The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 21, 1904, Image 4

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Smart &
ARE extremely grateful
ww for the many expressions of
congratulation on our opening
night. It was successful beyond
all anticipation, and our earnest
endeavor will be to merit the well
wishes which have been showered
upon us.
Ideal Christmas Store.
All the elegant stock of high class Bric-a-Brac, China,
Cut Glass, Christal Glass, Statues, Bronzes, lectures,
etc, formerly of the
Veach Stock Now on Sale.
Veach Pictures at half price. Make your own selec
tions. Very many of the
Fire Sale Goods
are still offered at ridiculously low prices. 25 per
cent, off on all Kid Gloves. It will pay you to do
Christmas shopping here.
A Peep in Advance at the
Best of Everything
for Christmas.
At present tbe best sight io town U
our handsome stock of holiday slip
pers. It will give you meo ideas to
see our holiday Hoe. It is easy to
select from, because it contains ev
erything to make people happy,
whether they aie old or young.
Our attractive holiday display
awaits your inspection.
Sycamore, Seneca and Centre
WUdow IlrCMlng aa a Fine Art.
sin one Important department, un
molested by public criticism, the ad
vertisers have even now established
tnstefulness ns the underlying essential
principle of their competition. This
is In window dressing, a vital part of
advertising. The beautiful, not the
bizarre; the attractive rather than the
startling; the alluring and Interesting
are now sought In the window effects
of every shop, from the great depart
ment store to the little candy kitchen;
' from the basement lights of a modest
florist to the long plate glass front of
a shoe emporium. Salaries of several
thousand dollars a year are paid in
cities to the "artists" most skilled In
window dressing, and their requisi
tions for plants or ribbons totally Ir
relevant ns these may be to the stock
on sale and designed merely to odd
to the beauty of the window picture
are honored ungrudgingly. In effect
the nierehaiit says, "(iive me a beau
tiful window that people will stop
and look at, and that yet shall indicate
generally the sort of goods I handle,
and I do not care what It costs."
Charles M. Kobinson In Atlantic.
Ire In India.
Dr. Wells, a London physician, In
ISIS, in ills published essay on dew,
was the lirst to draw attention to the
curious artlllclal production of lee In
India. Shallow pits are dug. which
are partially filled with perfectly dry
straw. On the straw broad, fiat pans
containing water ure exposed to the
Hear skv. The water, being a power
ful radiant, sends oft Us beat abun
dantly Into space.
The heat thus lost cannot be re
placed from the earth, for this source
Is excluded by the straw. Before sun
rise a cake of lee Is formed In each
vessel. To produce this Ice In quan
tities clear nights nre advantageous,
and particularly those on which prac
tically no dew falls. Should the straw
got wet it becomes more matted and
compact aud consequently a better
conductor of heat, for the vapor then
acts as a screen over the pans, checks
the cold and retards freezing.
Not That Kind.
"What did you think of Philadel
phia r
"I never was more Imposed on In
my life," answered Colonel Stilwell
of Kentucky. "They told me Phila
delphia was famous for its mint, und
all they showed me was a place where
they make money." Washington Star.
BorrougliB Mr. Merchant's out, you
say? Why, he had an appointment
with me here. That's very funny.
New Otllce Boy Yes, sir; I guess he
Ihonght It was too. Anyways, he was
laughln' when ho went out.
Too Much For Illm.
"Oh, Bees langvlage!" complained the
distinguished foreigner. "Your wife he
is upstairs when I come In and you
cull to hoem: 'Monsieur d'Ksprlt have
arrive. Hurry up und come down.'"
Chicago ltecord-Ilerald.
v. -'" '
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i !!
!' 7 '"7 i !
c K-jia, : . V. . , j
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Prominent for many years in tbe affairs
of Marienville, Pa died l that place on
the 18lh Inst. A sketch of the deceased
H given on the Inside of this Inane.
TUa Color of M'nn.
The color of the skin In the various
nccs of man has never yet been scien
tifically accounted for, although muner
ius mythological stories have been told
ind senseless theories advanced ns rea
sons for the remarkable variations in
hue. Nor have we any certain data
roncernlng the color of the cuticle of
the primeval man, the original "lord
tt creation." A pretty African legend
Is that he was ns black ns the prover
bial ncc of apsides and that the present
rile color of the Caucasian race Is the
result of the scare (Sod gave Adam at
the time of the fall.
It Is proper to state here that the
aine legend snjs that tbe present
olack race are descendants of one of
Adam's sous that was born and left
Kden before tbe great change in color
overtook our first parents. The Chi
nese believe that the original man was
n creature half god and half man and
mat ills color came nbout us a result
f bathing In a river of liquid gold,
"he Mussulmans, the American In
llans and several oriental tribes and
nations account for their prevailing red
r copper color by telling the story
of the (irent I'clng creating the first
nalr from red kaolin, the common Ore
:lay of the potter shops.
Best Sclllnn Donk In the World.
The Bible Is the best selling look lu
the world. It leads, and by a long in
terval, r.ll other publications In copies.
Murchnse.l In the ordinary channels of
trade without regard to what may be
called the otllclal distribution.
Every bookstore which undertakes
to carry n full line of stock sells the
Bible. Several Important corporations
confine themselves to the manufacture
and sale of Bibles, and others find In
the Bible their leading feature. Of no
other book can this be said. Speaking
some time ago of the Insatiable de
mand for the Bible as an article of
merchandise, an officer of the Metho
dist Book Concern said: "I.Ike nil pub
lishers, we hove to keep watch of the
sale of books lu general, even the most
popular, so as not to get overstocked.
But this never occurs In printing the
Bible. We just keep the presses stead
ily at work, and If we happen to find
that we have 40,000 or 50.000 copies
on hand It gives us no uneasiness. We
ore sure to sell them, and we go
straight ahead printing." Century.
The Dirtiest People In the World.
With possible exceptions in tbe cases
of Tibet and Lapland we are compelled
to admit that the English working
classes are probably the dirtiest bi
peds in the world, alike In their clothe?
and in their persons, nnd that they
display themselves In public nnd even
travel by public conveyances In condi
tions which would not be tolerated in
any other civilized country.
Nothing like English working class
dirt Is ever seen In public on the con
tinent ofj Europe unless In Its fur eust
ern portions, and dirt is prejudicial to
health not only by Its direct physical
operation, but, In a still grenter de
gree, by reason of the absence of self
respect which It entails and which re
moves from the dirty man or woman
nt least one safeguard against drunk
enness nnd against misconduct. Lon
don Lnnret
Asparagus, deservedly a favorite veg
etable, was extensively cultivated by
the ancient Romans, but was not in
troduced Into England before 1000.
In some parts of Europe the seeds nre
used ns substitute for cotTee, und a
spirituous liquor Is made from the ripe
berries. Asparagus Is both lltblc and
diuretic, nnd Its roots used to be ex
tensively used In medicine. In some
old recipe books directions nre given
for boiling asparagus oue hour, but
this is a great mistake twenty or
thirty minutes Is long enough to cook
It sufficiently but there was one sug
gestion worth following. Instead of
cutting off the white parts It advised
that they be broken, saying that If
they were too tough to break they
were unfit to eat.
Sheep Sorrel Pie,
A Kansas editor pays tribute to the
sheep' sorrel pie, which was one of
the luxuries of primitive Kansas. "It
was dried apple pie from December
Until grass, or until the squaws came
around with wild gooseberries. But,
happy thought, with the coming of
the Johnny jumpup came sheep sorrel,
and, with sorghum sweetening, what
lovely pies were made! Corn bread and
Missouri bacon, sorghum and butter
milk, with a quarter section of sheep
sorrel pie to finish up! Kansas people
of this day and generation don't know
what real good llvlntr Is."
Pimples, Piles, Eczema
Cuts, Burns, Bruises,
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Old Snren. Ulcer., Chilblains
.Catarrh, Corns, Clitipptnl Htimls nnd Lips,
Boils. Carbuncles, felons, Itching,
Bleeding, Protrwtnijf l'iles,
luseotUittfl. I'oigoa
Ivy, and all
Diseases are cured bjr
San-Cura Ointment
Which will mop At once that Itching, hunting
pain. We guarantfe UtntMHn-cum ointment will
.. - ... ...... ..' ,... .l J ....til H. ....I
uui iicni a tin. i airic ui i i j kiiiu until mi- ;puu
ia all remove!; thun it h-iila rapidly. Pieveuii
1iukkiiw Ai tuu iwtii
What Happened When the Time Carrt
I for the Twins' Bath.
A family living in West Tenth street
Include tlve-year-old twin girls, who
so resemble each other that only the
mother can tell which la Kate and
which Is Grace. On Saturday night,
as usual, Kate was taken . Into the
bathroom and given a thorough scrub
bing. Then her mother, after letting
tho rhlld phiy in the water, as a re
ward for good behavior, put her on
the rug, dried her, powdered her, nnd
put her nightie on.
At that moment the grocery boy
camo, and the mother had to run
downstairs and take charge of the
provisions. After she had put every
tains away she came back, grabbed
up a twin and took her to the bath
room. The little girl did not sny
much, and after the water frolic bus
scampered back to her bedroom.
There was a whispered consultation
between the twins, and they both be
gan to giggle.
"What are you youngsters laughing
at?" asked the mother as she came
Into the room.
."Nottlng," they protested.
"But you are," insisted the mother.
"Tell me this instant."
"Well," said Katie, rolling about on
the floor In merriment, "you gave me
two baths and didn't give sister any."
So Ready.
Snooks (coming out conversational
ly) I think that every woman who
la not out-and-out plain considers her
self a beauty.
Miss ltlnkle Ioes that Include me?
Snooks Oh, of course not! Punch.
Useless Device.
At a suburban auction of house
hold goods an active anil successful
bidder was a Montgomery County
farmer. Ills purchases were piled
high In one corner of the room, and
he was still eager when a thermome
ter was offered. There was no bid
ding from any quarter, and the auc
tioneer, reaching it out to the farmer,
said :
"Here, give me a quarter for It and
take It along!"
"No! Not for me!" said the farm
er, backing away.
"Why, that's dirt cheap!" exclaimed
the auctioneer. "Don't you want a
"Xup!" was the decided reply. "I
had one a year or two ago, and fool
ed around It an' lost time without be
ing able to regulate It at all. Why, I
couldn't even open the darned thing!"
Salt Lake Herald.
A Georgia Refrain.
Alligator steak en cattish stew -Big
yam 'taters, en mountain dew.
Lean cow kilt fer de barbecue
High ole times In Oeorgyl
Co'n In de crib, en cotton in de gin.
Money in yo' pocket 'twel he shine
!ak sin;
Ev'ry cullud nigger wid a 'possum
grin HiRh ole times In Georgy!
No use sighln' we'n de jug ter fill.
No use cryin' we'n de milk done
Keep on a-hopln' dat de cow'll staa
ole times In Oeorgy!
King Edward's Dilemma.
"What's the matter, your MajestyT
asked the King's equerry.
"I wag Just trying to think of some
body with a title who hasn't an
American wife that I could send M
Ambassador to Washington."
"Why don't you want to send one
who has married an American?"
"What! And let her go back there'
to spend her money? I want my sub
jects to understand that their King la
more loyal to the home country than
that!" Chicago ltecord-Ilerald.
Spelling in this Generation,
Itlchanlson is In the primary de
partment this year, having graduated
himself from the kindergarten
which he thought "all nonsense"
jnu convulses us with his learning.
The very first day he .announced that
he had learned to spell hat When
asked to do so, he said, "1-e-a." "Oh,
no!" I exclaimed. "H-a-t," but he
shook his head gravely.
"They don't spell It that way now,
perhaps they d!l when you were a lit
tle girl. Why, didn't the teacher draw
a picture of a hat on the board and
te'il the class to say, 'I see a hat'?"
Youth's Companion.
"Mamma," said Dolly after she had
listened to a discussion of the day's
news, "doesn't the Ixrd know how
big this country Is?"
"Why, dear." exclaimed mamma,
shocked; "what lo you mean?"
"Well," replied Dolly, "the people
In New York prayed for rain and it
luniled way out In Kansas!" Itantb.
and liange. .
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists' refund the money if it falls
to cure, E. W. Grove's signature is on
each box. 25c. o25
lor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Btrda Ara Mathematician.
The English naturalist, Morris Glbbs,
devoted years of study to birds' nests,
their formation nnd their contents, and
asserts that birds lay their eggs In ac
cordance with geometrical lines, so
that every inch of space is used to the
STeutest possible advantage. Birds
which lay many eggs arrange them in
circles, the pointed ends turned to the
Inside. Others, whose eggs nre elliptic
oily shaped, place them In longitudi
nal rows. If nn egg Is moved out of
Its original position by nn Intruder, It
will be found on the following morn
ing that the bird has returned It to Its
first position. Among tbe numerous
and often difficult cases which Glbbs
made a mntter of study, not one was
found which would not do credit to a
Cromwell and the Specter.
Tho stories of the "White Lady" Jthat
periodically visits the German royal
family and of the "Little Bed Man"
that frequently paid his respects to the
great Napoleon are tolerably well
known, especially that of the former.
But few, perhaps, nre familiar with tho
story of Cromwell's "Giant Specter."
It appeared to him one night when he
was wide awake and quietly resting ou
his couch. In appearance the appari
tion was a woman of gigantic propor
tions. Approaching him she announced
in tones like thunder, "Within the year
you, my son, will be recognlml as the
greatest man lu Britain."
Creation of Kalsht.
The ceremonies nt the creation of a
knight have been various; the principal
were a box on the cur and a stroke
with a sword on the shoulder. John
of Salisbury tells us the blow with the
naked fist was lu use among the an
cient Normans; by this It was that
William tbe Conqueror conferred the
honor of knighthood on his sou Henry.
It was afterward changed Into a blow
with the flat of the sword on the shoul
der of the knight.
Takea Lnnarer,
Husband How Is It that women's
club of yours keeps you out so much
Inter than it used to? Wife Oh, we've
made n new rule that only one mem
ber can speak at a time.
A Word of Warnlnsr.
Wife I must run across the street
nnd bid Mrs. Neighbor goodby I'll be
back In a second.' Husband Well
you'll have to hurry. The train leave
In three hours.
The War It Happened.
She Archibald was always trying tc
avoid the girls. Where did he meel
the one he afterward married? He
He didn't meet her. She overtook lilra
A I'nruaun.
Mamie Florence's love of truth
amounts to a passion. She really goes
to extremes. Kittle In wbni respect?
Mamie Why, she admits her best
friend Is younger than she Is.
AH Serene.
"Has Jones an assured reputation aa
an author?"
"Absolutely. Why, he says he can
now turn out poor work all tbe rest of
his llfe."-l.lfe.
Dr. Bill (meeting former patient)
Ah, good morning, Mr. Jones! How
nre you feeling this morning? Mr.
Jones Doctor, does it cost nnythlng If
I tell you?
Only Wanted a Chanee.
Mother IVrhnps . the young man
needs a little encouragement Daugh
terYes, mamma; I wish you would
keep out of sight more while he Is
If you are to be hnnsod. people
won't boast that they used to know
you. Atchison Globe.
You exist because you breathe, but
are you the healthy man or woman you
should be? Is existence a Joy to you?
If not, ask your physician why. He
will tell you 99 times out of 100 poor
health comes from derangement of the
liver or kidneys, and you will pay him
from one to three dollars a visit for
treatment. He may cure you. Yet In
doing so he will use exactly the same
mdlclnes that Thompson's Barosma is
composed of. For the small sum of 60
cents, one dollar size if you wish, you
may put yourself on the way to com
plete recovery. Thompson's Barosma
is simple, harmless, pure simple as all
things ultimately attained by science
are difficult to arrive at, but plain
enough when the principles are under
atnnri Thnmnaon's Barosma has been
tested by time and public opinion, and
Is infallible. It is guaranteeo. wouiu
you run an engine for ten years with
out rlennin It out? Do you think that
the human system differs much from
an engine? Your kidneys ana liver in
HitM t cWeed nn they need cleans
ing. Uncared for your engine breaks.
Unattended, your system runs aown.
Is there any argument? It will cost you
60 cents or one dollar to start on the
road to relief (there are two sizes of
Thompson's Barosma, obtainable at
any druggist's). Is it wise to delay or
take chances? Practically every symp
tom of Illness may be traced to the
liver and kidneys, the main organs of
the human system. Thompson's Baros
ma will cure you.
What a N. Y. Central R. R. Engineer Say!
About Dr. Kennedy's Cal-cura Solvent.
. Kidney disease is very common among
railroad men. Nearly nil engineers are
troubled with pain in the back, this being
one of the results from the constant jar of
the engine. Mr. G. M. Geotchius, of Mat.
teawnu, N.Y., snys: "I recommend Dr.Ken
nedy's Crd-cura Solvent to anyone troubled
with their Kidneys and Liver. I have used
it with great results. Many of my relatives
and engineer friends tell me that nothing
elo gives them ns much benefit ns this
wonderful medicine. " All druggists, $1.00.
Pa. tlc'Gcsr.UoacK
Office ) 7M National Bank Building,
Eyes examined free.
Exclusively optical.
In anticipation of the greateBti
Christmas Business
in the store's history wc , have provided
hundreds and hundreds of gilt articles.
That our effort is appreciated, and. our
methods approved, witness ' the . great
crowds that daily throng every aisle of
this - great store. i
: rzL ;
Scores of Useliil; Sensible Gifts a
25c, 50c, 75c, and $1.00.
Coming to Oil City to do your Christmas shopping? This
great display merits your Careful consideration., f , . v ,
iiiiw .j,. i I, ; ..i im ai..Jg:;.-,Eiv;r-Tr.-,.ii,i iM;m
Vegetable Preparationfor As
similating the Food andQeguIa
ting the Stomachs and Dowels of
Promotes Digcslion.CheerPuI-
nessandHcsi.iontains neiiiter
3)ium,Morphine nor Mineral.
Ay tfoua-smnxpmmR
jHx Smum
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa
Oon.Sour Stoiimch, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions ,1 e verish
ncss nnd Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
- tt i turiAfa'-aaa
Hnfr. Ahvnvs reliable. Ididln, uk IniCRlst Ibi
iil(' bnulinM In Krd and
44ld meulllo boxen, Healed with blu. rtbbmi.
Tah other. Keftiaei dancrroni aubU
taUonaaad linllmlioua. Buy of your DniKRUt,
or send 4r. In stamp fur Particular., Tentl
mlali and Relief fbr Ladle.," In lellrr,
b re) urn mall. 14,000 1'eatunoulaia. SolUI)7
ail UruairlKta.
10 Hadlaon. Mquara, fMILAM PA
MeaU.a UU
Plea.ant to take.
Powerful to Cure,
; Ana weiromeiu
- Avnrv lliiinn.
? rmNFV and LIVER curs.
jL Dr. Kennwiv'a FftTorlt Rpniwlr
It adapted to all aw nnd both ktxi'h, afTorrtliipr iht
ttinnrnt relief In alt caH'BCftiiwd by Impurity or tlie
Mix td, such m, KM Dry, BliuMer ntut Liver Com
plain (a. Constipation ami wfiknfKrw peculiar to
voniPll. Successful fnrHnvcitrH. TrMait'd 1V
r. . KKVVKUY'M fcOVH, Rondmif. ft. Y.
ai.UUttlldruKKlsta, . blx bottle .UU.
423 Fourth Avtjl
i&re interested
irvfiOK roAGEo,
Booklet will interv
ejt you
It contain? Vicwrof
Pitt tbur? .fcl to valuable)
invyW who would V
hJive hi; money (i
earn 6 ue cent . Ill
booklet free on requejt. m
BMrtfaf r fctrfai Wi t Tin
For Infants and C.-,..
The Kind Yets T
Always Bo::
j Bears
j Signature
o r
For Over
thirty Yearr
tmi Minwa ommkt. an voaa em.
the . i
( 3
m 3
Write today for weekly price-list W pay
the hlgheet market prleee for;
Hides, Calf-Skins, Pelts and Tallo-
"In any size lots Promrrt navinents i
reputation 10 years' fair dealing Ear..
references furnished
, Force. Sauer & Co.
South Canal St ALLEGHENY, PA.
Si W if fl5-fc'j f7t''
Good Stock, Good Carriages and .
f lea to let upon the most reasonable terui-
ie will also do
All orders left at the tout Office wi!
receive prompt attention.
Feed &Salo
Fine Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Rates.
Rear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone No. 30.