•4 4 ,„ Hearin. 4 11 ft orrt 7 iidSr''€ highly prgised. f,;(4 ,Ilig. bcp,igy, Gntthold I A& !-:-" VI Atieinti WISANIty 1 o yiiti mean ? Ale IuAH-Ir O4S-414t-ikits.bod4y, or that also of the luta ? I see well that you have been looking no furth er than the sign which nature dis tk -pla outside .tke hew, but have n allitildtor 'the - host who dwells iv i.„ Ifeauty is an excellent gift of litiod, gor has the pen of the Holy SpkitAbrgotten to speak its praise, but,,lt Is ,rirtuous and godly beauty alone with Scripture honors, express ly declaring on the other hand "that A fair woman, which is without die eretfonk is ,Asa jewel of gold in a ,swine's striont;* (Proy. xt. 22.) :]ltany a pre* girl is like the flower called the imPerial crown, which is .admirmlm, no doubt, for its showy ap pearance, bvit despised for its un iploseant &kit. Were her mind as tree frein pride, selfishness, luxury. alffidtriV, ati her countenance from spots and wrinkles, and could she •govern her inward inclinaticns as she does her ext j ernal carriage, she would have none til thatch tier. Bu' who /oFdn ete_tlttcatorpillar and such insects, hitte.W.showirtheir Appeanktme, and brigs tea- e., colon. that adorn;ildeitit tVeY'iiif . ire - ind dale . o4ii treeminkiplante,oe which they set tl e ? What the better is an app Kss rosy WO, tf the maggots hare penetrated and devoured its heart ? What care I for the beauti ful brown of the nut, if it be worm er l:fig iihd OM the mouth with cor imp ion? even so, external beauty : f i r on,deterv.es no praise, unless Net iiith"'fhe in*ard beauty of virtue and holiness. It is, therefore, far better to acquire beauty, than to be born with it. The best kind is that which does not wither at the touch orrever; like a flower, but lasts and padres. on a bed of sickness, in old jags, Ana even at death. 111jy„Glad 1 my beauty exists only in thiinaislaine of thy grace. Without light, iintking is beautiful; and, unless irrad s ifte4 by thy goodness, every ob ject' irtigly and hideous. Lord Se sat thOu fairest of the sons of men, shed& la* poor soul the beams of thy love ; that is all the beauty I de sire.—Gotthold's Emblems. Goo JAMB. tOti *bode Ante has been the tar get of envious tongues, have you not seen a gool 'name to be the only kireaitla imparviems to the poisoned gffiift of carurndy l Gold and talents, what without a charac ter ? A light, to render darkness {visible; a gilding, with which con trast make substance more revolting f 'Cherish it, then, all ye who possess it. Guard it' carefully, £br dependUpou this, its purity once tarnished,•the nn weary . effort will hardly restore it to its pristine lustre. Let it attend you through tbo journey of life, crowning your days with peace and happiness. The rectitude ,that won it will engrave upon your face a letter of recommendation to people. And when ,the treasure is AO longer needful to-you, it shall de scend to your posterity, a legacy with which millions would not dare to be ()Diapered. ADVERTISEMENT OF WADES.—"It is an old "(Badge" for doctors who want to get ink) antic© to have a servant come into church and call them out. Pr. Mead, of London, rejoiced in a father who was minister of a large congregation. Whenever his son was summoned from chureft to at tend a patient the good minister was wont to call on the people to unite in prayers for the body and soul of the sufferer. . This was a grand adver tisement, and helped to set .up his son rapidly. FRESH ARRIVAL FALL & WINTER GOON! Fr is with great pleasure I announce to the ethane of Waynesburg, and Greene county, that I am now receiving and opening my MA NGSI4 1 11%1114 pililirCICINC. COMP 131-41=1103:113 Which for Beauty, Variety, and Cheapness and imbstantiality, will prove satisfactory to all com petent jo4es. I have greatly enlarged my stock sad am better prepared now than ever p .efore to supply the wants of the public. I in vite an examination to a partial list of my stock Which consists of FIDE itt:DIM • IUP DO., COWS - WWII ,IfOUTII'n isms' Poems, LAINIED . DALNORALII. • VAUDOIS AND TININD*, umeszr soon. Ars ' DOIT•11 PO, TOOTIre e 9•, Mr" cArt, j a ws DO., OMR*" *AP. A viefilef tee igusleroaelo mention. neak. (011::4110vore.. We o b y ata a ° eattitlel n ai t i e o ri o t iisl.oo/101/0010.10~* Glom;.a: fiklTCAP.. .t , B€l4- • • fqgw imbia atie Wilms Y GOODS, SkiISAR & • " Mgt 59 MARKET ST., PITTSBURGH, PA. NEW sr.L.k.B, NEW SHAWLS, And an immense stock of every description of DM?' 8001 M i, PRINTS at 12f cents, new styles; LONG CLOTHE at 12.1 teats t BROWN MEETINGS at 14 cents X. 8.-ONLY ONE PRICE Country Merchants will be supplied in Dress Goods cut in length to suit their trade at the Piece or Package price. • Oct. 1, '62--6uios. BLINDBI • G. P. WERTZ, First Premium and Excelsior 111(7141 HID FICTIE, NO. TA 4.:ORNER THIRD AND MARKET ST., WARINOOM ON PINOT FLOOR, PITTSBURGH, PA. THOSE wishing to turnisb their houses with Venti tian Blinds of the ItIOST EXQUISITE AND ELABORATE FINISH. Will find it to their interest to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. My work is got up by the beat mechanics. Every attention is paid to the wants of customers. OLD BLINDS REPAIRED NEATLY, or remodeled, is desired, to appear the same as new, of the LATEST STYLE, without extortion. Those having Dwellings, Churches or Public Build ings to furnish with Blinds cii; Revolving or Stationary Shutters, Would save money by giving use a call, Corner of Third and Market Street. . . . . GEORGE P. WERT& We, the undersigned, take pleasure in recommend ing M r.i GBO. P WERTZ, manufacturer of "Venetian Blinds,"-to the favorabla notice of our friends and the public generally. His work is executed with much taste and durability; in fact, it surpasses anything we have seen in the Blind business, East of. West. He uses nothing In his line hut the best of nilterial, such as can be relied upon. Mr. Wertz is very prompt, and always ready to oblige his customers. Price reasona ble. In short, he is the excelsior of our city, and most worthy of our influence and patronage. ' E. Edmunson d< Co., Upholsters and Dealers in Wall Paper. Nos 86 and t Third street, Pittsburgh, Pa William H. Devore, Undertaker, No. 104 Grunt Street. J. E. Bidwell, Pittsburgh Plow Works, Duquesne Way and Garrison Ailey. James Benny, No. 228 Penn Street Pittsburgh. Hammer k Denier, Cabinet Makers, 178 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. Thomas Scott, Ns. 324 Peen street, Pittsburgh . . Jas, Aaiun & Son, 60 anti 70 Water street. J. Lippincott, No. 118 Water strut. in*. Crotleen. Monongahela lioui.e Pittsburgh D. W. C Wren. No. 143 Water street. V. FehL froprietorGirard House. J. Heron Foster, 79 Fifth street, Pittsburgh.* Geo. H. Snyder 140 Wood sleeet. Daniel Flitter, lit. 11 , 104 Fifth strent. James Hurdman, Leather Merchant, Nh. 105 Wood St. W. 8. Haven, Stationer tied Job Printer, eory er of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburgh. Win, Hunter, Gabinet Manufacturer. Jos. fgetunidt, tiquor'Merehant, 409 Penn street. John W. M'Gregor, No. 705 Penn street. Samuel Mtlieltry Geo Cheugy, 556 Liberty street. J. M'Coy, of the fi m of M'Coy & Miller, Color Man ufacturers, No. 929 Penn street) Ninth Ward, Pitts- burgh. Pa. W. Sieben.' of the faro of W, & P. Siebert, Grocers and Tea Dealers, Nos. Wt. , and 501 Penn street. 0 J. Young, Dealer in Picutres:and Looking Glasses, No. 479 Penn street. Pulp & Shepard, Commission Merchants, No. 343 Liberty Greet. Herbst &Barker, Produce Dealers and Proprietors of the Pittsburgh Bag Manufactory, No. 267 Lihe•ty st. A. 8. Getty, of the firm of Wm. Cooper& Co. ‘4 hole- sale Grocers, 213 Liberty wee'. John B. Semple, of Semple & Jones Oct. 1, 1852;ly WINE & WILSON'S "Sewing -Machines," No. V FIFTH STREET, PITTSBEREIII, PENNI Awarded the First Premium at the UNITED STATES FAIR, NACIUNES sold in the United States, 20,000 SOLD TILE PAST YEAR. WHEELER & WILSON'S Improved Sewing Machines, With increased cnnfidence of its merits as the best and most useful Family Sewing Machine nnw in use. It does equally well on the thickest and thinnest fabrics, makes the loskstich impossible to unravel, with the es sential advantage of being alike on both sides. forming no ridge or chain nn the under side—is simple in con struction more speedy in movement, and more durable than any other machine. We live full instructions to enable the purchaser to sew ordinary seams, stitch, hem, fell, quilt, gather, bind and tuck, all on the same machine, and warrant it for three years• Circulars containing testimonials from ladies of the highest standing. East and West, giving prices, dr.c., will be furnished gratis on application in person or by . letter. Sewing Machine Needles, Silk, Twist Cotton and Oil constantly on hand. WILLIAM SUMNER & CO. Pittsburgh, Oct. 1, '6ll—tf. LADIES irkTa, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, MISSES RATS, rfltx BON? T*. „LokAiSit' 4063, NIEISEEP BOBS, 11. B. Censer 4th sad Market Streets., CMLDRIIN , S 1119811. 'Unjust opened Ws second supply of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. comprising. in saw— Black Reps; Colored Reps; Valiaaers ; Figured Merinos ; Piga Frown Merinos; ' Plain Black Silks ; Fancy silke ; Mous De Danes, new styles ; Trending Dress Goods ; Cloaks: lITLE - ETATS, FRENCH FUR RATS, OLD UNION DO., ,CIONTIARAO 00, BOY'S .100., OHILDRENNIVAMI wkk i tspor e sonatent of art/goalie. pot. .1= -.AM NEW DRESS GOODS, PRICES LOW. ALL WORK WARRANTED ! Persons having business with tte County Treasurer are informed that he may he found at his otike in the Court Mouse at Waynesburg on the Ist and 3d Mos DAYS and TUESDAYS of every month. J. F. RAN DOLPH, Treasurer. 1858, 1859 and 1860. I April 23. 1862. FOR THE YEARS UPWARDS OF 80,000 MORE TITAN We offer to the public REDUCED PRICES, S. M. 21711.011:11=0, 11 Blamiew; OA% Ouisimerea; Submits; liCentncky Jeans; D. M.:DAKE, M: p. ...... •• . . RT M. U L*llll6aelliX WO . MN' str ptgpgx., . LAE'r Ark ir.f• •17.1. 0 Auriga 21, IV* it', qualm! Nusintss E M. *AYRES 0. W. C. WADDELL 1L1LY123.111 & Attorneys and Voltaseliers at Lair. Waynesburg, Pa. ROMPT atteutien given to the cellectivis gar Pew P cione, Bounties, arc. Business of all kinds solic ited. Office in Second Story SAlfgad 4 816/1.1.4)I0, East of the Court House. ALL persons indebted to the subscriber, by note or Book Account, are requested te sW Wad saute by tile Ist of November neat. All arcxygias uossuled at that dare, will be left with an officer for coLlection.— A word to the wise is sufficient" Tide is dm first public call I have made on my coats/ware fur Iliiouey since I commenced business. Sept. 3,'62. CEO. EfOBLIESON. 111 gOIMS AT 111,11 Plias! =NOR & 00„ AT THE FARMERS' AND MECHANICS EXCHANGE, ARE now opening the largest assortment of Dry Goods to be found in the county, which will pos itively be sold at the Lowest Prices to suit the times. Their stork of SPRING & SUMMER DRY GOODS Is complete, embracing everything usnally kept in this market, and a little more LADIES' DRESS GOODS. - - - The choicest selection of New and Beautiful Dress Gonda, new style, very rich. In fact, everything to suit the ladies. MEN'S WEAR. Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Tweeds, and every thing in the staple and fancy goods line. HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS! Bonnets, Shaker Hoods, Palm-Leaf Hale, comprising all the new styles, which will besold low. BOOTS AND SHOES. Every description of Boots, Bnoes and Gaiters. for men, women, Misses, boy's, youth's and children's wear, in great profusion. MOURNING GOODS, &c. A full stock of Mourning, Housekeeping, Fashiona ble Millinery Goods. Notions, &c. GROCERIER, HARDW AKE, QUEENSWAH.E. Family Groceries constantly on hand, at the lowest prices. Fish, Salt, Hardware and Queenswars. The public are respectfully invited to ex.tmine our Mock before purchasing elsewhere. Waynesburg, April 30, 1862. MINOR & CO. IIOBIIIKKA LODGE, No. 385 I. 0. F. 1111: M EET ! n Wllnesb"rA"i son's H a n opposit e the House, on Thursdayevenini of week, at 71. o'clock. °Frit:sus: T. 1. PORTER, N. O. IL L. BRARNES, P. G. ORMAN WORLEY, E.G. J. F. TEMPLE, Sec'y. B. F. HERRINGTON, Treas. W. A. PORTER, Chaplain, Nov. 6, 1861. To all Persons Interested. I_ 'SHE decease of the senior partner in the late firm tit MINOR & CO. renders it necessary that the affairs of the concern should he settled immediately. All per sons indebted by note or book account, are therefore requested to call without delay and liquidate their in d3bledness, if they would save themselves costs and uov MINOR & CO. synesbarg; July 2d, 1862. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. THE partnership heretofore existing between the un dersigned. in the `•Furniture Business," under the firm of ATEN d< PHELAN, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the firm will he set tled at their warehouse by Mr. Aten, he being author ized to settle in the name of the firm. ELI ATEN. Z. W. PHELAN. 1111-1 E Undersigned will still continue the manufacture of all kinds of Furniture, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the patronage so generously extended the late arm. COFFINS will he furnished with the greatest possi ble dispatch. ELI ATEN. Waynesburg, August 13,1669. HAMMON HOUSE, Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa. S. HaRPZELL, Proprietor. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends that he has taken this well known Ilir.se where he is prepared to accommodate travellers old others, with goodand substantial meat, drink, &c. lie will spare no paint; or attention in rendering his guests comfortable and happy during their sojourn with him, not forgetting to give due attention to their horses and carriages, Ice. 8. HARTZELL. April 10,—No 44—tf ADAM HOUSE, Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa. JACOB LEMLEY, PROPRIETOR, rulllS well known Hotel lia been refitted in new style. by its present proprietor, who takes this op portunity of informing the travelling public that he is fully prepared to accommodate theta with the hest the market :,tfbrds, besides giving them comtortable quar ters and beds. Ua"' Ile has also fine stabling for any number ofhor Hes. Waynesburg, April IS, 1562. TREASURER'S NOTICE WOOL CARDING. Pa.Ci•GrmPts , AT THE WAYNESBURG "'TEAM MILL, has fitted up his CARDING MACHINES in rine eider and secured the services of a competent assistant for the purpose of CARDING WOOL. He respectfully solicits the patronage of the Wool growing public and assures thenSithat every care will be taken to do work in a ecientofc manner. May 21,1862. WAYNESBURG STEAM MILL. WIC ROGERS respectfully inform his friends and the public that be has leased the NEW STEAY MILL at Waynesburg, Pa., where Le will always be found rdy to accommodate all who may call on the shortest notice Grinding done on the seine terms as by water mills. FLOUR and FEED kept constantly on hand. Orders for either can be left at the Millor at Yeator's store. (Jan. 27, 1862 TOBACCONISTS. HOO: 'ER & HAGER, Manufacturers and wholesale and retail dealersin Tobacco, Segats and Snuff, Segar Cases, Pipes, &c., Wilson's Old Building, Main street. Sept 11,1861-Iy. WATCHES AND JEWELRY S. M. BAILY, Main street, one door East of the old Bank Building. keeps always on hand a large and elegant assortment of Watches and Jewelry. 110—Repairing of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry wil receive prompt attention. [Dec. 15, At the Waynesburg Foundry, on Greene street, keep constantly on hand Cooking and Parlor Stoves, Grates, Plough Castings. and Casting of all kinds. Sept. t 1, 1861-Iy. SANE. FAMERS' & DROVERS' BANK, Wayne*'pug, PA. C. A. BLACK, Presq. J. LAZRAR, Cashier DDICCOVIIT DAY, WIIDIESDALY. Sept. tl, 1861-Iy. Jo 1111111111 - ItOBIKILT MDT SOL ty C Preoprietor, proon, Greene oun, The subscribertaapectfaY Worm bia *iamb **Um travelling public.thiitTleb 2 B Was care hitiie Nat4o l 2- a 1 Heise, and Lenart/ wispatotto accommodate ail who may diver him with M7IROBT. RIBICHOLDS. Jefferson, Greene count y, Pa., April 78, 'sB—noso zoniatapilt •WWWW-ull ' • I. IP JAMESON, MISZNII 11 180-47. $3 TL UP. rtrzarrrvan. FOUNDRY. DUNN & DOWNEY, Mason. We Callan t a hil R.Psti ot,,g Y'r. I et f t ; •CARRIMMIOIII4IOIIAOTIUMR , Respectfully informs the public - that he bee located is Waehesburg. Pa., where he intends to manufacture earritqgee of Every Description, /tom espedesce be Use bedlam, be feels confi des' kW wort enure eatlefsesiou Ifs will use so low priced misbesiel, in say part of ►is work, and will sot employ say bet superior wkSAL/iillll. ♦Il new viva will in Warranted ter One Year. Shape. assess Maas, gm equals South of theCoun WWll.lin, lea. 116, 18M--..14. CABINET MAKING. JAMES GANIER & CO., Wculd respectfully inform their friends and the pu lie UM thy sass sow ou hand a good assortment CO.AimEmn , WARZ, sorb as is usually kept in shops in this part of the coun try, wads of ttm beet materials, and by the beat work men. fir They still keep a Hearse, and are, at all times. prepared to attend promptly to funerals, either in town or country. Waynesburg, January 24, 1860-Iy. LOOK AT THIS, The undersigned would respectfully inform the Pub lic that he is new prepared and mane uniting CallL:A.:Lett 1:71744.re., uch as BUREAUS, TABLE'S, BEDSTEADS and every thingin that line. He also wishes it understood that he keeps a Hearse and makes coffins, and is pre pared to attend calls in town or country. at any hour. A MU EL J EW EL. Waynesburg, Oct. 26. 1559. MU HOMY & CHEW. 7'wo doors East of "Messenger" Buildings Main Street, Waynesburg, Pa. ISAAC 'COOPER, RESPECTFULLY announces to his triends and the public generally, that he has ust opened an entirely new stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, of a superior quality, selected with an eye to the wants of the community. He flatters himself that his stock is all prime and fresh, bought at low prices, and will be sold accordingly. Ile keeps every article pertaining to an establishment of this kind, and hopes to merit a share of the patronage. His stock is comprised in part of the following: Teas, Coffees, N. 0., Crushe I and Pulverized Sugars Molasses, Starch, Soda, Cream Tartar, Salt, Pepper, Candles, Crackers, Soaps, Tobacco. Also. a superior variety of Cigars, aud all other articles 'legally kept in a Grocery. CONFECTIONA RIES. His Confectionary Department is supplied with a va riety ofCandles, Cakes, Raisins, Drops, Chocolate, F.r eign and Domestie Fruits. Also, a variety of Notions which will be sold as low as they can be had at any oth er establishment in town. Country produce taken in exchange for goods. Give him a call, at the new store room, near the Messenger publication moon May IS, 1550; n 0.50. WAYNESBU hG MARBLE AND STONE WORKS. SAYERS & RINEHART, Practical Marble & Stone Cutters, Third Door East of the Court House,.ldain street. WHERE they have, am' keep on hands a rN large and extensive assortment of fine and ornamental MARBLE WORK, v d ], such as monuments, bombs, tablet., and grave stones, of every variety and style. molk'.Particular attention paid to car'. tog, which will be done by as good workmen as anti be found anywhere in the business; as one of the firm has seen practically engaged in the business for twenty-five years, and the other eighteen years. They Cater them selves they cannot be surpassed in point of skill and taste by any in the west. Persons wishing anyining in our line can have it furnished to any place desired at lower rates than any other establishment in the country. Persons can save 20 per cent by purchasing of us. All kinds of building work done in either marble 0; tone. SAYERS & RINEHART. Waynesburg, May 20. 2 gices' Nanbing. DAILY MAUL HACK RUNNING REGULARLY BETWEEN WIYMERG AID EU 1,11130. TIIE undersigned respectfully informs the generous Public, that having the contract for the carrying of the mail between the above points, he has placed upon the route two new and commodious Hacks for the ac commodation of the travnllog community, One will leave the Hamilton House, Waynesburg, every morn ing, Sundays excepted, at 71 o'clock, and will arrive at Iticee' Landing in time for the Boat to Pittsburgh, the other will leave likes' Landing at the same time and arrive in Waynesburg at noon. No pains will be spared for the accommodation of TlMOTHY paspassengers, DOUG II EH, Proprietor. August 7th, 1861. no. 9. HUGHES dic OLIVER, Grocers, Forwarding and COMMISSION MEIRCNA.NTS Rices' Landing, Greene Go., Pa. Are prepared with the largest and best Grocery and Forwarding Rooms in the Cur.!, for all goods on con signment. and also GOOD WAREHOUSES, on the bank of the river, convenient for boats to land, for storing alt kinds of produce, for shipment to Pitts burgh, or lute Eastern cities, on the roost reasonable terms. They hope by strict attention and long experience, in business, to receive a liberal share of patronage. In addition to the above, they will keep on hand gone assortment of FRESH GROCERIES. from the head of market, at wholesale prices, to 'Mee In modate all who will favor them with their patronage. April 11, 1860. S. St. Z. SEDIVVITICH, Grocers and Commission Merchants, RICES' L.aNDING, F The above gentlemen give notice to the public, that by the death or a former partner, the late firms of Stro snider & Sedgewicks, and Sedgewicks & Co., have been dissolved, and the business connected therewith must be settled wan them; and hereafter the above business will he continued and promptly attended to by the above firm. Also: Leather, Shoe Findings, kc, as well salt good assortment of Mill Saws will be kept on hand. All up Commission must be paid before the goods are removed. March 6. 18(11—no 39-6 m. THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN IlitEXES.ErEtlir Just Published ix a Sealed Envelop ; 'Prise Six Cents. ALECTURE, BY DR. CULVERWELL, ON THE CAUSE AND CURE of Sperinatorrhiea, Con sumption, Mental and Physical Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy, Impaired Nutrition of the Body, Lassitude, Weakness of tbe Limbs and the Back, Indisposition, and Incapacity for Study and Labor, Dullness of Ap prehension. Loss of Memory, Aversion to Society, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Self-Distrust, Dizziness, Headache, Affections of the Eyes, Pimples on the Face, Involuntary Emissions, and Sexual Incapacity, the Consequences of Youthful Indiscretion, &c. This admirable Lecture clearly proves that-the above-enumerated, often self-sEllicted evils may be re moved without medicine and without dangerous surgi cal operations, and should be read by every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal to any address, in a plain sealed envelop, on the receipt of sin cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing Dr. CHAS. J. C. KLINE, 147 Bowery., New York, Post Office Box 4186. April 15, 1861-Iy. _ BOLLOCKS DANDELION COFFEE. rPHIS preparation. made from the best Java Coffee, j is recommended byphysicians as a NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia and all bilious disorders. Thousands who have been compelled to abandon the use of coffee, will use this without in jurious effects. One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents. 501.1.0C7ff5.v ID .T..mffCrad.2l2l., The purest, and but BAKING POWDER known, for making light, swgipt and nutritious bread and cakes. Price 15 cents. Manufactured by M. H. KOLLOCK, Chemist, corner of Broad and Chesnut stream PHILADELPHIA, aad SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND GROCERS. March 5, 1862-Iy. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PBILADELPHIA—for the Iteliqf of the Sick add Distressed, a f flicted wish Pirodshe avid .Chritede Lynam , and estieciatly Diseasse if tha Sweet Or fila. Medical Advise given Ere* by_the Amiga Sturgeon. Valuable REPORTS ova SPERRIATORRECEA or SEMINAL WEAROIESS. and ether. Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES em played is the Dispeauary, sent ia sealed letter mote. opea, free of charge._ Ad e._ 4..signima Ham. geggrogr, ffearardassoehttion, In 0. S outaMistat *Ma& PtillIS•111044 TAO*** gp . ...xytilte4V4 .4NY peiron or pei4ni minuet to num ase a good Dateeriodwirrind lirelptkate‘ *Add 4der to on ite idEaTtngiby they, alt he has the agency for 'telling gook's celebrated item Ifmapoirator gad* ae *. . Arbeire $OO 7:3l="trft. ULAN= Meat Orpieriill46 FAL Jaly,10;011-amoa.• NAM L HEATON. To Destroyßate, Roaches, &c. 7.144/1741111 1 100, 1 4iti t iesi, and 4tity; • Ilestroy---=-Berifuge:: • To i ilt r rstene Ci Flli i" ' 4c * cos To Destroy--Insects on Plants and Fowls. Th Destroy—lnsects on Animals, &. To Destroy—Every form and specie of Vermin THE "ONLY INFALLIBLE REMEDIES KNOWN." Destroys Instantly EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF LALaikmi m HOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed with vermin need be so no longer, if they use “CosvAn's" Exterminators. We have used it to our satisfaction, and if a box cost 5.5 we would have it. We have tried poisons, but they effected nothing ; bnt "Coarse's" article knocks the breath out of Ram, Mice, Roaches, and Bed-Bugs, quicker than wfi can write it. It is in great demand all over the country.—Medina [o.] Gazette. "Costar's" Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminator. `Costar's" "Costar's" Bed-Eng Exterminator. "Costar's" "ao tar " Eleatic Powder, for Insects, &c. In 25e, 50C. AND SI 00 BOXES, BOTTLES AND FLASKS, $3 00 AND S 5 00 SIZES FOR PLANTATIONS, SHIPS, BOATS, HOTELS, &C., &C. —Sold Everytokere—by A❑ WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS in the large cities Some of the Wholesale Agents in New York City. Shietrelit) Brothers & Co Harrel, Risley & Kitchen. B. A Fahnestock, Hull& co I Bush Gate & Robinson. A. B. & D. Sands & Co. M. •Ward, Close & Co. Wheeler & Hart. McKisson & Robbins. James S. Aspinwall. D. S. Barnes & Co. Morgan & Allen, F. C. Wells &. Hall. Backe' & Co. Lazelle, Marsh & Garner. Thomas & Fuller. hall, Dixon & Co. P. D. Orvis. Conrad Fox. AND OTHERS. Philadelphia, Pa., T. W. Dyott & Co. f R. Shoemaker & Co. B. A. Fahnestock & Ce. I French, Richards & Co AND OTHERS And by DRUGGISTS, GROCERS, STOREKEEP ERS and RETAILERS generally in all COUNTRY TOWNS and VILLAGES, In the UNITED STATES. WAYNESBURG, PA. 117'Sold by ISA.A.O HOOPER. And by LI @ DRUGGISTS, STOREKEEPERS and RETAILERS generalty ,7" , C INTRY DEALERS can 'Order as above. Or auuress orders direct—[or if Prices, Terms, &e., is desired, Zit" ,- end for [1862] circ-lar giving Reduced Prices] to RESULT R. COSTAR, PRZACIPAL DEPOT — NO. 452 BROADWAY, N. Y. Waynesburg, August 13, 1862 Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the it udersived, upon the estate of MEIGHER RINEHART, deed., of Centre township, notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate to make immeditze payment. to the undersigned, and those havang claims against the same. will present them duly authenticated for settle ment. SAMUEL RINEII4RT, Sept. 3. 1862 AaininistratorN Notice LFXTESS of administration having been granted to the undersigned, upon the estate of JOSIAH ItOW LIN, ar., iate of Cmnberland tp„ notice is here bygiv en atl ;.ersons ing themselves in debteJ to said estate to n. ake immediate payment, to the undersigned, and those having claims against the same, will present them properly ,, :authenticated for set tlement. SSE DOWLIN, Aug 20, 'O2-6t. JOHN DOWLIN, Miters. Vittsbug4batrtistments. ~._. 5... fp CHESAPEAKE BAY OYSTERS. ELI YOTiNG, AT THE CORNUCOPIA, NO. 40 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA., W i t l i t bseea_rizeniviandactla,,Ei.tilAirtpleAboKtirt, (-\,,, BAY OYSTERS, FISH, GAME, !kr, , which he will furnish at lowest market ‘,...., rates to Hotels, Restaurants and private families.— Oysters by the single Can or less. Oct. 9, 186I;ly. Fifth Avenue Exchange, DAN. BARNARD, Proprietor, NO. 72 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A., HAVING had many years experience in the business, he is prepared to supply the best the market affords. His Bar will he furnished at all times with the best Wines, Liquors, and Ales; and refreshments will be furnished at all times, day and night, Sundays ex cepted. Thankful for past favors, he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same, and assures his old custom ers, and the public generally, that no pains or expense will be spared which may tend to contribute to the comfort, convenience, and satisfaction of his guests. Oct. 9, 1861:Iv. PITTSBURGH .A.II7CTICON ..TaCC:OI7/€6..M. 1 - 1 EGULAR DAILY SALES at 2 and 8 o'dork, lb the MASONIC HALL ACt TION HOUSE, No• 2, Mill Street, of prints, Delaines, Dress Goods, Ky. Jeans, • Satinettes, Cassimeres, Table Cloths, Towels. Linens, Umbrellas, Hoop Skirts, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Yankee Notions, 8t c. BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS at Private Sale during the day and evening. All Goods Warranted as Represented. T. A. McCLELLAND, Auctioneer. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. AN ORGAN MELODEON, WITH FOUR STOPS AND TWO RANKS OF KEYS OF 5 OCTAVES. THE ABOVE INSTRUMENT has been in use in a private family lees than two years, and is in ex cellent order in every respect. The style of furniture is very handsome, and equal to the best made Pianoforte. Mantiftictarer's priroil9oo in Boston; for sale now for $125, cash, by JOHN H. MELLOR, 81 Wood Street. "ILNASON & HAMLLN'S BOSTON MELODEONS .01 AND HARMONIUMS.—THE SCHOOL HAR MONIUM, the most useflit, elegant best and cheapest instrument ever invented for the use of schools, lee ture.stoonee, village chitchat' vestries, etc., etc., etc. 8 80 5 Octave. Double Reesi_k_ Mesielk 150 5 Octave Piano oityle Malodeonh 100 5 Octave Portable W 1480005 75 4/ Octave Portable Melodeons 4 Octave Pminide Melodeons • - A splendid selented blot the above iustzumenta just received direct front the manufactory in Boston, and for sule by JOHN H. IFELLOR. 81 Woad Street. A liberal discount to Clergymen andVeachers. Ap4llB, NEW 3.;Aw.est. . ,New receiving a new supply of Piano Forte. from Chick: Ting & Boris, Boston, Healeten. Brothers, New Yei& Hallett, Davis & Co., Blestme; George !Beek, Ni.' York, and Haines Brptlimpc, New York, all of which wilt he sold at laztern Factoryprices. • • ^NW 11111140111, Wood street, between Diamond and Fourth. 111111111111 , 11IMIND PIANOS 4 " . " I" giriMtrtia s neitrer Y April 111—ilaias. =:= Vittsbur4 I►liftettisements. WI!. E. DS BARENNE, 89 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Wholesale and Ratan Manufacturer of RATS ASIXI OAPS, And dealer in Children's Lets and Caps, and Stra Goods. Military Caps wade to order. Sept 11, 186l—ly. FANCY AND STAPLE 3=l FL Y Cfr 0 G:10 1:1 . SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS JUST RECEIVED. NO. 41, SMITHFIELD NT., CORNER OP THIRD, PITTSBURGH, PA. April l6—Ginns J. F. lizcamAtc. HENRY B. Lotto. BECKMAN & LONG, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Agricultural & Farming Implements Agents for the Buckeye Mower and Reaper, Wood's Mower and Iron harvester, and EkleAstock & Amnion's Nursery, [Er Agents for Cook's Sugar Evaporator. I_ -- Sorghurn or Chinese Sugar Cane Seed, of supe rior quality, always on hand. No. 127 Liberty Street. April 16, 1865-Iy• l'irrsau ruin, nowE SEWING MACHINE. INVENTED 1 8 45-IMPROVED 18G0. ADAPTED TO ALL KINDS OF MANUFACTUR- Sewing Equally as well on inns tins, Cloth and Leather. CORNER Or PENN & ST. CLAIR STREETS, April 16-Iyr. A. M. M'GREGOR, J. & H. V Nos 26 and 28 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. MANUFACTURERS Gre FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, TRANSPARENT; GREEN OIL CLOTHS, FURNITURE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, TAIII.E CLOTHS. CARRIAGE CLOTHS. Also, dealers in Leather Belting, Lace Leath er, Indian Rubber Belting,Hose Steam Packing, Tubing, Weat Drills Tubes, Clothing, and all other articles made of Indian Rubber, 4-c., 4 - c. Wholesale and retail buyers will had our stock largo well selected, and at the lowest prices. April 24, 1862—1 y. 3ELM3VIDCONTAILT-., JACOB KLEE, SIMON KAUFMAN, JONEFB KLR*. KLEE, KAUFMAN & CO., Manuhleturery and Wholesale Dealers in O "M' MC C&• No. SO. Wood street, nest door to corner of Fifth prrTsIIURGII, Pa. Always on hand, a large assortment of Cloths, ('anof meres, Vestings and Furnishing Goods. [Jan. 20 • _ ICNA.BEIS PIANOS. WILLIAM KNA,BE & CO. THE above Pianos from their Factory possess all the superior and latest improvements, including the AGRAFFE TREBLE. Overstoung. Improved Full Iron Frame, Felt Covered Hammers. &c. THALBERG, one of the most eminent pianists in the world. says "I have great pleasure in certify log that I have tried your Pianos, and find them equal, if not superior, to any in this country. Among their great qualities. which distinguish them, is the evenness of tone. the agreeable and easy touch, and volume of tone. Wishing you all the success you so highly de serve, I am, sir, yours truly, S. THALBERG." C. GROBC, the well known composer, Wilmington, Delaware. says that "they cannot be surpassed by any in the market." 114.._ Aden !Wulf. istrator. H. VIEUXTEMPTOI writes :—"1 was delighted en hear ing the clear and full tone of one ca your first class Pianos " Jibe above Pianos we warranted for five years, For sale by CHARLOTTE BLUME, No. 43 Fifth etreet,2d door above Wood at., Patterson's New Building. [Jan. 29, 1862. B 0 OK SE L LER, STATIONER, 3P' - x• I. xs. ta x• eb 3E3 i xl. cl e• T.. AND Manufacturer of Blank Books, No. 101 WOOD STREET, BETWEEN DIAMOND ALLEY AND FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Wrapping, Wall & Window Paper. CASH FOR RAGS. April IC, 1062-tiin. JOSEPH MEYER H. SON, Manufacturers of FANCY AND PLAIN FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. Warehouse, No. 135 Smithfield St., -Between Sixth Street and Virgin Alley, Nor. 13, MI ly. PITPSIIIIR(111. PA. H. D. BRECHT & BRO., Manufacturers of LOOKING GLASSES, PORTRAIT ANN) PICTURE FRAMES, Gilt and Imitation Rosewood Mouldings. Dealers in Wench Plate and Window Glass, 128 SMITHFIELD STREET, TIEMLER'S BLOCK, between Fifth and Sixth, 1.1 Pittsburgh, Pa. (.ity G taSti at Slatittfacturer's l'rices. Particular attention given to repairing Paint ings. Reguilding Frames and bmti»ess cards framed at wholesale price. Oct. 9, 'Stilt ly. DR. CALVIN KING, SURGEON DENTIST, 97 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURCiII, PA. riIEETH inserted in all the late styles, at 1 moderate prices, and satisfaction maran teed. cl. JAMES LOUGHRIDGE, (Successor to Loughridge & Maxwefl,) Manufacturer of Brushes, Looking Glasses, AND 4 012.1.1clare•sx's Coinicaaelmo, And dealer in Variety and House Furnishing Goods, &c., 72 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA January 29, 1802. HOME MADE SHIRTS R. IiITXXJ3Lai.EI,.WIt3 CON MANUFACTURER OF • SHIRTS, COLLARS, WRISTBANDS, BOSOMS, AND FURNISHING GOODS. No. 47, St. Clair Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. April 15—lyr. P. Revues. .1. 8. Revises. 11. D. RETMIiR. (Late at Miner & Dichotomies.) RETIRES & BROTHERS, (successors to Reymer Ar Anderson.) wrsoLassur DEALERa 131 FOREIGN rituiTs, Nuts, Confectionery, Sugars, Fire Works, &c., Nos. 198 sad 158 WOOD STREET, above Fifth, Late No. 39 Wood Street, PITTSSURGLI, PA. March It, 11362—em. EDWARD SPENCER, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 260 Liberty street, Nearly opposite Hand, PITTSBURGH, PA Oct. 9,1861:1y. THOS. C. LAZEAR, TTOXIMY .411 T LAW, NO. 63 GRANT STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA Sep. 11.1861 J. DE, DIVELROY, DIALS& 1M Insit- , 00 ING PURPOSES PITTSBURGH, Pa I=l Z. R. IXTELDIN 3 45404 lattartiso JOEIIF CIINNINGIIIA AI, Wholesale Dealer in FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 119 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURG. Will keep conalantly on hand Old Monongahela and Rye Whisky, Bran dies, Wines, Gins, &c., &C. January V, MY. Steam Cracker and Bread Bakery. W.C. MACKEY, Manufacturer of a Pt .111.. .13C RB. AND FAMILY BREAD & CAKES, Aro. 44 staithtteld st., near Third, Oct O. 1861:1y. PITTSBURGH`, PA. HENRY HIGBY, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE No. 122. Wood Street, East Side, Fourth Door above Fifth. HAS constantly on hand a complete assortmont of goods in his line, suited to the »ants of private fami lies, and country Merchants. Also, tine Vitrified Iron Stoneware, very durable, hir Hotels and Steamboats; Table Cutlery, Plated German Silver Tel. and Table Spoons, Forks and Castors, Tea Waiters and Trays I and a great variety of the cheapest and best Self-Sea/- nig Fruit Cans and Jars. ' 111. Rigby in sole kgent for and owner of PUTNAM'S PATENT CLOTIIEd WRINGER In and for Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. It is °tie of the greatest labor-saving inveentions of the day, and no hons,keeper sh o uld be without it. It is sold et It price within reach of all. April 16-Iyr. a". W. ‘7l74lOll3O7=l"MTEX.sia. 97 & 99 THIRD STREET, (NEXT TO BANK OF PITTSBURGH_, MANUFACTURER OF FT.? JEIL IV I IV TT MIL .7EI a --- SUPERB PARLOR Library, Dining Bed-roem Furniture KEPT CONSTANTLY ON RAND. ir,r - The largest assortment to be grin** thista% and will positively be avid at the LOWEST •nucia to suit the Outlet. Goods packed and shipped to dips,* Ifitie esulltry. April IC Ifirt2-Iy. J. T. CoLvor comm & MASON, 0031.16111510 N 11131,11,07341211211 tjD DDAL7ii Pt FLOUR, GRAIN,. WOOL AND PFteelitli NO. I.s T FIALI6 IY,CMK. OP POSIT E KEW. 804111. f/1115111.7 Ralf , A. April 1362.] TO HO MIIIIISSiTr& mks% HATS, CPS, AND STRAW WU - &floating, &c., AT trltendlifAXll, IVIICOAD & 131 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pft,e HAVE sow on hand s for thew Siring son a* largest and cheapest stszk of Hats, Cape, straw Ca s ed .Sliuker • lioNis. Palm -Leif I'B4 And all the new styles of !Masi:B' and LADING' ATS to be found in any city, which they as pupal* to sell lower than they tan 'be purchased elarterbesseee Please call and examine our stosk. 31'cOgb fr. 00., April la, 1862,1 y. Ilanstfactuuseni ST. CLAIR HOTTIL, CORNER OF PENN do ST. CLAIR STRRETRIs J. N. ANDERSON, PROPRIETOR. —Cheap Rills, and Bond fare. Stililing fkrr asp mita rof horses. Apr 16-41. - - - ST. NIC 8 )LAS ZIOTEL. CORNER GRANT AN!) 4TH STREET. PITTSBIJEGII, FEU L, Proprietor. Aim! 3. R. R. BULGER. Manufacturer of every description of .1E• T_T FL PT X irz. "cr XIL. , NO. 45 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PINN'A A full assortme At of PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURED FURNITUIR - Countantly on hand, which I will tell at um knotwit prire: for casll. Aug. 21, ISO —ly. RUSH 110US141, M. RUSH, Proprietor, IS o. 397 Liberty St., near Pa. R. R. Depot PITTSBURGH, PA. house has been lately enlarged, refitted ado 1 re fovishril, and is now in the hest of order das the accommodation of boarders and travelers. 'ri m itEsT or OVSTERS RBI FIVE!) DAILY, Sold wholesale and reit . 1, or served up in every style. The delicacies of the 6C48011 always on hand, together with superior brands of Liquors, &s. Oct. 9, 1861:1y. ROOFING ROOFING I (4EAVEL, CEMENT AND CANVASS ROOTING, DONE ON SHORT NOTICE, • And In the most Durable Manner. HAvIN (-; the most competent wDrktneN in the Min who understand their business, we can safely say we can do work as cheap, and, if anything, better than any other firm in the city. Repairing done with atten tion and care. Materials for sale, with all the thins. Enquire at 75 Smithfield street. Jan. 29, B. F. 81:10PIL WALL PAPER,' 10 4 171xicicxvir /€3l3.a.clCoall. EVERY VARIETY—LOWEST PRICES. JOHN J. DEZOIJCHE, 112 WOOD STREET, CORNER STD., • • PITTSBURGH, PA. Green and Buff Oil Cloth 111 , 4 Blinds.. Cord, Tassels, and Curtain Trimmings of every description. ♦lao, Ai fine assortment of Gilt Cornices. 'eent. li. Ibfil. '7O 110 yMY 11% (Succesxnr to G. Pan! & Co.) Pittsburgh Steam Refined • CANDY MANUFACTORY, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Foreign and Donteslic Fruits, Nuts, Pickles, Pmemes, risrolines, Catsupc Fire Works, 6r.s, No. is 7 LIBERTY 8111E67. Feb. 26, 1862. PITTSBURGH, PA. THOMAS LRAM", 4suerlEBSOß TO JAMES LEMON,) Manufacturer and Dealer in rtraiszir viitz! r i by AU. KINDS, Sole Manufacturer of WELLS' PATENT SPRING BEDS. 118 t Fourth •tree!, rittabuggh, Nov. 13, 1861-Iy. • J. ILL FAG/1111ED. Jim N. lawria. FACE:LISS & IRW/L. blanufactufers of every description of M ".II : 72I .3gIrAL i t—TIFLIEL NO. tO3 SMITHFIELD STII:EiIT. PITTIMRG PA. A fill assortment of Pittsburgh . Minufac U tured H, ,Fut niture constantly on hand, which we will sell at the lowest price FOR CAL, which is our only tema.r Sept. 11, 1861—IV: S. 13. 8; C. P. .MAIflCt E. M A MIIFACTURERE AND DRAIJOIS IN BOOR., *P r .., LAI T A, A NI) all lands et t. PAriR Dave missy _a. Id from NO. 9T woosbinerm to 1.. 83 its•ett inionoittica. PA. Cash (17 "or Tradefor Bar. Nov. IS. lall4/1 i• • : 8 JOHN Nllora
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers