unburn" Simtritatt: SLTXPUlll'. MAUCII 10, ISTtf. fairs. e v " Wm. A. Balkwim, Ewj., euperinten lent ol the rbimtlclpliia auJ trie K. K., Urie l in a finci.il tmiu on Tuesday for Ca ilnruU. Ma. Diix introduced in the Senate, on Tues day litft, an art 10 repeal au acl entitled "Au act to Incorporate tlie Sunbury bit-am ferry and tow th at company," approvcJ April 5, 1S70. Wm. Keese announces liinifeif a public auc tioneer hi until Iter cuiuiun. Reese uiukcha good Auctioneer. Tub chicken thieve whu made away with about half a d..icn ol Dr. Awl' chickens, on Saturday light, are iuviied to lake the coup, as lie ha uo further use for it. ALL W.itiaiunker it Br.ian's woolens are spouued ill the piece, on the premises, (ilh and Market, Philadelphia. Commekcial CkLLFoE Prof. J. K. Davi, ol' WiilianistNirt. proposes to establish, at this place, a branch of hi Commercial college, aud we boje our citizens will give him ail the en courairMiieui they can to make it a success. 1'rof. D.ivi i known to many in this vicinity, and as a teacher stands ia the trout rank. A Commercial college, in this place, is much ueed ed, aud will be a creditable addition to our town. Tuc "o!drt inhabitant" hays that when March cuuies in lik a lion it toi out like a lam i ; but, as the Dutchman hays, "Smiicd'uucs he comes iu like a lion au i kh; uut like dcr tuy feL" Evektbopt who bas kilidiy feelings toward us will please bear iu min i that "It it belter to give llian to receive." 'PfLL down your vest" is Mm latest slauc phrase wheu you want a man to shut hi (nouth. Killed is the Mines. Jacob Eiekr ... Jr., a liiiuer.wati killed in (hi- iuines,at "Hi'Ut iiioii'luiu, Dauphin county, oil Weduced.iy of last week. Those of our subscribers wiihiu the comity who are indebted to us for subscription, S:c., will greatly ortliir us by seuJing the money With their neighbors neju week who may come here to attend court. If they do not come themselves. There will be a jrood opportunity, as there wil be parties attending court from rVcn pail of the j We publii-U in another part of this h-su: the County Auditor's report as a i.ew item. The Democratic board of cociimisMoners arc not as liberal as the Rcpublucans were when in pouvr 1 be latter published their rpoit iu paperc circa jaling over the whole county, while the present board is confining its publication to pupers that circulate ou!y iu one part of the county. The people In other pai ts ol the county are presum -d. by the commiiouers, not eutitled to know bow the county does stand, financially. We publish the rcporl for the bciiclil of those the Democrats think are uot enlillcd lo the informa tion. Isvokmation' Wanted. Catharine Etrweiicr. wife of Levi Ditty, deceased, and daughter of Dauiel Eicweilcr, of Jcflersou township, left the home of her parents, with whom she was living, sometime iu June last, ou fool, to cro the nj ountaiu lo Lykeiis. Shu said she was filing ti Germany and ha uol iuce brei heard of. The tuUsing wom.in i about 4.1 ers of aire. aud shows occasional imlicali'iti of an unsound mind. Any information couceruin-; her where abouts will be thankfully received by Peter Eis weiler, Eiiterline P. O., Dauphin courtr, Pa. Lyktnt I2eg-ittr. Wkskb to Get Cxioicc Seeds. By rccrinc to our adverlUin colatiitia, it wi.l be seen that Dr. C. H. Martin & Co. have received, at their dru ore, on Third rtreel, the choicest flower and vegetable seeds of the season. We call s-e.ik of lues Vick's seeds by exiierience, as we have (boroughly tested laeui, aud always found them the best that could be louila in our iuark t. Mr. Vicks has made it a rule not to scud sced abroad unless tli.y were of the berl, aud the K'UEtr Ucsuuliuuc in business the more popu lar be becomes, lie bas probably a larger variety of Cower seeds than ran be fouud else where, aud a trcneral assortment of them Way be bad at Dr. Martin ti Co. drug store. I ibe rouiitl-- of Schuylkill, Northumber land, Colombia and Dauphin the n amber killed, maimed and the number of widows aid orphans tnade In consequence was 4,5:C the past seven years. The largest Dumber of casualties were in Schuylkill county, having been killed and l.Ce',7 maimed. The number killed and maimed in Northumberland county was "45 and in ColnmbU 7!. In the several counties the Lumber .f fatal casualties from falls o! coal was 216, from railing rrk and slate 43, from falls into shafts and slope f 9, rrora fails of lim ber 18, from exploaiousuf tire-damp IjI, powder 25, blasts and shots 24 aud steam boilers 13. crushed by limbers, wagons, etc., CS. fulling off slope and shaft cages 14, breaking of ropes and rbains 30, crushed iu w heels and machinery 2a, crui-n.d in rollers 21, t-utiocated by noxious gases 8. injur, d by anim tis 8, aud ei.-Jit ini.fl ianeous accident, making a total number of death of 735. The cumber luaimed aud in- .,..,..,.,,. , r , ' jud was S.0W. The number or ..do. was j .v.liud orphan 1,430. j A Ml.xemo at..H came off at Deurt,o I .. , , , . Thursday of last week, for a purse ol fC5, which j was divided into four prizes, tlx : f 4', $20 and f 5. The follow ins; i the e.re : II. J. Waltz. Sunbury lltllllll 1 l'J Joseph Karstetter, Miilon 111111110 I 9 J. P. ?.rcClc.iry, Milt'-u.... 1 0 1 1 0 0 t 1 1 1 7 Davie IT y, Milton 110 110 11107 Charles Sticker, Milton.... 111011110 17 Frank H.rdic, Wm'port... 10100 00 1 3 H. S. Lucas, Wm'port 111111111 110 Alt'X. Davidsou, Wiu'iioil 011011110 C Job White, Lykeus 101011105 (I. Irvine, Lykeu 10 111111119 M. Coo-r, M-Uanoj City I 1 1 I 1 1 I 0 I 1 J i. V.'. WaltC, Hilllbu. jr.. 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 I 1 c . F. Trowel, C'iiiiisquaque 110110010 05 iin Ivreler, Dewart 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 I 5 'oTK. The Hal mean that the pigon was U-d, but fell ou the outside of the boundaries. rERsnWAi.. We reler our rcadeis to the card J h. Cuiiiminn, Km., In another column, who i located pcrmauectly in thir place. Mr. uminifs ba bad extensive experience in the .rauce busiue, and comes weil recoiiiineud ,ln the t'tuneron Cottty Frtt we fiud the fol--ijf notice of bU departure Iroiu that place : 'tlX LkaVC C. We reirnt lo learn Ibut K Cunniiini; is about lo leave us and Sunbury tu ftituie home. During his tiere Mr. Cumtninirs has made a host and our citizen generally will regret He i a bigh-loiied b niorable busi 4 will be popular anywhere. Mr. mt nur in ihe insurance buin.s, iiry where there is a larirer Held heartily commend him to tha Washington Tea 'it Mrs. Harry Gra 'ence of M r. Poi ler 221 uil., was a t Hair. About lurried, from n. bury were nuton cos TTeenlnge id. w hose n y ladies, im.vif it .o fully aig and r the e tea f ihe and i'orn and y 'g The Adjourned Court Proceed iug. - REPORTED BT K. C. OOBIS. Considerable interest was manifested in lbs case of James M. Pet-kit vs. the Philadelphia and Keadlui: K. R. Co., ou tiiul this week, in action ol acsunips'it. Mr. P. ttit, the plaintiff, was coudurtor on (he P. & It. railroad for seven years, and ran between Phl!ade!;lil i und Potts vllle. I!e was suspected of appropriating the company's funds to hi own use. The Piesidei I of the road, Mr. Sm'ili, cmplojed Piiikcrton's detective force lo '-hunt it up." After ix dif ferent trials, it appears l!e evidence, through the detectives, was pretty conclusive that ail was not riirlit- Mr. Pelt U was then summoned before Mr. Smith, Mr. Nicholas am! Allen Pin-k'-rton. the detective, nl the offlce of the Presi dent of the compnn', and charged with the crime. Before the plaintiff, wa allowed lo de part, the dufcmlau. 8 allege that Mr. Pellit vol urlnri V agreed, aud did refund, eiuhleen thous and dollais iu bomls, with the understanding Hi.it no criminal pioceedini;s should be brought auuiusl liim. lie was llicii discharged from the company's employ. Alter the expiration of two years. Mr. Pet lit brought an action acaiust Mr. Smith, peisonaliy. for tl e lecovcry of tile mouey, in the Lancaster county court, but was defeated. then brought tins action a-i in st the company. '1 ha plaintill alleges that the money was obtained from him by Ihleats of prison or criminal pio.seculiou. Upon his eXamitiulioti he nvvore positively that the money used in purchasing the bonds di.l not belong lo the railroad company, but be decliued auswcnui: w hether or not he had appropriate I any of the. company funds to his ow n u.se. The extravagant manner of Mr Pelt it's living created the suspicion that he was raliicr fast. It was given in evidence that lie sported a four I hundred and li ty dollar breast pin, was the owner of a horse that be 8olu for two thousand dollars, and lived in au eleven thousand dollar bouse, while receiving salary not exceeding SeVeuty-two dollars per mouth. In rebii'tal lo t lie above, the pl.iiiuilf testified that nc had been dealing in stock, more or i-s, since 1S70, and related several instances in which he made protilab.e dijkers' on walclifs and chains. We will not express an opinion, but the above is the principal evi.leiice in the casiu lieu. Cie- iiient for plaiuli! and Frank B. Gotvcii and p. Wolverton for defendant. The jury in the above case, returned a verdict, ou Wednesday evening. !u favor of tbi; deleud au'vS. As Attempt to Ui:eak Jail. On Tuesday Just before dinner, a little sou of Sol. Maiick, K-1 . noticed that a prisoner wa digiug a ho. through the Jail wall, and at one: apprised Sheriff Su Inc. The SlierilT. on enl' i iug the jail yard, found licit, the prisoner who attempted last week lo break j ail, had Sled olf his hobbles, and had nearly completed u;i aperture about seven feet from the ground Ilirottgu the otusi.1i! wall to escape. The prisoner was at once Incised tip iu the. building, and workmen procured close up the ctl ism. licit had two pieces from au iron bedstead to dig with, aud II he hud not iceii discovered in th course of half ah hour longer there would have beeu a general jail de liver, as but little morj work was require ! to Complete the hole for the largest s.scd prisoner to escHj through. There arc twenty-live priso ners con lined iu the j;i::, who culci t lined the woramcu repairing the will with :ui original ong called Tin- Northumberland County Jail.' The Democrat, who kept electioneering with i lie grand juror agaiusl building a lic.v jail a lew years ago on political ground, should iiuve au invitation exteuded to him to attend the con certs held by the prisoners now couilucd iu that institution. It might rem.iid hi'U of bygone lays. The lireseut board of Com tu issiouers are pushing ahead the work of building a titw struct ure as rapidly as possible.. Committed row Life. Barney McCue, the murderer of John I)ecter,w hose career out of pri son w.ii a remarkable one, aud nhc, since his arrest, had a still more remarkriblo experience, w.i on ThursJay morning taken by Sheriff Piatt to the Eastern Penitentiary at Philadelphia. 1 he prisout-r was twice sentenced to be hung, aud bas laced the uiurderei doom since the date of Mie killing, in October, 1S7J. Through the unrelenting efforts of firm friends, aud ulter inoiitiis of anxiety and suspense, the Boiird ol Paidous finally, in December, commuted the death sentence lo imprisouiueul lor iife. But a further delay kept Barney in the county piison until last week, wheu official not iljc.it. on was received by the Sheriff to convey the prisoner to the abode w beie his life v. ill be hid Ironi the wo-Id, and where, within th-- cold walls of the j penitentiary, the doomed man wi.l fiud a living tomb. A larce crowd of persons j assembled on Third and Pine streets to wituess the ucpailure of McCue, aud many curious eyes were upim the uiau thus diKimed. Barney, on emeiini: from the j ill, knocked the ashes out of a pipe he had been smoking, aud w i!h a farewell g.iZ.- upon the prison entrance, descended the steps, walk ing wi.h a Cim slep, by the side of the Sheriff, lie bad been shaved pn vio-is to lenviinr his cell, and resettled a very reputab.e apja-arancc, tliougli long coullneiiieiil bad bleached hi face veiy much, lie has for Seveial weeks Jiast ex- rei-sed a desire to go to bis new home, st.it iug th-l the dull tuoiiotouy of jail lif ; was disagree able, and that be preferred employing himself at some m vocation, which he will be favored w itli iu its fullest extent, at baid labor wiibri tlie o'.id walls of i he Eistern Penitentiary. H'i' liknwport SfH:laj Ttin't, .lurcA 5.' h. Distuict I.NsIirLTr. Iusiitute wa called to r(Vr Uy Uk M,. al ul v, oVlo.k li-.ll cal.ed an I minute of previous meeting read aud approved. Oil motion of Ziejlur lh-: '"'8 "..U Tout Rev. Mr. DcMover be invited to lead bis leet ure tle Ult,,r, tii true basis ol ail education." Mr. llowrr Uil ail will, ait!elira. dwelliui; principally upou the ut;ccl ol eouatious. Ab- s.'u.-u lor iii-ju lesion tue subject fiom irauj poitation lo .roiileius wit a c.ouliou oi e.i.n plrs. Rev. Dc Voyei next enlerlaiue.1 tile lurti lute. The remaiks made were well eno-eii, all ) andelT etualiy.leiiver. il On moiiou ot W. J. IVo.teiloiua o(e fl lliaiik- Was leu. lei. -il Kcr. DcMoyer lor Ihe able hi timer in wineli be enieri. lined tue Institute. The subject ol aiilti nitlic Was dmpeused with lor the i1.kcumi.hi ol subjects lelaliug lo pupil collect III. ill tlie clre. lt iu lioiil ol f.-li.hil buli.l 1 1 -w before ai hool liouis. be ilV-cuiion was livelt, and, lodouli'., had the desired effect. Ail .ui lied lo meet at 1)4 o'clock. iiiKiiiule met at V, o'clock. Ko.l c .ileJ aud Mbiteliloes noted. l li-i, f iBiler lnl elilei (allied Hie Institute by reading uil iuteielliig and wuii piejiuied enay. Auoili. r leather lueu took the ll.Mir, aud, iu Hie lonii of au essay, tried to poiu. out oiuc ol ihe tauils ol other leacliers. O..C lall, soul and uol el Mlal-lH; auolnel' leaned buck in bis cli nr and cliewed tl I I. null plek loo inueli ; alloliier "oike l too tn.iell ul Ins linger ii.ii, m I lie l'i eeue.- ol ladies, uud one elilleli.au liad Uo faults al ull. .Ml. Zle.er luei lead two aniens, ihe tlil enlillcd "llie Civ.oZalioii ol Uses," llie.-coiid " liy llieteacii IUK of ihe putilic scllooi slioald have ull Indus trial eicuieul." Uu tuoiioii, u IceotUUuii Mas passed lo eleet leaelieis lo prepare essays lo. next meeting. Mr. lioai then couducled au ex eieise iu r.-auiiiLT. Tliu following lories were as signed lo bcdea.t W illi al lie XI meeting : algebra, aiilhuieliC,eui:rHpliy,giaiuiuar,a. in. reading by Mr. Voiv iu.ii and .Mi. Keiiin.oi ihogiatdi.v, p. " m. AtljuuineU lo meet iu two Ika Suipmai, Sec'y. sunbury, March 4, 1870. From llrriMJoii. JIeknoox, Pa., t Mai cli tin., 1870. ) Mcmri. J'd'tort 4mcVn : Ou Tuesday te., 29ili u.l.jllie lleriidon Lileraiy fcociet) convened In tuc liooi ol Hie lliU IM:liinil. 'foe luci-oni; was Called loonier wuu I lie ie.idi.ul (' lit ) lo median. Miuutcs ol previous oieellUg weic reaa i.Ud appioveil. Roil ca.bd ami nearlv alt members lespouiled Iv lueir nam -.. Debate was lively. 'Ibe question "l.'evl)f(t. That voman ihvvid hure m rune in yoiemmentnl t'jj'air," a laKeu up aUJ ci'i U.lau. j euMauieU on Hie ulUi uialiVe by llci. l.iin, lraei anit Kui9, a.ol on the ia-.aiivc by Mcnrrs. KauUuiaii, Miowers au W.xveilou. Tlie chair rendered .j. einioii m l.,vur ol Ibe ullli mauve. Belu( an uuli.iisli.il busiiie-s meeiuji, Ibe report ol Ihe lieurui) in vesUHlai eoiiiiiilllee wait aoueileU, and lepolli.ig la Vol. i Oie, a-i UlBCiiaiged. '1 lie lelel rea iiuefclion nt re liel failed for, wioeu were ubi) ai:weied. liiMii ucuoiib iu li. e elements ol music waaiveii oj Ir . A. Aaiui', wtu.'ii Was ei valislaCiui ) . 1 lu as loiioweel Uy lUsli ueiiou lu uiMllie luul.Cs by J. li. kautli.iaii, woo, alier luaKlug a lew ieinaik.s, Miowtd the inijioi la nee ul Ibe cludyol Iraeiious. A Iter wuicli the society ad join ued lo meet, 'lucsiiay eve, March 7lh. L. W . Suoweus, CorrepoiiJiiig See'y. Tbf. Lev. C. li. LrleUDieyer, fur thirty-lour year pastor of the Lutheran cougrcgatioti at Freeburg, Snyder county, dku m Monday, tbe Olb iukl., of pueitniouia, aged 08 years. ' Closing out sales of boots, shoes and trunks at W. S. Furmau'i. -Suubury Shoe Store," (t door west Cadwall.idcr "s drug store. In order to make room for spring and summer goods, will close out my entire stock of fall and winter good at a reduction of 10 to 13 per cent, for cash until April 1st. Call at once and secure boots, siloes mid rubbers nt iistonishltig low prices. Nc trouble to show goods. W. S. FritUA, Prop'r, Sunbury Shoe Store. Hun bury High School. BSPOBTED BT W. V. BOAL. The following is rej.ort of the slai ding of eia-h meinlxTof the hifli School, for the week rudintf, Mar. :!.!, ISTfi. XALKS. IMilie llttclier Waltoa Ituuads John IJuelier I'eer II.iiscioiih Win. I'.irnnu-orth I'.ddie (iearhart Oeo. Ilarlnuu C'ua. lleckr: Joli'i H.irr:soii Cons. Snytler .-. . Johu Varuall tiiv. Sniiiii I'uil. Xeff CuaB. 'ot i-f Allilil'OSf Hill Martin lleinlriek!!i ltieii.ird Mortj.u liro. llv'r . B'.i Li lira Selinnider.... tl s..llie It.iKiks . '.'.I Maty Awl . H l.ula Heily . r-4 . HI Knitna lry . 'Ji . W) Jennie V.M HI" . W . ! Migjie I). Millhuns".. . T . I1 Lizzie jlartz. . fti . U Mary Kesslsr . HI I.irzif Hour-tie . 'i l!iinna H.'.rt'iuIeTnew. . . . .17 . X Elli Klinr hi': Mng'ic MeCi-iv. . IV. i . 1 afarr Siaii'wm a . IU Nasgie Smith . I SAiny W timer ".:! Minni" W:k':n i j 92 t'.il -1) 4 W 59 ft 6 14 f-6 cc. 5S Si j S. Dnoiitii la-r fiO. RelM I Hurry liiu'er Win. Urn ier Wm. I-'e;ie.-. S mi. Hawser rilss. Yarnull Cares Kali a Cli.'6. S?as!ia'.;z Allteii Se is!ioliz LiMie Wilvnr IU. T.-iiwuiidKe Osear !?eini (A A. J. Siuoil informs the public that he still h-irirs out his siiiu as nti auctioneer, on Market street, Sunbury. Those having salis will find it lo their advantage I o employ him, as lie gener ally gets gooil prices. Chios. I r.,0o0 Yakdm of New Caki-et are now oRcred 1 at pricts below l In man u fact tiri-r, at Marx t ! Bio., next doair lo Ihi; p.).-t oulce. They aiso have the fine.-! di-pl.iy of notion and fancy ! goo Is thai cull be seen ontsi I are fold at reuiiceJ pi ice. the citv : which The Milton Car Works received a contract for fifty gondola cars last week. This will enliven business :tt the wotks for a short time. But their facilities are such that fifty cam don't last I on i . -V Ut jii : ;i - W. T. Cut'iKsUAVK. ol Siiamokiii, lias in vented a stove lo burn coal dust that nccuniu i ttes about mint s that arc worked. Fok Sale. A desirable resi letic- on Fourth street, Sunbury, is olfered for sale c heap. Ap ply to V. C. Pucker, E-i;., or at this oll'.e:. F.vntv garment sold by Wanamaker A: Brown, Olh and M ilket, Pliiladeiphia, has to pass llirouuh the bands of ut least four inspector. Election Notice. The member f the I'nioi: Paik .and Agricultural Aucialioti are hereby iiolitie i that au election of officers w 11 take place, in accordance with the character of said AssiHiation, lor Ihe following olllees, to wit : A President, V!er President, Treasurer, Record ing Seeietary, Corrcspomli.ig Secretary, Libra rian and nil Executive Committee, on the Jnd Monday (March Ul, is;ii,) of March next, be ta ecu the hour of one and three o'clock, I. M., at the Arbitration, room, Sunbury, Pa. . full turnout of all lb3 im-ribeis is requested, the success of the Association miicli depem's on lull deliberation and exchange of its members Solomon Ma lick, Presd't. Em'l Wii.vert. Scc'y. Itr.CKtvcti. We, Mm nndcrslgucJ, liaving just received a full stock of hat mid caps., of the latest styles, will make thai line a specialty with our clothing tu:iK-ss. We will always keep on baud the latest styles and will sell them at lower prices than any one els.; can alTord to sell. Stvuis ; OrritMiciMtK, Central Clothing Hall, Cor. ThirJ and Market Sts., Su;;bury. lrouit ICrliiforfenieut. When the physical enereie are overtasked or fl.itr throuuh wcaknc or disease, lln-y ueed prompt reiiiforcemctit. Renewed vijror Is most sjH'.edily supplied Ihroiigh the medium of a tonic stimulaut, and among medicinal resources of thai class, ilostctter's Stomach iliUers as suredly deserve a pre-eminent place. Weakuess, whether constitutional or arising from disease or over fatigue, cannot be better compensated for than by a resort to this prime strcngtheninj; cordial, 'i he enfeebled invalid, tliecanvalesccnt and the aired and infirm find that It is an unfail ing sourer of vigor and comfort. Its combined tonic and alterative properties also constitute it an Invaluabit! remedy for indigestion, weakness of lite organs of oriualion con-tipaviou, torpidi ty of i tie liver, and Tiiany other Irregularities aud disabilities, and render il an invaluable pro tection against malaria, a Well as disorder of the stomach and bowel. business iTorals. y v When you gu i I'liilaileiphiu, ntu :ii the Allkgukvy Horse. .No. HI:! mnl SI 4, Market St. ll-!iUeil, rt'-furniliud, &c, ly A. I5cek, I'rojirietur, ami price otiiy $2 K:r day. Siir.rT Miic. A large ussortmcnl for ssle at the H-tiouica! stand iu the postofliee. r.xmoKM or voi th. A GENTLEMAN' who suOere.l for rear from a."L Nervous Debilitv. Preiitature Decay. ami for all the i tieeis of vonlhliil indiscretion will. ibe sake of sullering huiuauii v, seud free to all who need it, the recie ami direction for making the simple reine lv by which be was cured. Silf lerers wishing to jirolit by the advertiser's ex perience can do so by a.liliessiiig iu perfect cmi ti lence. JOHN B. (XiDKN, 42 Cedar f t., New York. Dec. 17. 1875. Obstacles to Marriage. Happy lU-lief Ijr Young Men from the effects of Errors and Abuses in eariy life. Manhood restorep. I in inn n t to Marriage removed. New mi theij o treat men!. New and remarka ble reim-dies. Bi:k and Circulars sent free, in h ale' invelo.ier. Ad. Ires, HOWARD AS SOCIATION. 4!l '. Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa., nil Institution having a high reputation for honorable conduct aud professional skill. May 28, 1875. ly. TO 40NM .MPTIVF.K. Tl.e advt-riisr, hasing been permanently cured of that dread dts-ase. Consumption, by a sim ple reinc.lv, s anxious to make known to hi tcllow Kiitierers the n cans of cure. To nil who desire it. le! will end a copy of the prc-cilptioti used, (free of charge), with the ilirections for preparing uud Using the name, which they will Had a sure Cure for foi'-nmpiioii. A.-thra.i, Bronchitis, &v. Panics wixhitig the prescription will please ' address Rev. K. A. WILSON, t 191 Penii St., Wiiltnmsburgh, New York. ! Dec. 17, 1875. ifUarriiTnts. ; On the 8tti March at the M, E. Parsonage by the Itev. J. A. Dc Mover. Mr David M. Pi niiek i.inioMis Emma Wiilvekto, both of . Sun bury. titto bbtdiscmtnls. TU13 PAPER m OH FILK WITn r a. dp fcr AdvertUlug ontravU can t tuadw. TXM iti;! ixmici::: -A- J. H. uiiiiniiigs. In the Graves Building, East Market Street. S U N B U ) Y . T E X X A - Represent the very best Fire, Life and Acci- j !c.in Companies, t ire Insurance is his specialty. lie represents such companies as the Etiia of Hartford ; Royal, of Liverpool ; Home, of New York, and Amazon, of Cincinnati, the most re liable companies In existence. Mar. 10, 1S70. tf. Tl - -A . l. 1 I.' mt l...mu ... I V' V Stihsom tt Co., pLrtUi.d, Umiw. ' i Jttrcn in,lt76. ly. ' Scto bbcrtismcnts. v - . lilOlVEFLOWCIt SEEDS AXD FL01VKKIG KICKS, Just received ul the Drtiff Store of C. M. MARTIN & CO., a full assortmciil of James Ticks' and Chase Brothers' Flower nuU Vegetable KeeIt Also a choice lot of Flowering Bulbs, IliaeiutliB, Tuberoses, (lladirhis. Crocus, Tulips, Lily of Valley. Ac. WHALE OIL for destroying insects on Plants, Trees and Rose bushes. Sunbury, March 10, 1870. X O T I C E The I'liiluilclphiu autl Keadiu; ICailroatl I'ouipuny Hereby give notice Mmt ON or BEFORE the FI UST OF MAY N EXT, They will open a Passenger Station in Fair mount Park, upon the line of the Junction Ka 1 road, In close proximity to Memorial Hall aud other principal buildings of the CENTENNIAn INTERNATIONAL EXHIBI TION, And that regular passenger and excursion trains will thereafter be run between the uew station and the various points upon tiieir several aiiw.iy lines. The attention of citizens of Philadelphia look ing for Summer Residences, and of strangers de siring to secure bouses or lodging iu the vicinity of Philadelphia during the period of the Exhi bition, is called to the fact that, from nearly all places upon the railroads of I lie Company with in twenty or thirty miles of thw city, passengers will be able to reach the Exhibition without change of cars in as short a time as it sill re quire to make the trip by horse cars from many points in the city. Special Exclusion Train will b run for the accommodation of School, Societies or other Associations. For information apply to C. G. HANCOCK, General Ticket Agent, No. "-7 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, and lo the several Local Superintendents, or to the undersigned. J. E. WOOTTEN, Reading, Mar. 10, 1876. St. General Sup't. AUCTIONEER. william i:i:i:si: Offers his services us auctioneer in Suubury and vicinity. Having had much cxperieuce, those having sales or vendues will find, by employing him, that he will sell goods ut good price, au that his charges are reasonable March 10, r7G. 6m. S'i? 'anil hie! of 1U0 i:.nes, containing Iihik of anoO new- l...eiB, aid en mutton euov,-iiii c.iiit ol uu.vert lfeiuif. M .rca 10, ". ly. Ql 1 a day ut home. AiT-niit wanted. Outfit end VlZ ieiia- fiv. TKl'E k I'O., Augusta, Mailie. .Ma.cU 10, 7i'.. ly. ISEAlTIFUIa E V E It-K LO O 51 1 X G ROSE Sinn : I' t R'M Miit able ft r iti; met i .i o floweri;!. ni'i't H-tleiv lv mail, ist.i;id. Fi.'e nolrii.lid vanetu-H l iix'leti. Si.im. I J lio. J.OO. VJ do. :i.0O, .' do. Jt.mt, a." do. ii.UO. l or 10 c ults each ad.laiuuai, one liK.eni tiee.a jireaiiutn nme to eveiv doii.tr wurlli ordered. Si ml fer our new Gl' IDE TO KOSE CVLTUKE. aud efnioHe f rvm oer 3m) linet nortp. V are ths larKent Kone-eirowem in America, and the only mien allowing I-iirehaserN to nnkn their own ielerioi.8. atii'f;ictit'U 1? oiraut.f.1. AildnfiTHK DIMtEE : 0 .1HAKII IU, K c llioweni. Win Orovr, I'liepipr 'o., I'a. March la, "r. int. J 1ST received and for sale by CADWALLA DKR, Tuberoses, Gladioias, Crocuses, Farm, (iiirden and Flower Sen! of all kinds, in iuau lities to suit purchasers. Call aud get a Rural Register i.i3.4w Elrrtiun of Directors. TOTICE is hereby riven, thnt an election for live Directors, Vice President, Secretary, Tieasurer and Solicitor, by the stockholders of of the Fort Augusta lluildiug and Loan Associ ation of Sunbury, will be held in their room, in Clem nt's luplding, on Thursdav, the 2Hd dav of March, 1M70, ul V, o'cbick, P. M. N. V. Makt, Jacob Smi'MAN,, Sec'v. March 3, '70. notice. Notice is hereby given to the public not to to trust my wife, Hannah Fowler, nor sell her anything on my uccount, ns I w ill be responsible for no bills of her contraction, after this date March 22.1, 187(5. A. C. Fowlbb. March 3, 3-.v. Hecolpt u mi K.xriilit ure ol Northumberland Couutj for the lr 1S75. JOHN' HAAG, Esr., Treasurer, to cash received from each Ward aud District within Ihe County from taxes aid other source diiiiuj the year A. D. 1175, enumerated as follows, to wit: DR. DEIAWAlin. 1S72, Simon Metzar, on acct 2S ) 00 1S74, J A Heiney, " 1.23150 1S75, John Scibert, " 1,519 (XJ ?3,(30 50 MT CAKMKt, I'.OKOt'iin. 1873, E B Stillwagouer, on ac count $90 00 1874, J G John, in full 255 00 1875, I Hollisler, on acet 75 00 Kivr.iciiiK Loitort.it. 1873, S Hile. on acct $44 00 1874, J M Ml. union, ou acct 185 17 1875, P Fenstermaclier, on acct 195 00 420 00 424 17 NllltTUUMBEKLAVD BOKO . 1873, Thomas Loudon ou acct $431 05 IS74, J Welket, " IkiO IK) 1875, & Latibacli. " 2JO 00 1.157 05 Lowru AfOlS-TA. l7.l, C 6 Miller, lu lull $252 78 1874, C A Courad, ou acct 784 00 1875, J Martz, 0:1 acct 703 20 1,799 S t; nun villi; uououou. ! 1874, G W Troxel, on acct $3w! 50 1575, G II Kalip, " 154 OO 454 50 MILTON BOUO . 17, II Harris, In full $818 39 Wo, W 1) snjder, on acci l,0uS 27 lilLI.ISgt'Aol'R TWP. 1874, Wm Blair, in full, $502 00 1;0, II BeiUliciiU' r, o.i a eel 1,504 00 I.r.Wis Twr. 1871, 1 Hiil, on account $1,111 25 1B75, L 11 Fo.lmer, ouae't 517 55 1,826 CO v,i.Vi0 oo I V. S e0 w atsontown. 1S74. Levi Lynn, ou aeel 012 00 j 1875, J liua Carl, on account 1'.' 03 '.11 03 1-OIST TWf. 1874, Win Reed, lu full $34 01 1875, Win Urady, on acct 477 00 TUhBUT twp. 1S74, H P Follrocr, ou acct $1,713 7? 1875, T L Karcbner, 4 745 40 Jl'KWrjISVILLE. 1874, Geo Rothei uiel, on acct ft 50 Oil 187 , U Gray, " 142 00 ill CI 2,1." 192 00 ! CAMKKON 1874, C Gonsor, ou acci 1S75, C 11 Weik-1, avt. $210 90 150 00 300 90 Jackson Twr. 1874, J Dressier, iu lull ? 1J54 11 1875, II U Latsha, on ucel 432 00 v. ash'.soion twr. 1874, A Bueher, in Jull $109 03 IVii, L Di iiioliuiler, on acct 470 00 l.owni: MAHAIMl'. 1874, JV B'aestr. ou aicouul $540 18 1S75. li Clepp, " 575 00 50 11 79 03 1,121 zi;kbb twr. 1874, II Z Raker, iu full $207 44 187 do on acet 725 00 MM 44 JOK11AS ivr. 1874, H Tioutman, iu lull $107 40 1875, l tcit, ou ucel, 475 00 LITTLE MAUA.NUV. 1874. J Wagoner, in fu.l $99 84 18o', do on acit 210 00 0P2 40 15 84 i i ! i I MT. CAHMLL Tr. Is74, H. McDonald, on acct fl75 00 17.., T Tobni ' 1,4'JO 00 1,575 tt) j MIAUOKIN rsoi'.U. ! 187.'. V Gilger, in full $752 38 1875, do ou m et l,b.iO IH 2,4v2 2i JMI)EHT'.1WN. 1874, J Bet ter, lu full $21 13 lb7a, D 11 iCvcrill, ou acct 114 00 135 13 nuen twp. 1S74, 1S74, A Vi mine. In full $4 83 V Cer, ou cct 1,005 00 1.4S7 $3 SFIAMOKI TWP. 1874, D Haupt, in full fSC5 71 167 j, I Rothei tael, on acct 233 00 rrrEB maiianot. 1375, J Ferrer, on account COAL TWP. 1874, S Claybergcr, on acct $235 Ci 1675, P. Ready, 8,000 00 CPPER AU0C9TA. 1574. M D Bostian, in full S09 00 1575, G Zimmerman, on acct 455 00 SUNUURT. 1S74, Sol Weaver, on acct 52.140 75 1875, Wm Rickey, " 815 63 1,097 71 560 00 2,35 C8 ;,si4 w 2.956 3S Amount of cash ice'd from the above enumerated district t35,020 44 To cash ree'd, being balance on note $13 SO To cash ree'd for Pttrdon' ui gest, &c 5 00 To cash ree'd from A Heiui for treas. di-ed 4C 64 To cosh from Updcgraff, May Johnson jt Brennan for re demption of four lots 24 SI To cash from L T Robrbach for paper 12 6ti To cash from Geo McEliecc on account. 300 00 To cash from Nolan, Coor.ev & Phillips, fines " 20 00 To cash from D M Schwartz stray cow, 13 70 To cash from Mrs Hamilton, Sbatnokiu boro, tax 1 00 To casn from Derrick, Gray & Stiawser, school tax for Coal township 4 47 To cash from commissioners of Columbia county G 81 To cash from II J Waltz for chandelier SO CO Tocasn from Conrad & Lewis for lumber 10 45 To cash W T Forsyth, for J Grosser, lunatic 171 25 To cash J Z Raker, costs 2S 45 To cash from Set: lege), Cul len, Mrs Hamiltou, Jones, Morgan, Reed, Adams, Campbell, John,' Ss Zerba twp county taxes 13 9(1 Money borrowed riorn bunk$G,8D0 33 do do do NctV, Conrad, Drumheller, Sny der, A HutlniaD, and II I) Il'itl'iuau, amounting to 10,600 00 717 17,490 S3 2,22 51 01 35 To bank stock tax received To militia tax ree'd iu 1874 To cash received by the Treasurer from ali sources during the vear 1875 By balance due Treasurer (John Haag) on bis settlement for the vear 175 515 99 bo wo r.6,279 37 CR. The '1 reasurtr claims credit for the following itemized amount drawn on him by the Com missioners for the year A. D. 175 : No. of orders Cwitiuitiioiim.' Pv.y. (j .1 CJ Durham ill I 50 2 Deliverini; assessments, fcc 30 00 7 Trave'.iu'' expense 2 5'.'i :? i 5 DSReitZ 493 50 2 Delivering assessments, &c 30 00 4 Traveling expenses 103 02 5 Harrison Hcnrie 400 00 2 Delivering assessmmts, kc 30 UO 10 Travcliuir tx pet sea 92 S3 625 50 522 S3 1,033 CO Si 49 9G6 00 rrertevtintj Attixrncy, ic. J K Clement ?2T,4 00 Wm A .Sober 100 00 T II U Kae 1,259 10 Shtriif't Ftet. c54 74 sii WO IJ J B Heller H Rotbcrmcl Pntltonotry Tt'i. L T Rohrbacb Printing. John Toungman ? 1S5 45 E Wilvert 3 40 P L Uackeubcrg U ) Gilger 4 00 .1 J John, udtu'r 9 70 J E Eichholtr. 119 M0 Hclleltlnger A Coder 7 50 .1 Auten SO 00 Morton & Co 4 OK GutelitiH 22 W Cuke 2 IK I 514 65 i 219 95 ! Oifice seal and blank books Envelopes, elastic 95 50 Stationary 85 32 i!ox ren'., posiage X" express 54 40 Short-hand writing, O Burrow Boarding jurors County auditors' pay, J Mueueli aud Jos Eisely, 20 days Audiliug couuty offices Jury 1SomiinvMti' Pay. 35 22 250 00 120 00 120 70 37 50 W II Lcighou D M Schwartz $00 24 12 50 102 74 147 49 21 Miscellaneous expense J.'xtiminiiHj Coiitniittti appointed ly Vv'rt 1 J E Mueuch, 5 dav $50 00 W L Dewart, 3 (lavs 30 00 P L Hackenberu', 3 days 30 00 110 00 1,209 S2 38 Court House repairs, Vc : 5 Petit Juror pay $0,07133 4 Grand do 1,059 53 7,130 81 677 31 39 Constable returns aud tipstavci 110 Constables te Justice cost iuComCai.es $1,005 10 9 Road damages 1,843 10 2,13 20 4.672 22 305 Commonwealth witness fees 94 Roud and bridge viewers & building 3,727 C7 29 Prison expenses $467 11 33 Coroner' & Jury inquests 494 23 901 4 Penitentiarv expenses 2.14S 10 4 Hospital ' do 254 50 79 Assessors & registration 1,772 47 50 Gtu'l fc spring election 2,353 10 2.402 60 4,154 63 County Institute Agricultural society 359 41 100 00 459 41 474 45 8 5 8 50 490 09 3,825 00 210 30 139 Fox and mink scalp 10 Gas aud feel 6 Interest o i borrowed money 7 Borrowed money paid 12 Court crier' pay. D Beckiy OUTSTANDING TAX FOR THE Yi Alt. COU.KCTOK3. District. 1S05.. 1809.. 1809.. 1870.. 1871 . 1872.. 1872.. 1872.. 1873.. 1573.. 1673 . 1873.. 1873.. 1874.. 1874.. 1874.. 1874.. 1874.. 174 . 1874.. 1874.. 1874 . 1S4.. 1874.. 1874.. 1874.. 1874 . 1S7.V. 1875.. 1875.. 1875.. 1875.. 1S75.. 1875.. 1875 . i875.. 1875.. 1875.. 1875.. 1875. 1875.. 1875.. 1875.. 1875 . 1875.. 1875.. 1875 . 175.. 1875 . 1875 , 1875 1875.. 1875.. 1875.. 1875.. 1875.. Withlnglou Lake... Thomus Miller Harmo'.i Snyder Thomas Burk Isaac Holli&ter , Shaniokin Point township Shamokln boro Coal township Mt Carmel boro , Delaware township... Jordan township Mt Carmel twp Mt Carmel boro Riverside boro Shamokin boro North'd boro Lower Augusta Turbutville Lewis township M'Eweusville boro.... Turbui township North'd boro Lower Mahanoy Mt Carmel twp Lower Augusta Delaware iwp Walsotitowc boro Cameron twp Riverside boro Coul twp Sunbury boro Turbulville boro Milton boro Delaware twp Lewi twp ChillUquutjue twp Watsomswu boro Point twp Turbut twp M'Eweusvulo boro... North'd boro.. Cameron twp Jackson twp Washington twp , Lower Mahanoy , Zerbe twp , Jordan twp Little Mahanoy , Mt Carmel twp Shatuokiu boro Pnydcrlown boro Riverside boro , Rush twp Mt Carmel boro Shamokin twp Upper Mahanoy Coal twp Lower Augusta..:.... Upper Augusta bunbury boro ! Samuel Melzger Noah Klock Anurew Martin E B Stillwagouer.... 0 11 Hile J P Flucher Thomas Londou... Charle S Miller G W Troxel Israel Hile Geo Rolhvrmel Henry P Follmer James Welker Abraham Blasser.... Hugh McDonald C A v onrad John A Helny Levi Lynn . Christian Gonser J M Slninon , 8aniuel Clavberger.. bolomou Weaver.... G 11 Raup W D Suyder John Seibert Levi 11 Follmer Henry Berkheimer.. Thoma Carl Wm Grady Tho Karchuer 8 R Gray tvunuel Luu each Cha W Weikel Henry B Latsha Levi Drumheller Bostian tepp I Henry C Raker.. .... Daniel Geisl ! Jeremiah Wagoner. j Thomas Tobin : W in li Gilger I Daniel 11 Everilt.... i P Fenstermaclier... j Val Epler ; Isaac llollister . Isaiuli Rotherinel... J Joseph Fugcr 1 Patrick Ready Isaac Mariz ! Geo Zimmerman. .. j Wm T Rickey I 1 Part paid elnce January 11. AI1 paid iuce January 1st. THIS 18 TO CERTIFY that we, the uiideriirm d, Auditor of Northumberland County, in pur suance of a special net of Assembly, passed March 31st, ls.VJ, having met in the Commissioners' Uillce on the third Monday of January, 1876, and adjourned from time to time, and have examined and natcd the several accounts and audited and adjusted and settled the same, required of us by law. agreeable lo tbe several act of Assembly and applements thereto, according to tbe best of our judgments and abilities, and we do fuilher certify that upon due examination of the expense books we Had tbe Indebtedness of the county in unpaid orders to be $12,174 55, including two orders issued ia 1S75, amounting to 11,350 OOj which may be lost, and 703 38 due John Haag, lute Trea surer, mnkiug the indebtedness of the county to be $12,037 03. In witness whereol we have hereunto eel onr hands and seals the 17th day of February, 1376. CHARLES HOTTENSTE1N. L.i I dlsnpprovt of some assertion made ia tbe above certincate.J SAMUEL McNINCU. us. JOHN W. BRENNAN. l-B. 8C0 00 10 0 Clerk't ray. P W Gray Wm Rickev D M Schwarti 33 00 225 00 COO 00 858 00 4,545 S7 1.306 27 1 State taxes for the year 1874 I Buuk tax paid to Stale " Bv amount of orders paid, Issu-'d for the year 1875 47,420 25 Amount of outstanding orders paid for the year 1874 C6 74 Whole amount of order paid by Trea- surer during the year 1875 I47.4S6 99 By two receipt from Slate Treasu rer ror state tax paid for the year 1875 Id full By receipt for baud ttock tax paid to State Treasurer for the year 1875, in full By commission for collecting bank stock at 5 per ccut iiy 1 percent, commission for paying $8,587 52 State tax to State Trea surer for the yeurs 1874 and 1875 By 1 per cent, for paying 92,400 31 bank tax to State Treasurer for the years 1874 and 1875 By 2.'4 per cent, on 941,637 35 paid 4,041 15 2,091 04 111 3-2 85 8-j 34 21 1,040 93 j 1,383 47 j I by l reusurer ror county purposes By balance due the Treasurer for the j year 1874 j A CONDENSED STATEMENT, I Showing the corresponding balance iu the Trea surer's account and tlie disbursements, and the 1 assessing and collecting of taxes, allowing ex onerations und percentage for the collection of '. the same ; and all mouey borrowed and re ceived from other sources by J. G. Durham, Daniel S. Reiti and Harrison Ileurie. Commis sioners of Northumberland county, for the ; use of the same, from the 1st day of January, i A. D. 1875, to the 31t day or December of the same year, both days inclusive. January 1, 1875. ! Amount of outstanding county tar for the year 1874 and previous I Amt of outstanding State tax 13 Janitor's pay, F S Fasold 1 do do Jacob Cable 926,650 24 557 04 331 40 41,834 29 2,220 51 fll 35 do do militia tax Amt of tax assessed for the year '75 Amt of bank stock tax assessed for the use of the State for the year '75 Cash ree'd, being militia paid in 1874 Anit of money borrowed from bank & sundry persons for the use of the county, amounting to 17,4'JO 33 Cash ree'd from different sources as itemized in ths Treas's statement 717 36 989,868 01 1876, January 1st, balance due Treas urer on settlement of hit acc't for ihe vear 1875 7C3 35 90,6;:l So December 31, 1S75. Amount of uncollected county tax for the year 1S75 and previous -$S1.710 C5 Amount of uncollected State tax 470 04 do do do militia tax 331 49 Exonerations allowed collector 79 32 Commissions do do 1,041 37 Commissions allowed for collecting bank stock tax 111 32 Amt of orders paid by Treis'r for the use of the county 41,(537 35 Amt of State tax pain by Treas'r for the years 1874 and 1875, in fall 8,5S7 52 Amt of banK stock tax paid lor the years 1874 and 1875, in full 5,400 31 Commission allowed Treas'r on ?41,- C37 35, 2)5 per cent 1,010 93 Commission on $3.-100 31 at I f.r.r Cent on bank tax paid the State Z 21 Commission on $1,587 52 State tax paid 85 Sj Balance due Treasurer on settlement for the year 1S74 1,333 47 190.031 M NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTT. In account with the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania respecting tax on personal property aud Bauk stock for 1S75. DR. To balance dae State for 1874 To amt of said tax as fixed by tho board of Revenue Commissioners on personal property for 1875 To amt of bank stock t-ix assessed for 1875 $1,543 37 4.3iXl 00 2.220 51 il1,09 89 CR Ly commission for collecting J 1,300 al 5 per cent $215 00 One per cent Trtas'rs commission 40 85 By commission for colleeting $2.22rt- 51 at 5 per cent 1 1 1 32 By Treas'r commission ot 1 per C"t.t 21 32 By receipt Jauuarv 9, 1875 4,533 21 do do " 28, 1875 10 18 do August 17, 1575 2.0'.it 04 do January 3. 1876 3,033 57 do do II. 187fi 1,010 ?ii,o;9 JOHN HAAG, Esi., Treasurer of Northumber land couuty, in account with the State of Pennsylvania respecting Mercantile, Tavern, Liquor, Stora Licences, X;., for ths year 1875. DR. To amount of Mercantile, Tavern and Liquor llcens c SG,970 90 To 25 copies pamphlet law 25 00 $7,001 90 fC.214 IS 178 38 009 34 CP.. By 8 receipt from State Trcisr.rer By commission allowed Balance dne State $7,001 90 STATEMENT OF THE FINANCES Of Northumberland county, on the I: t day of Jaouarv, A. D. 1870. DR. To amount of outstanding orders un paid amounting to $10,824 55 To balance due Treasurer ou sttle meut of his acc'ts for the year '75 703 55 To exonerations and per cent, to be allowed on outstanding tux anrt iug to about 1,800 00 Balance of outstanding tax due nod owing the count y lH,79t 29 $32,187 39 CR. By amount of outstanding couuty tax for the year '75 and previous years $31,710 65 By amount of outstanding State taxes fir the year 1S72 and previous years 470 74 $32,187 39 Asset above the Indebted ness of the county, on January 1, '70, about $18,799 29 Also balance due from Geo McF.liece, late Treas. 4.438 29 Amount 1 YEAR 1S75 AND PREVIOUS YEARS. COl'NTT. fTATR. i Militia. $41 55 39 53 31 63 28 90 22 32 5-1 88 $100 00 ! 2,808 26 j 00 44 ; 205 53 43 21 144 45 608 210 251 49 -19 33 93 11 4.V 60 98 65 30 22 28 70 99 97 57 93 10 20 20 34 19 50 60 00 01 40 52 99 67 52 96 95 37 53 14 81 51 70 01 01 93 60 44 47 11 12 38 9 73 i 13 92 47 51 I 67 72 I 119 OS 475 88 25 921 133 251 347 255 135 25 3)1 798 249 t203 f.42 t 1.325 1 1,497 1 31 928 913 1 1,803 ,87 11.710 f294 340 77 "933 349 f390 . 70 488 tl,548 89 190 372 810 1,300 141 1,255 790 1,005 2,435 I ... 31,710 65 476 74 8G1 49 Sib S)3rtisxmji'ts. Administrator Notice. (Estate of Iauc B. Shaffer, of Lower Mahanoy township, dee'd.) NCTICE is hereby given that tetters of ad ministration Lava been granted to the nndcrslgned on the estate of Isaac B. Shaffer, lute of Lower Mabanoy twp., Northumberland County, Pa., deceased. All persons iudebted to said estate are requested to make immcdiato payment, and those having claim to preseut them for settlement. JACOB SPATZ, Arlm'r. Lower Mabanoy twp., March S, '7G 6t. Moojjy & Sankey. r J. HALKA SOS, IWnthtn, 17 Murray St., New York will issue, early in March," JlOOIsY 1 S S KEY. An authentic account of their Live and Services, 1!j FRANK S. HEAD Ell. One Vol. 12 mo. Portrait;-.. Paper 50c. Cl.-.th M.00 The author (who.is Editor of & well-kuown Pennsylvania Newspaper) bas been for mauy years the intimate personal friend and compan ion of Mr. Sankey ; and Hon. David Sankey, the father of the Singing Evangelist, writes to the Publishers, "I know of no one, outside our family, who ha had belter opportunities of becomiuig ac quainted with the personal historv of my sen than Mr. Reader." He U also intimately acpiaint'-.l with Mr. Moody's career, and the sketch of his life has been suggested and revised by his friends. It is the only book containing Mm Life of Mr. Saukey, the sweet singer who 1ms charmed so many thousands, and a history of the ''solo sim: ing" which has given him sueU power with the people. It is the only cheap book with a complete re cord of the live aud work of the American Evangelists, whose names have become house hold words in all Christian land;. It is the only look containing a record com plete and full, and iu chronological order, of their work in Great Bril iln : and yet so condens ed as not to be tedious. A very large first edition will he printed, but to secure supplies dealers und canvassers should send iu orders nt onct. The price is small, but the discount will be liberal. When not to be found at the local bookstore, the book will be mailed to any address ou receipt of the price, by K. J. II.1L.K A SOS lublihrrs. 17 Mvkkat Stkf.et, New Yobk. The Enterprise lluildiug anil Loan AiSMocialioii. "VTOTIC'E! Notice is hereby given that the books are now open for subscriptions to the 2nd scries of stock of the association. The 2nd series dates its commencement from Jauuary, 1S70. The books will be closed br this month, on Monday evening, Feb. 28th, tt 8, P. M. All those therefor, rfetirous of subscribing, should do so at once. ' This can be done by applying to any of the Board of Director?, to the Presdt., E. B. Wesifall, or to the Sec'y., Frank S. Murr. Notice is also hereby given to the stock hold ers, lhal the next regular meeting will be held at the large brick building iu Caketown, on Mon day Eve., Feb. 2Sth, between ihe hours of 7 and 8, P. M. Iu the Court of Quarter Session or 1 the I'eaee or Aorth'd County. "VTOTICEis hereby given that ihe following JL person have filed petitions in the Court of Charter Session of the Peace of the County or Northumberland, for Tavern, Restaurant aud Lhiuor store licenses, and thai Hie same will be presented to the said court on the second Mon day of March next. TAVERN. Henry Haas, Pttnbttry Horn.. Old Stand. Christian Nell", ' Ed. T. Drumheller, ' Charles Garlnger, ' Samuel Weaver, ' W. A. Hambright, ' James H. Jctlries, ' " Audrew M. Kerse, " " Joseph Womcr, " " Henry J. Reader. Charles D. Cox, William Fisher, Mary E. Huff, Henry E. Lutz, Charles W. Stick Joseph Deppen, Edward C. ilerh, Thomas Scott, George EeUert. McF.WellSViile. Mi'toti boro.. Mt. Carrae! boro.. Nor'.h'd boro.. Chanes F. Hess, , ' Jacob Huusicker, " Julia Ann Johnson, Jacob Rentier, " Thomas J. Statimi, B.E.Adams, tlia:noklii bur.. stan I. Satu'l S. Byerly, Geo. S. Fisher, Thoe. Gilleapie, " Wra. F. ilcbcn. John Larkin, " " John McMauus, ' " Edward Nicholson. ' " Clayton E. Rebuck. " " Michael Ready, " Heury Sunmous, " Mary Tiiumes. " " J. A. Weaver, ' . " D. H. Wilcox, " Ncw stand. Wiilluiu Farroir, Siivdertown, Old stand. Siivdertown, Ttirbutville, Wutsonrown, D. II. Dreisbach, Franklin Keller, J. R. Cooner, John B. Gilbert, C. F. Youug, Cbas. B. Boyer, Dauiel 1. Luisha, Jared Heuniuger, John Boyd, John Downey, Patrick Riguey, Jacob Kramer, David Killmati, John Albert, 1. O. Billman, Ellas bcluitfer, Elia Fagely, D. M. Zaiiman, Elia Byerly Cameron twp., Coal twp., .. & Delaware twp., Jackson twp., JorJaa twp., . Little Mabanoy, Lnwer .Mahanoy, Abiabain Kothermel, Frankliu Sarge, A. Wald, Elia Wiest, Michael Graham, Haunah McDouuell, 14 i. Mt. Carmel twp., '1 boa. P. McDouneli. P. Murray & M. Murray, James Ratferty, Mary ecott, Thomas Tobiu, Miffliu & Harlliue, Joel Biltenuac, tui'l 11. Geisl, Nathan E. Kehres, J. B. Enders, Janie Cooper, rjhauiokin twp.. Upper Augiiiia, I'pper Mahanoy, Washiuglon, Zerbe twp.. Patrick 11. Curruu, Thoma Foulds, Sr., " Thomas Fouids. Jr., ' William Foulds, " Beujiirain Knouss, ' H. a. Wnf.Tcr, " RESTAURANTS Jacob W'. Bright, Win. C. Young, Jacob Kliraer, Daniel Kuauf, J. A. Summers, Mary Kiley, Lewi F. Huuimi l, Andrew Herb, Dennis Gilbert. Andrew Janasky, George Noll, Michael SclilacdsT. L. J. Delate, William A. Fisher, George W. Artmau Heury E. Byeily, Kii-lior t Wild. Sunburv boro.. Old stauj. Milton boro.. " . .Vi.Carrarl boiii, " Shatnokiu hor.., " V.ilnmiown boro, Cacieron tv.p.. .facksou ' Zero" Coal twp.. Samuel Clavberget. Coal twp., Newst.uil M:iry Djvitt. " LIQUOR STORES. Ed. A. Dawson, Mt. Carmel boro., Old stand. Michael Hotan, " " Nicholas Weuck, North'd boro., Dauiel lleiin, Shamokin boro., " George McElicce, " " John Ross, " Thomas Laughlin, " LLOYD T. ROHKBACIi. Clerk. Clerk's Oaice, Suubury. Pu.. Feb. 18, ';5. DeMHOIutiou of 1'urtiierMbip. Sinbi KT, January 21tb, 18?i. The lirtu of Conlcy, Hackett t Mateer is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Tbe book of the late firm will remaiu iu the hands of J. H. Couley lk d. VY Hackett, who will continue tbs hardware buMuces at the old staud. All per son iudebted will please make immediate pay ment, and those havinir claim present theui for settlement to CONLEY fc H ACKETT. . Sunbury, UG. JE. HAAS EXPECTOKAXT-The Great Remedy for Coughs, Coids, Consumption, and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Will Cure, and often when apparently hopeless One bottle may not complete the work, but if the patient continues the use of tbe EXPECTOR ANT, taking in regularly, relief will soon be ob tained, and a Cure made. PRICE 50 CENTS. Hold by all Drngs'tst. . What a Ibyiclan Says. Green Bbuk, Pa. I dispensed your Haas' Expectorant amouz my patients, a ad it has proved more efficacious than any other medicine of it class that 1 have been using in my medical career. Truly yours, I. Leo Misoir, M. D. Feb. 11, 1878. row. CALIFORNIA. 132 catCAOO & oaxa--wfjTC&3 aan.wv Embrace uuder one tnanairenient the Great Trur.i Bilwy Liue of tae w'EijT and XOKTHWFKT mnf with it, , nmnerou. bnnohe, ,nd connectlout for i. the .hortert ,ud qnickert rout, between Cbicaio" i! pom .In Illinoi-, WiouMin, Xorthera M.uS.lu Oniaha and Calirornia Liae I the shortest and best route forn poinl. in SorHa-ru AnraK h btonSi! Chins, Jra and Chieago, Madison and St. Paul Lino Is ihe fhort line for Northern Wisconsin and MiBnesc tu. and lor M i Jiton, Ht. fanl, MuueaFoU-, Duluth ud all fHrit" ill tti Orr.t Xorthwejit. It H iiiona and tit. Peter Line I tue only roiiln for Winoua, Knehfuter, inratouus Vaukato. S:. Fe-er. Xw Ulm, and ail point in Houiu irru and Cuulia! Miiinaota. lit Greeu Bay and SXarqnette Line Is lh culy Hue for JanesviUe, Watertown, Fond Du lae, Oahili, A;.rletou. (ren Bar, Eacanalja, Jiegao Rw, .t'.ri".tetre, ilMiijfUJou. Its Freeport and Dnbuqne Line Is the only route for Ehriii, Kockford, Freport, aud all points via i'T'oi-ort. It. hit-ago and .flilnaakee Line If ihe old Iakf Short Ir.iUe. and i the only one raaing .hroiii;!i Kvacrton, Lake Font, Highland l'ark, Waukr 'il', U ii-j iv, Kenoxiw to Milwaukee. Pul!iuan Palare Car ara run oa a!) Ibroiinh trains of fliis roail. Tui is th OXI.V I.IXK nniniuK the ear Irtwwa Cliicairo aud Kr. hut, Chicago ami Milatike-, or Clu eatto ul Winona. At Omaha our Skejxrs r )m, t with the OverUud Sleepera on the I'niou Paeiiie Kailix?ad for all pciais West of the MLwouri River. On the arrival of the trains from t!i Eutt or South, the trains oi the I tiii-jjii a Xorth-Wwii-rn ft.-iiwy Li ivf. I Hir.vno aa follovrn: Kr Co.iucil BIuiTh. Oiuaha and California. Two Tiiroiit-u Trains daily, willi fulimsa I'ala.-e Drawing Kootu aud Skf iiinst cars thrt.uiju to lnnril Kluff". i .r St. Kr.ii and Miuueajoh, Two Through Trail. daii.!-, v.i!ii I'.iilintm faiaee cars attached on bntta trail.. lor n-ti I-.jv and Lak SuFerior, Two Truln iU;:!. arjti Vulliiiau l -rlL-CHcnr ati-.ciieu. and raaniu thruiua lo afarfia-tti. For ai'lan-aW-v, Fuar Thv-ub Trains ibily, Pnlluisn cam on niht train. Parlor Ctiairs car on day train. f or SjKtrra and V.'iuopa and point ia ?.!inDrm-i. Oue Tbr-.iii?ii Tr.-in itaily, ir!i llilliran Slvfprri. lo IViiioua. i'or tubu.ii-. via Kriiori, Two Tiirough Train diiily, wiia I'uUniaii cir oa nitfht tntin:1!. for lubnii;ie a:al I.i Crnwf via Clinto'i, Two Thruii;:h Traiii daily, with Pullman earavnuigkt traiu to Mei.rHijr, U.H'a. i'.ir Siox I iij and Van!::oii, Two Train daily. Pl mau eai to Miouri Valley Juncriou. 'r Iike ili-nv. Four Train dsilv. For Koekfoni, sterlinif, Kcuui-ha,' Jaiievillr, and usht-r poiuta. you can have from two to ten train da:lv. X'ew York Ortee, No. 4lh Broadwav : uston OiTio-. Xi. S Stati utrert ; Omaha OrBee, aw Farnham Mmt; Man FraniKii OiBce, 121 Montgomery atrert ; Chicago Ticket Oilier : iWCiaik urti-i, under "Rbrrman Kov.r; corner 'anal and Madison sireK ; Kinzie Htm Tep. comer W. Kibe sod Caual atrrets ; Well Mretr iN-iot, eoruer Well and Kinzie rret. F.r rati or i;.f..rmation uot .-.ttaiiblt from your honie ta-k.-t aK-utn, ai'i iy to W. H. Stesnett, " MTWHMair r. lien.Paiw. A't, t'hiejsfu. C-t-a.' y't, ChirtK-j. Fi-b.4, 1S7C ly. A.1IEKICAX HOTELS ;Sonhnry, Pa. iV. .. Ilanittrisht, Proprietor. Has been refitrtrl and re-furDisbed lhrou;;boot. Good and ample accommodations fr a!!. Th' bar 1 supplied with tho bet linuors. Sunbury, Jan. 23 ly. Assiguee A'otiee. ""NOTICE 1 hereby eiven that Isaac II. Ke. X ler, of Lower Mahanoy towuthip, Nurth mubcrland county, Pa., bus, by voluntary deed, assigned all bis property, real and personal, to the undersigned on tbe second day of February, lh?6. for the benefit of hi creditor. All per sons knowing themselves ta he indebted to mM Isaac H. Keseler will nt.ike immediate fayniecl and thoe lmviu claim a.tiust him will r.r fent tbem fir payment to KEN.T. M. BUBB. Assltrnee. Dalmatia P. O., North'd Co.. Pa. Lower Mahanoy, Feb. 11, ISTo H. Aiuiiuistrator A'otiee. (Estate of P.alph Thirloway, lcd.) "VOTICK is hereby given lhat letter i.f :ut- minUtration having lieen granted to the un 'ler;irned on the estate of Ralph Thirloway, kilo of the B')ro:ib of Mt. Carmel, North'd Ovinty. Pa., deceased. All person indebled to ss'i' es tate s re r-qnisteil to raaks immediate payment, and t!n-e liMvinir claims to present them lor set tlement. DAVID J. LEWI., Adtu'r. .It. ::rm'-!, Jan. 14, 17;. -yrriLLiAM w ater, House. M ii and 1'renroe Paiuter. SUXBURV, TA. Will an. iiii to rra'niti;:, pai!iriii and Kr--.H.i;iK Iti oil. .l e;:r.r.:i-, ill 'in.! j.r!vili- h.uiira, at r-u: t rti-fii--. Jan. tf. fun. "AT Til. LI A. 'I It. EBDMAX, 1 Jr-Tire r.p thk rrcv, SUAMOMN, PtXX'A. Collection und (.titer business entrusted t' his case will receive prom;t attention. Slmtuokin, Jan. 21, 1SI6. ly. " v a. -ai Y ORK i'6 li Til E UX EMI'LO YED ! T1IK THISTLE EDITION i the ouly fnlly Iilu.tratea Kdltn of Sir altT irr' Waverly Novell if Air-Tfivu aud ia ''tUr twt ii!i!:...n '!' tlw Ln;llsu QOVfliM. Tlie boi.ba are utaii.tard and ill.il f.r ail time. rW lueciiani.-al execution of th- lt. The price ia of Jof lowert Agents Wanted Every whuasalj " ji liberal terms aud exeluaivr Irrntory are onc't, f Forty-eiKht volumes, sveraiiiiiff .J paifM eai-Ii, said eonlaiuini; uearly a.ina.i illnslratkiiin, will rmr k-te tha m-ntsa. Sulwribers aupplir J wi'h two voluai a com plete work) mouthiy. Fleven month' deliv-rii :J1 vol iunsil are now ready. Price in Clo'b. iriit eitr. pr volutue 1.50; Half Turkey, r;iit tup, fii. For :i-mi. etc., H'lre E. J. HALE & SON. Publisher. March 3, Tn.-r. IT Mcmtt MTBKtx, JiLW Voh. TlSYCHOMvNCY, or SOI L CH sKMIXll." How X either sex may faeiniite nud gain the love and affectioua uf any prrsoix tbry cbooim iiLstanliy. Tim niniple meuta! aeQiumiment all can pcssai.frw,l.T Dial!, for 2ac., toeethnr w:i b a marnairi guide, Fio ptiau tira de, Urraius, HintK to Ladies. Wedding-NiKlit ibirl. hv. A qur book. Addrvw T. WILLIAM & t o. Pib. l-hiln. Marvh I. 4w. LONGACRS & COX t&V2Z?5S CrVTPTVT 4 T Bc'iiX4 i-a tr..-ti'nmt L,. .V Lx LUlSiMAU tfvakvl aad CtMtVq- COriTVl n-y t.-tiui i d: ir . GROUNDS, BUILDINGS, SLtU' AND PHILADELPHIA. "Z?rL?ZKZ? MADE FAMILIAR TO ALL "'""tT""' thnt inMnr untlM rCit! 7nci.rC-imt:'.. aa.lm. lUliACaK A ttl k -:- -hi awl. IJlfctaf r M rfc Oikn, 4. W. C. !Vl MartM Su.. fa-aw M Clicaav. A FARM OF YOUR OWN is- 77. Iicxt He Hied f for Hard Tim! Free Homesteads AND THE. BEST AND CHEAPEST RAILROAD LAST Are on the Line cf the l.IO PACIFIC RAILKOAI IX NEBRASKA. Seen re a llouif .Now. Fjiil infortuatioa ?ut FRKE to all rrtiof WorUi. .d-lrrsa, O. F. DAVIS, March :!, 4w l.;r I fYeit'r l'.P.K.B..I 'ruaLa, Xrt.ras'i.a. I PTVL'V Wore now Kivuid Sr;i.t; MachiDM Huutinx fa Waich-. Vi-ivci Vrt.,atid Hlaek Silk IT-m, m wirb ucr ItrreD-b:i-li Pjckaf-n. S nd to lnvvntor Lniuu 17:i i.;n-eiiv.!ii. li Strtsi-t, X. V. Sii.J.v FREE Oroatc-ht Beliinx Centennia Book is A it WAS oiul IS, tmti3T ' I r l.i;ry ainl (..: -c.-nruut, yri"J s.ii a?id ,-iin.ai-, rai! uiouittaiPH, btk:-t, neis, Krfit it 1'r.d mai.uiarVjtttra. wealth in iiimr. al. internal iiiipruvriurni, trr j-hooli, ond.rfnl ai'iiivemeiits aitrieultiiis?, oouimerce. rinaiie, curitn.;-tif-. -tc. A Splodid View of the Mighty Yan kee JN ation, Kichly lUuntrated Xiabiux likf rxtaui. Iaiw ie, lov friif. Audita wanted quick:. Ti-mi a-. VldrMH, Ht'UBARU KKuS tali. 4w. Samaon t Plii!-'. ft 1 " VrPiilW KLUrtAXT (UL CHBOKIiSm'' a''lli. li e U i-i"- '"V . or J" ' Cbroraoa of evei-v drir-i.l'iii. XAT10SALt'lllliMi I )., Pbiiadrlphia Pa. leb.l. lw. uent WSTrn! Mrdal and Diplcu'-a AwardVd f...- riCTORIAL BIBLES lrtlio llhibtratioii. Addres for urw circulara, A. 4. HIILM AX i.).. '.W Areh street. Pbila. Feb. In, 4-. i frr A T.U'TVi'VVi iVna-hfra. SriittiitN- Men ami l.V'VV iVVaT ' aV w av -s - - t - Women, wanted to ell CENTENNIAL liAZKTTKL'R of the V. H. ahowi grand result cf lod Year prog". A whole Lihrarv. "Boston Globe." Sot a luxury, but s uecwity. "Intereean. Bent selUoft Book 1'ut-li-be.1. Good Pav. Want Owj. ARt. lu every eity f 10,(HW. Addrewi, J. C. McCrHBI Co., Phihu, Pa. feb. 19. 4w. AGEXTS WAMTtI FOB or HEW HI Ila- 1.DSTHATED CENTEN- . . r. , r.i n T.' u vavT.U 1 V 1 1 . ta,. othr MAPS and RELIGIOUS aud HI3TOBI CAIj CHARTS. The best awllinff article of th dav. Addrem.- HAASI8 tc Lt BREl'HT, tinpir Mv aud Chart Entabiishmont, 107 Liberty lrt, 3. Y. ten. in, iw. Wmitetl 'AKut for tbe best aelhuR Pric PaeV- a in the world. It contain l i ht ppT, 15 envelope, golden Pen, Pen Holder, PkucU, j,ateut Yard Memoir. nd a piece of Jewelry, fiinele Package, with pair of elsant Gold Stone leve Button, poet paid, Hftct. 5 for f 1.00. This package b. i. tho nuhliaher of the Amckicak and found a repre-enKd won a ine money. irivea awar to aU Aent. Circular frw ItKIDK CO 789 Broadway, Xfw York. I'eb. 1, 4w. for COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS' CABBOIalC TABLETS. PUT'tP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REilEDY. For sale by DruMi general, and JOHNSO", HOtLOWAX k CO., Paiiadelphia, r. . reb. 1. w. utra uj .... a'A'J'VliM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers