imlran) Svinmran. ri. 11. rASSR, fc. WILVERT. i Ji'.Ofi. si NUUHY, ii:ci:mhi:k :74. 1 1 is an cav tnauei. 6ii'uiri:vn, ni 1 . sans to assume a virtue tin y do not pos-j ot ti.e o; iiennseniaiives. 1 111; ses and to i;uore the evidence of the past, j speech of Mr. Speaker l'.Liine as well as It is therefore amusing to f.n.l or.r neis'.i- tbat of -his majesty," which was lead by bor of the U-.r.HU attempting to make liis Minister Allen, was brief and very appro reader belive that the 'l,u is a priat-. ( o Friday tvenin-: tho President strictly partisan paper, tuppoi tin- party j save a reception to Kin- David -for David measurers rifdit or wio:. while the .'- is his Clu istian name-for which one thou .:." is iii(".eeadeut in its course regardless 1 saud cards had been issued, and it was of ol'irrtv Those who recollect when the I course larjely attended. The quests in- - I ini ",' was started, will also reniem- ', ler the bold and independent attitude it as- i members of the Cabinet, al! the f.Hviizn inn. sumed, in denouncing its own party and j Mintr- in ful! court members ': nUr, thus far, has been a favor party measures that were deemed injurious j or both Ileuses of Confess and ..tlieer of j :.l,io .ni -, :Uid the proswet for a good crop to the interests of the country. For in-, the army and navy in uniform. Many of j of v. heal is most excellent. A large in stance its advocacy of the tarifl' against the ! the gentlemen were accompanied by ladies, j 1 re;t.-j oi acieage has been sown, and if no fr.r,t,..-e Wlien il.e leaders of the iiartv i The Marine Hand was in attendance. The nnt nesi en misfortune should occur to these attempted to read mm out 01 me pany, a:iu , iv.u uuni.n.11 ,v I"""'"" 111 "- " did so, as far as they weie able, when the On his lcii was Secretary Fi-h, who con then Court House Hing" far years refused 1 ducted the presentations, and on his ri-ht to give him one dollar's worth of patronage, j eiv the l'rcsident aud Mrs. Urant, Mrs. while they gave it to a political opponent, j Fish and ( 'alone! (Jrant and his wife. The With these tacts still fresh in the memory i King rem lined the principal object of at- ... .... ... 1 1 of many still living, it will sound strange to hear the ".l.i'" denounced as a partisan paper, and that Uo by its cotem porary of the HolU, which was the ad vocate of free trade, and known to "'go it blind" for the IXMuocnuic party. L'OMXI)Elt Wm. H. CrsI!IN., who was placed in the government insaue asy lum at Washington some days ag". .lied in that institution on Thursday last. This brilliant young officer performed j ullt,.,i, supp. snJ to Jw hollow aud decep decds during the rebellion which shed h-' liv,s ias proved solid and enduring, having ry on the entire Federal navy, besides , jn,rjH.tu:l1,M au,i maintained by Ameri winning for himself a name f.r :'sl'iu.- vvho have multiplied ujion the islands, bravery which will render it conspicuous j makin;, t,M. ci,y of ionoiu virtually an on the pages of American history and ex- . AllK.rican ci,y. There is a newspaper pub cite the emulation of the youth of the coun- j Uitre -m lh(j En?lisj, iaogUagc by an try for generations. His death, under the , alllj ,i.le .;re ,,Mi schools and circumstances, in an insane aylum, bis evil-nc-s .1" progress. It is the only mind darkened and dethroned, :s a sad ; j0,Rt we j,.ive ;rl tu. I'aeilic Islands, and end of a life so brief, ye so brilliant so ! tJ (, vn,rt; (llr commerce and of our short, yet so full of daring deeds aud heroic n.iVa, IMV(,nll,rit King Kalakaua was fccrrice in Whalf of Ids country. : 6clr-ted chi.-tly through American in- Mri:iKi: IX l.AXCAsTKU ot NTV. j fiuences in Honolulu, but he is an intelli Harry fiallaaher shot Jacob Schlegehnih h gent and able man. Inderd be is the re in the head on Tuesday morning, at Mt. j presentative of one of the praudesi Iri Joy, I.ancaster county, intlictinu a fatal . umphs of American energy and i.nterprise. wound. He is a heavy built man live feet ! Nothing like it exists anywhere else in the chen inches hi'i with durk curly hair. ' '.votld, or has bt'en achieved by any other We have been a:?ked several times why it is that the editor of the vt and his "Hing," are o anxious , . i to nave -ir. iieury take his seat as County Coiutni - . .. fore he is entitled to it. and before his oath will take effect. And whether it is on account of having those fix collectors who'-e dujilicates were counted short, ex onerated from paying the amounts duo the county. The editor of the Dawh-rat is re ipteted to explain. Oi k neighbor of the (iauUc last week, tries to be witty iu his efforts to conceal the position he occupies astride the fence. In his attempt t- give us a dig he happen ed to hit bis frosom frioud of ti.e Doilucral mi the nostrils, which was productive of ire n the par! of Jacob, aud he returns the biMW, and exposes the uuderworkings which prompts the editor of the !'tzcttc to cense publishing a party "orgau." Wbilc it i unkind in the h niitt to expoic the coalition that existed liolweea himself and the editor of the Uoztltr for some years past, he may feel himself in danger of on iiig the larger part of the Democratic pat roii.ige in the future. John has a great fa culty for crying lor more even though he receive all '.he "pap."1 The lXnucnd says : "There isn't t'je least reason for our friend Vonnman to get out of "soits."' lie is happily and cculi;it!y lircumstai.ecd-. He doesn't print a parly "irgan," but he has ti.e hapiy factiliy of getting "jap" let the cat jump which way it may. When the K;niocrats have the disposing of ollicial ja ironage to ncwspapeio, his paj't r is cor rectly recognized as the most influential of the Uepubiicau journals iu the county, and be comes in for a share of the "spoilu," indwhen the lh pubs are in poMtion to deal i.flieially witli the papers the itaz'O ei, about the same nilowance.- Nkw Financial Kill. The S-uate Hep ublicau caucus finally prepared the fol lowing Finance biil, which they will try to earry through after the holidays. It is made up by concessions of both the hard monev and more parties, and, tin 'Ugh not entirely satisfactory to either, ie ei.ucciled to be the best that cau le done :;t present. It will, no doubt, be passed by the N-nate, but will haea harder time iu i he House, and may not go through, al tieiuh there aie many members who have u i. d so long to get som'.hiug in w hich they had faith, and failed, that they are becom ing indifferent to what i done, and may el this bill pass as a harmless measure. Its leading fp:i lures are sub-'rmtially as f-iilows:-- First. Free luuking, to be open to all individuals and associations without limi tati'Ui rf capital. Second. The retiring of an amount f greenbacks inual to eighty pt r cent of the amouutof new national notes issued until the greenback circulation shall be reduced to 1,000,000, after which no reduction of i he greenbacks is to take place. 1 1 is claimed that by this provision there . . .- r.i.'1 1 ... r.Tr-m nmnn tir.r er.nt roet inn ni I r. t w ill 1m- no expansion nor contraction of the j currency as about twenty p'-rcent is now j rcouircd as bank reserves. . Third. The withdrawal aud distinction of the fractional cui rem y and the substitu tion of silver coin. Tl e arrangment to go iuto efect as soon as practicable under di- : ic. iion of the Secretary of the Treasury, v. ho is authorized to use surplus money in ; the Treasury fur supplying the silver coin : and, if this is not sufficient, to sell the requi site amount of bonds f the new series to i obtain the funds for that purpose. Fourth. The Ifemoving the cost for ; coinage of gold at the several mints. i Fifth. The resumption of specie pay- merits to commence January 1, is7t. The ! semtary of the Treasury is authorized to ! use the surplus speciein the J rcasury, hut I is not sufllcient, to sell bonds in order j to obtain gold to pay the Treasury notes, j this last provision does not, like the j oilier -rt into immediate effect. The I.e- j 1 n vl-Tender act, remains imdH nt 's-il. I ho jienalty lor selling empty oil bam Is j williout first erasing the inspector's brand i-- n line r.f ?rfiMi for every barrel sold, half to ! go to the informer and half to the school Uwl .r the diulri. t in w Lneli ine om nse va. committed, l.a. l week there visited sei!i0 ou!- natty, iu-.iiess-iiKe ouu ; gentiei..1)t jailing lrom I.nigi.atnton, : S. " nOI I. .1 1... .-. . . e.9 I , ., . ... jnemseivcs y '" '-" - - . . .' . : tl ' I'niic & ..;. inimcuiatclv cwiiiiicnccd : ... boy "i1 ef'v oil barrels, icfu-iug to pur- front' rham any u . (jc!i the inPiK-ctoi's brand :.:!! beeu in ..-J'liey bought enough 'll'Tjire the iiinoeCl'V "1 l" 1(,HV nf(0, ueiorc i .. i oan-'iantouiaus dis- ,., .ver l their 1AM , a th-y "SlilfuK t. V. -:":. vr0inincnt firtw,e!ich , to answer. ; '.-.ckS-N a.D!-jlcl h'that thev will yt have o p -v The "Kins" :i( tin- Cnjtilui. The past week liu lieeii irilolcnt of royal presentations, iva', &c., :it Watliing- j ton. Kini: Ka!':Uan:i lmvinn recovered liis lu Liltl.', liis ot'u ai cvill upon (he Pro- 1 sicu nt mi Tiii's , of liit week. This was j foilowid mi l'riil-i vi'h his visit and pre . mentation to ( 'miri'-s-, both br.-.nelies liav- I i'.i.t ill .( i.iniincn h. tin- linll ! . . ... .... v , .., i eluded members of the Supreme Court, , i': .. ....t.w.r. ...i...,. traction for more than au hour. It was a btilliant assembly in a'l its features. A a great deal of criticism has been pushed upon these cereniouias, says the (ermaniown 7 lfmnh. it tn:iv lie as well to assimi the reasons for them. The na- j ! lives of these islands were savages until . ... .a ( ! thev we:e civilized and Christianized by American missionaries, who organized the j Hawaiian kindoin and were '.he originators i ol its institutions and laws. This fabric, nation. The visit will show him the extent ' r.l irriuirl'i nn ii flirt t ?i HI 1 1 1 I r f 1. 1 Will 1 111- - " . . " " " press nun witii iu !'.; 'i iiuu ; ' nd incut!-)..! o. Jltii.t un I'n.iiiTi i" iv ' ,lS ceremonious recept,.i oolh W 'e given h:n, a., h no means idle or thrown away. On Tuesday evening the l'residenfs slate i dinner to the King came otf. It was quite a brilliant aflair, and was participated in ty the high official dignitaries generally. Mammoth. Voiu. TUEKEATDtl-OSITK Ol BLACK DIAMONDS COAL KOH Fl'TUKK ENKKATIONS. In our last we stated that a rumor had reached us of the .. Jiug of the Mammoth Vein of coal at tt-Norwegian Shaft, of the Heading Company, and we are delighted in beiti 5,'c to stat; this rumor proved to e true. About three years since the search for this gnat coal ...... .....a ftttiimoTienu nv iiif i.erii - 1 t . . 1 T .. ' hn ' , r . i rt i i i Company, and afur the shall had been ! , , , r , 1 sunk to the denth of twelve huudreo feet the diamond dull was biougbt into rcqusi-j tion for further exploration. The engineers state that the actual dis tance from the surface of the earth vertical ly down to the Seven Foot vein, the twin vein to the Mammoth, is 1C'J feet. The .: ! l,.,l fr l.f III., -ii..!!!-! UIM.H-I..H1C, J - -n- : lar formatio:i of the veins of coai as devci- 1 oped by the test drill. The big Tracy vein j basin is found to be l'i" feet deeper than ! exiH.cted, aud the. Orchard vein is so curi- i ously lormed that it was cut three times, the dibUuce from its llrst apiear.inco to the last being 2-V feet. The strata overlaps or I t.0se!j folds in a vtry remarkably way The Seven Foot vein, wftich is the npjier member of the Mammoth, was found to be thirteen aud one-half feet thick, and o( ex cel'rt.ut coal. T'mkineuth this vein there are seven feet of slate, three aud one-half feet of K'.od coal, sixteen feet of slate con taining irou ore balls aud six fi t t of car bonaceous iron ore, or Mack Hand. Then comes the Mammoth vein twenty-one feet thi. k. next one and one-half feet of parti tion telate, nnd under this it is thought there is a nine-fool vein of coal, 1'elow this it is believed comes the solid rock. Ik's'uh s the Jhd Ash veins, w hich will be worked, and of which no mention has been made iu this article, thcre are the fol lowing white and gray ah coals; l'rim rose, Fourteen feet deep, Svcn Foot vein, thirteen and one-half feet deep, and the Mammoth, twenty-one feet deep, making a total depth f forth-t ight and one-half feet of coal. Naturally cuough the neighborhood sur rounding the new shafts is gicatly rejoiced In no locality is there more joy expressed than in the. immediate neignoruol. as u must necessarily lead to the early develop- merit of Ih.' vast e.ial ivisin- which may be ; said to und.-ily Minersvilie, and many pco- . r,. saii 'iiiue that the second deep shaft, ! .. . , i r .11 1... . ....I- ........ il... Gf ;i. ( ompany will he Mink very near the j bordeis of our liorough. We can only re- , j0;,r : ir new di-cvi i v and hope it . ' ;ts (l(j inl;uc.n,.ea wiil rapidly spread in this , ti.ui. -Miu le,, i'i, l! "il. Tin: 'iiAt;r.i.V lhe-; M r;.i:v. Tl.. re were no ncv Central !li .'vclopmeiits :.; t:e 1'. I:cc yesterd-iy in the ch-i- o!' the missi::g boy ( barley P.oss. but Mijicnn tcudent Walling said that lie fei: coi.iidetit that the buy v,;!' alive, and that he would yet he found and restored to his parents. The Sujk rintciidenl h is no doubt that the j boy was stolen by Moshi. r simply to nuke money by his restoration. j Important news was n-ccivt 1 by telegraph i last night that otf.-rs a new eiew to the; wiien-aiiouis oi me just cnno, aim ujieun- tendent Walling has sent out d. l-( tives to work it up. The details of his information the Superindent is not ready to make pub- lie- .' Y. J T.ilv.n of Tue-day. SoiM) I.m.n -.- The following lrom (lie .t;,( , .,,, ,, .f Jaf week, could very forcibly be applied to this eounty in tunny i instances : ' a( I( tearl. ssly that r-t the pre- ! 6,.t day more than tlirce-ioui liis oi tne men . tli:tt seek ollice are totally unfit for the j positions tney nsjure io, aim mat is mi c;u,sr. i.f the bad legilation and the cor- ,.,., .,,, rpvni,H irl uuhyl(. lie.. This . . . , . . . . . , . . r :. ...t.t.f.n Tl.'.f i.rnvni u in I.Tin r ill. I 1 1 1 H I lui i ... I can only l corrected by the people .lis- . cardine all offiec-seekers unless they know .,.. . iK. imt, l,0:iest and comoetent, and ! the ofViee -k llin nin ami not tho '. : rnnM , h( ,,.0. , A llarrisburg thickeo-.hief kit hi. pock- bm)k ClJIllallini; a lax-rc-ceipt and his ! a ' .,.. irho .hould be sent i rnitentary, the Democracy would j , .horf one mt" in liia nrpeinef. ! Tlio lentil ill iou in Ii anvils. Clin aio, Pec. IT. (iov. s'K)rn, of Kansas, sends the Chi- c;i the following disnaieh about ! the destitution in Kansas : j "I estimate the number of people in the j western counlies of Kansas who w ill need . aid dui iiiEttlieeominp; winter at -'0,000. A ! Inn'. - tirm..ii ti.,n nf lliese a.1'0 UOW lU watlt. I r. i ... Thr; im oj.'u; in the eastern part ot the Mate ! . , r are 1101112 ail in their power to prevent tut- 1 r . . 1 . .1 rn, fetin'' on the lrontier. hut tlx- extent ol the . . .. .. uen; u uiinii MUO iuis 1111: .-.i,,.,.... they are unequal to the emerenc-. Flour, potatoes, hominy and beans, for food, and clotliiiij;, especially for women and child ren, are most ueeded. Feed for stock :s also much ueeded, as is also spriu wheat, corn oat barley and llax, for spring plant- people, they will next year bea,ble not only to subsist, themsevies but also to assist the unfortunate in other localities. Donations seDt through the Kansas Central Relief Committee, of which Lieut. Governor Sto ver is l'rcsident, and W. W. (iilcs. Treas urer, w ith headquarters at Topeka, will be kurc to reach those for whom they are in tended, and will be publicly acknowledged. "TlKK A. OsroitN." Mtrr.DEU wiT.i. Oct. A startling story i .1-1... f,a .mil tinr.nliirnl ill TP. -u- - ... ! ported by a corresnondent residing at 1 T.l,..iw.n lie writ ps as to OWS : Un t ri- day last a hotel keeper livinr a short dis tance west of Ibarfu. appeared volunta rily bet: in: Frnneis 11. Kbur, and said "there was something preying upon his mind," and then made the following con fession : About (en vears ao the sister of the ! hotid keeper's wife made a visit to his house in Anuville, Lebanon county, whereupon the hotel keeper and his wife went out into the stable to catch a chickeu for diuuer aud j while thus engaged :i difficulty arose be-! tween them which ended in the couimis- I sian of the horrible rriruc of minder. It : j appears, according ,0 the '''''''' . his wife a. blow which sent her ; 1 u,,er m,e,H "l 1 " ' 4U: u"-u' l" z I 111i11.1I mtuMnii. nl'v fciekeil hi1:-. i-AUBin" ' , . ' nerneaj.. a-m' ' otcurrtucei every io..y loougni uiai me oeaui uau suited !nh tn.- kick I tip: norse, and it i was so stated v the hnband. A few vc.rrs sans'.-'iueiitlv the hotel keener :nar- i i . , . i t. i ru-u a M-coiin wnr, anil to ner ne niaue a. full conli sseiii o; the crime, an until a few days ago, when lie also made the confession to his sou residing in riii!ad"!:.',ii.i. The hotel keeper is said to " ''n. and has rtlway. b.rne a iood r-uti-,:on in the neigh'oorhood where he resided. Hut the terrible weight on his mind, and a goaded conscience, compelled i t) i ui to make lh; ooufession If. will be remembered that after all ef- . .i i . huts to extinguish the lire in the ilkcS- - barre Iron and Coal Company's coal mines, in r.u-,-i ne county, by flooding them with water, hail been abandoned, Uie expriment of forcing steam into them was tried, al though it was gencialiy ridiculed. For n:oi?tbs, dny and niw'"i the mines liave beet K..ICU, and all the steam that could be generated ty the most approved appa-j tti3 was thrown into them. On November '50, tl'.e steam was discontinued, aud on ..... .... rway last explorers euiereo at tne cm . ' . ...... ' ' ...,. .?,,..,. (i ....... i ntt.iniit..iii if rnisiiiiiihif rnii li;iuiin:int:.ui'u .ie-n; umm with "lire damp," and coining out at the "( .'on ngham," liiey reported the lires all riiif :iti.' tlie ri suit :i Iierieet Mliccess. The Scranton Tiiws says, this is considered one ! of the grandest achievements i'i modern liievemeiitH i.. on i.b-m I coal inininL'. atid nroves that one ot the rcat obat icles to mining, a mine on has Iss.'il ovcrcoine. ; AI. t:v m is. Diuphin omiii'v pllin vagrants last year. Crawford county made. SToO.'-'") worth i of ei. ese during the past season. Over seM-nteen thousand tons of pig iron are iu st'ck at the furnaces of the Allenlowu lrmt 'ompany. A West Chester man, while digging in his garden a few days ago, unearthed a number of healthy potato bugs about below the surface. s-.x meiics A Minnesota tb-uriuLr mill was stopped the other day by a gorge of fish, aud four tons ot th'-m wei-' removed. I The Odd Fellows Home, at Meadville. has cost over S'.0,(i(K,i, and the Association : is out ol deb!, with cash and other :is-ts amounting to -.l") on hand. It is si.iu-d thai Philadelphia is to have ! a mammoth hi.t-i. to t- ready for the Cen- j jeati,? ii;is iockcd up. When such twenty-eight years when he died, but such . tenni .l. to be situ tied on P.road Street. ! lin?,s i,apiw.n n Philadelphia, thatdeposi- ! year:, as he had lived ! Pardon me if I The d. bt of r.r,n.,is in the ilrst of Jan- 1 tory of Christian charity, and "brotherly j give some space to the history of one who nary, 17".. wiil oulv IJ'iTo, and ' love," and noble philanthropy, what shall : is a representative of a class that is unfor I there h mom v in th.- Tr a-urv to pay it all wc expect from less fortunate or enlighten- ' tunately too numerous now, aud is daily ; ,,!). j cd communities 'ill'.rrhbufj JVuirajJi getting more so. My friend was born rich. I The Texas cattle trade has assumed aj The Brooklyn scandal is bearing good j His father was originally a tanner, and by i nee. ni'mle r iiuiiip" a line of'steamcrs ply- fruit in Texa. A parson newly arrived j a long course of honorable industry and in. between I'.urope and this country. -pi, cru--i 1 rs :n'- i-1 i I! at it in Williams- y,l)V. i . i(v t u. ,,,,, w.ts; on,, (f,ne ,,....:. "."ih,, I).,vlestown noultrv fair. . . , , , A l.i - and a cat have, struck up a close ' 1 friendship in Oil City, and are almost in separable companions. M.s. .losepl. l unk. oi N-nuyikii. town-; of a TOV0vcrj ,):ir,on ,ranci-d. Those Tcx , ship. Chester county, while running to i as womi.u ar(J Vcry abrupt in their ways, ; catch a t'lrkv, t.ioUe her leg near tin: ankle She hasn't I he sunnathy of the turkey. A mammoth eav;: has been discovered near I lowehvi'lie, 'h-ster county, which when fully explored, is expected to rival the world famous rav in Kentucky. Common people will admin: the courage of tie- ludiat'Hiiolis man who has leguu -. f, tji,. ,i.llli:,,.,.s his moth- er-in ! nv. alle-.'ing that he has sustait-ed iu jln,y ,M th.,, .!m,lnt through the alienation '((f v,u.-s ;lile,-tions. Tw , ;, ,,M.IM,f.,var lilve been cr dered to S.intander to demand rcjiaration j from tin- Carlis for tlieir attack on the ; ierm-m ': ig iustaf. A young man named Neal Pane wnsar- ' rested at Pitihburg Sunday night, charged ' w niiiidei in g Neil M.-liride. of Jaynes- v il i.. I.u -ine county, Pa. iu February last, i Thi, i,.r.;ni..i; , jV(.r never was so low . h.fttre al ,,is tir.m as now. Fast week i ti,0 factoiics at Lawrence began drawiug on : j ;i,K(, Vinnipiseogee. N. II sJj ', for a w''i'r The times are so hard that even the i ,i-. u I,,.,,.;,;.... ), i Ti e wntiT in WA'i i'ii....i..i - - i-iia, Clir.mnlain is at ltresent fourteen in-, jIllia,,itant. cvor j knew it. to be before. Two members of the I,eislaturc elected " . :n November have since died one ol them .i h m r-.i and one a lletmblicaii ; and two others are so unwell that they cannot attend the assembling of the House. One of the. is .lud-e Farrer. Hepublican, of Washington county, and the other is John Hacnnn. Tv.nir.rrat, of Cambria county. . Five thousand men are now employed 1 on the Centennial biuminc; and grounds. TM, mji,j weatjlor produced a sreond jjrowlj, t,f strawberries it: many Southern localities. R jl(U.m.VIIK;I1 t.liWs in China a 1;)v f().. . A twiv iifilnt.i witii :i :-:ire llir.ver. known . ,. , as the wliite qiii f n, is ht iur eultivateil m 1 " , , rF I' ranee, in yooo s-.m tiom twelve to tit- . teen tuliers are formed, many oi winch ! reach twenty-two pounds. Senator Jones, of Xavado, is s:ud to have cleared a mator of ten million dollars, in "the money that (Jod made," by a recent extraordanarv rise in mining stocks at ' San Francisco. j For next year the bullion product of Xa-1 vado is estimated at S0,000,00(. while Cal- ifomia will turn out its usual quanity. 20, 000.000. This means an increased per cent of capital and loanable funds. Capital punishment is likely to be restored in Iowa, murders have greatly multiplied since its hurried abolition a couple of years ago. That frank spoken gentleman, Hobert Dale Owen, has given evidence that, the "Katie King" medium revelations, in which he belived a year ago, are swindles. It is a significant revelation, coming as it does from a man who, intelligent and ac ute, was still carried away by the medium istic fever. He has had enough penetra tion to discover, what may never do, and . !.- ... K, Qjl l,lO 10 avow wiku. oiuc.b ucu-. .v,u. oil o, iueuiu.ii.... it,,., urv.w .... . . -f . . ...,..l.n,.il i 1 lie total receipts 01 KIU1l l N-ai.u ports from January , , . 1 - 1 to December a, this year exceeded t million busliels J Think of it. The mud m ah the streets of Virginia City, Nevada, contains sdver, and a recent analysis of a lump taken up at random shows that the sample contained at the rate of S7.54 to the ton. Cincinnati spends eight million dollars f,,r intoxicating drinks every year, and wants to know-what is to become of the poor. Out. in Michigan a woman with twohus- bands is not guilty of bigatny if she mnr - ries i,(.r first husband before she is eighteen years of a-e. a (hc courts say. I Stocrka ar ware-l in Ksvnt too, it scirs. to -;.'. .... . K,Q lUIVnilVIIU lilij I'UILH Ull-I .i.r.-, on J I With retereliee - the state of the iver Nile. 1 Itrfinm fMirn whieh has li!eii driven ou - - dto no onelt Connecticut valley by tobacco nnd 1 li li ll; the failure of the old generous margin of.'" '"""- J - , . . , ! ; foreign iroods iust as well in those cities as nroht. is nourishing at a great rate in Lab-i " " ' . . . , ioruri. i c : . The Pnttsvilli; Jovrnal says : Yester day morning a man named Golden, a rail- road repairman, was found in the house of I j a man named Michael Flanigan, at How- j man's patch, shot through the head, the It- . . . i. , rru - nr:i us noy.iri ivoiii lu wnuuti. j n mi- i ...: , i cumsiances oi ins iu urv are ;i mystery. : - ; pi.. e.nil.l Uot fe f.mnd. arul it is sun- i'iiii i :i rr ill lu in ui .in: .ft 1111 i . . r ... 1 1... .IT.! 1... .V...y.i;.m X ..n..,l. imnn lit: iei biiu nuuutiu,. ' i acn.u .t.-. instituted for him, but when we- last heard he was not found. It is said that fJolden's family are now on their way to America from the the old country. it: eer- The foresight of the Democracy tain directions, remarkable. Already l asningto:i iticv ar-- makinir iioeral previsions for ini;iritirf to the ocial sud e sthetic needs f their jtarty majority in the next House. John Chamberlain, the notorious gambler of Long Uranch, has purchased the late residence of the British Minister, with the view of turning it iuto a fashionable: "club-house." and John Morrisscy.who runs the Democratic party of c w 1 ork during the temporary retire ment of Tweed, is understood to be prc- i;rt. paring anotner resort or similar cnaiacicr. There is nothing like anticipaiug the re j (puiremcnts of the future when, as in this instance, one knows precisely what they are. "Horrors on horrors accumulate." The moral people of that superlatively pious and virtuous city, Philadelphia, have been rudely shocked at the discovery of a horri- hie case of malpractice at a lying-in hospi tal in their midst. The body of tlie unfor tunate victim, a young women of lino form and handsome face, was traced to a medi- j cal college on .Mtun street, wnere it was I found ou the dissecting table, while a trunk, in which it had been packed iu sawdust, ( with the legs" pinioned behind the neck, was found beside the table. The presidt nt of the institution rendered all the aid in his power for the recovery or" the body, dis claiming any knowledge of its presence iu the building. The physicau (heaven save the mark !) named Carnenter. alias Dubois. I .. ,., .,..,. .Ax,lTnf.. .;,, ;ri. in the State, made a "pastoral iall"' upon lady whose husband was absent lrom home, The lady a-ked him his business; he I said it was "race, mercy, and piece: she said John was't in, and he'd better call again ; pastor said it was all right about John ; lady said she wouldn't take any chances, and invited parson to prance out, i,. ...,....Ao ...m. Avll,;i;.n I ulllMiasl.liJr m:i le.jii.-!, if nil nil; u i .i i est. and that preacher thinks he has a call to come north. Correspondence. Ol It yiAX VOKK I.KTTKIt. Tin: noYs iM KKioit rrriKs A SIIOKT IlIsTOItY - SUNDAY - llfSI- n rs. Nkw Youk, Ho: TIIF. JIOMKI.ESS HOYS. New York, like London aud Paris, has its thousauds upon thousands of homeless, houseless, uncared-for children who live, the I. ord only knows how aud where. They are the oll'spriug of either drunken, criminal, or unfortunate parents, who cither turn them out on the street as soon as they can walk to live or die, a" fate may have it, or die and leave them to bhift for themselves. Who they arc and from whence they came, they do not kuow them selves. That they are, is a terrible fact. Some years ago Corlear's Hook was the ! rei,,li.7.voii8 of the depraved aud desperate of th2 East Side. Caugs of half grown j boys, la.vless ami desperate made that lo- ..iit,.,, niul il. w.-is an nmcli as v . ..v, - the life of a man was worth to venture ; , Th(. llut.,.M bov3 ar,d iri8 there j graduated from boot-blacking anil newspa- per sellinz to pocket-picking, burglary aud ! , . .1 :. . : murder, as increasing yeais gave ineiu iu- creased strength. If one died in a street j brawl, or was oflercd up a sacnuce to the j law, a score of recruits stood ready to lake his place from the numerous ranks of the homeless. These children sleep in store boxes, in nsh-bsrrels, in hay-loft any place that can n llonl a protection lrom tnc wind and rain. I or food, the garbage barrels cive them something the light chances of chance jobs another part, and theft the remainder. The Children' Aid Sneiety, an institu tion which is praciieitl in its designs and methods of work. 'u u i -mined to purify the "Hook," and to that er.d established a lodging house f'"r lnys. A large building was leased for the purpose in Uivington street, near the Fast 1 fiver, and placed un der the superintendence of a man who put liis heart into the work, and was not afraid to go out at night in search of these homc less youths, sometimes bringing home as j many as half a dozen to a good supper and a comfortable bed. A boy who has no money is given food and lodging free if they have money, five cents is charged each lor meals ana ucus. A night school, where these Arabs are taught to read and write, is in full opera tion. A bath room is free to all, as well as a library and reading room, in which all the daily and weekly papers arc filed. The effect upon the boys has been won derful. The Superintendent, backed by in fluential citizens who gave a good share of their time to the work, not only feeds and clothes the bays, but he instructs them how to set an honest living, and aids them to get in the way of it. Sine? the House was opened it has fed and sheltered no less than f,."J0 different boys : furnished 204,2a' meals ; provided j homes in th: West for 420 boys ; found em- j ploy tnc nt for several hundred others in the city, and restored 10') truant boys to their I friends. Hundreds have been educated. v o;. 1 UU JMJtJU nt.fc I'll, C'J Hint HI': ! 7 , ..: . lias oeeu "L'ngeu 10 lease au auioiiiiiif; ' In oTlnril nirirf. rnftm tl.f nnr- nose of the lodiuij house and school. , Thcre m rt.f,jrmatorv enterprise ia the j ,)a9 accoin lBhed moru or yller work than this. There ought to be twenty of them where thcre is one. NEW VOKK VS. THE 1NTEKIOR CITIES. I have mentioned several times the trou ble New York is laboring under at this time concerning her trade. The merchants I of the city have finally discovered that the ' loss r,f tr:idr is not ehar?eable altogether ! to "hard times," but that the cause is I deeper. An act passed in 1S7''., made ports of entry of Chicago, Cincinnati, To ledo and various other cities in the west, alul provided that goods might Ix; imported i .lireet in bond, annraised the t.oiut of final --1 i " ' ft . destination, aud I there. In eouseq. Ui duties be collected .... .. . ;encc f this, the import- nig traiie lucreaseu very largely in me 111- ,. , , n,., ii un. nnr Inni. j " 1 :.. Il,t ...... 1 I i.nmlialin I in New York, and even belter, for beside ! the cost of transportation there is a system in doing public business in New York that is expensive to the outsider. The import ers here will make a vigorous effort to re- ileiWtt in imnort- ! t b(iy . lho Al!:imi, (.itir.s, M of : J : ,,. i ... : n.: ti,.. i i ne er.t ouirni not ii ik-imui. bui. im; ! ..V. V. . ..... privilege or direct importation to western . B cities, has brought mourning to the extor tioners in jtnd about the Custom House, and has seriously injured the importing i business here, hut it has saved the West j hundreds of thousands of dollars. Thcre i no reason why the cities of the West should not have all the facilities for import- ing that the Atlantic cities possess, nor can fliurc nnjr -jijod reason iriven for idvinil three or four cities a monopoly. Look out, I Gentlemen of the West, for the New York importers in Congress this wiuter. roi.HTCs In the. city is mixed. The Democracy are tightim; over the spoils ; and the Republi cans are lying back waiting for events. The Democracy have never yet profited by a victory, for the. fact is their political ven tures are all for spoils. They win a victory aud immediately spoil the effects of not knowing how to improve it. or rather not caring. They will plunder the city aud State right aud left for a year, and then the people will rise aud oust them. Th-: Re publicans have a sure tiling on the State, I in the long run, so long as the Democracy ar controlled by the men who now hoJJ the power in that organization, to suc ceed they have to promise plunder, and those to whom they promise are very sure that the promises are fullliil rd. Then the people when they get tired of plun dered they dethrone the thi-ves, who stay out till tlie people get careless agaiu. You may look for a reaction next fall. I prophesy it. HOW Till: Til I SO I DON K. I attended a l'iiii.-r.l yesterday. It was the List office I could perform for a young man who was, in his life, a friend of mine, aud as a friend I followed him to his grave Crconwood. He had only reached ix ! good management accumulated wealth i meat wealth. He died a doen vears ago worth a million or more, leaving one son, my friend, and three daughters. The young man received a collegiate education, and, graduating, came back to New York to live. Life was to him as rose-tinted as posaibY. Oceans of money, excellent so ciety, a splendid home, everything in short that a man could have to enjoy life and be happy. He joined clubs, of course, he insti tuted a stable, of course. He proposed to ; live.and he did live. He made the acquaiu- i tauce of all the men who live, and he found i j plenty of them willing to help hini. He hail no business to do, tor why should a young man with a n.iilioii do business or bother about it V His father had made the I money lor mm 10 enjoy, aim ne inieuueu .... . ... i i. . to i-iijoy it. His lifo was :i routine very easy to describe. The morning at liis clubs drink. The afternoon in all sorts of places- drink. Tlie early evenings in the theatres drink. The latter part of the uiijht in jMinblinn hells and places of just as bad a nature driuk. Drink in the morn in to tone him up for dissipation later in the day. Jrink to drown remorse drink, drink, drink. Aud at twciily-cight the poor follow, bom with splendid possibilities and with capacities for all sorts of good, sank into a drunkard'a grave, with no good deed left behind him to signalize his life or to mark the fact that he had lived. lie died of liting left a fortune, instead of hav ing been compelled to make one. This is a brief history, but there are one hundred thousand young men in this city 1 re: atiuii it at this moment. Are there . ... ....... ; s i not similar cases in your locality t i tiik sunda y (question : assumes more importance every day. The ; (iemans and I reuch back up the "saercd ! l,... 1 t toiiccii. lui-uura, .mu jiuii-iiuins eu- erally support those endeavoriug to crush them out. Aud the light is waxing warm. The llowery Theater was open lastSuuday night with their ghastly melo dramas, as j usual, and the old place was jammed with people, of th class who do go to the theatre week-day nights half grown boys and girls. It was a wild night they made of it. It seemed as though the fact that their amusement was illegal and likely to he interrupted, gave an additional zest to it, for never in the history of the place were peanuts so liberally masticated or applause so freely and boisterously given. It was a pandemonium from the rising of the enrtaiu to the going down of the same. The beer-gardens and "Concert Saloons"' were in full blast, the police not having j been instructed to make raids upon them. I it is singular that the wort: am not com mence with them, for if the theatres are, as Talmadge styles them, "the vestibules of hell," these places are in the exact centre. They are the resort of the lowest, vilest men and women that the Almighty for some, to us unknown, purpose permits to exist, and the orgies nightly held in them would put a debased Fiji Islander to blush. F.ut somehow the police pass them by without any effort to break thf.ii up. BUSINESS is improving steadily in many of its branches The strikes are all over, and ; though laborers nre on short time and re duced pay, they are squeezing through bet ter than was anticipated. The coming of the holidays has put a great deal of money in active circulation, and there is a brisk ness, which, if it be spasmodic, is pleasant. The weather is pleasant and bracing, and the health of the city vastly improved. May tin ood we have he increased. PlKTI.O. !.-' THE BEST PAPER. TRY IT. POSTAGE FREE ! UKAl'TI FULLY ILLUSTRATED. The Scientific American- now iu its 30th year, enjoys the w idest circulation of any vwkly newspaper of the kind in the world. A now vol ume commences January 4, 1875. Its contents embrace the latest and most in teresting information pertaining to the Indus trial, Mechanical, and Scientific Progress of the worl t ; descriptions, with beautiful engravings, of new inventions, new implements, new pro cesses, and improved industries of all kinds; Unelill nijien, leci!"", t;;;;eM iuus iiuu imvive, uj j practical writer, l".r workmen and employers iu all the various ails. The Scientific Amekk as is the r'ueapest and best illustrated weekly paper published. Every number contains from 10 to 15 original engrav ings of new nuchiiierv and novel inventions. Engravings, illustrating improvements, dii- cowries, nnd i:nnortant works, pertaining to civil and mechanical engineering, milling, min- ing and metallurgy : records of the latest pro- ! gret-s in the applications of steam, steam engi- : "'i'-r"--' ral; f.!'ip b?mV?f nV'l?T , telegraphy, telegraph engineering, electricity, , iat.,.uetUn, iiht and heat. rarineiv, nipclmnics, engineers, inventors, manufacturers, chemists, lovers of science, teachers, clergymen, lawyers aud people of all profusions will litid ths "Scientific American useful to them. It should have a place in every family, library, study, office, aud counting room; In every reading room, college, academy, or school. A year's numbers Sontain 8:13 pages and seve ral hundred engravings. Thousands of volumes are preserved for binding and reference. The pratical receipts are well worth ten times the subscription price. Terms, $3.20 a year by mail. ! including postage. Discount to clubs special , SNrsnens 9' be IMTEXT.-In connection with the Scien tific Amekicas, Messrs. Munn Jc Co. ar; Soli citors of American and Foreign Patents, and h:ve tho largest establishment iu the world. More tliHD fifty tbousanu applications have been made for patents thronn their asency. Patents are obtained on the best terms, models of new inventions and sketches examined and ailt'xij free. A special notice is made iu the Scientific Ambrican of all Inventions Patented throngli this Agency, with the name and resi dence of the Patentee. Patents are often sold in part or whole, to persous attracted to the in vention of such notice. Stud for Pamphlet, 110 paes, containing laws and fall directions for ob taining patents. m psw1 wars: r. Oilice, cor. F and 7lh streets, Washington, I). C. f , A-T SEED CAi-.- j( 4. A..." TrjeA Jr? The First National Hank I" Nuu bury, Peun'a.' "JOTICK is hereby Kivp" f"lt regular an lN ni'al election ol" Directors of "Tke Firt Na tional Uauk of Sunbury, Ph.," will be held on Tuesday, the 2lth day of January, A. D. 1575, at the baiikiiijr llo'.iae, in the borough of Sun bury, Pa., between the hours of 10 o'clock a. si., and : o'cloek p. v., of said ilay, iu arcortlance with the provisions of the Act of Con;:re. S. J. PACKER, Cashier. Suntiurv. Pa., Dee. 1 1S74. VICK'.S FOR 1H75. PlliLi!UEl) Qt'ABTEULY. January Number jut issued, and contains over 1C0 pages, 500 en gr.ivinii. descriptions of more than 500 of our hi-pt Ki.owkks and Veoktables, with clire.tiniis for Culture, Colored Plate, etc. The iniM-t use ful and elog;nit woik nf t he kind in the world. Only "J" cents a year. Published in ng;ih and (irriniiu. Addles", JAMKS VH K, i:.M-rr.-r, N. Y. Dec IS, 1.VT4. otiii:. In nir. Cui Kt oi Ciimmhn uf Nukthi'm ui.ui.m CofN tt. In re "f the assignment of i L. A. Rani-k for 'benefit of creditors. ) TOTICK is hereby t;iten, that the account of H. M. Cumnnngs, r.sii., assignee of L. A. K.inck has been filed in the Court of Common Picas of Northumberland county, and that the same will be presented to the Court for confir mation on Tueodav. .Tanuarv .r, 1 87.1. L. T. ROIIRBACH. Prothonotarv. Sunbury, Doc. 11, lS74.-4t. THE 1'ITTNIII RV1I GAZETTE. Those who are arranging for their home pa-j pers for the next year, .vill do wisely to send lor ample copies of the J'itttbarnh (Ja-(tte, Daily or Weekly, as it will be seen to be the best paper published in Pittsburgh. It is the oldest, being uearly S'J years old, and h:is kept jnice with all phases of modern newspaper progress. It is printed with new type, and on clean, white, and handsome paper. Its news la specially full, aud accurate. It receives cable news lrom tti- ...-. . .. . u .. .. i rope, ana uisj.aienes irom an .an.s n un- trv. it nas special rorrespon.leius m asumg ton, during the session of CotigreBs, and at Har- ! risbur;; during the session of the I.e(;i!ature, and will trive lull rcpoit.n o! all that i mterest- I in;r in the tiroivcdin-. lis local news is com plete and varied, yet chaste and pure. Its edi torials contain trenchant discussious of all cur rent subject, and deal imli-peiideiitlv with all the icMii-s of the hour. The paper is Republican in politic, but holds the party is superior to eliiin-s ami rins. Us market reports are specially full an.l complete, and have a reputa tion that is wide spread, for accuracy and relia bility. In frequent instances, partita in the country have mi ved or mailt: considerable sums by lollowiii-r the accurate reports of prices, Kiv-n in the 'u.rKr, in selling their ri)iluce. It also cnnlains aj;ricu!niral, household, and fami ly rea.lini;. carefully selected. Thus it is a fami ly paper of great cxei lli nce and rare cheapness, as to price. Its circulation is the largest of the rittsburi;h press. This year the postage ou pa pers is prepaid at the Pittsburgh office, thus ne cessitating tin- addition of ibis item to the rates. For this reason we prescut amended rates, and claim that they alTord the cheapest newspaper paper published, when the siz.' and quality ef the paper are considered. TERMS : I Ihiihi Cn,tU. fnoitae-e nrcpai.l) hv mail, tier annum, 110.00 ; for six months, f ".l0 ; for three mouths, t-J.'sJ ; for one month, $!.00: by the week, payable to the carrier, 10 cents. Wceklu Gavrttt froslaire prepaid) by mail, sin- gile subscribers, 1.V. per year; m clubs ol live, 1.50; in clubs of ten or mme, f 1.40, and an nrl.llli.i-tl nrtnw frtr prprt ten. to the fetter un l.t the club. Tost masters are roquest'-il to act as :iretits. TT... n ..I- r.r ..,.t-lc lr..e (if char -e address KINO, UF.F.I) ft CO., Fittabnrh, l'a. fW. 1. 1?74.-"f. 4 iitbi jUbbtriisments. Notice. "VTICE is hereby given that an election of managers of the Accommodation Saving Fund and Loan Association, will take place on Saturday, the 'd day of January, 1875, at V t o'clock p. in., in the room of Clement's building Third rt., t-unbury. Pa. t SAM'L FAUST, Stir., Presd't. Jacob Suipman, Sec'rv. Sunbtiry, Dec. IS, 1874. la the Court ol' Quarter NeBsions of the Peace of Xorthnuiberlantl County. VOTICE i hereby civeu, tht the fallowing persona have tiled petitions in the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of the county of Northumberland, for Tavern, Restaurant, and Lienor Store Licenses, and thai the same will be presented to the said Court on the fourth day of January net. TAVEKNS. II. J. Waltz, Sunbnry lro. old stand Jacob Sheet, ' Thad Shannon, ' Clark & WeiBt, 4 new stand Henry Hath, Milton bor. old stand Charles C. Junes, Northumberland bor ' Thomas Taubinan ' ' s John Welsh Mt. Carniel boro ! David D. Davi& ' ' Frank Fceer F.dward Mctiinley Janes McLaren Mir.hael Roseustine. Ruh twp. Hanpt & Fursel, Sbamokin boro. Mr9. Mary Levins, Wm. MeAudrew John Curtis ' Michael Flaherty ' Michael Sehlarder ' John Clifford ' Andrew Janasky ' Robert Nicholson ; John Larkin ' William Burrows ' John Nolan Patrick Karina ' B. E. Adams Michael Ready ' Jacob Trometter ' Henry G. Dunkelbfrger ' Benjamin Hoy, Snydertown John Boyd. Coal township old ftand now stand new stand old ftand h new ftand i old stand Patrick Tynan ' Henry B. Loug Patrick Rigney ' John L. Shoop, Lower Auir. twp Daniel B. Foy Jesse Hcnsyl, Shamokin twp. P. H. Curran, Zerbe twp. Peter Wert, Lower Mahanoy twp. K EST ACR ANTS. M. L. F'whcr, Sunburv boroujb, old stiud. L. D. Copeland. "" " Mary Riley, Mt. Carroel liorough, old stand. Alexander Long, Shamokin boro.. . , . , q,. ,..- 5t,w.tin Adam Daniels and Geo. W . Strawscr, ohamokm borough, old stand. j Richard G. Tyack, Pbamokin boro., old stand, I George Hack, " '" i I.iucoln Long. " i James Mohan George S. Fisher, E. G. Gilham. new stand. Mary Devitt, Coal twp., ! H. E. Bveriv, Jackson twp.. old stand. Margaret Burke, Mt. Curmcl twp., Frunk Roth, " ' wnoi.ESALB LKiroR storc. i Christian Neff, Sunbury boro., ol.l . ; jicnry p l,utz, Milton boro., p m. If s Zin boro.. " stand Patrick 5)alv. Shamokin boro.. " LLOYD T. KOHUBACH. Clerk. Clerk's Office, Sunbury, Dec. 16, 137-t. SHERIFF'S SALES. j iI viriucvii icifc.wu ,i i .id vi . in. . .-, AJ alias Fieri tacias,and V enditioa. exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, and to me directed, will be exposed to public ale or outcry, at the Court House, iu the borough of Sunbnry, Pa., on SATURDAY TOE 2d day of JANUARY, 175, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following pro perty, to wit . . - i . M I .;.r ,Ho A certain lot or piece of ground situate in tae ooruuun or snamosin, couniy oi iriuuiiin.-i-land, and Slate ot Pennsylvania, known and de signated on the general plan of said borough as lot number three, in block number one huudrcd and four, bounded northward by Mulberry street, eastward by lot number four, southward by state street, and westward by lot nmn'jer two, containing In width twenty five feet, nnd In depth one hundred and fifty feet, with the appurtenan ces consisting of a two story frame dwelling house ; as the property of JOSEPH KOPP. ALSO, A certain, tract or piece of lam' situate in Low er AugUBta township, Northumberland eounty, Pennsylvania, hounded northward by land of Daniel Malick, eastward by land of John Duc- 5 eibtrifcr, southward, b 'and of Daniel Reiser, acou itakci Nathan ww-r-. . by land of Peter Strch, containing sisty five acre more or 1"9 ; as tho property of GEORfiE J. RAKER. ALSO, A certain lot or piece or ground situate ia the borough of Monul Carmel, county of Northum berland, and ftate of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit; besiubici; at a point forty feet west from the northwest comer of Oak street and Mount Carmel Avenue, con taining in width fronting on said Mount Carme) Avenue, thirty five feet, and extending of that width north one hundred and fifty feet to Water street, bounded northwardly by Water street, eastward by laud of J. Hoover, southwardly by Mount Carmel Avenue, au.l weftwardiy by laud of J. Hoover ; a tbe property of JACOB MA LICK. ALSO, I Ail that ceitaiu lot or piece of ground iu Chamberlain's addition to North Milton, County of Noithumberland, and State of Pennsylvania, known and designated on the plan of said addi tion as lot number forty five, bounded north ward by Third street, Eastward by Lincoln street, and westward by River alley, containing in width fifty lour feet, and in depth one hundred aud fif teen aud seven twelfths feet with the appurte nances consisting of a two story frame dwelliug house and other buildings ; as the property of SAMUEL McDANIEL. ALSO, A evrtain lot or piece of ground situate in Low er Aug'ista township, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, bounded northward by public road, eastward by lot of Jacob Raker, southward by land of William and John Cruikshank, and w'estward by lot of J. L. Shoop, containing in front on said public road, fifty feet, more or less, with the appurtenances consisting of a two etory fnime dwelling bouse and stable ; as the proper ty of GF.OROE J. RAKER. ALSO, A certain lot or piece of ground sitnatein the borough of Mount Carmel, couuuty of Northum berland, and State of Pennsylvania, known and designated in the plan of said borough a lot number sis ia block number fifty, frontiug on Oak street tweuty five feet, and extending back that v.idth one hundred and fifty feet to Apple street, with the appurtenances consisting of a two ftorv frame dwelling bouse ; as the property of ALEXANDER McKIM. A I.M I, A certain piece or part of a lot of ground situ ate in the borough of Mount Carmel, conuty of Northumberland, and State of Penn-glyanla, known anil designated on the plan of said bo rough as lot number five in bloc k number thirty nine, rontainine on Maple street ciKUteen feet. aud extending buck that width thirty six feet, :iiid there beins twenty live feet in width, and ex tending of that width the distance of one linn- 1 lied and fourteen feet to Pear street, in nil one l..i,l,-..,l ...i,l fiftv feet in denth. bounded north- ward by .ot number fonr .utw.rd bT ftjr stre-t, bouthward by .ot number six, u:id west- ,. .., ............. i. .t.M..un..nrl0nnn.P8 .nn. j wamuy.iiaMi'Bcci,niiuuvB-c...- j tij.;,,,. ,.i' ,. i ii-i, tnr frnnie dwellinir house : n , r viTinv Kt-iSMl rii un. i.niH nji a ...... Seized, taken in exeeiition and to be sold by S. H. IK ) 1 HERM LL, he IT. Maize & Schwartz, f'uecesors to i-o. Evans Vc Co., 11 OS Market Street, Philadelphia, m rnh fcl&g"'' iiiM.eitiVT rr.TTTC' I The large hsndsome residence of the late Chsrles Car- -M r.KL I 1 1 A1.LUKJ5 roll 1ms been Stted up ith all the improvements adopt- . ed iu ths latest Schools of Europe, for the special treat n.,.1 ! ment of this elas. of diseases. Apply by letter to I ....... ....... . . . . . . r- ; r . MILITARY CLOTHIERS. Men and Boys' suits made to order in the latest styles, of the best cloths and cassimeres in mar ket, at price suitable to the times. Military, Baud k Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours beingthe leading house on Military work, we feci that we can offer inducement which can not be attiiincd anywhere else. Nov. ". 1S72. NOTICE. In the Cociit or Couvon Pi.e or Noktiu m- BEltLANO CofSTT. iti re of the assignment of 1 Anderson Dinius and wife fur hi'iielit of creditors. l XT'nt'E i hereby stiven, I hut the account of i licnrv Deniu and F. .1. Galbraith, Kq., assi-necs of Anderson I)cnin and wife has been K1...1 in ths fV.iirt nf l'..mmnn T, nf Vnrthnm. mberh.tid county, and that the :ime will be pre- ! " "'.'J . V"..' " i":'-'1 " . .. ,1.A ...l.i e.. ..44mn,;nn n 1 . t ROHKBCH i il.Z'Z ". .... " I Huubury, Dec. 11, 13T4.-4t ll.l lU.lW-tlR.Wl-Di;OS., j Shippers and Wholesale aud Retail Dealers in I WHITE AND RED ASn COAL, SUNBURY, PA. (lower wbarf. i)r.!n '!' r'i"v prmnnt cttsnttr.t;. Htb) Sbbtrfiscmfrrts. SlIEKIFF'S KALE. BY Virtue of certain Writs of Veditioni Ex ponas, alias Venditioni Exponas, Levari Facias alias Levari Facias, and Plnries Levari Facias, issued ont of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, and to me di rected, will be exposed to public sale or outcry ON TUESDAY THE 29TH DECEMBER, 1S74, at 2 o'clock, iu the afternoon, ou the prtnjfces, the following property, to wit : A certaiii tract or piece of land sitaate in the borough of Northumberland, aud county of Nor thumberland, and State of PennsyiAania, bound ed and described as follows, to wit : beginning at the corner of land of Jesse C. HortonV heirs, ad joining the line of the Lackawanna fc Biooms burg railroad, thence northwardly along the land of the said Jesse C. Morton's heirs about two hundred and forty eight feet, more or less, to the line of Bird street, in Bird's addition to the bo rough ofNorthumberland; thence northwestward ly along said Bird streetlight hundred and thirty five feet more or less to the north east line of Jenkins street in said Bird's addition ; thence down along said Jenkins street one hundred and eighty four feet more or less to line of said Lack awann & Bloomsburg railroad ; thence north eastwardly up alODg the line of the said railroad to the place of beginning; containing five acrea more or less with tha appurtenances, conaistinj of a large frame car manufactur'ng shop and foundry, 1 cupola and stack, 7 double black smith forges with patent blowers and black siHit'u tools, 9 new black smith anvils, 1 large (Hillis iSc Jones') Radical drill press, 1 large new patent lathe, bolt and cut cutter. 1 band bolt : cutting machine. large new steam engine and I tabular boiler with steam donky engine and I pump, 1 large four sided wood planer.l Rodgers lonr sided wood planer, 4 circular saws,l Smith's patent resawing machines, 1 Cincinnati mortic ing and boring machine, 1 large car morticing and tennoning machine, 1 large cut off saw and bench, 1 Walker A Brother's panel raiser, 1 Walker & Brother jig sawing machine, 1 circu lar sawing machine, 1 tenon sawing machine, 1 small sasii and blind boring machine, 1 sand pa pering machine, 1 Frank's finishing machine, 1 Frank's pony planer, 1 sash finishing machine, 1 slot tenoning machine. 1 door clamp, 1 sash clamp, 2 grind stones, 000 feet of new shafting with puliies and leather belting in complete ol der, with many other tools, fcc, &c, together with about six hundred rtud fifty feet of railroad laid with ood 50 lb. nil ; as the property ofAe NORTHUMBERLAND CAR and MANUFAC TURING COMPANY. Seized, takeu in execntion and to be sold bv S. II. ROTnERMEL, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Sunbury, Dec. 11, 1S74. i COURT PROCXA3IATIOX. Notice j is hereby given that the several Courts of Coin ! mon Flea?, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, j and Orphans Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer ) and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, will commence at the Court noose, in me oorougn oi csunoary, ai iu o ciock ' r y 7; and will continue two weeks. The Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Consta bles in and for tbe county of Northumberland are requested to be then and there in their proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several offices appertaininz to be done. And all'witnesses prosecuting in beha If of the Com monwealth apainst any prisoner, are requested and commanded to be then and there .attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punc tual in their attendance, at the time appointed. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 3d day of December in the year of our Lord one thonand eight hundred aud seventv-four. SAMUEL II. ROTIIERMEL, Sheriff. j y.. ; ff ' tC 1 i C mVXTl. j -V """ liv Stf pSYCHO.MASCY, or SOCB CHABnNO.- How l either ex may faacinste aud eia tbe lore and affection of any person they choose instantly. This iimplo mental acquiredmeut all can mail, for -i"c toeether with a marmze guide. Egyptian Ora cle, Dreams, Uinta ta LaUien, Weildini?-jriglit Shirta. tc I A .I'Jeer honk. Autlresa T. WILLI AM t Co. Pub. Phila. i " 1 n. For COaGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. PCT CP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggists. Dec 2-, 4w. rpT? A G RETAILED AT J. J3ix0 Importer Friee, BY THE Great Atlantis aiJ Pad Tea Co. 26 Fifth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Tkk la aa orzsoization of capMahats to IMPORT D UlniniBVTB wm for one small profit, raving the nonsuxntr all proflrn of miditlf men. We control a largo part of tho Best Teao brought to this country, wbieb aro sold by oursrhrra. Persona buying of other deaiors do so to their own dis advantage. Our nouses- in China and Japan hare tea very best fcriiitiM of selecting, wbich give na great- d vamagiM. We have eataeilshed stores lor distributing oar traa ia all tbe principal cities of tbe United States. We give to odr customers a Beautiful Oil Cbromo, (taken from the richest gems of American and Foreign artlsta) which, if bought at picture stores, would coat much more than tne price of the Tea. These cbromos are a present to our customers. All goods sold Vfarrauted to givo perfect satisfaction or tbe money refunded. Great Atlautie fc Paeiile Tea Co., Fifth Ave Pittsburg. Pa. Deo. 26, 4. SHORT PROMPOXETIEMT DAY FIXED FULL. DISTRIBUTION. First Grand Gift Concert. Montpelier Female HnumB Association, AT ALEXANDRIA, TA. .MARCH 29,1871. LIST OF GIFTS. I Grand C-h Gift 1 Grand Canto Gift 1 Grand Caab Gift 10 Cash Gifts, (10,000 earb l. Cash Gifts, 5,C) earn 0GiRh Gifts, l.OTOeach 100 Cash Gifts, 500 each 1.0UO Cash Gifts, 100 each 1,000 Cash Gifts, 50 cacb 31,000 Cash Gifts, 20 eat: b SlilO.uOtl eu.uuo 100,000 "5,000 so.uoo 60.U"O lOU.ObJ SO.UOO 400.010 22.178 Cash Gifts, amounting to 1,000,WO MMBER OF TICKETS, 10O,O0O. PRICE Or TICKETS. Whole Ticltn .$20.0o Halves quarters 5.00 Eighths of each Coupon 2.50 5 Tickets for 100.00 The Montpelier Female Humane Association, charter ed by the Legislature of Virgiuis and the Circuit Court of Orange Co,, proposes by a Grand Gift Conourt to es tablish and endow a "Home for tho Old, Innrm. aud Destitute Ladies of Virginia," at Montpelier, tbe luxtttr residence of Presiilent James Madlon. Govebnob's Office, P.iukiiono, July 3, IS 74. It affords me pleasure to iuy that I am well acquaint ed iri:h a Urge majority of tbe omoers of the lloutpf Utr Venule Humane Aworiation,who reside iu tbe vicinity of my borne, and I attest their intelligence and their worth and high reputation as gentlemen, as well as tbe pubiie conadenre, influence aud substantial mesus liberally re presented among them. .JAMES L. KEEPI-'K, Got. Virginia. ALEiaNDKI. Va., July (, 1874. I commend tbein as geuts of honor slid integrity, and fnlly entities to tbe confidence of the public. K. W. HL'OHtM, V. 8. Judge East'n Dist.of Vs. Further references by permission; H.s EtoeUency Gilbert C. Walker, Ex-Governor of Va. ; Hon. Kobert E. Withers, Lieut .-Gov. of Va. and U. S. Senator elect ; Senators and Members of Congress from Va. Remittances lor tickets may be made by express pre paid, post-omce mouey-ordur on Washington, I. or j by registered lettet. i 'For full particulars, testimonials, send for Cir- -. MXf. . ev,r.Kbrr? - . rONSTAST EMPLOV..:i:XT At home. Male c.e . . ,. r wwk wrrute.l. No capital reonired. p,rlicui.'n, ;,, va;n,l,l. samples sent free. Ad. Wllh , c,,,t tani., f If .. WtllmTr.sburg, X. V. irens Dec. i 4ir. vl AnYI. tU EYE AD EAK 1XSTI TtTE 66 X. C harle Street, Baltimore, JlA. i tirurKe tvcuuii, Jn. if., i;r rrui in eve urn Z-mt rur- Ul.unui. ivf.1. UAlt, 31. 1., surgeon in v aaixr. Dee. 28, 4w. The New York "Weekly Witness, cmn-r News. Markets, Stones, ricrurc-s, autl Ljvs K.litorials at llOa vear Postage paid, has reached fi,HH circulatiun iu three years. Send for free aamrle copy. Iec. -5, 4ur. IIAVft: lOl TRIED ARE TOU AVF.AK, NERVOUS, OR DEBII.ITAT Art; you so Lmxiii.1 that any exertion reqnir in effort tlian you teel capable of makiDK? Then try Jurubeba, the wonderful tome lor, Ti-hit-h nets so beneficially on the seer to imvart visor to all vital forces. . It is uo alcoholic appetizer, which short time, ouly to let the sufferer fall of misery, but it is a vegetable tonic a the liver aud spleen. It regulates the bowels, quiets tbe I such a healthy toue to the s hole syst. j the invalid feel hke a new person. I Its operation is not violent, bnt is gentleness; the patient x.en I i""!-" no marked result-, tint gram. I 'Told their teuts, like the Ar ' Aud BUutl mi- ! This is no new aud untried discovery .r,., ,h. ,ti.,hM Mi,i ,,,.hr,n ...... .. . , H er;ui aiteruauve auown. - ! For sale by JOHNSTON, HOLLO ' lec. 11. 4w. Ph 60 PER CEST. commissios r&iD book fir" On new and most popular books by ' ,lj ulMcription Onus iu the coun try, -f. ,OT U books for 11.30, e. No hn&'y ?1a VT c" ' and see. AM-s P. O. BO'W Hrtfl,ri fotin. ttr, 1 1.
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