The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 26, 1880, Image 4

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    Miss Hjnn nml II or Lover.
Miss Mary Flynn wns tHudying medi
cine nn1 iirinif vourtPd at the c-une
tiiuo. Mr. Wifiirtm Uudd was ftttond
intr to tlio latter part of the business.
Onfl evening wliilo they were sitting ro
srel.licr in tlio front nnrlor. Mr. Uudd
was tliinkinn how lie should manago to
propose. Miss Flynn was explaining
certain physiological facts to him.
"Do ou know,1' she said, "that thous
nnds of persons are actually ignorant
that they smell with their olfactory
' Millions of Vm," replied Mr. Budd.
"And Aunt Mary wouldn't believe
me when I told her she couldn't wink
without a sphincter muscle!1'
" How unreasonable
" Why, a person cannot kiss without
a sphincter!"
" I know it is so!"
"May 1 try ii I canP"
"Oh, Mr. Budd, it is too bad for you
to make light of such a subject."
Mr. Budd seized her hand and kissed
it. She permitted it to remain in his
" l didn't notice," he said, " whether
a a what do you call itP p sphincter
helped mo then or not. Let me try
again. '
Then he tried again, and while he held
her hand she explained to him about
the muscles of thai portion of the hu
man body.
"It is rfemnrkable how much you
know about such things," said Mr.
Budd ' really wonderful. Now, ior
example, what is the bone at the back
of the head called P"
" Why, the occipital bone of course."
"And what arc the names of the mus
cles of the nrm ?"
"The spiralis and the infra-spirals,
amonif others."
"Well, now let me show you what I
mean. When I put my inlra-spiralis
around jour waist, so, is it your occipi
tal lion" that rests upon my shoulder
blarte, in this wav?"
"My back hair primnrily, but the oc
cipital bone of course, lifter ward. But
oh, Mr. Budd, suppose pa should come
in and see us?"
"Let him come! Who cares P" saiu
Mr. Budd, boldly. " I think I'll exer
cise a sphincter again and take a kiss."
"Mr. Budd, how can youP" said
Mif s Flynn, after he had performed the
" Dort't call me Mr. Budd ; call mo
Willie," he said, drawing hor closer.
"You accept me,don't you ? I know you
do, darling."
' Willie," whispered Miss Flynn,
"What, darling P".
" I can hear your heart beat."
"It beats only for you, my angel."
"And it sounds to me out of order.
Tho ventricular contraction is not uni
form." "Small wonder for that when it's
bursting for joy."
" You must put yourself under
treatment for it. I will give you some
" It's your own property, darling; do
what you please with it. But somehow
the sphincter operation is the one that
strikes me most favorably. Let us see
how it works again?"
But why proceed P The old, old story
was told neain, and the old, old per
formance of the muscles of Mr. Budd's
mouth enacted pgain. And, about eight
years later. Mr. Budd wa3 wishing that
Mary would catch some fatal disease
among her patients, and Marv was
thinking that the best psjiSle use
Willie could be put to would bens a
subject lor the dissecting table. Max
An Old Dutch Funeral.
Until within a few weeks past, one
man, John Van Vechten. of Catskill,
was living.who remembered the funeral
of Domini; Schuneman. The ceremony
wns in accordance witli tho customs
which the Dutch, a hundred and sev
enty years before, had brought with
thorn from the motliercountry. A man.
especially deputed for the purpose, met
each male-comer nt the door, and offered
him a glass of rum from a flask. A
woman waited in a like manner upon
each femalt -comer. The relatives of
the dead sat together around the corpse;
the friends and ai quaint anccs took
their seats in another part of the room,
or in an adjoining charnhcr. When the
services were over these were in
Dutch they who chose went up to the
cofiin to take their last look at the de
ceased. Th a coffin was then closed, put
upon a bier, and taken from the house
to the grave, the relatives following,
and after them all comers. When the
cofiin had bein laid in the ground, the
procession returned to th house, but
in inverse order the relatives and the
empty bier and if s beaters coming last.
One room in the riousa was assigned to
the bemeis, another to tke assembled
peop'w. Iu each room a table had been
set with bottlesof rum, ajar of tobacco,
and long clay pipes. All the men drank
and smoked, talkiDg in the meanwhile
of the character and virtues of their
dead pastor, of their horses, of the
sprin? planting, and of the weather.
One or two of the lower sort cot tipsy,
and umused themselves by sing'nz fu
neral ditties out-of-doois. Harpers
They Wanted Repairs.
Ol M. d'Eunery, the author of the
"Two Orphans," an amusing story is
told. One day two visitors were an
nounced, and on bcin inti odneed proved
to be two strnneis dreised in black.
"Sir," said one if them, after havinz
bowed low, " 1 have come accompanied
by my brother-in-law" (here d'Knnery
returned their salute with a tuperb dig
nity that would have done credit to anv
one of his melodiamatio heroes); "I
have come," continued tho stranger,
" to demand of you a reparation !"
"A retiarat inn !" pj-lirn-rl Cl'nr.n
"Have jou weighed all the importance
oi mat worn, gentlemen r we have.
" I have never in my life done anythin
to warrant such a r quest. I can accor
no reparation." JJut in this case it is
nni..iirv T' liro-nrl nn vr i u i I ni A .
lutely indispensable," murmured the
other. "Enough," exclaimed the great
Giamaum; - never win you ooiain rep
aration at my hands!" and he stalked
out of the room with the majestic bear
ing of a Berryer. The error was soor.
explained. D Ennery, wholly absorbed
in the blood-and-thundcr intrigue of
some new drama he was writing, had
quite forgotten that he was the proprie
tor of a house that he had let to out of
his vir-itors, and the icparation de
manded was not a duel but merely some
local repairs. '
According to Dr. Chiistlieb, 6(1,000
pagans pahsed over to Chmtiauity in
Tin el i ruriia.
A school for the education of idiots
has been in operation in Holland (or
twenty-five years, with encouraging re
sults. Of the total of 417 pupils er.ten d
upon its register since 1853, farty-three
have gone directly into service r
adopted ft trade, while twenty-live
others have been discharged in a greatly
improved condition.
The son of the Burmese King Thoebau,
for whom hist year a cradle ot gold was
made, incrusted witli diamonds, ru
bies, sapphires and emeralds of incn d
ble value, recently died of smallpox.
Vast sums were spent upon tlio litt c
fellow, nnd all tho people living round
the palace stockade had to buy new
cooking kettles, lest the smell of rancid
oil from the old ones might offend his
tender little nose.
There is no newspaper near the sum
mit of Mount Athos, but if there were
one it wouldn't print many marriage
notices. Mrs. Brassy, writing from that
point, tells an old haclielor story as fol
lows: On the summit there live tlio
strictest set of bachelors in the world.
Not a female animal of any kind in al
lowed within miles, so that the refuses
have to do without milk or fresh eggs
even, and ttaveleis are not all wed to
carry even dead hens on their saddles
for provisions. A few years ago two
English ladies landed herefrom a yacht.
As most of the men here wear petticoats
and tho women trousers, nnd tho keepers
of the summit have not much experi
ence in such matters, they did not dis
cover the wrong that been committed
f ir some time, and then you may imagine
their horror and disgust.
Captain George M. Coolev is a brave
citizen of Troy, N. Y., who surely de
serves kindliest mention, since in h s
forty-one years of iifc he has saved from
drowning forty-six persons. His atcst
exploit iu this direction was the rescue
of seven young students of the Poly
technic institute, whose small boat
capsized in the river. For this gallant
deed the captain has received tho silver
medal of the Life-Raving Benevolent
association of New York city. It was
accompanied by a cheek for fifty dollars,
and by a liberal sum contributed by the
grateful students. Captain Cooley, as
modest as ho is brave, was so tour-lied
by these tMfts that tears lilled his eves.
and he could hardly speak for the lump
in ins tnroat. a romantic incident in
his beneficent career was his rescuing
from tho river while still a youth the
girl who afterward became his wife.
Tho first assistant postmaster-nenrral
has recently issued an order which is
of some interest to those localities which
are desirous of having postoflices estab
lished in them. He says: Jn selecting
names for postoflices it is particularly
desirous that the nnme of the town or
vil lago in which the oflice is to be locat ed
should be adopted, if such name is in no
wmv similar to that ot any established
oflice in the State, or in nriy other State,
the abbreviation ot wjiicu is similar.
Short namps should be selected for post
oflices. Prefixes, such as North, South,
Center, Mount, New. etc., are objection
able, ana so are additions, such as (Jen
trr, City, Mill, Junction, and so on. ns
all such prefixes and additions lead to
confusion and delay in the transmissions
of the mails. Compliance with the
above suggestions will insure favorable
action on applications for postoflices.
The contingent of new members in the
house of commons is made up largely of
niTchnnts, manufacturers and those
connected with commercial pursuits.
Fifty two are lawyers, forty-four belong
ing to the bur nna eight having prac
ticed as solicitors; thirty belong to the
army; two to the navy; three have be-
longta to the diplomatic profession; six
have followed the profession ot journal
ists; seven are civil and agricultural
engineers; five are bankers; two are
connected with tho brewing trade;
three belong to the medical profession;
six are tenant farmers, or in other ways
cennected with labor; four have been
printers, publishers, engravers, etc. ;
.nn is a member of the royal academy of
Scotland; one is a civil ana military
tutor; one is a Presbyterian minister:
and two are clergymcn-of the Estab
lished church, who have relieved them
selves of their orders under the provi
sions of Mr. Bouverie's relief bill. The
res', are covntry squires, magistrates,
deputy-lieutenant3, chairmen of quarter
sessions, ex-high sheriffs, baronets, or
jons of peers. I lie oldest of the new
members is aged seventy-eight; the
youngest was born in 1856.
Evils of Neglecting Cold in the Head.
In a paper read by Dr. D. B.St.
John Koosa, of New York city, at the
recent muetinir of tho Medical Society of
tho St ite of New York, he stated that
the most frequent oiiin of chronic dis-ca-esoflhe
lac hrymal passages, of the
conjunctiva, and of the middle ear, is in
a neglected "cold in the head." It is
generally conceded that no person in
perfect health, exceptunder extraordin
ary circumstance, takes cold, and yet
the majority of mankind htve, at some
time, sullen d from cold in the head.
The popular idea that a cold in the
head is an insignificant affair is foundi d
on the fact that most peoole recover to
such an extent that they are ab'.c to go
about afterward and engage in their or
dinary avocations without special no
tice1, at the time, of the consequences of
the disease, which may even tlin be set
tled upon them. ' He believed that very
many of the maladies which prevented
men and women from reaching the
allotted! period 'of threescore and ten
have theirorigin in these colds; and that
many serious affections which act as an
impediment to the tuccess of their vic
tim are dated from a cold in the head.
He described the suffering incident to
an acute attack of cold in the head, and
of the impossibility of having repeated
attacks without producing serious local
changes not only change, but a perma
nent impairment of nutrition. To cor
rect all this, special attention must bo
paid to individual hygiene, and if the
evil consequences of neglected cold in
the head were to bo abolished, the abo
lition must come through a public sen
timent properly educated upon this as
upon all other sanitary questions. The
family physician must warn the people
every where, as opportunity offers, of
the danger in this direction, and of the
means by which it is to be avoided. The
first gnat precaution to be taken by
tacli individual is to keep himself in a
good general condition, and to do that
he must btudiouslv avoid all that t ;nds
to disorder the skin and the function of
all the organs of the bodv. Children
must be clothed in flannel all the year
round, and must be made to know that
'.ho staples of diet nremilk, bread, meat,
vcgetabl' nnd fruit, and that tea, coffee,
and pastry of all kinds are to boused
only ns tlio greatest of luxuries, and
therefore in small quantities nnd nt long
intervals. Tho community can only be
come healthy as individuals Income
healthy, and all tho reforms necessary
to make Memphis ami (Irenadu places
in wl i h yellow fever never come may
be adopted ; but if the control cannot be
obtained of the bodies of, and the mdes
of living of the individuals in those and
nil other places, evils not so suddenly
fital, but none tho lcsln the end dn
gcrous, nnd all the time injurious to
their well being, will ccrtilnly exist.
The Eyesight In Adults.
In adult ago th eyejight may be
and olten is, injured by causes which
can be avoided by the exercise of a
moderate amount of thought and care.
Common among these causes are defec
tive or excessive il iimination. exces
sive application, unclea i or impure air,
exposure to co'd, and want of misuse
of spectacles. Of course, tl o best light
is the natural or white light, which
comes from the sun, and which is ns
congenial and necessary to the eye as
food to tho digestive orgms. But by
thoughtlessners and carelessness the
light of day may become the means of
destroying or Beriously impairing the
eyesight. Thus, the power of vision is
often enfeebled nnd som times ruined
by sudden exposure of the eyes to a
much stronger light than that to which
they have been accustomed. A person
may suffer irreparable injurv. even lo
blindness, by going abruptly from dark
ness to liirht, by looking at the sun or
other dazzling fight, by reflection of the
solar rays into the eye from a mirror or
other polished or white surface. Harm
may come from opening the eyes in a
bright sunlight on awakening in the
morning, ana hence, as Dr. Carter, an
English physician who has made the
eyes a study, points out, it is not well to
sleep in abed facing the morning sun,
when the windows of the room are in
sufficiently covered by out tains, or
when the strong light is suddenly ad
mitted by a servant in tho morning.
The habit of sleeping with a night
light burning in tho room is objection
able, since darkness is conducive to
sound and refreshing sleep. But if per
sons will do it, the light should be so
screened as to prevent the rays from
falling dircc ly on the eyes. Indwell
ings, as in schoolrooms, architecture
and furniture have an important in
fluence on the proper use and preserva
tion of th eyesight. Not only the
amount of light in the room, but the di
rection from which it i3 admitted, are
matters of importance. The eyes arc
naturally much protected against light
coming from above, but they are com
paratively defenseless against that
which comss from below. "On this
account," says Dr. Carter, "very low
windows are rather to be avoided, or, if
used, they should be fitted with blinds
made to draw up rather than down;
and the floors should not bo covered
with very bright-colored materials, or
with any which possess reflecting sur
faces. The blinds, too, by which the
admitted light is tempered, should be
of a suitable color, neither white nor
white striped with red, but of a blue or
iray lint, and of sufficient thickness to
bi really effectual for the purpose for
which they are designed."
Desolation of Palestine
The Rev. W. J. Staroey writes to the
London 'limes of. the deplorable condi
tion of the Holy Land winch he has re
cently visited. He says:
Nothing can well exceed the deso
lateness of much of it. Treeless it is for
twenty or thirty miles together, forests
wnich did exist thirty years ago (e. g ,
on Mount Carniel and Mount Tabor) fast
disappearing, rich plains of the finest
garden soil asking to be cultivated, at
best but scratched up a few inches deep
in patches, with no hedges, or bounda
ries, mountain terraces natural, or arti
ficially formed, ready to be p'anted with
vines, as the German colony are doing
at the foot of Mount Carmel ; the vil
lages nothing but mud huts, dust, dirt
and squalor ; the inhabitants with scarce
clothing enough for decency, their
houses ovens ; large tracts without a
horee, or cow, sheep or dog ; no pretense
at roads, except from Jaffa to Jeru
salem, and this like a cart road over a
plowed field, the rest, at best, like sheep
walks on the Downs of Sussex, but for
far the most part like the dry bed of the
most rocky river, where, amid blocks
of stone, each makes his way at a foot
pace as best he can, or on smooth, slop
ing rocks or over loose stones thrown
Cown from the old walls on either side,
which no one offers a finger to remove ;
nothing upon wheels, not so much as a
barrow, lo be met with in a ride of over
3(!0 miles. Everything is taxed; every
fruit tree, so none now are planted;
every cow or horse, etc. ; every vege
table sold out of a private garden.
Every eighth egg is not taxed but taken
by the government. Nothing like a
small farmhouse is to be found far or
mar. If there were, the owner is liable
to have soldiers or revenue offices quar
tered upon him, to be boarded and lodged
at his expense. The towns are filthy in
the extreme. JNone more so man Jeru
salem itself, where, however, taxes are
levied from every house for lighting and
cleaning the (streets, wttile a sprained
mkle or a splash into a hole of blackest
dirt is sure to be the result of a moment
ary carelessnets. Nothing is done for
the good of improvement of the land by
the government- Not only so, but every
offer, and I heard of several made by
private individuals, or by companies, is
at once refused, or refused unit ss a bribe
be first given to the authorities.
This is a picture. I believe, in no wav
over-drawn, of that land which was
once "flowing with milk and honey."
What might it not become again, with
lair nsage and good government? But
there is no hope for Palestine while it
remains in the hands of its present
rulers. Palestine is worthless to the
Turkish government. The whole reve
nue is stated to amount only to f 000,000
or $1 01)0,000 per annum. Capitalize
this at five per cent., and it comes to but
four millions of money. If it were six,
or even ten mil ions, what would that
be for Europe to raise for the purchase
ol PalettineP A sum sure to be repaid
a thousand-fold in a few years time.
And what would not $50,000,000 in hard
cash bo to the Turkish government at
this moment P
It is estimated that there are three
million unmarried men and four million
unmarried women in the country. It
will be seen that if all the men should
mrry thero would be a surplus of a
million old maids from which to draw
lor second wives. This is a great coun
try for man. New Uawn Ktyider.
A Taper House,
In the Sydney (Australia) ex
hibition t';cro is a houso built nnd
furnished throughout from paper. The
structure is one-story high, nit its
skeleton i made of wood. The ex
terior is molded in carton-pieno, whilst
the interior is covered with the same
material, bring plain on the floor, form
ing splendid arabesques on the walls,
and molded in imitation of plaster on
the ceilings. Tho doors, cupboards and
shelves are of the same material, whil t
the entire lurnituie, including chan
deliers and a stove, in which a tl t c can
bo lighted, is made of pnper-machc.
I he carpets an 1 curtains are f paper,
and there is a bedroom in which there
is not only a large bed made of paper
macho, but there nre also blankets,
sheets, quilts nnd female underclothing,
dresses ai.d bonnets in the latest styles,
composed solely of carton-pate. It is
nroDosed to tivo a series of banquets in
this buildinc. in ihioh the platrp,
dishes, knives, forks nnd glasses will ail
bo of paper. raprr Makers Journal.
Tlie pwmran mIa of Dr. IlnH'a CVntuh
Syrnp hire find tlie ell'ncV ol briii jii g out num
erous similar rnmodUwi; but tho pnoplo ero
not no tniily imlucixl lo nii.kii r trinlol' the
nam aniule, wtirn thiy vutuo tho oM uiul rili-
rI1 ouo Dr. Hull Cough Syrup.
Dr. C. E. SbomaVar, h well-know aurl
nrgoon of Iictvliux, , oOToni to sond by mail,
trao M cluir?, n valuabl lilUo book ou doaiiiess
ad jista oftha ear 'o ally on running
attr and cutwrh, and tbttir icpr troaUaatit
giving rolei Slice aud tottinioitmU that will
aliaiy tUa notskpiical. Address aa abava.
In 1'otvclnr Form.
Vfgrtina put up in thin li.rm omnqs within
the jvmh ol nil. Uy miking tho moitiuioe
yoursoll you can, from a ilto. pw'kngo con
taining the bulks, rontu and horb, make two
nettles of tlio liquid Vegutino. Thousands
will g'adly avnil thpiiwlve o thin oppor
tunity, who liuve tho convrnimiccM to mnke
the medicine. Full directions iu ovcry pack
age. Vegetino in powder form i aold by all
drng it and genornl s ore. If you cannot
buy it Ol tho in, cncloo filly cciil-i in postage
siarops for one pncknge, or one dol'hr for twa
raeka&rs, and 1 will send it by rulura mail.
I. H. StcvoiMS, Jtoiloo, Miii-a
Tle VolUIn llt C.. Marshall. Mich.
Will send thuir Kiectro-Voltaio JUnts to ilia
afflioted npon 30 duya trial. Soo tlieir adver
tisement in this paper Headed, " Ou 30 Days
Trial." ,
A IIoulilU need.
A book on the l.ivur, lis liH(-a8 and their
treatment sent iroe. Including treau upon
liiver Complaints, Torpid Liver, jHiuidioe,
ljiliousne-i, II-akirlio, Constipation, Dypprp
8 in, Malaria, to. Audre-a Dr. Santord, 1C2
Broadwuy, New York city. N. Y.
VtQKTiNB baa restorfd thousands to health
ho bad bean long aud painlul sufferers.
A CA1IO. To sllwl oars Miffi-ting from tha error
n. In.liton-tions of youth, nei voiu wraknrm. early ' f-ny,
of mrnhfO 1, rt.. I ill srll I a K CIV Hint l lirir
uu fliHK OF CllAKO'K lies swat iinjr 'M illt
eoVFie tt ys iniMlinnrv In Smith AiiipiUo Sewt it -lf-n.itlis.SMt
rnvroi-e lo" thi Kar. JUaKI'U I. l.NMAN.
StaJam U, Kta York aty.
No Good Preaching,
No man can do a good job of work,
preach a good sermon, try a lawsuit
well, doctor a patient, or write a good
article when lie feels miserable and dull,
with sluggish brain nnd unsteady nerve,
and none should make the attempt in
such a condition, when it can be so
easily and cheaply removed by a little
Hop Bitters. See othex column.
Kidney Wort effectively acts at the
same time on kidneys, liver and
Piso'e Cure for C'anauaip
lion Is also the beat cough med
icine. Dose small, bottle
lnre. Sold everywhere. 33e
and 81.00.
Warranted to first barer.
lie oll liy A notion bv TImih. Itlrrh fc
lla., AlKtlWii'f -A, IIIO CllflltUl St., I'll. la..
couiiiinii iiu .riny i p n f ui j. u c I o K . A
lurj-'f variety "I Atiifn- an an-l run-iu Silver ami (Vpjw
Colli ji!ll Jkle-lxia Ik fell t l tl IliOii'ltl, UK illilill U Vttrielv'
of 17U;l. 17UO.ui 1NO I (.'tnla. ivune of tlu A in !eni
were louu'J ItcKiie ot Clinsi. 'ulaOytfl bv
S K Ifi.i-.-ri.t.l ..f PI. .It -,n.i ..v..r -htfi I t-.u. . a. nri... i
ihowum tho prUH huiiilii mte tlie lut thirty ea'!
Fotai:e St tiniw, Kn;ru iiMh, elc.
J OSEP II C . TO 1)1),
Engineer and Machinist,
Flnx. lltnip, JuU Kn), ami rtn','sl!-r Mahin rv
Sloam-rn jiiw- mi l Hull, ra of every di-i.i ijidoii; II. ii:ii
nmchiiicry for Mm', tr. Owt er arW -.v-hirlve mamif.v
tuiorof tlie new I'ati-nt Knxti-r 1'u'luhlp Kticiw. 'them-eriKim-n
ore a K rai linpiovi-iucul ovti t!i cl'l tvli. an
a e tn i ii.iy nilaptp't all kinds nf iiericulUirnl an i
Riet-iinitirnl iim-pvseH. beud for Uo&v'hptive ttu'ii .ir
Aditie. h an Moe.
Sr. X.vrc.vUi'1
will ikmUWHt oui Ffn,lfl YknM,ttHh Kail
In j f Hi Womb, White, Cliroulo Ititlettmimi Uu or
Utrerntlon of t h Womb, M IleinorrhaKtr or
r', Painful, iSupprfrsweil um Irrputr Menu
truauori &o. An oM and n-ikible rfmniy, tk'inl po
tal card for a ampMtt, wit li treatment, cure and
wrt!ll'Ht-s from phvHirluuti timl wUt-nt, to How
4rt h ft ; illnnl, LHu'w, .N.V. fcxHd I- nil UrutfgidleT
(I.Mi i"' UlttLu,
la Oi bt Is th World. It la at.olully pore. It I th.
best for'hial Purpoae. It la tlie btwt for Making aa
all t auilijf liana. Sold by all DraggiiriJ ami tinker.
tti sot ralaabl sisal Book tt annua, i
b-aaai7 ut kaowlao. Tkr baa arr kator ba
ub.'lbr4 la b vo.wu. niutS ttavfl tuformati
a -r tui'ltct. tlraatitallj lliutrata. ario ,(eU
A V Sol UbJaif Is Oa Voluut.
. .....) sold oiilj bj eaMrltiai kuatM
TO ACENTSrtoMU,Mkue- i's.a
). W. 011UTON OO, rbilatira, W. T. Qtty.
n , n .
mo a
Scrofula, Liver fonptaint, Dyspepsia,
Rhcumaiisr.i, Weakness.
H. R. BTtTtNii, ronton t I hT b-u praoticlni
airdloln for twntr flvn jrraia, nn l irtneij
'or Hcrofu'a, I.lrnr Complaint, lyp'iaia, llliriinia.
inn, W .fc'i'M, ami ail 'n n n of th h aoil. 1
-. rrvar toiinil It" tqiul. 1 liavu aolil Vcsstini
.'oi- arvD yrara and liavo livvrr had one bottle i
ir i.r-d. I would hi-r.ii)' r. voinuitud It lo lUoi lo
i-n.i of a blood liurlti-r.
Dm. W. H089, DriiRt-Ut,
Hept. J 8, 187. WUtou, low.
One Package in Powder Form
Cured Scrofula.
H BaiutK St., Eaat Ilopton, Maas.,
bppt. 10, J 370. f
Mr. H. R. 8TTt N-r'tr Sir : M.v litll daiif U
ler Stella haa bru ammied s long lime mlh Hoiof
uln. aufferlnff eTarythintf. I euiiloed dlflfriti
1 hyloiaus In Katt l'olon, but lUey lii-lpfrt hoi
none. I bouiflit oma of your I'owdeii Kukm Vkuk.
Tink, and uiy wife atroprd it and pave It tu I tie cblij
accordion to the dlr'llona, and vre wwra aiit'prla.-il
Iu s fottulgbt'a liruo (o acn Low tlie cbilil bad (aitinl
In flrali and streuie'li. Mtia la now Katninir even
dat, and I on cbeerfnl y rr-rommrud joat reniettj
to do tne ort we tiara cvor trii-il,
lleaptctfu'ly jouia, J. T. Wt'BB.
Vfge i'" 1 U by all DriicRislH.
my intms YOU
ytn nun
VOIt S A l.V. 11 V AI.l- HKA1.KICM.
Awardtd Ch4 MEDAL OFJW.VOU at 1U4 C'nnnia
ami l'ttiit AVrmmVinii.
Chicago. FRftZER LUBRICATOR CO.,tT9vYort
X UXil ALUM UXiii-ti. A
To tli CoimuniDl Ive IVIHinv' "nm
rxiuit'l of Ton! ivru tn. and w;l!i(nt poKirhsliifi
lie mt.v n;aihaMiu il itf tlie Aiiu-Je nilu H'tulitre iiwi,
i dilowi' l t.v tttf IMmsplKilc of l.tine with a luhow w'ikh ri'ii ipis the ni (innhiy ciiviu -umis. iu
uiA'knir.r- t-Htlinniitiiluf its rniy nil s'sfwii. Sol
by A. 11. U i look, Cticuiiiit. llusliiii, uiul all liuuUta.
Agents Waxteh
fffZi FOIuTlfE
Tlie fAhtml-ii Ulnar wmk iMUvd for ovt ft inmtcT rf a
iTtilnty. ( nit.nt. n k I ml l..nn w I llu tr i fl and
lMiurftit (.'ilitlou or the lunH'H4 llihttiUal lU'imiiuc
A Fool's EnnAND, the
and l'Hi t II., a iii. h i ol r'.a I hnU i
Vy of
If 1' 41tlM
mi hlrh
the tale IK l;wt', lak h n Mtit. K't y rjy ttU Belli
otiUTS. 4hWJ f tne p' ii In L-ir l'ii ul ly ;ue tium
lncratlv liusinoKS fur mi one. Kr tn mi mUiwa tonus,
iiimiRD t iiri.rtciET, ( .hk riuce, rsew , orK.
Fanners. Merhotilci
ItlticliaiiU. I.fiuii.
mi ! vrry one
nwua a Waiiuo want
i: ii r a k R . Knlil
iv ho
i a
I'aiimiv I'm.. Vn
like mi mull-ilia. v
K u tlinn I J Mm. L'un lie taki n
oil or nut c ii In one minute.
Ailonla iin-ti-clioii
r.iuil rfi. II mi. I r.iOi kin. I.. ...
till r nt im- to lit tmi.iiirna
linjt'lea. Send for Illustrated i lri n nr mi l .i Ue list. A';
if;i ns ihimmi e waoi
hi. Id evrryw lii-re. II (i. HKI.IIS, I'a iiid e nml M
facmrur, Sniily Ilixik.Ct. Stall. ln-reyoii mw Hi a.
The forasi
A rurioaltjr tn every one, nml n ncceaaltl
t. nil fcluilntlM fkf iilnlol'V or Itrlticlotl I
Til K K.(lltN til- .Mull Vli:i); tiulislat.d fl.iil tl.e
AiaWo bv (ioore Kornn ilv duIjI alird at ..7.'ii u
I..-W, lnuuatiil 'fel he I, v !i.ili-botiii.l t'tlili.n; ii ice
Kr roiitH, iiii'i w I'i'iiii ror ii.i(r. t ai.iiiwi- or iiiuiiy
tiiuii'lard work, ri-inarkab y low m nrlro, witli ext'n li-iu.
to c till.-, lici. Say wiuve you hiw 1 1 i iih a.lverii-ciui ut.
AviKlc.K ISooa Kxc'liipict. lilhune lUllKliliK, N. .
Manhattan Life Ins. Co. cf New York
Y7K Want Artlve .liiiU, fcen or Woiiii-d.
s',.for,ri',M.. Patent iiANU MlP.ROaS
1 t t lit- btrrt t. New York.
If ountsti to see th pl turp of your
iiaiiit-iiifl r.Ht'or jurttr'af, tiivn ym
..... i.t .v,a jliul dir. Uiul Ht'tnl
rll L. Iiioll'-V. or -IO ivlito JhJlaQ
itainik., to W. FOX, Hox kS t. Full uivilic, N . ).
fii9a naoiatH la, aa ui' ioua ILan aA) bther iuiirniii v.'
tatklnc ami aailBia. W SiaA dt
II. UU 6li Vl aiUiaaJMaU,tVAXVa.0lUAWCO..i,ai4aaua,ila,
Nutlona! uiul In. '.11
1 l.d Hum Ity Wm. Hhom n. li ue lit r.-iiH In Muiub or
(ruo. turn m-v. Addrraa Joux I.ovm l A Wo.v. .Voutri-al.
VOUflG BflEN .YtW.'.'-H.
uiouCi. livc'T x' 'iuau fiuaraiikeit a payiun anur
ilioa. AUijite H. Talf 'Sat. Muar, jaiOTVillt, VVia.
1F1J'S 1.1 FK restore Vital Knergy to
tlie liuiliau urt. ni IMi", SI lerliottle: u tK.tlle
lorari. Sent iree. Ii lluul. on reeel t ot pri. e. Aellt.
O. P. TAl'MN'O, l,7ak KuitoiiStieet, r.rnoklyii. N. Y.
A YKAK aud fMpr'naea to agents.
Oulllt Krec. Aililie.i
V. o Vlt'KKnY, Au. iuta, Maine.
kVl.lL W OOP, IT I'uloa Snuar. New urU.
WA1VTEIM lemen to eanvaas for the ule of
our Nursery Sto.k. AiUirea W. A T. SMUU,
GeuevaN urst'iiea, (leueta, N. Y. .ililislicil l-Mii.
IOll Prlee I.lste.f llent I IV VA I.I l t'halm a
o .tli li-eeli Hiinp. Vt. N. W. Works. Si uijinVM.Vt.
FltKK I Mualc Journal. O. A. COOK, Clevclanil, O.
Ill I aiTrn Awu ,ot 0- 1r Mi. th. FiMta P-r
r Uay China.. Upirfia J. SUJKfal CW,
a mm, at. Urn, u.
KltltV t'riKt-a hi nt li.nj.. N It l an I elie (H1
Uia.le. Fleo e'l.vular. N. 1 li.ilt -rb. n, buOaio, Js.V.
AWKKK. Ail f ay at beuia !ly maUa. Outtiy
duuittiaa. Alitiaa tati A Ciw AitauaUi Ataiua
V fJMll'M, A avoea I
Constipation and Piles.
BV-Si a. at aT Wt
. . . . . . . .
aoausa it oiaanaaa in irntmsi
tha polaonoua humors that davalopa
InKldnayand Urinary dleeasaa, Bll
lousnass, Jaundloa, Oonstlpatlon,
Pllsa, or In Rheumntlam, Naunalgla
and Famala dluordare.
KIDSKY.WOXT I airr reretaMs eeaa.
poandaai eaa be eat by Moll preaald.
OBenarkagswIIlmakssliqtsof sssdlrlas.
rxi-sr it isxo-w i
Say It at the Ir-mta. rriea,
TllXfl, SICBASDSOn a CO., rrsprlitari,
3 Snrllnatma, Ti.
tibsL -
What Everyli ody Y ants !
Nolo tlio I'ollowlnict
Pimtuw'Ha O., My td
Mi-K-r J.V. llimii A Vn . Hnulrmrn': Kertnlt r.'t "
iv lo ei'ia: wei-i.B 1 n fli'ie-t with s a -veie eu
lil ii...-1 Denu's Couuii IViimin. nn.t alter tlmt fVf.
llu r p epaiatloii c.ieli ol' w hi Ii Ig.ivr ft fair trla , hlr
Viil I I ll.f Ilothllll!. Kor mieeeeil ll! ct 1111)11 I llf -
.M. inc. fly that time 1 w.i th iikIH In in Hi.
of ('ollsilliitloii. Mv eolith tii'lIK lllo-e vfrettm
rVii eomm nvf wtt A I .I.KiVt 1 !''-
I'ur Hnle ly all Mrillrlnr Iealers.
2,000,000 Acres
Wheat Landc
Iwat lo the World, for aalo by tha
St. Panl, MinncapQlU ftManitolia R.R. CO.
Three dollar per acre alloito.l tlieielller for brai
Ing and ciilttvaliua. l'nr pari leular apply to
I.nmt rmnilMlinrr, t. Pnol, rln
Da. jriXJK'S ranyanl rleattni? metho l of treatment f.
DeniuiM, fiitanli, A.tlinm, Ooimu'i ptlon, liromliu
I 'mi. tia. Colila Neivoii-uea, an. I l.llli'f l 'olliplalutl
Jes i veil of sin w. Sen 1 for ivunplilet or enll in. I
l. llera iioiii an puu oi in
nunlry free at olll .
No eharn.-i for e.inMl!l..tini, liy
mall or In peison H-'iit liy e.x-
Jiiena eveiywhere. lla. J. I
II IXiK A lM.. l'hv liuiin, 70
Iteaell St., Ito'ton. ,.M I Jt.lh '
entr iuee to Parlor 70i, opao
silc United SUU Hotel.
Kmliraclni rnll and authentic sreoonta of ivrj mth
nf ancient anil mmlern ttinea, and tneiuilln s hlHory
th rtM and fall of th Greek and Kouuut Knipire. Ut
middle Kes th cruitailea. Hi fenda' ivilem. tlie reform
tlon, tlie dlaovvary aud teUlciueot of th Now Wor.d,tc ,
It cvntAIn 07a fine hlatorlral eng'v1il. nd I l
mint eomplete llmtory of the World ever puhlirlied Iton
for epcctuien iwiet and extra l'nn to Aiiula. Addren
Niiiuxl Pi uuhino Co., rhi.aitt.plila, Vt
la th Original - Cole trnted and Bellabl Pajoui
Soap Maker. Direction, aiuuiauiv iwh aa for maiuia
Hunt. Nft and "JOIIrl ftoap antra Iy. Ii a f'J
wrleht and tnun:lh. Ask your grocer fat BAI'OAl
Fl Kit, aavl talte uo otunrr.
gilver Meda'
at Parte
Ttil woaderfiil obto u aeknowledned by BbyV
t&in UiroiiKhuul tli woild to b the bt remedy diav
vverrd for he eur of W..un-I, Hum, Rlirunuttieaa, Dlaeam, Pi1.. Catarrh, CliilhlKina. Ac. 1 eroar
that every sue may try it. It i rut up in I . and IAA rent
belli fur houehold uw. OhLdu It fioo your enisiBa,
d yua il Sad tt superior to a)lbiv you kae vei
I If
Ujua 1 . a(a, ilart liohlr 1oaifU iii vila. I
St tr.ri-i.wclU, walout eaar.o amt'il vrara, aleol
Nral'liiiu.,.ll, fo.i rilH...!.. 14.1 a (CA.IS. Ilrlurt
awabiiy l,aurpla tirltewi', llli.Hlratrll Newapiera.-Bt FrOS
Adaraaa jj.kNli-L.Jb'. iiSAri y. Wahi-tiM, Aaw rtey.
1' t ihn-tla:ia Kaubltehed 1SOS.
i Ely
.Kt,t It-wr. Thouaan.) of Soldier and btr tltt4
rn.-.oiia ilr it Kv to auntie r duuh. fyex lanaaal
Adureati. with ut up.
F. 0 lra-iaj VnxUiaitainLl.
a:." W. . SONS, ( OU.MXO, N. Y,
-ti-i-.'v nl.iaiiiaili a
vfv..t5U4 rttlfiit spin k-Arrestlnir Kn.
.if iriiK'H.nniunu'U nun on kiu.
'-ti Vi-rtu-ul I'.imiiifH with wro't
M 30 DAYS' TillAL
We wtd ttttl enr Bie. tro-Volute llelU end thM
t'.i. trie Appliaiieei. upon trial Tor :V da.t lo tlioe altlltlt
i!U Arv.u" IklUiiy aim at.ini terw'i
AlaO of tlie i.lvrr, Ki ule, hliculuUiliu, lliia!yus Ac
A tore cure fuarcnAvd or no put.
luiirea vullulo lien t u., wrinii, !
If turn eaal iaaarisat altsa, iaay
laf oil. a. is. a U iraartaa haw aa
,.t w.J Mil Hi I
U.Ml H.umI ll.H.1.1, lh.
r.i. AjdiM.. ui. t
ko. i.w. UtMac Ilia. Ji
AtiK-VT Wai.teil for "The Illhl In Pl.tuiea,
eontatiiiiij Euuiavlne. by Juliu hj-huorr vos
C ol.r, Id. T. it work h in lo'.aed by Pr-a Chad.
I ie. William fiiilive: IliahoP AlLnnv; Kev.
Hr. Poll. St. I.ouii: D a. K. L. Vmtou, John Peddle. II.
W. 'I'liouiafctieo. II. I'.exe, and r.ihera, i hltBO. hold in
umut Ta.Ad.lle A It 1UL U 1U.1T, Albany.
A GREAT OFFER U." If ,u A "4
ir, upyvai d. ami i 1 1 tl It rs . - id
lliixl I .aal i uiiiclKa hi llarualiu. AtiK'l
tailrl. Iilataliuletl I AlAl.iH.I K I rti.
IIP it A A' f. V A I I.IlN A. t 0,,SA.l tt'U'y ,W V.
SI 7' We will pay HO for every orn or ITart net
iV JL ajwed in ten uiii.iiua uitu Ol It UUSH
4,1 tit'. . Noiiain. Sen I nine :!-fit it uu or is i eta,
ii. SCIUlO-SMAKKU, White Poll. I later (Jo., K. T.
in ( ? ft r day at bom. Sample worth IS fr,
1 tJlaU addirax Sviaana A O . ParUaiid. alatn
twcua favmim liruuil iiuuui
ii. AatUto U. kUuum A Ca furliaul, ataja
no in
i tiuie
ev r,
I) l..t TV , w li leu 1 1. in euei ui.iny eure.i nie. I onn i
eiilonsl ieheVi it t.t l-e Nil exe'lleht IlleilU hie. anil cz-n-uii' that It will alTont me the liUhfHt peitsiui h.
IK at mii to ii'iiinien I it tu any ihthoii mmi may refer to mi
uili liuly, NKWHl.N AtUltrilY.
lV,,i 'M( V I'oilt'it. l'.iiifUii hiift'ty pow
jC 'f-A t'is with feutioiml l)oiltr8-
y '-'-'i . J"i'.ix ' ' pluled. AI,
I' t' yt w itto Autoniatic Cut-OU.
--, : V-jj r r.-.ii-. I5 t i'J.COC.
c-8-iul tor Circular. 8taW
tr-'i.W' tvhfio vou saw this.
as i .,