1873. , 1873. : mm oftNOQ psdioa"'' Enormous Stools, - ' Greatest Variety. Lowest Prices. Just opened at S. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store. , tlic lorgost stock of . SPfilKe AJRB SUMMER C?PQj)f? ' ever ofl'crcd in litis town. 1000 Coats, 1000 Vests, 1500 Pants, 200 Hoy's anil Children's Suits, 1000 Hat and Cap lor men s of mini Star jOOO Liiion and Paper Collars, 1000 Pair Linen and Paper Cuffs, 1000 Ties, Hows and Scarfs, 150 Dozen Socks, 30 diifcrcnt styles .Suspenders, Wmm AID OYERSHIRTS, Gauze and Merino .Summer Underwear, Trunks, Satchels, Valises, Jewelry, Walking Canes, &c. Everybody Is respectfully Invited l call ami examine this most magnificent assort ment. . . .No Goods misrepresented, no trouble to show Goods or to give information. The whole will be offered at . - - - Extraordinary Low Prices, and satisfaction guaranteed In every way. Herzfclder- Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, Fa., April 12, 187.1. UF.O. WOOD'S & CO'S., OR(iANN. AND THEIR COMBINATION SOLD STOPS. Tho Piano A beautifully toacd piano, which will never require, tuning. T he Vox Humann A baritone solo not fan or tremolo. The -E J line delicate soft or breathing stop. See adver tisement in nnothr column. March S, 1873. tiw. A KKM AUK A It IVI..TIO. One of the inwt -Important iinproveinents ever pciTuetud in imifidS hi.-truineiUs has lately been introduced by O'rcu. Woods A Co.. iu their improved Parlor Organs. It consists of a piano of exquisite quality of tones which will never re quire tuning. 1 he nnstrumcnt was lately introduced at a musical soiree In Baltimore and received the cor dial npplanec and cinliirHeinont of the many cinl aient professionals present. See advertisement 5n nnother column. March 211, lo73. Ow. . SEW TOIIAC t 4 AMI NI'.UAR, AM Ml UM I HTUJIK. South side of Murket street bet weeu 3.1 und (Ui SUNBURYPA. Just opened, an entire new stixk of all kind of ,. TOBACCO AND SF.GAUS. ' ' 1 5cgars of every grade. j Tobacco of every varie'y. I Pipes, both plain und faniy. BRUSHES I BRUSHES ! BRUSHES!!! A large assortment ofRrushos diroct fioin tho manufacturer at greatly reduced prices. His j line of brnsbes are a specialty and many naw 1 kinds never before introduced into Ibis market.' Also, lK-r Collars and CnlL in treat variety. 1 A large assortment of all the popular Songs . of the day. . ' I Call and examine my goods and get a list of . prices. HENRt PK.TERY. j November S, 187-'. ly ( 950,000 FOR N2I II GRAND GIFT CONCERT Of the Mercantile Libra! y Association of the . City of Leuvonworth, Kan. i ' In aecorilanec with an act of the Legislature and their Articles of Incorporation, the Board of Directors announce their Urn Grand Gift Concert and Dlrtiibution by lot, among the lickct-holdeis.jif 33S,555 IJTC.ASH, j at LAIVG'S HALL, Lcavuuworth, 011 the S.'.lli ! il.iy of June. 1873, for Hie buictil of tho Library. M,38 CASH GIFTS, AMOL'NTIFG TO 33'J,.VV Tbia enterprise is endorsed by the GnvTrnor, ! Secretary oi State, Auditor of Slate, Sucrliiteii- j ilenl of Public liihtruclinu, Treasurer of Stale, 1 Mayor and Com in on Council of Lcnvi nivortli, i and all leadir.g business men ut the Jlale, and the certainty of the iliel liluil inn and payment of ' fifls, as advertised, is folly guaranteed. TICKE1 S tl EACH, ii Tor 85. C for f 10. Memorandum of Cash Gifts to bu dittridutcd Sune Uoth, 18ol. I GRAND CASH GIFT, I GRAND CASH GIFT, -I GRAND CASH GIFT, I GRAND CAall GIFT, 1 tilt AND CASH GIFT. 1 (.RAND CASH GIFT , J GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFV, I tiRAND CASH GIFT, I I GRAND CASH GIFT, , 1 GRAN D CASH GIFT. I0,(KI0 35,(KHI 30,000 liS.OOO ao.ooo f ' I5.PO0 IS.0O0 10,000 ' 8,000 5,000 8,000 MiOO s. 1 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, For balance of ptlzcs scud for cliculais. This concert is under the nupcrvlo'n.u aud rii- rcctlou ot llie lollowing. HOARD OF DIRECTORS : C. II. Durfic, Merchant, II. L. Newman, il.ink ir, II. D. Ki.u, Lumber, II. W. Gillelt, Mcr 'liant, G. F. Prescoll, Commercial, James B. Kitchen, Farmer, W. C. Fould, City Eug'r, P. (. Lowe, Capitalist, C. K. Morehead'. Meichunt, J. L. Wevor, M. D., 8. W. EnglUh, Lawyer, C. Mollcr, Cash'rGer. 8. B., E. T. C'atr, Architect. OFFICERS 1 E. II. Durfee, President. II. L. Newman, Vice Pies. Geo. F. Prescoll, Sec. Carl M oiler, Trcus. The well known character of the Directors of tho Mercantile Library Association and the en dorsement preseuled, Is a suftleieut giutiuutee to all ubhent ticket-holders, thai their interests will be fully guarded and protected. All correspoudeuco ktiictly conlidentinl, and any person drawing a prize peed uut be kuowu unless iney so ae.irc Ticket drawing prizes will be cashed ou signt. This I 11m grandest, safest aud best untor. prise ever presuuted to lb. public. Official lists of w lulling numbers will be sent to purchasers of tickets immediately aiW the distribution. t or information and tickets addrcas, . BAMBAKGE St CO.,Generul Aiicnts, 15 Liberty Sircot, New York. Tickets sent C. V. D. at pur vv;nse. A jeuls wuutud. Liberal (. oiumis.iuu. paid tu38w ana ooys, all DescriDtions. 9 sis is G. W. KKKFEK. C. W. UAS.LKR. 3STgw O oods I SPUING AND SUMMEK. Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishing Goods, Grx-erie, Oil Cloths, f'J Glass and Nails 1 " of every variety, at que low price, ut Kcefcr & Dassler's Store, Curiicr of Fourth aud Market BtrteU, . ' SUNBURY, PA. All kinds of Grain taken lit exchaiige same as Cash. Call and see us. . REEFER SAS5LEK. , Bun'jury.Tdjy 10, ISrj. ' VbstthtmtnU. f GEQ. WOODS & CO'S Organs are now acknowledged by nil musicians who have examined then to be fur In advance or any other. Their COMBINATION SOLO STOPS. Eoline, Vox HumaitOtosf ffeno, (the latter being a Piano of exquisite fqinllty or tone, which will never requlritudliijr, jglvc' to them a wonderful capacity for, BEAl'TIFCI. Mt'SICAl F.FFF.t'TN, whllo their extraordinary power, beauty of de eign and thoroughness of cnMtrnctlon arc sur prtKtnp to all who are unacquainted with the de gree of crfcctlon these Instrument have attain ed. Wm. Knncho of Harrishuqr'tiutivctred the agency lor them, and will bu pleased to exhibit them to all IntureKted in mmic. April 5, 1873. Ow. SEASONABLE GOOD.- SPRING AND HUMMER STYLES r.t . . -. ' Minus Kate Black,. Market Square, Suuburv. Pa. LADIE'S DRESS GOODS of every ity!c and quality. White Goods, Fancy Good. Notions and Trim mings a specialty. . TOILET SOAPS A.YD PERFUMERY. Everybody Is invited to call and sec litem und bnv cheap. , May 3, 1873. SPRING MILLINERY GOODS, A full line ol BONNETS AND HATS, . . ... I trimmed and nntrlmmcd. Flowcrs. Ribbons, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Necaties, and a I general Variety of ' . MILLINERY GOODS selected with great care from the hail'm; lm portlug houses in New York and Philadelphia, Ut . .-, ' 1 ; ' MlSf? if. L. 0O3SLER," Fourth Street, below the S. V. It. R. ' Every efliut will be made to please those wao favor her with their pat ron: ge. April 20, 1873. BUTG1IEHY! IJUTC1IERY! , nrn. KEI'FEW A BOWEK, - Third Street, opposite Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA., KEEP constantly on hand ol fresh the very chuiccst . HF.F.F, MI'TTOX VEAI., J wbleh Is sold at the lowest iu ixvs. Mcul can bu nail at all honrs during the I:iy Pimbury, Va., Juuc , THE . ; NEW DISCOVERY la Chemical and Medical Selene.. Dr. CJAKVIS'S TU ltEMEIIKS Core luclpiFNf ConsMisrptionu Kr. OARVIS'N TAIt RKHEBIES Care Catarrh. Dr. OAItVrS'S TAU EtK.TIEDIES Core Asthma. Dr. CAB VI VB TaII ltr.MF.WKS Cure Heart Disrcta. Dr. ClAItVIJs'S TAII IIE.M EDKCS Cure Skin Iisruhf s. Dr. (JAItVIS'B TAU UKflCDIES Ilcgwlato the I-lVCT. Dr. AUVIX'S TAU Ut.TtEDIES Ecgnlato theKtouiachaud Bowels Dr. UAUYI VS T.Ul HE.YIEDIES Cure all Fensalc WeakMestaesi. Dr. CJAHVIVS TAU UE3IEDK8 Purifv the Blood. Dr.CAKVIS'S TAU HEEDICS Cure DtweaasMi of the Throaty Dr. GAUVIVB TAU KCHEDlEQ Caro ITroiK'hH4u Dr. GAHVI.VS TAU ItCMEDIKS Cure"Botic Cold-Vr-IIayFever" Dr. GAUYIN'S TAU BEIEDIES Cure Lung Disease!. Dr. AIt1.X'S TAU HE.MEDIES Cure Consripatioiu . Dr. OAUVIS'S TAU UE.TIEDIE Cure Salt Rhenm,1 Dri OABVIS'S TAR REMEDIES Curs Kideejr Mseaea. Dr. GAUVI.VS TAU It EH EDI ES Prevent Cholera & Yellow Fever Dr. UAKVIVS TAU UE.MP.DIES rrevent Unlariousi Fevers. Dr. UAUVIS'S TAU UEMEDIES r KomoTe Pain tn the Breast. Dr. GiRVU S TAU HE.HEDIE8 Remove Pain in the Side or Back. Dr. UARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Axe a Superior Tonic. Dr. UAUVIVS TAU MKMEDIES Ttcatore tiie Appetite.' Dr. GAUVIS'S TAU REMEDIES Cause the Food to Digest. Dr. GARVIVS TAU REMEDIES Eeetore tho Weuk and Debilitated Dr. GAR VIS'S TAU REMEDIES Civa Tone to Tour ftrystam. Is. F. HYDE & CO.," BOLE FB0PBISTOB8, 19$ Seventh Ave-., yew York December SI, 187'.' ly GET THE BEST. Wrltater'si I'uabriilged Dlrtlansvry. 10,000 Wordt and Mcaningt not in vlKer IHclion ariet. 3000 EngraviuL'S ; 1810 Pages Quarto. Price 813. Wheuever I wish to obtain exact definitions, I consult it. Schuyler Colfax. Ivery Scholar knows Its value. U I W. II. Prescot the Uistorlna 1 Been one f toy dally companions. John L. Motley, the Historian, 4c Oo far as I know, best deiluiug Diotiouary. IO Horace Mann. rpthe best guide of students of our Language. " 1. Jehu G. Wbiltier. Tjiccl all others In dsfloing oeient'.tie terms. AJJ President Hitchcock. I R einarksble compendium of human knowledge I ' n. inane, rres t Ag. uolicge. J A necessity tor every intelligent family, stu dent, teacher and professional man. What LI brory Is complcw without the best EukUsh Die nonary. ; 1 .' , -A MO , 1 , WEBTaa'a Natiomai. Pictoiiiai. DioTioHAnr. 1040 Pages Octavo. 800 Enirraviuea. Price 85. The work la really a gem of a Dluilonary, just the thing for the tull.ion. Jurwii Aisuetuiaa Publitkcd bG. AC. MCKItfAH," Hpriajneld, SPRING AND Nt .MMF.lt. MILLINERY GOODS FOB 187? .-, J U9T Opened an extensive assortment of " 8TRYV, MILLINERY AND FANCY fiOCTOS, comprising the latest nnd most attractive styles snlectcd with fcaro from the leading Importing hotics In New York and Philadelphia,, -nnd adapted for the present seaon. ' v ' " Jiff great variety, a general assortment of ncek-kfc- ties, ornaments for sneqnes. I , iniflninitnuritLbM.ii'i'.i Gloves, Collars, CnfTs,' and every fashionable " ' article of ladles' wear. fall and see tho new styles of Goods at MISSL.KHISSLF.R. Murket Bqnare, Bnnlniry, Pa. April a. ISTX " r 5 mm CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION" To their Immense Stock of . Foreign and American W'slehcs, DIAMONDS J EWELIIY, ; PlLVKIt AND 8lLVEB-Pl.ATni WaIIK, ' ! Clocks, Kronen and Fancy Goods. Forming an ELEGANT ASSOKTM ENT In every UK PARTMENT. LOW Pit I i ts. Philadelphia, March 23, lS73.-lyr. NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, x ' I Clement House BMing, Suiiliiiry, Pa. I DR. C. M. MAKTIN & Coll "ITTE arc now opening an entirely new stock of I DHUGS AXU MEDICIXKS. ! and are prepared to supply any article in our line I that may be called for, we tm venison full stock I of all the leading Patent Medicines.- Flu -rVrfu. Micry and Toilet Article a speciality, a foil ns sortineut of llulr, Tooth, i:ill, Shoe- and tiib.r . J Brushes, . Dressing and other Combs In great FIF. TOII.F.TNOAPN, a furl line Cooking Extracts, French Ma-tanl, j Choice Aifc-es, IVptwr wrfiol. or sround, Castile j and Laundry Soaps, 1-ntnp Chimneys and Ijimp - , Goods generally. Bird Seed in lar;,'e or small ' quantities, I CARPENTER'S CHALK, fill ttock Fluid and Solid Extracts, Elixers and ' I'ills of U. 8- P., Sagas Coated, StrentlienliiL', Arnica, Porous, Poor Man's and other Plaster. ; Aver, Wright's, Schcuk's Mandrake, Mcl.ne's : Elver and other Pills, our toc-k embraces every. . thing fonnd In a well conducted Drue Store. Country. Physicians will And our stock full and , compile, and we guarantee to sell as low as the i ' sama articles ran lw bought In Philadelphia, . choice Wines, Whiskey and Brandy for Mcdiclu al purposes. Oetabr5, 1S73. DATCHELOFT BROS' i . . j TRADE. - mark: PliliCH IGftRS. KOW Better thau nny ever made by them. Sec that the boxes are branded PECl I.IAU It. B. Pl'SCII. Wholesale Depot , i .130 NOUTII TIIIItD STltEET, - Bruiu.li 23 North 2d St., Branch 837 Chestuut St., OpIlU "CONTINENTAL.") PHILADELPHIA. March 1. 1873. inos. CKSTFSt OF ATTKAt"riOX. Krerybody Is Invited to eonio aud buy of .the handsouic assort ment of - . . . TOY8 AND CONFECTIONERIES SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STOEE, 1 In frame bulldinor, adtoinlng Moore A Dlssingcr's i building, THIRD STREET, SUNBURY, PA. i Just oiened a feh.su)ly of Confeetluncrl.-s of t every description. I TOYS OF AM. KIXDN ; coosUutly on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO 'COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, ; fresh Bread," Buns' t Cakes, crery morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, t RACKERS, dre. ; j OYSTERS OYSTERS I OYSTERS t , j Having nttwl up n room expressly for serving j ! up Oyster In every style, Ladies and Gentlemen ; : will be accouitn.klated with the bl bivalves In 1 ' market, ut all hours during tho day aud evening. Families will be supplied at their 'residence with I j the Ih.I Shell or Cauued Oysters, us is desirable, at the very lowest price. I Cull aud seeiuy uxeellent aoortiucnt of goods aud ascertain the prices. S. r.NEVIN. Dec. 10. lS7t. NFRIXG OPK.MSU of ' I DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Cloths, Casslmeres, Culieos,nnd everything In the Dry Good line. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, tjiteensware, Glaswarc, and Wood aird Willow ware. GROCERIES. A large assortment Just opened, which consists of Tea, Cotl'ee, Sugar, Molasses, Spices, Meal, Fiah, Ac. The Celebrated Allentown hand made BOOTS AND SHOES. Warranted to give satisfaction. In fact a full assortment of everything kept in a firs I -class store, nan be hud t greatly : REDUCED PRICES. for aash. Call and see the Hue seleellun of new goods, and be convinced that r. J. IIYUOIKK, near the Luthcrn Church, in Sunbury, Is the best aud clraKpesl place to buy all kind, of (tore goods. No trouble to show f oo Is. April S, 1873 ly. I.OC A I, OPTIOS. Sow 1 the titue to form Yeur elstbs). FINE OLD RYE WHISKY. Fully Four Years Old. $4 per pullou. Or, la large bottles, secure ly packed In eases, (11.00 per dozen. VERY FlKEjPALE SAERRY, and RARE OLD PORT WINES, at same prices. , GOLD SEAL BRANDY, Very Choice. tl8.00 Ore dozen. Solid iu your ordersj . ' ll.dk A. CYAN BEIL, So. 1SIO, CHESTNUT ST.. . . Philadelphia. ' April ia,:i87:!,l yr.' . , ' I - mi) ietd rftbbfrfUtmcrtis - -I 1307. RIGHTER fit GASKIll, 1307 DKAW.hH.1M- American aki "rarchWMow Gte, Orjtwl Sheet, Rough Flate, Colored, ;En.l4 and Ornamental Ola, ' 1307 Market Street, rhiladelphla. January 11, 18".ly.. i , t .1 v i This Npnr In Kenrvtl for the ADVEBTtSRMKKT OS" PAINE & McCORMICK'S ' II A It I) W A KE STOH K Mnrkrt HU, Naubnrj', Pn. 1?LATCULEYS impeoved'i'uCObBER viu ruir. Tasluless, Durable, Elllclcnt and Cheap. The best Pump for the lcu.t iiinuer. Attention Is cs iieeially Invited to Blalchley's ill Patent improved Bracket and and others, that he has on hand, and will ton New Drop Check Valve, which ' slant Iv keep all kinds of can be withdrawn without re moving the Pump or disturbing i the joints. Also, the Copper ! Chamber, which never cracks or . i scales, and will ontfust any other, tor sale hy 1 Dealers evervwhere. Send tor Catalogue and i Price List. " CIIAd. G. HLATCHLEY, Mann j faeturer,5i Commerce St., Pbilad'a. Pa. SU.ly , Tin: Kli BA It 11 Kit SHOP r. S THE SHOP OF THE TOWN and long Men have grown otd In our patronage Babies on their mot hers' breast To bouncing boys at play s Aud youths tr maidens fair caressed. To stalwart men wUb rare, oppressed, And old men eKwir gray. , And among the honored ami 'nting lmpres 1 slons of time, and the crash of revolution in , circumstances, we stand a living monumental memento of the iunciiuiiy and twrse vcrunce np-M-rtaining to thu identity ol piogression. plying j our vocation with the highest Mylc of art and perfection, ami ri-pMbig tn achieve the highest reward of merit nilninaMc In our InimMi capaci ty, and the seutiineiit ol re-peet and iipprobatioii which the presence of superior appliance and es tablishment urcntays wont to inspire. ! Always to plrase ' We shave with eae Cut and comb with taste the hair I ' Shampoo the head with soothing care, I And color the whiskers black or brown, ' To suit the jieoplu about the town. Then allow me politely reqnest you to stop, I And uot go past qor from nronud our shop. To get shaved on the basis of ubllity nor us ' some have done for our ue of the ballot for prill--j elide sacred und right nor under the common I secret and invidious guise of enmity to complex ' Ion ; for the cut of a man's coat, or the color of I his skin, ought not toaircct his usefulness nor his qualifications. A fair chance Is all that We demand, to give tho proof to all the land. I JAME3 W. WASHINGTON, j Proprietor. Sunbury, April 5, 1873 i No. 91, Market st. W. D. MELICK, llrito'frf let nurt ittnt linen fv HQtOt IIIIU iSIVtltVVU. (Sueeutsor to Dr. . W. Moody,) At the old established stand on Market Nqnarr, 8IMH RY, PA. Keeps eonstuiitly on hand it full .lock of well selected ' DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggists Fancy Goods, COMBS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, PATENT MKDICIX ES, OILS, PAINTS GLASS, PUTTY, VARNISH, DYKNTl'FFM. In fact ver) thing usuuHy kept la a well eon dueled IDnTJO STORE. Particular atteutWu paid tocomBouadlug Phy sicians prescriptions ami family receipts by the f roprlutor bliuaeir. Suubury, Pit., June 9, book: AGENTS roit THE FUNNY SIDE PHYSIC. IN ri, 5 SOO Pagets, ttSO KaKravlafrw. A startling expose of Mcdleul Humbug of the past and present. It ventilates (uack, Impos tors, Travelling Doctors, Patent Medicine Ven. ders. Noted Female Cheats, Fortune Tellers and Mediums, und gives Interesting accounts of Not ed Physicians, and Narratives of their lives. It reveals startling secrets, and lustructs all how to avoid the Ills which flesh is heir to. We give ex elusive territory and liberal commission. For circulars and terms addles the publishers, J. B. BURR A HYDE, Hartford, Connecticut, or Chicago, Illinois. ' AGENTS WAXTED FOR THE -FNeiviUaed Hsees of Mrs In all Countries of the World, Being a comprehensive aocount of their manners and customs, and of their physical, social, aiental, moral and religious characteristics. By B4. . P. WOOD, Ji. A., r. C S. SOO EngravlNRM, 1SOO Salter Keyal Oct) Pvge. . . , . ,. In twa VoUuesor two Volemes looue. AgenU ars Dtoklpg over tlOO per week la sail ing ibis work. . As early applaaLsntf will eeearta enols ot terrltoty. For terms addreas tbe pub Usufs, , J, k. BURR A HYDE, r Hartford, Conn., or (liirago, I.!. . , Marts Si, loin v MTOVF. A TIT ESTABLIMIimtENT. MARKET 8TREET, BUNBURY, PA. , t ; ALFMSD ltTtAUrTB, Proprietor.,' ? 1 ', ' , f st;ccwfon'TO SHITTt ognnyiH. ' , HAVIKfl pnirhnsMI the above welt ltihwn r-' tabllshtnrnt, Mr. Rransn wonbl iwpvetfnl I; Inform the public that be bow. has on bMiJ large assortment of COOK 1 NO STOVES, Speer's Cook Antk-Dast, Regvlatoror Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, which are so arranged as to be used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no oale. HEATERS of all kinds put nj to be.itooeor more rooms.' 1IEATINO STt-'Vta of dilferent kinds ol very low prlcos, , , B4uwarri:erx Iaerlptltt . kvrt'enulanily'u hti4. , Roofing and Spontlng with (he lest material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended tovkth dispatch. Coal Oil svr.d Lamps constantly onnl. Japan ware of a A.nA. Store -ofiposite Cunley's hardware store. Give me a call. . A. KUAL'SE. at'124-ly , ..rTTBEIt" ASI PE. AXIX tT 111 t'.IM. Th'ad Ktreci, adjoining Philn. A Erie It. R., two . . cqmircs .vortu ot nu central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. ! JRA T.CLKifRXT, "I pn pnrrd to rurnlsll every deserijit Ion of linn ; X ber required by the demands of the public. I Having all the latest Improved machinery for : manufacturing Luubcr, he Is now ready to till or ders r all kinds of ! FLOORING, SIDING. DOORS SHUTTERS, I BASH, BUNDS MOULDINGS, VE- - RANDAS, . BRACKETS, ' and all kinds of Ornami'ntal Sen iwt Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A I.AHOH SHltTM NT or HILfc LUMIIHIt.1 riF.M?X.lC"Knd PINT- Also, Shingles, Pickets, I . Lnthe, iVe. i Orders promptly tilled, and shlpjied bv Railroad ' ot ntbrrwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. rcV.MiS:lr nAVIII.KNIIOPAXIIHO. loixintv. GKO. ltOIIiniACII & SONS, Nnnburf, Priiii'n, INFORM the. public Hint thev are prepared 10 do all kinl or CASTlNtiS, and having added a new Machine Shop In connection with their Fnundrv. and have supplied themselves with Nc I .nd.es. I'laulng and Boring Miiehiues, with the latest lIllDNlvclllellts. U'itll thn uid of skillful michiinies, they are enabled .xceutcall orders of NF.W WORK OR RKI'.MRTV., tlint may be give tkesu, In ii Mitisfaetite)- niaii aur. ...! (irnlPM In null nny Stove. lON COLUMNS, for churches or other build Iiil's, ofall BRASS CASTINGS, Are. Ornamental Iron 'Fencinc FOR GRAVK YARD LOTS j VERANDAHS, FOR YATtnS AT HEMllCTlKS, t. At". The PLOWS, already ei lcbrated for their HI- ' periorlty, have txvn still farther liupnivcd, and j win always oe Kepi on nana. Also, THItFlIIN(i MACJIINFS. Simhurv, May r.'O, 1S7I. lll'OR STORK! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opiosltc the Court IIuse, SUN- i in itr, i'A., Resiiectfullr invites the at I en I Ion of Retailers FOllF.IGN AND DOMESTIC l.HJt (IRS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cognlae, Cherry, Gimrcr, llochellcand Otard. Whl-klcs: Pure Rye Coppcr-'Mstilled, Mnn- gahcla, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! "iVines: Champagne Wine, Sherry, Port aud Claret. Crab Cider, Chnnipvtrne Cider, N. E. Ruin, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTF.H8, And all others Liquors which can be lomnl iu the city markets, which will he sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article giiarauteeil u& represented. Also, a dirge lot of DEMIJOHNS and HOTTI.F.S, always on hand. IsVOrdcie promptly attended , and yuMic puti'oimgc resiiectl'ully rolieitvd : F.FF. Sunbury, July 3, 18n;l. ly. Sl'SItlRY lit It It I. F, YARD, Foil rlh Nlreet belew Market, S C X It V i Y, PEN X A. T IHE undersigned has relumed from the Ver mont Marble Ouarrit-h with SO Tons of Marble for Mouuiik'iiIn, Grat eSloiieN, &('., iVc. He has boiicht at such llgnri'S that will allow III nt to sell better stone, for less inonej, than heretofore. The best Sutherland Fulls Maihlo, j which is belter than Italian. Rutland Is now sold as low us the Manehet r. TIiimo who nwd aiivlhing ill the Marble Hue, ' for Moiiiiinuiits, Grave-Stones, or other purposes, w ill Uud it to I heir interest to call and examine i this large stock, us better bargains can be secur ed than buying from parties 'huckstering' round j the country. . All lettering will lie done In the neatest and ' most Improved style. w. M. u A I till CUl Sunbury, Jan. 11, 1S73. Tailoring! Tailoring!! j CHARLES MAIHL, HESPECTFULI.Y le forms the eltiacns that he bus just reeeived'bls i Spriug aud Summer taooda, j at his I TAILOR SHOP, I on Foui III Street, below Murket, In the Mullen ' building, and that he Is prepared to uiake up all I kinds of . GEXTV A.l BOY'S Sl ITS. . I In the latest sllc. Having had much exper ience In the business be desires tb. public to give him it trial. ChAbing will Im made up In the latest Pails and American Fashions in the most satisfactory manner. al2.'73. CHARLES MAI II I.. A. M. MEIXELL, Aiuerleau aud European WATCHES. FIXE JEWELRY Bd SILVERWARE. Perfected Spretaeles aud Eje GlaHttea. GOLD HEADED CANES. Watche and Jewelry neatly repaired and war ranted. Market qusr, 6UXBURY, Ps. Feb.S, 1872--tf. , . . , . . NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA M1LLISERY GOODS. SPRING A BUMMER BONNETS A HATS, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED. . An extensive assortment of Straw Mlllenery 1 i . . and Fanay Good, uow open at ' j MISS L. WEIBER'e MILLINERY STORE, Maskjct Btmkt, Si wh'mt, 14, . My stook of Spring goods it unusually large aud varied, camprisiog lb latest and most at tractive stylet, selected with earn from the lead ins; importing homes tnd adapted for tht preaeut season. aU','75. MISS L-WEISTCR. ItEADINU RAILROAD. WINTTTH .AHJIANOJCMBNTS, MOHUiy, BfcerMoeii Stl 1878. Trains ieove Ilnrrlsburft for New York as fol lowst at ) and 8 10. jn. m.j and S.UO, p. m eouaeetlng with trains ea Penttsylvanfa Rail road, and arriving t ioi at 13. So, K80 nd ft. 48 p. respwUvely. m . Returnlnlng i lv Kew York at .0fl a. m. IJ.Waud R.80p, m., Philadelphia at 7.80. t.4i a. m., and 8.30 p. m. 1 1-eare ltarrlsburg for Reading, PotUvMe. Tamaqua, Mlnersvllla, Ashland, nhnmokln, Al lentownand PhUadelohla at 5.30 and 8.10 a. m 2.00 and 4.1)5 p. m., ttopping at Lebanon and principal way stations ( the 4.0S p. m., train eon necllng foy Philadelphia. Pottsvllle and Colnm bia only. For Totuvllle, Schuylkill Haven nod Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rnll foad leave Harrlibnrg at 3.40 p. in. East Pennsylvania Rnilrond trains leave Road tng for Allentown, Easton and New York at 7.80 and 10.83 a. m., and 4.00 p. m. Retnrnuiji leavo New York at 0.00 ir. m., 13.W and 8.30 p. m., and AllontewB at 7.20 a. m., ll.'M, 11.10. 4.85 and 8. fr p. m. Why I'assenger Train leaven Philadelphia at 7.30a. tn., connecting nl Reading with train u East Pcnna. Railroad, retnruing leaves Potts vllle at 4.S3 p. m., stopping at all stations. Leave Pottsvllle at 8.00, 8.05 aud 11.10 a. m., and 2.30 p. m., Herudon at 10.00 a. Shamo kln at 8.00 and ll.uiia. ro., Ashland at 7.18 a. ui., and Vi.'M p. in., Mahnnoy City at 7.53 aud p. tn., Tauiaqua at 8.X. a. in., anil Si.10 p. in., tor Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Ilur risburg, . .. , Leave Pottsvllle via Schoylkill nnd Susque hanna Railroad at 8.0.S a. m., for Harrisbnrg, and l.4."a. m., for Pinecrove nnd Treinotit. Pottsvllle Accominodatkin Train leave Potts ville nt 0.00 a. in., jiasses Reading at 7.40 a. m., arriving nt Philadelphia wt 10.15 a. m. Return ing leaves Philadelphia at 4.45 p. m., passe Reading at 7.KV p. m., arriving nt Pottsvllle nt 11.00 p. m. Pirttxtown Acroiiimodation Train leaves Putts town at 8. 45 a. m., returulnr. leaves Pbiiudel phia (Ninth and Giveu.) at 4.30 p. in. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Rending at 7.30 a. nr, and O.l.'i p. m., for Ephnictn, I.it'z, Lancaster, Colninbla, Ac. i iWnrnlnif leavn Lan- f caster at N.io a. m., and 8.30 p. ni., and Coluin : biu nt 8.15 a. m., and 8.U0 p. in. Perkionien Railroad trains lenve Fm-ktoincrr i Junetlon at 7.3i and U.OO a. in.. 3. 55 and 5.40 p. . iu. t returning, leave Gr?er Laae at 0.15 a. m., : 1U.S5 und 4.'.'0 p. im., connecting with trains ta ! Reading Railroad. Pickering Valley Railroad train leave Fkuj. : nlxville nt 0.10a. m., n.lllaud ft.-Vi p. in. ; ri tuin : Ing, leave livers nt e.:ioii. in.. i-J.45 and 4. i ). in., cotmceiing with trains on Reading Hallroml. I ()lebrool.dale Rnilrond trnins leave Potutowii '" mm tj.iaami 7.1.1 m.. re. ' turning leave Mount 1 U.'.T) a. m.uurl ;;,00 l'leasant at (1.00, 8. 00 and . III., connecting tli trains I on Keadiuf Railrwad. ; Chcst-r Valley Riilroad trains leave Briilvre. lort nt S.30 a. v.i. L'.lo noil 5.:;:: p. n.. iviurnine;, j h ave Dnwiilnirtnwii 11 1 fi..V, H. 111., pj.ao ami 5.40 ; p. tu., eonmctiiiir withtinius 011 Ueadlng Kail road. ' On Sundays: leave New York 'at .1. 30 p.m., I Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in. ami li.l.'ip. 10., (the 8.00 a. iu. train runuiug only to Readini:,) le.n ; Poltsvlllr nt 8.1M) a. m., leave Karrii-hurir el T,.M , a. in. and .(Kl p. tn. i l.-av Allent.-in nl 8..V1 p. , m. 1 leave Reading Ml 7.15a. in. an. I 10. 1.", p. w. , for Harrifhurg, at 7.WI a. ni. for Nuw York, und at 11.40 11. III. and 4.15 p. in. for Philadelphia. Comtautallnii. Mileage. Sc.immi. Sel Jllll) lilt 1 j Kxc-urffoii TUkt-fs M tunl from till ujlntn( ut n;- ; utn-rii nil I Bagifage checked through ; 108 ponnds allowed each 1'iir.ioigcr. J. E. WOOTTEN. t A uUt. Stntl. 4- A'n.'i. .1.1.7." rti. RrAinNo, Pa.. Deefin'.cr S, 1S7J. Sorthrrn Central Ititilwnj. " INTER ARRANGEMENT. ' ON ann .fter Oct. i7, 18". -J, tmlus will run as ' " s . NORTHWARD. I Niagara Express leaves .lntairv at 15 4J p. ! ta.. fur Niagara Fall- J Mail arrives at Sunbury nt 4.10 p.m., arrive , at Wiliianispoit ll.lio and' F.linlra o.:to p. m. Fast Line, arrives nt Sunhurv at ti..'al p. in.. Ii 1 1 1 r -,i lliiaillsMtri n..i.t p. I hue. Mull leaves Sunbury nt li.30 a mi : Wil- : liaiiop.irl at 8.40 a in, and urrlves at Efeiiira si l'J.-IO p in. SOUTHWARD. Mall leave Sunbury at 11.05 a. in., arrive nt llai i i.liarg 1.45 p. tn. Baltimore tf.So p. in. l".:ie lApiess leaves Sunbury ut 11.40 a. m., iir- rive at llarrisbarg 11.30 a. III., l!alliiiioi 3.IKI p. iu. i Erie Mi.il leave Sunbury at 1:2. 50 a. iu., nrrlve at lUriisburg '.'.45 a. iu., "lt iltimore 8.4.1 a. in. , Niagara Express Iravea Sunbury at 8.1KI p in, . Harrisbnrg at 10.40 p m, arrive at Balliinoic 2.15 ' a iu. j SIIAMOKIN DIVISION. KAMWAKII. Leave Punhiiry at 4.40 p. in., arrive al Shauio ; kin 5.5U p. in.. Ml. ( anuel i.;iO p. m. I l.eaie Miuhury (Aecoiiiiiirslatliiu,) at 12.35 p. in., arrive at Slamtokiii 1.35 p. in. ' W 'IW Alll. j Leave Mt. C.-.rniel nt 7.40 n. m., Shainokln ' S.'.'O a. in., arrive at Siiubuiy 0.25 a. in. I Leave Sliuinokin ( Accommodation,) at S.45 p. i m.. arrive at Sunbury 3.55 p. tit. Express leaves dailv. I Ail other trains leave dally, except Sundays. A. R. Fi.-nr. " En. S. Yol so". Oen'l. Sup't., Gun'l Passeu'r Ag't.. Harrisbnrg, Pa. Balimore, Md IMiilndrlpliln aud Eric Railroad. Sl'MMER TIME TABLE. On ami nder Sumlav, Oct. 27lli. 1872, the ! Trains mi tlic Philadelphia Erie Rail Road will I rnu us follows : I WESTWARD. I Mail Traill leaves Philadelphia, i Sunburv, ' " " arr at Erie, I Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " Sunbury, ! " an ut trie, i Eliniru Mall leavra Piilladelpl.ia, ) " " " Sunbury, , " " air at Lock Unveil, 11.40 p m r).n a u 7.55 p il 12.41) p Hi 7.01 p in 7.45 n ru 8.00 a iu 4.30 p m 7.4.ri p in 7. SI a m ! Nlagaru Express leates Philadelphia, " " hunliurv, " " orr at Renovo," EASTWARD. Mali Train leaves Erie, " " Suuburv, " " arr at Phlladeluhla. 12.40 p in 4 iJ.) a in 11.35 a in 12.45 a m 6.55 a in 0.U5 p lit 0 35 a lit - S.30 p m 7.45 a ni 11.00 u ni fi.00 p ni S.25 p in I Erie Express Ictivcs Erie, " ' " Suuburv, " orr ut Philadelphia, E'mira Mall leave ak Haven, j " " " Sunburv, , ' " arr at Pbiliidelphia, Niagara F.x'ress leaves Keuovo, ' " " " Sunbury, I " " arret Philadelphia, T.&o p in 2.30 a m I Mall East conuivls east nnd wot at brie with I L. b. A. M. S. It. W. and at Irviuctou with Oil I Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Niagara Exorcsa and Erie Express East, and Erie Mail, Niagara Express and Elmlra Mail West, connect at Willlauisport with trains going north on the Elmiru aud Cunandaigua division I of tbe N. 1. R. K. , j Cul-iwissa (Htssenger train will be run cast and I west from W!!liaiislortoii Elmira Mall. j WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen 'I Sup't. Dauville. Ilasletou V ttilkeabarre j It. It. Peuua. u. R. to. I.eaaee. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after this date Passenger trains on the I D., II. A W. K. K. will run as follows i r WESTWARD. EASTWARD. tlAVB. ' New York, .' . Philadelphia, A. M.' HAVE. A. M. :(J0 Banbury, :20 , 8O0 Dauville, 7:(U U:5 Cattawissa, 7:2S 10:06 Hatletnn, V:0S p. m.: r. m. 1:00 Bethlehem, 12:10 3:40 Ea.ton, 12:85 8:) Philadelphia, :15 :&7 New York, arr. 8:50 i Easton, Bcthl.heui, lIIaxlHou, Caltawissu, Danville, Suubury, arrive Train West arriving at Suubury 3:57 p. ni.. makes close connection with trains on Philadel phia A Erie R. R. for Milton, Wlllltmsort, Lstck Haven and nil point West, Elailr and all points North, also with Vurlbera Ccnlisl Rail, wav, for Harrisbnrg and Baltimore. Mf'New td elegant coaches run throuth b tween Suubury sua Esonr FRANK THOMPSON, Bnpt. D. 11. A W. It. U. Si pr' OrrijK, WtLLiAsisroitr, P. MnJM, IS. ass. com oy an Daokseusri.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers