SHu forest gUpuMcan. TUESDAY MOANING, NOV. 13. BOROUGH OFFICERS. jRur7(. T). 8. Kwox. Otunrilmrn Jacob Nhrlvor, Jacob Wenk D. W. Clark, Ooo. W. Hawyor, J. ll.Ntrnup. Jugtiee nf tht "eaeeW. P. Morcilliott, lmtabl J. N.Toitsworth. M-finol lireetor3 , WtnniiH, W. F. Hun ter, 1). 8. Knox, J. A. Proper, Jacob Bhrlvor. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. President Jwlqe James Campbell. ' Aameiate JmigeW. R. CooN, J. A. Pbopkii. MerijrE. L. Pavis. ltintriet Attorney Vf. W. MASon. Treasurer J. P. NmuiNs. frothnnotrtry, lteginterd: Recorder, f c J. B. Aumbw, Oonnu'.MHjnern A. II. Root, Bus J. El liott, N. 1'. County Superintendent S. F. ItnnnKR. Jury thmmi.iioncr Jas. Oilfilman, A. Cook. Omnfi Surveyor H.T. Irwin, , roner JosiAn Winans. County Auditor If. II. STOWB, Tj. I Hackktt, Km Hoi.kman. Member of Congress YMh DiatrietQ. W. BcortKi.D. Utaie NennteVf. A. Wallace. JLssewblylonx U. Hall. O. C A A. R R. TIME TABLE, OOINO) KORTIC. Arrive. Popart. Vail ..1.20 p,m. 1.2S p. in. tj press t.37p. m. 0.40 p. in. OOINO SOUTH. Arrive. Depart. Kxpress 10.04 a. m. 10.07 a. m. Mail 3.1(1 p, in. 8.i p. in. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Notice Special. It. J. MeQuillen's connection with this paper liua ceased, and he has no authority to .collect any monies due the institution. Advertisers and all others indebted, will make a note of this fact. M. E. Sabbath School every Sab bath at 9 o'clock in the morning. . All are Invited. 8. S. Bukton, Pastor. The Oil City Time has been pur cliasod by Sheriff Hcrpst, of Venango county, who will continue iu publica tion as a daily pnper. We have received Button' Muta ting for December. Contents excellent. .Terms, 15 cts. per copy, or $1.50 a year. Address Thomes & Roberts, 63 ,j.n)grcss St., Boston, Mass. . Notuinq Unubual. Our quondam brother-Overseer-of-the-Poor, J. Wenk, promised to mend our shoes on Satur day last, and hasn't had them near a last from that day to this. Some persons under the influence of benzine, made the night hideous by yelling, singing and dancing through the streets on Friday evening of last week. We have a strong jail,, too. - The ferrying busiuess is good at this point, at present, and has been for several weeks. The ferry boat is crowd ed on the arrival of nearly every pas senger train. Cause, oil up the creek. Fob Sale. At this office, a schol arship in the Iron City Commercial College. Must be used by an individ ual living in Forest County. Will be sold at a discount. ' 32-tf. Col. Reisinger, of the Meadvillo Republican, and his wife came to town on Saturday afternoon and put up at Dr. Winans', with whom they are slightly connected, until yesterday. Maj their visits here be frequent. Mrs. Jacob Lackey, who lived .about one and one-half miles down the river, died ou Friday lust She had been nick for two years with consump tion. She leaves six children. The funeral took place on Saturday. Mr. Joshua Thompson has moved his family into town, and is living iu the Bowman house, ou Race St. Mr. Setley, our County Treasurer elect, boards with hi in. Mr. Setley will en ter upon his duties as Treasurer about . January 1st. .. L. II. Metcalf, Esq., has retired from the editorial chair of the Oil City .Times. Ho is a vigorous writer, and has done good service for the Republi raj party of Venango county. He lias . our best wishes for his future prosper- Lob. Stephenson is again on his pins, find will soon be ready for busi ness again. He has been having a Beige of the typhoid lever, and is look ' ing rather thiu. P. b. Siuco writing the above we leurn that Robert has had a relapse. Ho is again improving. . The Frett says that Col. Reisinger -lias bought out White's interest iu (he Meadvillo Republican, White's iutar est might be expressed by placing, a miuus sign before about $7,341.f7. Cul. Reisinger bought the oflice in toto of those who owned it. We have been having such mag nificent weather most of the time since our last issue that we cannot find it in our heart to complain of the couple of rainy days we have bud during the week. We have had more real fine, rip-staving, beautiful wer.ther this fall (ian we have had any full before in the memory of the oldest inhabitant. Rev. Ralph Roberts preached in the Presbyterian Church on Sabbath veiling lust. -t ' - ', r . A car on the construction train ran off the track opposite this place on Sunday evening Inst, demoralizing the car somewhat.'but doing no serious damage. We don't suppose the car would have run Afloat all had the Fourth Commandment been duly re spected. Mr. Vincent.of the Erie JfcpuiiVan was iu town over night once last week. He was somewhat' "druv" with busi ness, and could not find time to call on us. When he next visits Tioncsta we will have our job department run ning, and he will find more lcisuro to visit us. Our County Commissioners are working wonders about the Court House ground, having put up a new fence, put down a new sidewalk, and graded the grounds, nnd the street in front. With a little care and expense our Court House grounds may be made one of the most pleasant places in town. . A meeting will be held in the Presbyterian Church on next Friday evening, fop the purpose of organizing, electing church ofiioers, and making arrangements for 'regular Presbyterian services in the future. A preparatory lecture will be delivered 'on Saturday afternoon, and communion services will beheld on Subbath morning at 101 o'clock. ';. ' . "v One day last week a party from town were out fox hunting, and one of S. II. Haslet's hounds was shot by some person unknown while ou the trail of a fox. The charge entered the dog's under jaw, fortunately breaking no bones. It would appear that some peo are determined to be rid of hounds in this county at all hazards. They will find tltin plan hazardous if they are caught at it. . - Win. Neill tried to ferry the Al legheny river with a polo tho other night, and found the pole too short. This is how it happened : The ferry boat had started from the other side of the river, and was about ten feet nut from the staging. William seized a pole and took a run and jump at the boat. He described a quarter of a cir cle very accurately, but hadn't "quite enough force on, and thus carao to grief. Ho put on dry clothing when he got home. Wo havo sent out a number of bills to advertisers, and those who owe for job work. In some rases, those 10 whom we have sent bills, claim to have paid them, and to have receipt for the same. To those persons, we would say that they were not credited on the books,' hence our mistake. We don't propose to collect the same bill twice. To tboso who know themselves indebt ed, wo would ask paymeut as soon as possible, as we are about t3 put in a job press and a large amount of jobbing material, and thercfore need the money. We believe we havo in this section the champion old couple of the State, if not of the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Allio, living about nino miles south-east of this place, are aged re spectively 106 and 1 bi years. ; Each is the other's first companion. They are natives of France. Have two sons and one daughter, all living. The oldest, a son, is living on the farm with his pa rents. Our informant, Win. Thomas, Esq., says they. have lived- where they are now, to his certain knowledge', for thirty-five years. Both are hale and hearty, and bid fair to be the "oldest couple" lor several years to come. If anybody knows of an older couple than this, we would like to hear from them. D. S. Knox & Co. are doing a big business in the way of selling furni turebut have still a splendid assort ment ou hand. They sell cheap, and consequently sell a great deal. Messrs. Reynolds, Broadhead & Co. have just received a general as sortment of Dry Goods, Notions, Flan nels, Furs, Blankets, etc., and have ou hand the largest and most coraplote stock of Carpets ever brought to Oil City. The character of this firm is such that wo can recommend it to all who go to Oil City to trade. Messrs. R., B. & Co. don't advertise to Bell below cost, but they will sell at reasonable profits, and treat all alike. In order to accommodate their in creasing trade in Dry Goods, they are closing out their immense stock of Boots and Shoes at cost. Their stock iu this lino consists of Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes, Ladies' Misses' and Children's Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers of the best manufactures. Now is the time to secure good bargains, as they will close out this branch of their stock without reserve. Everybody needs Boots and Shoes, and now is the time to get them at a bargain. 31 -2U FREE TO EVERYBODY. It costs nothing to try "SLEEP ER'S COMPOUND ARNICA LINI MENT." If it docs not benefit you the agent will refund your money. It is tho wonder of the nineteenth centu ry, and when used for rheumatism, neuralgia, lameness, and pain in any part of tho body, its magical effects astonishes everybody. Pain cannot exist where it is used. Ask for it, and take nothing elso. Sold by all drug gists. Price 50 cents and $1 per bot tle. D. S. KNOX, & CO., agent. E. B. SLEEPER, Proprietor, Waterford, Erie Co., Pa. Wholesale Aqkntp. HnU and Warfel, Erie, Fa. Calccoer A Co.. Meadville, Pa. Spencer & Bullymore, 155 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. HalTt Vegetable Sicilian Hair Be newer will stimulate the absorbents and the secretions of the hair tubes until they regain their original vigor. Try it. Flouk. D. S. Knox & Co. have just received a car load of excellent Hour, which they sell at 87 per barrel. Try it. Carpf.nteus, Blacksmiths, Saw mill men, Oil men, and other citizens ot Forest county, who are in want of any thing in the Hardware lino, should go to Andrews & Co., Tidioute. They have the largest stock in this section of the country. They are making and repairing all kinds of Machinery and Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tf. D. S. Knox & Co., have just re ceived another largo invoice of agri cultural implements, consisting in part of forks, rakes, scythes, hoes, &o. which they are selling at greatly reduced figures. "J 13-tf Pianos at Cheat Bargains. J. C. Hull, of Meadville, Pa., is offering to sell the Steinway, Chickering, Bradbury and some, other makes, at greatly reduced prices. Also Organs and Melodcons. 21 tf Stoves. D. S. Knox & Co. have now on hand tin excellent stock of Stoves of all sizes and patterns, Cook, Parlor, Wood, Coal, or Wood and Coal combined. .Will bo sold cheap. Dentistry. A. J. Stiles, Dentist, Tidioute, Pa., has the reputation of being ono of the most expert Dentists in this section. He uses all the mod ern npplinnces for extracting teeth without pain, such as Chloroform, Ether Nitrous Gas, or tho new method of Freezing the Gums with Spray. The most delicate and difficult operations of filling the teeth with gold ukillfully performed. He also uses a new prep aration, "Os Artificicl," which sup plies the bone lost by decay, and is applied without pain. A long expe rience in the business, and the large patronago given Mr. Stiles, is suffic ient evidence that Lis work gives sat isfaction. Office over Acomb's Drug Store, Tidioute. 17 ly. Boots and Shoes. Just look at the stock of Boots and Shoes at the store of D. S. Knox & Co. Sure to give satis faction. Perfect fits. A. H. Steele, Cashier Tioncsta Savings Bank, has been appointed agent for the celebrated "Inman Line Ocean Steamers," at this place. Any person desirous of going to Europe or bringing friends to this country, will do well to call on Mr. Steele, who will furnish them with all the information required. You can buy your Furniture, cheap er anil better at Ahrens' new Furni ture Warerooms, Tidioute, Pa., than any where else iu this section. Try it. A splendid variety of Furniture at Aherns new Warerooni9, Empire Hotel Building, Tidioute, Pa. 4-tf D. S. Knox & Co., Tioncsta, Pa., are now selling tho best tea in the country for one dollar per pound, and everything else in proportion for the cash. Also, fruit jars, etc., in endless variety. .15 tf Furniture: bought of me will he d livered, freight paid,' to any station de sired on the O. C. & A. R. R., Geo. II. Aukenb, Jr., 4 tf Tidioute, Pa Acinew & SioaiNS have just receiv ed a large stock of boots and shoes, ot every description, which they are soil ing at prices that defy competition. They have also on hand a fresh sup ply "of coffee, teas, iugars, tobacco, cigars, rice, dried fruits, canned fruits, spices, mess pork, ham, fish, flour, crackers, beans, peas, soap, candles, nails, queenswarc, glassware, notions, &c, Ac, which they are selling as low as the lowest, here or elsewhere, and are determined not to bo under sold. HULL'S MUSIC STORE. A (Successor to HULL A WHITNEY,) Ho, 107 Water Nlrcct, MEADVILLE, PA. Is the place to buy all of tho First Clans PIANO FORTES, KT GREATLY KEDUCEDPRICES. ALSO Organs & Molotleona ! Having tho exclusive Aurcncv for Crnw forp. Venango anl Morenr Coiiutios for tho following celebrated mnkes of PIANOFORTES: Wm. Bradbury, Rtoinwny A Sons, ('bickering Sons, !. Kurtzmnn's W. P. Emerson, Urnvostoun, Fuller it Co AND Whltnoyland Slftyton's United States ORGANS AND MELODEONS! And having constantly in my store from Twelve to Eighteen Pianos. Parties wishing to purchase, will find it greatly to their interest to purchase direct from me iind get a guarantee with each in strument for live years. Thoso Organs and Molodeonsare consid ered by good judges to bo the Imst Kced Instrument inado. Should other makes be (nolcred. I will furnish thorn as low as can bo bought from any one. NTOOLS ,AXI frciEAI8 AND ALL KINDS OF Singing and Intruction Books. GUITARS, BANJOS, VIOLINS, ILCTF8, FIFES AND DlltlMS. BRASS BAND INSTRUMENTS. FURNISHED TO BANDS VERY LOW. A good stock of GENUINE ITALIAN STRINGS Always on hand. Dealers furnished at New York prices. f-All orders or com inunicntiuus promptly attended to. 4 tf J. C. HLlL. Albeit O. Dnrr, Lyman Howard and Robert C. Beach, vs. Samuel T, Nciil. J. W. Fleming, and all persons whom it may Concern. In Common rieaa, of Forest County, No. 1, Dec. Term, lfc7l. Hill in Equity to perpetuate testimony. Tho Plaintiffs in the above bill say. That they ro tho owners in l'eo of ono hundred arid fifty ocrenof Land,orthereabout.s,situ ato in Itarinonv Townyhip,innaid County, doscribed as follows : lining part of tho Tract known a-stluUitehul Survey, bound ed on tho north by land of (ieo'rgo Dun lap, east by land now or formerly of J. Comstock, south by land now or formerly owned by J. Johnston and J. D. Jv'eill, anil West by tho Alcorn farm, which is part of tho same Survey. That tho said' tract of land was settled and Improved by ono Ezra Ciitcliel, who became tho owner thereof by application thorofor, and warrant and survey duly mndo and returned to the land o'lllce ill 1S:(7, and tho settlement dues fully com pleted thereon. That the said Gitchel, on tho flth day of Peceuihor, 18 15, by writing duly execut ed and delivered, sold and conveyed all his right, title and inletest in the land aforo said to one liononio C. Scott, from whom by sundry convevunecs the title has be come Vested in the Plaintiffs, and prays tho Court That they may be at lihnrty to examine their witnesses nnd mako proof of several matters and tilings herein be foro meutlonod, and particularly with reference to the matters alleged in tho 2d and 3th praragraphs of this bil!. 2d. That they may bo at liberty at, and upon all future occasions' to read and make use of the said testimony us they mav bo adv'sed. Whereupon the Court order ami decree, That an appearance bo entered by said J. W. Fleming and all persons whom it may concern on or before tho 4th Monday of December, A. D. 1S70, and that a copy of this order and u statement of tiiesuliHtauco and objects of tho liill bo published in the Forest Republican for three weeks the last of which publication shall be at least ten (lavs before tho. said fourth Monday of Dec., 1S70. HY THE COURT. Attest: J. II. Aonkw, Pro. SEASON OF 1870-71. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ( ORGANS. Important Improvements. Patent June 21st and August 23d, 1S70. REDUCTION OF PRICES. The Mason & Hamlin Organ Co., have the pleasure of announcing important Im provements in their Cabinet Organs, for which 1'aU'iits were granted them iu June and August last.' These are not merely meretricious attachments, but enhance the Bulmtuntial excellence of tho instruments. They are also enabled by increased facil ities a large now manufactory, they hopo Lcreallcr to supply all orders promptly. The Cabinet Organs made by this Com pany are of such universal reputation, not only throughout America, but also in Eu rope, that lew will need assuranoe of their superiority. They now offer Four Octavo Cabinet Or gans, in quite plain casus, but equal accord ing to their capacity to anything thuyuiako for $j0 each. The sumo, Double Reed, $f5. Five Oe tave Poublo Heed Organs, Five Stops,witli Kneo swell and Tremulant, in elegant case with several of the Mason and Hamlin improvements, fl2A, The sumo Extru with new Vox Humana, Automatic Swell etc., $160. . 1 ive Oclave-s three seta Kueds, seven stops with Kuplione; a splendid in struments, i-'i. A new illustrated cataloguo with full information and repuced prices, is now ready, and wil be sent free, with a testi monial circular, r enting a great inuKs of evidence as t tlie periority of these in struments, to any o sending his address to MASON A HAA. ..IN O K J A N CO., 154 Tremont (Street, lioston, os &OU liruadway, N. Y. 80-4t mmxi 30-Jt rjflF -VI . " B. m past ADDRESS To tho Nerveous AND ID CEBILIT-A-T 23 ID . w HOSE sufferings have been protract ed from hidden causes, and whose cases require prompt treatment to render existence desirable ; If you are suffering, or havo suffered from involuntary discharges, what clfcct does it produce on your general health? Do you feel weak, dobilltutod, easily tired? Does a little extra exertion produce pal pitation of tho heart? Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your k idneys, frequent ly get out of order? Is your urino some times thick, milky or flock y, or is it ropy on settling ? pr does a thick skum rise to tho top ? Or Is a sediment at tho bottom af ter It has stood awhile? Do you have spells of short breathingor ilispepsia? Are your bowels constipated f Do you havo spells of frainting, or rushes of blood to the head? Is your memory impared? Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subject? Do you fool dull, listless, moping, tired of company, or lilo? Do you wish left alono, away from overybody? Does any little thing mske you staTt or jump? Is your sleep broken or rootless? Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well ? Do you pursue your business with tho same energy ? Do you feel as much confidence in youself? Aro your spirit dull and Hag. ging, given to fits of melancholy ? If so, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights? Your baik weak, your knees weak, nnd havo but lit tle appetito, and you attribute this to dys pepsia or liver-complaint? Now, reader, solf-abuse, venereal dis eases badly cured, and sexual excessc3, aro all capable of producing a weaknesu of the generative organs. Tho organs of gencra tiou,wlion in perfect health, make tho man Did you over think that thoso bold, doll ant, energetic, persevering, successful bus-inoss-men are always those whoso genera tive organs aro In perfect health? You never hear Buch men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart. They are nevor afraid they cannot succeed in business ; they don't bo conie sad and discouraged ; thoy arculways polito and pleasant In tho company of la dios, anil-look you and them right in the face none of your downcast looks or any meanness about; them. I do nat mean thoso who keep tho organs inflated by running to excess. Thoso will not only ruin their constitutions, but ulso thoso they do business with or for. How many men.Jfrom badly cured dis eases, from the effects of Bclf-abuso and excess, havo brought about that stato of weakness in thoso organs that has reduced the geneal system so much as to produce almost ovory other dlseaso Idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, Bpinal affections, suicide, and al most every other form of disease which humanity is heir to, and the real eauso of tho trouble scarcely ever suspected and have doctored for all but the rlht one. DiseaseVof these organs require the use of a Diurotlo. HELM HOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT liUCHU is the great Diurotlo, and Is a certain curefor diseases of the Illadder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organ ic Weakness, Female Complaints, Gener al Debity, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing iu Mule or I"e malo, from whatever cuuso originating, and no mutter of how long standing. . If no treatment is submitted to, Con sumption'or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from those sources, and tho heilth and happiness, asd that of Posterity, depends upon prompt usoof a reliable remedy. Helmbold's Extract liuchti, established upward of lilXoars, prepared by II. T. HELMBOLD, Druggist, 5'U P.roadway. New York, and '104 KsuU. UKii Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Pan K-t l.2r. por bottle or 6 bottles for H.80, delivered to any ud dross. Sold by all Di uggests everywhere. N ON K ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE TP IN Sl'EL ENGRAVED Wrapper, fan-smilo of my Chemical Ware house andMgned H.T. IlULMiOI.P. 2-l y ftchool Tax: Aoliec. NOTICE Is hereby given that thn School Duplicate of Tioncsta llorough, of tax of 1H70, havo lioen placed in my hands tor collection. In accordance with" tho Act of Assembly, in such case made and provid ed, I bereliy give notice that I will attend at my store, in Tioncsta llorough, Pa., for tho purpose of receiving- said tax, for two months from date. It is under Act of 21st April, iwn, that all persons who shall bo foro the expiration of two munths from tho dato of this noliee, pay their tax shall be entitled to a deduction of five per cent. D. S. KNOX, , ' Treas'r Tioncsta lioro. H. D. Dated Sept. 12, 170. 4-3t. AGENTS WANTED FOR FREE LOVE. AND ITS Votaries, by Dr. Jno- R. Ellis. Thn most startling Isiok of modern times. The whole subject laid bareand its hideousncss exposed to universal execration. Written in the interests of Civilization, Christiani ty and Public Morality. Send for circulars and terms. U. S. Pul'iHshin Co., N. Y., Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis. ZS-at LIVE AGENTS WANTED FOR WOJIEJf OF SEW YORK, ORSOCIAIiMFB IN THE GHAT CITY. Wonderful developments among tho aristocracy. Marriod Women exposed, Ac., rfc, Price f.'t.2j. Tho liest Rook to sell published. The best terms to agenUcvcr given. Address, N. Y. Hook Co., 14'i Nassau St., X. Y. 30-tt BOOKS TO SUIT EVERYCODY. Great Fortune Teller, f0ct. Courtship made Easy. 2Tets. Correct Etiquette, 25cts. llridal Etiquette, 2.Vts. How to win a Sweetheart or Iover, 50cts. 500 Puzzles, Met. 1200 Connundrums, 50cts. Correct Letter Writer, li'iets. AniatciirTheatricals, fillets.. Hook of Mysterious Disclosures, 60 ts. lioxing and Wrestling made Easy, 2.Vta. True Marriago Guide and Hook of Nature Mlcts. llooksscut postage paid by return mail. Address, W. Courtnev, 3 Ai tor Place, N. Y. 0-4t Qrv.V WEEK paid agents, malo or OOvi female, in a new manufacturing business at homo. No capital required. Address Novelty Co., Saeo, Maine. SM-lt Free f o Iloolc Agents. We will send a handsome Prospectus of our New Illustrated Family liiblo to any Jiook A sent, freo of charge. Addross, National PubJishing Co., Phlia., Pa. 8 3t TAItMER'S HELPER. Shows how to dor. bio tho profits of the FARM, and how farmers and their sons cr.n each mnko fclOO PER MONTH In Winter. 10,000 Copies will be mailed free to Farmers. Tend name and address to ZIEULERJtMcCUKDV, Philadelphia, Pa. 28-4t zmmmm VttM TWBlTu Yearc 'zs Willi Indians & Plains. THE LIFE OF GEORGE P. HELDEN. who form a lovo of wild adventure and a thirst for knowlcdgo of the Indians tho Customs, Sports, Traditions, Wars, Groat liullUlo Hunts, d-r.., A-e.., left a home of plenty in Ohio, joined tho Indians, adopt ed their mndo oi lilo, married the beauti ful Washtella, because a Great Warrior, Hunter and Chief of 100 Lodges, was ap pointed Lioutennnt In the U. S. Regular Army, for meritorious servico with his braves against, hontilo Indians. A book of the iiiont thrilling interest, a reality well authenticated, 'i'rutn stranger tlian'llction Superbly illustrated. 70 engravings, wilh portrait of tho author, iu full frontier con tinue. Price low. Should outsell any book extant. Send at onco for illustrated circu lar, table of contents, sample pages and terms. A. II. II U hliAlil), Publisher, 400 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Piu 24S-4L FOUND ! An unfailing remedy for all Bronchial Dif ficulties, Sore Throat and Dohbv DR. WELL'S ' CABOLIC TABLETS also purity tho blood, assist circulation and ajresst decay, acting directly on the Mucous Membrane thev sould be prompt ly and freely taken in all exposure or vio lent change of worther, as tliey will keep up tho circulation of the blood and thus ward oil' all tendency to cold uud Lung dillieulties. FOK WORMS IN CHILDREN WELL'S CAUliOLIC TARLETS are a never failing remedy. Try Them. Sold by ail Druggosts. 2S-4t Salesmen Wanted. Business honorable, No competition, lib S. W. KENNEDY, H S. 1th St., Phila. oral pay given. 8'J-4t, WANTED AGENTS everywhere to canvass for John S. C, Abbott's forth coming book, "Prussia and tho Franco Prussian War." A live subject for a wide awake canvasser. Address li. li. RUS SELL, lioston, Mass. 30-4t 100,000 Amenta Wantod for KOW WOKEN CAN MAKE MONEY, anil other best books in the market. EcKinney A Martin, ICAH Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. 3tl-4t AGENTS WANTED TOli "LADIES OF THE WHITE H0USF.M Standard and ofTlcial biographies of every mistress of tho President's mansion from Washington to Grant. Superbly illustra ted on steel. For circulars and terms ad dress U. S. Publishing Co., N'jw Yoak. U2-4t $1,000 TO $2,000 SAL All Y WE GUARANTEE TO l'AY TO BOOK AGENTS of experience; or a larger CimiiuiIsnIoh than is ollorcd by any olhcr Publishers. AJIcnU are making fki to J)0 per week canvassing lor our new Illustrated books. We guarantee Agents h sail ry or a lurge commission, w ith a choice of two now and popular books and exclusive territory. We oiler a rare chance to euergetic men ami women to make mouev. Secure your ag"iicv direct from tho publishers.. J. E. Hl'KIt .V CO., .0-4:, . Harllord, Coi:n. SUHSCKl liK for tho Foroot Ropublicru it will pay. WANTED A uk nth (f2(l per dHv) To sell tho celebrate 1 HOME Slll'T TLE SEWING MACHINE, llastheiui tier feett, mu'iestlii) "luek mteh" (alike, on both bidesj is fully licen ced. '1 he be ,: uud cheapest family Sewui' Machino in the market. Address JOHNSON. Clark V Co., lioston, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa., Chicago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo, 31-41 VI TANTEI. Land in Pennsylvania for V Hsii and K'"! stocks. Townseud liiuK., i:;i Si. nib Third St., I'lilia. HMt TIDIOUTE TEA STORE! The placo to buy every variety of tho VERY BEST TEAS a"t tub l o west r n i ens, la at tho cxtrnsivo Tea Store of H. T. CHAFFEY, where yon can always find a largo assort ment of the Iwst Teas at New York prices. A large assortment of Groceries and Provisions, unefpialnd In quality and chenpnossby any other store in Warren county, always oil hand. The people of Forest county will save money by purchasing their supplies at this place, liest brands of FAMIL ? FLO LT .re delivered at any depot on tho lineof tho R. xv. 1 1 te. Store on Main St. near tho DepS. PnOTORAPHGALLEIlY 1 Water Street, ADJOINING1 THE HOLME3 HOUSE, Tionesta, Fa., M. CARPENTER, - . - Proprietor. Um. Pictures taken Iu all tho latest stv'es of the art. 2o'-tf 1 flKU, OI R hiHUK WIIKfcst SCM! !NA A. UNITED 8TATS9. i INFORM ATIDN forth PannTa. 1 I'A Befornthe FOOTLIGHTS. .o. l Cheapest a. Beat Family Bible. ' t Ttrtoa ii!T.Twi. AHdrM rnr Clrcalmr, PJEUJilt CO., rhii.ipi,,., ,. 23-lt READ! READ v The subscribers having ro-rcnted the Would say to their old customers, and tho community peni raliy, that tliev keep constantly on hand a largo stock of FAMILY FLOUR of all prades, Chop Feed, Shorts, It ran, Oats and CAirn. With our facilities for do lii business, we purposo not to bo under sold by any establishment in this section of tho country, and would say to tho lum bermen and dealers of Forest county, that thoy can bo SUPPLIED CHEAPER and more promptly than from any other point. Immediate attention given to all ordors from a distance, K. JONES A CO. LOTS FOR SALE! IS THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 79, Nassau St., Now York City. Dlt. J. N. IIOLAUD, of Tidioute, has returnsd to his practice, after an ab senco of four months, spent iu the Hospi tals of Now York, where bn will attend calls In his profession. (Illleo in Eureka Drug Store, 3d door abovo tho bank, Tidioute, Pa. 4!Hf W. A. INUIIAM. C. B. IJH AGO. IXUIIAM & nitA;, PliBISHEF.S, BOOKSELLERS, and Stationers, WIIOI.ESALK AND RETAIL DEALERS IX all kiuds of School, Miscellaneous, Law, Medical AND iMxrsia books. Depository of the liiblo Society, Sunday ischool, and all Religious Publishing So cieties, NO. 52 CHESTNUT BT., MEADVILLE, PA., NO. 1!1 Sl'l'KlUOK ST., CLEVELAND, O. J un110 M CHAS. II. SHEPARD, (JEN KRAL DEALDIl IX DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. CARPETS, HATS, CAPS, AND SHOES, NEW YOKE STOKE, Centre Street, OIL CITY PA. THEA-NECTAR. &Mt j. c. Lone, Wholcsalo and Retail Pe.t'.er la HARDWARE, -ANOOIL- WELL FIXTURES, ' OE ALL KINDS, T'lHDIOTJTE, JPJL.. Firt lioov ai'inve l"i"hanif) ll'. -!v m1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers