v lnsl few vi'iii s o meet the rowm-' io mauds t lioduets. unu reflect much ; o red it upon the capitalists and mr.ii-j per- clipped in their conduction, Jii audit ion to these, to facilitate commerce ly the building ot a shin-I innl firrtmiil Vino-urn V.lla rt ihn i .MDgara r .its on inc side, which lias been j nvvears v ill no doubt! United States u'ilnti'd for man v l onl'pil to xoni "ntt.Mii ion li,- ' M..n. Looliinir to the irntit future - . - . . . growtn oi uic eountrj ana me in creasing demands of commerce, it illicit lie well, while on this subject, not onlv to have examined and re ported upon the various practicable! routes for the connection of the Mis ffcbippt with the waters jf the Atlaa- :.. r.... :i.:ir... nlmm:) ontiniu.i.s land 1.x ked n.ivio.Uioii i ! lines as will insure theircontiu !. t ii ii.,. :ir..r M.-i-o. 1 ,",'- If cxwdiency of cxlcn.l- ..!. ',. , .., , ,. wt. wc.id.l i ! ,r. rival value aT .-.II linus, and of j dinners which hitherto have not re inestimable value case or a foreign I wived it, should be deemed worthy w:.r. Nature has provided themeat-! u, consideration of (!o..grcss. and cr l-ai t of Ihe route, and the obstacles ! H'l'cal and conunere.al objects make to I overcome are easily within the ! j1 advisable to bestoiv such aid on a skill of the engineer. Thave not al-1 nmlcr our flag between I anama . ! 1 .i-nr-ltpn Squill A mm-w.nii i,i...i .ti.;. ,.i,;f.,.i .;n. n. .r illttV Vt -VViHO ru- JV-lV Ull (IV II V ...... r ...n.,.- i r! 1 ! public money at this time than may . e r.eeessary to procure ami P ace all the nccesmy nfonnat.on before !i"a .. .... ..e.o., v..u..... , ble and rvorthy, to legislate on subject without delay. THE KAVV. The report of the Secretary of the Navy hercwilh accompanying, ex plains fully the condition of that branch of the pnblicservicc,its wants and deficiency, the expenses incurred during the prist year, and the appro priation for the same. 1 1 also gives a complete history of the services of the navy for the past year. In addi tion to its regular service, it is evi dent that unless early steps arc taken to preserve our navy that, in a few years, the United Slates will be the weakest nation upon" the occsn of nearly all the rrcat powers. With an energetic, progressive and business people HUe ours, penetrating ami i forming business relations witu every part of the known world, a navy strong enough to command the re spect of our Hag abroad, is necessary for the full protection of their rights. I recommend a careful consideration by Congress of the recommendations made by the Secretary of the Navy. THE rOST OFFIC E PEFABTMEXT The accompanying report of the I'ostmastcr General furnishes a full and satisfactory exhibit of the ope ration of the l'ostoflicc Department dining the year. The ordinaiy rev enues of the department for the fiscal year, ending .1 unc 30, 1 872, amounted to f21,!U5,42G 37,and the expendi tures to $2fi,C5S,H'2 31. Compared with the previous fiscal year, the in crease of revenue was $1,S7S,3S0 8.", or 937 per cent , and the increase of j expenditures $2.20S,0SS 23, or 929 ! u,ein Ulem l,y lue onsiiuiuoii oi uie per cent. Adding to the ordinary j UuilC(1 and to that end have revenues the annual appropriation of, committed deeds of blood and vio 70(t,000 for free matter, and the j ,L',,cc; but the prosecution and pun amounts paid to the subsidized mail i "i"cut or many of these persons steam bhip lines from siccial appro-j ,i:ive t1"1 greatly to the reprcs- pan the (iencral Treasury was $3,317,- fli r.n fvcfss .f .N9 '.! over .... f ,..,o l.n l..n,. ..nnv i.-. .1 i,nt i.rif'U" eueu iimoitieis. 1 ivj not the deficiency for the year ls"I. vor the full cnjoynient, by all class Other interesting statistical iiiforma- i cs of persons, of these rights, to t ion relating to our rapidly extend-! llicy alc entitled under the injr postal tervice is furnished in this constitution and laws, and I invoke report. The total length of railroad ! thc a:l aiul flece of all good cit mail routes on the 30 of June. 1872, 1 ,zt'us lo prevent organizations whose T .i: I 1 r 1 a. was 57.911 miles; S.077 additional m.il ,.f ....1, cnrvlm I, nvo.fr 1.n, ,. l.nl i into operation during tuc year Eight new lines of railway post j routes have lecn established with an ainrreiraic ienun 01 s.'.tuy nines. The r.uniber of letters exchanged in ; countries was the mails with foreign 24,8G2,300, an increase of 4,0oC,5S2.;c:u,J , l"osecuuons or inuictioii 01 or twenly xt cent, over the number j pnmshinent to protect citizens from in 171,"and the nosta-rc thereon ! tl,e less doings of such cotubina nmouiitcd to $l,S7i,25725. Tliet,0,,s- Applications have been made total weight cf the mails exchanged I to to pardon rsons convicted with Uuroi-eau countries exceeded j of a violatton or said acts, upon the 830 tons., Thc cost or the United i Sro,,nd ll,at clemency in such cases States Trans-Atlantic mail steamship W0l,kl leiul to tranquilize thc public, service was $220,301 70. Thc total ! a,ul to, sl the virtue or that policy, cost or the United States ocea.11 steam-! 1 am deposed, as far as my sense of ship service, including thc amounts .,;,! 1 cui.ui.ii7n.i !;. t s m n ;i I The following are the only ship lines now receiving subsidies for ,.!i .w ti-..-.,i nf Congress : Thc Pacific Mail Steam ship Company receives $500,000 per annum for conveying a monthly mail ltetv.een San Francisco, Japan and China. It wul be increased to one million per annum for a sem-monlhlv V? execute me i-.uiorcemeni acu mailon and after October 1, 1873 l No 11C ca desi,c ,nore tI,a Ji ll,at The United States and Brazil Mail j Uic necessity of applying it may ncv Steamship Company receive $150,000 icr aoai demanded. icr annum for conveying a monthly department ok the jnteimou the mail between New York and Rio Ja r.crio, Rrazil; and the California, Or- ocrf fiYiA cxcn Stpftinsliin Comna- nv rprr ivo ST.VOOii ner minimi for ' - - - " convovin a monthly mail between i progress on each of the several Ru- j total number or claims on hand at the San Francisco and Honolulu 11a- j 'cans under thc control or thc Into- beginning or the year was 91, C89; the vaiian Islands making thc total ! llOT Department.- TI1C3- are all inex- number received during the year was amount or mail frtcMiiship subsidies c lient condition. The work in ina- IG,5T4 ; the number disposed of was at present is $725,000 per annum. .v ,f l!lC!il for S0I,1 J'care I,as ,i0CI1 9,978; making a net gain of 12.C04. Our postal communications with 1 thought down to a recent dale, and i On the 30th or June, 1S72, there were all parts or the civilized world have j"n a' 1,10 currcut business has been '011 the rolls thc names ort5, 405 inva beeit placed upon a most advantag-! promptly dispatched. lid military pensioners, 3.51S wid- ecus footing by the improved postal! The policy which was adopted at sows, orphans, and dependent rela conventious. and arrangements lc-' the beginning of this administration ' lives, making an aggregate or 208,- tenth eonchMcd v.UU the leading 1 . . e 1 ' 1 coin itieit 1:11 ftmiiii ivs vi i.uiojn: aim A in erica and the "ratirvir."- slate-1 mct.t is made that with the coi.cln-; sion of a satisfactory convention with France, the details of which lave len tb-finilely .-.greed to by Ihe head white settlements, tended to give the j received, since thc passage of thc act of the French postal department, sub- largest opportunity for the extension j to provide jtcasions foAhe war or ject to the n nn-oval or the Ministers great railroads through the j 1812, 3,C55 applications prior to .r rinm .. -. rpinniiisin I ,f -.ecmi. I public domain, and the . pushing of! June 30. 1872. Of these there were plished b .:er.ty for some time to wuiemeius into me more remote tits comcwitU respect either to rcduc-i tl lct!5 t,ftl'c country, and at the same tion .f rates or imi-rovitl facilities of; l'lile nvV the condition of the In postal intercourse. Your favorable j ihus: , 1 he lT le maintain enuiAitien u rrcvu ifiille i.iviir! c without any chiti.gc exeeiitiuj to the recommendation made by the Postmaster General Aj- an increase or the service from monthly to semi- i monthly trips on thc mail steamship ! Irsutc to Brazil ; for a subsidy in aid 1 or thc establishment ornn Anieriean ! '""tans, anu creeling uiercon a ter w nf .-mi! !fin.rs l-'twecn San i ri tonal form of governmont, is one Francisco. New Zealand and A us-1 trnlin- fr tl. .fbIislllllMlt of n i Postolbce Savings Hank, and fur the ' increase or the salaries r thc heads of bureaus. I have lioiclofoic iccoiiuiieiHlt'! the alolilion -f the frankir.g privilege, and see no reason now for changing 1113-views on that sul ject; it not hav ing been favorably rcgartleil hv Con- , - , gress, none -r no i?gebi mxi-; 1 .canon 01 u.ai p. uege, 10 correct ; its glaring and costly abuses. rnorosED ixcoitroitATiox of the tei . rcn.'.rii sysmM with the i-ost- orFK'F. IiEl-AUTMENT. I would rcconiinend, also, the ap pointment of a committee or com mission, to trtke into consideration lhe!st metbo'l equitable to private; corporations, who have invested their I time and capita! in the establishment j of telegraph lines, of acquiring the: title lo all telegraph lines now in 01 Tauon,aiiaoicoiiuectiii2 tliis f-ervioc wiui lueposiat service ol tlie nation. tu oc as riu aeconiniot latcd as up It is not probable tliat this fciiljcct ! o unoccupied laiuls within Indian could receive the proper considers-j territory. A territorial government tion during thc limits of a short ses-j should, however, protect thc Indians ion of Congress, but it way le ini-l from the inroad of whites for A terra tiatcd, ko that future action may be fur to the Government ami to jri- v.ite parties concerned. the pacific cAmmsti t:: ape. There -re but three li ies f ocean stenmwrs. uamclr: The Tacifio Mail "uwiO n....-.j . .... . Steamship Company, iwtireon San Franei sco, (Minis and Japan, with provisions made for semi-monthly ! service nIV. r October 1st, 1873; the it,, it K ititc mm lirnril lint n.r-,..tl. United Slates and Urazil line, month Iy, and tlic California, New Zealand and Australian line, monthly, plyii.g lietwccn the United States aiid foi tijru ioilh, ami owned and operated under our fla" I earnestly recom- . J mend that such liberal contracts for I carrying the mails Ikj authorized with inZ H'O aid of government to lines of ami me western 1 (j'WU L LI . a..,.. ....... means, much trade ports. that is now diverted to oilier coun- the " J c? ihU country and f Vhereportofthe roi..., f , , Tieus'.n v will show , i ... : r 1 1 : . " T an alarming lalliug oil in our carry ing trade for the last ten or twelve years, and even for the past year. I do not believe that the public treas ure can be better expended in the in terest of the whole people than in trying to recover this trade. An ex penditure of $5,000,000 per annum for the next five j ears, if it would re store to us our proportion of the car rying trade of the world, would be profitably expended. The price of labor iu Euroie has so much enhanc ed within the last few years, that the cost of building and operating ocean i steamers in the United States is not so much greater than in Kurope, that 1 believe the time has arrived for ('onrcsc to take this subject into consijcr3liou THE DEPARTMENT OF JL'STICE. Detailed statements of the disburse nicnts through the Department of Justice will be furnished by the re port of the Attorney General. Though these have been somewhat increased by the recent acts of Con gress to enforce tlie rights of citizens of the United States to vote in the several . States of the Union and to enforce the provisions of the Fourteenth amendment to the con stitution of the United States and the amendments thereto, I cannot question the necessity and salutary eil'ect of these enactments. Reckless and lawless men, I regret to say, have associated themselves together in some localities to deprive other citizens oi me rigins guarantee i. to doubt that a great majority of the people in all parts oi tlie country la ".!" arc uy uuiawiui means to iu ICHOre Willi tllCSC 1 lJllltS I look with confidence to a time, not far distant, when the obvious advantages of good order and peace, with evidences of abandonment of all combinations promoiicu 03 -inc acts reicrreu to, !!UU' w'10n it will lie unnecessary to justice win rnm, u give io u.ese applications a favorable considera- 15 ut set ion thereon is not to Kivani-il'cco,isl,uwlasi,u,icatinSaychauge j 1,1 ,n3' determination to enforce, with '. rigor, such acts, so lo.ig as the con- spiracics and combination- therein named disturb the jieacc of the conn trj It is much to be regretted, and is regretted by 110 one more than nij--scir, that a necessity has ever existed 1XDIANS. The Secretary of tlc Interior re- . . . Vons satisiaetory improvement ana ' ,u ,.,a,i,utut V1,alun umuuu . m uie same j I hi I iKii.111 Ims l,,f'ii fi siirvfifcttrii! na , t nni t!iitA trAm nn t tin r.tta t in nmna ' - ' ' 'ts ,(l0 ardent friends anticipated Wl ll" s0 short a lime. It has ;rJ the expense of their management, 'decreased their forages upon the an'on? B"ch .fl8 rtlicr cxicrienceing the last fiscal year was 33,833. n,aV ie necessary to rentier i ... . ..... . 11 ",oa "ucieni. i tic snujeci oi con-. verting the .o-ca:ied Indian territory 80UVl r Kaufeas n,to a ll0l,,e tor tl,e i of i'lortanee. U'eilt of the CXIStlllg As a comple-j Indian policy, ll'e . lt" ot removal to that Armory has, within thc past year, i preieuwHi 10 many ol tlie tribes !lTC ,1llf lllwil. S.t1..i l..a ,l...iti.Ml.1 f ; portions of thc public domain aiul i has generally been received by them : with favor. As a pre!iminarv step j to the organization of btteh a ten 1 11 will 1 if 1 1 o o ft 1 s i.iir,.n with j II) It Mill lllVVill 11 VVIIIVI t,.e jmli:1U8 rew.4,CI nt thereon as to! i. which should be - , ... 1 lee simple, the fol ,ns of r seeured to them in a i. 1 r . . . . itsiuuc vu ue iim:u mr tuc ReiLieiueiik i luiuiiifutis uiai a lenses oc iukcii in , f;K-eeSSors, ami I hojK! the CXperi of other friendly Indians. KtTorts i 1875, which recommendation should I .q t,f the past vear, together wilh will be made iij tlie immediate future- receive the early attention of Con- j appropriate legislation by Congress to induce the removal of as m:.!,y j gress. 'fhe interval nt present estab j ,nav reach a satisfactory solution of peaceably disposed Indians to the j lished between the federal censuses is j thc quctttioii, and secure to Ihe pub- umau iei niory, as can Dc sell leu properly without disturbance to the harmony of those already there. i There is no other localion iiow aval!- i able, -where a people, who are en-' dcavoring to acquire a kiiowled of ! pasioi .11 ami agricultural pursuits. ; of years, until they become siillk - ient - y advanced in the arts and civiliza tion to guard their own rights, and from the disposal of the lands held lj' them for the same period. THE PUBLIC LANHS. Duping the last fiscal year there were disposed of the public lands II,- 804,175 acres, n quantity greater oy'tme in the current history of the 1,099,270 acres thau was disposed ot j country, and it is no doubt true that the previous year. Of this amount j ,i,jg j8 ,jue j,, ft (Treat, measure to the 1,370,320 acres were sold lor cash ; j efforts of the I'urcati of Education. 339,400 acres, located witli military j Tinl, 0fljcc i3 coutinually receiving warrants, 4,071,332 acres were taken j evidence which ubiimbuitly proves for homesteads ; (.93,013 acres ''''-' its clliciency from the various insti-lK-atcd with college scrip; 3,534,SS7 j i,ii01,3 ,,f 0arning and educators acres were granted to wagon roads; i tlirougliout the country. The report 714,2a5 acres were given to Stales as of t,10 (7orumiS8i0ner contains a vast swamp lantl; ;,.. acres were locai ed by Indian scrip. Tiie cash re- ceii.ls from alt noiirees in me i.ami i Ollice aiiiounb-1 to ?3,t.lS,tM; lur- j winci-auiounw-.. r..,-. , ....... ig the same i-ciiod 22,01 C.OS acres ofttie i.ubbe. lands were Mirveyed,! which, added to the muiutitv Ik-fore surveyed, amounts to 583,301,780 acres, leaving l,2o7, 033,028 or the public lands still unsurvcyed. The rejiorts from the subordinates of the Land Office contain Interesting in formation in regard to th.-ir respec tive districts. They uniformity men tion the fi uitfiilness of the soil dur ing thc past season, and the increas ed yield of all kinds of produce, even in those Stales and Territories where mining is the principal business. Agricultural products have exceed ed the local demand, and liberal shipments have lieen made to distant points. tatext.s. There were issued from thc Patent Ofliee, during the year ending Sep tember 30, 1871, 13,C2C patents, 233 extensions, and 550 certificates and registers of trade marks. During the same length of time 18,587 ap plications for patents, including re issues and designs, have been receiv ed and 3,100 caveats filed. Thc fees received during the same period amounted to $700,951 80, and thc total expenditures to $023,553 90, making the net receipts over the ex penditures $77,400-90. Since 1830, 200,000 applications for patents have been filed, and about 130,000 patents issued. The office is being conduct ed under the same laws and general organization as were adopted at its inauguration, when only from 100 to 500 applications were made ier annum. The 'Commissioner shows that the office has outgrown thc orig inal plan, and that a new organiza tion has become necessaiy. This subject was presented to Congress in a special communication in February la.-t, with my approval and thc ap proval of the Secretary or the Interi or; and the suggestions contained in said communication were embrac ed in the bill that was reported to the House by the Committees oil Pat ents at the last session. The subject or the reorganization or the Patent office as contemplated by the bill rc fcrrcd to. is one of such importance to thc industrial interests of the coun try that I commend it to the atten tion of Congress. The Commission er also treats ih subject of thc sev aration of the Patent ollice from the Department of the Interior. This subject is also embraced in thc bill heretofore referred to. The Com missioner complains of the want of room for the model gallery and for the working force and necessary files of the offices. It is hniKissiblc to transact thc business of tbc office properly without more room in which to arrange files and drawing that must be consulted hourly in the transaction of business. The whole of the Patent Office buildings, will soon be needed, if it i not already, for the accommodation or the busi ness or thc Patent Ollice. pensions. Thc amount paid for pensions iu the last fiscal year was $30,109,340, an amount larger bj- $3,708,434 than was paid during the preceding year. Of this amount, $2,313,409 was 'paid under the act of Congress of Febru ary 17, 1871, to survivors of the war of 1812. The annual increase of pen sions by the legislation of Congress has more than kept pace with the na tural yearly losses from the rolls. Thc act of Congress of June 8, 1872, has added an entimated amount of $750 per annum to thc rolls without increasing the number or pensioners. We cannot, therefore, look for any substantial decrease in the expendi tures of this necessary department for some time to come, or so long as Congress continues to so change thc rale of pcusons. The whole number of soldiers enlisted in the war of the rebellion was 2,088,523. The total number of claius for invalid pensions is 170,000, being C per cent, of thc whole number or cnliiAcd uen. The! v.. ...... 1,449 navy lensioncrs and 1,730 wid- reduc-jows,orphaiisand dependent relatives, j making thc whole numlier of naval j lnmsioners 3,179. There have been allowcd during thc last , fiscal year 40.1 20 claims: 4,345 were rejected during the year, leaving 1 1,580 claims pending at that date. The number of (tensions or all classes granted dur During that period there were droi - ... ---i ,,eil from the rolls, for various causes ;u)4 names, leaving a grand total or 232.229 iensioners on the rolls on thc 30th of June, 1872. It is thought that the claims for pensions on ac- count of the war or 1812 will all be ,1 r I... !. l r r io. I (lisposeu of ii tlie 1st of Alavt 13i3. It outmiat.vl lif 1fl KO'Onri .. III "-".-,--;","o i.i be rcqiured for the ixuision tlnring thc noxt Sscal cir. BCrVU'C vivTnwvirj - ........ v......o. , I UC Ullilll CeilSUS 13 ailOUt COllipIe- , ... teil. Its early completion m a stil- tto-jjeet of congratulation, inasmuch as!8eCurethe trreutest issiblv reform ! the use to be made of thc statiitics ! iherein contained dqwuda very great- j lv on the promptitude of publication. : . r .t t 1 , ll.e secretary 01 tlie Interior re-i 1 ..!... ..!. 1 ' so long mat me luiormatioii obtawi- cd at thc desired period as to the ma terial condition of the resources of thc nation is of little practical value a!ter thc expiration of the first half; of that period. It would probably i obviate tlic constitutional provision ' regarding thc decennial census, if a , " -census in 1S75 bliould be divested of A man in Texas went into a black-1 all Dolitii'fll -linrftrt.pi- nml lift re.fiii- liortionuieuVs of Congressional reprc! sentation lie made under it. - Sucli a 1 census, coining as it would in ih Isat vo.nr nf Hie first cpntiirv of our na tional existence, would furnish a no ble precedent f the progress of the United States during that century. EDUCATION. The rapidly increasing interest in .education is a most cucourajriuir fea- aiiKMint of educational details of - , i ,1.1 .- I !,1 .......I I reai inieiCM. I uu inn iiov. .-ii ,., u-foro Con-'ress orovidiiiL' for ,, , ;:,tioii of the net i.ro.ceds r,.,ji,n:,tioii oi tlie f ,(, MlKs (f ,. ,...,ioll:.l . ,, ,ses, to ai . ...... t.. t laiuls lor cuil- lid tlie Slates in the general education or their ris ing generation, is a measure of such great importance to our real progress and is so unanimously approved by the leading friends of education, that I commend it to the favorable atten tion or Congress. the teuuitoiues. Thc alfairs iu the territories are generally satisractory. Thc energy and business capacit' or the pioneers who arc settling up the vast domains not j'et incorporated into States are keeping 'pace in the internal improve ment and civil government with the older communities. In but one or them, Utah, is the condition of af fairs unsatisfactory, except so Tar as the quiet or the citizens may be dis turbed by real or imaginary danger or Indian hostilities. It has seemed to be the policy of the Legislature or Utah to evade all responsibility to the government or the United States and even to hold a position in hos tility lo it. I recommend a caitTuI revision or the present laws or thc territory I13' Congress and tlw enact ment of such a law as the one pro posed in Congress at thc last ses sion, for instance, or something simi lar to it, as will secure peace, the. equality rail citizens before the law, and the cxtinguishinciilof pobygamv. Since the establishment or a terri torial government for the District or Columbia, the improvement or thc city or Washington and surround ings, and thc increased prospert' of the citizens, is observable to the most casual visitor. The nation being a large owner of property in this tit)-, should bear with the citizens of the district a just share of these improve ments. "I recommend, therefore, an appropriation to reimburse thc citi zens for the work done oy Ihein along and in front of the public grounds during the past year, and a liberal appropriation in order that the im provement and embellishment of the public buildings and grounds may keep pace with the improvements made by the territorial authorities. AOttlClI.Tl'UK. The rcjiort of the Commissioner of Agriculture gives a very full and in teresting accountorthc several divis ions or that department the Horti cultural, Agricultural, Statistical, Kt omologieal nud Chemical and tlie licnefits conrerrcd by each upon the agricultural interests or thc country. The whole report is a complete his tory in detail .f the workings or thc 1 'department in all its branches, show ing thc manner in which the tanner,' merchant .and miner is informed and the extent to which he is aided iu his pursuits. The Commissioner makes one recomniendatiou, that measures be taken by Congress to protect and induce thc planting of forests, and suggests that no part of thc public lands should le disposed of without the condition that one-tenth of it be reserved in timber, where it exists, and where it does not esist induce ments f-houhl lie ofiered for planting it THE NATIONAL CENTENNIAL Iii accordance with the terms or the act or Congress approved March 3, 1871, providing for the celebration of the hundred anniversary or Ameri can Independence, a commission has been organized, consisting or two members from each or the Slates and territories. This commission has held two sessions and has made sat isractory progress in the initiatory steps necessary for carrying out the provisions tr the act, and for execu ting also the provisions of the act of June 1, 1872, crtating a Centen-. nial Roard or Finance. A j)erlimin ary report or progress has been re ceived from the President or the commission, and Is herewith trans mitted. It will be the duty or the commission, at vour coming session, to transmit a frill report or thc pro gress made, and lay before you tie tails relating to the exhibition of American and foreign artists' pro ducts and manufactures which by thc terms of the act, is to be held under the auspices of the government of thc United States in the city of Phila- in t!m vf.ni- t,t 1S7H TIlU ..v..r..... ... ...... . , celebration will le looked forward to ! by American citizens with great in-! tc. . ftg nark; ugacent of grc:lt ' . . . cr progress anil prosperity tlian is recorded in the history of any other nation, and in serving a further good purpose in bringing together on our soil iteople of all tlie commercial na tions of thc world in a manner caleu-1 latcd to insure international good feeling. COXCLUTION. All earnest desire has bceir- felt to correct abuses which have grown up iu the civil service of the country through thc defective method or mak ing appointments to ofliee. Hereto fore federal o'liccs have been lcgard ded too much as thc reward of politi cal services. Under authority or Congress rules have Wen established to regulate the tenure or ofliccs, and the mode or appointments. It can not be expected that any SVSteill or; i . .r i rules can be entirely eiieclive and i ,..r....f ...1.. f.. tl. PI.I.B. mini ivumy v.iv ea.- illg CVil I lllltil theV have llCOll tllOl-- j ,..1. . . . ioiighly tnetl by actual urac-tice, and ainemleil accoi-iling to the rennire-! , t t.i.r, ,ii in.., ur.r Tear., ani winru itnuiuTi mime 1 llients Ol tllO Service. 1 'tiring invi"! therill,wlnuell'.;ctA,a enilwin. blut.-li.il. ,le- tnm ftf fillW-o it kIimII Jio niv aruicl ! ------ .. vn-v nndeavOr to o mmlv Hip ru1. t i.ii in the civil service of the ,.,, vlt it will require the "aid orlE"AyiEii Con rress to aAurc the enfoiei-iiioiiL I ca'9 ;.ln lhi!,ll',1 r,"vil',,',c r ,wu tml viiii0ii9 iu auii. uic lh .01 CCIUC 11 1 J o matter Ih.w .iliiiralt or hmitstan.lina vonr 0f tiie svstom and fixiiiT it iiimjh mr : mahe. ir rumi.K after a iwrwinai examhui. - ... e . iK. m-nicc for all time a practical method of obtaining faithful nud elli- cieut oiliccrs and employees, ' .r " L . .S. (KA VI Executive Mansion. ) DeccmlKjr 2, 1872.) cmitli ut i nt tt'iflk liiiA nin( nrvf l-i-tt full ' of powder, ,o otlt ihro tbc roof. Mhcellftiirov. rjMIH SOMERSET FIRE KKSTIiOVllP .MANY ov 3IorgauM IBJau'ketf. Tlse owner t hereof fininl I rwmmlHT wli-n they iiurcliiuw n mf iipiiv I hut Mol.OAN'S 1 . 1. A N K K'l'S u n t !: iu 1 he market. lie hn nl.o very l.irw M.irttiK'iit J fLASXF.LS, SATIS ETS, r.tssi.Mt:isi:s, STWKISG YAhS, r.lK'r..f, rilHULIPK, III h.,rl. nny kiuU .,r U'IMiLKN OOODS Hint may tc w:imctl. Prl.v 1iv ariil ail jik!. vaiTaritni l lie unite In thc Ix'.'l ni:iiiii: r an I ir.ini jHirc r:, L. Kxnmliio hi tcr '!.! him'. In'..iv .iiivli:iyin;; J-niir W'iii- A.l.lri jk WM. S. .MOIM.W, MtaktojT Mii.i.1. I'. I'ia-c i.f I.iu-Iii.-fi I mile west.) Si pt. IK, 7J Cook & Beerits' FAMILY GROCERY, Flour and Feed STORE. We wnul.l miuit reniiertfnliy ami'Hiitre iu ior frii n.lo itli.l the ul!i; uciier.illv, in the town unl vicinity of SiniUTset, that u lnic o-khciI out in our New Store 011 MAIX CROSS STREET, Ami in u.l.litl.'ii to o full line of the bcrt C'oMfceUoiicries, XoUoiim,, TobaccoH, Cigar, !., We will eiulcavor, ut nil time, to mipply our cus tomer with the R E S T 11 V A L I TV O F FAMILY FLOUR, COHX-MEAL, OATS' SlllJLLKD CO UK, OA TS i fJOKX CHOP, ' lilt AN, MIDDLINGS, An I everything pi-rtnluini; to the Feci Ik-part mi nt, nt the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. rot: CASH ONLY. Al.i, a well (elected utock of Glassware; Stoneware. Winxlinware, Ilru.l;e of nl kill.1.1, and STVTIOISKTIY Vlii:h we will neil an ehe ip .1 tlie elie.iH.,Kt. lhHrt eall, examine our :;tNltfc.r nil Lin.!.', and 1 Kiti.-Ueil Iroin your own judgment. IKm't forgot where we stay On M A IV M;oss Street, S imerwt, l'n. (-t.2,lM;i rpiIE REST PUMP IIN3 THE WORLD! THE AM KRIl' AX Sl'HMEKQKll riouhle-Aetlnir, Xon-Freczitti; FOKCE PUJIF! The Simplest. Must Powerful. Kfleetlve, Iura Me, lieliable aud t'heuiieat 1'uuip iu ue. It in ma le all of Iron, and of a few simple p.irt?. It will not Frtrze. an no water rvuuihui in the pil when not in action. It haj. nc leather or im packing, the packer and valve are all oi iron. It seldom, if ever. reU out of order. It will (ore water from 40 to 00 feet in the air. hy attaching a tew feet of hone. It in irood forwahinir Iluxslc. Window, water ing (lar.len.s lie. It furnisher tlie purest ami noldent water, because 1) U placed in the iKKtom of the well. TtM: y. inch Tump, 15; pipe, V. Jl foot. 1 " ' 18; die. " Lnrircr sized In proportion. WEYAXn fc PL ATT, Sole Airenla fur Somerset t)ounty. Somerset, Pa May 1st, li A, H, FRANCISCUS & CO I 513 MARKET STKEET, PHILADELPHIA, We hive opened for thc FALL. TRADE, the lar gest and lest assorted Stock of Philadelphia Carpets, Tatde, Stair and Floor Oil Cloths, W indow Shades and Paper, Carpet Chain, ' Cotton Yarn, Hatting, Wadding. Twiues, Wicks, (-locks, Looking (Hashes, Fancy Ilaskets, Iirooms, Ilaskets, Iluekets, Ilrushcs, Clothe Wringers, Wooden and Willow Ware, IX THE l-XITBD 8TATK8, ur large Increase in business enables as to sell at low prices, and furnish the lies t qualitvof (luods. SOLE AOEXTS FOlt TIIE Celebrated American Washer. PRICE, ti'J). The most Perfect and Swieewful Washer ever made. AUEXTS WANTEI1 FUU THE AMKKH'AN WASIIEli, in ail parts of the State Sept. 2j. (JAUPETIXG. Heiiry McCallum, HI Fifth A re n uc, PITTSBURGH, PA. (LtTF. Ml tT.M.I.rM liRlW.) I keep on hands thc largest assort ment to be found in any city, of CARPETS, A I.I. (1KAPKS Oil Cloths, 3fiittings, &c. The smallest' orders tended to. promptly at- Carpets, Ae., at W holesale nil the most y Reasoiiable Terms. IIEXRY Mt-CALLUM.- Sept. Speedily Cured. AU ri,rm of .Venereal. Frlvatc aivl Nervous dls- c:s, ni me 111.1 ca.iiiniiinni .nrnr.i .iicoicni jnstl- tute. No. m seoni-i avenue, between siuiihiieid and Grant streets. IMUslmndi. Fa. SviAill. Wirrh. OWt. Strietur: fhrhllls. Hi-mia. nl all I'rinary i!i-noi! are .-urwl in the Phorteftt iMHtjcilile time that will insure tiermuncnt r,.i..f. t!,wrinat.iriT, r seminal wt!akne ,,l i'itcy. the reran f K-ir ahunetayutu r """T - """". nerviiumttw. ilimniKS uf ili iAiinvi lll.llir.ii: 1. .n t, ..I ..t ilMly,liiniV . ... iui. .r n.-a.arer,ntoHi.-tv. i.of m-'morr tarf11 -1!.!., ! sanity an'.) ciiiniiiiiiiiiliin. are thdninirlilr and ner- tlon. tli.-y will Ir.inklv tt llyr.a. Ki-memlwrthey have eurc.l many caw:f iven op lT other iiliyni- cian. ; I'ati'jnN trc:itnM,v mall or ex?reiK, Imt where ( powlhle it i Ik-k! to visit the city for permqial con. ullatiuii; oraililreiw Girard Mqdica! Institute, No. 172 Second Avenue, i PITTSBUEGH, PA. : Out. 25 DIAMOND 8t RUBY FURNACES. fillfk, wakuen km.ssoAVaiiTsr., x. Y MUcrilunrou. iADWAY'S BEADY RELIEF I I KES TIIE WOBST FAI.NS I i rrom Ono to" Twenty Minutca. NOT ONE HOUR nfUT iraitiu this mtver t inemrnt lrU any M SCKKKIl WITH JtAlN. EADWAVS UEAOY KELIKV1S A CCBK FOB EVEUY PAW. It was the fint and is TIio Only I'uln llemedy tliat liuiiuitir stop me no rtcnKlatinc paint, lUr I;.ns.iiiialloics and cum CovrrMoni, wlMttaer of the Luiiis, KionaL-h, UowcKorvtlKrilaDdiorurfaiu, Le I'i6 aiit'liruti'Vi. IN Klio l O.VH TO TWIFTT urauTEs. JCn niatter iv violent nr eierucfeitln- th pain tin I.MKrMATI't. ll.-J-riil.lcii, liiBrai, Crlpplnl, Nr v..n, Ne'iralrfie. cr prudraUd wllh dueasu niayMiirer, nADVVAY'S READY RELIEF V. II I. AFKORD IN ST A TIT KASK. A IVKUlMMATHlS OK TI1K KII'NEVS. l.H.AIM.TION O? TUB HI.ACDEli. l--I-JJl.Vfl'N- Of TtIK HOWKI.S. 1 VoMlKSTIilN F THE I.TTNOS. SOKS TIlttOAT, 1HKKIOI LT BKEATMINO D I-aY.I'ITATION OF TIIE lltAUT. IlKADAf'lin, TTnA.-MK. RUErjUATlSU. COM) CIIII.I.S. AOUK t-IIIUA The sppliciiion of the K enrfy Keller to tlie part er parts whre I l.o pain wr llulkully cauU will afloiU ea ami emnfi.rt. Twenty itniui in Inlfa tnmMer nf water will In a f w nvininiU enn. :ltAVl-S. SPASMS. HOI K si-oi.M il. llKAin iirttv Kir k iieaIa;;iik. IHMtlUIKA, 1VKNTEI!V. COLIC. WINO IX nil S ' ImVwkLs. ail all INTERNAL rAINS . Travelen sli.iiil'l always earry a bullle of Ro4 wav'a Iteaily llelief with tfiera. A few ami In . i.r ill Kivent siekiMsa or mlaa from chanxa of w-ii.t. It u lie tr tuaa breach lliaady or li.tu.rj as "mH AND ACCK. Tf FEVEIl AM Aiil'E curril for tiny cunts. There Is nut a renmlial acriit In this world tttat wl 1 euro Kcvrr ami Amie, and all other Malarioua. Hllloun, SrarU t. Tt'Phuid, Yellow, and other Koveni faldcd tT RA1HVAY H l'll.LS) to quick a KAOWAVS lit A I Y KELltK. fifty eouu per bottle. Bold by HEALTH! BEHUHM STRONO AND rritR Klflf HT.OOD-IN." CliAXR OK FLESH AND WEIOIIT-J-I.EAIl SKIN' ANI HKALT1KLL COMPLEXION bUr CL'ilEU TO ALL. DR. ?t AD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT M IKT1IEMST ASToMSHINGrrKES! S li' ifK. S l..lll AKK TIIK 4H ANGErl TI!r?1Ml IMKKiOKS tMKK TIIK IN H.l'KNt'K VP TII1.H TKL'LY WOXDEUKCL MKUU'INE, Til AT Every Day an Increase In F!esh and Weight is Seen and Felt. THS GREAT BLOOD PUKIFIEH. lrrr ilmp f t!o BAICSAPAUILUAN KK P EST wmmnnUsAie thruiirh tlie .tluntl, Swent, Imiuv. MIkt tfuttU kihI Juk.fi of the vatom tha vitf.tr liff, f.r it n-palr n wnof ihe ImhIjt with tt-w anl iiiid hiatcri:!. ,ScrruL, friyjdiUi-. tW mtmptlim, (i:tmltil:ir (Unease, I'lcrrn In lh Throat, Mnufb, 'I'MTiiurrt, NwIm Iu inv. Uliit!n and other lwita of ihf .VHt iut K'iro Evi', r-truiitwu I -Ivliarjf fruiti tli aiul tli wurt f.-nii of IMn di-ase, KnriilMi Kvir -.nn, ScaM lliwl, ICnx V.'ni, Kilt lwiif im. KrvslpHan, Acnr, liUwk 8iHtin, Worop in tit Kl.nli, Tumr, airi-M hi W'nil, Wul nil wc.ikfi.tiM p"'-ft diwl.arr' Nlbt P'i-st., of K-rm, aiift A watfv ofth Itlo princ1tU-, ur ttU'iiit tli cuntivd r.tiite ti.U wonlcr uf 'SUA em 4'iiPtiMtrT. al a fw UMt will prove to ativ jM'rii u-Ins U f ir eltlicr uf these form of didcas Ua tx'lfitt puwt-r t e'lrt' ihftti. .t only ilot Hie A!iArAitiM.iA3f ItrnctTiXP t-v.'l :iltbOMn nMtioii:tl a:-nt!i in tl; i-itrcof t.Urfimr, S.r"fnUM4, foTi-titutioiial. ami t'.m iliM.:wta; bul It, U Ik: ir.ily joliivo c.iru for Klilui-y &: Bladder Complaint, 'nu.-u-', ami W-'f'Mi ilin-aM-, liravrL, Ji;iti-tt, prfJMV. STottpSJ 'f W:ittT, IhCiwitlm-lK'e cf t'rilii, I'.riylit Oi.t-e. Atti'Mjiiiniria, ai.il in ull ca whem tln-i1 arx tirickd-iwt (t-j.'iK r tl vut r Is thick, cli'iulv, hiiet witli n tint anew the while f an cgf, or tiin-aU liwe wfaito mile, or tiuru ba morbiil, ilrk, hI!ioiM 3p;. ura:iw, a:.l liilc lxmi-'Iut lc nrnl wh'M llit-re w a j-Hikin;'. Imminsr miki tii:i w1m-i i':t--i v.trr. atid J -i':i In lite baiail of t:i r.f.-k vi-l aJ-th Low. rri-jL, ti.&x WOT? :1 3 T1?oitTv tiiOTrii 5!n! sure jr t.tt tl i -i m T.i j?-, ft. j TitHior or 1-2 ri' Ciroxvtli" Cured If Ilad'.vuy'rw KcmoIviii:. ;-rKt.v. M-., Jitlr Is Ptt. RlwiT : I lure vri.a 1m.i4-r 1m tUt evsrti't h1 lNei'. All 1 . 1 I r t .i.l " tl.. rr i u-j tt ltft.r It.' I Irtct v.-rT lliin tl.t w i' PHuiimnwl. it : tit 'rii;15 bei4 m. Imw .jr It-- riil lU..irM I -iUlry U; but iiul til f..lt t.t I. I l.r-1 Mt:lrfd f.-r l-U Trtn, u Wi:jf i:f I. w ( IMIs ! - - -( J"1" i'"Iv 1:-!: ! in.- ta n-A tiri ttm- it I n-.-i -t frit. iuJ I ( l t- tir. .tM.inrr, lj-i--r lliin I t-t liv ynr . Tim wnrl InttKir w.im v.t t's Uil ! -f 't vi.r tS- ft-im. I wr'lt llii t' tU f'f ! I'it-fit rl ofSi-rw Yjvaa Htii.Ii A ,t .u rii.-;.. JIA.NNAU KNAl'i'. 'DH. K ADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, port-ctly tjxt fiti- ci!il wii wrt run. Mir:'-, r-.-'il .to, i.rlt', ft-aii-, an: tmjrt h h. LtUav' Pi IK tit I'ii Cir of all i!iwwtr -t M..tuwU. Livtr. Ii ...is Kuln.-)-, WaiU-r. Ni-rvotn I)i-.M.-. li.'itl.wi.', 1'iiiMipatirm, I'iMIvmkii, ltitiitfc-.!i..B. iivHH- liiili'ii-m-m. Piltoui Fi-wr, luiia.:cif.:-M:i ti i.e.? (; .'..; ui:i nil ITauirL' jwir-t -f th. I '-. i.'t Vijf-tT.i. VrRtnTr! toetK-t-t a lt:iiVL-rir . l i:--lv Vv-ii-t;.! 1.-, couiaii.h.jf uu our carv, ;iiitrr '-,t .....(. ut iln v. ; 2- ivn-' ti- t-.'iti-ft'iitff n nif tnnu ti!ilrjc frt.:n ijw.r.l--iif ( ihe Il-li Oriut CxMlii vim, liwcl 1 il.-, lu.Ir f tka V.e-A n tW llr.1, A.-I-U. f I t- S-.t.!it I.r;tm, rWm-i ( K-tl, K - c'it tl-" St'-Mh. ' t's-- tr-tt. .""n!.!- -ir itl'irf'n .- l! Itl l M..w-B.iim-inms f IV II . t. 1 1 trt- I t". ' ! .:r nil ItnuthlNsr, It litiur-lit- tlw ll-trt, fit fcn-i t-r ':H--tUm- itutl-M h- In a Lri-ia l'.Hv. 1 ' VLnu. I t ft W U Ut.r ttt '?.'i, td.t S.t.l il l't'i " Hl. Ilirlrtl4'jf rf JVr ,-:.:. V-H--War . tW Kliwld hxf. !'. i Vui St-lr. 4 n.t, I.o. : -t.A n Fi-bt U iU I, UuxuiitJ in Um l a. A ft- i K ZVX TH I'il.I.S triil frc t.t PVtnti 0"iiir.(i 1 l.t-.-t.ai'tii ti irfiU-f, l"i.c,i5 t-'Ht.iN-r -. 11 i-V ni;rc;iiisTs. i(K W K'iIM: ASl T'U'K." S.1..1 :ic l.tr r un;, a liAt'lYAl' A t.4.. V.. 87 HauUu I Mf, ,i-r-Vtr, Ii.fo;i:ialiwU UOtl'i l...U-wilit fl . . ! ' JANDS AND BUILDING LOTS. llalliliiiK vl in tlie Borough of Somerset, Eligibly fitii.ite.1, and FUl Mineral ani Timter Ms In various feotli.r.8 of S.imersct county, for tale ON ACCOMMODATING TKKMS. A portlim of the LinJ are Improved Farms, Others are nnlmiifWed. LUI&STOXE, . FIRECLAY, IKOXOKEaml STONED -UAL, Are fi'imd on mnu of tlirm, of fair quality ami quantiiy. t'ur ti rniA, kr., cull on it mlilr.-? i. W t. A.M. Auicast 3, Tl tf. , Siimwt, I'a. SUItVK VIN(.7 C O N V E X fl.Nrt, H)LI.rXTI.a ttr. jas. it. csaitiii:r, DALE CITY, : : : MEYERS' DALE P. O. All limine eHlrnsteil to )il rare will lie iiromjit ly attentlcil to. '1'lic Asrncy for tiie iur.tuiMM Kile all Kinus oi real mute taken on miaicmie tcriiiH. mlylu A. DUNHAM, WITH ksi:m:v, .iiirrz.i:n v c ., ii.iM r Am amd Ji.iuitcs op BOOTS & SIIOISS, Din. iXt ill AKK ti ST., l'HILA lELi li 1 A. ALSO, NO. 87 W( OD ST., PITTS11L' Ull II, PA. July 10, Tl. ' Q HOUSE SHIIIES, Mt:niif;u-turersf ull gnulcs of CIGARS, UEDFilKD, PA. Attcntlim riartiiularly nsko.1 of J,.!,l,?rj. -Onlcm Mlii itoil l,y E. II. ilarti lL, ilrtia-it, Somenet, Pa. uiv. 8. Tlie oldest ami imwt r.'li;it-!e In.Jiliu;l..n f..r ub-i ainlnar Mrrrantik' Kilnea'!"!). l"Practkol l,u.ines!i men .'iii ii:TVat'tor?. Kiir infurmatli-a. wrltof.ir actrciil.ir tu 1. Dl'FF StXS, I'lttsl.urh, Fa. Purchasing Agency . . We will arcli.iiiv :in.l furwar 1 any artljlo MAXVFACTl ItKIl 01: SObI) in tu, city at the lowr; r.:Us. Partle In the C.mn'nr wiihin to i.nn-hayn I'l- anM. (Irifiini". Sewing Jhiciiincs, (lnm, Itevulvr. Nurm-ry St.pek, Jewelry. Fumilure. .MilliniTV, llar'ware. Irux Niti,in. ItKik.Statlmirv. Sail- illory. -arictiiiir. Dry (hrKln. ke., ke will ,lo well 10 teuu n uk. All kin! will 1 cli, neu wi:h a rlew to ecmonir. a w.-U atate ami htnesft. ami lnxe or packnvM lorwar.lwl kv Kv.rem to anr jiar: or I the eounirr. All or.lem iiniiimtlr atten lel iu. iin.i ali.'fuetlim Kuaraatoe l. AililrcVs, PITTSRl'KtSII SI PPI.Y CO., j i-p. I'l rrsmiiuiii, i BOVARD, ROSE & CO., Carpets, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, Stair Rods, &c, &c. A Full and Cnrcuilly Selecipd Stik. BOVARD, HOSE & CO., 21 FIFTH AVENVIl WINDOW 1Ir8vTSillTT,ir''1B' "B A ; Bhuut the middle of .Inne. The owner will please . A-iilIl!iiiiim, M. a.ieomo f..rwanl. pay charges. pr.-,ve pn perty and ' ! ink ft h'tn n V ,.r I. a n-111 Km ... junc la-'ia. Mifcelliincim. w i f aw-z. w w. . - 7J i An V Inrimr liiltrii arc not a viie b Aticv ilniik. irnle t4 Vixh Rum. Whiskey, Proof Sfrtriu and Kefuse tiste, ci'itij TimicV' Appetizer," Restorer-, ftc , tint lci.l tt5 tiftjleron to HrunkenneM and ruin, but are a tntr Melicine, made (mm the natnr roots and hct hi of .iiiltiri.-. free fiom all Alcoholic Stimubnu. l h'-y are th' Orient V,'oix l'urilier and a Lite-String I'rintiplc, a JVrlVct Kcnoralor ad InTigoratAr A the Svstcm, carrying :r all iwtivmotis mailer and res toting the Mood Ua health cowtlilion.enricliiuK it, refretliiiift and mvi.r.itiii Ixuli mind and body. They are eay nfa'iiitiiiiir.Kion, rmmftt in their action, certain in their faults. .ife ami reliable in all (orm ( disease. lcrtfnu cmi laka thf Hitler accord ing to direciHMi. an. I remain Jonjj unwell, prodded their Uoiicji arc nt destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the rtlal organs nated beyond tlie point of rrp nr. lyMicMli or IiifUcrratlrtii- Headiclie, Pud in thc Shoulder. Chi?I' '1'Chines of ihe Chet, Dia siness, Snr kritoution nf the Stomach, Had Taste in the Month, lltious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, lnfl.imin.it inn r.r" the l.n. Pain in the regions of the Kidurn, and a htndred otlwr painfu' yinplnm, are tlw i.f-pri;ii ai lvi:; -. i. I these complaints it has no equj, and one b-tiie pnrve a better guar antee of if- merit- linn a lengthy advertisement. Vr Frmnle C'otii(iliiitt in voting or oM, marrtrfl or jungle, at Ihe dawn ol mH.tdiid, or llic turn of ht'e, t!iec Tonic Hitlers diKpiav m decided an infiuei'.co t'.it a narked iinpruvetic:t ii toon percep tible. For IuHit.iiialorjr nu.l lironlo ltlien tnalNiii -m.i Oont, I-eijt:.i or lnd.psiioii, lliiion, Kfcmittent an! Inieniniieiit Fevers lJisae of the Biooil, Liver, Kid-.ievs and II ladder, these Hitters have been io-t micci:f.il. Such Diseases are caused by Viti.Ucd Uiitod. nluli i-i peneraily produced ty duraitge me:J ol'the ritelive ()r.nis Tixry nre n fjrnflu Piiricnllve n well Tonic, pmscwMir the ;-t'citn ir merit ot acting as a powertul a'-e;l in te!i..i,i,i t't'ii'-stion tr Infl.im malion t the Uvcrand Vici.ii ' M.ui, and in lidiuns Disease. 'or Skill INeiSKr(t Lruiifi.m. 'i'ellrr, S.tlt Rijeum, Clotchus SiMil, I'intM'es riitu!e. llii!s, Car huticle, Kiu'4 wnrriH, Scald llo.nl. Sore fcye, Kry ripclas. Iich, Scurf-, IisculoralMnoi' tlie Skin, Humors and Dise-ise oi the Skin, of wh itever name ix nature, are literally du up and cmiedo it .f the system in a short time by the ue ct these I : ; t r.j i iKut lotlle in stk.!i cises will c-juviitce the nttrst t..ied:i!Hi H their curniive elT r. C'lcii the A'ltlMtfd! HlnoJ nlimrvr von f.nd its iiuptiitlifS bursting through lliekktn in Pimple, i-.nfuiM -., or Sire-t; cleanse it wh-n ywi find it nb-sinuK-.l s!nis!t in the vein: c'cu-se it when it is ftnti ; your reclms will teit vmi when. Keep thc blood pure, ami ilie he.ihh of tlie sytstem wi.l hiUow. CirnttTtil IUotiaN ptrM-laxn info it HtT TRBS the mot wnnderhd Invitr itit (Jul evci -it -t .lined the siiikin? system. 11 u, TRir, mu1 other Worm. huL e, in tfie system nl' m.my thousaittN, are eif ctu.iily de stroyed and rumored.- S.iy a d.tinuii:ed physiol ogist: There i o irec'y an individual upon the face of ihe earth whos.: iy iic-efupt from tlie prcs-nce At worms. It is not ti;-- i i!ie iftiUhy clrmcon ot the r that worm exif. I:t upon the diseased hnMi.n:t a?id slimy deposits ih.it hrrcd these living iuoti:er9 vf disease. No system m M'-diciue, no venuifui;c, no an '.lie! nun liies, uiil dec the ystenl hum tvui.ua liLe these Bit ter. MrcltrtHlcHl Dli-ence. P-.-rstui eu.ietl in Paints and Miner.t's, such at Pluuiii i, 'I'yje setters. Gold he.iters, and Miner, at tlicy adonce m lite, wiil le sitbicct lo p.tralvis of the Il'wcK To sn.ud against this t.ike a dia of Walker's Vik;.k Uit tkrs once or twice a wee1: a a Preventive. Ilillonri. IcemUtcnt, aiitl Intrrriiit f cat P.rrrt n!i.!i arc ro prevalent the raievs tA oir freat livers iliro-!i.-i:it the United Siaie. especially tti'K" of the M ivti 'p;.i. i )hi Mi-oj:ri, ninoi. Tcn-n--i-c, L'utn'ieii.iitd. Aili.tnvi't. Ked, Colorado, Ihazo-), Km tir.inde. Pe.i.l, A:.iiim.i, MoSi-c. S.irauuali, Hoan o!;e, itnc, and m.uiy others, triih their va-it liibuta r.c. iii.'ti,H'nit our entire country during tlie Summer aiid Aut'mifr, and rcr.iatln'j'y so duriiv se.isons of fint'Hitil h-.at and dy:ios are inv.iriat!y accontjanied Iit ritcnsive di-f .i:-rt;,ciils of the s'.ctin kIi and liver, and n;!;er at..hiiiiii.ii v"i.cra. "l'here are a;wavs nmrr oi less 'ohsrticii'ii f t!ia iiver, a weikncs and trritrde state of thc stomrch, and Rr;at toror of the bowels, bein c!.c;rd up uith vitiated accuiuutioTM. lit their treat- ; iiinr, a pu'.itive, ctetiiti- a poweifil intluence nprtn ; these iT.ritms oians, is c.veisii.tlly neressarv. There ts ro c.itlurtic fr lli; pirrposc erpi.ll to D. J. Waum'j ! Vinucau Hit t !-. -, as tliey w:I speedi'y remove thc datk ctK.Tcd Tist d mailer with wh.ch flic bowels are I hailed, at lh miw tirue stimiiiatitt the secretions ol tlie liver, and Keneiaily rcUrn tlie healthy functions ! oi the dijstive or.m. Srroful:., or Klti's Kvll, White Swc'lins, Ulcers, Hrysiila, S vclie I Ncc', (loiter. Scrofulous j i)tl.itnm.ttions, Ind-ilotit I iifl.uuinations M,crcurial Af fections, Old Sores, Knipi.fms of thc Siwu, Sore tlves, etc., etc In these, a in ai! otherconstitution.il I.s- j ease, fAt kkh's Vi -iPrjii Uittks hare lioim their : preat curative pi'Wrs m ti:; most obsunatc and lotract- able ca-'-s. i Ir. Wnlkrr'nCnlif'U ida Vlisrjr?ir Hltt era act on all these cae m a similar manner. ly purifying ile Inod they remore the curse, and by resolvimr, may the ejects cf the uiftaminatiiri (ihe tubercular deposits, the aiTected parts receive hca:ih, and a ptmaticnt cure is effected. Tito roerliri 4 Dk. Wai kkk's Vihkga Hitters are A; -client, li.i-hote'.ic and C'jtnunative, Nutiittous, Laxntirc, luirei:c. Sedi'ive, Connter-Irn-tant. Sudorific. Alterative, and AiHi-Udions. The Aerirt and md laxative properties of Dc Wai.kk's V'tvKGa IUttkrs arc the best safe guard in a!) ca.t of eruptions and malignant fevers, their balsamic, heaiin;, and soothing properties protect tlis humors of thc fauces- Their Sedative proper! ici allay ain in the n;r- mis system, tom.ich, and bowels either from intla-nm titm, win. I, Ct ':ic, cramps, etc Their Counter-1 rriui! inllueiicc estend throughout the system. Their Diuxeuc pnierties act on the Kid neys, correctinj and reulatin the thw of mine. '1 heir Anti-li'ons properties si miniate the liver, in the secre tion of bile, and us discharge thiou;h the biliary ducts and are superior to all remedial agents, for thc cure ol l!:li.iu Fever. Fever and A-jue. etc. Fortify tha hmly n 711 in tit 1iieae bv puri fvin; all its fluids i:l Vikg-ir 4:ittkrs. No er'i dem.c can uke hold of a sste: thus hearmed. The liver, the stomacli, th? Iioac's tlie k dneys and the nerves are rendered discase-piool by tins great iuvig orant. Directions. TaVt of tlie Hitters on gom; to bed at night from a half to one and one-h.iif wine-glassfull Eat good nourishing food, inch as beef steak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables out-door evercise. They arc composed of puieiy veget able ingredients and contain no spirit J WALKER, PropV U.H. McWWALD4CO DruecKts and (len. A;;ts., San r'rancisco, t. at.. aidar. t VV'ahn nwi a:id Charilou Sis , New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGCISIS AND DEALERS Tsis Citi iiivstratcs the manner of Using F5 ; 1! x ? 13 H.. PIERCE Foantain Xasal Injector, ) DOUCHE, This inrtrnment is especially designed tat Uie lierfect application of OR- 8ACE'S CATARRH REMEDY. It Is the only form of lm-trnmcnt yet Inrentcil villi which fluid mctlicino ran be carried high vp mil perftMi) applied to all parts of tbo affected na. .il )ia.ajc. and Uio chamben) or cavities com 1 innicatiiiii therewith, iu wlijch rorea anilnlrerj f .-equcntly exit, and from which the catarrhal d: rharee cvncrally procccdi. The want of ruccofs in trcatin; Catarrh heretofore las arisen largely f.-om the lm;MMibility of npplyins; remediea to there envitiea and chamlier by any of tha ordl 1: irv methods. This obstacle in the way of ef-f.-c tinj cures is entirely overcome by the invention af the Douch". In usins Ihft instnimeut, the Fluid K carried by its own weight, (no snuffing, tordng er pumping being required.) tip one noelnl In full cnllr llu m' Klriain to the liitlict portion of tha iiasalpasMses, passes into and I horoushly cleans es all the tithes and chambers connected therewith, rid flOAiou'.ot the opposite nostril, itsnse is pleas, i it, r.ml so Fiinplu that a child can niidcrstaiid it. Full mid explicit direction ac c miranT each instrument. Wfccn used with this 1 1'tntmont, I)r. Sa-re' Catarrh Kcmetly euiw. re cent attacks of Cold iu tllO Head" by a Iimv applications. Synitomaof Catarrli. Frcqncct bead ftcba, discharge Tallin; into throat, sometimes pro fuse, watery, thick mucus, purulent, offensive. 4c. Iu others a dryness, dry, watery, weak or Inflamed eves, stoppini; np or obstruction of nasal passages, rin'inz lit ears, deafness, hawk-.i;? and conirhin to clear thr.nt, ulcerations, scabs from nicer, voice altered, nasal twan?, oEi-iisiro breath, lm paired nrt ital deprivation of sense of smell and la-tte, dizziussi, mental dprcsioD. los of a pe. lite, iuili.'estion, enlanjed tonsils, ticblinir conuh, ' c. Only a few of these symptoms arc likely tu ' .- present in any case at one time. Dr. Sasrc'n Catarrh Itrmedy, when :-rl with Dr. Pierce's) Nasal Douche, Til accompanied with the constitntional trcr.t 1 :it which I recommended in tlm pamphlet : . it wrap each bottle of the Remedy, 14 a per. ."-.-t sp.-ciflc for this kiathsomo di-eaic, and' tie , onrietor olTcrs. in mod Eiitli. 8500 rswan' I ir a case ho can not cure. Tbo-JKemedy is u-.i' ' id pleasant tonsc.rnntainin!.' 110 stroiiirorcui-.t: dni-s or poisons. The Catarrh Remedy Is sold ; M cents, Donrho at W) cents, by all Drttr -statK, or either will he moiled bv pronrv-'or : receipt orr,. rent.. It. V. HIFHCU, .1. U., Sole IvH -? -r. BfFFALO, N. Y. tg-w JLisrrr ex). American 1 Sutton !Ilo 0 And Ovorswminsr ('omiI(!c -Sewiug' Machine, j James Espy, Gen'l Agent. 10 ' i For Western rcnnsvlva-.d-i sin Fastcrn OMi 1 Q om.-e. 17 I.iiierty str.-es. PitUbarvrh, Fa. I . Eiin-ral Indueemenls tiered lo e mnty and b j j H ealairell'.s. uov.il). i gTRAY. A Maelc s'.-er, width a white WWy, risrht ear ent oil and a hole In the lelt. ennie tn.sspasslnit on the premises oi .lie suoseriiier m ..Herset ti.wnsh II 1U.... ,1.- n.l I. II.. ... I...... . ... '-"'i. w.y. u. ,,,v. i.vmui vHi iioei,r.iit. to law. . hot. joii.x ji. hlMllLL, 1 on a 1 JiooU and Shot. TOOT Ii,KrtMlfiily i,;,,fins -he ,-l!l'ns,if S-wset and thtnl,lle). u,:rally,b.:itl.e U u.t r-l-nlrhl In the New Building on Main Cross Street, j WITH A SPLKNIUD JTrK OF lioonsl lUtuuht in the Kjinlrrn eliltf -il thr Itwfai rl at kihI In prrtiareit li (umlIi tin- m')Uie Hit.i cvtry thiiitiiertu.iiini lo hit Hue of Uutiwrt, AT VEKV LOW PUNTS. He Will keep ein it:mllv mi hniul iin.i L- prepar ed to make lo order ,,ti short noti.--, BOOTS 10 n Men, Women and Children, Kinbraelnx every line of lirst class k. . -Is in mnte rial .i.l wrlmnitslii, rrom the ti,,v 1 1 . r t the I.pki.Ii -t trvu.1 l.nfau. 1 l,c U.lies Will oe liimi.'h cd with sliiteks, (;afii:i;s, jjoots, ualmokal, lil'SKl.V OF I'A I A', Moniiocco, KM, AM) LASTING .MATKUIAI.S. And of the m.st fa.liln.-i!.Ie styles. He will Insure a K-s.i t,t and ivc a.ui!iieti. to all who may ive him a call. He Is 11 U, pn-or-, t. lunil-h ,!i, uuikers with a i-oniplete n-..niiient of soli: i.kathf.i:, Kir, CALF, AMI MOUKOCCO. ALSil. Lasts and Shoe Findings Of every kind, whlehw illln-soldut the b.west cash pri-. s. -All kin-Is of n-.iiirinif donee short n-itle. lie li..pcs by ke. -piinj a larje ami irood . k. l.y SfllltlT lit the Liuret .wll.!u , i. ... ... . 1 v ,.,..r. iiiii ii 1.111 m , !"n,'t ,!,.,,'l-n " ss, to receive - nun: i uu,iie mirmsx-. aj-r. (t, -;iMf. 11. t'. UKtiillS. W. HAVIS A nuos CHEAP Grocery and Confectionery, somi:i:si;t, fa. We ,1,'SifV I,. .r..rni tl... i...t...,iii. nttv that we have pur. h:ie.i Uie tjr.s-. rr .n,l l',.n-1,-,-ii.nierv of If. F kn.-i .1... Ha met llnusu. and have tumie vallial te :i..lil.,ns to 1 1... . I....I.I.. li.... . ..1. .... . . ,. ... ... . . . -i .,.!. e sell all t ie best brands of FIrii. AXU MEAL. f.'FFEE, TEAS, SI OAliS. KIt.'E, SJ-Rl -IS, -.MliI.AS.SK, FISH. SALT. SI'ICKs, AI'PL S. FLA VOKIMii KXTK At 1 S, IF.IEU AMICAXXEI) FKI ITS. ALSO, COALOIU TOHALt-O. fit SAKS, SXI'FF, I!KN)S, m-CKKTS, Tn:s.ke. All kinds FreiK-h aiel rmm..n tAXUIIS. Xl-TS. l-UAl-KKKS. FAXCVCAKrJS. PKEFTM FRY. AXHTtilLKT AKTU-LKS, CO.M11S, BRI'SIIES. SOA1", ke. Also an assort incut tf Ti.ys, k.1., f.rll.e little li yon want anytl,h In thclinvrrr and I'un feeti'.nery line call nt Davis' Cheap Grocery, OFH :SI TE TH E 1! A RX ET HI -l SK nov. 9-lv. Boot: SllOeS,; HATS AND CAPSJfoiu-ookixwandiikvtim;? i Leather and Shoe Findings. II. Ziiitiiiormaii Tuk.-s pleasure in calling the at?. n:i..n of the cit izens ot Somerset HihI tiriuitv to the hu t that he has r.anrl a store in l.i r. -l iinT.i I'nion street, where there will always I kept mi hand a c.m plete assortnK'iit of Boots and Shoes, Of Eastern and home nunafaeture, a laricentxl well assorted st.a-k ol HATS A 1ST 3D CAPS, And a lireal variety r,f Ixnllicr Mini Mioo Fiiiiing Of all kiitls. There is nlsj at-iu beil to the r.,re a CUSTOM-MADE !HH)T . SIIOK DKPAUTMKXT, With X. K. SXYPEIi asenrtiT an I titter, wlii-.-h ai.-t,c- ts a sult-.i-i.-nt miar.-.otee tint all -ik made up in ihe shop will t o.ilr t.t -.lie '! 01 enstotn trs lut that only the best uuterLiI will I,.- ued an t tiie Ilvst Workmen Will be employed. The lMle nre rtsjwtlullv inviied to ,iill and examine his storl I sep. , Tl. . ... l A UTIKICIAL TEETH!! j il j IKOX KA1I.1XH, BAUHMIS. ltli.lt .1. V. YITTZY. D"n m t o m ! Window and Door-SiLs-h 1 1 1 b 1 , DALE CITY, t,mert ('., ., The -li.e- L-irw-t. and the -!.rker" Kc J-' Artiru-i.il Ter-!b. wamntel to le of the verv N-st iti.ility. IJie-like and H.in Isjiue. iusi-rte.1 in the twststvle. rarileulur atti-111 u.n pai.l to the pres ervation f the natural teeth. These wi.-biiiit 1.1 consult me by letter, can do . by cnebudiiK stamp, i ,,,J " "v AE, Address as aU.ve. iel-J-7 ! AHKETT Lumber Company, UAKUETT. Sl.M EKSETft)., PA. Earnest, Detp &. Camp, PROrniETOKS. WHITE FIVE, YELLOW 1'IXF, OVK, .vn..-',.,. 1IEMUK-K, IU..I.H I 1,1 .HIH.ll ...r.i SAWEI AXIISII IV EliSHlXllLFS ' Ti1E HF.ST HoI.E l AXI) PLASTEKIXll LATH. "... . ., . Building Lumber "Cut to a blip at short nollee. Onler. lYom lumber dealers promptly lille.1 at whulesalepriees. u. , -Tl-tr. - JOHN WILSON & SON", W 1 IOI.ESAI.K f i It OC KISS, 237 liberty Street. PITTSBURGH. une2i), Tf 1 .. . j II i.-- 11- W j h 1 j y j arp, am ( 'till:!.,, (.'ooils far ' V -Fall and Winter We :ar, JJIiey hareaeomplet- j-.riI.hl Dr's laiiosls. Folt Khlvtn. HcopHkivtH. Khoos. And Felt Over Shoes. MUX Ai i:oVs. "Clothing, Boots and Sho HATS AND CAPS, GLOVEy,&c I'mii rrlotliiii"- f,,r ,M, j iy A Uir-e a's..riiii nt ..1 HAlimVAIlK QUEENSWARE, Carpels, Oil Cloths. kt A lare st, k of hue an,; ,..,:lr... SALT tty thv 5S;;i i uv Prices as Low as Possible. 1 C. k (I. HOLHEintAuj Somerset, Pa. ! K t. SO. 'r ',ne'iEXCELSIOR FUU KMPCIiirs' J". TSJLJk.CS IJOIIX JATiKIIU I TWAn-h Street, middle of iho 111., k j and Nth Street. S.MIU SW... 'hiUi,.-i.... "- j DIHinTKK A X D MAM FA( TI I;).K S Facer Tm lor Uliti a;i (Silirfs j Wholesale and Eetail. I ! Havttut lmr..rtel a verv tarseau.1 .-.!. vl- I sortiuent of all the dilterent limlsof ( I 1 . -i tirst h.ui.'.s In Knr..w. w.,nld r-tefni;v ' ' i rr-.olers ,.f this (.jr eall an,' e-an-i-. ; I ;rm.ent Fan,-,- Furs. 1 .!..,,,,:;, '.' : Xo -!i.-rej,n.-seutati..iif to efr.vt sales. j ! FfKS ALTER EI AXD KEI'AIfcLU i .Kememlrthe Store. Tit Ar li s!ref F 1 a-ieli.iiia. , X o. kk:v. X (J. KIJIM A CO., SUVESSi i:;s To STl TZM AX k Kt: iu the SOMERSET POUNDEI Ilea leave to say to Its I'atrons ant ihe l ul ii, they will caitiiiuc to siij,.lv hatev r i- tie-I their line l.y Fanners, lluild.-rs. H-.iwi-.t . tarwnters. H!;i,-k-iniil,s. .Miners. Miller. Ut i t-cruien au.1 Maiiutaeturers i.-euer.il!v 5 STOVES . I f nht ...iralde kind.. wl,i, h line a,- ' j vet. lailwl t, tfive entire sjtisia. ;i..u. ur. -.-: : kept on hand. PLOWS, I f the varli.ns patterns b-sl adapt e.1 I,, tl.. ' of our Farmers, warrauted to irive sati;a. : 1 he larsre nunilK-r alreadv in aise thr iiu-n.! ! iiimI the a.!..iniiiir n.unlies. i.n'l siea,!,; asm lint demand, are a su!u-i.tit au.1r.1ut.-1'- ..1 nierils. 1 CAR WHEELS, ForMininir. I.ml rinir. Tiailnsid Iliiil.iini: of the ni,kt a.,n.vwi;i.aiterusand best uui.r. made to onler on short i, i.--. OK 1ST A X I SAW MILI, H'.t'N I ; SHAFTING, PI" LI, FYS, HAXOKKS. IIFVFI.AVIIK.;- Mll.Lsri.NM.ES. SAW M M 'i .1 AXri-FKUTl-X l;iLL!:iiS. t VA7 nfnra. VA hnolc i uvl II IICVUS PLOW-CASTIX11S For all the ditferent Flows ed in the '- tc'-t We are the authorized airents f- r tli y J. SVEAR-S AXTIWST PAKM'K Sf'1 In this piunty. We aell, at manuraeturers prtee- THESI'KAGVE ."WOW EK, THE KI SSEL KEAt'EK AM' THE IIEST STEEL FLOWS. .a n. i Aj-ru-uitURti lmpi.-iuenis . nr. .... VL-a K .M . '. a ,.lt..,nf0 el' t h ... liK-rilly rxtende.1 1. this e-iaMI! . .... . ii:rl ' mr ,,r,t'M W,r " -i11 . N.t!. K Li-" n. tu, . .T . IIAKVEY fO.. .. . .......,v- ui-r.-'i J.lr' tUltl IV.IWI1J ..--- . 67 EXCHANGE TLArE. RAlT1 isiw's I I I.lurnl eftith a.lv.inee3 on i returns j'remptly maile.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers