r ghtnlmrn gimcntau. sunkuryT m xhcii 22,' r??rf " RMllrond Tlhe Table. AltnlVAL ATt Ht'PABTl'nEO TllI!r AT SUNHtRT. N. C. 11. W.. South. Erie Mull, 12.50 a m Erie. Express, 9.40 " Mull, 1105 " King. Express 8.00 pm T. A E. R. R. West. Mull, (U10 n m I Nine. Kpressl2.40 pm I F.lmira Mnil 4 !I0 " Erio Express, 7.01 CNM-ftY ASO l,WIflTOW!I Hi n " Leave Sunbury for Lcwlstown at 7.13 a. m. nnd 3-10 p. M. ,. : Arrive ,nt Sitnbnry from Lcwistown at 1.50 nnd 7.45 p. m.' . ; BHAJIOKJN DJTIBIOK. M. 0. II. W. LXATI Sunbury M 5.45 a m " 12.85 p in ntnlTR M Sunbury 9.f m . " 8. MS pin 4.40 p ra U.oo p m DA.NTII.LK, BAM-FTO WTMteSTIAHim It. R. Reirular passenger tsaln leaves Bnnbury for Danville, Cuttnwlssa, Ha.lcton nnd Intermediate stations, nt 0.45 n. m. Returning lonvo llazle toa nt 1.00 p. in. Arrive at 4.00 p. m. LACKAWANNA AND PLOOMsni'BO B. B. Leave Northumberland at V).40 n. m. and 4.50 p. m. ' Arrive at Northumberland nt 10.35 a. ra. and J.05 p. in. ' 1 Aoeldeutul Insurance Ticket cn be had of J. eiilp'mau, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. If oca Is. JU3inCS5 Sr.wtso MACiiurrrs and Cottage Okoavs. Miss Caroline Daliiis 18 tlio agent for the sale of 'h liest Sewing Machines in existence, viz : 'Tim I n proved Grovcr A Baker,' and 'Domestic,' which are constantly kept on hand, and sold nt reasonable prices. She is also agent for the sule or the, celebrated 'Silver Toniruu Orpins,' and the 'Hay .State Orgnns,' and for the sale of the Krauts; it Pope Knitting Machine. Call and see them. Office on Market street, east ot the rail road. Tun Improved O hover A Bakrh Sr.wiNo Ma chine. These celehratcd machines arc olfered tit the most reasonable rate. For particulars apple to D. H. KUTZ, Ascnt, Feb.L'2,'73.-ly. I'pper Augusta township. llorsic am Lot for S.u.r. A new House and Lot, located on Spruce strei t, Sunbury, is otl'erod for sale on easy terms. Apply to John Wii.vcu. Monkv ! Monet ! For Kilo nt cost, three Wee Sowing Machines, new and guaranteed in perfect order Warranted for three years. Tcinis c ish or short credit. Apply lnide of ten days io J. I). JAMES, Ascnt. Mar. 22-2t. Whii.b in .Milton a few days ago, we noticed! t'mt onr friend W. I). Snyder has struck out hy himself", nnd opened a stovo and '.iiiwarn estab lishment, on Centre street near swinging bridge. William is a stood workman. accommodating and obliging, and deserves a full share of the putron a re of that pla.e. TrtF. PuMie Schools will close next week. Prof. E. Schneider informs tha public that he will open a Sanuner school, nssisiod by bis daughter Mies Alice Schneider, to commence on Monday, April ?.h, la the upper room of the N. East Wurd school building, near the corner of 4th and Arch meets. 15-4t. A Fini! I.ocATBn Lor roll Sxi.k. A flue bulbi ng lot located In Cake's Addition, pear the P. Jt E. Railroad shops, is ollercd for Bale on rea sonable terms Applvto fe'.'2-2m5 V. .1. Hi.air. Sunbury, Pa. Hoots Snons by the Million.--Wm. IT. Miller of the Excelsior Hoot A: Shoe Store, keeps his rooms tilled with all styles and qualities of Ladies' Shoes and Gaiter, (icntlemens' Hoots mii I Shoos, nnd Children' Shoes. The best make ii the country is kept there, and told nt the low .-t price. Gum Shoes of all sizes and Stylos al ways kept on hand. W. U. F. Wr.tMr.u's Cash Store, take the lead in all the Unc goods. Every style of Ladies' Dress Goods, Cloths, Onssimcres, and a general variety of Groeerie", Quconsware, iv;e., are kept and si'ld at the lowest oasis prices. Everybody that buys is astonished nt the low prices. Call and see the splendid assortment of iroods. Tiic constant supply of the best of Hats niunil l.icturcd U causing the largo number of orders from ail parts of the country at S. Faust's Hat Store, on Market street. Every style can be pro cured there. His stock is immense, and purcha- es t.isi be ina lo at lower rates thiiu in the city. All persons wanting good unl idieap pielurcs should ( all at R. C. Siuiek's Gem Gallery, here, fii)' ran got nine irood pietiuos for 5(1 cents. i it liipei-iy's old stand, Sunlniry, l'a. mlil-tf 3for:tI Affairs. Patiutk Uoi.an has purchased the saloon 1-itely kept by Win. Gchrinir, on the coiner of Third and Market streets, and the license has i-en transferred to him. Mr. Uolan Is about renovating the place and will snake it a first ?!ass saloon. Tke official majority in Shamokln township nainst license was 1SS tnstciid of 108, ns was repostej. Tliis reduces the majority to 1-13 ill he county, nnd with the informal vote of Coal oivnship thrown out snake s the legal majority nit 71. Tin: liipior aircutsare becoming very nmncr n;s in this county since local option was de- eate.l. They all expect to establish a good trade. With such an army of liquor dealers, the FtutT Might to get cheap. Tun ice on the dans disappeared on Friday af ...rnoon last, without doing much damage. At an election held on last Friday evening for .Ulcers sf the Masonic Hall Association, John Haas, Esq., was elected President; 8. P. Wol r i ton, Esq., Trcasiiser, and William neudrlcks, Esq., Secretary. t)n. Gahinoeu. Wo are happy to learn that ur young friend Georgo Gurineer, ion of Mr. 'Jhnrlra Garlnger, of this place, bus lately grad tateil with the degree of doctor of medicine at li-lf. rson College, Philadelphia. The Doctor has icon a diligent scholar, and by his industry and lerseverance has mastered his studirs with a de cree worthy of emulation. We wUh hi in abund nice of success In his uew calling, and hope he nay roou rank with the foremost of his profes iun. On Saturday last, a house of Henry Ilartm.in, ear Turbutvillc, caught lire from a defective lue, and was eutirely consumed, together with tearly all tho furniture. There wak no insur .uce on tho property. Seveiial cars loaded witli oil, while standing ipon the siding at the lower end of Milton bor ugli, caujflit tire on Friday morning lust and .ere entirely consumed. The heat was so in ju3o that no trains could pass over the mala rack during the conflagration. The passeuger -alns lis the morning wero detained for several' MltUS. Installation of Officehs.--On jrfondi.y ev ling last D. D. ii. P., Em'l Wilvert, Installed le following offlcers of Tort Augusta Eucamp lent, No. 140, I. O. of O. F., lu Buuburj, lo rve the ensuing term s C. P. William Xlock it ; H. P., Janic M. Farra t 8. W., B. F. Lnn :iil j J. W., David Fassold Treasurer, Valeu ne Deit j Scribe, A. N. Brice. On Tuesday evening last, the ofllceri of Pil ims Eneainpincnt, No. 100, 1. O. of O. f ., lo lled at Miltoif, trft lirstulleit y the same offl- r, as follows i C. P., Jacob Meixell H. P., A, atdorfi 8. W., J.J. Fosnuuglit j J. W'., dial. . Mel veil ; Treasurer James M. Hull'; bcribe, us. II. uVlT. Thb Fourth Anniversary .of . Washington Camp, Nc. 10, P. O. 8. of A., on Friday evening of last week was attended by the tli't of our place. The mtislo by the Sunbury Cornet BnnrI on the occasion, was well appreciated, And the exercise of the evening hereof the Hiosl pleas ing charnrtei'. The opening nddrcss i,f DUt. Prcs't, W. P. Miller, giving a hleloilonl sketch of tha organization and progress of the Order, wn listened to with marked attention. The. address by James Wilson, Esq., of Harrlsbiirg, was more than ordinarily Interesting, nnd was highly appreciated by the audience. The refreshments were superb, nud every one admired the manner in which tho room and tables were decorated with Wreaths flags and flowers. Altogether It was one of the largest as well as the most plea sant gatherings we bavs seen in this place for A long time. The young men who compose Camp No. 19, aro deserving of much crdlt for the agreeable, and satisfactory munncr In which they got tip so pleasing en entertainment fot1 the pub lic. All who were present will look forward to their next anulversary with pleasure. A Bill has been introduced In the Legislature to divide this borough Into four Wards. On In quiry wo lind it Is very objectionable to a majori ty of the citizens on nccount of Its Interfering with the local nlfalrs lu several of the Wards. Besides it will create an additional e.xpcisse to tho county of several hundred dollars annually. ' Tin: embankment below the Slmmokln dam was washed away considerably by the water dur ing the forepart of this week. On Tuesday, Chier Burgess Malick telegraphed to Mr. Wire man, of Harrishurg, Superintendent of the canal of this division, who came here in the evening nnd at once put a large number of men to work In repairing it. A linrAKEit Burns:!). On Sunday night lart the Caledonia coal breaker, ut Mt. Caiiuel, be- , longing to Messrs. Michael Swcnk t Althouse, wiib entirely consume. I by lire. Tho loss falls heavily upon the owners, as the Insurance on the property amounted to only $5,000. The firowas no doubt the work ot an incendiary, and it is strongly Intimated that a conspiracy has been formed to destrov property In that locality. Every cllort should be made to bring the olfon dcrs to Justice. Tin: storm on Sunday last made sad havoc in different parts of the county. Buildings were Unroofed, fences demolished nnd trees uprooted. In this place several roofs suffered damages. On Monday morning we noticed several wagons up tnrncd, and an emptv eiwl cur which had been left standing on the main trark, near the river, was driven to the crossing at the Shaulnkin Val ley Railroad, w here it came in contact with other cars. A New Estahi.ishment. Messrs Clement and Dissinger, of the "Star Stoic," intend branching out their business by establishing a wholesale and retail clothing house In cosiueotion witli their Dry Goods and Grocery Store, now to pop ular for good and cheap goods. Having fitted up rooms in Cleinent's building for hands to make up clothing they have employed the popu lar cutter and tailor, Thos. G. Nott to superin tend that department. Mr. Dissinger, one of Ihe firm, and Mr. Nott, are on a trip to Philadelphia and New York to make a selection of tho best nnd most fashionable goods in the market which will bo made up to order for n wholesale and re tail trade. Clothing will be made up more sub stantially nnd cheaper thnn city work. Dealers nnd others desiring suits mnde in the most fusli ioneble style can have their orders filled nt the shortest notice. A large number of bauds will be at once employed, and no delay need be feared in filling the largest orders. Tills grand cstab ment will be opened In the, course of a week, when there will also be a grand opening of goyi!& at the Slat Store. A Masqi-biiaiib Ball was held nt the Clement House, this" place, on Thursday evening last, which was largely attended by ladies and gentle men from till and neighboring towns. Some of the parties present were dressed lu rather hid eous looking costumes, while others did not dis guise themselves much from their cverv day up pcarnnce.. A description of tho costumes worn would no doubt prove lntcresting"to many, but which we nrc prevented from giving, ns our in vitation w as not "squitulent" to pass us through the crowd nt the door, even to got a glimpse of the assemblage. The party was kept tip until a late hour, and everything passed. oil in the most pleasant nnd agreeable manner. Tho refresh ments served by mine host and hostess of the Clement House Were gotten up In their usual splendid style, and those present from other placcs.wcrc very favoiably Impressed with the pleasant entertainment they enjoyed. Thanks. Our thanks nre due Mr. Animcr mant of Montour county, Representative from this Legislative District, for a copy of Smulls "Legislative Hand Book." Also to Dr. Dewitt, member from this county, for public do cuments. We also return our thanks to the Hon.-Jos. Bally, and Dr. Rooke, members of the Constitu tional Convention for copies of its proceedings. Anotiieii Collieiiy Bi HNEo. On Wednesday morning last, a fire occurred at the Brady Collie ry, at Shamokin, owned by Guitcrinan and Gor man, burning the breaker to tho ground. The loss Is heavy but Is covered by insurance. The cause of the fire is unknown. A. J. Foiiseman, of Washington township, Union enmity, had an attack of appoplexy ots Saturday week, from the eflects of which he died on Friday last. Ho was aged about t'ti years. Mr. Forseinau, formerly resided In Clilllisqua que township, and was well and favorably known in the upper end of this county. Tub New Postoeficb Bi ildino. The con tract for the erection of the new postoffleo build ing In this place ha been awarded to If. M. Fahncstock for the sum of 2,ii70. The building is to bo brick and two stories in heighth. It Is lo be arranged expressly for the postuillcc. The prize cakes at tho Red Mens Festival Vot ed to landlords and Doctors were awarded to E. T. Druushellcr of the City Hotel, and lo Dr. K. h. llanpt. Tub borough bonds to be issued are to bear an engraving of the Court Honse nud public gefunre upon them. Fihe. The telegraph office In the upper rail road yard, caught lire on Mouday last, and was entirely cousumed. The origiu of the Are i a myste-y. A Fatal Railkoaw Accident. Mr. Geo. W. Campbell, a front brakesman on the "Local Freight," a coal train on this division of the N. C. R. W., was slsddeuly killed on Wednesday morning, near Reed's Station, by fulling from the cars. It appcaas from what we can learn that Mr. Campbell was in the act of uncoupling the engine from the train when be missed bis foothold and fell under the cars. His body was terribly mangled, and was first discovered by the hind brakeiuau. Mr. Campbell wus a highly re spected young man, aged about 24 yeurs. lie leaves a wile und child to mouru his sudden and fearful death. MuuhvI in Herald. Election of Officehs. Tho Northumberland County Agricultural Society that holds its fairs at TuibiHTllle, held their annual meeting on Monday week, uad elected the followl-jg ollloorsi President,, A. 8. Wagner Secretary, Wm. A. Dcun ) Treasurer, Wm. Savidgo Executive Committee, B. ll.Bordo, Johu Ilaa, Jacob Hub seeker, Jacob M. Follmer, John Beuuyler, ftuu't Montgomery, David DietfenNtcher, W. B, Kem erer, Job liouth. Tuiliuuiilc was scaled at the plare for ho.ding the next lair. MEETINO Or TUB NoRTIItMCHnl.ABrt DotJKTT AdiitcrLTt'BAL Societt. Tho tncmbcifs of the Northumberland County Agricultural rWlety met In the Arbitration Room of theConrl Bouse, on Monday, nt 1 o'clock P. M., Joseph Bird, Esq., President, presiding. Thoofllcers not pro ducing the stock certificate book In the forenoon, as whs requested by resolution ni the last uicet lt:g, a request was mnde of tho President to open tho books to give All nil opportunity to take stock If they desired, which was refused by that olllcer. Several propositions were made to har monize upon a ticket for officers for the ensuing yeur.whlch was also declined. As there nppcur cd to be no disposition on the pnrt of somo of tha oiflcers to -yield to the stockholders an equal show to elect ollicvrs, tbe "stockholders op. this side of the river wlllidrw,wltu a fow exceptions, nnd t ccllned to rote. : Amotion was then made to procoed to an elce-' lion, ihc President appointing ' Messrs. W. T. Forsyth, John Youii(;m.uu and Pinion Randall tellers of tiic election. The following ticket, iiuuw tip for the pur pose, was then Voted for by Ihe stockholders on the other side of tho river, ami declared elected i President Joseph Bird. Recording Secretary (J. W. Arssistrong. Corresponding Secretary Simon Randall. Treasurer J. 11. Jenkins. I.ibiarian (!. W Gulelins. Cheniisl Earns wort Is Reed. Geologist John Haas. Yiec-l'resldoiits Lewis, Jno. McFiirlnni's Del aware, Joseph Nicely, Jr.! Tuihut. Wm. Wul dron; Tui butvilie, James D. llnrr: Wntsontown, J. M. Follnierj McEwensville, H.J. Recder; Mil ton, South Ward. 1.. Hull'; Milou, North Ward, Lewis Stiekeri t hilli-naiUi', 14. Voslss Point, Tbomns Johnson; Northumberland, Wm. T. Forsyth; Sunbury, East Ward, Goo. Wngousel ler; Sunbury, West Ward, Samuel Rothermel; Upper Auirunta, (iooryc Gnu:; Lowur Augusta, Lcili. Sliipman; liiisll, I'iIwuhI n rally; bliamo kin township, Mulonmn Marlzi Snyilertow ii, J. Moosci Shamokin Borough, East Ward; Stephen Hiitenbenderi Shamokiii Borough, West Ward, A. A. Helm; Mt. Carmel Borough, S. A. Ilerg Ktrcsser; Cameron, C. K. Weikeli Zerbo, J. E. Ralliburn; Little Mahauoy, II. II. Doriisife; I'pper Mahanoy, Joseph Mowrer, Jackson, J.G. Smith; Jordan, John Wert: Lower Mahaiioy, P. Borrel. Sr.: Riverside, 0. 11. Ostrander. A huge number of the above ofllecrs decline serving unless a rninpromi.'i: Is effected and mi epial chance given to the stockholders and fiieuds of tho Society for further change in ollleers. There being many objections to soma of the ol Joliieers, who, it Is supposed, ro ol ted to a trick lo remain in olllee for another year, after having positively promised a year ago to give the mutter over to a new board this spring, for the purpose of investigating thci transac tions and satisfying the stoekboloorf that every thing has been conducted to their lute test. Hut having set themselves up as dictators to a ma jority of the stockholders, it is strongly advo cated lo organize a society upon a permanent basis, holding tho lairs nt this place. A So ciety which has been spoken of.with men of bus iness tact nt the", head, would prove bevond a doubt, n good Investment, and but few isi the county who have means to invest would refuse lo enter into such a project. SiiLir.itx Mom ms'nt. A call was made for n meeting at the Court House, on Wednesday evening, to adopt means to rale snoney to erect a County Soldiers' Monument in the public park in Sunbury. On motion, So!. Malick, Esq., was elected i'le.-ident, M -ssrs. Ditty, of Gcigi-towu, McClcury, nf Milton, Dr. Koim and Cnpt.Novins, of Sunbury, were elected Vice-Presidents, dipt. H. Painter and L. . M. Voder, Secretaries. A statement of the object of the meeting was tuade by the President, niter which .Mr. Hi ice made a few remarks, giving a full statement of tho ar rangement for the proposed monument, together with its cost and when it would be built. The following communication was then read, and, on motion, ordered to be published : Shamokin, Pa., March 111, 1873. To John fi. ( Irmrtit, J. J. ,SmM, .Vusser Ilut her, .V. I'mkr. Gentlemen. Your letter of 14th is nt hand. I regret exceedingly thai 1 cannot bo with you to-night. Sickness lu my family will prevent my attendance on what to me w ould be an eu Joyablo occasion. As a soldier of Northumber land county, I feel an interest, deeper than any words of mine can express, in a cause that should bo dear tii the heart of every soldier. The sol diers nf Northumberland county have :i record proud as the proudest of our si-tor counties of this great CommoiiMcailh. The mystic chain of ineiiioiy stretching across the battle-Melds of a continent, unites in ono great brotherhood those who wore tho "blue," nnd until the last survivor of the great struggle, which shook the nation, ceases to answer to I lie reveille, this luotherhood will continue in marble and bronze, the dii-ds of those who died that the nation might live, be hold in remembrance, and perpetuated as mak inglhc giandest era in our history. 1 will d all in my powe r to further tho interests of a cause which has my heart's warmest, best wishes for lis success. Respectfully and trulv Tours, ' A. CALDWELL. On motion, it Was Resolved, Thut the Chair appoint a committee of two from each ward and township in the county to solicit subscriptions to the monument fund. Ou motion of dipt. Painter, the thtinks of the meeting wero tendered (o the Sunbury Silver Comet Band for the excellent niuMc furnished by them. Col. MeCleary, of Millon, addressed the meet ing in a few spirited and encouraging remarks, an I was followed by the Hon. J. B. Packer, who briefly and eloquently urged the claims of the dead upon the living in the erection of this me morial shaft. On motion of Gen. Clonsout, a copy of the speeches of Messrs. Packer and MeCleary were requested for publication. On motion adjourned. II. PAINTER, L. M. VODER, Secretaries. IIos. J. L. Detwileh, of Iowa, will deliver a lecture on Temperance at the follow ing places lu this comfy : Mt. Carmel, Saturday, March 23; Shnmoklir, Mouday, March 24i Trevortou, Tuesday, March 35; Sunbury, Weducsday, March 20; Northum berland. Thursday, March 97; Wutsontown, Friday, March 23; Millon, Saturday, March 9. Good Templar Lodges or others nt these places please make all necessary arrauguoieuW to in sure Success. D. D. Bolicii, Mt. Carmel. An ArcinENT. Mr. Alexander Moore of Ihe Shamokin Hills met with an accident on Wed nesday last. As he was driving tho road be tweca the Rock cut und the scales, bis team be coming freigliteucd ut an engine that was stand ing still, backed over the embankment into the creek, destroying his wagon and a sofa thai he had Just purchased. Fortunately neither he nor his horses were hurt.--Aamwha JltrnUI. "Pain Kii.ua." There can be no necessity, at this Intc day, for the press, to speak in com mendatory terms of this remarkable iiitdieluu, iu order to promote Its sale; for it ! a medicine that is ktown and Appreciated the wide worhl through. Whenever we speak of the Paiu Killer, as in the preseul instance, we do so in beh&if of theaUlictcd, rather than with the view of ;,d vauclng the interests of its proprietors. For va rious diseases, such as rkeninalisiu, cliolcra-mor-bus, cholera, burns, sprains, bruise, and so on totbeendof the catalogue, we are convinced that there Is no remedy before the people equal lo Davis' Vegetable ''Pain Killer," and we kuow that thousands upon thousands -entertain the siiiiib belief. Cerluiuly, we cannot refer to the history of any medicine which equuls that of the Pa 111 Killer, ll was introduced iu 1K4U, and from that time to ibis its tale, both at borne ami i abroad, has constantly aud rapidly Increased, aan we rejoiou si mo nign repuiallou St bat achieved, because this reputation shows that it has htiew Ihe useaus of relieving a vast amount of binnan suffering. We ho the present pro- pi icuiraui isuvi , vguuiuia ' rum timer will long live to enjoy tlis prosperity they have o faniy wou. Letter from thi West. DENvnn, CnlnrArlo; March 8, 1873. Kditor liunhnry Amtticant ' t In my former li-ller I promised you my t rip from Deliver to Georgetown. Alter a hurried break I'm st, with 85 uiliiules to make depot of Co lorado Otntral Kuilway.T arrived safe, and tent ed myself in one of llio snpersir coaches of the train, when 'all aboard' sounded from the con ductor, and wnwereotl' for ihe noble Rockies. For n companion I hml ruse ofthe knights of tho quill, cuiiiii itod with onu of o.ir Denver papers, who by tho way, caino here in '50, consequently is well posted, and has traveled all over the mountains hctfleeu here mid Georgetown, und by whom 1 y.iis posted all along the linn. Our trip from this city lo Golden whs uninteresting, ns the road runs aver.the-level plains. Now the engine signals our near approach to Golden, w here we aro compelled lo change cars of mine road but narrow gunge, our arrival nt Golden was hailed with delltbt. Now, lor tho first time, I stand nud lookup nt tho lofty mountains thut surround us on all sides, and we soo ono large rm k extending up, up, up, w hich Is called Castle Rock. This mountain is Hut on top, and Is a great resort for strangers, and for the people, of thu city who useend to Its top by an old trull, which winds n round until I lie top is reached. Thu city contains about 4e0U Inhabitants, nud is beuniiluliy slliml-jd in t lie small Valley of Clear Creek. For the second time 1 inn Seated In ono of ihe coaches, nud our trip will be of intense In terest, running through Clear Creek Canyon, ono of the most sublime gorges or openings of the Rockies. This narrow gimp", tnns only 20 miles from Golden to Hluck Hawk, the centre of thu gold mines and silver regions. This road as cends up u very heavy grade, and its ascent Is Slim feet in tho So miles. Hern for the lirst time alter we were under way, running at a speed bf about 8 miles per hour, we get fairly into the mountains. When on one side of the lolly mountains, on the other the creek only 40 feet wide, then we can look up "IKK) feet, until our head lens lo sec the top. The mountain sides abound in g-mio deer, Mountain sheep, bear and grouse. Arriving nt HlMck Hawk, wc are con fronted wil ls the tamillnr name of Wells, Fat H' Cn's stage, stiMiilug at our clde, learty to start, hitched lo which wore six noble steels. 1 loin here our route lay to Central City situated one mill! up the gulch, up thu steepest grade 1 ev er ascended. Arriving, 1 tlml a busy, substantial town on tii.' top of the mountains, and at nr. nl titiiilo of 8.U1U feet. This city is supported by her silver mines, and has an uppearauce of enter lerprlse and bustlo on all sides. The road from here lo Virginia Canyon lays ou top of the moun luiiis one ot the finest roads 1 havcevortravellcd. Nothing or interest except Graham Gulch, noted for the vast quantities of gold luktn from her placer mines. Virginia Canyon reached, our since making the first class time of seven miles per hour, and full of passengers both inside und on top, myself side of driver, and we now com mence the descent nf tho Canyon 2000 fuel, dis tance, throe miles from the top, and all along the lofty "Snowy R inge" looms up until its peaks SM-ni to die away In clouds, 'ihe trip through the Canyon Is grand beyond description; time down S5 minutes, biiimiug us to ldaltoe Springs. Here w.'i-hinju horses, nud driver, taking the lar-l'amed knight of the whip Hi Washburn to h ad us to Georgetown by the. way Grace Green wood's favorite driver. Again our road lay along Clear t.reek Canyon mountains on all sides, and nothing to relieve the eye hut the clear, blue sky above us. Alter u. two hours' ridn of 14 miles, wo at last reach our destination, tired, dp.sty an. I worn out by our lid miles staging, nijd now Georgetown looms up before us, looaiod in one of tho finest valleys 1 ever beheld, but very narrow, not over one-fourth mile wide. Tho fur ther up tho mountain you go the higher they seem. Hie city contains ubout IkNO Inhabitants, and will lie ono of the finest cities of the moun tains, both in riches und population. Here wo are shut out of the world, hemmed upon till sides, by high mountains, iu comparison to which those ol Pennsylvania are meru potato hills. SAX. ijiOOIr UOItBM YOl THE PAIN-KILLER. Wc can contldently reconiiucud the Pain Killur. lormito JSaptiM. It is the most ellectiial remedy wo know of lor Aclscs. Pains, llcsli wounds. &c. HI. Johns Ncu-n, I'. (. We nilvisu that every family should have so eii'ecttml and speedy a, Pain-Killer. Antlu rsl X. S. Gazette. Our own experience is that a bottle of Pain-Killer is the liest Physician a traveller cm have. H'lmilt'tn Smhilor. For both internal and external npplica fion havo fuUi:4 it of rtnt value. Chrinr Km. A medicine no family should be without. Miwtnul Triiiitscrijtt. Could hardly keep house without it. El Voire. Should be kept in every house, In readi ness for sudden attacks of bickuess. Chri.i. l'rcrs. No arliele ever obtained such unbounded popularity. .S'ltfcm Cwr iftr. One ot "the most reliable specifics of the n?e. Old Xo, th $tite. Its power is wonderful find uneqnaled in relieving the most severe pain. liurlim ton Scnlind. An indispensable nrtiele in the medicine chest. .V. V. Ilcutnitia; It will recommend itself to all who use it. fi'poi'ji'i Jinti rrine. Is extensively used nnd nought after as a really useful medicine. Juin nal M. Jijhn. x.n. No Medicine has acquired such a repu-. tat ion ; it has teiil uieiit. A'et()Oi huilj XtlVi. One of tho most useful medicines ; have used it and disiiensed it f. rr the past twenty years. 7iVe. JI'hi. Ward, Ahmi. The most valuable mciiiciue now in use, 7csisi. Opan. It is really n valuable medicine, and used by many physieiaus. Huston T. uvdkr. We always keep it where we can put our "hands on it in the dark, if need be. ifir. ('. Wlhurtl, Hurntfih. One tf the few articles that are iust what they pretend to bcJintuxwicJc it Irgraph. In my mountaiu travels no medicine is of so universal application us Pain-Killer. lite. 31. 11. L'ufc.V, UurUnm. 1'F.lillY DAVIS AXIt SOS, MANF'i AND I'llOF's, 130 Hioh St., Providence, II. I. Ill Sycamore St., Cincinnati, O. -377 ht. Paul St., Montreal. Canada. 17 Southampton, How, London, En. March -'J, lS73.lm. - " III Delaware iMnwiip, on H,'4fth nlt.,CATII ARISK, wile of Samuel li -Uluy-, aged -lo' years. 7 months, mi I 1 a dues. .... In Stran-towu. near Turbutvllle, on the 8ih inst., NANCY, wifo of Io.iae Reeder, oged W years, and 14 days. Near Wasblmrtonvlllc, on tho 12th Inst., LIZ Z1K IDA, child of Henry and Busnu Marts, aged 1 year, 0 months assd 17 days. lu Northumberland, on the 10th Inst., WIL. 1.1 AM MONTGOMERY, son of i. II. and Caro lina mceut, aged J years, 5 months aud '.'8 days. At ZIon's Lutheran parsonai;?, Turbutvillc, 011 the 0th lilt., by tho Key. J. F. Wunipole. Mr. MiniAKi. Smith, to Mrs. Ki.iZAnETU A. Dbiuc. SI'XBIHV .MAHKETN. f lour aud (jirulu Alarkct. Etra Family 3.00 Rod Wheat, p. ini.,t?.(i0 ifui-nv, uoiti, p. ci., ;r.ou live, Corn Meal. S.M Corn, WltcHt H'.vn, p. bit. r..Vl llnckwhent Shorts. . !ikia..l. 11.. ISO 70 1.00 so 3.5 .oru nais 1 nop, 3.00 Klaxseed, Timothy deed, p. b. a. 00 rttMlui-e lIrl(. P11 Intoes, 7 V Hams, SJ Tallow, 85 Country Soap, i Drivd Applos, 10: " J'eaelits, .f-heutders. 1 10 " 13 16 11 Kees, mr doc. Butler, per lb.,' Lard, ' birti-s, . . clu ifbtrtismcnis. JLtUnfo of Hmiiuol Tlintt'licr, dcc'tl. "T OTICE Is her. by given that Letters of Ad ministration having been grunted tothe un dersigned, on the est nit nf Ssmuol Thatcher, late of Point tosnshlp, Nos tbumhnrland C! unty, l'a., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate aro reiiuestoi) to make Immediate payment, nnd those, having claims to present them for ecttlo menl. WILLIAM KEF.O, Adtn'r. Point township, March 21, li73. Ct. WANTED. Wo will give Men and Women BUSINESS Til AT WILL PAY from IN to $3 pr day, can he pursued in ynur owp neighborhood i it Is a rare chance for those out nf employment or having lclr.ur limoi girls nnd Lovs fruunuullv do as Woll as men. Parti culars frco. Address J. LATHAM &. CO., 8H? Washington st., Boston, Mass. Miir.8a.-6t.. .' 11 Ki'oitr Ol iho Condition of "The Northumberland Coun ty Nalioual Hank," No. titJIt, in Hisatnokln, in the Stat'! of Pennsylvania, nt the cios of busi ness on the 'Sth dav of February 1STJ : RKH'uL'RCES. Loans and Discounts P JOS.47H ait U. S. I'.onds to sceiiru Circulation liT.lioo oil Other Stocks, Hmuls nnd Mortgages i'.'Jill 00 Due from Redeeming nnd Reserve Agents approved Due from oilier National slunk line from State Hanks nnd Hunkers Hanking House Other Real Estate Futnituro and Fixtures Current Expenses '. Taxes Paid. ( hecks and other C-ish Items Hills of National Ranks Fractional Cur'ey (including nickels) Rcie, vie: Coin... Legal Tender Notes aa.fisn n 111 l.a 47S b7 Hl.SK'.l H7 l.i-'oU tlO Si, 11 1!) 7." 1,011 tiG HW f.S 70 f'.n 2,001 IK) 171 OH w i:s c:t d:i, loo on fiTS,(J01 Oil LTARIL1TIES. Capitil fitocl: paid in f (17.000 00 Surplus Fund 4.7LM 54 Discount, Exchange und Interest... li.SJS Si Amount Circtslatiou outstanding 00,010 00 Dividends unpaid 817 yft Individual Deposits S!o2,7i'i4 1(1 Due to National Hanks IvI.biKl :.'C, Due to Slate Hanks and Hankers 4,f.j3 C7 $;;is,obi mt I,' F. S. Haas, Cashier of "Tho Northuiiiher land County National Hunk or fchasnoklrs," do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to tho best of my knowledge 4ml belief. F. S. HAAS, Cashier. Correct. Attfst, W.T.GRANT, ISAAC MAY, JOHN It. DOUTY. Directors. Stati: of l'i NSVi.VAiA,Conn(y of Northum berland. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 11th day of March. 1S7X O. M. FOWLER, NVtary r.iKilc. CALL SPIX'IAL ATTENTION To their immense Stock of ! Foreign tiuil Aiiicrieiiii Wilt cites, DIAMONDS JEWELUV, PSSAXII AND filLYEll-Pl.ATESl WaIIE, Clocks, Rronzes and Fancy-Goods. Forming an ELEGANT ASSORTMENT iu cverv DF. PARTMENT. I.W I'Klt'ES. l'hiladi lphia, March U2, 187;l.-lyr. , lPV BOOK, 1 Wfi! AGENTS V FOU TIIK FUNNY SIDE PHYSIC: WOO i'ii;rM, SSO Kiir:viiiK. A startiieg expoi-o of Medical Humbugs of the past nud present. H ventilates (Juaek, Impos- uirs, 1 ravening 1 ineiors, l ao'nt Medicine Ven ders. Noted female Cheats, Fortune Tellers nnd .MeMtnne, and gives interesting accounts of Not ed rli.vsioiai.s, und Narratives of liseir lives. It reveals Btaitlimr secrets, and iu.- tructs all how to avoid the ills which tics Is is heir to. Ue give ex. elusive territory and liberal commission. For eireuUrs and terms addles? the publishers, J. H. BURR HVDE. Ilatlfor.l, Connecliciit, or Chicago, Jilinois. AGENTS WANTED POK THE I'ucivilixrd Ktacr or.Urn In all Countries of tho World, Ileing a comprehensive account of their ssinnners und cusli.ins, and of their physical, social, mental, moral and religious characteristics. 13 tl ft'tf.J. O. WOOD, .If. .4., -. s. 500 DiigraviiigH 1 ."( Nupcr ICoynl Oclnvo I'agOH. In two Volumes, or two Volumes in one. Agents nre making over f 100 p, r week In sell ing (his work. An early upplcalion will secure u choice of territory. For terms address the pub Ushers, .1. 11. HI' Kl ft 11YDK, Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, III. March S3, 1S73 -t. I'niK TriH's, Mir ultherj , Ac, nt KToatlj- reduced priresj. flIIE sudscrihir having engaged in the nursery - business, Id prepare I lo furnish all kinds i.fi r run 1 re es, nnruuuwy, I lowers, iVe., at reduced prices, ns follows ; l'EAll Dwaf at 50 ots ; standard CO cts. PEACH any variety nt ll cts APPLE any variety at '.'0 cts. APRICOTS, Quinces, I'luins, Nectarines, Prunes, Cherries at Men s STRAW BERRIES oO cis per dozen. GRAPES any va riety trom a 5 cts. to &0 c'.s. ueeordiiig to sis.-. FLOWERS, Shrubbery, 11 ischushes from 2n to SO cts., has over threo hundred vuiielies. CL R- LAN IS and Goo-boi Ties 15 cts.. These plants urn from the best nursery in tha State and will be warranted as represented. For further particulars address, or apply lo I'll AS. J. CONRAD. Sunbury, February 15, 1S711. IOCfiiirlxN Not let'. ESTATE OK WILLIAM HORN, lato of Sun bury borouuh, Northumberland county, dee'd. All pori-oiia indebted to said estate are ruUosted to snake iuiniediale payment, and those having lsal claims ngalnst the same, will present them nil boat delay, in proper order for setlleaietit, to U. Y. Frvliug or to CATlf ARINK HORN, Bunbiiiy, Feb. yj, 1S7:. lit Executrix. I'or Nulo. A VALUABLE FARM nORSF. AND TWO FRESH MILCH COWS uro o He red at private sale, on lea-unable terms, I'or particu lars call on the subscriber, in Upper Augusta township. 011 I ho farm kuowu as the James Campbell Farm. IW-Ml R. F. RARNIIART. Wmn-AwAKif Hook Agents Wasted ron i.iri: of .Aioi.to 111 by Abholl, New Edition, with accounts of the Trussiau War, und Ihe last hours of Use Empe ror i making an elegant octavo of 700 pages. The times and thutlicuie lender it the most poi uhlr work of the day. Exclusive territory wilh no competition. Address nt once, Ciiaker City Publishing Co., Iw i'17 and Sill Quiuce-st., Philadelphia. March 1, IbTy. 1878 -jy mm EYRE AND LANDELL. FOURTH Al) A'KCH STRKKTS, l'lHLADELl'IIIAy ARE DAILY OPENING CHOICE NEW SPIMNU DHY ti(HDS. SPIUNO DHY GX)DK SILKS OP II VSON TINTS. NEW COU IKS Ni'HIPK sri.KS. NEW PA ISLE Y SHAWLS. h. K K A F FELTS FIN E SHAWLS. PLAIN FlilK.VDLY SHAWLS. NEW DP ESS (itJOD OPEN. POl'LAUD'S LAKGE SPOT. ' FHENCH FOiri.AHD CHINTZES. FINE STOCK OF TAPLE LINENS, NAPKINS 0 NEW HOUSEHOLD GOOD. N. B. LYONS PLACK-SILKSt-T acroiiffil DurabU. ' March 15, 173 ow sr. .j u in. CO 1 o o sxa 5 'sS u 3 f JS w -t- o Q m o C3 & Pi 03 tJ u rd IH u a SH o O 5fi - f CO r 0 w w W P5 N o 2 c 1- 0 a S 2 43 5 IT 5 m r 4 o -- u o a o a o - o o a a o o o 73. 3 C 3 TliN Nparo is lloservod Tor (Ik AnvirniisEMKKT ov paine & Mccormick -s H A Ii J) W A 11 : H T O li Market .St., SunUui'y , lu. tSMtlBlsnWB l ull R.-ul AVinlcr KtjU'tf op HATS, CAPS, and llONNF-TS. KIHIiOXS, LACES, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, Crapes, bilks, Satliis, Turiiuolsc, Crape and Lace Veils. Trinin,'!iigs of every lVscription from Nuw York nnd Philadelphia, just opened und for rale at unusually low prices. Call ami examine und be convinced. MISS L. blliSSLER, Maikel Squaro. South side, Suubury, Pa Bmsbary, Owt. '-ili, T. 1873 1812. -l ."Vl '- ,p VALL AND WIXTE15 f;oM'-, j ' ' Hi Ihe Stoie of Ilcfxl lfroltif f A" S"iIiIIji (sncraiur to P. O, Rood A: liro.) COMPJtlfsINC OF DRV GOODS of every description nnd variety such ns Dukas fiOOOS, MrtilMIS, l'AIIMrif.'8.iTIN, Al.l'A CAS, PlH-MsS, AO., i'l.AIN 1' 11. 1 lll:il I'oOIIS, . ( bUAVt I S AMI CllAIS, liosuiliv, un ) -i Ffiij. Assortment oy Xhtih.n?, which are tedng sold nt the lowest Curb Prices. Also, Oitoci-iih and Piuivisionp, pi.iT and f'resli. QKFiTN3WAHK, (iLAsMvAltir, AND AVood and Willow W.'.iim, Nicest Bin nd? of Flour coSnrlaritly oh liand. A very Inrgo ASSORTMENT OF W ALL .PA PEIl, both irlazid and rommnn. nlwry s on hand. BOOTS AN D sii bns from the colchriti 1 hand made Root ri'! he MuTiulaetoiy ol Watonti.wn, for MEN; -WOMEN A ND fill LDUKN. lu:. i) v-madk ci.oruixn, of all eizesand of the lali..t styles. V L ("! 1; Jl . A constant svprlyof We-'eru ubltc ".'Is -at flour a sjKTtAliiy. Tl:n p-i'i'.ir .tro invlt! .1 to r..i'. to. 1 cxamiti" o'lt Goods iree of charge. Our m . t . is "iiick S.iles nnd Small Prollt.-," nn J 1 1 J.'.ease all. The highest pricts will !.'e paid for all kinds of counlry ja-odnee. Hy slrii.f Httoniiois to business and keeping nt all tbiK-s the most complete. sto:'U, nnd si lling ai 0.0 i.n ilees,iKC hope to merit a f ill share of pniinuiic. I 11 F.ED '.IROTIiER it F.A3IIOLTZ. Sunbury, Nov. tf, H7a.-ly. I M;V (iOODS! ' KV.W ;ODK!! fust Oprnd, T. J4 EYROD, Informs ihe litisseris of. Suui.uiy arj vicinity, that lie has received Ills Inrirr assort luent of" Dry Goods and sellinl; 'In til 1 lienp lev ca Ai at his store rouin. -.--1 1 : 1 1- ThirJ nnd Church st reels, SUNBUllV, PA., His stock comprises Iry ;oods nnd Groceries. Tlio DryGor.di d.'pe.rtmcnt Is lompl'-te, liavirg a i;;ueral nssortuiciit of. Cloths, C'L-sinu'ros, Calico?, TX-Lains, and everything in the Iry Goods lino. '1 bo iH:0 KEIJI.S are nil froh. and consists of Tea, CoflVo, Susr.ir, Mollnsses, Spices, Meat, Fish, A-c. HOOTS A Ms SllOI. WIlIoTV-Wtire and ;inso-Vt arc. a gui.cral i'ssbitment. In fact everything Kept Its a fr't-c'.as. store, can be had at the inot reasonable prices for cash. Having located in Sunbury for the lirpnse bf 1 becoming one of its citizens, I hnie that by fair dealing and strict attention to business totueilt j a share of the public patronage. My motto is "Bina'l 1 'routs and tjuivk bales. All nre cordially !i-v;'fal to call and examine my goods, as no charges will be made for show ing 111 jiii. r. J. BYROl). Riinhury, (Jet. 10, 1372. A. M. MEIXELL IllMI.r.H IN . Anicriraii nud l'.uroi'nii tv A iciii:. PINE JEWKLil "i and SUA EUWAKE: IVrtlurtt'il KportHc-loN aud I-lje (I 11 si . tiOLD HEADED CANES. Watches aud Jewelry ucntly repaired and w.sr ranted. Market Snual, SCNBCRY, Pa. Feb. .1. HV.'.-tf. W. D. ME LICK, 'Druggist and Apothec.irji i (successor to Dr. . W. Moody,) At the old established and on Marlu-t Manure, Sl .MU KV, IA. Keeps constantly 011 hand 11 full st ick of well I selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggists Fancy Goods, COM US, HRUSiILP, perfumery; PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS' GLASS, PUTTY, VAKMSII, lvrTt:l'F, lu fuel even thine.- usually in a well coii 1 ' due'-.:! ID"R,XJO STORE. Particular intention paid to comnoiindiue: l'hv fici.ms prescription aud family reci ipts b tin) Propriator himself. Sunbury, l'a.. June 1. lS7i. Dll l IILY V l O'St llLlMSI. " Hank ( iiiivUN.scrM ran findiio more ircl; and uttraetive volume for si'ilng s-i!es lira: tfio. "Now Housekeeper's Manual," by Miss C. E. UeeeheriV. Mrs. II. li. Stowoja Cyc'.upedi.-i of Do mestic Eeoiioiiiv ,V a complete IVsMtorv Hook lu una volume. Send for circulars to J. H. FORD A: CO., New Yurk,Uos!')n, Chicago, or San Fran cisco. inlil5 4w- "PfVHHiit 'V,' or M7iil ( lssrnV" lug." How cither sex inny faeinate and gain tlio love alfeetion of uuy person they choose iu-. stautly. This simple menial iiiiicniviit nil .can possess, free, by mall, for liac, togit.ur with a iiairiage guide, Eirypiiau Oracle. Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding Night Shit I, A.e. A i lu i r boi.k. Address T. Wn.UAM.-i A; Co., PubsPuilu. V A JI P no IK I S t.. rain! I'aln! 1hIii!-TS."c gat diseovnr-r for the relief of pain 11 in a suie and immediate ease for rheumatism, chvpiw, and aciito.spraliis, Ac. H has a pleasant nud reireshing odor, and will nor stain or grouse, the most delicate fn!h-i- I which snakes it a luxury lu every familr. i'rioe ; '.Ti cents per bottle, l or sale bv uli il'-u' -i-ts. , REUBEN HOYT, frop'r. New Y,!.. inh1i.4w ! Muson V Ilmlin aliiovt Oruus. The Only Vmericau MnrTe.it Iiisiruiiientsc? such exiraont Tiiry un l r.-ocnlzed cxeelieneo as lo command a vide Sale iu Europe, not .villi-.-standing femVti'.iuu there with products of cheap labor. AlHUj'M Awarded Isigbrst uvmiums, r,ielml ing Hie Nti'ilul at Ihe Pans Exposition. 4 if hun dred. f ladusirial Fxl.lbillous, ihi.ru l.-.'vo siot been six in all w here uuy other orjjann have been prctcircd Ui the-o. I Hit rrkullj recommended eminent iins sleiasisas posseeing oxcclii tictr.' hot nttaiued in' any nthor. Pee opinsons cf cue Ihoutaud, in' liitiiisoiiial Circular. Eivluxii rly einploy'.nn several important iuveutiuiis aud eiiiVrneiiig eiciy real linprovo luenl. ..... Tli liuifct l.i triiki c and cornpl.W fae-' tori iu the wcrhl, producing belter woilt at !cu cost than oilier wire possible. IrivH liit-d and as low s consietent with scrupulous employment of "y 3ctl unite rial and workmaushlp. Illustrated Catalogue, and TeiA"monIul Circu lar, with Important iuforinallou nboul Oigaiik hieh may save purchasers li ons disappoint men In purchase nfliifeslor or woitblc liulruinei.ls or payuieul of High prices, sent free. MASIX AND HAMLIN ORGAN CO., 151 Themont 8t., Huston j S5 1mi' Siiii., Nrw Yoiik j SO an n si Aiuiis Si . I liU A.a-. sir M.ueh 1,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers