aaaaaaaaa.a i - . i i v . et urn s jStto Afcbertismtrrts. tbbtrfistmtnta. in W. W., . ex. KbrrltTH Sale of Bel Eiitate. Br Tina ot sundry Writ f Fieri Facias alias fieri Farias, Flnrles Fieri Facias, Venditioni Exponas, alias Venditioni Exponas, Levari Facias and alia Levari facias, -issued out of the Court of Common Plea of Northumberland county, and lo roe directed, win t exposed to al by public vendue or ootery, a WEDNESDAY, tbe Zi day of NOYEMBER,1875. at 13 o'clock In tbe forenoon, at the Court Ilouse In lb boroocb ofbunbnry. Pa., tbe following real estate, is wit : riiau varus. w nr nleca of irronnd situate in f.i,. h.nk'a addition to tbe boroueh of Sba- k. monti of Northumberland, and Slate of lYt.nsvivania, knon and dcsiituated on the Keocra'l lltOk'rapbed plot or plan of said addition int uutulMT one. In block number fSVen, bounded northwardly by Mulberry street, east ..ri. k, . ailrv. aouthwardlT by lot nuinhcr two, in a.ild block." and westwardiy bv Shamokin . .nnlinlnir in width flftv-eeveu teet on fchsmoalu el'eet, one hnudred and forty-two fct to depth and elebteen f In width on eastern ..4 .ih tht arnurte nances cous'.stinic of a two torV frame dwelling bouse ; as tbe property of HESTER DEITMAN. ALSO, a rtlo lot or l!ece of tround annate lu rDtirr Aucueta township, Northumberland eouu- IT rvnnsvivania, oouuaea oonuaiM tumi.lL.e." eastward by lot o! Joseph Houfctine, -.r hi land of Ueonre Conrad, and west ..-, im of Jeremiah Fasold. containing In width thirty fret and In depth two hundred feet, with the appurtenance consisting of a lwo-tory frame dwelling house ; a iae property MENH11. Al.SC, All that certain oue-balf part of two tract or piece of ground situate In Delaware township, Northumberland county, Fenn'a., bouuded and described a follow, to wit : on the outh by land f Aaron B. Artmau, on the east by the West Branch canal, and on the west by the West Branch of tbe Susquehanna river, con taiuicc ix acre, wore or let, with the appor icnance consisting or two -n4J, ""f bonar. Ae. ; a the property of DANIEL IF-lEl.KAFr., AH that certain lot or piece of jround ltaate la the township of Mount Carmel, Sorthumber. land county, Penu'a., bounded and described a follow, to wit : on tbe north by the southern lino of the boroueh of Monnt Carmel, on the eat and sonth by land of Tbe Locust Moun tain Coal and Iron Company. surveyed on war rant la the name of David Kennedy, and on the wrat bv the Centra turnpike, being the same premises which were conveyed to Pat- a , rnmnanr hT their deed recorded v-iko-nta-rtanil conntv. in deed book past 19. and daU-d December 17, 1863. whereon are erected a Urrr lwo-tory atone buildinif, with basement, a frame rtable. carriage bouse and other out buildlnir. t u Fonr certain lote or piece of ground ituate In the boiouirb of Mount Carmel, county and State afrcaid, kuown aud dcs'urnaled on tbe plan of aaid borouich a lot numier four.cen, in blovk outubertweniy fonr.froutingon Market atreet ; lot number three and four, in block number forty three, fronting on Chealuut ftrcct; and lot nuinbrr twcnty-tbrec. In bloik number .it... fr-.iinnB Oxk ireeU with the frame ,lbl theteon erected j a tle property or PAT BICE DONAHUE. A10, Two certain lot or piece or ground annate In tbe through f Shame in, couuty of Northumbf r Und. Pa., kuown and deaignated on the plan or aald borough, at lot number two, in block num ber arcnty fronting on frccnth .reel, lot num ber three, to block nnmber fourteen, fronting on Kreoad ree. AJao, certain lot or piece ol rrvnai aUaata a afoiesaul, coeUioiuf one eighth of ao acrw mor or lea. dj0l&ln lot of Dr. Robert Phillip, the Shamokla creek, and a triaapilar lot No. 440, a marked on the plot Of aaid haoklu, laid out by McCarty, Dafl. Warner and Jordan, being part of tbe real c latc of Darld Thompaon, deceaaed, aold by H. J. I Woleenon. Trurte ; a tbe property oi I TINE I AO ELI. I ALSO. Three certain lot or piece of ground ituate In Hough addition to the borough of Mount In the eountr of Northumberland, and i tu .i. r,f Prau.. known and dr!rnate ou the ! f aaid addition a lot number ten, eleren . . . v. and tweiee, in oioca urnaon -v It on Third atreet thlrty-aix feet, and extending . .... . . . t ,M aM trat that wmtn one nunarea ana "j ira v .it. with i ha arrrnrtenancea erected on lot .k im ronaiatinr of a On and a half aiory fram building, Ac. ; a tbe property of f KANE ROTH. TJM.I rKIK at LITABI FACIAS. a:? tLt certain lot or piece of laud ituate in Lower Mahanoy townh!p, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, bounded northwardly by Uad of P. b. Bickel. eartwardly by land ot Caarlwa Broeiou, southwardly by land of I. H. .r BJ P. 8. Bickle. containing two acrca, oi or lea, with lb appurtenance conriatiug r . i.uirf frame dwelling bona with bae- menl. and a 'frame table ; a the property of 1. r. WHITMEB. . ALSO, rtrriit yieai racial AH that certain la or piece or ground ituate la Joaeph Everett' addition to the borough of WaiaanLown. in the counlv or Northumberland, and State of Pcnotylvania, known and deaignat- .A M is tilan of aaid addition a lot numner ihlrtaM. bonnded northward by an alley, east .r.M k lot number twelve, la aaid addition. oulbward by aatreet.and weatw.rd br at. .".jr. containing in wiata ariy-w" owe bunre4 and alxty-tiva feel, with the appur tenaacea eoaiticg of a two-tory frame dwell- i. i . aa the crorwrtr ot JUUi I. H ,wvr, - , DOUCUEKTT. ALdO. aua rmai facia a rnala lot or piarw of ground ituale In the borough of Bbamokin, couuty of N'orthnmber- a -a i .i. nr VrnnTlanla. known and a t Jtft ob the rlan or ald borough a lot anasber e, la block number tlty-oue, fronting en Ppruee atreet twenty ft, and extending bak that wldlu one nunarro aua ui au al'.ey j a the property or N. ft. UEITZ. ALbO, ail certain lot or Plow of grouud tituale iw boioogh or Riveraide, in the county of Sort hem her Land and Btate of rcuncyiTauia, i.. .nil aMcrined aa follow, to wit : Be ginning on tbe eml aid or avenue F, at the dia tanra ooe hundred feet aoulhwardly from Fourth atreet at lU corner or lot B ; thenca In ao east- .arii Mirrdion alons aaid lot r. one nunarco ..4 .Mi a i fact to aa aller t thence aouth wardiy aloag aaid alley any iee to corner ot tl : thence In a weatwardly direction along aaid lot D ooe huadrwd and ntveuty lt feet to avenue F : thence In a northward by direction along a u r to the olace of beglnulng. Ixlug lot Barkea C, in section twenty ix, la the plan of aaid borough, with the appurtenauce couiiog r a taavautrv frame dwelling hone, 4e. ; a the property ef WILLIAM TEAUE.K. ALSO, vrn. txroKia. Ona-hair of a certain lot or piece of ground aituata la tba tawn of kiarahalloa. Coal town. ahin. Northumberland county. ranyivania kirai mad drairaated OS ths Plaa or aaid tow aa lot number two. In biork number seven, with the appurtenances conitmg or a two-story frame dwellinr house; a tbe property or 111 K AX JL THOMAS as4 IUM11H ai wua. ALSO, A cartaia tract or Piece of land ltnat Waahlngtoa towuahtp, Northumberland couuty. Ptuoa., adjotaiog laCJ Ol rfooaiuaa a-eritr, Amos Broaiaua, Jacob Raybuck and William Earb!, containing nioety-arvea acre and ainety- fowr percbe. more or lea, wua tba apvrve asnces eoasUting oT a twotorj frama tavern, store and dwelling houe, a two-wory frame dwelling bonae. a ou and a-balf story dwsUlog boaae, a blacktmitB suop, a aaw mm, vaoa bam, e. . .. , Alau, A certain tract or pieet oi woooiana situate part v in Waabington township and part ly In Little Mahanoy townthip, la said county, adjoining land of Jacob Haupt. Ltanlat RelU aud others, containing 8 fly ooa acres and one baadred aad tea perrhea, snora or teas ) as ids property of WILLIAM KKHBES. ,ALSO,. The right, litis aa4 loterest of VaL Fagely, to and to aa that eefWia pleos or parcel oi ground situate to ths borough sf Sbamokia, totioty or Northamberland, aud Suit at Peoa slvaala. being tat ttumber Xarty-aerea and part of lotaumbrr Iarty-1X, I etoea aumuer osa hsadrcd asd Bflv-sifflu. as narked on tba gea- ral plan of aaid Boroagh, bounded and describe ed as follow, to wit : pegionrog ai a at the Intersection of Jadirpeadaocs aad AbanabkH streeta, on the weurij alda thersof forty-Bine and eighteenth feet to a post ( tbenes by lands late of Joaeph WeUel, north degrees west nee bundled snd ninety-one and fnnr tenth feet to a post on tbe eact id of Sua mokia street, thirty -ooe aad seven -tenth feet aooihwardlv from ths soflb west coraer of lot aumUr furtv.lvc in aaaM block, on ths line of Shatnokin street ; thence by bbamokin atreet, forty-nve feet, more or leas, to the railroad on Independence timet ( taeaos by aams aad aaid street one hundred aud ninety feet to tbe place of bet-tuning, containing eight thousand nine anadred aar kwt. mors or less, with the ap- paptensnor eoiuMtln si a two-story kh baiMIn. car.taaing storsrSsia, warehou, r- Bce. ate., a Stabla and two fram baildlog J as the property of VAL. FAGELY ALSO, A certain tract or piece or Isad tilsala In Little Mahanoy township, Northumberland caunty, r u. aont led asd described as follow. to wit t cgiaalBg at a acaa sn. : v!'?siv,a Ur aitS f i,bty fonr anf a ha'.r degn east, m hn Z:t Tr-" - -tons ; thence by land or which this is a part, north thirteen and a hair degree asst. one nun dred and forty-seres and a half perches to a chestnut i thenca north eighty degrees west twenty-four perches to a fallea chestnut oak ; thence by land surveyed to Frederick Dunkle berger, north flshty-thres degrees, weat oue hun dred and seventy -sevsn aad ibraa-tcstbs psrrbe to a stone i thvacs by Uad of Samuel Ruler, south eighteen and a half degree, west seventy three perches to an iron wood ; ihence south ixty-seven and a niui aejrree, c and fire tenth perches ta black oak; thence south twenty-nve degree weaiminy two v' eand three tenth to a post; thence by tbe Mahanoy Creek, north flft-lhree degree, west twelve perches to a, water blrco j. Ihence north .Kmiea waal aavan ooruiea auu tenth to a post; thence north twenty two degrees .i.,!i.nm-hMisi black oak: theuce by land or D. Raker, south lo the pine of be ginning, containing oue hundred and eighty one acre and on hundred and twenty-seven perches, more or le, 'wh ths appurtenances couBistiog imie hnue. a bank barn aud Aleo, Two certain lots or rlecea or ground situate in the town or Trevorton. Zcrbo towu- .ki. Vnrlhnmherlani1 COUHtV. Pelinf VlVallW, the treneral plan or ...s.i ,nm-n a. lnta nnmberi nine and ten, lu bloc number oue hundred and fixteen. each fronting on Shamokln street 25 feet, and extending back 150 feet to an alley, with the appurteuanceg con istlug or a two utory frume tavern bullilmx and Also, A certain tract of piece oi jhuu, aivu In Cameron township. Northumberland couuty, PenncylTunia, bounded northwardly and eaet wardlv by laud of Jounthau Duublebeiger, south wardly by land sr the Big Mountain Company, and wetwiuly by lnd of Henry Dornsife, con t:ilnl:ig twenty-eight acres more or 1cm, with the apnurteiance coniiling of a two-story frame dwelling hou-e, Ac. ; a4 the property of SAMUEL DUNKLEBEKEU. ALSO, A certain lot or piece of ground situate In the wnrh nfShamokin. County or Northumber land and State or Pennsylvania, known and de slgnnted on tbe general plan or said borough as lot number fourteen in block one hundred and ninety-one, bounded uorthward by lot number thirteen eastward by au alley, southward by Spruce street, and westward by Sh.imokm Street containing In width twenty-eve feet, and in depth oue hundred and niueiy-reet with the ap pnrtances cousirting of a two-story rrarac dwe.l Inir house and other bnildim: ; as the property or REUBEN HOI.LENBACU. ALSO, Two certain lots or piece" or ground situate In Cake's addition to the borough or Sunbury, In the eountv or Northumberland, aud State of PennMlvanii, known and designated on tbo plan of said addition. a lot numbers elgbt ana nine in block number fifteen, fronting on Rail road avenne fifty' feet, aad extending back that width one hundred and fifty reel to au alley, with the appurtenance eonitiiug of two two-story frame dwell ng houe, Ac. ; as tbe property or MARTIN WALLS. ALSO, Three certain lot or pieces of ground situate In the borough or Mount Carmel, couuty or Northumberland, and Sute or Pennsylvania, known and designated on the general plan or aid borough as lot number twenty-four, twenty live and twenty-six, in block number forty, each containing in front ou Hickory street twenty-five feet, and extending back thai width one hundred and fifty feet to an alley, with the appurtenances creited on lots number tweuty-five aud twenty six, confuting or a two-story frame dwelling hair story frame building and a stable ) as the property of SARAH JANE ALSO, tbbertisa. ALSO, an that certain messuage. telDj l0wn lot and cart or a town lot of Mine two story frame awcuing uuuo Dnaings thereon erectea, siiuaiu iu i mver. side. In the county ol nortnunioud state of Pennsylvania, bouuded and i a8 fGi. lows, va : Beglunlng at a pofcundred feet dibUnt from the south webl,f Xbird street and avenue E ; thence al rest side or said avenne southwardly sev feet t0 the centre of lot M ; thence wei ;hroogh the centre of said lot one hum eighty four feet lo an alley : thence ni y along said allev seventy-uve feet to lo ceernit wardly along said lot oue hnu eighty four feet to avenue E, the plainning, being lot L, aud part of lol M, ju sec tion twenty (20). iu plot ofsiiiiV, it be ing the came whicn vgaea n. Mmu nw wife, by deed dated NoveniberLriinte(i and conveyed unto Jouu Iveim ;iroperty or JOHN KEIM. ALSO. SUSQUEHANNA COFFIN A CASKET W ORKS, Front Ht., above Race, SUN B DRY, PENA"A. THE undersigned having established a Coffin & Casket Manufactory, at the above place, are now prepared to rurnigh to Cabinetmakers and Undertakers, and the trade generally Coffins and Caskets AU that certain towr. lot ana k town lot or land with the two-story Welliug house and out building ihcreon fituate iu the borough of Riverside, in thaf 0r thnwberland.and State of Pcnnspuuded marked and deneribed as followsfjmljjr at a point one hundred and "eve),. dis tant from the soulbwert corner and Third street ; thence westwardlje cen tre of lot M, one hundred and eifeet to an alley ; thence southwardly u alley sevcutv-flve feet to lot O; thwardly along said lot ono hundred and jr leet to avenae F. ; thence northwa said avenue seventy-five feet to the planning, being lot N and one-half of loiectiou twenty (-0)i ,u lhe Plan of oid 11 De' Ing Ibc same which Frank C. Der dated September 30, 1571, granted a(cd to Ogd-n H. Oetrander ; us the profrjijEN H. OSTRANDER. ALSO, lo Vf the bwt and latest patterns and finished in the best style. Their different patterns including both Coffin and Casket shapes are of WALNUT, CHERRY, CHESTNUT, Imitation of Rosetcnod and Cherry, and all other styles, made of the best material and finish ; work done by the most experienced workmen. Orders will be filled promptly, and Coflins and Caskets will be shipped to any place desired, at the shortest notice, and at the moat reasonable priCec. The patronage or tne trarte is solicited. Bend for PRICE and DESCRIPTIVE LIST, and learn the styles and prices. FRTLING, BOWES & EMi EL. Sunbury, April 30. lS75.-tf. In All that certain tract or piece of land situate la Turhut township, Northuinneriaia couoiy, PenntTlvanli. bounded auU Qescnoea as ioiiow, - - - j ' . . ... i : . it. n aril K.-rmniuir at a dobi on iuc nw and of John Sladdcn, ou the public road lead ing from the borough of Milton to the borough of McEweusviile ; Ihence north fourteen and a tmifHrvtees. west twenty seven ana six-ienwis .... i. - 1 J rod to a post, on tbo line separaung mo iu of John Stadden una iaua oi mumui . imw merer ibence north seventy-five anc a nan ae .r. Mt sixteen and flve-tcuths perches to post on the last mentioued line ; ibence south thirteen ami a halt itrrA. east nineteen and four-tenth perches to a post on saui paouc roan ; thenee annth fortv-elstht degrees, west seventeen and five-tenth perches along saia puoiw roaa o the place ot beginning, containing two acres auu elvhiv oerehes. strict measures, with the appur tenance consisting of a two story frame dwelling bouse, a frame stable and out nuuaing ; as toe property of LEW MA I Ml A3. ALSO, TEN BXFOSAS ASD LEVARI FACIAS All that certain lot ef ground situate in Cook. TlMlnneier A fo'i. addition, town ol vtatson- town. county or Northumberland, and State or Pennsylvania, oonnaea ana ocwiira iuh-ci to wit ; on tue nonn oy 101 minj, vu iutn Second street, on the south by lot number twenty-one, and on the west by an alley, containing fifty-five reel in iront ana oue nuuurcu auu biij flve feet deep.k now n and designated in the geueral plan of said addition na lot ramber twenty-nine, it being a part or a larger tract or land that John Heckel, by deed dated December 7, 1865, conveyed to Cook, Hollopcier & Co., with the appurtenances consisting or a two-story frame dwelling house ; as the property or CHARLES 8TECKEL. ALSO, LIVABI FACIAS. All that certain lot or piece or ground situate on the south side or Chestnut street, in the bor ough cr Sunbury, Northumuerland county, and Bute or Pennsylvania, and hounded and de scribed a follows, to wit : bounded on tbe north bv said Chestnut Street, on the eatt by a lot oi Mrs. Amelia C. Fisher, on the south by tne tsna- mokin Vallev & Potlsville Kali Koad, ana on the west by a lot conveyed by the said William M. Rockefeller, fcxecutor oi tne last win ana testament or Edward Y. Bright, Sr.. unto Wil liam Umolebv. eo"'-;'ni ' nut Btreel, iweniy-iwo v-- ""- more or less, and lo depth two hundred and thirty red more or less, with the appurtenances consisting or a two-story brick dwelling house. It being the same lot or piece oi grouna wnicn the said William M. Rockefeller, Executor a aforesaid bv hi deed bearing date the 27th day of March, 1873, granted and confirmed unto the said Florence L. Reimennyder, her heir and uiena forever: a the property of LVit.r.- I.II'ti A. REIMENSNTDEK. ana l.u nr. L. REIMENeSYDER fii wife. ALSO, A dwelling house two stories high, a front or 33 reel and depth or WA 't nd two storied bark building 10 leet lu depth by 21Ji in width. located noon a ot or piece oi grouna situate la the Borough or Northumberland, knufii'M1 an t described as follow : bounded on enh-et tv Market street, south-east by Saw Mill alley, south-west by Wheatley alley, north west by lot, 11. O. Gl.grr, containing in front vta feet and in depth 240 feet, known as lots 99 n inn In general nlan : as the property of JEREMIAH ETSTER. ALSO, A two-tory frsme dwelling house, eighteen reel front on Orange street, by twenty eight reel In depth, located nron a lot or piece or ground aiiuate In the borouirh ot Northumberland, Pa. TtetrinnW at a corner on north-east side or Dranira Street, nlnetv feet from 20 reel wide alley thence north east two huudred and forty feet to a tweulT fool alley, thence north-west thlrte feet on said allev to a corner, thence aomh.west bv lot of . Dutikleberger, two hun dred and forty reel lo Orange street, and thence thirty reel 8. E. on Orange street, to the place f beginning, being one eigtub part or lot. No. "ki 2711. 271 and 273 : as the property or 8A- VILLA HAWLET and JOHN B. HAWLFT owners or reputed owner and contractor. ALSO, All those two certain lota or piece ot ground situate, lying aud being la the Borough or Mount Carmel, County or Northumberland and State or Pennsylvania, being lots roarkrd on the general rlan or chart or said town of Mount tarmei. with the numbers fourteen and fifteen (14 and 15), In block number iwenty-three (23), and bounded and described as follows, to wit: on the north by Cherry Street, on the east by Ornuira Htraet. OB tha south by lot number six teen f IK), and on the west by Hickory Street, containing in width In front on said Hickory Htreet. fittv feet (301. aad extending back In teth thai' width ou hundred and fifty feel MSO ft.V to aaid Orange Street, with the appur tenanccs consisting t double two-tory frame dwelling honsaj a the property of HENRY V. T EAGER. . ALSO, All that certain northern one-half lot or groand situate in the borough of Mouut Carmel, (JOOStV ed etaU a foresaw, oring tne nortuern half of lot No.ata.Heea (No. 19). in biock nuin ber thirty (blk JO), boonded on tne norm oy nnmber eiehteea f No. 18). on the east by Osk htreet. south or lot mber twenty (No. 20), .Ri wmI be Pear streat. with tbe appurtenances ' . . - -- . 0 consisting or a Htabl a tne property oi u u- rKUH TLOID Ua BOtlceio tuarirs aniier Terre Tanaat. . - - ALSO. All that certain one-hair lot or ground situate In Ibe borough or Mount Carmel, North d eoun tv. Pennsylvania, and being the one-half of lot nanibrr six. In block number thirty, and bound ed on the north by lot number five on the east h Oak street, on the south by half lot number sis (6), la said block, aad ob the west by Pear 1 miUIb nr is UII is irom a va um( inlmnd one-half feet (12U) and ex ttinir hart th .1 width ta depth one hundred and Cftv feet fl50 ft.).as also tbe one-hair or tA.atr.r twelllnr house and stable erected said piece or ground as ths property or HESE ICIAH FLOYD an AMANDA his wlfs, with otic- lo Charles Miller, Terre Ttnaet. ALSO, 1I that certain lot or Piece of ground with ik. ta..atArv frame dwelling houe thereon erected, situated in the Borough ot Northurober land aforesaid, bonnded ana aesrriosa lows i on the northwest by Water "treat AUASiciAB. All that certain piece, parcel af land situate in Lower Augusia vo"unty aforesaid, adjoining lands oi n,nrad. Henry Sbipe, Charts roy, reter joun F. Zimmerman, Hetry D. Mallq.hei, cantainins, Mfty nine acres more o,u ihe appurtenances consisting oi a twrame house, a barn. Ac, and conslsilnfconti gious pieces separately bounded (ribed as follows : one thereof beginninjmail hiekorr. thence by land or reter 0uth eighty-nine aud a quarter degreforty- three ptircnc to a stone, meuec uw or late of John D. Maliek north five if de grees east one hundred and seven! two tenths nerencs to a none, iucuh wu late of David Malick west f.)ity-th,es to fctone. and ihence ny innn oi re-aiicK south five and a hair degrees westjdred an. I sixteen and six-tentns percnewace of heirinuinir. couUining twecty-n and seventy seven perches more or looting therefrom about one and a quartern by John 8. Henningei to reter K. rbicn said described laud being the eam3aro- uel Eyster and wire by deed dated y ol April, A. D. eighteen hundred ,-two granted and conveyed to said Joseid in fee simple, ineotneroi saia piee)naea and described as follows : beglnniri pine knot, corner of land of Ephriuin larah Ann Conrad. Aasoiom v,onraa, iu iana of Reuben Conrad south elghtygrees west one hundred and twenty-th, two tenths nerche to a stone, theuce by lieu ben Conrad and Henry Shit, nortl and three nnarter decrees west forty-sttight tenths nerchrs to a chestuut. thenqd of Peter Malick. Charles Foy, and tV de scribed tract, south eighty-eight unfcuar ter degrees, eai-t one hundred and ss, and one tenth perches to a pine stumpo by land of Henry W. Malick, south rees east twenty-two and six tenths pto a Chestnut Oak, theuce by the wme n;hty eight and three quarter degrees, er and two tenths nerches to a pine knot by land of Absolora Conrad, south twet and one half degrees east thirteen perch be ginning, containing twenty-seven acj one hundred and fifty-five perches belnsame land which Reuben Conrad by (iced the 23th day of May, 1860, granted and led to said Joseph Conrad In fee simple. T two contiirions pieces being now held by aseph Conrad as one piece aud Tartu ; as tlperty or JOSEPH CON KAU. ' Seised, taken In execution and to bby S. II. ROTHERMIeilff. Sheriff's, ''ubury, Pa.. Oct. 1. A(III.G SHOP AM) I ISO FOX'S DRY. GEO. ROIIRBACII & S0X3, Sunbury, Penn'H, INFORM the public that they are prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added ucw Machine Shop in connection with their Foundrj? Rt,d have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With tbe aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to cxecnte all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that roty be given them, In a satisfactory man ner. Crates to suit any Stove. IRON OLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, &c. Omaneutal Iron Fencing FR GRAVE YARD LOTS ; 7ZRANDAHS, FOR YAF)S AT KES1DENCES, AC, AC. The PLO8, already celebrated for their su periority, ba been still further Improved, and will always bkept on band. Also, -JKEPIIING MACluatS. Sunburv, Mt 20. 1874. QAKUIAVS, BlGGli:S At. H. K. HGELY & CO. respectfully the public that they have commenced the n-jufacture of . TRIAGES, BUGGIES, IC, at the new shop rcciy crect;d by J. F. Lerch Corner of Font and C'hestnnt Sts., eCNRY, PA., and solicit a fair ohiof Potroingc. A nl 8-6m. i J. F. LERCH, Snp't. S PRINO AND SU.F.R 8TYLE3 - ir-xr T-KT"i .1 r-vr SEW STYLES, SEW FEAERS, SEWDWERS. ORSAMEST.N. Hats &Bonnets TRIMMED.LL TRICES. Latest andst Shades. OPENING 1 i ALL THE NEW SHS. Seal. BTown, Plum, Navy Blue, 8tark, Green. dc. In Silks. Merinos, CasbmCam els Hair, Glaci, Serge and Diagonals. , men rjvic piaie I AND WOVEN BLACK SjS A Specialty. Imported direct, and warrauted lo RiVfiS. taction. Mourning Goods of Every Descnn. Housekeepers Coodt m.AJKl!TS PXAXELS, yClLTS, To, Sheetings, Table Linens, Xapklns, F. n. ROGERS A CO., Old Stand Eyre & Landell, S.W. Co, Fourth and Arch Street, . JJJJJJJ FICTION, PHILADELPHIA uiUJwi" ..r Good Assort of Notions CONSTANT nANU. FANCY ZEPHYR GCK;D FANT'S HOODS, At Misses L. & a Millinery Store, MsrkelSt., ennnury, April 2a, AOEST'C OV FREE! Large Commissioisn rreuuuius fob r. Sept. 17. 1875. 2 rnos. AMERICAS CYCEOP.EDIA. Tbe eleventh volume or this valuable work now readv. The work when complete w:ii co tain 16 volumes. It Is a library in Itself, ai should be in every household. As an tvidence ! 3;,uli. jijutfraffd wl -page Eugrav- coMPKisrew Jewel of imagliLlteratnret Pilobh' Proorkss. or Wakefield, ROBIH! CRcaoa, ;hd mruiku, GvLLivEa's Travels, ctu, Vatbes, . USDIKE, iaie "aj eights, Complrf In ONE Ut-Mcr 1,000 pages, ' TT . . t a f mil Wl 17.. AMOKO THE ARTICXBS ASB COSTBIBCTOKS TO TH ELBVT5TH VOLt'MB. Meteorology, hy Pror. Cieveiana ADie, wasn tsss. Inrton. D. C. f Old Probobilities.) ' . . . ww - n . I a Mint and Money, ny nenry varrj wro, rnua- delphla. V . a-. a A-m B a T. T". Methodism, ny rroi. t. . renneii, v. u Missions, Foreign (Prote&uut), bj Rer. Charles P. Bush, D. D. I Mineralogy, by Pror. John A. Cnurrn. Mercury (in Medicine J, by Prof. E. H. Clarke, M. D. Molecule, by Prof. Joelab P. Cooke. Mortgage, and other legal articles, by Hon. T. M. Cooler, .L. D. Marrow, aud medical and pnysioiogicai arti cles, by Pror. J. C. Dalton, M. D. Maine. Massacnuseits. Aimnesoia, and other articles in American geography, by F.tnn S Drone. Metal and MeUllurgy, by Prof. TLoraas x. Drown, M. D. Articles In materia mraica, ny Kooen i . tues, M. D. . . . Mikabo. by Pror. Josejih Henry, L,Lm u., Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Mechanics, by Charles L. Hogeboom, M. u. Manganese, aud other chemical articles, oy rroi. C. A. Joy. MoHusca, and other articles lu coology, ny rror. 8. Kneeland, M. . Microscope, by Prof. A. M. Mayer, elevens Institute. Mineral Drposltrs, by Prof. J. S. Newnerry. LL. D., Columbia College, New Tork. Missions, foreign ((toman moncj, auu other artlciles In ecclesiastical history ny l.ev. Bernard O'Reilly. D. D. Mediterranean bea, by tount L.. . ae rour- tales. Moon, and other astronomical articles, oy Richard A. Prottor, A. M., London. Mennonites, by Pror. A. Kauscnenbuscn. Mercury. Metallurgy (Ore Dresslug). and Mine, by Rossiter W. Raymond. Melanchtnon, rnmrp, oy i roi. ruiiii D.D. ... ... ....... Magnolia, Maple, Melon, ana oilier Doiamc.i article, by Pror. George Thnrber. Moab, end otner arcnoiocirai, onrnmi, " philological articles, by ProL G. A. F. Van Rbyn. THE LIGHT RUNNING "DOMESTIC." The "Domeatle." w w. t . . . It la the HOiiiiWtl Iltion, and all want to reau wutni jrtt 10 all rho mean business fulibfuliy can- slo.. X Place. Oct. 1, 1S75. ; New York. Adminitratire. Esute ol Philip Wert, er Augusta towuthip.; LETTERS of admlrt,nTng been granted to tbe nndei.a(d e8tate. AH persons indebted tbeqD(.ste(j to make Immediate paymt08e having claims against the same sera without delay Tor settlement. i fERTZ, 'nistralor. Suubury. Sept. 29th, U a on , and on lb The "DOMESTIC" Is an exceedingly simple machine In all lis parts and processes. It is easily understood ; ramiliarlty with Its action Is very quickly acquired, and it needi hardly any practice or special skill In tbe operator. The superior advantages obtained In the DO Mas nc" are mainly t 1. Light Running. S Quietness no Cams or Gear w heels. 3. Perfect Stitch Double-thread Lock Stitch. 4! Durability arising rroin Simplicity or Con struction. 5. Absence or all Friction. 6. Great range or Work. 7. Ease or Operation. We do not say that the "Domestic i the only Machine worthy or public favor. We admit there are some possessing real and acknow ledged merit ; bul we do claim, and are prepared . M.monatrale. that the "Domestic" has many 11 that miHf-r it dteidtdlv mp4iior to any sMr Jfae him now before the public. Let every woman, therefore, examine tor her i riu vbra sha bnvs a machine. SrutVwsst byp.rlorjThi.U.lP.tP-a!Jr 7 now owned by John I lessiy mane ; one iui 'rev. on fortprobabl, for lon? U-j. ,th Domes- and eighty fee j ia tsr "J . . J necome a picaaaui - -- stead of a slow manual drudgery ; she will have the time and strength to add beauty and elegance to work In which berore she has been obliged to content aerstirwPh bare Btility. CAROLINE DALIUS, Agent, Banbury. Pa. fol- tbe (ailr03s. Furniture Ware-Rooms ! RORERTS A IIOSTERWAS, (Successors to B. L. RAUDENBUSH.) Masonic Building, WILL SELL CHEAP, AS ENDLESS VARIETY or FURNITUHE or the latest styles and best material. C0XSISTING OF Parlor aud Chamber Suits; LOUNGES, TABLES, CHAIRS, STANDS. Bedsteads of all kiuds, Cupboards, Shuts, and in short everything usually to be found in a lirst class Furniture Store. XJ3STIDE3?lTK:i3SrC3-. Special attention is given to Undertaking in all its branches. Coffins and Burial Caskets Or ALL 8TTLE3 CONSTANTLY ON HAND. An invitation is extended to all to come and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ROBERTS & HOSTEUMAN. Sunbury, Feb. 19, 1875. hardware: Wc are better prepared than ever to supply the demand for goods In our line. We have just received a full stock of Shovels, Iron, Hoes, Stce'., Rakes, Oils, Forks, Paints, Pumps, Glass, Cutlery, ' Varnishes, LEATHER BELTING, TOOLS, AM) GOODS SUITABLE FOR Builders, Housekeepers, Farmers, Blacksmiths, Shoemakers, Cabinet Makers. Carpenters, Machinists, Painters and the People. Call and examine our goods. CON LEY, HACXETT & MATEER, Opposite Whitmer's Btore. March 20. 1875. tf. Spring & Summer Goods. SEW! XEWII EWIII AT Reed, Brother A KeulioltzH Cheap More, Market Street, Knubnry, Pa. DKENN GOODS, Tne Latest Sttlf.s and Be-t QrxtiTT, comprising all the novelties in fabric and shade. Fcil Assortment op Notions, which are being sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Also, Groceries and Provisions, pnre and fresh. Qceensware, Glassware, and Wood and Willow Ware, Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on hand. A very large ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER, both glazed and common, always on hand. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. READ Y-MADE CLOTHING, of all sizes and or the latest styles. FLOUR. A constant supply of western white wheat flour a speciality. Tbe public are invited to call and examine our Goods tree of charpe. Our motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits," and to please all. The highest prices will be paid for all kinds of country produce. By strict attention to business and keeping at all times the most complete stock, and selling at thelowest prices, we hope to merit a l jII snare 01 patronage. REED BROTHER & SEASHOLTZ. Sunbury, May 21. 1S75. Sugar, Coffee. Syrups. Soices, Canned Coeds, Queens, Willow and Cedar Ware. I'ESJiSYLVAXM RAIL, ROAD. PHILADELPHIA ERIE R. It, DIVISION. SUMMER TIMETABLE. T.ln ira Mail Day Express 1 I 45 ii -i s l VV' t bv North wsy ?rf tinrober sity-thr W.l.araa and AOS bUndred In deptk, being part of lw. rertaln ",b'r ed sixty-three and sixty-four which Henry a.. Campbell and Sidney Campbell his wife, by w.i. aa a.-a tha 10th dav or January. 1807, conveyed to Victoria Gullck t " Tn' VICTORIA OUUCK sod CHARLES V. OU- LICK. Special Notice es A LARGE ASSOl OF 1 NrKIStiaudKt DRESS GJ Fancy Goods and Notions Jufi.. Kate Black's Store, MMIM LNBIKT. FP SILKS, CAUOOEB, LAW3 and a general assortment or l Gents Glovrs, Necktira, !I1, Ferrumery, Ribbons, F'.v. TriiE.mi.A-s.fna Ladies are Invited to ca Urge stock. Jills.- I' Bnnbury, May 7, On and after Sunday, May 23d, 1S75, the Trains on tbe Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road Divi sion will rnn as follows : WESTWARD. Fast Line leaves New Tork " " " Philadelphia, " " Baltimore, " " " HarrUburg, " nrr. at Williamsport, " ' Lock Haven, " " Bellefonte, Erie Mail leaves New York, .. . pbiladelphia, " " Baltimore, " " u Ilarriuburg, " " " Williamsport, " ' Lock Haven, " " " Renovo, " " arr.alErie, Niagara ExpresB leaves Philadelphia, " ' " Baltimore, " ' " Harrieburg, " " arr. at Williamsport, " Lock Haven, Kenovo, leaves Philadelphia, " Baltimore, " " " Harrisburg, " " arr, at WillUimsport, " " Lock Haveu, EASTWARD, riiilud'a Express leaves Lock Haveu, ." ' " Williamsport, arr. al llurrisburg, " " " Baltimore, " " ' Philadelphia, " New loik, leaves Keuovo, " " " Lock Haven, " " " Wil inmgport, 11.35 a m " " arr. at Harrisburg, 3.00 p m " " " Philadelphia, 8.20 p m " ' " New York, 9.15 pm " " " Baltimore, 6.35 p m Erie Mail leaves Erie,' 11.20 am " " Reuovo 8.25 p m " " Lock Haven, 9.45 pm " " " Williamsport, 10.50 p m " srr. at ilarnsburic, 2.25 am " " " Baltimore. 7.35 a in " " Philadelphia, 6.45 a ni " " " New York, 10.10 am Fast Line leaves Wllliumsport, 12.35 a m ' arr. at Harrisburg, 3 55 a ni " " " Baltimore, 7.35 am " " " Philadelphia, 7.35 a m ' " New York, 10.25 a m Erie Mail West, Niagara Express West, Elinira Mail West and Day Express East make close couueclion at Northumberland with L. & B. R. R. trains for Wilkesbarre and Scran Ion Erie Mail Went, Niagara Express West and Elmira Mail West make clo?e connection at Williamsport with N. C. R. W trains north Erie Mail East and West, Niagara Express West, Fast Line West and Day Express East make close connection al Lock Haveu with B. E V. R. R. trains. Erie Mail East and West eounect at Erie with trains on L. S. & M. S. R. R., at Corrv with O C. & A. V. R. R., at Emporium with B. N. Y.& f. R. R., and at Driftwood with A. V. R. R. Parlor Cars will run between Philadelphia and Williamsport on Niagara Express West, Fast Line West, Philadelphia Express East and Day txprcss Last. Meeping Cars on all ninht trains, WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. 9.25 a m 12.55 p m 1.20 p m 5.00 p m 8.55 p m 10.20 p m 11.50 p ro 8.25 p m 11.55 p m 11.55 p m 4.25 a m 8.35 a m 9.45 a m 11.05 am 7.50 p aa 7.40 a m 7.35 a ra 10.55 a m 1.55 p m 3.15 pro 4.30 pm 8.00 a m 8.30 a m 1.25 p m 6 JO p m 7.30 p m 6.40 p m 7.55 a m 11.45 a m 6.15 p m 3.35 p m 6.45 p m 9.10 a m 10.25 a m a X E CO a. o o U 5 25 K D 2; 33 Ol a a H -J c 1-1 S) CI 3Q e o V o 00 -a X bi O o X T, Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphate, Land Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. Maize & Schwartz, Successors to Geo. Evans A Co., 1103 Market Stjret, rhilatleiDiiia, MERCHANT TAILORS and MILITARY CLOTHIERS. Men and Bojj' suits made to order in the latest styles, of the best cloth and cassimeres in mar ket, at prices suitable to the times. Military, Band ft Fire Organizations rrocptlj unifotnied. Samples of Cloth, witn rnorogrtpria, ,,; free on application. Cnrs being the leading house on Military work, w eel that we can offer inducement which can- a:-t Dj alia in en anywnere enw- lev. 87. 1PT2 igriraltnral. Making and Repairing Roads. Out west they have not odIj road meadiDg machines, but road making ones, and a recent trial of several kiuds took place in Ford county, I1L, under-the direction of the state board of agriculture. The trial was a great sucess. One of the machines with eight horses and two men, in nine hours made 80 rods of road, on unbroken prairie, the road beiDg twenty-fire feet wide, with ditches on each side seven feet wide and eighteen inches deep. Here wa want, not road-making machines so much as the the repairers, as the present system adopted in most ot the townships is the use of a common plow, making a little gutter a few inches deep as crooked as a ram's horn, and wholly insufficient to carry off the water, which is thrown in! o the middle of the roadbed, washing it away at every shhower, and requiring the bad work to be done over again, when the same miser able plan is repeated. We can never have good roads here, say in eastern Pennsyl vania, until better men as a class are made supervisors, whose salaries should be at leubt doubled ; a levy of doubled the amount of road-bed, excluding entirely the pre vailing method of people "working out their taxes." Philadelphia 4V Heading Railroad. ARRANGEMENTS OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Mat 3d, 1S75. Trains Leave IIernpon as Follows : (Slkdats Excepted.) For Shaniokiu, 10.40, 11.00 a. m. and 3.40 p. m. For Mt. Carmel, Ashland, Tanmqua, Pottsville, Heading and Philadelphia, 10.40 a. ni. Trains ron Hekndon, .Leave as Follows : (Susdats Excepted.) Leave Shumokiu .it 8.00 a. m. 1.50 and 3.55 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9 15 a. ni., Reading 11.30 a. m., Pottsville, 12.10 p. m., Tamaqua, 1.20 p m. Ashland, 3.35 p.m., Mt. Carmel, 3.21 p. m. Trains Leave Hakrisbcro, as Follows : For Xew York, 5.20, 8.10 a. m. and 2.00 7.40 p. ni. For Philadelphia, 5.20, 8.10 y.4.1 a. m., 2.00 and 3.5C. p. ra. Si NDATS. For New Tork, 5,20 a. m. For Philadelphia, 1.45 p. m. Tn AiNS for Harrisburg, Leave as Follows : Leave New York, 9.15 a. m., 12.45 and 5.30, 7.45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. ni. 3.40 and 7.00 p. ro. Sundays. Leave New Tork, 5.30 p. ra. Leave Philadelphia, 7.00 p. m. Via Morris and Eseex R. R. J. E. WOOTTEX, General Sup't. Reading, Pa. Nov. 13, 1874. CENTRAL J)HUG STORE Q.B.CADVLLADER Is the place to buy pure and fresh MEDICINES, DRUGS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, PERFUMERY, NOTIONS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, LIQUOR for medicinal purposes, and all other arti cles usual'y kept in a first-class Drusi Store. Special attention paid to compounding pre scriptions and family receipts by competent druggist. I am prepared to fumish in quantities to suit purchasers and al Philadelphia prices, CALCINED PLASTER, PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING HAIR. Portland, Roman, Rosendale and Lehigh CEMENTS, Land Plaster far Farmers, Timothy and Clover Seeds. Also, Garden Seeds or all kinds. Aall and get a Rural Reeifler for 1874. GEO. B. CADWALLADEK. Sunbury, Feb. 6, 1S74.-1V. Dr. C. M. Marti. Geo. W. Bloom NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House MpL Slimy, Pa. DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO, H ATE just received a fresh lot or Pure Drujs and Patent medicines. We have also a rail assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. Hair, Tooth. NaihCIotbe.Shoe and other brushes. TOILET AXD FAXCY ARTICLE. rrsE extracts, pocket hooks, knives, c, ac. REED'9 GRAND DUCTIE83 COLOGNE, the sweetest perfume in America. Parisian, Kid Glove Wash. warrauted to clean perfectly tbe most delicate shades without injury 10 the kid Ail the leading preparations for tbe nalr, KEGARft, THE BEST IN MARKET, Pute Wine and Liquors, for medical purposes. Physicians Prescriptions and family leceipt compounded with care. Thankful ror past ravors we hope hy ran-dealing to receive a share of yonr patronage. Set'lembrr 11. 1STU. TOY COSFECTH'XKKY STORE. Everybody is invited to come and buy of tbe handsome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES SAMUEL P. NEVIN'S STORE, in frame hnildinr, adioiaine Moore Disslnjjer buildinz, THIRD STREET, SUNBURY, PA. JuM opened a treth supply or Coufectioneri 's of every description. TOYS OF ALL KIM constantlv on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS & DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns A Cakes, every morning FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. CKAXCIIS I.F.TfOXSI. FRESH FISH "EVERT" DAT - - will be sold at the lowst rates. The best ot Albttnerl Shad will be delivered at the residence of purchasers In any part of the town. Call and see the excellent assortment of goods and ascertain prt"e. HOL'SEUOLO. Front Godeifs Lady's Rook. To Roast Patbidges.- -Rightly, to look well, there should be a lesh (three birds) in the dish ; pluck, singe, draw, and truse them ; roast them tc about twenty minutes ; bast them with butter, and when the ravy begins to run from them you may safely assume thai the partridges are done ; place them in a dish togeher with bread- cruais, fried nicely brown, and arranged in small heaps. Gravy should be served in a turreen apart. Ia the French way of roasting paitridges, they are gener ally first larded, then covered over with slices of lemon divested of rind and pipes ; afterwards envelop tbe birds with slices of bacon fat, then wrap them in buttered pa per ; roast them for nearly three-quarters of an hour, aud serve them with a clear gravy poured over them in the dish. Forcemeat. Take six ounces of bread crumbs, two ounces of lean ham, two ounces of butter, six ounces of finely-shred beef suet, a little thyme, parsley chopped fine, and mace, one dessertspoonful of salt, a pinch of Cayenne, aud the yelks of three eggs ; mix well, and add three teaspoonfuls of milk, and one teaspoonful of fioely-chop-ped lemon peel ; mix again, and form into balls, fry them in lard, or use for stuf fing. Baked Haddock. Scale and clean the fish, without cutting it open much ; put in a nice delicate force n. eat, and sew up the slit- Brush it over with egg, sprinkle over bread-crumbs, and baste frequently wit! butter. Garnish with parsley aud cut lemon, and serve with a nice brown gravy, plain melted butter, or anchovy sauce. The egg and bread-crums can be omitted, and pieces of butter placed over the fish. Haddock." may be filleted, rubbed over with egg and bread-crums, and fried a nice brown ; garnish with crisped parsley. Roast Wild Ducks. Carefully pluck and draw them ; cut off tht heads close to the necks, leaving sufficient skin to turn over, and do not cut oif tbe feet ; sqme twist each leg at the knuckle, and rest th& claws on each side of the breast ; others truss them. Roast the birds betore a quick fire, and, when they are first put down, kt them remain for five minutes without bast ing (this will keep tbe gravy in); afterwards bast plentiful! with butter, and a few minutes before serving d radge them lightly with flour; baste well, and send them to table nicely frothed, and full of gravy. . If overdone, the birds will lose their flavor. Serve with a good gravy in the dish, or orange gravy, and send to table with them a cut lemon. To take off the taate which wild fowl sometimes have, baste them for a few minulPS with hot water, to which have been added an onion and a Utile salt ; then lake away the pan, and baste with butter. Palace Pudding. Two large tea spoonfuls of corn dour, mix it with half a pint of cream, half an ounce of isinglass, loaf-sugar to the tast, and a few drops of essence of vanilla. Let al! these ingredi ents boil together teu minutes over the fire, aud stir in quickly the jelks ot two fresh eggs, well beateu, stirring all together till nearly cold. Pour the mixture into small tin moulds, which must have been pre viously wetted with cold water. Put dried cherries at the bottom and s'des of the moulds before filling them. TRANSPARENT PUDDISO. Eight egSS, eight ounces of sugar, eigh ounces of but ter, nn. meg. Beat np the eggs, put them into a Me pan with the sugar and butter, nutmegto taste, set it on a stove or fire of coals, sliring it constantly uutil it thickens, then pour it intoa basiu tocooL Seta rich past aroutid the edge of your dish pour your pudding, and baie it in a mode 1 ate oven. A most delicious aud elegant article. Superb Lemon Puddino. Half a pound f sugar, five eggs, half a pound of best butter, one glass of rose-water, one lemon, one glass orange-flower water. Beat the rose-water and butter to a froth ; prepare the sugar and eggs as tor pound, cake ; grate the yellow part of the lemon rind in (but not a particle of white) : have a nice puff-paste ready in you dish, and. j after incorporating the pudding well to j gether, pour it into your past. Bate in a moderate oven. Oiange pudding is made in the same way, using a pounded orango instead of a lemon. BosiON ArrLE Pudding. Eighteen good apples, quarter of a pound of butter, four yelks of eggs, one white cinnamon, cloves, one lemon, sugar to last, half a nutmeg. Peel, core, and cut the apples into a stewpan that will just bold them, with a little water and tbe spices : rasp the lemon in ; stew over a slow fire till quite soft, then sweeten and pass through a sieve : beat the eggs and grated nutmeg to gether with the juice of a lemon, thn mix alt well, line the iuside of you pie-dish with good puff paste, put in your pudding, bake half an hour. Common Buns. Rub four ounces of butter into two pounds of flour, a little salt, four ounces of sugar, a dessertspoonful of caraways, aud a teaspoonful ot ginger : pat sme warm milk of cream to four table spoons of yeast; mix all together into a past, but not too stiff; cover it owr.and set it before the fire an hour to rise, then make into buns, put them on a tin. set them bt fore the fire for a quarter of an hour, cover over with flannel, then brush them with very fine warm milk, and bake them of a nice brown in a moderate oven. Baked Potato Pcddino. Twelve ouuees of boiled potatoes skinned and tuash- mm mnmi m ai- fTTE? ?f l1" grated fine, one gill of mu'c- Mix tha po tatoes, suet, milk, cheese, and all together; if cot a proper consistence, and a little water. Baks it to an earthen pac.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers