The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 30, 1884, Image 4

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An na1lV-TI hnt SJ $nl& About
nim-ll IM.Ivi't Npc 'I ticm J be
tlail IIOJ--K. Inlher'i C'tirsr.
I ho it truth, with him who sinus
To one clear harp in divers tout,
That, men msy rise on stopping ftones
Of their dead solves to higher tnimrs.
Alfred Tennyson.
O course you did, lorift yews ajro,
T hm you wore seai-cely more than a boy,
An l revelled in your spring-time joy,
Put knew not aught of wintry woe.
Noiv, when your head is bare and bald,
And vanished the poetic fire,
"Union onoe leaped blitzing from your lyre,
A Karon bold you would bo railed.
A'u York Journal.
'Your r)np;htpr hns a tottrh of ni
laria," ?nid a physician to a New York
lady. "I will call again in the morning."
Tho mother then went to her daugh
ter's room with a look of great anxiety
on her face, nnd said: j
"My dear, tho doctor snys yeu have
malaria. What is it? Is it dangerous?"
"Not very, mamma, and oh, it is so
aristocratic I I will wear my blue silk
wrapper, and we must get some cut-glass
bottles for tho medicines, and if any of
the SnulUcs girls call have them brought
to my roon. It will take them down a
peg or two, I can tell you."
And the sick woman looked the very
picture of happiness and content. Call.
"What does your sister say about me?"
asked a young man of a small brother of
the maiden ho thought ho lovfd. "Oh,
lots!" sententiously exclaimed tho pre-!
cocions boy. "Well, tell me," said the
youth in a coaxing voice. "She Bays
vou'vo got lots of money." "Well, what
else?" "I don't like to tell." "Oh,
come; tell me and I'll give you some
candy." "Well, she says that if she
ever married you she'd loan you to farmer
Cornstalk for a scarecrow." "Is that
ail?" he sarcastically inquired. "Oh, no!
She said if it wasn't for your ears tho
top part of your head would be an island,
and that if your nose was a little longer
you could stir your coffee with it, and
if " But the young man had closed the
front door after him and was scooting
down the street on a dog trot. Aew Or
leans Picayune.
lie was a little green, though he pre
tended to know all about the music she
was playing.
She wasat the piano knocking Heaven's
delights out of a march with some long
name and she evidently thought she was
paralyzing both him and the instrument.
All of a sudden there was a pause.
"What's the matter?" said he.
"Why, I dropped two notes."
"Did you," said he, getting up and
looking carefully around tho stool and
under the piano. "I didn't see you.
Who were they from but of course you
wouldn't tell me, you know. EtantvilU
"Say, don't you think there ought to
be a law to kill dudes when they are.out
ol season?" said the bad boy to the gro
ccrvman. ' 'Dudes ought to be protected the same
an any other game," said the grocery man.
"They are harmless except in August,
w hen they ought to be muzzled. But
wliat ails your lip?"
"A calf kicked it. I dont think a calf
hn9 got any more sense than a dude. Tho
humane society man told me to keep a
watch and when I saw any of these fel
lows that bring calves to town in a wagon
abusing tho calves, to make them stop it,
or have them arrested. Yesterday I saw
a calf all tied up by the legs in a wagon,
bellowing, and I sneaked up behind
and cut the rope around its legs, to
relieve tho pain. How do you sup
pose tho calf thanked me? Kicked
mo in the lip with both hoofs, and
the driver chased me two blocks with a
blacksnake whip. There has got to be
a better understanding between calves
nnd us humane society fellows, or I shall
resign. Wait till I go and 'carry these
red socks to the baby and I will play you
a game of dominoes," and the bad boy
went out whistling, "I'm Denny Mc
Gonigle's Daughter Mary Ann," nnd the
grocery man cut off a piece of cheese to
send the baby. Peek's Sun.
"Good-bye, McNultyl"
The tall," lissome form of Esmeralda
W. Perkins was sharply outlined against
Vivian McNulty's left ear as he stood
that beautiful June evening in the door
way of Briertou villa, hoping against
hope, and praying that something he
knew or cared not what might occur
to sweep from the horizon of Ms life tho
awful sorrow that was hanging over it
like a pall -a sorrow that would make
every Uay an con of misery, every word
of joy that others might utter a knell of
They had quarreled,, these two they
who in the beautiful days of autumn,
when the leaves were turning golden,
when the hills were crowned with amber
light and the valleys seemed like huge
cups brimming over with a purple haze,
mul when the trotting record was low
ered to 2 :08fr, had plighted their troth
ko willingly and yet so solemnly, think
ing, and rightly, too, that this blending
forever of two hearts was a solemn, holy
net, one that should ever be looked upon
la talent gratitude and now they were
to part forever, take separate paths on the
eventful journey of life that journey
which they hoped by constant compan
ionship and enduring love to make one
of ceaselef s joy aud sweet content. But
now all was changed, and the rose-tinted
future which they had often pictured to
themselves and talked about iu the calm
hopefulness that only a young man on
$75 a niuiith and a pure, pasbionless girl
who can eat the bottom crust of a pie
without a quiver can assume had passed
iiway forever, and in its place there was a
vanning timsni of despair and grief.
'I can only tell you," the murmured,
when finally his agonized entreaties had
moved her to speech, "that our marriage
would render your life one of constant
misery, that it is better we should part
now tbuu commit an error which eternity
alone could tiluee. i Oil will never know
how I love you, Vivian never know tho
dreadful agony (hat lliis separation is
causing mo. If I loved you less, if your
lovo were not enshrined in my heart as
something to bo worshipped evermore, I
would not take this step. I was wrong,
very wrong, I know, to allow this love to
overmaster my whole being, but it is bet
ter to wreck one life than two, and so
agajn I say 'Good-bye,'" and, lifting her
pure, sweet face to his, Esmeralda kissed
him gently on tho lips and turned to go.
"Stop I" exclaimed Vivian, in an im
perious, whoa-Etnma manner. "I pleaded
with you for an explanation, but now I
demand it. It is my right," and, draw
ing himself up proudly, he broke his left
"You speak truly," replied tho girl.
"An explanation of my action is duo
you. Know, then, that 1 am a victim ol
"Of what?" asks Vivian.
"Of heredity," repeats tho girl.
"In what respect?" he demands, hif
voice hoarso with agony.
"I have," saVs the girl, steadying her
self against the piano, "inherited my
father's snore." Chicago Tribune,
FaTored a Higher Fine.
Will Tavlor. tho son of tho present
American consul at Marseilles, was a good
deal like other boys, whilo at school in
his old home, at Hudson, Wis. One day
he called his father into the library, and
To, I don't like to tell you, but the
teacher and I have had trouble."
"What's tho matter now?"
"Well, I cut one of tho desks a littla
with my knife, and tho teacher says
rve got to pay a dollar or take a lickin'."
"Well, why don't you take tho licking
and say nothing more about it? I can
stand considerable physical pain, so long
as it visits our family in that form. Of
course, it is not pleasant to be flogged,
but you have broken one of the rules of
toe school, and I guess you'll nave to
stand it. I presume tho teacher will in
wrath remember mercy, and avoid dis
abling you so that you can't get on your
coat any more."
"But, pa, I feel mighty bad about it
already, and if you would pay my fine I'd
never do it again. I know a good deal
more about it now and I will never do it
again. A dollar ain't much to you, pa,
but it's a heap to a boy that hasn't got a
cent. If I could make a dollar as easy as
you can, pa, I'd never let my little boy
get flogged that way just to save a dol
lar. If I had a little feller that got licked
bekuz I didn't put up fer him, I'd hate
tho sight of money always. I'd feel as
ef every dollar I had in my pocket had
been taken out of my little kid's back."
"Well, now, I'll tell you what I'll do.
Til give you a dollar to save you from
punishment this time, but if anything of
this kind ever occurs again, I'll hold you,
whilo the teacher licks you, and then I'll
fet tho teacher to hold you whilo
lick you. That's tho way I feel
about that. . If you want to go around
whittling up our educational institutions
you can do so; but you will have to pur
chase them afterward yourself. I don't
propose to buy any more damaged school
furniture. You probably grasp my mean
ing, do you not? I send you to school
to acquire an education, not to acquire
liabilities so that you can come around
and make an assessment on me. I feel a
great interest in you, Willie, but I do not
feel as though it should be an assessable
interest. I want to go on, of course, and
improve; the property, but when I pay
dues on it I want to know
that it goes toward development
work. I don't want my assess
ments to go toward the purchase of a
school desk with American hireoglyphics
carved on it. " I hope you will bear this
in your mind, my son, and beware. It
will be greatly to your interest to beware.
If I were in your place I would put in a
largo portion of my time in tho beware
Tho bov took the dollar and went
thoughtfully away to school, and no
more was ever said about the matter un
til Mr. Taylor learned casually several
months later that tho Spartan youth had
received the walloping and filed away
the dollar for future reference. Tho
boy was afterward heard to say that ho
favored a much heavier fine in cases of
that kind. One whipping was sufficient,
he said, but ho favored a fine of $5. It
ought to be severe enough to make it an
object. Bill Nye, in Free Pre,
The Orgun Grinder's Fronts.
You sympathetic ladies who send
nickels and silver pieces by a servant to
the poor organ grinder w no stands at
your door, or who tlirow down to him
from an upper window pennies wraped in
thick writing paper, may like to know
how much the man gets in the course of
the dav, and what he does with his
money. For the latter he does not spend
more than a seventh part of it. He puts
it in a bag and then in a long, low chest
in his room, to save till he has enough to
go back to Southern Italy and live at his
ease. More often ho joins every night a
select club of fellow-countrymen, who
stack up their organs at the end of tho
room, and gamble,' gamble the pennies
away in long and delicious excitement.
How much, think you, does he earn ?
More than a carpenter, or abricklayer, or
a policeman, or a postman, or a
salesman in a store, who wears gloves
and a silk hat. He averages $4 a day.
He labors systematically, and has his
regular beat, and his varied art to ex
tract tho penny from persons of each
class he plays before. As ho expressed
it himself in a moment of rare expansive
ness, he " plays on 200 blocks every day,
and it's a poor block that does not give
two cents." Boston Courier.
She Would Not Marry Yet.
"No, Henry," she said, with a counte
nance full of love and determination
beautifully blended, "I cannot consent
to be your wife this month, or even next
month. .Perhaps I may in the gentle
spring time " .Vjsut why not sooner.
dearest?" as . Henry, with a face full
of anxiety. " Well, since you press me
for my reason, dear Henry, I will tell
you. Tho newspapers say there will bo
thirty-eight snows this winter, and I
want to enjoy some of the good sleigh
ing. I have noticed there isn't much
sleighing for a tfirl after marriage, Henry,
The wedding will not take place fill
spring. JJ Udu town
Tho first cotton factory in the Stute of
Illinois is now liiiuj built at Aurora.
Tho Russian government is still en
pa gel In its war against the phylloxera.!
It lias already spent 150,000 in the en-'
terprise, and further largo sums will bo;
needed to complete the work. 1
Ir. George Vnsey, botanist of tho
United States department of agriculture,
has prepared a catalogue of tho North!
American grasses. It enumerates one
hundred aud fourteen genera, embracing
five hundred and eighty-nine species.,
Tho latest invention made of paper is
window shutters as a safeguard against
fire. It can bo made firo-proof, weather
proof and water-proof, and with theso
three desirable qualities attained, there
seems nothing- in tho way of its general
adoption for all kinds of builders mate
rial. Tho Japanese arc seriously considering
the utilization of the hot springs near
Tokio as ajneans of producing both heat
nnd power. .In a country where the
presence of not springs and the fre
quency of earthquakes indicates a rapid
increase of underground temperature,
not a few think that the thing may be
quite practicable.
Different woods hold different quanti
ties of water. According to ScheuJbler
and Ilartic, freshly cut hornbeam con
tains 13.0 per cent, of water; willow 20
per cent ; ash, 28.7 per cent. ; birch, 30.8
per cent. ; oak, 84.7 per cent. ; pine, 39.7
per cent. ; red beech, 80.7 per cent. ; elm,
44.5 per cent. ; larch, 48.6 per cent., and
white poplar, 50.8 per cent.
A process has recently been perfected
in France for saving and cleaning the oil
that is taken from tho wool of sheep in
cleansing. It is very valuable for lubri
cating purposes. The fine-woolcd sheep
have wool which is very rich in oil, but
it has hitherto been regarded as so much
waste, and detracting as much from value
of the fleece as an equal weight of dirt.
Wooden ties lor railways are Decorrung
is coming when possibly some substUute'l
wnl have to be devised lor them, 'ina
chief engineer of tho Reading railromd is
about to try some experiments with steel
ties. They would be tho same in sire and
shape as the present wooden ties, -except
that they would be hollow; anl thev
would practically last until they rusted
away, whilo tho best oak ties last only
about eight years. Some of the. advan
tages claimed for tho steel tirfi are that
the expense of maintaining the track
would be reduced, tho road- bed would
bo firmer and smoother, and trains could
run at much higher speed njvcr them.
Tho wear and tear on track :ind rolling
stock would also bo lessened,, because the
track is smoother. For theso reasons
trains could run faster without increasing
the expense proportionately.
The Carp.
The carp is tho best pond fish yet
known, and in . a very small pond will
thrive well, so that families in the coun
try may easily have their own fish garden,
if they have enough water to make a per
manent pond. The fish, will thrive on
table refuse and almost anything edible.
Carp can be kept in winter in a tub in
tho cellar, the water requiring to be kept
fresh. Care should be taken to keep
poisonous substances out of carp ponds,
and too much food should -not be wrown
in'. The carp roots about in the mud for
aliment, and much resembles poultry in
its manner of getting food. Carp aged
three years are often found to weigh from
twelve to fifteen pounds, and again in
weight of four pounds has been observed
in a carp in one year. The carp is slug-
tiah, while trout, bass, and other lively
sh frisk about, and do not fatten so fast
as the carp. Experiments have shown
that female carp spawn at the age of one
year in Southern waters, at two years in
colder waters, and in the extreme North
ern waters of the United States at three
He Has No Objection.
W. Voorhees. United States Renurnr f.m
this State, remarks! "Mv nr.. in t "in T
have no objection to giving. I suffered
from rheumatism of the back, used some
St. Jacobs Oil, which gave me instan
taneous relief and finnllv furor! ma rnrr.
pletely. 1 think it a remarkable remedy,
inaeeu.- uis candid and roni-tenim .
pression carries weight. .
Since the, vnr Iftift tirtppn Vmrnnetcies
and thirty-four knighthoods have been
conferred upon the physicians and Bur
geons of Great Britain and Ireland.
Personal far I,,lle.
I ain a widower, and vaka this novel plan
to find a wife. I am 37 years of ase. Ameri
can descent, have a littla daughter, about
tiio.lXX) in money and farms, ana am actinpr
in good faitii. I prefer a lady about 25 or 'M;
no objections to a widow if she hox but ona
child. Also prefer a Protestant lady who
religiously inclined, and financially worth,
about as mucb as I am, as this would jre
ent suspicions of hermarryine me for my
property. J50 will be paid to the person
sending me the name of a lady of the abova
description, if I marry her after Irak
ing her acquaintance. Ladies can answer
this direct, and if they choose they can use
an assumed name until they find I am in
earnest and as represented. Also, if desired,
I can give reference to one of the present
Congressmen, who will vouch for my sincer
ity in this matter. Fend photoarnph and
I will return mine. Address Gko "VV. Wii
liamp, Box 711, Washington, V. C.
Statistics of e'ectrio wire deaths In New
York ara to be taken.
A Kmart Man
fa one who does his work quickly and well.
This is what Dr. K. V. Pierce's " Ooldea Medi
cal Discovery " does as a b'.ood-puritier and
strengthener. It arouses the torpid liver,
purifies the blood, and is the brat remedy tor
consumption, which is scrofulous disease f
the luns.
The last season brought 60,000 deaths by
cholera to Egypt.
aarrra and Other Tumors
are treated with unusual eurcers by 'World's
Dispensary Medical Assocjation, Buffalo,
N. Y. fcend ttanip for pamphlet.
Norway has a heavier ocean tonnage than
the United State.
Am Undoubted Iileutoc.
About thirty years ago a prominent physi
cian by the name of Dr. William Hall dis
covered, or produced after long experi
mental research, a remedy for diseases of the
throat, chest and lungs, which was of suuh
wonderful efficacy that it soon t;aiued a wide
reputation in this country. The name of
tha medicine is Dr. KViil' Hull's Bukatn
for the Lun'i--, aud vAf bj wife!y r'litl oa
as a upoedy a id p. tiv, ciu e lor coujjhai,
a tj ;;Rim.r. rmrnnxt.
Igh T'l (iinni" 'i'rrlnn d t'nrtn
DUukrt I .,1 . i. 'ltin 1 ntiilna ,
IH- llnw lo lI-e It.
The rcwl mysloritnis apjmninneos foljow
hijr mitt and preceding Kvmriw hsvo nfc
tracUvl wi'ie attention from aludeiit of the
nkios and th? people ppnei ally. the
days of recent weeks the sun seems to have
lenn olvrured by a thin red of a dull lCrvlon
hue which, as the sun receded toward the
horizon, became more luminous yeiiow,
then oranpe, then red; and, as nifiht nettled
down upon tho earth, a dull purple. At first
It vm UtotiRht these appearancHW were or
dinary sutlwt reflections of light, but it is
now pretty certain tliat they are either the
nilstry substance of the tail of some uusfen
comet, in which the earth is envotopeil, or a
Burroundlnit stratum of world dust or very
mall meteors. Professor Brooks of
flie Red House Observatory, l'helps,
New York, hafl turned bia tele
scope upon those objects and discovered
what he thinks are myriads of teloscopto
meteors. If it is unorganised world dust, or
decomposed ve)irs. as tho Democrat and
Chronicle, of Bochester, N. Y., remarks:
' How is this matter to be dispose! of I Will
it settle and form a deposit upon the earth,
or remsin a partial opaque shell alxiut the
earth to cutoff a portion of ttie tun's litfht
upon it I"
Whatever the mystery is, there Is no deny
ing that some very strange forces are at
work in the upper airs. The terrible torna
does and cycli which have swept our own
country, Bnd the fearful volcanoej and earth
quakes which have destroyed so many citing
and thousands of people the tidal vavi
which mysteriously rise and fail on coasts
hitherto unvazed by them the tremendous
activity .which is evident in the sun by the
constant revelation of enormous spots upon
its surf ace all indicate unusual euergy iu
the heavenly bodies.
These circumstances recall Professor Grim
mer's prophecies, that from ISril to 187, the
passage of the live great planets Mars, Nep
tune, Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn around
the sun would produca strange and wonder
ful phenomena. He says: " The waters of
the earth will become mere or les poisonous.
The air will be foul with noisome odors.
Ancient races will disappear from the earth."
He attempts to prove his prophecy by tho
fact that in lio, when Mars aud tSaturn
made sheir passage around the sun
coincidentaily," great destruction and mor
tality visited all parts of the glolie. He also
found the same results in previous perehelion
passages of the planets, and argue that these
circumstances always produce epidemics and
destructive diseases which will battle the skift
of the most eminent physicians: that the poor
will die by thousands, the weak and intem
perate falling first, whose blood hat
been impoverished by excels of work or dissi
pation next, and only those who are in com
parative vigor shall escape to enjoy the era
of l-enewea activity and prosperity whith
will follow the period of destruction.
Innsmutth as the entire world seems subject
to the sway of the heavenly bodies no part of
the earth, he thinks, can escape scourging.
He even predicts that America wil lose ovr
ten millions of people; that the fcrmerswi
be stricken with fear and cease to till ths soil;
that famine will make human misery more
wretched. That hundreds will flee to
overcrowed cities for aid In vain.
That sudden changes in ccean cur
rents, temperature and surroundings
will entirely transform the faco of nature
and climate of countries; that the air will be
so foul with malaria and olhernopus gasce,
that those who survive will be troubled with
disorders of the digestive ore ans. That many
who escape other ills will bloat with dropey
and suddenly pass away, while others will
grow thin and drag out a miserable existence
in indescribable agony for weeks. Neuralgic
pains in different parts of the
bodv wsU torment them. Thev will
easily tire and become despondent,
A faint, hot feeling will be succeeded
by chilly sensations while hallucinations and
dread of impending Ul w ill parahBeaU effort.
"The birds in the air. the beasts of the field
and even the ftah of the sea , will become dis
eased, poisoning the air and poisoning Ihe
waters of the globe." We are told on the
other hand that those who snail pass through
this period of trial will have larger enjoy
ment of life aud health. The earth will
yield more abundantly than ever before.
ine animal kingdom will tie more
proline and life prolonged very ma
terially. This prolongation of life
will be owing to the healthy electric and
magnetic influences that will pervade the at
niosphere. It would perhaps seeu that the
Invent redress of the sun, and the presence
of a bolt or veil of coumo matter, justified,
f n a measure, the rediction of
I'rofofcHor Grimmer, but disturbing as his
prediction may be we are told for our com
fort that the Strong and pure blooded need
have little to fear in tliei e calamities, tha
thote who are delicate or ir.dihposed shoult
aaoj s means u Keep tne system weU sup
ported and the blood pure, and that the most
philosophical and effective method of accom
plishing this is to keep the kidneys and liver
in good condition. romthe testimorialt of
such men as Dr. Dio Iwia and Professor K.
A. Gunn, M. D., Dean of the United States
Medical College. New York, and thousands
of influential uon-profoionul people, it seems
auuost certain mat ior tins purpose tnere la
no preparation known to science equal to
axner s ssare cure, netter Known as
Warnei 's F afe Kidney and Liver Cure. This
medicine has acquired the finest reputation of
any preparation that was ever put upon the
n jvrtet. It is a rad c U blood purifier, which
soosAes and heals all mrfamed orcans.
strengthens the nervous vysteiu, washes out
au evidences or aeeay, reguiatus digestion,
prevents malassimilation of food in a uhil-
osopbical and rational manner, fortifies the
system against climatic changes and malarial
umuences ana uie destructive agencies which
seem to b so abundant in these " evil da vs."
It is not our purpose to dispute the correct
ness of Professor Urimmer's prophecies. As
we have said, the marked disturbances of
the past few years would seem to give a
semblance or verification of his theory. It
is certain, as above tt&ted, that we are pass
ing through what may be regarded as a
crucial period and it is the part of the wise
men not to ignore, but to learn to fortify
themselves against the possibility of
being overcome by these evils. it Is a
duty which each man own to him
self, and his fellows, to mitigate as mitch as
possible the suffering of humunity and in no
way better can he accomplish this i hi
thau to see to it that he, himielf, iafoi titied
by the best known preparation in the strong
est possible manner and that he exert the in-
nuence of his own example upon his fellows
to the end that they, too, may share with him
immunity from tte destructive influence
which seek his ruin. .
Saloon-keepers in Forth W orth, Texas,
pay their $25 fine for keeping open on
Sunday, and find it profitable.
Beautiful Women
lire made pallid aud unattractive by -functional
iiTeguiantiej, which Dr. Pierce's " Fa
vorite Prescription " will infallibly cure.
Thousands of testimonials. By druggists.
A gas well near Steubenvule, Ohio, is send
ing a flame twenty feet into the air.
Horrid, yes, it is, that we must suffer from
disease, hut from heart disease, nervousness
and sleeplessness, Dr. Graves' Hetirt Regu
lator will give you imuieiiate relief; thou
sands say to. $l pbr bottle at druggibts.
Thb Alaska teal hunters killed over 80,000
animals during the post season.
Walnut I. oaf Hair Reatorer.
It is outin-ly diltoient from ail others. It
is as clear as water, and as it name indicated
is a perfect Vegetable Hair Hestorer. It will
jumu'diatuly f rue tho head from all dandruff,
restore K1 ay hair to its natural color, and pro
duce a new growth where it has fallen off. Zt
dues not in any manner atl'ect tho health,
wh.'cU sulphur, tugar of lea-1 and uitrato ol
wlver preparations have dune. It willchau'je
light i r failed hair iu a law days to a beauti
ful g'ossv brown. Ai-k your dnijigUt for it.
Each lot'Jo is warranted. Kmith. Klimb &'
CO., Win.Wile, Agents, ridla lolphia, Pa.,
KiidC. N. t toMWjNVw York.
CoriMrni'tiun In any stagy may be cured by
Piso's Cure. 0 cvut. a beetle.
Tspptd FtsVt Tlmot.
Teftlina oorplytTatef'il for benePt re
ceived from the nse of Hunt's Hcnia'.r, 1 fpol
pronj to inform you of tho (rood it has done
me: for ths great s:iflermgl hue passed sua
am now saved I y Hunt's Kemeityi I desire
to st:ite my casn to the public so that ot!r
sufferers mnr obtain the benefit of Its won
derful cumlive powers soma time. ik
to suffer excruciating pains in the region of
my kidneys; I had the most intense agouyi
I was coutlned to my bed and totally tmablt
to change my position ot move in any way.
1 WRS tnpred eight times, i men nearu ui
nunt's llemedy; I bought a bottle, and after
taking a few spoonfuls the result was magi
cal, and in a few days my pain was gone and
my water passed ireeiy, maiwuiu
anything; my swelling dinrrerh I J
a new person altogether. The doctors had
given me np to die, said there was no hops
for mo. I had one hundred and fifty-six
pounds of wator taken out of me. Was
treated by seventeen different doctors, and
Hunt's Remedy has cured me, I feel proud
over your medicine. Those who suffer with
the droiy I bop will givs it a trial, and set
the good It will do. It works like a charm.
I would advise these having difficulty with
their kidneys to give Hunt's Remedy a trial.
I am snre that it will give thetn instant relief
and give them a permanent cure. I am
willing to give all information In my power
in regard to this most valuable medioine.
Yours truly. Mb. David Nostb.
Ecorse, Wayne County, Mich., May U0, 11W3.
Tmt average age of French generals U
andor forty-five; of English, over sixty-five.
Dr. Graves' Heart Regulator cures all forml
01 neort aiseoseis, nervousness, sleeplessness.
Lkxinotow, Ky., claims to have tha small
est death rateot any city in tne country.
MlKSMAlfa PepTONIKSD MM TojHO, the Only
preparation of beef containing Its eiUirt nulrt-
liotiS froprr(fs, it ctmuuiiii uiuuu-uiatimK,
force generating and lifo-sustainlng properties;
iuvsluable for indigestion, dyspepsia, nervous
prostration, snd all forms of general liability;
also, in all eufeehiod conditions, whether th
result of echkustlon, nervous prostration, over
work or acute disease, particularly if resulting
from pulmonary oomplainU, Caswall, Hazard 4
Co., Proprietors, New York. Bold by druggists.
"A God send is Ely's Cream Balm." writes
Mrs. M. A. Jaokson, of Postemouth, N. H., on
May 22, ltWJ. I had Catarrh for three years ;
had tried li early all remedies but to no purpose.
Two or three times a week my nose woul t
meed quite rreeiy ana l tnougnt the sores in n
would never heat Your Halm has cured me.'
This preparation Is not a liquid or a snuff, and
Is easily applied. (Price SO cents. Bee adv't.)
s The Yracer Aula (!
Is the best in thj market. It is the most
economical and cheaixxit, one box lasting as
long as two of any other. One B-reasinir will
last two weeks. It received first premium at
m nmnniai and raris til positions, also
I L . . ... ' . .
ioa at various nuiw lairs, uuy no owier
A HDerlnl Invltnflnn.
We especially invite a trial by all those suf
ferers from Kidney and Liver oomplaintt
who have failed to obtain relief from other
remediosand from doctors. Nature's rrr&t
remedy. Kidney-Wort, has effected cures in
many obstinate cas. It acts at once on t hi
Kidneys, Liver anl Bowels, cleansing tb
system of all poisonous humors and restoring
a healthy condition of those important or
gans, uo not bo discouraged, out try it.
rrofiTessive dairymen who are only satla
Bed with the best results, are adding to theii
wealth an4 v.rA..l . m
Vw.i.T ij . " u"hii on society,
by the rapid improvement thoy are makini
in the art nf l.nt fn. n,Ab.lM rru: ...
s-.. wmvww. .iwm.i.ic. m uia class us
JVails, Riehardton & Co. 'a Improved Buttei
lolor. and know by actual tost that it fila
Ladies, attention I In the Diamoao
v job more coiunng is given than In any
known dyes, and they give faster and mors
liu)wtwaliu SJ r 1 i n 1 1 a
h' w. n oaa, xucuaruson OC Co.
Burlington Vt.
. . . Cnrba-Hnea.
This magic balm, which is In truth
Petroleum sweet and clean;
It gives to a re the charm of youth,
The matchless Carboline,
Mr. I Ray, 44 Nostra nd avenue, Brooklyn
says Dr. Elmore's R.-U saved his life; foul
jirge bottlej cured his dyspepsia, kidney anl
liver diseases, which six doctors had failel U
vk wuicn ne expected to ale soon.
Why don't you use St. Patrick's Salve'
i ry iu use iu a.ic atau druggists.
For nausea, dizziness and sick heidaehs
Pr. Hanford's Liver in vigors tor has ne equal
Ftralghten your boots & shoes with Lyon'i
Patent Heel Stiff oners, aud wear them again.
Pimples, pustules, and all skin disorders an
cured by using Samaritan Nervine,
Ernest Reeae, of UannlbiL Mo., says: "S
mariton Nervine cured me of sick headache.
In oalHiiff pour itiontaon to tb foUowiof mni wbsr
Hood't SriruptrUU hM worked remarkable um fe
rheumatic affeotlomi. It not our desire to lmpraw jrou.
mind with the idea that It w a epsoiflo remedy for rhett
feiatiam. We doabt if there Is or can be iuoh a remedy
The facte are stilted, and proTe that fn these laitanoei
(and many others; Hooq s oarsaparilla has prodnoed
Now, if you are a sufferrr. la it not possible, yes,
probable, that Hood's ttereaparUla may do for yon whsj
It has done for eth irsT
I bve been much troabtet at timt with rheum
(ism, the onate of winch I tbiifk I must attribute U
went ui proiwr aoinw tn naj Jivcr. Amuns or nr tiling's
i u&u pain luti STrnsi ortmeas in my leiT S ue. J
nisrht I eauld ettluum lie on thut aide. l,t ur na
took Hood's SarsiparitU, retruierlj, accontn todireo
tiona, with an oocaeionisl d(we of Homl's Fills, no til'
need seven bottltts: it did me a srreal deal nf antrwl Mi
(tneral health ties been rood tliruujrh the snmwr r, ftu
here 1 a4 but little trotiMe with rhumatiftm. Jrly s Ut
uori ant pain me, and indued I think 1 n!sp now mur
on my left side than on my nht. I think it did )
whole ytni gno." MIS. Jb. A, NlCHus, ft (iariftaj
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Hold by druffff1st. Prioe $!; six fer 5. Prvnaredonlj
reatt mducciinfuUt eter ef
Irrea, iNiow'a jrour tim-e to ft u;
orders for our ctlebrtkd 1
snd C 'oilrrH.end wcurei buu
SulOniaUeiHlor M.b H.f(. inn
TeaKvt. or HanditiuA ril
iuu tn.ixM stose lmnor Set. ortrtilil Hand M.uu
: riina i tiimi H, r r iuii imrTicuiani adurees
i iik -hi;at AMKKICAN TEA C l
O. lloa ahW. 81 aud W Veey St.. Nw Yoil,
a. asBM
ealUouin bynin. Timw(oi1
wlO i'7drliKel!l.
Ri LIN0BL0M & CO., N. 0. MILLER &C0
I A 7 Chamber of UBroariway.
Oommeroe. (Jliioiro. Kr York.
ftaeinbers of all prominent Prod u tie Exohangesia Mew
t-'uicgi, ni. ixtuia sua
Wttbave excluaive priit UtlHtfreph wire between Obi
cafuindNttw Vurk. W ill tiietuu orders on our iudst-
ment when requited, hvnd tor oirculsus eouUia.iU2
particulars. KObV. LlNiJiil-UM CO;.hicao.
UH, 1nrPnMon. nena v Btarap. lor ftop.iloul ua
PutkHIl PEfrroRAL will ctjr jour saazn. Pnc tba.
YfTltVs I PL' t-' tloTaph hara and a wta
". r.UA'?.,!'iT''.lfl roua.ituation. OliWanlr..
Al.h. llh. IIUUH.. JuuaavillD, Wia.
gcnls Wanted lot tha hit arid Ka(,t.eolliiia
X V ni t .rial Hix and HiblM. Pricu. re lucd la M
,-Hnt. N'rntWAi, Pt'itLibHiha Oo. Puiiadulplita. Pa
CAm-auu ftULa ta in tl l.iDitanut. I'm -M oata
, u " MMillLUtet FiiM.ily Kn
JliK'lliie "Trr in vnii al. ill knit a iTr of al.
t. I! ll II II. I..ll.ll'111'i.nt.. ..!.,.... ....
will tha
&! kuit a KimL vaiiBlyu bucv aork, tor wtiic'h
al wdy u.iiik. t. S,-n f for nroular anil
It will
""'' W.lllll. KMTTIMl ( A I
1 I-,,, i,
Mrn., W'niRi, and (iirlH.. lor all occtiiiitir fn
rw i cm i a i ta 'uiiy. rut mh ivuiam, nidiwi w
it W Lex A Co.. iw. 1 Wsurtu alit, e VimSi.
; f . v v
SPKalHu GRCAT jr 'i 1 6 i
Rheumatlsm, Neuralgia, Sciatica.
i.umb.B9. BscKachs, Hsh. ToothscH..
as tnJH wibilt ri "J!
v., or....... r nrrz::;7:t:z.Z ' .
thik 'MmK A.,i,r' 11!! i?: s!-
"l 1
N Y If l" 1
Tha ftreesatiy for
prompl and fleetit
household remtdls'
dailv K-rtminir more
Impeiative. aid of .
them Hostetter's
Stoiwah Htttrt is
th ohif In merit and
the moat popular.
IrrrRiilarirtr ( the
Stnfi.ach od b owls.
lialrtr h fTiT, llret
cotnt 1 liol, rt-hllitf.
rlionm stism ana
minor silmrutii. sr
tlnTh y pmqur.
e:t I 7 t (wemtMira.
ilt. mliv rt4ratie
and mdirmal eafe.
Knarfl. snd I' S )uitl
rrritrtled t a the pur.
rut nnd rr.t e impr
brnt-ire rerr.ef j t u
rUM. FcTUre hr all
rusr'sts snd lesi
riv yof! , .I,,
"alianapp'.l.d t7 tha ft
sTt IT
tr Into tta. amtrlla
will b. abaorhai, ,!!
uilljt olaanatns tha baad
of eatarrhal rlnu, cans
Inf haalthy tMnUoas.
It allan InflamraaUoii,
protaUtba mtsibraM
.vf tha naaal DaaaaaraS
from additional eolda.
ooniiilnWr baal. tha
him anl raitrM tut
and smell. A fa ap.
pHcattons retina. A
!orv rrrslnaal vlll
tvufftvaftf wra, Af raa.
ahle to uae. Baud lor .
r r m m , - . v'tilir.
a.-n yA K a vr a-, a a - r
"Kldney-Wort la tht meat auooeeeful raner
Xararuaed." Dr. P. O. Halloo, JUoaatoa, Vk.
"Kidnay-Wort la always reUabla."
' Dr. U. K. Clark, Do. Hero, Vt.
"Kidney-Wort baa ourad aiy ifl eftar two yaara
snOWUm." O. XL. BvUUDerUn, Bus Hill. Oa.
it baa ourad vhnt all els. bad failed. It la mild,
bat afflatenS C EH 1AJL.M IX 1X8 ACTIOM, but
barmlaa. In all oaaea.
tVIteltvaaara ths Rlaoa an J Ktrcnrtbeaaaaa
rtvaa Biaw 11 e to all fie Important orcans af
tha body, Tb. satoral aotloa of tha Kidney, la
aatorod, Tho Liver Is el wnaad of all diasaaa,
and til. Bowels mova froely and KaalUifully.
In tola way tha wont dim am ara ararUoatad
from tb. ayateai. t
rwa , n ca uotm oa dut, bolp by BBroaiSM.
Dry oaa bo tsnt by mall.
13 ywrAitiwo
i m crmwa
Epiltptit Fits,
Spotrnt, Falling;
tl V aBVBlckaess. CodtuI-
ions, Bt. Vitus. Dance, Alcoholism,
Opium Eating, Seminal Weakness, lm
potency, Syphilis, Scrofula, arid all
Nervous and Dlood Diseases.
tW To Clergymen, Lawyers, Literary Men,
Jlcrchants, Buukcrs, Latiit'S and all whose
sedentary employment causes Nervous Pros
tration, Irwjnilsritics of the blood, stomach,
bowels or kidneys, or who require a nerve
tonicanDetizerorstlmiilanf sinrtnm v
... i.. i i.i.
tThousands fTHP
wonderful lnvit;or
ant that ever nusluln
el a ainklnp svstein.
tl.Wat, Drueists.
h, K!o. " f
Bristors, SI. loseph.
mas. J..Crlttenton, Agent, New York. (8)
fhl poroa. plaster la I
auaolulelr IA (.( erer
bad., cumblalntf tho
rirtuea nf hoja with
runa, balaaina and ex
tract.. It, power la wonderful in curing dlaeaae. antra
'"" Fivora aiiiipiy rrucva. Crlrlc la tho lixck aud
Nxik, Pain la the bule or I,: in ha, Btlfl Joint! and Muivelea,
tirtnry Troublea, Klieunuu'am, NourUfla, Bora Cheat,
UtecUona of Uio Onart and Uver, and all pain, or arhoa
i j ii v vmni uunantiv oy tne nop flatter, t r Try
iv. a iiue oenui or uvo Zor fl.Ot,
Mailed oa receipt of prlre. Sold by
aU dnifrKlata and cuuutry Moras,
Xiut fiaMer company,
lar-Kor ootutiiiatlua, liwa of ap-mt;te aud diieaanaol Uia
Kiw.l tnlta HawlT'a Istoniai-h and I.I r 11 lla. "Penta.
fmrm o-twi nnirn a aif)iBCt ua ayHpuptia iu 6 weeks -11
nrmo of rtinuiDtio di,rttrb in i to i'i wm-k reiio?
Tl ll IU til It I -w in 1 l-tk w t mwt lufa t.. 1 I t
i'iim tinm euro j QupV
; . , .aaa..-a "- "H't v-i, UU'tfUIUI 1
1 wo ihounbintl tlcctiv a minute. ' onlw
tkhsvolutely tlrtlHuH r-wliitf Al Uv hlii In tk
voi ,. Ni ntoii trlnl. .Vtii i .ui -i & yrart,
HBd for I llust rtited Ci -. n nnd lrritla
11. Aiccnta Vnl--d. Til t: V 1 l.MON Mtr VV
ISO MAllIllsK0M (--lijtttiiu or 1 ork
i mif f,i. f,ii tit i-.,,-, j i.
I .1 T...
lu Us riilt-uVi Uiht I v i U e!H( 'J WO BOTTLK'S Kkf-K t...
(.liiur w Ith a V Al,lrA.-.i.K 1 HKa'I iML un ti.i di uJTa.
I IE V II. Ke Mtthrtd. Kfiid
1 C ;1 ,r. 1)11. J. A. Hni:na
U Fa tii Avruu, H. Y. Liny.
f?5 tf Hm9:mPCl "nlto ti:shrlu of
lu of rmwify
r. ii.-i.i(
awpwaiWKiiimiiiia.siiaiuia'iui sriis yjaviyaaaaa
tsjaiffsjasss .wrnwpfwin
jlWlsaMll!aiagr 11',1-Va.Wajl I HI 111111113
J"Et0RFS-' K- Is tbe oulnkest, olaaaottaat
V. ur "t and boat ram i-l lor kidnsr.
NyX01V' ber, at jnisea. bia.lilur auj blood
J-Axx' ( lav.uJMva. anil .t.,1,7 F-&I IVIVr.,,
puuf9 curtKi who una inj ta van uvHiy,hto
T uutia-icr.-,, snu UIVB III 1H D M. . Jtt.lT
tllfaJiat aaat It li La A ... I 1.
titw. ilwarajj.dawii LkOii..tiuVVi.UamMUN. Y
1 havtt (wejill vo rciiivu i fT tt' ahuve Jlat by l7
tlm luoustainl- of cuA-tts ul ttia u or ait t nu ..
umd.iiL' ht-. a I
wlds, tore throat,