The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 04, 1904, Image 5

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    Smart L Silberbers:
Trade Whore They CSive You Co-Operative
Trading .S lamps.
In Full
$29 for $35 Rugs.
$17 for $20 Bugs.
Large rugs are more and more taking the place of carpels. The grow
ing tendency is apparent in new houses, io reconstructed old ones and in all
homes that are called model. That's one reamm vhy this a juouueement is
bound to attract widespread attention. Another reus n is that these offers
are made right at the beginning of the season, and the third is the economy
that our special prices stand for. These rugs are !)xl2 in size fresh and
new and are in over a dozen different patterns and colorings. Such fine
values at regular prices that the demand for them is steadily increasing.
Royal Wilton Iiugs, rich Persian patterns, floral and open ceutre
effects, beautiful colorings, 9x12 feet; $35 value for $29,00
Tapestry lirussels Hugs, in best quality, small deigns, floral pat
terns and medallion centres, 9x12 feet, $20 values at $17.00
More Extra Values in Curtains.
As great oaks from little acorns grow, so a great stock of curtains grew
from the small lots we gathered among many manufacturers and importers.
Here and there, whereve we found worthy surplus lots to be had at an un
der price, we bought. The result is we have a moat attractive lot of very
specially priced Curtaius.
500 Gloria Rain Umbrellas, 79c.
If you doubt for a moment that these are a bargain, compare them with
any SI Umbrella you ever saw. We don't claim that they're as good as
any dollar'oueswe claim they're better ; we thiuk, without exageration,
they're the equal of any umbrella you ran find iu town at $1.50 8ple did
quality gloria 8'lk, paragon frame, steel rod, straight or crook bandies.
Yo i'll say they're the best value ever offered you yet.
It Never
Thompson's Barosma has never been known to fail to cure any
disease of the Kidneys, Liver and Bladder; also Rheumatism, Sciatica,
Palpitation of the Heart, Nervous Debility, and Female Weakness.
Thompson's Barosma reduces all the inflammation, neutralizes the acid
and dissolves gravel, carrying off all matter that is poisonous to the
blood, stomach, heart, kidneys and liver. It is purely vegetable and
pleasant to take. No opiate in any form is used in its manufacture.
It can be taken by all ages and has cured many children of non-reteu-tion
or bedwetting.
"I had been troubled with rheumatism ever since I was eighteen years old, and
when I went into the drug store I had little faith in Tlmmpsnu's Harosma. I have
taken six bottles of Barosma and am better than I have been in twelve years. I can
work every day, somethintr I had not done in ten yenrs. Thompson's Barosma regu
lates my whole system and I nm stronger and better in every w ay, and am glad to
bear this testimony. Thanks to Thompson's liarosma." Johnson N. Dunn, Troy
Center, I'enn'n.
If costive, Thompson's Daudelion and Mandrake Pills should be taken with
Barosma. They are purely vegetable and do not gripe.
Smith Surprise Sprinq Bed.
PM i
The Smart
Magazines bli iuld have a well-defined purpoee.
Genuine, intertuinmcnt, amusement aud mental recreation are the
motives of The Snitirt S'f, the
Its novels (a complete oue iu each number)are by the most bril
liant authors of both heinisplieies.
Its short KloricH are matchless cleau aud full nfhumaa interest.
Its pot'try covering the entire field of verse pathos, love, humor,
tenderness is by the most popular poets, men and women, of the day.
Its jokt'H, witicisniM, hkcfi'IlCN, etc, are admittedly the most
No pages are wasted on cheap
wearymir essays and idle discussions.
Every psge will interest, charm
Subscribe now 82 50 per year.
order, or registered letter to Till, NJI A.KT SET, 452 Fifth Avenue
New York.
Positively will not Hammock. Ea
sily Kept Clean.
Does not require a heavy mattress. Your old
straw or feather bed will give
good Hatisfaclion.
For pale by
Tioiitsta, Pa.
illustrations, editorial vaporings or
and refresh you,
Remit in cheque, P. 0. or Express
All Executive Departments Send
Treasures to the
World's Fair.
Display Installed In the Largest Gov
rnmental Exposition Building Ever
Constructed Precious Docu
ments Relics of Famous
Statesmen and Soldiers.
Working Postal
The United States Government build
ing at the World's Fair occupies an
elevated site just south of the main
picture of the Exposition. The great
central dome of the Government build
ing la visible from the very center of
the Fnlr, looking across the picturesque
sunken garden tnnt lies between the
rnhices of Mines tiud Metallurgy and
Liberal Arts.
The hill slope in front of the Gov
ernment building is terraced with
broad stairways nlmost completely
covering the slope. The building Is 800
feet long by 250 feet wide nnd Is the
largest structure ever provided at an
exposition by the federal government
It Is distinguished from nil the other
large buildings at the Exposition by
the steel truss construction, the entire
roof being supported by steel arches,
forming n splendid domed ceiling.
In this building are installed the ex
hibits of till the executive departments
of the government. The building is a
vast storehouse of an endless variety
of treasures dear to the heart of every
true American. Precious documents
are to be seen here, mid the autographs
of our great men of the past are on
display. Itelics of famous statesmen
nnd soldiers, carefully preserved
through generations, aw exhibited.
Each governmental department has In
stalled an exhibit showing its otbclal
character and mode of operation.
Entering the Government building
from the eastern end, the visitor sees
at bis left a railroad postolilce car.
Tills Is not a mere conch standing Idle,
but Is one of the most improved mail
curs, In which men attached to the
United States railway mail service are
actively engaged in "throwing" the
malls. Here you will see the postal
clerks nt work, just as they work while
speeding along a railroad track.
A curious collection of old time rel
ics from the postotllce museum at
Washington illustrates as no verbal
description can do the crude begin
nings of the postal system. One of
these relics is an old fashioned stage
coach that once carried United States
mails through a portion of the Louisi
ana purchase territory. President
Roosevelt, who once Inspected it, ex
amined with a rough rider's Interest
the bullet holes which stage robbers
and mountain brigands shot through
Its stiff leathern curtains. Generals
Sherman and Sheridan nnd President
Garfield rode in this old coach during
the strenuous days of frontier life.
Among the collection of documents
showing the primitive postal methods
In vogue in the early days Is to be
seen the old book of accounts kept by
the first postmaster general, Benjamin
Franklin, nil written by hand. There
Is a rare collection of stamps, includ
ing ancient Filipino, Torto Kicnn and
Cuban stamps. The postolilce depart
ment's exhibit occupies 12,409 square
Across the nlRle, at the light, Is the
exhibit of the new Department of
Commerce nnd Labor, occupying 1,00(5
square feet. This exhibit shows what
the new executive department stands
for and what it is accomplishing. Mr.
Carroll I. Wright, United States Com
missioner of Labor, had charge of the
preparation of the exhibit. Charts ar
ranged by him, showing the rapid
growth of the nation In agriculture,
arts, manufacture, population, etc., are
of speclnl Interest to sociologists nnd
nil students of the hibor problem. The
Census Tturean exhibit is made in this
section. It shows the tabulating ma
chines vised In compiling the census re
ports. The Lighthouse P.oard, also op
erating under tills department, shows
the great revolving lenses in light
houses, with other Interesting appli
ances. The space In the projecting north
west corner of the building Is devoted
to the Library of Congress. The edi
fice which houses tills library at Wash
ington Is held by many architects to
he the most beautiful building In the
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arise'! in the family
everyday. Let us answer it to-day. Try
a delicious and healthful dessert.
pared in two minutes. No boiling I no
baking! add boiling water and set to
cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry. Get a package
at your grocers to-day. io cts.
I .. -j
, Prc-
Properly Washed and Fed the Blos
soms May Last a Month. .
"Cut flowers when properly treat
ed," said a Sixth avenue florist, "can
bo made to look fresh for three or
four weeks.
"Every night take them out of the
vases and thoroughly rinse the stalks
under a faucet, removing with the
fingers any decomposed matter. Then
put them to bed for the night In a
basin of strong soapsuds, but be care
ful not to allow any water to touch
the blossoms. The soapsuds supply
a certain amount of nourishment. In
the morning rinse the stalks under
the water again, and. as each blos
som is arranged for the day In the
vase of fresh water, snip off a tiny
portion of the stalk with a pair of
scissors. Always carefully trim away
any faded part.
"Food for the day Is supplied by
sulphate of ammonia, a few drops of
which should be added to the water
put Into some dark, cool place say a
pantry as It Is not good either for
the flowers or the household that they
should remain all the time in the liv
ing rooms.
"To revive cut Mowers put them
Into warm salt water, to which has
been added a few drops of sulphate of
"Cut flowers are constantly sent by
express and through the malls, but
seldom In such a fashion as to pre
serve their bloom and freshness. To
effect this, pack them In n light wood
en box lined with cotton or wadding,
laying over this a sheet of tissue
paper. Then lay the flowers, not on
top of each other, but in rows, aide by
side, the blossoms of each row on the
stems: of their ne'ghbors. Pack close
ly, otherwise the flowers will be dis
placed and injured In the journey,
ltefore packing they should stand in
water for several hours In order to
absorb moisture enough to keep them
from withering. It Is not good to
sprinkle them too heavily after they
are In the lox, for without air this
Is likely to produce mildew." New
York Mail and Kxpress.
A Sailor's Story By Himself.
An old sea captain, who wooed and
won his wife in a very brief courtship,
is wont to describe with deep-chested
chuckles the plight from which he res
cued her at their first meeting. It was
In the early days of the crinoline, and
the girl, dressed in her best, had come
down to the wharf to meet her father,
also a captain, whose vessel had been
sighted at the mouth of the harbor.
The wind was strong, and she soon
found herself in dilliculties, says Tit
Bits. "First I ever saw o' my wife," says
the captain, "she was a gal a fine,
able, saucy-looking craft, all sail sot
an' scudding before the wind straight
for the end o' Tlmmin's Wharf, let
ting off distress signals as she went.
Her canvas was more'n she could
stand up under, an' she knew It; but
she couldn't take in sail, an' every
sheet and stay held, an' there she
druv straight for the end o' the
wharf an' fifteen feet o' water. She
was in distress, an' I tell you she let
folks know it! You'd oughter heard
her. Foghorns an' minute guns are
whispers to a howling hurricane side
o' the yells she kep' letting off all the
way; but she couldn't help herself,
and there she druv.
" 'Ahoyl' sild I. 'Something wrong,
my gal, ain't there? Seems to me you
don't mind your helium,' and with that
I put out my arms straight an' she
blew Into 'em. gasping out, 'Stop me!'
An' stop her I did. witli the loose ends
of her rigging whipping round my
ears, and her lingers clinched in my
collar, she was that skeered.
" 'K easy, says I, 'e-easy. now, nnd
don't you worry, miss. Here you be
brung to 'longside o" Pill Farnaby, safe
In port an" all's well. Only next time
you're out when It's blowing half a
gale, jest you take a reef in thera
togs, grapple to a fence post, or keep
a mile away from the ocean.'
" 'Thank you,' says she, dropping
my collar an' turnin' pink, 'I will,
Capt. Farnaby; but this time there
wasn't any fence post.'
" 'There was a man, an' that does
as well,' says I.
"'An' I think maybe it does, Capt.
Farnaby,' says she; 'if he's kind
enough not to mind beln' choked.'
" 'What's a little choking?' says I.
'Choke away! And next month we was
Mr. Bailey's Singing Hen.
J. M. Pailey of this city is the
proud possessor of a very remarkable
hen that can sing and dance as good
as any person. Mr. Bailey says the
fowl learned the art when she was
raising her first brood of chickens. He
used to feed the chickens from a pan
and make the mother stand back. She
would make such a fuss when he treat
ed her this way that he would be
compelled to notice her. She kept on
this way, and every time the chicks
were to be fed she would Immediately
begin to sing in her own language in
order to attract his attention and pet
her share of food. He has her trained
so now that the Bight of a good morsel
of food will make her sing for quite a
while. Danville (Ky.) Advocate.
New Submarines for France.
France has just ordered the con
struction of six submarines of a new
type that devised by Naval Engineer
Mangas. They will be the largest yet
built, aa when submerged they will
have a displacement of 4."0 tons. The
contract calls for twelve knots an hour
under water.
Sugar cane and bananas can be
raised in Colombia at altitudes up to
C.tKX) feet.
NnlloiinlliiiiHlHt Aniilvrrnnry, ClRvrlRiiit, O
Tickets on sale via Nickel Plate Koad,
May bill), 17 and 18th. One fare plus US
cents for round trip. Good returning un
til May lilith. I, unit extended on appli
cation. See nearest aizent or address A.
Showalter, 1). P. A., 807 State street,
JCrlo, l'a. USmis
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
A Farmyard Chorus.
We decided among ourselves to In
troduce Hawkins to another of our na
tional institutions, and accordingly we
arranged one of those farmyard
"Now, then," we exclaimed, beam
ing around at the company. "wj'U
have a farmyard chorus. F.nch of ns
will make a noise like some farmyard
animal. Some will cluck, some will
squeal. Now I'll whisper to each of
you what part you are to take, and at
a given signal you'll all make as much
noise as you can."
"That's old," commented PIMv !-
we stepped heavily on Billy's foot and
he limped to the sofa to nurse h, in
self. We then went to each of the com
pany. . "Crow like a rooster," wo whlspeied
to Hawkins.
Then we stood Importantly iu the
middle of tho room aud gave the sig
nal. Hut no one peeped! On the sofa
Billy chuckled.
"I say, George!" remarked Hawkins.
"I beg your pardon, but I've clean for
gotten what it la you asked mo to
"Crow!" we testily replied, scowling
at the chuckling William.
"Stupid of mo to forget It," mur
mured Hawkins. He. arose from his
chair and flapped his arms seriously.
"Cock a doodlodoo!" he cried with
Oh, these F.ngllshmeu! These Eng
lishmen! Sometimes we think It la
born In them. Other times wo think
It is acquired.
luring a municipal election In a
town In the west of Scotland a young
lady who was canvassing on behalf of
one of the candidates called at a house
the door of which was opened by Ihe
good wife. .
"I have called to solicit your vote
on behalf of Mr. ," said the young
"But It's not me that's got the vote;
It's ma man," replied tho woman.
"Yes." said the young lady, "but 1
thought you might perhaps use your
Influence with him."
"Me lnflooence him?" paid the good
wire. "I hiv nae intlooence wl hhn.
Only this morning I askit h'm to wash
the floor afore he v?nt out, and he
wadna dae It." Tit-Bits.
"They say her parents are com
mon." "Not at all. But I understand they
were so before they got their money."
Illustrated Bits.
It Worried Him.
We gazed upon the beauties of the
Venetian scene with bated breath.
"Behold!" cried our guide. "Behold
the witching lights upon the restless
water! And hark! Sh! "Tl3 the ring
ing voice of the merry gondolier!"
"That may be," cried the man from
Kansas. "You probably know your
business and it's not for me to con
tradict you. But I Just want to tsll
you all right here and now that I
haven't had a good feed of corn since
I left home, and I'm beginning to miss
It, too, by tiorry!"
He Was Warned.
"They say," said Mrs. Oldcasile,
"that Mr. Faddlethwaite, who used to
belong to our church, has become an
' Is that so? .loslah used to take his
lunch nt the same place he did down
town, and he says be often warned
him that he'd get it if he didn't give
up eatin' so fast. Chicago Itecord-IIcr-ald.
Brain and Brawn.
Do you gain your living by your 'n
tellect? Then do not allow your arms
and legs to grow stiff Do ycu ?irn
your bread by your pickaxe? Do not
forget to cultivate your mind and to
enlarge your thought. French Medi
cal Itevlew.
Feminine Way.
He Look at that woman on the
other sido of the si root wnvln,: her
hands about her head. Is she pi"" .'Ic
ing physical culture?
She Mercy, no! She's do ;-'!ig
her new hat to another vr.:vt -;
nebec .lournul.
S .ice I net.
"Where will I get a mirr'nc
license?" asked a young man n the
City Hull.
"You might try the Bureau r.f in
cumbrances," replied the man with the
bald head, as he passed on. Yrikers
Church Who was the auth'-r of
"The Mistakes of Moses?"
Gotham His typewriter, I suppose.
Yonl.ers Stjitrsmaa.
V. M. ('. l onvriilloii, llnllnlo, N. Y.
Tickets nn sale at all stations of the
Nickel Plate Koad May 10th, 11th and
I'Jth at one tare nlns '" cents fur round
trip. Cond rcturniiiK May i!:M. See
nearest agent or address A. C. Showalter,
I). V. A.. SOT Slate St.. Eiie. Pa. 2Ktlmll
""" ,aisssBssssMsssiissia",,
J. 0. Scowden,
Wagons, Carriages,
How are you fixed io any of these very ueco'sary articles?
Drop in at any time and let us show you what we have iu
stock, or what we can build for you on very short notice. Of
course our guarantee goes with everything in this line.
Hardware ! Hardware !
The most complete stock in this section is to bo found here,
either in shelf or heavy goods, tools, cutlery or the like.
Are filled out here in anything they neen We luivo a nice
stock of both the Syracuse and the Jiisscl I'lovvu on hand, and
every farmer knows the merits of these goods, No faucy
prices. Don't buy till you fee the in. Garden tools of every
kind and variety.
In a Stove or lxango we know
you inouey, seo if we can't.
Agctable PrepnralionTor As
similating lUcRxxlanrlRcgiila
Ung theStoinachs and Dowels of
Promotes DigeslioivChecrliil
nessandncst.Contains ncitltcr
(Mum.Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
arvv aroujk-xwinptrcusR
Mx Xmn
Hi CartulvilrStia
CtnnheJ iipr
Aperfecl llometly forConstipa
Tion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish
ncss nnd Loss of Sleep.
Fac Simile Signature or
Uood Stock, Good Carriages and IIiik
flea to let upon the inoct rouaouable teruiH,
le will rIho do
job TEiLinsra-
All orders left at tho Pont Olllee wil
receive prompt attention.
We promptly olitnln U. 8. and F
Send model, Bkutult or photo oi Invention in
freeruporton patentability. For free bock, i
lowtoyocureTRAnC-llflDlfC wnn
ratents nntl I llnUL lllnillvu ti
Opposite U. S. Patent Office
Easy and Quick I
To make the very best soap, simply
dissolve a can of Mannsr Lye in cold
water, melt $i lbs. of grease, pour the
Lye water in the grease. Stir and put
aside to set .
Full Directions on Every Packaje
Uanmr Lye is pulverized. The can
may be opened and closed at will, per
mitting the use of a small quantity nt a
time. It is just the article needed in
every household. It will clean paint,
floors, marble and tile work, soften water,
disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes.
Write for booklet "Lus of Banner
Lye" free.
The Penn Chemical Works, Philadelphia
WANTKD: Men or women local rep
resentative fur a liiuh class irm!H
y.ine. Larue commissions, t'asli prizes,
Write J. N. Trainer, m Kast Washington
Square, New York, N. Y. ti'
we can please you and save
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
In The World!
Don't be satisfied to work
along in the same old way
for low wages. We can
help you carve out a suc
cessful career. Thousands
have increased their salaries
by following; our plan. We
can train you in spare time,
and at small cost, for any
of the following1 positions:
Mechanical, Electrical, Steam, Civil, or
Mining Engineer; electrician ; Surveyor;
Architect; Draftsman; Bookkeeper ; Sten
ographer ; Teacher; Show-Card Writer;
Window Dresser ; or Ad Writer.
Write TODAY, ntntlnc which posi
tion intiru8tn you, to
Correspondence Schools
Box 799, SCRANTON, PA.
F. S. GOODRICH, Oil City, Pa.
If yo;i cannot call, fill out and mail
tlic coupon '10U.Y.
l'h- 1M rxj.' tin i..v I r-n .i...ililv ll-f-t-yli tt-
I. 1". S. . r tli..- ). -.iii. n ItlMj I luv.r
AW tnglritor Bookkrepcf
Draltimin &tano(rapha;r
Llectilcitl Enfllnetr 6huw-Cnrd Wrltar
Eteoltltin Ad Writer
- Stemn Englnosr Window Drtticr
Civil EngHictr Franch 1 with
Architect (tarni rt phono
('hamlt Spni'b J graph
4 Ornamfnt. Pftlgnff Cmr:trcl:1 Lrw
Si. atiJA'o.
City State