$cto bbcrtidcmcnia , . ijSiissttJIaittCiw. " . 1 v !. r Just opened at ' 7 1 ! . . , Popular Clothing Store. a large invoice of READY-MADE for Men and Boys, ' of the latest styles, suitable for early spring wear. SPRING- QlTESRCOilTS, (Rents' Ftiriilfiing 4ood, IMMENSE SHIRTS white and cokireU dress Shirts of all styks. Agency for the Quaker City "perfect fit ting Shirt,"" every one of which is guaranteed to fit. No better hiit in the market. H A. T S & C A. of the latest etyks, tor Men and Boys, a large line of Trunks, Traveling Bags, Fancy Jewelry, &c, &c. Buying only for cash and iu large quantities, I nni enabled toofler better inducements than any of my competitors, here or elsewhere. The email remaining stock of Winter Goods on hand will bo offered at duced prices. slw t.oois sow received idaiey. !atl and be convinced that Ihc cLeapcbt place to buy is at Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, Pa., February '22, 1873. FAX! WIMTER G-OOBS, AT FINNEY'S NewOentral Variety Store, Kb. 108, Market Street, South Side, East of the Railroad, Dress Groods of all Kinds, 'toutts, bilk Poplins, Alpacas, Luster Alpacas. Pe La Inos, Plads, Opra Flannels, TU-klugs, Ladles Cloaking. NOTIONS LADIES' and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HoeUry, Gloves, Hoods, Caps, Germnntwa Wool, Ladies' lmmitntlon Hair Goods lu ucw and beautiful Styles. S H A. "W L S . 'titt.iiaou Crown, Ottamon Double all Wool, Plnd Shawls, Break fust Shawls, Scurfs, Ac. J EWEL U Y . .M.diee Visited and Jet Opera Chains. Ladies' !PIated and Jet Setts. Fluiror Rintrs. Ear RlnL'S. t-tayes, Sljeve buttons, Groceries. ''Fresh. Groceries, Wood and Willow Ware, Floor, Table and Stair Oil Cloths. CARPETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, : Go to Finney's for the Greatest Variety of Goods. Goods itrrlviugIaily. N. V. It It th universal verdict of the trade that my goods arc sold the lowest In this market. D. A. FINNEY, Xovoiubar P, 1878., No. 106, Mareet Street, Sunbury, Fa. FACIXTV V CrKRICl EVM SUNBURY ACADEMY. ' Classics and Mathematics, Paor. K. FOSTER BROWNE. Prcurh Language and Literature, Mas. 11. M. BROWNE. German Language, Paor. DAVID RF.IMF.R. Teacher of English Brauihes, Mb. C. D. OBERDORF. Advanced Eugllsu Course, Puor. N. FOSTER BROWNE, Assisted by Mitt. It. M. BROWNE. Primary Department. Mrs. II. M. BROWSE, J ssisted by Mh. C. D. OBERDORF. Instrumental Music, Pro. DAVID REIMER. Vocal Mueic Puor. N. KOSTEtt BROWNE. For Catalogue or anv utlier Information, au dress N. EOS'! KR BROWNE, I'riuclpal and Proprietor. Or to Mns. II. M. Bhownk, Lady Principal. Kunbnry, March 15, 1S73.-3 mos. 1. KM OK NTOIIKI . CHRISTIAN NEFF, Pecond Strett, opiiosito the Court House, SUN BURY, PA., Respectfully invites the attention of Retailers and others, that he has on band, and will con stantly kwp all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQCORS, Conbibting of Pure Brnudies; Coguiac, Cherry, Glntrer. Roclielleand Otard. Whiskies: Pure Ityc Copper-Distilled, Mo"U guhelu, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN I Wines: Champagne Wine, Sherry, Port uud Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rum, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors which cau be found in the city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always on hand. Orders promptly attended o, and yublle I'Wionage respectfully solicited 0 N KFP Bunbnry, July 3.-1860. ly. For Mitle. VTALL'ABLE FARM HORSE AND TWO VKESIl MILCH CO W 8 are offered at private ak, on reasonable terms. For particu lars call u the subscriber, lu Upper Augusta township, t the farm kuowa us the James Campbell Farm. lc,"i 4t B, F. BARNHART. VARIETY. S jreatly rc- Merzfelder VAX BEIE'S 4 WIIIMKEY. per Gallon or 911 per C'hho of 13 LARGE BOTTLES. This Whi.kcy is Puro Ryo, four years old aud very mellow. VAN JEIL'S "VELLOW SEAL" SIIERRH. fll ir Onge of Twelve UottlfiS. This Wiuc we offer to our friends, knowing It to be perfectly pure and alwavs ualform In uua llty. Auk your Grocer for VAN UEIL'S l WHISKEY. Ask vour DrunL'ist for A'AN UEIL'SJI WJIISKEV. IVll your Ciroccr you want VAN .NEIL'S "YELLOW SEAL" SHERRY. Toll vur Drugeint you want VAN 13E1L-S '-YELLOW SEAL" SHERRY. Or, tend your order to II. A A. C. VAX It EH., THE WINE -MERCHANTS, So. 1310, CHESTNUT ST., Philadelphia. Importers of all flue Braudies, Gins. Rums and Wines, anJ dealers lu the best dualities of Rve and Bourbou Whiskies by tho barrel, demijohn ur race. CHAMPAIGNES. Feb. 8, 1872,-1 yr. WANTED. Wo will give Men and Women 15US1NESS THAT WILL PAY from ti to f H per day. can be pursued In your owu neighborhood j it is a rare cliauco for those out ot employment or having leisure time t gltls ana uoys irequentiy do as well as men. I'.ii tl culurt free. Address J. LATHAM fe CO.. aitJ Washington St., Boston, Mass. AiIuiIuImI rutor'M Xotlce. NOTICE Is hereby given that Letters of Ad luiiiift ration have been grantod to the uu. derslgued, on the estate of Win. W. Denney, late of tho borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased. All latrsnus indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims to present them uuiy uuincuticaieii lor settlement. M us CATHARINE DENNEY, Administratrix Sunbury, March 15, 1873.-6t-pd. Estate of Hamuel Thatcher, dee'cl NOTICE Is hereby given that Letters of Ad uilntsirailon bavins been granted to the uu dersigned, ou the estataof Samuel T'bateher, late of Point loanshlp, Northumberland eiunty. Pa., deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate paymeut, and those having claims to present them for settle. ineut. ' niLi.UM km h, laia'n Tolnl township, M arch 33, im.-ot. mi . or FALL AM) WINTER GOODS, lit the Store of Herd Ilrotlicr A NcnMhoIti, (successors to 8. O. Reed & Uro.) COMPRISING OF DRY GOODS of every description nnd variety sncb. as Dkbss Goons, Mrrinos, Cabiimkhrh, Satins, Alpa cas. Pon.iNS, &o., Plain Kihumku Goons, Shawls and Coats, Hosieut, nnd a Full Assortment op Notions, which nrc being sold nt the lowest Cosh Prices. Also, Groceries and Provisions, pure and fresh. qukensware, glassware, and wood akd Willow AVare, Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on hand. A very largo ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER, both glazed nnd common, always on hand. BOOTS AND SHOES from the celebrated hnnd made Boot nnd Shoe Manufactory of Wntsontown, for MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. HEADY-MADE CLOTJ1IXG, of nil eizes and of the latest styles. FLOUR. A constant supply of western white wheat flour a speciality. The public are Invited to call and examine our Goods rree of charge. Our motto is "Quick Bales nnd Small Prollts," and to please all. The highest prices will he paid lor all kinds of country produce. By strict attention to business and kceplug at all times the most complete stock, and selling at the lowest prices, we hope to merit a f -ill share of patron ago. REED SROTHF.U A 8EABH0LTZ. 8unbnry, Nov. 2, 1872.-ly. 1307. RIGHTER fit GASKtLL, 1307. DEALERS IN K ' Americaii ani French WMow Glass, UrjTBtnl Sheet, Rough Plate, Colored, Enameled and Ornamental Glass, 1307 Market Street, PhiladelpWtv. January 11, 1873. ly. J. F. LERCH'S CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKING ESTABLISHMENT, CHESTNUT BT., SUNBUBY, PA. VenicLEs op aix Kinds made to Orpku. The latest styles and the best workmanship. 8amplea may bo seen ut the shop. Give hlra call. Sunbury, Dec. 7, 1S72. ly. BATCH EL OK IlKOTHERS TRADE MARK Punch Cigars, NOW t Bettor Uimu any ever uiude by (bem. i See that the boxes are brauded I'Et'l'EIAR M. M. PITXCII. i Wholesale Depot ! 330 NORTH THIRD STREET, j Branch 23 North 2d St., Branch 837Chestuut St. (Opposite "CONTINENTAL.") PHILADELPHIA. March 1, 1 873. tlmoe. W. D. ME LICK, Druggist aud Apothecary, (Successor to Dr. W. W. Moody,) At the old established stand on Irlurket Square, Sl'XIll'RY, 1A. Keens eouBtantly on hand a full stock of woll selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggists Fancy Goods, COMBS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICIN ES, OILS, PAINTS GLASS, PUTTY, , VAItMSII, DYENTl'FFS, lu fuel everything tisnally kept Iu a well con ducted DRUG STOP.E. Particular attention paid to compounding Phy sicians prescriptions uud family receipts by the l'ropriator himself. Sunbury, Pa., June 8, 1873. Fall stud Winter Style or HATS, CAPS, and BONNETS, RIBBONS, LACES, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, Crapes, Silks, Satins, Turquoise, Crape and Lace ells. TritnruingB of every Description from New York nnd Philadelidila, just opened nd fur 'ale nt 'inusnally low puces, tan ana examine and be coovlueed. MISS L. eiiissLtri, Market Squure, Suulb side, Snubury, Pa Sunhnry, Oct. !, 187. BOOK AGENTS FOK TUB FUNNY SIDE S PHYSIC. HOO Pages, 250 Eiigratluir. A startling expose of Medical Humbugs of the past uud prescut. It ventilates tjunck. Impos tors, Travelling Doctors, Patent Medicine. Veu ders. Noted Female Cheats, Fortune Tellers aud Mediums, and gives luterc?tmg ueeounts of Not ed Physielai.s, and Narratives of their lives. It reveals startling secrets, and instructs an now to avoid the ills which ttech Is heir to. W e give ex. elusive territory and liberal commissions. Fur circulars and te'rius uddiess tho publishers. J. U. IS 1 Kit Itvnt:, Hartford, Couneetlcut, or Chicago, Illinois. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE Uncivilised Racea of .lieu Id all Countries of the World, Being a comprehensive account of their manners uud customs, aud of their physical, social, mental, moral aud religious characteristics. Uu jicv.j. a. wood, jr. a.; f. t. s. 50O EugravluRS, ISOO Super ltoyul ctavo I'Mtcea. Io two Volumes, or two Volume lu one. Agents are making over I10Q per week la sell Ing this work. An early applcutioa will secure u choice of territory. For teims address the pub Ushers, J. B. BURR A HYDE, Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, III. March 22, IV. 8 -6l. YVIKIIART'N FINE TREE TAR I k- ' cordial. . '. .; XATVRE8 GREAT REMEDY FOR THE ' : ' THROAT AND LUNGS. , t Is gratifying to na la Inform the public that Dr. 1. (J. C' WIshnrtN Vine'-Tree Tar Cordfal, fori Throat and lung Diseases, has1 gained n en viable reputattdrj from the AtinfitlJ to the Fact Qe crt, nnd 'from 'thence1 tosbme of the flret, families of EnroiSe, riot' throfagli the press alone, but by persons throughout the Btntee actually benefitted and cured at his office. While he pub lishes less, so say our reporters, he le unable to snpply the demand. It galus and holds Its repu tation FlrBt. Not by stopping cough, but by loosen ing and assisting nature to throw off the tin healthy matter collected about the tbrint and bronchial tudes. which causes Irritation. Second. It removes the cans, of Irritation (which produces cough) of the mucnons mem brane aud bronchial tubes, assists the lungs te act nnd throw oil the unhealthy secretions, and purlfles the blood. Third. It Is free from squills, lobelia, Ipecas and opium, of which most throat and lung re medies are comiioscd, which allay congh only, and disorganize the stomach. It has a soothing effect on the stomach, nets on the liver nnd kid neys, nnd lymphatic and nervous regions, thus reaching to every part of the system, and lu Its Invigorating and purifying effects It has gained a reputation which it must hold above all others In the market. NOTICE. THE PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL, Grout American ljpepnla Fills WORM isl'GAIi DliOl'S Being under my immodiatc direction, they shull not loose their curative qualities by the use of cheap and impure articles. HENRY R . WINUAUT, fUOFRlBTO. FREE OF CHARGE. Dr, L. Q. C. Wlsbart'e Office Parlors are opn on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 A. M., to 6 P. M., for consultation by Dr. Win. T. Mngee. With him are associated two con sulting physicians of acknowledged ability. This opportunity Is not offered by any Institution In the city. AH letter must be ddred to L. Q. C. WISIIART, XI. D., NO. 32, N. SECOND ST., PHILADELPHIA. November 1(1, 1S72. 8 mos. t'EXTER OK ATTRACTION. Everybody te Invited to come and buy of the handsome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STORE, In frame bnlldlnrr, adloinlng Moore A nissinger's building, THIRD STREET, BUNBURY, PA. Juetoiicned a fresh supply of Confcctloneri;s of every description. . TOYS OF ALE KIXUN cousUnllv ou hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS A DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fre6h Bread, Btius & Cakes, every uioruiug. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS 1 OYSTERS 1 Having fitted up a room expressly for serving np Oysters in every style, Ladles uud Geutlemen will be accommodated with the best bivalves In market, at all hours during the day nnd evening. Families will be supplied at their residence with the bcbt Shell or Cauned Oysters, as is desirable, at the very lowest prices. Call and see my excellent assortment of goods and ascertain tins prices. 8. F.NEVIN. Dec. 16, 1S7I. NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House MWii Mmi Pa. 1)11. C. M. MA11TIN & CO. "I'lT'E nrc now opening an entirely new stock IT of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, and are prepared to supply any nrticle In our line that mav be t ailed for, we have also a full Mock of all the leading Potent Medicines. Fine Perfu mery aud Toilet Articles a speciality, a lull as sortment of Hair, Tooth, Nail, Shoe and other Brushes, Drcssiug aud other comix iu great variety. FIXE TOILET SOAPN, a full line Cooking Extracts, French Mustard, Choice Spices, Pepper whole or gronnd, Castile aud Lauudry Soaps, Lamp Chimneys aud Lamp Goods generally. Bird Seed iu large or small quautlties, CARPENTER'S CHALK, ful stock Fluid and Solid Extracts, Ellxcre and Pills oft'. B- P., Sugar Coated, Strengthening, Arnica, Porous, Poor Man's nnd other Plasters, Aycr's, Wright's, Seheuk's Mandrake, McLane'e Liver and other Pills, our stock embraces every thing found iu a well conducted Drug Store. Country I'bysieiuiiB will tiud our stock full aud complete, nnd we guarantoe to sell as low as the same article, can be bought In Philadelphia, choice Wiucs, Whiskey, and Braudy for Medicin- ul uurimses. Octobers, 187a. Manhood t How Lost, Uow Restor ed J J ist published, a new edition of Dr. t ULVERWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical cure (without medicine) of SPERMATORRHOEA, or Seminal Weakness, Invnluutury Seminal Losses, 1MPOTENCY, Mental uud fliysieal lucaciiy, impeaiinenis to Marriage, etc. I also, Con sumption, epilepsy, and Fits, iuduecd by self-lndulgeuce or sexual extravagance. l-jf Price, In a scaled envelope, only o eente. The celebrated author, iu this admirable es say, clearly demonstrates, from a unity years suecesslul piiK-tice, tout tne alarming conse- ouences of selt-abuso may be radically eurea without the dyegerous use of luternal medicine or the utiiiliculiOD of the knife t polutlog out mode of eure ut ones simple, certain, and etlee tual. bv means or which every sunerer, no mat ter what his condition may be, may cure himself rhennlv. Drivutelv and radicalls. tT This Leolure should bs In the hands of every youth aud evory man la the land. Sent, under seal, In a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, oo receipt pf tlx cents, or two postage stamps. ' Also, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Guide," price 60 cents. Address the Fnbllshers, CHAD. J.C. KLINE A CO P. O. Box, 1,581. 1ST Borwery, New York April ?7, 1873. or VA. PEiins BOO o o o Or VagarJOoatea,' Concentrated, Host and ,i Herbal - Jalee, Antl-Bllloaa t iGraoole. VHC "LITTLE CHANT" , CATHATIC, or Wultum la, Par to iPhjelc . .. v. Thcnovehy of modern Medical. Chemical and Ftuuv' tnacentical Science. No nse of any louger taking the Itrire, repnlsiv and nauseous piUs, composed of cheap, crude, and bulky Ingredients, when we csn by. a earenil ppiteatlnn of chemlcsl science, extract ill the cathartic and other medicinal properties from the most valuable roots and herbs, and concentrate them Intoanilnnto Orannla.nearcely turner than a tnnatard aoad, that can be readily swallowed by tho of tho most sensitive stomachs and fastidious tastes. Each little FurffiUlwe fcllctnpresents. In a innl concentrated form, as much cat ban tc power as is embodied in any of the large pills found for rata u the drug shops. From tnelr wonderful esmsrtio power, lu proportion to their slse.ipeorlle who have not tried them are apt to snppof a that they are harsh or rira.tle In effect, hut such Is not at all the case, the different active medicinal principles of which they am composed bclnst so harmonised and modified, one by fha nthAni. a. to orcKluce a moat aflarrliina sua thorouth, yet gently aud kindly vpeva ting cathartic. $SOO Reward Is hereby offered by the propria, tor of these Pellets, to any chemist who, upon an alysis, will find m them any Calomel or other forms of mercury or any other mineral poison. Bcluff entirely vegetable, no partlr.n.sr care Is required while using them. They operate without disturbance to the confutation, diet, or oc cupation. For J mi nd Ice, lloailuihc, Con Htipation, Impure Hlood, I'niii iu tlie KhouIderis,Tisthtueo( the t'ht'sl, Dlz zinoaa. Hour iTrnclationa of the Kioin. ucli, Uart taato lu lnauth, III Ilium nttaeka, Pain In region of Kldneyn, nternnl Fever, Blonted feelinu abmit Sto.nncU, Kuahol Wood to Head, High Colored Uriuc, Unsociability and tiloomy Forebodings, take Itr. Pleree'a Pleasant Purgative Pellets. In explana tion of the remedial power of my 1'argativa I vilcts over so grcnt a variety of diaesM'S, I wirh to ssy that their action upon the nnlniul ccono roy Is iiiilversai, not t gland or tissue escaping their annotive Impress. Ape does not Impair them: their susar-eoutiiij.' and being nrlosed In glass bottles preserve their virtues unim paired for any length of time, in any climate, so that they are always fresh and reliable, which Is not the case with the pills found In the drag stores, put up in ehesp wood or paste-bonrd boxes. Kecolluct that for an diseases whera a Laxative, Alterittive or Purgative is Indicated, these little Pellets will gtvs the most juiToct satisfaction tU who use them. Ther are sold by nil enterprising Druggists at Hi cents a bottle. Do not allow any druggist to Indues yon to take anything else that ke may say Is Just as gnoil n my Pelleta because us make, a larger pniSt on that which he recommends. If your druggist cannot supply thtm, enclose SS cents and rocuive liicui by return mailfrom it. r. rwitcx:, jr. v., rmp'r, BtrrALo, n. y. May 4, 1872- NEW DISCOVERY In Chemical and medical Science. lr. OAUVIX'S TAK ItEMEDIES Cure Inripicnt Consuniplion. Dr. .4KVIVS TAIt KE?1EDIES Cure Catarrh. lr. GAKVIX'S TAR ItE.TIEDIES Cure Aatlitna. Dr.GAHVI.VS TaB BE-TirUIES Cure Hcurt DiscuMC. Dr. OAKVIX'S TAB REMEDIES Cure Skin Disease. Dr. GARVI VS TAIt REMEDIES Rogulato tho Elver. Dr. OAKVIVS TAR REMEDIES Rngulato thcStomaehandBowcls Dr. GARVIN'S TAIt REMEDIES Cure all I'cinulc Weaknesses. Dr.GARVIVS TAIt REMEDIES Turify tho lilood. Dr.GARVIVS TAIt REMEDIES Cure Disease of the Throat. Dr.GARVIVS TAB REMEDIES Cure Bronchitis. Dr. GARV1.VS TAR REMEDIES Cure "Rose Cold,"or"HIayFcver". Dr. GARVI.VS T.Ut REMEDIES Cure En tiff Diseases. Dr. GARVI VS TAR REMEDIES Cure Constipation. Dr. GARVI.VS TAIt REMEDIES Cure Salt Rheum. Dr. GARVI.VS TAIt REMEDIES Cure Kidney Diseases. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Prevent Cholera & Yellow Fever Dr. GARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Prevent Malarious Fevers. Dr.GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Itcmovo Pain in the Breast. Dr. GARVIVS TAB REMEDIES Remove Fain in tUo Side or Buck. Dr, GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Are a Superior Tonie. Dr.GABVI.VS TAB BEMEDIES Iteetoro the Appetite. - Dr. GARVIVS TAB REMEDIES Cause the Food to Digest. Dr. GARVIVS TAIt REMEDIES Restore the Weak and Debilitated Dr.GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES dive Tone to Your Sj ateui. L. P. HYDE Sc CO., BO LB PHOrHIETOES, 205 Seventh Ave., New York, December 21, 1872. ly . GET THE BEST. Yiebater'M Enabridgcd IHctlauary 10,000 UWe ami Meaning) not other Dktion- rw. 8000 EnitravliiL'S j 1840 Paires Quarto. Price $13, 1 rheuever 1 wish tootitalu exact aeiiuuious T 1 consult It. bchuylcr Colfax. ITverv Bcholar knows Hs value. V I V. II. Presout the Historian. 1 aeen one or mv Uallv couioanions. - J) John L. Motley, the Historian, tc. ?io Tar as I know, best dennini; Dictionary. Horace Mann rphe best guide of students of our lanruace. X JcbnO. Whlu hluler E il. all ethers In defining scleut'tlc terms. Preeldent Hitchcock. I 1 ketiiarkahleenmnendluni of human knnwledire X l W. 8. Clark, Pree't Ag. Collctfe. ) A necessity for every intelligent luinlly, stu. dent, teacher and DroCessional tnaa. What LI brary is complete without the boat EnKlUb Dio uouary. AL80 WanSTaa'l Vatiowl PlOTOKIAL DlOTinMABT 1040 Pairea Octavo. 000 Eoarravtuas. Price 15. O rfWr,nr.a.V cm The work Is really a geni of a Dictionary, Just the thing for the tnillkoo. nttricaa i'tiutatienal McmtHy. Published by Q. AC. MERRIAII, Bprlnggcld, Mais. Bold by all Beokselleis R. R. R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF t'UKEH TIIK WORST PAIN from One to Twenty Mlnutfrs. in !' NOT ONE HOUR , niter mulm. tltl. ndv.rtiMmctit nestl ssr oas HCi-VBR WITH TAIN. RADWArS r-EArBLI ft A CUBE T5R H, 4 tfin tr Slid Is Tho Only Itli Remedy thnt ItiMsntjy Hops iha mnM .teriKl.tlrr pln'. In flmnniKllons Slid curvil t'uiiiroMiou whMliw of th. Lanes. KtomstJi, llowcu, or ether aluds ur orgstu, ly oss sppilc- '""' 1 FROJt OJTIt TO TWEOTT M11ITJTK?. KnirAltwIiuf vloltut o enieltln. th. fmlntb. RHKU MATIO.ItiHi rtddm, Infirm, Crlnpku. Bsnous, Msunlcla, nADWAY'S READY RELIEF WIA AFFORD INSTANT KAbfi. ISTLAMMATIOH 'r TITK 1NKI.AMMATI ATION OF TUB DLADDCB. iNrXAHMATiOJf OrJHB hk raiwKts, OESTioN OF THS Luxas. .rfFLT HREATHINU. BORft THItOATi, DtVfirH PALPITATION OF TUE HEART. HYSTERICS, CROUP. .TMERIA HEADACHE, TOOIHATiyj, RHEUM4X18M. COLD rillLfsfl, OHB rillLLB. TIkj Apphcuiloa if Hi Rr mly IlcMcf to ti ptrl M p trti w livid Uio pulu or UlitWuUy wlU affonl Mt and tuinftrt. Twunty flropi In htlf lumber of vtrr will In ft ftw moment pure CKAMFS. hfA8M8, PoUR ft TOM AC1, JIKAKTRURV. U:1L 'HKADAUUfi: DIARRHEA, All INTEItNAl, PAINS. Trnvcipm should always cojtt bottle ef Rntlway'a TOn4t Itflief wilb thrni. A few drop.. In witter will invvi-n (dektirtifi or pulnn front change of water. ItlatMller liian Froiiuh Brandy or Hittvra an a illmulant. FEVER AND AO IE. PEVPR AN1 A(1VJK curt-,1 fr flflv euuta. Th-r la Bet ft reinadtal ftcetit. In this world trmi wilt etira Fever and Ague, and all other Miilariou, Uiltoua, BcurhrL Typhoid, Vrllow.and other- Fere pi fnlHed tV KADWAV8 PILLS) a qwek m jrUrui, fijlU by Dru(g.r.t. HEftLTH! BEAUTY! I ftroso and rrrn? nion rtuKW-TNCRBAPK of J I.KSII AND WKHtllT-CI.EAIt BKIN AND BEAU TUL'L COMPLKilO.N TO ALL. DR. RAD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE MOST ASTOWISHIKO ftTKF.Sl SO (Jl'ICK. MO KAI'll) AUK THE CliANIiES fllB BODY VNBlTItilOES, i:neit TIIK INFLUENCE HF THIS Htll VOSDEKFlTL USOICINE. J HAT Every Day an Incroaso In Flesh ond Weight Is Seen nnd Felt. THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. F.rtry .Imp .( II, BARS.U'AKll.U AN RESOLVENT foinioiitilrcius ttiroucli Ilia lllooil, fiweut, Vrliir, ami itliel nullsAntt.)ulccHOl tli iVKtcm tlx vtur nr le. for It rpair Die wasUf of Ilia tiudy ultli ncv urut .uuil niutvrliil. Scrorulrt, fivtIilln. Coiiinunptlon, tihuultilnr dUffl, Vlcen In the TUn:U, MuMtli, Tutiiitni, Nuk. 1:1 ttie Olsitdi nttd olhor ftortnf the nvpm, R.ip Kyv. Ftnimotm lM.hnrpi. from tlic E.ir, .nil ihi vur.t forum of bliUt ll,cniKK, Emi tloim, Over S'.rril, Bcla Had. RiiiR Wiirni. Knit Itli.unv, Krvi'ip'lM, Acui lllack fSpnlt, tfortii.littbs FImIi. T'imor, tVuiver, lu the Wdtitb. nnd ull wcakviilnic suit painful IIh cluirv., Nlht Swcjirn, Lou, of Sperm, ml Ail WHstc. tt.c nil iirincipie, hr within llio curative mitpe of tliU woaIi-r if MiMl.nl CbemlMri', and u few ri.tvi' u.; will lirtive Ul fiity p-inon u-ini tt Trr FlUttr vt IIwh furais vf.dlavuim Ul iKXMit power to eur. llirm. If tho !MlieiL dally bccomlrc rfriuc! bv the w.Mpfl and dco'iiptUu timt I. dtiMntinny lruprp.eln?, euccffds lu ivrreMtrit! UtrM wiwtei, ntid repair. Ilie Hume w';h iil'W ni.tee. 1 ,1 ink frinn Iip. IUiv lilood and UiU lue. SAKSAI'AUIL LI AN wiH and do, secure, Kit onr' d--. Hi. Maiwaparit.i.taj. Ht)i.vekt cxcid sll Itiown reuiedUl ftirrtilt In llio .ur of t'lironle. rk'rofitlm I tt ltii9ulial, Ulld Mtifl illacUMUl ; but it U tlie titity poftlu . utv fur stUlni y &. Bladder Complaint. Vnnarv, ami Wnm'i illwnep., (Iravol, l)lnlict, propw hl'ppnL'e of Wnti-r, Inwintlneht-e of I'l lne, KrlKlit'a lllwane, AMiminuri.-, and In kit e;oica v lnTCIIi.ro err lirtckfttivt do lirll a. or Uu' wntfr la llikh, elomlv, niUrfl vMh eulmUinti'. like Ute wlrlte ef a .r llirail. like white etlk. or tlirra HI tuurl'ld, dark, blluiua appcaruriro, and while bmie'dii.t evjwsiLH. aid when there 1 a plains', burnlan amiaatVin . wlion tnie.hif WhUT. and pain lu til. feuiall of the Hack and i.U'itr tin 1,0'n. 1'rica.ai.oo, WORMS. Th. 0UI7 knows and sure lUmcdr fr V om4 i'irt, Tufii, tie. Tumor of 13 Years' Growth Cured by Radtray'i Rcaolvent. Inmr, Ham., July l, ISSS, p.. ltir-WAVt f hw9 hd Ov.rtua Turner In th ev.r!.. e4 bo.-U. All lh t,Mtrf tnid ' Ibrr.t wiu n. help fnr it." 1 lrW4 ...rv thing U1.1 wu nKomni.nd.il ; hut n.lblne brln.il m.. 1 f.w v-nr lU'tilTMit, ...J thxi.lit I muuM try ll but hM a. f.iUl ta It, lmni. I h.4 tunVrml fr t.h y.r. I tnvk lla Imtllc .f th. llM.lv.nt. k.4 nn. b.i wf haitway'i 1111., and tw. KllUt ef ynnr llvutv R-i:f : an4 th.r. U ."t a liirn nt tn-iv.r V be ,.n t SVII. mil I frrl brttsr, iiimiw. and h.ppl.r thnn 1 bflr. fer twtlv. ymr.. TK. wertl liinibr ant In III. Ira M of III. tvwrli, o.rr th. rn'ln. 1 nrit. UiU to ye. Art th. b.Belil el etlirr. Voa ma eiil.li.h It if : ILINX.UI r. KMATr. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS. twrtctly taftUiw, rVrHntly amU-tl vlth wrt imni, purr's fX'Hiilntt, ,'Hiirv, eli-stiw, mil utrt'iiptht-n. Itaiiway'ii 1'tllie furllir cinfpf all d.-tinl,ni of the Stuinarh, I.lvtT, Bnwe!. Kt'.:i-v, Itl.ul.lcr, Nirvom Dt'Him, 11u..-Ji,che, i'-uitwtljt v t.tin, Cfitlvtn'nt, It.lct!l1on. Pvr-fiepalit, Hiliounfw. R 1 Iohh Ft-vvr, InDnmuiiUiMti t UoweK I'llen, nnt. all Pa-r;tii;vitit)1- tf Hit; lutein I Viceri. li'tirrnntrrl fffi-vt a iKstitive com, rurrly W;ctntU', couUluiiig to lucrcury, B,l'i r;i!, ir tlcli'trrmut driip. Zff O t-fivi- tin' ft.lritwlnn FTinitoon remilflnp trvm D1v n.'.tfr(.f Uic lii-tlve (Jrg:.nn: rnitp-vttii. Iwr1 MtM. VulftiM sf ll,t HloM III !- V4 rld.tv r.f tlie M-tim. V, Nftiwra, Mf-antiuni. Ilis.at rf rooj. f ulh urn .r Wrlsi'it Ul th; h'-niUBfli. ?-ir Erivrtailnn., Mnklnc r r'.utltT li.f at lU 1'it "f llii t ttin.-l., fl.-.tnttip cf iric IUU, ffurrirl tiJ l. ill. ull Ori-fUiin-i, KIb ttrlnn at ri lUirl, VSoMittf or SmT-taliHK fiisnti -iii wlisa T't ft 1 tir-g l'iitrr. I'iiuum f Vlaltn, lHtt at Wrtu Ii.f.irw Ul S'.'eM, 'mf ai'i I t 1 1 1'm.u in tli Havf. tul.ciee: y ot r'er.i.uatu.f. Yr)lwns of .' Mvn anrt Yt. I!n hi tU V-r. i Lcit, Un.Lt, aJ.i Ji-U. I loaliot. ef llrat, LflniiLj In lb. f' .ill th ;- it. . l-Aetlrtr, lrif', Jk If 4 to IX r bbV. h-n.u r.V !i:t (Wili-TK. HF.W '-TSliiV. AMi Tnrn." Sti.-I ww It-tur n'p to KAhWAY A ('.. Nti. ? Mnl.Ua Lane, Sw-Vr. litfv ly.iUuii w till" tl.'ii.iin.Ia I.I Ik- clt 'vMa March 30,;t872.-ly. I A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALSJ'3 C.'.LIFOSNIA VINEGAR BITTERS 34 Hundreds of nionsands Bcnr tMtlmonT to fhrlr WoutitT ful Cuiulive Ktfceu. THEY? E r? a b TlTEy AttE SOT A VILE FANCY DRINK, -. D..AM . w . iheu Bltt.r accord. ins to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their honea art not destroyed by mineral pouon or iKher meant, and the vital oriana watted bevnnd the po'"' lu tlie Shoulders. CouRht, Tinluness of I : Chetl. Dili. ecu. Sour Eructstioiia f ilit Stomach, Bad 1 ate la ins Mouth, Blliout AltiCKt, raipitat'o" ." -JTVI nammstion of th. Lunet, Pain in the r.i.ut of Hi. Kid peva, and a hundred other painful tymptonit, are Jhs ofl tiamtt of Dytiwiiua. In thet. comiMaintt it lias no .qual, and en. botil. will prov. s Liter juarsnue of us menu than s leni-tliy adverlisemeut. P.f frcmaiC tOmptilint.,111 yuuna - tied oi siosle, at Ih. dawn ol wsmannoeo, or hi. turn ef life, liiee Tonic Bitter, ditplay to decided an tnitucuc that s marked improvement it eoon nerciible. Kor luOauiuaslory aaata vi.a-wi.w -Diatl.ul and Gout, Biliout, Kemitlent and Intermit. leul Fevert, Dneate. of III. Blood, Liver, Kidneys sod Bladder, these Biltera have uo qu.d. Sucli Uiseaaet at. caused by Viliated Blood, which ia nenerally produced . . .i.. n;fl.ai,M riri.i.. ' They are a Gentle Purgative as well aa a Teaie. potsniinr, sit. the peculiar merit of acting at a powertui agent is relieving Congestion or luHammalion eftlie Liver and Vira.tl Organi. and in Bihout niseaaca. For Bklis iAteases, aruotiona, aeurr, Rheum, Uloldiea. Soots, PuspLt, Pualulet, Boih, Cat buncles, Rme wornis. Scald-Head, Sore fcyet, Erytinelat, Itch, Scum, Uiacolorulioiie 01 Hie nam, nuiuor. .mm ' (ate. of th. Skin, ot whatever sams o nature, are lit srally dug up and carried out of lbs tyitem ia s thort time by the u of the. Hitlers. u ' xae proper! ie . or ut. " . im... Bittsss are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diurenc, bedalivo, Ceuaur-lill-Unt, Sudorific, Alterative, and Auli-Biltoui. Oraterul Tltaasaads proclaim Vimioa. Bit Teas the niott woodcitul luvigotaol ihal ever tuitaiscd th. sinkiug sytlcns. I. WALKER, Prop r. R. H. MeDOMAUD . CO., Uruggittt sod Ilea Agta, San Franciaco, Lai.. od comet tat Wsabiugioa aud Charltoa Sts.. New York SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. NEW TOIt.irCO AXI SKtiAR, AXI BRUSH STORE. Bouth side of Market street between Sd and 4th BCNBURY, PA. Just opened, an entire new stock of all kinds of TOBACCO AND SEGAR8. , . ... Bega re of every grade. i : Tobacco of every varle'y. .. . Pipes, both plain aud fancy. . BEVSIIFS I BRUSHES I I BRUSHES I ! I A large assortment of Brushes direct fiom the manufacturer ut greatly reduced prices. Hit line of brushes are a specialty and many new kinds never before introduced Into this market. Also, Paper Collars and Cuffs lu great variety. A large assortment of all the popular Songs ofthaduv. Call aud axemlue my roods and pet a list prices. HENRT PETERt. Ntiember3, lS73.-ly o o lis WHAT ARE It o o If 5 O THEY AltE SOT A VILE 5 I EVAN6. E. Q. MAIZE. Geo Evans & Co., 914 ISfarket Strt. Philadelphia, i 1 TAiLong aud MILITARY CLOTHIERS, , . - ..'! . i. '.'I ; Military, Band A Fire Organizations promptly Uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours being the leading house on Military work, we feel that we can offur Inducements which can not be attained anywhere else. Aug. 24, 1872. Nt'MtlRV MARBLE YARD, Foil rib Street below Kfarkct, SUNBURY, PENN'A. THE undcrsleucd has returned from the Ver mont Marble Quarries with 58 Tons of Marble for JHonunienta, Gravc-Mouee, &c., &c. He has bonght at such fl(rurcs that will allow him to sell better stone, for less money, than heretofore. The best Sutherland Falls' Marble, which Is better than Italian. Rutland Is now sold as low as the Manchester. Those who treed anything In the Marble line, for Monuments, Orave-8toncs. or other purposes, will find It to their Interest to call and examine this laro stork, as better bargains can be secur ed than buying from parties 'huckstering' round the country. ' All lettering will be done In the neatest and most Improved stvlc. W. M. DAUOHERTT. Banbury, Jan. 11, 1873. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAIHIi, Respectfully informs the citizens of Sunbury nnd vicinity, that lie bus opened a TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth Street, below Market, in the Million bullillnp, and that he is prepared to make up all kinds of GEXTN' AX1 BOY'S fit ITS, In the latest styles. Having had much exper ience In tlie business he desires the public to give him a trial. Clothing will be madu up in the latest Tails and American Fashions lit the most satisfactory manner. AulVT-tf. J9HI1ESML,I. .nAt him; snor asu ikox ! I'OL'XDltY. (SIX). ROIIRBACH & S0X3, Nanbury, Peun'u, INFOHM the public that they n re prepared m do all kiiuls of CASTINGS, nnd haviin: added a new Machine Khop in coniiiTlion with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New .atlies,l'laninrr aud Horiiit; Machines, with the latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that ll i it y be given them, iu u satisfactory man ner. Grntvst to suit any Move. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other bulld lnr, of all alzes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS ; VERANDAHS, Foil YA1SDS AT IEII)KNC'F.H, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved and will alwavs be kept on hand. Also, THRKflllNG MACHINES. Sunbury, May 30.JS71. f l .M BKlt AM) l'l-AMti MILLS. ThUd Street, udlolnlni; l'hlla. & Erie R. R., two Squares North of the Central note!, SCNBVRY, TA. MA T. CLEMEXT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. Having all the latest improved machinery for lnanuractu- inp: Limber, he is now ready to till or ders ef all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINI5S, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Al.o, A LAHGR At-SORTHKNT OF BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, etc. Orders promptly tilled, andbhipped bv Railroad or otherwise. IHA T. CLEMENT. decl9-6iyy NTOVK A TI.V Ef.t.ilil.ISllMtXT. MARKET STREET, BUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. rsUl.'CKSSOIl TO SMITH A OENT1IKK. J HAVING purchased the above well knowu es tablishment, Mr. Krause would respectful ly inform the public that he uow has on baud u large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Bprer's Cook Anti-Duet, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Sunjuchuuna nnd others, which are so urrnuged as to be used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to pel -form satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS ot'all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEAT1NO STt'VES of dill'crcul kinds nt very low prices. Tiuaure of Every Ieitcr lotion kept constantly on baud. Roofing uud Spouting with the best material, done at short imlk'o. REPAIRING altt'udcd to with dispatch. Coal Oil st.d Lamps constantly ou hand. Japan ware of a a.ndj. Store opposite Couley's hardware store. Give uic a call. A. KRAl'SE. apiai-ly VV. H. Blanks, HOUSE, SIG3XT, AND ORNAMENTAi. PAINTER, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Decoraling and Puper llanglrg doue lu tho lulc-l iiiiprovd style Orders solicited, which will receive prompt at tention. Residence In Purdytnwn, Kmerlck's Duuuing. buuhury, May 11, lS73.-tf. A. M. ME1XELL, PEALEk IN Aiuerleaa nnd European WATCH EN. FINE JEWELRY and SILVERWARE. Perfected Npectaelea aud Eye ' ' Vlaaaea. GOLD HEADED CANES. EO. Watches and Jewelry neatly icpaired and war ranted. Market Punare, srSBURV, Ta. Fib. ?. lr.'. U. of
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers