$tafclIancons. JUtsctllancous. ficto $tbcrtlsmcnts. anufacturfrs. GRAND OPENING OF PALL AID WINTER GOODS AT S. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store. Just opened, nn enormous Stock of pi twm a tip. i The largest ever ofl'ered in this town. Clnlhiug to suit nil tastes. Clothing for nil oc casions, from the rihiinest Working Clotlu-H to the ('most uud most fashionable I DRESS SUITS. I Boys' and Youths' Clothing. i This department is well slocked with a large variety of goods of all colors, qualities and I styles. All clothing is made to my own order, by the best mechanics, nnd . combine durability and slreuglh with neatness and style. i Hats it Caps lor Men il Boys. An enormous assortment iu this line, including the very latest in New York nnd l'hila i delphia styles. urms Tlic most magnificent stock to bo found outside of the large cities. The very latest in everything. Meek ware, Collars, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, and especially a ful! iine of the best makes in Shirts iiiul Gents' Undcnvare. TIES, and numerous other articles. Doing by far the largest business in my line in the county, and buying larse quanti ties for cash, Iain able to oiler superior inducements and sell at LOW Kit PKIClvS than any of my competitors. Everybody is respectfully invited to call and cxamiuc the largest stock ever seen in this place. Sunbury, Sept. 14, 1S72. M, Station, & Wall Paper Dept. TOYS, A LI 5 U MS, AXD FANCY ANTILLES. Clement Block, - - Sunbury, Pa. Now Heady, Full Supplies of School Books, (Mice Stationery, School Stationery, &c, &c., &c. Stews Bep.at i "WALL l'Al'Elt at Iiclm-ed Prices OFFICE OF THE ADAMS AND CENTRAL EXPRESS CP'S. H GO TO h t2 NEW Central Variety Store! ! h5 of all DliESS GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, ALPAC- 3 CAS, CORDED ALPACCAS, 3 ! H Dolanos, Tickings, Notions in great Variety. FRESH GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS Wood and Willow Ware. 3 CHPETS. in great variety, lower Wall Paper and f2 r" Go to FINNEY'S 2 for the Greatest Variety of Goods arrivins o I VICTOR! victor Agent for the Victor Sewing Machine, g I MlltHtT NTKEET, one door el Suubuiy, May 4, 1S7J. ly. o .A1 1 1! nr. n 'i n o VALISES. UMBRELLAS. 9 to Make lioom for NEW .STOCK. C2 C n w f I I Q kinds, O 71 Floor, Table, and Stair Oil Cloths. f3 than the lowest in iriee. Window Shades. t-3 ! Prices the J.owot ! Goods rr Daily. " 1 VICTORIOUS! -1 o of lienhHrfN CoufocUonery M(prt. h3 a ALT. Dq.DRi rnRES DISEASES Of TW THROAUUNGSUVER & BLOOD In the wonderfc! medicine to which the afflicted are above pointed for relief, the dineovcrer no 1Irvc ho has combined In hamumy more of Na ture's mot fjnverolnn curative nropertien, which God has Instilled into llio vcRetablo kingdom for healing tlio pick, than were ever before comhined in one medicine. Tho evidence of this fact ll found In the groat variety of mot obstinate lla caea which it ha been found to conquer. In th cure of Ilroucliittn, Severe Conxha, and the early rtau'uft of Conxu m ptlon, U haa nutonlshed tho medical faculty, and eminent phy iciaiiK pronouneo it tho (treatimt medical dlfcovfr ry of the a,'C. Wlillo It enrea tho sovcroot Couhv it !ilrenthen tho fvtem and purl lien tlio blod. ny Its great and thoronu-h blood pnrify iiiir pr.iiicrtie, it curej all II n mora, from tho Wiiil Scrofula to a common lllotrh, Pima pie, or Kuruptloil. Mecurial dlneanc, Mine ral Poisoni', and their effect, aro eradicated, and viiroroua health and a anund conntitntion estab lished. KrynlpcliiSnll Itlirnm. Fcrcr Sore. Scaly or ltouli Ski u. In short, all tho numerous dlseaset caused by had blood, aro conquered by this powerful purifying apd lu vigoratin medicine. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have sallow color of skn, or yellowish brown spots on face or body frequent headacho or diB.incss, bad taste in mouth, internal heat or chills alternated with hot flushes, low spirits, and gloomy forebodings. Ir regular appetite, and tonzue coated, yon are suffer I..3 (mm Tnruld l.lvcr or Blllou neM." Iu many cases of 'LlTor Coin- plaint" only part of theso symptoms aro expe rienced. As a remedy for all such cases Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has no equal, as It effects perfect cures, leaving the liver strength ened and healthy. For the cure of Habitual Conatipatloil of tho bowels It is a never fail ing remedy, and those who bavo used it for this purpose are loud in its praise". The proprietor offers 1,000 reward for a medi cine that will equal it for the euro of all the dis eases for which It Is recommended. Hold by druggist at tl per bottle. Preparedjff K. V. Pierce, M. D., Sole Proprietor, at his I hei ; oal Laboratorv. 1 Seneca street. Buffalo, N. J Send your address for a pamphlet. May 4, Is7'- Miff' AttitlV.VI- or SPBIWG GOODS AT Clement & Dissinger's, In the new Clviiieul BtiililiiiU, larltol Sipuu'O, Siitil'iiry, Ia. We t.iUo pleasure in niiiiuanclnir tlmt wc liuvc lust opened it new ussorl incut of SPRING DRY .GOODS, nfiill st vies at the lowest prices. DOLLY VAltDKN", still aing in " ami beautiful desitfiis DI1F.S3 (iOODS. MOVKXISO COOPS, CLOTHS, C.SIMEUK9, VK9TISU8, k:, &c. l(ralyMuIe 'loUii"K. full aesnrtiiient, which will - oU lower tlinn clM'wliei'e. ( arpcls, Oil K',""'1 1 loop M,lt (iUOCKlui of all kliiils, which tne iruarasiced all fri'sli. (iu j: i:n.s w ah i:, av i llo w wa iu:, 3 2 . ST. X H TUl.MMIN'tJS, CLOVES, and in fact everything that can be mentioned In a tiit-cla!-s store. Call and exatuitic our stork. I Turin.-our sore lighted uilli (ins, roods can be seleeied in the evening as well as in the day time. No cliai"es for showing iruoil. CLEMENT & DIsSSIXCEiS. April 20, lhT'J. SliN.NVSIIlE AT MaKYI.AM'. Pl'ATK F.Mll, UaI.- TiMoni:. First iiremlniii for Fire-placo lleateia awarded the f unnysije. Advantages of the Sniiuysi.' : 1. It is so con.-trueted that nuc-third more of the radiating sin lace extends iito the room, fjiv. in' that inueli more ticKl it ional heat wilhoiil ex- lia fuel. 2. ll is the only Hot-Air 1'i'c-placc Heater in the iiiail.it. Like the i. pillar stiilt cellar heater, it loses no heal, hut coutiueg , nil to its leiti piirpocs. ' o. The fuel munciziiH' is dou Jo t he usual size, cxtetidinit from the tire-box t the top of the stove, with capacity for tweutf-four bonis' sup ply of coal. 4. The patent douhlc cover nr coal magazine coiismnes the pis, prevents acape of vras into the room, mid makes it imposnblc for any puf linga or explosions to occur, t'his Is nil advant age possessed by no other llroplacc stove ill I ho market. 5. There nre, three nir cemibers, wherein a brisk circulation Is kept up, duwiii); the cold uir iu the room through heated flues into u large hot -air reservoir, at the back !' the stove. 0 No side pipes are used, a-tho nir is heated in tl reservoir having double 'Hdiatinff flues and double back, supplyiue; large iiiuntities of but iiirwithout waste of heat or fiel. T. The Bl NNVsuiE utilizes tie. waste beat so thoroughly that we frcquehtlf real uu adjoining room on the first, besides licit ng the rooms iu second and third stories. 8. A damper on top of thestove, connected with the hot nir Hues, control the quantity of bot nir required for the use o' cither tho upper or lower rooms. All oilier flirplucc stoves are veiy inconvenient iu this resic. V. The Crate is self-sealing, Mid no dust can escape while shaking it. 6TUIAT, PETEIOX & CO., l'hihidelphia. II. B. lASSEn, Agent. Nov. II, 1S7I. T T1IK L..11I:N! GRAND OPEXINCOK Millinery mil Fhikt CioudM. Sprlnir styles of HATS nnd BOJS'ETS, trimmed nud null itnined. Ail tbe ht'st styles iu STRAW, CHIP, LEG-IIOIX, CACTUS, Neapolitan, Wuterproof, &e. Hiool Halt and Bun Hats. Trimmings Ribbons, Flow, Laces, Ao. ;ioveH, 4'olllrr tic Cirnre, CMo, Crape Veils, Tissues, Noclies. Hamioy, Wur tier & Co.'s i'nttnriis, nd all the Spring styles of Millil'ry Uoods. Cull nud soe uiy choice usoriuient. M1S8 L. WW8EU. Murket e irect, one Joor vest of tiourhart'i ton fectluuvy store. April 80, 1S73. Don't Read This m Good mornln)r, Mrs, A., whwe re you bouud for so early ? Mrs. A. Why Mrs. C, i.ou't :ou know r. Byerly bus bought out the Urocey aud Confee. tioucry Stove of Huut & Weaver, aud Is sclllDj nice fresh Groceries, Canoed Vrit. aud Iu fuut, cvcrytblng iu the (irocory iine, jheaMjr lhau tbe cbouixist, aud I have got tired uyiK bigh prices, so I have, made up uiy uiiudifur ibis to patron, lzu Mr. Byerly. to t'ood iiornlng, Mrs. C. I must go. Mrs. C to herself. Widl I am houud to Sad out for uivself, will go to Bv.il'' new cheap casu Grocery, tbe ueit tiws I uut auy Urof'rl'" CM-iioiieor Prime t will just say to til coma and give uie a trial sud satisfy youreuves thnl there Is one cheap cash Grocery U buiitury. 1 lieiiieuiberihe plie, No. 11, eoiun Tblid 8t I., i 'iuniu.il 4oiisa lulhlillir. Huiilmrv 1. 6. BYERLY. I'll V A ' "t- fiiil MRES DISEASE Or TW-- V, A It 1 . No. G02 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA. MESPHS. CALDWELL A CO.. DF.81HF. TO CALL ESPECI AL ATTENTION TO TIIEIll DK PAUTMENT OK POLIO S1LVEK WATCHES. POSSEHSINO SUPERIOR FACILITIES THEY WILL HE ENABLED TO PLACE BEFORE Cl'STOMERS. IN ADVANCE OF THE CENE RAL MARKET. ALL THE NOVELTIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN SILVER GOODS AS RA PIDLY A8 PRODUCED, VERY PARTICULAR ATTENTION BEINC OIVEN TO THE PPE (TATIES OF BRIDAL AND OTHER PRESEN TATION GIFTS. 1 HE STANDARD OF SILVER LONG SINCE ; ADOPTED BY IDEM IS THAT OF ENGLISH j STERLING, llJ.VIiMlOTiis FINE, THE QUALITY ' OF EVERY ARTICLE SOLD BEING STRICT- I LY GUARANTEED. 1 ATTENTION 18 RESPECTFULLY DIRECT- I F.D TO THE, UN V A R Y I NG BUSIN ESS POLICY i OF THIS HOUSE IN REGARD TO THE FIRM- I LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OF FIXED , PRICES, WHICH WILL BE RIGIDLY AD- ' HERED TO IN ALL CASES. SECURING TO PURCHASERS, FAIRNESS AND EQUALITY IN EVERY TRANSACTION. : POLITE ATTENTION MAY BE EXPECTED I BY ALL WHO FAVOR THEM WITH A VISIT. , ORDERS AND INQUIRIES BY MAIL, ' PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. i J. K. ('.ILIHVKI.L .V CO. ; Feb. 10. I SXJlsTBTJn-'Sr" " j HORSE AND CATTLE lM It AXl'K 4UM1 AW. INSUIU2 vorn iiorsks i 1 INSURE YOUR CATTLE! INSURE with a risponslble nnd perfectly reli- nble Company. Insuru where, your losses ', TIiIh Is ii .11 nl mil S'rolcot Ivc Co. Hence, you are sure of being paid promptly for all losses, If insured Iu this Cotnpanv. ! OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS : THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. We pny losses neerulng throiigli theft, death by lire, uecident, or natural causes, (exeeiitiiiir epedeinic diseases). We pay prompt. No led ; tape proceedings to get Jour money, iu case of ! loss. OVEE SZOOO paid on horses anil cattle since organization. DR. D. WALDROX, President. C. A. RF.IMl'.NSNYDER, See--, Smil.uiy, Pa. Dlrcctoi-n I F.x-Gov. .Tames Pollock, Solomon Si rob, Win. Ill indie, Solomon Shipe. John A. Shissler, Dr. T. Kn!, Dr. David WnMron. julylo'T. II AIM) WAKE l'OK ALL AT TIIK HAKMVA11E STOKE i OF J. K. CONNELLY & CO. ! ?Int-kot Slrt'fl, Siiiibiirj, la. It Is useless lo enumerate every kitnl nf article ' Iu bis Store, hut iiuiou tbe leadiiie; Items liiuy , be set down tbe follow iiifr : . Iron, Steel, Leinl, Scales, f tcclynrtls, (irinjoitoncs, Nulls of nil k'uiils anil sines, Vices, Saws, l'liincx. Sieves, Chain. Axes, Units and Iron Kettles, Shovels, lines, Forks, Spades, Hakes, Hatchets, Cai'i'i-nter nud Ulacksiiiith Horlnir Maehines, Cellar Unites, Draw intf Knives, j Stone Sledncs, l'laelercrs' Trowels, Masons' Hammers nud Trowels, Hand Dinner Hells, mid large oust iron Hells for School Houses and Farmers' Dinner -" Carpenters' Iieiieb Screws, l'otnto Forks for dluuiuy; potatoes, LookiiiL' (Jlnsses. Twine, Hopes, Knives and Forks, Spoons. TaeUs, ' .Mule ulul Horse Shoes und Nails, Hammers, Auirurs, I'IiImU, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Hrouins, Locks of all descriptions, Collcc Mills, Hits and Itraces, Carriage Holts of all kinds, 1'alnt and Wall Brushes, Huckels, i!M, Vuriiisilu-N, JiiiiaiiH, Lve. Sinla Ash, Wnsliliiir Soda, 1'AIVr.S OF AM. KIMIS in Cil or Drv, I'arti-Colors of all kinds, CEDAIMVAKK j und other Wooden-Ware of all kinds ami very cheap, Hay-Fork I'ullevs. J I'ieks, Mill ricks, Levels, Level Musses, j Files, liimjes. Coal (Ml, I Minis, Combs, Screws, Saddlery and Shoe Findings, ButlL'y Tiiinniings, Kxcel.-lor lilass Cullers. i 1 ocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, Miol, Cups ami l'owtlcr, nnd a irreat variety of other articles. Anv iblmr waiilc.l ami not on band, w ill bu ordered .ii once, j Sunbury, Aug. 1S71. i:.ti:k of .vrrit actio. j Kveryhody Is Invited to come and buy of the ' liandsoinc assort incut of ' j TOYS AND COXFKCTIONEIMFS ! nt SAMUEL F. KEVIN'S STORE, In frame biiililimr, adjoining Moore tv. Disin-er- building, TillHI) STliF.F.T, SI XHI HV, A. Just oKiicd a fresh supply of Confci-lioneii.-s of every description. TOYS OF AM. HIK constantly on bund. The best KA1SIXS, FKiS CI HHANTS & DIMICD Flll'lT. rUHE 1UO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Hiead, Huns A: Cakes, everv uioiuing. FANCY CAKF.S, BISCUITS, CliACKFKS, e. OYSTEH.S ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! Having fitted up u room expressly for serving up Oysters Iu every style, Ladies mid tteiitlemeii will be iiccouiiii.Kliitcd with the hesl bivalves in market, at all hours during the day and evening. Families will be supplied at their residence with the best Shell or Canned Oysters, as is desirable, at thercry lowest prices. Cull nud scciny excellent if ..rtincnt of goods uuu uccciiuiu ine prices. S. F. XEVIN. j Dec. 10, 1871. ! THADD'S S. SHANNON, i T1IIHD AND MAUKET SQUAHE, ! Has In stock and constantly lecciving Novelties lu his Hue, ronslstiiij; in part ofa full lino of ! A.ni.RH ax uatc ui:n, j Elgin, Illinois, Howard .v. Co., Waltbani, Mas- i achusetts, and Hoy's AMF.IMCAN WATCHES ; I Also, u full set of Ladies, and Ucni's Gold and c?ner dhum vtaicucs. JEWELBY. ltotnuu tiold sets, pink coral uud Hold set, Eur-Hiugs, NceUluiws uud I'euduu'.s, Onyx aud Jut Jewelry. SILVER-WARE, t"iM Silver-ware of Sterling purlti, made to or der. o.i,i,il und Inosculation rieoos, Knives, Forks and Jynout In cu.es, also, a full line uf ? iVufi V00"18' Tea Set. ' Wll' Bt't. trl.lt Stands t ,lke Bllskts, Coiree Cms, y0rk! and Spoons-treble j,lulej , ,K.el (l) , ue ,arkoU bl'ECTACLKs. If you value your Eyesight, us. u,0 Perfect Lenses, ground from minute Urlstle rebt.le u..t ted together, and derive there name 'Diamond" on uccouut of tbeie hardness aud brllliuucy. They will last many years without ehuugo, uud wurruuted Sujicrlor to all others iu Use. TABLE CUTLEKV. Jvory, Pearl aud Metul bundle! In catci iup pilou V outer. I'LOCHM. bournl!.L!?""i,ta"eDtof ElKht dy ' Thirty k, tt,r laleuder Clocks ol all disci Ii' tlon. EuKmviugdoneattheiiliortesl nollue. iVulcdea. Cl.wL ,..i .i..u.. ...... . . 8 . . nv.vnv. eiiairiMi ana utisfuutlou wurruuted. All good will betoldut the very Lowost Cash rriocs. Every body Is cordially Invited to Call aud Eauuilue for themselves. . Duu't luigMt the place, ubury,Dee.18-tf. T. B. WUNNOS. RABWAY'S HEADY RELIEF (TUBS THE WO 11 T PAIM8 In from Ond to Twenty Mlnutos. HOT ONE HOUR t' n-ailtiii: xhU n-u-iTHwini-nt t-''i any ono sf'lU'H WITH I'AIN. IIADWAVB KdliY IU-.L1KP 1H A (TIIK TOR K VF.lt Y IAIN. It wait he Ar4 ami U Tlio Only Iuli Hcmotly tlmt litt:ittily niupn I'm niitut rxmiclnihiic pa'nr. nllavi In fl diiiiifi. (Ion-, ntiil inT- ('otiirif-itoiii, wln-thrrff Itie I,uiit, hiiiu:icli, Hnwi'in, or uthitf f;lttUil or uruu, ly una nppllcv liuit, rnnf ONE TO TWENTY MINVTEf. XrnslttT how violent or cniclKtlii(t tlit puLu t)i HIIEU M.'ll llr.l rl'hl. n, litflrni, rrtikil. rvoua, huuralglc, or jirontrtti-il wit It diwiw) imtv mmtr, HADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFortK INSTANT EASE. lXn.AMM ATION UK TIIK K 1 1 INKY!. INKI.AMMATION (IK TUB BLADDER INFLAMMATION OK TIIK IIOWEl.S". CONliKS I ION IK THE 1XNGB. I'dUF. TI1UOAT, MKKK t l.T HKKATIIINO. 1'AI.PITATION OK THE HEART. llVSTKUICR, t'ROVl', JJll'in ilKltlA. CATAHKII, INFLUENZA. llF.ADAf'Ili:, TOOTH f-IIE. ' NKl ltAt.dlA, RHEUMATISM. C-OT.1l fllll.t.S, AtJVK CHII.I.S. 'I'lm iii!.lii-:illoii if Uio Itcndv Itcllcf to the part nr I'-irt where tlic judii er iluiiuiilty cluis will ull'urd c;um aud IHlttfHli. Twrtitv rtrnrrt hi M'f fl litril.lpr fir wntcr will In s few vi.'iilMil-. run- CHAMPS, M'ASMS. KnUIl SIOMAI'll, IIKAHTnrilV, Mi'K IIKAHACMK, IHAKUIIKA. PVsENTF.ItV, VOl.W, IS TUB DoWEUJ, and Tr;iM?li-r. nhoiilil slmivi enrry s bnllls of Rndwav's llendy Itelll-f with lln-ni, A few (Imps In wutrr will rvvi-!i iIvkiih or mli. fiiiiii chnliKe of watur. It It belter liun Fruiith Uiiittilv or It'.tUTAaiiaxtlmuluiit. 1 liVl ll AMI AIJIE. FF.VETl AN 11 A'll'K ciinil f.irdny centK. Tliere Is not n rineih:tl aici'iil in thi world Hint will cure Fever and Acne, and nil other Malarious, llillnin. Svarl.t, Tvphoiil, V.llow.and other KeviM ciWeil l.v IIAIIWAY'H I'll.LS) to onlek iu ItADVVAYM TiKADY 11EL1EK. Fifty cents 1 it Wile. Buld by DruggMs. HEALTH! BEAUTY! ! sTTjoNn anii itise r.ini iilood-ixi-ukase op HIt AMI WKIiillT-CI.RAR KK1M AXU BEAL 'i'll'l 1. l OJIl'LliXlON bki'L'UCU TO ALL. DR. RAD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT II MAUK TMR MOST ASTOIIIIf fTRFS ; SM IA1'U ARK TIIK f 'IlANtiKK THK MiY rMKitioKS, 'Mril TIIK l.NM.I'KM'K K TIHH i T.l'I.Y iVoMjKRI L i, MLUlClNK. 1 1 1 A I Cvory Day an Incroaso tn Flosh nnd Weight Is Soon ond Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Kvrry tlr-o if Hie RAHSA I A 111 I.MAN I:I;mLVKNT rr imU'iK,-ii) I'r-.diL'U Hi Ill"ol, Sf;ti, I 'lint, nml ttlni !;ilrf!un(l u u- -s of th' nvstfin tlu vor ut 1 U t-r ll ri-iii: tlie wfcitti'i .f lltu mmI with n-v ntiil muii n:U rl;il. hcrofuhi. Svplili;, ''nt.miipHufi, ti'niulnl.tr !i-f:ii', 1 ! h In the Tliio;it, M.'iiili, Tii'tnTH, N-i.it i i t ii nu t;i f-tlier r,art-"f flu! (i'hK'Iii, hir. Kyr:. Mrmiiinia ri-rlinry frutn tlm Kir', a-i't Htf vurt. f'.nn i-f S-iiit -lir:in, l.ttt; -t 'mil's, K' V.t S rts 8 ni l IUa.I, Hug 'tu. S:i!t III. in. , J-'!in'l.t A.in ill.n.' Sp l!. Vinin hi tin KU'ftii, T''ti.'.i ('.ttH-rri In tli i Wi:iilt, rvt ! it 11 wtki-i.linf ntul i-;.iirft() 1is i !i;itt-, Nijlit Svf:itt. (tf Spi riti, lUnl tt!l v:.ttts Ttlit' 1,1'f liriii-Mj.li', lift within lli-i cmitivf r:4ii(r ft tliln wmttli r cf MUni i'lit'iiiNttv, ui"l A iVv iI:vV mv r.lll prove In I'.mv pciM'ti u-hifi it. f r t'itlicr it tlu fn.iiiat't' tii.-ou; its j..itt"it i-nvr tn enrf them. If th n iliciit. d.illv l.-t-onilnr? rM'ici! I'.m wnytrs and (V-iivi.lrfi.'i'.W.i thnt U c'riUiiurilly iT'(rrf'i"K. tvicctfil-i hi i'.rii-s'i'iff t Ii v-?- v:ts,i"i, i:it.l ri-j'Uii' 11"- 5.1 n if Mi 11-w m.ttrr Itl m.h'f-.mi lif.lil.v l....U-uia tliH SAUSATAlilL Ll N will iui'1 il.w.- -M-ir-. N't I'liU tii'i-1 il.e AiiAP.nit.T.iAr Umiii.vkst rt't1 u'l Vii'itvn ifMH'i'liil iiL'i'iiH In ii inif f 'iifiniitr. Svr.irii'utt!, 1 .ni nl un;.!1, ulr.l k.n tlibctst'-i ; it li tiiv! utily posit v C Jff ft-f Vr.'trvrv, n 1 W 'ltiH f!ia-i(, iflvrl, ll:stte, Tn.i M iiu;v lif Wti-r. tiif-Mittlitt-h'.- ft t ' rill-. Itritit :l IUfMM-' A! uiiiinr.ril, iiixl hi u'l ew htMV 1 !'i rt' 11 n trr; tie 1..1MIK, fi- thu wMiT 1h llilcli, flnit.lv, nilsi"! with fiil-Xunc.- l:kf tlu v hltf -f nn -ki:, nr tlir-:tli II hr whit.' n!k. or th-n i.-K timrliltt, tlaik. tiiii;is npj.v.uanrr, ntnl wliit.' tiitifit ili-in-siin, nnd htii tlirro U h Tiililn, luirnii-; f-tifati :i v lif 11 (-liitt wutr. nnd v-'l'i In Ilia S ui all vt thu H.ui. a:nl I.I 'i;" t'.i' I.o'm. I'tkf, i.oo, WORMS. Th otily kuuwn and sure Remedy fr I! ur.nl -J'tt, I'llify tU Tumor or 12 Years' Growlli Cured by HuHvny' 1lcolicnt. BrvKitrr, Mu, J!y 1. I"". Vn. Htfiirtv: T lnv hit OvarUn Tum.-r lit tlif vwl-i nt '.n-l. Alt tho lM-.ri Mi l ' Uirr.. wn, t,n lrl. f-r ll." 1 triM rrrrv ll'li' tlitt i-rttiiiintrl ; Iml iflliini hs-liwil m. I w Mr I'.'I-'NI. nn. llioiiciit I u. Iry it; but l, n f-i.tS In it, l.r.nti. I l'l ntrvl f f l!r wart. I 1-wk '.x Ulln nf ihc )Us..i"it, nn. I cii'i Leu of K.tiw fill, unit two U.ltk nf ynr UjtIv lUlii-fi BtiJ tlirfe l 11 . 1 !fi "f tifimr 1.1 I frrn (r 'fill, i.ii4 t f.-l l'pttrr, imitrttT. antl ltHtir llitti I lutvu fur l!v yi-r. Ti: wrtt tuti..r a In lt. Irlt tiilc uf th U.n. 1, iir tin-i,Tnin. I wile lliit U Vniu iur tit Uutl.t vt vliirrt. 'ii rntt riil.litli it if IIAN.NAII 1'. K.N AIT. DR. RADWAY'S PE3FECT FvlROATiVE FILLS, I'.-rf -of 1 t-ittcl.ii. rVt'-uilIy cn:.N'd v '.fh iiwoft r'ini. Iirc1 rt'iiitl.iif, j.itriff. c:inr, an' mrt-nirttit-n. KiUav"H J'il1. f-.r tl fir of all ili.nl.-i if tin Mnti:irli, l.ivrr. H-iwi-Ii. Ki'lni-v-, ll'a.t.ler. Ni-i v.-hh l)i.-". llc.Tn lif, rmiMh -v Ikiii, f'it.iiNA-t. -, litiiijri--.tnni. liv.pf lt.ll.itini'. IVU InilM KfVfj Ii'tliiuuii.iti.Hi ol the Iti-wcS, I'ilf, And all r-insfnirtit- i.f tin1 luienml Vici:ra. Wnrnuitfd to i-'Ui t u lltivt run'. l'irl Vfi-tal-ii', tutilaluln-; tin r.icriuiy, i.ii'i'-nil-, nr ilfli trrifii ilriii'", ..yT f'-i 'v.-th- f.ilnA in- fin It'tni rcvittU'jr from l?is- l.Tll Tti Hi 1, it 4 'ifM IV V Ol'tll.-1: r..nt:r..t'.j,, hmv4 MM. Kii!1 ,f tl tlrl In 1VM .' i hty ..f ids. H.ui. K, Nnnsi'ti. Ht-trthitm, ii.L'ii.t of K'.l. K'lll tirt I -f( in tl. h .itr f"r.iriinrii1ii,k;neor 1 littlrr i-itf l lit - I n . f tlif i t ti.nrh. Swfmntlnir i.f Ittirrl'-.t !i-d I'll, nil Lr.-.tliin--, f 'tt fs-riri mI I', h.-trl, t'hi.kli.e or Suff.-. alu.t N-i..it;--n. -. ii,-n in Jillitf .itMr.-. l-ilt.nvt. r-t V'on. 1H "? tN-f- i'.j yr'hi, .Vv.rMnl hull IWm tn ihv ltr.t. IVll- ie.t.y f IVr.flr .!'.-,. Vrll.. nr.. fl ti f-ki.i kt). ... I'-,,,, l tl. , IU I, Mini,., ami tAdm I ii:sUa vt llfatl Lcmhie in Iu I Ir.h. A r.-- f ..II I f V. APIVAY'S T'll.T v in froP the vtcm "!.i ii y !! rn'iis r-!. i:k -1 lr AM li !!A!VAY .'. 111.. N llil'o. Ii.-.t v.m:IIi H...!.,!. March i'.O, IST-.'.-lv. 'r.itif. rnc, 25 frtits jut ix. :rr. Sti.d mm I trrr-r: p . h7 M:ih!. 11 l.-inc, icw-Yi k, u i;i i.n, m :.: ou No Person enn take these Bitters accord in to direciiom. and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted bevond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or IikdlKestion. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizzi ness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, lad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, In flammation of the I'Uite, Pain in the regions of the Kid neys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, ars the off springs of Dyspepsia. lit these complaints it lias no equil, and one bottle will prove a Letter guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. For Feaiale C'oinplnlikts, in young or old. mar ried or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an mil uenca that a marked improvement is soon perceptible. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheu mat la in and Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermit tent Fevers, Diseases of iht Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Disease are caused by Vitiated B'ood, which is genet ally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. They are a Geutle Purgative as well as a Tonic possessing also the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Vis?.il Organs, and in Bilious Diseases. For fcklai 1 Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spot-:, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car buncles, Ring worms, Skald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, I tcli, Scum, Discolor.. turns of the Skin, Humors and Dis eases of die Skin, uf whatever name or nature, are lit erally dug up and earned out of the system in a short lime by tlie use of theit Hitters, The properties of Dr. Walker's Vinegar BiTTKKt are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vinsqar Bit tees the most wondcilul luvigoraut that ever sustained ths sinking system. J WALKkK, Prop r. H-1. Nt'DONALD V CO., Druggists and Gen- Agts., tau Fkwc'ko, Cel., Und corner of Washington aud Clurltuii t&,. New Votk SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. June ti., .tin. WM. Mt ltllAV. J. 6LAYMAKUU. VM. H. III. At K. MURRAY & CO., Wliolisulo Dtakrs In MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, OlUcn 11111I School Ktutioiii'rv. flliiliuir, VtratiiiK uud .MaulIIn PAPERS, I'AFt It UAUS, Ai-., Ae. Tho Culelirntvd orry K c rosciio Burning Oil always oil lmiid. Iluviui; also opened a COAL YAKD, we nro prvpureit to supply Hi bhort noivc,uuc u( (lie ium tutus, ma, STOVE, UHJSTTUT Ami TEA COAL to ull who may be pleased lo give ns cull. Order left ut our oUlee No. 85 South Third St., will be prom pi I v tilled. MU UH AY & CO. No. 85 Pouth Third Btrut. Buuburv, Pa, AuK. SO, 1871. nilll.K NIIOP AX1 ntov I'OI.MMtY. GEO. KOIIKBACII & SOX3, Nunbnrj-, Ponn'n, INFORM tlio public that they nro prcparoa lo do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added n new Muchlno Shop In connection with their Foundry, and hnvo supplied themselves with New Lathes. Planing nnd Boring Machines, with tho Litest Improvement. With the nld of skillful nn chunk's, they arc enabled to execute nil orders or NF.W WOKK OR REPAIRING, that may be glvin ttioin, In a satisfactory man ncr. (mien to milt ny Move. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build lilt's, of nil sizes. BRASS CAST! NUB, &c. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YAKD I.OT8 VERANDAHS, FOR YAltDS AT llESIDF.NCKH, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have, been still further Improved, nnd will ulwavs be kept on luvid. Also, TH11F.SH1NU MACHINES. Sunbury, May U0, 1871. II. M It IK AMI I'MMMi nn,i,s. Thlnl Pliwt, n-Unlnlna l'lilln. & Krl- 11. R., two Linares North of tlic Central Hotel, SUNUL UV, PA. IRA T. "CLEMENT, IS preparoil to furnlsli every ileserij'tion of lum ber re'iiired by the demands of the public. llavini all the latest Improved maelilnrry for iiiaiMifai turiiiir Limber, he is now ready to till or ders wf all kinds of FLooniNo, smixo, nooits, siittteus, 8AS1I, l'.I.IMiS MOl.l.l)IN(;S, VE K AN DAS, MKACKKTS, and all kinds of Clrinnnental Pernv nVorU. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A I.AIMiE ASSOin VrST OY V, I L L Ii U M 15 K ll . HEMLOC K and PINE. Also, SMugles, Pickets, 1 ntlie, i':c. Orders proinptlv tilled, and shipped bv tlnilroaj orolheiwise. ' 1 It A T. CLEMENT. dcelll-liSjly K'l'OVK A TIX I.STAKI.ISJnSKXT. MAUKET S-TliKET, Sl'NHUKY, PA. ALFUK1) KUAUSK, l'lopn. tor. sfri r.ssun to smith & iir.sTnr.it. J n A VINO pun based the above well known c . tabltbllll'n1 . Mr. KraitfC would respectful ly inform the public that be now has on baud a. in e assmtnieiit uf COOKI.Vd STOVES, Slccr'sCook Anti-Dii-t, llejrulator or Revolving j T'p, Cnnibiiiatittii, sitiiieli;(im:i and other., i which ai'e o arranCil as to be ue 1 for Coal or Wood, aud are warranted to pel foiiii a;i.-l:iioi i- ly or no sale. Ill'.A TKl!! ol all kin Is ut up to ileal one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of dilleleiit kiinbj al very low prices. ! Tinwiirc ol-Kt(ry DcNcriplioii ! k'. t constantly on hand. Eoolluu' and Ppiiitlui; ; with tbe bst material, done ul shoct ii'.!;:-e. j Itr.PAIKINU atten.lcd to Willi dispat. !;. Coal I Oil el d Lamps conManlly on baud. Jap. in ware. ! of a x .ii.l... J'torc opposite Conlcy's h;;rda'.o I store, tiive me a call. A. KU AIM'.. I apl-'l-iv j - ....... . . w::t:M;s-. jiami.utouy, SL-M5t:ilV, l'KXX'A. 1 J. S. SEASHOLTZ, "TITOI'LI) re-peetliilly aiinonr.ee the eili- , , cus of Sunbury and sm iou:idie. coantiy, : that he is prepared tn innnul.o tiiiv all styles of ('uri'tHKCN. Itiinl'M. til-., ! at bis nev shop on east Market street. He will I furnish every description of V;i;ii,is, both j II.AIN AND lANCV. In short, will make cvei vtbinsi in bis line from a tiivt-class curriairi' ton wheelbanow. waiinuPd to be maile of the h-st and most dnr.th.c uiati ri ; ais. ion) i.y me most experienced workinen. All ; work sent out from his e-labiishuieiit will bo found reliable in every p iiii. ular. The national ol the public is solicited. .1. S. SICASIIUI.TZ. Sunbury, Nov. 4, '71. -ly. New Store! New CJotxls! F. J. I37ROD. llavlni; lake i the. stoic room lately occupied by i 11. Peters, cam r ol Third and Chii'rcb streets, ; srxni'KY, i'A., b is J I-1 opt 1 1.'. i new store, with all entire new ; 1 . a k : f ui'ods, I'omprisin id' lrj ilsi iukJ Groceries. The liy (ioi.i!. d.'pariment Isiomplcte, having a I -.m ral assortuient id' ' Clot lis, Ctissiiiicri's, Cti'iciis, IoL:iins, i un.l cverythinif In the Div (ioods line. Tlie ! ;k( Lien s are all IVcsb, and consists of Tea. Cof'i c, Suirar, j Moiiasses, Sjiiees, Meat, Eisli, .v.c. i iilowVuri mill (;!;isN.lVare, ll (:ei:eral iissortinent. In fact cveryttibij; Kept i iu a liist class stoic, can be bad at the most reasonable prices for rash. I Having located In Sunbury for the purpose ol beeoiniuy: one of its citizens, 1 hope that by lair dealing und strict attention to business lo nidil ' a share of the public patroiiairt . lv motto is 'Small Prolils and tuick Sales' I All are cordially Invited lo call nud cxainino my uoods, as no cliaijces will be made for show ing thein. V. J. llVHOD. Sunhuiy, April 20, lST'j. I.iM-kuvt Kiuut uud Iciooitihhur!; Ituci fit . Sl'MMEI! AKP.ANi;:' Mr.NT OF PASSENl.F.li I a INS. aiv, Jul v 17,'lSTl. SOL'TllWAItil. Leave. A.M. P. M. A.M. P. M. P M. Scranton, Hellenic, ; Taylorvillc, Lackawanna, Pittston, West Pittston, Wyoming, Ma 1 1 by, Kingston, & ( st. W.-llarre Sc'rs Plymouth June., : Plymouth, Nanticoke, llunlock's, Shiekshinnv, Hick's Perry lleuch Hav Ilerwlck, llriar Creel; Lime Kide. Espy, rllooiii.burj Knpcit, Cataw issa, Danville, Chulask.v, Cameron. NortU'd Leave Northuuibcrl.iiid. Cameron, Chiilnsky, Danville, Cutnwissii, Kiicrt, uiouiiishur Espy, Lime Kidite, Kriar Creek, Iterwiek, Hcacli H.iCi n, llii-Vn 'urry, NiLlslmiuy (iMUloib , KanUi'1'l.u, P. M. -iyinomn, j'lyuiouih June, K inirslou. a t st. W.-ltarre ic'r 8 30 8 40 8 45 8 52 V 04 U 14 0 25 w as Malthy, Wyoiniii, Wefl l'iitslou. Piitston, LackuWHiinA, Tnylorvlllu, Uellevue, ticruutoii, (arrive) 43 5 R5 48 5 40 54 5 47 50 5 3 13 4 I 12 52' 8 Of, 8 ia 8 18 8 28 8 8(1 8 43 07 00 111 tt 10 211 tt 1 :to h vi 1 14 8 48 0 40 Ii 4.'. 1 -T. 10 05 0 .')D I (Hi U .r0 I'. TiT 4 1)5 i 57 10 17 7 US 4 IS 7 05 10 -Jli 7 11 4 SS 7 14 2 n io 7 n 4 :io 7 10 10 40 7 24 4 U5 7 27 2 CI pi 47 7 111 4 4'i pi 52 7 oil 4 47 7 40 2 3U 1 1 00 7 51 4 55 S 00 5 00 7 50 2 40 S 05 5 05 S 00 . !S 20 S 07 S u0 S 22 a OS s 45 I 8 I en. 8 411 S 2T 8 50 i lit 8 5T t 07 V ! V.' U 2l 3 5T 9 HI . tl 51 u 5',i ! 10 OS ! (arrive.) 10 S0. i 52, , NOUTllWAKIl. A.M. P.M. 10 25 5 10 I 5 -7, ' 5 li). 10 50 5 40, I 0 00 i P 05, u u u " 0 it! I ! tl 24 I 0 4 11 .itl 0 41 II ii 0 4 A.M.' 0 55 , 13 Q0 7 00 T ISO l 7 24 7 45 P t. ' T S 8 00 ; 7 41 8 15 P.M. 5 10 I i 20 5 15 13 84 T 6 I I I PAVII) T. UOI ND, Sun'l '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers