r iUNBtrnYrOCfOBESiC 187377 ttnllrortfl Time Table. aRRITAL kt DGPARTCRK OT TRAINS AT tPHBUBT, N. C R. W., Bnwth. Erie Mall, l.SOam Erie. Express, 9.49 " Mali, 11.15 " Nlng. Express 8.40 p m P. E. R. R. West. Mall, A.20 a m Nine. Ex-pressia.an p m Elmlra Mall 4.10 " Erie Express, 6.40 " simncRT aho Lretow a. a. Leave, Sunbury for Lowlstown at J.80 a. tn., and 4-20 p. M. Arrive at Snnbury from tewiitown at 1.60 and 7.45 p. in. , ; , - SnAMOKIK TIVISIO), !. J. H. If. ' " LtATI ' ' I ' ARIttVIt unbnry at R.4K a m I At Snnhttry 9.25 a m " 19.85 p ml . " 8.55pm 4.40 p nt I 6.00 p tn TA.KVIU., BAZLGTON & WELKEgBARRX R. R. Kegular passenger tsaln leaves Sunbury Tor tonnvillc, Cnttawissa, Har.leton nod Intermediate ttntlons, at 0.45 a. m. Returning loave Hnxle lon at 1.00 p. m. Arrive at 4.00 p. in. LACKAWANNA AND lll.OOMSnl'RO Lesvo Northumberland at 0.40 a. m. and 4.50 .m. Arrive nt Northumberland at 10.S5 a. tn. and 1)5 p. m. Accidental Insurance Tickets cna be had of Shlpman, Ticket Agent, iitthe Depot. Slimmer Arranirmrnt for the Post Ofllcc nt Suubury, Pa. ffflrt Open from 6.30 J. m.t to 8 p. m., exetpt on Stnulay. CIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrives as follows i rotn the East at 6.15 a. m.t 13.15 p. in., 4 p. m. " Smith, 0.15a. m., 13.15 p. m. 4.10 p.m. " West, 6.15 a. m., 13.15 p. m., 4.10p.m., nud 8.20 p. in. " North, 6 a. m., 11 a. m., 8.55 p. m. Shamokln, Mt. Curmcl and points on that line, 0.15 a. ra., 8.50 p. in. Malls close as fotfows t the East, 5. 50 a. tn., 10.50 a. m., 7.35 p. in. " South, 10.50 a. rh., 7.85 p. m. " West, 7..T0 a. in., 10.50 a. m., 7.85 p. m. " North 5.50 a. m., 8.50 p. m., 7.85 p. m. Bliumokiii proper 13.15 p. in. Shamokln and ulllces on that mate, 4.S0 p. in. ' J. J. SMITH, P. M. usincss Jtottxte. The Imi'kiivkd Ciiovku & Bakeu Sew ing Ma iiiink. Those celebrated machines are ottered it th most rcasmiahlo rate. For particulars apply l" D. ii. KUTZ, Agent, Vcb.22,'7;i.-ly. fppef Augusta township. Caroline Da mis, ileuler In Musical Instru ments and Sewing Machines, Market street, near Third, Sunbury, Pa. Cull and examine the best Organs, Mclodcins, Sewing anil Knitting Mil chines in the market. Always on hiind the Es tey, Silver Tongue. Smith's Alliclican. Mason eS Ilumlin Oriruns. Orders taken for all kinds of Viano nnd Mnlenl Instruments. Tho Peoples' Favorite Sewing Machines ; Dnniest'c and ftro ver A: Baker. Persons purchasing machines from me wlil receive iustruclious. First-class Knitting Machines for sale. Hats and Caps. Snmuul Faust, has Just re turned from the city with a large assortment of the latest stylo hats. Ills stock Is full, and the latest styles can bi had ut his stoic, ou Market street at city prices. Win. H. Mii.i.F.n, of the. Excelsior Boot Shoe Store, Is astonishing everybody with his low prices. lie keeps thu best manufactured. His stuck constats of the Ingest variety In central Pennsylvania. Trunks und Valises of all sites, urc for Sale at his store. Tub fin out. assortment of fall goods can be found at I). A. Finney store on Maiket street. The selection is very fine, and every variety of Dry Goods, Qurenswiire, Roots nnd Shoes, No tions, Jewelry, Carets, Groceries. Ac. Sc., can he purchased at reduced prices. The good have nil been selected wiih great care, nnd ladies will 11ml the finest dUuluy that has been brought from the city. N i Srsi'sssiox. It. L. It indeiilrisVs Furni ture Store, in Masonic buildings, has not sus pended, but on the contrary is promptly meeting the increasing demands of his customers for every description of furniture. Notwithstanding the Immense run the people l'e been making '.ipnu him for some lime, he still has an immense stock to meet rtll further demand. JCofal Jfairs. Sworn In. Dxniol 8. Ileitis, the newly elected Comity Commissioner, was sworn into office on Tuesday mc.ulng Inst, by Justice Jeremiah Sny der. JacJh Ilunsicker retires from the ofllcc. Tv young men, balling from Seranton, nnm e, riiomas Hughes and Thomas Thomas, at .eintcd to run awny without settling their board bill ut the boarding house of Mrs, Matthi as. They were arrested on Tuesday and brought before E.Pursel where the matter was settled by giving in pledge two drums which they promised to redeem at au early day. A new Schedule lu the time tables of the diffe rent railroads centering here will go into effect on Monday next. The Niagara Express train will be abandoned. , .., . . At tho races, ou Saturday, at Williuinsport, "Kentucky George," n fast horse belonging to Mr. Forseman of Wa'taoutow'n, stumbled and broke his neck. Win. Vandyke of Northumber land, rode the horse, jrt' the time, and received slight Injuries lu falling.' . r.-T - . Two drunks, named John Poluud and Win. Wynn, were arrested by policeman Vandyke, on Suturduy night nnd talici to Fort Rnthermel. One dollar and costs were charged for the "glo rious" fun they thought they had. Tint New Schedule oo the P F..' aud N. C. Railroads, which will go into operation on Mon day uext, will be materially changed. Trains will leave this place as follows i N. C. R. Leave East. P. & E.R. R. Lea W't F.lmlru Mail. ..11:15 a in Erlo Mull... 5:15a m Erie Mail 12:!0 a in Keuo,a Ac ll:10a m Butlulo Ex 2:50 a ui Elmira Mail 5:10 p m HurrUburg Ac.5:10 p in Buffalo Ex 7:05 p m A new Rebecca Degree Lodge, I. O. ofO. F., will be Instituted at Elysburg, this county, on Saturday, Nov. 1st. The Odd-Fellows Lodge at that place, is in a nourishing condition, and the members of the order expect soou to establish an Encampment in that flourishing village. Some four hundred men have beti discharged' from the shops at Altoouu, by the Pennsylvania Hallroud Co. It In rumored that the meu em ploye j at their (hops hero will soon be put on Sal f time. ; . i By rcfereaee to a lal advert semeut lu anoth er column, If will be fouud that some splendid ' lots are o.'fcred for sale at Wutsoutown, this county. They s're beautifully located and offer ed at a cheap rale.' Watsontown Is a 0ouruh(ug buiuess place, an? Arsons desirlug to procure for themselves a home, ivhcre work can be had at any time, wit) do well to examine the condi tions published. T"i Tub Senatorial Conferees nr;t at Lewisburg, Union eouiy, oa Taqsday the 'flfy inst. The vote stood in favor "of Hon. A. II. tilL, of Uniou county, 'T.O"4ri''5j" a. majority of 2S.vot( over Dr. B. v: .cil'cr.'of Hnvder coac.' The efectiot' S J aJost likely be" eoiitested a' there were' (ince'r tr.n"aello"v"o.,'e' p4-t'of'ne fim- oracy thfs fiiTT1 Dedication of tbii M. E. Chcbcii. The new M. E. Church In this plate, was dedicated on Sunday last, A number of ministers from abroad were present, and participated In the ded icatory exercise. The church edifice was erect ed daring the pastorage of, So v. W. W. Evens, of the Methodist congregation nt this place, to whoso Incessant labor must be accredited the erection of this place of worship.' During his .ri. ,.,.,..... n ...I finished Internally as far as the lecture room which was dedicated for worship, but since that limp It has remained lu au unfinished coudltlon. the member feeling unable to proceed with the work until this tnmmor, when a few enorgellc spirits started up nncw, and determining upon finishing It they succeeded tn their enterprise. The church is one of tho largest tn this part of the country, and la handsomely finished. The Rev. Mr. Evans, the projector, waa present at the dedication, and the congratulations poured upon him at the completion of the work In which he felt so much Interest, showed that his labors are appreciated Indicated a grateful sc knowledgmcnt that they Were greatly Indebted to him for the erection of their new church. No undertaking can full which Is calculated to pro mote the Interests of Christianity.. We all re member tho difficulties encountered in tho erec tion of the chnrcb building In question, and tbo sorrowing of every one when the tower fell, caus ing an additional expense of several thousand dollars and we all well remember seeing tho pastor of his flock to be the earliest In the morn ing to mount the scaffolding nnd labor from Monday morning until ' Saturday night, in the mean time preparing his sermon for the Sub bath. After the work was dono, and the pray cis of his numerous friends were being offered up in his behalf, there, appeared another difficulty In the way the raising ot the funds to pay the expense, which we are happy to state has been overcome. The balance of the indebtedness was about $9,000, about $13,000 huvlng been previ ously pnld. This balance was subscribed in the forenoon of Sunday last, after nn able sermon was preached by Dr. Sims, of Newark, N. J., and an appeal by Dr. Ives of Auburn, N. Y. After the services in the evening, about $2,000 more were subscribed which will fully liquidate their Indebtedness. Such a result wns scarcely expected, and wheu the announcement was made that a sufficient amount was raised to pay ofT the whole debt, there was Indescribable Joy manifested throughout the congregation. The church is well furnished with ca.ipet, reflectors, itc, The pews are comfortable, and of nent de sign. The church was pretty well filled during the morning and evening exercises, and the liber ality shown on the part of our eitirens ou this occasion Is commendable. "Bum's Eve Vif.w" of Siniu'RV. We were shown, on Wedneshny last, nn artistic sketch of Sunbury, done In Iudinn iuk, with a pen. It Is a beautiful drawing, showing nil the streets nnd dwellings nnd other hiiilding. Also, the public buildings, churches, school houses, saw mills, foundries, shops, manufactories, Ac, lu fact, every house In towu. The drawing Is very accurate, and points out every private resilience in the town proper as well as in the additions to the borough. The view was taken from the hill on the opposite side of the river, making It also a beautiful landscape scenery by Including Pur dy's addition, nrd the buildings on Mount Plea sant. It also gives an accurate vie of a long railroad train moving upon the track, and shows the different railroad lines running into town. The river with steamboat towing a canal boat, and other objects of enterprise in this vicinity. The drawing was done by II. H. Bally of Phila delphia, nnd it is proposed to lithograph the view, and furnish it to subscribers if a sufficient u umber can be obtained. The lithograph will not only be useful, but will be a line ornament for a parlor or ofllcc. Thcwoik'Is meritorious ns an advertisement for our towu, and every citi zen should proeiiru a copy for his own use, us the price is but a t rifle. Mr. T. M. Fow'.cr, agent, is now in town solieitiii!r subscriptions. Aioot iiNHi) Coitkt. An adjourned session of Court of Common Pleas commenced on Monday last. Judge Rockefeller and Associate Judge Nicely on the Bench. Judge Welker Is still ub senl on account of sickness. The following cases were taken up nnd disposed of: Danville, Hazleton nnd Wilkesbarre 1 tail road Company vs Isaac Albert and J. Bogar. Wol verton fur plaintiffs t Malic k for defendants. Verdict in f.ivor of plaintiffs for$l,!M0 00. John W. Filling A: Son vs II. F. Mangas, Ad ministrator, Ac Trial withheld ou uccount of exceptions to mechanic's lien. The President, Managers, and company for erecting a bridgu over the West Brunch of the Susquehanna nt Lewisbueg vs Daniel (I. Dries bach. Packer for plaintiff; Cumly and Wolver ton for defendants. Verdict for plaintiff. De fendant sued out a writ of error, nnd w ill take the case to the Supreme I ourt. John Vought, endorsee vs Isaac J. Sober.' Ver dict for plaintiffs. Samuel C. Bryson vs the School Directors of Delaware township. This suit was brought '.n 1S03 for t lie recovery of bounty inoucy to the amount of tliOO claimed by ("apt. Bryson lor ser vices ns a veteran soldier In the late war. The ease Is a test one, und will de'.hle whether oi iiot I the district cau be held for others of a similar character. Tho trial commenced ou Tuesday, and Is still on trial nt this w riting. Met'lcery, Lawson and Packer for plaintiff, and Wulvcrtou nud Comly for defendant. Since the above was put lu typo tho jury re turned a verdict In favor of the plaintiff. New Hals, Bonnets, woolen Hoods, Nubias, Miltciis.&c. ; chlldrens' made-up dresses,elouks, and a variety of new goods Just received from New York and Philadelphia, ut the store of Mist Lou Shibsler, Market Square, Sunbury. A Lakoe Ear or CoitN. Mr. 8. D. Renn, of Lower Augusta township, sent an ear of corn to this office on Monday Inst which measures 13 luches lu length, and 7 Inches In circumference. The cur contains 1020 grains. It is of the gord seed variety, and is a fair speclmcu of the corn raised by our farmer fricuds of Augusta. Should any beat tho ubovc wc should liko tu hcur from them. Accidental Shooting. Georgu Yoeom, Esq., of the Arm of Bach aud Yoc'uiu, lawyers iu Belle fonte, accidentally shot himself on Monday lust, while ou a hunting Excursion near Three Ruus, Clearfield couuty. Ho died from the effects of bis wound at half past six o'clock the next morulng. Mr. Yocuut was a son of the lute Jesse Yoeum of Northumberland. IU wat tho choice or the Republicans of Centre county for' Congress last fall, but I fhe district couTereuce meeting gave way to the lion. 8. Rosa. He wat aged about thirty-six years. TilR reported majority in this Lcgtclptive "Dis trict U at follow t.t . , Ammkumak 1 Lovstt. DxWitt. Hau'. North'd 3184 8306 8439 3S03 Montour 1118 108 1327 847 Aminerinau.'t niaj. over Lovot 8. DcWilt't majority over Haut 507. A new name for tight boots Is corn cribs. .Bbii.bt's Conorem or Stars. By an adver tisement elsewhere, our readert will tee that thlt celebrated Troupe will give an eulerfujuuient In Gariuger't, Hall .to-morrow (Saturday) night. V-gb'tfttmtl tht tuceesa Lht troupe hat wet e'ses hcro, aud the high praise givca them by our ei'nanes, we anticipate a large aodleuee, aud -..', r,t f.,r our amusement loviogfjublie. BKRtoiTi Aocidsnt. Yesterday afternoon Rev. W. H. Ootwald and wife ami Mr. Jos, Angttarit and Wife were returning to Milton From Mil. W. B. Kemerer' by what is known as the baok road, having a spring wagon to which were at Inched two horse tit acoostouied to the cars'. Astb party approached the railroad on East Locust street, Mr. Angstndt got out of the vs. roo; and went ahead o soo If the track was elear. Frelrht trains wcra swltchlnir un and down the track but at one of -the Car Works teems started ta.erosa st this moment, Mr. Ont- by -locomotive frightened she- animals, and luey eouioM uoefl to rare and plunge violently. Mr. Qotwald partly raised from the seat to get a bettnt hold of the lines, when a violent plunge of the horses to one side threw him ont. At the same moment Mrs. Angstadt became frightened, and It Is thought rot up Iroro her teat with the Intention of jumping out, when she was also thrown to the ground heavily. One of hor legs wat broken and the was considerably bruised. Mr. Qotwald escaped without broken bones, but wat sevorely brnised. Mrs. Ootwaldand a child who remained seated lu the wngnn, escaped un injured. Fortunately tho horses were slopped by some parties who witnessed the accident. Tho Injured parties were taken to their homes and medical aid rendered as soon at possible, nnd we are glad to learn both are doing well. Daily Miltonian, 84th lust. Almost Drownfd. On Thursday last Mr. Zelglcr moved from this place to Liverpool hy ca nal. In the evening about eight o'clock when about two miles this side of the place, he fell froi.i the boat into tho canal. His son, who wns on the boat at the time, seeing the situation of his father, jumped in to help him out. The fa ther caught tht sou by the leg and pulled him under the water, but the Intter kicked loose. The old gentleman by this time was 'about done for.' The son made another big effort and finally sne ceeded in getting hit father ashore. IVnison tovm Uteord. Annl-at. Inspkction awi Revirw. The mus ter and review of the troops of the 8th Military Division of Pennsylvania, came off at Skamokln on Thursday, instead of at this place, as we no. tleed In onr Inst. - The Shamokln Herald of this week snys i : " "Some 8 or 10 companies are expected to be present. This division Includes thu National Guard of Union, Snyder, Montour, and North umbcrlnnd counties, under the command of Mnj. Gen. V. C. McCormtck. Gen. Selgfrcld and staff, of the 0th Division, will be present. This Inspec tion Is held under the new law, which allows to each company a State fund ol $400." A Stuikf. All the men on the repairs of the Rending R. R. In this vicinity, except the bosses, have qiilt work on account urn reduction of their wages. Their pay formerly was $1.50 per dny, but ou the day after tho election it was reduced to f 1.2C. The men refused to work nt this figure and the Company ore now without men ou the repairs. SluimoHn Hrratd. Sudkcn Dratii. David Druekcmlllor, died suddenly at his fnlher's rc.-idenco nt this place, on Saturday morning lust. Ho served iu the army during the late war, and was much cstecm od by his comrades. His remains wcra interred on Sunday with military honors. List of Letters remaining In Snubary, Oct. 23, 1873. A. H. Coolcy. N. C. Dean. C. G. Dnvis. Miss Emma Englcr, William K. Ferry, C. H. Fetter, .lames Fox, Miss Elizabeth J. Gnss, Wm. Gibson, Frank N. Gender, Henry Glotfelter, John M. Hndlev, Alfred Harris, jns. Hallahan, E. E. Howlctt, D. D. Hiigbet, 8.. B. Hoover, J. L. Hut rhlsnn, Jno. J. Keefer, E. E. Law ton, John E. Ration, Miss Emma Shuck, John Sburoot, J. Scull nnd Geo. Tents. Persons calling fur advertised letters will please say they nre advertised. J. J, SMITH, r. M. Demoiiest's Yoi'ng Amekica is among the best Juvenile magazines that comes to our table, nlways sparkling with entertaining nnd novel features. A series of finely engraved cartoons, illustrating the evils of Intemperance, with de scriptions by Dr. Deems, is announced for tho en suing yenr. Yearly, one dollar, with a lieauti fnl premium. Address, W. Jennings Dcmorcst, 8U8 Broadwtiy, N. Y. i ' Tub November mimbff'nfDi:MOHFT''s Month ly Maoazinr presents Its-usual rich display of Fall nnd Winter novelties, illustrated with num erous engravings, among which is one full page, a miniature of the celebrated Cliromo. "Home Sweet Home." This Chremo is one of the e rles given to each t'i Yearly Subscriber to this inodul monthly. How sYi large nnd beautiful a picture can be given awny Is one of the marvels of the day, for it must be remembered that these cannot be classed among the usual Chromos glv. en as premiums, but arc veritnWlc gems, richly deserving their high rcputaliou lor beauty und artistic excellence. roll TUB AMKHICAN. To the Officers nnd Stockholders of the Union Park aud Agricultural Association of Sunbury, Pa., I would respectfully submit the following statement of the financial condition of said asso ciation, as exhibited hy my books. t To the best of my knowledge the debts of tho association arc all paid, including the premiums as awarded, excel ubout $100 dollars not yet called for. MOMKS RCt'V.IVED MOM VARIort SOVRCF.S. 107 Shares of Stock at $5 $535 00 U " " 1 part payment, 14 (X) Subscription of citizens of Sunbury, ! , 40 81 Atom Hunts nud Scuts ou . Fair Ground, 150 00 Entrance money on races, 213 50 Sale of Tickets to Fair, ) laO'J 45 '' ' '" ?3.n 7d MOMKS I'AIO OI'T rOlt VAHIOLS ri'ltroSFS. Lumber, Hardware nnd inn tminl used lu Buildings und Fences ouFairGround, Including the original pur chase of Buildings, iVe., from the Northumberland County Agricultural Socie ty, Teams and Labor, repair ing und scraping track on Fair Ground, Carpenter work, repairing liui'.diug fuuees Ac.mifr'air Ground, Teu Policemen dining fair. Four Gate keepeis, 8 days. Hay aud Feed for stock on exhibition. General Manager lu chargo of ground and buildings, Premiums us awarded, Sunbury Baud for playing ou Tuesday per contract, . Consolidated piiullui; bills. Boarding und Truvuliug ex penses of Marshals, Stationery and Stumps, Sec retary's office, 1 CO 120 00 43 00 7.1 00 24 00 15 00 85 00 1203 70 25 00 SOU 50 5 00 SO 00 $2145 20 Balance, $176 56 Estimated value of improve ments ou Fair Ground, 350 00 ; , V $J2 50 v v GEO. B. CADW.ULADFR, Treasurer Uuiou Park aud Agrlcultu,'! Asso'u. Tribute oritenpert. i At a regular stated meeting of Wurrlor Run Lodge, No. 645, i. O. of O. F., Oct. 35tu, 1873, the following p ream bio and resolutions were adopted i . Wtureat It hat pleased Almighty God Ic Hit wise Providence li remove by death our esteem ed titter, Sanaa J. Fuulk, In'lUe prime of wo manhood, thervtora bt it Htwtimi, That iu the death of our sister Ssrah J. Foulk we doeply feel the loss of one whodnr ing her life eouimauded the respect of all .who knew her aud w ho e.uociully f. It a warm Inte rest iu tht priuciplet aud bo-pilliiy of our order. JttiobnJ, That tht niera ny of our esteemed sister shall always occupy a promlneut place iu tbt memoirs of oar Lodge. Jittoivtil, Thai we lender our tlueere sympathy to our brotber, John C. Foulk, busbaud of our decease sisuir, praying that IU who doetb all things well may aualulu him Id hit sore bereave ment. Jte$olmd, That a copy of these resolutions be seul lo the bereaved husband, aud that the tumo be published in all the countv puiers. J. F. WAMPOLE, '. . TIIOS. BARR, . DAVID FOWLER.' , ,. . . , , Committee. Turbotvillc, Oct. 25, 173. LINT OF t'AIJNEH , For the week commencing Mondav, Novem ber 10th, 1873. . W. L. Lam vs Thos. Mast. Geo. W.- Morrlt an4. Chat Morris, Kxccut's, Ac, or Freeman Thomas, deceased. W. L. Lance vs Thos. Mast, Geo. W. Mojrls and Chas. Morris, Executors, Ac, of Freeman Thomas, deceased. Henry Baylor vt Andrew M. Enstwlck, ft. at. Philip 11. Moore vs. Reuben. Holleubnch, ct.al. Thos. Banmgardner vt George Pontius. The Bnrgeses and Inhabitants of Smibury vs Amelia Fisher, et. nl. . . Same vs Win. L. Dcwnrt ct. nl. Samo vs Jacob B. Musser. Same vs Jacob B. Mnssnr, owner, Ac. Samo vs Jacob Musser, owner, Ac. Same vs Samo. Isaac M. Cake vs Joseph W. Cuke. Magdalena Grant, et. nl. vs The Big Moun tain Improvement Company, Stophcn Blttcuhen- dor, et. al. Same vs Same. ' John Fuhnestock vs Th.iddens Shannon. Same VsStcoidnn nnd Shannon. Adam Lowery vs John McManus. B. John A Sons vs Ilenrv Saylor. C. U. Wright vt J. B. Master. John Ruigert et. al. vs James Kelso, ct. nl. Nicholas Wcnck A .lames Vandyke vs Philip Moore A D. C. Disslnger. Ephruim R. Miller, who sues as well for him self as for the School Directors of Shnniokiii township vs Hugh II. Teats. John W. Huther vs John Albright. Sarah C. Shell by her next friend Jacob Shell v John Hater. 8. Biltciibeniler A Co., vs Thos. M. Pursuit. A. G. Msrr vs Jonathan Hoover. Ross, Shott V Co., vs J. E. Smith A Co. Jackson, Richards A Co., vs Alfred Krunsu, J. W. Davis vs John P. Board nnd James Beard, adin'rn n("Wm. Ben id, dee'd. Charles Glass vs Peter Baldy, owner, and Charles Iloraig, contractor. A. W. Creamer vs Joseph Vunklrk. John Fry vs Danville, Huzletnn A Wilkesbarre Rail road C. Joseph Bueher vs Mathias Simick,ct nl. Jacob Fagcly vs David Kembel. G. S. Lewis vs Swalow-, Bowman A Jacob M. Wcist. Puttino ON Tiuiit Boott. Young men will he rejoiced lo lesrn thnt tight boots may be drawn on easily by a simple process. The pa tient lies down on the floor, nnd holds his feet straight up In the air, until the blood runs out of them, thus diminishing tho size of tho foot, when it will slip into the boot ns sleek as getting into a glitter in a dark night. To enjoy perfect Immunity from pedal torturo whilo the foot Is thus encased, It is only necessary to remain in the position until tendy to draw off the boots. Mr. C. F. Speaker, has been appointed Post master at ClillHsqunque, this county. KriX'IAI. .OTIt KS. To CnpitiilUtsi, To .Men of Medium j - 9f ran, and to all Wishing Homes and thu Avoid raying Kent. By reference to the Watsontown Jierord and Bnnbury "Gazette" will be seen u full und more explicit description of the property I offer for tale, either in lots or by the neic. But what I wish to more particularly bring before the pub lic is the LIBERAL TERMS on which they are offered. 1 will SELL LOTS from f lOO to 500 nnd Lands by Hie ACRti froifl $200 lo 300, according to the location. Teums : Ten per cent, of the purchase money down, the balance In time and amounts to suit purchasers, from ONE to EIGHT YEARS, with legal Interest from day of sale. The streets and alleys will be opened as fast ns lots arc told, to that all may be approached with case. All persons who are now paying rent can have an opportanity of securing a home for less uio nev annually than thev are now THROWING AWAY h: rent. Any person wishing to seo tho Innds or lots will call on me; when every opportunity w ill bo given them lo have fair chance to see the supe rior advantages presented to the public. In addition lo the lands nbove relerrcd to, I How offer for sale THREE DWELLING HOU SES, situate on Water street, In Watsontown bo rough, tht one being the large nnd commodious Brick Dwelling now occupied by me, all of said dwellings having tho uecessury outbuildings for Immediate use. For further iu formation call on or address J. M. FdLLMF.lt, Watsontow u, Pa. October Si, 1S73. I yr. "HANTS and MANL'FACTUR- J .o their iiUU-'ATI ili best i'mumi's their shipments their destination by using M'linlMOII H ATI'.XT NII1'1IU TAGS t Over '1 wo Hundred Millions have be n used within the past ten years, w ithout complaint of loss by Tag becoming detached. All Express Co's use them. Sold by Printers nud Stationers everywhere. Oct. 81, 1S73. 3m. OvEit-ExEiiTiON, either of body or mind, pro duces debility and disease. The usual remedy is to take tome btimulent, the effect of which is the same as giving a tired horse the whip Instead of some oats. The true way is to fortify the sys tem with a permanent tonic like the Peruvian Syrup, (a protoxide of iron,) which glvtt ttrength and vigor to the whole system. Tun mo-t unhappy person iu the world Is the Dyspeptic. Everything looks dark and gloomy ; ho fecit "out of sorts,' with himself and every body else. Lite Is a burden lo him. This can all be changed by taking Peruvian Syrup (a pro toxide of iron.) Cases of 27 years' Handing have been cured. For Loss or Aitktiir, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Depression of Spirits and general Debility, In their various forms, Ferio-Pliosphoruted Elixir Calisay made by Caswell, Hazard A Co., New York, and sold by nil druggists, 1 the best To nic. As a siimulent topic for patients recover ing from fever or other sickness, it has no equal. If taken during the season it prevents fever aud ague and other intermittent fevers. Children often look lulc und Kick from io other cause than having worms lu tho stomach. BROWN'S- VERMIFUGE COM FITS will destroy Worms w ithout injury to the child, being perfectly WHITE, and from all the coloring or othe& injurious ingredients usually used in worm preparations. CURTIS A BROWN, Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. S'tltl by rui,jitt anil VltentMt, and ilcalert in 3lttHHM at Tw'knty-Five Cents a Box. July 12, 1873. ly. The ConlVtiNlou ol an luvalid. Published hy a warning and for the benefit of Young Men aud others who suffer from Nkuv oi s Dkhility, loss or Manhood, etc., supplying the menus of self-cure. Writteu by one who cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery, nud sent free or receiving a post-paid directed envelop. Sufferers are Invited to address the author. NATHANIEL MAYFA1R, Juue 14,'73Om. Box 153, Brooklyn, N. Y. The IIoumcIioIiI I'aiiarra, and Family I.luliueut it the best remedy lu the world for tho following complaints, viz. t Crumps in the Limbs and Sto mach, Pain In the Stomach, Bowels, or Side, Rheumatism in nil its forms, Billions Colic, Neu ralgia, Cholera, Dysentery.Colds, Fresh Wounds, Burns, Sore Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains nnd Bruises, Chill und Fever. For Internal und External use. lit operution is uot only to relieve tho patient, but entirely removes the cause of the complaint. It pcuetrules aud pervades thu. whole system, re storing healthy action to all its parts, and quick euiug the blood. j, The llMrbold Panacea lu purely Vegetable aud All Healing. Prepared by - CURTIS A BROWN, No. 215 rulton Street, New York. For tale by all druggists. Jujy li, 1878. ly. Thirty Yearts Experience oraiuOld . Nurste. MrtWInslew't Noothlng Kyrup ia the prescription of one of the best Female Physicians and Nurses in the United States, and hat been used for thirty years with never failing safely uod success by millions of mothers and children, from lb feeble Infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulate! the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort lo mother and child. Wt believe it to b the Best aud feu res'. Remedy lo the World, iu all cases of DYSEN TERY and DIARRHCEA IN CHILDREN, whe ther it arises from Teething or from auy other cause. Full directions for using will tccouipuny each bottle. None Genuine unlets the (ac-timile of CCIU I A PF.KKIve It on the outside wrap per. Bold bv all Mediclue Uvulurs. July H, l73.-ly. Jbbcrli3mcnt3. s i'l'li Is iSpnre lit Kencrved Tor the. AOVEIlTISKMENT Or .PAINE & McCORMICK'S II A li I) AY' A 11 E STO li E 0 MnnLnf it tsKt. a... . H , v.-. ' ::K'iVl8Aea'-'; mm i--.tn ,:i &, mm ErrTgiia r'.! -J-'f " r 18 PURELY A VIX.ItT.Vr.I.B rr.rPAnATION. com poa simply of ve'.'.-V.' own ROOTS, HERBS and FRUlTd, ernibi:i. d vitU oiiier properties, which iu their uatu-e a:o Ca'tiarttn, Arieul, Nu tritiout, PiureUc, Aitaiwi r and Ai.tl.billious. Tbs wbolols preiervt d iu a, niXeleut liiuntity of spirit (rum tL M'UAil C tj kue4) UiiIB lu Sli oUiiistu. wlUL-b uiAkes the ISITTERS one of thi mnt GMbiMoTnnlri nnd Cthr tlr in tho wo: Id. Ulicy aro luteDdecl rtrictl m ft Temperaiico Bitters only to be uc j at a maOiine, and t'.wtji acoortUng to direction. 1 he are the sheet-inchr r of the ft eUe and debili tated. They act upou a tliantul Uver, and umulata to surh a dt-Kri thut a liusiltLy at-tiuu U at omo brougbt about- Am a leiuudy to which Women re eipucuaily tubjrrt it ia superseding every other timuUnU Ah a h prinff uml ttummerToaic they Uhv no taual. liny are a mild and crmtlo firgftlive a will ua Tonio. lii'y Purify tiiu ll.ood. Thej are a wpltndid Ap)euaer. 'Iht-y make the weak atrong. Tboy purity and invigorate, lhry car hyit:yii, CtUMtiuon and Hcadarha. 0 h act aa ft apeciiic mail ai-lfa of diftorclfre which tinljiniiu the bodily birvngth aud break down the animal ".i'Lnta, 'f eDot, 63 Park Place, Hew York. 1 1 m Only 50 Cents p:r Ccith. It promo'co tbo CI501VTII, ri.::Kl.Vl'.! ti.c COl-OK, and tacrearice the 'lvr BLAl'TI of tho n.j:t. Ovrn Thihtt Ysam tat I.vw's Kvrrti:n r"l' rut Iiair wiv. Itrl l..u.sl iu U.u market by i'rHesH4.,t K. Th.aaus J.yun, a (ri:J:iutu of Piiucttci li.ll.vc, Th baiiiu isdcrivud l.eia l:.o CiroeU," Kathuo," sm: tlilyuifrto t-Uann, im-i..'ff. rrjuvtnatf, tr rrt'm. 1 h j favor it hits rect i v u., ii4 1 no sjuiarity . t h-is ob.'ained, it unpixwtlntd tu,t inerolilio. Jt inrnsi thi li'vm and liki-r f il nif:H. 3t it i -iiohtlul BrejMhiK. It erMdHvitfi jMnlrtuf. It pn-v.mt. 1h. liiur tmm tumii.ir Kr. J t koepi tl.e IhhU okjI, m. nvu tlio liuir n rit-li, wft, kIiv hi psitnuiei it i Ui4 ' H.tw iu Urinnri nn.i ..norm,! t-unm a i.iau TflbBuf a I ks'IChv Ado, un I i.iI I l.y ali J)nik';;i.tHHud Country fcajiL. ut uuiy til t c'ui 1 v. iottle. 2 lit A WHOLESALE Purchaslnp Agent, for the NEW AMERICAN 8 E WING MACHINE, telf-threudlng, both lu the shuttle and arm, self adjusting- tensions, aelf-telllug' needle, positive, tuke-up, can be adjusted to sew the cheapest uud coarsest pateut liuen thread i runs light, sows fasti cheapest, best made, best llu'.shed, most durable. Written guarantee for I hie yeuit. For irculurt, terms, Ac, address, AMERICAN 8EWING MACHINE CO., tyj. 83 North Second St., Harrisburg, Pa, Sept. V.I.187X 8. uiot. II i I ; M S3H860X V i - rsr . ; n 1( A Nlll'ltlt I '!S NAl.t M. BY Virtue of certain Writs of Fi. Fa., alias I Fi. Fa., Vttinl. Exponas, and alias Vend. I E.vpona lo niedirrcicd will be exposed to public sale, at the Court llou-o, In the borough of Sun bury, on Saturday the 1st dayof November, 1H7.I, nt 1 o'clock p. in., thu following property, to will . '. , t ! All that certain piece cr lot. of land sUitnto in Upper Augusta township, Norllnimberland I county, Pennsylvania, beginning at a elonc set ; for a corner which stands north twnnty-uiiic de grocs, enst two feet and eight Inches from tlie north-east comer of Catliurine ' libit! nnd Fred- I crick Coble's house ; tbeiico by land of John It. 1 Leaker, north sixty-lhiee degrees and llfly min utes west, one hundred and eiuhly Te t to : stone thence by the same south nil cteeii de grees and liftceii uihititi's, west one hundred ami twenty feet to a stone i t hence by the sitine south sixty threo nud 11 ft y minutes, east ono hundred ami eighty feet to a stone, and bv tlio sntneuorth nineteen degrees nnd fifteen minutes, can one nuucircn anil iweiny leei 10 tne place ol beginning, containing one-half of no acre or thereabouts, more or lef, il being pnrl of nn out lot No. 13, which was conveyed to John B. Lcnker by John G. Mai Me, executor of Thomas Robins, deceased. Seized, taken In execution and to bo sol I ns the property of Catharlno nnd Frederick Coble. ALSO: A certain lot or piece of ground situate in the village of Ilerudon, Jackson fovvnslilp, North umberland county, Pcnn'n. hounded north by lot of Joint Tressler, caMwardly by the No'thern Central Railroad, southwardly by lot of William Still, and vvesln ar Hy by the !Sns'iichann:i river, whereon nre erected a two storv frame dwelling I house ami stable. Seized, taken in execution and lo be sold us the properly of David Snyder. i A c rtaln tract of land situate In I'pper An- j gu-;ta township. Noil huniberlnnd coni ly, penn I sylvnnla, Ixiundcd und described ns follows, to , wit: adjoining land of It. B. Mnsser un I the Cnttawissa road on the north, hounded eastwnrd i ly by land of .Michael Shine, southwardly by land til' Jno. .1. Rhiues.and west vv trdly by land of Anna i Maria Myers, containing "0 acres Und lol per- ; ches. whereon are creel e I u one and a-half story i weather-board log ilwelling house am; lug stable. ! ceizen, iiiKen in execution anil to i;e sold as the property of Peter Bun. hurt. ALSO ; A certain lot or piece of ground situate in the borough of Sunbury, Noithnmh rl.ind county, Pennsylvania, it being a part of lot number two hundred and forty-imie (2,'J) bounded and de scribed as follows beginning nt the corner of (Ynter and Uusphcrrv ullcv. thence nloncr Centre i alley two hundred nnd thirty C-'M)) bet to Poke- ! berry street I thence along I'okeheriv street twenty-nine leet nud six im hesto n post ; thence parallel with Centre alley to Raspberry alley ; thence nlonaild alley twenty-nine feet and six inches to theTilacc of beginning, containing scv- I cu thousand, eight hundred and forty-live tquaru ' feet more or less, whereon Is erected a two story frame dwelling bouse. ' Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Daniel Druckcinillcr. ALSO: ' Ail that certain lot or piece of ground situate In the borough of Sunbury, Pa., bounded niui described ns follows, to wit : bounded on the north by a ten (10) foot alley, ou the cast by lot numhcrtwelve (12) on the south hy Spruce street, and on the West by lot iiuniberYduitecii (I I), containing in width on said Spruce street twenty live CJo) feet, nnd In depth from said Spruce street to said ten foot alley, one hundred and live (lei) feet, said lot being marked and designated on the map or plan now in the possession o! tJt'ii Jamili Hendricks ns lot No. thirteen (111), with the nppiirtrnnnces, consisting of a tvro story frame dwelling house. Also, u certain lot or pice1! of ground situate in J. W. Frillng's addition to the borough of Sunbury, Pa., know n and designated in the plan of said J. W. Friiing's addition as iiot number live (5), hounded northwardly by fprnee street, eastward:)' by lot number tour (4), southwardly by a sixteen "(Hi) foot alley, and westward!)' by lot number six (fl), containing in width forty leet. nnd in depth one hundred und thirty-seven (137) feet, with the appurtenances, csnisistlnu, of a two story frame dwelling bouse, shoemaker shop, frame stable and wagon shed. Seized, taken in execution :ivd f.ilm sold uslhc property of John Wilver. ALSO: ' A certain lot or piece of ground situate in J. W. Friliinr's addition to the borough of Sun bury, known mid designated In plan of said nd- , union Rs lot iiKinlier lour (4), noun, led nortli ! wardly by (Spruce, street, eastwardly by lot iiuin ! ber three (il), southwardly by au alley, nnd I westward!)' by lot iiuinlii'r live (5), coiilaiiilnin . width forty feet, and in depth one hundred und , tlility-sevOu (111) feet, whereon Is erected, a i bakery and nn l.'c bouse ; nlso. a certain lot or piece of irround situate in ,1. W. Killing's nihil- l tion to tho borough of Suiilinry, known and de- j signaled iu the. plan of said addition ns lot -.iuiii- ' . ber three (U), bounded noitliwardly by Spruce street, ea.-.tward!y by lot nunilur two (j), south- war.lly br an iillcy, and westward!) by lot unni- j ber lour (4) containim; in wld'h forty"(-to fi ct, j ; and in depth one hundred aud tliiity-seven (1.1?) : feet, whereon are elected a two story liame I ilwellliiK house and stab'.S. Seized, taken iu execilioM and to be sold as . the propcrtv of lavid Frv. I ALtO : i All that ceitain lot or piece of ground situate ' t in the borough of Sunbury, Pa.. In llicrounty of ; , Noi tliiiinbei-liind, and State of IVnnw'.vania.'and , : bounded and described as follows, to wit : on t lie j north by Walnut streit, formerly Wortli berry street, on the rust by au alley, on the south by i parts of bus numbers two bun in I nnj twenty three, nnd two hundred ni.d twenty-four ; , "-'-,'4' and on the west by Third Mreei, fonncily J)eer street, it belnii part of said lots iiutnl cm I two hundred nnd twenty-three "."-'li' nnd two , hundred and twenty-four ''r.4' coi.tainlni; in ' width ou said Third sired, tweiity.eilit feet nnd oiirlil '' Inches, nnd In depth oil said Wal- ' nut street, one hundred and ten Mill' feet where- ' on nre creeled one two story lu ick dwelling house I and other outbuildings. j j Seized, taken in execution and to be told as, the projierty of Michael .1. llalme. 1 ALSO : I A certain lot or pice? of ground situate In the boroiitb of Mount t'arniul, countv of Norlliu.ii- i l.crlaiik, und State of l'eun-vlv.niia. know n nud designated lu the lilliinrraphic p an or plot of ; said borough as lot nuinln r citlit '.V in blin k ' number tliiity-one SH' bounded northwardly by lot nunibir m v-.u '7' eastward!)' by Apple street, southwardly by lot number nine ".I" aud west , wardly by Oak "strn. containing in width twcti j ty-lie 'L'.'i' feet, and in dcjitli one bandied and lifty feet, with Hie appurtenance. eonsM- 1 lug of a two sloiy frame, dwelling house, with ! kitchen attached, one i-table and one wagon shed, i Also, a certain let or piece of L'loi'uid Kituatc' j In the borough of Mount t'aimel, e.uiily ol'Noi- tllilinliei Im,! .in I Stall' of lYnn-v Ivaliia. know n ' nnd desiunatrd in the plan or plot ol'said borough 1 as lot number fourteen M l' iu bloc k number lll'ly I 'W bounrled northwardly by I- ourt li Iii1 ea-l-I war.lly by Hickory Mrcel, s.niiWaiii'v by lot miniber tittecn M.V and we-t,.:i.'diy by Apple , btreet. Seized, taken iu evecutioii uml !o be sold us I lie property of K. K. Stillw aguer.- SAMl'Kl. II. noTIH KMi'.l.. Slie'tT. Pheritl's Olliee, Sunburv, ti. t. 10. Is;:;. MixitirFVi st r.ss. BV Virtue of certain Wilt of Veil. l"pona alias. Vend. Ex and Lcvirsr'acia. to inedireet ed, w ill lie exposed to put In: ale ut thu Couil House, ill !he borough pf S(iii,oirv, on j XI ON DaY, the tl da- of No KMISElt, j 1873, ut 1 o'clock, p. lu., the following proper! r, ! to wit i j A certain lot' of ground situate In Cameron I township, Noithuinberlaud county, Pcmisvlva i ilia, bounded und described ns follow : begin I ning at a hickory north sevenly-six (7bJ degrees, 1 east thirty-one (:l)pcr. bi tou stone ; 1 hence by j land of Weary south twelve a d a-liaif (IJ'...) degiees, we-t ..hirly-lour (;i4) ,H-rctn and three, tenths (S li.) U a slone.bv oilier lands- of Mary K .o,i I, .lvrv.,,1..- ii'o .1... i i H5 oeiclicsand one-tenth n'-lul lo a .hm, .. j lUeuce uortli tittecn Uegrce, west B.ri ku- ; I ches to the place of beginning, com. lining live! j (5) ueret strict measure, hereou lire erected a i two story frumu house nnd stable. j Seized, lakeu iu execution und ta be sold us the propel ty of J. B. Becker. ALSO: i j All that certain lot or piece of ground situate ' In the borough of Suiibiiiy.nu the eastern side of j Fawn sired now Fourth street, uud iiuuibeiid '. ou the geucrii plan of said borough of Sutibuiy , ' us lot uumlier being bounded on the north by projierty of Solomon Slroh, ou the east by un ul- ' hy, on the south by blackberry huw l hestnu; ' street, aud ou tho west by Fawn street no I Fourth street, hereon Is crea ted a tw o und om - ' half story Ua dwellipe; houe,' br.lug twenty feet j flout on Vaw n street, aow Fourth slieet, by sev. i euteen feet lu depth, to which it attached u wen- j ther-boaid fratug building twenty-four (-4) led lu dupth, making the depth ol theeulire buildiuy j I forty-one (41) feel j also a shoemaker shop, sit- I uute on the northern corner of said lot, being a frame building, and having a flout of twelve (i !) i feci nn Fawn now Fourth ft reel, b) iwe.ny-tour feet lu depth, said lot eonUilning in front on Foiirth rrrivLl rrvet) -seven (77) fed, nnd two hiindrc.ii and thirty fe.-t il rt-'ptli, soiohern side fronting on faekhei'V l .v '..'l..-lnnt str.-cl. Seized, tnk. ii In e. eeu i ion an-! i !s. sold ns the properly ol t nl liar ine lllieinun, wiitiw, Wash ington jlileiliall. dec, EdW'irif lllleiuaM. Amel'a Klchl. Marv Veuvcr, (M uy Wriglu.,) j.oui.:i Weaver, no.v S.'olt, Fanny Veav r, now b .jei, iililJ.hn Weaver, In ir at lew if Klz.i llilemaii fonni'rly intermarried with Charles Wenver,ilec. ami Wm. il. KoUihaeh, gauiilian ad litem of Charles Weaver, iclnoV :'i -lilhl of fall F.li:'.:t Ilile tnan.iiiterinan ier. 'i'-lil', :tlit Cf'trlcs Weu v.",dev., owueis and ovcttp'crs. ALtO: A ceitain lot or piece of groan I, situate in the. borongli of Shamokln, N'oriliiiinl-erbin.l county, Pa., bonnil '.I and describ-d a follows, heglnuii'ig nt the soul li-enst corner of -Washington nud Cameron rtieet.-', sil l runiih i! theiici ulong tho linn of C inii joii stru' t fevi nty two ( 7) feet lo n post ) thcri'-c uii:h$iy!nw nl right iingles witli suhl Cameron street, "iulity-livo (K."t) leet to it point: thence east iy linj directly parallel with said tjimerou street seveli'y-l wo" (T-) feet to Wnshlntlon street theuie' along the lino of Washington street cigl ly-'ivo (." feet to the place of beginning, being part of block No. l;3, w hereon are erected one tcvvo tory frame dwell ing house and one stable, Ac-.' " Seized, taken iu cxccuU-ei 'cbj o be s!1 ns the property of William Sha:; ALSO: All that certain tol or piece of ui.n.nd situate In J. W. Fi ning's ndclllion to the borough of Siiiibnry. Pa., nnd numbered or) the plan ol miid J. W. Filling's nddillon us lot number thirty, eight bouniled and described as follows, on thu north by a sixteen foot alley, on the cast l.v lot number thirly-iiluu C" '), n the south by Short slrc t. and on the west by lot numberthir-ty-seven (:)7),cniit.iining lu wi.iili foily (-10) feet and In depth one hundred and forty Hi), feel whereon is erected a ono and i-hulf story frumo house. Seized, taken It execution nud ta bo told ns the property of Samuel Kncli. , M,iO: All those seven contiguous lots or .kv. . . LTouud situate iu the borough of fhnniokin, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, know" In the general plan of said borough of Minmiikin as lots number S, 3, !, fi, C, 7 and 8, in block No. 3l, containing in width each Iwcnty.llvc feet, and In depth one hundred and fifty (150) feet, fronting on Lincoln street on the north, nnd on the eur-'t by Eighth strei t, ou the west by lot No. 1 of the Fame block, and on the south by an alley u whereon arc erected on lot No. 3o a I'ram, dwelling house two storliit high, und ou lot No, a ware and lee house, and a well of good wu- ter. On lot No. 3, there is n valuable frame eta- hie feet 3 inches bv V) fe' t 3 inches ; also, ft large frame kitchen, nnd frame wasb house. Seized, taken jn eveSition and lo be sold as tin; property nf John II. Dcwces nnd T. 8. Dcwces, traaiiij; as Jolm H. Dewres & Brc. ALSO i All that cot tain casU::i half of lol numjered ed one hundicd nnd sixty-four ( Kit), situate in the borough of Sunbury, Noi thuinberlaud eotiu ty, Stale, of Pennsylvania, nn tho uoith side of Chestnut street, late Blackberry a'.rvul, being bounded south by Cliestnut street iwof-suliL north by au alley, west by thu other hall of :a':d lot numbered one hundred and sixty-four, aud cast by lot numbered one hundred and sixty three, containing thirty feet in front, and to hundred and thirty feet in depth, wit li the appur tenances enns'.-ting ol a frame stable, a house, and u well of water. , Seized, taken in execution rid solj as thci ro pcrty of Nicholas Wcnck. ALSO: A certain lot or piece of groitud situate iu ih') borough of Shaniokiu, county of Northumber land, and State of Pennsylvania, and known and designated in the general plan of sai l borough ns lot number six "(fi) in block number oae. hun dred nnd twenty-tlvc (K.'i), bounded Northward ly by Willow street, cnstwardly b;' nn alley, southwardly bv Montgomery street," nnd wcbI wardly by lot tiuinbur fie (5) ccuLuining in width iwenty-llve !?) feet ill depth, one hrt. ttred nnd till)' (1-Vi) feet, whereon ure erected a small frame dwelling house. tVc. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold ns the propeity of Michael Hrcn::au. ALSO i Two frame or wooden dwelling houses thirty SO, fed front by twenty-four ':.'4, feet in depth", of two tories In height il iu front, and on . .iuj bulf story In rear, situate in Cameron township, Northumberland 'countv, Pennsylvania, upon what is know n n- the IJouty trai l, purcha". d of John Weikle, containing two acres more t.r li .-s. Also, four Irntnc or WuJcn dne.ble dwelling houses being thirty "M' fei In front by tweiit four "34, feel In depth, and n frame stable two stories high, sixty by thirty feet, the tai.l -four dwelling bouses nnd stable, are located upon a, part of what Is known ns the "Dotity tract. Mi nute iu Cameron township, Noi'lliunil.ui le ud county, Pennsylvania, and purchased from (ieo. Weary nnd Magdalena Weary, bis wile, by liieh nrd U. Uouty, buing ubotil six ', acrej liiorc or less. Also, ten frame double ('wo'.lhv.r-'io.n-V-, being two stories bigli cu"fc, and tliir'y " et in front by twenty-tour "J4' feel in depth, , irh basement be neath located upon w hat is know n as the ''Polity tract,-' in Cameron township, Norilii'inb-tlau"; county, Pennsylvania, seven '.' of said ten i oi. ses being upon that part which K. I!. I lull' v piu chased of .f.ilin I). Wcfke!, being about three '1.' acres uud 1 J'.'1 J perches more or less, iwo ol the ten MH.ieli rivd tonhove are located upon the 'Polity tract'' upon that pan purchased from lieorge Weary nud Magdalena his wile, being about six acre-, niu 1 I'M) and li 10 perelu s nu n. or less, the tenth and last bou-e of leu hoi'se? le ferred to above, situate upon what is l.no.vn as the "Douly tract," being upon that portion pur chased from Daniel Kneri. - Aho, one frame dwelling ho.ie siiua'e ou Un south sine of Market ft reel, on lots uinbend live 'o' and six '!'' iu blo.-k numht r t w enly'o'in w hat is known as (Joweu t ity, Cameron town ship. Northumberland eoiiniv, Pennsylvania, said house having a front of thirty '"U" leet, and a depllt oft w cnly-four ',1' leet. " Also, nn olliee, being a fraiue or j.iaek build ing one story high, thirty feel hi fro::i by Itci r feet in depth Willi I'asellU'ill 'I eilealh. silll.'il. upon what is known a. tlic','H: Ifeiitcin f art' lu "al town ilp, .Nortl.uiu Veil.itid c.untyJV'iiii i sylvaiiia. Also, a lump coal Sehule about three hiiudre.'. feet lon, live feel si inches in dear, and about live leet high, being alt ached to what is known as tile 'Douly breaker'' lu Coal town-h! , Nor ihumhcrlniid county, Pennsylvania.' Seized, l.lkell in execution Jlhd 1". b Sold .1 the propi nv of K. II. Doutv.' " S Ml'KL II. KOflli'.UMI.!,. STe-!!. Shirill's Oilier, Sunbury, Oct. 10, KS7". lita UeoHitt in Cvv.'t. VMM ICK is Hereby give eu that l-.ll.u Lelike i couiiuillee ol Adam Lcnker, a luiuuie, hu- liled his nernunts In the olliee ol l lie Proihoiiobi i v, in and lor the county of Noi tbuuilierlaml, am! tiiat the same will be pres. nte l to l!. f rtiil o' Coiuiiion Pleas of said county, for eon I ': ..lalbe and alfiw inec ou Monday the I'd day of Nov. u. ber uct. I.. T. i:oiu;:tcn, Pioih'.v. Sa.ibi ry, Oct. 10, 1sT3. M It I' PKOl l. tllU ION.- N. I .. 1 In n by given thnt the m m-i,) Conns ol I ouj uion Pleas, ticneral ijimrlerSccsions of the fea uud Orphans Court. Court ol Oyer and Tr ."miner and (ieiieral Jail Delivery, in and f r !ie coiiiiU of Nortbuin' crkind, will eoiniiienci the Conn House, iu the borough of SunburT; .11 lilo'cloi k A. M., n MONDAY, 'U 'ICMBKit .he S4 nei, un4-uill eoir.Uie.o.to rir' -. 'I he Coroner, Justices of tho Pence and Const. i bli s iu and for the county of Noi tbuml.ei laud aic requested to be then and therein their propel pV.rsons, iib their rolls, recoids, inouisiiions, nd other remembrances, to do I ho - things I. their several olliocs appcrlainiKK to la U..ne. Am. all witnesses prosecuting in l -.half o! the Con " 'j' ', i , , " ''' , , ";1 "'"' ( f 'C' '' r 1 . " ".l,,'" ",- . iu l,ulr I"IV1 1"''"1" to V- so. u, e against lulu tt'" '".M " J'M-anil not lo depart will t leave ui i.;cir ih-iii. Jliiw are rrtueslnl lo lie punc tual ill tluir ettendauee, at the tlaiu i.ppi'iulcd, aiireeabl) lo llndr notice. liiven under my hand lit Sunbury, th. 'it'th da ol September, in the war ot our l.nid iuc I hoe saud eight hundred nnd sevi-ui i-t lnee. ' ' SAML F-L II. ItOTII EKV FL, "h. rltl. I7. FALL SEASON, " 1S73. nil l.lM ItV Ail) FArtW .OIs, now open, -.'- ' FA l.i. 81VLES. Trimmed H.i: and Ilonnels, Plumes, Fe.ilh. i., Ribk.vii, Cre Veils. Cmpe, Craie Iluls xnd lionnels, Biidal Hats aud a lull as sortment of I he Inlrsi bivU k iu 1111. l-ll lt. ' TlilMMINi;SOF ALL KINDS, tiloves, Collars, Cutis, nud tVery faehiouablc article of laJios' wsn.r. Call and see tho new slylos of limsjs at VIS. I.. SlllSSI.Fli. Market Sipiarc, Saiibiii), Pa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers