The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 31, 1877, Image 1

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' B
-i w
i?Mryff .Tcnr A. l)At.rt ,
0Hnefmrn-M.. W. Uohninoti. fch A.
farnpr, A. IX. Partrlihzo ,. W. Sawyer,
. J. Van Oirnon, W. J. RoUCU.
Juticea of tr. iVare D. S. Knox, C. A,
(mfa' H. Rwstrnrrt
Schatl .tHYtrtotHll. H. Mv, II. O. Pm-
b, 8. llasirt, A. 14. Kelly. U. W. llob
jiBOn, T. J. Vftft Oiphoik . , : ,
Prttntdent JWdeL, T. Whtmom.
.' Aof(ot JW- Jo. O. Dai.h, Kd
kAUn KkrR. ' '
Ticasnrcrft. J. Rktt.wy. .
Prothonntary, Jlrgintcr A Iltordcvt in,
J. TV I CLARK. v i
,Shcriir3vTA HriAwif kY.l ' ' j!'T
, CmMtVnrr 2r,t JtlC Itl.lfr,' ISAAC
KteMhty .S'liwyiifmVuf-'-lI.' H. Btux.'K
Syay. !"'
. Di.itrict AttornryS. P. IrXvK -'
xr!'. ax come. - "
iu(ii .ftifiwiox-T. TV Civt.t.tun.- i
I twiner- M. Ittki.; Jr. - i
I (tovnfv v( Krfi'fOT Nirnor.Aii Tnowr-
, I OK, J. It. NKIU,, IL A. ZOF.NDHf,L.
. v 'pMmbtrof Ocnore Oko. A. Jksks. ,
- ' . i i r i . ..
At$emhly J
H. AflKW.
Tim of Train .
At TTONF.STA STATION, on and after
July i, 1S75."
ROUT If. .
Trnlrt 22
lo:OZ a. in.
.1 :Z7 p. m.
Trt ES
10; M a.
:24 p,
Train 22, south, and "21, north, 'ar lt
la! tlio other mo n'dninioiHMon
frnlvtiln. Tlirwn tnilnH imlv nro JilIoWOil t"
-1. .1,1 &rcy iii.s;c;ij;ofM. , ,r, . ;
i 'I y ,On th Uiror PivUion i. "rivm Oi I City
I -
h riTr, auutli. , t- , . . , , ,( ); . '
' RvJT'. Klliot will 'prcncK hi tlifi
i rsnyujrinn cnurcn on ownaay ncxi
Meanrs. Her.j.V'aj, of Norritov, n,
ud W. II. Miy, of Louisville, ICj.,
.Tr in lown, both in good henllh.
; .Kvfral of tlie chops trie J at tho
'Just lemi 'of cbrtrt live lieoti appealed
4 tho Buprem Court, and elays taken
'oii Jtrernl others. ' The courio of law
and justice In jlow and sure ta disap
ji()Tnt' one u1t or' Iha stiver. "
4-Mr" May'i health is out improve
zing jriRierially-.r Ilis iroublo , with
"si'Sfin tllHenn '6f the heart. .Ho has the
Rdvaptago of a portd ci)8titutirtn which
KR20..rn9y be the means of his re-
i2Ljftr'Vft. place
ttky tiLaw, - .- -' Franklin, Pal
iJlKACTICU in -Uie-orat Courtn of Aro
Crawfoid, Forest, ond mljoItiT
t$ eumi(Hi. . ,", . XU-ly.
fUOX7.aTA," TF.NS'A, C. F..i Mr
1 IIIUY,' pROr-iUBTOH. This hom
U MnViallr located. KverytlilnR now and
wll I'urnlnhmt Huporior ocfmin(iila
Mrri1 strict attnbion Riven to guest.
'eUW) ti!1 Fruits of.aJl kimtn snrved
la Uia'.r tini.' Ma.Yiplo room for Com
ierJal Ajontn. , . ' ';
" '' ' CF.rPvAL H0rJ3K,
J .K"J--.r, rropiujlor, ' This i nw
(, ml liAHjii-t. biion fttted up tor tho
muod!iUou of tla public. Av p'u liou
f lha piitriiis5 of tho public soijeitcd.
4 ty ' " ", z :;!
vorEST house
SA. VAHNIcrt Profriktt'. Opposito
. vurt Ho.ivs TioiMwtm, Fa. Just
Md. Evorvtiiin ew and clean and
fiwh. The btt r Uijiiors keptt-onstantly
lhHsd. A "portion (J",!i public patron-
i-Tspect fully liOfir.ed. -4-17-1 v
5.r . . Ci
coBi'trN, at: u,
xt .SFJniKOX o:T..-rs
ii ti alio prt tft
of 1' m'wt ( o.
exiMisH-Htw ir xwoive
. Yurit in C'irsii;
tV) llUi.'-ii i 1 .J
vi ... . .,.(., Mr. coburn
va ; -.,'. linn. Ur. Co-
hum ii!a'ij
, Kpe:!!Hi ! i vuo irfcaxiiiPni
TisroiU, l.iift'r and all other
. .1 ; T r .....
in toMiratod all wcicniiiic mothods of cur-
or miffnnir uiseut-a. inmns
itm diteasa and sel-:icd tho good xroin aU
Kyrtoniff, hf will tmraritno rt'liof r actno
in 'all tMixo K'iL-ve a euro is vos:lible- No
;liara,.' r C.n.suitutioii. All fooa will bo
. OKr.r,ablo. Frol'ssHionul visits made at
lioura. ' ri ties at a distauoe can con-
'su:i by U-ltr.
tiiJro r.n.l lUsiidi'iieo Boeond rnuidms
below tho Court House, Tionestii, Pik 1-
drfv V.'i"!nrdiv and Sniimlaya. 2;"jtf
M. .
A. B. t.LY.
03 "A. 1ST 1
Cvrner of Elm t WulnntSU. Tloneata.
Btuk of. Ii?iuttnd Deposit.
; ,U8rfliA inaiiMmalHnolMnetpi 1 to
U -1 . . of tboU. fi, . '
1 pojtts
Colleotiobi Boiioittiil. 18-ly.
IKUS and Animals sUifl'ed aiulniovnt-
.order. . A-'iri'.ial F.ycij
PIIK Olti-5 T M1..L. at Nebraska (Lacy
'X towu.) Foi wt county, has Jeeu tliwr-
ughly overhuuleda'l refitted in first
oidnr.and i nof running and doing
all kinds of
iVi.tmtiy onhand, mid fold at tho very
-: l tiae. re '
ii. v.-.
I to:
homo IV.
ninl bear I
election ci
partire ini
Capitol on
on a i
n very pKtnful nci
IIo was fclandiug f.
dapot, talking to
Norristown, nud p
which was lyina it .
out, when a conl tr
tft'cen him mid
of mining it, ho ru
end of the coal tra?ionc.;ta,
could get to liia trt
lis rau after it 1 ::
the railing, to ' .
manner was tin,
the car, and l.r 1 .
cd by the wlic '
him tak- n into
telegraphed to
aid. Io forty !. -and
two o.wis?tu..;
MIK() Of lUI'lililll!
ni' t!."' lirnl
nil! !. lunvn, thut
(if .'i iioricni1"
. ell In snake all
. . h( !(, nil
?.,;,;;. !'.rl)nl'l-
All I nsk
.'i r Si root,
I !'V Jacob
rr:-n !
short tinso mi !...-'
will prohhlj la hhla
His wif we'it up to I r0 ' p 4
da' t-J tkc c.u :
disability, . V
hear of ti .id ac;..i.
Bpcedily i vco cr
f him d's;
i 1
Kio iruiy w
ic!)t and hoj1
from it3 cIFcci
A. 1 .
tSevoral of our lumbcro?
been turni: their &ti6iiiion
tinihor during the winter,?
probahililitrs nro that a largl
- Views
of it will cn.Mc outou theeprj Q 'or.
its iiiiuiti. mciu una
A . 1 il... I
i f friivau it tw
mtir ii
COUi'l i
low. S j
lAiia! rnauufaturJ-Ht,.tnK-,c
low trrccs( pro'on0
f our.lurabet
boon sending iwrgo rjuantititjEllY.
ncrosi the countf' 'by- tea! "'
City tnd Kdenburg; ah'dL N1R.'S
reciovii'af coodl pricesi.i'oK
I.aoy'tt ai)d thfl lied -
1.1-aUy leea .nakiDf 'nrietor
( ti.( !. liunncr & Cwrnw'
I'ti :a iiunufacturins pretty
!ur. ii fund flnill of tlioir
t xhaiiHted in moving pff
their mills, 80r that f. &i
Wl 1 till KllOrt th la v J V
Oft Wedncsd ',
liiteht atvlos
party or parties fc . 1 . 2tf-tr. -"
wiiidoV of-tho' ry . ' fe.v-rAr
Walters sleep, & v"
pants from' under f
party or parlies
therefrom hi pocv
contained $2.50. u,c'rr'' - -uofes
iiud papers of i
llaf wjstance'i of tho ensid Trails,
Stove und Tinware. ...
CoiiKtantly on band, at low prices,
Al4j ijatuufautiiiTrs of
Smoko Staclc3I3reGcli!'
AV" ell Cawing, . , ;
SuG.y&O. 'V'
FO U SAIiK OiioSeeond-baiul lea hor.s
power Woodberry iStationary. Btilor at
. II. G. TINKER & CO.,
" ,' . ': , , ;. ir,ciTY, pa
r T H Z- L A H 6 EST T
- J iciiler i n
FJtANKLix. - - - ri:
Contdstina ot
Pailor. Ollleo and Common FnriKrt
Mattresses, PKJov.-n, Windof
V fclmdeH, Fixt'.iVs, Look.- - -
' , i . lug plassea, .ito. ... f "for tho
Also, nprcnt for Venanroeounty lilfi(l ami
Celebrated Manhattan Spring 15eifaetured
Combination Miittresss, maiiui roroonin,
and for aalo at Di Vtirnlturo Wai anil neo
13th jtreet.-'peai- Jjiborty. Call f y -
Kamplo Hod.
Dr. J. L. Acorrb, In", who has
had fifteen yearn' espei'ioncef nttend all
and HiieeeHsful praolico, will aN iru(( and
Proli i-Kionat Calla. Olliee in bis I iouto, netr
Uroetry Ktore, located ia Tidhl
Tidioute lfoiue. - , ,k ' f joUND
A lull aMsortnicnt of Medlcine-f;.)as, 1'ainw,
'lVihaivo. Cicarn. KtatUmerv. tilitiiualitv. Mid
llilii 1'nllnrv. V. .f'.AWVi,si tillaA
will bo aold alYeasonablo rate-.' oxperinnoed
nil. (;ii As. d. DA V. 1A1 New York,
Phvsielan and 'DniKtiKt fiom 1ir' .-lptioiw
ha.i charge of tho Hioi e. All I I J'
piit up accurately. ,'
ural weoklie
in lteiiKioun anu Airnciu S ioiruo on
half-price. Send for catai ; , address
List Plan. For Information, mco.,
tiKO. T. ItOWKLL t itow. N. Y
41 Tark 1
-ts to Old,
eenta to-.n..,
1 P. Kowclt tfr Co., 41 Park Row, N. Wing
for their F.iff hty-pao I'arnplilet,
i i
'yKST.A, PA., JANUAPV :). 1877.
THE A. f.A'.M 3 JOCKS.
I -,(
. a.!,', inn,,
s ; 1
On" the iorlhM!i i of the Cheat
river, about tiro -'lin ; om thocor.flu
encc. with tho' i --on j ihcla, there is
a romantic cl-" n n1 the Alum
Uocks. . The'Aio- t J.'ocks consist of a
grand and imp. ; lcdo, several
hundred J'ards i i ! "--th, looking down
upon Ihe windir-;? liver from a. height
of fully thr;Mi ' r.drcd f'C-.t. . The
Icdce is r: r r.i irrc-ular, itbl the
actiot'ld t i") i ! .-mcnts, or some chemi-j
cal era r r (p-.ooiblj both) have eaten
into it bx'-t numbers of cellular cavi
ties, ns to j.r:.vo to it tho appearance of
a hopcyco ; . The nmiu portion of
the ledge !' of gray snudstone, through
which r in veins of pure alnni; hence
its r.n Si ,'.v
Whe ; ": f 'elements in this part of
Western l' nuaylvania were quite
youbg, the 1,: f kwood3 people used to
go to these r ks to obtain alum to bo
used iucoL ; garments.
It was at l ? romantic place that nn
early settler met with a remarkable
adventure. His natno was George
Mitlan. H- was a famous hunter,
fisherman iv Indian fighter, and fear
ed nothicj: in tho shape of beast or
8atngn. ,i As. early as 1754, three
brother tf the name of Eckerl in set
tled naj tho mouth of Big Whitely
crtck stream which empties into
the Monougahela but in a fewjears,
for soiri:s reason or other abandoned
tht3 point, and moved to a place some
miles u'ii the Cheat river, which they
nr; ied Dunl-r-d JJottoms. in honor of
tk4r rt'.iL'i' faith, and there set
about. establishing a settlement.
Growing short of supplies, one of
their piumbcr, a doctor, took some iurs
and vent east to a trading post, occu
pying the present site of Winchester,
Va, Ileturnini with his supplies, he
Hopped at Port Pleasant, where he was
not believed when ho stated that he
and his brothers had penetrated so far
west, through the wilderness.
Vinallv a party of frontisrsmea ac
coiapanied him among them George
. Mitlau and on arriving at Dunkard
-Btttoms, they found that Doctor Eck
'eriiii'a brother had been murdered and
alped by Indians, and their cabiu
urned. I
After burvincr the (Vad. the party
I'oleturncu to r on neasaui, uu cActpt-
cAn'r Mitlan. who determined to remain
i while on the shores of the Cheat, oud
rltake a survey of the country.' He was
much pleased with the locality, aDd
after a few weeks he returned to Fort
Pleasant: and endeavored to luduce
soma of tho frotiersmen to eo with
him and found a settlement.
None would tro so far west, however
and he determined to tak;, his family
roiisistinor of a wife and two chil
dren and establish a settlement him
self on the shores of the Cheat, '-confident
that others would follow within a
year. lie did so, arriving in tho vicin
ity of the Alum Koeks one evening in
May, just. at sunset. . .
They halte.d for the night on a, pla
teau within ia .hundred yards of the
rreei nice, find set about preparing, a
plain supper.' Mitlan began to look
about for Water aud, without knowing
that he was so near the river, started
in the direction of tho precipice. The
Elateau was covered with heavy tim
er, but lhro was no underbrush, so
that he might go clear to the brink of
the ledge without going out of sight ot
his family.
On reaching it, he stood some
seconds looking down up;m the quiet
river, and upon the wild scenery of
the opposite shore. " " .
r.The surroundings were of such
grandeur as to arrest the eyo of any
ne, ond for a moment George Mitlan
forgot hi, errand.' , , ;
After admiring the scene a while, ho
thoucht of calliucr his wild to view it,
and he turned on the edge of the prec
ipice to do sv At the same luJtaut he
heard her utter a 6tartled scream, and
he was not long in preceiving the
As he turned hii face toward where
ho had left his wife and children, he
found himself confronted by two-large
ludiails, with drawn tomahawks. They
were decked, out with feathers, and
their faces were covered with Btreaka
of red and yellow war-paint.
They were,",. iv feet from him,
and must have concealed among
the fibres in .the largo rocks which
w'bcattered' about in great profu
sion ou the top of the ledge, and they
regarded the pttMtr wi;V hideous
grius aud grimaces' as they saw him
apparently in their power.
The thought of tho .two pitiless sav
ages standing between him and his wife
aud little children" nearly paralyzed
him for the moment, liravo though he
was, and with stunning force it flashed
upon his braiu what a horrible fate
probably awaited them after the sava
ce should have murdered him.
Thev spranir foward, and oue of
them aimeJ a blow at his head with
hid ti'Ujahaw
i :
Jiiiian had his tiiio with turn, L it I
tho danger had come upon him sosud-
dentlr that ho hud no time to use it as
an weapon;' but being at nc-
tive ne a panther, he raised it qniewly,
and very dexterously w.trded olP the I
blow -winch otherwise must have clot- I
en his-ekull.
To ndd to the horror of his situation
his 'wife ran screaming toward the
scena of the encounter, and .the chil
dren followed, fchrieking with terror."
Another blow was aimed at him,
which ho also barely warded oil".
Deing pressed closely, lie took a step
backward, in order to use his rifle,
when to the horror of his wif he step
ned over the brink, and fell to tho
bot of tho precipice, which at tjiis
ooint was forty feet high.
l " " . m
The exultant "savages then turned
upon Mrs. Mitlan, who, crazed by the
tate of her husoanci. as?anea inem
fiercely with a hatchet, tho only weap
on left her : but altar a strurrzle ot a
fow seconds, they succeeded in over
powering and' disarming her.
lheir farst object seemed to oe to
take her into captivity ; but when they
had bound her hands, a di'icussion ap
nnrentlr urns a helrrpen them.
One of
the savages was raving wildly, and he
tv.iiitud t.n a ttlirrbt nit lift had receiv-
ed on the cheek from her hatchet,
during t'leir brief encounfer, aud sho
surmieod that he was enraged tit it
and wrjs demanding ner me. i
t :i .' .n, o;tl ?n
.t,;.. ,i finnilv tb Ann
X IIU Ini BUViltCB mmou tvi"uil I
fho was unhurt pointed to one or me
children a boy of seven or tight years
and said soraethinff that seemed to
pacify hi3 brother warrior. .
They then quickly tied the poor
woman to a tree, and seized her fright
ened childten and bound their hands
Tho little girl, who was about six
years old, they tied to the same 'tree
with the mother ; but the boy they led
to a small treo about a rod distant,
i ii- . i- -.u l: li.
placed, struggling with h.s back
t,. it oml liia fiiea I nvrnrrl 111 rA. Mit lan.
to it, and his face toward Mrs. Mitlan,
bound him to it with t'lones of raw
hide so tightly that he cried with pain
then, tu the horror of the mother,
they began to gather dry sticks and
to pile them' about his feet.
She saw now what their ', intention
was. X ho were come iO: roasi ner
little boy alive, before hei eyes, in re
turn for the blow she had giving -one
of them.
As she realized this, she utterftd
such wails of anguish as might almost
have touched the heiwt of a wild beast;
but the .savages only proceeded with
their work, Stopping a inomeui, -iiaw
and then, to Uunt her
with hideous
grins of exultuioii
The dry wood was soon piled about
th -nrp-min bov to a heiirhth of two
r " J . " .ul
icct, nuu uc. Mm Dr,
fire, she, with
one michtly 'cUbrt, brok - the
with which sne was ueu anu
. . r . . . . i . j i.i
unou them, insane as it was. to fight
,i' M ...;tb h i.V. 1. nda
klicill niw.. m.1 i
So fierce was -4no onset that 6he
Fprang upon the sa'vago who was uu
hurt before ho had tiiuc to defend him
self.' and fastened her hands upon his
throat. JIc made, an eliurt to disen
ca're himself: but she clung to him
like a panther, and ho began ,to stag
ger like a drunken man.
But the other savage was at hand,
and. with his eyes gleaming with the
fierce passion of his liaiure, ho raised
his tomahawk.
It was a momeutof awful peril ap
parently without the hepe of escape
from instaut death. She saw him raia
tho gleaming weapon, but inj.'ir. im,''?
and uispair would cot let go; !. i
on tbe throat of tho other , t .
dodge the blow; aud there i -
a fraction of a second betwL..:: i.V 1
eternity. ' "
But the blow did not ' .'.u d r. poii'
her helpless haad.' . Tim track of a
rillo runs out not -fu rdf ; . tlie toma
hawk fell harmless' to. the ground, and
the savago reeled a few steps buck
ward na l fell in a motionless heap.
bullet had pierced t. his heart.
"!UoU .litn!' llvld-hini R s::jud
longer 1' called "ou! :a voice t!at pive
the brave woman new cou.ra" v.ti.i new
hope, and with all her strong' i. slu?
Biited the cnorts of the Indian to dis-
eniifo himself and hurl her from him.
It was the voice of her husband,
who, rilla in hand, came rushing upon
the sceno. '
'Now. le' him go ''-he tsjd as he
rgachod th spot. . -
Bhr "id so, leaping back to avoid a
blow of his tomahawk, w hich he still
prasned. and instantly he rifls barrel
of the. pioneer descended upon his
head with crushing force, and the sav
age was stretched upon the grass, as
inanimate as a log. .'.
'Oh, thank God thank God ' ex
claimed Mrs. Mitlan, in a frenzy ot
joy. at tho. unexpected deliverance.
'George t Georgol what has saved you?
I thought ybu were dashed to pieeco
over the precipice!'
"It's a miracle that I was not," he
replied, as he took her in his arms
, aud kissed Ur for joy. 'Come, and
$2 pku Ai-::'U3i.
II explain it to you.
They hastily released the children,
then walked to tin! hcoho of the first
encounter, and peeped cautiously ever
tlie precipice.
' Wrs. Iitla mm '-'ni iremblm witu
excitement, out uconre baa recoverea
his u-iifil coolijbss
"Dd you see that soft, miry placo at
the foot of tho rock?' he said.
'Yei.-,, -
Ycll, that's where I landed on
my knees and I wasn't hurt a bit, I
heard you and the children scream
ing, and I knew tho rascals had given
me up for dead, and turned their at
tention to you. So, as quiet as I
could, I hurried along the toot of the
ledge, and found a place where I could
climb up. I made it just in time to
see that chap raise his tomahawk to
strike you.
In a second, 1 cocked
my rifle and let him have it.' ' I
Notwithstanding the peril attending
their, arrival on the batiks of the
Cheat, the Mitlans concluded to stay,
and in a few years, having been joined
by others, had established a prosper-
oils settlement, which, happily, was nev-
er subsequently disturbed by Indians,
Eating Thirty Quails In Thirty Days
' ' " ' , '"
It has been many : times-, -vigorously
alleged that no person coula preform
the seemingly simple gastronomic feat
oi oasmg i.uiriy quaus m mu .t i
ccssive days, wnai mere is aooui
., . , ., 1 I
quail that makes me averago numau
iymm' u,v, .... ...;r.... . -
tion no one but an analytical chemist
with a leanidir toward anatomy can 1
decide. 1 The quail has been esteemed j
a great delicacy since the children of j
Israel passed through the desert and 1
had their daily teast of the fowl not
singly but in showers and me sacrea
... , i i
chronicler fails to record mat tney
were received with repugnance, and
they were in the wilderness a mouth
ann ten - uays. a usm ucb mmuui
80tnewJhere in the list 0f dishes
' . . . .
1 1 ' 1 I. ......... H. Ik.ll
has been a most esteemed a lauure.
Then why its indigestibility ? Where
fore its biliousness ? ' The Chronicle is
able to stats' that this feat, hitherto
deemed impossible, has been recently
performed by a lady resident of-Oak
land, who, in a spirit of banter and on
a wager of 8500 otlereJ by a humor-
ous son-in-law, and fciuu guaranteed i
I - ' nn4APfnAlr (ha foci"
oy a imuuuua son, i
not thinkintr it at all dithcult,
decided to tuke the birds broiled, and
! for breakfast. AU went on well for
some days, and it was. not until the
' pnd of two weeks that the matutinal
- . . , rcnunlint. break.
ri" - " r . r i a
I ..1 l.. - ,.nl 1,1 Imv ril! riflmn t.n.- tfriri
mat rcvoitiuir. ami uiu uuv,n.
,aaJ 8 a,u a"";'0"" r". "'rJl
through a series or aaiiy-recunng
...j. fl.pmiprA fit, f dizz ness,
4"? V " u""::... .r
, . . ... .inpmpii
approva. o "J ""J"
. t I m V I it nlni' m nrf I
household. jui Mie y. "
rare to renew the attempt O no!
even for the sake of emulating the
Israelites who lived on thern forty
days and made no' sign. She is now
in perfect health, and her bank -ac 5a increased bv the money So
hardly earned. San Fraiwsco Chroni
There are many singular
about the transmission ot a message
through'-the Atlantic cable. The
ifo ini'il of Commerce has been investi
gating the matter, and we gather from
- When the electricity is applied
I I. 1 1 l , .,,1,1 r C n I
second pass before auy effect is felt at
the other end, and three seconua are
consumed before the full foreo ,of the
current is in action. 'Tho liral. signal
is felt in four-tenths of a sceou-i," uut
the following '-6ftf go thruuu wore
rapidly. As many " - c.-a words
have been sent ovi i Ati.itttic ca
ble in oue ini. .to ; iiilcen caii usually
be Feat und-i pressure, and twelve
words a luinuie is good working rate.
Messages of twelve words have been
Ktutali the way -frcrj New York to
Imidon in two minutes. A fact not
" ... ,, Ijt. ,L.i
j et explained by tU sc ent s U hat.
electricity does not move us rapidly
from New Yoik to London as in the
opposite direction.
The "U-t ;-.Q--' -t,.l r "tins up
its views on'cftniaUvJi'V"ji!'! I'
neunle were a littlo'jnore concernei:
about the other burning over beyond
where tho fire is not tfucuehed, where
lifo is representsd as forever consum
iug, but nevr cangumed it might be
more profitable than to raiso such an
uproar about the flames that lick up
the' mere dust of mortality.
The Corliss engino has Eot gone to
t, ad stated in several newspa
Hiat great creation of raechani
th and beauty will stand iu
ry Hall, and wheu removed is
...l-en to Providence. Rhode Is-
to I-
land, S he;'
Whtll T
it crime.
- ,;ry auimotity don't
'i u lombttont.
miud putt
v u
(VlO S -j "l.irp (lin
O;ioMH!ll0 "
iK' S'.UBro "
no , . itir
. 1 1 0 r .
n n i f
iw s
n ii.r
i ; isc!
I':-: i-y
men h 'iiuiMt be pnid for in n t vanco.
Job work, Casli on Pelitery,
A Hard Bombard
. The greatest nmniu. :io;i that wa
have heard of lately wr,3 u.-rd by (he
celebrated Commodore Cop, of tho
Monlevidiau r.avy, who in an enpago
ment with Admiral , Brown, of tho
Buenos service, fired every shot. from
his locker.
"What shall we do, sir?" asked tho
mt lieutenant ; "we've not a single
shot aboard round, grape, canister
and double-headed, all gone."
"Powder gone, th ?" asked Coe. .
' "No, sir got lot3 of that." '
"We had confounded hnrd cheese
a . round Dutch one for dessert at tlin
ner to-day, doa't you remember it ?
said Coe. .
"I might to ; I broke the carving-
knife in trying to cut it, sir."
"Are there nr on boaid ?
: "About two dozen took 'cm from a
"Will they go into the 18-pounder?"
"By thunder, Commodore, that's the
very idea ; 1 11 try cm cried the first
'luff. . . - - ;
And ia a fow niinutcs the fire of tho
old Santa Maria (Coe's ship), which
iwn ueadcu entirely, uow (puucut , nr.u
Admiral Brown found more shot fly
ing over, bis head. 'JLnrectly one ot
them struck bis mainmast, and ns it
Jj P0 i ecattered in every . direction,
"What lhe devil '13 "that th ; enemy
arc tiring r asKea irown ; dui noDoay
could tel .
. ' . ... '
uirectly unother came throUEU'lha
near him j then striking tho bulwarks,
burst into '-flinders . ; . ..
aUu amcu iwu mmi
By Jove! this is too niuch ; this is
sorno new Taixham or other I don't
like 'em at all !" Cried ' Brown. And
then, as four or five rooro rums slan
' . -- ----- . t
through his sails, he gave tho order to
fill away, and actually backed out of
the fight, receiving a parting broad
side of Dutch cheese.
This is an actual fact. - Our inform-"
ant was the first.4ieutenant of Cot's
ship. ..'..,. y.'i ,.,;. :-" .
Mrs. Partington at Church.
"What do you think will becocas of
yeu? efti(1 r8 partingt0n to Iko, as
th were j from churcjj. , .
The question related to the young
eman8 COndu"ct in church, whero
IP... . i .
he had tipped over tho cricket, peepea
over the eallery. attracting the atten
tion of a boy in the pew below, by
dropping a pencil tied with a string,
upon his head, and had drawn a hidei
ous picture or a dog upu the snow
white cover of the best hymn book.
"Where do you pxpect to go to?"
It was a question that the young
ster had never before had. put to him
quite so closely, and he said be didn't
know, but thought he'd like, to go- up
"I'm afeard you'll go down, if you
don't mend your ways, rather than go
- - . .
up.; X oil nave oeen acting Tery du
in meeting," continued she, "and I
declare, I could ha'rdly keep from box
ing your ears right in tho midst of the
lethargy. You didn't pay n Interest
and. I, lost the thread of tho sermon
through ycur tricks." : .
"I didrt take your thread," ?nid
Ike,who thought islie alluded to tha
string by which,.!' pencil wt. lowtr
ed upon the loy, iuit was a fishing,
line." . ' '. -: ' ' ; : t
"Oh, Iiaac?' continued the, earnest-
m r , t . . .1
lv.' "what doou want to ael.Ro.lika
tho prubabla son fur ? Why'ti w' you
trv and be like JJavid and iJcii.erono-
niy that we read about, and att in a
repr?he""'hla manner ?" . V- - sVHi
Theopueal was touching, and lk"V
was silent, thinking of tho sling tjnvt
David killed Goliath with, and woqJ
dering if hccould mako one;j V
Several years ago the wife of A!trr.
zo Hayward, of San Franciaes, oh.
taiued a divorce from her lmaj,
and received from him a full half of
bis property, then amounting ta many
millions of dollars. Since the separa-
tion his circumstances have undergone
a ereat changa for the worss, and
oivorceu w ie nas repeaiouiv oucrea
- ef iioD Aa
he persistently retused to accept a
contofit, she has altered her tack,
and courted hira so warmly tbat thur -re-marriago
is reported as soon to taka
place. '
Ouo cynical littlo married woman,
who firmly believes that all nieu were ',
horn in sin, and are located for life iiuj
their birthplace, says the reason mer y
always look at tla iloor, or the wnl.
or the rings ou their little 11-.,
when thfy talk to ladies, i3 becaua .
they have so much, to conceal, and
they know wjiucuJb bo natnjrtfl-mind-readers,
and fear that' if they -bok
them in the eyes they will be f und
OUt. T
An Klgin, III., newsiuncr hts this
advertisement: -'Found -in 5. Luckskiu
mitten. 1 f tuV ou her' will leave the
other at this'tie he will greatly
li;e the liiuler."
co-.t ol a n enr.rg