The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, October 07, 1885, Image 4

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ttberaaaa at It.
The Republican meeUng held in!
CincinnAti wag tnemt remark
manifepiatioa of opnlar iut
:. J iU ft w-At.A in
Bombers the Blaine meeting of laet
year. Thousands could cot enter
Lhe creat Music Mall in which it was
i..if Th- nnblic .Wire was to hear
Ronfttnr John Sherman ciitcuss the
new form ol inequality caused by
the Southern frauds. He stock to his
text and among other things said :
"What did Judge Hoadly say
when he was called upon to face
Lit great indictnnt of the Demo
cratic party? He said .Sherman
was waving the "bloody fchirt." The
onlv "bkwdv ebirt" 1 waved was
the declaration 1 now reeai mai
the Democratic party of the sontn
has disfranchised by fraud and vio
lence the entire population of the
whole Southern Slates iu effect ; and
besides that has established a sys
tem of ostracism and terror by
which these colored and white lle
publicans dare not hold up their
beads amongft them. Where was
the "bloody shirt" ,in that i don't
see it. But Governor went on, and
he waved the "bloody shirt." He
commenced by saying that I had
called attention which I had not
to the bloody graves scattered all
over the fcoath, and the rebel prison
pens, hich he graphically described,
and all tus sortof thing, lie said
I tried to call attention to these
thiols only to avoid a discussion of
the temperance question.
When I meei in argument, if my
opponent don't n;eet me fairly and
squarely, I pull him up to the bull
ring and hold him to the bsue if I
can. Applause. I t-ay now that
no Democrat in Hamilton county
dare take ii-sue on this questiou.
These eoplfc have been deprived of
their rights. And that is not all.
They have not only been deprived
of Uieir rights, hut these men. Dem
ocrats of the South, are now extr
ciiug political power based up
on tbe six millions of colored
people scattered over the tbuth.
There are thirty-eight members of
Confess and tbirty-eight electoral
votes assigned under the Constitu
tion to these six millions of colored
people in the South; but they man
age matters there so that these col
ored people have no right to vote.
Tbey are deprived of thnr votes, and
then these Southern Democrats vote
all this van political power them
selves ; and by that means alone
Grover Cleveland is now President
of the United States applause ; and
but for this erroneous crime James
G. Blaine would now be our Presi
dent renewpd applause and John
A. Logau would le our Vice Presi
dent What answer do they make
to this indictment? The "bloody
Haw Deacun Jones fr'ell.
Over in Mahoning county, Ohio,
livd Deacon Jone-, a very staid,
dignified sort of a Christian, and a
Tierfeet moM of propriety. Deucon
Jones had the misfortune to lose bis
wife, and at tbe age of forty, found
himself with a fortune and several
small children, without a mistress
to his faruihoupe. As he could not
immediately take another wife and
escape scandal, and could not
get anyone to take charge of the kit
chen and nursery, he had recourse
to employing a young woman as a
housemaid. Nancy Stearns was a
laughing, romping, beauty, who de
lighted in experimenting on toe
Deacon, by way of testing the
strength of human nature : but at
last, in a moment of unguarded
weakness, he was led into tempta
tion, in committing a slight indis
cretion with his beautiful housemaid.
WLen in bis wonted coolness and
presence of mind, he was horrified
at the enormity of his sin. In vain
he repented and grieved over his
lost virtue. Finally, as a last resort
for easing his conscience, at the con
clusion of the service on the follow
ing Sabbath morning he arose and
requested the forbears nee of the
brethren and sisters a few minutes,
when he electrified them by making
the following confession :
"My Christian friends, you all
know that I lost my dear wife some
time ago, (sobs and tears), and that
Nancy Stearns has been keeping
bouse for me, and you know that 1
have a child not a year old. Well,
that little child would cry iu the
night, and it would be a long time
before I could quiet it; and on last
Tuesday night God forgive me
the child cried so hard that Nancy
arose and came into the room, and
leaned over the bed to hush the poor
child ; and brothers and sisters, her
leaning over me made me forget
Hereupon the worthy deacon
broke down entirely ,and stood weep
ing and blowing his nose.
"What did you do?" sternly de
manded the minister.
"I-I-I-ki-ki kissed her 1 "
stammered out the deacon, between
his sobs ; but I have been very sor
ry about it. and prayed to be forgiv-
en ; and I want you to forgive and
pray for me, my brothers and sis-
As the deacon bowed himself up
on his seat, like the mighty oak be
fore the tornado, Deacon Goodfellow
arose and astonished the audience
still more by saying :
"Brothers and sisters, you have
heard what Brother Jones has said,
and now h wants our forgiveness.
For my own part, I think Brother
Jones is truly penitent, and I am
wQling to forgive him with all my
heart And, brothers and sisters, I
will add still further, that if I had
' no wife, and a pretty girl like Nancy
Stearns should come to my room
and lean over me I'd kiss her and
abide by the consequences 1"
Rock. Bonne by Plamonda.
The diamond is now largely used
as a tool end for boring bard rocks,
end works economically, effectively,
and is also indestructible. At first
eight it would seem a costly metb -
od : but such is not tbe case, consid
ering that a steel chisel was spoiled
for every inch bored in bard rock
while forming the Mont Cenis tun
ad across tbe Alps, on tbe railway
between France and Italy. The di
amond is the hardest known body
in nature, consequently nothing but
a blow can injure it, direct wear of
its surface being impossible, except
bf means of diamond powder.
"My daughter has taken the med
icine faithfully, according to direc
tions, and ber health and spirits are
now perfect. The humor is all gone
from ber face. I wish every anx
ious mother might know what a
blessing Ayer's Sarsaparilla is in
such cases.
A charity entertainment is gener
ally a "poor" show.
For every man killed in the war
ten bare been sent over the gulf by i
be aid of the corkscrew. ' i
ruttlranakni Pmlfie a Sc&ool. w - '
One day Jwt weet ine weii-moau-
herons of
usual calm voue. aua iuc
wild rush for edibles followed the
magic word. As an eight-year old
boy thrust his hand loto his dinner
baakf t and rtrew out a wjwie w mua
the vicious warning of the deadly
rattlesnake was neard from the
depths of the dinner basket. Down
went the basket with a crash and in
the fragment t t-halUred pie-plat
his enaaesliip coiled himself while
his busy tail made the air vibrate
with its angry song, and that song
was quickly re-echoed. From every
corner of the school-room came the
fearful-warning, audit was seen that
at least half a doren enakes had
r.nnn to Kchoal. A wild scene of
COIliC VJ IHUVUl. J . " (
terror aad confusion ensued. The
usually suave and self contained
school mistress made a hasty leap
and loud 6hriek, the double effort
landing her on top of the highest
deBk ia the room. Her example in
both leap and shriek was Bodily
followed, and tne new pupils were
left in possession of the floor. A
very babel of cries and screams an
nounced that the school mistress
and other fcirls were in consultation
as to how to get rid of the undue
amount of serpents that had so sud
denly possessed theoi. in the midst
of this infective discussion a tea-
year-old boy succeeded iu forcing a
side window open, and foiling out
soon made Lis appearance with a
formidable club with wiicii he dis
patched the snakes in rotation.
There were foUud to be five of the
deadly rot k variety. After the coast
was apparently clear again, the de
moralized school settled down as
In st could to their dinners, when
across the threshold came in gather
ing folds what looked like the king
of all rattlesnakes, and making for
tlm centre .f tbe apartmeat, coiled
himself in a buncr. as large as a half
bushel, while hisuOteot auger fiilel
the room with its diabolical iiiuic
and the hearers with sickenir-g
dread. The desks were again resort
ed to, but this time the terror was
too greai for cries and shrieks. A
trembling horror teemed to possess
all, while the glittering bead-like eye
of the huge reptile seemed to fasci
nate with iu scintillating glances.
Just then the welcome roll of wagon
wheels was heard on the road, on
the margin of which the Bchoolrouse
stood. It broke the spell of horror,
and shriek alter shriek on all scales
of tlie gamut resounded from the
building. In a moment or two the
burly form of a stalwart ranchman
filled the doorway. He took in the
situation at a glance, A quick
spring to the roadside and bauk,and
I he glistening terror lay writhing
beneath a heavy boulder. 1 proved
to be five and one-half feet in length
and carried fourteen rattles. There
was no more school that day, and
the house and the grounds f0r half a
mile around have been religiously
searched every morning by that
school mistress before she opens
A Molol Wife,
Jones was well aware that his wife
was in the habit of rilling his pock
ets when h was asleep, nut, like a
wi.-e man, be kept eileui ou the sub
ject. One night, however, he woke
up and caught her in the act.
"Hal he exclaimed, "what are
you doing, my dear?"
The lady started, her cheeks flush
ed, the pantaloons fell to the floor,
and she wae about to make a full
confession when a bright idea enter
ed her head. Recovering herself she
said :
"I was looking to see whether
your clothes needed any buttons."
"They do, they do, my dear," he
exclaimed, springing from the bed,
"needed 'em tor weeks and months,
and I wondered why rou didn't
sew 'em on, but I waited, for I was
sure you would get to it some time.
And how kind, to cet out of bed
at this time of night to attend to
'em. Say what you will, there's noth
ing like a good wife. Let me turn
up the gas a little, so's you'll haye
all the light you want in sewing em
on. Got your needle and thread
and the buttons? No. Well, tell
me where they are and I'll get 'em
for you."
Mrs. Jones proceeded to sew on
the buttons while her husband sat
on tbe side of the bed and encour
aged her with words of praise on
her wifely care and thought for his
comfort, occasionally remarking that
go where he would be would always
say there was nothing in the world
like a good wife.
Then he went to the wardrobe
and brought out several pairs of
pants, two or three coats and vests,
and a number of shirts, from all of
which buttons were missing, and
cheerfully observed :
"While we are at it we'll make a
nidit of it"
Two hours later when Mrs. Jone9,
with a weary sigh, removed tne
j thimble from her finger, Mr. Jones
patted her on the cheek and said :
"I H-T u aga,n ,n" d,,'ir. 1 ay il
laizain, that wherever I go I will
uiiike it kiiowu, proelitim it from the
housetops, shout it iu the Lichways
aiid by whvs, that k wife who gets
up in tbe middle of the night to
sew buttons ou her husband's ciot.hes
is a priceless treasure, a crown to
her husband, and an ornament to i
her sex."
Then Mr. Jones, chuckling to
himself, lay calmly down and slept
the sleep of the just
Short stature in Gen. Sheridan is
caused by his legs. A friend savs
' that the gallant Phil is not sensitive
on tbe suhject : A girl came for hi
and General Sherman's autographs
in her album, and they wrote their
names. She was not content for
she had set her heart on a verse of
"Sheridan's Ride " in his own hand
writing. This he declined to grant
Then she began to question him
about that famous piece of eques
!'"an,.SQ1 - " Now General Sbermaa.
she at length asked, turning iu pret
ty desperation to him, 4 What do
you imagine General Sberidan said
on mounting Lis steed ?" " Well, I
really don't know," was the response,
with a quizzical glance down at the
legs of his fellow officer, " but may
be he said to hie orderly, 4 Shorten
these stirrup straps.'"
An old man doesn't catch on quite
so quick as a young one, but be
hangs on enough to make it up.
It wm with doaht ana tranMlac
I whupcrad la ber ear
Oh: lake hex aeiwtr, bonay bird.
That all taewarlawUl hear. :
Slug It, aiag H, allrer throat,
rpoa tbe warwara tree,
How fair (he U, bow true tbe ta,
ad h im h lemh aw I . "
Sine; It, sine tt, Mirer throat,
Abu aU tua cantoer long '
The ether blrUi ahaU mif yea
, Forknowhif rachaxmcl
Lmri HoaeAtoa.
The laeaus used in ilautinz corn
in the semi trid Kansas belt enables
the great fattening grain of the Uni
ted States. It is done by means of the
listing plow, which throws the soil
into high ridges, the middles being
deeply pulverized in addition. In
the trenches the corn is planted
down in the permanently moist soil
of the trenches, these being filled up
in the process of cultivation. This
trenchjs plowed, is V-shapied, and
sixtnee inches deep. Until the corn
gets strong, an inverted trough coy
ers the rows as cultivator passes,
preventing the plows from rolling
the soil over the plants. When the
corn is ready for the second cultiva
tion the trough is laid aside. The
shovers are set to throw the eartn
. . .
to the corn plants, now ttrong and
two feet tall, and tbey are also set
to take the ground deeply. Ibis
cultivator throws almost all the
earth into the trench that the lister
threw out The weeps are deeply
bnried. The surface of the field is
level. The main roots of tbe corn-
plants are at least ten inches below
the surface of the ground and how
mnch further the v have sunk into
the rich, damp, underlying ground,
no one knows. lut now no orom
ary drought affects the plants. The
hot southwest winds can alow, me
mercury can raise until the inlegri
tv of the thermometer is threatened,
the sun can course across a cloud
less sky for weeks, but the cora
leaves do not roll. The plaU thrive,
and, if a soaking ram falis between
the middle of June and the middle
of July, the listed corn will make
full crop.
lomr In UarriKborff.
Ben. Perley Poore. the well-known
Washint'ton correspondent contrib
uted reminiscences oi rresideni L,in
coin to yesterday's Philadelphia
rrc.s, from which the following ex
tract concerning an adventure in
Harrisburg is taken :
"Mr. Lincoln gave a cordial greet
lrz to me when 1 called on uina al
ter his arrival at Willard's Hotel,
and he indulged iu some pleasant
reminiscences of his Congressional
career. Ui course i ia:aea 10 mm
about his forthcoming message, and,
after having made me promise that
what he told me should not go into
print, he gave me an. account of it
lie had written it at Ins tprintneia
home, and had it put in type by his
friend, the local printer. A number
of sentences had been reconstructed
several times before they were en
tirelv satisfactory, and then four
cojiits had been printed on footacap
paper. Ihese conies had been lock
ed up in what Mr. Lincoln called
a "irriusack." and entrusted to his
eldest son. Robert "When we ar
rived al Harrisburg," said Mr. Lin
coin, "and had washed up, I asked
Bob where the message was, and
was taken aback by the confession
that in the excitement caused by the
enthusiastic reception he believet
he had left a waiter take the grip
sack. My heart went up into my
mouth and I started down stairs
where I was told that if a waiter had
taken my gripsack I should prob
ably find it in the baggage room
Going there I saw a large pile of
gripsacks and other baggage and
thought I discovered mine. My key
fitted it but on opening it there
was nothing inside but a few paper
collars and a flask of whiskey. A
few moments afterward I came
across my gripsack, with the docu
ment all righ't and now I will show
it to you, on our honor, mind !'
The inaugural was printed in clear
sized type, and wherever Mr. Lin
coln thought chat a paragraph would
make an impression upon his audi
ence he had preceded it with a typo
graphical fist, viz: tls&
Kancat ion Pays.
Most of the waiters of the states
are colored college students from
Howard university, YTashington,
My waiter told me this morning
that he had finished geometry and
mathematics, Livy, C;e3ar, and Vir
gil in Latin, and the Anabasis in
The other day at dinner Professor
Henry, of Harvard college, was
scanning a line of Virgil's hexameter
to illustrate the meter to a rich bus
iness friend who had not read tbe
Longfellow's Evangpline and
Virgil's epics," said the professor,
were written in the same hexame'
!er. Now the first line of Virgil is
scanned like this : Armgvirum
" Whv, I declare," he said, hesi
taling, " I've forgotten the old famil
iar words."
" Shall I give them to yen?" ask
ed the waiter, politely.
. "You?" asked the . professor, in
astonishment '
" Yes, sir," said the black man.
They are 1 Anna virumque ctno,
troj:r qui primus ab oris.
'Uretit guns!" exclaimed
busines-s millionaire, where
yiu learn Latin !"
" At college, sir, said the waiter.
When t'u rich man four.d out al'
the poor negro's acquirements and
ambitiou and poverty he asked him
how much it cost him a y a: at Har
vard University.
" It costs Sl-'iO a year, arid I've got
three years to go.
"Well, here," he said, "is 83(0.
You can keep the change, and when
you get through come and aee Na
thaniel Ruggle in Dodge City,
Cars for 11 lea.
Piles are frequently preceded by
a sense of weight in tbe back, loins
and lower part of the abdomen, caus
ing the atient to suppose he has
some affection of the kidneys or
neighboring organs. At times,
symptons of indigestion are present
as flatulency, uneasiness of the stom
ach, ect A moisture, like perspira
tion, producing a very disagreeable
itching, after getting warm, is a com
mon attendant Blind. Bleeding and
Itching riles yield at once to the ap
plication 01 Dr. Bosanco Pile llem-
edy, which acts directly opon the
parts affected,absorbinw the Tumors,
allaying the intense itching, and ef
fecting a permanent cure. Price 50
cents. Address, The Dr. Bosanko
Medicine Co., Piqua, O. Sold by
C. N. BOYD, Druggist, Somerset
Pa. dec3-ly.
A man who gets the mitten is apt
tobe guilty of contempt of court
Try It Toarseir.
The proof of the padding is not in
chewing the string, but in having an
opportunity to try the article your
self. C. N. Boyd, tbe Druggist, has
a tree trial bottle of Dr. liosanko s
Cough and Lnng Syrup, for each
one who is afflicted with Coughs.
coius, consumption or any mng af
fection. " ' -
Whpii the nastures begin to fall off
some extra food should be provid
ed for all the stock, but especially
for the cows. Horses are always
well cared for, but tbe cows too of
ten are neglected, both as to food
and - supply of pure water.
Those farmers who nave provided
some soiling crops will find the ben
efit of the fresh, grown fodder; those
who have not will bnd the disadvan
tage of being short of feed just at this
season, it ia very easy to secure
this supply of food for the short sea
son. Every farmer has a neglected
piece of land, which is bringing in
uothing, and which could be made
to produce a very profitable crop of
green leed. sucn an opponnnuy
should not be neglected. Where
the supply has been provided, a lib
eral feed should be given daily. It
is a mistake to suppose that it is a
waste of food to feed liberally now,
that it is better to save the food for
winter and spare it at this season.
hen an animal is kept short ot
food it goes back rapidly, and more
food will be required to make up
this lost ground than would have
kept the animal in its condition.
This is especially true as regards
swine ; if they are permitted to fall
off now for lack of lood, they will
consume much more than the pres
ent gain in recovering the loss. Ani
mals that are intended lor lattemng
should be kept on full feed now and
those to be wintered over should bo
kept in good condition. Tbe old
and true adage should not be forgot
ten, viz : that an animal well sum
mered is half wintered."
Japanese Pro.erb.
The Japanese are fond of proverbs
and in consequence their language
cau b ast many happy hits. Some
of the axiomatic sayings which are
accredited to Japan are reahy of re-
;eot introduction into the country,
the people absorbing Western ex
pressions with gTeat facility. Some
few of the following may be traced
to other lands, but they are so well
known throughout the empire as
really to deserve the name of Jap
snee. Tbe Japanese Mrs. Partington is
characterized as attempting ."to drive
away fog with a fan."
An allusion to the usual h fleet cf
i-evenge in an uncivilized country is
contained in the expression, " When
you curse, look out for two graves."
It h uooimon with us to say noth
ing but what is charitable of the
desd In Jpan, where the tiger is
only buowu a rare foreign ani
aisl, th eiyi.ig goes, "Spare the
skin ( the cead t'ger."
Domestic Mifelicity receives com
ment in the phrase, 44 A three-inch
tongue tan kill a eix-fool man."
Others, more terse, require no ex
yiflintion :
" The borrower smiles like i
si'iut, and tbe repayer scowls like a
" The bad artist blames his brush."
41 Frog Fpawn becomes frogs."
44 Egg plants do not spring from
melon seeds."
44 Do not seek fish on trees."
There is no escaping the net of
41 Blind men fear not snakes."
44 Making an idol does not give it
s soul." JotA' Comjtanion.
The Oriole's Song.
This birds song consists of lour
cotes, and it is curious that.although
there is a peculiar, rich, flute-like
quality by which the oriole notee
may be recognized, no two sing alike.
Robins, song sparrows and perhaps
all other birds sing differently from
each other, o far us I ha ve obeeryed,
but none diffttr so greatly, in my
opinion, as orioles. Th four that
I have been able to study carefully
enough to reduce this song to the
musical scale, though all having the
same compass, arranged the notes
differently in every case. The ori
ole is, of course, not limited in ex
pression to his song. I have spoken
of bis cry of distress cr of war, con
sisting ot two notes slurred together.
The ordinary call, as he goes about
a tree, especially a fruit tree iu
bloom, seeking insects under and
over each leaf and blossom, is a
single note, loud and clear. If a
pair are on the tTee together, it is
the same, hut much softer.
Trimming- Down a Boy'a Tongne.
Some months ago William Sur
ber, of Wabash, Indiana, noticed
that the tongue cf his son was be
coming abnormally large, but did
not report the case to a physician
till a day or so ago, when the tongue
had increased to double its natural
size, protrudea lrom tbe lips in a
disgusting manner, and rendered it
impossible for the boy to take nu-i
tnment, save in liquid term. I he
swollen tongue also interfered with
respiration, and the physicians, as a
last resort, determined to trim the
organ down, tnoogn the operation
is very dangerous. The reduction
was successfully effected in a few
Getting at the Fact.
Kosciusco Murphy recently pass
ed his examination, and is now
a member of tbe Austin bar. His
strong card is in pelting the truth
out of a witness. The following is a
sample of his system of examina
tion :
"Are yon a married man?"
"No, sir ; I am a bachelor."
"Will yon please tell the court
and jury how long you have been a
bachelor, and what were the circum
stances that induced you to become
Another triumph of modern sci
ence. A firm advertises : "Artificial
flower boys wanted."
Making crazy quilts is tbe proper
work for bedlamites.
I nf-frfti
r9 from Opiates, Emetic mnd Voiatm.
Care tW Oeealta, CUm mm MW Tkrt mm
Ta tataAaa a.oma ro.aiUMn,auTii.cjLa.
9 :
Carta KtmnHii.ainlil,
Saielaa rliw a Maw
TTJ tV-,1.. ItDrRrWiUdtalm.
a.uH iw iniiwi,anjiei,r s I
Absolutely Pure.
Thli Powder newvarti. A mrrel of purity,
ttrenitth and wholewoienoM. More economical
that ihe onllou-r klixi. ennol bo told It
eomiwtllinn wlih the multitude of low test, shorn
weight, alaa or pbosiht powdelf. Sold only in
Cmiu. kovaxBakj.vo Powd Co., lo Wall
St., K. Y. mT3if.
-THE g
Thta medicine, combining Iron with piim
Teei'tal'le toniin, qnirkly and roniiliely
!' Ilvf-taln, lnillcrtlno, U'rnkapMS
lrrr Itloori, .llalarlm,! hills and lm,
und NrnrnlMia.
It i an umiulin remedy for Diseases of the
KiJiirya and l.lvrr.
It is Invaliinhle for IiaM rxfnlinr to
Wo wn, and all ho lmd ncdentury liven.
It does not injure thetcelh.caiiee lit'adnche.or
prodiiee KHlli!ltion Ar ma mtriirmrt tin.
It enriches and purifies the Mnod, stimulate
the appetite, aid the assimilation of food, re
lieves ll. anhnrn and Heli hing, and strength
ens the niiwlcs and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers, lassitude, LaV- of
Energy. Ac it has no equal.
a j- The genuine has aUve trade mark and
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other.
Utaavhf BRVMStHKIirsLra.lkLTIWMll.aa
Burlington, Tt., Prnprielort cf
For Rheumatism, SeuralgiaM
Cramps, Sprains, Backache!
Sciatica, Burns and AcnftsJ
Bruises. Frosted Feet Jb Ears
land all ether Fains and Aches.
A safe, sure, and effectual
retnetlu for Galls, Strains
Scratches, Sores,Sc, on Uorsesl
One trial tffifl prove Hi merits.
Its effects are instantaneous.
Price 25c. and 50c Sold everywhere.
Fob Salu lir C. N. Bovd, Someraet.
Of Couiidsuce.
"i Wsc'C Sarsajarii!:. i ; a molicinc lliaf ,
ti T u si o i!tiriii tiv::: iy 40 year, ia nil
tv.rlA of t;W world, lia proved i; eia-iui-y
a l!io bluotl ullcrulit e kuo u
U liiL-Uleul SL-imce.
!.'i'iluiuo limulil:?- Sarsaparilla I i. in
lac, au.l iu Jiowit arc t-iiliumvil liv
th? extrai-H of 1...0W IWt and Slii
linicia. t!u Iixliii. of i'o!usiuiu ami
Irnn, :n;t! t u'l-nt iii'rcdirnrs.
i your l!fvl virLilrd liv tl. n:ir-"iment
5 iif (! i:res:ive :irJ a imiiat.irv fune"-tioa-?
i it lainvd by Sa:ofiil:t.' or
tiiv-s it c :i':iin tin; rxi-oa if .Mercury
or('ii;i: i.i,,:n l:-iuw?
YJip i' a.lmi plij "U-iuiis of I'.. United
I Mt SlaU's, wlio Lii i-.v 111.! co::i;;itiim
f Avki:"s iviu.sAiwuiM.t. say I "at
t:n:li:rr; el-s pkm! lur lli nriliia
lion ft liic blood h v.Uliin llie lan.u of
1 uarin.o'y.
riTAi by l!i uso of this irmnlr i ft
Ufi I Ki--i!il) fur a MTwn who hr.i
corriij.lud liloixl la attain lie:U.U
::nd pri vint ti:in-n;ision of Iho d.
ururiive laiut lo nlcrity.
TUOfJIlPUI V .fi-rtivemioTatioii
InoilUUunLl r.f the yt.iii imit
iiit lml.; not only tho r. inoval of ror
rnrri from tlio Mood, but its rnrieli
1:1 -lit and the utrculln'iiiu vi llio organs.
Ft . ini p wilnoesM, nil over t!ia
1LU.HQLC1 irorld, tr-tifv that lh'
tvorUislx-ttiT accoinpIfcihcJ byAYT.Ii's
l-Ai:sArAi:il.L.v than by u::y ollur
B, nn lliat U rornipled I'.innsuti dis
ImilMU i 11:. uk' Jiiiiv. nud IiIinnI
tve:;'! ii:-d llirou.'!. diii'.inutioii of thu
rtl i-on, .us-Im jnaiic 5tnnf by
Q,.ni-.jjvri blood nnd building
rC!n!i"l!b u; llic ny-tem n-quiru
(iiu in m-Hoih .aws bill bclielit will
i - d -rived front ll: f AVKU'4
Svusataimi-I-a mora i.-dily t!:au
ir.nn aiiMliiii'
for which like cflect arc
lli.U;Lr!I fa !! ciaimnl. is abim
i;m! in:!:" iii.-ir!.-t.'iinil.Tiiianvnaii!.
In:: :!u' "ii'v i-.",iarai.iii that ha;Hd
liir : -t of linn', and I roved wort'.iy of
lUc world" ct.r.h'-.l iil-c, i-
dr's Sarsaparilla,
J.C. Aycr & Co., I.ovjoli, Mazz.
bold by a.i !r4pi: 1'rico $1;
aW bottifs forfi.
Isaac tUuepparii k C3..Ealti2ore,M(L
R. B. Schell & Co ,
1 OYER 1000.000 3
25 CTS.
Par Jrwv Cattle, aulhl color Cow, heir.
er and bail, the latter muring fruta Hz amains
tut or year okt. PedlarM tarnitad.
Foot Virw Faasr.
septUlBk TJrslaa, SoaMrset Oo Pa.
Pll'fjfll W i
I llVw
Ask for "Koagh ea Ooaclu," for Oeachi,
Ooldf. flora Throat, wuhmi TrocbM, Jfte.
Inlaid, sue.
Uiatn OBI BIWi wrni, wut-, u--
bagi, tkaaki, eblpaiaaki, number!. Ljc. PruggUC
Palpitation. TJroiwtoal SwalUrnra. Dlxztoan, la-
dlarestion, Haadaeha, Slaeplasiaasa. oaraa by
- w eiis itaaiia Aeaawer,
" Kaaffh ass Oaraa.
Ask for Wells' "Rooiih on Coral." lta. Quick,
eoinpWta car. Hard or sou eorna, warts, baakni.
Bwacli Fata" lwael Plaaaer
SlratutlMBlna'. InDnrrad. tha bast for back
ache pain la cheat or aid, rheumatism, Deural.
Tklm Feasslw.
" Wells' Health Seaewer" restores health and
visor, cures lrsietla, Headache, Mervousne,
IMDIUiy. 11.
and the many Throat A fleet toes
of children,
relieved by
promptly, pie
and safely
sumgu ou ioagas.'
Troches, lie
If you are falling, broken, worn out and nervous,
use "Wells' Health kenewer.'' 11. Druggist.
Ufa fininw.
Ifyoa an kaiaa yoar trip on Ufa, try " Wells'
Health Keaewer' Ooea direct to weak (pots.
" leh Toothache."
Instant relief for Neuralgia, Toothache, Face
ache. Ask Kir "Hough on Toothache." Is and tie.
Pretty Women. f
Ladle ho would retain freshness and vivacity,
don't tall to try " Wells' Health Kenewer."
Catarrhal Throat Aflectloaa.
Hacking, Irritating Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat,
cured by "Hough on Uougba." Troche, loo.
Liquid, ac.
" Bough oo Ilea."
" Rousrh on Itch " cure humors, eruptions, ring
worm, teller, salt rheum, Iruetea I eel, chilblain.
Iho Hope of ho Halloa.
i hlldren, slow In development, puny, scrawny,
and delicate, use "Wells' Health Kenewer."
Wlelo Awaho.
three or four hours every nlxht coughing. Oet
ImuiedUte relief and sound rest by using Wells
"Kougu on sjuugns." t ruches, 103. rjausm, ok.
"BoachOa Pal a" Poroaaoel Floaters
Strengthening, Improved, the best for backache,
pain lu chest or side, rheumatism, neuralgia.
Jumbo' Dituenalona.
A measurement of Jumbo after
death showed these dimensions :
Circumference of fore leg, 5 feel 5
inches ; around front foot, 5 feet G
inches: twice around hi foot I
about his height, viz., 11 fet-t ; length
of trunk, 7 fVet4 inches : around his
tuk, 1 fool 31 inches; length of fore
leg. fct-L It is said he was like all
tlephunts, afraid of rats, and that the
only other things that he seemed to
dread wt re cats and mice. 11 in uai
!y provetder consisted of 400 pounds
of hay, one barrel of potatoes and a
bushel of onions. The skeleton will
be st up in the Smithsonian Insti
Rose Cola and Hay Kerrr.
Are types of catarrh having pecul
iar symptoms. They are attended
by an inflamed condition of the lin
ing membrane of the nostrils, tear
ducts and throat, affectinu the lungs.
An acrid mucus is secreted, the dis
charge is accompanied with a burn
ing- sensation, ihere are severe
spasms of sneezing, frequent attacks
of h tad ache, watery and inflamed
eves. Elv's Cream Ba'm is a retne
dy founded on a correct diagnosis of
diseases and can be depended upon.
50 cents at druggists, or by mail.
Send for circular. Ely Bros., Drug
gist, Owego, N. Y.
How young old people look who
have never been seriously sick, and
who never worrv and fret. How old
young people look who fret and stew
and suffer pain all at once. But
we can't altogether help our disposi
tion, and we will sometimes get out
of sorts in spite of all our caution.
Then we need the best, the simplest
and thesafest medicine known, which
is Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy.
Purifies the blood and renews vital
ity in old and young.
Women are everywhere using and
recommending Parker's" Tonic be
cause they have learned from expe
rience that it speedily overcomes
uesponaency, indigestion, pain or
weakness in tbe back or kidneys,
and other troubles peculiar to the
"I never patronize patent medi
cines. Don't you? Why not? You
patronize "patent" articles of a hun
dred varieties why not patent med
icines. "Because they are often
worthless." True, but not always,
frequently they are the very best in
the world, representing the widest
experience. At least we know that
Dr. Kennedy's Favorite ilemedy is
one of these, and for all troubles of
the blood, liver and urinary organs
it stands on its merits, and not on
advertising. . .
Sufferers from tbe effects of qui
nine, used as a remeay for chills and
fever, will appreciate Ayer's Ague
cure, a powerful tonic bitters com
posed wholly of vegetable substan
ces, without a particle of any nox
ious drug. Its action is peculiar,
prompt and powerful, breaking up
the chill, curing the fever and expel
ling the poison from the system, yet
leaving no harmful or unpleasant et
ftct unon the patient.
A man in Osceola, AIicb has
three daughters, all of whom are
mutes. He ia probably the cham
pion dumb bell raiser of the world.
"The ladies especially eo into ec-
stacies over Parker's Hair Balsam."
writes Mr. J. H. Decker, druggist, of
rmdiay, Uhio. "Jhey say it is the
most elegant dressing they ever us
ed." Stops falling hair, restores col
or, promotes growth.
Guns are only human, afar all.
They will kick when the load be
comes too heavy.
Thousands walk the earth to-day
who would be sleeping in its bosom
but for the timely use of Downs'
Elixir. Guaranteed to cure or mon
ey refunded. For Sale by C. N.
Boyd, the Druggist, Somerset, Pa.
It is not the man who thumps the
bar the hardest that has the most
money to pay (or his drinks.
Livery Blable keepers ehonld al
ways keep Arnica and Oil Liniment
in the ntable, nothing like it for
horees. For Sale by C. N. Boyd,
Somerset, Pa. .
A Frenchman likes his betrothed
to be in dot-age.
For a mi 111 dttlinrtin inrl . ffimonl
tonic. uFnii.xter's Mandrake Bitteis.j
it,verv iHiitle warranted. For Sale
by CL N. Vvxd.
"Slit, u it,"' us the fly paper ob
served to the fly.
Arnica & Oil Liniment ia equally
eood for man and beast. 25 and 50
cents per bottle. For sale by C. N,
We keep conaUntl
Chemicals, Dyes, Toilet Articles and Sundries kept in a fi Kit-class Drug Store-
, Rrwtte. Supporter, aad all leading
iCCOS AS D ilGAkS, the twt In the
'. All adrer:led medicine kept on hand. If n-H pertte eaa deprnJ eo in rriai i
kort time, a we pay rft attention ta all arh dema-uf. tnu own make ol HOksl
ilA'fl CaTTLC fOWDER I berond doubt the tert la the market. ct. per
pound. We auto bo eipenae of paeklnc, labe'ln. a.lTenlsln , e., but
keep In bulk. Anr Ingredient waated peeJaiy ean be added. Cal'
and ee lor yourself, and be Dominoed w oiler Bargain. U. W.
BanroBD So Intend doing a Uare baunet. and want all
to lee fur themaelre. No trouble to ihow ou stock.
Sj-Pure Wines and Liqnora
ThU well eetablirted. old and reliable Book. New ami Stationery Store was asnta.1. February
l. from tt old, cramped and in.ulnoient quarter to the lanse. eleirant ami convenient new
Slore-Koom directly otitawlte C)k fc Beerlt'. In these w.mmo.liou .,uarltr, iecilly n ed uu tor
It orcuiwnry, the toeVof Book New and Stationery ha been rery l1' !t?ikt
tenUon wlllbepald tothe Hlole.ale Trade. r.hool lloo. Srhool Mpi'lK fmri mutat
Hen. AlmanaeV; Penell. Blnk Book, fce., will tie bounht In larae quautltir diieet lr m n''
turer. whl.:h will enable tula etldi.bmnt to job to town and eo.,ntry merchant MiucH BM i a
will make It advantaKeou to buy here. To retail buyera, an alnom Innumerable line of Vl
heotlre.1 Alwar for aale an extenilre and rarled arlment el I'oeth-al Works, HWtorle. Bookaol
Travel, Novels, Lutheran and Ulselples Hymn
Keviewa, IJally faiwr, SUiry raper, anu a geaerai line vi i
Day School and Sunday School Reicard Cards,
Office and Yard
Op- S- & C. R. R.
Station .
cm jr.
t.l.LI)W PISE,
H ni l t rut,
A Oemml Line of all urade of Lumber and
Aleo. ean tvrnlB anythlna-ln the Una of our buaines to unler with reaaonatde prjminnena, tucn a
Bracket. Uu t-lsed work, c.
elias cTJrnsriiNrG-s jm:.
Offices and Yard Opposite . C. R. R. station. Somerset, Pa
i ii fist km
true, go to any Cemetery in the
done by the .Berlin Y orks with
R. H. Koontz is the
First, Because he is Fully Established in The Trad, and is therefore
.doing a perlectly Keliable business.
bKCONO, Because his Very Extended Exjierience, and Artistic Skill, en
ables him lo proportion his worn
Third, Because he claims to be,
merous ratrons, the inest Carver,
eral Workman doing business in this
I have jmt received two car loail of the S
most complete W estern Wagon in the market for Road or ('arm Purpows. On tbe latter
there is a Kmir Brake, to be u-wd when hauliue hay or erain, a something that larmera
know the necessity of when hauling on
wagon bas laid in stock three years betore
u g hi j seasoned before being ironed.
It is the only Wagon made that bas this improvement. It avoids the
necessity of taking off the wheels to grease, as in the old style ; by sim
ply tnrning a cap the wagon
Wagon wants to be seen to
buy will do well to see it
In offering this make of Wagon to the public, will say I used tbe same
make of Wagon for fire years when freighting across the Rocky Moun
tains, t'rt roads that were
the teat. I feel warranted
Call on Oliver Knepper
Will open for the new year
Monday, September 7, '85.
This U a thorough ProteMional School for teach
er, presenting, also:
Calleara Prapstimtory Deftartsaaat,
ale BcpstrUateat.
. Cassias re ial Bsaaruasa t.
fo be sun ot a room it should be ordered
For information or catalogue, addresf,
I H. D1JBLIXG, A. M., Prln.
on band a stock of
appurtenant aed hota b PbTrielani ijnd Families
market frum Hartie to Imported. -t Kit -
for Medicinal tj Only."
Book, Kletlonarb-. Children Toy Hook, aiaaaxinea.
Manufacturer ni Met. WHalesaler ail Setaibr or
Vol) US,
Building Material and K.wllna smie aepi in aiora.
Can be purchased at a rea
sonable price. We claim to
do BETTER WORK, set it
up better, proportion it bet-
, ter, and SELL IT CHEAP-
er according to quality, than
'' it j i : w t
any uiucs. ucaici iu n cstciu
Pennsylvannia. If you want
to be convinced that this is
County, and compare the work
that done elsewhere.
best man to deal with :
better than others.
and can prove it by hi Work and Nu
the iNeatesl Letterer. and the Best Gen
section of country. feblS.
- 'If - oiling Steel-skein Schuttler Wagons, tlie
hilly farun. Kvery part of the Wood-work of
beniK worke.l up, insuring the work to he
Being the patentees of the
can be oiled'in less than live minutes. This
be fully appreciated, and parties wishing to
before purchasing elsewhere.
almost impassable, and they alwavs stood
in saying I believe them the Best Wagon on
or Henry HelHey, who will show you the
MARCH 28, 1886.
Harlng had masy
rears axperlerH-
a all branches oj
aa Tallorlna boa
Id. 1 cuaraatM
Satlifactlua to a"
wha may call mm
on aia ami ravor
mm with U..'lr pat.
Toon, hem I
HeHcnelt Pa.
Pfl ssonssoaey tmaataaTthrncdMbr
book oat.
war atairi aa agency Mr ta Det
BeKlcnar neceed Kramllr. fim
tna. Hau Boom Co- Portlaiid
fall. T
The approaching season -into
service the stovepipe
a gentle reminder of ,13
iieLcssitj tut vajUTHrVr
sui iui .uoi anil
colder weather is prepare
a larger scale for Men, Yea
Boys and Children.
602 604 606 Chestnut Strtu
Our Stock Of
Drugs, Medicines,
and Chemical
la ihe Largest in the County.
ing enlarged my Store-no'm. i
now suited to a rabidly inewj.
ing trade. I have increis!
my stock in
Ami All a Critical KiaatxitM '
Special Cars Given to Comwnjij,
FtrsBss PrssriiJtiKs a ti
School Books and School SuppHe:
at Lowest Prices.
a-W aB Special A tteotlor. u. ibu Iirr:rir
Good Goods,
Low Prices,
Ani Talx Tealirg T. .
smus Km
. -' I'. .1?..- '. Tj.
HfflT Ml SALE S'
If Yaa Want It Good ti CV
New er Seroad-harM, call oa m. 1 !
eonataotljr oo aantl a lim A.atinaa:
Fin Uand-iaad
fuunil In a SaJiileTT. (hwi i
nl Rldina H'irae alwar rmJf Iw aa
w Ben In need ol an? torn m at ua
irlrm mm a cail.
ISAM! SIMW s- tr-r f.
luvii.ii. ut I'ta viviT YU'Vt-
ftll kinds of CHOP. Also, mil WndiiH u
whlcl. I ell at
Wholeaal and Retail. 1fo will "
bnjlnir Irura mm. N7 stork la lwarftra-
Low Priced Fer
tilizers. Low priced fertilizers r
notalways the best. Baugb
$25.00 Phosphate is i
best and the cheapest k
tilizer, for the simple rea:
that it gives as good re?--
as articles that cost very in-
more money. No farmer'
make a mistake wa
Baugh's Animal BoneS:
per-Phosphate for $:5
ton, in new bags, iret.
board car or boat at Phfe4'
South Delaware Avenue, r-
The Farmer' LlmnmpMT, I .la
at taalr kilns, it lu
aticntpr bohl. r(ieiiTr " - .-f ,
Lowwt to all Kallr.4 Suth t J
tha Conntv, aajea ta Herim j--t , r,
r. Satitf actio Omaram.'i' r : J
r .n.h ia avwJ' -' wtJ
and Sctaaoe w be th strutJK "J",,-!
rlealtaral furpo. " "ir, Va!.
Adare, HfcB p
daeM-Urr Garrtt bu-
A PRIZE, rrd
eotlyboiot w.ia,wbicl ""V,., l J
mommy rlrht away Uaa "U,t3
world. All, of .ttaer . fLi '.Tj
Tha broad road to "Lyr 'Vj
mrm. abaoratalr arti. Atoac mf
Oo.,Aaxuna. Malaa.