment all kinds of ' . . aiumann mum" sub as is sans* keptia shops in this part of the coun try, wads of the bast !asterisk, and by the best work men. ErThey atilt keep a Hearne, and are, at all times, prepared to attend promptly to funerals, either in town or country, Waynesburg, January 24, IW-1y The undersigned would respectfully inform the Pub lic that he is now prepared and manu suturing Glikblimet 17 1 17sia-co, uch as BUREAUS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS and every thing in that line. He also wishes it understood that he keeps a Hearse and makes coffins, and is pre pared to attend calls in town or country, at any hour. SAMUEL JEWEL. Waynesburg, Oct. 26, 1259. !OILY RIMY & MEW. Two doors East of "Messenger" Buildings Main Street, Waynesburg, Pa. ISAAC ZOOPER, RESPECTFULLY announces to his friends and the public generally, that he has ust opened an entirely new stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, MISSES HATS, of a superior quality, selected with an eye to the wants of the community. He flatters himself that his stock is all prime and fresh, bought at low prices, and will be sold accordingly. He keeps every article pertaining to an establishment of this kind, and hopes to merit a share of the patronage. His stock is comprised in part of the following: Teas, Coffees, N. 0., Crushe I and Pulverized Sugars Molasses, Starch, Soda, Cream Tarter, Salt, Pepper, Candles, Crackers, Soap., Tobacco. Also, a superior variety of Cigars, and all other articles ueually kept in aGrocery . CONI'ECTIONA RIES. NUN BONNET/. LADIES' HOSE, MISSES' HOSE, CHILDREN'S HOSE, SILK HATS, FRENCH FUR BATS, His Confectionary Department is supplied with a va riety of Candles, Cakes, Raisins, Drops, Chocolate, For eign and Domestie Fruits. Also, a variety of Notions OLD UNION DO., OONTRA BAND DO., which will be sold as low u they can be had at any oth er establishment in town• HOY'S DO., Country produce taken in exchange for goods. Give him a call, at the new store room, near the Messenger publication room May IS, 1859; n 0.50. CHILDREN'S CAPS WAYNESBU h G MARBLE AND STONE WORKS. SAYERS & RINEHART, Practical Marble & Stone Cutters, Third Door East of the DourimMouse, Main street. WHERE they have, ant" keep on hands a 1 large and extensive assortment of fine and ornamental 06 !WARBLE WORK , such as monuments, tombs, tablets and - grave stones, of every variety and style. - Particular attention paid to caning, which will be done by as good workmen as eati be found anywhere in the business; as one of the firm has seen practically engaged in the business for twenty-five years, and the other eighteen years. They flatter them selves they cannot be surpassed in point of skill abd taste by any in the west. Persons wishing anything in our line can have it furnished to any place desired at lower rates than any other establishment in the country : . Persons can save 20 per cent by purchasing of iis. All kinds of building work done in either marble of tone. SAVERS & RINEHART. Waynesburg, May 20. 15,57-110.2 DAUY lliAiti HACK BIM AID LE' LAIDIE THE undersigned respectfully informs the generous Public, that having the contract for the carrying of the mail between the above points, he has placed upon the route two new and commodious Hacks for the ac commodation of the travnllng community, One will leave the Hamilton House, Waynesburg, every morn• ing, Sundays excepted, at 71 o'clock, and will arrive at Ricee' Landing in time for the Boat to Pittsburgh, the other will leave Rices' Landing at the same time and arrive its Waynesburg at noon. No pains will be spared fur the accoinmoslation of passengers, TIMOTHY ROUGHER, Proprietor. August 7th, 1861. no. 9. HUGHES die OLIVER, Grocers. Forwarding and COMMISSION MERCHANTS Rices' Lptiding, Greene Go., Pa. S. HARTZELL Are prepared with the largest and beet Grocery and Forwarding Rooms in the r ace, for 201 goods on con signment, and also GOOD WAREHOUSES, on the bank of the river, convenient for boats to land, for storing all kinds of produce, for shipment to Pitts. burgh, or tne Eastern cities, on the most reasonable twins. They hope by strict attention and long experienee, in business, to receive a liberal share of patronage. In addition to the above, they will keep on hand gone assottnient of FRESH GROCERIES. from the head of market, at wholesale prices, to acco w modate all who will favor them with their patronage. April 11, 18110. The above gentlemen give notice to the public, that by the death of a former partner, the late firms of Stro snider & Sedgewicks, and Sedgewicks & Co., have been dissolved, and the business connected therewith must be settled whit them; and hereafter the above business will be continued and promptly attended to by the above firm. Also: Leather, Shoe Findings, &c, as well as a good assortment of Mill Saws will be kept on hand. All up Commission must be paid before the goods are removed. March 6. 1861—no 39-6 in. i3II:77IifiALIV mitExesmzusr Just Published in a Sealed Euvalop ; Pries Six Casts. A LECTURE, BY DR. CULVERWELL, ON THE CAUSE AND CURE of lipermatorrlima, Con sumption, Mental and Physical Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy, Impaired Nutrition of the Body, Lassitude, Weakness of the Limbs and the Back, Indisposition, and Incapacity for Study and Labor, Dullness of Ap. prehension. Loss of Memory, Aversion to Society, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Self-Distrust, Dizziness, Headache, Affections of the Eyes, Pimples on the Face, Involuntary Emissions, and Sexual Incapacity, the Consequences of Youthful Indiscretion, &c., &c. ITh is admirable Lecture clearly proves that the above-enumerated, often self-afflicted evils may be re moved without medicine and without dangerous surgi cal operations, and should be read by every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal to any address, in a plain sealed envelop, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing Dr. CHAS. J. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box 4586. April 15, 1861-Iy. iILAUELPHIA—for tke Relief of tke Sick and P ' Distressed, afflicted with Viru lent and Chronic Diseases, and especially Diseases of the Sexual Or gans. Medical Advice given Gratis by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable REPORTS on SPERMATORRHCEA or SEMINAL WEAKNESS, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES ein ployed in the Dispensary, sent in sealed letter enver opes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association. No.l South Ninth *stet, Philadelphia„ Pa. 15, Inel-ly. KOLLOOKE DANDELION COFFEE. TllB preparation, made from the best Java Coffee, is recommended by physicians as a NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia and all bilious disorders. Thousands who have been compelled to abandon the use of coffee, will use this without in jurious effects. One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents- Mr-calocs3s.Plis The purest and best BAKING POWDER knows, for making light, sweet and nutritious bread and cakes. Price 15 cents. . Manufactured by M. H. KOLLOCK, Ckemist, corner of Broad and Chesnut streets, PHILADELPHIA, and BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND GROCERS. March 5, 1862L1y. LETTERS of administration having been granted to the undersigned, open the estate of LEWIS MoR, TON,:dee'd., late of Allege° tp. Persors knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to oome forward and pay the seen. and those having Malmo hishiet said estate are requested to present theta properly hetheatiesdied for Na Ad et. Wii. LON, m'r., Alias* tp. Nov. 111, 'et. LOOK AT THIS. ictz' yanbing, RUNNING REGI'LARLY BETWEEN S. & 4r. SEDGWICE, Grocers and Commission Merchants, RICES' LSNDING, THE GREAT CAUSE OP HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Ai dministratoes Notice DOUG P RTY, OARIIIIOI Ditirtl7lo7ll — 'll4, lesprethilly inlbrw Iba *bat that he bas loaned la Warasebeiri, Pc, wharivii• amiserassare Ciarrbkipis of Ivory Description. Rosa lie experisses bt tle Inisiness, Is feels coot dent kis wark.will give satire satlafactioa. He will use us low priced usaWrial, in any part of his work, and will not insiploy say but superior workman. AU sow work will be Warranted for Oae Tear. Sbopoa amens Meek sae wpm, South of the Court ogee, Wayasabirg, Jan. M 111111—ao 34. TO Destroy—Rats, Roaches, &s. Ts Destroy—Niue, Moles, and Ants. le Destroy—Bed-Bugs. To Destroy--Moths in Furs, Cloths, &e. To Destroy—Mosquitoes and Fleas. To Destroy—lnsects on Plants and Fowls. To Destroy—lnsects on Animals, &. To Destroy—Every form and specie of Vermin THE "ONLY INFALLIBLE REMEDIES KNOWN." Destroys Instantly EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF kkailaii m HOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed with vermin need be so no longer, if they use "COSTA R's" Exterminators. We have used it to our satisfaction, anti if a box cost $5 we would have it. We have tried poisons, but they effected nothing ; but "Coaratt's" article knocks the breath out of Rats, Mice, Roaches, and Bed• Bugs, quicker than we can write it. It is in great demand all over the country.—.sledina [o.] Gazette. "Costar's" Rat, Roach, Sm. Exterminator, "Costar's" "Costar's" Bed-Bug Exterminator. "Costar's" "Costar's" Electric Powder, for Insects, &c. In 25r, 50c. AND $1 00 BOXES, BOTTLKS AND FLASKS, $3 00 AND $5 00 Sizes FOR PLANTATIONS, SHIPS, BOATS, HOTELS, Acc., &c. —Sold Everywhere—by All WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS in the large cities. Some of the Wholesale Agents in New York City. Shieffelin Brothers & Co B. /6 Fahnestock, /lull & co A. B. & B. Sands & Co. Wheeler & Hart. James S. Aspinwall. Morgan & Allen, Ruckel & Co. Thomas & Fuller. P. D. Orvis. AND OTHERS. Philadelphia, Pa., T, W. Dyott & Co. I R. Shoemaker & Co. B. A. Fahnestock & Co. I French, Richards k Co AND OTHERS Arid by DRUGGISTS, GROCERS, STOREKEEP ERS and RETAILERS generally in all COUNTRY TOWNS and VILLAGES, In the UNITED STATES. WAYNESBURG, PA. 'Sold by ISAAC HOOPER And by 11 0 DRUGGISTS, STORSKERPRIIS and 11.11TAILISR3 generally. "CO 3NTRY DEALERS can order as above. Or auaress orders direct—[or if Prices, Terms, &e., is desired, AN - send for (1862] circ• lar giving Reduced Prices] to HENRY' R. COSTAR. PRINCIPAL DEPOT—NO. 492 BROADWAY, N. I'. Waynesburg. August 13, 1862. D. 4 1 112241 ti I'D" NO. 99 WOOD STREET, PITTILBITROIE, PA., WHOLESALE JOBBERS XIV FOREIGN AND DOMESTIO DRY GOODS & NOTIONS. They have made great preparations for the coining season, in all kinds of Goods in their line. We particularly invite an inspectisin of our stock by those who have never dealt with us, helievinir we can offer inducements not to be found elsewhere in prices and styles, as we bought largely in June and July, in anticipation of the advance. Orders will receive prompt and faithful attention Oct. 15„ 1862 —3mos. IBM %UV , IMPORTOR AND WHOLESALE DEALER 1N American, British, French & German Dry Goods and Varieties, GLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY And Fancy Goods Generally, No. 129 Wood Street, above Fifth, Pittosiburigla., Pa. 1:g" The attention of Country Merchants is invited to our large and well selected stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Just receiving, and which will be sold at very small advances for CASH. Oct. 15, '52.-61nos. BOOTS AND SHOES -OF E VER Y D I,CRIPTION AT About Half the Usual Price I. Concert Hall Shoe Store ! NO. 62 FIFTH ST. PITTSBURGH. PA A.L Goode are warranted the best in Market, and 'tie easy to satisfy yourselves about the price as one call will convince you, Nearly opposite the Post Office on Fifth street. Dealers will hod our prices 25 per cent lower than other Houses in the city. Oct. 15, 1862,-6 mos. Bookseller and Stationery, No. 98 1:710 - coocl. feltroet, Corner of Diamond Alley, PITTSBURGH, PA. irr Country Dealers and others supplied with SCHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL STATIONERY, at the lowest wholesale prices. Oct. 150862.-6 am. CORNUCOPIA SALOON, No. 'I Fifth Street, PITTSBURGH, PA FRED. WEISS, PROPRIETOR. October lb, 1813.—1 y. vittsiargh x. upartsantith • _ _ _ _ wx. Billudrini, _ 89 WOOD SPRINT, ?MinOtoff, PA. Wholesale and Ratan Manafactanar of EATS AND OAPS, And dealer in Children's Bats and Caps, and Sup Goods. Military Caps wads to ordet. Sept. 11,1803-Iy. I. M. 211 2 . ELROY. DRAWER /11 FANCY AND STAPLE x) R Y car. O — . - . SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS JUST RECEIVED. NO. 41, SMITHFIELD ST., CORNER OF THIRD, PITTSBURGH, PA. April 16-64404. J. F. Broutig. Homy S. Lone. NEOECNIAN & LONG, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Agricultural & Farming Implements IMig"A§c s ;6144a Agents for the Buckeye Mower and Reaper, Wood's Mower and Iron Harvester, and Bockstock & Ammon's Nursery, Agents for Cook's Sugar Evaporator. Ole - Sorghum or Chinese Sugar Cane Seed, of supe rior quality, always on hand. No. 127 Liberty Street, April 16,1862-Iy. PITTSBURGH, PA. HOWE SEWING MACHINE. INVENTED 1845-IMPROVED 1860. ADAPTED TO ALL KINDS OF MANUFACTUR- ING PURPOSES. Sewing Equally as well on mus lins, Cloth and Leather. CORNER OF PENN & ST. CLAIR STREETS, J. & IL PHILLIPS. Nos 26 and 28 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. MANUFACTURERS OF FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, TRANSPARENTOREEN OIL CLOTHS, FURNITURE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, TABLE OIL CLOTHS, CARRIAGE CLOTHS. also, dealers in Leather Belting, Lace Leath er, Indiau Rubber Belting, Hose Steam Packing, Tubing, Wheat Drills Tubes, Clothing, anti all other articles made of Indian Rubber, 4-c., 4 - c. Wholesale and retail buyers will find ourstoek large well selected, and at the lowest prices. April 24, 1 SO— ly. Marra!, Risley k Kitchen Bush Gale & Robinson. M. •Ward, Close & Co. McKisson & Robbins. 1). S. Barnes & Co. F. C. Weller & CO. Lazelle, Marsh & Garner 11811, Dixon & Co. Conrad Fox. JACOB KLEE, a IA a , I T E I CA- No . 80, Wood street, next door to corner of Fifth, PITTSBURGH, Pa. A hvays on hand, a large assortment of Cloths, Cassi mares, Vestings and Furnishing Goods. [Jan. 29. WILLIAM KNAVE & CO. r IRE above Pianos from their Factory possess all the superior and latest improvements, including the AGR.BEFE TREBLE, Oventttung, Improved Fall Iron Frame, Felt Covered Hammers. &e. Tustamto, one of the most eminent pianists in the world. says : "I have great pleasure in certifying that I have tried your Pianos, and find them equal, if not superior, to any in this country. Among their great qualities, which distinguish them, is the evenness of tone, the agreeable and easy touch, and volume of tone. Wishing you all the success you so highly de serve, I am, sir, yours truly, 8. TIIALBCRG." C. GROBE, the well known composer, Wilmington, Delaware. says that "they cannot be surpassed by any in the market." H. VIELXTEMPTS writes :—"I was delighted on hear ing the clear and full lane of one of your first class Pianos." fZp - The above Pianos are warranted for live years, For sale by CHARLOTTE BLUME, No. 43 Fifth street, 2d door above Wood st., Patterson's New Building. [Jan. 29, MOB. PITTSBURGH 49:17CrVIC,1\7* EGULAR DAILY SALES at 2 and 8 o'clock, a It the MASONIC HALL All! TION HOUSE, No, 5, fifth Street, of prints, Detainee, Dress Goods, Ky. Jeans, Satinettes, Cassimeres, Table Cloths, Towels, Linens, Umbrellas, Hoop Skirts, Table and Pocket Cutlery,. Yankee Notions, 4:c. BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS at Private Sale during the day and evening. AR Goods Warranted as Represented. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. AN ORGAN MELODEON, WITH FOUR STOPS AND TWO RANKS OF KEYS OF 5 OCTAVES. rIMIE ABOVE INSTRUMENT has been in .use in a private family less than two years, and is in ex cellent order in every respect. The style of furniture is very handsome, and equal to the best made Pianoforte. Manufucturer's price MO in Boston; for sale now for $125 ; cash, by JOHN H. MELLOR, BI Wood Street. MASON & HAMLIN'S BOSTON 'MELODEONS AND HARMONIUMS.—THE SCHOOL HAR MONIUM, the mutt useful, elegant best and cheapest institiment ever invented for the use of schools, lec ture rooms, village churches, vestries, etc., etr., etc. Price. $ 80 5 Octave Double Reed Melodeons 150 5 Octave Piano style Melodeons 100 5 Octave Portable Melodeons. 75 Octave Portable Melodeons 60 4 Octave Portable Melodeons A splendid selected lotof the above instruments just received direct from the manufactory in Boston, and for sale by JOHN H. MELLOR. 81 Wood Street. A liberal discount to Clergymen and 'Poachers. April 16, 1862-Iy. ‘l , ll Now receiving a new supply of Piano Fortes from Chickering & Sons, Boston, Hazleton Brothers, New York; Hallett, Davis & Co., Boston; George /Reek, New York, and Haines Brothers, New York, all of which w ill be sold at Eastern Factory prices. JOHN H. MELLOR. 81 Wood street, between Diamond and Fourth. SECOND HANDED PIANOS At $25 150, $6O, $75, 8100,8125, and $l5O, for sale try JOHN H. MELLOR, 81 Wood Street. April 10-o.nos. ORNSINZI COUNTY, OS : IN the Orphans' Court of said County of June Term, 1862, No. 4. In the matter of the Partition and valuation of the Real Estate of Michael Strosnider, dec'd. . And now, to wit, Sept. 16, 1862, the Sheriff's return to the Inquest is confirmed by the Court, and rule on the heirs to come into Court at next term, and accept or refuse the real estate at the valuation, or show cause why the same shall not be sold. To be served as to those living out of the county by publicatinn is the '•Waynesburg Messenger" for six consecutive weeks, and copies to he sent by mail to their several post offices. By the Court. tug. D. A. WORLEY, Clerk. The heirs of the said Michael Strosnider will take no tice of the above rule, and appear accordingly. Oct. 22, 1862,-6t. THOS. LIJ CAS, Sheriff. 4111.11Ennal covarrir, . as: irala N the Orphans' Court of said County, of T • June Term, 1662. No. 36. In the matter - 111 4 21 " of the Partition and valuation of the Real Estate of Evans McCullough, dec'd, And now, to wit, September 16, Inquest confirmed, and Rule upon Bie heiri to appear at omit Term, and aecept or refuse the Real Fatale at the valuation, or show tauten why' the same 'shall lot be cold By the Court, Attest a The heirs of the said Evan McCullough. deed, will ; ta k e antis. of the etiaraifinela sad a THOMAnrt r A llemd l Y S, Sheri Oet. 22, 1222,-21.1 le 41 = Si a PITTSBURGH, PA April 113--lyr ♦. M. M'GREGOR, AGENT Et 301V1CE17.451.1-a , I= KLEE, KAUFMAN it Co., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in _ .. 'MAHE'S PIANOS. I= T. A. McCIELLAND, Auctioneer NEW PIANOS. D. A. WORLEY, Clerk fithlkur# abtaiistments. /0161111 CITNNINGIIAM, Wholesale Denier to FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 5a SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSIIHRS. Will keep constantly on hand Old Monongahela and Rye Whisky, Bran dies, Wines, Gine, &e., d ‘ c,„ January 119, W. 7217400001:11717113111404. 97 lk 99 THIRD STREET, (t(RXT TO BANK OP PITTSBUPOU; 1:7 Pt 1V X °X' 'Er 3EL 331 rw-ak. 1m sIUPERIR PARLOR Library, Dining & Bed-room Farnham KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. il7 - T be largest assortment to be found in this Mtg. and will positively be told at the LOWEST moo to suit the times. Gonda packed and shipped to all party of the coastrs April In, 180-Iy. J. T. Count. Jowl' N. MO N' COLVIN & MASON, COTNNUSSION NMORON.A.NTS AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, WOOL AND PROM, NO. 6, SMITHFIELD STREET, OPPOSITE MONONGAHELA HOUSEk PITTSBURGH, BA. April 113---lyp 1862.1 TO MERCHANTS. (180 HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS BONNETS, &0., AT WHOLESSLii. 111"00.1133) & CO., 131 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., - Ur AVE now on hands for their Spring aala limt lj largest and cheapest stoat of Hats, Caps, straw Good Bonnets, AS'haker Hoods, Palm-Leaf Hall And all the new styli. s of HISSES' and LADIR HATS to be found in any city, which they are prepana to sell lower than they cau be purchased elsewbeni4 Please call and •xautine our stock. WOOED & CO., April Id, 18e2aly. klanufact users. ST. OLAIR HOTEL, CORNER OF PENN & ST. CLAIR STREETS. J. S. ANDERSON, PROPRIETOR. —cheap Bills, and lend Ws. Stabling (or any nung r of horses. April 16—lyz. I=l ST. NICKOLAS ZWl'llie s CORNER GRANT AND 4TH STRIA?. PITTSBURtiII, PA. FEU L, Proprietor. April 4. R. R. BULGER. Manufacturer of every description of Zro 36 1 1. .I\T °V MT Wt. NO. 43 8311TIIVIELD STRIVET, I'rrnslßUßoll,-PIDI Mak A. full assortment of PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURED FURNITURE Constantly on hand, which I will sell at the /*weal prices for Mill. Aug. 21, 1861-Iy. ROOFING ! ROOFING ! GRAVEL, CEMENT AND CANVASS ROOFIMS6 DONE ON 111101 T NOTICE, And In the most Durable Munger. H AVING the most competent wDrkmen in the elite who understand their business, we can safely sag we can do work as cheap, and, if anything, better that any other firm in the city. Repairing done with witas tion and care. Materials for sale, with all the instnio tions. Enquire at 75 Smithfield street. Jan. 29, 1952. B. F. SUOMI. WALL PLPER, vcriiacicvvv. gisheLcienup. EVERY VARIETY—LOWEST PRICES. JOHN J. DEZOIICHE, 11l WOOD STREET, CORNER STH., PITTSBURGH, PA., Green and Buff Oil Cloth br Blinds. Cord, Tassel% and Curtain Trimmings of every destsiption. Alak a fine assortment of Clic Cornices. Sept. 11, 1561. It 4 41 4) (Successor to G. Parys & Co.) Pittsburgh Steam Refined CANDY MANUFACTORY, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Foreign and Dotnestic Fruits, Nuts, Pickles, Preserves, Sardines, Catsups. Fire Works, Ace, No. IS7 LIBERTY STREET. Feb. 213, 1663. PITTSBURGH, PA. THOMAS LEMON, (SUCCESSOR TO JAMES LISMON4 Manufacturer and Dealer in TURNITURX, OF ALL LINDA, Sole Manufacturer of WELLS' PATENT SPRING BEDS. 118 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pia. r. Nov. 13, 11361-Iy. BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, Priiii.tear de .113.1.za.cleosit AND Manufacturer of Blank Books, No. 101 WOOD STREET, BETWEEN DIAMOND ALLEY AND FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Wrapping, Wall & Window Paper. CASH Pea RAGS. April 18, 185 -fim. J. D. IrAcunsit FACKINER & IRWIN, Manufacturers of every description of Flaii.NXlLerriFlL.33ol, NO. 103 SMITHFIELD STREET PITTSBURGH. PA. A full assortment of Pittsburgh hisaufactarad Pao nilure constantly on band, which we will sell alike lowest price FOR CASH, which Is our only teams* Sept. 11, 1861-Iy. S. B. di C. P. MARKLE, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN 014 1 BOOS, CAP, LIITTBR, AND all kinds of WRAPPING PAPER have rerribv ed from Nth 27 WOOD STREET to Pio. 33 Sailthaeld Street, PITTRBUIIGH. PA. No - . 13,18.114 Y eaoll Trtdefor Rags JAMES LOUGHRIDGE, (Surceseor to Loughridge & Maxwell,) Manufacturer of brushes, Looking Clisassoo, AND Gib.l.l.Clare33. 7 AlD C0ADAC11.113.491.1, And dealer in Variety and House Furnishing Goods, 72 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA January 29, 1862. HOME MADE SHIRTS R. mivNiar...i.AlL:Aerisicav SHIRTS, COLLARS, WRISTBANDS, BOSOMS, AND FURNISHING GOODS. No. 47, St. Clair Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. April ll—lyr. THOS. C. LAZEAR, 41TTORDTBY iT LaW, ziO. 63 GRANT STREET. Sept. 11,1861 ly 111 ANUFACTUR.ER OP 3. R. WiILDIN, JNO ie. MINIM MAN 17F ACTIORER OF prrra PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers