.14apy 1001)04aktiesaleasibber who i,ftkal--4 1 40 e (148ghteat olA,bis knee al, altd donghtit'ffer -"with sot, *simple et my, cannot be persuaded to carry the same style and the same power into his church, or even the lecture room. We believe there it not a pastor who cannot, if ho wilt gave himself to the work in earnest and in the love of souls, come down to to the level, and win the delighted interest of every clela of common in telligence in his congregation. And they who mite this complaint of inca pacity, are the very men w'io most need, for theirriselvee and the people at large, the ben'eflt of the work. It would infiise new life nod freshness into the stiff propriety of their dis courses. It would give flexibility and vivacity to their whole manner of address. It would increase the prac *36 ilinstrntion in sermonizing. It would, indirectly, greatly aid the Sabbath school. It would more deep ly interest parents in the spiritual Welfare Of their children, and suggest to them interesting modes of convey ing truth. Any pastor who will. by collecting facts and anecdotes from .the newspapers and from his genekal reading, gather material for this la bor, will be surprised to find how lit tle labor will enable him to interest an audiencoof children. The writer has as large an attendance at the Sab bath evening service for children as at any other'dtding the day; while, with the aid of 'a well-stocked scrap book, hielreparation for that ser vice is raade -in an hour. It is, moreover, tbe testimony of every pastor 'd in this work, thatthe most MoAtigent adults hi his congre gation are aot less interested in these simple and folly illustrated addresses taut t>e ehildreth it is noteworthy that our Lord, when discoursing to the scribes and learned doctors of the law, made hardly less use. of parables than when instructing the common people. "A good illustration is an argument ;" and it is also a power to force. the truth irresistably home. if Ampt.paszep, wined :multiply the stroneraitosisatween himself and his people,-ithe would extend his influ ence over them, if he would win the gratitude of every parent in his leatioit,a.bove all, fulfil the Mas c.. 'venetian, "Feed my Roultturgi him to enter at once, and in earnest, on this most deligh :60 .iewardin g work. = Coag .f MW% FOR YOUNG YEN. Postly apperatus and splendid cab inettl'have no magical power to make e n a=ra. circumstances, as a lend*" trott, the muter of hie own forttine, so is he the maker of his own mind. The Creator has con ,stitut#4,oo humAn intellect, that it can grow Onll Wits own action, and by its own action it must certainly andns,pgeetviarilszrow. Every man muse, `Jdietibler* l7 ilf intortant 50na04444 „ . m . ,eejt His, Woks gAiitleWh'efte 11* . Kit bei t rfa; the work is his. ,4.4aan is not educated until be has the ability to summon, in chose 6f ifethitgetittf, Wit hts nnnital power in vigorous exercise, to effect his proposed object. It is not the man who bas seen 'the most, or who bamead thautost, who can do this; INUSI Ohaill is danger of being house down like a, beast of burden, by an , maim of other - men's thoughts. Nor is it a man that can boast merely of native vigor end ca pacity. Tii'Vkreatest of all tge war riors that went to the siege of Troy had the pre-eminence not because na ture had given hint strength, and he carried the largest bow, but self-dis cipline had taught him how to bend Webster. THE FAMILY DAY. f' Talking of 'families' and 'family love' and 'family gatherings,' where would they all, be if' it were not for a Ismjty day ?'" said a working man. "What do you' mean ?" I asked. 1 "1:. mean," he replied. "that the Lord's id ezr is thee lthilly ii: y.' Why, I and thouaands of working men I would hardly know our own child- I ten, if it were o f for that blessed day which bi „ s us altogether.— We are off in the morning before the little ones are up, and when we set • twee at night they are mostly gone to, bed, or they are tired, and so are we, and it's not ^ery much we can know of one another at the fag end of the week ; but when that best dajrponnes that's all our own then we Ain - gather together round the table or fireside, and talk to one another, and we can go the house of God together, and thank him that he has given as one day in seven as e holy, blessed 'family day." SPWEING MEI DEATII.---Influ ence is more than a creature of time. Men speak after they are dead. Of others than Abel the declaration it appropriate. "Re being dead, yet speaketh." The pious and good are the salt of the earth and the light of the world; they are waymarks and stars that direct and attract others in the right 'day. So is now the Christian surrounded by a cloud of avitnesses, who stimulate him by iheir example to be good. This influence does not cease with this life. In many instances unquestionably the influence of the good upon the Jiving is greater after than before death. - &Wm Ltris in Vain. God ims writts, on the flowers that sweeten the sir ; ea the breeze that soths the flowers upon the stem; upon the rain drop OS refreshes the sprig of moss that lifts its head in the desert;' upon its d.ep chambers; upon every penciled sheet that sleeps in the caverns of the deep, no less 1 zurricir OPENED AsAne, than upon the mighty sun t h at warms nine u miens' tied would inform tl4e and w and cheers millions of creatores which vs . i rF : ' M a t t) i r e ia laila o l he m L P R A Y lire in its light; !pan all His works ; niay Oa a 4141 1 that line. w W . . pAYg dies wricte* •q 4 . lotteprFth for hituaari. ir a vainaw, 111ay7,111 , 111. "ftiptillt; IhtMl o lWit 'MIS* SS`zwx="3 at Law, Wayaistgbeurg, P. pROMPT - attention given to the collection of Pen stone. Iliiingjeu, te. 'Bittuinese of all kinds 401h:- heti Offlce iu Second Story SAYERS' BUILDING, East of elle Doha. lines,. lite9/3011 UP. ALL persons indebted to the subscriber, by note or Book Account, are requested to cell and settle by the lot of November nett. A I a or tints unsettled at that date, will be halt whit an offid'er for collection.— ^A word to the wise- is sufficient " This is the first public call t have made on nti customers for money since I d nimidenceo business . Sept. 3, la Administrator's Notice T ETTERS Of administration bat Ina' been granted to LA the undersigned, upon tine estate of ifiSTA II at.. ,ate Cutith.rland fp., notice is hereby git at .4 a I persons k noriing ihemeelt t in d.•hte . to said estate to ak e itarediate payment, to the 'andel - stetted. end those Waving rtnimeagninst the same. will present them properly authentneated for set tlement. RE! DOWLIAT. Aug 20, 'O2-ot. RAIN 1)0111'1.1N, Adnere. HOPE FOUNDRY, ..13z-cpc‘rxusixt 7ea,. TIIONI AS FA UI.I. & SONS, at their Foundry on Water street, Brhigenort. I'a., •tear the C. P. Church, are prepared to furnish Engines and Machinery for Saw and Grist Mills, Oil Wells, Tanneries, &c Fancy Iron Railing for yards, balconies. cemeteries, &c., al ways on hand 1.. r made to on.er on short notice PIOUgn Castings, and Castings of ail kinds Sept. It. 1861-Iy. 4 ;11-= ti. LETTE testa o pientary on tire Estate of ANDREW LANTZ. Jr . deed, late or Franklin township. Greene county. having been granted to the tonics signed, all poisons indebted to said Estate are request ed to snake immediate pa.) went. and all Paying claims against said Estate are requested to present them prop stay authmiticateO (Or settlement. AUTHUR I PORTER, Execu tors. MARY LANTZ, July 30, 1862 TREASURER'S NOTICE. • Persons having business with t'e County Treasurer are infornied that heitlay he found at his milleeln the Court House at Waynesburg on the let and 3d Nlonnsys and TUESDAYS of every month. J. P. RANDOLPH, Treasurer. April 23., 1862. Administrator's Notice. LETTERis of Administration having been granted to the undersigned, upon the estate of MEIGHER RINEHART, dec'd., or Centre township. notice is her by given to all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate to make imitiedi e payment. to the undersigned, and these having claims against the same, will present them duly authenticated for settle ment. SAMUEL. RINEHART, Sept. 3, 1862. Administrator. 11W RES itT OLD HIM MINOR & 00 „ AT ME FARMERS' AND MECHANICS EXCHANGE, ARE now opening the largest assortment of Dry Goods to be found in the (-minty. which will pos itively be sold at the Lowest Prices to suititte times. Their stock of SPRING Sc SUMMER DRY GOODS Is crignpliste, elongating evetything usually kept in this mark t, and a little more LADIES' DRESS GOODS. - - - The choicest selection of New and Beautiful Dress Goode, new style, very rich. In fact, everything to suit the ladies. _ _ MEN'S WEAR Clothe, Cassbneres, Vestings, Tweeds, and every thing hi the staple and fancy goods HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS! Sonnets, Shaker Hoods, ?aim-Leaf Hats, comprising all the new stylea. which will be sold low. BOOTS AND SHOES. - - - - - - Every description of Boots, Stows and Gaiters. for Man, women, Misses. boy's, youth's and children's wear, in great profusion. MOURNING GOODS, &•c. A full stock of Mourning, House keel:nog, Fashiona ble Millwery Goods. Notions, &c. GROCERIEs, HARDW A sE, QUEENSW ARE. Family Groceries constantly on hand, at the lowest prices. Fish, Salt, Hardware and Queenswars. The public are resitectfully invited to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Waynesburg, April 30, 1602 MINOR A. CO. EOSHIMKA LODGE, No. 6 , 85 I. 0. F. 11fEET in Waynesburg, in Allison's Hall, opposite the Court House, oil Thursday evening of each week, at 71. o'clock. OFFICERS: 11. L. BBAREES, P.G T. I. PORTER, N. G. NORMAN WoRLEY, E.G. I. F. TEMPLE, Sec'y. B. P. llsruirricron, Treas. W. A. Eciarart. Chaplain. Nov 6 1861. HAMMTOPI HOUSE, Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa. S. IMRTZELL, Proprietor. 7IIE subscriber respectfully informs his friends that he has taken this well known 1 lo.'se where he is prepared to accommodate travellers ind others, with gondand substantial meat, drink, dn.. He will spare in, pains or attention in rendering his guests comfbrtable and happy during their sojourn with hint, not forgetting to give due attention to their horses and carriages, Ate. 8. HARTZELL April 10,-I'o 44—tf ADAMS HOUSE, Waynesburg, Greene County,' Pa. JACOB LEMLEY, PROPRIETOR. T known Hotel has been refitted in new I. style by its present pr,prietnr, who takes this op portuttity of informing the travelling public that he it fully prepared to accommodate tbem with the hest the market .fforle, besides giving them cotwortable quar ter.; and beds. La" lie has also fine stabling for any nu inher of hor sec Waynesburg, April 16. 1662. WOOL CARDING. 11017 M. RC) EL AT TWO WAYNEABURG TEAM MILL, has fitted up his CARDING MA (Aar:Es it/ fine ruder and secured the services of a competent as- imam for the purpose of CARDING WEn)L. De respectfully Solicits t h e rat. onar of the Wool growing public and a.sures them that every care will be taken to do work in a scientific manlier. May 21, .862. WAYNESBURG STEAM MILL. WM. ROGERS resperiftilly inform his friends and the public Ow he has teased the NEW STEAK MILL at Way neshu Pa., where ! * will always be found ready to arconionidate all who may call on the ei."rrest a Grinding done on the same terms as by water mill!. FLOUR and FEED kept constantly. on hand. Orders for either till be lift at the Millnr at Yewor's store. (Jan. 27. 1662 TOBACCONISTS. 1100 & HAGER, Manufacturers: and whnlesale and retail dentersin TOMCCO. Seg:101 and tined. 4egar Cases, Pipes, &r., Wilson's (Ad Building. Main street. Sept 11, 1861-Iy. • WATMEINS AND TAINTELRY S. M. BAILY, Main acreokose door Bast of the old Bank Building. keeiat lawart nA horfid a large and elegant agnottment of Watzhes and Jewell?. Elj'Repairing trf Clock, Watches and Jewelry wil receive prompt attention. (Dec. 15, 1861— ly rouNnaY. DUNN & DOWNEY, At the Waynesburg Foundry, on Greene street, keep cotittatitty on band Cooking and Parlor Stoves Orates, Plough Castings. an d Cawings of all kinds. tent. 11, Isel-Iy. SANK. A MERS' 'MOVERS' BANK, iiinosburfig. C A BLACK. i'reet. J. LAZEAR, Cashier romcouwr WEPNESDAY Sept. 11, 1861—Iy. SADDLES Amu HARNESS. SAMUEL M'A LLISTEIt, frarriina and Trunk Maker. WO flank build lug, ilalasteeet. des. 11144-10. DM MILILIWWWAN UTU Ilteopesdelly isai knitted fit Waynesburg, Pa., Wbere be OWNS to. osiursfac4upt CarrAages' at *goy Desetiptiofi. From hisexperleace in the lousiness, 131 feels confi dent his wait will give entire estleaction He will use no low priced material, in any part orbit Work, and will not employ' any but superior workman. All new work will be Warranted for One Year. shopon Greene street, one square South of theeourt ouse, Waynesburg. Jan. 23, 1860--no 34. CABINET MAKING. JAMES GANIER & CO., Would respectfully inform titter friends and the pu lic that they have now on hand a good assortment art kinds of GEO. 110SKINSON 0 AIinTIIT WARE, aarh as is usually kept iu shops in this part of the mutt try, made of the best materials, and by the best work They still keep a hearse, and are, at all tinve4, prepared to attend promptly to funerals, either in mown Of country. Waynesburg, January 24. ledo—ly. The undersigned would respectfully inform the Pub lir that he is now prepared and maim torturing Ca:Lai-vac> t Ware, uch as BUREAUS. TABLES, BEDSTEADS and every thing in that tine. Ile also wishes it understood that be keeps a Hearse and makes coffins, and is pre pared to attend calls in WWI) or rountrY. at any hour SAMU El. .1 E EL. Waynesburg. Oct. Vi. ISM!. !AMU RIMY & CORECTIOIERY. Two doors East of •'llessenger" Buildings Matn Street, Wounesburg, Pa. ISAAC HOOPZR, RESPECTFULLY announces to his ,friends and the public generally, that he has ust opened an entirely new stock of FAMILY GROCE.RIES, of a superior quality, selected with an eye to the wants of the community. He Hatters himself that his stock is all prime and fresh. bought at low prices. and will be sold accordingly. Ile keeps every article pertaining to an establishment of this kind, and hopes to merit a share of the. patronage. His stock is comprised in part of the following: Teas, Coffees, N. 0., crustie 1 and Pulverized Sugars Molasses, Starch, Soda, Cream Tartar, Salt, Pepper, Candles, Crackers, Snaps, Tobacco. Also, a superior variety of Cigars, and all other articles ueually kept in a Grocery. CONFECTIONA. KIES. His Confectionary Department is supplied with a va riety of Candles, Cakes, Raisins, Drops, Chocolate. F.,r eigii and Domestie Fruits. Also, a variety of Notions which will he sold as low as they can he had at any oth er establishment in town. Country produce taken in exchange for goods. Give him a call, at the new store room, near the Messenger publication room May In. 185 I); n 0.50. MARBLE AND STONE WORKS. SAXER: , & Practical Marble & Stone (' Weis. Third Door east of the. Court Souse, Main street. Ni'!MUG they Race, ani keep nit hands a i d aa e l att 'lane os irt rut f 44 4 I,WiATIB E WORY4, At andlai.irrgnemanle Asuch as m numeids, tombs, lab :e:- t grave stones, of every v ariety tad style . moi , '> Particular attention paid to cart ing, which will he done by as good workmen as can he Ind anywhere in the biomes, as one of the firm has ti practically engaged in the business for twenty-five years.and the other eighteen years. They ti met them selves they cannot be surpassed in point of skill ac .d taste by any in the west. Persons wishing al3 (mug in our line can have it furnished to any place desired to lower rates than any other establishment in the conbtry . Persons can save 20 per cent by purchasing of All kinds of building work done in either inutile oi tone. SAILIts , & Itli3l.llARl Waynesburg, May 20, 1857-110.2 !REUSE ill EIS' 111 DIR TILE undersigned respectfully informs the generous Public, that having the contract for the carrying of the mail between the above poirts, he has placed upon the route two new and commodious Hacks for the ac commodation of the travullng community, One will leave the Hamilton House, Waynesburg, every morn ing. Sundays excepted, at. if o'clock, and will arrive at fticee' Landing in time for the Boat to Pittsburgh, the other will leave It ices' Larding at the same time and arrive in Waynesburg at noon. No pains will be spared for the accommodation of passengers, TIMOTI I P DOUG HER, Proprietor. August 7th, 1861, no. O. Geneses, Forwarding and COMMISSION MERCHANTS Rices' Landing, G reene c o ., P a . Are prepared with the largest and best Grocery and Forwarding Rooms in the I for all goods on eon siginnent. and alSo GOOD WAREHOUSES, on the bank of the river, convenient for boats to land, for storing all kinds of produce, foP shipment to Pitts burgh, or toe Eastern cities, on the most reasonable terms They hope by strict attention and long, experienee, in businesm,to receive a liberal share of patronage. In addition to the above, they will keep on hand gooe assortment of FRESH GROCERIES. from the head of market, at wholesale prices, to accom modate all who will favor them with their patronage, April 11, 1860. The above gentlemen give notice to the public. that by the death ufa former partner,the late firms of Stro snider & Sedgewicks, and Sedeewicks & Co., have been dissolved. and the business connected therewith must he s;•tiled wit.; them; and hereafter the above bu,iness will be continued aid promptly attended to by the above ti nn. Also, Leather, Shoe Findings, &c. as well as s good assortment of Mill Saws will he kept on hand. All up Commission most be pant before the goods are removed. March f, I;6l—no39—Pin. rtfirsen. ROBERT REYNOLDS, Proprietor, Jefferson. Greene County. Pa. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and ih, travelling public, that he has taken charge of the Natio•t al ftouse,and is amply prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. ROBT. REYNOLIP.i. Jefferson, Greene county, Pa., April 28. 'sB—nolin I. THOMAS, JEFFERSON. GREENE I TII , N*I V. PA Rept. 11461—1 Y. 1150 BEST PIANOS, IN GROVESTEEN & MILE, AVING removed to their new waliefOrinri, No. 1.1 418 Broadway. are now prepped t. offer ha public a maittlifirent new MAW mu 7 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO. containing all improvements known in this country• or Europe. overstrung bass. French grand action. harp pedal. lull ir frame for $l5O CASH, Warranted for 5 Years. nil It moulding cases. $175 to $2OO, all vi airs tiled made of the best seasoned material, and a. stand belts r than any sold tbr salo by the old meth ods of manufacture We invite the best judges to ex swine and try these new instruments, and we ataud ready at all times to test them with soy others manu factured itt this country. EILOVESTEEN & HALE. June 11,'62-31nos. 478 Broadway New York. 1111.ADFf.PIf1A—fin the I Mel of the Sick and A. Distressed, afflicted with Ptealtnt and CAronse Duesses, and especieby Diseases of the Sexual Or fawn. Medical Advice riven Gratis be the Artini Su i'geon. t Valuable REPORTS on SI S I I IRAIATtift HIZA or SEMINAL ta EAKINEtIS. and (ober Diseases of the Sexual Orgal,,, and on the NSW 431122EMES tin pktyed in the Dispennry, sent in littakd 'e wer enV O opee, frre of charge. Address .. pi: J. MULLIN I I (JOG UV*. ftoNatd AliencAllk_ No. 2 South Nip* 112,42, Mb& rs: - • 95411161-Iy, LOOK AT Til IS. WAYNESBULG DAIbY MAR, HACK RUNNING REGI'LARLIf BETWEEN OUGUES* OLIVER, S. AL Z. SEDGIVICito Grocers and Commission Merchants, RILLS' P.l INGERABIE HOUSE, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, *anew tvwfdr2nt4ll4•lllA Irs THE AN 08 L DV RAMA STRUMENT an d & int JON.H.B4W Lim "vice*. Off *vat the &nes. PIANO FORTES OF ALL SIZES AND STYLES, WITH OUR PATENT INSULATED IRON RIM AND FRAME -AND OVERSTRUNG BASS, Containing Every Real Improvement These instruments are far Superior to any other Piano Fortes made. for durnhility, puriry. and sweetness of tone. perf. , eti,m ofelasik touch, and for keening in tune FULLY WARRANTED FOR 5 YEARS. :T7 Send for Descriptive Cirt'ulars, givitur prices and every infnrrnatinit. Satiofartion guaranteed, or money and expensee refunded. BOARDMAN, GRAY & CO., Albany, N. V. .luly, 3nth, )862.-Iy. TO GENII GROUTERS. A? person or persons wishing to purchase a good Cane Crusher and Evaporator, would do will to call on SAMUEL HEATON for them, as he has the agency for selling Cook's celebrated sugar F.vapontnr and mill. Those wishing to purchase had better nay soon the manufacturers will soon be so throng that it will he difficult to supply the demand Address the uncle-signed at Hunter's Cave, Greene county. Pa. July :Mins* Si MI, HEATON. Vittsburg, PITTSBTJRGH ALTICTION mr.cxurerm. REGULAR DATIY SALES at and S &Hock., a. the SI ASONIC HALL AU( TION HOUSE, Nn 5. fifth Street, of Prints, Delaines, Dress Goods, Ky. Jeans, Sathiettes, Cassimeres, Table Cloths, Towels. Linens, Umbrellas, Hoop Skirts, Table and Pocket Cutlery. Yankee N. dons, •Ric. BOOTS, sIJOEs & GAITERS at Private Sale tiering the day and evening. All Goods Warranted .as Represented. T. A. MCCLELLAND. Auctioneer. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. AN ORGAN MELODEON, WITH FOUR STOPS AND TWO RANKS OF KEYS OF 5 OCTAVES 'AMIE ABOVE INSTRUMENT has been in use in a 1 private family less than two yews, and is in ex cellent order in evert respect. The stale of furniture i, very handsome, and equal to the best made Pianof o rte Manufacturer's prase; ,52, , ..00 in Roston; for sale now fu calf, by JOHN IL MELLOR. nl Wood Street. AfASON & HAMLIN'S ROF4TON MELODEONS AND HARMONIUM'.—THE Setlool, HAR MONIUM, the o ct nsetill, elegant best and cheapest instooneot ever invented for the use of schools lee tore rooms, village churches, vestries, etc., etc.. etc. Price. $ yD 5 Octave Double Reed Melodeons 150 5 Octave Piano style Melodeons iota 5 Octave Portable Melodeons. 75 1 Octave Portable Melodeons A splendid selected lot of the above instruments just received direct from the manufactory in Distort, and for sale Sty JOIIN IL MELLOW SI lVood Sireet. A liberal discount to Clergymen and Teachers. April 16. 5662 lv. --- Zr.._ NEW PIANOS Now receiving a new supply of Piano Fortes from Chiekc.iring & Sons, Boston, Hazleton Brothers, New York; Hallett, Davis & Co., Boston; George Steek, New York. and Haines Brid hers, New York. all or which will be sold at Eastern Factory orir es. 4011 N li. MELLOR. SI Wood street, between Diamond :Anil Fourth SECOND HANDED PIANOS At 525, 5'50, *BO. 5,75, SIN, X 125, and :5150, for site by JOHN 11. 31111 Li OIL SI lAtiod Street April 'JAL it I PRACTICING PHYSICIAN. HIS system is Eclindic, connected With UIV.SCOPIA Ile has paid particular attention to the study of this "OM German Mode" of distinitni..hing diseases., and respectfully solicits those living at a distance lahor mg under "chronic atrections,"•iliat have Hot hems cured because perhaps their diseases vvere not tiler stand, to send bun a vial of their urine fm examioa tinn, and the necessary ...edirines can be sent them. Office and residence, 1:32 .(4raid street, l'i May 28, 1862:If. NEW SPRING GOODS 3. M. North-East Corner 4th & Market Streets PITTSBURGH, PA. JusT RECEIVED, AND HAVING DETERMINED TO CLOSE OUT NMS ENTIRE STOCK DAB NIA DE GREAT REDUCTION.B Fancy silks for 50 cents worth Fancy silks for i.l/0 worth Fittltrmiletsit v.ithars I'm. Sit Wllllll Embroidered stilts fir 1,00 wollll " Or 3,00 worth NEWEST STYLES SPRING Dims:4 GOODS, Best make of Calicos for Yard and a quarter We:wiled muslins for 12 This stock will he found full in all departments, and illeaposi VI est of the mountains. Avril TH E GREAT CAUSE Ole XXT.T.MAN .Inst Published in a Sealed Enrelop; Pries Six Cents. A LECTURE, BY DR. CULVERWELL. ON THE .11 CA UsE AN D CURE of Speimatmthrea, Con sumption. Mental and I'hysic•al Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy, Impaired NUtrilion of the Body. Lassitude. Weakness of the Limbs and the Back, Indisposition, and Inc.maeity for Siudy and Labor, Dullness of Ap prehension. Loss of Memory, Aversion to Society. Love of Solitude. Timidity, Self-Distrust. Dizziness, Headache. Affections of the Eyes. Pimples on the Face. Involuntary Emissions, and Sexual Incapacity, the Consequences of Youthful Indiscretion, &c. IL Thisadmirable Lecture clearly proves that the above enumerated, often self-afflicted evil, may he re moved without litedicifie and wuhout dangerous surgi cal operatiot.s, and should he read by every youth and evert man in the laud. tient under feat to any address, in a plain sealed envelop, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing Dr. Ulf ASA. C. KLINE. 127 flow ery • New York. Post Office Box 4:038 April 15, IFsl—iy. KOLLOCK'S DANDELION COFFEE. rtNIIIS preparation, .!.ade front the best Java Coffee, j. is TP(011111/1"1111e1i by physician, as a NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia and all bilious dis Orders. Thousands who have been compelled to abandon the use of entire, will use this without in jitriotts effects. One can t nittailts the strength of two pounds of ordinary .oliee. Price 25 trots. larh.oO3.3LC:r C1K. 7 151 3E-54017.191i..131... Tln pmest and best AnKING l'I)),1 DER known. for tnakilag - light, sweet and nuiritinus bread and cakes. Prim 15 corns Matintarturett by M. 11. KOLLOCK, 11,enlist, cornet of Broad and fission streets, PUMA DELPHIA, and SOLD HI ALL DKUCt:ISIS AND GROCERS. =El= DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. T"partnership heretofore existh.g between the un dersigned. in the ••Furnnure fitt,iness," under the fine of ATEN & PHELAN, is this d.ty dissolved mutual russet, The business of the lirtn will be set tlrd at their warehouse by Mr. Alen, he being author ized to settle in the saw of the first ELI ATEN. - Z. W. PHKLA%. 11173LNITURM. rtifF. undersigned wilt mill continue the manufacture j of ;At knot. of e urniture, and reopecttulty itoiiCild a ctudinumo.e !he -patronage so generruely extended the hue firm. COVl*lN , " , kilt he rumba/id wit' the greatest possi bleifirasyleil:;rilsri,lire, Auust. 12, 18122. 11,1.1 ATNN. To all Persons Interested. 9 -, HE fieCraPt . .. f the *.et.ior pnitner in the late firm of JL MlX%i,it at II). meatus it neeessary that the affairs of the vollectzi sliould be settled immediately. All per gong indebted h, not e o r link account, are therefore idqueliWd to rah withuntt (Nay and Itquidste their ill. dente seer. if they would tan thedsetvee MAW and DIMON 4 . 00. WVAllaullatillY %Mgt - 31111E•CULT-al.Ji 01WAS CARVET STORE ; NO. 87, FOURTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. SPRING 8171.388 or 1862. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, FLOOR RUGS, HEARTH RUGS, MATTS, AT LOWEST RATES FOR CASH. April l6—Smaii. FANCY AND STAPLE 11:1 R - sr Citr 0 0 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS JUST RECEIVED. NO. 41, SMITHFIELD ST., CORNER OF THIRD. PITTSBURGH, PA. April l6—Orrio9. J. F. fizcxmAN BECKMAN & LONG, Wholesale Retail Dealers in Agricultural & Farming Implements Agents for the Buckeye Mower awl Reaper, Wood's Mower and Iron Harvester, and Etoetstock a: Amman's ursery, ifEcAgents for Cook's Sugar Evaporator. 11j,ri,'orglinin Chinese SI war Cane Seed, of supe rior quality, always on hand. No. 127 Liberty Street, Prtn.BrUGH, PA. April 16. 1962-Iy HOWE SEWING MACHINE. INVENTED 18.15—IMPROVED 1860. ADAI TEL) To ALL KINDS OF MAINCFACTUR- Sewing Equally as well an runs lins, Cloth and Leather. CORNER OF PENN & '6 F. CLAIR N'TREETs, April IC,- -Iyr. J. & HILLIPS. Nos :26 and tit. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa FLOOR 011, U1.0T11:5, TRANSTARENT GREEN CLOTIIs:, FURNI I'I.RE 011, (I,OTlfB, WEN. VOIV sIIADES. TABLE GIL ;ARM kGE .11so, dealers in Leather 134 in La , e L,ath er, Indiau Rabbet 8,11111.1, , , Hose Sleam Packing. Wheat Tubes. CloAing, and all of articles made of Indian Rubber, 4 c., 4c. Whnln,ale and retail find oursturk larffr well selected, and at the I,,weri. prier April 9.4. MIL IVZ c) "Er AL 3r_i, .1 COll KI.LE, K.4IUFMAN & CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in LOT2_ AT Gr No. SO. Woad street. next d.oor to corner of Filth, P11"I'SBURGII. l'a. Always On hand, a large assortment of Clot iI9. Cast ineres, Vestings and Furnishing Goods. pan. 29. P. 1101'!FEI!. .1. S. RI:I'SFR (Late at Miller & Ricketson'e REYMER & BROTHERS, (Snores-ore to Reymer & Anderson.( DEALCIIS I d f FOREIGN Sugars, Fire Contectionerv, Fire Works, & c Nos. 126 and 128 WWl') STREET, above Fifth No. 29 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. March 11, 1862--6 on. ,0 // (Ay - rays the entire cost for Tuition in the most popular and successful C0111111P1V1:11 Srhool in the coutry. lip wards of TWELVE HUN DK ED young men from TWENTY EMIIT different States have lieen educated fo, business here n ithin the past three years, some of whom have been employed :is 11.1ok Keepers at salaries of $2,000 Per Annum!, upon araduatiug, wilt - , knew nothing olac voimtt , tti h«n they elitereil the , f,liege. 1' St inisre t' eons hall . price. Students enter at alp, that:. al II review when they please Wiitlinti extra For t 'ataiiigne of e 6 pages, Specimens of Prof. COW ley's lllNine , s and firriniecntal Penmanship. and a large engraving of the thiliege, enclose twenty -fine cents to level stamps to the Print JENKINS & Pitishuigli, Pa. Srpt. 11, I~fil KNABB'S PIANOS. 1.2,5 , 1.2' 1.50 8,00 WILLIAM KNABI & CO. Tim above Pianos from their Factory possess all the I . superior and latect Illiprovvtiwirts t iuciudiug the Overst ug. Improved Full 11,11 Fr.ttee, Felt Covered Hammers. &r. TH ALUERG. one of the most eminent pianists it: the world. says : have great pleasure iu certifi mg that I have tried your Pianos, and find them equal, if not superior, to any in this countr . Am o ng their great qualities. which dist legs ish then}, ia the evettnes•' of tone, the agreealtle and easy tuch, and volume of tone. Wishing you all the slit:cot:a you so highly serve. I am. sir, yours it uly, S. Tll_lJ.BhßG.•' Gamic. the well known composer Wilmington, Delaware. says that "they cannot be su r passed by any in the market." VIEVXMAPTS writes :—"I was delighted on hear ing, the dear aur• I'4lll i ne 4 , 10ne or your first class Pianos " 117 - Th. , above Pianos we warranted for rive yeara. For sale by CHARLOTTE BLUME, No. 43 Fifth street,tht door abwve Wood at.. Pattersows New Botiding. Pan. 29, 186'1 BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, Priaster as 23 az. cl e• r. Nanufacturer of Blank Books, No. 101 WOOD STREET, BETWEEN DIAMOND ALLET AND Firm STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Wrapping, Wall & Window Paper. CASH FOR. RAGS. April 16, Vi 0:1-091. HOME MADE SHIRTS R. N7II7XLAT-at.AILMAIIICON SHIRTS, COLLARS, WRISTBANDS, BOSOMS, AND FURNISHING GOODS. No. 47, St. Clear Street, PITI'SBIeIII64III., PA. April 16-Iyr. LIG firr S LIGHT : LIGHT LAMP AND OIL STORE, N. B 2 FOURTH STREET , PITTSBURGH. PA IA M prepared to furnish deaers with the best quail ty of lefisoed Carbon Oil, as the lowest market price ; also Burning Fluid , Camphene. Benvde, Alco hol, &e. 1 have abloom head and for mileat wiholasale, and retail, a great variety of Lamps, Chandeliaat Pendants, Bracket., Globes, Chininies, Shades, Wieks, Cans. &c., together with everything pertaining to the Lamp trade. Churches sapplie.d with fixtures and oil • ou the most favorable twins. Orders respectfully se P. nAImEN. rsov• 28, 1&31-ern. THOS. C. J.AZEAR, ATTIPAIIPT AT &WV, . so. to alfarr sravk r. - ' IMPL W * PITTABUROH, PA. I Ames. MEM J. M. WELROY. DEALER IN VENRY R. I.osu 104:*0 INO PURPOSES PITT*'BURCaI, PA A. M. wr;;;Ecola, AGENT NAN ER.; OF SIMON KAUFMAN, EMZEEMEI MEMIZEI 035",C000 I= TREJi/,1 =1 3. 8.. VITELDIN, IMMI MAN UFACTUR.IR OF EMT RIGBY, iMPOETER AND DEALEJ., CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, No. 1221. Wood Street, East Side, Fourth DooPabove BAR constantly on hami a complete assortment of goods in his line.suited to the wants of private fami lies, and country merchants. Also, fine Vitrified Irani Stoneware, very durable, for lintels and Steamboats; Table Cutlery, Plated German Silver Tel. and Table Spoons, Forks and Castors, Tea Waiters and Trays ; and a peat variety of the cheapest and best Self-Seal ing Fruit Cans and Jars. High). i 3 sole tgent for and owner of PIrtNA NI'S PATCNT CLOTHES; WRINGER In and for Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. It i 9 one of the greatem labor-saving inveentioutt of the tidy, anti no InNur-,Mieeper should be without it. It is sold at tt price within reach of all. April 15-Iyr. Z. w. "C 717 CIP 3C/ 1017.E11-2 T-4 97 k 99 THIRD STREET, (NEXT TO BANK Ole PITTSBURGH, M 17FicTr Eft OF 301E7 ..I%T X !V lIC MEI _LIIL lit: Ire. Mil 0 sUPERB PARLOR Library. Dining a; Bed-room Furniture KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. 'The I freest assortment to be found iu this city. all will positively be ,old at the LOWEST PRICES to suit the 'burs. CONOliti paci•pland shipped to all parts of the country April in, J. T. COLVIN. Joky.. N. NTANoN. COLVIN & MASON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DE tLETZS 15 FLOUR, GRAIN, WOOL AND PRODUCE, NO. 6. SIVIITHFIELD STREET. pOSITE MONONGAIIELA Pirl'SßU RG 11, PA April 16-Iyr 15C2.1 TO 10 ERICH iNTA. [ISS2 HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS rioNNETs, &c., AT K HOL Eji ALE.. M'CORD & CO,, (31 Wumi Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., y _EA VI.; now on hands for Own - Spring saleg the 1 I and rhea;wst st , wk of nal., Caps, straw Good j /White's. e) j t l ettkerOA HY'. , And all the new sI)I e of MISr4ES' and LADIES' tt AT' to he f mod in ao) city, et Ilk:: the:, tpe pupated It , Sr 1 Itltver they t.tu he purchast,i elsewhere.— , theacc call %lad eutlelne .au d.w k. A p;11 St CLAIR HOTEL, CORNER OF PENN & ST. CLAM STREL7', J. N. .'NI ER PRuPRIETOR 11 , :ap Bills. and grn. , ll faro, fr.r ar ~Cl:ffises. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, COR G 1 AN'!' AN!) 4TH STR EETs P LYN B RG 1.1., PA. FEM., Proprietor MEEI BULGER. Mattofattoser of even' description TT 1R INT r T-T NO 45 SNI ITU FIELD STREET. A full tFPnrtOlUlt of PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURED FURNITURE c•m,stahti ! , ou !laud, whit:l) I will .4.11 at Ow lowest prig ez fl,r cash Aug. 31, P.:01_11, I: USII ITO USL, M. RIUSII, Proprietor. :No. 397 Liberty St., near Pa. R. R. Depot, PI riSISITIW 11, Pk rllllll.4hnnse has been lately enlarged. retitted Ri‘,l re furnished, and is vow in the best of order for ihe aneorinnoilarion of boarders and trat , elers. The it +"P of (V it I.:# ElyEt) Sold wholesale and reir 1. or served is in every style. Tire the S.-“ifth ;Way: , ~sr hllad,}r ,, t!it!r• witli I , lllle ri”r brawls of Liquors, &c. Oct. S, ROO G 1100F1 NI GRAVCI.. CENLAT AND CANVAS:= Pj-atrING 1 , 4) , E ON SHORT N OTICE, dad In the most Durable Manner. I T A VINO liie competPtit irkiiien in OW City. understand their 13 , 1S1:1 -, S. we can .sate•.ly say V e nu', iirk .1A cheap, and. ifcuty thing. butte, than ally other tires iti the illy. Repairing done with atten tion and Mati2ini6 tln i L . with all the iiititruc tions. Enquire at 75 Jan. ;LT, 1.5/ 7. 8. E. SIIOPE. WALL PAPER, Window EVER V VAP,IETY-LO WEST Pl 10Es JOHN J. DEZOIICHE, !It xvooD sTREET. CORNER 5T11.. PIT"FSIMIZGII, PA Green and florr CPII Cloth for Minds Cord. 're•ele, nitd l'ortelp Trimming tof ever,. Lievliption. Also, a flee rrr4ortotelit of Gill (%oeices. Sept. 11. 1.460. THE Pl. F1)1 crnzE7is ( , F GREEN), C,JUNTV =1 STATZONERY, , Ma ,iliNcr,neis , :r liFirik Boo' $ ' mot Records, kr. , F‘N,,,,- .0:,, :•1.\1,: tr. Al' ; rUß.tifrarLTE.2l AND CUILIJUI. W. G Johnston & Co.'s, IV3riliousi,, 1\ ., ). 1,:i", Smithfield St., steam Print HIL: House, Pia:A Hook Uact , ry, a , d ta.- , li. lwoen :->:!: rstr , v , t?•.1 V!, - ;Ter. Alley, !mil( r ) llt , et, ,Y; WiA))..) ti iIIEET, ,N , ,:. 1,11 , , 11 i' l". 1111.111111, TA. epi 11 . 1 •ti I—l v Pl'l7:3llUltiAl. PA. , 9 (Successor TO G. Fary, & Co.) Pittsburgh Steam Retitled CANDY IMANIrFACI'OII2II(. V. DOLES A.I.E DEALER I F“reign and Donie,airas, Pickl,3, Pi...serene, Sardines. Cannips, Fire Work, hr, No. Id? LIBLRTIC STREET. Feb. 26, lij62. PITTSIJURGII, R. PATRICK & CO., _ Rankers and Exchange Brokers, DI?. CA LVIN K I Nl,' :,- -, coaNER OF WOOD AN 0 PIFTI.I SI'S., l'i ITSBURG/1. l'is. SURGEON DENTIST S Refer to the 11.11%.4 atilt Ilanlso? of Ilii.i City, avid in i 47 "U"HI;I ' ll '''l i11:F.1% Messrs. Winslow, Lanier & Co., New York (.711,. . ; l'il r:, , bracoy, PA. spacial attention given to the negotiation of f:ono Tr : rr," iw.; 0, t.. 11 /It $ l l tl , •• Tate s , l lin, w as Illefellii Paper, l.nans, &c. Stocks and Securities of i 11, ,, 11.1rate pricuei. Alai 1.14 , 14i3(16.r1 Toaritii every desrsption, bought aim sold Ohl Coinalission.— ' t " • ;• art. L. Ifull:ly Collections Houle on all parts of the United State s; and ; - -- titi!:urrent Fonda taken at the lowest rases . _ Wee°licit the correspmidenee of Batiks and Bankers, and can offer titvorable term,: te parties m. ho ni3), open . accounts with on. i Math.; (armlets. and %/1,1*,; , a1P and Retail Dilaleili ta Aug 21, 1961-Iy. ! Lampl, OP_ rtk.n and Lubricating Oni, _____ - 39 WO{ rp t• 4 I'REFIT, PITTsfitIIGH, PA. A„twayenn tying', ,t cull rtt, , ck or tWI Lrthips, Mande /al* I• 8 tade,.., Wi,,,, &,•. ts'citt• 11, 1861-1,.. THOMAS LEMON, ISI'CCEBSO/1 TO JAMEs LEMON.) Alanntlicturer and Dealer in FURNITURE I=l sole litanutactur”a of WELLS' PATENT SPRING BEDS 118 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. N0v.13,1861-13% EDWARD SPENCER, ZEIGICILAUTT TAILOR, JOHN P: SCOTT, No. 260 .Liberty stref t, ' Vi• htslAtipart*llir l tot in , .. Nearly nPinnine Hand. PIIT6BLRGIII. P 4 ; DRUGS, GLIM vll,llaatilm Oct. D, Jadl:).Y. ____ _ . _ . PAINTS. I)Y E-ST 'FT }3. dic. , .... .... mi...! , ...46 IA BFRTV ..-rar.},T. 1.,., i." 71i) ! M t 61.1116- tit lti i3.trovis, PlLliii:ll/BGEI, PA- , wept. 11. 114'•1--1y S. B. do C. P.. DIARKIL. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN BOOR, CAP, LETTER, AND all kitula of WRAPPING PAPER fluty. ramov ell Man NO. 27 WOOD STREET to No. 33 Snithtteld Street, 'PIiTSPUBGH, P 4. igr Cash or Insiefqr 1541-ty I , Sept. 11. • . =1 D & rer3 PITTSIII•RQii, PENN L '' , C= 1. A , C 0 .114151115. Anti cknier Irl 1 11,1J,e f tirni,hing Goode, 71 IN , of )1) .STREV•T j S:sijit.Gli, PA .1,1,, , 1rtry 1 Irea , ci.in rreitch State and Witidow Glass, n , :11 ilif U. 7.11 s I 1.1:.1,1'. !,•,n .•-n Find and Stint. PlasithrgP. I'4 G. Pt•-nn. l'ar, 1.1 repairing paint. Itegnd.ll. Willi Card/ framed at Out 0. 1841.1 y. P"i ti.v rude. Oval, Iler awl )fast!, Glispee; 4Hog and 16,vpm ~ o tt M.. 11 idir.ps% I., , ,,knfif f;lav, Plates, al, N 4 i 66 A , -"“li t, Titi.:o', n..xr ,h,nr yr . , t' tignh.l.ll TrNitt!Rgli o PA. rcpt. if. ISN--Iy B. F. "HOPP ' SEARCILIOIT 171411.01111., N 0.75 8M I I'IIIFIE LI EiTABST, trrtsfluciali, 10*. 14* - 2011111 - Who lesipe Malei in FOREIGN- WJ AND LIQUORS, No. N SMITHFIELD STREST, PITT/MM. Will keep constantly. On band Old Monongahela and Rye Whisky, Ursa& dies, Wines, Gins, inc., .3,c. Jenuary 29, Ini2. Steam Cracker and Bread Bakery. W. C MACKE-Lir', Manufacturer of R A d PE 3E I IX Si • AND FAMILY BREAD & CAKES, ti 0. 14 Smithfield kf., Hear Third, P;TTSBURHIf, PA. Oct 9.18•l:1 I=l I=l L. H. VOIGT Sc. CO., C: thaff., LINERTY t 4 l LIVE:'. Ts ItUFGII, PA Produce at. Commissico Ilicrerchants. 11,6: e , and ~ 6 , 1! I l'lur.ttrr,t Neese, Pork, flacon. Lan'. Fe,,thors., Eggs, ow, Grease. Greon It rd I rtz,, bsoome, TLEIIO. thy, Clover, I to , : Seed. and Pro / jive i n gen t-11. Pur , vo, orders at I,,tv es! m-irket {rice, all kind) I`;tl,l,tittii and every decrip ti,,..,f 431cr.40,f :,1•;:. ;tn.! ri,aur at I. M. 111T11I)Te+. 1 5 4.0. J. DurP. C. IL Wor&F.lt + • s. LANE.. Whitmore, 'Wolff, Duff & Co. SIGN OF THE ANVIL. .s. N. (. rfr,4 frotel S.,pt. 11. :' 1 3 ., -1* P ITT:.(til: ILL; 11, PA. WM. E. DE BARENNE, WO(111 : 4 "1 • 11ELT, I ITT:3I3I'RWL PA \VOnlesale an.! Retail Maul, faulltrn r 01 HATS AND CAPS, And dealvr in Chi:dren'3 flats nnd :114, and Sire t'apq 111,(1,- WILLIAM FLEMING, IVl,oier.a!,- ar:11 Hats and Caps, and trastraw Goods, yn. 13. Wocilk Pi FT s IiGH, l'A. /CFO. Carpet Bags ai.ii L lahrcliaa. ioWtlel Cash Prircsi 11,1,61-Iy. J. 1/. FACKINER & IRWIN, vi,tufit.cturors rl every deseriplion of T. 7 . II .I 4 aTITILT3E-t.M. NO. PrPTSbI'IWII, A foil assortment of Pittsburgh Mstatthrtured Fut -16111,.. constantly OH loto,f, sell a; thy I,.‘‘ ClOl, n LL'h ie 1 , 11, Rept. 11, IKaI—IE. VEN/Ti.A.N BLINDS! P. Via'llT;'. P.r,t awl i;.‘,(-1..i,c) fACTORY, tl. 72, • ' 6 10.1•11 11111:1 1 vc• PARPo:AI ON Fl,ll' / . 1. , 4.1.11. PEPP.Stit :7,:%1 !!,,toes with Vtint . -2 j_ li.lll Blinds .1()ST EX QI: WO', rind it to tiq•ji pl;rchasing 111. '0J:11 i 1, El, ‘!;()Ii.A TE !., or- . call before " P by the hest •,,,, N to the wants IS PRICES LOW. ALL 'WORK. WARitAN TED '.' .1,1) BLI 1):= i or /modeled, de,i re d, ttiqtear the .“ me a,. iJO 1 1:tt LATEST yi,E,withoutextortEau rt Taose tiav:ng 17/ Wi. • 'NW' i flys tartish with Illind+S Revolting or Notionary w”iiht save money li) 4ivlng a, is call, Conker Third and Market S;rect. Oct, - 4 ; - •5t,.. , • CHESAPEAKE BAY OYSTERS. ELI 1701:NG., AT Tilt.; conNucoPlA, \O. i 0 Fl rr ERE El', I'll'7.'s111.;11G1I, I{7lll, be rt.ceivi,ig "Cason." (*lf Es K RV; VSTERS. i; 1Y: r. Ac. vt 111.11 Ilv N., ;ii idarlst. rare t" 17 of nie, 1t.,/,..tra-bi and iptvalre fautiliee. y rP Lp Ii r Sltigit C:01 i r Less. Vrt. 9 , 0:$61:1y. ram Avenue Exchange, I)tW BARNARD, Proprietor, No. 72 FIFTII rI 1a.7 , Prif:;l3l!RGP. I ft. VINO had !rotor yr-t , a It., pattl to t, ilt.st !;,•• liar 1 . 111 to t ot oh ; h e st rertt , fitnettts will b„ :‘r ali !tow,, :\a,l oitmt, Sundays di. pail f.1%,n.,. ro - : .,, ....Tygoncita a •,1" and )li9 old custom. # ,s. Had,. k. that no 'mina or expertly 1.•• 4 , .,: r0i Li; :t 0:11.1 C ,, l]lrihUie to the o•l,iffot. auti satixitVtio,, of his guests, OrL. sr ANI LO t4II DGE, re?S'l Silawen,) .tiler f Brushes, Looking Glasses. j( - )sEi-'ll Nt EY F. it IT D. BR 1 , ;(21 - IT &.; BRO., Man u faeturerq .f LOOKING. GLASSES, ;, RI . it All' A :N. r) 1E: FRA MEN, Ito,,,ewo o d Mouldings. I. C. KIitKVATIZICK & CO., 7. J. GILLESPIE, Maatlf;l4.t4 rer (4' L 0 WILING GLASSES SEI IMZrMI3 3xo hiw:N GEoliGe r. wgRTS. MB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers