Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 08, 1873, Image 3

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N Railroad Tim Tabic.
N. C. R. W., Smith.
Erlo Mnll, l'j.50n tn
-Erie Express, 9.40 "
Mail, 11.05 "
NNInsr. Express 8.00 p m
P. & E. R. R. Weft.
Mail, 6.30 a m
Ning. Exprcssl3.40 p m
Rlmira Mnll 4.80
Eric Express, 7.01 "
N Leave Bunbury for Lowlstown nt 7.45 . m.,
and 8-16 r. M.
Arrive, at Snnbury from. Lewistowai. At; t.M.
ana 7.48 p. m.
Sunbury at 15.45 it m
At Bunbury 0.25 a m
. 3.65pm
, , ' 0.00 p m
" j . v 118.35 p m.
' 4.40 V V
Reirular passenger tsaln leaves Bunbury for
Danville, Cnttawlssa, Hazleton and Intermediate
stations, at 6.45 a. m. ' Rotnrnlhg leaTe Harle
tou at 1.00 p. m. Arrive at 4.00 p. m. .
Leave Northumberland at U.40 a. m. aud 4.50
p. m.
Arrive at Northumberland at 10.S5 a. tn. and
.0.05 p. m.
Accidental Insurance Tickets caa be bad of
J. Shlpman, Ticket Agent, at the Depot.
jnsinc53 ocals.
Bewino Machines ajd Cottage Organs.
Miss Caroline Dalius is the agent for the sale of
the best Bowing Machines In existence, vix i 'The
Improved Grover & Baker,' and 'Domestic.'
which are constantly kept on band, nnd sold at
reasonable prices. She Is alto agent for the sale
of the celebrated 'Silver Tontrue Organs,' and tho
Buy State Orenns,' and for tlio sale of the
Frautz & Pope Knitting Machine. Call and see
them. Office on Market street, cast of tho rall
rond. Tne Improved Ghover & Baker Bewino Ma
chine. These celebrated machines are offered
at the most reasonable rate. For particulars
apply to D. G. KUTZ, Agent,
Feb.22,'73.-ly. Upper Augusta township.
Hoi'SK and Lot for Sale. A new House and
Lot, located on Spruce stre it, Sunbury, Is offered
for tale on easy terms. Apply to
A Good Chance to Make Monet A Furni
TfRB Stoue for Sai.r. The lnreo furniture
store In the Masonic Building, Sunbury, Pn., Is
offered for sale. Tho store is doing a largo busi
ness, having a good and safo run of custom.
Any one with a small capital will Ccd It onu of
the best bnf lo-ess stands to make money in Cen
tral Pennsylvania. For particulars apply to
B. L. RAVDENiirsn,
mhl-Sw Beaver Springs, BnyJcr Co., Pa.
A Fine Located Lot for Sale. A fine build
ing lot loc ite i tn Cake's Addition, near the P.
& E. Railroad shops, is offered for sale on rea
sonable terms Apply to
fc22-2mj W. J. Blair, Bunbury, Fa.
Boots it Shoes hy tub Million. Win. IL
Miller of the Excelsior Boot it Shoe store, keeps
his rooms filled with all styles nnd qualities of
Ladies' Shoes and Gaiters, Gentlcmens' Boots
and Shoes, and Children' Shoes. The best make
in the couutry is kept there, and sold at the low
et price. Gum Shoes of all size and styles al
ways kept on band.
W. R. F. WeimkVs Cash Store, takes tho lead
In all the fine gooJa. Every style of Ladico'
Dress Good", Cloths, Gasslmercs, nud a general
variety of Groceries, Qucensware, i&c, are kept
and sold nt the lowest cash prices. Everybody
that buys is astonished at the low prices. . Call
and see the splendid assort niout of goods.
Tue constant supply of the best of Hats manu
factured is causing the large number of orders
from all parts of the count ly at 8. Faun's Hut
Store, on Market street. Every style can be pro
cured there. His stock Is Immense, and purcha
ses can be made at lower rates than In tho city.
All persons wauting good and cheap picture
should call at R. C. Smlck's Gem Gailery, where
they can get nine pood pictures fur 50 cents.
Ilemperly's old stand, Sunbury, Pa. mhl-tf
Fells Cueap. D. A. Finney sells all kiuds
of goods cheap to make room for a large assort
ment of Spring Goods. Those Jn want of first
class goods will find Lis store 4ho right place to
buy. " . .
8 UN burt, Fa., Feb. 20, 1873.
Received of Jacob Shlpman, agent of the Rail
way Passenger Assurance Compaq y of Hartford,
Conn., one hundred nud twenty dollars in full
indemnity for all claims I have, or may have,
against said company, for Injuries received on
the Cth day of December; 1873.
Witness: C. E. UpDeGraff.
IIbsrt Clement. '
The above receipt speaks for Itself, and shows
that the oArnpany U always punctual lif.paylng
ull loscs.
Insurance can be procured of J. Shlpman, for
an y number of day or by the year.
W. M. Dauqubrtt, at his new place on Fourth
street, is as "busy as a nailer" la finishing quite
a lot of grave stones to tet when spring opens.
Those in ui-ed of anything in his line would do
well to leave their orders early. He also takes
orders. for Scotch and American Granite Mopn
merttj and sells marble in tin borough at whole
sale at Philadelphia prices. .
'-oa Affairs;
A Good Otfer. Id order to Increase the sub
scription llt .of (be Anurican, and to reward
tliosa who will rinsoU a little time in inter
cstin? themsslveein the welfare of our paper, we
iKuder Lhe. following Inducement.
Any person getting ten pew subscribers accom
panied with SIR, vhl 'ii li at.the rate of tl 50 per
year, we will preseuVJilra .pith, a beautifully
bouudcopyof ... '
one of the most .valuable books published, con
taining pver five hujlrfd lustrations, and thir
teen liuudred pages., ( ny ope desirous of secur
ing, this Important tlioli eiit easily 3o sx by
spending a few hours hi procuring subscribers
for the American which can readily be obtained.
Any person sending as One Hundred Subscribers
at 1 1 la we will present a new ISO ewlng Ma
chine of the most approved make, together with
the book mentioned.
Six porsona.wer baptised by Rev. Mr. Wheat
oa- 8unfly last. I The' revival In the Baptist
Churghj.lp tiy In jK;rsi.
ItU expeetel th-it Rt. Rev. Bishop Howe, of
the CeiitrarP?ffrtnylTanlsi Diocese, will adminis
ter ths rite of coufirinatlon at the Episcopal
Church,! atyata, on,e ThUrtdsy eveulng.
It la rumored that the K. C Railroad Compa.
r.y will not allow the lumber a the fair ground,
uow offered- for S'lla, to .be te moved nntll the
rent is paid.
An engine of the P. A E. R. R., was rebuilt at
tbe Company' shops, la this plaee, during the
past winter, and was run out for tbe first tine
oo last Monday. 'It Is a creditable piece Of
Ttts.TVerthclm ft Rosen Concert Tronffi!. ad
vertised to perform at the Opera House on Mon
day and Tuesday evenings of tbls week, failed to
make their appearance. No eause assigned.
' Prof. Motkr organized a singing school In
the Council', Chamber, on Wednesday eveutng
last. Quite a number of Indies and gentlemen
attended. . , . -
It Id rumored that arrangements are being per
fected for a grand masquerade bait, to be glvetj
at the Clement House. Doubtless It will prove
a success.
'. 1 1 '.' , " 1 ' " ; , - i
P. O. B. or A. 'An Interesting address will be
delivered on the occasion of the fourth anniver
sary of W. C. No. 19, P. O. S. of A., by James
Wilson, Esq., of Harrlsburr, on "Avenues of the
Past) Its Trials and Struggles." Tho Btate offi
cers will be present, and a hiriory of the Order
will be given by the Btate President, M, Orr Al
exander. William E. Taylor, Esq., takos 'God,
our Country, and our Order," as a subject. W.
P. Miller, D. P., will give a history of Camp 19
for the past four years.
Thb members of tho Executive Committee of
the Soldiers' Monument Association of North
umberland County are bsreby notified that a
meeting will be held at the Hall of the Stoam
Fire Company, on Thursday evening, March IS.
It Is necessary that all of the members be pres
ent, as business of Importance will be transacted.
A cordial Invitation is extended to all friends of
the Association. It Is hoped that all our citi
zens will come forward and help us tu creating a
monnmeut (o the memory of our fallen comrades.
' J. 3. Smitii, Chairman.
II. Painter, Secretary.
On tho 22d lilt., Levlnus Recler, V. E. Arbo
gast, Dr. J. TV. Brown and wife, F. M. Dock and
John M. Hoffman nnd family, of this plaCc, met
with a narrow escapo at tho Northumberland
bridge, while paying toll. They observed a team
of runaway horses approaching thcra, and Mr.
Dock succeeded in getting his team out of the
way, but before Mr. Kecler was able to do so,
the horses bad already run into his sled. Dr.
Brown and wife were tho only persons who re
ceived Injuries. A broken tongua was the only
damage done to the sled. Dr. Browu and wife,
and Mr. Hoffman and family took tba train nt
the above named placo to visit their friends
down couutry. Frttburg Courier.
T. II. B. K.ASB, Esq., has removed his law of
11 cc from tho Moore & Dissingor building to the
ofllee niljolnlug W. I. Grecuougb, Esti., Market
Resi lt of Sprino Elections. Chillisqi'a
QtiE Townseip. Judge of Election, Robert in
land. Inspector Peter Vonleda.
Poor Overseer Wo. S. Hhilr.
School Diieetors Isaac RUbel, B. B. Walter.
Assessor Win. Voris.
Supervisor Wm. Forcsman, Wm. Silver.
Auditor J.nncs O. Gi'fen.
Delawarb Township. Judge, David Lose.
Inspectors II. D. Mourcr, P. Nicholas.
Constable Wm. .Monteuis.
Bi'hool Directors H. P. 8hook, A. Maul.
Poor Overseers. Wrc. Sterner, Samuel Sees.
Assessor Siupson Smith
Assistant Assessors A. Armstrong, T. M.
Supervisors Jacob Sterner, Geo. Rank.
Auditor Robert Hays.
Watsontown Borocou Chief Bvirgaas, Wm.
M. Wugncr.
Council John Hefner, Georgo Burns, Silas
Rambacb, Jacob Crossly, Ell Welsh and John
Judge Anstln Stull. '
Inspectors Jacob Wagner, Isaac Vincent.
School Directors A. J. J. Gully, A. iJ. at-
Assessor Levi Lynn.
Assistant Assessors C. .Spr.iBge.r, William
Justices of the Peace Thomas Barr, Jas. Toy-
Poor Overseers P. Leiser, Jos. Albright.
.Constable James Cummiugs.
High Coustahle John B. Shadel.
Auditor Oscar Fou6t.
Ngutui udkhland Ookol'gu. Chief Burgess,
Tbad. G. Morgua. .
Council M.B. Priestley, M. L. Savldge, Hi
ram loung, W. T. Forsyth, D. G. Voris, Chas.
Harris. -
School Directors F. E. Weaver, for 3 years,
J. G. DieOonbach for S years, V. M. Smith for 1
Oversee,ra of Poor Peter Vaudling, Jacob Ma
tbias. Road Masters V.,C. Kapp, Jlobert Slack.
Inspectors J. C. .Forsyth, Simon Randall.
Judge George Wolmer.
Borough Constable Jos. Martin.
High Constable Jas. Welker.
Assessor J. F. Rcdllne.
Assistant Assessors Jacob Lelsenrlng, ard 8.
Shamolin BoHOton. Chief Burgess, Wm. II.
Douty. Assistant, A. A. Hcim.
Council, East Ward.. 'Dr. C. W. Weaver.Wm.
Crulkshank, Dr. Reuben Folleuback. West
Ward Jno. K.Haas, Jno. J.W. Schwartz, I.
W. Herrold.
School Directors F. 8. Haas, (3 years,) Dr.
E. S. Robins, (3 years.)
Dire'.0i6 of Poor Isaac May, Br., C. 8. Cham
berlain. High Constable John Kissinger.
Constable, East Ward Ephralin Hennlnger.
West Ward John Illney.
Judge of Election, Eust Ward R. T. Onen.
West Ward Joseph Scott.
.Inspectors',: East -Ward James A. Sa'.pp,
Tuos. M. Helm. West Ward F. D. Brindle,
Wm. Markle.
Auditor, 'East Ward Samuel Heckert. West
Ward J. P. Flncher.
Assistants. .East Ward Wm. Fagely, Jno. B.
Snyder. West Ward Geo. Shipe, Edward
Coal TawygBiP.r-Bupervisors, George Smith,
Patrick Uurk.
School Directors Patrick J. Quinn, (3 years,)
Patrick Ready, (3 years,) Thomas Grlbbons, (1
Constable-r-.Theobald Meisberger.
Assessor Mathew Nolan.
Judge of Eletllon Peter Miller.
Inspectors Philip Barnelt, J. Bressler.
Auditors- Edward Brennan, Enoch Bbndab..
Treasurer- Wm. O'Kief.
Clerk John Welsh.
Mt. Carmel Borocoh. Chief Burgess, Je
epb Blanch.
Council Charles Torey, Elijah White, Daniel
Camp, Joeeph DcpstUi, Thomas J. WUlUuns, C.
K. Maurer.
Hbjh Ponstabte Samnel Kessler.
Overseers of tbe Peer a. Ayres, Jebn Ctrla'
School DlrictoM Michael Hlnkel, Tboau.1
Assessor Wit'ir.fiierllng.
Andltoraa-El-i'-fctUerBHl, Isaac Kelaer, Ja&
B. Reed.' ... .j,. .
Justice VfJtHe feade-rj". it, John, 4 , ; ,
isousiasie d. Duuwagter,
Judge trfteetlcta Jeore Brown.
Inspectori'ilf tleHW-Shn" fitloe,' Idmn4
Edwards .
.-AL. . 1 l llJl."I.J 1 . .' j , !.
Accident at tub Minrj. Oa Thursday last
Patrick Quinn and a boy namod John Carney
were burned by an explosion of fire-damp, In the
Dnniel Webster slope. Quinn escaped serious
Injury, bnt Carney was fatally burnnd. nis
clothing took fire, and would doubtless have been
burned entirely off him but for the timely assist
ance of Mr. T. II. Evans, who smothered tbe
flames by wrapping his own shirt about the nn
fortunate boy. He died on Monday.- Hjhfimokin
Bajujcet. On Friday, evening last, after tbe
meeting of the Bunbury Mutual Saving Fund
Building Association, the officers and directors
Tlsjlcd tbe offlce of A. N. Brlce, Esq., the solici
tor of tbe Association. In a short time after,
Mrs. Bilce Invited tbe visitors Into the dining
room where a table was set with a bountiful
supply of good things for the Inner man to
which tbe party did ample Justice. Coffee,
"par excellence," and oysters In every style,
were abundantly sorved. No liquor being
visible on the occasion, made tho party feel as
though they were doubly thankful to mine host
nnd hostess. Before retiring a Vote of thanks
was returned to Mr. and Mrs. Brlce for the rich
and acceptable treat. Appropriate remarks
were made by T. II. B. Kasc. Esa.. and A. N.
Brlce, Esq., tuuchlog upon the condition of the
Association, and matters of general Interest to
the board.
Tin history of the towns along tbe Susquehan
na river has boon calling forth the old records,
and among tho number we publish the following,
handed us by Philip Frank, of Upper Augusta,
taken fnfn h paper nnd placed in his sorap book
twentj y.iars ago.!
Towns on the 8c9uuebanna. Sunbury was
laid out in 1772 and incorporated iu 1707. Nor
thuniberland was laid out tn 1771!, and Incorpo
rated in IStU. Danville was laid out about tbe
year 17S0, and called Dan's vllle, after Daniel
Montgomery, afterward cSsbructcd Into Dan
ville, and was not incorporated till 1849. Lewis
burg, formerly Derrs-towu, was laid out by Lud
wlg Derr. about the same time, and was Incorpo
rated in 1312. Miltou was .aid out In 1702 and
incorporated In 18i7. It Is said to have been
originally called Mill town, from its having a
grist mill In It, afterwards constructed Into Mil
ton. Wllllamsport was laid out in 170!) nnd in
corporated In 1800, nnd called William's port,
after William Hepburn. one of tha first
Associate Judges of Lycoming couuty, after
wui j! changed into Wllllamsport. Jersey Shore,
so called from settlers being Jerscjmcn, or from
Jersey, who settled themselves alonz tioshoru of
the Susquehanna, was also seftled ut a pretty
early day. Cat-ben btmocrut.
A man by tht! name pfSUaelfr had ono of bis
legs crnehei by a ledge of rocks falling on him,
ut Master's quarries, near Seilusgrovc station,
ou Monday Inst. Tbo rock full while bo was un
derneath excavating. Dr. Mooly was called
and dressed the wound. It Is feared that the leg
will have to be amputated.
I.ifT of letters lemuiuiug iu the Sunbury Post
Office on March 6, lS7a:
Mrs. E. B. Bron. Boh ninnk. ri.r;.i.
man, Don Cameron, Miss M. A. Campbell, J. I" Baukruplcy.
Ditchfleld, (Foreign,) M. J. Moore, Tlllic Pratt, The undersigned hereby gives notice of hU ap
M. ..osshoinbelTmir, Jerome Shuninn. G. W.SLino. I nolnlmcnt id e.sBiirneo of Wm. J. Wnlvnrtnn. of
James A. Shipe, Mis Mary Shelp, Miss Martha
Narvis, 11. Thomas, Miss Jevaie Thomas, Frank
Notice "Whiskey Drips: is tht pccnllarand '
suggestive title of an Intensely Interesting and!
excitine book, written by United States Detec- I
live Office, James J. Brooks, of the Internal Re- I
venue Denartinent. It contains, first, a series of
interesting sucietiee, illustrating the various eva
sions of the law aud its penalties by the 'Whis
key Rings," Includlni not only illicit distillers,
but men of apparent respectability, and even of
ficers with Government appointments. It gives
a circumstantial account of the attempted mur
der of Officer Brooks, giving au inside view cf I
itic causes wnicn led to tbe only authenticated
li-ta,nce of hired assassins In tho United States.
It is writted in a vigorous, spicy style, and well
Illustrates that "truth is strauger than flctiou,"
for all that is here written, the Author asserts to
be strictly frtw. Wo recommend it for a closo pe
rusal by every one, and we predict for It a large
sals. It is handsomely priuted and illustrated,
elegantly bound In morocco cloth, yet sold at the
low price of $2.00, the publishers dceiilng to give
il the wlib-st circulation As It is issued by sub
scription, it will not be found at the bookstores,
but will be muiled free on receipt of the adver
tised price, or delivered through nn agent. As
relluble canvassers nro wanted, we advise auy of
our readers, who are out of employment, to up
p'.yforils agency to the publishers, William B.
Evans & Co., 740 Saiisom St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Webster's UNAnRinnco Dictionart-U to
now stood the test of time, aud received In ap
proval not only that popular verdict which In
the United States has called for over fifty million
copies of the Webster series, but the thorough
endorsement of our best scholars, as put forth
individual!), nnd in the pages of the authorita
tive periodicals. It Is not only, to quute Profes
sor Stowe, "hi many respects the greatest lite
raiy work whieb America has ever produced,"
but it Is in many rcjpocts tbe greatest literary
work produced iu uny nation or age. .Vi For
I.lst r t u linen for week commencing
Monday, March 17lh, 1873.
Thillp Zimmerman vs George L. McClure.
J. M. Cadwallade.r vs. William Wittlngtpp.
John H. Lick vs.George W. Bashare.
Isaac Stii ker, endorsee ts Eobert Aa'.csiaan.
endorsee for Webster & Viney.
w. n. .Miner vs ,ioiin Krymlre, rtr.
Francis O'Donnell vs Northumberland Co. Ag
ricultural Society.
Henry C. Heartier vs T. O. Van Allen, George
M. Leslie, nnd Abraham H. Voris. tradiue- under
the firm nnnieof Van Allen & Company.
i n on. a,, r ryoiire is up,, vs tiacop j. wita,
S.unue'.-Shade vs Lewis township. '
Lazarus Mover vs William Shartel.
Danville, Ha re! ton A Wllkesbarre R. K. Co. vs
Isaac Albert nud John Bogar.' -
J. F. Burtoh.vs Joseph Nicely, Adm'r of Joel
W. Artmau, dee'd, and J. P. Armstrong.'
Sarah C. Behell, by hor uext friend, Jacob
Shell vs John Hafer.
Peter Terger vs Jordan township.
Ross, Sh.itt A Co., vs J. E. Smith A Co.
Charles Glass vs Petes Baldy, ownci.i and
Cba's Romig, contractor.
A. W. Kramer vs Joseph Vanklrk. '
Tomlineon A Tyler vs T, 8. Shannon i , , ,
John B. Weiser vs Solomon Del p. ',,..,
Daier Reisb vs Wm. A. Fisher. 1
Philip Snyder, Jacob 8nyder, Joseph Snyder,
Herman Snyder and Lydla Snyder vi Isaac Shipe.
J. H. Col rode it Co. vs Juba 0., Sheriff
of Northumberland county. . .
B. F. Herman vs Josepli H. Hunter.
Ira T. Clement vs Daniel Drugkeuilller4 owner,
or reputed owner or contractor.
Nugle ifc Owens vs Wagner, Starr & Co.
Isaac Zerue it Elizabeth Zerbe, for the nse of
Elizabeth Zerbe vs Lev) Zcrbc.
Abraham Lerch vs Mrs. l.ydl Thompson,
owner, or reputed owuer, and Jacob Reluer, con
tractor. Elizabeth Bombay-vs JerT-rsen Tabler.
George 8. (J pod hart vs Mary Ray.
J. W. Gillespie vs John II. Forusmao.'
8. L. Finney vs John Porter.
George Oarman vs John G. Smith.
John G. Gunner vs Samuel Bloom, J. H.Epgle
Eocapangua Coal Co. vs Thoe Barr.
Charles Ktmerer vs Benjamin Snyder.
Flour and Grain Market.
Extra family tl3.00;Red Wheat, a. bu..3.00
Buckwheat, p. ct.. 5.00 Rre.
- J.85
Corn Meal, 8.B0 Corn,
Wbeat Bran, p. ba. I,t0 Buckwheat
Shorts, -8:00'Oats, 82 lbs.
Corn Oats Chp, 3.00 Flaxseed,
Timothy Seed, p, b. 8.00
Prod ace Market.'
Fata toes,:,
75 Hams: .
Egg,Lpef doe.,
butter, liar lb.,
80,Tsllow,. .j. ; ..
35 Couuti j Soap,"
Drtoa Apples, .
10- Peaches,
On MnrriMsro.Kftsar for Toiinu Men. on
Great Bocial Fvlls and Abne, whlph Interfere
will. Marrig, and ruin the hnpnlnc o of thoa
sands, with ante, me nn of relief fur the Krrlng
and Unfortonat,'decaed end debilitated, lent
In sealed letter anvfllopus, frco of charge.
Address, Howard Assoclallbn, No. 2, Sonth
Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Julia Flockinger by her next friend David Stahl
neckor ...
. George Fleeklueor.
Northumberland County, to wilt
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to George
Flockinger. Ureeting t
Whereas Julia Fleckenger by hor next friend Da
vid Stahlneeker, did, on the first day of October
last, exhibit her petition or libel to our Judges of
our Court of Common Pleas of tbe County of
Northumberland, praying, for tho canses there
in set forth, that she miht he divorced from the
Bond of Matrimony, contrnrted with yon, the
said George Kleeklnirnr i We do tlicrcforo com
mand you the said (jeorge Flecklnger, that you
personally be and appear before our Judges, at
Bunbury, at a Court of Common Picas, tbere to
be holden for the said eounty, on the second
Monday of March next, to answer the petition or
libel so exhibited against yon by the said Julia
Flockinger by her next frleud Duvid Stahlneeker,
and to show cause, If any you have, why the suiu
Julia Flecklnger your wifn, should not be divorc
ed from tho Bond of Matrimony contracted with
you, according to the Act of Assembly, In such
cane rovlded, and to do further end roceive
What our said Judges shall have considered In
that behalf; and hereof fall not.
Wituess the Honorable Wllliaui M. Rockefel
ler, President of our said Court, the 11th day of
February, A. D. one thouMind eight hundred and
sevoLly-three. "
8. n. ROTnERMEL, Sheriff.
Lloyd T. RonnnACii. Prothuuolary.
Bunbury, February 15, 1873.
For Male.
FRESH MILCH COWS are offered at
private sale, on reasonable terms, "For particu
lars call on the subscriber, iu Upper Angunta
township, on the farm kuown as the James
Campbell Farm.
fe22 41 B. F. BARNHART.
Is hereby given that the several Courts of Com
mon Pleas, General Qnarter Sessions of the Peace,
and Orphans Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer
and Ojneral Jail Delivery, in and for the county
of Northumberland, will commence at the Court
House, In the borough of 8unlury, ot 10 o'clork
A. M., ou MONDAY, MARCH tho. 10th, next,
and will continue two weeka.
The Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Consta
bles in and for the county of Northumberland are
requested to be then nnd therein their proper
persons, witb their rolls, records, Inquisitions,
and other remembrances, to do those things to
their several offices appertaining to be done. And
nil witnesses proRecntint; In behalf ol the Com
monwealth timinst nny prisoner, are requested
aud commanded to be then and thero attending
In their proper persons to prosecute acuinst him
as Khali be juat and not to depart without leave
at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punc
tual in thiir attendance, at tho time appointed,
agreeably to tboir notices.
Given under my hand nt Snnbury, the Cth day of
February, In the year of our Lord one thousand
tight hundred and seven! v-hrne.
States for the Western District Penn'a.
tho borough of 8unliiry, In the countv of North
umbcrlaud, State of Pennsylvania, within said
District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt up
on I; is own petition, by the Distrjtel Court of
said District.
fo the Creditors of said Bankrupt.
r. .'I. MOOiir;, Assignee.
Sunbury, Feb. 14. 1878.
June lot, 1872.
Folokon Weaver, Collector School Tux.
To Pantl, U of 1?0 . - 4V IS)
By cash paid Treasurer in 1870
to Juno 1st, 1872 t4252 63
By cash paid Treasurer in 1871
to June 1st, 1873 073 50
By exonerations.. .. 117 10
By tax returned to Coin'rs... 28 80
By Collector's commission, 5
per ct. on S5501 28 collected 275 00
$5047 13
-15017 18
Bolomon Weaver, Collector School Tax.
DR. '
To Duplicate of 1871 .?. $581181
1872 CR.
June 1st by cash paid Treas
urer to date (4130 12
June 1st, by balance on Dupll
cato 16H1 13
.$5811 24
(5811 24
Solomon Wiavee, Collector School Tax.
1872 DR. '
June 1st, to balance due on
Duplicate, 1871 tldSl 13
(UponAhich be is cutitied . . . ,
to ExouurittUiU aud Commis
sions Upon whole amount col
lected on Duplicate.)
Llotd T. RonisnAcii, Treasurer Bunbury 8:hool
1671 f!M" DR. i
July 20, to balaucc on hand as
per report of Borougn Audi
tors' published
June 1st, to cash 011 Duplicate
ibiu m iuii
June 1st, to cash on Duplicate
1871; In part.
Te casta received from E. Wil-
vert, former Treasurer
To cash received from State
tU : 1 . ; i '.
1873 w ...'' CR. , .
June Vic; ? Order paid...... 15600 29
uy commission, 8 pur cent, ou
$5006 25
By balance on baud...'.. J.
119 13
63 01
$5770 30
$5778 89
LtQTt T RaaittiAfa, Treasurer.
Jnne, 'lS79,"iA ' balance ''on ' '
$54 01 1
StNiituT Scuool District.
t - . DR. r
June, 1872, to orders outstaud-"
iug-ana unpaid at oate ot
AuditorsX-vrylwrt..,..'..,. . 44 89
Balance duo Hon. Geo. Weiser 204 82
1 bond in bauds of Mrs. Susan
Bright, iuurest paid 1000 00
9 bonds. In bands tt JohV "v
llau Si Co., 7 or $5O0oacb. ;
1 of i000, and of $00.. .' ' 4700 ( 0
Iuterestue to June, 1872 - 711 W
$6910 05
Jane, 1S75, by balance due on .'
Duplicate of 1871, $1681 13,
less Exonerations and Col
lector's commission, about.. $1300 00
Balanee In Treasurer's bauds. 68 ut
$13511 01
6553 04
Actual lndtUednerf Diet..
-AAU0 95
Thus showing the aetnal indeblodhess of tbe
District to be less than tbe amount of bonds ou'
Standing. Tbe Board have issued orders for the
balance of Interest due to January 1, 1873.
I, perbaps, as tteeretar'y of the Board, owe an'
spelogy to tbe wi payors of bunbury lr not pub-'
llshlng tbls report iin-vlouitly, In cu for rally with
the School . My apology is 1 '411 ply this: 1
never cou-w or did ascertain the exact amount of
Bood indebtedaess of tbe district until during
thso'ilh or January, 1873, and I wOulit not
puVilsb a report t,f the District which 1 knew
would be Incorrect If any oue holds bonds
hey would freatly oblige the Board by proMint
lug t belli to the fceretary atoueu, as VUu pi waul
Board have no knowledge of any others.
v . - H.y. fkyajvo,
Secretary Sunbury Ucboel Board.
$11 18
973 59
4130 12
' 283 50
. .873 00
$5776 39
Tavern, I.lqnor Nloro A Hcatnorant
OTIOE Is hereby glvru ,lhnt the followln"
JLl pcrsnns have tiled pefltlotis In the Courts of
QiiHrler Hussions of the Praee.of Northtiiiiber
laud County, for Tavern, I.iipior Sioro, and Re
staurant License, nnd that tho elms will be pre
sented to the snld Court on the 8d day pf Msrali
next, according to law. ..
TAVERN.' ' ' '
C. I!. Bnyer, Cameron, township, old stand
(. W. BctT
Joseph B. Becker, Cameron old stand
Benjamin Kuouss, Zerbe ' '
Thomas Fould.1 '
I). A. Curran
Michael .1. Downey ' '
Thomas Fbulds, Stir. '
James Cooper '
Henry B. Weaver '
P.ler McDonald, Mt.Carmol '
I'lMik McCarty '.
.Jnhti Scott '.
Thomas TobrI '
Edward Muldooney '
Catherine Hester
James Rntfeity '
A. Griffith ' '
Thomas Scott
Dominlck Otis '
Michael Regau '
A. Wald, Lower Mubsnoy '
Daniel J. Keene, ' '
Franklin Savidgo '
Abraham F.oihcrmol ' '
Josluh Byerly ' '
Jacob Welter, Jordan
Elias PhnefTer '
11. W. Fagely
W. W. Sburtel
Henry E. Byerly, Jackson '
Nathan I.audcnsleger, Jackson ,old staud.
John Albert
J. O. Billman
J. O. Smith
Emannel Gelst, Upper Mabauoy '
Josejh Mawrer
Daniel E. Kebres, Washington '
H. C. Fisbur
Samuel Stuhlne.eker, Delawaro
Jacob Lciscurine, Sliamukln
Thomas M. Nefcbit '
8. A. Snyder, Lewis
John Pearson Point
C. H. Raker, Littlo Mahnnoy
J. D. Reitz, Little Mabanoy, old fcUnJ.
Michael Haley Cual '
John J. Shovlin, Shamokln bor. td stand.
Joseph LeVuns Coal
John Downey '
Joel Uittermun, Upper Augusta, '
A. H. Bergcslresser.Mt. Carmel borough '
Joseph Deppin
Michael Graham '
Joseph Mcllugh '
K. C. Herb '
V. W. Welsh
Charles Carlngor, Sunbury
iicnry iiar.s
Christian Ncff ' : ,
J. H.Jelli ics
Samuel Wenver '
E. T. Drumhellcr
Jacob She-ts '
Dr. Jos. EyUer
Jerry Yord'y Northumberiand old stand.
George Eckert, Northumberland '
Julia Ann Johnsou '
Thomas Logan ' '
J. C. Lloyd & J. H. Jenkins, Nortb'd
Thomas J. Stamm, Nortb'd
Henry H. Hopp, Sunbury old stand
William Farrow, Snydertown, '
John Conner, Wat sou town,
John H. Forcdman '
William McAndrcw, Shamokln borough '
! Henry Uaen
Emanuel E. Cares '
I Alfred i luuey '
Harri vn Helm .' '
I W. M. fc J. A. Weaver '
i Mary l'imnies ' "
I Thomas Giilespio ' '
! Michael Sehlaier
! Henry Simnionds " '
Elizabeth Klrkham ' '
William Bute . '
John Cnrtis
Jared Howarter, '
W. F. Roth . . -
John Lnrklns '
Jacob Mowrcr, Shamokln bor. old stand.
Win. Fisher, Milton ' - old stand.
Johii M. Hull, Milton old staiid.
Francis O'DoncI, Miiton borough
H. E. Luta ' P
j L. G, Sticker
H. J. Reader, McEwecsville
Charles Hnrtman, Mohteudon
D. H. Dreishach, Turbulville, borough.
Simon Opp, Turbutvlllo, bor old stand.
W., Dcwart, old staud.
F. G. Cliristmuu, l'ewait old stand
W. P. Datesmau ' old stand
William Neldig, Lower Augusta, old stand
TbomiisTaubman, Northumberland, new stand
Anthony Culton, Shamskln borough old stand,
B. E. Adams & bam'l Latsha ' ' new stand.
Samuel Hirsh, old stand.
Daniel Startxel .' old inland.
F.Jward Dason Mt. Carmel ' new sjand.
8. J. Sauford fc W. E. Mowray Milton '' . .
Cyrus Brown, Miiton eld stund.
T'lioipas Rosser, bhaiuaklu borough ew stand.
Jenkins Jones, Z ?rbo
Christiana Rahncr, Zerbe
Richard WildJ llurkc, iZl. Carmel
Nathauiel llutli, Miltou borough
Frederick Wolf
Henry Huth 4
Jacob Klynier . '
C. W. Sticker , '
Jacob Kivilrer
Jacob W. Bright, Sunbury
V. J. Waits & B. F. Bright, Sunbury
Michael Kiley, Mt. Carmel
Muses Kootvr '
Lewis Hiiiiiin si, Sl.amoUr , ,'
puiirlei Miahewolf, Shamokln bor.
Thomas Williams Shamoklu bor.
Jacob Drometter, '
August Glassner '
Alexander Long i ' ...
Wm. Burrows '' ' '
Lewis Lcbe, Zerbe
old staud.
old stand: J
old btttud. i
old stand
new stand. I
old stand, i
old stand.
T. H. Schweitzer, Watsontown
James Cummings
W. A. Fitber
Johu 7. Long, Cameron
Snnqury, February 15, lb?J.
"CTICE Is hereby given that application haj j
-i-'l been made to the Court of Commou Pleas .
of Northunibcrlnud County, by the Fort Augsla
Building & Loan Association for uinendnicuts to
articles 'i'tulb unit Eleventh of the Constitution
ofssid Association, and thut said amendments
will te granted at the next regular term of said j
Court, uuluss cause be shown to the eonlrsry.
Sunbury, Feb. 8. 1873 3t.
Doublu EkiYuteu Ot eiir Waruiiui; Cluset
lay, rrmlrr (Juard, Imiiipltig nnd Sh.ikign
Orate, Dirrn Draft. FULLER, WARREN Js
CO., Wulr blreet, New York. IbS 4w
Q PirfelederXjSiT"
Burns anv sice Conl.
s7,18w o6 Water St., New Yori.
man, with the assurance of making from Ci.txxt
to fa. 0OO a year, eau be secured,' !n connection
aith su aiteury for tho eiclusl sale of works I
by Kev. Ileury Ward Buei bvr. llliam Culleti
Bryant, Harriet Heec-brr Strwe, Ac. Write for
rutleslars to J. B. FOR' A CO., New Yorkj
Boston; Chicago; or Rap Francisco. - mbb 4
Agents Wautedt aT
oiklnir ceoDle. of either
Vj in y.vU classes of i
sex, youug or old, make more money at work
for lis la itn lr spH.rei nmmenis, or all tbe time'
than nt anything else. Partlcnlara free.' -
AdcirM, ' G. STitSOS (a OO., ,, :
ei4 ly. Poniard Mairt ,
i Uln.te.1871 !
Brail. I
m, 4 ... .. e
-52 I fe
sl" W 1 4
to I
&4 i
1 I-
T ha Npaco is) Reserved Tor the
Murket St., Nuubury , I'a,'
rpu lfi lVorklug Clntisi, male oe ftiuulc,
X. tHO a ck guarautecd. Respectable fiur
ployniLDt at bouie, day or eveulug ; no capita!
required ; full instructions aud a valuable pack
age of goods to stun with sent free by mall. A I
dris, with 0 cent return stamp, M. YOUNG it
CO., HI Courtlandt-st., Ncw-York. J. 11, 4w.
Canvassing Books Et Fhec for
l'rol. FOWIj:it'M .(jllEAT MOItK
Ou Manhood,. Wou;:'.nli.od aud Ibelr Mnluai Iu
tei-ieluljus ; Lovk, (ts Laws, Power, etc.
Agi-i.ts aiee!iu I rum U to ilU to.f-s ol .
lh! vlL,i-' a day, ci.d we vud a iuuvassl,ii; t.,oi
6ev. to any boo', acnl. Adii Ov. kti.H2 vAuc-j
V., I. ...I i, . , "
.iivi.vd, civ., i .umuiu v.u., ri.i:jt.l
fb'". I'tt. 4VT.
JIar'ch 1, 1S73.
WiriE-AWAKB Book Aoks r vVASiEti j-oh
by AfiWi, New Edition, witb .aifounts of .the
1 riii jian ar, ana llie last hours of b .uii
ror i inuliuir an eleiraiit octaxo of loJ I i;fi.
The time and lbs tbeuie loiiiior It til mnn pop
plnr work of tbu day. Exclusive territory V.x
no conipelilioii. Address al oncj. ' i
Quaker City lubllsblai.Cs).,' ;( i - I
4w -J17 aud ill' taulnce-st., VhilitdeluM ,.
March 1, 1SV , - , , .. . , ..
AGF.ATrJI A Jtatei'baneell We
will puy all atresia 140 per weak- In ou.h, who
will engage wnh n atone. .' Everything furnish
4 and cspeiisa paid. Address,.
fh,4w. A Cort-vsa dt Co., C.rlot, Miea.
1 W
wmmiv . t -
SMa.l-rial lrl
a. ,tr-
Agents wahted . .
Iter Klflifad n-err ?.
tJ l AiailtiukAll.
Tl.entr-tiost jelilng l iKk of tbndsy. Itt'l's
all tbiat th sirj. CfMIt .M..l.i;inr HumM, Keo
atorlM Erlbnrlea, Conrelmnim, Rlt:g, I.oblilcs,
and the Wondnrlul Hlgbls of the Knlii r.-il ('np1
tal. II10 demand for il l, l:nnene. ',eit
milking early epp'. lost Ion will ae.cma tliolra l-r--
rllory. H:nd for tlrcnlnt, snd sen our terms
and a fall description of the -irk. Aflflrcp,
Contlnratil PubllSl.lrJ Ca , I Dird t , f'ew
York. 4. V.i;.!'
March 1, 187S. -
OT m onionnall clasacs. OJdf eoiile, tto n ld
U 2 dlengedi those who are Just entering life,
: and youth of both sexebuy and lead with
" b tl!0 gi1'' profit.
LZ u MO LEWIS' l.ut and bell txi.i. v ,
W " It Is moetin vttl the grcft'-.J iiiic.'ffs ."i
tj - and there's Mouej" Iu ;. . 1, ... vj .!.
Send for our circular. U.. vW.;1( ore s-nt free
N,4w. .GEO. MACl.R cl, Phlla.
be deceived, but for roughs, cold-', soie throat,
hoarseness and bronchial diUlcMltlcs, nse only
JYcllV Carbolic Tablets, ,
, Worthlosx Iruttntions sreon the markot, l'it
tbe only m-le.ii'.illc n;paratlin of Carbolic Add
for Lu'i; distiases U wben ch'inally combined
with other well known icmetiiiji. as In lhe.i Ta
blets, and all parlies arc cuutlouec iX"'"' using
any other.
In all casus of Irritation nftlio mf.otis ninm
branitheae Tablets shouhl be freuley tued, their
cleansing and healing projierlks are aslonUnlng.
Be warned, never eglc a cold, It Is easily
cured In its Iriqijwnt etsrte, when It become.
chronic the cure is exceedingly dilliiult, nse
Weils' Carbolic Tablets as a speotHc. . . .
JOHN Q. KELLOGG, IS Piutl St.. Ne' Tofl!,'
N9,4w. Sole Agent for United htte.
Price 2!i cnts a box. Send fur Circular
Crumbs or Comfort '
Tbe Ladtca' Fri'-nd. As your grocer fbr It
always gives ratlrifactlou. Try It.
i . . .
for U10 laumlrv las no equal. Sold bv irroecrs
H. A. BARl'LETT A Co. 115, 117 N.- Fi-ont-st.,' -
I'hlia., 143 C'hatnbers st., N. Y., 43 Broad et., .
Bontcin. J.m,tl.4-,
Musou A: Ilirnliu Cabinet Organs.
' .. ."
The Only American Musical Instruments of
such extraordinary ami recognized :x;el!encii ai
to command a wide sale In E'lrrjc, notwith
standing competition there witb products of
cheap labor.
Always! awarded highest premiums, Includ
ing the Medal nt the Paris Exposition. Of hltn---
dreds of Industrial Exhibitions, there have not
been six In nil wltcru any other organs have becu
pr'-fi-rred lo thf-se.
luitcrsmllv recommended byemiuuut inn- ,
alclans as po.-.cseing exccllencicj attained In
any others. Sec (.pinions of one 'Jtyvsand, In
Testimonial Circular. , .
I'.xolnal ely cmpbiylnu si-ver.i!!ar.t
lnvci)t'.o-.i nnd embratiiig every real luipr'-v.-;.
'1'bo niWNt IAlonslv and c .imping: -toiiee
iu the wrlri, pi Jduulng bitter wult t
cot than otln rni.-e possible.
K'rict'si Lixil and as l.iw aa eonsisteut
P il ii scrupulous tinpioiiii!iit of only beat mate
rial and workmanship.
Illustrated Catalogue, nn J TttluiOLinl C'.rcU
1 lar, with importaiit infomiatiun about Organs
I which inv save purchase! -a from disappointment
la purchase of Interior or worthless instrument
or paviueut of High prlcuc, sent lii. . .
151 Tiikmont Sr.. Boston; i5 Union Sqi-akk,
Nr.w YoltK ; S.) and Hi A hams St., Chicago. 4w
March 1. l.'l.
I is niu v lieu u;. i:i v :.: ,:'u. ."! .. c;. , . il fc..lcra
: dicato, bjrliipMe and tV.i..'iu-ily il iS uii.ui
i aonous stbs'nnees Iu the liiooj and vii, tiicclu-
ally difpcl all piejlsj.titn ta liiioi.s derange-
nient. ' - - j.
Is llier want of action In your Liver and
Spleen f Unless relieved the blood becomes lm-
I pLr jy ib-li-riuus swriiious, pouncing seiol'u
, 1 1 u or skin tlisepirs, iiioti.lies. 1'eloliS, 1'es.tules
! Canker, Piuipie, Kc, i;c. -
I Have you a dyspeptic Stomach 1 Unless t'.ixis
, tiqrj l pi diitptlv uuleel the system Is debilitated
y waMi.povtriy of the Blocd, 'Dropsical tendency,
; ftneral weaknesy and lui rtla. ' .
j Have you weakness of tin Intestines J You
j are in danger of Chronic Diarrhoea or Iullaruina- '
1 tion of the bowels.
i Have you weakness of the Uterine or Urinary
j Organs I , Yon are exposed to suffering Iu its
: m Mt aggravated form.
! A,reyoud'e tcd, dry'sv, Cttil.'.'Jinj'r. a: de
pressed In spirits, wlmii'-au aje. rack avhe, coat
! td tongue aud bud tatting inoulh I
Fora i-erluin reniely for all of tiii-e diseases,
weaknesse s and rtoibjes i for c!etit!ing and pti
, rifyiugtlie viuutlolooil and Imparting vigor t:
' all tht vital force i for building up aud icstor
i lug rhe weakened constitution UrfE
1 J v n V IJ K ha .
: which is pronounced by tbe leading medical au
, thorites of London aud Paiia '-the most power
; fill and alterative known to the tnedicul
' world'." .rt is b j!-) tiew and untried dUcoverr'
but has been long hailing physicians
titj other emilr't v.iiu v ciiii reun-iil..r-!
suits. .' ' "
ton't wcaiien and impair the digestive oriir'
i by cathartics and physics, ttiy give only truo'
I rary telief Indigentlon, !lMtu!euty nnd d'-''t'l'"'
I sia with plies hud kindied iliseasei aiv'urcl"
I fol'ow their use. '
Keep the Mood pure aud healthy ie assured.
! JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 11 pw'itt., N.
Sole Agent for ihe niteu Stales
Price, 81 per Bottlo. 8end forCtrei'ar. Marl w
Tho Guide Unpublished Quarterly. :25els. pn)
for I tie )enr, which is not half the oft.. .Tlor '
who afterwards send luouiy to thu a;v.ot!nt of niw
Dollar or more for Seed may iT.CT order '.'5 els
worth i-xtra tha price paid for the Guide. Th
Fiit Nuiubei' Is beautiful, giving plans fur nial.
in Ruial lluiu. liming Taolu Decoratl ui
Window liafdi n, L-., and k mass of inftruiatii.
iuvaluatle to the lovi r of Flowers. lit) pages t..
line linti-d paper, soaic Tl Engraviiixt ami
k l pel Li Colored Piute uu.l Chioilio ('over. J h'j
Flit Eaiiioa of SttXI,ii06 just print",! In Eiiv1-' "
and Uinnau. J AMI S VlK, "i
lj.4w. Rocluwtir, New York. .
12 Samples sent by mull lor cO.ts. that retail
qi.U-k fo. IU. R. L. WrwofT, lbl Ctitliault
tquaru, N. . f3,4w
M' A'l'jbi.l If you ib to buy a Si-win
Marline for family use, or act as si;vut, lid Utea '
W:tl.iiiglu3 Se iu Maehiiiu Co., Hoslse, jias-'.ochusij-.lJ.,
, !S,tw
WA1I11I to employ f, Uio piiug and
cunaner, sebol tentcurn 1'iC ilieir iuloi!(:eul 1
uij, lo iollv't for n.y ottw mI.i.iI.i, ,itutitifuly"
llluptriiu-d i.u.i eusy-svlllnr pi:'j'ic::lion. Befoi.
uat;..,- ULi-i ' ii-an -irviUs, n.fdr. ss, statiuj; t-x-
lerVai?'-, if any II. C. Joiixsov,
f",4-.v. reh st.. Phil irl. Iphli.
A iijt rladk lualnrx f n . rt'iebl.; rni-.ii, w:ii
the ..- t nu;ii.s fr-.iit tV"'
a cm t ;
a '. -r ...
I let" . v tVani Hi-ei
'uti v.lll-iw Ciiilen
ts 4w
IVJoJ. f F. BiiK-i'l, y-Ti
I timio ; u ; -.1 r kite1
l-:HPl-'4'I.ii;ATTElTs of tn'auc
turers who bate lieeuiue dizu-ud wiibtiMwdoix
ol PuihmW tills and the'r llTrrftcti upon inucbl
nry, ii Invited In
E. it. Kellogg's Speim iCnine till d ;& tl
E. H. Kedogar's Hifm lipiun'e Oil (a, f ji 1
K. H. Keilogg'slaliow Knv.ineOil M 1.1d V ja',
K. H. lUUosg'elaliowSoiudlrlni'ilA.C f gsl
M.ioui'ai tnre4 bv
f.4w. 1?. H. Kau r'oo,' Vr. 17 Cv.! r i' J
eWi m.
.- - - . ; .O ,
' -ft