') it I t ' t r m I kn I i i 1 I t ti - . - i 1 liliivi t 1011. ! Ol JllS l ' I ! Scasrsst Herald : Ti .l,ill.-if .o-ntiiii .-ve-r f nil I in I I " .'.i- i.ilie.l onlilailar- 1,,-.! ' .a-i.-r" walii t" . n.4 tike .t thelr he .u!-riII.4. Hie Somerset era id 0. ..rtv--. ..( the former A' I B. ,!.. riVi t h-M s Somerset Printing Company ES TABLTSHED, 1827. JuHX I. SITU. lii?inef Manaprr. VOI, XXI. SOMERSET, PA.,' AVEDXESDAY, SEITEM HER 11. 1872. Hardicor'. Mi.vr'hnirri);.. M I I. c : i-iu-r- hi mI S-.iin-: l the : i-l.n ninii-. t I'i-.'-'i-.t i-4.il - ni .uri f.urr.uii'ii-:2 ... a i,w .! - ems DoV. . 71. K.iTZ. ATTOKM Y AT . 1. IM . 1, 1'.,' f- a t. .k- ,kl I: ' ill rive 44ni4 alien . I.i- tit- in ."".IIH.I " I I iniv U: II .'ail i y i;. ii.i. r" la' pro "i. noil .! :..in. rsi-t wH'l " i- m ,i..r wo ! If Htr j.ti. 1:1. HARDWARE. HEAS AND HEARTS; I on, ' "'.'' My Brother's Keeper, t il.Ll.K mi.,ii.-tit ly ..:tLtl j.-r".- :.re. Jchn F. Blyniyer UV fk'-L T. AX VMm Vr H. ivr.Mh ha? ir, :i e . Ik in .uivr.-t wl t nn-e ii: tl Kni'T oriiee. . o-LWiKX. ATTOEXEYN AT s"i.,rrsv. ,!u- in rt-i.i.-i..-e ul aux. li ly. v I H A Y. ATT MN K AT L.A in t-.tl S"iiU'i". I'a.. will ':.mi'h-w :itmfS-l t In rf itto :, l II il.. '-' i-.' Few Doors Above the Old Stand, THE AMERICAN TOLIMER. Fireside Journal. AihI iti.T t. hi; f-ui4norf frirmlf i lull lice I j-xt.li' at the cry l.ct rt ier. Ilardware of Every Description,' tiie or Krmr.it. T V Un if E HAMM-tR XiX'LTt.N. 1 U.tjI j aj .knaaa cfl tree, On;U an 1 rvf j su I Litr to ?c I Tbt rauliine hid ft-J ft with warmth mm li-lil-1 Th dcw hal ftrstipurj it Biht ly nlifht, ' And birhiD the tnpiao) bouh it trn. Wbrre tiie vinit ( hvttTea 1ut U blew, ! And while th muniinx were suft jk1 vuuot; ' Tli wiM liirj" rtrrlol, and marol ami rune '- ' , There in the 1iirni.au 1 ealm kd-1 fl.lnt. LAlI - iSl OK 1, iTUIthed3iyIplkIHnoll the tree. t liofcloo. and wt, ami fair t" e, -' W !IX UK r1!! Xl IX : HowewiU I znewf. 'ncath tkatdalntim rin.1. 1 kat Ins fure ui rweHDen 1 hoped to nod The innertnurt. IiUtiea lieart of the UU. Wliith dewf and 1d 1 and the unfkinc' Lift Had tende.1 and fostered by day ani nliflit . Ta Mai' wtth mildrw and bitter with Wliflit: Ontiiea and rmr. and iair of flio, XuUiiC(( bat ah and rain within ' Ab ! ncTer aarain with tt.il and pain Will 1 ftrire the tpmt Imuh to (tain Thoneh ttr win4-wtuu; afilr are fair to we. n a lower liranch if the Iroit t.r me. " Nt H Miunl." I ' " P.iit my trunk " 1 ; "You fan jrrt whafyuii' ntf'l in' town ; my undo n;ili-4 thf outfit." ! And He-sr " ill yanl, in .-niall frsinc Imilfliny kri ofT of real ,.tat The imMu m Ivatiia is now aki 'l V braii'l with iir-fd as a !tiinlKT-r'Mii:i, witoiI-.-hptl.Ac. i curitio Iiavt; ri.-vn in tin market, ami iiT at aii'I -iiauif nir of tin; in.-t i - i, r .... - .1.. n . t ri . : ' it.. . t... , t I.., - .ir. i iijiiii as ill'.. ill oil a t-i'iiiitir -ii-ia .ik-hh ainn r liar. 1 liai ill 11- .in.uii romiiiainn r i;i iiik j,u- n ai r .1 . "... ., .. , , I , - ., . . - . . . 7. . . . t . it ...1. i of the I'nir, niui uif niMtnrr wa.- tim.s is iii ixi rvMi-na' ui tiie non-ienrnii joiin r. Jianranii, nnow atanc ivith lifr onlv chill. ' A'wnt 'ctv of finnrt-ia)l imitii.-tratiii. nanif ii a svnonrm for heroi.-m ; ainl I Li IS. OUR PREMIUIV1S. ii U IvWii. TM'KM YS AT I tw s luer-'. !'.. will i.tskikv m.-- ; i'.':r.nik- puir.ie-. All u-ni'-.- fU- ,. n ili l-e att.-n-lf't 1.1. M XU.1NS. 1-KXT1ST. S.u.-rm. r. e in Hi - lnt jairt 1 lil- Uir. i.il inn ! .J .r.ur.s1 I.ido '.. u-b a? tiilimt. r.-suialii't'.- i ill."-;t tTlioi an fciu-'. ' .1. 1:.- r.vL Ali ...-nini ir un.- .. I III, illUIISI.1 ,;. i ' ui"..v ''. i i I" ail Imimuc- . M,Mi.-a!v),iMl ihi .IU-,-li"ii . - -j . i.-v. .mi .Main -:rvt t. SAILS A XIi (,'LASS, iEXTRAOBMABY UimkIi ii M arc wf All HindH, INIUCEMENTS. nEmr it a v. "Writ to Lor tvnijrHt; ray nnclf ! nine o'ckukrin Satunlay HK.rning' fch ' IW-fore and wliilf thn Kvans rraixlal ! jm-fi r ia his rt-ai a inan vLi is j will forward tlte lttt:'ninlT fovcrjlft tlio child crofpins- aliout the ynnl, ' was U-ininvotigati-tl hin friends free-. nuw vn n.'forJ in thf rt-UI anliivcs , to me, ami I will sec that she grtsJL"! and wmt ti the road to the house of Sly dicus d LU contouijjlatfd nomina- as having Wen in conft n-no.- with the 1 Taiil Itett wrnn? hf?efiiiiianion'sl her ni arest nehrUior, distant alont j lion for Governor, and the puMie press e nf-my in the midst of the war, as to j hand. !- " 'thret! hundri-d yards, to Iwrrow some 'generally throngrhout the State took the lc-.t mean of forein? a dishonor- "Vou are very kind," he sid husk-! yeast for hakinjr. She had no nnxie-jpart in the diseussion. The Conven- l,lo pt ace. .Mr. Hneknlew's votes in j ilv. ' " I had almost irrown to rejrQrd tr a to reavim.' ihe child alone, as it tion met after the Evans business had the Senate airainst !! the war meas- you with distrust." " " ' ( roiitd only creep a little, and Jieside?. Ik-cq thoronorhlr ventilated, and a!- ures were bad enoujrb, hut in tLesc be Van Hnili lauslnnl, f-howin.? his1 was in company ef a fine black Xcw-1 though every fact now known was . went with his party. JJut this reUd dainty, iearl-white teeth under a ' fonndlatid bitch, a hy of nnusnal a-!t!ieii before the Mople, out of the 13'J . confervii'-e was his own a t, and his brown moustache. '" 'iracitv; and which wa-ce!itom-d to delegates he received on the hrt bal- iariv knew notion'' of it. and wotiM j ''Never jnde by appearances," he' jruanl the child je!ilouIy while with! lot H". Is it jossi!le that this could not have endorsed it under anv eir i f ail. ' "Take my word for it, Miss'p-ave di?nitv it i.i riiiitt d Ihe litleihave lioen done without a eonndeiit ; cnm-tuiK-es. We arc ake ti r-ink j Hav will excuse all lack of ceremony ' thin? to jilav with itself and its , when she learns all." " . " uTTi;R or PrPS 1 Mr. an Bmyh accompanied rain , , , .... ' to the railway Station, and saw him ,,?,-v. rt!1':, "tl' 'irn- hf a -Ir,i- 1 V 'offwithasmilinuttclTdprofl.4onof;!!a1Li:ltl',',; Lf; r8n,11' sI'e. c-ood w ishes. S ' Th lest friend a man ever had !"' i ; pictedly nu t a friend whom bhc had ; . F f , iioi tvvu lor sonic inoiil lis. ano cn- ! Ij.dicf by the jicople iu hio honcnty and , tLe memories of the Avar. JJut is it capacity: It may do to talk of "rings, ', neee.-.-ary that we fhouId reward and (Colon 1 of the regiriient both men noted for their s-hort, attenuated i forms, XtiUier was scarcely more than five feet tfeh, and their combin jed weight was lees than two hun i dmd and twenty pouad?. It raayjc readily gassed thatthe wildicrs had little respect for Virjriniii 1 aristocracy, and the tent pole had i hardly jrotetuVd in the jrround 1 , fore a noted rider named well, ; Smith shouldered hi deer-killer and started out on a little expedition. He was a "senreanf. of immen-e i7e, named "The Uig Serjeant." He .made a straight fii:mh for the old ! Viriuiaii's iuau'T. Xow, the old ntlemjn h-'ol many pet., about the jrpiisnds, and amon; them a tamed row which he valued vcrv hfhlv. He al-o h4l tame rabbit, dove., et- The Serv ant climi-l the etoue wall. ' and driii.iK.il hims-If and srun in-ide rrounds. Th fir-t thinv: hi.-: eyn fctnw k the taine crow, wh um-tnccriieilly fl.w n(,ar i,jm and al ighted on a limb and bev;an to caw at I him. The Serjeant put hia rifle to . his shoulder and banged awar. Mr. . ("row came fluttering to the jrround. : The 'oldicr reloaded his guu. lcanel it against tie wall, and went to pit his frame. Instantly there came running from the Loue( in a hi'h state of excite ment, the old Virginian, and when he saw that Lis pet crow had been killed his rac knew no bounds. He ruhcd !for the scr'-c ant's run, and fewcarin that he wouldn't Lave sriven the crow Ac, and dew of the robins san the conntry districts were manipulat ed in th'e interest of a "rinp-" is sim ply ridiculous. If anv one doubt Gen. Ilartranfi's ritv let them inutiirc The Icniocrats of his mi., inl. wl..l. Il.n ..nR-u nf ll,., f J .... ...j... iui. i iriii uuu . , .inc. f ha till, silver i, miiii .,,.-,,,ii,i,iui, 1 1 i , fl Oil II IV Half ens, the. left her house ere she recollected that ... - . nr,rori.m, irWs in t1,o " aiierea i ut-n tne tnw ... , ..... , . . , j bim, and at i . i .. a. : wiui. ui'ui.-. .lii" uurnt'u J . .r.e .nc.r fix. i-Til arm .r-liM rI : " 1 " ' Th..fr.r.n w5!.l 1ift,..l their ; thought l'aul th tram moved off: C, , ",.:.V, ! : . T ;! ability or iiite ,.inVeS.; wa th nMno not the sardonic ; "'7 7 i "i 'i !at his home. ,,... .. . - t -.l,:.,!, .!, ,.,,r, ,1,.. r. . " "" ' wiei sin- uuu heav for the whole Yajikie army, vowed that he would blow the soldier s brains out. With this he brought the piece to a cock and srUiMA'ttaloiijr the bar rel. The Scrjreaut bccred for his Julr ( tAL OIL LAMP COAL OIL i. i i: " ..1.1. A I HotXTY Ari.VW. A. v,ii alu-il 4" ail l.u-itt,-ft : ," .i. rM'taftd i.lj.iilua wiiii- hjU UIih. l t Im .ii1 l.-li. la. "To ly. i li I 1.1. ATTOI.XEY AT LA W. i v I'.-itf i A'-t.t. fH-rseI, , . t . i.r. li -i-. jsn. 11-U. I chi mm: vs. Ait.1 . i : Ln.j; U l.4i. ib;; t Ii. Ina tra.le. W 111 I t 1.1 All. TWO BEAUTIFUL CHROMOS IFOR NOTHING! iand neither rose or robin wa ior sweeter-voiced than 15essy Hay ' las the stood amou"r the currant bush j e. cullin? the red, riiio fruit .1111 Miiliii.- jk liui:': ,m . bi in r. . fairer silence ami huielinei.' ".Now, saul .Mortmi an I shall have : ihe field to i tranjre now ias-inaio i nave Ulllll i . - !ed tnvsclf to country pirl I I'.niirh. mvsclf. allow- iH'eome1' with a mere Hut there certainlr is homeward with a heart sick with an ticipation, and on arriving in the vard !tLcy have in Philadelphia, but to say that elevate doniotic traitors ia this way ''. Jf wc ajrrec to pardon the rcl-l-s who foiiyht f-r what they UHeved to le ri.s'ht,(h'H that include the rHie-.-.ity ..r ;.: i.:u ..i . .....k . ". ,, . . ,i i. i. i life, and the irmiau twore he would i. iiiv jL. i ii ;? tt- liii? man i'ii.afcn , , who withinit the couraeof Win? an nothini; but praise for open rc1-J, was u-in.'r the cloak of i the onlv nieetin? which lovaltr to serve the cneniv. vet held at Norri.-tovvn, These are quetions for the inde-. beliefs realized, and the dojf too, uhi.ri ti. ctonp Vrttl nf the cmrili.n -was draped with the emerald f,,J .et bin? very wi.iniiiif iii her tyr 'tiV.n of a wild rrare vine, while 1 ni.' - I I tant Vwti'r.f t al.iul li.fintn.r (rflint . ......... .......... -ii, .... r....i !.... ..... ,1.. ;the mossy trunk of the jnar tree, j - -. y"' ! rie !" but little Marie did n..t answer twistin? a stem of blue UIIs in his ""1" l , " 4 , Then t an lirnn never, uau oenvcreu 15'ssv Hav never answered Paul found her wor.-t Her baby was jj.iui . had disaiitii ared. i The unhappy neither wa.- . crazed with anxiety, and ran hither and thither, examining evcrv nook and crevice of the premie's, crying , wihllv her child's name. "Marie ! Ma- taku it. The Virginian fiiiaiiy thought of a compromise, and with a look half !e- tween auiiiscment and rage told the ...... .... i ..... . i... . ..... , ...... . ... . . .fl lUUL 1 11 11 L UVT IUU1. I'ltL LffL' (August 2il tne skaters, lion. J. .M. pen. lent voters oi I'eun.-vlvania to : . ... Ii L ... ,. i . .. in , . i i ti t i i ii crow raw. In vain the other pro- i Lover, ex-member, and lion. h. L. consider. The fa!s- and scandalous , 1 , , v.. .- ... f ..... r r . . - tested; the lrginiaii insL-ted on the .iii-i,ini"-iii im-iiim-i i.i . iiiioi .iif-it-iiM' i rciorni M'l ui airain.-i . - . .. , ... I said not one word airaint him. In General Hartranft in order to elect , . fact, thev, with Hon. Owen Jones, this seeret ally of the rebels. Hiieka-' almost! ,, , I - . , .,- , ... . i owl c.-niciiiocr irom mis niirici if , m iw nun 10 iiwt ivc anr one. I the three being the leading lemoerat- Huckalew has had his hand deep in j ie iM.liticians of thi cutirity are the public trea.-ury, and witii an ae- : 1.: I . r.r i it "... - ..r . i -i i n . I l. i uiiiniin in.- ii iciui, alio nunt-wr r'niui m mam iiioii jfio uoijur. hand. Ir.M.f H'.i V-- I.IXM.KlKilI. I Mr. ! it i m . r. -jH?trniiv inforiiif Hie m!- i ,1 -. ,- ViH-wn 1. "U-l i" I he r-. -. 1- i- his intention t" k"'!" , - w il i-iv .- i: i'a. lii I" tli.-ir mi.-m. Jiil HIU l.l.S. ATT'lliNKY AT LAW. -ivp n-.nj.t iot-n!i ti lo -;i : t.. I, ;.-!-! in -.:iu-r-i mi 1 .. i :r.'-,- .i 1 ia hi .4 K l. S.-uu. J.v. i-U. VAUXLSUES. i:at mils. 1'AIXTS IX t.IL AXI HKY, AXU PAINTERS' GOCiDS IN GENERAL. Now is the Time to Subscribe! A r trrl to rire t nfrr TcarTv 'took i which contained b! ri'l.i:. ri:y-i. in .ii. i l.-n: is; . i;. mil- i.r -iL;.: : ! i.rfi I" i n.-v Mini- i, 11. -rliti. 1! ia.-.-. .i..r w. "I tl.r .-1 h. r,-:..i..r.- l-y A Ur rt.n-k 4 I n It lr Knitc autl l'orks. MII.I.Ki:. after twelve ;-.-.i-.i.i in Sl.uIil..- I.:. ; . iu-l a; S..ui.-r-t ! r ).r:.r ,-. ' .-l;.il'I 1,1- 4ili-M'al !-r- : S iii-r-I ali i vi. niitv. ... :. i.iriii.-riy iHnij.o-1 M '. A. ill ! -.IUi.i :.l all Hint . l'i "K IT KXIVI2. Ml .VS. -MKAKS "THE YOUNG FORAGERS." ' Thi-e j.ietiiTTT are earli inches, ui.riiflii. . (JKXl'lXK I'lIRdMns. tvw eliean ei.l.T-l liibn. imii.hn. TIwt are K1HST t'LASS CHIIOMOS.1 iuifKirtl to onr nr.ler. aI will liear criiical ( i;i ni iaatiim. Tlier ran n.4 ! Unilit elnylv a the . titre dealer f.irlfMhan FIVE IwiLt.AKSrarli. ; The ietaree are mat)-'. Thev will lie wnt aiM , fri-e to Micli a torwar.1 ue $.1 iiu f.- ie y.-ar'fi il- : j siri!."1. iTelth.T will 1 etit for ix m'ml V fa!v srril.ti-in. 1 io. Six in.tli.-ral.riN r will .la.e in.li.-ate tlieirehMre ol temiaui. in or.kr thai wc may know wlii.-h to forwanl. To irh a ire!i-r It. we will give. in-Ti .-.J of the 'linnio. i I.i.T H W All I-. A 1 1 1 IK M. Y 411. i-mI I'a. lr..;.---i-.l lu-i-i-..i:.-iw-ii ui. I l uii.-.ul!y m:,'ii.i. A x ii si'i.ssii:s. ATK'HIXI.Y AT LWv . SuU.. r-i-t. ki:p.s;ill. lyoxs a c... Ni l AiH I.EI.S A. IiLALLJuS IX 1 JOKING GUSSES, ..i... 1 , r Ii.'kiiiL- lii.i-. - ji.J . -I.-. 1 'rj:u ' a Si i.iiiiy. : -1 i.u.i l irrnn:i;ii. i-a. Il'lti El.ilX L1XE11 KETTLt. (k-., T.Htl., r a iUi Buiiiy arii.-W tia, uiinM-i4i Io au.-fi-u .n in an a,!v rti-mrui. I .letrrmine.1 li at Ihe very ow-t in.-e. ii him anil. )uoe 12 7"i LIFE INSURANCE A Beautiful Steel Engraving, IjiiiilcJ "The Wreath of Iramortelies." i I L-imiv I "in iinnr ' 15c- " be enTd !,..ciniiiii o iwnvii..-,liin i-I.I..L li.i.lt laul, H Till I tpparent'y lapsed into pilence for a hionient or fo ; "but I suppose poor lecile Lave a righl to live and le hajipy as well as rich ones." " I suppose so too, l'aul.' "And I am sure I am willing to work, if oii!y I could liml iiiiething (to do." Les-sy glauced dejrecat:ngly at him. "Mr. Klton wants one to take the farm and work it " "That is mere drudgery, and )c iides the pay would not enable rue to niarrv end support a wife coniforta-blv.'-" "We could wait, Paul." "You are very willing," said the up under the fevered , ! impuls' of his old enemy j retuire 1:1 silence. cjii.-tle from his , aunt more 2s"or did a i wa no brook m ar bv. and the well was cov rel, so that it could not Iifll-p f.tt..n int. tV.. r. . TUf cr,...;.T.. ii,, . i.ti.i i... . ' private character. 11 ..to, o nidi inu t iiini nuu been stolen by two men who had driven ' : 1........ l.ti y 1 . . 1, ? 1 T . . . roi mi ii"uc n inn- ,'ir. i Hoin was Jemuua, , ... ... .... ..... . i ...... . : (aim i u.c.i!i. I f.-iiitltcc. ana OIK' OI lMI..-,,. , , , . ... . . , , .,,..l.ol.l.. Inu.;i.l.. : "' '"'o..- i...ii.tvu iiiMi..rcaim 1 ' drove after the strangers, who .., 1 .1... u.. . uu vol ;uu iiniuv.-.. i! . 1 ... ... . - r .1 .. t- ii. . - ;', .i : .. i 'hut were not in iisesion of the l una imir iiivh mi , jo. itjtoi j liuster, " that Eliza Ilav is going to . Inilcli tliev might desire the election i of Puckalew for party j.urpo-s, they j will not even to gain that point utter ; one word ajrain.-t (Jen. Hartranft "s were of two hours. ite lives in .Norri-t.iwn. in a oti. unostentatious iiiaiiiicr, and as he walks the street has a pleasant v.-ord f-.-r every one. Every man, woman and child in the town scaks a kind word for him. and all remember him marrv the widower, Sinclair, because he's rich. There wa a deal of talk : alwut Ih t and that Van llrugh, but he went away all of a sudden, folka thought it likely witU a flea in his car. i Kliza knows pretty, well which side : her bread is buttered on, and Sinclair cau't live long with that cough of his." " child, and denied all knowledge of it. They, had. they said, mccii in it in a yard as they drove past, and it was playing with n big black do"-. Thev knew nothing more, and the disap- pointed pursuers returned to the now Jrcnz'ed and disheartened mother. The horrible eurmie then flashed : i upon them that the dog. excited to for the interest he took in the welfare of the "bovs in blue." and f.r the honor and glory he conferred ujxm the troops under his command. Let the ajainst him fr which he has render ed no equivalent, he and his friend. 1 MH'lure, have the assurance to jar ade them.-eive.s a-, advocates of re form. A man who would delilteratc ly di-regard his oath f iiffiee, as the rclx-1 archives show that Uuckalew did. is not tit to lie ilmr-cat' lier. let alone tt .ivcnii.i- of the State of Penn sylvania. Yt the election of such-iiii-a is the natural result of the re actionary party that has assuined a' Lilieral disjriiso i;i enler the lietter to accomplish itn pernicious purpisen. 'andercrs do their least, he is safe. wor-t; h'Te, at -.Saw Ameu to Tbat. BralUer.' Oi.--g. County, New Ytirk, a ju-iice of the peace who of local fame madius. had devoured the unfortu nate child, hut a minute examination showed that no ground existed for such a hypothesis, as no .-hreds of fl.-l, ... ,..,.l ..l : :i i.. Tlii. n.l..T-!i.I lU.ne -l.irl. .,.r..n.s .... It,.!. .' ...I .f..lt.. ...1 : :.. lami.u UJIIIIIII HCIC llMI.il- . , 1 , .. : i iil, ll t" niM ui v tttjit nun a cci lain uuiu-i 111 . , ffirl pn-inrimrti. dentate their fatlM-rf w-ave. 1 till, 1 8UI I .. . , atirwiierC, nor W3: Hi mrliei.. It is .tvm.n.w-ed oneiif the nnert en-1 1 ...l :..r..1 1 .. 1. .... . 1... ! her VOlCe II Paul a letter COntaiUCU 110 PTwnaM.,theeuIr.v-. ,. inure m-h a w.ld JT""J a !"""' ' "" " ,.....w t(1 I,,.- .1,. ,.l.l..rU- ,w j,..in.. i. ,L i.j i. . ' , . -..... mesasre to ner. tne eniem iror,p . ia the t. fur ie tkaa e er f ,.11-n ,i' i . ,. v.:..i . ..r moiiiriel answered : The intelligent treature, bv its 1k- , . -I ' .1 . I . - man bittTlv. "1 don't lielieve. lies-' ' on.ier,; tneu, mai neu ( ' ... i t.n.fti' 11 ov iiidil.i mi uroii.i i that voti care br me as I i!o for ; come to Aunt .Jemima n ami a-kci wi?tfuliv and with Voll. For Business Men. Cash Premiums to i Agents. " Well, then, what leing tutor to Mr. "Thank vou ! 1 don't fanev th it do vou think of angered : . Sinclair's little ) " iue. no! oudid to near, uii yoH : i Ie.s.v went liack Lome, her . r !...;.. ..x.i ....,.. ..-v . . ...... ...... ! iicari a.s com as leau in ncr imisoiii. ii j.-iiii: I'wii jh I iv m iMiiiiin'ii Mil- ... . . , . . . 1 CI... I.nj . . .1 Sil..i.... Art,, lln-ri . ii, imu niii.-. u . .,iiiii''ii t imM t ... In the south of New Jersey, some years ago, there traveled over some of the hardest counties, a good, faith ful, hard working brother, named James Moore, or Jimmy Moore, as he was familiarly called. He was devoted to the itinerancy. A tree, loyal Methodist, plain, pointed end sharp in all his preachings and ex hortations. He had Im-uu lalx-rinir a year on one comprehended the situation and fully j r '"s eircuits, and l,efore leaving for sympathized with its mL-tress ia her, hi 'vv he gave his pop!e. who affliction. It ran auxioulv here and ', Nearly hn ed him. hrsfarwdl sermon. uttering .sharit, appealini; barks, At Us cloe he said: "My dear and M-cmeil d. i.iruu.uf Uiiiit fiillou i-.I i orethren. this is mv la.-t ad.lres to ; the dog's mouth SMEAP.EIl WITH (lul'TS OF BLCH.H. n't exiKct ha ior. M tnied to indicate that it little OlU lnja-ts a ju-tiec of tin. flashes out in the iinna's a- arraignin? himself for a delinrpien cy. The justice of the jaee ref r red to (no matter abut his name or where he belongs) po9.-.csM tne ex cellent attributes vf integrity, ability, and worth, but on one ovca.-iou Lc forgot his magisterial integrity. He h-t down in a weak moment the ju dicial bar which should hedge him in and roamed into the field of lae chus. In short, ua a recent occasion he imbibed too much strung drink, and in consequence awoke with a re alizing sense of the fact the next mornin? Xow here was a prcttr co. the pri c of his adversary's life So the sergeant pulled oiT feathers and Ix-gan to gag and eaL 'How do you like crow?" Lis.-d the Virginian through Lis teeth. The only answer the other gave was to ln-g to I let off. He was sor ry he had shot the crow; didn't know that it was a tame one, and he wouldn't do such a thing again. Fi nally the old man t'Hikthe gun frr;! its aim, and told the Sergeant he ncodn't tat any more. His heart fill of joy, the crow upon the ground, li.j said : "Wei!, I kin eat crow, but I don't like it. i The story might stop here if it was only to show the origin of the phras,-, but the rest of it i the W-t. ( I1APTF.R II. The old Virginian, after surveying his dead pet for an instant in a sor ' rowful manner, returned the :run and started for his mansion. The other . ui'-kly brought his piece to his thoul , dor and called out: "Hold on there, mister." 1 "What do you want?" a.-ked the other, a he turned and beheld a liead" drawn on him. "I d like to have you eat the re of this crow." The old man fumed and swore, and tore about in a frantic manner saying ; he'd be d d if he would, and that he I didn't want any of the young man's jotes. the cocting of the gun, ami l.T AXTXG-MILL GOOD & JONES, -The Keserve Fund Policy." ISM l.lliiY THE BERKSHIRE Wearesliiwr tlie lartetl I 4SII rre uiiuuia rrr allerel in law rounlr). Stii.l :auij. f..r inl.irm.iti -Siriicl' t,iet ean l had 4" Xew.o.ileni tl.r.4i!i.4it II I ; Led i'ami.le C..ie eoniled to any ad.lrv on re-i-..-i.t ol fi.iuip. Addrt-MS . nited Slates. JUvk nuirUf .uji- j . : :!..' ..f .l.tioii-. aii i 1 ..: 1 u itrria':.;. : .. !:i lAl.-IiIX-I. i l I.iK'I.S. . 1 i V U I"! Oi VH AM I-"S. !m:ti ax Sill TTl.KS. BHACKVTS. &r. . '-eraily ne-I In I..-" !li! I - n - k !:.- t" or ler. ;i .ii .ii xi. 7 ..;. t. .". soUKHsET, i A. .Ve. sl.KKills. i r !u.t'. t;t. l.J t.. LIFE INSURANCE CO.,! 1i!;l'.iRATEDl 1. S ure Siet-ial Irel-ctiB la Every Policy Holder.; K'TeTaiajde- Supje y.a are tnirty fire year ol ae an,l take a "KeA-rve Fond I'lky" at ur- i!in:iry hie rale. me nnnaal jm men! w il! injure vim 1 Team and S.Uyn. t wo annual iria(Yit will injure ym 4 year ari.i izna. in if m her tetiUer, irarnct-orowu eves. " Easy philosophy for you !" And the voung man flini down his stem of blue-liells. ' " I supHise you would like to have ' me break stones upon the roads. I UI.. 1.1 .....1.1 I . r IIClllUL ,1.11 ITlll'l ill I, USl thize with the feelinirs of a gentle man." ' So I do, Paul, but I I .-He ve in the Scripture don-trine of a man's ih- rpvrt T;rvV,.-V. T3l. o ! iug with all, his might whatever his The Pittsburgh Book & ,,iaa,is find to d o- I see how it is," said Paul Est- Tir.l IiL-a llanetr .itn.. ie ' i.-..t ..".. i i ! Hruffh : the said "Xo"' to 3Ir. , '. .' . .., , , : elair in snitp nf nnt .Teniiiiiu's know. ' Its unwonted action were hoaever ; .v,"- 1 am going fMIII Vou atnl Voll in-wnat we use in tnis worm, uieau- . - r ., : , 7 . i i ..1 i i. tti. ..., i.t.. l i....t-i.;,. inir iiro-rnosti!ations: and people be- attriiiuteil to excitement on si'eiugso I II " . II III tM 11 V'llUII U J '' IIIIl- m , hrr tender, e-arnet-brown eves. lo homier u prctti the as.-urance on the part of the 3ol- .t:. - v .,-..i.i ,.:t.. ..... t .11 , r .1 lit un i mat in- n uuiu IT uilll liui a Uull A iii.-ticc il tti m-iiv. Iiiirt ItiK.n on n i . . . - I . i i ..... r . i throuzh the old mans shoulder im- .-uiii.-i imit oi him-. .v man ii nil . , . , was appointi-d to swin the flail the of J4 lessie old maid Hav after. I. I.OWRVA (o. Lk Itoi . HTlSbl KUH. PA. I'mr-e: .-oiio iiii!imii.i Mt.. l it imrs i:i..-K. ' i ..oj.-ite Xew rity Kail.) TliirJ Story. j rif were going to be an all. 1 "Why doesn't he write to lne, or send me at lca.-t a word to show that he has not utterly forgotten mc ?" ' t LlllCT-flt I - rv.r ., , . ii ui uoesu i sue mis ii ci mi ici- 'tcr thought Paul. . C V F R.t I. AI.F.MS ; mav never hear llinnv str:inTs rtliprel f iicrei h,-r ami : Moore 8:ain. so much luisiln going on, and hut lit-' "A'nen !" came loudly from the seat tie attention was paid to it. Thus I'fore him. matter went on till almost evening, hoked nt the m.i;i with a little when the neighbors reluctantly gave ! "'Tprise, but, thinking it was a mis up the s arch and prepared to return ta'- went on. home. Onlv one place remained un- j "My days on earth will soon be s-arched. the low sjiacc lietwecn the 1 nuinlK-red. I am an old man, and you HiM.r otit-biiildinr and the earth, aliont ' ,,ia.r u,,t "n!.v m-ver hear the voice of i James .vioi.re. out never see ins tace again." "Amen ame scat fore. Ol ju-tice over the lo ads of jnmr. unfor tunate fellows wandering over into the wront' pasrure himself. 15m there it was. He felt reminded of it in occasional throbs of hadche. Hut what was to U- done? The more he viewed it the more he V came disgusted with himself. made up his mind. He would attend to his case. He would vindicate the !es he complied with the demand, in- Sergeant, "I want of that crow, and was saouteu more vigorously from the than lie- NeWS Company. aug T. '7- ltn. HOLESAI.E EAEBWABEip CUTLERY. England & BMley, So the world wagged on. until Mr. ;two and a half feet hieh. This was Estcottcame home from the far-off lmurded up, but at one corner a loard flowery land not indeed with tin? , was removed to allow the dog to en-j fortune of w hub he had dreamed in , u-r aim go out. were were ner pup- sneb arifiiirn. fashion, but with a lieS. still blind and liefore it was a ' . ..,m,.;..,.t i.. i..n,... 1.. IIv. u...t , i rv dite i -vifh JcMin vi.l., nlwvit I Here was DO ni!:'tkinr ti!C (lesij-rt ....... 'comfortable in a ulacc as modest as ' eighteen inches deep. That the child ! n"w- . Praeh inilliuuiui ,. . ... 1 i i,, , , , .. . I man i, i unlive vi .ir,. snouni nave crawiea irom tr.e nons i It was a stormy XovcuiIkt even-; to thjs outbuilding. distance ofjin wan stingy and mercih s.s to the ing, with threatenings of snow in the i Mime fifty or sixty yards, have passi-d j I""" .i':i, . , , i .i ' !... .i:.l." ...1 i .1 l. ai.-i lie ciintimieii Ii?. fi.lilri- ; '-f:ii- vuiii an, auu a ion niii miiiiii. uic i"' ,ui h ot,,i v n 1 1.. n i; n mr: . ... v.. ,i.. , ,1. l ,...)... . .1 . , or - 1 i.,nri..i;i.ii. tl:e l.onl liless nil those of vou who " r"- a"1"' l" luv -uit,.uu ' .i 1 i- t ... 1 .1 . 1 : 1. :, 11 iicii 111- siiuiitco ui tut- stjiion, iook- bind you. You arc I cott, bautrhiily ; "you our enea cement ; vou the worldly fetters that Vt-rv well ; so let it lie free." K Vul Iki wtfjaalj" 1I-01 AVur tliaa l.irli crass, muttcriuc to Limsi lf K.methinc; whcred leaves upon the boughs, ; low nbor.t '-bavin- cnsiwtd bow it wfl'n ' a''?hted at the station, would turn out, ever since Norton & Uif 1 "'totheeyesof Hessy Hay, Van Kruc-li 'liad come down from who had eome to the post office to Ixind.in to sketch the scenerv and a-k ouce again for the letter that nev- The lmacher liMiked he knew him to be a hard. at the griud- duced the Virginian to retrace hi steps. "Now," ?aid the you to eat the rest no nonsense. A punch of the rifle on the sbonM-T of old man roused him to a quick TT sense of his position, and picking up tie .1 . i. , . - i i a. . i ? tt un" iron lie i'uiii-ai oreu to one li. lie grew pale, the perspiration stood upon i.;.-c.... v. .....vi..i :t.. - - i, . . ., uis laic, iic tiiiiiuieu oae a terrier. outraccd law. o. at the usual hour, . . , .. cm i V '.,..ii- iv ir e n his mouth watered, his eves 6 ed. he he entered his office. He formally , ;. , - , - , - . i . .i i .i o i " i gacced. and it set-meil a physical ir.i- opened court, and then called his own -,- , ,- . . u"i i e i -.- , - . tHi-.-ibilitv for him to touch the crow, name as lc fendent in a suit in which 'ri . o i i i i.i.. i ii- -.i , 1 he sergeant compelled him to take a "the tieotile " cbargiHt inni with an'.-. .. , . r i . , bite, and it was was tne onlv one Le offence acaiiist the law. went overthe , , . ..... .,-. -i t i oia tate. ior nis oreatiast came up so c reiim.tances in detail sn f;ir n rii i ' could rcinemlKT them, read "the stat ute in such case made and provided.": and then a.-ked "the prisoner what he! had to sav." In therole of prisoner ! i;i.sr MMi.i;i.'.i.:ii nuiJ. . VoI:K UAr.!tAXTEI n- in Ii:1 ij'.i-.t an 1 lu-M sj,,,.,t,j F-'EST POSSIBLE PEICES. - . l.'ei, 1 ail iilMuLMflilitflu C A T. K S , 1m- cin !ul l )-ay Thrre aiuiaal tai-mentf will injure you 6 yar , atM i liteanuu.il .aynient will inare yoo 10 year an-t id .lav.. i Sti i.i.noi iaynu-nt will inwre Toa i year an.l II dam. 9C1 I iksrlu OITTCDIItWU D 1 turn tbi. bend of nil the o-irl " ercaille. a-wx aiusi it wi.f iiii wuuiiuii, ra, - r li ... ' . .. . . .llliill This Protection Appliesto any Age, An! i e;.r-'.'r r:a:e-l in evi-ry F.Jiry. A lull and ei.mi.lete Sur of A xe. Shovels. Hm-a. Si-ilhe. Snathf. Sawi. L; k. H'.n i ge?, Xailr, and j Blacksmirhs' & Carpenters' Tools, i Ajcui" for IMt.I.i: FII.i: UOKKS; Ctualiiy f File t'XSVUPASSEIi. ; S K X I S A M P L E O II I E P. S i OLD FILES RE-CUT. ii seldom are our visions real- v had dreamed a lli-scv liar made a Men nrlunlii1 overtake him, but she c becked hersi lf 'J in an instant, with a s-arh-t s-tin on 1 1. e . i.rw.i- i ...thirmf ;.- t i., .' tinics of mectiii'' Paul Estcott I pv(.- never in sucn a waj' as tins. "He ought to know better,'' shet u'; Hie iuaereu. thou edit, "and he does. No; I will1 "Ah.' said Paul doSiiug his riy uot foilow l.'in. He will come back ,,sit fur --avcling eap. I I.ojk- y,.u to me i hen the momentarvpiipje has ar w, ' worn itsi-lf awav." ' r or he did not exactly like to call tn thn mcatiH biie l'aul ranhin.r ',tr Mw. Sinclair as Vet ooeninr. aiineared lint such was the cae f..r when the 1 1''1 Iohc their Uuty, Who have hoa- first searcher tore awav the lioards to i ,,r 0,1 1Iim wil1' Jour "uhstance, who cnlarce tiie ajierture, "he heard a low ! ,,ave n kiml " the poor, and" crowl. ami looking in saw "Jennie."! I'ausimr and looking the intruder the dog, Ivin? there with three little I ,u" ,n tue face, and pointing to h;m puppies warminc np her sides, while i rapnlly to protest against the crow i that the soldier relented and told him jto "git" and never trouble a Ilucktail again. Here would seem another proper to end this storv. bnt there is still nn- ciiAPTEn nr. tound asleep with its little hands pat- thoiieand , ting the black skin of its protector. but ; 1 II K A lV I A lEHfMCH Fl;i iTfi'TK iX. i ii kiu-if. H.1I III,' fit liUIB'. N-ai-f r, imirisl .r..nifrily. Aiem Itnuaire li.un.ai.. Wan-- . l'..ir..-.o.i v .ir..!.". K I A1KH l.Vk'S NiiUsE kill.. 1 Viij Atniuo. l-if.onra. V. M. BEACIILY'S, fELEHKATLD lTJIaOK! over the low etone wall a few unci. lu lovv bad verv nearly i.tnnil.le.1 ..t-..r D'Ost faded out f witn ins linger. "Mav His curse rest on those who jhave cheated the Lord, and ground ffhp Iiosir Itmti.r I lii.ir liltl.l Slair ni.tnn , LAY TIIE I.OsT fllll.P. ! . . ' . ' - . . j to that, brother. ( in anouicr mouicni u was in its moiu-: The shot told He ! er'e arms, almost devoured with kisses, f r. ,,., asrain. and rudely awakened from its slniiilK-rsi 1 by a torrent of tears of joy, while the I Ilnrkalew Oier th ' uog lay there gravely wagging its tail and by its sparkling eves showing its The rcWl archives purchased by vaiisiaciion. i uc ciiiiu as unin urea , mc .National wovernaient (savs tiie i not uitcr- Bwrtler. o.n fc ,, as a simiill- il'l 11 lliau 111 Ills , .1 i r -- i i.i other chapter cars and position, but hoiicJ "the, 1 court would not lie too severe on him as he was determined to reform. The ut.st daT tW oM Virzin!an , The prisoner will stand up." Paid i martin- under the indimities he had the stern o:d justice. Then the pr.s-: PnCVml in I10t on!v bavin!r Lis ,t oneraruse. "Xow, .-aid the justice, , t.row kilIvdt Ut wni,Hi;e,i I am very sorry you have U;en :m a tioa of it went t0 Lt.aJ. brought into court on a charge which i r,' ,,f ,,, niii.t-i.; .n.t t...t., iy affect? your cood name i mr,i.i;i ,A i.,.,i .i.., a ,.V,:.. in society; tou have ! ..r. tu,.,u,ki set a bad example, and if vou iro on,j..,i, t... . :i,.i.- ui ut l i i iw.n a -w-1 i ant aiii.i;i. i ;r iiii i he must be the person rc- so serum and rtandin, i TXNIXU11AM, VHi 1AX .VXD si"l;i.i;ix. L WANSVILLF- I'A ; I l;.s. STEEX .1 .. . s;. 1'l.arU- lloul.! ; Siit.'iT. PiTrsBiKuit, Pa , i". nf OiicciisTiare atid Maimfaf tur.Ts .f (;ijsaare. -n.i-.i e . .arsi 1m uianuiaetcrr all Tl i-i. toerrtilv that mr lale hn!.nt. Iianiel I H. 1 'Im4im. wf Itonn-t In the Herk'htre Lite j lii-ursiiK-el'.TOjair.v. Fltlhrl.l. ... I-T (l.Wal, J J ( )( )T) Iw.mlirT lwh. I'M. iremlui ayad quan. rlT. ( ' T...I .sr.. . . ..!. ii..... Im. 1 u, V, i 1TI. thai he uied i .t.rf-r i::tb. .ir month! alur ; ha -en In ne wt trnt vtart. h- l.iled to make hl )aw-at. ,nd ' cared th..ujiii., of ra-..-. ei.i,len.- liirw- Tl-u'ual .p.l- ol dath were f.Twarded tothe rt,,c '-ythe i.n.fwi.ai. It h.. ni4 failed in a .ii C.wiaiii. and the foil amount of tiie flk-r. Ie 1 relief I.' inlinly eure. the twi, quarterly vtiK-m, tue at the time i.f hi. i It in )-ani, u'uir!y reo.muteu'.ed in the fi.Ui.int i.-arh. wa, jaiid to hie liv their Oeneral Aperrt In ! dini.lniiio: " " 1'i.ila.l. Ij.l.i.. W. II. Urate., at theirofflre. s. W. r i.eflliui aiel rjerenm isirrei. c-Ts-i' rrr- . r. ,,.twt, n . . . . . Sine,i XETTIE THOVFSltN. " -n 't nr.. i:t.r, I A i li.y U W. H. liivene. l-ite of New York. iii.ured a few ' yejr. iue- in the fwk.hire Lfle Ineuraaeel'ma- i iany .os.i: .t t.aln- to ml. I.4-: une in tl- J i-s. wa. nnal.le to make any ynnl to the ' ''.iiil-jiuy liurliir ie vear an.1 nve moults ere- to ; I. n- is-sp. I l,,ve tlii. .1T I.U lattbeXewl 1 . .mite id tb'funiaiiy. Kl Ilnadwar. e.nr oi iminer-is ,lnn. tl.re thuu-and two kan.lred . an I niiH-t.i-i.ine .l.-i-.r-. tt.i- tn-iux the lull amount . due to Li. i.i..a. art. r .lt-.lu.-unj: Ihe overdue laiy ,' iio-nii. n-l liiti-rif t. . v .i t . i i. - "-- j n any .l.-r-..r.ifHBi. nl of the Clooi. In ell .!im-t Mtlin.Sir.11.1. ,m. Mii-rintendmt. , peculiar to K-tuaii it I? a nrv and Jw.rere.oa k,m- ! . i lookinff lite a I I a;...- Il lu. ... . 1 J -- . . . - - .1 , u u r itiiii rwf '.Tlliif iiimuirii OF TJIK UK ART. LIYKR COM PL A 1ST. HIIK I MA TlS.V, A7.V IfLsEASES. LA SO I ID cincrr.A Tins. In any deranavmcnt of the 11 tux!. In all the prostrate form of a man Ivine among the red clover blossoms, in the island of shade cast by an umbra geous tree, and reading. "Mr. Van l.rsigh." The young artist glanced up with a sort flazy worn showing under his long dark eye-la-shes. l'aul bit i; nnu' tionwi n . k- ! " Engaged in the noble occupation "Call me Ik-ssy - or cvesaropping, en r ' Le mattered. ' quietly ; Come now 17 cott, don't be Vo are n in,rried r (Tiisty; i uioi mean to overnear . 0 iau He drew a long breath that was a! a sob. "Aunt Jemima-said but, lecs- I ... .-. . u-liv diil v.iii tint answer mv Ii fti r ' " Win did vou not write to in'e Paul?'' The red StaillS Of the SUUst-t Lad al-Uboiiii-h covered with d.i.t iin.l . .wrtb (Jermantown Trlrnrnnh 1 r.tvp'il K. wit faded out f the ky when lit fr..ln';.i,m..r,,, it Iii.t tiifi?i ' fart that i !1 1 Siiti t).A nrt-rnt IT 1. . . i. .1 i i.-.j i . . - " r . I - '--j --". i"'- ...t-inwa mr, auo.u "'"""eu jai.- ,rtt any hunger after Ix ing rew ued, candidate for Governor of IV frnlH thi'Ktatiiin ... I r I e . -.?. - ,,' - , t , , nnsvi- at tli!rate vmi will brine si'rrow and disgrace on yourself and family. I sentence you to pay a fine of ten dol lars and costs, or to thirty days' im prisonment in the rfinnlr jail." The '"prisoner" aid lie would prefer to pav the fine and then the court clos ed. ?tipposin lerreti to. tie ooeycu tne summons at once. ITe pushed the door of the tent aside and entered the presence, snapping hi heels together and stand ing erect in the position of "attention, he brought his right hand quickly to Hav." she Id Vircia- sir," promjitly answered the ' vour conversation ; but what was a j- it j. nti.:i.i - i - . i Tciiow io u: ui is me joiiicst i i;i ! place on the farm, and I w asn t to blame because Mi?9 Hay came outi nebe's -If. to gather and vou followed like' r-N'l' r llF.ET IP.OX WAKE ! iil a n;.j.!y rf e n-r and t.r-i. - .ri.i ail km li i4 llM I llruiKhiHe; 4aOtIa In In- S!ki ttfie due wee: .4 tiiM. K.nerset. Pa XnAHt ASLliELK. '! -K. I'.P.OOKS CO.. CommiSSinn Mprrhinte sv . a-tuia9a " ' AMI. EX STKLET. Janitf Ji-e. Xew Y'i4-k I'ily. l.Ouu. aiyment ! l.vertlue 4 ne4itlni. y. 11. '. H !!,. New York City, tl.guo. fmj- ro-fit oi i-rdue 4 n.t4ith. and & dais. i Mr.. ). B. Hart. 4'hi-as, 1U, parment , werdue T tcnith awl lidan. H. F. Mi.e, ll.vt.4i, lilaaL, (Ctuu, fayment overdue i muni ti and 1 da J Janie H. Adair. Xew ilarvf!le. I.L. I2.000, ' pavment i-ertlne 2 n4tthf and dava. J Ife-manl nira.iy. I let roil, ill-li. .0M. aj iw nl overinc : Ttam. lu nxaith. and II dava. J.K- 1). Lftaltftiok. 1 iLrUdura. HaeC tLuUO, Q. ineui mwuac a yt-ara. i ntaiiii hu a wava. ; IKAilirHILlI k XAKSliALL. Aent. June 12 TL SuaierTet. Fa. . ii .... n . ... from the station i , 7 -1.1 n i - V 1 - , . , V, . T t , ,-, , ' T ' the visijr ot bis military cap and cave iroiu iiie siauoil. ' u ln.-li fm-t u-itli tlir iin.ittnti m u-I.i.., i nm-i I litirlon I! Ititi l. tk.. f. r . f , I... ,. ... ,..l , ;.l ,!. . Ji.i . - . . t " Hi, heart smote him when he saw , ft w" lid no dbt that nV 'V""""M th, look of ,11,1 endurance ,n hcri of 1: , and Kemus had ! vania,Leld conference with the rebel ' E.., J 41 voow S ini'I' if N'li' i n ii ii ai " ii i iiriHi nn t-iiiiiiiii mwiIiiiiits in rfirriMiii in i iia n.. ..- - "Are you alone, Iiessy V i and that the dog had stickled the 1 wnduct of affairs in the then ix-ndinc , " -- ' f " risia ') 8 " l""ut,n" ' " "Yes. Paul." ii.:ii !i :.i :..i i. ' i-elrna. Man. -i-i r noo- , i u-aiui'uimi tuning iu sucu a i a i ! t.i- " 1 suppose," he said. With 111) cf- Of cuiirse the dice '-. Iinio." i. 1 l.n 'as to enilrfirra-m and weaken iho I 'lav.- fFn-tn "the llnrinnaiU'o.n:, e. i i l . fort, "that I must call you by Home ji0ru;i1(. ,.f i;jh,,kia. and she and lier ernment. keen trootis at bmne in thv ' "U.".C .... . . little ulavmate and the three nuimics ! Xorth that should 1h at the front t'HAPTKP.I. . . "?;r d" vn la-cr-ine acjuaintcl tumble inmartiallv aliout in the van! ! Shtiu? the t-nemv. and irenerallv to .' " , . i t i - " i ii t. ' 1 t i r t " x- i r , , , .. . e uined tocetnerTCstt-ruav, sir. ! of shady evenings, but Mrs. Papin , produce such a state of thincs as Near the camp of the old Peiinsi 1-; pr0I)u;jv ann,xVred the culoriL 'd.M-rii't stop to cLat with friends, might alloiv of the election of a IVni- vania Uucktail Uccimcut. in Virgin- t-i1 i ' t . 1 , i i r i i.t t r.t l .-i-i. i r - i-i i. . ,,c-i i lie roar oi laticiitcr wuicu tuiiow. hen she jr-ies form to Iiorrow vca.-t oiTatie President and a trcatv if ia. carlv in the war. lived an old aris-i .i ..... i" . i. i -. , 1 r t u ' i .- i "i i . x " i . ... . ;t-u iiiis repn neeu uoi ia- ucscriwii, of a neighbor. , iieace and separation with the reliels; tiM-rat. exclusive and pompons irein- .t. : .:.!. .l. h , uor tiie manner in n nicu eirii me oiu .n,an"' Vircinian ioinisL The serarant was ace, was made of t : , . . .,... " .i ,i 1. . - v a a ,v aaa J aaaauaa. - HUM . V III us chiuinevi were t ' .t . t i . v i w aw. a a, a a. a. .aaa. Vlt4 ITIVA k and the colonel was ended by an in vitation to the latter to dine the next an-, .FER1I. IIVBTUVXI'T AT 1IOHF. Ilia Rerard aid the Abne that iw l . i rlew mt Ilim. , jieace and separation with the reliels; tiM-rat. exclusive and pompons V j In that canvass it was well known ian, in true baronial stvle. His .1; ,i.-..-..i .......... . i . i.i i - .. .e .. . -ii. , mat iiism, m set n i vim is a wvn sioit. 01 icrvoiu ace, was mailt' ,' orcanized in the North bv I)emtcrat- imiKjrtetl brick. of I ie politicians. They existed in Peuu-, tall and massive, and the rooms were ' sylvania and were quite troublesune. - tall and pleasant The attraction of CtrrtJeltam efH.Jnl.a il.. . ' I TCU CUITanW, I? , t . I ikd I'lillnw I . , m. van. an.l eunr.el.'te.. 1 1 . . I - I t, . I i 1.... .-1, .7 .,- ln.A 1 .. - , . .1 . n 1. I i lxlni. Paid. ""'J""r.- the trout stream and talk over m.t.1 Ifore they had reached the llavi A correspondent of the Xew oik ; That Mr. Uuckalew was in complete the old i rif uw or u r. l r.K Ik a w a f t i -(-. - . . . . t; . . r . . x t . 1 i ...'it ii i a. i i . a. Pa.and k,ar.rs m FamjV Le.i V-. ; tr-ami i hin-s in -eneral i re io.. . larm. where the curraut oiisiH-f ,au . j i rim.g irom orri-to .i ii, i a, , aceora m un xnciii is suown by Ma grounds mat SUrrol!)(lol !! oi.iman where. July iTl G RISER'S PATENT NELFKEGlLATIXtl The Improved Grain Separator, CLEANER ii BAGGER, i And Iaiid Triple Geared HOUSE POWER . tcr- and ihinrs in freneral. Are von . ; reallv in earnest a Wit wanting some-! long since lost their leave?, and thei: i thin"- to do V ' ' " garden-wall was already Wgianing, the .ufMiiru I am " .- -. .1 to lie whitened bv the i -,-. .- ... . . ' - .i ii i. ?. .i . i. . . ii- .i ' , ... - .i , Then FUPixjsevou "laiw-oovrr thU : nates, the mists ltfouit antl lat-snn- s?aiun - .cjH-riu i.unxauii muw nv . tHruee ana t aianuiguaru niuea rao ruin TsiaiiaiD witc an wttrtfu up, and i lu"1 Ml n.iut uv.- ma -.(-- U- iu uaiin jur. iutkaiiv ri place, however was at the o)d ramAon. Large coniereuce w un tne retai eonauiSsion-, siou. Sun and the IPto-W, of vour ers. when he was the onlv member, shad are rehashing the stale slauder of Congress who did so. Even of the crounds afforded Bessy Hay had promised to forgive ana lorget all her wvers seeming j i At a time like thepreaent. tW, i.i.. i. . : ' K 1. InilairTant that ttmm wk.. . . i i letter that 1 received this moruins j from my uncle. I've no idea of cxpa triatinc nivsclf among the pig tailed 'celestials for all the fortunes that j m-gictu were ever made. But for an ambi-! "VanBrugh was scoundrel,'' ut- tiousnian read the letter, that's aiL" t tered Paul, 'but without his aid I Paul Estcott obeyed, almost daz-( could scarcely have been in a position zled for the moment iiy the lirilliant , to marry you i it naa nee ated, which thev .V, Whether this storv has anv bear- trees gave luxuriant .' :., ,t " r.ra,:n.r 1. a. . IUi upvil UiV plin.Ut l'i a-t a. an. a the underbrush m iKirttou, . pan . t0 M ' Lit, T l.n,-.. YT,,T., lltnt ttiA ru.t rabbits and other small came. There . . ,Y i-: . . . , , - , , j UVH oi llie oiu i iriiuuaii n,s i uut n . i . .... . .. .. . . nr.. n . i . .. . . . , i t.MiK, wi.t. vituaiu?, null HI- - ...!ll 1..I.. ... . :.e l-.i i,-., m i.i. i i . . cAim i iii in-ill io i iiaiiit- is loimu in iie omciai reiKirt oi oors, ana tne wuoie oore sucn a scene i h.fi.iit lli eito-iiliie "TJi.n'iil.ni.i n I'.l.l l!.or..L,l Ar.n,.;. !..- 1 . C 1 ...... ...r..l 1 ........ ... ,.. i.t.iiiui 1 1 u, i iviiiiiii.-iuui'i aim ii urui rs oi tiuiiai inair,uiurs alio reiiose. i ..... i- ... i :. ? 1 i r Tl . .l. -ts i.., . . .. . . . . . . . 1 1 ' sW Alliiu II till. palatable to him as Ureelev is to ome of those w ho are compelled to prospect it remed -to oix-n to him. ( time to wait : but it im all right I ..-- ll.. . . . i . .. 'fi .11,1 ... . . . i.iw4.ij Wionin7a.J'n reaiiv gn c me me privilege , aner an. ELLIPTIC SEWING MACHINL W J ' 'er s--n.r.tor the! of accepting or refusinc this sit ua-i ' It's like a storv. Paul," said Bt m tlctoiH-r. In I euusyivaiiia den. that he conferred with them in ncrson. that it waa no wonder that the wild Hartranft s record as a soldier and and that their views did not differ : Bucktails were charmed with the, civilian is so well known that all the materially. i prosjn-ct, and anxious to penetrate! scandal and vituperation which his' Asa United States Senator Mr. ' into a snot which cave such nmmiso! (solemnly sworn toi of enjoyment. - - - I maintain the1 The Bucktails were not tie most' ovemmen of the tractable soldier. Thev came froiii : een a Ion"! t'n' ,u't s u,"-r ?alast him will fall j Buckalew was (sole ff')t jy j LarmlcKS. At home Lc.is universally support, uphold and '. -.'i esteemed. From the time he led the, Constitution and Oov 1 H....r . r T- I . . r 'a- ,. .-.. . u'ne'lir ""-T "lajtion - flc fainied First llegiment of Volunteers from; United State-, ami yet in utter deli-; the stepping-uff place the Wilder- i'- -tn.- .4nui.itr.. New Draw Feed, KH.-N-uu LOCK STITCH. j " I really that I don t want sy, "wliere people go 'through all i '1's c0.unt.v t- Washington to the pre-( ance of the oath he wm in eominuni-j ness of Pennsylvania M'Ke s and tribulations- buti -s'nt l'me' lieg'or' and friends j cation with enemies engaged in ojx ni tcr, Forest and Tioga connti- Pot- The Carlisle Vvlnnleer thinks that "Buckalfw, Hartley, Thompson an magnetic names. Whenever they are mentioned in political circles they a feeling." The opinion is Judce Thompson made the create 1 sound. an. 1 ,-.r .;Ai. . .1 4.;i...i..:. i... n, m nun., uis m-iuiiuoi -i uiiu ii iciiti caiiuii w n n rneiuif f-nrainn in iiiM-n irr rnrpsi anil i 10001 roiiiiiii.-s tin. on. I iftn . ... ni. ml 11 111 li lain llliu II I UUII IHI1M ;-. uuii. ... 1 . --s--r "I ' c-- . --i v.i-t . , . ..J have Wat 1-1 Mill IlK Oil rtr wit h lnt..eol u-npfiro f. .e 1 It.. ilAitmnti.in rt ll.A 1?a . 1 Ito ol.l. t,t a. I ),..t a it on, A lt-hlih Iliniv 1 amir ft ml cti h., n..nnl rr nmvintt 1. r. iiimii- ii , n ua ' a in '. I I ..... .... .... .- . . .. ... . . , . . . . ' . - ' . t . m t . . -. v. t..t . t - nit . .j.t lit t, t nt it ....... . - - . ...... . . - . -. - , t t . v - - v. ... . . - ' draft that was necessary to il up the it wivwdf, it is P'HK SALE OP BUTTER. M .r.r- vt" ' :'" V... Mrver Wili. f'"0 .' M.en a A aaa ait. hlm lj- There are atane ankila m a fti4in. llu.iin, t l.af la.) in attiring to imrrhaiic rboald Ui law oai .aleratiua, aaaiely: U,s lift. J.t l--,..:. o . 11."' lialutieire. Nl-H I LOUR MILL. -I "IjIVVi.-iiv .... . .. .....,,, JH1LL, "tl 1'i.ain a.m.n, "'ZXl'ZrZ'ZZ? ' AD4 w '1Wt " of It. Areot. want U Fitk AT.,PIUbnrh, Pa. htnec i4 raanlnw. ' Manaai-meat. 4 "' " i Work iieuaira-L t re.4 li4 Xai-. and X-a ljul4lny i. art uut iA tirdor. We eUlin tliat the IMPKOYKD EIXIITIC .i-e ail tneae j.Mnta. and that h ia thev eb y mux FAMILY MACHINE Now Manufactured. VALEX11XE IlAVl illteral term.. I EA lUX BKUS Great Economizer. . . t.t. , " " . .... r-. .i, .a uu . - . .liii,.,ini,tr.,mlh..-. . Al..:...r? ....It:.. ,.. .l . I .1 ... k... .. ...... , ,. . . ,., , . verv trreat streteh ' of o-encrositr nn i never thought 1 should live n storv ,e. e . , . -'aj"-teii-i j,uin , n uu ,-.,,0,1, auuw iiwns 10 vuvui uurmi? mc niu.i ', tiitionai. and said tne gretnoacks, UXJZZli&SZT" U MiL7rtF Vy Hciu- contain official pf that they were a fancy of CoWd Katie brother of ( n(i,at,d to ,U!.uia the soldiers, were i,.. iU.u.onh.Hj.artorthatof l.iu-nds, ; at the very time hinng ineendiarie, the Arctic expbrcr who ;!.. they. .... .. , , . ' , r : 1 ' J ' ; I IlklllllllHIw'll II I III li a 1" TlllIiTiir I .a floral . til IllYUTPiir I nllu f mmril U 'X A W Yaf-fe- rVMIIIlHim 11P IIP rfrf rl 1 1 T I T hU POIM. .-- iti-.theonivmei.inetiura,bro orEaa-' P0 yonrself at my uncle's count-; A UIU 4 hlM IM.r.1Ml wUl) . .o. .otKitopui, uimn anii nranfrain ni lurmar- ing uouse? Wit inn Iolir-anil-lWeDlV ket kEIV a II AY. FJknek. KomertM CVi Pa an, the talr arai. aad Sau l Iber le not, 1 hours." I ! Paul Sprang up. flushed and "111 doit. I'll show Be- that I am no , do-noUiinjr afte Ia kirk Had K ark led It. I nominated r it . aiiic ! ove 1 his bitterest malicners. lor Auditor lieneral : to ilestrov I'niladclnhia. ew ork eonimantier. lie recruited the re-i- was elected bv 22.CC0 maioritvi and other Northern cities, to sores. ment in the early davs of lsttl. lic-i these illecal and unconstitutional r den. W. W. H. Davis, one of , contagious diseases at the Xorth, to' ginning on the day of the arrival of measu tires, whatever betided the coun- At the end 1 get up revolts among the rebel prison-: the news of the fall of Suropter, from ! trv, and Hartley was whipped or was una n- crs. and to arrest recruitiay for the. the backwoodsmen, who were famous kicked and arrested for the strencth PlinTmTnTtrrnn ininmrrr i. j u snow jm-ss nay j near ri. iouis, was on jsaiuruay iast.nuou.-lv reiiouunated, and sti topular Lmon armies. Mr. Bockalew es now, martsmen. 1 he v were all deer-hunt-1 of his Southern love tnen failed lAIIilUjlUJJUalll AbAlJM I. tb1 1 81,1 .no ' yo-iotlnng after all, ( thrown into a terrible sUte of agita-1 was he with his party and such satis, j a candidate for Governor of this Com-; ers, and, as & dc signation, each man ; treason. Such uaiiK'ti ought to arouse Fur nretmrin, roant mea fcreUee tad for taei-i E,tive really worth my while ( tion, by the rt'iMirt that the infant faction had he civen'to the public that! monwealth. Sonic call him the Lib-; was furnished with a tail of a buck Teelinc onght to be magnttic But TEiiAYori-ta! x"!" 'rii r i- ' glancing atjchildorMr. I-rancois Aavier Tapin ajuone even were named against him I eral Republican candidate, but the, by Colonel Kane, and w hen thev macuetisni is of two kinds, attraction rerU4h'derimiuBia. ilTJiJai '. his old-fashioned Silver watch, which . little girl thirteen months old, had i for the nominatiou. He was again ! amount of Republicanism about bira.i marched from Camp Curtin with the ami repulsion, and the Volunteer, if it elected by a majority of 9. GJ. In. taking the foregoings as a sample,, bucktails in their caps it was a novel does not disband too soon, will have ntj or 1 attend, and eiub rale, are hik tia(re. tih rnw.io to contrasted po markedly with Mr. been lost. The parents live about eaiweiaUT tliaaa dealnna- buar.llnir ol 1 w- i , ... i . . .. . . . I .. . ... . . . rj. ., v. iin lirno-n s eiepni liiii.iou-rimi a nn n an-a,.- r..,.. i... 1.1.1,1... .r n.,, r- ' .. .. - " " . , . ..t ... v mt vi 11JC auitU lis pti itv. WM. EWIXft. or Krv. W. F. BKOWN. chronometer, i lose." I have no time to settlement, in a small frame house, in six years he reduced the State debt i would reauire a uncroscoDC to render; sicht. Colonel Charles J. Riddle, of a chance of learninc the kmu these over nine millions of dollars, and it visible. I Philadelphia was made the Colonel. I names arouse before manv mor i the rear of which, at the extremity of! through his exertions the tax was ta-l The great Commonwealth of Peun-! and Colonel Kane the Lieutenant I moons have grown old.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers