The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, October 20, 1886, Image 4

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A maiden ' oikto b--"
And beard lihil--dtf.)'inror.
The mommc lirht If ul.lnir clear.
A thrub a IiskIIt warUimr new.
A tl rftiw trlititnK 1nn the stream,
With ripi-lc in and splash aixl a-leata.
She ne'er but seen toe yomh before.
He ' hd touched sio that hore ;
But al.eo aheaaa him np the stream.
Fresh from th mountain1 nurlr fleam.
The oM. M aontjcr-aorkiiur J"''!
Anmod them ith like suurir fi-lL
And rrp Li boat bad driflrd by
A chanite nut over wood and skjr :
The o'd, familiar iciwii and shore
T,.,k on hue unknot" n befie.
He liirhtlT drea hi txial to bind.
He liRhtlv rt-achtsl to her uis hand.
And, liavina ail thai they had known.
The twe a-t-nl dtian ttie stream alone.
Tlie IsMUoau's arm a a I and strong
Tlie Uinuii'f ' tou(.-h and ton.
Th maiden 't faT aaf sweet and fair;
8hr frit fx. faintest f.r or care.
glte smiled u;in h batman true,
And mid. ! trust mv life t j-ou."
Tbe tlirtii anron the hank alone :
The stuu-n doa n the nream had gone.
Tlicv had love-quam-l. Ktlutn Nash
and Tilly Fogg had Is-en the must earn--st
of lovers, )Ki-illy Tilly. Kthan did
nut ln-tray half the warmth aliout it that
idie did, Is-cause it was never in him ;
but if ever nuin anted more devotion,
and affection, and all that port of thing
than Tilly Fogg generously lavished on
Kthan Nash, he must liave Iktii an ud
naturul and exscting fellow.
For aoiue days they had ls-n very
cart ful nut to snk to one another. No
two people t-tt-rtrii-1 so hard to le entire
ly difH rent each to the other.
At 1m-1 it gut to he ho bail that Kthan
bad utayed away from Tilly for two or
three week. How lie iiiau;tg-d to do it
wan a mystery, and always will lie; it can
be explained only on principles of con
traries, and milks, and oddities.
It wan getting to 1? rather mi ileaKtnt,
Considered in all iints of view. There
was Knr Tilly almost dying from the
treatment, though she never would have
entered a complaint of any sort in the
-ar of any living soul ; her eyex wen- ls
giuniiig to le a little of it usual bright
iies J could we it plainly enough and
the red roses on her cheeks were fading
rather fast.
There luips-nt-d to be another young
minx in the illume, who had been teach
ing flu- district scli.sil during Ihe cum
mer, and had finally concluded that it
would Ik- the plcaSantcst thing slit- eould
do W stay through the w inter, too, and
visit around. Just at this iiirti-ular time
nlie was staying at Sjuin- Judkin's house.
Ht-r Uifiut-was Lucy Ifciane.
Luey Ioaiie was just the smartest girl,
in her own estimation. I think I ever
km w. Having lieen selected to instni-t
the youngi-r Mrtioii of the children the
j ast suiuuii-r in nettllenork and u-b, a-li,
and la-ing tiMin-tent lo keej' the small
est oik-s from rolling oil' the U-nches,
while aslo p iion the flKr, she some
how reasoned herself into the ooiuila
wnt idea that there w . no lady in the
place w ho eould her in conversation
correct grammar, or, indeed, any of the
accomplishments that were going.
She wore glasses with silver bows,
mitts on her bands, and always kept her
work-bag on her left arm. A perfect Jiic
ture of a "tn-hisil-marm " in all the jier
Bou's iarts andquaIiti-H.
At this jiartk-ular time there was a
ccj fall of snow on the groiitnl, and the
alcigliing was glorious. Bells ls-lles
made the old eouiitry roa-ls merry, far
and near. There were tiartiti! without
mini Is-r to the neighlioring tow ns, mak
ing U merry dmatw in every old tavern
ball, w here the screech of the fiddle had
ever resounded.
Well, to make the story an short a
poHxilile, Kthan ntvived a verj- neatly
writlcn note one aftennsm from Lucy
iKiaue, writt-n in her cluiracteristic style
of jirecinion and firmness, all
and ss-lied, saying that she
would Is' very hapjiy to avet his ilite
iiivitalion to go to the lit xt bill over at
I'pli.-ld, and would hold herself in readi-
tiess aii-vrdiiigly.
"What's all this!" exclaimed Kthan
when he hail fairly read the note
He was pu..led and confounded.
"I never invit.-d Lucy Hiane to go to
the I'plicld ball in my life! Why, what
Iimw she mean ? I'm sure I don't know
how to proceed in such a case ! " 1
Which was all -rfiil!y true. Kthan
Xah was in a regular qii.iui.irv.
So he came right over to consult with
me altoiit it. Why be selected me out of
ail the rest of his numerous acquaintance
in the village, I uever knew, and proba
bly never shall, but he came and laid the
matter plainly before me, and says lie :
" Sow . John, I want your advitv."
You shall have il, with all my heart,"
ways I.
" I'm in a regular fix," said he. "You
ee, the way of it is this: Here I've got a
letter from Lucy Hoane," producing it
from his k--t, and holding it out at
arm's-length, "and she says in that letter
that she ife very happy to mii-jit my kind
invitation to go to the sicighiug iarty up
to I'pliciil. w lic-n tlie fai-t is I never asked
lit-r to go w il h me in mv iifc.
I could uot help smiling.
" Bather awkward," I suggested.
" Isn't it ? Now I w ish you would tell
me w hat I'd better do aliout it."
" IK.?"
" W-s, w hat would you do? You sec, I
must do something."
" Oh, certainly ; that letter must le
answered somehow.
"Tlica w hat Would you say to it. How
would you try to g--t out of it, John."
"I'd up and thank her for accepting."
said I, "and I hen I'd secure a nice sleigh
against the time came around and cam
ber." "You would! The Old Harry must lie
in you ! "
"(in the contrary, I assure you it's
jui the best tiling you can sissihly do.
Jiut take iny advitv for oiuv and sec
w lud a ill come of it."
He bung down his hcatL put the note
ia bis ucket, ami suJered himself to
think of it
There was no chance of escape. He
saw for himself, thanks to his native
common -scum-, that the best way U
silence that Utile ry was to walk straight
up to it.
Which be did, and sent back his lues
aage of thanks to Lucy for deigning to
comuly with his request.
The aJVrnoon of the tU-igh-rite was
cobl and bilU-r a you would care to read
about. Kvcn at Boon the sun liad not
act a aiugle icicle to running at the eaves,
and the anow in the road-track was as
moot a and pohrJied as marble.
"I've got my sleigh," said Kthan to me
ia a rather confidential manner. "It's
liea Ball cutler. He didn't want to us
it LiiuselC Joke's going with a two-i
horse establishment. But mind you I
bad to pay for it ! "
When Uh twilight advauced what
little there was of ii at that time of ibe
yearI saw Ktlian Nasli drive up pell-
niell with Tom Nickinson's fiery little
mare, the cutter digging her heels like a
li-tlge after a reindeer. Kthan had a
much as be could tlo to manage her.
Subw-quemly to (bat slight glimpse of
Kthan, bnziing by my indow as he did
I caught no other until I stood in the lit
tle liall-room, having ushered in (a I
thought) a very handsome young lady in
a fancy dres with "filings" to corres
pond, and taking a moilest, if not decid
edly timid survey of the floor.
There was Kthan in full feather. He
was dressed " w ith all bis might," and
couldn't have apared a single item of bia
inventory w ithout damaging his effective
ness decidedly. In fact be meant to be
N"r w here he 8ti sat Lm-y Ioane,
airupcring arid whimpering behind her
half-spread lan, her round face an red as
a westing w inter-apple, lier eyes upturn
ed to him in an exceedingly languishing
style, and lots of young girls surveying
them with fit-lings naxed that 1 snail
le excused from describing them.
Ily the bye in same Tilly Kogg w ith
Kdward Marks.
How Kthan did stare straight at her,
and how she did stare straight back at
bim ; I sat w here I eould see it all ; and
there were others that saw it aa welt.
For a few minute the friends and ac
quaintances of each jwrty were instantly
enguged in regarding their condwt,
Kthan instantly threw bis eyes up at
the opjiosite w all, just as if there w ere no
such r-erson as Tilly Fogg in the ro-m.
On her part, to exhibit a projer degree of
nentmetit, she pursed her pretty mouth,
gave her head a contemptuous U, and
a1cd as indeix-ndently a if she was to
lead off in the danc herself that night,
and knew it.
Well, and w hat was a little strange, Urn
she did lead off, standing with her jmrt
ner, whowaa young student at law in
the ollii-e of 'Sjuire lockct, at the head
of the figure.
How elegant she lisiked in her
t;. si. -fill dress, and with her beautiful
color !
What an air of queenly pride she por
trayed a she smoothed down the glossy
hair on her temple anil looked over
the rustic crowd as if she knew well
enough that she was the la-He of the
Kthan st4od a good way down the floor
and it was not livable what an everlasting
chat his fair jrtiH-r-Kucy Hoane-k. pt
up f.f him lN-hind her well-spread tin. !
t nlv oi.iv or twi.v Klhan's eves wander- !
ed up tii w hen-the little figure of Tilly
tiogg was standing, but Kiuy Hoane
watched every movement and brought
him b.-ck to his senses again.
As for Tilly, she was perfectly wreleh
ed, though she did laugh and chatter tto
much with her jiartncr, the young law
student. Then' was excess in her
actions, and that was enough to N't ray
Anvoi.e with even half an eve could
see that at on.v. But no doubt it assist.-d j
to heighten her la-auty ; for but for this !
unhappy pressure on her pride and her
self-will, there would have been no such
suffusion atsmt her cheeks, nor no
such ini)M-i'ious expression about her beau
tiful eyes.
"1 don't see but what we are really
making out a niiv time if it," said Kthan
to Lucy.
"This is fine very line!" said Kd
ward Marks to Tilly at about the same
It wa something of a coincidence, and
deserving of a chronicler, as here it finds
When we went dow n tosupiierthecoii
fusion was exevssive.
They all rushed into the supper-room
in a state laddering on despair, acting a
if there was but one chance in a thousand
of their ever getting another mouthful to
eat in the world.
The tables groaned, and ho did those
w ho sat dow n to them before they got up.
There w as a smart business done for some
time in the way of eating, and hungry
folks might have looked with a hearty
relish and envied them.
The arty broke up tow ard early morn
ing, dancers, fiddlers, and all. By the
lull light of the stars that wink.-d aad :
twinkled so steadily far off in the sky,
they sallied forth from la-fore the dir in
their sleighs for home again.
Klliaiiiitid Lucv Hoane felt coiisidcra-
''' weepy on their way hack, ami, as a
coust-qui-uiv, very little was said by either i
during their brisk ride. As for Tilly and
the young student, she was entirely un- ;
happy, and he was shall I confess it ? i
a very littie mashed!"
It was easy em ugh to see now that
Kthan Nash and Tilly loved one another,
and this show of imlifff n-niv on their
. , . j
m their
art was the greatest pietv of nit re acting I
heartless and hollow that could Ik- ;
imagined. '
Tiie rest of us w ho knew all this and !
more, too, from the beginning, tletennin- j
ed to put an end to it. They had lsvn j
living on "stuff" a great while lunger
than they ought to have done.
Si the next day there was a eoiuvrted
arrangement uiade among ourselves to
bring them all together.
First caiiie in Kthan. He was going
Mund to dissiate the day through, and j
we knew at alxmt what time he would j
lie there. Then followed Lucy Hoane. j
She was all smile and svllal.l.-s. for she
felt confident as she ever wanted to Is"
that she had at List won the heart of
Kthan Nash.
In her present v. however, he was rather
quiet than otherwise. The moment slit
came in, he stopped talking! She saw i ,
and half stoped, too.
By-and-by, w ho should run up to the
tloor, all mutllcd up to her pretty eyes,
but Tilly Fogg! She had been sent for,
for that was at the bottom of the arrange
ment. It could uever have succeeded
without her.
She came clear into the room before
she knew who wa there, and the nio-
ment th startling intelligence revealed I"!''' often liecome bewildered, ami do
itself through her eyes, she made a move- : "t kn" their error until it is too late,
ment as if to have retreated with precipi- ; iM uwa.v from their influence, settle
tat i. in, bad not Susan sttssl close at her j 'oUr l"'1' 0,i,k" ul' yourmiml alone. A
liack, and crowded her along so as to l"i"ie '" unde in a moment of
shut the door. There they were, then, ! ".vmpathy, or even half delirious ecstacy,
all together ; not one of the three uuhiqi- l'' 'i "' retleemetl through years
py jmrties had previously thought of such ( of sorrow, toil and pain. Ho not trust
s thing. Jour happiness in the keeping of one,
" Now," said 1 toall hands, " what's the ',,w h,u" no head, no health,
trouble T" ; I'eware of insane blood. Io not rush
"Yes," said Susie Wilde, who wa a ! thoughtlessly, hastily into wedded life,
real little girl, what i the nutter? , c,"1,rary to the counsel of your best
sure enough T" j friends, Love can wait ; that which can
" Why?" said Tilly, reining herself in ' n,,t m'ait ' something of a verj- tlifferent
proudly, and looking everywhere but at j l'i,ar'u"r-
K,lmI1- Patrick's Certiricate of Honesty
" ho said anything was the matu-r?"
blurted out Kthan, who couldn't have I J'atru k applieil for a situation as por-
held bis tongue to save his life. ' t-'r fr . holcsale store.
"See here," said I. - You, Tillv, are " rin afai', """'"' n,,t t4ri,',1.v
very unhappy. You needn't U-ll me you u . d,x, w ,h
are not for I know well enough you are; oroi Ult h r
I could site it last mgbt. j ..... ,. ... .
She tried to be indignant, but made
only a poor feint of it
"Now, Lucy," I continued, "what
made you go so readily to the dance
with Kthan, if he never invited you?"
Lucy was instantly a mad as a March
" He did invite me, I'd have vou to
know !" she exclaimed, fixing her specta
cles anew upon her nose.
" He didn't !" broke in one of the eirls
j w bo was in the secret, " We did it ; we
girt un that invitation uun.lvmm
! "
"And I
sJje hesitated in her
" Then you didn't
chimed in the
relieved Tilly, for tbe first time sjieaking
to Kthan.
" Xo, never T be answered with ready
" Then I forgive you ! said Tilly, much
lightened in her mind. And he Cordial
ly extendeI her hand.
Kthan not only took it, but be knew
his duty well enough to throw bia anus
about her, and kis her besides.
Iam:j laue flounced out of her chair,
and narted for tlie door.
" I don't care," said she ; " I've been
engaged this ever so longtothe minixter'g
sou over in FifiehL and now I'll niarrj
him r
"l would!" amiably answered Ethan,
not letting Tilly quite go out of bia
And the party was madesmaller by the
sudden withdrawal of the brisk little
Tlie rest of us sat dow n to a supper a
real hearty country sui-jiei' and a grand
good time we made of it, tw. There was
no more trouble for Tilly and KUian ;
their difference were all healed.
There seeius to he a growing tendency
on the irt of the average American to
ward what I may be pardoned for calling
the anonymous or incog, introduction.
This introduction generally starts off
in a fortissimo strain that, if kept up
throughout the recital, would herald the
names of loth parties to the uttermost
part of the earth. Then the piano and
diminuendo strain comes in.
That is the reason we are acquainted
with so many jeop!ewhise names we do
not know. A man steps up to you in a
crowd somewhere in one of those quiet
little tow n niei-tings where it is a mark of !
great conve'sutional genius to ta'k steadi
ly ouuard without using the mind, and
sins: I'ardoii me, I want to make you
two n-ople acquainted. You ought to
know each other. You are both friends
of mine. Mr. , Mr. . There-, now
you are acquainted ! "
Why a man should write a long letter j
and a rite it plainly, signing it at the end j
with a name that would have Imthered j
Daniel to d-cipher, is more than I -can j
understand. It is the same style of
-cu!iarily as the anonymous introdu- j
tiou exactly. I may be a little careless
ais.ut my penmanship while writing in a
great hum-, living to ke-p up with my
surging thoughts, but I must always sign
my name so that it can lie deciphered. I
have written letters where the signature
was the only thing that was alisoltitely
Is-vond the jioi-sihility of doubt. But if
a man signs his name so that you can
w rite to him and ask bim w hat the bal
ance of his letter wasalsMit, it is lietter
than a long Jieautiful letter from au un
known and unknowable person. In the
laner case, you are i.-n to kick uieeiup.v
ir. S"ne day when I get more time, I
"'B to prelre a long treaties rim
, . . i ft . i- . i ...
etiquette, and deliver it to the American
people, illustrated by one of these stere
opt icons. Kt iquette has been a life-long
study for me. It is a thing that has en
grossed my attention from my earliest
boy-hood, and it shows itself at once in
my polished manners and easy running
At table specially our American peo
ple need a great deal of training. Where
ever I go, I am struck w ith our aad need
of careful training. As a country we need
careful instructions in our manners, more
especially at hotels. (.Inly the other day,
at the table d'hote I heard a man ask for
half a dozen buckwheat cakes, and w hen
they came to bim be moistened the tips
of h is fingers in . a finger ImiwI, and ran
over the cakes us he would currency, for
he was the assistant cashier in a national
bank. Another man at the same table
was asked to iathe pepper Imix and be
took it w ith his thumb on the bottom
and his two first lingers on the top, just
a he had lin n in the habit of moving a
stack of chips from the ace to the duce,
no doubt, lor years.
S we as jieople crowd our vocation to
' the front, and are not able to hanish our
iraiu-s ami pn.ics,Monsexe.. a. .ao.e. e
... i ....1.1., l-
slioiiiit try to overcome tins, ami tticrc
are iiianv other features of our national
etiquette which we need to change.
Only last week I saw a fine looking
yoiiiigjuali sit at the hotel table colule
ing his moustache with his fork, and
while in a lirown study the fork slipstl
1--1 out of the moustache ami plunged
with a sickening jab into his eye. We
: canni.t lie tsi careful in our intercourse
ith men to avoid all appearance of evil.
Kittpiette always marks the true gen-
iit-niail aim iimat- lion Mil iiuini viiii-
. ... . ....
tisity, especially at a Hotel, w lien you
stv a gentleman with whom you are not
j acquainted you should look iism bim
j Willi genteel hororand shudder two times
in r.ij'id siuvssion. This will convince
I a stranger that your parents have taken
; special pains not to allow you to uswi
! ciate with vulgar icople.
! I startetl out to say a few words alxiut
' the folly of indistinct introductions and
i wappy -jawed signatures, but I have wan-
dered away, as 1 am apt to do. JIM Ay.
Safe Advice to Young Women.
I" marving.niake your own niaU h ; do
''"' "".v to get rid of him, or
; tti oblige him, or to love bim. The man
j who would go to dest ruction without you
; will quite as likely go with vou, and
, drag you along; Io not marry ill haste,
h-sl you repent at leisure. Ho not marry
' for a home and a living, w hen by Liking
c.ire of your health you can la- .strong
I enough to earn your ow n liviug. Io not
! let aunts, fathers or mothers sell you for
i money or a jiositioii into bondage, tears
i and life-long misery, which you alone
i must endure. Ho not place yourself
' habitually in tbecompany of any suitor,
; unless you have decided he question of
! marriage; human wills are weak, and
j that you were a liule unreliable w hen at
I your last platv. I must have a ja-rfectly
I boneat man here,
" Faith an' Oi can show ye ertifiite
of honesty that'll make ye change your
mould UHiighty quick."
He then drew out a piece of pajicr con
taining words of the greatest praise of
" Who wrote this. Patrick?"
"Who wrote it? ti did, at."
"Ob, oh! Is a certificate of your own
writing a proof of your honesty ?"
" It is, sor; Utnuse, sor, Oi kntiw more
about nitwilf than anv other moll tlo: un'.
j begorry, if Oi wasn't honest Oi wouldn't
be after tellin' ye Oi writ it meself."
' WelL I'll try you, Patrick.'
On a Bear Hunt.
Several tlays ago Hendru-k, the hunter
was canqied on Bear river, in Colorado.
With him w as a young tenderf! just
from the East. Trapping was pretty good
and the two men let the meat supply of
the camp run down until there was noth
ing left but (in trappers' phrase Coined
for city society) " sow abdomen." So
one evening tbe hunter and the tender
foot started out after fresh meat.
They soon found it, for scarcely a mile
from camp they ran on to a whole family
of grizzlies, half a dozen in alL As the
bear family showed a decided inclination
for a dower acquaintance,' the introduc
tion at once took place, the rifle of the
bunU'rs serving as masters of ceremonies.
Though the men fired a fast as they
could autl bear after bear was knocked
down, the bruttw rose to their feet again
and the bruin family still came on. The
rifle kept up their incessant crack, how
ever, and at a distance of twenty yanls
the old she-bear, the leatler of the family
fell to no more, Foriy .shot bad
now lieen fired, and with only three
cartridges left between them tbe hunters
were glad indeed to see the remainder of
the savage family party turn tail ami dis
appear among the surrounding rocks and
On examination eight bullet holes
were found in the old she-bear, five of
the eight having lodged in vital parts.
The next morning the hunter took the
bloody trails leading in variousdirectious
ami in an hour's time all the remaining
bears were found dead, making six liears
baggol in a bunch. I
During the tight the wounded brutes j
indulged frequently in their singular cus
tom, called in hunter and trapper par
la m v "shaking up." Whenever a Is-ar
was struck by a bullet it would at once
seize one of its comaiiitiis and a rough
anil tumble fight would ensue. The aid
she bear on several different occasion
grabbed her cul is and tossed them high
in the air, catching them as they fell, and
unmercifully "chawing" them. It waato
this lingular custom that the hunters
probably owed their lives, as it delayed
the progress of the ferocious family until
the deadly rilles were able to check it
entirely. f W,., wiVr. !
Ijiw s provitling for the arrest and pun- j
ishmeut of those using profane language I
are very strict in Pennsylvania and this
unseemly and sinful habit ha grow n to
sta ll an. exatnt, csiecially among young
men, that it is well to call the attention
of the public to the mutter, in the hope,
that an effort may l made to suppress
the use of profane language, ami bring
almut a very necessary reform. The fol
lowing is the law on the subject :
" If any jiersou shall w ilfully, preuiedi
tatedly and dispitefully blaspheme, or
sjieak loosely and profanely of Almighty
God, Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit, or the
Scriptures of Truth, such j?rsoii on con
viction thereof shall be sentenced to pay
a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars,
and undergo an imprisonment not ex
ceeding three months, or either, at the
discretion of tbecourt."
"If any jierson of the age of sixteen
years or upwards shall profanely curse or
swear by the name of Uod, Christ Jesus,
or the Holy Ghost, every person bo of
fending being thereof convicted shall
forfeit and iay the sum of sixty-seven
tvnts for every such profane curst; or
oath ; and in case he or she shall refuse
or neglect to pay the said forfeiture, or
goodsand chattels cannot be. found where
of to levy the same by distress, he or she
shall he committed to tbe bouse of cor
rection of the proper county, not exceed
ing twenty-four hours, for every such of
fence of which such jierson shall be con
victed ; and whonttver of the uge of six
teen years or upwards, shall curse or swear
in any other name or thing as aforesaid,
ant shall lie convicted thereof, shall for
feit and pay the sum of forty cent for
every such curse or oath ; and in case
such olli nder shall- neglect or refuse to
satisfy such forfeiture, or no goods or
chattels can I' found whereof to levy the
same by distress, be or she shall lie com
mitted to the house of correct ion of the
proMr county not exceeding twelve
hour for every such offence." '
The First Keen Twinge.
As the -teason advances, the mills anil
aches by which rheumatism makes itself
known are experienced after every ex
iosurc. It is not claimed that hood's
Sarsairilla is a siecifif for rheumatism
we doubt if there is, or can lie, such a
remedy. Hut the thousaitds lienelitctl
by Hood's Sarsamrilla, warrant us in urg
ing others who suffer from rheumatism to
take it la-fore the first keen twinge.
A Terrible (?) Prophesy.
On Monday of last week Mark Twain
sent the following to a New York iiajier :
Sir : As a result of the most careful ob
servation of the asiect of the fixed stars
during the past two months, a affected
by the lemarkable changes now going on
in the great nebula inti Iassioicia- lam
able tti state w ith absolute certainty that
by far the most aw ful disaster that has
ever lie fallc n the globe since il creation
will occur on the 3d of Octolier at '.A2 in
tbe evening. The agent will lie a mete
oric stone a meteoric world, indeed,
since its mass will lie one-eighth as great
a that of our ow n sphere. It will first
come in sight almut half way between the
constellation of the (in-at and the
north star, and will make the circle of
the southern skits, and then sweep north
ward w ith immeasurable rapidity, turning
the night of this whole continent into a
red glare of the most blindiug intensity.
A it approaches t'auada it will make a
majestic downward swoop in the direc
tion of Ottowa, affording a spectacle re
sembling a million inverted rainlsiws
woven together, autl will take the proph
et Wiggins right in the teat of bis inspira
tion and lift him straight up into the
back yard of the planet Mars, anil leave
him ivriiuiiieiitly there in an inconiviva
bly mashed aud unpleasant condition.
This can lie dc.ieniled on.
Hartford, Mont la v. Mark Twain.
( 0UGI3 OI.E
FVe ft am OpimU; JimJticm mm iVlaoia.
ifini; OKcis.
rtivu nrr? ccx-ra.
DRi'tamm awo puuHa
mi caaaua a. lacui Wi.aatili
Absolutely Pure.
Th' Powder never variw. A marvel of purity.
Si relish anil w holosoinrlifm. More ctiinnmiral
than ,h- imlinarv kiniln. aiirt raiituw lie Mitil Ml
omiiK-tiiiiin with the nnilimi1e of low lent, short
welKhl. alum tir pnnstilinu- ,inent. ,s.i mil m
num. KoyaL Biki.M, rOwnEK.t'o.. lw Wall HI.,
X. Y.
MmelloBS Sewing Mactice Invention I
Wonderful Bless'ny to V. I ad'ies !
Tie Continaons ary Motion!
Twice aa rapid as on oilier machines.
Taicc as easy as on other machines.
Genuine Improved Rent Wood Work
Beautiful and Practical Attachment,
fnT descriptive circular.
Wholesale Dealer for Wrn PrnauylvuDia &sd
Weatern Marijuid.
a Street iicmari.
It I run that a f1Mmin on th trt't
Hot hnr jas,s4'n iy ni:i!rk aiHut Ifu u(r!ilt r(nl
fttiiii. tlH'tfrt-iit I'r'ii-)i n-inrly itr coiinntt.tni,
ftHtylifi, ittlt!, Iiinirsotie.-. v, liy its -)KM-tli- v -turn
on h11 ilisriiNt-it of th' throat. vw u:h! Iiim'j
it iritlili-ii!!iiir rvjmitition n-vt'r rx'-IU! i i
thi hiM ry o1" iiKtli-iin. Ju aln nr.. It
m-vej liiil. Stfhi aiul v'uaniitlt'fi by N. Hojtl,
Hole Hjft iu.
Thtiuunt have trlrd it and found rflk-f. Tbtt Is
abuiiiiaiit te-timouy to thu polat, ivmiutb autl un.
nllciti-il. vb ch vb,HiU t3nDiBiUie mort akeiitical.
If rem puffer trith Rh-nnintin. aeod for a pamphlet
wtuihttlli what lus been donr for otbvra. Ittearnt
fm. To lie mml eorta only 2Ju, (or oue box
(uffidrat fur Ue worst caaa.
2 C. MrAixTHTRm. V nnny with Hfiod,
J nnlinLTiit .v C , now uuh Voui. Brown
T iilm . : "1 Mirttpti froui .lMmiutinm m
ttTtiilv tat T coHia Im11 lk, w ml tiuir
;i u turn my hl. I tn-tl tbf Hiiwin
: ii ttm-'tim Cnre. liknide tf two wtatlu-1
c i ii: U'Utly catd
Ut Mvripiivf pmaphlrt, with ttlrnmiftl, fVeo.
C CE I K miii4 It. ft4iitintuU.
Nom GmiiiM
wHUodt tUu
hm r-ft J n--t to l fonihl t i
tnin. but can
Olliy ilaa uy c;;cioni! ow mhui :i aw.o, ww
on I
BlS-Miil Market istree, l'h hidrlphla.
c r
m I z a
2 Mi --r
t .
L x w -S. """ -m4-' FOUTZ
.-in it vftm , - ,T mm
- fUUIt i C
!to wffl nf rntio. ivmi or Lnw F.r.
rr.m. tl rrwitrt P re nl In tun.
Fontr pAtrir ilrtll" PTVMt
Fwix Pnii will r"vnt 'irr IK fowl
Kkiu pow.trr w.M hrrM-th Qnuttitr M n:;K
and cTm i rntr per eeou mad Ui butter firm
f-ootz Powrtr win pnw tr nrrnt 1mnrt svkkt
Drst-A to wnifii HorvuftTvl ntlliirv nhrrt.
hm"! Pim at if actio.
old vn w.-t.
DAVID E. FOUTZ, Proprietor.
The ,M"'irs ' NiifHr Fall wrrt so.n-what
homtut wstenlaT to xt a whit object tart
down th rM(i4ri ani owrthe falWnt tin vt-ry
hiirhit Miint. am ujoii Immiiit p'ktHl 11ft mw
Im'Iow it was found to W a lareo .hrt of iaM-r
rotitainitiB' niany xtrimc Uiimoninl! from wr-n-tiiri
whi had itH-d lh-litrssffr' Norman HhI
nnm fir wmMinnttion. "oiiirh. ctldi. hoarnfHK.
and all pulmonary 1.whmm. Hold m, a MNittve
naranU-c ly C. ?i. Hoyd.
Having punliased a full m-t tif " TEST j
Lensen," I am now preparttl to lit the j
most difficult, cases. If you have hail
trouble to pet glasses to suit you, come at
S3 mm
g7.i C st;I-a
S -sf-Sr S-i
a a fa fi;t'n
- 3iili..lil-s?ftM
out and give me a trial. .Sutlnftinina ! si-yeur-old danghter wantetl to go Hoiih
(iiiamitUni. I am sole agent for I h-. ntl started on foot. She onght to have
King's Celebrated .Spectacles. Try a luir j 8"n? south, but went norUi among the
of them, and ;
nd vou will use no other.
EteFdls Evaporators
Hv prtmtl them
selves to be tir super
ior to anv apparatus
for evaporating SAP.
KOH4.III Al mui
nerer been eqnalled for
BAriDirr or BTaroma.
Tios. Ecom t or nm
ob ocauTT or raonccr
. Many THOUS ANDS In use. send tat Uioa.
tratedetreular wttJl tasuinoolala to
1 ia Co., raiit. Tt,
Popular Superstitions.
Drearn'of egjpi. wgn of mont-y.
Dream of snakes, sign of enemies.
If you aing before, breakfkut you'll cry
before supper.
Dreaming of mutltly or rushing water
briiiKH trouble.
Finding a horse shoe or a four leafed
clover brings good luck.
If you cut your nails or meexe on Sun
day you do it "for evil."
She who takes tbe last stitx-h at a quilt
ing will be tbe first to marry.
If you cannot make up a bancUome bed
yout husband will have a homely none.
If yon spill the salt some one will be
"mad" with you unless you put some in
the fire.
Stub yonr right toe, you are going
where you are wanted ; your left, where
you are not wanted.
If the rooster crows on the ft-nt-e, the
weather will be fair ; on the doorstep, he
will bring company.
If the first Sunday in the month in un
pleasant, there will be but oue pleasant
Sunday during the month.
If by chance a mourning hat or bonnet
is placet! upon your bead you will need
one of your own soon.
If your right ear burns, someone is prais
ing you ; if your left, yom friends are
raking you over the coals.
Returning to the hoibte fur a moment
after having once skirted you will bring
you butl luck unless you sit down.
When, in dropping a fork, it strikes the
floor and stantls upright, it will bring a i
gentleman visitor if a knife, a lutly.
While at the wahloartl, if the suds
splash huiI wet the clot hen you are wear-,
ing, j-ou will have a drunken husband.
If you drop your dishcloth you w ill
have comjiaity ; also if yon swecpu black
mark ; or if two chairs stand acciilt-nhtlly
back to buck. If a baby si-es itt face in
the glass it will be the death of him. If
his nailii are cut he will lie a thief. If he
tumbles out of bed it will save his liciug
a fool.
Un-iik a mirror, sign of death. lcath
is also fort-told by a dog howling under a
window, hearing a mourning dove, a
strange dove hovering ulsmt or dreaming
of a white horse.
If you see the new moon through the)
glass you will have sorrow aa long as it j
lasts. 1; you see it fair in the f.nv you'll j
have a fall. Over the left shoulder bail'
luck over the right good luek. ;
The editor of the ('orsicana, Tex., Mi-
. i-ivr, Mr. (i. I. Miller, had a severe at- ;
tat-k of rheumatism in his left knee,
nliit-h Uvame so swollen and painful
that he could not walk up the stairs, lie
writes that after a few applications of St.
.T.u-oIm Oil, the pain entirely tlisap.ieared,
and the knee assumed its normal pro
Sinum's Vrr.u.izKtt is what yon need
fur Constipation, Lous of Api'titc, Dizzi
ness, and all syinptams of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 ami 75 cents per bottle. Sold by
ieo. W. Ilcnford & Son.
We Caution All Against Them.
Tlie iitiprttttlt-nli-il ruci-cks anl merit
of KIv'h Cream Balm a real cure. for ca
tarrh, hay fever ami coM in the heatl lias
intlut-etl many aclvt-nhin-rs to ilat-e ea-
turrh metlicines lx-arinif tumie rnwii-
lilant-e in apjieariinee, Htyle or name uptin
the nuirkej in tinier to tratle njHin the
reputation tif Kly's Cream lialm. IKm't
be tleeeivetl. I5uy only Klv's Cream
Balm. Many in ytiur immetliate lot-ality
will testify in liiglitvt couimemlation of
it. A jiartit-le is aiijiliitl into eaeh ntm-
tril ; no pain ; agreeable U nse. Priee
SO i-entif.
Si.eei'I.kmh nhjhtm, niatlo miHenthle by
that terrible eouuh. Sliilnh's Cure ia the
remetlv for vou. !. W. Benfonl & Siin.
When Hahy wai !tUk, we gave her Canliiria,
Wht-n tthe watt a Child, she erieti fir C'aMtiria.
When she became Mimt, he eiunK tti ('antttria.
When Hhe hutl Chihlren, he yiive them C'aMtoria.
Catakkii .ikki), health and sweet
breath seenretl, by Shilnh'sCatarrh liem-
ttly. I'ritv ."a) eents. Nasal Iiijtt-tur fnt-.
Stiltl bv ieo. V. l?enftinl ti Sin.
The Hnr.ll Ik-11 is getting to lie rather
stale for niarri:it eeremtmies. Why
shoiiltl not some enterprising couple lie
married untler a pair tree.
Sinum's txn tin and Consumition Curt
is wilil ny (ieo. vt . iH-nttirti iv Mn tin a
guarantee. It cures Consumption.
Kating onions is saitl to insure sleep.
It may lie in the fellow who eats them,
hut, how about the other poor chap who
tries to sleep with him.
That II w kino Coi iiii can lie so quick
ly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee
it. Siltl bv (n-o., W. Renfortl & Sin.
The people in the far north caiidles
when they can get them. Tliis is one
way of making a light me t!.
Ckoi i", Whoopinu Cot tin, and Bronchi
tis immediately relieve I by S'liloh's Cure.
Sold by (ieo. W. Keillor 1 A Sin.
Developing tne Luns. '
If a ierson's lungs are not well tlevel-oiH-tl,
the health will lie iiii.icrfect, but
the development may In-increased sever
al inches in a few mouths by daily out
door runnings with the mouth closed,
beginning with twenty yards and back
at a tinic,increasingten yards every week,
until a hundred are gone over thrice a
day. A sulistitute for latlies and jH-rsons
in cities, is running up stairs 'with the
month closed, which compels very deep
inspirations, in a natural way, at the end
of the journey. i'lrrehtiril Lender.
Summer coughs ami colds generally
come to stay, but the use tif Red Star
Cough Cure invariably drives them away.
Safe, prompt, sure.
For lame back, side-or chest, uss Shi
loh's Porous I luster. Price 2" cents. i.
W. Benfonl & S.n.
"Science enumerates five hundred ami
eighty-eight species of organic forms in
the air we breathe." Just think of it!
Every time you draw in your bn-ath a
whole zoological garden slips down your
windpipe, ami no free tickets to the
Will Yor scffkk with lyspepsia ami
liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitaliwr is
guaranteed to cure you. Sdd by ( ieo. W.
Benfonl & Son.
Peter Roux, of Mono I-ake, took his
family to Brodie, Cal., for a visit. His
mountains antl canyons. When the
moon went down she crept umler a sage
bush and slept, but awoke at daylight
and went on. In tlie meantime Bodie
had offered one hundred dollars for her
rescue, ami a searching party with In
dians started out. They found her next
day trudging along, hungry but undis-
mayetl. She had Walked twenty-six
j miles. She saitl she wasn't afraid.
They say that woman is like the ivy
j the more you are ruined the closer win
j clings to you, but a bachelor friend says
j ivy is like woman the closer it clings to
I you the more you are rained.
The t nuiac has Trade Mark and croaaed Red
Liu oa wrapper.
(Above Hi-fflt-y'B Store.)
Latest Styles, and Lowest Prices.
Somerset, Pa.
flelita mrm temrr, hut ihnm wTm wrff fa
! .SutMon M Co , Portland, Maio,.H rrtT
frtw, fall informal too about wrk wh-rh
:hv ran dn. and lire at hnma.tbal will py
than from te to S2V Mr dar. Smn bvr
aarrt aw tm a day. Etbr ywi or old. Capital
Bot rqnird. Toa arc atarted fraa. THoa wbotflaft a natea
of aac UCUa rortoaaa, allaMf.
The Oltl
Esttillistfil in
I have just meived two ear liawU of the EI.FILIN'.. sf KKL-SKKIX H 'Hl'TTLKU WA-ioNS.
the miK umplet U'etera Waim In the market For Koa4l r Farm PurjeH. On tlie S hi ttleb
Va(n there bt a Rear lirake, to be uetl when huulitiK hay or firratn. a tMimetiiinv that furnuT
know the neeejity tf when hauling on hilly fanns. Every part of the Wootl-wtirk tit' thi wxtm haM
laiti in Stuck three years before beina; worked up, insuring the urk to be thoroughly !en.inf(t before
being iroueU. Being the patentees of the
It is the only W'apm maile thai ha. this improvement. It avuiils the neeewitr
of taking nil the heel hi trrvaw, an in the old M)ie ; hy dimply liiniiux a cap
the wagon ran he oiled in lea than Ave minute. This Wagon wants to be
seen to be fully appreciated, and parties wi-thinir to buy will do well to see it
before purt-hasing elsewhere.
Every. AVagon Eully Insured.
Iu ofTering Uiis make of Wagtin to the public, will say I used the same
make of Wagon for the years when freiiihtiug arrow the Kocky Mountains,
over row Ik that were almost imiiassable, and they always stood the test. I feel
warranted In saying I believe them the Best Wragon on wheels.
,t' om Olirer Km-jijter rr Ilntry Jlsjflty, uh ii-ill totr iftui tlw
WAievnta Wanted Throughout th County.
Somerset Lumber
Hard and Sott Woods.
OAK, Itil'I.AR, SIMNUS, Ht'KETS Mt)fI.l)XiS,
A General Line of all imulett of Luiiiln-r Hiid Btiilitiuu Mutt-riul ami KooHm; Slate k-pt in stis-k.
AIki, eau niriii-h anylhiiiK in the line of our tti-iut--t loonier w illi rvaoliulie
pmiiipnieis. stioh a- Bnteki'ts, oli!-izel work. etc.
Office and Yard Opposite S. & C. R. R. Stttion, Somerset, Pa.
Unless you visit Kaufinanns'
sttires in one, sntl nearly 60,000
anil Siuithfieltl Street It is Smoky City's greatest antl most iinjKisin)r sis;lit.
. of modern times ! A revelation
, antl the ternir of ooniietitors.
, aothing, Hats, Caps antl Furnishing Goods. BmU and Shoes for all a'es of
as well as Tninks, Satchels,
i and the price the very lowest
i point of view that you should patronize Kaufmanns'. Manufacturing
I of the goods they sell, and
i (actoriwfantl enjoying all
it stands to reason thHt
ants wilhiu a radius of
i of their supplies from
.,.. j-ciFuiuiT
11- k.
latter bought himself
rattle in your own
"U I "
, pay for ytsir fore! kniN.1,1
! .,........
, v-. .
. -
, giving full
. . i. i
really not
( MammtHlt
tolsf I?
J tiantii. a
r bottom
A.trr.u-rcitEi) t
Frank Ii. Sufiill.
To firmT(i'flTit.ta' tti make ft einnl mvetdtinrnt
fn the okl ('hmjiu Mill, frrn.erlv known m th
" Kmmr Mill.' they will do well hv ralllnc on
me ft my -hop on mmr oi Pnlriirt "aiii Kfim
Suvi't I now "MfT to the (Kihiie a chea Mini
rt-hahle mill, iv I am iitniiin'1 tnii to te un
4erNM. I will offer unnrvwlt fited bttrffaiofl UiO
tbuMdcriringagoud milL
We are t-unit if. -d in tin- manuliu'ttirt- of this
ft-nt-eul Stimerx-taiiil M--yvn-lult-. Ii i the trnwi
llunililr, ami Mnnim-t fi-mti kni n. No barlio,
uo injury in nti k. Fw-uirjr in .-.niieix-t at tlie
old KiNivr camiigt fat-tnry.
inaj l-lC J. M. MARSHALL A St IN.
8200,000 iirrr-s i
-eiti ihw.hkv, It uuiil jrott will ftr a V
wt'kHL!fof kmnU oMuruerohif. that willMftrtroti j
in work ami (but will Ht ontt hrinie you in moiit-v ;
faUrthiui anytMiinr el-e in Amj-ri-a. AH hnhi,
the ''.i ,( hi I'lVM-nt! wilhfrt. li l-.t. Aiftfits 1
wanted everywhere, of either o'al! aifi-. fur
nil tlie time, or jmrv t;ni- only, to work ftr us nt (
their own h'nn?. Korrmu-n lor all --k'P att-liMi-iy
a.-nreL Iin t delav.. II. II au :tt v .
Portland, Me. jMht-'H-l f.
Chicago in lS4'i.
Bn tu Pittsburgh
Grand Depot, the beautiful business
etjuare feet of salesrooms, at the corner of Fifth
to the commercial world ! The favorite of
Think of it ! f 1,30.000 worth of Men's
etc. All untler one roof, antl every article of
in the country. But it is principally from
buying the balance direct from American
the advantages of an unlimited capital and a
Kaufmanns can eai.ily undersell all com eti tore.
several hundred miles from Pittsburgh are buving more or Iewt 1
Kaufmanns, and it is safe tti presume that in more
"ijin a "im, u uicntnu, nt, irom tne nome
I... :. . .... r -i i
at Kaufmanns', to sell again at a high profit.
another man s pts-ketbook at the expense of your own? BE WISE! Why pay the '
high-price home dealer proliably 2-" to 40 per cent, more than the
are sold for at Kaufmanns'? BE WISE I Wouldn't you rather hear the money $1
pocket than in some one else's ? BE WISE
,l,,rre"' "iiit: iinticr J RAUFMANN9' CRANDbl
aav li:n . . m n , ... - Ul
in u iay r v eii, we snoum smile I Why,
miles from Pittslnirgh you will save enough moner on the piin
both w vs. We know tif a certain farmer
1 ... I." T. , , . ... .
natiouaiiti aiiiounting to
, Home, he comjiarett the prices with thor of the local dealer,
ti;. .. .i . i ..... . ...
..... ... ....m cci ucmrrent-e. But,
I travel to Pitulsirgh, what then ? Why, jiatronize
n. penny pHUU caru wm oring v your bonse hjiufmanns'
Al 1 1 1 .
show in? the nrevailino t,-l. f v.n ..
- - i o ' - -
instructions how to order gotd by mail.
i j ............
euienaining Umlt, mailetl free of charve lo anr address. There is c
the slightest excuse or occasion for anv
Outfitting House. Hear in mind, if you
itmr .hfwa a I.., i - M.. r r.
' " "" iiirnisning gotaiii, etc., then tmy it at
prices by either going or writing to
3 rroRcs ia one.
9 f.i;
thopraUrf-TofU- fordr;re
irrw-, art. i preTm.ti-:
Th bet Congh l ure you ran
AndthBbiprentlok a- t rC vtr -r. k
rttreaborttly tMunsL,rt:ta hrtt .f tite r.
Ho Ltini-. Liit. I..t.iTTi. t'rtiu. it -ma a.jj
all FrnMii t'wi.ifl xlnU T: f !-. ; .ul r .
tfling' nfxmzl Aim., nt It :f: - :,,:,ri.
tprar", mill In mtmt rsr- m-wv( r the.r Iw -
gttvn. Talc It ia time. Sold by aoi iTUfrKta tv
TbsamTert, Burvvt. fUkka and h mrr t, Otm,
Clintons. Wart. Mokn, Catlmim.c. F iTvlmtSHr p.
herarowth. StopaaJI tmtn. owa4tniif. MakoiQ
wt eomfortaliUf. I!imlf lrn mm wbn mrrythi;
OVER 50.000 III USE.
.V.-t Xr'F. 'TVl; ;.' kl ;n rrwntinc !o
thMfa'.inthi van -i i ratii ii ttf tiirpuMn- filK
iini.Ir. Atik ' 't'K T'ik K," Ht- ih, with
ih(? utniivt (utiJ'-- iif im nirit. A- n -iw ce.
fill MfHTHtnik: tt'k t(iv il lui n fl)..nni.''i!y
tt-l-l. u tirtviitjf i:i th Ui-t thr.f nr
ttver t"iii,t-iit tf tiK Hi. Wr mmli t ali nlt-iiti.iit !
the -ituttHir i if the "invt-. it tHMiitf in the hi;!n-H
It-iin-f irrtwHt'il. h'r wtMhl. iii'i.;?in.- i f.t-t-in.
prt-'f tfttiiiir'. it t unr.val'i. . n '-r,
if imti-frt, an, U-ltfve that ihif, ir !,-; t
iinxltu-liott. im wt! oK e vl'iiii trVtiiit-t alii
re!tt ojtrmiiis,i m Stvt initte ti-4lT.
T. IL S. A r.
Foe rv.K hv
232 Washington St..
H 1.v;',ju.
Fur full iufinutiMi if the mute. whre to
btin (ttvernineiit LsUi'H Allrew
fetilnU rn.'mir Aweni.
"ruer7lb Ave. utiil SmithrU-Ii! Mret-L.
litt-hurth. Pa.
Hhvmiic hud niHiiy
ftriHt( tf
(r f the Ttiiliiniiv Lii:
'!4rTT 1T3 lo m
: h j. 1 -rt-A ' their itt
WUJ.IAM Jl. HiK ll-iTlTl EK,
SiMiifrr, fx.
fkMr M V Iwirth. Irwin. f'.
,.i-t- p.a tiin.i'i.l ii. (i.f jmiilir
. .i.d; 1 In.M' IWil It
-m i .1 . I. -I , : ii' A i liar IFi.
h 'I .. f. I Ur CH .1 - lt
i.n y arr h-ii.i: it llti
v i-i a-ft .'"! hy
t w-1 t
iti sr
I If l-
block of 13
A wontler
the- iiin.inm ,
antl Bits'
both sexes,'
the latest style i
an economical
themselves most 1
and European
long experience.
Country merch
than one instance 1
niercnaut mat the '
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But whv swell 1
same identical goods
I Look out for your 1
if ytm live a hundred of a sintrle suit to 1
of Indiana Co I'a who !
ami when on arriving
he found that he hat saved '
it yon haven t the time to ;
profusely illustrated Faihion cl
I u-:. m.,.. - . ?!
" i. inier wottin, ia-w., and
Xo1n.1v sh.mltl fail to write for 1
person failin to nmni thi. I
need a suit, an overcoat, a pair of l
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