lErozo the Pittsburg - DallVhronlclel ' - Coot of Quarter Bodoni, - , i t oel r lariats Snowden and Porter, • MONDAY, Jan. 22d. • °- liter the Court was orbnized, Judge laden rose and announced the death •o ,Patton, Sr., the father J iif e re_sident Judge of the Court. He , I . J II a letter From Judge, Patton o n e; , it cr the members of the bar to • • • er inart y of the eases on the Civil „t as they could' with justice to their iand the' remainder were post until the third Monday' in Feb ,,ry to whicht time the jury. eicept 3 , 3 e mpannelled In the Benoist= , e , were discharged. The parties in ~; d ance on Commonwealth,. Cases te.also 'discharged until the same • • • t • RAVI OF BENJAMIN PATTON, 50,.-;-• 7. Forward made a motion to ailjourui ePurt until 3 o'clock. as a mark of o ectful feeling, upon the annoUnce -i. „ .at et the death of the father of the eident Judge of this. Court, and in ler to give the Bench and Bar an op why to hold a meeting to express it s entiments upon the occurrence of . 5 painful event, in . sucA a manner as i,ht.oem proper. to Court was adjourned until 2' lock. A meeting of the 'Bar, was 'ed forthwith. lIEETINO OF' THE BAR, UPON VIE ATV OF BENJ. PATTON, Sn.-?On non of gaiter Forward, Esq., the part in Session adjourneck and , at a eting of the Bench and Bat of the nty cd Allegheny, called on the oe ion of the death of Benj. Patton, Sr. q.. father of the President of the timer! Pleas. The Hon. John M. owden:was called to-the Chair, and William. Porter apktinted Vice ,-sident,; and James G. Rked, Esq., ,sen Seeretary, Ir. Dunlop on presehting the follow resolutions, said that it was a, grate. usk on this - melancholy occasion, htrn:to bear testimony to the truth the sentiments expressed in them.— ,at he had known Mr. Patton frem tarry.. youth, his acquaintance with commencing ~w itth his school-boy ~ io the town of Bellfonte. That deceased had ever borne the repu -a of a blameless life and honorable !net. That he was a man of the. dest affections, and the most charita seatitnents, and had endeared him. to his numerous' friends :and ac. lances by his uniform nrlkanity; has secured the fayorebteopinion 'very one who had become intimate, agh with him to know him well Oath to appreciate his worth. in motion of James Dmilop;Esti t , it ',evolved, That the Bench and Bar legheny county deplore the death :eepin Patton, Esq., the` father of President of this Court, .and tender the presiding officer our, sincere con nee at the lamentable event which' deprived him of an honored and tionate parent and society of a man peered for his blatnelettelieputation oomerous virtues. olved, That the presiding officers skis meeting present inwriting to Honor, the President,-,the aof his brethern of tha Bench and Aced, That the Courehe reques to order these proceedings to,be en . by the Clerk of the Common u on the Records of this Court. JOHN M. SNO WDEN, Pres't. _ ILLUM PORTER, V. Pres't. Jas. a. Read, Secretary. ILG FALLE-A Yankee engi- Itas calculated the motive power of s ' 2 ra Palls, and found the , " water lieges," to exceed nineteen times motive G- - Br TCOYI chosen delegates favorable to the Oation of HENRY A. MUIII.ENREBEI Goreraor LINCROLY EVENT.-A lunatic•by tune of Pomeroy, (4 female) was , t to death in her rootdat the Poor HI Owego, N. Y. T crioN.—A.petition is circulating w York City praying the legisla . that; state to make sediction a pe, EMI t Peter PAGE for the proeted ' it begreatitatt Buren and John-, ''eling held at Harrisburg, on the 'NOR OF MASSACIIIISETTS..-- riggs his been elected- Governor uthusetts, , by,the Legislature of C ARELESBNEBB.--On last, at a sale of the property Brinkerhoff, near Gettysburg, g man, lamed House, engaged ing his , gun, carelessly snapped e iron mas loaded with a bail ; off, and the ball-- struck a Mr. it the back, just under the iiladei and _passed through iaeMTthe head of - a:cane which gentleman held in hisitand.-- .4.1;.., eohrqrson Progress ofMormaiim. ~,,, EL0611111111413 tapiDlliON OF a grVOCh -4'he "Tithes and Beason "- give a mcinthly account of the - spiritual and temporal progress of ' the Latter Day Saints. 'The last publication says :-... I' ho work is slat progressing in Cana- dal New )3runswick, England, Ireland, &inland, Wale's, and in the , Isle of Mtin, and in despite of the "vast.'num hers that , are constantly. 'emigrating to this , land, their numbers are continually on the increase. In %Vales, native el ders have been' ordained, who are go ing. forth and preaching in their own language the.great principles Of eter nal truth.. We have elders preaching in'New Holland and in the East Indies, . and elders during the past year have been sent to islands in the South Sea. Elders Hyde and Adams are also pre- paring to go on a mission to Russia in the Spring." So also in their tempo -1.l prosperity and progress. The city of Nauvoo is increasing in the number of, well built houses, and merchants are seuling among them. ,Theirrnunicipal. regulations'have beenl revised, a large police forge organized, to guard *Mat the ,evcroachments.of blacklegs,borse thieves„ kidnappers, and other scoun drels, who so much infest the river; the wharves_ have, bean improVed, to facilitate the landing of steamboat's, and a dani across one of the channels of the Mississippi commenced, which On make it one of the. finest harbors On the _river; and be usorul for manufacturing :purposes, which branch of businesi; it seeius, is about to be embarked in.— The paper alluded to says: ' " Many branches of mechanism are going 'on ; briekinakers, carpenters, bricklayers,' masons, plasterers, black smiths, and man other branphes of bu siness have fouinithundance.tfemPloy. There is, however, one thing, we'would respectfully call .the attention of our brethren - to, that is, the businesO of manufacturing. There is, perhaps, no . plaice in the western country, where cot ton, woollen, silk, iron and earthen wa re could be manufactured to better advantage than they could in Nauvoo. Th efeNis not a branch in any of the ahove trades, from making the machine ry 'to completing the most delicate fab rics or wares, but what we have arti sans or Mechanics that are fully , com . pettint to the lask,liaving followed those several branches of manufactures, ei ther in the eastern States or in the old world ; and when the above named dam shall be erected; it 'will afford greater facilities for manufacturing purposes. and - hitter prospect's for caiii!alists to itrvest their money, than anything that hits come. tinder our• notice for a long thine.' . From this teelnit it will be' seen th notwhhstandint the abuse of this se ct o and the characterizing Joe Smith an d.ohis followers as fools, they' still Itt tow how to conduct their affairs with pr udence and intelligence, and' in this rei .Ipects may set an example to many deemed much wiser; *- Tennessee Legislature—i Scene. A dignified scene of legislation took iplat !it in-the Tennessee. House of Dele gate s„ on the 17th inst. Mr. Miller mad e a speech, ' charging the Whigs with wasting'the time of the House.-- As h.e concluded, there was some whist ling and hissing heard from the Whig side of the House.,. Mr. M. noticed that theit !nib!. membe r from Davidson had Nines I or whistled at his remarks, and regarding it es, a personal insult, he walked deliberately over to Mr. T. and expressed himself in severe personal terms. Mr. T. raised a chair, and Mr. M. 'pressed in up on him—a general me lee of - .the' memb era ensued, and the parties were only kept separated by the esertiont; of gentlemen of both parties.. Mr. T. o btained the floor, and made an explanation in rtply to the allusions. . of Mr. Hiller, and stated that he whis tled to giv e expressicur merely to his surprise at the remarks of Mr. M., and that he ha d no intention to insult the gentleman from Hardem an ; and thatin resenting tf, , e language uved by Mr. M., as he, had done, he , had, acted as every gentleman ivould have 'doneunder the circumstances. MEE couiltir 'Sun&ay ak4ew means. would shdrk,bme ofour food folks in this guartar to see Sunday_celebrated as it sometimes is in New O`rleana.— We see that rucently a grand r eview of the military by the Governor took place on Sunday, when about 5000 troops turned out—cavalry, artillery a-nd in fantry. In addition to - the military r yolunteers, which _ evinced much dis eipline, the races attracted the atterotion Of dim - 11 - ands of strangers. FUR born pere,of egg nogg, ito., were served up gratuitously at , various hotels in the evening, and three -theatres and tw.o masquerade balls were in. full opera. /iOn. This is worse 'than the running of the Sunday - • A Bien Gout?Mrsm.—The &dishy . - ry (N. C.) Watchman says that'tbe Rowan gold mine, near that place is the richest thathas ever been discover-, ed in the United States; It is described' as a small vein, from fitturto twelvein ches wide. A quantity' of. the ore, ta ken front it has yieltletr.6oo the ik' shel; and somtkas'nutch as 6500 to the bushel. his said that 14,876 - - penny weights had.beeti taken from it about, a TBE WIDOW .of. Lacasren.—The widow , of the Geiniai who stole the Poniery - Txpretis Tinfik,-. and:, after wards committed •suietde, was releard froth the N. Y. .. -prison; and sent home on Monday morning; where she was informed of_ her hnshand'e fate. She received'twith 'paroxysms of distress, but throegh the aid.,and advice of a German minister, was finally restored to a proper ignsd of her situation. • Fsom her'previons tbreats, it was fearedthat she wouldbe' p.rompted to commit std. ale, but the cor. , sola4ory advice of the minister. produced' a:promise not to' re doit,to any means 'to destroy herself.— She refused to be Valten :.te see the, be sy of her husband; whom she new considers as the sole author of her bit , teemisfortune. §he .is a :fine,looking woman of about tweoty-two years, of age, ef German parentwe, and had been acimainted with' Lachne r but a short time before the Marriage..—Tzines. , - SENTENCE , PPR •IMANSVAVGATEIL7 i l Peter Williams, a • voluntt.er firm , in New York, wbo killed 11. p.-Bta - ley in 4 fight-at afire, has . besen sent n eed by the Court to impriso.nment at bud labor in the Stale Prison • at Mo . nt Pleasant (Sing Sing) for twenty-0 )8 years and six months, The prisiip r, after the -sentence, laughed and s.'ud, with a tremendous oath, that he thoui:ht they would give it to him. . ' NEW SPECIES O Tem&TLON•—CoV. Tucker, o(Mississippi, in his message to the Legislature 0( that -gt'aie; re commends that a tax be laid,upon bred babies. Died, In Inlet, lee county, Illinois, on the 19th of putrid fever, Erusrus S. PaArr, formerly of Bradford county. c' In Rome,. on the 19ti`n1t., of consumption,. Mrs. SARAH Toarran, aged 55 years.' EW' ZIO&Ei MIND 8 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Blacksmith's Coal will be sold for $1 38 1 PER TON. PAR MONEY, And $1 50 per ton, land produce—land produce taken in payment. N. B. The, snbsribers have a large quanti ty of enpertir gdod coal on hand, and a min cient assortmmt of rake and coarse coal. I.`l. & 8. BOLITIIO, • ' Pranklin,l'ebruary 1844. ANNUAL REPORT o f the Receipts, and Expenditures of. Brad ford County ; for the year 1843. • 4lssessors, $lOl2 Bridge Contracts, • • - 1346 Constablei attending court, making returns, and adv.for Tp. eleetiona, 488 S. Buffington, late comrztissiotier,: , 253 A.Martin, crier of court, ' 69 CUronees inquisitions, , 54 Williston dt Elwell, counsel fees, • 25 Damages by roads tbro' iniprovemente, 462 Damage, Views, • 72 Fuel, ' • 50 Incidentals, ' . • 27 Justice Fees, • . 26 Giaud Jwy, attendance and mileage„ 575 Traverse Jury, " i , 2630 Office book's, 97 • Monica .refunded,. -2! Wild eat certificates, -; • 15' J. N. Weston, Siff. prisiances , support, 795 Printing, - 362 Stationery,- , 47 Public Buildinks, L 328 5 Township .views, Civil suits, . . 58 Wolf certificates, 25 DI Cash, late Prothonotary, Clk Quar. . ter. Sessions and Oyer & Terminer, 295 A. Chubbuck, " " - " l2l A.Chubbtick, for transcribing old ap= pearance docket index, Irad Wilson, late corn. in full, Joseph Towner, commissioner, Aspenwall, " A. S. Chamberlin, corn. clerk, .' 'Commonwealth suits, I. II: Stephens, late Shff.Jor fees, do. do. Prisoner's support, Daniel Brink, commissioner, Road views, ` Elections, • Auditors, Bridge views, Collector's' Accounts of County Taxes. Names of. Amount Amount ... Townshilis. Collectors IReceidi due Pike, • Gregory, 1837 $20.00 144 66 Rome i-JVought, 1838 81 95 _Smithfield,E R Hamilton 1829 30 68 Wells, A. Wartendyke, " 30 00 22 39 Burlington, C Knapp, 1840 66 10 Canton, A Bothwell, " , 28 36 Granville, Wm Ross, " 110 65 932 Smithfield, E King, " 31 66 Towanda bow; A. Martin," .114 . 37 74.92 " • tp., R Horton, " 211 72 Wells, W Smedley, It .72 92 Athena tp. § Ovenshire, 1841 10 00 69 51 ColUmbia,* J W " 550 18 70 Herrick, Robert Depew, " 412 ,133 00 Litchfield, T B Merrill, ," 19 86 Oriel!, Harry L Parks,. a 37 10' 11 31 Pike, John Baldwin, ' " - 38.04 Ridgberm, Anson Webb, ," 38 65 South Creek. S Stiles, " 394 21 82 Sheshequin, E Harts% " 162 .50 Wyalusihg„,E Vaughn, 79 30 'B9 93 Yirvsox, David Owen. " .7774 54 ,71 Athens bo; G O Wells,lB42t 88 95 98 24 ' tp, J Watkins, . " A . ): - 289 06 Asylum, U Mood3ri " 24 59 63 10 . Albany, Miner Wilcox, " 66 86 42.62 , Burlington, J S M'Kean, " • 90 86' 208 79 Dolunibia, B Sherwood, " 5844 103' 85 Denton, Justin Bothwell, " 96'78. 144 11 Fitanklin, Daniel Webber,'" 50 00 19 26 •Gronville, B Saxton, jr. , " 82 67 . „416 - 01 Hetrick E B Mint; ' " 65 77 lB '951 Litchfield, T B ?rterrill, "". 65 21 9:20 ",Pike John Baldwin, ' 202 90' ' . 122 14 Rid' gberri r T Benight, ". 102. 80 •10 02 &tab - Creek, I/Quick, " 727 - 49.57 Smithfield,. w,,,E Barton, .226 79.. 141 52 Springfield, CB CeMpbell", 232 . 32 - 81.04 Tuscarora, C Wells; . " 64 TY, . 13.4"1 lirster,•' William Gibion, " 147 - 17 66 00 Wells, n'r Miller,' a 15. 55 80 81 - 4 ,14 rt Lent. : i • 11 , 166 95 123 3,1 F .Q , • -, • , Windhiup,John Russel,. " 47 07 235 i.. Wysdnaing', - .lobiiVaniitii." l- •'166:44).t:76,94, Athpne born, G Meriß4lB43 - 114' 20 ! ;145,0 ' ~'" ' tiw Rob* 8 cd 00 : 1, q , '.: 10 3 ,6 1 ; '46A'4'2 albaniry D Burdick,' --. •. " * 5 9 1.00 't.' 97.88 Asylnrp, _Elm& Florian, ." 13(1 1. 33 . '142 52 BUrlington. C Tayloe, gi . 'B6' 10 '':267 75 . f. Canton,) Rockwell, " ' 77'30 'lO3 • 84. .rgaPkibi, C W Stepluma"„. ' 18 75 , j 66 ; 80 Granville; LeviTaylar;" •-."„ '• ' - ,' , 155, 78 'Herrick, Nal Wbitcnore," :: • ;22 , 97 „ ; 84.72• Lisroy, a lieficcnb, :, ”. 462 112692 Litchfield, T B Merrill; ". 84 91. /b 1: '00 :Monroe; Chester Mason, ". '' - '.- ' i r6 47 / Orwell, GW- Wells, - •, 0 54 60 1 28.90 i Pike, G W Humphrey ; ' ". 188 1 57' I 31 .19 Rome, S Rockwell, 0 ; 94 O. . . 11„38 Rid,gbeny; H Blackman, ", , 84 67. ! .17' 96 South Creek, D R Moore, j‘ , 85 '96' i• 8 . 32 Smithfield, L Adams,- •" - 78 00. 1412'28 Springfield, P Cole, • • " :117 6t • 216' 30 Sheshequin, W B !Pup= "• 66 37 , ;294 2 0 S. Stone, H S Stephens; 0 ,-, 27'94 ,:188 14 Trey; - 0 P Freeman,.. l .." 260 41 !2:22 ,35 .Towanda tp!' B Goolwili a 188", 82 %Ili' 75 Tuscarora. W ThoMpson ", 56 01 ~ 48'07 Towanda bo. A Cooley, ". 369 44 ' ,82'30 Windlitm, Wm Sibley, 0 128 01 - 136 67 Warren; Aaron Corbin, " 194' 96 : "417 11 Wysdx,, A .Whitney, •''' ''9B . 56 258.87' Wyalusing, S W Biles, ~" .. 28 00 .265 '95 Wells, N Shepanl, jr. . " 171 37 • 5 - 5,7 Ulster, Norman Shaw, " 51 25 184 '99 $5,778 22 Recv'd on duplicates which have been settled in, full • • during the year 1843, : 2,4.89.83 ", Total, •Those marked thus (•)' have 'mei settled since Ist of January. 1 1 :onies ReCeived. by . Triaiitter in 1841. • On Dopticates, • $8268 05 Jqdgme.iits and Treasurer's deeds, - 776 01 Cominissjonees‘orders, 8146 00 Intemst pa judgments,- ,169 92 Money in Treasury. Jim. 1, 1843, 36 84 Due C. Stocktvell, Treas. Jan. 1, 1844,232 32 Total, By co , orders retained, ioaladilig - credit orders,_ • $14,341 32 By Treasurer's commistion, 286 82' . . Outstanding orders... Jan. 1, 1843, 'i'53,792 52 Orders issued in 1843, including , ' credit orders, • • r , 13,200 26 Orders issued to Treasurer, 5,1:46 00 Orders returned in 184311 Outstanding Jan ? 1, 1844, BRAE 4 FOIitt COUNTY, SS. We, the Cnmmissioners or said county, do hereby certify the - foregoing *O,, be a true statement, of the receipts - and expe:nlitures of said countyfor the year 1843. . . E . ASPENWALL, . . .' . 1/, BRINK, Comrs. J. TOWNER. Attest—A. ti PHAMBEZILLY, Clerk. • 1 Commissioner's Office, 7 , I Towanda,January 24,1844 1 IST OF 313F.0R5, drawn for Feb. AAruary Term siad'Sessions, 1844. sr ascent want. Albany-;444. Ladd, James Lee; Columbia-4.l3eidey, G. Bailey, W. Garnett, S. Keyes; Canton--. George Griffin ; • Franalin- r James U. Ridgway ; - Granville-4iba Morrie, Benjamin Saxton; Leroy—Ansel Tillotson; • , , .Litehfield—Jacob'Campbell; 't s ltrionme---C,harles Hollon, Davi4 Ridgway; Orwell=0„ .'S.Gorham,,Joel Johnson; Pike—Charles Keeler, E. Taylor; " Ridgberry.—King H. Cummins, P. A. Gillet; StandingStene--William,Griffis ; Springfield:-G. Adams; D. Gates. P. Norman; South Creek—Samuel H. Coleman; . • . Towanda boro—E. Montanye; . " tp.-rChas. Manville, B. Goodwin'; Ulster—James Gorseline, Wm. Hovey ; • Wysox—F.Brown, .1. Ridgway, D. Shores; Wells—A. W. Knap p, L. Witiey.' New - Books and Stationary ! Xl4 5 1% 161 291 1306 62 141 100 419 796 ,U 44 UTILE§ ThiZlllo MBE subscriber has just received a very • extensive assortment of School and Mis cellaneous BOOKS; History, Travels, Voya ges, Biography, etc., which are offered for sale. -low for . cash. The stock embraces in part : A tour in the East; Holy Land, &c.,by E. Joy Morris, 2 vol.; Thomas' Reminiscence!! and Sketches, 2 vol; the weds of Josephus, Rollin, Byron. Combe, Dick, Sterne,' Marryatt 4 Coo per's Naval History, Plutarat's Lives, Mack's Lafayette, Blake's works, Lilb of Washington,: Franklin, end 'Jefferson.' ' Also, a general Variety of Family Bibles, large and small; psaltni and .hyrans,.. nnisie books, ete. Blank Books and StatiOnary; of almost every description. _ $12,715 ' J.' KINGSBERY, JR ; Towanda, Jan. 27;1844. ' ONE - CENT REWARD. :BUT NO CHABGES PAW!, AN away from the subscriber on the Kt night of the 23d January, a young man by the name , of Robert Ferguson, an appren. tiee to the Blacksmithing &minces. - I hereby forbid all:personitharborihg or trusting hid on my amount, ,has I shall pay lie debts of his non• traeting lifter this date. •. Wyscir, Jan. 29, 1844; - ONE 'CENT REWARD'!I lab AN away from the subscriber; on th e 911 t Jilt, inst., limy, by do name of James 'S. Schermerharn. bound as an apprentice to'the Blichemitting business: ' Said boy 'was! about 115.yeare old t—liadert when he left, gray Pann‘t gray reundabout coat und a cloth cap. I here. lby. Aphid all persons harboring or trusting him on my amount, as 1 shall pay no debts of his contracting after this date. 7 • • : - ' W, 'RPM", • - Sgriollnebl2ol4m 1 0- Is44s. Panel and Common tumbp' Good 811 iIIiTANTED ip exchangifarcub tilde - dodo V Vby • & BON. . BROADCLOTHS, Cush:mere', Bealret ! cloths: and Satinets/for gale law bY j 11,MIX . tt SOM. $8,208 . i,95 ;' $14;628 14 Monied Returned, 1142 - 8 14 unty o!deq. INN $22,i38 78 $14,341 32 57.797 46 J, B. RIDGWAY. Watch and Clock Repairing, , . ;T:4 10:ft.doaxamr ffiitiiternuat hienils and the - Ipuldie that lie still contin 7 - • \III) neito carry on the above businessaChis (Addend,. . , • onridoortrontlrofThomas wrote d gatom n y. _-opporritoothe -flay SCatee•' . . %irk and -Clock ltqadring, , .- , will be done on - short notien;and-warrinted to ,„ be well done: Fromit long. experience. in the, buttineser; he believes thithelv.ill be ablqtra ren der perfect sati'rfitetion to all who ma y• favor him'-with their patronage.' • , • • N. B.lWatches watranted td .run "weft one' per, or the money refutidalf awl a' Written. Agreernent to that effect given to all that &Wires OLOCKS.44 large assortment justreceiv -. - ed-and for sal4, very low for cash. . • • . ,Towanda, Jana* 29, 1844. M . . , • allif2 8 -31M11 * B'7=2 8 8 :INSURANCE AGENCY. , D. BARTLETT has the - agency :of the Delaware Mutual ! S'afely Ine:sranee Company of Phifridelphia..antl,i9 prepared to take risks on very" favorable terms. Policies are issued by'said company in the usual man ner of other sleek companies. Towanda, Dect 4, 1843. • CAUTION. WHEREAS by wife Louisa Id. has Lett -my bed and board without any just cause or provOcation. I hereby forbid any one harboring or trusting her • on mraccount, for I shall pay ria debts of her contracting after this date. . 1 . FLOYD ,B. „HOWES ; Iturlingtonaan . 19, 1844.. , ESTRAY. AME to my inclosurein Wyalusineabont IL) the middle of November, a YEARLING heifer. " The owner is requested to prov.e prop erty pay charges, and take her away. • • JOHN HUFF. Wyalusing, s December 26; 1843, Administrator'g • Noti ce. ALL PERSONS indebted to the estate of Jacob ..4rnout, lite of ctivanda townshiii deceased,, are hereby notified to matte ito mediate payment; and all persons having demands against said 'estate, are requested to present 'them to the subscriber, legally authenticated for settlement without, delay. • GEORGE H. BULL; A. L. CRANMER, Monroe, December 11th, 1843.. . ' • • Adjourned Special Court. A Dr- ADJOURNED Special Court will-he held in Towanda in and , for the county j of Btadford on Monday the 25th day of March next at 10 o'clock in the , forenbon for the trial -rof the following canna, to wit: . 0. P. Ballard vs. George Dewitt , ejectment;' Derhasteilanivs. Abel Pairchild etal. trespass; Sartile Holden vs. A. &Smith et. al. do. William B. Clymer vs..M. C.Drinkwater et. el. ejectment; Simile Holden -vs. Moses Watford et.,al. tree. pass; Rebecca Shutder vs..l. Decker et. al.ejectment. A. CHUBBUCR, Prothonotary. Prothonclary's Office, - . • Towanda, December 21at 1843. . • ESTRAY. Arl A VIE to ' My enclosure the 18th day of No. vember last, S SMALL YEARLINGS; one , a red heifer with white back and tail; one brOvin heifer with white ring entail . ; one red steer with white on tail ;.the owner is ieguested to prove property; pay charges and take them away: •WILLIAM BRAUND. Durell, Dee. 18, 1843. • L. E. DE WOLF, ,14WOIBEMIT' g:E,U MLIV9 TOWANDA, PA. ( Office with the Regiatcr -(5. Recorder.) 0110 221 D 004111; 8 HE - subscribers are prepared to nil all or- AL dem. for Coal at THE OLD BED, at the shortest notice and on the most favorable' ten:ua. .Thankful for the liberal patronage they have received, they are determined to sell fine conifer blacksmith's, at lower rates than ever before offered, viz : we will sell for cash, Fine Coal at $1.25 per ton—or $1,38 in pm ' duce.-Coarse and . Raked Coal at ,Former prices.. Beware of • imposition : Fine Voal from other places has palmed off as coming from our Mine, —a sufficient proof ofthe superiority of our coal. • N. B. PlittitDUCE taken in payment formal: • GAUSS & VV AGPITT., •••Franklin, Brad, C 0... Pfi. Deeembei2s, 1843. NE' W..600,1DDM AT, 0. D. MIRTLIET77,9. October 23, 1843. ' - Is . A . inistrator's' Notice, . LL P Olstl3 indebted to the estate of ; biL :]ass ltoss late of Pike township, de- ceased, are ereby notified-1n makelimmediate payment; and all persons. having deniands against 'said estate, are requested to 'present them to the . subscriber, legally authenticated for settlenient without delay. • • .;[ • GEORGE DOSS, Pike, Dec. 15.1848. Administiator. • NOTICE S:HEREBY GIVEN, that there- mill be a I meting of the Diroctoes of the Bradford County Mutual Insurance Company, at one [o'cloell, P.M., on Wednesday, the 17th day of January inst., at the Office of N. N. Baits. --A punctual attendance of all the director" is re quested.- N. N.-BETTS, ' ti • H. S. MERCUR, c ecu e •B.ILINGSBERY, Towcnda, 'Amoy 8, 1844. . G :r The shore meeting is adjourned to Tues. day February Bth, at the sitnelnlace it* time of day'. --? ;• ; ; miff Eituvos;Ajpicii k ti, Maui. De Lilian. Figured () Amu,, TegAber Prißreti vet, ace; beautiful • patterns for die Ladies' foi sale by 11,111 X & SOL- . inopors 436'81,:ggigvil ..1941;SBURIPET.. • •. 't - !FILE aiffel en qualittis Ell ADZE to the premises of ,the 12 40 1 1-lhc borough — of:Towanda-an sr about OE first day ACNovamher. laat-rt RED HEIFER; and'u half yetirs:oE wnh no, particular tuarEi: The owner Li *nested to "callinevipn,peny 'pay charges'and take her 114,11141 q.-; Tov.rank.ipuy.- 840843. . FARNI 'Fart' , nnliE subscriber offers for dale limn' in buret] tovvnabip, four . apt bait mike from Towanda, containing 125 acres; titsint 100 improved, and in stood - stain "of 'ctillivatien, with convenient budding'', !rho locatio,* of said fork! is well known,lying , on west side ,of the river, below/Towanda., end la fair viiie front Wysnx and Standing Stone narrotis. The sub- Scriber wishing jo leave`thci stela will tete wick. thirds`what the farm ii'vrorth and give credit .for•one•half the purchase money. %Any tperion wishing to bun property of that kind tind.,liet• ter. call on the subscriber goon on - the promisee. SAM(ML /CELL:UM;,2I • Dorell,January 13, 1544, " ' ' ' SPECIAL COURZ__ Iion.WILLIAM JESSUP, Piesiihnt Judge of the-11th Judicial ItiatrictorPenn- . .syleania lute ordered and appiiinted a Ppecial Court ofpommen Pleas so be held fortheCounty of Bradford, it Towanda, on Mpnda y; the 28th day of March next; at two ()clock, P. M, for the' 'trial of all such causes as may then be rending in said court. • - .• AARON CHUBMICK.Proth'y Prothonotarfa office Totvanda; Dec 2 ,1t53,48. iN. I ,F 4 I.V:GOODS. , BURTON KINGSBURy _nrAg JUST IIEtTIVED from NeerWith g g City, a large 'and well selected :assort meat of FALL 4 WINTER GOD= which are offered for'sale at his old, sttufd. His each consists in'part of • ' • ' .• I . DRY GOODS; , CIITEERY, GROCERIES, , LEATHER, HARDWARE, •1. BOOTS, SHOES, CROCKERY, - HATS.& GAPS, : 5 &C. &C. • &C. . :. • . , Which will be sold on the' moat reasenxble terms for cal or country produce. , His old customers and the public generally areireques. ted to call and , examine qualities and pnces.' • Towanda, Nov. lltb, 1849. THE LATEST NEWS! ao. tfkb. 6,0% 534 044,1013M1T 11111 AV E just received'and are now opening, at' the = store lately occupied by, V. E. Yiollet, in Wysor, an extensive 'and well se lected assortment of • . , .4! 'Wiorter Goods : consisting of almost 'every variety of Dry Goode, Grockries, Crockery, Queensware, Hardware, Boots\and Shoes, &e,•ike., which,,they 'offer to the pulig on the most "fiwtirable terms for cash Or ready pay. Having purchased for ready pay at exceedingly law -prices, and *fidently - be lieving that their terms.and . pricetcotTer equal if not greater inducements to tife purchaser than can be found elsewhere, they respeetfully,selicit the patronage of the community. Lumber andproduce taken in payment. \ - 'Wysox; Nov. 6, 1843. THE subscribers still nine° to manufacture ' keep , on band at their stand, all kinds' of me and Wood Seat min. Also, Settees of trious • kinds, and - Bed steadb of every desctiption which we will sell lois for cash or Country. Produce. TURNING, done to order. - ' T hIKINS & MAKINSON. Towtuida, November 10th. 1843. - • 'MO aro CZEMELIZ9 F ASHIONABLE TAILOR—on Main at.. , (rer B. Thomas' Hat Shop," and nearly opposite Hermes Store. • [Oct. 10. H. MIX Sz, SON ARE NOW RECEIVING Asko New York a large and choice zdedipa of GOODS of every description, to which they callthe atten tion of the public, end which will be sold for cash,- produce of all kinds, and Lninber, at ex ceedingly IoW prices. fall'and Gamine prices and qualifies. November-7, 1843 WINTER Gooas! LARGET STOCK EVER OF FERED IN THIS MARKET, ie now opening at Morztanye's, which they wilt sell at wholesale or retail at such prices.as will ensure a liberal share of public' patronage, Their.stock consists` of - DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Boots and Shoes, Ladies" Bonnets, Gentlemens' Rats .5- Caps, Bu f falo Robes. and all the etceteras necessary for the comfo: of a cold winter, which appears to be rapidly approaching. • .J.D.& E. D. MOISITANTE. Towanda, Novembei 8, 1843. LATE ARRIVAL HE 'subscribers have just received at their ' 111;.;`store in Afetireeton, a large arid well so. lected assortment of FALL AND .• 'CODS, comprising abies - t -L every 'variety, of Dry Goods, Hardware,', Groceries,:: Crocury, ese. . which they now'..offer to th e public at very iow prices for ready pay. j The citizens of Afonro(nd the surrounding country are respecifullyeiniaed totall and ex amine our stock, as wear° coUculent we tars give thernqua good bargains as they can find at any other establishment in. the uannty. • , • ,CCr• Umber and Pro; uce talmnin•payment. D. C. •dc 0, N. SALSBURY. `Mentos:ton, Noy `,'s 1843' inrATS-& C a good .assoriment. for Bale J.F.3I.E.ANS 4 CO. , . ANOTTON YARN; Wieking Battin g on Li hand:l4 htEAN§t, & 00. . , 21117 TAT4116_211117 7111MIIM • - . linCefutimuireTor Goods—Common. Pipet & good Colliog`.l3audg, .and:2El inc 4 Shin glesi MEAMS.4r .c o 4LTilron'at Neils y just Terell7Ptl area r. Fide by • =I .ESTRAL Chairs and Bedsteads. =lll5 H CM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers