.unburn American; SUXHURV, AUGUST 3W72. Itnllroad Time Table. P. A E. R. R doiso Northward. Krlo Mall; lenvm t 11:05 a m Niuitnra Exprcw, " " l'-J:a p in Mnll, " " 4:20 pm Erie Express, " " :00 p m N. C. R. W Ooiso SotTUWAltD. Erie Mnll, leaven at 13:45 ft m F.rie Expieim, " " 7:40 n m Mnll, " " 11:05 ft m Nlnenm F.xpreM, " " BiHO p m Tho Erlo Expws train remains hero iibout 20 iiilnntcs for breakfast. 8r -nr & Lka-mtown R. R. Mnll train leaves at 7.113 n. ru., mid arrives at 7.r0 p. m. Fast Line leaves at 6.40 p. in., and arrives at 1.50 p. m. Shavokin Vai.i.f.t R. R. Mall leaves at 13.33 p.m., for Slmmoklii anil arrives at 8.5!) p. in. Leaves for Mt. Cnrmcl at 4.40 -p. m., and arrives at 9.25 a. m. I. II. & W. R. R. Trains leave, for New Tork, via Hazletou at fl.UO a. in., and arrives at 8.35 p. m. Accident Insurance Tlekela can be had of J. Slilpman, Ticket Agent at the ttcpot. I'ocul Affairs. Sewino MACiiiNT..--Miss Caroline Ihillusls the ngrnt for Cue sale of the best Sewing Machines In existence, viz : "The Improved 81ngcr," 'Orover & Baker," "Howe,"' and Domestic,' which are constantly on hand and sold nl rea sonable prices. Shclsiilco agent for the cele brated Frantji mil Pori Knitting Machine. Cull nnd see them. O'llco on Market street, cast of the railroad. Foil Sat.k. A second baud one-horC Fpring ivflfjon Is offered for sale cheap. Apply to Jno. Wii.veu's Flour and Feed Store, Spruce St., Siinliuiy, l'a. Boitoi oil Oiim'.ns, wanted by Masser it Engle. I('.voii witnt nntl 'iler Mi!N. nml good I'liOKphiitc, ro to U. IV. Smith, SiMibnrj-, I'll. J'J7-4. As CofiiT will commence on Momluy next, It will be a line opportunity for tho?? indebted lo in to send the amount with peisons unending Court. Wo are la want of money. Fkksu Lancaster taper Wait. & bright'? saloon. Beer Is on tap at Fike. The roof of .Mr. KiiNr-st SlarUlotPs dwelling caught lire from n stove pipe, on Mon day moi'i'lin? Lift, and was slightly damaged. The lire was extinguished before inneh ui uu ulurui was rjvcii. -o- ( nisei: or Punintii'TiKs. The brick yard of Mr. John S. I.enker, al the lower en 1 of town, was Htc'y sold to Ceorye llunUon, of this place, for the sum of jCOOO. Five acr.'s of land belonging to Joseph Bird, E-q.. located on the North Braueh, w itliiu the limits of NViilnmlhTlaii'l borough, hive been selected lor the location of the Si ft hutiihvr'.nnd car woik1;. r.L T.fi ..i i:y. Two young men v. 'no (jnVc llieir iiauies as Williai.i V"ard and John Day, repre senting that they balled from Philadelphia, were nrre-ted in this plan, on WcJiHvliy afternoon ia.-t, on tie cli.irgc of (-tcaling Uuivi s an 1 forks from the Restaurant of Win. (Jelniag, on the corner of Thl.d and Maikct streets. They were taken before Enquire Bricc. who coinmitjed tUcm in default of hall or ?5C0 each. Ni-T fa.i:NS. Tin: North Amei ieaii Circus, ndvcitU-ed In our !a-t is-iu to exhiV.t i t this placn, on Tuer 'ay next, has conciii led not to come. Having lost money ever e'.iko thi-y einio i.itj tiiia State, tiny propose getting out without losing any more, isliow business is becoming rather poor these hard times. Twi.) boyj uauiel Henry Ilueln r an l Charles Headings, were arre.-lej on Wednesday la-t , and taken befura A. N. liriee, Eq., for malieioily throwing stones and injuring another buy named Davis, residing on Chcsti...' irett. They were released on paying cost.- and cuteriiij; ball for t heir good behavior. - - iALiiAiMii. Unprecedented bargains are made daily at the clothing ttore of S. Herzl'eldi r since he is selling oil' Ms Hue It at red need prices to make room for the fall Mock. The hot of Miits ceii lie obtained i,t this ('no establishment nt prices far below city intes. 'those who wish to procure a good suit should not neglect to call at once before tile slock is Sold out. Tin: Sunbury Lumber Company, on Wednes day last, brought Into the boom above Norlluun bjrland, 15,000 log,. Thc h avo jet remaining on their land above Williainspoit, about 10,000, which will Le ruu Into the boom with tho next rise in the river. This number of logs will keep tho mill of the Company ramiing nbout live month-. llK-f Ai'Ti ui.u. Win. Horn, w ho look leave of absence from our comity jail about three weeks ago, wiu ie-captured ut Helfenstine, by consta ble J. Kissinger, of ehuniokin, w ho brought him down from Shiiiiiokin and returned him lo Sheriff i Heller on Wednesday last. As Uor'i Is reported i to be a desperado, It will bo well enough if our ' Sheriff would keep a more vigilant watch over! Ms prisoi.cis, and not h t thim escape whenever they tec lit tu do so. - -- S. 1. Woi.vtiiTos, Esq., of this place, I. named as one of t'..o delegates from this Senatorial Dis trict to the State Constitutional Convention. Mr. Wolvorto'j is well suited for that position, und would bo a credit to the district. He Is u lawyer of high btiiuding, a gci.ileinaii ol unexceptionable character, and largu practical business experl- ence. We direct attention to the card, in another column, of Dr. Charles M. Martin, (son of the late Rev. Jacob Martin, of this place,) who offer his profcseiMi.il services to the citizens of this vicinity. Dr. Martin is a graduate of tho Unl vcrtily of Maryland, and has had ten yean' practice. During tho rebellion ho was employed in the tiovernmenl Hospital, where ho acquired a thorough knowledge of his profisslnu. Dr. Martin having decided on a permanent rcfidcuee here, and bringing the highest recommendations with him from his former locution, he will, no doubt, recciva a lull share of patronage from ihe citizens of this town aud vicinity. A DisoiiActFit. Row. A disgraceful drunken row occurred ut one of the saloons on Third street, this place, uWn midnight, oil Saturday last, which resulted lu '.aiuiiged faces and seve ral mahogany colored eyes. We are Informed that some twenty persons were enyuged In the broil, and that after they commenced operation the proprietor of the saloon ejected them from hit establishment, when a very active skirmish look place u'.oug the railroad 1 3 Market street. The principle ndsMlcs used were stones, clubs, .ti. Tho sceue is described as being of the most disgraceful. Two of tho police were promptly on the spot, und after viewing the situation, and having no Inclination for sore heads, one started lu the dlrecliou of tUi depot ut tho rule of 8:40, ids cout tail projecting out similar to the up. jicnduge of u hawk ou the wing t while tho other quietly moved acros tho Hvevt Out of danger, md took a bird's eye view cX lb aocue from a iistiiuce, and as I support ilxl order from be ehWlot police wholly in .trjm ot uut. of .''.J SI:, UO 14144 bis Were Ijtn Mt. CARUitt..-On a hurried visit to Mt. Car ml, this county, Inst -ock, we wcro much Impressed with the ast Improvements made within n few years past. The enterprise exhi bited by the citizens of that place Is highly com mendable. On a flat up on a mountain, where, sonic twenty years ago, all was a wilderness ex cept a few lots, whereon was built a few log houses and n log tavern, we now find a thriving Villani! built up with comfortablo buildings, some l,f00 Inhabitants, and surrounded by lingo coal operations from which tho workings of tho steam engine and the heavy rolling sound of coal breakers is heard from enrly morn until night. The town Is beautifully laid out, and many of the streets present a business aspect. It is also a point of threo railroads, the Slmmoklii Val ley and the I.ehlgh Valley roads miming on tho one side, nnd tho Vhlladclphla iv; Re.idlr.g rail road on tho other side of tha town which brings a largo number of stranicrs to tho plnco dally to transact business In tho coal region, who havo the advantages of good hotels nnd telegraph con nections with nil parts of tho country. There are a number of public buildings erected, some of which are most creditable. Among them we noticed six churches of different religious de nominations, and a largo school house, which how tho slgnillcniit fuel that the citizens Incul cate religious Instruction as well as secular. Wo wcro told that both churches nnd schools were largely attended. The streets which were once occupied by projecting rocks are being leveled down to a regular grade nnd present an ndinira- j ble appearance. S'ores and business places j generally are couducted on tho most modern j plan, nnd everything In their lino of goods or J wares is found equal to any In much larger towns, j while tho geulus of the mechanics is fully de- j veloped, ntt Is noticed In their workmanship In ; every branch of trade. We could not help being impressed with tho idea that Mt. Carmel will j some clay become one of the principal manufac turing towns in this county, ns its location is ad- j mirably adapted for any kind of manufactories, and surrounded by nn inexhaiistablc amount of j mineral wealth.' Tills may be accomplished In a 1 lew years, as we have no doubt that as soon as ! enterpiizing capitalist, will vKit Hie place nnd ! j lenru of Its many advantages, investments will j be made to give it tucli a start that in u few ; ' years the Inhabitants will number thousands 1 Instead of hundreds. j j "Doubtless the pleasure is us great I In being cheated, as lo cheat.'' ! When the poet penned the above, he no doubt had hi vie iv tho gullibility of the people, many j of whom are ever ready to be swindled by liin j era lit pedlars, street nuctionccis and inouute ' banks, who combine music and other enteitain : mciita with swindling. Some time tdnce, some fe!!.,T in idiaiucUlu, bought several bars of cheap lo:u soap, 111 one of llu Mores, nt 10 cents per pound. H cut it up in ore ounce pieces and sold it to the gulls nrouud liiui, at 35 cents per : ounce, a a sovereign remedy for corns. The ! same fellow found numbers here to take the ! same bail. But these charlatans are not as bad i as the gambling pedlars, who barefacedly and openly sell prizes with sipm'iI aitiele:, as a shield and cover for the iicst kind of gambling, s w in 1 , ling nnd f nticlng young boys as well as men, to j gamble. It is discreditable to our town that i such things have been tolerated so long, and we call on our borough fathers to put a stop lo this ; ial'.uiKius bu-:inc.-s. - - - - - - A Nrw MiutahT Company. On Monday next a meeting will bo held on Muihct Square for the purpose of oi gani.ing au artillery com ; p:iny, to be composed of young men from Sun bury and Lower and Upper Augusta townships, i We burn that some fifty young men of Lower Augusta are ready to join. We have also a large n i ii rum t of the very bc.-t material for a military company In this place, which we hope to see, ' ! will unite with th- patriotic spirited young men of the Aumiftas. We have i.o ibuibt that w ith i n united ilibrt, a military company can be or- ) ; ganized here which will not. lie exeefled in tin: i ! State. Many of those, who have already pre- ' seMi'd themselves to be connected with the or ganization li ive seen active tcrviee. We would urge that the young men of this place attend the ' meeting on Monday next, and unite Willi their, friends of the neighboring townships, and join in i the organization and uiai ke it a siuee-s. Tnr. niaik 'ts in this place are ia.t only grow ing, bul have been moM u.! aulajeous la Ihe community. Cm .Saturday !a.-t, i i-hiy-one mar ket wagons with produce and pro", i-ions wa re In attendance. We leaiu that the attempts made by some few of our merchants to cuter into a compact with the market Men, to fnrcMall the markets, and rui.'-c the prices of provisions will be closely watched, and the parlies punished by lire Hues and penalties which the law Inflicts. The.-e practices have already tin n too long wink tJ at. The clerk of tl.e market has bis one eye on them, nnd they will not escape. Piiomi'T. When the orders were received by tho military organizations in the Shaniukiu coal region la.-t week to hold themselves in readiness to proceed to Williainspoit, to quell Ihjiint at that place, Capt. Caldwell reported his company ready at a moment's warning. Capt. Mcl'.'ieee, when tiski',1 how soon hU company could bo mustered and how many men, he replied, "eighty rank and tile al ten minutes in lice." We are happy to note this fact, as su -h organizations are not only an honor to t!i?ir lue.ili'.v, but are uu honor to the. State. Wk are pleased to learn that Lieut. Win. Rce-c, who moved his family to l.ngauspoit, Indiana, u few months ago, Is about retaining and establishing himself in business in this p!uc. Since Mr. Reese bus gone West, his family have all been stricken down with sickness, und hence their desire to return. The numerous friends of Mr. Reese' family will be happy to see them return and particularly when liny will learn that they will open a iiist-class eailng house In tho Pleasant' building. In this piece. The house will be kept on the European plan, exclusively us au eating house for ladies nud geiitlemeu. No liquors will be kept in the establishment. Si'siu ny Maiikf.is. The market on Thursuay mornlni; was well ttoeked, and prices ranged us follows : lieef Roast, per lb. 20c s Corned, lllf.i 30c ; Rump Steaks, 3Ue ; Serloiu, 33c s Di 25e. Mutton Forcqiiarter, per lb. He. j lliiidquar tcr, Hie ; Chops, tjC'e. Veal Forcquaiter, per lb. 14c ; llindquarter, lOe ; Cutlets, 30c. Vegetable Beans were scarce ut 10c per half peek; Potatoes sold al !iof:SOc per bushel ; Beets, 8e per bunch j Onions, 35c per half peek j Cabbage, 5(ij 13c per head t Cucumbers, 5ea)L'c per doz. i Squashes, 2u(a-35e per don. ; lireeii torn, la(o3Ue per uoz. ; lomaloe 15n.30e per quarter peek. Fruit Apples, 15fii 30c half peck j Peaches, 25c half peckj Walcrincllons, 256i uae apiece; Cantaloupes, lo(25c apiece, berries Whortleberries, SfTilOe per iiuurt : Blackberries, 51a Sc jicr quart. 1 Butter and E;." Butler 25(a.o5e per Pi. ; j Eggs, lXc per doi." j New Apple Butter was selling at 25c per quart ; Sew Cl.lcr, 40c per gallou ; Cider Vinegar, 40e ' per gallou. Was it Mrui.Kti 1 Ou Sunday last, tho body I or uu unknown mail was found, lu a decomposed state, on Broad Mountain above Boston Run, by some boys who were out whorlkberrving. It is i thought that he was murdered, and it I un.re than probable that lie wa foully dealt with, aud thut all weaitug apparel and article that would lu any way go to l.builillcation were destroyed a he h id uothlugon, when found, but au under! Uirt und a pair of drawer. From the uppear auce of Ihe body, it I thought he had been ex. i)otd to the neutbcr between i., ,i ihr.. ltckjc-i.Viip' f V'j (,'ij.Tffff. Th Struck at Wiu.tAMSTORT. A there are ninny conflicting stories as to tho cause of the strike nt Wllllnmsport, we copy tho following explanation given In tho Wtekly Kjilmiutl I "Let IT mt UJnnnsTotn.-Mnuy ofotir citizens seom not to understand the ditrereneo between Ilia mill owners nnd the striking workmcm Tho strikers demanded ten hours as n dav's work nt tho old wages, which were nsunlly 3 per day. The lumbermen agreed to make eleven and a half hours n day's work nnd to ndvnnee tho wnges twenty-five conts per day. Ten hours la bor at two dollars Is equivalent lo twenty cents per hour. Most of the strikers say they nie will ing to work nn extra hour or two if they arc paid for It. Tho extra hour nnd n half would amount to thirty cents per day j not n ttrtkinfi difference certainly. But then tho strikers want ten hours acknowledged ns a dav's work, which tho mill owners do not wish to concede. It strikes us that there Is no entnugh practical dlll'crcnce between them lo innke, it pay to eontiiuio tho strike. It is a very expensive assertion of a ques tion of sentiment und pride." List of Letters remaining lu the Sunbury Post Otllce, July 81, 1873 i J. K. Atler, IT. B. Bradford, John Bnrtholo mew, Ihuilcl dinger, Eugene Hammond, W. A. Hans, Mrs. Harris, (Fourth St.), James 1'. llad Icy, Mrs. Harriet Hummel, Mrs. 1.. A. Kliiin, W. K. Kapp, Patrick I.union. John I.eisenrlng, W. i. l.cnker, John Mitehel, (Jporire Maliek, Miss Martha F. Mann, .Miss Jennie liiinby, Mrs. Kate Shrcnk, James M. Slack, ('J), J, Strniigh, Mrs. Hannah F. Stearns. J. J. SMITH, V. M. It should be known to everybody that tho new postal rates arc now in force. We arc again brought back to ono cent newspaper postage. Transient papers, circulars, samples nnd such that have been two cents per ounce or less, arc now but o:ja rtni for the same weight. Tin: lnrgeit stock of nimble ever in this part of the Slate, Is now being sold by W. M. Daugh crty, wliolcsnle nnd retail. Having bought at low ligures, he Is nbic to sell a better-grade of sioue, for less money, than lias been done here tofore. Parties are Invited to call at Ms shop, opposite the Court House. Vim: ! Fuse! Insurance on any kin 1 of pro perty should never be neglected. All property wants to be Insured In good nnd reliable com panies, so when losses occur that the money is j al once paid over. Among the most popular nnd punctual Insurance Companies is the People's . Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia. Thons- j uiuis Insure in this company on account of safe- j ty, reliability and prompt paying of losses. Life j insurances are taken at Ihe lowest rates consist- 1 nut wiiU security. For fuither particulars up- . ply to Isaiah ij. liosslcr, agent, Sunbury, Pa. j JollillgK. ! ('ami1 meeting.' wiil next be In order. 1 i SuvriiAi. Immune cliiz ns of Potlsvillc have j fn: iiished their horses wit li the new patent sun bonnet. They lire a good thing. Fi.trs, during these hot days are very trouble some, and the laziest man in Siiiibury Is fre quently iiron-cd lo activity by the little pcsis. ; It Is said that nn onion bound upon the pulse ' at the wriil wilt slop the uio.-t inveterate tooth ache in a few minutes. j Shout sermons these hot Sundays are the only Inducement that can be offei.il to till the pews of , the Various chuicho. I It is a mauk of the unsuccessful man. that he invariably locks his stable door when the horse has been stolen. This sort of wisdom never thinks abont bodily health urnil It is gon. Hut juM as much as any docase h i become scaleil, the power of the system to re-i t und throw it oil' i. weakened ; hence time is nil impoitaut. ; For dyspepsia, all diseases of ihe liver, Moniach, ; skin and kidneys, and all that begin in vitiate;! blood, do ni l wait until the trouble Is continued, ; bul attack it by a timely use of Dr. Walker's j California Vinegar Bitters. J37-4w. - lliisiiies Sellers. AllMV iuons. Those who have been wearing Uu- army Mines will not do without them, as they arc more comfortable than any other shoe made. Fifty pairs have been opened nt W. I!. Miller's Excelsior store. The Evans Pat. nt (1. liter, the Excelsior Boot, nnd every other variety may be found at the Excelsior store. Call and examine the !arge-t as-oriineut in town. Do'.'Tforg't what we hive been endeavoring to fix on each reader's mind for some time, that ; in procuring your summer outfit, or ia getting any new clothing a great saving can always lie ; effected by going direct to the clothing eslabliMi- I lueiit of Tlios. i. Noll, on Third street, below j Market, where a vuM assortment of the llnest i clothing is made up ill the late.-t style at the very lowe-t prices. Srvi.is'i Si'iiiNo ami t-i M'.M'.n Hais. A large supply of styli-h Spring and Summer Hats to suit all !'.:ncics and tastes has just been received at S. Fau-t's store, Market Square. A specially ill straw bats s and the lightest, contest and neat- , est hat in use is the ventilated cas.-iiuei e hat. A large stock to select from, stylish goods and lea- ; suitable pi ices. Call and examine before pur-, chasing d sew here. i Doi.i.Y Vauiiins at Weiiner's. Ilils.ll Ful'i.ivs at Weiiner's. 1'i.aiu l'ori.tNs at W. imer's. : Plain Fori. ins nt We'.mcr's. CniMZKsal Weiiner's. SriiiMi Shawls at Weiiner's. Ax endless variety of lioods for Ladies', dent's and Chihlrcns wear. j Call and sec for yourselves. No trouble lo show lioods. Spri'Iiil Notices. , THE CONFESSIONS OF AN INVALID. 13UUl.l:llKt us a warning and for Ihe licnctlt of ivitit'i m.-n ise 4r'i'iu who sutler from I Nervo:;.: Debility, LojiS of Manhood, etc., sup- j piymg THE MEANS OF SELF-CURE. Willi', n by one who curd himrclf. after under going considerable ipiucki-ry, and sent free on re ceiving a pnsl-puid directed envelope. Address. NATHANIEL M AYEAII1, June K, '73. limos. Ilrooklii. N. Y. V S i t I " i 5 t S. r J. V C ri I Zt - Ui PI o O o H Z ' ij s ; V, Oil .HrrIuo. Essays for Youug Men, ou (ireui hlocial Eviis and Abuses, which Interfere with Marriage, nnd ruin the liappints" of thou sands, w ith . ure meaiu of relief fos ilia Erring and rnfoilunalH, deceased mi l debilitated. Pent in sealed letter envelopes, free of ch iige. Addrci-s, Howard Association, No. 3, Sinilh Ninth K Philadelphia, Pa. TO TIIK M fr-ti:itlr. The Rev. William II. Norton, while residing In Urnzil u u luis-ionary, dl-covercd in Una hu.d of medicines a remedy for I'oM.t'Mi'iiiiv, t-CUOl I I.A, SllltR Til n IT, ClH'l.llS, CoUliK, Asthma, in Ni.uvot s Wcaknks. This rem edy has cured myself after nil other iin dleiuci had failed. Wbhhig to b-ncfit the snll'ei lug. I will hl'll'l tht tecipL for prrpurint; Hint nm; ll.i rviiicdv (u ull wlm desire It HIEK OK t'HAHOK. IMearie ft.'iul an envc'lt.i-, with your iiuino and address uu it. Adili-P, Ittv. T1LUAM H. NOKTO.V, CTO Hiioauway, Uti. HVU Iv. Nrw YokhUiv In this phicc-nii tho SSth of July, of cholera Infantum, MAfiFT,; danghtqf uJkf). nnd Laura Irepe James, nged 7 inoutfis and I.t days. At Eimwood. I'corle count v. 111., jutv 2!Ub, 18&. (iEOHUF. A. blUSSI.KU, nged 110 years ami 4 months. , , ' The deceased leave ft wile, four children nnd a huge circle of friends and relatives to mourn his loss. jpttnrktl tjptiiiis. Nl'il WKYM A It Kt'i'N. riour mill rain Market. Red Wheat, p. bu., Rye, " Corn, " Buckwheat ' Oats. Hi lbs., Flaxseed, Extra Family $12.00i Buckwheat, p. et., 5.00 Corn Meal, " 2.50 Wheat Brim, p. bit. l.fiO Shorts, a. 00 Corn ,: Oats Chop, '2.00 Timothy Seed, p. b. U.00' 1'roil tire Potatoes, 50 Eggs, per doz., 15 Butter, per lb., !H I.nrd, " l'J Sides, " 10 $3.00 SO 70 1.00 no 2.35 .IBurkrt. Hams, Tallow, Country Soap, Dried Apple, " Peiiclics, Shoulder", $clu Srjbcrlismcnfs. PoyUp. All persons indebted to the undersigned, nn Note or Book account, will please call anil settle or their accounts will be given to a Justice of the Peace for collection. J. B. MASSER. Sunbury, July 20, 1S73. Ilslatc ok" NoIoiiioii lMiiikelltf'rKt'r, Latp. of Ziiiini: Towssmi', Dm itaslii. "VHITICE Is hereby given, that letter of Ad ministration have been grunted to the un dersigned, on the estate of Solomon Duiikelher ger. late of Zerbe township, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased. AU persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are requested to innke Immediate payment, and those having claims to present I hem for settlement. SARAH HUMBLE. Administratrix. THOMAS HUMBLE, Administrator. The undersigned adinini-uator will meet nil parties Interested at the late r"sl P uce of Sol. Diinkelbergcr. in Zcrbe twp., on Saturday the 21th day of August. All pa rti'.'s having claims are requested lo present them on said duv. THOMAS HUM BLE, Administrator. Ashland. Schuylkill Co.. June 20. lS73.-llt. KentUiig; ICailronil. S U M M E R A R R A N (i E M E N T. TunrKibiif. Aviji',-1 l.(, 1S72. 'I' rains leave Harrisburg for New York, as fol lows: At 5.00, N.10, a. in. and 2.00 p. in., con necting with trains on the Pennsylvania Rail road, tin.t arriving nt New York at. 13.10, y.50 and 0. 10 p m. respectively. Ibturiiiug: Leave New York at 0.00 a. m, 13.05 mil .it :m 1 ti.lio p. in., Philadelphia at 7.;;o, S.:i0 a. in. and ll.liO p. lu. Leave Harrisburg lor Reading, Poltsville, T.i uiuq'iu, Mi'vriville, AshlamL Sbamokin, Alleiilowu and l'hiladelphia at 5.00, S.10 a. in., 2.110 ::d 4.05 p. in., slopping at Lebanon and principal way stations; the 4.05 p. in., train roniiecting for Philadelphia, pottsiille and Co lumbia only. For Poltsville, Schuylkill Haven und Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, h ave I la rrishiii g at It. !0 p. in. East I'cniisylvani'i Railroad train- leave Read lug for All. i.t'own, F.a-ton and New York at 7.00, 10.10 a. in., and 4.05 p. m. Returning, leave New Yoik nt 0.00 n. m., 13.05 noon ami O.uO p. in. and Allcntown al 7.2,"i a. m. 13.25 noon, 2.15, I u5 ami .:;5 y. in. W ay Passenger Traill leaves Pliila i, ipiiia at 7.:!',l a. in., eonneetini! ltii train on East Penn si:iuia iialli'i'.iil, returning troai Reading al ti.3U p. III., stopping at ail stations. Leave Potlsvillc at'.Voii, '.MM a. in. an 1 3.:;0 p. in. Ib rudiin at 10.00 a. in., Miamokiu at 5.40 and 11.15 a. in.; Ashland ut 7.05 a. in., nud 12.111 noon; Mahanoy'City at 7.51 a. m. aud 1.30 p. ui. Tamaipii at .115 u. in. and 3.10 p. m. fir Philadelphia. New York, Reading, Harrisburg, iV.c. Leave Pnilsvillc via Seliuyikill and Susqiie bauna Railioad at .15 a. la. 'for Harrisburg, and 11.45 a.m., for Pine Uroic and Tri nioiit. l'l llsvibc Aecomir.adation Traill leaves l'nlts ville at 5.U.I a. m., ijjs,. l!,iai!ing at 7. "5 a. in. arriving ni Pl.i'r.ih Ida at -.l.:.5 a. in., returning leave.- Philadelphia ut 5.15 p. m., passing Read ing ut 7. lu p.m. arriving at l'mtsvill.. at 0.3'i p.m. Pnit-towii Aecornmoih.iio-i Train leaves I'.itls lowii at 0.15 a. m., ivtiiruiug leaves I'liilad elpliia (Ninth and lireeii.) at I.IiO p. t.l. Colitieliia Kaiimad Trains leave Reading at 7.30 a. in., and 0.15 p. in. for Fphrala, l.itiz. Lam :i-ler. Columbia. iVc. ; returning leave L.iu c.ist.'rat s.2t a. in. and :t.25 p. m., anl Colum bia al S..1", a. in. and 11.15 p. in. Perkiomen Rail 1 1 I Trains leave pcrkloineii Jiiiu tion al 7."i5. si. 55 a. in., 2.55 and 5.40 ji. m. Ibluining.leave (ircen Lineal li.15, a.m., 12. 115 and 4.30 p. in. connect ing w ilh trains on Read ing Rail Road. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Pine nixviile at 0.10 a. in.. II. in ami 5.50 p.m.; re turning, leave Bycrs at Ii.li5 a. In., 13.45 noon, and 4.30 p. m., connecting with trains ou Read ing Railroad. 'ulc'iriit'kdale liaiiro.i I Trains h ave I'ottstnwn at '.i.tila. in., l.'.'Oaud 0.25 am! 7. lap. m., return ing leave Ml. I'le.isant at O.no, S. )) and 11.2 ) a. in., and I! 25 p. in., counctting with trains on Reading Railroad. Chc-l.-r Valley Railro ol Trains leave Brl lge poit al S.HO a. in., 2.40 and 5.:'a p. lu. leturniag, leave DnwinugtovMi nt i'.55a. m., 13.110 ami 5.40 p. in. connect hig Willi I rains ou Reading Railroad. On Sundays: Leave New York al li.110 p. nt., Philadelphia at Mill a. m. ami 11.15 p. in., (the S.tin a. in. train running only to Reading;) leave Pottsviiliial S.uila. hi., leave llariisbiiig, 5.110a. m., nnd 2.00 p. in.; leave Allcntown at 4.115. tloi.j p. in. ; leave IP ailing al 7. 15a. m. and 10.55 p.m. for llarri-burg, at 7.00 a. 111. for New York, at 7.211 a. in. for Allenlown und at 0.40 a. 111. an I 4.15 p. m. for Pliihnlel'a. Comniiilatliin, Mileage, Season, School and Exenr-ion Tickets, to and from all points at re duce I rates. Lag Jage checked through: 100 Pounds Bag gage allowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTFN, Asst. Supt. iV: Eng. Mach'ry. No Prrsoit enn fake Ihratt lii(i-r arcord infj lo riireciii-ns, and remain itm u:nvcil. piuvuicd their bn aie not destroyed bv niineiai nison or ttlier nuuus, and the vital oigans w i led beond t'1 vint ot repair. IyMrMlw or lutHMrnltott. Headache, I'.tin In the Slioultlern, Cnii;l'. '1 l.tnv&s of the Chest, ltirtf nts. Sour Kructatioiii (f the Si. .math, Uad l .isle in the Mouth, bilious Attacks Palpitation ot the Ht-avt, In rlsimnutictu o( the l --i-j;s Fain in the regions ot the Kid neyi, and a huitdied oilier .uniul tviitptoiiis, aie the urT springs of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it hu uu equal, and one bo!t!e will pr.ne a Letivi guurantee oi iu menu than a lengthy advertisement. For Kruiwle fomlalin( in yomip or oM. mar ried or single, at the uV-.n ol woinauhtHitl, or tit turn of lite, these Tonic li Ultra dmplay so decided an iniluence that a marked improvement li oon pfiLeplib'c. For liiflmnukutory tmd C'liroulo Illicit luullym and (jut, liniou.s Ken.iitcnt and Intermit tent V ever, Uieat.of the blood, l.iver, kiuVfv and Hiaddcr, these ltuteis have iki rtpial. Such Uie.iei are caused by Vitiated 1 nod, wh en is encraiiy piot luted by deranncment of the l)ij;e.tivr 4rij;iit. Tltey lire m iientl Buicl-e m well mm m Toulu pos&eftMti) also the peculiar merit of .v'iiie a a Hiwelut agent in lolieving Coiigchon or Inllammatmn of the Liver and Vi'.'era1 Oians. and in bilfiii lJieaseM. For hklii liruk-itt Eruption-, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Hloiches, Sp t , I'nnples, Fu&tules, lioiu, C.u buncles, Kin-worms. Sald-Uead, Soie Kyes, Krynpetas, uh, Scurfs, iMiCitUrf.aioui ot the Skin, Humors nud lJa aes of the Skin, vi whatever name or iature, are lit erally dug up and tiriKd out of the syatcui in a sln rt time by the u&e of th:e ihtterx. Tit roertl of Ik. Walkfh'm Vinkgak Ritteks are Aperient, Liiaphorrtic and i'aiminative. Nutritious, Lanative, Jjiureuc, brd.uivet Counter lm Unt, Sudntific, Alterative, and Anti-HiUuuj. Uratefiil l'liuusniU procanii Vinkgar Bit TBRs the most woudctiul luvioraut thai ever sustained the sinking system J WALKfcR, Prop r. II II MrDONALD Sl t'0.( PniKsists and Gcu. Agta, Sau KrancisCiN CaU, and corner U Wasdiiugtun and Cturlum Sis., NtH Vork SOLD BY ALL URUOUIsTS AN 1 1KALI.KS. AJST APPEAL To DuliiliUtcil Persons, o Pyspcplics, l'o fctiflyvrs from Liver Complaint, i'i)44aosc liaviiig o Apxjtito, I'rt those with llroken Down Couslitu- lorit, t To Jscrvous lVoplu, To Children AVnsluV Away,. ' oany with Debilitated Digestive Organs, Or tvft'cririy vi'fi any of the following S vijitimiiL whkli indicate JHsordcred Liver litunmch, such as Con stipation, Inward Piles, Fullness or Blood to the Head, Acid ity of t tic Stomach, Nallsen, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight In the Stom ach, Sour Eriictations.Sliiklng or Fluttering at tho Pit of the Stom neh, Swimming of the Head, Hur ried niul Dilllcnll Breathing, Flutter ing ut the Heart, Choking or Snll'oeat Ing Sensations, when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain In the Head. Deficien cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin und Eves, Pain In the Side, Bark. Chest, Limbs, ive., Sudden flushes of Heat, Binning in the Flesh Constant lui nginings of Evil, mid (ireat De pression of Spirits. Hoollaiul's German Hitters. A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any kind. Is dill'ercnt from nil others, li Is composed of the pure Juices, or Vital PitiM iri i: or Roots, I Ir.nns and li auks, (or as medicinally termed Ex tracts,) the vnrthbv or inert portions of tho in gredients not rcing u-ed. Therefore In one bot tle of this Bltti i s there Is contained us much me dical virtue as will be found in several gallons of ordinary mixtures. Tho Roots, eic., used In this Bitters are grown lu tierniaiiy, their vital princi ples extracted ir. that country by a scientific Che mist, and forwarded to the manufactory in this city, where they are compounded und holtied. Containing no .-pir.tuous Ingredients, Ibis Bitters I. free from the objections urged against all oth ers : no desire for stimulants can be Induced from their use ; they cannot make drunkards, and cannot, under any circumstances, have any but a beneficial effect. UOOI'MMI S 4.HKMAN TOMC, Was compounded for those, not inclined to ex treme bitters, and is intended for use In cases when some alcoholic stimulant is required in co i nection with the tonic properties of the Bitters. Each but tie of I he Tonic contains one bottle of the Bitters, combined with puree SANTA Clll'Z II I'M, and flavored In such a manner that the ex treme bitterness of the bitters is overcome, form ing a preparation highly agreeable and pleasant to the palate, and containing the medicinal vir tues of the Bitters. The price of the Tonic Is ?1. 50 per Bottle, which many persons think too high. They must take Into ronsl 1-ratioii that the stimulant used is guaranteed to ho of a pure quality. A poor article could be furnished ut a cheaper price, but is il not belter to pay a little more aud have a good article f A medicinal pre paration should conl, tin none but the best ingre dients; and they who expect to obtain a cheap (.impound, and ii.' huictiUod by it w ill most cer tainly be ideate 1. IIooflnml'M ;'rnii(ii Hitler, or j IIOCFLAND'S f.f.llMAN TOMC, with IIO(H' ' LAND'S i'odoplij Mill fill. j will cure you. They are the ft rent est 1 BI.liOD ITPIKIERsi Known t.. the Medical voill.au I will eradicate diseases arising from ' impmc blood. Debility of the Disge-tive Organs, ' or Diseased Liver, in a tinnier time than any i other known remedies. i'l'lIK WirOLK sri'KMF. COl'HT OF i l'FAW'SYI.VAXIA M'KAK Foil I ! TIIKSK HICMF-DIKS. : Wiiu wo: l.i' ask i n". :oi:r. Di :::ii n:i ami j STi.oM.i'it Testimony '. j ! lion. flK.nnie W. Wnii.wMii), forii.r'.y Chief, Ju-tice of tic Supreme Couit ot l'cnn Ivania, i at present Member of Congress from Pcnnsyl- 1 vania writes : ; I Pini.inui.iMii i, March Kith, lilT. Iliad ''lb... Hind's Herman Hitlers'' is a good : tonic, useful ia diseases of th- ilicv-tive organs, ' ! and of great benetit in case of debility, and j want ot nervous action In the svstem. Yours,, j truly, (.l.). W. WutiDWAi.l). j lion. Jamcs Tiiomi'Son, 'hi i f Justice of the Su- ; p:iuc Com t ol 'Pennsylvania. j . Piiu.wmi.iMlA, Apiil S, lGT. j , I consider "lloollan d's (icrnian Hitters'' a vul- ; liable nie lieine in case of attacks ol lmliue-tioii or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my expe i rl. :. e of it. , Youis, JAMES THOMPSON-. . Hon. (irmier. Siiiiiswoon, Justice of tlie Sin picnic Court of Pennsylvania. rii!l.i-.!'!.riiiA, June i, iso1. i I have found by experience that "lloolland's I (i. rman Hitters"" is a very gifod tonic, riaicving j dvspel tic siniploins abno-t directlv. tiEDP.tlE t..i:SVOOD. : Hon. Win. I .'ey- ci. M :or of the Citv of ltut falo, N. Y. i Mayor's Office, l'.ull'.i'.o, June -J'.', ISrtii. 1 have lued "Hoollaml's ( i i i iiia u Hitlers and ! Tonic'' In my family during the past year, and ; can rccointnend t hem ns an excellent Ionic, iin- j palling tone nud vigor to Hie sy-tcm. Tlcir Use lias been productive of dccidedlv beneilcial ef fects. W.M. F, UOtiEKS. IT.... 7 I" Il'.....l I.'v f .....m. ..f Wl'lin ins ... ............... ... . port, Pa. ' ' 1 take great pleasure in recommending "Hoof- : land's lieiman Tonic' lo any one who may be i alllicte l wit li Dypcpia. 1 had the Dyspepsia i : so badly it was impossible to keep any food on 1 my stomach, an l I became so weak as ml to lie ; abb' to walk hall'a mile. Two hollies t ll'ectol a j perfect cue. .1 A M IIS M. WOOD. j nKMF.MlJKR : j THAT IHKli'LAND'S CKKMAX IHTTI'.US, I ami ' IIOOI'LAXD'S (.iKUMAX TOXIC, Will C'tti'L' every C'nso of j MARASMUS, I or Wiihlitii: away if tins lloily. iti:Mi:.Miu:K ! thut ' i HODri.AXD'S (i Kit. MA X KKMF.DIKS i Are lheinedicii.es on icipiire lo purify Ihe! j lllond, excite the torpid l.ivi r lo healthy action, j and lo cua.ile you to pass safely through any ; j hardships or exposure. M!. IlOOFLAXirS V O J) O l 11 Y L L I X , or submit ute fur Mercury I'ilU. Tno 1'UIh a Hon: The mo:-t 1'uweiful, yet Iiiuoeciit C'aihar tie Uimwii. It md necL-aiy to taUe a handful of t'ne-e I'il'.is t.j I'lodevc the diMltd itl'. cl ; tw.i nf llnin act iiic!;ly and H'i fully, cl".iu.-!i: tho l.iver, M.unaeh an I lliiwcls of nil imiiii UU s. The l'i-iucii:tl Inuied'ent I-. I'u .lubylllii, or Ihe Alco. htilic i:lracl nf Mauilralic, v. hieh Is bv many lime:, inure 'n.icrfiil, uctin nud M'archlne; ihau the Mandrake Itself. It l eeuii.ir acthui U upon the l.iver, cleaning it rieedily I'roin all ohm rue. linns, with nil tho (lower of Mercury, yet free from the ia.l uiioiii loulls attached id llic lite of that mineral. For ull diiean'S, iu which the uo of u rathar llc Is indicalt d, tlienn will uive cniile f.u'u faelion in every case. Tin y nci. r fail. In cases of l.iver I'onii'laiut, I.iicpflauud ex treme cnsl Ivein-s , in-, lloolland's (icrnian Hit lers or Tonie should he used lu connection wit h the I'ills. The tonic elicit of the liiitcrs or To nic builds up the sysl. m. Tht' liin.Ms or Tonic purities the I'.hHid.VtrenL'lheiiB the Nerves, 1.1:11 iate the l.hi r, and tiles slreiijjth, cuci iry and vhrir. Kei-p your Il.iwels active with the Tills, :iad Imic up the nystcin with !l!ttci or Tonic, 1111. 1 no ill-case can r'lain the hold, or even us all you. Ueeolicet that it Is Mt. lltlUKI. WHVS (.Kll MAS ltiiiKMiies that are uiuvcrcaily iii-cd und highly reco:iiiuen lcd . nnd do not allow the l'rei.vl 10 in lin e yon t.) t ihe unwhinir ele hat he may eiy Is Ju-l L'ood, beeuiise be m.iKci a hiiiici profit on il. These Kcmcdic.- wiil bu cut by K.vpivsj 1.0 any loealiiv, upon applica tion In the ritlNCll' U. Ol'KH'K, in the (.Flt- m.n m rnit'i n k mi:K, i auch bT., I'illl.AIH I.1MIIA. (.'HAS. M.KVAXS, IVoiniitor. Formerly C. M. Jaekoon iV Co. Tliesu Keine die are for lal by Inii.".;isi, MorvkfcH r, auJ .Mfdicillc Or all I ' eve 1.1 ulie(. BARGAIN SELLING Greatly Reduced Prices; the whole of the remaining stock of READY-MADE F G-enfs9 Furnishing Crood in order to innke room for the enormous .stock of w&JETm croons now bciiisr m.ide to order for me. CALL AT ONCE AND SECURE BARGAINS AT S. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clotliin iinluifv, Mai'cIi 'J.'), 187:2. - -ly. CO P. Central Variety Store! of all kinds, DliKSS OOODS. DRESS TlIIMMiXOS, SHAWLS, A lA'AV CAS, C01iDKl ALl'ACCAS, i i 3 Di'lani's, Ti'.'kittsi, Xotions in trmit Vurit t v FRESH GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Will Yfoo.1 ami ow AVarc Floop, Tul-lo, aitu Stair Oil Cloilts. BOOTS dfe. SSSOSS in pvai Vitrifty, lowi-r titan lite lowest in jd-iei'. Wall PajxM' and Window Shades. Go io :N:isni! Y's lop lite (ireatc--t Variety ol" Oooils! I'riees I lie J.owert! (JSooils arriv'ni'' I ailv. 1 VICTOR ! VICTOR ! VICTORIOUS I 1 Agent for the Victor Hewing Machine. .tIAltlil'.r STKllET, one loor i;ut .r .oarharf oalVit iouci j More, I Sunbury. May 4, 1 -Ti. 1 y. IJUTCHMtV! HUTCHEUY! JlfKurii. ISr.I'X'I'.M' A llOHCll, i Third Slr.it, pppos'.le C entral II. lei, SlMil llY, l'A., T T"KI''.r cnnstantly on hand the very cholce-t 1 of fresh i:i:r. .nt ttox ami vi:.i., which is so'd ut Ihe lowe t pilces. Meal can be had ut nil boms iluriiiL' the day. Sunbury, l'a., June 8, 1 S7i. jra Presidential Campaign. y t'ArS.l'APKS.V TOIU HI'S Scud for It I.t sill IT U (.'ill rn.tr. ami I'iui k 1 4-r. CI' N N I Si i II AM .V llll.I., flSt'5.fi . vm vvi tritr.ns. June , lN .'. 4UOlr W. H. Blanks, house, Gxaisr, AM) ORNAMEITTA3L PAINTER, M'Mil KY, I'KSN A. Pecoralina; nnd Taper llaniiii -g done in the late-1 improved sly Orders soliciicl, wiia 11 will receive piomp uv- tention. licsideiiee in ruidvlowii. Finer '.cV, building. Sunhuiy, May 11, lJJ.-tf BARGAINS!! OUT AT O U Clothing g Store, Corner Market and Third Streets, SUNBU.RY, 1JA.. TO v. WAmmmw i 7 zr. 'A O L 7r 1 nf si'mmi::; iituins! Kill'. RM( h, MAUICFT StiVAKK,- SI'XUITIY, l'KNX'A, r.LAt-K DinStf.Ks from SI 50 to 2 00. Japanese bilk. Silk l'lineis, Tlaid l'oplii'.F, Mixed IVp'.ins, lf.irnui froiii V.0 ccnls to el Uu. noi.i.v v.ininiMs. C'hintf;e, Dnla'tss, Ac. French Muslin, Mar ci!'.ea ijuilu. Kid (ilovc, with ninyle und double buttons. I. ii c e N li a wis. A L'cneral assort incut of White Good. I.AU XS, laXllHAMS und MtJL'F.S, , IlFltSS TUI M M I NliS, l.ACTJ, Ac., sold U !,'ieat!v ic lueed prices, ru liutry, May l, tsfj. 'oiv (Jroccry Store. Vo. t!." Soiiili Vonith Si reel, bet ween Market' und I'htslnut Streets, FUXIU'RV, l'KN.N'A. . . JOHN 13. !VIXTIJXJEIsr havine opened a new fiore ut the nbovu place, w la i e he w ill keep ronstantly mi hand, a fresh (iipply ol till kiud-i st' Groceries, Vegetables andCorfactio:i2ries, ut the lowest luaikel nrires. tlnoils delivered to-. j imy pait ut me town. nae call und examine I Illy stock. ! . JOHN It. Ml:I.LENV t Sunbury, June C-Vl ''''
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers