The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, May 05, 1880, Image 4

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    measures arc ilk popples spread
Toa wixe tbe flower, lu bloom I shed ;
Or like tbe rainbow 'i lovely form
Vanishing amid the norm."
n easarca arc soadovrs of a dream,
Bubbles fliaUnioatberjTam,
Meterlors Cashing tbro' the night,
a. moment seer, then lost to right.
Oh, no! nit So, It cannot l.
Kcplies fc.nd, faltblul memory :
Twer best to let the flower remain
An J itrcw Its Uojjoms on the plain,
II sacS were trus tbe raia bow's form
Tho' ne'er ao lovely hal ceased to charm,
A drop of water, a ray of light,
Ilrings back in fleeting colore bright.
Wbea parted from lie jarcnt sitm
Tbe ro- will Kindly live again :
Tho' turn iu leaflets, abed lit blooni,
la in own deattlcss, fwoct nerfutue.
Farmer Ilendergon came in from
tbe barn ooe morning with bin bauds
and clothes "ret and covered with
mud, his face red tad Lis eves flush-'iff-
"Ned !" lie sbooted, a Le entered
the kitchen. "Where's Xed ?"
' II- re I am !" came a cbierj voice
ia rcjilv ; and an iostant after a
bright, Kironif boy of some tixiecu
yearn entered tbe old fashioned conn
try kitchen from the &djjiuiug ood-i-bed,
where be bad been cutting po.
tatoe6for tbe dayV planiing. "Da
you want anything
"I vrant to tell yoa tbia," eaid Mr.
Ileudcrson, as be washed himself at
the eiuk, and rubbed bid weaiber
beaten face with tbe coarse to we!
ojiil it was even more red than be
fore. "Old Dan mutit be killed !
.Jus; t-ee tbe ta:e I am in, and all
from tbat worthless eld rat-cal! 1
won't have Lim about tbe bouse an
other day. lie's good for nothing
liut tr make trouble, and be roost be
,bot before nigbi!'' added tbe farm
er, wratbfully.
Ned was about to plead for bis pet,
when bis little eister came into the
"WLy, papa, what is tbe matter 2"
he cried, running to bim in astonish
ment . Did you fall intv tbe cretk,
psp ?"
"1 might as well," !;e replied, La!f
Iiiugbiog. "Old Diin butted no into
lb watering-trough !"
There was a Kboutof lauithter from
both children, in which their motber
"Well, Jtdedidh," said Mrs. Hen
derson, coming into the kitcbeu, and.
still febakijr with mirth, "wbat
could you have been thinking about
to let an old ram, most twenty years
old, knock you into tbe watering
tronch f "
"But," erplafaed her LusUaad, "be
took cue auawares. I bad just filled
one pail to carry to tbe barn, and
was 6ioo;injr to dip the other, when
tbe old rascal came at me like tbe
wind, and knocked me completely!
into the water I lie scampered, I tell
you, before I could pet out. lie knew
be bad done mischief. Anybow, he's
got to be killed, to-day, sure. lie's
only a nuisance, and I'll shoot bim
to-night, when we como back from ,
town, if he's on the farm!''
Two boar9 later Mr. and Mrs
Henderson drove away to be absent
from home until night As the;
rattled out of tbe yard Old Dan sud
denly appeared close to the gate,
and, wagging Lis tail as if in dera
tion, gave atterance to a boarse
The farmer tamed shook bin whip
a: the fellow, and cried, "Tbis is
your last day, my boy, make tbe
most of it !"
Ned and Carrie were the only cbil
dren. Leaving Carrie in tbe buuttt
alone, after they bad considered
awhile whether there was any wav
of advening Old Dan's sad fat Ned
nhoul lered bis boeand marched off to
bis work, planting potatoes with
Uronsoc, tbe hired aian, in tbe "back
Bat tho little girl of thirteen bad
no thought ot being afraid. She bad
the breakfast dishes to wash, some
sweeping to do, and tbe dinner to
get, all before 1 2 o'clock.
Time Ced. Tbe dishes stood io
shining rows upon tbe pantry
shelves, the broom bad performed it
work, and Carrie was "preparing the
vegetables to be boiled, when there
came a faint knock at tbe door. Sup
posing it to be one of the neighbor,
the little girl did not rise, but called :
"Come in!"
The door was slowly opened and a
man stepped within.
He wore a long black coat, button
ed to bis chin, and very threadbare.
His trousers, too, were black and
suiny, and much too short for him.
On one foot was a boot, while tbe
other was graced by a ragged shoe
He carried a battered silk bat in bis
Land. His lace was long and solemn,
but quite red, Lis eyes bleared, bi
bands were dirty, and altogether be
was a queer looking visitor.
"Is your ma at Lome, miss ?" said
be. in a half whine, as Le glanced
sharply around the room.
"No, sir," replied Carrie, wonder
ing wby ba asked; "she ha gone to
Underhill. Did you wish to tee
her J"
"Oh, no," the maa replied. "I
only asked oct of politeness, you
know," and be smiled solemnly at
tbe little girl, and winked one eye.
"No, I came on business with your
pa particular, urgent business.
S'pose he's round, is be not?"
"No, sir; he went to town wttb
mother," paid Carrie.
"Now that's too bad !" exclaimed
the visitor, aa he seated himself;
"and I've come eo far to see bim
ISut perhaps' your brother or sister
would do as well."
"I haven't any sister" eaij tbe
little hostess laugbiog, "and cay
brother's over ia the back lot. He'll
be in by-and-bye, though, if he will
"Well, I don't hardly believe be
will, after all," said tbe man, shaking
his head tbouf htfully, "and 1 can't
wait to-day anyway; I baint tbe
time. But I'm" terribly hungry. It
I cculd I'd stay to dinner Miss
However, finder tbe circumstances,
perhaps yoa bad better rive me a
light lunch before I go; a piece ot
pie, and a cup of tea,, and a little
-cold meat, or something of tbat eort "
"Ob, certainly ; only I can't give
yaw the meat, for we haven't it in
tb iouse," said Carrie, rising, "but,
I wiH find something " And she
brought from tbe pantry a whole
apple pie, which ene placed before
(him, with a inife and fork.
"If you will help yourself IU have
tUe tea ready ia tiree minutes."
All right, my dear," said tbe man,
'.izing tbe knife and drawing tbe pit
Coward him I will act pon your
advice. Tbe first time I took aUnner
with General Grant," he continued,
cat a great piece, and began to eat,
"he said to me, 'Governor, governor,
said be, 'never disregard a lady's
Advice;' and I have always remem
bered what he said," and be chuck
led merrily, and nodded bis head, at
tbe delicious looking pastry before
; Carrie wondered a little at tbe
liable manners of tbe maa who bad
! dined wiib Grant, but the steeped
J his tea, flavoring it with rich cream
land passing it to bim.
"I am not much of a hand for tea,"
f-tld tbe man, as be drained tbe cup,
"but roy doctor saya tbat I must
'drink it far my digestion. Rained
imydit'eoiion while I was in the
army, yoa see ;" and he winked sol
, e mrily. "By the way," he continued,
'nickinff ud tbe silver teaspoon from
! his saucer, "have vou any more of
thpse ? They are "as neat a pattern
1 as I ever f aw, and odd too. I fboold
Jibe to ee tbe rest of the dozen, if
I t ju have them."
! ' "Mother has only eleven," said
' Carrie, in ber innocence, "and ebe is
; very proud of them ; but I will show
them io you."
Then the b ought the little box
itb the precious table silver eleven
teaspoons, four tableepoonB and an
accicnt cream jag all pore silver,
and i-hining brightly and placed
them before ber icqoieitive visitor to
He bad Guisbed his "light lunch."
Tbat is, tbe pie was demolished and
the tea pot empty. As the liule girl
handed bim tbe treasure be arose,
took tbe bux to tbe window, examin
ed its contents with a critical eye for
a moment, and then, as iflnjjjfal
e.urprie, cried :
"I am right! Tbey are the very
ppoonsl Tne very same identical
spoons that bit friend lost when be
was a boy. llow locky it is that I
have fjund tbem at last 1"
With these words, and a very low
bow, tbe rascal opened the door and
slipped away with the spoons and tbe
silver cream pitcher down the path
toward tbe gate.
For a moment Carrie stood motion-lew-;
then, rushing after him, the
shrieked :
"Give me those spoons !" Tney
are my mother's Bnoons, and yoa are
trying to 6teal them! You are a
thief, a thief! Bring tbem back!
bring tbem back!"
Tbe man, however, pid no atten
tion to tbe child's crioe, but ran rap
idlv down the path, carrying the box
in'iiis arms; and the spoons and
pi-.cber would have been lost forever
if a new party bad not happened on
tbe t-oeoe.
O.d Dan was quietly nibbling the
frasn near the gate way. Hearing
bis litUe mistress' voice, he looked
uo at tbe very instant that tbe tramp
pawd. What be saw about the man
that disturbed bim I don't know ;
but, erecting bis bead with a hoarse
"B-a-a !" be shot after him KLo a
cannon ball.
Tbe man turned to receive him and
defend himself, bat the ram struck
bim fairlv in front and knocked bim,
half fceBsiiless, flat on his back, scat
tering tbe silver in all directions.
Fur an instant tbe fellow remained
sprawling in tbe c'ust, then he slowly
arose, limuing and groaning, and
wittont a glance at the enemy, began
to gather up bis stolen spoils.
He bad partly completed his task
wbeo Old Dan, wto all ibis time bad
been watching tbe proceedings from
beneath bi shaggy eyebrows, ciook
bis long beard, and with another tro-,
mi adous "Ba-a-a!" dashed at bim
arain, ana over he went a second
lime, bis treascres flying from bis
And now begaa a ttaoge battle.
Wiib cries of rage and pain, tha man
recovered bis feet and turned upon
tbe ram, kicking aod striking at him
furiously, while Dan, accustomed to
Huch warfare from years of eiperi
euce wiib tbe boys of the country
side, easily eluded him, and io re
turn butted him to tbe earth again
aud aain.
Tee spoons and cream pitcher were
kaotksd hither and thither, as the
cotapitauts struggled, the road was
trampled into something like a race-1 make a heavy plunge with both bi
coarse tbe atr was fided with veryTtbumbs. and at tbe same instant I
' j.i . i ! a 1 I. .. n AA.nt ftf ilia Irnan
hd UrxMittire. verr anzrr Da-a-as
and a grea; cloud of dust.
Bat altr 6ome five minutes, rfcto
rv declared itself npon tbe side of the
qjHdruped : ana, oruisea ana meet
ing, wiib clothes in rags, minus hat
aud shoes, the vanquished man sud
denly turned away and ran limping
down the road, leaving his antagon
ist in fall possession of tbe field and
the stolen silver.
Old Dan remained motionless, goz
ing after his enemy aniil he disap
oeared around a distant turn in the
road ; then shaking tbe dost from
biscjurse wool, he gave Btterance to
a lo irrumble of satisfaction, and,
wasreine his tail, returned to the din
ner in front of tbe bouse.
naif an hour later, as Carrie wash
ed the cjveted spoons and the bright
little Ditcher and laid them carcluliy
away ooce more, sbe told ber brother
the story, ana now tne roooer wt
foiled ; and Ned, full ot entbusiam
crid :
"We will not kill Old Dan at all,
for I do not believe that father would
shoot him now or a hundred dol
And tbe boy was rigit. The old
ram won more than he knew when
be fouirbt tbe tramp and conquered
bim. He won bis master's regard,
and a free, happy life for tbe remain
dor of bis days Youth's t'ompait ion
brl j Tamalen.
To have this regetable Ctf-rthe
table at an early d&ia it is necessary
to employ expeditious methods of ob
taining plants. A couple of weeks
ago we gave, at tbe request of scae
of our readers.the approved method of
isakiog a bot bed, aud in tbe last is
sue of tbe rrairie Farmer a corres
pondent details bis method of prod o"
ing bot tool heat by tbe use of 6. e.
By either method plants from early
sowing of seed may be obtained sev
eral weeks in advance of the time
wben tbey may reasonably be looked
for, if sowing seed is delayed until it
is prudent to sow in the open ground.
T;iin sowing is preferable in tbe hot
bed, for if pittcts are too thick' tbey
crowd each other, grow spindling,
and are less hardy anj vigorous
wben transplanted than whaa tbey
staad far enough apart to let in sun
light aod air. In a few days the
young plaau will have a growth of
three or four locoes, and will require
to be aired, if nndar class. Or tbe
seed may be sown ia shallow boxes,
aod placed in a south window where
ibey wU germinate and grow until
large enough to transplant. Some
times tbe plant are transplanted into
cold frames, where those are at hand,
aud remain there sntit all danger of
frost u past, aod then set out tarco
or four feet apart where tbey are to
remain This course makes them
stocky and hardy, if the are well at
tend to, aud secures fruit earlisr than
by other methods. Ia transplanting
to tbe open ground, it ia well to se
lect some sheltered spot where tbe
soil is moderately rich. If located on
the eouth side of a building or fence,
the growth of tbe plant will bo expe
dited. Some support for the branches
of ibe vinea fdonld be provided to
keep tbe fruit from the ground, and
wben tbe fruit is Bet, a few inches
cut from the top of the vines will
cause more rapid ripening.
The debate on the amendment to
tbe army bill, prohibiting ttoops at
the polls as a police fores to preserve
order was concluded in committee of
the whole on Monday of last week,
and the bill parsed. Tbe Republi
cans bad tbe debate to themselves,
and fifteen of their gaseous orators
made speeches against the ptoposi
tion which they voted and which
Mr. Hayes approved last Jane. They
waved the bloody shirt high, bat fail
ed to elicit a response. They had
tbe fight to themselves, except this
little interlude introduced by Mr
C.x to fcbow tbe one sided character
ot tbe struggle :
Congressional Record, April 1 1
Mr. Cox I do not intend to de
bate. I want to have a descriptive
scene to illustrate this afternoon in
the House rea l from tbe "Georgia
Scenes," written by Judge Long
street, to shew wbat a one-sided
fight we have bad.
Mr. Frye Ucw much of it?
Mr. Cox Not very long, bat it is
Mr. Frye I wieh to yield my re
maining time to the gentleman from
Mr Cox But you yielded to me.
Mr Frye 1 yielded to the gentle
man for a speech.
Mr. Cox Tbis is part of my
Mr. Frye Tbe gentleman can
speak 60 much better than a book, 1
wish to hear bim. Cries of "Read!'
Mr Frye I now yield five minutes
to tbe gentleman from New York to
make a speech by proxy.
Mr. Cox Tbe "gentleman from
New York" prefers to make a speech
by Coxy. Laughter I send my
speech to tbe clerk's deck.
Tbe clerk read as follows :
Rapt with tbe enchantment of the
season and the scenery around me, I
was slowly rising tbe slope, when I
was startled by loud profane and
boisterous voice, which seemed to
proceed from a thick covert of under
growth about two hundred yards lo
advance ot me and about two hun
dred yards to tbe right of my road.
"You kin, kin you ?"
"Yes I kin, and am able to do it !
Boo-oo-oo! On, wake snakes, and
walk you clak-! B.imstone and
Crel Dou'i bold me, Nick Stoval!
Tbe fight's made np, and let's go at
it ; my eoul if I don't jump down
bis tboatand gallop every chittering
out of him before yoa can say 'quit !' "
"Now, Nick, don't hold bim! Jist
jet tbe wild cat come, and I'll tame
bim. Jsed'li ace me in a fair fight,
won't you, edf"
"Oh, yes; I'll sea you a fair ffght,
blast my old ehoes if I doa't."
'That's sbflicient, as Tom Hayncs
said wben be saw tbe elephant. Now
let Lira come !"
Tbus they went on, with cooatloss
oatba interpperscd, which I dare not
even bint at, and with much tbat I
could not distinctly bear. i
In mercy's name, thought I, what
band of ruffians has selected tbis holy
season and this heavenly retreat for
such r&ndernonian riots? I quicken-
zi rny gate, and had come nearly op
posite ILs tbicK grove wnence tne
voice proceeded, C beri my eye caught
indistinctly and at iatorrals through
the foliage of tbe dwarf-oaks and
hickories which intervened, glimpses
hfamanor men who seemed to be
ia a violent struggle; aad IJ'-ould oe
casionallr catcb those deep drawn,
emphatic oaths which men incooflict
utter wben they deal blows. I dis
mounted and hurried to tbe spot
with all speed. I bad overcome
about balf tbe spate wbicb separated
it from me, when I saw the combat
ants come to tbe ground, and, after a
6hort strugsle I saw tbe uppermost
one (for I could not see the other)
ueuru a cry iu iuc aivcu, vi uv cu-
est torture :
"Enough ; my eye's out !"
I waB so completely horror-struck
that stood transfixed for a moment
to tbe spot vbere tbe cry met me.
Tbe accompliees in tbe hellish deed
wbicb bad been perpetrated .bad all
fled at my approach ; at least I sup
posed so, for they were not to be
"Now, blast your corn-shacking
soul," aid tbe victor, (a youth of
about eighteen years old,) as be rose
from the ground, "come cutt'n your
shines about me again, next lime I
corae to tbe court bouse, will yen !
Get your owl-eye in again, if you
can!" " '
At this mossent be saw me for the
first time. He looked excessively
embarrassed, and was moving off
wben I called to biui, in a tone em
boldened by tbe sacred oess of my of
fice and the iniquity of tbe crime,
"Come bvck, you brute, and assist
me in relieving your fellow mortal
wbom yoa have ruined forever."
My rudeness subdued his embar
rassment in en inatant; and with
a taunting curl in the nose, be re.
"Yon ncda't kick before you are
spurred There ain't nobody there,
nor han't been notber I was jist
seeing bow I could 'a foul ." So say
ing be bounded to bis plow, which
stood io the corner ot about fifty
yards beyond the great battle ground
I went to tne gound from wnicn be
had risen, and there were tbe prints
of nis two tnumbs, plunged up to tbe
balls on tbe mellow earth, aboat tbe
dit-iacce of a man's eyes apart; and
tbe ground around was broken up as
if two tag.ihtt.d been engaged opon
Great laughter aod applause J
Mr. Olekaoai a Hmmp.
We bad a lecture on phrenology in
Musser's bull a few night ago, from
a tajelliog professor of tbat science,
aod parts oi it ere quite interesting.
He bad on tbe stand several plaster
beads mapped out ia torn lots, and
after he had explained what the
meant, he invited persons in the au
dience to come up and let Liu teei
tbeir bamps and explain their char
acttrs Several times he hit pretty
accurately, $sd excited a conridere
amount of applause; but after a
a hile old Dicksjn stepped p fur aa
examination. He is an absent Bund
ed mau, and he wears a wig. While
difssing himself before coming to tbe
lee i ore, Ls bad placed bis wig on the
bureau and accidentally tossed his
plug of tobacco into it. W&en he
put the wig on, it was just lie him
not to notice tbe plug, and so wten
he mounted the platform he had a
lump jaat orer his bump of combat
iveuesa as big as half a ben's egg.
Tbe professor ugered about awhile
orer Dickson's head, and ftbea he
said t
"We hare here a somewhat re
markable skull ; tbe perceptive facul
ties quite good, ideality large, benev
olence very prominent. Secretive
nes U small, and the subject, there
fore is a man of candor and frank
ness; he commnntcates what he
knows freely. We bave also," said
the profeeser, still plowing bis hand
through Mr. Dickson's hair, "acqniei-
tiveness not large ; tbe subject is not
grasping, avaricious men, but he
gives liberally, he he he , why,
it can't bel Yes.- Wby, wbat a
tbe ! Munificent Moses! that's the
most awful development of combai
ivenes4 I ever beard of. " Are you a
prize fighter, sir ?"
"Pria9 fighter !" exclaimed Dick
eon. "Wby, wbat do you mean V
"Never oeen a solaier, cr a pirate,
or anything like that?''
"You certainly must be crazy,"
said Dickson.
"Ain't you fond of going into
scrimmages and rows, atd plugging
people oq the noee ?"
"Certainly not."
"Well, sir, tbea yoar're untrue to
y oar nature. The way yenr head is
built, qualified yoa, I should say, in
a special manner as a knocker down
and dragger out If you want to ful
611 your mission, you will devote tbe
remainder of your life to battering up
your felloe men and keepingyouraelt
in one interminable and eternal muss
You've got tbe a wfulle&t bump tbat
ever decorated a human skull. It's
phenomenal. WhatH you t&ka for
your neaa ween you aie i utnt.e-
men, tbis man is liable at any mo
ment to commeoce ragiug around tbe
commonitv like a wild cat, bunging
with a club or anything that comes
handy. It isn't eafa for him to be at
Then Dickson put Lis band up to
feel the bamp and he noticed tbe to
bacco. He pol.'ed on nis wig, ana
there was tbe plug sticking just be
hind hu left ear Then the professor,
lokoing at it a moment io confusion,
said :
"Ladies and gentlemen, we will
now tbe lecture is tbat is I bave
ao more Boy, turn oat those
Then tbe audience langnea, ana
Dickson pat on his wig, and the
professor started to catch tho last
The science of phrenology is not as
. j
popQiar iq our town as it was, auu
Dickson still remains peaceable.
Max Adelcr.
Jadglwa- a Senator by HI Looan.
Judge Mackey, from South Caro
lina, was Hitting in tbe gallery of the
Senate wben a sharp-faced, razor
strap looking fellow said to bim :
Mister, can yoa point out to me tbat
infernal Hamburg murderer, Butler,
of South Carolina?" "Certainly,"
said the polite Judge ; "aad I will
point out, also, other notables of tbe
Senate. Don't you see that hand
some Senator with light curly hair ?
Well, that is Cooblmg; and the grey
headed, bright looking man near bim
is Jiiaioe ; mat large aenaior is
Judge Davis, of lilincb-: and over
there ia General John B. Gordon
talking to Lamar. Dou't yoa eee
thai bald beaded man," p iiu'iug to
Senator Edmunds; "well that , is
Butler, of South Carolina" Tbe
eyes our Xanece inena were
lighted up wun luaignauoa as no
replied, "Yes, I could bave picked
out of a thoutand" adding a good
deal tbat was not complimeutary to
tbe " diiUtnguiinhed ermonter. I no
other day Senator Edmund came
over oa the Democratic aide, when
Mr. Vest said: "EJinaud. Hampton
has a good j Ao on you," and lim
gallant Carolinian was forced to tell
tbe whole story, benator lviuni:.u-
laughed heartily, and remarked tbat
it Mvas a compliment to be taken for
so handsome a maa as General But
ler. The fact, however, is that Mr
Ed.iiunds' face strongly iudicme
ijsiipe and wjtdom,; with no trace of
mercy in it, unless wbci) bp tail;-
iog to Mr. Tburuiuu i:r socio person
al favorite, and then U is geLiut at,d
plcasQt ag possible.
X fair CarliBDs no Rbbrr jr.
The other day two eirangera were
toasting their shins on eppjxite sides
of a big etove ij a ferry wharf sa
loon, and it was noticed that tbey
often looked at each other as if . al
most certain tbat tbey bad met some
where before. Finally one of tfceui
got up and said :
"Stranger, I've seen a faca almost
like yours. Did you bave a brother
"Was be a sailor ?"
"He was."
"Did yoa bear of him last about
ten years ago ?"
"Yes, jat about ten years ago."
"Stranger," continued the firii
seeming greatly affected, "I've sailed
with your brother Bill. We were
wrecked together on tbe Paeific,. and
before help came I bad to kul and
eat bim. I kuew you must be reiat
eij. I'm awfal Eorry it was your
brother, and though I was driven to
it and tbe law can't tugc caci, ( oi
willing lo pay vou damages. B
kinder fair with me, for Bill was old
and lough. Abut how much dj
yoa thiuk is fir ?"
Ibe oiber wiped a tear from
eye, spat across tbe stove, and
plied :
"Stranger, where is year dad ?"
"Been dead these twelve years."
"Died in Nevada, didn't ha ?"
"Yen, out there somewhere."
"Well. I killed bim ! I knew you
were bis son the minute 1 saw you
He and I- wero in a mine, and one
day we were going cp in a bucket:
I saw tbe old rope was going to
break under tbe strain. ' We were up
about two hundred feet, I picked up
your old dad and dropped bim over.
It was bad ou hira but it saved me.
Now, you ate my brother Bill, aad I
murdered your dad, and I'd gaess
we'd better call it even and shake to
see who pays for the drinks."
They shook, drank and the old
lake captaioa who could not tell a
lie bad to si back and real za bow
sad it was that tbey were born
with such tender consciencea.
Two Pr to Take a Paprr.
Some men, says an excLacge, say
tbef re toe poor to take a paper.
Now, a pcisdn pinst te reduced to a
degree cf poverty rarefy ' seen or
known in tbis country when he 'can
not put away three cents a week,
tbat himself and family may ei j y
tbe pleasures and reap to profit to be
derived trom tho reading of tbeir
homo party paper. Men who expend
foO eaca year for luxuries such as
whisky ana tobaccoarje not loo
poor to subscribe and pay for a p$
per; bat rather than deny them
selves to tbe extent of f 2 00 per year,
w.ey permit tneir. cnudrcn to grow
up in ignorance or all that m trans
piring throughout the world ia tbis
progressive age. Tney do not seem
to realize the great wrong tbey do
tbeir families by diayiog tbem a
paper. '
' - .. .. ... i
A maa never loas by a little po
liteness as the soldier said wben be
bowed his head for tfce pan non bill
to pass orer.
A yoang Udy never wasted the
second look on a maa with a limp-y
eollar and a soiled shirt front She
knows he is married.
rolooe! Seloae'a WeMlaf Olft.
"I've been a-thinkin' to-day," said
Colon;-! Solon as be came into tbe
Derrick oSee yesterday "of my old
enuua, Joe Blinker. Yoa never know-
ed bim. Mean bim were cronies ia
the army, an we were the best of
frionds ior nigh onto twenty years
till he married tbe old it aid Johnson ;
that kinder split thj fiu ao( we
ain't speke since.
"Yoa shouldn't have dropped the
acquaintance jast because be got mar
rid, Colocel
"On, I didn't drop it. 'Twa'n't
me, but 'twas all along of a preoeut 1
ftot 'em. Yoa ee a few weeks
afore the weddia' Joa come to me an'
bcZ be 'Culonel, I knows aabow your
a-goin' to give me' some sort of a
present, 'Ot course, stz I. 'An"
continued Joe, 'if it's all the same
jusigive uaeutbin' useful instead of
uruauieiital, cr ye might make it
uxetul as welt a-t ornamental, ez be
Oaly don't give as any gim craaka
and hifdluuu wat don't do anv
good ' "
" 'Joe,' eez I, 'I'll do er. Ycr sen
sible to tber las;.' "
"Tb:s wuz afore I wuz married,
yer, know, audi wuzjast asigaorent
ubuut wimmia as a motkey ! cf
iuliaa opra. But tniobs i io myself
it must be ornamental as well as
u ft ful, and I was bound to fill tbe
' Studied on tbat present a whole
day and dreamed ot it at night. 1
started onct to bay Joe a boUjack,
all painted over with red and yiler ;
an' i beu I thinks I ougbter gitsotbiu
for tbe bride instead at Joe. At last
1 bit it. Miss Jobnsbn was skinny
an' ole so old eb$'d lost all her upper
teeth. I saw ber laff one day when
I went along with Joe to see her, an'
tbat 'ar vacancy below her upper lip,
like a bole where a board bad been
knocked off barn, jest jagged the
idee right into my bead, i got the
most beautiful set of teeth yer ever
saw. Nice ivory sot ia gold. 'Joe,'
ez I to myself, 'Joe, I've hitit; use
ful as well as ornamental.' '
"Waal when the day sot ior tbe
weddin come I bad the rbumatica
and couldn't go. But I got a big
card printed with ibe biggest letters
in the priniiu' tffice. 'Compliments of
Colonel Stone to the bride,' along
ibe top, aa' iben I tied the teeth iu
tbe middle of ibe card, an' jest below
1 put ibis are sentiment iu big letters
which I writ my self :
Nature abhors a vacancy,
But "tU oor joj au
To Lnjw that peuplcitootlilrrpgnroa
A. dentist' art can fill.
"I tho't 'twas a very neat tenti
ment, an 1 repeated it over to myself
scv'ial times. Wet!, jer see, 1 sent
that card up and the boy stuck it up
right iu tbe middle of tbe table jat
as- tbe ceremony was buia peif roied
an, yer could bave read tbose letters
clear across the room. Tbe minister
saw them an' he jaat stopped for a
t bund au' then weut on as though
be wern't sartia of the word:, and
somebody kinder snickered, an' tbe
brido looked arouud, au she saw it,
au' wall, they do say she broke right
i.Caudtoro tbat ar kard inter five
buudred pieces and chucked tne teeth
out tbu back door, aud durued nigb
broba up tbe weddiu'.' ,
"An' that's wty J.e's family aod
uiiuo don't Liicb, though saBes alive
he didn't get a present tbat day tbat
'u l bave improved the appearance of
his hou-ebi id as tbem ure pare ut
teeth." Oil City Derrick.
Pi.7.l0t!Trt. Jnd., Oct. 3, 1S77.
HEUijis Ceecheu. Qoerlin O.,
(jEXTLEJtKS : When I was In
Ohio I bouL'tii gome ol Dr. Tenner's Blood
cuJ Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic at
your slorc. I never took anything that
did me so much good in so snort a time.
I would like to cet some more of il as I
cannot find it bere. Will you please let
me know wbat 1 can get one-nail uoz.jn
bottles lor, and oblige.
Yours truly,
Dr. Fenner's Blood and Liver Rem
edy and Nerve Tonie may well be
Called "Tbe conquering hero" of tbe
times. It is the medical triumph of
the age Whoever has "the blues"
should take it, for it regulates aud e
hlora the disordered ejstem that
irives rise to them. It always cures
Biliousness and Liver Complaint,
Jaundice, Dvspepsia, Constipation,
Headaches, Fev eh and Ague. Spleen
Enlargements, Scrofula, Eryip
la-S Pimple-, Blotches and all Skin
Eruptions and Blood disorders ;
Seiled Limbs and Diopsy ; Sleep
lewnesn, Impaired Nerves and Ner
vous Debility ; Ueutorea flesh and
strength wben tbe eystcm is rnuniog
down or going into decline; curea
Female Weakness and Cnronic
Ivheuoifjtisqi, and relieves Chronic
iironcbitis, and all Lung and Throat
difficulties. It does theae things by
stnkiug at the root of disease and re
moving it causes.
Dr. Fenner's Improved Cough
Hooey will relieve aoy cough in one
hour. Try a eample bottle at 10
Dr. Fenner's Golden Belief cares
any pain, as Tootb ache, Neuralgia,
Colic or Headache in 3 to 30 minutes,
aod readily relieves,
Ividuey Complaint, Diarrhoea, etc.
Try a sample bottle at 10 cents.
Dr. Fenner's St Vitus Dnce Spe
cine. One bottle a! ways cures. Jror
ale by C. N Boyd.
Itarbrtigeraof Spring;.
The nsp on even d-j!Ur Uisters i
worn ff, aud theie is a neat fringe
oo tbe bottom jf too irout-era' lc-g.
II luelj giils v b have bad a sue
cte.-ful Si.-a.soo, buy up ibeir wedd ug
clothes aud get married before sum
mer. Flirtations begin. We always
noticed tt'et ht taely firls marry iu
tbe spring aad preity ouoi in tie
Tbe small boy grows superlatively
kaacy, aud refuees to take bisnulpbur
and molarses uolecs be is' rewarded
by a nickel ; tbis merely tbows bis
Gobucial acumen.
Hens tbat bave been lo&fiog about
all winter "on tbeir oars," when
egs Were rty cents a d z-n, show
a dii-putjti jd to glut tbo market at ten
Tbe housewife decides th&t too
new carpets are needed, and because
she can't get them, pounds tbe old
ones to pieces out in the back yard.
bellows wun shabby overcoats
leave them at home add bravely
shiver down the strcpt ia tho chilly
Tbe oldest inhabitant begins his
series of lies about planting peas in
January and picking roses in .VJuruh
Grocera work iff their surplus
''brown Havana" as maple uer.
pure and undented. Tbis is not only
a harbinger of spring, but an evi
dence of totaj depravity and a dispo
sition to "sweeten" the public
"Great clearing out sales" spring
cr ou every tide, a: d yon can buy
so; thing yo don't want alrjiica
looaly Ijw pruek
Tbe advance guard of tbe soase-Af
legion flutters bis wijga ia the batter,
and dies of chilblain."
28 Fifth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Tie CslEnratefl Girta Grcn Tea!
QuarantMd absolutely pare.
Tie rascr Itadi nzs !
Best in th. World. Took Fir Medal at Farl
Tls CsltMsl Ssow Biri Flour!
For extreme Wbite Bread and Putry nse.
ImkUur Breal
In Sand 8 b. uackarea. ready lor bakln.
Tim Cora's! Helm (Mg
Tbis lKllck)Oj Co (Tee Is Vnrlvatea for Its Delight
ful arptna.
Tte raacr Fraicl Ccffss'
A barb mixture or itAOE Coffee.
Immrted ail
Every Variety Fancy Cneew.
TfisMla aiMityFriits!
Tti Pare Vermeil Maple Sm
TU tat Variety iff Injcartm Wt Goals!
Per pound. 40. M. (0. SO,
cents, ti.uo, J1.JU, ill.).
mr cm
J AP AN i-r fnnl 4u.Vi.00 M eenfa. and 41.00.
lu, tto, to cenu, a;
! rc'!nti:.norFIVECEVrSrr roml"!!!
do unuwej on au urtien oi I ivs roi mw
or Tea.
Via -nilin a written order for Tea, don't faU
o mention tbe eualie yoa desire, and vrice.
r All the Teas quoted above at tl.OO per pound
and upwards arc the Gari Okowh Tbas.
If to detirtd. mill pack aay of ' th a boat in m or
10 to. oottM wttnout extrm rnarae.
Cm 1379. F0EMQSA00L0N3 TEA! $1.03 tf
This delicious IViffee Is nn-rraled for its delight
ful Aroma. It all othr Cotlues cave la ilea to
please you, i'to this a trial.
Oennine Mocha Coffee, Planta
tion tkiiltm Coffee, Maracaibo Cof
fee, OM Dutch Java Coffee. La-
gtMira Coffee, African Coffee,
Vottta Uvea Coffee, l'ea lterry cof
fee, Golden Mo Coffee.
Constantly Arriving.
F. Sohamaebir's Oat Meal, Oat Groats, Cracked
Wheat an i Orahatn Hour.
Mackerel, fcxtra No. 1 Nbore Mess, No. 1 Shore
No. 1 Bay, No 2, No. 3 Large, No. 3 Medium In
jlb kits..
Cincinnati Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Dried
Keflnal Lnnl in Pallr. 20 lh. 10 !h. 5 lb. and 3 lb.
Fresh lVibsters, Salmon, Shrimps and Core
Cooked Corned Beer and Pressed Tongue
Sugars the best qaaliiy cf each grade.
.... .. , i . .
Ey YORK gosgEif
Hardware, Iron, Nails, Glass, Paints,
OILS, ScO., 5cC.
The following ia a partial lUt cf Goods ia Stock : Carpenter' Tools
Planes, Saws, Hatchets, Hammers, ChieeJg, Tlanea, Adzes. As., Black,
smith's Goods, Dellows, Anrils, Vicos, Files, Hammers, Ac, Saddlery
Hardware, Tab Trees, Saddles, Hames, Uuckles, lltogs, Bits and Tools.
Table Knives and Forks, Pocket K.nires. Scissors, Spoons and Razors, tie
larges st,ck in Somerset Ci unlj Painter's Got dx," a full flock Wbiie
Lead, Colored Paints f t ioidandaieite p;iioiiD$r, Paints iu oil, ail clr,
Vruish, Turpeuiiae, FUx-td Oil. Bru.-h, Japan Drjer, Walbui S-aiof,
Ac. Wiudow Glaus of ail r.izi aod jrlaxs cut to aoy bape. Tbe best Coal
Oil always on hand Our stuck t Coal Oii Lsrop-t is ery lre and com
prihes Terr elegaut iXj'ea. DustonV Circular, JUuit-y and Cro-8 Cot Saws.
Mill Saw Files ul the best qaaliiy. Porcelain-Iiutd" Kettles Handles cf
all kinds.
Mattocks, Grub Hoes, Picks, Scythes, Soeaths, Sledges, Mason Hammers,
Cast Sieel. S'.ep Ladders, Carriage and Tire Bolts cf all sizes. L this
Glasses. Wash Boards, Clothes Wringers, Mt-al Sives, Door Mais, B?kef,
Tubs, Wooden Buckets, Twine, Rope all tiz-s, Hay Pulleys, Butter Prints!
Mop Stick, Traps, Steelyards. Meat Cutters and Stuffers, Traces, Cow
Chains. Hal ter Cbains, Sboe, Dust and Scrub Brushes, florae Brushes, Cur
ry Cciubs and Card, Door Locks, ninges. Screws, Ltcbes and everything
in tbe Builders' line. Capo, Lead, Shot, Powder and Safety Fuse, Ac ,
The fact is, I keep everjtbiDg that belongs to tbe Hardware trade. al
exclusively in tbis kind of goods and give my whole attention to it. P r
Boob who are building, or any one in reed f anything in my line, will find
it to their advantage to give nie a call I will always give & reasonable
credit to responsible persons. I thank my old customers fi.r their patronage,
and hope tbis Beason to make many new ones. Don't forget the place.
January 21, '80. JOnX F BLYMYER.
IiwlsS lo say to th tre Irrs of fto H'irs?s, tfca
I it Ul stand my Kcd;ucj- brad lloro
at nvy farm tbis season, behmlno; April 1st, at tbe
low pru-e ot x to injure a mare witn ioai. i
Al.o m Irralt Suilllou I
lie Is a sec nd .MIW4JCRin build, with bone
anil general make up serand torone inthiseonnty:
will be at my Karm duriox Ibe from April
th to July 4th, at the low rate otjl to Insure a
mure with ioai
To old patrons I would say don't fail to see this
Horse, as he ls a a-ood one or 1 would not have
him. Ills colts are all lirsi class, for pedigre of
above Horses, see posters.
April 7 P. HEFFLET.
For trial at April term 1330, commencing 4th
Monday In April, (Joth day).
1. William McClellan's executrix, vs. John
Anspach Jr s. garnuhees.
2. Levi Uougheoour, vs. Isaac S. Conghenovr.
3. Ann O. Yanert's use. vs. 1. J. Biar.
4. J. O. Kimm'l k rons' assignrea, vs. IJcht. :
liter. Coder A Co. '
a. David Koas arl Ed. Schrock, vs. Jobn, Ada
line and ornelius Reed
6. Isaac Hugus vs. Ed. Ileott.
1. Hen ry Tllp. vs. Adam Kreutibnrg.
8. amnel weisei, ts Jaoto b. lteal.
Sa mnel Meyers' administrator, vs. Henry h '
A V, 1.1DI1IS I
10. David Koas tt Sons, ts Joaiah Brant.
11. Catharine Lohr's administrators, vs. David
12. J. O. Kltnmel l Sons' assignees, vs. E. M. 1
Schroelt. i
13. Francis Baer, VS. Daniel Shults. I
14. Jobn Shafer, vs Ludwlck Bruck. '
lh. Moses Young, vs. David A vers. I
14. Barnet Picking, vs. Frederick Naugle. ' I
17. Elisabeth Auman, vs. Abram and PriscUIa I
Berkey. i
13. James Leitch's nse, vs. Vrsltut Borough
scnooi District.
March 51 Prothowdary.
I hereby give not ire tunt 1 will stand my fine 1
black Stallion NCtruR, full three quarter ,
bluod, at the staole o: Josian Brant, in i
Somerset Borongli j
during the day throughout the season. Morning
and evening of each oay his services can lie had on j
my iarm one ana a nan miles norineasi oi Somer
set MCSTOR Is a black horse sired hv Heffley s t
Imported English Drall llorf'NKKJF.K " He
l.-a horse of nus.yle. with lmmenf strength of'
bone, and will welvb WW to 1 00 poumls. There :
are a number of his colls in this ueighloirhood for I
wbl'.-h Ti wore oflered whiie they were still class-1
ed as sucklna colts. i
My other black bor-e I
will stand at Manns' Choice. Bedford count r, ani
In that vlcini y. A large number of bis colts esu j
b- seen at Bedford and Everett. Don't fail to see '
these colts hetorc patronising sny o; h-r horse. j "
iuarcnz4 Ht..Ki atiitn. I
Twp., (
Estate of George Specbt, late of Shade
Somerset Co., Pa., deceased.
Letters testamentary ia the above estate
having been granted to the undersigned, notice
is hereby given to those indebted to It to nuke
Immediate payment, and those having claims or
demands will please resent them duly authenti
cated for settlement, on Friday, Ust, day of May,
I88O, at his late residence
April 7 Executors.
ifrratseif far mo Inrfnttono, or for ftapwenrrwrs
eaeideaf. fKnuUmlar other we ros. frojm
sar and Intelo. Cor tat; Aonmtnt, Inttr.
ftmuxt, JpptfiU, tfuitlfnr Infrtmjmmtl. 1
alleata aritlngnndtTthePnti mt iMir, prompt
Iv attrnilHt to. InenlinnaUuUltmrxmrrm
z: !:
f'l ' - '1J mitt eases, b
pfumU of vs. Jteiag onunit tho C. 8. Patent
Tptpdrtneit. awl rngogen i Potent bmtUtem sb
rivtirflf, sre e m coser trnrehe. and otewn
'PaUntt mart promptly, or.i vth broader etainr,
rltrwrevvetT arr Tfrnmrrrnm nasain7ic9.
end l mof
tl or' A ft A' of
wottr1 device: mt
wMkeoxttminntioms andmdvioi tie to paJentahUittf,
frre fehmrne. All earmpnndrnee ttrlcfly cm
fUlentM. Pn w otr. tnd -VO CHAMU VX
I.ES PATEST 1ft secVBEDi ' -
CenirtUl.X Kcn,Scv.F.p.Pneer,TUf:crnite- .
'jnMnn ilSiil Rtmt In MHnl-a i ff,. TT 9 I
W refer in, WntMnnton, to Bun. PootmatleT
tier :
Pafcnf (igice, tnA to Senatoriimd Xtirtentati't
t CvnQreot: and c-tperiallw to onrdienteineserg
Staft in the r'" :od in ran-rla. Aidrtsa
I .1111. L I . J
PppotUe taunt OJitv, WutMtoi. . O ,
V'TWilt tree. J.B.
B. Oaylord C, Cateagsi IU.
One 2 Horse Orifflth .V Wedire Portable En
sine ami CirruiarSaw .Mill. l.o00 Co
One ft) Horse Oritfiih 11 Walge Portubie ji-
' ulue and Circular Saw dill .. W0 CO
One lull . Ailliami Double !uriaca Plan
in and latcbln Machine ovd 00
One Power Taluter Sinalo urtooe Planinir
and iHtclilt Ma iiine 4 3 CO
One Roirt-r's Foot uorfu-loa- Machlne(new) .-'.i (i
! Iron r'm-ne Swinic Cut oil Saw (new) 4'J W 1
One ltMtou's loutle te.tred aw trumm jr. lv 00
Uue 36 Horse 8 La iunary Engine witn
(Virernor .VJO 00
Ooe a Horse Siationary Engine with
OoTernor i O 00
One i Horse Stationary Engine, Boiler
and Fixtures 500 0'
One 80 Horse L'pright Tubular Boiler
and Fixtur s 500 00
One 35 Hoiw Drtupit-'l Flue Boiler
and Fixture 44 J 00
One 26 Horse beiok l Flue Boiler and
Fixtures 400 00 j
One pair 2i Horse Cy iuder Boilers,
r nmi ana eonnecuons .......'.v w
One 48 Turtdno Water Wheel, with
Clearing and Snailing- .) 00
Also a lot o- Enaines, Boilers, Wood working
Machinery, Pulleys, Shading, Belting, Cin-uiar
Saws, tu, Ke.
Address, V. W. 31. K Ala k SON.
CvuBCULasD. Mn.
Can n?t Liw Freights. April 14 41
Tbat Acts at tic Same Tine on
and the KIDNEYS.
Thte ffreat organs are the natnral clean
ers of the sv stria. If they work well, hca.ili
will be perfect: tf they become cloctvd.
dreadiul diseases are sure to follow wtta
Dilieusaaas, HeaHaehe, Dyuaepsla, Jata
dios. Cons ti pal ioa and Pllea, r Kid
ney Complaiata, C ravel. Diabetes,
Sediment ia Um trine. Hilly
r Kopy I'riaa; or Kken
Biatie Pal as aad Acan,
! are developed because the blood is polv.n'.l
situ the hnmors that should have been
exposed naturally.
writ restore the healthy action and a: 1 1 V
Jttrov ing evils will V bantu---! ; nc.itt
Uiera and yoa will live bot to antler.
Thousands havebeeacored. Tryltandyon
w!ll add one mora to the number. Take it
aod health wlllonce more clad-h-a your heart.
Why sufT?r lonater from tit torment
Of anacfilng back?
Why boar auctt dlstreaa from Corf
inalAd mnA PllM f
Why ba ao fearful tweaua ofdla- I
oraerea urine t
Kro.-rr-WOHTwm enre ya.,j. fry
age at oace and be saiinirti:
: i.i rfo'n ftvbts emitrmmt arul
0nr!iaffaEsa!;esslx:B3rtsor3'!!cBe. j
Yxrr frrwirttHt hr.". or :ri:: 5. 1 il fur
tfy&f HiM e-ava ts& A'h'J
Jtinr 1. It CTTrtnliiri Lmlt ntota4 plU, 4vuvrt,
Btsoot Yv pstrrw, mrd fn.'l 'WTtpUoi, r1nt aad .PrxtlotM t r
pmiie vr--r f Vf-.LaMsj irvj FlrrvT 94x, tUti.
. InvloMtr.' iiU. A.UffMt
I. M. TZZS.X ft CO Detroit, Klclu
Tbe Truth la Mighty
and will prevail Thousands who have used and
been cured are living witnesses to the trn h of our
w III cukk the w.trni c-sol Liver Conipiaiut.
Biliousness, Headache arising therefrom. tlve
ness. Constipation. Diitinessaad all disorders re
suiting from a di eased liver. For sale by all
Druggists. Price 25 eenta.
K. E. SELLERS a CO., Prop'rs. Pittsburgh P
C ft BOYD, Agent Someriet, Pa-
Have been the ttnntari remedy for the rureol
Liver Camplalata, 4Mttvsia, vr
aad Aiavslek Hraatarksi. and all de.
rana-eawtts f the stomach aad liver lor ever ft
years. Kead this: "Setters' Liver Hilt cured '
me oi an atiaca oi Liver complaint of eight years
landing v m. Kv.ns, Joilet, Ilia. Price. M
eu.aboi. R. E. Sellers a :o., propr's.. Pitts
burg. Pa. Sold by all druggists.
Save Your Children.
For eaVeltmg omn from thesrstem. lkollr
"raallaB-e-hasnoequal in this or ny ether
eoeetry. "One teaNiofol given to a child oi Mr.
Bradbury's, expelled -i34 worms In four hours after
taking the muicine. Benj. Lvrie. Union Town
ship, Pa. Als "expelled 400 worms from my ehild
wo years old." VVm. Snrver, Sc. Louis, Mo.
Sold by druggists. Priced eta. K. E SELLEUS
kCO., Prop'rs, Pittsi-crgh, Pa. Scad tor clnaUrs.
Julys -
LqcgsT pins
Atttcnatki, in Icrge $uarJUUt.
Permanent eon'raets would be maile with reli.-i-ble
par les who ran furnish regtilarsnpplies. Ad-
draee W: A. LtVEKIX)
Men-hut Pt!pKtMt UK. ikii.i.
w noiFsaie Lnmtie r
Feb. Is
rev t w i . -o
I ' utot A&o OTICE
otice is her shy given to all persons not to fees
purposeof hsfclrig, hantlC7glhrbrkc-.
nufow ITS ) n, a tn im-.i. .
I Apr-i
1 n,
1 8 8 O !
The Herald
STAf. WAR T of STA L WA ltTS f
Tho Somerset Herald
If hare made ami ngt me i,Cj ly ickieh tXia
departnier.t trill not nly b EQUAL '
"iu the rjST!.