~, _ "., p ry O A ntatiass IMF -13 1 6autifaL • _.,, teariand gives a fanciful but I an agreeabla reason for ,tae fact that I . - ; - ewiela women are so much hand- ,1 lorhErr than tha men of their nation. .egli4iayit Jewesses have escaped the curse which alighted upon their lath- 4.014,-' hatbands and son. Not a 1 Jewess was to be seen among the :crowd of priests and rabble who in. 'ratted the Son of God ; scourged him, er9ftued .him with thorns and sub 'eeted him to infamy and to the ago- 21-7 of the cross. The women of -idea believed in the Savior, amt :2.33iSted and soothed him under atilie- I toe. A woman of Bethany poured ,!yn hit head precious oielAuent, -- Thieb she kept in a vase of alabas- -,er. The sinner annointed his feet with perfumed oil, and wiped them with 'her hair. Christ, on his part, attended mercy to the Jewesses.— He raised from the dead the son of , :he widow of Naha, and Martha's brother, Lazarus. He cured Sitnon's nother,in-law, and the woman who vuched the hem of his garment.— TO the Samaritan woman, he was a spring of living water, and a com. 1 - )assionate judge to the woman in adultery. The daughters of Jerusa 2em wept over him;the holy women I accompanied him to Calvary. brought him balm and spices, and weepiug, sought him in the sepulchre. "Alro-; man, why - weepest thou?" Nis ilest i appearance after the resurrection I was! to Mary Magdalene. He said to' her: "Mary !" At the sound of His voice Mary Magdelone's eyes *ere opened, and she answered : I "Master I" The reflection of some beautiful ray must have rested on the brow of the Jewess. ; Col. Geary at Middlelalrg, Va. A correspondent of the Philadel phia Inquirer gives the following ac count of the tight at Middleburg, - Va: MIDDLEBURG, April 4, 1863.—Colo nel Geary's advance encountered three hundred of Stewart and "White's Cavalry, and a force of infantry at Middleburg. Va., last Saturday. He Marched from Philomont in the morning, and drove in the Rebel eigkek outside of Middleburg, when Fie entered the town, and discovered the infantry in retreat and the-caval zba.posted to make a stand. A gun was placed to command the main street, and the Twenty-eight, well deployed, advanced b) all the ap proaches to the town, while the main body rushed through it with bayo ante fixed and on a "double quick," ivingthe enemy before them. The inertly, - made a halt in a hollow be yond the town. evidently mana.u• vering to draw out the Michigan Cai'alry in purznit so their infantry Might flank them. Companies of the Tweqty-eighth now opened on them from behind stone fences, with their .fie, when the cavalry dashed off precipitately. A gun of the Twen ty-eighth, in the centre of the town, TIQW opened upon them, and drove ;hem from a thicket two miles (lis ting, every shell exploding in the woods. The charge through the town was fropght with great excitement.— ItnapSaCks were thrown aside in the street as men rushdd forward.— Overcoats and blankets lined the sides of the road. Stores were speedily closed, women screamed, horses dashed forward. Eierything was excitement, but in good order.— Colonel Geary dashed on at the lead, and at one time was within . two' •httifdred yards of the Rebel eavatry. . 13BWING MACHINE FOR BALE. 'Nye have on hand a first rate Sewing Mkhin4 fot tale. It'is entirety new, just fioiti the Manufactory, and is one of the best Machines in use. It will be sold low for cash or approved produce. F* *I Pi. , 4 iti - r EIVERS TESTA MENTA RY having been granted L to the undersigned, upon the estate of ELIZA BETH FRANKS, deceased, late of Greene county, no etiEBBOIDIALIii.Ut it all persons indebted to said en te to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the ',ape, wilt please present them, properly authenticated, fur setiiernent F. CHALFAN. Executor. April 13, 1£162. "ts rater's Nol Ice. LETT& MS (,4 ADMINISTRATION having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of JAW2III , -= Walgii.N. deceased. of lowa. notice is hereby given to alt persons knowing themselves in debietto said estate to make immediate payment, and [her having Cairns against the same, will present them; properly authenticated, for settlement. J R. WOOD, March 26. *62, -440111Ii*trator's Notrte. LETTERS or ADMINISTRATION having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of JAMES BRYAN, dec'd, notice is nereby given to all PenansifoWieg themselves indebted to ,aid estate to make immediate payment, and those nosing claim miainst the same, to present them. prop, ly authenti cated, for settlement TEMPLE BRYAN, Admiiiittirator of James Bryan, deed. March 26. 1862. 4dmintstrators Notice LETTERS of ailinintslration having been vented to the undersigned, upon the estate ~f a.M Fe.; thnil reaTig.s4locraMl.r. "Ale pt ikunkiird township, notice is re iy given to a persons knowing themselves in debted to bald estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, will present them properly authenticated for settlement. 111. E. GARRISON, Adger. April 2. 1962 Administrator's Notice liigat,pir.s of adiniciritration having been granted to iOm undersigned, upon the ertate ofJ ODIN DOUG ' Si deceased, of Monongatieht township, notice is homily given io all persons knowing tneinselves in l de e *mid estate tore ake it...mediate payment, and ,Ii biFtlaitasegam,t the same., will present them - ' 1 airtbenticited for settlement. C. 4, IlillFertliE.2.4,TT Adni'r. A ttNl2. Executor's Notice. tBITERS TIgn'T.4.IIr.NTARY having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of JANE 431 . 1 . E1 0 iate of Joenterius,setbTiz„todea,etruitiiceetoismbeaze fil=t, anal t to os p e e t. i a;i a uLt ti cla n in i t t e s ut a e rtg: pet t. • •" • EDWARD lID.OHEE. MA JIG MIST imatiEs. Executor*. March 24 18Q 121kliket 1 11101r* NOTICE] itirlltS TEMITAWINTARY basing been granted Inber.andeseiguat %yea tbe estate of THOMAS flOtiliodec'tklagi of Greene coon :y. notice here !" &min kW plasma indelstest to said estate to make immediate Ogymellit, and *COP having claims against the mama alrilfpiimen them, po perly Sutbenticated. for ast6looll. • . ROBEKT DINSMORE, . . . JOHN -G. DibitliktOßE, if ~• .1: -, • . Executors. xr9Tion. T wrZ i rromtrrial' baling lam Slus dit2 ti=uicaß)vihis Virtised,Alifcgragitet Wilierate W/411141Mtiu persons if sio"rti= tor settleisest. GROWN WANT, 4141 8111116 *VW% Exerater. .21;14 Pvew=tnts. VIVI, RTGBY 1 43 4 Jai J 6 p IMPORTER AND DEALER Iy CHINA ; GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. No. 122, Wend f.,'Zizet, East Side, Fourth Door above Fifth. C:7l:Variily on hand a complete assortment of gouts in his Eno, stpred to the wants of private fami lies, and country merchants. Also, tine Vitrified Iron Stoneware, very Mashie, fir hotels and Steamboats; Table Cu..! , ,,ry, German Silver Tea and Table Spoons, Forks and Castors, Tea Waiters and Trays ; and a great variety of the cheapest and best SW-Seal ing Fruit (rang and Jars. iErff. Iligby ri sole ;vent for and owner of PLTTNAM'iI PATENT CLOTHES WRINGER ti and for Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. It is one f the greatest labor-saving investments of the day, rid 1.0 ilou.s.ekeeper should be without it. It is sold at price within reach or all. April 'MOURNING & HOUSEKEEPING' DRY GOODS STORE, D. COOPER & CO.. 75, MARKET ST., PITTSBURGH. JAMILIES in mourning w ll at all times find here' a large assortment or such Goods as are used Jur 1314 E 0 In" 7E! IV I N G . S , lected with much care, and at the lowest cash ,prices ALSO—Our stock of Household Goods. such as 'Table Linens, Sheming.z. Counterpanes, Towels, !&c., is always full arid complete. April ls—Sums. J. & it. rmuurs, Nos 26 and 28 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa, MANUFACTURERS OF FLOOR OIL CLOTHs, TRANSPARENTI GREEN OIL CLOTHS, FURNITURE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES. TABLE OIL CLOTHS. CARRIAGE CLOTHS. .also, dealers in Leather Belting, Lace Leath er, Indiau Rubber Belting, Hose Steam Packing, Tubing, Wheat Drills Tubes, Clothing, and all other articles made of Indian Rubber, 4-c., 4-c. Wholeqale and retail buyers will f. !id our sin :lc large well selected, and at the lowest prices. April 24, .113.62-Iy. pt.]pmc) - 17,41i.m., I= JACOB KLEE, KLEE, KAUFMAN & CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in 1-a CITXXI.Nar, No. 60. Wood strPet, nest door to corner of Fifth PITTSBURGH, Pa. Always on hand. a large assortment of Cloths, Cass i metes, Vestings and Furnishing Goods. pan. 29. P riEIMER .1, S. REEMER (Late at Miller & Ricketson's.) REYMER & BROTHERS, (Successors to Reymer & Anderson.) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN FRUITS, Nuts, Confectionery, Sagars, Fire Works. &c., Nos. 128 and 128 WOOD STREET, above Fifth, Late No. 39 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. arch /1, 1862-61 n. 0 ( / //--/- *BB,OO Pays the entire cost for Tuition in the most popular and successful Commercial School in the country. Up wards of TWELVE flvQnn En young men from TWENTY EIGHT different States have been educated foi business here v. Mini the past three years. some of whom have been employed as Book Keepers at salaries of $2,000 Per Annum, Immediately upon graduating, who knew nothing of ac counts when they entered the College. sons halt price. Students enter at any time, aid review when they please without extra charge. For Cataingue of 86 pages, Specimens of Prof. Cow ley's Business and Ornamental Penmanship, anc a large engraving of the College, enclose twenty-five cents in letter stamps to the Principals, JENEINS & S SITU, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sept. 11, 1661 KNABE'S PIANOS 1= WILLIAM KNAEIE 4: CO. TILE above Pianos from their Factory possess all the superior and latest improvements, including the .9GR9FFE TREBLE. Overtatung. Improved Fnll Iron Franie, Felt Covered &c. THALBERO, one of the most eminent pianists in the world, says : have great pleasure in certifying that I have tried your Pianos, and find them equal. if not superior, to any in this country. Among their g, it qualities. which distinguish them, is the evenness of tone. the agreeable and easy toucu, and volume of tone. Wishing you all the success yr.o so highly de serve, I am, sir, yours truly. S. TfIALBERC..." C. GROBE, the well known composer, Wilmington, Delaware. save that "they cannot be surpassed by any in the market." VIEUXTEMPTII writes :—"I was delighted on hear ing the clear and full tone of one of your first class Pianos " The above Pianos are warranted for five years, sale by CHARLOTTE BLUME. No. 43 Fifth street,2rl door above Wood et, Patterson's New Building. [Jan. 29, 1862. J. R. WELDIN, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, Prixatoz- sib Sixzdor; AND Manufacturer of Blank Books, No. 111 WOOD STREET, BETWEEN DIAMOND ALLEY AND FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Wrapping, Wall & Window Paper, CASE FOR RAGS. April 16, ISB2-6m. HOME MADE SHIRTS I .IEIL. 1717X-ICa 7.-N1A16.3311131 COW MANUFACTURER OF SHIRTS, COLLARS, 'WRISTBANDS, BOSOMS. AND FURNISHING GOODS. 47, St. Clair Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. April 18-Iyr. Wall Paper ! Wall Paper ! TIEOBIAS PALMER, No. SI, Wood St., Between 4th & sth., SECOND DOOR BELOW DIAMOND ALLEY, PITTSBURGH, PA. 150,000 Rolls Wall Paner to he Sold this Spring. Also a fine assortment of Glazed and unglazed Green and Figured Curtains, Fire Board Prints, Lester, IC.— New Patterns—Bright, Beautiful and Showy. Come nil, and see for yourselves. Our motto is, "SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES." April 16—'duos. mttliTi LIGHT I t I I LAM" AND OIL STORE, no, fib FOURTH STREET, PiTTBBURGII, PA• T AM prepared to furnish dealers with Ow best quali ty of refined Carbon Oil, at the lostrest market price ; also Burning Fluid, Vamphene, Sensate, &c. 1 have also on hand and for Salem wholesale, and retail. a great variety of Lamps, Chandeliers Pendants, Breads, Globes, eltimules, Shades, Wicks, Cans, &c.., together with everything pertaining to the Lamp trade. t hurches supplied with fixtures emit sill on the most favorable term,. Orders respectfully ito P. HAYDEN. Nov. 40, 19131-sm. THOS. a LAZEAR, pot ALT LAW, Z r . 4‘*l.- MTIMAG. P.‘ .oeiftsburgt lbbertistnuids. THE SLAUGHTER COMMENCING! The Enemy Driven into Their En trenchments! WE SHALL SHOW NO QUARTER; (BUT TARE ALL THE QUARTERS WE CAN CET 1) 100,000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER, BORDERS, LC., TO BE SOLD THIS SPRING. Window Curtains, Fire Boards, Lesters FOR YOUR COMFORT. Quick Sales and Small Profits. Raz:tins not confined to remnants we take RAGS as weii as CASH. WALL PAPER STORE, AT THE OLD STAND. w. P. MARSHALL, NO. ST WOOD STEET, March 19tIt, lota PITTSBURGH, PA., JOSEPH R. HUGHES OFFERS A LARGE AND NEW STOCK OF w ALL PAPER. BORDERS, WINDOW SHADES, FIRE SCREENS, &c., ut No. 107 Market street, near Li bertir PITTSBURGH. PA. at the lowest rates for cash. An exarninarhoi of stock and prices solicited, JOSEPH R. HUGHES. March 1.602. TO COUNTRY DEALER*. SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATONERY .11..rit "MT COLOBE;I46LaM. rENHE Fubscri'.er has always on hand Os-good's and MeGurrey's Spellers ano Readers, Ray's Aritinne tics, Pittarcis Grammars. Stoddard's Modal Airtime ties, Bibles and Te , taa:ents, Letter and Cap Papers, Commerrial Note Papers, Envelop, Blank Books, Pass Books, Steel Pens and Holders, School Copy Books, School Slates, luk and inkstands, Bonnet Boards, &e., &C. _ _ 71,17' USUAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH. Goods packed and delivered to any part of the city ROBERT 6. DAVIS, 03 Wood street, Pittsburg, Pa Feb. 19-2 m Piauilig Mill and Lumber Yard, Office, No. 953 Penn sreet, .)Anth Ward, opposite Penn's It R. outer Depot . Mill, Cor. ofMorrie St. 6. Mulberry Alley 3PlT'l'lol3lolEt.Grii. ALL KINI) uF Lumber, Flooring & Weather Boarding FUnNISIIED TO ORDCIL Orders receive roze,::,,,a the ofFre of Beck R. Lazear. A pri I 2-1. 1661—ty. M1G132233 ENTERPRISE WOKS I DOWN & TETLEY, No. 36. Wood Street, PIVESISURCII, Pa. MANUFACTURERS OP IMPROVED BORING TOOLS, SINKING OIL SALT AND OTHER WELLS IL D. RevNtER ORDERS SOLICL'ED b: PROMPTLY BALLED A LSO RIFLE 31.4titTECTURERS, INPoRTERS AND DEALL7RS Double and Single Barrel Shot Guns SPORTING APPARATUS & GUN MAKERS MATERIALS April 24.1861-. IV. o. 397 Liberty St., near Pa. R. R. Depot, PITTSBURG IL l'A . THIS house has been lately enlarged, refitted and re furnished, and is now in the best of order for the accommodation of hoarders and travelers. The REST OF OYSTERS LUXE' WED DAI L Y, Sold wholesale and rete 'l, or served up in every style. The delicacies of the season always on hand, together with superior brands of Liquors, &c. Oct. 9, 1861:1y. ROOFING ROOFING GRAVEL, CEMENT AND CANVAS ROOFING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE, And in the most Durable Manner. AVING the most competent workmen in the city, who understand their business. we Call safety say we can do work as cheap, and, Warty thing, better than any other firm in the city. Repairing done with atten tion and care. Materials for sale, with all the instruc tions. Enquire at 75 Smithfield street. Jan. 29, 1562. B. F. SHOFE. R. R BULGER. Manufacturer of every description of 3E I X7' 7FL I\7" ir X-T Ft. 70 , NC) 45 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A A fun a.soann-nt of PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURED FURNITURE Constantly on hand, which I will 411 at the lowest price:. for cakh. Aug 91, WALL PARER, T/Crixs.cicrim - EVERY VARIETY —LOWEST PRICES. JOHN J. DEZOUCHE, IP2 WOOD STREET, CORNER .STH.. PITTSBURGH, PA. Green and Buff Oil Cloth for Blinds. Cord, Tassels, and Curtain Trimmings of cv?ry description. Also, a fine assortment of Gilt Cornices. Sept. TILOS. L. McCLEL L li, COM MISSION MERCHANT, And Dealer in Flour, Grain and Produce Generally, NO. 27 IA 00D STREET, BETWEEN Ist AND 2nd, Opposite the Monongahela House, Nov. 13, IS6I-fin. PITTSBURGH, PA. THE PLACE: FCR CITJZENS OF GREENE COUNTY TO GET THEIR STATIONERY, Blank Books, Court Rebrds, IS AT W. 0 Johnston & Steam Printing House, Blank Book Factory, and Sta tionery 'louse, 57 WOOD STREET, 1351—1 y. PITTSBURGH. PA. I/ 5 5j3 1) 4 (Successor to G. Parys & Co.) Pittsburgh Stearn Refilled CANDY MANUFACTORY, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Nuts, Pickles, Preset yes, Sardines, Catsnps. Fire Works, &c, No. 187 LIBERTY STREET, Feb. 2(1, 1862. PITTSBURGH, PA. Bankers and Exchange Brokers, CORNER OF WOOD AND PIFTH STS., PITTSBURGH, PA. Refer to the Ranks arid Bankers of this City, and to Messrs. Winslow, Lanier & Co., New York City. Special attention given to the negotiation of Com mercial Paper, Loans, &c. Stocks and Securities of every description, bought ant sold on Commission. Collections made on all parts of the United States; and U TIC U rrent Funds taken at the lowest rates. Wesolicit the correspondence of Banks and Bankers, and can offer favorable terms to parties who may open accounts with us. Aug 21, 1861-11 THOMAS LEMON, (SUCCESSOR TO JAMES LEMON,) Manufacturer and Dealer in rtritSTITIIRS, OF ALL KINDS, Sole Manuracturer of WELLS' PATENT SPRING BEDS 118 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Nov. 13, 1.961-Iy. EDWARD SPENCER, 31111MOILANT TAILOR, No. 260 Liberty street, Nearly opposite Hand, PITTSBURGH, PA Oct. 9, NC: iy. S. B. & C. P. MARKLE, MANNIFACTIIRENS AND DEALERS IN BOOZ, oar, ZAZIST3Ia, £ WWI kindsof WRAPPINI2 PU'E* hummer zit **Own N 0.117 WOOD "rum to 1 1 1 1 ," 01 1° 141 ova* vornuis aw itage M7S . flan, PA. oX * hat J. It H I L LI RUSH HOUSE, M. RUSH, Proprietor, R. PATRICK & CO., VtAblyttintments. Hos unix& gmpiam44l_, 555, Lo. or Gar. ittsbarg 11;2AI. JOIIN CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Dealer in I FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 52 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURG, Will keep constantly - on hand Old Monongahela and Bye Whisky, Bran dies, Wines, Glue, &c., January 29, 1862. Steam Cracker and Bread Bakery. W.C. MACKEY, Manufacturer of aRBOKFSRft. AND FAMILY BREAD & CAKES, No. 44 Smithfield st., hear Third, Oct 9, 1851:1y. PITTSBURGH, PA. DANIEL SHUPE WWM• LIITCHMANN L. H. VOIGT & (Successors to L. G. GraiL) 217 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA , Produce & Commission Merchants. Receive and sell Flour. Grain, Butter, Cheese, Pork, Bacon, Lard, Feathers, Eggs, Beans, Tallow, Grease, Green Fruits, Dried Fruits, Potatoes, Blooms, Timo thy, Clover, Flax and Grass Seed, and Produce in gen eral. Purchase on orders at lowest tnurket price, all kinds of Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods, and every descrip tion of nierchadise. Ship your Produce and draw at sight. Sept. 11, Itiiil—ly. M. WHITMORE 4" U. 11. WOLFE. Whitmore, Wolff, Duff 8c Co. stool OF THE ANVIL. Muddlers and Dealers in IX 1 : 1- 3:0 ' eV A. Xt. 3M.a NO. ti() WOOD ST., 3 Duors above St. Charles hotel Sept. 11, 1961-13.. I'A. WM. E. DE BARENNE, 89 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. PA Wllideiale and Retail Manufacturer of RATS AND OAPS, AII4I deakr in Children's Hats and Caps, and Ftra Gond* Military Cap. made to order, Sept 11, WILLIAM FLEMING, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Hats and Caps, and Straw Goods, NO. 171, COW WOOD AND sixTu P1111SPI:ltial. PA. Also. Carper Brigs and ijiiibre;lus. Good.; w lowest Cash Prices. Stlit. 11, :S3l-Ip. J. FA CIE I .N FACKINER & IRWIN, Man,' far ture r. of every description of I•'UI;NITLTI NO. IU3 SMITOFIELD STREET A full assortment of l'ittshurali Manufactured Fur allure ronsrantly on hand, which we w‘l! sell a , . the lowest price FOIL S 11, which is 0111 only teins.r Sept. 11, VZN/T/AN BLINDS: G. P. WEIZTZ, First Premium and Excelsior VIIITIAI HUH FACTORY, NO. 72, UURNER THIRD AND MARKET ST, WAHEROOM FIPST 1.1.1T6i.i1,R(411, PA. rimiosE wishing to furnish their housex with Ve , •i- I fiat) Winds rit the MOST EXQUISITE AND ELABORATE FINISH, Will find it to their interest to give we a rail before purchasing elsewhere. My work is got up by the best Eiery attention is pan] to the wants of cur tourers. PRICES LOW. ALL WORK WARRANTM)! OLD BUN DS REPAIRED NEATLY, or remodeled, i, desired, to appear the same as new, of the LATEST STYLE, without extortion. Those having Dwellings, Churches or Public Build ings to furnish with Mindsß Revolving or Stationary Shut te re, Would save money by giving me a call, Corner of Third and Market Street. Oct. 9, IStikly p CHESAPEAKE BAY OYSTERS. ELI YOUNG. AT THE CORNUCOPIA, NO. 4u FITTS! STREET, PIVISBURGIT, PA., y I i t h see a. v h daily. c E s tl A irrAl 1;1 ; 2 RAY OYSTERS, FISH, GAME. &e , f V which he will furnish at lowest market rates to Hotels. Restaurams and private ramifies.— stets by the stugte can or less. (let. 'A :Sill: ly. Firth Avenue Exchange, DAN, DAHNARD, \O. 72 FIFTH STREET, PITT6BURWI, PENN'A., f AVI NG had many years experience the busmvss. he is prepared to Fllpply the bust the aif.d-i. His Bar will be furnishwi at alt times with the Lest \Vines, Ligniii6, and ales; and refreshments will be furiib , tivii :it ;ill day and night. Sundays ex cepted. Thankful for past I:ivor., he re.ocettlilly solicits a poniiNuance of the same and assures his old custom ers, and the public generally, that no pains or expense qpn , vd which may tend to contribute to the Comfort. runvenieuce , anti satisfaction of his guests. Oct. 9, IS61:1y. J AMES LOUGHRIDGE, {Successor to LniThridge & Maxwell,) Manufacturer of Brushes, Looking Glasses, KIM Cll2.l.lcire , 22.visi Ccozzoixeles, And dealer in Variety and House Furnishing Goods, &c., 72 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGII, PA. January 29, 1862. JOSEPH MEYER & SON Manufacturers of FANCY AND PLAIN TUD.NITURE AND CNAIRS. Warehouse, No. 135 Smithfield St., Between Sixth Street and Virgin Alley, No✓. 13, 1961 ly. PITTSBURGH, PA IL D. BRECIIT & BRO., Manufacturers of LOOKING GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES, Gilt and Imitation Rosewood Mouldings. Dealers in French Plate and window Glass, 128 SMITHFIELD STREET, PrMILER'S BLOCK, between Filth and Sixth, Pittsburgh, Pa. City Wass at Manufacturer's ices. Particular attention given to repairing Paint ings, Magni!ding Frames and business cards framed at wholesale price, Oct. 1661:iy. DR. CALVIN KING, BURGEON DENTZUT, SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. TEETH inserted in all the late style:, align moderate prices, and satisfaction 3uaram teed. Oct, 9,1861.1 y. J. C. KIRKPATRICK & CO., Manufacturers, and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Lamps, Carbon are' Lubricating Oils, 49 WOOD STREET, PITTS BURGH, PA. Always on hand a full Stock of Oil Lamps, Chandeliers, Shades, Wires, &c. Sept. 11, 1861-Iy. J. J. GILLESPIE, Manufacturer of LOOSING GLASSES For the trade, Oval, Pier and Mantle Glasses; Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings, Looking Glass Plates, &c., NO. 86 WOOD STREET, next door to Citizens' Bank, PITTSBURG P A. Sept. 11, 1861-Iy. • JOHN P. SCOTT, Wholesale Dealer in DRUGS, OILS. ITAAJWISERIS, PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, &c., NO. 296 LIBERTY STREET, between 7th and Smith field Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pi. Sept. 11, 1661—1 r NO. 10411IFIXLD flcsl , z FIT4BV sRail, FA Sept 11, 1.881-19- 141:14" ATEET in Waynesburg, in Allison's nail, OppOSite, .1.11, the Court Rouse. on Thnrsday• evening of each week, at ii o'clock. °lilt:Eß.9: FL L BARNES Y. C DAVID UIiCIIANAJN, P. G. T. I:PORTER:A , . G.. J. F. TEMPLE, Sec'y. Ei- F. UERIRINGTOX, Treas. MINOR & CO.'S • TIDE Farmers' and Mechanics' Exchange are now opening a very large and well selected stook of L. H. VOIGT, S GEo. J. DUFF. THUS D LANE Groceries, Hardware. Ctueeuw.'are, r. hrpt ri•otiCantly 1111 hand hi great vat fiery and at ii,tv prices. The public can feel osslit•A that th,y can put . - COOli at bid priceth and !tricos that will defy eurlipetitiryn. Ca7l acid c.caftline their Frock, yon cat, not fad to be suited. PRODUCE taken in exchange for (1,,,;,1”, ar,,l the Cash never ref/.4,(1. MINOR & Wayne,shurg. OCT. 23, 1861 NEW FALL & WHITE GOODS, Beauty, Fashion anti Citeapueits eitabitleti. II As just received front the Eastern 12:ties a l .111 stock of sea:wna'ile which way be enumerated Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Muslin Delain es, French Ginghams, Barage Delaines. Domestic Ginghams, Bleached DtEuslins, Brown Muslin, Cloths and Cassimeres, Fresh Family Groceries, Fish, Salt, Itariware, Queensware, flats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, ace., &c n Together with a variety of NOTIONS. Customers and the public generally are invited to call and examine hi:, assortment of goods. Sold cheap for cash, or country .INO M. IRW.N PirrStaißGll. Practical Marble, & Stone Cutters, Third Door East of the Court Roast, Main street. . WHERE they have. and keep on hand a large and extensive-assortment of lino and ornamental " MARBLE WORK, such as monuments, tombs, tablet.: and grave stones. of every variety and style. Particular attention paid to caning, which will he done by as good workmen as can be found anywhere in the business; as one of the firm has seen practically engaged in the business for twenty-five years, and the other eighteen years. They flatter them selves they cannot he surpassed in point of skill and taste by any in the west. Persons wishing anyining in our line can have it furnished to any place desired at lower rates than any other establishment in the country. Persons can save 20 per cent by purchasing of us. All kinds of building work done in either marble ot clone. S AYERS & R/INEHAR T. Waynesburg, May 20, 18.57--a0.2 GEORGI; P. WERTZ FAMILY nOtEilY &MPICTIDIERY. RES PECTF UL IN announces to his friends and the public generally, that he has ust opened an entirely new stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, of a superior quality, selected with an eye to the wants of the community. Ile flatters himself that his stock is all prime and fresh, bought at low prices, and will he sold accordingly. He keeps every article pertaining to an establishment at this kind, .mlO hopes to merit a share of the patronage. His stock is comprised in part of the following.: Teas. Coffees. N. 0., Crushe I and Pulverized Sugars Molasses, Starch, Soda, Cream Tartar, Salt, Penner, Candles, Crackers, Soaps, Tobacco. Also, superior variety of Cigars, and all other articles uenaPy kept in a Ci Proprietor, CONFECTIONARIES. Ili: , Confectionary Department is supplied with a va. rimy of Candles, Cakes, ktaisins, Drops, Chocolate, Fur eixii and Domestic Finns. Also, a variety of Notions which will be sold an law as they can be had at any oth er establishment in town. Country produce taken in exchange for goods. Dive him a call, at the new store room, neat the Messenger publication room. ?day it+, 171.59; n 0.50. 1 L 1 ATEN PUBLIC attention is called to the new Cabinet Ware room, one door east of Minor's Store, where all kinds of Cabinet Furniture will be furnished to urdei to the most improved style, and on the most reasonable terms. Borealis. Book-Cases, Cupboords, Bedsteads, Tables, Stands, ice. Also Will be pot up witirtiZgre;te - st - PoSsib le dispatch and at the very cheapest rates. CABINET MAKING. JAMES GANIER & CO., Wculd respectfully inform their friends and the pu lie that they have now on hand a good assortment ail kinds of OUZNBT WARE, .131-11 as is usually kept in shops in this part of flirt cow; try, made of the hest materials, and by the beet work men. il`rhey still keep a Hearse, and are, at ail times, prepared to attend promptly to funerals, either in town or country. Waynesburg, January 24, 1650-Iy. Respectfully informs the public that he has located in Waynesburg, Pa., where he intends to manufacture From his experience in the husinest, It feels confi dent his wsrk will give entire satisfaction He will uae n , ,lnw priced material, in any part of his work, and will not employ any but superior workman. All new work will be Warranted for One Year. The undersigned would respectfully inform the Pub lic that he is now prepared awl manu acturing Cloandizekt I:7 l l7atara ir uch sa BUREAUS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS and every thing in that line. He also wishes it understood that he keeps a Hearse and wakes coffins, and is pre pared to attend calls in town or Country, at any hour. SAMUEL JEWEL. 'WM. ROGERS respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has leased the NEW STEAM MILL at Waynesburg, Pa., where he will always be found ready to accommodate all who may call on the shortest notice. Grinding done on the same terms as by water mills. FLOUR and FEED Sept constantly on hand. Orders for either can be left at the Mill or at Yeator's store. [Jan. 29, 1862. CELEBRATED PATENT s" 7l A FRES', StliPP D R J . CABIGIT ha f t jute received at iis =re. a • LEITID I V Y AkttrIMTICIOD, a eart l eto OM foe ithvarootlasn. BISRHAVB1)411)11t4, eft.TAfilit MD 'WS INCTitIUMATOIR. spa a great variety of other Patent iffedicigyrs., Waynedbarg, February , ih, ISO • W. A. PORI2It, C: aplain N. 6,1861. N 3E' W C. 3- Co CO I:, 151 FALL AND WINTER GOODS, DRY Which have been purchased on such terms as will ena ble them to sell at LOWER PRICES; than, ever LADIES' DRESS GOODS In endless variety. Their stock of Silks, Merinoes Plain and Figured Deimos, Plaids. Grey Goods; in shor every description of Ladies' Wear is large. A supply FASHIONABLE MILLINERY GOODS. Bonnets. Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Bonnet Velvets and Silks. MOURNING GOODS, &c EIS HAR! ES WWI Cloths, Cassimeres, estings, Tweeds and everythiag the sthpie and Fanc y Goads Lille. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND i Their stock is large and is selling at prices to suit the trinee. (EO. HOSKIASON'S product. GEORGE HOSKIN•iON ‘Vaynegbtarg, Nov 6. 1661-51 n. WAYNES 13 U G MARIEILE AND STORE WORKS SAYERS & RINEHART, Two doors East of "Messenger" Buildings Main Street, Waynesburg, Pa. ISAAC 1100PES., NEW CABiNET SHOP. COFFINS ATEN & PHELAN Waynesburg, May S, 1861. R. DOUGHERTY. CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, Carriages of Every Description, Shopon Greene street, one square 4outh of t:4eCotirt ECM Waynesburg, Jan. 25, 1960—n n 34 LOOK AT THIS. Waynesburg, Oct. )569. WAYNESBURG STEAM MILL The Union Forever 1 Lida/ 101 mq Psiutss Caftio; good Clothing or None for the Soldier and the Civilian! MAIM/121M 016.962.8, ALLISON'S opposUe the Co ur t not:" is just opening a large and elegant assortment o Ready Made a X 4 M - 3EL IDT r For Men and Boys, purclosed eu very favorable terms for Ga,,d. and will nr , snively he sold at short arofils for cu rreat funds. tlissleek ea:braces not oaiy Garments ()fall descriptions, bat CLOTHS, CASSIIVIERES, SATINETS, JEANS, HATS AND CAPS. and every Wins', la the furuisatug lice ,1. - . l3u , inese and Dress SUPS ZOt 1 . / 03 short no tice and in the most thshinnable st Waynesburg', Ilion 6662,. PATENTED NOVEMBER 1, 1859 A, the thArtnee ainumltank. It to B. t ) ,e 1) to rt, listancc. around the bony under the atmpitti. C C, the Fleetots. Elo E, the h.thttlt of : , stitt. 1.3 49- -LI a C) PA I'. ENTED IMPROVE& FRENCH YORE SHWRTS S'YU ajS;t , rt- ( Cq,-ra,:e.r. ri By sending , he above .:.asares by ;nail we ran gutaratitt=e a petCe:rt of cur v siArt, a n d r.. by C0.0re,..- to an, part the Unzto,l , s, az I,e- dozen. W trade sai.:lll. I aAalt Ado), Dap. t _ers aad idkri.olJ I.±6:i. 3,0. No. 409 lirom'vt ay. N..w York DAILY MAIL HACK RUNNING REGFLARLY BETNN EEN WAYIESOIE Ail REIN IMPS THE untlersigned respectfully informs the ce”et-ous Pubile, that navii4; 11,e ,A,litiact cur toe carrying of the mail between the above pairts, be Ints p'a7ta upon the voile two new ana commod,ous Haciis for the ac• comrnodation of the travri leave the Hamilton House, Waynesburg, every morn ing. Sundays excepted, at S# 0',16.,:k, an will arrive at Ilicee' Landing , in time for the Boat :3 Futsbesgh, the other wit; lea .e tridtn;: at the same ,in,e and arrive in Waynestmr,z at 1101,r. No f%;!16 sp3red for the apersm ht:r r ~1 TESIOT:P.: August :th, :to. BUGEI A ft LUMP-, CODIMI G S r i c i r ON 341 C F6rl6lra.a7"illlll,NTS Riees' Landing, Greene Ca., Pa. Are prepared with the largestand beet Grocery an:l Forwarding Rooms in the r!gct , , for all gouda on con signiiteul. and also GOOD WAREHOUSES, on the bank of the river, convenient for boats to land, for storing all kinds of produce, for sitibuisht. to Pitts burgh, or tne Eastern cities, on the most reasonable terms They hope by strict attention and long experienee. in business. to receive a liberal share of patronage. In addition to the above, they n ili keep on hand gone assottrnent of FRESH GROCERIES. from the head of market, at wholesale prices, to accom modate all who will fitvor them with their patronage. pri; 1 1, Ifnkt. S. & 3e SZIOGIVION, Grocers and Commission Merchants, L..INDEVG, P. 3 The above gentlemen give notice to the public, that by the death of a former partner, the late firms of Stro• & Sedgewicks, arid Sedgewiche & Co., have been dissolved, and the business connected therewAh moat be settled wthi them; and hereafter the above business will be continued and promptly attended to by the above firm. Aleo; Leather. Shoe Findings, &c, as well as a good assortment of Mill Saws will be kept on hoist. All up Commission must be paid before the goods are removed. March li. Sti I —no 39-6 m. 111648.41. ROBERT REYNOLDS, Proprietor, Jeffersoa, Greene County, Ps.. The suhscriber respectfully informs his friends and the travelling public, that he has taken charge of Pi!, Nation. al House, ana is amp:s , prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a cal!. HOST. REYNOLDS. Jefferson, Greene county, Pa., Eipril 2h. 'sB—noso I. THOMAS, JEFFERSON, GREENE COUNTY, PA Sept. 11, P,6l—ly. Z. W. PHELAN 132 - cevvmsiwcrini.ts,, TEIOM AS PAULL & SONS, at their Foundry on Water street, Brsdgerert. Pa., near the C. P. Church, are prepared to furnish Engines and Machinery for Saw and Grsst Mills, Oil Weils, Tanneries, &.c. Fancy Iron Railing for yards, balconies. cemeteries, &c., al ways on hand 1... r made to order on alsort nonce. Plough Castings, and Castings of ell Sept. 11, 1861-Iy. I TAVICTINIZALINT IVXIIEEER:"2" Just Published in a Sealed Envelop; Price Six Cents. L c ELT s - V E R r4 B D Y c DR. c L E of steßWrtinea'tLoLr;tiOceNa. THE sunipti on, Mental and Plrbsiral Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy, Impairer Nutrition of the Body, Lussituds, Wenftnera of the Limbs and the Back, Indisposition, and Incapacity for Staily and Labor, Dullness of Ap prehension. Loss of Memory, Aversion to Society, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Self-Distrust, Dizziness, Headache, Affections of the Eyes, Pimples on the Face, Involuntary Emissions, and Sexual Incapacity, the Consequences of Youthful Indiscretion, &c., &c . f:rTli is admira b le Lecture clearly proves that the above enumerated, rifle]) self-aMicted may be re moved without medicine and without dangerous surgi, cal operations. and should be read by every youtn 4;.0 :Attu man in the land. Scut under seal to any address, in a plain sealed envelop, on the receipt of eix rents, or ism pottage stamps, by addressine Dr. CHAS. J. C. RUNE, Bowery, New Yolk, Post Office Box 4086. April 15, 1861-Iy. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, iIILA DELPHI A —for the Relief of the Sick anti Ti _Oistreesed, afflicted with Piraelent and Chromic Diseases, and especial/It Diseases of the f.:*ez me Or ! emus. Medical Advice given Gratis by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable REPORTS on SPERM ATIMRIICEst or f SEMINAL WE i ENEP"S. and other Disease.; of tr: Sexual Organs, and .)11 the NEW REMEDIES em ployed in the Dispensary, sent in scaled letter enve: epee, free of charge. Address _ . . . Dr..l. SHIL.LIN fIOUGIITON. Howard Association. N o. 2 South Ninth &met, Philadelphia, Pa Dec. 25, Ih6l-Iy. KOLLOCKI DANDELYON COFFEE. xIDD preparation,wade from thd best Java Coffee, is recommended by physicians a a AIUThITIODS VERAGE for Demers' Debility, Dyepepsia and all bilious disorders. Tnotumnds who have hem/compelled to abandon the use of coffee, will use this Without in jurious effects. Cue can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 2 cents. MilEc>l.ll.c.fo73'ss Mae , liveadxs., Ihe purest and heat BAILING POWDER known, for making light. sweat and - nutritious bread and cake!. ry:co 15 cents. Manufactured by M. 11. KOLLC)CK, Ct.smist, corner of Broad and ...bean= streets, PCILADELPHIA, find zOLO ELY A LL DRUGGISTS AND GROCERS. March 5, 1882,—1y. T ETTERS T , F,SI4,VEINTAILY hosßigittten•titis des JU usnted to ebb nidinied, In pernamps of tke di -4040 nontilißal ifta• itintwUl aid isseisisater•Jo. peps B, Zokiwon. 4scoesedl, late or, VM OAP* Dom n i zettatt, PAL; memo dbonstott to IX • ions knowing thenweives ~ sp . , ~_ 41 make immediate nu4 t ios, l' .s' t settlement. A , 0/ • • - . ; annionkrt ma sea April 9, UM THE MEASURES ARE niccs' ':faliblitii (t.ffersolt. INGIELRArit HOUSE, HOPE FOUNDRY, THE GREAT CAUSE OF L'iscut.oei Notioa. TOBACCONISTS. FlOOl Lit & HAGER, IVio.nufaciurers and wholesale an , ' retail deniersin Tobacco. Svgars and Stiud". Svgar Cairn, P ee, &c., Wilson's Old Building, Main street. .Sept 11,1861-Iy. WATCHES AND JEWELRY S. M. BAILY. Main street, one door East of the old Rank Enilding, keeps always on Land a large and elegant assortment of Watches and Jewelry. fq - lilepairing of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry will receive prompt attention. [Dec. 15, 18th— ly. FOUNDRY. DUNN & DOWNEY, At the Waynesburg Foundry, on Greene street, keep Constant , y nu hvul Cooking hod Parlor Stoves, Grates, }lough Lastiaga. and Casttag. •+r all kiwis. Sep:. B.ANIC FAMERS' & DROVER' BANK, Wayabakii g, Pa C. A. BLAC.K, Yr,s't Di , ror r WEDNESDAY Sepi SADDLES AND HARNV I SS SAMUEL WALLISTER, ga , fdlP. Tiar , •ess and T.nnk ad Bank build lag, Aloin stri S -x. lit I—ty. LINDSEY S IMPROVED BLOOD SEAriaIiTER, A sTANDAPP MI' EI)f,^?NE for the eneedy. sadical a:.d oirectual ow 01 ail diseases areiug fruat IMPURITY OF THE IILOoD Th.e medicine Fa; wieeght the ui:•at e.iraceinul cures r cast.; of tataiwous 1116tn6es, Fax.', 014 6i ". Tet.ei Atre,v, ns. Ijyepepsia, ll.lu,~n:un'. 1 (AI N: FEMALE c0m!1,11,7,:T5, and ~ `,"::):FCASP6 state of tho .!F ABOVE is A PORTBA /T OF DAVID ACCREART. ChVOrli state,.llflt of David M'Cfeary, of Napier tp., Bedford county: ASTai, as Lear as caTT reale:Tiber, a small pliaLli made its appearance or my ;Japer lip. which hecanie enlargeu and bore. 1 ~sec pcnitiees of sarrei, and a wash of bine ; , it - To`, without effect.— inding the sore extandingt 1 edited on Dr. Ely, of Schelieburg, who prodoLi.eed it LAN V.L.a., and pre txrthed 4,wash of sug,Tr of !eat: cc l bead poultices, r.iing thee r Terien,es of cr. avar, I co Ir Lpou Dr. lanaifer, of Davidi - vffle, ;Somerset county, who also prenouwed the disease Calice . , arc gave ale internal d ce: rensedies —the !suer COI/ElFElfig priecipally of carts , _l; rut all !,, ra ourpose oz 4 1.1. e die.ase eon. L!htlEfl spearing t d.! I De..l , I,lBPd 4 ?rep aration of arEenie., i. tr.,. fl,rri of AlltiV9. This for 3 'Awe :Ile. (ileCsl.llf., Mit Tic infT.Tinati:;t; tr or St. C'airsv!!l*. 13.2,f0 ccaiiiry, who a'to. promo:tit:en d-a5..40 Car tint anon-id a calve s cc be ever rem edy, , tut it had efact ivlnatrvel is .;necking the is?r,md =ore. Vesember in :he same. year, the disease had eaten away a greater part of my upper lip, and hail attat:lted nose, when I went to Cincinnati where I cuneulteai Prof H. 8. Newton, of the Eclectic Medical College. lie pronounced the Maeace "a cu taneous Cancer, superinduced by an inordinate use of mercury." Ile applied mild zinc ointment, and gave trie internal remedies. My face healed up, but the in flammation was not thoroughly removed. In February, 1857; iie pronounced me cured, and I left for home. In April the disease again returned, and so violent was the pain that I couiu not rest at night. Late iu May I returned to Cincinnati, and again placed rnyse!f under tile charge of Dr. Newton, with whtmi I re..iamed un til September, during which time he used every known remedy, and partly succeeded in checking the disease, but when 1 returned home there were still three dis charging ulcers upon my face. I continued using New ton's preparations. and also medicine that I got from Dr. Fly, but the Cancer continued growing until it had eat off the left awe of my nose, the greater poeticise/ 112# left check, aad had attacked My left co. had given Ep all hope of ever being cured. since Dr. Ely said ha could only give relief, bur. that a cure was impossible In March, 1856, I boufot a butile of "Wood. Statther;" bat I mast confess that I had no faith in it Iv: as very weak when I cimuneticed taking it; but I found thatl gained strength day by day, and also Lila:. Olt ulcers commenced drying up. I continued, and when the third bottle was taken, my face was healed as if by a miracle. used the fourth bottle, and I have been lmalthier since than I have h. , en f?)r the) last seven years. Although me face is sadludisfigured, I am still grateful to a benign Providence. who has spared my life, and which has been done through the instrumentality at LIN DSE IMP POVED BLGOD S. EA P.CH Ell. DAVID M'CREARY. Sworn and subacribed, this 31st day of August, A. D 1655, before ion•. one of the Justices of the pe ice in. slid for the borough of Ifolinla)sburg, hibir county. Pa. JOHN fit.i.F.LEY,.I. P. J tn. U e also refer to the case of Nancy 131eakney, 0 Elderten, Artne:rthg connty. i'a., cured of scrofula after being unable to get out of bed for three yea*. •2,1= cA 'ady e, Clearfield court ry, ,s-hc was also afflicted with Scra•i!a in its worst form. to the case of Ge^rge Meisel, residing in Cartztl. town, Cambria. county, Penrctly.tnia, who was so had , y affile...,Al with Cancer that it ate hie enure nose oft, and hie case was worse, if possible, than Mc- Creary's. . . The partici)* ars f,f these Eases—every one of whieh was cured by the Lee of the ••:!! r,l .searcher"—may also be found in a circular to be had °tiny of the agants. A BAD Rnn LE:.; CITLED.--Putsburzil, September f 18, 1861-1 hereby ezrtify that I have a sore leg for over a year. It was .mvered with ukers and sores so that I could not work for nearly a year. My leg swell* ed so that I was u 114: 11t to do anything fora long time, for it least 11101allS. 1 Idcz. r;c.Vltr:ra. of the beat doe tors in the city, but without any benefit; finally I called on Dr. Keyser. st Pio. 140 Wood street who only at tended me snout two weeks; air,: ;aye ara i o tivvo hot ; ties of medicine, and I am entirely well, and have con . Inured well for six months. I am employed at the Bogie Eogiou ;loose ou Fourth street, where any one can see Me. Tito:4Aß FARRELL. READ THIS Cyst--I was afflicted with a horrid di cease in my feet and anl(len, so much so that for six weeks I was confined to my bed, and at other times to my chair, where I was compelled to sit for weeks. I was in the care of both our eminent physicians far long time, but they could do nothing to effect a cure or ease (fly pain. My feet ant, lees became very much swollen, and havin g' heard of your !Load :searcher (although I had very littlefaith in i , ), I was seduced by Messrs. Alexander Sr. roc, *acme at tbid place, to ay it. 1 had not used one bottle hefsro Legait to find immediate'relief. I tried another, rn am new able to waht stout ,VititOtif eri.tclo.s. I have triul other patent medirinee, hut receiv?.(+ nr . , benefit. I take ple,tsu -e it recommending yor r 'Mood sleareb-r above all others, to those inay he afflicted as I' tee been. Yours, truly, .:'zrhit Babas. strou.o, Armstrong Co., Pa., Dec. it Mt We, the eaders , zien c‘tizees ,f Apo!!6, being az quaieted with the facts in the shove statement, testify to Ilteir correctness. JAS. X. WIRV.IIN, J. o. ALEXAMDIR, Jos. M . G•Javirs. W.'. Masse. rt , iNCER CITPED iettz..r frarn England, 31r. I'oPE, of Filaenov66. near PentyPeel. ?lort.,outheelre, England, tIY rites ais follows: 81.1.144014031, Aug, 1861. Ste:--A.ri old woman in thin glace has wished me to wr:te ; a I espectiug LIN DS UV'S BLOO KEA RETI- E tt, from is she fou,id great benefit aou wishes to have a little rerre. Sho hes been suffering' from a 4 iEeii.Se. of 41CatilillersIIS nature tot vse i d ot six o r seven year Her daughter, who is liv•og ir. anteriw, ob.. Mined it !or her, and sent her e i ghteen bottles. She is wry q inn out of it, and I i - .tvie writtria to her daugh ter twice and have received 110 1-1 Ver; of cnui s , ft she IS eiiriolll3 to get more, to Jet comp , etely cured. I told h...r S would write to you for the agency in this country. and .4)v felt very touch pleasee, , o hear me say so. I now beg to ask you on what :e ens cia n. - itt supply me; you will penile hear in !Omni the carriage. and supply me us cheap as pOSSI We. Coeca rrhgenothe onedozen bottles was .£1 8s rd. The medicine was a present from her daughter. / would like to have the Hood Search er in ajar or small cask, if you can send it in that way, or in pint or quart bottles. I will send a bill through Lank or registered letter, which ever will be most con venient to you, if you will gelid me carrier's receipt of the parcel as security. I would send you a stamp to answer this, but uncertain of this reaching you, an ae , 7o/Int of the country being in sixes and severle.le term which is common,/ usei, y-ut will be bind efiollet add charge woe with the pea:att. Yours. respectfully, [S JOHN POP:. [We have seen the letter which is published in to. day's Dispatch, from John Pope, end believe it. is pa ‘19.4-Bzes. Pris...7C/i DR. GEO. H. GEYSER. SOLE raorairmt, piTTSßuzcit YENIV A M. A. HARVEY and W. S. GROWL WA7r,Arbor,. 3. HATHAWAY, fjanalaseltewz. R. STANLEY, fierratitScat. J. F. STE WART, AeirbursiT. wig. BLAZE, MR*mt.. • ' .40.11151145,Ta N 11 4 3 a abS by P* iiarrtirt. geOisfdi " hingt St that Office i - n /*YUMA Of 'deux .1. LAZEAR, Cashier Cam e ,, ,s= Fiimation, ti4lr. 44t:er Affections. Costo,co,s, Sh:l Ritelllll, 4 -- ;ro,oral sobs 4`l" t ppttite, Foal otut:c St,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers