Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 03, 1873, Image 1

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EMX WILVEBT, Proprietor,
Moor A Dlsslnger's Building, Market Square
At 1.50 la !.
II mot paid wlthls Moaths $.
Kubw MloHi Mb for Im Dm tim JiMA.
I tvNwKTPr wit this fltabllHmnt ll an exten
sivrNEW JOB OFFICE, containing variety of
.lahi nnd (uney tyi equal to any MtAbllihinent
ttic inturior of "the State, for which the patron
r.gc of ihe public la respectfully solicited.
K. II It ICE, . .
mi aotiso JUSTICE or the PEACE.
Next t)oor to Judge Jordan'i Residence, Chest-r-ut
Wrwl, Suubury, Pa.
Collections and all legal matteri promptly at
tnded to.
'on vsyuncing,the collection of claims, writings,
ml nil kind of Legal business will be attended
ic ,-nrefully aud with despatch. Can bo consult
ed in the English and German language. Office
for iner lv occupied by Solomon Mallck, Esq., op
posiuCily Hotel, Suubury, Pa.
March 29, 1873. ly.
Northumberland Co.,
Hti be consulted la the English and German i
ins-usges. Collections attended to in ixonu-
- ni.crlunJ ami fldloltilnir counties.
Ainu agent for the Lebanon Valley Fire Insu
re tn f Company. mhl5
rp II. B. KANE. Attorney nt Law, 8UN
i. Bl'RT, PA. Office In Market Square.
...!..iuing Ihe office of W. I. Oreenongh, Esq.,)
I'ioI. Ksioiml business In this and adjoining coun-
i, promptly uttended to.
' feunloiiy. March 10, 1873.-ly.
w. cTpacker,
Attorney at Law,
Sunlmry, Pa.
N.,,rlrtP 9. 1ST
Suubury-, IVnu'a.
-t!er on Fror.t Street, next doot to Haas A
' im- c II Miir. Until S a m. From 13 to 1 p in. .
i "in I. it ti i hi., and after 0 o'clock p in.
;i ..itier 'lours when not professionally en- ,
h-- i; c.-.u b found at Drug Store, on Third ft., :
M" Orient House. nu3,'73.-ly ;
kt., Attorney and Counsellor .
ui ,ii-. Room os. -i i Bccouti r ioor, ;
i: V-tit"s liMiMIiivr, SUNBURY, PA. Prorcssiona
! iiitfii'1'1 it, in the courts of Sort limn ,
'1:11,1 it u I adjoining foui-.tle. Also, in the i
. -tmi an I Jtutriet Courts for the Western Ills- !
rii.-i Fmiiiw.vIv.iuIiw Claims promptly collect
.. I. I'.i' ti. niiir uttaution paid to J?)i
t f. i i i!tatio l ean be had In the Ger--
lanutt'e. . mar85,'71.
J II. KANE, Attorney at Law, BUN
Bl'H Y. PA., olHco In MitHser's Bulldinc
nnrtli I'onil Wouss. Front Room up stairs
aim? the Drug Wore. Collections made iu Nor-
.iiiul)Crlaiid aud adjoining counties.
sunlmry. Pa., June H, 1M7'J.
1 B.CllWAI.I-lIEU.MarketStreet,
li. iiicr iu Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
-M-. "ariiilie, Liquoi-s, Tobacco, Cigars,
I'..f w. t Uix.ks. Dairies, Ac.
l. MOI.VEUTOW, Attorney at Law.
t IJkH "iquare, SBSBURY.PA. Profcsion
t ' bnuvei-s in tiiis uud adjoining counties prompt-
ailfiidfd To.
IT It. MASSEK, Attorney at Law, 8UN
1 Hl'RY, PA. Collections attended to In
. I'ciiutii't. of Northumbcrlaud, Uuiou, Snyder,
J1.-ut.iiir, 'ulniuljia und Lycoming. npUO-ti'J
4H.OMOV .11 ALU K,
' MV. at hi" raidencc on Arch street, one square
i ..-tij of the Court riousc, near the jail, SUN
r I Jit, Coilertions ami all profir"loual
l.i inrfK n-omptly attended to in tlii- and ndjnln-
i imi". Coiifultutions can bo ha I In the
'.(iiaaii luiignag". JlyS"S73.
w. 7l,fill'H. L. T. IIOIIIIBACH.
.u:;i.r.K a koiikhaih,
i!h. i in Il.inpt's niii'ding, lately occupied by
i.,.1l-i- R.-ki-i'ri!--r and L. T. Rolirbucli, KKq.
i. ,!n -tionr :.nd all professional business
i i ni! :: r ii.t.l to in the Courts of .Noitluiin-
. i im t ami adjoining counties.
!w. !. 17!. j
tyoith unb icstanrants. '
T l l l STATES 1IOTF-U W. F.
s, K I I CI1F.N, Proprietor. Oppufito the I)e
MlAMOKIN, PA. Every utlentioii given to
riMM-lers. und the best iiceoiumoJiitious given.
.v.iii U. tf
I'K.j.iielor, Corner of Market tt Second
SiK-pti.. iii.i.ocite the Court House, Sunlmry,
r. MnyUVTO.
t 1.1.
V ITi.
lK. eii'hlh. PHILADELPHIA. Terms,
t-r d..v. Ilrt r.-speciluily solicit your patron
.. , " .laiiii'TJ.
tN V M.D. Proprietor, Georgetown NuithM
' i -mil i , IS., ui the Station of the X. C. K. W,
l.i.ive w iiii-s and cigars at tho bar,
I he table is supplied with the best tho market
ionl,. t;,s,d stabling aud attentive ostlers.
LOU 18 HUM MEL, Proprietor,
Commerce St., MIAMUKIX, l'KN.VA.
li.-t iuu ju.t relltted the above Sulnuu for the
I. .lion of the public, is now prepared lo
. im .lis li lends Willi tu. refreshments, uud
r i.av-r i-" Ale, Porter, aud all other malt
business ulWbs.
W. . hlloins. j, PACKer""
' . HIIOAltS . CO.,
"rrire witb IU, Fact , "!. , . left at Seasholts & P 'a., office Market
;ie-t. will receive prompt attention. Country
.in, mi r-spectfully oliclt J'
ri.. 4, iKTi if.
A I. KA'TJAE IIET, Who'eale uud dealer In every variety of
girvrlLUK, rlSNN'A.
All kinds Grain taken in exchange for Coal.
Uiii-.r,. -i lcited and tilled promptly. Orders lelt
,-1 c. K Nevlu's Confectionery Store, ou Thirl
ui r,
uoiupt attention, aud inout-y
xl for, tl.
r ie as at the office.
f riSTKY.
t, E M. RENN,
J:i t--.ui fund's liuilding, MarkU Ssyuure,
.-rsiiUBV, Pa-,
II r pared to do all kinds of work pertaining
. to I'enllstry. He keeps constantly on baud
;.n;e assortment of Teeth, and other Dental
Liuteiial, from which he will be able to select,
r.wl no .11 in- .vunls of bis customers.
All worn warranted to give satisfaction, or elso
tlie in, mi y refunded.
I ii vi ry best Mouth Wash und Tooth-Powders
! pi ,.u In-ill.
Ilia relereuee are the numerous patron for
- i.oiu he has worked for the last twelve years,
hiiunury, April ai, WA
I Hoppers and Wholesale aud Retail Dnaler In
(lowxa nat.ur.)
R" A .:.., westward, at the celebrated
y"" C- Jaa ll-t
XtatsvtollBliedl In 1N40. 1
fSherllT'a Proclamation..
I, S. H. ROTIIERMEL, High Sheriff
of Northumberland county, Common wealth
of Pennsylvania, do hereby make known
and give notice to the electors of the coun
ty aforesaid, that an Election will be held
in the said county of Northumberland, on
TUESDAY, tho 14th of OCTOBER, 1873,
for the purpose of electing the several per
sons hereinafter named, viz :
One person for the office of Judge of the
Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of
One person for the office of State Treasu
rer of the State of reunsylvatiia
Ono person in conjunction with the
counties of Union, Snyder and Perry, for
the office of State Senator of Pennsylvania
Two persons in conjunction with the
county of Moutour for the office of Member
I - e . i-.- Ti . t t - -r TAnn
j "
Oue persou for the office of Register and
Recorder, Register of Wills and Clerk of
the Orphans' Court for said county
Ono person for the office of County Trea
surer for said county
Oue person for the office of Commissioner
for said county
Two persons for Jury Commissioners for
the county of Northumberland
One person for County Auditor for said
I nlso hereby make known and give no
lice that the place of tinkling the aforesaid
election in the several wards, boroughs,
districts and townships within the county
of Northumberland, are as follows, to wit :
Suubury, West. Ward, at the Court House,
Sunbury, rn. ; East Ward, at the public
house of E. T. Drumhcller
Upper Augusta township, at the public
hottso Of Jool Bitt prolan
Lowrr Augusta township, at the public
house of Peter Dutikclberger
Xot'lhumberlnud borough at the public
house of U. V. Donahue
Point District at the bouse of Mrs. Johu
soii. iu the hurough of Northumberland
Milton, South Ward, at the house of C.
W. Sticker : North Ward, at the public
house of J. M. IIuiT
Turbut towusliip, at the house ot Abra
ham Kissinger
lX'lawnro townsuip, at tne bouse ot w ii
liam Ilile
Chillisquaque, at the house of Charles
Watsontown, lower room of Academy
Lewis township, at the house of D. II.
Dreisbacb, in Turbutvillc borough
Shatuokin township, at the house of T.II.
Upper Malmuoy township, at the house
of John II. Geist
Little M.ilintioy townbhip, at the house
of Conrad Haker
Lower Mahauoy, at the house of A.
Rush township, at Libetty-Pole school
Jackson township, at the house of John
Albert, Hetnilon, Pit
Coal township, nt the house of Job Don
ne vs
Sliamokin borough, East Ward, at the
house of Wm. M. Weaver; West Ward, at
the house of Patrick Kairus
Zerlie towusbip, at the house of Thomas
Foulds, jr
Cameron township, at the house of G.
W. Stiyder Oowen City
Jordan towusliip, at the houso of Jacob
Mt. Curniel borough, at thcMt. Carniel
Washington township, at the house of II.
C. Fisher
McEwcusvillc, nt the house of Henry
Turbutvillo. at tho houso of Simon Opp
Mt. Curmel township, at the house of
Michael Urahatn
Riverside borough, nt the public school
house of said borough
Snydertown, at the public houso of Wil-
liatu Farrow
The geni'iul election in all the, Town
; Hliij'M, Diotriels and llorouzhs of the county is to
j be opened between tho hours of nix and seven o'
. clock in the forenoon, and shall eoutiuue without
! interrupt inn or adjournment nnlll seven o clock
; in the eveuiug, wlien a',1 olls shall be closed,
j Every person excepting Justices of the Peace,
' who shall hold any office or appointment of pro
fit or U nut under the Government of the United
j Staies. or of this State, or of any city or incorpo
rate district, whether a commissioned officer or
otherwise, a subordinate oriieeror ageut, who i
or thall be emidoyed under the Legislative, Exe
' entire nr Judiciary departments of the Stale or
the L nite 1 Mates, or of any city or Incorporated
i district, .mil
also cverv niember of Congress or -i
the State L-gislainre, i.nd of Ihe Select....."
Common Council of nnv citv, or C'omie'" hu
..l,nl L.Arn,..I.J ,lit,rl,.l 1. I .. ur VIUU.O
i fif itnv rliklrif.r la l.v Inw "
; Qf lioirting or exercising at the same 'te',"Jr
cr a,,,,oillt10Ilt of i,1(1i;e inspewh ';! i
! ajiy election of this Coiamoo ,,, ilIch elce.
I ' J""--- ". f? to bo voted for.
hoii ruitiiuu uiLlMiu V TJ. f,f all... . L,i U.
Tho insi.ecto.s. - .. ,v"'t.," r .:""i.:::v;;"
tliull mr.,.1 ..I 11.. t (.H".iiVC i...
i i it .cuou lo tbe district to wtilcb they
j '"fj J 1 belong, before eve o'clock In the
I ' ' and ench of said Inspector shall ap-
' . . one clerk, who shall be A qualified voter of
j lich district.
Iu caBe Hie person who shall have received the
second highest number of vote for insjicctor
shall not attend on the day of any election, then
the person who shall have received the second
highest number of vote for judge at tbe next
preceding election shall act as inspector In his
place. And iu ease the person who shall have
received tbe highest number of vole for inspec
tor shsll not attend, the person elected judge
shall appoint an Inspector In hi place and In
ease tho person elected judge shall not attend,
the u the inspector who received the highest num
ber of votes shall appoint a Judge In bis place
or If any vacancy shall continue in the board for
Ihe space of one hour after the time fixed by law
for the opening of the election, tbe qualified vot
ers of the township, ward or district for which
such officers shall have been elected, present at
such election, shall elect one of their number to
till such vacuocy.
ll shall be the duty of tbe several assessors of
each district to attend at th place of holding
every general, special or township election, dur
ing tbe whole time said election Is kept open, for
the puriose of giving Information to the Inspec
tor and Judge, wlieu called on, in relation lo
the tight of any person assessed by them lo vole
at such election, or inch other matter in rela
liou to the assessments of voters a the laid In
spector or either of tbe in shall from time to
time requite.
No person shall be permitted lo vote at any
election, a aforesaid, other than A freeman of
the age of twenty-one year or mora, who shall
have resided In the State at least one year, and
In the election district where he offers hi vote at
least ten days in.iiietiia ely precedlug such elec
tion and witbtu two years paid A State or county
tax, whieb shall have been assessed at least ten
day before tbe election. But A citizen of the
United States who has previously been a quali
fied voter of this State and removed therefrom
and relumed, and who shall have resided in the
election district and paid taxes, a aforesaid,
shall he milled to vote after residing In this
State six ;ionthsi iroird. That tbe freemen.
euisens o. tne united males, between teuty-on
and twenty-two years, who have resided in an
election district a aforesaid, (hall be entitled to
vote AiluougB they stall not bav paid taxes.
No person shall be permitted to vote whose
name I not contained In the list of taxable In
habitant furnished by the Commissioners, un
less, First, he produce a receipt for the pay
ment within two yean of a State or eonnty tax
assessed agreeably to the Constltntion, and (rive
satisfactory evidence, either on bl oatb or affir
mation or the oath or affirmation of another,
that he has paid such tax, or on failure to pro
duce a receipt (hall make oath to the payment
thereof. Second, If he claim the right to vote by
being an elector between the age of twenty-one
and twonf y-'wo years, he shall depose on oath or
affirmation that he ha resided in this State at
least one year next bofore hi application, and
make such proof of residence In the district a
Is required by this act, and that he doc verily
believe, from the ncconnt given him, that lie Is of
age aforesaid, and such other evidence as Is re
quired by this act, whereupon the nam of the
person thus admitted to vote shall be Inserted In
the alphabetical list by the Inspector, and a note
made opposite thereto by Writing the wort) 'tax
If he shall be admitted to Vote by reason of bav
Ing paid lax ; or the word 'age' if he shall be ad
mitted to vote by reason of sncta age, shall be
called ont to tho clerks, who shall make the like
notes on the list of voters kept by blin.
In all cases where the name of tho person
claiming to vote is not fonnd on the list furnish
ed by the commissioners and assessors, or his
right to Vote, whether found thereon or not, Is
objected to by any qualified citizen, it shall be
the duty of the Inspectors to examine such person
on oath as to bis qualifications, and If he claims
to have resided within the State for one year or
more, his oath shall be sufficient proof thereof,
but shall make proof by at least one competent
witness, who shall be a qualified elector, that he
has resided Iu tho district for more than ten days
next Immediately preceding such election, and
ball also himself swear that his bona fide resi
dence. In pursuance of his lawful calling, Is in
said district, and that he did not remove Into said
district for the purpose of voting therein.
Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who
shall make due proof. If required, ot the resi
dence and payment of taxes as aforesaid, shall be
admitted to vote In tho tnwnshsp, ward or dis
trict in which he shall reside.
If any person shall prevent, or attempt to pre
vent any officer of this election umlxr this act
from holding such clcctlou, or use or threaten
any violence to any such officer, or shall Inter
ropt or lmproperly'lntcrfere with him In the exe
cution of hie duty, or shnll block up the window,
or avenue to any" window where the same may be
holding, or shall riolonslr disturb the peace at
such election, or shall use any Intimidating
threats, force or violence, with design to Influ
ence unduly or overawe any elector, or to prevent
him from voting or to restrain tho freedom of
choice, such persons on conviction shall be fined
in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollar,
and imprisoned for any time not less than throe
nor more than twelve mouths, and if It shall be
showu to the court, where the trial of such of
fense shall be had, that the person so offending
was not a resident of the city, ward, district or
township where the ollcuse was committed, and
not entitled to vote therein, then on conviction
he shall be sentenced to pay a Hue of not less
than one hundred nor more than ono thousand
dollars and be Imprisoned not lest than six
mouths nor more than two years.
If nny person, not by law qualified, shall fraud
ulently vote at any election of this Common
wealth, or being otherwise qualified shall vote
out of his projx-r district, If any person knowing
the want or such qualification, shall aid or pro
cure sneh person to vote, tho person otl'cndlng
shall, on conviction, bo fined in nny sum not ex
ceeding two bundled dollars, and be imprisoned
in any term not exceeding three months.
If any person shall vota at more than one elec
tion district, or otherwise fraudulently vote more
than once on tho same day, or shall fraudulently
fold and deliver to the Inspector two tickets to
gether, with the intent illegally to vote, or shall
procure another to do so, he or they olfendlng
shall on conviction, be fined in any sum not less
than fifty nor more than five buudrcd dollars,
and be Imprisoned for a term not les than three
nor more than twelve months.
If any persou not qualified to vote In this Com
monwealth agreeably to law (except the son of
qualified citizens), shall nppuur at any place of
election for the purpose of Influencing tho citi
zens qualified to vote, he shall on conviction for
feit und pay any sum not exceeding ono hundred
dollars for every such offense, and be imprisoned
for auy term not excecdiug three mouths.
If any person or persons shall make any bet or
wagor upon the result of the election, within the
Commonwealth, or shall oiler to make any such
bet or wager, either by verbal proclamation there
of, or Dy uny writteu or printed auvcriiBeuicni,
or invite any person or persons to make such bet
or wager, upou convlctiou thereof no or they
shall forfeit and pay three limes the amount so
bet or offered to bo bet. .
Aud the election laws of tho CoEinonweriltl.
further provides that "The Inspectors, Judges
and clerks shall before entering on the du'.ics of
their offices, severally take and subscribe the oath
or affirmation hereinafter directed, which shall
be administered to them by any judge, uldernmn
or justice of the peace, but if uo sueli magistral"
be present, oue of Ihe Inspectors of the elec'"
skull administer the oalh or affirmation l"
other Judge and inspector, and then th
tor so qualified shall udmiuislcr the""" or al"
Urination to him. . . , . , . ,
i - . u .i ,j k n.-th, Both and lsl sections
l,,. nsicquired by the f j , ., ,A ,
of the im ; of 84 f0'ni of t, u ,,JIllinonwcllh,'
Ing to the e' m. .,,...,,,.,.,., 'A
wl.ieh nnih-.-'' ""-'' r'.e -
icr prescribed In the 14MiJtto
act, uud in addition- toTh"
. ,.iu ill v lie iiiiiiine
. , ... sections nt said a.
..Awer conferred by the lith sectiou of said
the judge or either of the inspectors shall
have the power to iidminister the oaths prescrib-
I .j i, ,. , .. . ,
! . i" ...7 v
uueral, special
The following shall be the form of oath ornf-
flnuutiou to be taken bv each inspector, vis s '1,
A. U. do that 1 will duly attend to the
ensuing elecliou during the continuance thereof
as an inspector, and that 1 will not receive any
ticket or vote from any person, other than such
as I firmly believe lo he, according to the pro
visions of the ConMrtulion and Hie luws of this
Commonwealth, entitled Ion vote at such elec
liou, without requiring such evidence uf the right
to yotu us is directed by law, nor will I vcxa-
tiousiy delay or refuse Iu receive any vole from
auy person ulio I sliall believe to he entitled to
vote us uloresuid, lint that I w ill in all things
truly and Impartially and faithfully erforiii uiy
dulle therein, to the best of my judgment and
bullies, uud Hint 1 am not, direct! v or Indirectly
Interested in auy bet or wuger ou tho result of
this election.'
The following shall be the oath or nfllrniatlou
of each judge, viz i 'I, A. B.l do that I
will, us Judge, duly atteud tbe ensuing election
duriug the continuance there, f, and faithfully
assist tbe lnsectors Iu carrying out tbe same
that I will not give my consent that any vole or
ticket sliall be received from any person other ;
than such as I firmly believe to be, according to
tbe provisions of the Constitution and luw of
till Commonwealth, eutitled to vote utsueb elec
tion, without requiring such evidence of the right
to vole us directed by luw, and Hint I will use my
best endeavor to prevent any fraud, deceit or
abuse, In carrying ou the same by citizens quali
fied to vote, or others, aud I will make a true uu.l
perfect return of tbe said election, and will in all
things truly, and Impartially and faithfully per
form my duty respecting Hie same, to the best of
my judgment and utilities, and that I Am not di
rectly or Indirectly interested in Any het or wager
on the result of this election.'
The following shall be Ihe form of oath or af
firmation to be taken by each clerk, vi i 'I, A.
B.Uo that I will Impartially aud truly
write down tho name of each elector who shall
vote at theeusulug election, which sliall be given
me In charge, aud also the name of the township,
ward or district, wherein sueh elector resides, ur
carefully and truly write down the number of
votes that shall be given for each candidate at
the election, as ofleu as his name shall be read to
me by tbe Inspectors thereof, aud in all thlugs
truly And fulilifully perform my dnty respecting
tbe same to tbe best of my judginout and abili.
ties, Aud that 1 am not directly or Indirectly In
terested In Any bet or wagor ou tbe result of this
On tbe day of electios, any person whose name
Is not on the said list, aad claiming the right to
vote at said election, shall produce at least ono
qualified voter of the district as a witnesa to the
residence of the claimant Id the district of which
be claims to be a voter for the period of at least
ten days next pieeedbig said elect loo which
witness shall take and Mbscrlbe a written or
partly written and partly printed affidavit to the
fact stated by him, which affidavit shall define
clearly where th residence I of the person so
claiming to be a voter, and the person so claim
ing the right to vote shall alio lake and subscribe
a written or partly wi liter and partly printed
affidavit, stating to the best of hi knowledge and
belief, where and when be ns born ; that he le
A citizen of the Commonweilth of Pennsylvania
and of the Un'ted States tjat be has resided in
the (Jominoawsallh one yea', ar If formerly a ci
tizen therein, and dm movei therefrom, that he
ha resided therein six UkOiths preceeding snld
election i that he has not awved Into tho district
for the pnrpose of voting ticrcln i that he has
paid a State or county tat within two years,
which Was Assessed at leasttcn days before said
election) and. if a tuiturallrd citizen, shall also
state when, where and by wiat ourt he was na
tnrallwJ, and also produce lis certificate of nat
uralization for examination) the said affidavit
shnll alio state when and wicre the tux claimed
to be paid by the affidavit was assessed, and
when, where and to whom ftld. and the tax re
ceipt therefor shall be prodsfed for examination,
unless the ntHunt shall natr on his affidavit that
it bos been lost or dcstrfjrd, or that he never re
ceived anv, but if the erson so claiming the
right to vote shall taKC Sid subscribe an affida
vit, that he Is a native bnrn -.jtix i, of .. ,t..i.
States, nr if born elsewhere, tjiall state the fact
In his affidavit, and shall produce evidence that
he lias been nnturaltecd, or that Im is entitled to
citizenship by reason of his father's latnraliza
tion ) and shall farther state In bis ntldavit that
he is at the time of taking the nfjlila-it, between
the ages of twenty-one and twentytwo years)
that he has resided In the State ono year and In
the election district ten days next preceding such
election, he shall be allowed tovof, although he
shall not have paid taxes; tho sisd affidavits of
all persons making such elnlms, md the affida
vits of the witnesses to their resdenee, shall be
preserved by the election board, and at tho closo
of the election they shall be enclosed with the list
of voters, tnllv list, and other mpcr required by
law to be Hied by the return Julge with the pro
Ihonotary, and shall remain m file therewith in
the proth'ouotary's office, subject to examination,
as other election pnpers are t If the elecliou offi
cers shall find that the applcant or applicants
possess all the legal qua illcitlon of voters, he
or they shall bo permitted to vote, and the name
or mimes shall bo added to tie list of taxable by
the election officers, the wori "tax" being added
where the claimant votes or age, the same words
being added by the clerks litcnch case respective
ly on the list of nersons votnir at such election.
" It shall be lnwful for am qualified citizen of
the district, not withscandinr the nameoi tno pro
posed voter is contained oi the list of resident
taxable, to challenge the lete of such person
whereupon the snme prorf of the right of suf-
rroire as is now reonireii Dvinw snail tie puonciy
made and acted on by thi dectlon board and the
vote admitted or rejected, iccording to tho cvi
denca j every parson claiming to be n naturalized
eitizcii shall be required to pre Jure Ills lialiirun-
zatlon certiticatcul the election before voling.ex-
cept where be ha been for -,cn vcars consecutive
lyo volar hi the district li which he offers his
Vote ; and on the vola of such persons being re-
cclvort, K sliall tje I lie duty of the election oin-
ccr to write or stump on such ecrtitlcnte the
word "voted," with the nicnth and year ; and If
uny election officer or officers shall receive a se
cond vote on the same day bv virtue of the same
certificate, excepting where sons are entitled to
vote bv virtue ol ttie naturalization or their la
thcrs, tlicv and the person who shall offer Such
second vote, upon so offending Bhall bo guilty of
a liikfh mii-ueineiinor. and on couvietion thereor,
be fined or imprisoned, or both, nt tho discretion
of theconrt; but the tine shall not exceed one
hundred dollars iu eaeli else, nor the imprison
ment ouo yenr ; the like punishment shnll he in
flicted, on cont i"tlnn, on the officer of election
who shall neglect or refuse to make, or cause to
bo made, the lndoisi-meiit roquircl as aforesaid
on said naturalization eertifieitc.
If auv election officer shnll icr..i
reouirc such wool' of the riirht of suffrage ns is
prescribed by Ibis law, or the laws lo which this
Is a supplement, from nr.y person offering to vote
whose name Is not on the list of assessed voters,
or whose right lo vote la challenged by any qual
ified voter present, and shall admit siicn person
lo vole without requirim: siirh proof, ex-cry per
son so flfeniliiig shall, upon conviction, be guilty
of A hlcb luisasiiiatnor, and shnll be sentenced,
for evcrv sueh offcu'c. it pay a line not e;oeii
lug one Uuisdrd do'lars, or to nmleriro an Impri
sonment ml worn than one yenr, or cither, or
both, nt the discretion of the court.
Ten dsvi preceeding i-v-.-ry clciion for electors
for President pii-1 Vice Pre-i.Irnt or the l int-d
Stale. It shall be tin- tint v of lh' assi.,snr to at
tend &t the plnee fivl "-v law for holdiug the
election in each el '''!"11, district, und then nnd
there lic.r n.'. orpHcatnms of person whoso
naiiK'U have I'"" oii'ilted from the llt of assess
ed voters mi' wno claim tho right to vote, or
wiiosu riji' i,:iVe originated since the same was
made o- '""l "hall add the nnnies of sueh per
sons 6''nll show that they are entitled
tr.UJ right of s-.iifragn In sueh district, on the
j.crsniuil application of the claimant only, and
forthwith assess them with the proper tax. Af
ter completing the list, n copy thereof shall bo
ploecd on the door of, or im the house where tho
election Is to he hel l, at least eight days before
the election ; and lit the elm-lion the same course
shull be pursued, in all-respects, ns is required
by tills act uud the nets to which it is a scpple
ment, at the general elections in October. The
assessor shall al?o make the same returns to the
county commissioners of all assessments made by
virtue of tills seel ion ; and the county commis
sioners shall furnish copies thereof to the elec
tion officers in each district, in like manner, in
respects, as is required at the general election
In October.
Tho same rules and regulations shall apply at
every special election, und eveiy separate city,
horough or ward eleelio-i. In all respects as at
the general election in Oetobcr.
Thu icspeclive asset sins, inspectors nnd judires
of the elections shall each have ihe power lo ad
minister oaths to nny persons claiming the right
to be urscescd or the right of suffrage, or In re
gard to auy other loafer or thing required to be
done or Inquired Into by any nl said officer un
der this act ) and any willful false swearing by
auy person in relation to any matter or thing
concerning which they sliall be lawfuly Interro
gated by auy of Said officers skull be punished as
Tbe assessors shall each receive the same com
pensation for the lime uut-cssurily spent in per
forinlug the duties hereby enjoined, as is provided
by law for the pcrforinanco of their oilier duties,
to be paid by the county commissioner us in other
cases ; aud it shull nol be lawful for uny assessor
to assess a tax against any person whatever
within len days next preceding the election to be
held on the second Tuesday in October in any
year, or itliln ten days r.ext hufoie any election
for electors of President and Vice President of
inc. united baie i any violation ot this provi
sion skull be ii misdemeanor, uud subject the
o dicers so offending to a fine, on couvietion, not
exceeding one hundred dollars, or to imprison
ment nol exceedlug tkreo mouths, or both, ui
the discretion of the court.
Ou tbe pctiioa of five or more citizens of the
county, taiing under onlh that tliey verily be
lieve that frauds will be practiced at the election
uboul to be held lsi auy district, ll skull be the
duly of the court of common pleas of said county,
if in session, or if not, a judge thereof In vaca
tion, to appoint two Judicious, sober, and Intelli
gent citizen of the county to uet a overseers
who shull bo selected from different political
parties, where thu Inspectors belong In dlffu-ent
parties, nnd where both of said Inspectors belong
to the same Kjlilicul party, both of the overseers
shall be taken from the opposite political p.uly ;
said overseers shall have the r'ghl lo be present
with the officers ol the election during the whole
lime the same is held, the votes couutud und Ihe
returns made out uno signed by the elect ion offi
cers t to keep a list of votes. If they see pror ;
to 'cbulKnge any person ottering to vote, uud
Interrogate hlin and his witness under nuth. in
regard to his right of s ultra go ut said elecliou,
to examine his papers produced und the officer
of said elecliou are required lo afford to said
overseers oelolei uud appointed every conve
nience and facility for thu dlschurge of I heir
duties i aud If suid electiou officers shall refu-e
to permit laid overseers to bd present, and per
forin their duties a aforesaid, or if they shull be
driven away from tbe pools by violence and In
timidation, all the votes polled at such eleciion
district may be reject-! by any tribunal tryiug a
contest under suid eleciion I Proviiled, Tbal no
person sigaiug the petition sbull be appointed an
That rte eitlstv of this (tsb tewporsr fl? la
the service of the State or of the United States
government, on clerical or other duty, and who
do not vote where thus employed, shall not be
thereby deprived of the right to vote In their
several election districts If otherwise duly quali
"Skctios 1. The right ofcitlscns of the Unit
ed States to vole shall not be denied or abridged
by the United Stales, or by any Slate, on account
of race, color or previous condition of servitude.
Bsc. 2. The Congress shnll have power to en
force this article hy appropriate legislation.
The following Instructions from His Excel
lency Governor deary explain tbe duties ores,
scssors, register nnd election officers, In regard
to all freed men of this Commonwealth i
TlAHHmm-Ho Pa., August 18, 1873.
To tht HhtriJ) fth$ County of XorthumbtrUmd t
Whkkkas, The Fl rteenth Amendment of tho
Constitution of the United State us follows :
"Suction I. i he right of tbe citizens of tbo
United States to vote shall not be denied or
abridged by the United States or by nnv Slate,
on account of race, color or previous condition
of servitude.
JSfc. S. The Congress shall have power to
""nd trn'rea, The CiingWtf,J! ' tlle'-foruM
Stales, on the 81st dnv of March, 1S70, paisea
nn act entitled "An net to enforce tbe riht ot
ectizens of the United States to vote In the sev
eral State of this Union, and for other pur
poses,'' the first and second sections ol which
are as follows i
Section 1. Belt enacted bv the Senate nnd
House of Representatives of the United States ot
America In assembled, That all citi
zens of the United States, who are or shall be
otherwise qualified by In to voto nt any elec
tion by the people, In any Slate, Territory, dis
trict, couuty, city, parish, township, Bchool dis
trict; municipality or other territorial sub-divisions
shall be entitled and allowed to vote In all
such elections without d;tinction of race, color,
or previous condition of servitude; any consti
tution, law, custom, usage, or regulation of any
State, Territory, or by, or under its authority,
lo tho contrary notwithstanding.
Sec. 3 And bt it further enacted, 1 lint if by or
under the onthoritv of tbe constitution or laws
ot any State, or the laws of ony Territory auy
net is or shall bo required to be done as a prere
quisite or qualification for voting, and by sucb
constitution nr luws persons or officers nro or
shall be charged with the performance or duties
In furnishing to citizens nn opportunity to per
form such prerequisite or to becomo qualified to
vole, It shall be tbe duty of every such person
and officer to give to an citizens oi me uuneu
States the same aud equal opportunity to perform
such prerequisite, nnd to become qualified to
vote, without distinction of race, color or pre
vious condition or servitude ; nnd it ony sucn
person or officer shall refuse or knowingly omit
to civc full effect to this sectiou, ho shall, for
every such orTem-e. forfeit and pay the sum of
five hundred dollars to the person aggrieved
hereby, to be recovered by un action on tbe ca6e,
with costs and such allowance for counsel tees
ns the court shall deem lust and shall also for
every such offense be deemed guilty of a misde
meanor and snail, ou conviction inereoi, oe uuea
not less than live hundred dollars, or be im
prisoned not less thnn one month and not more
than one year, or boih. at the discretion of the
And vlureat. It Is declared by the second sec
lion of the VI article of Ihe Constitution of the
United States, that "This Constitution, uud the
laws ot the United States which Bhall be made
In r.nrsuance thereof, shall be the supreme law
of the und, anything in the Con
stitution or lnwf ur.y State to the conliary
notw thstandlng-
And whereat. The LtKis'.-.tnre of this Common
wealth, on the bth da of April, A. P. 1M7U,
passed an net emit led "A tut her supplement to
llio net lelHllutf t election in this I OlIllllOTl
wealtn, toe teulu seet'.nuor wuicu provide as
fol'ews .
Sec 10. That so much ol eve r net of Assem
bly us provides that only white freemen shall be
entitled to vote or be regi-ten-.l as .i.n or as
claiming to vote at any general or speeiul elec
tinn of this Conimnuwcuitti, be and the same li
hertbv retilied : nnd Unit hereafter all freemen.
without distinction of color, shall be enrolled
nnd registered, according to lue provisions of the
first section of the act approved l.thot Apnl
1 SOU, entitled "An net further upplenientnl to
the net relating lo the elections of this Common
wcalh," and when otherwise qualified under ex
1st Ing laws, be entitled to vote ut all general and
und special elect inns In tins t oiomntiweailii. '
And viereat, ll is my const iiuliotia! und offi
cial duty to "take cure that the laws be faith
fully executed," and It has come to my kuow
ledge that sundry assessors nnd registers or vo
ters have refused, and are refusing to a'sess and
registered divers colored male citizens of lawful
age, nnd otherwise qualified as electors :
-Voic therefore. In consideration of the premises,
the county commissioners of said county are
bcrehy nolitled and directed to instruct Ihe sev
eral assessors und registers of voters therein, to
obey and conform to thu requirements of said
constitutional umeudiut'iit and laws; und the
sheriff of said county is hereby authorized and
required to publish in his election privelauiutiou
for the next ensuing election herein recited con
stitutional amendment, act of Congress, und
act of the Legislature, to the end that the same
may be known, executed and obeyed hy uli Hie
assessors, registers of voters, election officers and
others, usd that the riirht und privileges guaran
teed thereby may be secured to all the cilizeus of
this Commonwealth entitled to the same.
(Seal Given tinder my hand and the great
seal of the Slato at Harrisburif. the tlav and year
first above written. JOHN W. l.EAKY.
Attest : F. Join. an,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
The qualified electors will take notice of the
following act of Assembly, appmved the Iwli
duy of March, lsiiu t An Act reeulstitig the
mode of voting at all elections iu the several
counties of ibis Commonwealth. ,
SCi-TMiN 1. lie it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the Commonwealth
Pennsylvania In the General Assembly met, uud
It Is hereby enacted by the authority of the. same.
That Ihe qualified voters of the several counl ies
of this Commonwealth, at uli general, township,
borough and special elections, are hereby here
after authorized aud required to vote, by tickets,
printed or written or partly written, severally
classified as follows : Oue ticket shall unbrace
the uaines of all Judges of courts voted for, uud
to be labeled outside, "Judiciary ;" one ticket
sliall embrace the lamri of all State officers
voted for, and bo labeled "Ataie one ticket
shall embrace the tin rum of l ntlicers voted for,
uud members of Congress, If voted for, and lie
labeled "county i" one ticket shall embrace the
j names of ull township officers voted for, and bo
labeled "township;" one lieket shull embrace Ihe
names of all boroueh officers voted for, and
shall be lubeled "borough;" und each class ball
be deposited in separate haUot-boxes.
Sac. -J That it shall be th duty of the sheriffs
In thu several counties of Ibis Commonwealth to
insert In their election proclamation hereafter
issued tbe first section or this act.
JAM liS ti. KELt.EY,
Speaker of Ihe House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate
Approved, the thirteenth day of March, a. d.
oue thousand eight huud-red and slxtr-six.
A. li. CURTIS,
Pursuant to the provisions contained in the
7tilb section of tbe act ufo-e-.u 1, jlu- judnes of
thea'orcsuid districts ha i reipcctively lake
charge or the cert incaic .fn.t.irn of the e'ec
lion of their resp..iviie ( tilcc, and produce
hem ut a ineelliig ot'ui e J i i; e l:cu each cl Is
trlet ut the Court House, in tue b.. '.;, L'li of ban
bury, on the third day uft-r the d..y f election,
BER, Is 7H. ut 10 o'clock A- , I a n and there to
do and erforiu the duties .eqo u,l hy luw of
said ulu'es.
M-o, that a judge, by sickness or una
voidable accideitt. Is unable, to attend sueh
meeting of Jinltres, then the certificate or return
sbull be taken charge of by oi.e ol' the Inspectors
or (lerks of ike rlwllon , T the district, who shall
do aud yertoiBi thu duties required of said
judires unable to ullend.
iiiven under suy hand, at my office In Suubury,
this 5th day of Seplemoer, In tbe year of our
Lord ooe thousand eight hundred aud sevenly.
three, and In the ninety-eighth year at the lu de
pendence of th United Slate.
S. 11. RoTHF.RMEL, BuejUT.
SrwIC Offlev, ept. 10, 13W.
I New Net-leu, Vol. 5, Xo. 87.
i Old Sorleft, Vol. S3, JSo. 44
-r- - - - - -
What Men Need Wives Tor.
It is not to sweep tho house, aud make
the bed, and darn the socks, aud cook tbe
meals, chiefly that a man wants a wife.
If this is all be needs, hired help can do it
cheaper than a wife. If this is ull, when a
young man calls to see a lady, send him
itito the pantry to tnsle the bread and enko
Rhe made ; send him to inspect tho ueodle
work nnd bed making ; or put a broom into
her hands and send iiitn to witness its use.
young mau will qaicly look aflcr them
.uii i.iiiu;b mu iiisiin lain, nnu tne wise
Hut what the true man most wanls ftfr.
I m.ia a 1 r I ftf III IJCS
ii.iiiix.I3 OTl.llrlnrn wj uuoi'- , .1
and temptation beset him. etiu he needs one
to stand by and sympathi"- " ,B8 8n'
lips to his cars and whisper words of coun
sel, nnd her haud to his heart and impart
new inspiration. All through li to through
storm and through suushine, conflict and
vietory, through adverse) and through fa
voring winds, man uecds a woman's love.
Ihe heart yearns for it. A sister's or a
mother's love will hardly supply the need.
Yet many seek for nothing further than
success in house work. Justly enough,
half of these get nothiug more ; tho other
half, surprised above measure, have gotten
more than thev sought, lueir wives sur
prise them by bringing out a nobler idea in
marriage, and disclosing a treasury of
courage, sympathy and love.
I'criloun Position of Two Casitsj-
Two men have been for about six weeks
on a desolate and inaccessible island called
the Bird Hocks, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
and a government steamer has gone to
make an attempt to rescue mem. ino
(Juebec Chronicle says :
i ne rocKS are over seventy it-u-. nigii. gnu
to reach the summit the visitor must climb
two perpendicular ladders over 30 feet each.
an operation attended with considerable
risk and trouble. At tbe on so ot tne island
largo sharply cut boulders of black stone
are scattered at irregular distances, against
winch and the rock ttsell the waves, when
tbe sea is running high, dash with tremen
dous violence and force. In lauuchin a
boat from the Hocks a calm day must be
selected, and even then, the greatest cau
ttou must bo selected, and even then.
ereatt'st caution must bo observed, owing
to the great underswell, w hich is almost as
dangerous as the high running sea. One
ot the. government schooners in the fishery
protection service made several attempts
liitit week to reach tbe unfortunate occu-
untits of this Hobiuson Crusoe- island.
tailed ; anil iu addition the cotiiinandot
to save liia vessel ordered his crew to
throw all the provisions overboard with
which it was intended to replenish tho ex
The steamer
hauHled stock ou the island.
" "ci uuiuiiHuswsnip, sytnp!iii)vmnnv
nge and love. The way of life 1-' " .
dreary places in It, and man "V ;B Bon,e
paniou lo go with fciiu. A ''iu . B.07',
It K0
stern battles to light wtu in,.-j,
cuemies, and with sin ', A bo ce,1
will help him to fight : that will "l V' ;
La.lV Head also made an iiltumpt, but was ' " u "ur i irge, re
mit successful in reaching the charmed j move the cover, and browu by setting it
spot. It is decided now that a final effort ! ul10u ho upper grating of oven, or by hold
will be made to reach tho Rocks, and for ' iai ft ,,ut """vcl over it.
tl.rvt uijoiso a tin:t-i-ln8i nuUlt. of boats, i
guaring and other required appurtenances i
have been provided ; and in the event ot
the ulleiiipl proving a failure, it is decided
to pull tho null Hwny from it through the
waier by means of ropes tied around their
boil ies. Three of the boats of tho Lady
Head were smashed lo pieces, and the oc
cupants with ihe greatest trouble escaped
with their lives. As a last attempt. Mr.
Huberts will throw a small title from the
ship by means of a rocket .
Sixty cents a day is considered good
wages for a working man in any of tl c
Kuropeau countries, except (treat Britain,
where the witgi-s arc somewhat higher. Jn
the Tyrol silk region and in Italy they of-ti-u
do not get more than ten cents. Iu the
country iu Germany, ten ceuta is the com
mon pay. Women i here often get but five
cents. In Sweden, men often work from
four o'clock in the morning liil nine in the
evening, aud do not get any more. During
the lute war many poor women iu Hcrliu
were hired to knit Blockings for the soldiers
for live cents. The profits of the poor who
keep pelty shops, sel! trinkets iu the streets
or act as sutlers, do not average more than
three or four tier cent. Barbers in Bcrliu
since tne niihing n their prices, get nve
cents lor hair cutting and two and a-half
cents tin shaving. St-rvauls ut hotels get
from three to eight dollars a inoulh. Ser
vant girls in private families often get but
ten dollurs a year. Sonicliiues these classes
cannot get work al any piiee.
Work on Ihe rolling mill at Williamsport
is being pushed forward vigorously.
Two Verniniitcrs elnped with two ro
mautic domestics employed al a boarding
house l'ottbville, a few days ago.
1). H. Oakka, a business man of Scran
ton has failed. His liabilities are SIOO.UOO.
Lilllt acorns from big uaks grow.
Tho Northern Central railway company
has -oU hands in its simp at Eliiunt. and
tbe pny roll in July amounted to 12,CKH.
Judge Thomas A. K. Nelson, late
judge of ihe I'liiled States Supreme Court,
died at hiii resilient at Knoxville. Tcun., at
six o'clock of the L'4th inst., of cliulura, af
ter au illness of two days.
Sknatou Ames, salary grabber and snn
in l.iw if lieu. Hii'J'.'r, Im been nominated
by the Uepuhlkans of Mississippi lor Gov
ernor, it is a uominatiou nol fit to be
Wiies a Southern man evinces a dobire
to 6Uppo:t tho national administration
and slurls to do his duty to the govern
ment, he is at once assailed by the full
fotte of Noriheiti Democratic journals. As
long as a man clings to the cause which
Jell, is. in D ivih defeuds. his Democracy
passes nii.iin-sn.iued.
The striijic lietwi?eu the Liberal Ke
jiublieaus and Hiu Democracy, to decide
which couiil swuliow the other, has ended
b) both concluding thai the dose is too
much for either. After makiug believe for
two years that they intended to fix tbiugs,
they have mutually agreed that one is uu-
worthy lo bo trusted hy the oilier.
Captain Jack aLJ his companions, iu
accordance with the President's order, are
to be hanged ou the 3d proximo. The
friends of peacu seem to have concluded
that it will tuily damage their cause to in
tercede, and they are right.
Sckuykill county has just lost, by death,
two of its most venerable citizens John
lluber. Sr.. of Fiuegrove township, aged
eighty-two, and Daniel Uiubenbauer, of
i i :k.- -ii
iuegrov borough, 'jhtj-cie yrs oM.
1lM'!!!liwr'''(' "lltkt Man
week tSjSlSlSilS
Two wecksi.fio 3,oov t.Stt 4 nr. i rSii S I S
5'sS MB t 5 00' wn-owo.w
.J5 fJ.OO- o.BOj 7.0018.00,17.11015.00
8.0ft 8.761 8.0.S1H.0 18.00 li7.B0
8.H.V 7.501 8.60! Q.OSllo.lXhcO.OO 30 00
8.50 8.00; .5U;I0.fKW0.0lv(i.tJO4O.0e
n.oo; 9.00 1 l.ooiia.oo'j-i.oaso.ooiBo oo
iO.Ol,. I o.OO 18.001 0.Wi-J5.t:45.00i7S.OO
Two mo's
Bix "
Oue Year
-i i Hi
it i:t ir un, Av,
Strwkd o
Hiu ,quarla S firm' I'lu,nP "yr
mix will, it a small teacttpful of hot x0
i. ue snit, ana pepiier, und .'milk
the fire ma saucepan. wUnt
a boil, add
H. Inrirn in, C.I -1 ir
ffir,.o, !. i.. " e .':;n lor livo mm
utes or liss-no -fJoonfuls of buiUr, nod
Ho," add two- melted and well stirred In,
the hi8tftrvtucepan from tho lire. Servo
take Jter or cream cruckcrs, as soon as
wiilbfe. Oysters become tough and taste
less when cooked too much, or left to staud
too long after they are withdrawn from
the lire. A good aud safe plan is to heat
tho milk iu a separate vessel set in anothef
of hot water, and aftor, it is mingled with
the liquor and oysters, stir assiduously or
it may "catch," ns tho cooks buy t. .,
scotch on tho sides or bottom or the sauce
Fried Oysters. Use for frying tho
largest and best oysters yu can find. Tako
them carefully from the liquor ; lay thenl
in rows upon a clean cloth, nnd press
nmuiier ngiuiy .irion tueni to ausoru mo
j moisture, lia ve rty several beaten egfrs
and in another dish sou, crackers crushed
j fine. In tho frying-pan hen, enough nice
buiter to co-er the oysters entirely. Dip
: each oyster in the egg, then into the crack
! er rolling it over that it may become cutn
( pk-tely inciustcd. Drop tliem carofully
I into the frying-pan, aud fry quickly brown.
I If the butter is hot enough they will soon
' be ready to take out. Test it hy putting in
' one oyster before you risk the rest. Do not
, let them lie in the pan an instant after they
are done. Servo drv, and let the dish be
warm. A chafing dish is best.
Oyster Fritters. Drain the liquor
from the oysters, and to a cupful of this
! add the satuo quantity of milk, three eggs,
1 a little salt, andllour;enough for a tliinbat
: ter. Have ready in tho frying-pan a few
spoonfuls, of lard, or half lard, half butter;
beat very hot, aud drop tbe oyster-batter
; in by tho tablespoouful. Try a spoonful
1 first, to satisfy yourself that the lard is hot
enough, and that tho fritter is of tho light
size and consistency. Take rapidly from
: the pan as soon as they are done to a pleas
ing yellow brown, aud send to table very
. hot.
I Some fry the oyster whole, enveloped in
1 baiter, one in each fritter. In this case,
' tho batter should be thicker than if the
chopped oyster were to be added.
Scalloped Oyster. Crush and roll
! several haudfuls of Boston or other frjably
cracKcrs. rut a lavcr to tne nottom ol a
buttered pudding-dish. Wet this with ti .
mixture of the oyster liquor and milk,
slightly warmed. Next have a layer of
oysters. Sprinkle with salt and pepper,
nnd lay small bits of butter upon them;
1 Then another layer of moisteued crumbs.
anu so ou until tno uisii in lull, ixt tbo .
, top layer bo of crumbs thicker titan tho
i rest, and baat an egg into the milk you
! nour over them. Stick hit9 of butter thick.
'S ovcr il. cover the dish, set it in the oven, .
llOAST O yhteus. There is uo pleasanter
frolic for and Autumn evening, iu tho re
gions where oysters ate plentiful, than an
impromptu "roust" in the kitchen. Tbero
the oysters are hastily thrown into the lire
by the peck. You tuny consider that your
fastidious taste is marvellously respected if
they are washed first. A bushel bosket is
set to receive the empty shells, and the click
of the oyster-knives forms a constaut ac
companiment to the musio of laushing
voices. Xor are roast oysters amiss upon
your owu quiet supper-table, when tho
"good man" conies :n on a wet night, tired
and hungry, and wauts "something heart
ening." Wash aud wipe tho shell-oysters,
and lay them iu the oveu, if it is quick ;
upou tho top of the stove, if it is not.
When they open, they are done. I'ilo in
a large dish and send to table. Ucmovo
the upper shell by a dexterous wrench'
of the knife, ecasou the oyster on tho lower,
w ith pepper-sauce aud butter, or popper,
salt aud vinegar iu lieu of the sauce, and
you have the very aroma of this pearl of
Bivalves, puro aud underfiled.
Omelette. Beat six eggs very light,
the whites to a stiff froth tlmt will bIhikI
i alone, the yolks to a smooth thick batter
dd to tho yolks a small cupful of milk.
pepper nnd salt, lastly stir iu the whites
lightly. Havo ready iu a hot frying-pan a
good lump of butter. When it hisses,
pour in your mixture gently and set over a
clear fire. It should cook iu teu uiiuutes
at most. Do not slir, but contrive, as tho
eggs '-net," to slip iu a broad bladed knife
under the omelette to guard againsl burn
ing mt tho bottom. Tho instaut "hiss"
of the butter as it flows to the hottest part
uf the pun will tho wisdom and ctll
cosy of the precaution. If your oven is
hot, you may put the frying-pan iu it as
soon as the u.iddlii of die omelette is set.
When done lay a hot dish bottom upward
mi llwi ...,,a 1 .1.........!
set the latter to bring tbo browuod siJo of
the omelette uppermost, hut soon, or It'
win iuu.
Ari'LE Jelly. Applet make an excel
lent jelly. The process is as follows : They
are pared, quartered und put into a pot .
without water, closely covered, and put iuto
au oven or over a lire. Wheu pretty well
... 1 1,.. i.,t..., :.. ,,. i... - l .....
through a cloth, to which a liitlo white of
an egg is added, nnd thcu the sugar. Skint
it previous to boiliug, then reduce it to a '
proper consistency, and au excellent jelly
will be tho product.
Tickled Majivooem. Young musk or
nutmeg melons : Kuglish musUrd-secd.
two haudfuls, mixed with scracd horse
radish, one handful : Macu eu-d nutmeg
poundod, oue teospoonful ; chopped gurlic,
two tcnspooufuls ; a liulu ginger ; wholo
pepix-r-corus, one dozen ; half a teaspoon
fill of ground mustard to a pint of the mix
ture ; otic lablesHionful sugar to the same
quantity ; one tablespoouful best salad oil
to the same ; oue teaspoouful celery-seed,
Vickled I'eachkh. Teu lbs. fruit
pared, four and half lbs. sugar, oue quart
vinegar, mace, cinnamon, und cloves to
Lav tho peaches in the sugar for an hour.
drain off c very drop of syrup, and put ever
tbe tiro with about a cup of water. Boil ,
uutil the scum ceases to rise. Skin, put iu '
the fruit and boil five minutes. Tako out
the -aches with a perforated skimmer, and
spread upon dishes to cool. Add the vine .
tsa.r and spices to tho syrup. Boil
minutes lonzer. aod war over the frrtlt in'